the culver · jotnl teacheo' institute. uook nod an abece .. on the baod. ginm kre bciog...

THE CULVER LAKE MAXINKVCK.EE PERSONAL SIDE .. WEEK . POINTERS - - --- IN CULVER -- get hcr iu It printing ottice 44 )'l<llrl Some Interesting Items Concerning the Summer ou Mundtt\' wi th every or -- Brit! of Culverilr.s and Colony allake Maxinkuckee. Uttlcdltms of Local of Their Friends Who "'e're •til l boyt together. :.ll!l. 111 folio"'" fint grade, Mill to People m Town and Gone J W Higgeo• attended 11 nt L-et. Stab I, ll9; .eoood grade, Mill Country ing of tbe executive committee of W11rdeu Wilaou returned tu l n . tchoolat A11dov.,r. Mall. he Procter, :.l:.l; I bird grade, Mill c 11 vt Crook ie ublu to ).,IH'll tbe thu Spauieh war vetertUIII llt Fort di11uapoli• Saturd.-y. enjoye tbe plaoo very mu,•h. tib&'ll', 22; fourth grade, Miu - The Union Co.'1 boultl for ahort wulkl. Waynu Frid11y and returnod by ]lhjor Batu l1 back at MHU Min Huth Hubbard, wbo ia pop. Sh1ur, ::!2; tiftb g: rada, Mr. H off, 11t the depot c l011ed Jut wook . Reuben Kll luy'e 8 ;11., fmul Ro:d way of and Logau!lull from fair. ular lllllong: oottugen and wbo 21; 1iuh i!rade, Mr. Hoff, Hl; ltv- - B nldab ia Cloud . :o;ab, \iliting hiw port, brlnl(mg Lorena from Tbowu Hend rich ape11t tbl! baa enjoyed the Bt!aaou with Min eutb grade, Mr. W11lke r, 31; eighth a. clerk and bookkooper iu th., of. H ildred .\lo .. left 00 Monday ea1tle 1be baa been Yltlllllg. 'll'f!ek at tba Cof6u ooti.Age. Carolyn Coffin. Nlnrn..d to ,\\r. Walker, 20. flee of Fi•ber & Bergw&n. for ll iraw, 0 ., to enter Mre. W,oner and Mr. and Mrt, Kolbe are g ueete apolia &turday. In the high ecbooltbere are 116 - B arry Poore bit woved iuto \\'ill Eaeterday of Pl&in6eld ie Mr Mr1. \\ 11goner e.n. of Mr. 11od M .. . C. C. Per ry. Tbureday .:,.·cuing lli11 Carolyn etuden\1. The freeholiUl chua, tbo J. B . Koont'l: bouee. and C.t!J· Bt home 011 his annunl vacation. the fotlowmg named VII- Mn. J. M. 8mitb of Lefe)·etle Coffin ga•·e 11 fttr., ,.. .,IJ party for tbe Jargeet in the echool. bu :i9 taiu 1-:illlnhard hi takell the Ze. Mr. and Mn. Siduoy Urucu at. a fuw day• week: Jooua ia vieiting Mr1. Elleworth at Idle .• \l in Huth Hnbbr ml . '!'en or and the aopbomoru ;!.3. cb ie\ bon•e vacated by Poore. te nd.,d th o J 111t week \\ngontl t of i\b cbtgan, Lee Wag. den. twel1·e 'of lbe young people or the 1bc )Union, who ba1·e loat a fow Tb . 11 be b Min l':stelhl rl <>lf ie k•'<'!Jit>K onct nnd wi fo and No11b Wagoner Mr. 11ud Mrt. O radiel a re vi1it. colony were pn>a.ent ntcutl.lere, ru\.uin 21, 11m.l thtltk!niore . - "' 1 h ut.onc for bet grllt! •lfnth!!r, Heuben al .. li tH)' ;\IPUIN returned "anaJ .orl, Wagoner and Mu. F. C. Uoldt!nilh bn dtl41ed dey for tb.,ir home in ludi nnapo. cveryont:l Will temporarily -ted, mntt tl'!;arrll e .. of ]Jn'l'l• i!tJundny from 11 two l<'ccke' \' i 6 it in Mra . Matey Kobler of Roobctter. her,"' and Tlllurued to l ndi. lie Mrs. \'oorbees to tb .. etodentlg!lveattenliontoohap. ous . . UEt.JtOn. G.raodmn to Cul.ver aoapolia. apend 1be winter iu the K•et. el ooudncted by Rev. J. F. Ken- .-haac E>lgmi[tOo 11 marketmg Cllptain l::ieenhard haa gone to l'l'ltb Fred iorJdlly, maklDF!' Coey Cote baa been doted and Miller Wbite of Manh11ll. lo"·a, rich. He urged keep &'11'00\. and left Clyde, 0, lhe lome of hie parunte, tbe trtp m.the Krah und Wagom;r tbe Millilt11ne have returned to J u. ia Carl .Monlger ut the cot. up the atndyof obriatianity ae they wJtb the C1tt<ten a •ample, uauun.J. for 11 fl'w da, ·••iait. car. te \J2 yean .old .and t,b11 dianapolie. .M r. wae a clan· dt1ily mutored thei r ecbool work The crop WRI ruduood one. half tb11 Working (Poore't barber ) her tir1t IU•t?rnoblle She Mre. W. Kuho elo.ed ber oot- tnllle of Mr. l\l oui"o;•r while 111\eod- He alao eooour11ged them by add. year by the druutb . a nd bave boou vii· eujoyed trip and returned to In. ing the of Chateau dt! \.an. that if they 'll'ould "do the -T.bare IITll two Cllle. of ICt:nl.:t iting in Ke'll'annfl and t)tar City. The War Situalton. dianapelie. 1y, Gene•·a, The boya thing" by thll inatroct<'n. by fc>"Ct •u Oak, aud 1\ de&tb iu C. Cook, who hae been 'l'o to recount, CY!lu io A. Bel"t and f11m1ly beve ciOBed tbi1 'll'a!k for l.>cpnnw nai. each otber .. 11ud by 11ll •·itb wbom ?ber from d1pbthena. Tb .. OP" viaiting Mr. ancl Mr1. Ri g.:eue. f t!· the brlefcat form tbe daily bietory the cottHA:Il and have retoraed to verllty. _ they come 10 oootact would 1ug of the Bu.rr Uai ecbool ha1 hHlU!d to f ort Wnyuf' thie week of th e war 111 in the new•· Buntl'. Tbo Chadwick ll ou1e paa.ed io. lind tbumtkllvee to be wiuoere in been pottponed. Cecil Smith, Clnrouce Meuae r, ,.•ould boa taek too . Mre. lintuard of St. ar. to :-lpitlc: tbe owL ch<>pcl eutJb .\l ()yer hi- and Hex Mawhorli·r ll.'fl ou on. for 11 weekly pnpcr. Moreover, the rtved Tneeday 11t the Ell1w0rtb l11111'nday. ::; S. er bud to e; .y pcrtlllll· apprec1atton of tbu '"rv1ces of tbtl o.hy for nnhcr11ity •H rc por:l from I he oppoliog forcee cottage for a 'ilil. remain urouml Culver for a few ing to their work aod their clal.e.. Cnlver li re dtpoutmenl in 'l'iltiu, 0. 11 re tQ ooutradictory 110 one KneferTleft for Cbicago .on week a for .S11g: ioaw, Mre. McJ,aog.hlio hue of ?nt the fire in hi1 cotta""" by send . Mr aod Mre Ollie !l1kur Ill tend C!\ n t.:ll 'll'hl tbe facta really ere F:1day .. l lr . Knefer returned w•th o•lJ: h.a fHr:n.••loeated. the nututlll (bot1toy, zoo]. department 11 check for a e.\thefuueralof Mr. B except in 11 UIU.tgeuernl •·ay . The her the firll of the week. Il11 the mtenuon of Bro1 ogy end .pbye•cal and Dice lOlii . Cor<l iu , \J iehu,..-nks, fo:lowing from the Iudianapolia . Mr. and Mn. C. B. Barnaby left not. to open tbe hotlle uut1l early also L11I1U. Mr. Dar. - The ecb011l boanJ ia facing tbe Moudar. Stnr tbe eitnation 81 Saturday for Greeuca1tle. They apr1 ng. nell Will teach all the nmtbemat. prob\.,m of tu1nltideut roou1 L.ou WitwOHUl tl trip to ln . uocn rutely tltl ill pouiblu up to the expect to telurn in aturting- fr_oUl ice11nd llhJ·aicl Mr. bi"b ecbool. which comfortabl) dian"1 XJ1i1 l:1at we-ek to ,.fi it hi6<!fl(!nt tinm: Dent and fam1ly lea\'O the grute, W<>S dtecovered brcnkmg: erton tuku tbe h11tory 11nd tl bll· ,e11t1 85, hat zm enrollmeut of 1 HI , brother Clyde and to •iew thu l' ho nllio.'l 11 pparelltly have Rill· Mouduy for Chicago after epend. through the roof of Henry Meyer's cniiUral clatkl and manual The t.upoy•·re may 115 well aigbte of the C':opit nl l·ity plu fur rejoiuiu)( m·er the iog tbt! IUUJwer at the lake. cottnge oo l..on!.l; Point Jut Tbure. iug Mi'l Picker! hae re 1dy for 1111 incru:11.,.J to Jo'loyd )},,. i1. iutended to turn of Witt have lUeorge t'turingtnn aud family day morn a An tbe Enghth clueee1 and &dvzuu.•ed vrd\·ide a bnildinl( fnml enlo.or Ot!Pan'll' nut W••ek, will be kf'n in thl.' IIIII fu'll' duye. Tbe leftforTtJrruHauteafter!peoding alarm wRIIMmt&utand amou-: the in Latin .\l i11 Moll hal . ---- deln)·ed 18 11 reenlt or a boil on the Gurtnlln for<>t.'ll in end Utol- tbe llltiiOo iu the O. r1011 oot;o.l ti.-t of tbe neighboring cottage.- of the domealic tcit!nce. J ot nl Teacheo' Institute. uook nod an abece .. on the baod. ginm kre bciog back After enjoying tbe et_ the to reepond were Carl Moo igor and Tbe were tbt:ir Supt. L. E:. who it E. A. Poor baa 10lt l hi• barber thoee in the Enat 11re being bard Ha'll'a , l'ol r. aud J.\1 111. 1" . .M. Bar . Mi ller Switb, bie friend, wbo wllb work 11nd urged to prep: .re for • tii'I'R)'' aw1>ke to uny •hop in PIJ·moutb and r(llurned to w cned by tbe ew.r. 'l'be plil)ht .':ood ,returuud to Log11neport l111t .o. r. llmly "'lOOn hi pouible . move

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Page 1: THE CULVER · Jotnl Teacheo' Institute. uook nod an abece .. on the baod. ginm kre bciog driv~n back ~~ond After enjoying tbe ~eaaoo et_ the to reepond were Carl Moo igor and Tbe


=V=OL=U=ME=~XI=l.==== Reeord•r• Otri;;,-;,-;;.,::,:=,.==C=UL=VE=R=, =IND=I=AN=A=, =T=H=UR=S=D=A=Y=. =S=EP=T~E=M=B=E=R=l=7,=1=9=14=.========~====N=U=MB"=E=R=58Z

PERSONAL j ::2:.::;,;~::;~:.~:,;;~~: ·,~:?;,~'1 LAKE SIDE GLEANINGSI ~:~.:~~~ .. ~~.,0~:u:~~.~~~: ~ THE WEEK . POINTERS ~!:~:hlt;J~\I~.u ~:ltr:a~~t~;~d& ~~:: - - --- Tho~~:;~:~:~:~i:~::: :JA:Ued IN CULVER

-- gethcr iu It printing ottice 44 )'l<llrl Some Interesting Items Concerning the Summer ou Mundtt\' wi t h every prOII~t or --

Brit! M~nlion of Culverilr.s and :~:~ ;:;~~~ 0r:~reh:~~~~~n~b;r~t: Colony allake Maxinkuckee. :;:~~;e i~u~l1lt1~ee~1H:~ Uttlcdltms of Local H~ppen in~s of Their Friends Who Hav~ "'e're •til l boyt together. :.ll!l. 111 folio"'" fint grade, Mill to Peo ple m Town

Com~ and Gone J W Higgeo• attended 11 ntL-et. Stab I, ll9; .eoood grade, Mill ~o nd Country ing of tbe executive committee of W11rdeu Wilaou returned tu l n . tchoolat A11dov.,r. Mall. tb~>t he Procter, :.l:.l; I bird grade, Mill

c11 vt Crook ie ublu to ).,IH'll tbe thu Spauieh war vetertUIII llt For t di11uapoli• Saturd.-y. enjoye tbe plaoo very mu,•h. tib&'ll', 22; fourth grade, Miu - The Union Nt~"'' Co.'1 tl~>t.dt boultl for ahort wulkl. Waynu Frid 11y and returnod by ]lhjor Batu l1 back at MHU Min Huth Hubbard, wbo ia pop. Sh1ur, ::!2; tiftb g: rada, Mr. H off, 11t the depot c l011ed Jut wook .

Reuben Kll luy'e 8;11., fmul Ro:d way of ~ud.iauapolia and Logaua· !lull from t b<~etata fai r. ular lllllong: tbt~ oottugen and wbo 21; 1iuh i!rade, Mr. Hoff, Hl; ltv- - B nldab Wi~e umu ia "''o rkio ~t Cloud . :o;ab, i~ \iliting hiw port, brlnl(mg Lorena from ~.r~o. Tbowu Hend rich ape11t tbl! baa enjoyed the Bt!aaou with Min eutb grade, Mr. W11lker, 31; eighth a. clerk and bookkooper iu th., of.

H ildred .\lo .. left 00 Monday ea1tle wb~r~ 1be baa been Yltlllllg. 'll'f!ek at tba Cof6u ooti.Age. Carolyn Coffin. Nlnrn..d to ludi~tu. ~;rade, ,\\r. Walker, 20. flee of Fi•ber & Bergw&n. for ll iraw, 0 ., to enter ooll~e. Mre. F~lt:t~~be~b W,oner and Mr. and Mrt, Kolbe are g ueete apolia &turday. I n the high ecbooltbere are 116 - B arry Poore bit woved iuto

\\'ill Eaeterday of Pl&in6eld ie Mr ~nd Mr1. Fr~ \\ 11goner e.n. of Mr. 11od M ... C. C. Per ry. Tbureday .:,.·cuing lli11 Carolyn etuden\1. The freeholiUl chua, tbo J. B . Koont'l: bouee. and C.t!J· Bt home 011 his annunl vacation . ~crl.luued the fotlowmg named VII- Mn. J. M. 8mitb of Lefe)·etle Coffin ga•·e 11 fttr., ,. . .,IJ party for tbe Jargeet in the echool. bu :i9 taiu 1-:illlnhard hi takell the Ze.

Mr. and Mn. Siduoy Uruc u at. l~re a fuw day• .laH~ week: Jooua ia vieiting Mr1. Elleworth at Idle .• \ l in Huth Hnbbrml . '!'en or ~em~ere, and the aopbomoru ;!.3. cb ie\ bon•e vacated by Poore. te nd.,d tho l{oc~ut.edni r J111t week \\ngontl t of i\b cbtgan, Lee Wag. den. twel1·e 'of lbe young people or the 1bc )Union, who ba1·e loat a fow Tb .

11 be b

Min l':stelhl rl <>lf ie k•'<'!Jit>K onct nnd wi fo and No11b Wagoner Mr. 11ud Mrt. O radiel a re vi1it. colony were pn>a.ent ntcutl.lere, ru\.uin 21, 11m.l thtltk!niore . - b'e~ "'1 h ut.onc T~">:~~~ n ~.1~:" for bet grllt!•lfnth!!r , Heuben :~~~ ~:~;.n~~ L=~~··;a~~t:·0~e~: ~:~e~l re. ~gendortr al Willo~<'· A~~:\!i~~n~?~·: .. ::.o•~;1ndti::~:~ ~:1~ei 11~d:~111:b;' ~~tlw A:~:~~~ ~~o:~ll


~orOict~ ,;~Ull~~~:r:• o:c\~~~~·; M:~. li tH)' ;\IPUIN returned "anaJ.orl, Gtll l~dma Wagoner and Mu. F . C. Uoldt!nilh bn dtl41ed dey for tb.,ir home in ludinnapo. cveryont:l Will temporarily -ted, mntt re_gt•le~. tl'!;arrlle .. of ]Jn'l'l•

i!tJundny from 11 two l<'ccke' \' i6it in Mra. Matey Koble r of Roobctter. her,"' and Tlllurued to l ndi. lie Mrs. \'oorbees e~pt.'CtB to tb .. etodentlg!lveattenliontoohap. ous reg••lm,uo~•· . . UEt.JtOn. G.raodmn W11~ner ~~~~•e to Cul.ver aoapolia. apend 1be winter iu the K•et. el ooudncted by Rev. J. F. Ken- .-haac E>lgmi[tOo 11 marketmg

Cllptain l::ieenhard haa gone to l'l'ltb ~cr.aon Fred iorJdlly, maklDF!' Coey Cote baa been doted and Miller Wbite of Manh11ll. l o"·a, rich. He urged tb~popilel.o keep h~a &'11'00\. ~tnt001 and left Clyde, 0, lhe lome of hie parunte, tbe trtp m.the Krah und Wagom;r tbe Millilt11ne have returned to J u. ia viaitin~o: Carl .M onlger ut the cot. up the atndyof obriatianity ae they wJtb the C1tt<ten a •ample, uauun.J. for 11 fl'w da,·a· ••iait. car. Sh~ te \J2 yean .old .and t,b11 dianapolie. tag~. .M r. }loni~:er wae a clan· dt1ily mutored thei r ecbool work The crop WRI ruduood one. half tb11

~:arJ Working (Poore't barber) wa~ her tir1t IU•t?rnoblle rid~ . She Mre. W. Kuho elo.ed ber oot- tnllle of Mr. l\l oui"o;•r while 111\eod- He alao eooour11ged them by add. year by the druutb . a nd f~tmily bave r~,.'OOnlly boou vii· eujoyed c~ trip and returned to In. ing the 8Ch~l of Chateau dt! \.an. io~ that if they 'll'ould "do the -T.bare IITll two Cllle. of ICt:nl.:t iting in Ke'll'annfl and t)ta r City. The War Situalton. dianapelie. 1y, Gene•·a, t:i'll'it~rlaold . The boya :i~;bt thing" by th ll inatroct<'n. by fc>"Ct •u Bur~ Oak, aud 1\ de&tb iu

i\lr~- C. ~I Cook, who hae been 'l'o IIU!!mp~ to recount, CY!lu io A. Bel"t and f11m1ly beve ciOBed le111'~ tbi1 'll'a!k for l.>cpnnw nai. each otber .. 11ud by 11ll •·itb wbom ?ber from d1pbthena. Tb .. OP"U· viaiting Mr. ancl Mr1. Rig.:eue. f t!· the brlefcat form tbe daily bietory the cottHA:Il and have retoraed to verllty. _ they come 10 oootact tb~y would 1ug of the Bu.rr Uai ecbool ha1 hHlU!d to f or t Wnyuf' thie week of th e war 111 re~rto:d in the new•· T~: rre Buntl'. Tbo Chadwick ll ou1e paa.ed io. lind tbumtkllvee to be wiuoere in been tempor~~rtly pottponed.

Cecil Smith, Clnrouce Meuae r, ,.•ould boa taek too ~; rt~at . Mre. lintuard of St. r~ou i 1 ar. to tb~ ~umlB o~ t~e :-lpitlc: Br~B. tbe owL Aft~r ch<>pcl eutJb tl;!u~b- -B~n r.y .\l ()yer eJ:f,l~eued hi-and Hex Mawhorli·r ll.'fl ou ~I on. for 11 weekly pnpcr. Moreover, the rtved Tneeday 11t the Ell1w0rtb l11111'nday. ::; S. Chnd ~<·1ck ~<· til er bud tQ lll ~t lnn-: to e; .y pcrtlllll· apprec1atton of tbu '"rv1ces of tbtl o.hy for Hcid ~;!bor.; nnhcr11ity •H rc por:l from I he oppoliog forcee cottage for a 'ilil. remain urouml Culver for a few ing to their work aod their clal.e.. Cnlver li re dtpoutmenl in putliu ~e 'l' iltiu, 0 . 11 re tQ ooutradictory tba~ 110 one ~"· KneferTleft for Cbicago .on week a ~f~re lt!a>·~ng for .S11g:ioaw, Mre. Mc J,aog.hlio hue ch11r~e of ?nt the fire in hi1 cotta""" by send .

Mr aod Mre Ollie !l1kur Ill tend C!\ n t.:ll 'll'hl tbe facta really ere F:1day .. l lr. Knefer returned w•th ne~r "'ht~u o•lJ: h.a fHr:n.••loeated. the nututlll IC~encea (bot1toy, zoo]. ~~~the department 11 check for a e.\thefuueralof Mr. B 1 kE·r'•con~in. except in 11 UIU.tgeuernl • ·ay . The her the firll of the week. Il11 the mtenuon of Hp 1 tl~r Bro1 ogy end .pbye•cal i~rapby) and Dice lOlii. Cor<l ~ l u r ebou&e, iu ,\J iehu,..-nks, fo:lowing from the Iudianapolia . Mr. and Mn. C. B . Barnaby left not. to open tbe hotlle uut1l early also ~1uucra' L11I1U . Mr. Dar. - The ecb011l boanJ ia facing tbe Moudar. Stnr lnmomri<t~e tbe eitnation 81 Saturday for Greeuca1tle. They apr1 ng. nell Will teach all the nmtbemat. prob\.,m of tu1nltideut roou1 'l'ht~

L.ou WitwOHUl m~do tl trip to ln . uocn rutely tltl ill pouiblu up to the expect to telurn in Octo~r. 1-'i rt~, undonbl~"'lly aturting- fr_oUl ice11nd llhJ·aicl cln~!IC8. Mr. !?in~· bi"b ecbool. which comfortabl) d ian" 1XJ1i1 l:1at we-ek to ,.fiit hi6<!fl(!nt tinm: Goor~~:e Dent and fam1ly lea\'O the grute, W<>S dtecovered brcnkmg: erton tuku tbe h11tory 11nd tl bll· ,e11 t1 85, hat zm enrollmeut of 1 HI, brother Clyde and to •iew thu l'ho nllio.'l 11 pparelltly have Rill· Mouduy for Chicago afte r epend . throug h the roof of Henry Meyer's cni iUral clatkl and manual tr~in. The t.upoy•·re may 115 well l(t~l aigbte of the C':opitnl l·ity plu ~Janw fur rejoiuiu)( m·er the iog tbt! IUUJwer at the lake. cottnge oo l..on!.l; Point Jut Tbure. iug dt~pertmcuL. Mi'l Picker! hae re 1dy for 1111 incru:11.,.J lt!lt~Y to

Jo'loyd )},,. i1. wb~ iutended to turn lh~ rortu uct~ of Witt have lA· Ueorge t'turingtnn aud family day morn in~; a boll~!) ~j'c lock An tbe Enghth clueee1 and &dvzuu.•ed vrd\·ide a bnildinl( fnml e nlo.o r Ot!Pan'll' nut W••ek, will be kf'n in th l.' IIIII fu'll' duye. Tbe leftforTtJrruHauteafter!peoding alarm wRIIMmt&utand amou-: the e\~11 in Latin .\l i11 Moll hal . ----deln)·ed 18 11 reenlt or a boil on the Gurtnlln for<>t.'ll in Fr~~onco end Uto l- tbe llltiiOo iu the O.r1011;o.l ti.-t of tbe neighboring cottage.- ehr~~:e of the domealic tcit!nce. Jotnl Teacheo' Institute. uook nod an abece .. on the baod. ginm kre bciog driv~n back ~~ond After enjoying tbe ~eaaoo et_ the to reepond were Carl Moo igor and Tbe cl~~eaca were aui~ened tbt:ir Supt. L. E:. St~:~iueb!lcb, who it

E. A. Poor baa 10ltl hi• barber thoee in the Enat 11re being bard Ha'll'a , l'ol r. aud J.\1 111 . 1" . .M . Bar. Miller Switb, bie friend, wbo wllb work 11nd urged to for •tii'I'R)' ' aw1>ke to uny progres~ivil

•hop in PIJ·moutb and r(llurned to w cned by tbe ew.r. 'l'be plil)ht .':ood ,returuud to Log11neport l111t .o.r. wat~ r r~ng~t t~. !1 1~1~1 llmly "'lOOn hi pouible . move .i~ ~~.~~~~~::~~~ ~~~~~.t~',"_' ~eted

Page 2: THE CULVER · Jotnl Teacheo' Institute. uook nod an abece .. on the baod. ginm kre bciog driv~n back ~~ond After enjoying tbe ~eaaoo et_ the to reepond were Carl Moo igor and Tbe
Page 3: THE CULVER · Jotnl Teacheo' Institute. uook nod an abece .. on the baod. ginm kre bciog driv~n back ~~ond After enjoying tbe ~eaaoo et_ the to reepond were Carl Moo igor and Tbe

Lon \ViiWDlllll rnarlv.s tritl to In -~ :;:,,::~i;·::·[;w~ .. il~b;~·~·~·;~" ~~: t>Jpcct to retoru in Octo~r. .,. f1r~ , umloubl~lly .'tn rtiu~:: fr_om icaaud ph;-~ ;:, ~j;~~;; M~i·;~p~~~: ~~~~L\J:~b:::'':~~~~nt ::~~, 1~1


:; di~t.uatKilil last .,,,.,_.11 to 1l; it his prl'BCU~ liiiiO; Uooru:e Dent. 11nd fan11ly lean1 the brute, "''" dltCO\'cr<!d bte~km~ erton tslr.e• the hi&tory 11nd ag_,,. tellla 85, bu 110 eurollmeut of lit!. Urotht'r l'l)dl! and to , i;,w tbu fh s olln.'l sppareotly ba,·e 11111 , Moud11y for Cb~eago after 1peod- through the roof of Hen ry Mt>yer s cultu ral claete1 aDd mauu11l trii!O- The IIIJ:f.I")''TI ru:w as w .. JI "'"'' lilo1hl~ {of''"' c,,,itul <"it}' plo! C<lllltl r.,, re joiciul( 0\otT the iug tb .. IUU~we~ at the lake . . COll!lge ~~~ Long Point .•~~.~t Thurl- in!! d_eptnlmeut. .\liae P•ckal hu re .dy for an iuc rua-.1 ~. .. .,y to

}o'l<>y•J 1>1\il, wh•l mt ... n<lt!tl to I turn th .. fortuu~ .. of ""r bani 111• Ueorl(e li 1ur•Dgtnu and fnw•lr l.lny morumg about !l edoek .\n the Eu!!iil•h claue1 laud advanced 1Jn1\'ide 11 bnildin~~; fund ""t~·r D..Pan\11' nl·lll ,.,.,.k,w•ll be•keoin tb<' lnlt fuw da)'l, Tb~1 lehforTerreEiautlld~rlpeodiog aiMm "'"~~entoutandauJOnl! the el11n iu !,uin Mi .. :\l011 hu ----delu)·ed 11 a n_'llult of n boil on the G.::rmlm forocl in fo'rllll lltlllnd He!. the leii.IOD iu the Oa raoo ootlage. ti"t of the neighboring ootta~r1 ehartte of the domestic ICitmce. Joint Ttachen' lnstitult. nook 11ud au abac,·n ou t he baud . gium are Doing driveu Uack autl _ After eujoy ing the ~eon at the to_re.po.nd_ were_Cur_l Monigor aud The claue1 wero a~ei"u~l tludr tiupt. I,, ~:;. St11iuebuch. who ia

1-:. ,\ , Poor hae eohl bi t barber thO&tl iu the ~:ut ltttl bt! ing hurd H!lwl, Mr. aud Dire. f . M . Bnr ~hiler ::>w•lh, b" fr•end. who w1th •ork ltnd urged to vr•!pctre for •l•11ya awak11 to nny prOjo;telliVil 1h011 in Pl}'luoutb null rlllllm<-..-.1 to prcneU by tbe cZII.r . 'l'be plight ~~rood returuvd to Logansport lntl b•ckel• of wat:r fougbt the Hnme1 study Ill soon HI possible mon• in edu011tioua! WHt\ere, act it.! Cnlv•·r. :lira Poor, now in llJk.- of the Aut trinua i• bt'oonlinl:' teri- Tuesday. , and held them m check .. Tbe Cui- Osborn family Reunion. u.pon the •ugge1tiou of .::itate Supt. l11nd , C11~ . .,.,II be herft nf'~l m~n.tb. ona AltOGether the outlook il Mr. a~d M~1 Jotepb ~cb1f. ac. \"Cr 6re deJlll:rtment lttnved lOOn The deiCCndnntl of Ueof¥e i\1, Greatbonll6 and call_ed the teache ...

J ot.l \\ olf~. -.rho bnl bt_.,. ,, hnng vt-ry encou raging to the 11 1lied nil- comparuod hJ C_barlea _Schaf, re. 1110~ ~lade qu•ck wo~k of the re. Osborn, who ll!l(!ed nellr Ea le of 11\ of the lowuthtpa ~ether at ou It fnrw on route.''· tf'Cl• n_tly tione, but it i• •ell not to 1~ turoed frout l udLnuapoh• the 6ut niiUUlllg tl111nger .. 1 he only dam. Luke, Wlltbingtou townahip, J:, 8 P~ymoutb Satur..l.ty for u joiut iu.

~~~~~~~~~~ Co~:,~:'\::'1 ~~[~,:~c~~:1111~: :~tb~v:fr . th;'bf:c~r:::~ a'.~; ;~;iei~ of ~\~;;:~boon receiv..-d by fritmdt ::k:;1 "~~~~~\,';~ ~~:y:;-'[8 ~~~~ ~·~ti-l~, held tht rf 0~\~ual ;union ''~ ::e~ide& the tuucber8, Truetet-1

owued b)· George Hollir!~ weru iu tlight a coup]., of weekw of Stephen B ord, who i1att.eoding In red. ~o~L: B::~:~e=~~~ip,u:~O<':,~;(.~ ~~~~~- E~t~terdoty, Bt:!ck, Whiteeell, \\•llnm ,lsnnc and rhonHLII .J. ago aud g11 tbered tbow~WI~e• to- - --.- -. --- . by hild lm~bter, ,\lr~. Ddla Over- l h dQletou, I(Lcbli. rd a!ld \'orf!il

Kall:y. ,\ lr aud. :lira. i'l!)era uud guther for 11 n effective •tilnd. 7he , Elop:~g Cml R.tturns. Country T~achers Appotnled. myer, Suuday, Sept. 6 There were Jlf~ot . -. two )'OI,'~J~etlt ch Lidrl'n 111nd M ~ 1ud Uermnn1 umy bt. espected to take ~la ra -" •\fret, the JS.year-uld The foJio.,.Jog tea_c~ere have t>e.;n wer., p rca .. ut 55 member• of the The .ti r~t hou r Wttt l(l~~n o,.,r to .Mre. \\.•lhnw D_olf rmd 110 11 ~leon aimilar nctiou. Le1ten g• ~l who left •nddenly on engnged fo~ tht~ l n1011 townlbip Oaboru family . A big diouer Will Prof. Sw1th_ frow the ottiu.. ~f tbd l)l!!llt !-inod'ly _:r•th ~t t' nbe:1. Kaley. It _ i• 0viden~ to _1u1y ono who Au10:., 14 10 the cow_pany ~-f her ecboo_ls wbmb opem-d ou Mond11y .an·OO nt noon, nud the day Will "~Ul &o~mnteudeut Ill lnd•au_ap-

Mra J . 11 . K~ntz left ; con11den the lltuahou in i<;urope 111ter a h_u•baud, Ohver l'taber, mornmg: •peot in Nadiog l!!tteu frouJ nb.eot oh•. H_•• talk 1_"1!.1 on tbeanbJt.ICl I~ tpuu~l the Will IN• ut lar&ona, tbut the k1tieer'e anny mny be in and who, 11 wae a fterward learn;>d, Kaley acbool 1.e1tor Young. onea, ami in feaating 011 melon• o_f teacbmg es_r~cultur!l. uru.l wa1 K!lu, w1th her 1011 .hr:.~••, wh~ baa !light, but it ia uot out of commia. leh \be 1t1\e together for Iowa, re. Waehiugtou acbool- Wilbur Ar- lhlpb O,born Will reelected preei. tight to t~e pomt. :·So•l•" i1 to

:~~~~~d~:rn o?~~~~~~~. ~-·:ta.~~ ;~:"Oer~a~~: ~~ie;b;e;;o~~i~;:·:~ ~'rbni~ •= ~:: !~;n:o~:'\ot:~:: 00~:~k~mu ac\ooi- ltn ti<JII ~ntn- ::id:~\~ a~:OQ,~~~ g,·~,r~' .:!: ~~~~~;:p~o ;;~o~:C:~r:::~Y ~~: rn•~ ~;~~


l•.,rchi! Blnnchurd _aud 1011 :~:~~:oen~;·,~i: n:'~:iu;e:::ofor:!!~:~ ;\l:g.c:::r:•:!'e !!~i~~it oo':::~~ da~axi~1knckee acbool - Edna ~~ti::~il~r=~:~~· tbeT6br:t ~;:~ =~:~:;:·ri~~~~ta~!e::e~~:wtb!: Earl re~urn~ ;\ l o•.>dnyeve•~mg from would atrord u protection behind mg the at range oceurreuoe. Wooldndge. day in September, 1915_ The Oe. make &lmpkl app<~ratu1, aodeuctly a :week~ Vlllt w1tb r!! lntl•'etJ and LO•biob th" ret reating force& cou ld _Ea rly laet week Mre. Fiaber re. • Pop\u Grol'tl 1chool Syl1·ia born fa•nily i• perhaps the o!deat bow ~o _proceed. ~ t Wd the geoer.

~~~~:: ~~~~~~~~~;~.~,' .. ~:~ra~t:uiC':~ ~~~:;~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~!v:: ~~e~~ai:~~~ :e~~edw:sle!~e;,1fr:~• ,:;re b;~~~n~; \ 11i~~;~t~~k schovl J . ~· - B~hmer ~~~~~;.:k:l:l~~·~;· ,,:~eyu:~"'~a:! ::~~~~~~7;r,:lb~~ ~~~~; t~a~~ b::

8 e~:; 1pcnt two dnyaat \be Uocbe1t.:l r. they bavil iu thew tbolnt.:lnt pollti - l o•!l, in which bo -•~ated. that be and .~'Io rence G>uu. . dout~ well their part iu reducing ~n ~iveu here ou tbi1 1ubject. M~l:od"r:;r.:l~ Lohn Mntlbow. bilitit.-. of dcfoat for the t roopa bad ~eeured 1 polll\lOu for Clara H1hbard acbooi- Auatm l-owry the wittlerne.t, prouJoting civiHu- fbe retlof !he. for,;uoon wutak-

chiltlreo Booit .. and J:bl!u::~ ~~ ~~:a:7'a. ~~t~7:::tw:;~ping all ~~ :::'::~r;f :f1 r::de:k~n:u~~:~ an~b~~:c~:~~~~dwinna Mofo'ar. ~ou ~~~~ buildiugcbaracter.-Knoi ~=gut~:::~~8~;a;~::::. i~~=v~>l~~~ aut! Mn ~oor"'to \"an~iuck a_nd The alliea ba~·e won 1 victory of like t~ ba,·e her eel! a ~w aud land. epu lcan: . test. bookt and giv~ug l(eueral di . tl a u ~:b te r Glady• look dmuer w1tb tremeodoue iwporlanoe. They tend b1m the money. Th1e ~to ry Rutland scbool Laura Tbom- Beat Em, tf You Can. reotlODI for tbeoow1og year. Mucb Mr1. Philip Working of near B1m l(l~od Pari• when itw111 tbrelttenod waa told by Mrt. Fit her to Roohe• · burg. !:;ept. Ill, to Mr. aud Mra. Alvin of tbi& ~lk wu1 direoted. to thd

Oal~~~~~~~~~~ndy reeigned bia po. ~~i~b oc:r~~::· a ~~:~c:a::a~gi:~~ ::Yre::!~ve;~~er~•b;,:~: ~,~:~~ J bn~;~ino~dt:re :~n~~u~f ~~~e ;~:. Po~e;;_nl~{~ Mr nnd M re. Cbu. ~':~:i:~~~~~::.~" of wborn there

1ition laet week in the Citizen of- require wooh of fighting to over- t.o roey about tbe mau.,r. Mn.l b1rd acbool ia po~~tpont.'(l until uut Overmyer, a boy. In the aft...rnoon, tho readiog lice where he h111 IUHed eHicieul- eome. The time the alliet~~ have Fieber bttd al ready re10rted to Monday. Sept 1.5, to l\lr . and M .... Frt.-d ci rcle tei11, •·\"ooatiounl Eduea. ly durl~g the aummer vacatioo Ill gai1.1ed in tho fight tboy hiVe juet the .alliog of her chicken• to take F.~trl Bolen lll'ill take tho Whip. Gillupie, a boy. tion," and "t:duoational Kt:1.oorcee ~Ompotttor and lake rilpo ~tcr . He woo in fo'rrlll ce will eunble the care of be r~el f aud 1be refn aed to JlOOt.,. i!IIObool in Green to"uebip. Sunday School Convention. of Rural Commuuitiet"werestudied II tuc~eJ Ill I)'!Jelhnger by Ruseianl to get into action more agree to bet bueband'a reqneat. l ibrar Board Members The Vu ion towuabip Suuduy ~y ~be whole inetitotu with Mr.

Lo\~ \~~·-~;i~;): of Plymouth, tli•- ~::c~i~~~i\~1/!~ ~~·:·en!' ~u11(1 ~: ~~r~l:ra8i~b~~:•t:~tkbew~:~Le~l:~~ The 1cb:l board hn1 up~iutOO •~hoo~-:~:nti:n :ill be ~el~ in ::>~::~::~ r:::~:::~~. th .. di1cu1. trict ogent of tt life inauf<.~uoe com. entl ie not iu lligbt. 'fb~ Kai~er put in an sppe!lra uce and atated Dr. N S. ~orri1 and i\ln. I. G. t f e

1 1 c ur~ 01~ tSu:~ ay 1iou of 1ome topic. of gemmal iul.,r­

PIIIIy, Will in town Tu{'&(!,ay to pay Ulll}' be cbaeing the Freocb aud that F iaber wat in Peru. Wbetb · ~·itbe r Ill mew bert of the public !I tcrnoon 11111

evemng, ~pt ... I. nt on tbe "Couamunity a1 Ednca. W 11 Porter the money ou a Britilb back toward Parie before er be ia at ilt there or ba1 again libr11ry board, and tbe to111n trua- - A n~:~w ~~et named !lardy, lOr," by Mr. John &bmer aull matured policy. Mr. Bailey WRI the week il over. Ono l'ictory moved ia uot koowu.-Roebe1ter teet have 1ppointo!d Dr. E. ~;. P11r- wb01t1 home 18 ~~~ Tn.a1, arnved, at Mra. G. A . Kleinl<lbwidt., tht~ tuperiotendeot of tbe i\l1trthall doea no~ cod the wa•, in tbit caee, Snn. ker and Mrt. W. 0 . 01born. The tbe academy tb1~ w~k from En. former taking the •~ndpoiot of 8 oouuly acbool1 many ycur1 ngo. although every 0110 helps to tb1tt ~bree a ppointed by the circuit rope .. Be WRI lD \ •entia at the patro11 and the latUlt a1 11 t.caobcr.

Otto !-it.ahl rolluru L..-.1 tbie week result. Out of Ver& Cruz. JUd)!:e are Re\·. A. J . Michael, Ed- ~reakmg_ ou~ the war, After be- 'fbi• in•tituUl Wll& a ~<:real auc. from R'\y \'ic":", Mich., where he Con&etVII\ive lradera in rain Tbe pre11itlen~ bu given tbeorder oa gl!lb lantl A. B. Uolt . '!'here ~~~~- ~!!tamed t~ere b11 got ,into cefll and will probably b., foHowed line ~en 1peudmg ~,·e rul weeka. call att.:lntion to tho fact tbat ~oilll for the cv11cua\Jon ~f \'era Cruz a• are yet two me_mben to be added :-:~~rld~'t~yw~tr~w~e ;:k:~bJU~ by_oth_ett like it: . '!'~ere_ ia touuo ~e "''II t.e accowpun•eo:l by Cl~ra one braucb of \be German army ~o Ill lrlllllpo r t~tJOn can be for- - the townab •~ trn~tee and one then worked bia way into Lora•oe ObJ<lCil?n _to the JOIIH matJtulel but ::Stab I ll' bo retnrnl to her 1tudll:!tll baa 1u rreodered, the war i1 ap: to n~tbed , aud the Withdrawal of our pereon, "bo re11de1 m the to~~ru and p111aed witbiu three milee of th11 IDIIJOrlly of prD!{reuivillf.'acbetl after 11ctiug 11.1 temporary clerk It! laat eome t ime, and that price. a re war '1'611011. Tbi• it in compli!lnoe •hip, to be aelected by him, o:.ak- Mulllau~t:n wber11 the 6rat big hill· favor thew. A hig her alaudard of tbe J}Oitoftice do ring tbe auwmer. e1pec~ to ad~·ance even. after with the repretJOot.ation of the oon- ~ ing tbe full board to oooeiet of tle of tb~ Wll~ •n ~iug ou. H11 re work ia aet, a brooder view of edu . . 'l'be _C itizen editor nnd hi• vieit- f:t!~h~~ ~:~~ihab.,thaen ~~:~0:: ttitutioll!lliet leade_n that tbe. pre- nine me~bera, bot t~e Ia•~ apeci- ~~e~~~~ ~v:~~~w~u~~::~h;:{e!~o~ ~lion i1 give~, aud te11.cbeu oome

~~ 7cbf.:t:nhd~ ~~:~~o~;~e:. c:~a El~~: :~~~:e:::~e~~at~~~~;:n:ba~~ :~7n;fl~~e ;o~:r~; 11r~~;::;:i:: ~~i~ p:~~~~eu~o;~~ uo:r~ ~~: :~tk~:7~ ll~~o ~t~~~: tb~~~!~~ec~~d ~:::~e:c! ~~: ;~~e~r~~y;::: oeot;;d with the old ludiauapoli~ re&Lorod . tbe goveroweot. tbtOUiil:b. "v"n''"'\1" · -nh...t" ....... R .. .,,hJ:~""