the javascript programming language

Mohammed Irfan

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Page 1: The JavaScript Programming Language

Mohammed Irfan

Page 2: The JavaScript Programming Language

JavaScript is a stripped down version of Java

JavaScript does not exist outside browsers

JavaScript is inconsistent and buggy

JavaScript is not object-orientated

Page 3: The JavaScript Programming Language

Birth of Mocha, then rename to LiveScript

Netscape and Sun collaboration for Java in browsers;

LiveScript gets renamed to JavaScript

IE team reverse engineers JavaScript to JScript

Browser war begins

Standardization of JavaScript at ECMA; ECMAScript becomes the official name

Rise of Ajax

JavaScript libraries emerge

ECMAScript 5

Page 4: The JavaScript Programming Language

Semicolon insertion

typeof and instanceof

with and eval

== and !=


Page 5: The JavaScript Programming Language

Loose Typing

Dynamic Objects

Object / Array Literals

Functions / Lambdas

Page 6: The JavaScript Programming Language


prototypal inheritance

dynamic objects



loose typing





regular expressions

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Page 8: The JavaScript Programming Language




Object Function






Page 9: The JavaScript Programming Language

Only one number type

No integers

64-bit floating point IEEE-754 (aka “Double”)

Numbers are Objects

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(a + b) + c === a + (b + c)

Produces false for some values of a, b, c.

Integers under 9007199254740992 (9

quadrillion) are ok.

9007199254740992 === 9007199254740992 + 1

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a = 0.1;

b = 0.2;

c = 0.3;

(a + b) + c === a + (b + c)

> false

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Special number: Not a Number

Result of undefined or erroneous operations

Toxic: any arithmetic operation with NaN as an

input will have NaN as a result

NaN is not equal to anything, including NaN

NaN === NaN is false

NaN !== NaN is true

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A sequence of 0 or more 16-bit Unicode


No separate character type

Characters are represented as strings with length

of 1

Strings are immutable

Similar strings are equal ( === )

String literals can use single or double quotes with

\ escapement.

Strings are Objects

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> "hello".charAt(0)


> "hello, world".replace("hello", "goodbye")

goodbye, world

> "hello".toUpperCase()


Page 15: The JavaScript Programming Language

null = deliberately no value

undefined = no value assigned yet

Variables declared but not initialized

Object/array members that don't exist

Page 16: The JavaScript Programming Language

Boolean type: true or false

Everything else is “truthy” or “falsy”

0, "", NaN, null and undefined are falsy

Everything else is truthy

Boolean operations: &&, || and !

Page 17: The JavaScript Programming Language

Simple key-value pairs, like:

HashMaps in Java

Associative arrays in PHP

Key is a string; value can be anything

Key is unique within an object

Page 18: The JavaScript Programming Language

var obj = new Object();


var obj = {};

These are semantically equivalent; the second is

called object literal syntax and is more


Page 19: The JavaScript Programming Language = "My Name"

var name =;


obj["name"] = "My Name";

var name = obj["name"];

Semantically equivalent; the second uses strings

so can be decided at run-time (and can be

used for reserved words)

Page 20: The JavaScript Programming Language

var obj = {

name: "Carrot",

"for": "Max",

details: {

color: "orange",

size: 12



> obj.details.color


> obj["details"]["size"]


Page 21: The JavaScript Programming Language

Iterate over the keys of an object:

var obj = { 'name': 'Simon', 'age': 25 };

for (var attr in obj) {

alert (attr + ' = ' + obj[attr]);


Not to be used with Arrays

Page 22: The JavaScript Programming Language

A special type of object: Keys are whole numbers, not strings.

Use [] syntax, just like objects

> var a = new Array();> a[0] = "dog";> a[1] = "cat";> a[2] = "hen“;> a.length3 No such thing as “Associative Arrays”

Page 23: The JavaScript Programming Language

More convenient notation:

> var a = ["dog", "cat", "hen"];

> a.length


var a = [10, "dog", false, "elephant"];

(you can have mixed content in arrays)

Page 24: The JavaScript Programming Language

> var a = ["dog", "cat", "hen"];

> a[100] = "fox";

> a.length


typeof a[90] == 'undefined'

array.length is always one more than the highest index

The safest way to append new items is:

a[a.length] = item;

Page 25: The JavaScript Programming Language

New variables are declared using the varkeyword:

var a;

var name = "my name";

If you declare a variable without assigning it to

anything, its value is undefined.

If you forget the var, you get a global variable.

Never, ever do this – not even if you mean it.

Page 26: The JavaScript Programming Language

Global variables are visible everywhere

Blocks do not have scope

Variables defined inside blocks are hoisted to

the top and are visible outside the block

Functions have scope

Variables defined inside function are visible

throughout the function and its inner functions

Page 27: The JavaScript Programming Language

var a;


function F() {

var b;


function N() {

var c;




Page 28: The JavaScript Programming Language

Three different purposes of functions: as sub-routine / procedure

as lambda (a block of executable code)

as object constructor

Functions are first-class: can be assigned to a variable

can be passed as argument to any function

can be returned from any function

can be a member of any object

can be created at run time

Functions can be created inside another function

Page 29: The JavaScript Programming Language

function add(x, y) {

var total = x + y;

return total;


var add = function(x, y) {

var total = x + y;

return total;


var add = function some_func(x, y) {

var total = x + y;

return total;


If nothing is explicitly returned, return value is undefined

Page 30: The JavaScript Programming Language

Parameters: “They’re more like... Guidelines”

Missing parameters are treated as undefined:

> add()

NaN // addition on undefined

You can pass in more arguments than


> add(2, 3, 4)

5 // added the first two; 4 was ignored

Page 31: The JavaScript Programming Language

The arguments special variable provides access to arguments as an array-like object

function add() {

var sum = 0;

for (var i = 0, j = arguments.length; i < j; i++) {

sum += arguments[i];


return sum;


> add(2, 3, 4, 5)


Page 32: The JavaScript Programming Language

$('#some-id').click(function(evt) {

// do something on click event


Page 33: The JavaScript Programming Language

var add = function(x) {

return function(y) {

return x + y;



Page 34: The JavaScript Programming Language

function Person(name) { = name;

this.getName = function() {




var person = new Person("some one");


> some one