the issue: assessment… the student or the student learning outcome? do we need to assess? the...

Adapted Physical Education Assessment The Issue: Assessment… the student or the student learning outcome? Do we need to assess? West Chester University KIN 587 Rebecca Vineyard v=4OMZ8Dg85h4

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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  • The Issue: Assessment the student or the student learning outcome? Do we need to assess? The Issue: Assessment the student or the student learning outcome? Do we need to assess? West Chester University KIN 587 Rebecca Vineyard
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  • Objectives Understanding a Student Learning Outcome Understanding how to assess a Student Learning Outcome Make a decision on should we assess the student or the Student Learning Outcome Is there a better way to assess the students learning?
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  • California Community Colleges Adapted Physical Education Handbook Defines California College Adapted Physical Education The History of Adapted Physical Education Models of Adapted Physical Education Curriculum Instructional consideration Instructional Delivery The intake process Student recruitment Facilities Equipment Safety Funding
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  • Curriculum What clearly sets adapted physical education apart from non-adapted physical education is that assumptions about students cannot be made. Adapted physical education should have the ability to provide personalized assessment, exercise programming, and instruction designed to address the educational/functional limitations of a student. Adapted physical education courses outlines should have broad and flexible outcome expectations and goals since the specific circumstances and educational/functional limitations of students with disabilities are unknown until they enroll and meet with the instructor.
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  • Student Education Contract The important elements of this contract: Present Levels of Performance Goals Objectives Activities to Achieve Goal Outcomes for the two most important Goals. Goal #1 Goal #2
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  • Assessment Practices
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  • What is a SLO? A student learning objective (SLO) is a statement that specifies what students will know, be able to do, or value when they complete a program. Each student learning outcome is directly drawn from the programs learning goals. A student learning outcome consists of three elements an opening phrase, an action word and a learning statement. Students will be able to recite a list of values from weight training techniques learned during the semester.
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  • Course Syllabus KINE 065- Adapted Physical Activity Course Description: This course is for students with disabilities and emphasizes the development of an individualized weight training and fitness program. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successfully completing this course students will: 1. Develop an appropriate weight training program which reflects an understanding of their individual capabilities and needs. 2. Demonstrate improvements in level of performance in strength, flexibility, endurance, balance and coordination. 3. Cite the long term effects benefits of a weight training program on the quality of their life.
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  • General Assessment Report-Page 1 This is a General Education Assessment Report. This report if filled out by the instructor whos class has been chosen to be assessed by their division. This process is a two-semester task. Portions of the assessment report are filled out each semester. We will consider each portion and how and when to fill it out for our adapted weight training class.
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  • General Assessment Report-Page 2
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  • General Assessment Report
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  • Student Learning Outcomes This is where the problem comes in. 32 percent of the students in the class did not complete their stated goals. Do we change the student learning outcome so everyone can succeed? Do we need goals for students? Isnt it enough to assess the student on their effort? Did they dress for PE? Did they come to class each day? Did they put in the effort needed to learn about weight training? OR
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  • Assessment Ideas Do we use a proficiency grid such as is used in grades K- 12? Advanced Proficient - 4Proficient - 3Partially Proficient - 2Not Proficient - 1 Movement Skills, Physical Activity and Physical Fitness Standard 1 and Standard 3 Student clearly and consistently demonstrates all critical elements of the skill. Developing consistently and independently. Student usually demonstrates critical elements of the skill. Developing with moderate teacher or peer support. Student sometimes demonstrates some critical elements of the skill. Needs more time to develop or requires considerable teacher guidance. Student demonstrates minimal or no critical elements of the skill. Movements are inconsistent and unreliable. Movement Concepts and Physical Fitness Cognitive Concepts - Standard 2 and Standard 4 Student clearly and consistently demonstrates concept knowledge. Student demonstrates evidence of concept knowledge. Student demonstrates some evidence of concept knowledge. Student demonstrates little or no evidence of concept knowledge. Personal and Social Responsibility Standard 5 Student exhibits behaviors that are focused on the task, works continually without intervention by the teacher, and is helpful to classmates as needed. Student exhibits behaviors that are focused on the task and works continually without intervention by the teacher. At times the student exhibits behaviors that are off-task. Needs frequent reminders to stay focused on his or her work. Student exhibits behaviors that prevent him or her from learning.
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  • Assessment Ideas Students Projects Individually or in small groups the students create new movement strategies from skills they have learned in class. The teacher poses a "problem" such as a description of players in a football game and asks students to create a play strategy. Another example is to have students create a gymnastics routine based on a series of required skills. Even if the student is not agile or cannot perform the movement(s) well, this assessment tool determines the student's knowledge of what was taught.
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  • Assessment Ideas Student Portfolios A portfolio is a collection of students' work during a set period. This assessment tool allows students to be involved in the process as they determine for themselves what to include in the portfolio. The focus or theme of the portfolio, as well as criteria, must be clearly defined before the students begin to assemble their materials.
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  • Assessment Ideas Student Journals Students express their personal understanding of skills learned in class. This assessment tool also helps students to see the meaning of what they learn in PE to their lives outside of the classroom. Teachers interact with the student journals throughout the term. Journals can include structure assignments to help define the grading criteria. For example, the teacher may require students to include specific entries such as an improvement plan, study notes, analysis of problems and challenges.
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  • Assessment Ideas Teacher Observation This tool is a good example of informal assessment that is embedded in the teaching. It is absolutely necessary, however, for the teacher to have specific criteria for all judgments and to record the observations on a set form. The teacher should also provide feedback to the students on a regular basis and continue the observations over a prolonged period to determine progress.
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  • Assessment Ideas Student Self-Assessments This assessment tool can be combined with student journals, or used as an independent tool. Involve the students in setting personal goals and creating personalized action plans. Then have the students keep track of their daily, weekly and monthly progress on a set form. The teacher combines this with their own observations and follows through with assessment conferences in which the student adapts the plan of action to foster self-improvement.
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  • Whats going on in the Industry? Effects of Grading on Achievement in College Physical Education Rifle Class (3 grading groups) 100% participation 100% skill 50% participation and 50 % skill Participation class showed erratic score s
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  • Whats going on in the Industry? Stress Test 2 bowling classes 1 class no grade pass/fail 1 class- graded Conclusion Students in the grading group averaged 4.95 pins higher than non-graded group
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  • Whats going on in the Industry? PE Central-Central Washington University Why Assess in PE? Authors Stephen Jefferies and Toni Jefferies write an article about why we need or want to assess in Physical Education. Parents? Educators? Students?
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  • Lets try a test subject Gary is a 24 year old man. He has Cerebral Palsy which effects his left side. Movement is jerky with his left hand and left leg. He uses a cane as an aid in walking. He has joined our adapted weight training class. Pretest-Post Test Bicep curls 25 lbs 35 lbs Leg Press150 lbs130 lbs Leg extensions60 lbs50 lbs Treadmill walking1 mile2 miles Flexibility10 minutes15 minutes
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  • Final Thoughts What are your current thoughts of assessing an adapted Physical Education Student after reading this presentation? Does this differ from your original opinion of assessment of Adapted Physical Education? What method do you currently use? Why did you choose this method? What methods have you used in the past and list one or two that you have used that did not work well for you. Why did they not work well for you? What do your students think about the grading practices you use?
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  • Works Cited Jefferies, S., Jefferies, T., & Mustain, W. "Why assess in PE?". PE Central. 16 Apr. 1997. Online. Long Beach Unified School District. (2010). Curriculum: Physical education k-12. Retrieved from ment.cfm Mao, Y., & Zakrajsek, D. (2010). Effects on grading on achievement in college physical education. Physical Educator, 50(4), 201. doi: 9411283732