the janazah: funeral prayer & burial in islam

THE JANAZAH: FUNERAL PRAYER & BURIAL IN ISLAM “Pray Before They Pray Your Funeral Prayer” By: Tariq Mahmood Nishter Al-Naqshbandi B.Sc. Hon. MBA. PGCE.

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This is my latest publication which I completed on 13.4.08. Alhamdulillah!


Page 1: The Janazah: Funeral Prayer & Burial In Islam



“Pray Before They Pray Your Funeral Prayer”

By: Tariq Mahmood Nishter Al-Naqshbandi B.Sc. Hon. MBA. PGCE.


59 Shirley Road Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF23 5HL, Wales, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 029-20497506 - Email: [email protected]

Page 2: The Janazah: Funeral Prayer & Burial In Islam


(1)This book is dedicated to all those Awliyaa of Islam and Pious Scholars who committed their lives for the

propagation of Islam

(2) My Father, for the great inspiration he hasgiven me to learn the Deen, Al-Islam & to work for its Da'wa:

Hadhrat Allama Maulana Abu Al-Mahmood Nishter

Sahib Chishti M.A. (Arabic Punjab)~ Former Imam & Khateeb of Jamia Masjid Hanafia, Bradford (UK) ~

~ Presently Chief Imam & Khateeb at Jamia Masjid Madina, Cardiff, Wales (UK) ~

(3) My Third Dedication Goes to My Spiritual Teacher :

Hadhrat Maulana Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani

Al-Naqshbandi Al-Qubrusi~ The Present Master of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order ~


Page 3: The Janazah: Funeral Prayer & Burial In Islam

© Copyright 2008 – Tariq Mahmood Nishter/Imam Ahmad Raza Institute International

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by means of electronic, mechanical,

photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner or publishers.

Published By:

Imam Ahmad Raza Institute International59 Shirley Road Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF23 5HL, Wales,

United Kingdom. Tel: +44 029-20497506 Email: [email protected]


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1. Contents 4

2. Preface 5

3. Introduction 6

4. The Dying Person – ‘Al-Muhtadar’ 7

5. Washing the Dead Body – ‘Al-Ghusl’: 8-9 The Place of Ghusl 8 The Method of Ghusl 8-9

6. Shrouding the Deceased – ‘Al-Kafn’: 9-12 Kafn for a Male 9 Kafn for a Female 9 How to Shroud a Male 10 How to Shroud a Female 11-12

7. The Funeral Prayer – ‘Salatul Janazah’: 13-16 How to Pray Salatul Janazah 15 Dua for an Adult Male/Female 15 Dua for a Boy 15 Dua for a Girl 15 After the Janazah Salah 16

8. The Burial – ‘Al-Dafn’: 16-17 Al-Dafn 16 Prayers Recited at Burial 16-17

9. Visiting the Muslim Cemetery 18 After the Burial 18

10. Bibliography & Further Reading 19

11. Introduction to the Imam Ahmad Raza Institute International 20


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12. The Author 21


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Beloved, the Final Prophet, Our Master Sayyiduna Muhammad, upon whom be eternal and exalted blessings, and on his Family and on his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all.

I pay my infinite praise and thanks to Allah Subhaanahu wa taala (SWT), Who has blessed me with the great opportunity to write this book on Janazah – Funeral and Burial in Islam. This book is an addition to the literature available on this subject. It is not intended to be a detailed guide to Janazah, but covers the major aspects of the Funeral Prayer and Burial in Islam. The Author intends to write a special treatise on the subject of ‘The Conditions (Ahwaal) of the Propehts/Awliyaa & Their Answering Prayers of People’, which will be published later, Insha Allah.

I thank Mr M.N. Salie for the use of charts from his book ‘A Basic Guide to Janazah’.

May Allah SWT accept this humble effort in the service of His Deen, Al-Islam. May Allah shower us with His Mercy and Blessings and inculcate a profound love and respect for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), his Family and his Companions, may Allah SWT be pleased with them all. Ameen!

14 April 2008Cardiff, Wales, UK


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In The Name Of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful



According to the Islamic perspective, our life on Earth is only temporary and everybody including all living creatures have to die and extinguish according to Allah’s (Subhanahu wata a’la – Praise be to the Most High) Plan. Death (‘Mawt’ in Arabic) occurs when a person or an animal dies. The body rots and decays, whilst the spirit/soul (‘Ruh’) departs the body and goes to the World of Souls – ‘Alam-e-Arwah’. It must be born in mind that the blessed bodies of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah from Hadhrat Adam (Alaihis-Salaam – peace be upon him) to the Final Prophet and Messenger of Allah, Hadhrat Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wa sallam – peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), do not rot or decay. Their blessed bodies are preserved intact and are fresh as living beings. This is a unique protection and blessing of Allah (s.w.a.) upon His Awliyaa (Friends/Chosen Ones). The Prophets and Messengers (peace be upon them all) are always praying in their graves and are given subsistence by Allah (s.w.a.).

Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Qur’an: "Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the fire and admitted to paradise, this person is indeed successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception.” [Al-Qur’an 3:185]. “Every soul shall have the taste of death.” [Al-Qur’an 29:57].  Regarding death, an authentic Hadith (Saying) of the Holy Prophet of Allah, Rasoolullah, Hazrat Muhammad (Sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam – peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) declares: “Remember the destroyer of pleasures - death, for not a day passes upon the grave except it says ‘I am the house of remoteness; I am the house of loneliness; I am the house of soil; I am the house of worms.’ ” [Hadith Book of Tirmizi]

Similarly, it is related by Hazrat Anas (Radi Allahu Anhu, R.A. – may Allah be pleased with him), that Rasoolullah (Sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Remember death frequently, for it cleanses from sin and it detests from the world.”


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When it is known that a person in a Muslim family is about to die, his relatives and family friends should be informed to be at the bedside. They should be there to give their moral support to him and to pray for him. Those present should recite the two Articles of Faith – Kalimas: “Laa ilaaha illallahu Muhammadur-Rasoolullah” (There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) and “Ash-hadu Allah ilaaha illallahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasooluhu” (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, He is alone, He has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His Servant and Messenger). A person upon whom signs of death are visible is called a ‘Muhtadar’. If the Muhtadar can say the Kalimas easily then it is fine and good; otherwise one should not force him to recite them. Making the Muhtadar aware of the Kalimas is called ‘Talqeen’. It is imperative that the Talqeen is done before the person dies and it is based upon this Hadith of Rasoolullah (Sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam) - Hazrat Abu-Saeed Al-Khuduri (R.A.) reported that Prophet Muhammad (Sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam) said : “Help Muslims who are dying to say: ‘La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad-ur Rasoollulah’” [Muslim] When a person is about to die, his/her body should be laid on the back with the face turned towards the Qiblah (the direction of Makkah, Saudi Arabia). Those people who are present may use a pleasant scented incense stick or an air-freshener to fragrance the room where the Muhtadar is lying down.

One the Muhtadar has died, his /her eyes and mouth must be closed and the jaws tied to the head with a piece of cloth. It is also preferable to tie the legs together and to place a clean sheet or cloth over the body. When it has been confirmed that the person has died, it is recommended to recite any Prayers/ ‘Ad-iyyah (pl. of Dua)/Invocations for the deceased, e.g. “Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raajioon” (To Allah we belong and to Him is our return); to recite ‘Ayatul-Kursi’; ‘Fatihah’, etc.

Then one should announce the death of the person in the local Masaajid (Mosques) and to his/her relatives and friends, and also to make preparations for the Ghusl, Kafan, Salatul-Janazah, and the final burial, Dafn. It would also be advisable to obtain a doctor’s/hospital’s certificate of death to acknowledge the death of the person.


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Before the corpse can be brought for the Janazah Salah, it is obligatory to wash and also to shroud (clothing) it according to the Sunnah (Way) of the Holy Prophet Hadhrat Muhammad Sallalahu alaihi wa sallam. Washing is called ‘Al-Ghusl’. The Shaheed/Martyr in Islam is not washed nor shrouded, but is buried in the clothes he/she died after the performance of the Janazah Salah. There are certain restrictions in the Shariah (Islamic Law) as to who can wash the corpse. The person(s) who are to perform the Ghusl must be honest, trustworthy and have a knowledge of Al-Ghusl. A wife can wash her husband’s body whereas a husband cannot wash her wife’s body. If the deceased is a male then only males can wash him. Likewise, if the deceased is a female, then only females can wash her. If the deceased is a child then both males and females are permitted to wash. Two or more persons can do the Ghusl.

The Place of Ghusl

It is permissible to perform Ghusl in a clean room of the Masjid, dedicated for such use and for nothing else, or some other place that has been cleaned, e.g. a washing room in a funeral centre. Ideally, it would be appropriate to have a bath fitted in the Ghusl room, or a special bath-shaped platform made of aluminium, with a wooden board on the top to place the corpse, with a waste disposal pipe attached to it. Before washing the body, ensure that you have these: clean water, gloves, pieces of cloth, pieces of cotton, cotton buds, tissues, soap, waste disposal bags, lote-tree/lotus leaves (if possible), and camphor.

The Method of Ghusl

The method of Ghusl is mentioned clearly in the Hadith Book of Sahih Al-Bukhari, in the Book of Funerals (Al-Janaiz). In order to obtain guidance on the method of Ghusl, one can read the Ahadith in detail from Sahih Al-Bukhari. We have given a brief summary of it here:

1. Say: “Bismillahirrahma-nir-raheem” – “In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful.”

2. Place the body on the bath/platform and remove all clothing.3. Place a cloth over the private parts – male: from the navel to the knees;

female: from the neck to the ankles.4. Raise the head slightly so that when washing the body, bodily waste and

dirty water flows down instead of remaining in one place or covering the body.

5. Wearing gloves and/or tie your hand with a piece of cloth, press the chest to expel any waste from the stomach, and begin cleaning and washing the


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body with warm soapy water. Dispose the cloth and get a new one and tie it around your hand (repeat the process again if need be)

6. Then start was the body from the right side including the parts which are washed in Wudhu (ablution):

- Wash private parts- Wash hands up to the wrists- Clean the mouth with cotton – do not pour water into the mouth- Clean the nostrils with cotton – do not pour water into the nostrils- Wash the face from the forehead to the chin- Wash the right arm and then the left arm up to the elbows- Do Masah (wiping) of the head and of the neck- Wash both feet up to the ankles, firstly right foot then the left foot.

7. Wash the body thoroughly from the head to the feet three times – wash the front and then invert the body and wash the back (ensure washing the beard of a male).

8. When completing the washing of a female’s body, it is permitted to comb her hair and to divide them into three braids and placing them on her bosom (as in Hadith 642, Book of Funerals, Sahih Al-Bukhari).

9. Dry the body with a clean or new towel.10. Next the jaws are tied to the head with a string to prevent the lungs from

inflating and pieces of cotton are inserted into the nostrils.11. Then the body is covered completely with a clean cloth before shrouding.12. Finally, camphor is applied to the body and incense is lit to eliminate any

remaining bodily smell.

It is essential that the person(s) who perform the Ghusl should take a bath and also do the Wudhu to purify themselves.


Once the body has been washed thoroughly, it is ready to be shrouded according to a specific manner as below, which is called ‘Al-Kafan’.

Kafan for a Male

For the male, three pieces of white cotton is used. One is used to cover the private parts; the second is like an unsewn shirt with a slit at the top for the head and slits for the arms – this piece covers the body from the neck to the knees; the third is a large piece that covers the whole body from the head to the toes, and can be tied from above the head and below the feet. The larger sheets of cloth (2.d and 3 rd) should be about 7 feet long and 7 feet wide. It is possible to have the larger sheets of cloth measuring up to 8x8 feet. [See Figure 1]

Kafan for a Female


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For a female five pieces of white cotton cloth are used: one piece is wrapped around the waist to cover the private parts; another is a sleeveless unsewn shirt covering the shoulders to the feet; one piece is a head veil; and two are winding sheets, which cover the entire body. Additionally a small piece of cloth may be used to cover the private parts and to tie the upper parts of the legs. [See Figure 2]

How to Shroud a Male

First of all, the winding sheets should be spread out on top of each other. The body being covered with a sheet is then placed on top of the winding sheets lying on his back. Some perfume is then applied on to the body especially those parts, which touch the ground during Salah: the hands, forehead, nose, knees, and feet. One can place both hands of the deceased on the chest just as in Salah.

Then the edge of the top sheet is folded over the body’s right side and the remainder over the left side. The second sheet is also folded in the same manner. The third being the largest sheet is also folded in the same way. Then the three sheets are tied with strips of cloth (tying ropes) – one at the head, one under the feet, and two are tied around the body.

Diagram Showing How to Shroud a Male


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Source: Courtesy of ‘A Basic Guide to Janazah’, by M. N. Salie

How to Shroud a Female

First of all, the winding sheets should be spread out on top of each other – first: winding sheets (7 x 7 feet); second: sleeveless shirt (3 ½ x 14 feet); third: waist sheet (6 feet x 3 ½ feet); fourth: head veil (4 x 4 square white sheet); and fifth: the loin cloth is like an underwear (12 inches wide x 4 feet long). The body being covered with a sheet is then placed on top of the winding sheets lying on her back. Some perfume is then applied on to the body especially those parts, which touch the ground during Salah: the hands, forehead, nose, knees, and feet. Then place both hands of the deceased on the chest just as in Salah. Then the loin cloth is tied around the upper legs. Then the waist sheet is fastened. Next you put on the sleeveless shirt, which covers the body from the shoulders to the feet. Now you fasten the two large winding sheets by folding the edge of the top sheet over the body’s right side and the remainder over the left side. Then, the head is covered with the veil and it is wrapped around the head. Finally, the body is tied with strips of cloth (tying ropes) – one at the head, one under the feet, and two are tied around the body.

See the chart overleaf: ‘How to Shroud a Female – Female Kafn’.


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Diagram Showing How to Shroud a Female:


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Source: Courtesy of ‘A Basic Guide to Janazah’, by M. N. Salie


When a Muslim dies a Janazah Salah (Funeral Prayer) is performed before burying him/her. The Imam and a few people offer the Janazah Salah (but even one person apart from the Imam would be sufficient for fulfilling this duty). Holding a Jamaat is not required for Janazah Salah. Janazah Salah is called ‘Fardh-e-Kifaayah’, which means that some Muslims from the community should offer this prayer. If some people cannot attend the prayer, then they will be excused or free from this responsibility – ‘Bari-uz-Zimmah’. Whereas, if nobody offers the prayer, then the Muslims living in the town will be sinful in neglecting their obligatory duty. The prayer should not be offered in a Masjid unless under extreme difficulties.

Janazah Salah cannot be performed for a group of people such as: A highway robber that dies when robbing somebody A murderer A person who has committed suicide A person who has murdered his parents A person who dies whilst fighting with an Imam or Scholar of Islam A child born dead

For these people, you cannot wash their bodies or do the Janazah for them but to throw their bodies in a grave. If a ‘Shaheed’ (Martyr) has died fighting in Jihad his body will not be washed. He will be given the greatest respect by offering a proper Janazah Salah and a burial. When there a number of Martyrs (Shuhadaa), then one Janazah Salah will be sufficient for them, although separate prayers can be offered for them.

How to Pray Janazah Salah

There is no Azaan, Iqaamah, or any Rakaats, Ruku or Sujood in the Janazah Salah. First of all, the Imam and the people in the congregation should ensure that the washed body of the dead person (deceased) is present, as you cannot do the Janazah Salah without the body. The Imam should ensure that an odd number of ‘Saff’ (rows/lines) are made by the Muqtadis (people praying behind the Imam) – 3, 5, 7, etc. number of rows. It is customary and also a Sunnah to stand up in respect of the deceased, who is either being carried to the place of Janazah. The body of the deceased should be placed at the front where the Imam usually stands to lead the prayer. The Imam should stand near the deceased’s chest. The body should be placed in such a way that the head is at the right side and the feet facing to one’s left side. It is Mustahab (preferred) that the deceased’s head is turned towards the Qibla.


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When the body is present, and the Imam and his Muqtadis have made the Saff in odd numbers, then the Janazah Salaat can begin, as follows:

1. The Niyyah (intention) for the prayer is: “I intend to pray Janazah Salah with four Takbirs, Sanaa (Praise) is for Allah, Durood for Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), and Dua for the deceased, behind this Imam, I am facing the Qibla, Allahu Akbar.”

2. Then the Imam says “Allahu Akbar” aloud and folds his hands below the navel - the Muqtadis should do also say the Takbir silently and fold their hands in the proper manner.

3. Then you recite the Sanaa silently with the Imam: “Subhanak-Allah humma wabi hamdika watabaraka kasmuka wata aala jadduka wa jalla thanauka walaa ilaha ghairuk” (All Glory be to You O Allah! Praise be to You; Blessed is Your Name and Exalted is Your Majesty; there is none worthy of worship except You).

4. Next, the Imam will say the first extra Takbir “Allahu Akbar” – keeping your hands folded, you also say the Takbir.

5. Then, after the Imam’s second Takbir, you recite Durood on the Prophet (p.b.u.h.): “Allahumma salli alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammadin kamaa sallaita alaa Ibraheema wa alaa aali Ibraheema innaka hameedun majeed”

“Allahumma baarik alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa baarakta alaa Ibraheema wa alaa aali Ibraheema innaka hameedun majeed”

6. Then after the Imam’s third Takbir, you recite the Dua for the deceased – see below for the Duas for adults and children.

7. Finally, the Imam says the fourth Takbir and Salaam: “Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullai wa baraktaatuh.” (May the peace and mercy of Allah be upon you).


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This is the Dua for an adult Muslim whether a male or a female:

“Allahummagh-firli hayyinaa wa mayyitinaa wa shaahidinaa wa ghaaibinaa wa sagheerina wa kabeerinaa wa zakarinaa wa unsaanaa, Allahumma man ahyaitahu

minnaa, fa-ahyihi alal-islaam, wa man tawaffaitahu fatawaffahu alal-eemaan. Allahumma la tahrimnaa ajrahu wala taftina ba’dahu.”

O Allah! Forgive our living and our dead, our present and our absent, our young and our old, and our males and our females. O Allah! Give to those of us who are living the ability to live in the practice of Islam, and bless those from us who meet with death in a condition of Iman (faith). O Allah! Do not deprive us of his reward and do not make us fall into trial after him.


“Allahummaj-alhu lanaa faratan waj-alhu lanaa ajran wa zukhran waj-alhu lanaa shaafian wa mushaffa’a.”

(O Allah! Make him our forerunner, and make him for us a reward and a treasure, and make him for us a pleader and an intercessor, and accept his pleading.”



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“Allahummaj-alha lanaa faratan waj-alha lanaa ajran wa zukhran waj-alha lanaa shaafian wa mushaffa’ah.”

(O Allah! Make her our forerunner, and make her for us a reward and a treasure, and make her for us a pleader and an intercessor, and accept her pleading.)


Once the Janazah Salah has ended, the Saff (rows) are broken up, the Jamaat (congregation) do the Zikr of Shahadah – “Laa ilaaha illallah”, and the Imam prays with the people for the deceased. The Fatiha is recited with Surah Al-Ikhlas, for the ‘Isaal-e-Sawaab’ (i.e. sending of rewards) of the deceased. This benefits the dead person very much. The people who are present in the Janazah move nearer towards coffin containing the deceased and pay their respects by seeing the face whilst reciting Zikr. They should form a queue and walk calmly, not gossip, nor push and shove each other. After that, the relatives/friends carry the coffin on their shoulders and proceed to the Muslim cemetery for the Dafan. Where the cemetery is far away, the body may be put in a car or any other conveyance and be taken for burial. It is important for the people to walk behind the Janazah/funeral bier solemnly or by the right or left sides and not to push anyone holding the coffin.

We also convey our Ta’ziyyah (condolences, sorrow and support of comfort) to the relatives of the deceased, as it is the Sunnah of Rasoolullah (s.a.w.). However, the relatives of the deceased must not moan, wail, scream, or tear their clothes, because it is Haraam/forbidden and contrary to the Shariah.



After the performance of the Janazah Salah it is an Obligation/‘Fard-e-Kifayah’ to bury the deceased as soon as possible within three days. Muslims must not be buried in a non-Muslim cemetery

In the West it is usually difficult for Muslims to have a cemetery solely for their own community. In such a case local authorities reserve a separate piece of land in the cemetery for Muslim burials, thus providing Muslims with the opportunity to purchase their own space for graves. If there is a large cemetery used by Christians and a portion of it is allocated to Muslims, then Muslims may bury their dead there.

Normally the deceased should be buried wherever he/she died. But if the deceased had specified that he/she be buried in another location or the country of origin, then one must abide by his/her wishes.

The length of the grave/‘Qabar’ is that of the size of the body to be buried and its depth ought to be half the size of the body.

Prayers Recited At Burial


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Before putting the body into the grave it must be ensured that the body is turned to its right so that the face is in the direction of the Qibla (the direction of the Holy City of Makkah in Saudi Arabia, where the Holy Masjid Al-Haraam and the Holy Kaaba are located).

Once the grave has been dug the body is then put into the grave by the deceased’s relatives by lowering it delicately with the support of ropes or by hands and saying:

Bismillah-i wa ‘ala millat-i rasulillah.

In the name of Allah, and according to the way of the Prophet of Allah

Only a male can lower a body into a grave. A non-Muslim is not allowed to lower a Muslim’s body. Only the male relatives of a deceased female may insert her into the grave: such as her father, uncle, husband, brother, or son. After the body has been lowered, the grave can now be filled in with earth by throwing in earth from the head side with hands or a spade.

When throwing earth in to the grave first time, one should say:

Minha Khalaqna-kum

"Out of it We (i.e. Allah) created you."

When throwing earth the second time, say:

wa feeha nu'eedu-kum

"And into it We deposit you."

When throwing earth the third time:

wa min-ha nukhriju-kum laat-an ukhra

"And from it We shall take you out once again."

Now the grave can be filled in completely by those present who choose to do so in order to gain the Sawaab/reward of Allah. After the grave completely covered, it is desirable to throw three handfuls of earth into the grave. The final shape of the grave should form a convex/curved shape, that is, semi-circular. It is permitted to make a mark on the grave by placing a headstone or a wooden slate inscribed with the name of the deceased so that people can recognize the dead person. The Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam’s practice was that once he broke a branch into


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two pieces and fixed them onto the grave and said: “The punishment of the dead would be reduced so long as the branches remained green.” Flowers may be placed on the grave, as there is neither harm in it nor any prohibition on doing so. After the burial, the Imam or anyone else can make Dua/supplications for the deceased and for all the Muslims who lie buried in the cemetery.


On visiting the cemetery, our Holy Prophet Rasoolullah, Hazrat Muhammad (Sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Visit the graves, for surely visiting the graves lessens worldly love and reminds you of the Hereafter.” One can visit the cemetery on any day of the week but it is better to do so on the Yawmul-Jumu’ah/Friday.

When you enter the Muslim cemetery, it is Sunnah to say: “Assalamu alaikum yaa ahlal-quboor!” (Peace be upon you O dwellers of the graves!) or this Dua “Assalamu alaikum yaa ahlad-diyaari minal-mu’mineena wal-muslimeena wa inna inshaa-allahu bikum laahiqoona nasalul-lahu lana wa lakumul-‘aafiyah” (Peace be upon you, O you of the believers and Muslims dwelling in these abodes. Behold, if Allah Wills, we shall meet you. We beseech you of Allah safety for us and for you).

When one is in the cemetery, one should observe the sanctity of the place and walk with sobriety and not trample over any grave whether Muslim or not and not throw litter/rubbish. One should not shout, laugh or gossip about worldly matters, but rather contemplate death and remember Allah s.w.a. It is recommended to pray for all the Muslims buried in the cemetery.

Women should not attend the cemetery when men are present and they should not make a regular habit of visiting the cemetery, as forbidden by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wa sallam):“May Allah curse the women who are frequently visiting the cemetery” (Tirmizi). Women may visit the cemetery occasionally to pay their respects to their dead and to remember death and contemplate. They should wear simple and decent clothing and must not wear any make up or perfume. They should be calm and patient and not cry out loud or wail or behave in an un-Islamic way. This is also applicable to males too.

After the Burial

It is recommended that people remain at the grave for some time for giving the deceased’s soul moral support and also contemplate their lives, future and about death itself. It is Mustahab/recommended to recite the Holy Qur’an, especially reading the Fatiha, Al-Ikhlas, Surah Takasur, and Surah Yaseen, doing the Zikr of Allah (s.w.a.), and sending blessings/Salawaat on the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam).

I pay my infinite Hamd (praise) and thanks to Allahu Ta'ala, Who has blessed me with this task of writing this book. May

Allah accept this humble effort in the propagation of the


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Deen of Islam and guide all Muslims and non-Muslims to unity in Islam. Ameen!


1. Muslim World League (Makkah, S.A.): Funeral Regulations in Islam, published by Dar Al-Kitab Cairo (Eqypt) and Beirut (Lebanon).

2. Nishter, Tariq Mahmood (2004): A Muslim’s Guide to Prayer – Salah, Published by Imam Ahmad Raza Institute International, Cardiff, UK.

3. Okarvi, Maulana Muhammad Shafi (1992): Salaat (Namaaz), English Translation by M.A. Qadri, Zia-ul-Qur’an Publications, Lahore, Pakistan.

4. Qadri, Molana Muhammad Ilyas Attar: Method of Funeral Salaah (Hanafi), Maktaba-tul-Madinah (Dawat-e-Islami), Old Sabzi Mandi, Karachi, Pakistan.

5. Salie, M.N., A Basic Guide to Janazah.

6. Siddiqui Trust (1987): Death and Burial of A Muslim, Published by Siddiqui Trust, 458 Garden East, Karachi, Pakistan.


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The Author established the IMAM AHMAD RAZA INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL (IARII) in Bradford in May 1995, under the guidance of Hadhrat Allama Abu Al-Mahmood Nishter, the former Imam and Khateeb of Jamia Masjid Hanafia, Bradford (UK). This new organisation were established as a response to the religious problems created by some local and national religious organisations in the field of their so-called propagation (Isha’at/Tabligh) of Islam amongst Muslims and non-Muslims. Moreover, it was felt necessary to set up IARII as a counter to those people/organisations who distort and spread false beliefs contrary to the teachings of Islam and the doctrines and practices of the AHL AL-SUNNAH WAL JAMA'AT (the Majority Group) in Islam to Muslims and others, such as Qadianis, Bahais, and other groups. The Imam Ahmad Raza Institute International was formed in memory of the GREAT MUJADDID (Islamic Revivalist) OF THIS ERA, A'LA HAZRAT IMAM SHAH AHMAD RAZA KHAN BREILVI AL-QADRI (R.A. – born 1856, died 1921), and is a minaret of light which guides the Muslim Ummah and is vanishing the darkness of western ideologies, apostasy and atheism.

Some brief objectives of the Imam Ahmad Raza Institute International and its Youth Section are:

1. Belief in and propagation of ISLAM, by following the HOLY QUR'AN and the SUNNAH of the HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (pbuh).

2. LOVE, ASSOCIATION and VENERATION of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his Family and his Companions (may Allah be pleased with them).


4. To protect and propagate the True Beliefs of Islam (Sunni Aqida) amongst the Muslims and to carry out missionary work amongst the non-Muslim community.

5. To spread the teachings of Islam as propagated by Imam Ahmad Raza Breilvi Al-Qadri (r.a.).

6. To conduct research in the different areas of the Islamic sciences and to prepare and publish literature on the great personalities of Islam for the Muslim youth, adults and non-Muslims including newsletter/magazine, research material, books, etc.

7. The organisation of Islamic Education including: study circles, lectures, debates, conferences, camps, Zikr meetings (remembrance of Allah) and other activities.

8. To Unite Muslims according to the Principles of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah on the platform of the AHL AL-SUNNAH WAL JAMA'AH (Sunnis).

9. Organising those who are willing to strive for the establishment of an Islamic Society.

10. The formation of an Inter-faith Dialogue to facilitate better understanding of comparative religion and to foster unity and co-operation between members of different religions.


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Everyone is encouraged to participate in our work by affiliating himself or herself to the Imam Ahmad Raza Institute International. Contact this address for any correspondence:

Sahibzada Tariq Mahmood Nishter Naqshbandi, Founder & Director,IMAM AHMAD RAZA INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL,

59 Shirley Road Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF23 5HL, Wales, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 029-20497506 - Email: [email protected]


Tariq Mahmood Nishter, the son of Allama Abul-Mahmood Nishter Sahib (a renown Alim – scholar), was born in Pakistan in 1967 and settled in the UK with his parents in 1974. He graduated from the University of Hull with honours in Business Management and received an MBA in Business Administration and also the PGCE (FE), a post-graduate teaching qualification, both from the University of Wales. The Author has studied some traditional seminary religious books from his father. Over the years since 1984, the Author has been very active in Islam work, studying Islam and comparative religion, doing Da’wah - talking to non-Muslims about Islam, holding exhibitions at the libraries and Islamic programmes at Mosques, writing Islamic literature, working as an Imam/Teacher in some Islamic organisations and also in the British Civil Service in the HMPS.

The Author’s literary works include the following (most of them are yet to be published):

Milad-un-Nabi (s.a.w.) – Birth Celebration of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) References From The Scriptures of Major Religions About the Coming of Prophet

Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) Jesus (p.b.u.h.) – A Prophet of Islam The Status of An Imam A Muslim’s Guide to Prayer – Salah Fasting In Islam Aids - An Islamic Perspective (first published by the Author in 1988)

The Author has written numerous articles and pamphlets on numerous topics for children and adults, all may be obtained by post from the contact address.