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  • The Islamic University of Gaza

    Deanship of Postgraduate Studies

    Biological Sciences Master Program

    Assessment of serum Vitamin D in Type 1 Diabetic

    Patients from Gaza Strip


    Inass Mohammad Fathy Elhamalawi

    B.Sc. Medical Technology


    Prof. Dr. Maged M. Yassin

    Professor of Physiology

    Faculty of Medicine

    The Islamic University of Gaza

    Submitted in Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements for the Master Degree of

    Biological Sciences / Medical Technology

    2015 – 1436

  • I


    I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my

    knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

    another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the

    award of any other degree of the university or other institute, except where due

    acknowledgement has been made in the text.

    Signature Name Date

    Inass Inass M.F Elhamalawi August, 2015

    Copy Right

    All rights reserved: No part of this work can be copied, translated or stored in any

    retrieval system, without prior permission of the author.

  • II


    I dedicate this work to:

    My beloved parents who have always supporting me

    My brothers and sisters who helped me to accomplish this thesis

    The dearest to me; my daughter

    Rawand and my sons Mohammed, Hazem and Ahmed

    All researchers who are working to improve the quality of life

    Dedication is almost expressed to the Palestinian people who have

    suffered and will be struggling with the persistence to

    have a free Palestine.

    Inass M.F.Elhamalawi

  • III


    I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor Prof.

    Dr Maged M. Yassin, Professor of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Islamic

    University of Gaza for his planning and initiating of this work and for his continuous

    support, encouragement and kind of supervision that leads to the emergence of this

    work in its current form.

    Special thanks for the dearest persons to me my mother, my father and my

    beloved brothers and sisters Rami, Mahmood, Hany, Yosri, Heba and Shymaa for

    their support and encouragements.

    I would like to thank the staff of diabetic Units at El-shifa Hospital, Al-Aqsa Hospital,

    Paletinian Medical Relief Center and Al-Nusairat Clinic for their facilitation and

    helping me in samples collection .

    Special thanks to Basem Medical Laboratory for helping me in biochemical


    My special thanks to Mr. Abdul Rahman Hamad for his help in statistical analysis.

    Also I cannot forget Mrs Nisreen Rayan, Mr Mohammed Yaseen, Mr Hisham

    AL-Ashkar, Mr Haytham Weshah, Mr Ayman Qandeel and Mr Alaa jibrel for

    their helping.

    At the end, I am very grateful to every person who participated and helped me to

    complete this study.

  • IV

    Assessment of serum Vitamin D in Type 1 Diabetic

    Patients from Gaza strip


    Background: Type 1 diabetes usually strikes children and young adults. Although

    vitamin D deficiency has been recently linked to diabetes, biochemical tests are

    restricted to traditional monitoring of glucose. Therefore, introducing vitamin D test

    in Gaza hospitals and its supplementation may help in the management of the disease.

    Objective: To assess serum vitamin D level in type 1 diabetic patients from Gaza


    Materials and methods: This case-control study comprised 44 type 1 diabetic

    patients (22 males and 22 females) and 44 healthy controls (22 males and 22 females).

    Questionnaire interview was applied. Body mass index was determined. Serum

    vitamin D, glucose, insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein

    cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), Alkaline

    phosphatase, calcium and phosphorus were determined. Blood glycated hemoglobin

    (HbA1c) was measured. Data were computer analyzed using SPSS version 18.0.

    Results: Type 1 diabetes mellitus was more frequent among individuals with family

    history of the disease (P

  • V

    mg/dl versus 152.9±30.7, 94.0±51.3 and 56.5±24.6, P=0.000, respectively). Serum

    alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was also significantly increased in cases (164.2±129.6

    versus 116.6±42.5 U/L, P=0.023). Serum calcium was significantly lower in cases

    compared to controls (9.04±0.41 versus 9.38±0.56 mg/dl, P=0.024). Vitamin D levels

    were found to be lower in individuals who were not doing physical activity (P=0.010).

    Serum vitamin D levels showed significant negative correlations with HbA1c (r=-

    0.258, P=0.015), insulin (r=-0.257, P=0.016) and LDL-C (r=-0.281, P=0.008), and

    significant positive correlation with calcium (r=0.251, P=0.018).

    Conclusions: Serum vitamin D was significantly lower in type 1 diabetic patients

    compared to controls. Serum vitamin D levels showed significant negative

    correlations with HbA1c, insulin and LDL-C, and significant positive correlations

    with calcium.

    Keywords: Type 1 diabetic patients, Serum vitamin D, Gaza strip.

  • VI

    االولالدم لمرضى السكري من النوع مصلمستوى فيتامين د فى تقييم


    قطاع غزة

    ملخص الدراسة

    ن أ او قد وجدد مدر ر. طفال و الشبابمراض التي تصيب األمن األول من النوع األ السكري يعد مرض: المقدمة

    مقتصدر ال تداال تبدارا الييويدا الكيمياةيدا ان اال بما و, ارتباط وثيق بمرض السكري مرتبط دنقص فيتامين

    و امدداد فيتدامين د فدي مستشدفيا دا لدلل،, فدد دال ا تبدار .في الدم يص التقليدي لمستوى الجلوكوزفعلى ال

    .لمرضامتابعا و عمليا التيكمقد يساعد في المرضى بفيتامين د

    .ول فى قطاع ا أللدى مرضى السكري من النوع ا : تقييم مستوى فيتامين دالهدف

    44 علدى تيتدوي المرضديا المجموعا )ضابطا مجموعا - مرضيا مجموعا ) الدراسا : منھجالطرق واالدوات

    علدى اليصول تم وقد ,امرأ ( 22 -رجل 22 األصياء ) من شخصا), 44 امرأ 22 -رجل 22 مريض سكر)

    قيدا مسدتوى فيتدامين , حساب مرشر كتلدا الجسدموتم ,واألصياء الشخصيا للمرضى المقابلا الل من النتاةج

    الكثافدا عدالي الددوني البدروتين الثالثيدا, الددوون ,الكوليسدترول انسدولين, د, مسدتوى الجلوكدوز, مسدتوى األ

    مخداون السدكر. قيدا و والفوسدفور, الكالسديومانايم الفوسفاتيا القلوي, , الكثافا الدوني منخفض البروتين,

    . SPSS-18 اإلحصاةي البرنامج باستخدام عليھا اليصول تم التي والنتاةج البيانا تيليل وتم

    كمدا أهھدر للمدرض أكثر شيوعا بين األفراد اللين لديھم تداري عداةلي االول : مرض السكر من النوع النتائج

    باسدتمرار و اكثدر مدن ثلدث فيدص مسدتوى الجلوكدوز لدديھم يتدابعوالدم الياال المرضيا ثلثحوالي النتاةج بأن

    أ ر بااقر كما أظهرت النتائج بأن أكثرر مرن ن رل الترالت المر ر حميا لاةيا ايتبعو لم الياال المرضيا

    الوحيدد كمدا أهھدر الدراسدا بدأن التعقيددا سناات من عمررم الترال 7مرض السكري منذ أقل اا سااي ب

    كدان مدرتين باألنسولينط عدد مرا اليقن النتاةج ان متوس كلل، بينت الناتجا عن المرض وي اعتالل الشبكيا.

    في الياال أقل بكثير مقارنا مد الودوابط وودلا كاندت د مستوى فيتامينيوميا لدى ثلثي المرضى. كان متوسط

    بشدكل مليدوه فدي األنسدولينذا داللا إحصاةيا, وزاد مستويا نسبا مخداون السدكر والجلوكدوز فدي الددم و

    والبروتين الدوني منخفض الدوون الثالثياالكوليسترول و المستويا من وكانتالياال بالمقارنا م الووابط,

    أنشدطا وكاندت, وكاندت ودلا النتيجدا ذا داللدا إحصداةيا, مقارندا مد الودوابط اليداال أعلى بكثير فدي الكثافا

    فدي أقدل مدن ذلد، بكثيدر الكالسديوم كدان, مقارندا مد الودوابط يداال الأعلى بكثيدر فدي الفوسفاتيا القلويإنايم

    داللددا احصدداةيا . كمددا انخفددض مسددتوى فيتددامين د لدددى االفددراد الددلين ال وووددلا ذ مقارنددا مدد الوددوابط اليدداال

    يمارسون االنشطا الرياضيا.

  • VII

    نسدولين, و البدروتين الددوني األ السدكر,مخداون كدل مدن كدان لدا ارتبداط سدلبي مد د الدراسا ان فيتامين ھر كما أه

    الكالسيوم.كما وأثبتت الدراسا ان فيتامين د لا ارتباط ايجابي م منخفض الكثافا

    ولدوح ان ونداع عالقدا ,السدكر مدن الندوع االول مرضدى لدى انخفاض في مستوى فيتامين د وجدياالستنتاج:

    نسدولين, و البدروتين الددوني مدنخفض الكثافدا وعالقدااأل السكر,مخاون من كلم سلبيا بين مستويا فيتامين د

    الكالسيوم.ايجابيا م

    . ا قطاع ,فيتامين د , سكري النمط االول : المفتاحية الكلمات

  • VIII

    Table of contents

    Page Contents

    I Declaration

    II Dedication

    III Acknowledgement

    IV Abstract (English)

    VI Abstract (Arabic)

    VIII Table of Contents

    XII List of tables

    XIII List of figures

    XIV List of Appendices

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    1 Overview 1.1

    2 General objective 1.2

    2 Specific objectives 1.3

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    3 Diabetes mellitus 2.1

    3 Definition of diabetes mellitus 2.1.1

    3 Common types of diabetes mellitus 2.1.2

    3 Type 1 diabetes (insulin-depended diabetes mellitus)

    3 Type 2 diabetes (Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus)

    4 Gestational diabetes

    4 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 2.2

    4 Definition and etiology 2.2.1

    5 Prevalence and mortality rate of type 1 diabetes 2.2.2

    5 Carbohydrates metabolism in type 1 diabetes 2.2.3

    6 Lipid metabolism in type 1 diabetes 2.2.4

    7 Vitamin D 2.3

    7 Definition and structure 2.3.1

    7 Sources of Vitamin D 2.3.2

  • IX

    7 Dietary sources of vitamin D (exogenous vitamin D)

    8 Photosynthesis of the skin (endogenous vitamin D)

    9 Mechanism of action of vitamin D 2.3.3

    9 Roles of vitamin D 2.3.4

    10 Bone health and calcium absorption

    01 Vitamin D and autoimmune diseases

    11 Vitamin D and type 2 Diabetes

    11 Vitamin D and cardiovascular disease

    01 Vitamin D and cancer

    01 Related studies 2.4

    Chapter 3: Materials and Methods

    01 Study design 3.1

    01 Study population 3.2

    01 Sample size and sampling 3.3

    07 Exclusion criteria 3.4

    07 Ethical Consideration 3.5

    07 Limitation of the study 3.6

    07 Data collection 3.7

    07 Questionnaire interview 3.7.1

    08 Body mass index 3.7.2

    08 Specimen collection and processing 3.7.3

    08 Biochemical analysis 3.8

    08 Determination of serum vitamin D 3.8.1

    10 Determination of glycated hemoglobin in whole blood 3.8.2

    13 Determination of serum glucose 3.8.3

    15 Determination of serum insulin 3.8.4

    11 Determination of serum cholesterol 3.8.5

    18 Determination of serum triglycerides 3.8.6

    31 Determination of serum high density lipoprotein (HDL-C) 3.8.7

    31 Determination of serum low density lipoproteins (LDL-C) 3.8.8

    31 Determination of serum alkaline phosphates 3.8.9

  • X

    33 Determination of serum calcium 3.8.10

    31 Determination of serum phosphorus 3.8.11

    38 Statistical analysis 3.9

    Chapter 4: Results

    39 Personal profile of the study population 4.1

    31 Socioeconomic data of the study population 4.2

    30 Frequent testing of blood glucose level, diet and physical activity among

    the study population


    31 Duration of diabetes and self-reported complications among cases 4.4

    33 Insulin therapy among cases 4.5

    33 Body mass index of the study population 4.6

    33 Serum vitamin D levels of the study population 4.7

    35 Categories of serum vitamin D levels of the study population 4.8

    31 Whole blood HbA1c, serum glucose, and insulin level of the study



    37 Lipid profile of the study population 4.10

    38 Alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity of the study population 4.11

    39 Serum calcium and phosphorus of the study population 4.12

    39 Relations of vitamin D 4.13

    39 Vitamin D level in relation to family history of diabetes, diet and physical



    51 Vitamin D level in relation to whole blood HbA1c, serum glucose and

    iinsulin levels of the study population


    51 Vitamin D levels in relation to lipid profile of the study population 4.13.3

    53 Vitamin D levels in relation to ALP of the study population 4.13.4

    55 Vitamin D levels in relation to calcium and phosphorus concentrations of

    the study population


    Chapter 5:Discussion

    51 Socioeconomic data of the study population 5.1

    51 Frequent testing of blood glucose, diet and physical activity of the study



  • XI

    57 Duration of diabetes and self-reported complications among cases


    57 Insulin therapy among cases 5.4

    58 Serum vitamin D levels of the study population 5.5

    59 Whole blood HbA1c, serum glucose, and insulin level of the study



    11 Vitamin D in relation to Lipid profile of the study population 5.7

    10 Alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity of the study population 5.8

    10 Serum calcium and phosphorus of the study population 5.9

    Chapter 6:Conclusions and Recommendations

    62 Conclusions 6.1

    63 Recommendations 6.2


  • XII

    Page List of tables 40 Personal profile of the study population

    Table 4.1

    41 Socioeconomic data of the study population

    Table 4.2

    42 Frequent testing of blood glucose level, diet and physical activity Table 4.3

    42 Duration of diabetes and self-reportd complications among cases Table 4.4

    33 Insulin injection among cases Table 4.5

    44 Body mass index of the study population Table 4.6

    33 Serum vitamin D levels of the study population Table 4.7

    45 Different categories of serum vitamin D levels of the study population Table 4.8

    37 Whole blood glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum glucose and insulin

    levels of the study population

    Table 4.9

    38 Lipid profile of the study population Table4.10

    38 Serum alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP) of the study population Table 4.11

    39 Serum calcium and phosphorus concentration of the study population Table 4.12

    51 Vitamin D levels in relation to family history of diabetes, diet and

    physical activity among the study population

    Table 4.13

    51 Vitamin D levels in relation to whole blood HbA1c,serum glucose and

    insulin levels of the study population

    Table 4.14

    51 Vitamin D levels in relation to lipid profile of the study population Table 4.15

    53 Vitamin D levels in relation to (ALP) of the study population Table 4.16

    55 vitamin D level in relation to calcium and phosphorus levels of the

    study population .

    Table 4.17

  • XIII

    Page List of figures

    7 Structure of vitamin D Figure 2.1

    8 Biosynthesis of vitamin D Figure 2.2

    9 Action of vitamin D Figure 2.3

    45 Serum vitamin D levels in cases and controls Figure 4.1

    31 Different categories of serum vitamin D levels of cases and controls Figure 4.2

    51 Serum vitamin D levels in relation to whole blood glycated

    hemoglobin HbA1c, serum glucose and insulin levels of the study


    Figure 4.3

    53 Serum vitamin D level in relation to lipid profile of the study


    Figure 4.4

    53 Serum vitamin D level in relation to alkaline phosphatase (ALP)

    activity of the study population

    Figure 4.5

    55 Serum vitamin D level in relation to calcium and phosphorus

    concentration of the study population .

    Figure 4.6

  • XIV

    List of Appendices

    Page Description Appendix

    64 Ministry of Health permission letter Annex1

    65 Interview questionnaire Annex2

  • 1

    Chapter 1


    1.1 Overview

    Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which a person has high blood sugar, either

    because the body does not produce enough insulin (insulin deficiency), or because

    cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced (insulin resistance). This high

    blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of diabetes mellitus including polyuria,

    polydipsia and polyphagia (American Diabetes Association, ADA, 2010).

    Two major types of diabetes were identified; type 1 and type 2. Lack of or

    severe reduction in insulin secretion due to autoimmune or viral destructions of β

    cells is responsible for type 1 diabetes, which accounts for 5-10% of diabetic patients.

    Patients with type 1 diabetes usually required insulin injection (Belle et al., 2011).

    The more prevalent form, type 2 diabetes, accounts for more than 90% of cases. Type

    2 diabetes usually begins as insulin resistance, a disorder in which the cells do not use

    insulin properly. Patients with type 2 diabetes usually required oral hypoglycemic

    tablets (ADA, 2013).

    Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an essential role in calcium

    homeostasis and the maintenance of normal function in multiple tissues. Humans

    obtain vitamin D either directly from the diet or through exposure to solar ultraviolet

    B radiation (Holick, 2011 and Kannan and Lim, 2014). In addition to its well-

    recognized effects on skeletal health, vitamin D has suggested to have a potential role

    in other disease states and health conditions including autoimmune disorders such as

    type1 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer (Drake et al.,

    2010; Dalgard et al., 2011; Assy et al., 2012; Joergensen et al., 2012 and Grober

    et al., 2013).

    Numerous global studies have found that patients with type 1 diabetes are

    significantly more likely to have a lower serum vitamin D concentration compared

    with those without diabetes (Assy et al., 2012 ; Dong et al., 2013 and Daghri et al.,

    2014). In this regard, vitamin D supplementation has a protective effect against type 1

    diabetes (Zipitis and Akobeng, 2008). In Gaza strip, studies on vitamin D are limited

  • 2

    and restricted to rickets to investigate its status in nutritional rickets (Yassin and

    Lubbad, 2010). Recently, two studies investigate vitamin D status in type 2 diabetes

    and CAD (El-henawe, 2014 and Masoud, 2014). However, No previous study

    linked vitamin D with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Therefore, the present study is the first

    to assess serum vitamin D level in type 1 diabetic patients from Gaza strip.

    1.2 General objective

    The general objective of the present study is to asses serum vitamin D level in type 1

    diabetic patients from Gaza strip .

    1.3 Specific objectives

    1. To determine vitamin D level in cases compared with controls.

    2. To estimate serum glucose and insulin as well as blood HbA1C in cases and


    3. To measure lipid profile including cholesterol, triglycerides, high density

    lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-

    C) in cases compared to controls.

    4. To evaluate serum alkaline phosphatase activity, calcium and phosphorus in

    cases compared with controls.

    5. To verify the relationship between vitamin D and the studied parameters in type

    1 diabetic patients.

  • 3

    Chapter 2

    Literature Review

    2.1 Diabetes mellitus

    2.1.1 Definition of diabetes mellitus

    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that affects the lives of millions around the

    world (International Diabetes Federation, IDF, 2006). Diabetes mellitus is defined

    as diabetes treated by diet alone or by diet combined with oral hypoglycemic agents

    or as treatment with insulin (Tanriverd, 2011). It is a metabolic disorder

    characterized by chronic hyperglycemia due to disturbances of carbohydrate, fat

    metabolism that are associated with absolute or relative deficiencies in insulin

    secretion, insulin action or both. Diabetes mellitus possess a major and growing health

    and socioeconomic burden on society, that affects over 177 million people worldwide

    and this figure is likely to be more than double by the year 2030 (World Health

    Organization, WHO, 2003).

    2.1.2 Common types of diabetes Type 1 diabetes (Insulin - depended diabetes mellitus)

    Type 1 diabetes develops when the body's immune system destroys pancreatic β cells

    resulting in failure of insulin production. This form of diabetes usually strikes

    children and young adults, although disease onset can occur at any age. Type 1

    diabetes accounts for 5-10% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes (Olefsky, 2001;

    Achenbach, 2005 and Belle, 2011). Type 2 diabetes (Non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus)

    Type 2 diabetes results from insulin resistance, a condition in which the body fails to

    properly use insulin, combined with relative insulin deficiency (Cnop, 2008). This

  • 4

    form of diabetes accounts for about 90-95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Type 2

    diabetes is associated with older age, obesity, history of gestational diabetes, impaired

    glucose metabolism, physical inactivity, and race/ethnicity (Mohan et al., 2007;

    Hussain et al., 2010 and Albakr et al., 2013). Gestational diabetes

    Gestational diabetes mellitus has been defined as any degree of glucose intolerance

    with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. Although most cases resolve with

    delivery, the definition applied whether or not the condition persisted after pregnancy

    (ADA, 2012). The risk for developing type 2 diabetes within the first decade

    following pregnancy in gestational diabetes cases ranges between 35% and 60%

    (Seniuk et al., 2009). Similarly, children of women with gestational diabetes are

    known to be at risk for obesity and diabetes mellitus in their later life (Bánhidy et al.,


    2.2 Type1 diabetes mellitus

    2.2.1 Definition and etiology

    Type 1 diabetes develops from a cellular-mediated autoimmune destruction of

    pancreatic β cells resulting in insulin deficiency. The immune system incorrectly

    manufactures antibodies and inflammatory cells that are directed against and cause

    damage to patients' own body tissues. It is believed that the predisposition to develop

    these abnormal antibodies in type1 diabetes mellitus is, in part, genetically inherited,

    though the details are not fully understood (William et al., 2002; Kantarova and

    Buc, 2007; Bluestone et al., 2010 and Zhao et al., 2012). Exposure to certain viral

    infections or other environmental toxins may serve to trigger abnormal antibody

    responses that cause damage to the pancreatic cells where insulin is made. These

    antibodies can be measured in the majority of patients, and may help determine which

    individuals are at risk for developing type1 diabetes (Hyoty, 2002; Achenbach et al.,

    2005 and Aljabri et al., 2013). In type 1 diabetes, the rate of β-cell destruction is

    quite variable, being rapid in some individuals (mainly infants and children) and slow

  • 5

    in others (mainly adults). Some patients, particularly children and adolescents, may

    present with ketoacidosis as the first manifestation of the disease. Others have modest

    fasting hyperglycemia that can rapidly change to severe hyperglycemia and/or

    ketoacidosis in the presence of infection or other stress (ADA, 2005 and Belle et al.,


    2.2.2 Prevalence and mortality rate of type 1 diabetes

    Over 17 new cases of type 1 diabetes were identified per 100 000 children worldwide.

    The prevelence rate is particularly high in Finland, Sweden and Norway, with over 25

    new cases detected every year per 100 000 children. In Mexico and Korea, the rate is

    less than five new cases per 100 000 children. While type 1 diabetes currently

    accounts for only 10-15% of all diabetes cases, there is evidence that incidence rates

    are rising strongly in some countries. Between 2005 and 2020, new cases of type 1

    diabetes for children are expected to double in Europe (Patterson et al., 2009). In

    2011, there were almost 660 000 diabetes-related deaths worldwide, and the 2010

    global burden of disease study showed that diabetes was the ninth leading cause of

    death in the world (International Diabetes Federation, IDF, 2011). In Palestine,

    there is under diagnosis and under reporting of diabetes milletus. This is due to lack of

    proper hospital and clinic recording system (Ministry of Health, MOH, 2005). In

    2011, the total number of new reported cases of diabetes mellitus in West Bank was

    3984 with incidence rate 154.4 per 100,000 of population (MOH, 2012). The

    mortality rate of diabetes mellitus among Palestinians constituted 5.9 per 100,000

    population in the year 2009 (MOH, 2009), and this figure raised to 8.5 per 100,000

    population in the year 2010 (MOH, 2010).

    2.2.3 Carbohydrate metabolism in type 1 diabetes

    Uncontrolled type 1 diabetes leads to increased hepatic glucose output. First, liver

    glycogen stores are mobilized then hepatic gluconeogenesis is used to produce

    glucose. Insulin deficiency also impairs non hepatic tissue utilization of glucose. In

    particular in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle, insulin stimulates glucose uptake.

    This is accomplished by insulin mediated movement of glucose transporters proteins

    to the plasma membrane of these tissues. Reduced glucose uptake by peripheral

  • 6

    tissues in turn leads to a reduced rate of glucose metabolism. In addition, the level of

    hepatic glucokinase is regulated by insulin. Therefore, a reduced rate of glucose

    phosphorylation in hepatocytes leads to increased delivery to the blood. The

    combination of increased hepatic glucose production and reduced peripheral tissues

    metabolism leads to elevated plasma glucose levels (Ozougwu et al., 2013). When

    the capacity of the kidneys to absorb glucose is surpressed, glucosuria ensues.

    Glucose is an osmotic diuretic and an increase in renal loss of glucose is accompanied

    by loss of water and electrolyte. The result of the loss of water leads to the activation

    of the thirst mechanism (polydipsia). The negative caloric balance, which results from

    the glucosuria and tissue catabolism leads to an increase in appetite and food intake

    that is polyphagia (Raju and Raju, 2010).

    2.2.4 Lipid metabolism in type 1 diabetes

    In uncontrolled type 1 diabetes where insulin is lacked there is a rapid mobilization of

    triglycerides leading to increased levels of plasma free fatty acids. The free fatty acids

    are taken up by numerous tissue (except the brain) and metabolized to provide energy.

    In the absence of insulin, malonyl COA levels fall, and transport of fatty acyl-COA

    into the mitochondria increases. Mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids generates

    acetyl COA that can be further oxidized in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle).

    However, in heaptocytes the majority of the acetyl COA is not oxidized by the TCA

    cycle but is metabolized into the ketone bodies (acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate).

    These ketone bodies are used for energy production by the brain, heart and skeletal

    muscle. In type 1 diabetes, the increased availability of free fatty acids and ketone

    bodies exacerbates the reduced utilization of glucose, furthering the ensuing

    hyperglycaemia. Production of ketone bodies in excess of the body’s ability to utilize

    them leads to ketoacidosis (Vergès, 2011). A spontaneous breakdown product of

    acetoacetate is the acetone that is exhaled by the lungs, which gives a distinctive odor

    to the breath. Normally, plasma triglycerides are acted upon by lipoprotein lipase that

    requires insulin. lipoprotein lipase is a membrane bound enzyme on the surface of the

    endothelial cells lining the vessels, which allows fatty acids to be taken from

    circulating triglycerides for storage in adipocytes. Therefore, the absence of insulin

    results in hypertriglyceridemia. (Raju and Raju, 2010).

  • 7

    2.3 Vitamin D

    2.3.1 Definition and structure

    Vitamin D is a seco-steroid hormone and it is critically important for the

    development, growth and maintenance of a healthy skeleton from birth until death

    (Andersen et al., 2008). Vitamin D has other roles in human health; it can play a role

    in decreasing the risk of many chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular disease,

    diabetes, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, and cancer (Zhang and

    Naughton, 2010 and Grober et al ., 2013). The molecular structure of vitamin D is

    closely allied to that of classic steroid hormones in that it has the same root

    cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene ring structure (Figure 2.1, Wang, 2013).

    Figure 2.1. Structure of vitamin D (Wang , 2013).

    2.3.2 Sources of vitamin D

    Vitamin D is obtained either directly from the diet or by means of photosynthesis in

    the skin. Dietary sources of vitamin D (exogenous vitamin D)

    Fish, liver oils, fatty saltwater fish, dietary products and eggs all contain vitamin D. It

    is also found in butter, cod liver oil, dandelion green, egg yolks, halibut, liver, milk,

    oatmeal, salmon, sardines, sweat potatoes, tuna and vegetables (Balch, 2001;

    Palomer et al., 2008 and Holick, 2011).

  • 8 Photosynthesis in the skin (endogenous vitamin D)

    The solar ultra violet B radiation penetrates the skin to convert 7-hydrocholestorol to

    previtamin D3, which is thermodynamically unstable and undergoes thermally

    induced conversion to vitamin D3 (Figure 2.2). Whatever the source, vitamin D3 must

    be hydroxylated twice to produce the biologically active form. Thus, the first

    hydroxylation process takes place in the liver and forms 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and is

    catalysed by vitamin D-25-hydroxylase. The second hydroxylation step, which

    produces the final active metabolite of vitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3), is mediated by 25-

    hydroxyvitamin D3 1-hydroxylase and occurs predominantly in the kidney. Then,

    1,25(OH)2D3 is released into the circulation where it binds to vitamin D-binding

    protein until it reaches its target tissue by means of the vitamin D receptors (Chagas

    et al., 2012 and Kannan and Lim, 2014).

    Figure 2.2. Biosynthesis of vitamin D. UVB: Ultra Violet B, 25(OH)D3: 25-

    hydroxyvitamin D3, 25-OHase: Vitamin D-25-hydroxylase, 1-OHase: 25-

    hydroxyvitamin D3 1-hydroxylase, DBP: Vitamin D-binding protein (Palomer et

    al., 2008).

  • 9

    2.3.3 Mechanism of action of vitamin D

    Vitamin is bound to vitamin D-binding protein in circulation, crosses the cell

    membrane, and binds to vitamin D receptor (Figure 2.3). The conjugated vitamin D

    with its receptor forms a heterodimer complex with retinoid X receptor and with other

    factors, attaches to vitamin D–responsive elements on deoxyribonucleic acid, and

    alters gene expression. It has been estimated that vitamin D regulates more than 200

    genes, directly or indirectly, thereby influencing a wide variety of physiological

    processes (Vanga et al., 2010; Stivelman and Retnakaran, 2012 and Wang,


    Figure 2.3. Action of vitamin D. DBP: Vitamin D-binding protein, VDR: Vitamin D

    receptor, RXR: Retinoid X receptor, RNA: Ribonucleic acid (Vanga et al. 2010).

    2.3.4 Roles of vitamin D

    Vitamin D has several roles in the body; many of these arise from its action on gene

    transcription and expression. In addition to the well-recognized effects of vitamin D

    on skeletal health, emerging evidence suggests a potential role for vitamin D in

    numerous other disease states and health conditions including autoimmune disease

  • 11

    such as type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer ( Kannan

    and Lim, 2014). Bone health and calcium absorption

    Vitamin D facilitates calcium absorption in the intestine by influencing the expression

    of epithelial calcium channels and thus calcium-binding proteins. This process allows

    calcium to be better absorbed from the foods eaten (Holick, 2005). Due to the

    increase in absorption of calcium, parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels are better

    regulated. When serum calcium levels are low, the parathyroid gland secretes PTH,

    which leads to increased production of vitamin D. This further increases absorption of

    calcium from the intestine as well as increases reabsorption of calcium by the kidneys.

    Increased PTH leads to resorption of calcium from the bone. Leaching calcium out of

    the matrix of bone leads to decreased bone strength. If adequate vitamin D is present

    before this occurs, PTH levels are likely to be kept low as calcium absorption is

    increased (Wacker and Holick, 2013). Another way in which vitamin D works to

    increase bone strength is by mediating the incorporation of calcium into the matrix of

    bone (Reese, 2006). Vitamin D and autoimmune diseases

    Various epidemiological studies suggested associations between vitamin D deficiency

    and a higher incidence of autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabeties, multiple

    sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel

    disease (Grober et al., 2013 and Sabbagh et al., 2013). Vitamin D receptors are

    present in many cell types including various immune cells such as antigen-presenting-

    cells, T cells, B cells and monocytes (Prietl et al., 2013). Focusing on type 1 diabetes

    mellitus, meta-analysis of data from the case–control studies showed that the risk of

    type 1 diabetes was significantly reduced in children who were supplemented with

    vitamin D compared to those who were not supplemented (Zipitis and Akobeng,

    2008 and Dong et al., 2013). There was also some evidence of a dose–response

    effect, with those using higher amounts of vitamin D being at lower risk of

    developing type 1 diabetes mellitus (Antico et al., 2012). Retrospective analysis and

    observational studies demonstrated high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in

    patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (Bener et al., 2009, Janner et al., 2010 and

  • 11

    Greer et al., 2012). In addition, a cross-sectional study from Switzerland reported 60

    to 84% of type 1 diabetics to be vitamin D deficient (Janner et al., 2010). Vitamin D and type 2 Diabetes

    Recent cross-sectional and prospective studies have reported a significant inverse

    association between serum vitamin D and the presence of type 2 diabetes (Pittas et

    al., 2010; Dalgard et al., 2011; Gonzalez-Molero et al., 2012 and Djalali et al.,

    2013). In addition, case-control studies found that patients with type 2 diabetes or

    impaired glucose tolerance are significantly more likely to have a lower serum

    vitamin D level compared to those without diabetes (Targher et al., 2006 and

    Gorham et al., 2012). Furthermore, Tracy and Mazen, (2010) and Afsaneh et al.,

    (2013) reported a significant inverse association of serum vitamin D with insulin

    resistance. A positive association between vitamin D and β-cell function was also

    found (Palomer et al., 2008; Ozfirat and Chowdhury, 2010 and Takiishi et al

    2012). Vitamin D and cardiovascular disease

    A growing body of evidence suggests a possible association between vitamin D

    deficiency and many cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension, peripheral

    vascular disease, coronary artery disease and heart failure. Vitamin D receptors are

    located on vascular smooth muscle, endothelium, and cardiomyocytes (Wang et al.,

    2008). One of the main mechanisms whereby vitamin D appears to decrease

    cardiovascular disease risk is its effect on hypertension through the rennin-angiotensin

    system (Vaidya and Forman., 2011 and Kienreich et al., 2013). Vitamin D

    deficiency is also strongly associated with increased thickness of the intima-media in

    carotid arteries (Targher et al., 2006 and Joergensen et al., 2012). Vitamin D and cancer

    An inverse association between vitamin D and the incidence of several cancers and

    mortality from these cancers has been shown in case-control studies, prospective and

    retrospective studies (Freedman et al., 2007; Drake et al., 2010; Manson et al.,

    2011 and Robsahm et al., 2013) and especially for cancers of the colon and breast

  • 12

    (Fleet et al., 2012). In addition, vitamin D promotes various apoptotic mechanism and

    cell differentiation, and suppresses angiogenesis and tumor invasion and metastasis

    (Deeb et al., 2007; Krishnan and Feldman, 2011; Hossein et al., 2013 and Gröber,


    2.4 Related studies

    Zipitis and Akobeng (2008) assessed whether vitamin D supplementation in infancy

    reduces the risk of type 1 diabetes in later life. The study was a systematic review and

    meta-analysis using Medline, Embase, Cinahl, Cochrane Central Register of

    Controlled Trials and reference lists of retrieved articles. Meta-analysis of data from

    the case-control studies showed that the risk of type 1 diabetes was significantly

    reduced in infants who were supplemented with vitamin D compared to those who

    were not supplemented (pooled odds ratio 0.71, 95% CI 0.60 to 0.84). The result of

    the cohort study was in agreement with that of the meta-analysis. There was also

    some evidence of a dose-response effect, with those using higher amounts of vitamin

    D being at lower risk of developing type 1 diabetes.

    Svoren et al. (2009) conducted a cross-sectional study to assess vitamin D status in

    128 youth with type 1 diabetes from the northeastern United States and to examine the

    influence of specific patient and disease characteristics on vitamin D status. Less than

    25% of type 1 diabetic patients were vitamin D sufficient. Given that individuals with

    type 1 diabetes possess multiple risk factors for skeletal fragility, ensuring vitamin D

    sufficiency throughout childhood and adolescence in this population seems especially


    In a prospective cross-sectional study, Janner et al. (2010) measured serum vitamin

    D, intact parathyroid hormon, total and ionised calcium, phosphate and alkaline

    phosphatase in 129 Swiss children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Of the 129

    subjects 78 (60.5%) were vitamin D deficient, defined as a vitamin D level below 50

    nmol/L. During the winter this number rose to 84.1%. Vitamin D levels showed

    marked seasonal fluctuations, whereas there was no correlation with diabetes control.

    Despite the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, the authors found a low

  • 13

    prevalence of secondary hyperparathyroidism in vitamin D deficient diabetic children

    and adolescents ( Dong et al., 2013).

    Bin-Abbas et al. (2011) assessed the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in type 1

    diabetic children. The study was prospective cross-sectional included 100 Saudi

    children with type 1 diabetes and 100 healthy controls. The mean levels of vitamin D

    were significantly lower in the type 1 diabetic children compared to the controls

    (36.7±14.3 nmol/l versus 44.8±14.1 nmol/l). In the type 1 diabetic children, 64% were

    mildly, 16% were moderately, and 4% were severely vitamin D deficient as compared

    with 52% (mildly), 6% (moderately), and 1% (severely) in the control group. Overall,

    84% of the type 1 diabetic children, and 59% of the healthy children were vitamin D

    deficient. There was no correlation between glycemic control and vitamin D level. In

    addition, Devaraj et al. (2011) found that type 1 diabetic patients with and without

    microvascular complications from the Diabetes and Pediatric Clinics at University of

    California Davis Medical Center were significantly vitamin D deficient compared

    with control subjects (P0.05). The association

    between vitamin D status groups and HbA1c was significant (P

  • 14

    The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was assessed in a group of children and

    adolescent patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus (Ataie-Jafari et al.,

    2012). Fifty-three patients with age 8-18 years and duration of type 1 diabetes less

    than 8 weeks were recruited. A food frequency questionnaire was used to assess

    dietary vitamin D and calcium intake. Sunshine exposure was measured using a

    questionnaire to quantify the amount of time children spent in the sun and other sun-

    related habits, and a sun index score was generated. Serum vitamin D

  • 15

    years versus 36.7±3.6 years among the controls. Both the type 1 diabetic and healthy

    groups had vitamin D deficiency. The mean levels of vitamin D were significantly

    lower in the type 1 diabetic adults than in the controls (28.1±1.4 nmol/L versus

    33.4±1.6 nmol/L). In the type 1 diabetic adults, 66.7% were mildly, 31.7%

    moderately, and 3.3% severely vitamin D deficient as compared with 41.7% (mildly),

    31.7% (moderately), and 5% (severely) in the control group. Overall, 100% of the

    type 1 diabetic adults and 78% of the healthy children were vitamin D deficient. In

    addition, Soliman et al. (2015) found that type 1 diabetic children had significantly

    lower serum vitamin D compared to controls.

  • 16

    Chapter 3

    Materials and Methods

    3.1 Study design

    The present study is a case control-study. Case-control studies are often used to

    identify factors that may contribute to a medical condition by comparing subjects who

    have that condition/disease (the "cases") with subjects who do not have the

    condition/disease but are otherwise similar (the "controls"). Case-control studies are

    quick, widely used, relatively inexpensive to implement, require comparatively fewer

    subjects, and allow for multiple exposures or risk factors to be assessed for one

    outcome (Mann, 2003 and Song and Chung, 2010).

    3.2 Study population

    The study population comprised type 1 diabetic patients aged 18-35 years

    attending various diabetic Units at El-shifa Hospital, Al-Aqsa Hospital, Palestinian

    Medical Relief Center and Al-Nusairat Clinic in Gaza strip. Control group was non-

    diabetic apparently healthy persons.

    3.3. Sample size and sampling

    Non probability accidental sample of type 1 diabetic patients, previously diagnosed

    according to the World Health Organization diagnostic criteria for diabetes (WHO,

    2006), were selected as cases from Diabetic Units at El-shifa Hospital, Al-Aqsa

    Hospital, Palestinian Medical Relief Center and Al-Nusairat Clinic in Gaza strip.

    Controls were apparently healthy non diabetic individuals selected from the general

    population. Cases and controls were age and gender matched. The sample size

    calculations were based on the formula for case-control studies. EPI-INFO statistical

    package version 3.5.1 was used with 95% CI, 80% power and 50% proportion as

    conservative and OR > 2. The sample size in case of 1:1 ratio of case control was

    found to be 41:41. For a no-response expectation, the sample size was increased to 44

    patients. The controls also consisted of 44 non diabetic individuals.

  • 17

    3.4 Exclusion criteria

    Cases and controls whose aged under 18 years and above 35 years old.

    Type 2 diabetic patients.

    Pregnant women.

    Patients with other chronic diseases.

    Patients who take hormone replacement therapy or corticosteroid


    3.5 Ethical Consideration

    An official letter of request was sent from the Palestinian Ministry of Health to

    Medical Center Administrations in different Gaza hospitals to facilitate the

    conduction of the study (Annex 1). The participants were given a full explanation

    about the purpose of the study and assurance about the confidentiality of the

    information and the participation was optional.

    3.6 Limitation of the study

    1. The number of patients who frequently visiting the diabetic clinics was relatively


    2. Many patients refused to supply blood sample.

    3.7 Data collection

    3.7.1 Questionnaire interview

    A meeting interview was used for filling in a questionnaire which designed for

    matching the study need for both cases and controls (Annex 2). All interviews were

    conducted face to face by the researcher herself. During the survey the interviewer

    explained any of the questions that were not clear. The questionnaire was based on

    recent studies conducted on diabetes melitus in Gaza Strip with some modifications

    (EL-Qreenawy, 2013). Most questions were the yes/no questions which offer a

    dichotomous choice (Backestrom and Hursh-Cesar, 2012). The validity of the

    questionnaire was tested by six specialists in the fields of endocrinology,

    epidemiology, public health and biochemistry. The questionnaire was piloted with 8

    patients not included in the study. The questionnaire included questions on the

  • 18

    personal profile of the study population (Age, gender, marital status and education),

    socioeconomic data (employment, family income/month and family history of

    diabetes), frequent testing of blood glucose level, diet and physical activity, clinical

    data (duration of diabetes and self-reported complications) among the study

    population and insulin injection among the cases (frequency of insulin injection/day

    and insulin dose).

    3.7.2 Body mass index

    Body mass index was calculated as the ratio of body weight in Kg/height in square

    meter. Patients were asked to remove heavy clothes and shoes before measurement of

    weight and height. Medical balance (Seca Model 762, Germany) was used for weight

    measurement. People with BMI=18.5-24.9 were considered to have normal weight,

    people with BMI=25.0-29.9 were classified overweight and people with BMI≥30.0

    were considered obese (WHO, 2012).

    3.7.3 Specimen collection and processing

    Twelve hours fasting overnight venous blood samples were collected from 44 type 1

    diabetic patients and 44 healthy non diabetic controls. Blood samples (8 ml each)

    were drawn by the researcher herself into vacutainer and plastic tubes from each

    control and diabetic patients. About 2 ml blood was placed into ethylene diamine tetra

    acetic acid (EDTA) vacutainer tube to perform HbA1c for cases and controls. The

    remainder quantity of blood (6 ml) was placed in plastic tube and was left for a while

    without anticoagulant to allow blood to clot. Serum samples were obtained by

    centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes for determination of vitamin D, glucose,

    insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-C, LDL-C, ALP, calcium and phosphorus.

    3.8 Biochemical analysis

    3.8.1 Determination of serum vitamin D

    25-hydroxy (25-OH) Vitamin D enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA) is designed by

    Calbiotech, Inc for the quantitation of total 25-OH Vitamin D in human serum and

    plasma (Bikle, 2010).

  • 19


    The kit is a solid phase (ELISA), based on the principal of competitive binding. Anti-

    Vitamin D antibody coated wells are incubated with Vitamin D standards, controls,

    samples, and Vitamin D-Biotin conjugate at room temperature for 90 minutes. During

    the incubation, a fixed amount of biotin-labeled vitamin D competes with the

    endogenous Vitamin D in the sample, standard, or quality control serum for a fixed

    number of binding sites on the anti-Vitamin D antibody. Following a wash step,

    bound Vitamin D-Biotin is detected with Streptavidin-HRP. Streptavidin-HRP

    conjugate immunologically bound to the well progressively decreases as the

    concentration of Vitamin D in the specimen increases. Unbound SA-HRP conjugate is

    then removed and the wells are washed. Next, a solution of TMB Reagent is added

    and incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes, resulting in the development of

    blue color. The color development is stopped with the addition of stop solution, and

    the absorbance is measured spectrophotometrically at 450 nm. A standard curve is

    obtained by plotting the concentration of the standard versus the absorbance. The

    color intensity will be inversely proportional the amount of 25 (OH)D in the sample.

    The assay measures both Vitamin D2 and D3. The total assay procedure run time is

    2.5 hours.

    Composition of reagents

    Materials provided 96 Tests

    Microwell plate coated with anti-Vitamin D 12x8x1

    Vitamin D Standard Set: 7 vials (ready to use) 0.25 ml

    Vitamin D Control Set: 2 vials (ready to use) 0.25 ml

    Biotinylated 25 (OH)D Reagent: 1 Vial (51X) 0.5 ml

    Assay Diluent, 1 bottle 24 ml

    Streptavidin-HRP, 1 bottle (ready to use) 23 Ml

    Stop Solution, 1 bottle (ready to use) 12 mL

    TMB Substrate, 2 bottles (ready to use) 2 x 12 ml

    Microplate sealing film 2

    Wash Concentrate 20X, 1 bottle 25 ml

    Preparation of reagent

    Before running the test, prepare the following:

    1. Standards and Reagents:

    Standards are serum-based solutions and stable when stored at 2-8°C,

  • 21

    protected from light, until the expiration date on the label. Equilibrate the needed

    volume of standards and reagents to room temperature before use.

    2. 51X Biotin conjugate: Immediately before use, prepare 1X working solution at 1:51

    with assay diluent (e.g. Add 0.1ml of the 50x Vitamin D-Biotin conjugate concentrate

    to 5ml of assay diluent). Remaining Assay Diluent must be stored at 2-8°C in dark

    and tightly capped.

    3. Prepare 1X Wash Buffer by adding the contents of the bottle (25 ml, 20X) to 475

    ml of distilled or deionized water. Store at room temperature (18-24 °C).

    Analytical procedure

    All reagents and specimens must be allowed to come to room temperature before use.

    All reagents must be GENTLY mixed without foaming. Once the procedure has

    started, all steps should be completed without interruption.

    1. Dispense 10l of 25(OH)D Standards, controls and samples into each well, as


    2. 200l working solution of biotinylated 25 (OH) D reagent, was dispensed into

    each well.

    3. The contents was carefully mixed in the wells for 20 seconds using a plate shaker at

    200-400 RPM (or equivalent motion). the plate was removed from shaker and covered

    with the adhesive plate seal making sure there is a complete seal over each well.

    4. Incubation #1 –sealed plate was Incubated for 90 minutes at room temperature.

    5. the plate seal was carefully removed.

    6. the contents was shaked out of the wells into a waste reservoir.

    7. Wash # 1- 300l of 1X Wash Buffer was dispensed into each well, and then briskly

    the 1X Wash Buffer was shaked out into a waste reservoir. the wells was striked

    sharply on absorbent paper to remove residual droplets. It was repeated 2 more times

    for a total of 3 washes.

    8. 200l of enzyme conjugate (Streptavidin-HRP) was dispensed into each well.

    9. Incubation #2 – It was incubated for 30 minutes, at room temperature.

    10. Briskly the contents was shaked out of the wells into a waste reservoir.

    11. Wash # 2 - 300l of 1X Wash Buffer was dispensed into each well, and then

    briskly the 1X Wash Buffer was shaked out into a waste reservoir. the wells was

  • 21

    strike sharply on absorbent paper to remove residual droplets. It was repeated 2 more

    times for a total of 3 washes.

    12. a multi-channel pipette was used, 200 l of TMB Substrate was dispensed into

    each well.

    13. Incubation #3 – It was incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature, preferably

    in the dark.

    14. Stop - 50 l of Stop Solution was dispensed into each well to stop the enzymatic

    reaction. Carefully plate contents was mixed for 20 - 30 seconds.

    15. absorbance was read on ELISA Reader at 450 nm within 10 minutes of adding the

    Stop Solution.

    Reference values

    Deficient (30 ng/dl)

    3.8.2 Determination of glycated hemoglobin in whole blood

    Glycated hemoglobin was determined by the colorimetric determination of glycated

    hemoglobin in whole blood using Stanbio Kit, Texas-USA (Trivelli et al., 1971).


    A preparation of hemolyzed whole blood is mixed with a weakly binding cation

    exchange resin. The non-glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA0) binds to the resin, leaving

    HbA1c free to be removed by means of a resin separator in the supernate. The percent

    of HbA1c is determined by measuring the absorbance values at 415 nm of the HbA1c

    fraction and of the total Hemoglobin fraction, calculating the ratio of absorbance's

    (R), and comparing this ratio to that of a HbA1c standard carried through the same

    procedure. Results are expressed as HbA, but can be converted or derived as HbA1c

    by using a conversion factor or when using HbA1c value for the standard.

  • 22


    Glycated hemoglobin lon Exchange Resin. Each tube contains 3.0 mL cation exchange

    resin 8 mg/dL. pH 6.9

    Glycated hemoglobin Lysing Reagent

    Contains potassium cyanide 10 mmol/L and surfactants.

    Glycated hemoglobin Standard (Lyophilized) (1 vial)

    Prepared from packed human erythrocytes.


    Hemolysate Preparation

    1. 500 µl Lysing reagent was pipetted into tubes labeled Standard (S),Unknown (U)

    and Control (C).

    2. 100 µl of each well-mixed blood sample was pipetted into appropriately labeled

    tube and mix.

    3. It was allowed to stand for 5 minutes at room temperature (15-30°C) to complete


    Glycated hemoglobin separation and assay

    1. resin tubes Standard (S), Unknown (U) and Control (C) was labeled.

    2. I00 µl of the prepared hemolysate was pipetted into appropriately labeled resin


    3. a resin separator was positioned in the tube so rubber sleeve is approximately 1-2

    cm above liquid level.

    4. Tubes mixed on a hematology rocker for 5 minutes. Alternatively tubes may be

    mixed by hand if held above the resin.

    5. At the end of the 5 minute mixing, resin separator was pushed into tube until resin

    is firmly packed in bottom of the 13mm tube.

    6. Each supernate was poured directly into separate cuvettes for absorbance


  • 23

    7. absorbance (Agly) of Standard was read, Unknown and Control vs. water at 415

    nm within 60 minutes.

    Total hemoglobin assay

    1. 5.0 mL deionized water was pipetted into tubes labeled Standard (S), Unknown (U)

    and Control (C).

    2. 20 µl of hemolysate was pipetted into appropriately labelled tube.

    It was mixed well and transfer to cuvette for absorbance reading.

    3. absorbance (Atot) of Standard, Unknown and Control vs. water at 415nm within 60

    minutes was read.


    For each Standard and Unknown calculate the ratio (R) of the glycated hemoglobin

    absorbance to the hemoglobin absorbance as follows:

    (R) = Agly / Atot

    Hemoglobin (%) = (R) Unknown x Hemoglobin Standard (%)

    (R) Standard

    Results may also be reported as HbA1c when compared to the reference A1c method,

    the Stanbio method showed a 98% correlation with an equation of:

    Y (A1c value) = 0.838 x (Stanbio value) - 0.732

    The value obtained by the Stanbio method may be converted to Calculated A1c value

    by use of this formula. For a direct calculated A1c value, the value of the standard

    may be changed to 7.6% in lieu of the 10.0% and the results will be A1c values.

    3.8.3 Determination of serum glucose

    Serum glucose is determined by glucose-oxidase procedure (Trinder, 1969) using

    Dialab reagent kits.

  • 24


    Determination of glucose after enzymatic oxidation by glucose oxidase. The

    colorimetric indicator is quinoneimine, which is generated from 4-aminoantipyrine

    and phenol by hydrogen peroxide under the catalytic action of peroxidase.


    Glucose + O2 → Gluconic acid + H2O2

    2 H2O2 + 4-Aminoantipyrine + Phenol → Quinoneimine + 4 H2O

    Concentration Reagent

    250 mmol/l

    5 mmol/l

    0.5 mmol/l

    ≥ 15 ku/l

    ≥ 1 ku/l

    Phosphate buffer (pH 7.5)



    Glucose oxidase (GOD)

    Peroxidase (POD)

    100 mg/dl Standard

    Assay procedure

    Wavelength: 500 nm

    Optical path: 1cm

    Measurement: Against reagent blank.

    10 µl of standard (sample or control) was added to 1ml of the reagent and

    mixed well.

    The mixture was incubated for 10 min at 37 ºC.

    The absorbance was measured within 60 min.




  • 25


    Glucose [mg / dl] = ∆A sample X concentration of standard

    Reference value (fasting glucose)

    (Palestinian Clinical Laboratory Tests Guide, PCLTG, 2005)

    60 – 100 mg/dl Child

    70 – 110 mg/dl Adult

    3.8.4 Determination of serum insulin

    Serum insulin was determined by microparticle enzyme immunoassay (MEIA), using

    Abbott IMx Insulin assay, following the instruction manual (Travis, 1980 and

    National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, 2001).

    Biological principles of the procedure

    The IMx insulin assay was used. It is based on the MEIA technology. The IMx insulin

    reagents and sample were added to the reaction cell in the following sequence:

    1. The probe/electrode assembly delivers the sample, anti-insulin (mouse,

    monoclonal) coated microparticles and the assay buffer to the incubation well of

    the reaction cell forming an antibody-insulin complex.

    2. An aliquot of the reaction mixture containing insulin bound to the anti-insulin

    coated microparticles was transferred to the glass fiber matrix.

    3. The matrix was washed to remove unbound materials.

    4. The anti-insulin: alkaline phosphatase conjugate was dispensed onto the matrix and

    binds to the antibody-antigen complex.

    5. The matrix was washed to remove unbounded materials.

    6. The substrate, 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate, was added to the matrix and the

    fluorescent product was measured by the microparticle enzyme immunoassay

    optical assembly.

    ∆A standard

  • 26


    Reagent pack

    IMx Insulin Reagent Pack, 100 tests (2A10-20)

    1 bottle (7ml) anti-insulin (mouse, monoclonal) coated microparticles in buffer

    with protein stabilizers. Preservative: contain sodium azide and antimicrobial


    1bottle (9ml) Anti-Insulin (Mouse, Monoclonal): alkaline phosphatase conjugate in

    buffer with protein stabilizers. Minimum concentration: 3μg/ml.

    1 bottle (10ml) 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate, 1.2mM, in buffer.

    1 bottle (14ml) assay buffer in calf serum.

    Preservative: All of the above mentioned reagents are contain sodium azide and

    antimicrobial agents.


    To convert control ranges to the alternate units, perform the following calculations:

    Concentration in μIU/ml = Concentration in μU/ml x 1.0

    Concentration in pmol/L = Concentration in μU/ml x 7.175

    3.8.5 Determination of serum cholesterol

    Enzymatic colorimetric method was used for the quantitative determination of total

    cholesterol in serum or plasma, using Diasys Diagnostic Systems, Germany

    (Meiattini et al., 1978).


    Determination of cholesterol after enzymatic hydrolysis and oxidation. The

    colorimetric indicator is quinoneimine which is generated from 4-aminoantipyrine

    and phenol by hydrogen peroxide under the catalytic action of peroxidase.

  • 27


    Concentrations are those in the final test mixture.

    Cholesterol ester + H2O → cholesterol + fatty acid

    Cholesterol + O2 → cholesterol-3-one + H2O2

    H2O2 + 4- aminoantipyrine + Phenol → Quinoneimine + 4 H2O

    Concentration Reagent

    50 mmol/l

    5 mmol/l

    0.3 mmol/l

    ≥ 200 u/l

    ≥ 100 u/l

    ≥ 3 ku/l

    Good’s buffer (pH 6.7)


    4- Aminoantipyrine

    Cholesterol esterase (CHE)

    Cholesterol oxidase (CHO)

    Peroxidase (POD)

    200 mg/dl Standard

    Assay procedure

    Wavelength: 500 nm

    Optical path: 1cm

    Temperature: 37 ºC

    Measurement: against reagent blank.

    Ten µl of standard (sample or control) was added to 1ml of working reagent

    and mixed well.

    The mixture was incubated for 5 min at 37 ºC.

    The absorbance was measured within 60 min.




  • 28


    Cholesterol (mg/dl) =

    Reference value

    Child (desirable) < 170 mg/dl

    Adult (desirable)

  • 29

    Reagent Concentration

    Cood's buffer (pH 7.2)




    Glycerokinase (GK)

    Peroxidase (POD)

    Lipoprotein lipase (LPL)


    Glycerol-3-phosphate-oxidase (GPO)

    50 mmol/l

    4 mmol/l

    2 mmol/l

    15 mmol/l

    ≥ 0.4 KU/I

    ≥ 2 KU/I

    ≥ 2 KU/I

    0.5 mmol/l

    ≥ 0.5 KU/I

    Assay Procedure

    Wavelength: 500 nm

    Optical path: 1 cm

    Temperature: 37 ºC

    Measurement: Against reagent blank.

    Ten µl of standard (sample or control) was added to 1ml of working reagent

    and mixed well.

    The mixture was incubated for 5 min at 37 ºC.

    The absorbance was measured within 60 min.


    Triglycerides [mg / dl] =

    A sample X concentration of standard∆

    ∆A standard

  • 31

    Reference value

    30 - 150 mg/dl Child (desirable)

    40 - 160 mg/dl

    35 - 135 mg/dl

    Adult (desirable) M


    3.8.7 Determination of serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol

    Liquid high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) precipitant was used for the

    determination of HDL-C Cholesterol using Diasys Diagnostic Systems, Germany

    (Grove, 1979).


    Chylomicrons, VLDL-C and LDL-C were precipitated by adding phosphotungstic

    acid and magnesium ions to the sample. Centrifugation leaves only the HDL-C in the

    supernatant, their cholesterol content is determined enzymatically using cholesterol



    Concentration Reagent

    1.4 mmol/l

    8.6 mmol/l

    Monoreagent contain: Magnesium chloride

    Phosphotungstic acid

    200 mg/dl Choesterol standard

    Assay procedure

    1- Precipitation

    Two hundred µl of standard (sample or control) were added to 500 µl of the

    precipitation reagent and mixed well.

    The mixture was allowed to stand for 15 min at room temperature, and then

    centrifuged for 20 min at 4000 rpm.

  • 31

    2- Cholesterol determination

    Wavelength: 500 nm

    Optical path: 1cm

    Temperature: 37 ºC

    Measurement: against reagent blank.

    One hundred µl of the supernatant of standard (sample or control) was added

    to 1ml of the cholesterol reagent and mixed well.

    The mixture was incubated for 5 min at 37 ºC.

    The absorbance was measured within 45 min.


    HDL-C (mg/dl) =

    Reference value

    3.8.8 Determination of serum low density lipoproteins cholesterol

    Serum low density lipoproteins cholesterol (LDL-C) can be calculated using the

    empirical relationship of Friedewald (Grove, 1979).


    The ultracentrifugal measurement of LDL-C is time consuming and expensive and

    requires special equipment. For this reason, LDL-C is most commonly estimated from

    37 – 75 mg/dl Child

    35 – 65 mg/dl

    35 – 80 mg/dl

    Adult: M


    A sample X concentration of standard∆

    ∆A standard

  • 32


    quantitative measurements of total and HDL-C and plasma triglycerides (TG) using

    the empirical relationship of Friedewald.

    The Equation

    LDL-C = Total Cholesterol - HDL-C - TG/5

    3.8.9 Determination of serum alkaline phosphates

    Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was measured by kinetic photometric test,

    according to the international federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine

    (Soldin et al., 2007) using DiaSys reagent kit.


    p-nitrophenylphosphate + H2O Phosphate + p-nitrophenol


    Reagent Components Concentrations

    Reagent 1 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol pH 10.4

    Magnesium acetate

    Zinc sulphate


    0.9 mol/l

    1.6 mmol/l

    0.4 mmol/l

    2.0 mmol/l

    Reagent 2


    p-Nitrophenylphosphate 16.0 mmol/l

    Substrate start

    The reagent and standard are ready to use.

  • 33

    Sample start

    Mix 4 parts of R1 with 1 parts of R2, (e.g. 20 ml R1 + 5 ml R2) = monoreagent.

    Stability: 4 weeks at 2-8 o C & 5 days at 15-25

    o C.

    The monoreagent must be protected from light. The reagent mixture was only

    prepared just prior to use.


    Substrate start

    Reagent Blank Sample

    Sample - 20μ

    Dist. Water 20μ -

    Reagent 1 1000μ 1000μ

    Mix, incubate for approximately 1 min., then add:

    Reagent 2 250μ 250μ

    Mix, read absorbance after 1 min. and start stopwatch. Read

    absorbance again after 1,2 and 3 min, at wavelength 405 nm.

    ∆ A/min = [∆ A/min sample] - [∆ A/min blank]

    Sample start

    Reagent Blank Sample

    Sample - 20μ

    Dist. Water 20μ -

    Monoreagent 1000μ 1000μ

    Mix, read absorbance after 1 min. and start stopwatch. Read

    absorbance again after 1,2 and 3 min, at wavelength 405 nm.

  • 34


    From absorbance readings calculate ∆A/min and multiply by the

    corresponding factor from table below:

    ∆A/min x factor = ALP activity [U/L]

    Substrate start Sample start

    405 nm 3433 2757

    3.8.10 Determination of serum calcium

    Serum calcium was determined by photometric test with cresolphthalein complexone

    (Thomas, 1998) using DiaSys reagent kit.


    Cresolphthalein complexone reacts with calcium ions in alkaline medium forming a

    red-violet color. Interference by magnesium is eliminated by addition of 8-hydroxy-



    Reagent Components Concentrations

    Reagent 1 Ethanolamine Detergent pH 10.7 600 mmol/L

    Reagent 2 2-Cresolphthalein complexone

    8-Hydroxyquinoline Hydrochloric

    acid pH 1.1

    0.06 mmol/L

    7 mmol/L

    20 mmol/L

    Reagent 3 Standard: 10 mg/dL

    Preparation and stability of working reagent

    Four parts of R1 were mixed with 1 part of R2

  • 35

    Stability: 3 days at 2-8 oC


    Wavelength 570 nm, Hg 578 nm (550-590 nm)

    Temperature 37°C

    Cuvette 1 cm light path

    Reading against reagent blank was done

    Blank Standard Sample

    Working reagent

    Distilled water



    1 ml

    20 μ l



    1 ml


    20 μ l


    1 ml



    20 μ l

    Mixing and reading the optical density (OD) after a 5 minute incubation was done.

    The final color is stable for at least 15 minutes.


    OD Sample

    X n

    =sample calcium concentration (mg/dl) OD Standard

    n = standard calcium concentration

  • 36

    3.8.11 Determination of serum phosphorus

    Serum phosphorus was determined by phosphomolybdate UV end point (Tiez, 1994)

    using Amonium Molybdate Diagnostic K.


    Determination of inorganic phosphate was made according to the following reaction:


    Amonium molybdate + Sulforic acid Phosphomolybdic complea

    Reagent Components Concentrations

    Reagent Sulfuric acid

    Amonium molybdate

    210 mmol/L

    650 mmol/L

    Standard Phosphorus 5 mg/dl

    Preparation and stability of working reagent

    The reagent is ready for use


    Wavelength 340 nm

    Temperature 37°C

    Cuvette 1 cm light path

  • 37

    Reading against reagent blank was done

    Blank Standard Sample


    Distilled water



    1 ml




    1 ml




    1 ml




    Mixing and reading the optical density (OD) after a 5 minute incubation was done.

    The final color is stable for at least 1 hour.


    OD Sample

    X n =sample phosphorus concentration (mg/dl)

    OD Standard

    n = standard phosphorus concentration

  • 38

    3.9 Statistical analysis

    Data were computer analyzed using SPSS/ PC (Statistical Package for the Social

    Science Inc. Chicago, Illinois USA, version 18.0) statistical package.

    Simple distribution of the study variables and the cross tabulation were


    Chi-square (2) was used to identify the significance of the relations,

    associations, and interactions among various variables. Yates’s continuity

    correction test, 2 (corrected), was used when not more than 20% of the cells had

    an expected frequency of less than five and when the expected numbers were


    The independent sample t-test procedure was used to compare means of

    quantitative variables by the separated cases into two qualitative groups such

    as the relationship between cases and controls vitamin D.

    Pearson's correlation test was applied.

    The results in all the above mentioned procedures were accepted as statistical

    significant when the p-value was less than 5% (p

  • 39

    Chapter 4


    4.1 Personal profile of the study population

    Table 4.1 summarizes personal profile of the study population. The study included 44

    cases (22 males and 22 females) and 44 controls (22 males and 22 females). Age

    classification showed that 8 (18.2%) cases and 10 (22.7%) controls were

  • 41

    Table 4.1 Personal profile of the study population

    Personal character Cases (n=44) Controls


    Test p- value

    No. % No. %

    Age (Year)

    0.05:not Significant.

    4.2 Socioeconomic data of the study population

    Table 4.2 provides socioeconomic data of the study population. The employed cases

    and controls were 18 (40.9%) and 12 (27.3%) whereas 26 (59.1%) cases and 32

    (72.7%) controls were unemployed. The difference between the two groups was not

    significant (2=1.821, P=0.177). Regarding family income\month, none significant

    difference was also recorded between cases and controls (2 (corrected)


    P=0.445). However, family history of diabetes revealed that 36 (81.8%) cases and 20

    (45.5%) controls reported that they have family history of diabetes whereas 8 (18.2%)

    cases and 24 (54.5%) controls have not (2=12.571, P=0.000), indicating that family

    history is associated with type 1 diabetes.

  • 41

    Table 4.2 Socioeconomic data of the study population

    Socioeconomic data Cases (n=44) Controls


    2 p- value

    No. % No. %














    Family income/month (NIS)**
















    Family history of diabetes













    Table 4. 1

    *P-value of 2 (corrected) test.

    ** NIS: new Israeli Shekels.

    P0.05:not significant.

    4.3 Frequent testing of blood glucose level, diet and physical

    activity among the study population

    Frequent testing of blood glucose level, diet and physical activity among the study

    population are presented in Table 4.3. Thirty eight (86.4%) cases and 8 (18.2%)

    controls reported that they had frequent testing of blood glucose level whereas 6

    (13.6%) cases and 36 (81.8%) had not. The difference between the two groups was

    significant (2=40.994, P=0.000). Concerning diet, 27 (61.4%) cases and 10 (22.7%)

    controls were on diet whereas their counterparts of 17 (38.6%) and 34 (77.3%) were

    not (2=12.512, P=0.000). Although the number of cases 14 (31.8%) doing physical

    activity was lower than controls 21 (47.7%), the difference between the two groups

    was not significant (2=2.325, P=0.127).

  • 42

    Table 4.3 Frequent testing of blood glucose level, diet and physical activity among the

    study population

    Item Cases (n=44) Controls


    2 p- value

    No. % No. %

    Frequent testing of blood

    glucose level


























    Physical activity













    P0.05:not significant.

    4.4 Duration of diabetes and self-reported complications

    among cases

    Table 4.4 shows duration of diabetes and self-reported complications among cases.

    Diabetic patients with diabetes since less than 7 years were 23 (54.7%), whereas those

    with diabetic duration of 7-14 years were 11 (26.2%). The rest of patients 8 (19.1%)

    had diabetes for more than 14 years. The mean duration of diabetes was found to be

    9.1±7.0 years with the range of 1-32 years. The only self-reported complication

    among cases was retinopathy 2 (4.5%). However, no complications were reported

    among controls.

    Table 4.4 Duration of diabetes and self-reported complications among cases (n=44).

    Item No. %

    Duration of diabetes (Year)








    Mean duration of diabetes±SD (Year)

    Range (min-max)










  • 43

    4.5 Insulin therapy among cases

    Table 4.5 indicates insulin therapy among cases. Six (13.6%), 28 (63.6%) and 10

    (22.7%) cases received one, two and three doses of insulin/day, respectively with

    mean±SD of 2.1±0.6 The mean insulin dose/day was 49.4±20.5

    with range of 8-120.

    Table 4.5 Insulin injection among cases




    No. %

    Insulin injection/day

    One dose

    Two doses

    Three doses







    Mean±SD 2.1±0.6

    Dose (


    Range (min-max)



    4.6 Body mass index of the study population

    Body mass index (BMI) of the study population is illustrated in Table 4.6. The mean

    weight of cases was 71.3±16.1 kg compared to 68.8±14.1 kg of controls. The weight

    difference between cases and controls was not significant (t=0.754 and P=0.453) with

    % difference=3.6 higher in cases. Similarly, there was no significant difference in the

    mean height of cases compared to controls (1.66±0.12 versus 1.68±0.10 m, %

    difference=1.2, t=0.754 and P=0.453). Therefore, BMI of cases was relatively higher

    than that of controls, without significant change (26.0±5.7 versus 24.3±4.2, %

    difference=6.8, t=1.596 and P=0.114).

  • 44

    Table 4.6 Body mass index of the study population.



    Case (n=44)

    mean± SD



    mean± SD



    t P-


    Weight (kg)*

    Range (min-max)





    3.6 0.754 0.453

    Height (m)**

    Range (min-max)





    1.2 0.754 0.453


    Range (min-max)





    6.8 1.596 0.114

    *Kg: kilogram, ** m: meter. ***BMI: Body mass index: People with BMI=18.5-24.9 were considered

    to have normal weight and people with BMI=25.0-29.9 were classified overweight (WHO, 2012).

    P>0.05: not significant.

    4.7 Serum vitamin D levels of the study population

    Table 4.7 and figure 4.1 show the mean serum vitamin D levels of the study

    population. The mean level of vitamin D was significantly lower in cases compared to

    controls (34.1±19.1 versus 43.9±16.9 ng/dl, % difference=25.1%, t=2.584 and


    Table 4.7 Serum vitamin D levels of the study population

    Parameter Case (n=44)


    Control (n=44)




    t P-


    Vitamin D (ng/dl)

    Range (min-max)





    25.1 2.584 0.012


  • 45

    4.8 Categories of serum vitamin D levels of the study


    As illustrated in Table 4.8 and figure 4.2 serum vitamin D levels of the study

    population were classified into 3 different categories: deficient (30 ng/dl). The number of cases having

    vitamin D deficient, insufficient and sufficient were 5 (11.4%), 20 (45.5%) and 19

    (43.2%), respectively compared to controls of 0 (0.0%), 13 (29.5%) and 31 (70.5%),

    respectively with 2

    =6.711 and P=0.035.

    Table 4.8 Different categories of serum vitamin D levels of the study population

    Vitamin D Case




    2 P-


    No. % No %

    Deficient (30 ng/dl) 19 43.2 31 70.5

    *P-value of 2 (corrected) test, P

  • 46

    4.9 Whole blood HbA1c, serum glucose and insulin levels of

    the study population

    As indicated in Table 4.9, the mean level of whole blood HbA1c was significantly

    higher in cases than that in controls (7.7±1.8 versus 5.9±1.2%, % difference= 26.5,

    t=5.863 and P=0.000). Serum glucose level was significantly elevated in cases

    compared to controls (212.2±101.2 versus 75.0±14.4 mg/dl, % difference= 95.5,

    t=7.097 and P=0.000). In addition, serum insulin level was also significantly higher

    in cases versus controls (23.4±16.4 versus 13.0±12.9 lU/ml,% difference= 57.1,

    t=3.311 and P=0.001).









    Defficient(30 ng/dl)


    20 19






    D le


    l (n



    Figure 4.2 Different categories of serum vitamin D levels of cases (n=44) and controls (n=44)

  • 47

    Table 4.9 Whole blood glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum glucose and insulin

    levels of the study population

    Parameter Case








    t P-value

    HbA1c (%)

    Range (min-max)





    26.5 5.863 0.000

    glucose (mg/dl)

    Range (min-max)





    95.5 7.097 0.000

    Insulin (lU/ml)

    Range (min-max)





    57.1 3.311 0.001


  • 48

    Table 4.10 lipid profile of the study population

    Lipid profile


    Case (n=44)







    t P-



    Range (min-max)





    25.2 5.318 0.000


    Range (min-max)





    40.7 3.916 0.000

    HDL-C *

    Range (min-max)





    -1.1 0.149 0.882


    Range (min-max)





    44.1 3.770 0.000

    *HDL-C: High density lipoprotein cholesterol, **LDL-C: Low density lipoprotein cholesterol.

    P0.05:not significant.

    4.11 Alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity of the study


    Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of the study population is pointed out in

    Table 4.11. There was a significant increase in ALP activity in cases compared to

    controls (164.2±129.6 versus 116.6±42.5 U/L, % difference=33.9%, t=2.317 and


    Table 4.11 Serum alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP) of the study population

    Enzyme Case (n=44)


    Control (n=44)




    t P-


    ALP (U/L)

    Range (min-max)





    33.9 2.317 0.023


  • 49

    4.12 Serum calcium and phosphorus of the study population

    Table 4.12 shows serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations of the study

    population. Serum calcium was significantly decreased in cases compared to controls

    (9.04±0.41 versus 9.38±0.56 mg/dl), recording % difference of 3.7, t=2.293 and

    P=0.024. On the other hand, serum phosphorus concentration showed no significant

    difference between cases and controls (4.32±1.14 versus 4.21±0.91, % difference=2.6,

    t=0.441, P=0.659).

    Table 4.12 Serum calcium and phosphorus concentration of the study population

    Electrolyte (mg/dl)

    Case (n=44)







    t P-



    Range (min-max)





    3.7 2.293 0.024


    Range (min-max)





    2.6 0.441 0.659

    P0.05: not significant.

    4.13 Relations of vitamin D

    4.13.1 Vitamin D level in relation to family history of diabetes, diet

    and physical activity among the study population