(the italian language)

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  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    Content1-History of Italian

    1-a. Origins

    1-b. Development

    1-c. Modern Italian

    2-Dialects of Italian

    2-a. Influence and Derived Languages

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    Content3- Geograhic Distribution

    4- Italian Language Education

    5- Italian as a lingua Franca6- The Words from Italian Origin

    7- Cognates in Italian

    8- English Language in Italy

    Sources and Links

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    1-History of Italian1-a.Origins

    Derived from Latin

    Italian has the closest resemblance to Latin.Italian is spoken commonly in the Italian

    peninsula, Southern Switzerland, SanMarino, Sicily, Corsica, Northern

    Sardinia, and on the northeastern shore ofthe Adriatic Sea and also in North andSouth America.

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    1-a. OriginsItalian resembles to Latin and Spanish very

    much in terms of phonetic.

    We can find definite and indefinite definitionsand also two genders( masculine andfeminine) in Italian.

    Its most important difference from the French

    and Spanish is taking suffixes in differentsituations.

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    1-b. DevelopmentWith the evolution of Italian, many dialects


    The earliest popular Italian documents,produced in the 10th century, are dialectal.

    During the 14th century the Tuscan dialectbegan to predominate.

    Tuscan is most related to classical Latin of allthe Italian dialects in morphology andphonology.

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    1-c. Modern ItalianBeginning with the 19th century, the language

    spoken by educated Tuscans(the writers of theMiddle-ages and the Renaissance) started to become

    the language of a new nation.With mandatory schooling, the literacy rate

    increased, and many speakers abandoned theirnative dialect in favor of the national language.

    The country's parliament voted to add "The Italianlanguage is the official language of the Republic" tothe constitution in 2007.

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    2- Dialects of ItalianDialects of Italian are regional varieties therefore

    we can say Regional Italian, with features of allsorts, mostly phonological and lexical.

    The traditional speech of Tuscany is viewed asthe collection of Dialects of Italy. The Italianlegislation recognizes only two as properlanguages: Friluian and Sardinian. In fact,

    their regions are recognized with a politicalstatus than linguistic one.

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    2-a. Influenced and Derived

    LanguagesFrom the late 19th to the mid 20th century,

    thousands of Italians settled in Argentina,Uruguay and southern Brazil, where theyformed a very strong physical and culturalpresence.

    An example is Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,

    where Talian is used.Another example is Cocoliche, an Italian-

    Spanish international language once spokenin Argentina.

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    3- Geographic DisributionThe total speakers of Italian are between 60 and 70

    million as a mother language. The speakers who useItalian as a second or cultural language are estimated

    at around 110-120 million.Italian is the official language ofItaly and San

    Marino and one of the official languages ofSwitzerland.

    Italian and Italian dialects are widely used by Italianimmigrants and many of their descendants livingthroughout Western Europe.

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    4- Italian Language

    EducationItalian is commonly taught in many schools

    around the world, but rarely as the firstforeign language. Actually, Italian is the fourthor fifth most taught foreign language in theworld.

    In the European Union, Italian is spoken as a

    mother tongue by 13% of the population(64 million, mainly in Italy itself) and as asecond language by 3% (14 million).

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    5- Italian as a Lingua

    FrancaIn late medieval times, Italian language

    variants became the primary commerciallanguage in much of Europe and theMediterranean Sea. This was improved duringthe Renaissance with the strength of Italianand the rise ofhumanism in the arts.

    The Grand Tour has a primary effect on itsspreading.

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    6- The Words from Italian

    OriginThere are some English words from Italian origin:

    finale from finale

    serenade from serenatacoffee from caff

    Madonna from madonna, ="my lady"

    carpet from carpita

    balcony from balconepilot frompilota

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    7- Cognates in ItalianTrue cognates in Italian:

    dizionario dictionaryfarmacia pharmacy

    intelligente intelligentmercato marketmuseo museumnecessario necessaryoceano oceanonesto honeststazione stationteatro theater

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    7- Cognates in ItalianFlase cognates in Italian:

    camera room (NOT a device for taking photographs)candido clean, spotless, innocent (NOT candid)

    crudo uncooked (NOT crude)fastidio annoyance, boredom (NOT fastidious)genitori parents (NOT genitals)libreria bookstore (NOT library)magazzino store, warehouse (NOT magazine)

    parente relative (NOT parent)

  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    Sources and LinksAnaBritannica 12 Italyanca p. 166Jessner U. (2006) Linguistic Awareness in Multilinguals: English

    as a Third Language Multilingualism with English p. 7 EdinburghUniversity Press





  • 8/14/2019 (the Italian Language)


    thank you