the joshua quiz questions

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  • 8/13/2019 The Joshua Quiz Questions



    The Joshua Quiz Questions

    240) According to Joshua 2:1:-21, the line of scarlet thread bound in the harlot Rahabs window

    in Jericho was:

    a) a sign to clientsb) a safeguard against slaughter

    c) a signal to attack

    d) an inconsequential decoration

    241) According to Joshua 4:1-10, the twelve (12) stones taken by the Israelites from the Jordan

    after they passed over toward Jericho:

    a) had served as stepping stones for crossing the river

    b) came from the place where the priests had stood in the dry river bed

    c) had been hurled at them by the Hittites as they forded the river

    d) were used, one by each tribe, to shatter the walls of Jericho

    242) According to Joshua 5:2-7, the Israelite children born during the forty (40) yearswandering in the wilderness crossed the Jordan:

    a) uncircumcised

    b) circumcised

    c) circumcised save for those under ten years of age

    d) perhaps circumcised, perhaps not

    243) According to Joshua 5:11-12, after crossing the Jordan, the manna:

    a) ceased

    b) continued as beforec) redoubled

    d) improved in flavor

    244) According to Joshua 6:1:-4, the total number of times the Israelites marched around the

    walls of Jericho was:

    a) two (2)

    b) seven (7)

    c) thirteen (13)d) forty-nine (49)

    245) According to Joshua 6:12-14, the second march around the walls of Jericho is reported inJoshua 6 to have been made:

    a) in silenceb) with blowing of trumpets

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    c) with shouting and blowing of trumpets

    d) in casual conversation

    246) According to Joshua 6:20, on the last march, with trumpets and shout, the walls of Jericho:

    a) exploded upward in small piecesb) fell down flat

    c) opened in seven wide breaches

    d) crumpled into hills of rubble

    247) According to Joshua 7:1-26 and 8:1-29, Joshuas second attack on Ai succeeded, when thefirst had failed, fundamentally because:

    a) Joshua was gaining skill with practice

    b) he used 30,000 men instead of 3,000 menc) he invented the ambush

    d) the Lord had been placated by the death of Achan

    Answers: 240=b; 241=b; 242=a; 243=a; 244=c; 245=b; 246=b; 247=d.

    The Joshua Quiz Questions

    248) According to Joshua 9:3-27, the inhabitants of Gibeon talked poor, and as their reward:

    a) received gifts ofgold and silver

    b) became hewers of wood and drawers of water

    c) were wiped out to the last man

    d) were loaned money at zero interest

    249) According to Joshua 10:5 and 10:11, the five kings of the Amorites had the misfortune toencounter a:

    a) hailstorm

    b) rainstorm

    c) lightening

    d) hot, sticky weather

    250) According to Joshua 15:63 and 10:28-32, the Israelites had to live with those who inhabited

    the one city from which they were unable to drive out the occupants; namely:

    a) Jerusalem

    b) Makkedahc) Libnah

    d) Lachish

    251) According to Joshua 18:1, Shiloh was the place where:
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    a) all the children of Israel assembled to set up the tabernacle when the land before them was


    b) the battle raged in which the Ephraimites defeated the Canaanitesc) the busiest river crossing of the Jordan was located

    d) lots were cast for the inheritances of Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah

    252) According to Joshua 20:4, the refugee to a city of refuge (seeNo. 194)was to be allowed


    a) unconditionally

    b) if he brought a certificate of good character from two of his fellow inhabitants

    c) if he stopped at the city gate and explained his case to the eldersd) if he offered a ram in sacrifice

    253) According to Joshua 22:10-34, the huge altar built by the Reubenites, the Gadites, and thehalf-tribe of Manasseh almost:

    a) bankrupted themb) provoked arashof huge altars

    c) involved them in hopeless war

    d) fell down

    254) According to Joshua 24:1 and 24:26-27, the great stone at Shechem was to serve as a

    witness against the Israelites if they betrayed the covenant they made with Joshua to serve theLord, since the stone:

    a) had heard that covenant spoken

    b) bore that covenant engraved upon itc) faced in the direction of the covenanters lands

    d) covered the covenant

    255) According to Joshua 24:29 and Deuteronomy 34:7, the length of Joshuas life, compared

    with Moses was:

    a) longer

    b) shorterc) the same

    d) unknown

    Answers: 248=b; 249=a; 250=a; 251=a; 252=c; 253=c; 254=a; 255=b.

    Joshua Quiz on Chapters 1 - 8

    Number of questions 24

    Right Answers 20
  • 8/13/2019 The Joshua Quiz Questions



    Wrong Answers 4

    Unmarked questions 0

    Right Answers 83 %

    Time elapsed 00:07:38

    Date Tuesday, 20 August 113 - 11:20:19

    MARK 8/10 ( 80% )

    1 Over what river did the LORD tell Joshua to take Israel? (1:1-2)

    Correct answer

    A Euphrates

    B Jordan

    C Kidron

    D Nile

    E Tigris

    2 How did the LORD promise to be with Joshua? (1:5)

    Correct answer

    A Always

    B As He was with Moses

    C With a double portion of His Spirit

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    3 What did the LORD promise Joshua if he daily meditated on and observedall that was written in the law of the LORD? (1:6-9)

    Correct answer

    A Good Health

    B Prosperous

    C Successful

    D A & B

    E B & C

    4 Who hid the men that Joshua sent to spy out Jericho? (2:1-8)

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    Correct answer

    A Rachel

    B Rahab

    C Rebekah

    D Ruth

    E Tamar

    5 How did the spies escape from Jericho? (2:15)

    Correct answer

    A Let down by a cord through a window

    B Let down in a basket

    C Escaped under the cover of darkness

    D They escaped hidden in a cart

    E None of the above

    6 What report did the spies bring to Joshua? (2:24)Correct answer

    A It was a land flowing with milk and honey

    B The cities are walled

    C The inhabitants of the country were faint because of them

    D The inhabitants of the land were strong

    E None of the above

    7 What miracles were given to let them know that God would drive out the

    inhabitants of the land? (3:9-17)

    Correct answer

    A Jordan river turned to blood

    B The waters of Jordan piled up as an heap

    C The Israelites passed over on dry land

    D A & B

    E B & C

    8 What did they do with the twelve stones that they got from the midst of

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    Jordan? (4:1-9,19-24)

    Correct answer

    ASet up as a memorial to remind future generations that the

    LORD had dried up Jordan

    B Used as an altar to make sacrifices

    C They were put in the ark of the covenant

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    9 What was the reaction of the kings west of Jordan when they heard that the

    LORD had dried up Jordan? (5:1)Correct answer

    A Their hearts melted neither was their any spirit in them

    B They formed a league to fight against Israel

    C They surrendered to Israel

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    10 Who did Joshua circumcise at Gilgal? (5:2-9)

    Correct answer

    A Those who were born in the wilderness

    B The Gibeonites

    C Their servants

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    11 What else did Israel keep at Gilgal? (5:10)

    Wrong answer

    A The feast of tabernacles

    B The feast of unleavened bread

    C The Passover

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

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    12 When did the manna cease? (5:11-12)

    Wrong answer

    A After Joshua prayed

    B When Moses died

    C When they had eaten of the corn of the land

    D When they conquered Jericho

    E None of the above

    13 Who did Joshua encounter near Gilgal? (5:13-15)

    Correct answer

    A Balaam

    B The captain of the LORDS host

    C King Agag

    D Michael

    E None of the above

    14 How often did the Israelites march around Jericho the first six days? (6:1-


    Correct answer

    A Once every other day

    B Once each day

    C Twice a day

    D Three times a day

    E None of the above

    15 How often did they march around Jericho on the seventh day? (6:15)

    Correct answer

    A Once

    B Twice

    C Three times

    D Six times

    E Seven times

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    16 What was to be done with the silver and gold from Jericho? (6:19,24)

    Correct answer

    A Brought into the treasury of the LORD

    B Buried

    C Melted

    D Put into the ark of the covenant

    E None of the above

    17 What happened to the walls of Jericho when the Israelites shouted? (6:20)Correct answer

    A They burned

    B They cracked

    C They split wide open

    D They fell down flat

    E None of the above

    18 Who were the only inhabitants of Jericho that were spared? (6:17, 21-


    Correct answer

    A Jewish proselytes

    B Rahab and all that were with her in the house

    C The children

    D Those who threw Jezebel over the wall

    E None of the above

    19 Why did Israel send only 3000 men to fight against Ai? (7:2-9)

    Correct answer

    A It was reported that Ai was a small city

    B Gideon won a victory with just 300 men

    C Joshua wanted the others to rest after their victory at Jericho

    DJoshua wanted to show Israel that the LORD could save bymany or by few

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    E None of the above

    20 Why was Israel defeated by Ai? (7:10-13)Correct answer

    A The men from Ai were well trained in battle

    B The men from Ai had better weapons

    C The men from Ai were stronger

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    21 How did Joshua find out that Achan was the one who sinned? (7:1,14-18)

    Correct answer

    A He cast lots

    BHe made all Israel come by tribes, families, households andby man until Achan was revealed

    C It was revealed to him in a dream

    D It was revealed to him by a prophet

    E None of the above

    22 What was Achans confession? (7:19-21)

    Wrong answer

    A I have sinned against the LORD

    BWhen I saw a goodly Babylonish garment, silver, and gold,

    then I coveted them

    C I took them; and hid them in my tent

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    23 What was done to Achan and his family? (7:22-26)

    Wrong answer

    A Hanged

    B Stoned

    C Burned

    D A & B

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    E B & C

    24 What military strategy did Joshua use to defeat Ai? (8:1-27)

    Correct answer

    AHe built a tower near the wall of Ai so his men could climbover the walls

    B He had battering rams knock down their walls

    C He formed a blockade around Ai so they could not get food

    DWhen the bulk of Israel pretended to flee, the ambushes that

    he set attacked Ai and set it on fire

    E None of the above

    1 How did the people of Gibeon fool Israel? (9:1-13)

    Correct answer

    A By wearing old clothes and shoes

    B By bringing moldy and dry bread

    C By pretending to be ambassadors from a far country

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    2 What did the men of Israel fail to do? (9:14-15)

    Correct answer

    A Ask counsel of the Lord

    B Interrogate them closely

    C Remember the word of the Lord

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    3 How did the LORD kill more of the attackers of Gibeon than with Israelite

    swords? (10:7-11)

    Correct answer

    A An angel of the Lord smote them

    B By sending wild beasts among them

    C With fire from heaven

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    D With hailstones

    E None of the above

    4 What other miracle occurred during the battle? (10:12-15)

    Correct answer

    A A flood came

    B The sun stood still, and the moon stayed

    C The earth quaked

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    5 What did Joshua do to the horses and chariots of Hazor? (11:1-15)

    Correct answer

    A Hamstrung their horses, and burnt their chariots with fire

    B Transported his goods

    C Used them in future battles

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    6 What kings did Moses conquer? (12:1-6)

    Correct answer

    A Agag

    B Og

    C Sihon

    D A & B

    E B & C

    7 How many kings did Joshua conquer? (12:7-24)

    Correct answer

    A Two

    B Twelve

    C Nineteen

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    D Thirty-one

    E Fifty

    8 What soothsayer did the children of Israel slay with the sword? (13:22)

    Wrong answer

    A Baalam

    B Balak

    C Elymas

    D Jambres

    E Jannes

    9 Whose children became two tribes? (14:1-5)

    Wrong answer

    A Aaron

    B Joseph

    C Judah

    D Reuben

    E Levi

    10 How did Caleb serve the LORD? (14:6-9)

    Correct answer

    A As long as Joshua was looking

    B As long as his wife supported him

    C He served the Lord but not with a perfect heart

    D He wholly followed the LORD

    E None of the above

    11 How old was Caleb when he requested the mountain where the Anakims lived?


    Wrong answer

    A 80

    B 85

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    C 100

    D 120

    E None of the above

    12 What did Caleb offer to the man who captured Kirjath-sepher? (15:16)Wrong answer

    A His daughter to wife

    B Land

    C Wealth

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    13 How did Joshua reply when the people of Joseph felt that their allotment wastoo small? (17:14-18)

    Correct answer

    A You are a great people, and have great power

    B The mountain shall be yours

    CYou shall drive out the Canaanites, though they have iron chariots,

    and though they be strong

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    14 How was it determined what land would belong to which tribes? (18:6,10)

    Wrong answer

    A By praying

    B By reading what was prophesied

    C By taking a census

    D Cast lots

    E None of the above

    15 What was given to Joshua? (19:49-51)

    Wrong answer

    A Kedesh

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    B Kirjatharba

    C Shechem

    D Shiloh

    E Timnathserah

    16 How many cities were selected to be cities of refuge? (20:1-9)Wrong answer

    A Four

    B Six

    C Twelve

    D Twenty-four

    E Forty-eight

    17 Who did Joshua send back across Jordan after doing their duty? (22:1-9)Wrong answer

    A Reubenites

    B Gadites

    C Half the tribe of Manasseh

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    18 Why did the rest of Israel want to go to war against those who went back east ofJordan? (22:11-20)

    Wrong answer

    A Because they left them

    B Because they were cowards

    CThey thought the altar they built was in rebellion against God

    turning away from Him

    D To produce a united Israel

    E None of the above

    19 What did they name the altar they built? (22:30-34)

    Wrong answer

    A Ebal

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    B Ed

    C Elbethel

    D EleloheIsrael

    E Jehovahnissi

    20 How could one of Israel chase a thousand? (23:1-11)Correct answer

    A Because the LORD fought for them

    B The men from Israel were well trained in battle

    C The men from Israel had better weapons

    D The men from Israel were stronger

    E None of the above

    21 What would happen to Israel if they intermarried with the surviving nations?


    Wrong answer

    A Israel would worship their gods

    B The LORD would no more drive out the nations

    C Their children would not be Israelites

    D All of the above

    E None of the above

    22 Who said 'As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD?' (24:15)

    Correct answer

    A Caleb

    B Joseph

    C Joshua

    D Moses

    E None of the above

    23 How long did Israel serve the LORD? (24:28-31)Correct answer

    A All the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that outlived

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    Joshua, and which had known all the works of the LORD

    B As long as their were righteous judges

    C Forty years

    D Eighty years

    E None of the above

    24 Whose bones were buried at Shechem? (24:32-33)

    Wrong answer

    A Caleb

    B Joseph

    C Joshua

    D Moses

    ENone of the


    Quiz on the book of Joshua

    What was the symbol that was to be used by

    Rahab to save her family?

    A lamb

    White dove


    Scarlet cord

    When the Israelites crossed the Jordan River,

    what went ahead of them?

    The Ark of the Covenant

    The pillar of fire

    The animals

    The altar

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    How many stones were to be taken from the

    Jordan River to be used as a memorial?





    During what feast did manna stop coming from


    Feast of First Fruits


    Feast of Trumpets

    Feast of Unleavened Bread

    What caused the Amorite kings to lose courage to

    face the Israelites?

    Defeat of other nations

    The memorial set up by the Israelites

    The Lord drying up the Jordan River so the

    Israelites crossed on dry ground


    How many times did God tell the Israelites to

    march around Jericho?





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    Who kept some of the devoted things from

    Jericho, resulting in Israel losing the battle

    against Ai?





    The men of what region deceived the Israelites

    into making a peace treaty with them?





    What did God send to kill the Amorites when

    they attacked the Gibeonites?





    What unusual event in nature occurred becauseof Joshuas request?

    Hailstones the size of baseballs

    Snow in the desert

    The sun stood still

    The apple trees grew oranges

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    How many kings did Joshua and the Israelites

    defeat to conquer the land west of the Jordan






    Which tribe could not dislodge the Jebusites?





    Which tribes did not drive out the Canaanites

    from their land?

    Judah and Simeon

    Manasseh and Ephraim

    Levi and Dan

    Reuben and Benjamin

    Which tribe received their inheritance within the

    territory of Judah?





    What do Kedesh, Shechem, and Kiriath Arba

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    have in common?

    They are people who worshipped God

    They are cities that were defeated by the


    They are people who worshipped Baal

    They are cities of refuge

    How many towns were given to the Levites to






    How many tribes lived west of the Jordan River?





    When the eastern tribes returned home, what did

    they do that made the other tribes want to go to

    war against them?

    Act in a prideful manner

    Build an altarWorship Baal

    Kill an Israelite

    How old was Joshua when he died?

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    What did Caleb promise the person who would

    attack and capture Keriath Sepher?

    Long life

    His daughters hand in marriage



    1. Whom did Joshua succeed as leader of Israel?

    Moses ... CORRECT

    Josh 1:1-2; Deut 31:1-8

    2. What was the name of Joshua's father?

    Nun ... CORRECT

    Josh 2:1

    3. To what city did Joshua send two men to spy upon?

    Jericho ... CORRECT

    Josh 2:1

    4. What was the name of the woman who hid the spies Joshua sent?

    Rahab ... CORRECT

    Josh 2:1-4 - All her family were saved from the destruction of Jericho because

    of her kindness to the spies

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    5. At what town did God stop the waters of the Jordan as the Israelites crossed

    over on dry land?

    Adam ... CORRECT

    Josh 3:16

    6. How many stones did the Israelites take from the dry river bed of the


    12 ... CORRECT

    Josh 4:2-9 - One for each of the 12 tribes.

    7. Once the Israelites had entered the Promised Land, what happened in the

    days after they had celebrated the Passover?

    God stopped providing manna ... CORRECT

    Josh 5:12 - Now they enjoyed the produce of the land.

    8. What did the captain of the Lord's host command Joshua to do?

    Take off his sandals ... CORRECT

    Josh 5:15

    9. How many priests were chosen to carry the rams' horns as they marched

    round Jericho?7 ... CORRECT

    Josh 6:4

    10. What was the name of the man who violated God's command not to

    plunder anything from Jericho?

    Achan ... CORRECT

    Josh 7:1 - Achan's sin was the cause of the defeat at Ai resulting in 36Israelites being killed in the battle.

    11. What signal did Joshua give for the army waiting in ambush behind Ai to


    Held out his spear towards Ai ... CORRECT

    Josh 8:18 - Described as a javelin in some versions

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    12. The Gibeonites tricked Joshua into making a covenant of peace, but as

    what did he make them serve the Israelites?

    Woodcutters and water-carriers ... CORRECT

    Josh 9:27

    13. What natural phenomenon helped Joshua defeat the Amorites?

    Hailstones ... CORRECT

    Josh 10:11

    14. What was the only tribe not to receive an inheritance?

    Levi ... CORRECT

    Josh 13:33 - They were given 48 cities and surrounding land for flocks, but no

    inheritance of their own.

    15. How old was Caleb (one of the original 12 spies) when he was given

    Hebron as his inheritance?

    85 ... CORRECT

    Josh 14:10 - He was forty when Moses sent him out to spy on the land and

    forty-five years had passed since that time.

    16. What tribe was given a portion of Judah as their inheritance?

    Ephraim ... INCORRECT

    (The correct answer was Simeon)

    Josh 19:9 - Judah had more land than they needed and so Simeon is entirely

    contained within Judah.

    17. What was the last tribe to be apportioned their inheritance of land?Naphtali ... INCORRECT

    (The corr ect answer was Dan)

    Josh 19:40-49 - A survey was made of the land for the last seven tribes and

    then given to them by casting lots.

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    18. What city was given to Joshua as his inheritance?

    Timnath-Serah ... CORRECT

    Josh 19:49-50

    19. For what sin were the cities of refuge created?

    Theft ... INCORRECT

    (The corr ect answer was Accidental murder)

    Josh 20:3

    20. What did the tribes east of the Jordan do to incur the wrath of those to the


    Built an altar ... CORRECT

    Josh 22:10-12 - They thought the altar was built to worship other gods and so

    were ready to go to war until they realised it had been built as a witness to the

    true God.


    Q.1) What 3 tribes were to stay east of the Jordan River?

    A. Reuben, Gad, and Asher

    B. Naphtali, Asher, and Gad

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    C. Reuben, Gad and 1/2 of Mannasseh (Your Answer)


    Q.2) What did the people say would happen to whoever rebels against Joshua?

    A. death (Your Answer)

    B. cut off

    C. forgotten


    Q.3) How many spies went to Jericho?

    A. 12

    B. 6

    C. 4

    D. 5

    E. 2 (Your Answer)


    Q.4) At whose house did they stay?

    A. Achan

    B. Zebulun

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    C. Rahab (Your Answer)

    D. Mulan


    Q.5) how far did Israel need to keep from the ark?

    A. 1010 yards

    B. 120 yards

    C. 1000 yards (Missed)

    D. more than 500 (Missed)

    E. idk


    Q.6) What stage was the jordan river in harvest time?

    A. flooding (Your Answer)

    B. rain

    C. dry

    D. idk


    Q.7) What were the 12 men to do in ch. 4?

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    A. Set up 24 stones

    B. Pray to God

    C. Try to make a treaty

    D. Set up 12 stones (Your Answer)

    E. i forget


    Q.8) What world be the answer to the question, "What do these stones mean?"

    A. why are you asking me?

    B. The flow of the red sea was cut off

    C. The flow of the Jordan was cut off (Your Answer)


    Q.9) ______________________________ men were ready to fight

    Thirty Thousand(Your Answer)

    Possible correct answers:






    Q.10) What happened at Bibeath Haaraloth?

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    A. Men were circumsised (Correct Answer)

    B. Men fought (Your Answer)

    C. women talked


    Q.11) Who acted unfaithfully in regard to the devoted things?

    A. Ai

    B. Akan

    C. Achan (Your Answer)

    D. idk


    Q.12) The men of _____ were able to route the 3000 Israelites

    Ai(Your Answer)

    Possible correct answers:




    Joshua Quiz Questions

    1. Who was Joshuas father?

    a) Aaron

    b) Nadab

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    c) Nun

    d) Jephunneh

    2. Which was Joshuas tribe?

    a) Ephraim

    b) Judahc) Benjamin

    d) Asher

    3. Who appointed Joshua his successor?

    a) Samuelb)Moses

    c) David

    d) Jacob

    4. Who hid spies sent by Joshua to Jericho?

    a) Ruthb) Tamarc) Deborah

    d) Rahab

    5. Where did Joshua have the Jews circumcised?

    a) Ramoth

    b) Gilgalc) Yarmuth

    d) Nablus

    6. Who was stoned for hiding a part of the booty he got during the conquest ofJericho?

    a) Korah

    b) Absalomc) Achan

    d) Naboth

    7. Who deceived Joshua by saying they had come from a far-off land?

    a) Amorites

    b) Gibeonitesc) Moabites

    d) Edomites

    8. Which city did Joshua give to Caleb?

    a) Hebron

    b) Bethlehemc) Jerusalem

    d) Ashdod
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    9. Where did Joshua address the Israelites for the last time?

    a) Bethel

    b) Shechemc) Hazor

    d) Carmel

    10. How many years did Joshua live?

    a) 108

    b) 124c) 110

    d) 104

    Joshua Quiz Questions and Answers

    1. Who was Joshuas father?

    c) Nun

    2. Which was Joshuas tribe?

    a) Ephraim

    3. Who appointed Joshua his successor?

    b) Moses

    4. Who hid spies sent by Joshua to Jericho?

    d) Rahab

    5. Where did Joshua have the Jews circumcised?

    b) Gilgal

    6. Who was stoned for hiding a part of the booty he got during the conquest ofJericho?

    c) Achan

    7. Who deceived Joshua by saying they had come from a far-off land?

    b) Gibeonites

    8. Which city did Joshua give to Caleb?

    a) Hebron

    9. Where did Joshua address the Israelites for the last time?

    b) Shechem

    10. How many years did Joshua live?

    c) 110

  • 8/13/2019 The Joshua Quiz Questions



    1. Which

    tribe didJoshua

    belong to?

    Correct Answer: Ephraim

    2. From whom did Joshua take over as leader of the Israelites?

    Correct Answer: Moses

    3. Which of the following regions did Joshua not manage to


    Correct Answer: Philistine

    4. Joshua was born as in a family of:

    Correct Answer: Slaves

    5. Who commands Joshua to cross the Jordan?

    Correct Answer: God

    6. Who was the first king attacked by Joshua?

    Correct Answer: Amalek

    7. Which of these Tribes were not mentioned in Joshua?

    Correct Answer: Akkarites

    8. Which religious affiliation was Joshua ? joshua

    Correct Answer: islam

  • 8/13/2019 The Joshua Quiz Questions



    9. meaning of Joshua

    Correct Answer: God is my salvation

    10. How did Israelites cross the Jordan?

    Correct Answer: walked in dry land

    11. How old was joshua when he died?

    Correct Answer: 110

    12. How many towns did the Levites get?

    Correct Answer: 48

    13. What was Rahab's occupation?

    Correct Answer: Prostitute

    14. who is the father of joshua?

    Correct Answer: Nun

    15. How many years did Joshua lead the Children of Israel after

    Moses died?

    Correct Answer: None of the above

    16. How many cities did Joshua Conquer?

    Correct Answer: 31

    17. what was the recommended distance between the Israelites

    and the ark of the covenant of the Lord.

  • 8/13/2019 The Joshua Quiz Questions


    Correct Answer: 900 metres

    18. Where did Joshua build an altar?

    Correct Answer: Ebal

    19. GOD said unto Joshua saying my servant is dead. who was his


    20. How many cities of refuge were there

    Correct Answer: 6

    21. Who ended the reign of Joshua on the Israelites?

    Correct Answer: Judges