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1 “Come to ME….” Jesus

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“Come to ME….”



The Journey

Published by Prayer Cottage Publications Bella Vista, Arkansas

Copyright Rocky Fleming

All rights reserved. Reproduction of this book in any part requires prior written permission by the publisher.

Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright The Lockman Foundation.

ISBN 0-9742383-2-5



• The Uniqueness of The Journey (Pages 7­8)

• Recruiting to The Journey (Pages 11­12)

• Introductory Sessions

Session 1- (Pages 15­24) Discussion of Part One of The Journey to the Inner Chamber

Session 2- (Pages 25­34) Discussion of Part Two of The Journey to the Inner Chamber

• Mentor’s Points and Procedures (Pages 35­36)

• Enlightened Sessions

Session 1- (Pages 45­58) Establish The Journey.

Session 2- (Pages 61­72) God Knows.

Session 3- (Pages 75­82) God Cares.

Session 4- (Pages 85­90) God is Willing.

Session 5- (Pages 93­102) God is Able.

Session 6- (Pages 105­126) Extended Prayer Time.

• Enabled Sessions

Session 1- (Pages 135­142) Abiding in Christ – What does it mean?

Session 2- (Pages 145­158) The fruit of abiding – Part 1 - The Transformation.

Session 3- (Pages 161­168) The fruit of abiding – Part 2 - The Harvest.

Session 4- (Pages 171­179) The Holy Spirit – Who is He?

Session 5- (Pages 183­188) The filling of the Spirit – How, when, what?

Session 6- (Pages 191­199) The gifts of the Spirit – Our part in the Harvest.

Session 7- (Pages 203­221) gifts of the Spirit – Definitions and discussion.


Session 8- (Pages 225­229) Extended prayer time and spiritual gifts evaluation.

• Expressing Sessions

Session 1- (Pages 243­251) Gabe’s Principles of Influence and the global affect.

Session 2- (Pages 255­262) Enlightened (Revisited and Amplified).

Session 3- (Pages 265­274) Enabled (Revisited and Amplified).

Session 4- (Pages 277­289) Principle # 3 – Live It Out.

Session 5- (Pages 293­302) The Influencer’s Warfare – Strategy and Resources

Session 6- (Pages 305­314) Weekend commencement:

Christ’s model of leadership

Special dedication

Half-Day session

Closing remarks and sharing


­The Uniqueness of The Journey­

In early 2001 a small group of Christian businessmen made a commitment to begin a spiritual journey together and to assist each other in this journey. The initial purpose of this group was to grow in our understanding of God and to more clearly understand His call on our life. We met together for almost a year, as we encouraged one another in the progression of our discipleship progress. After the completion of our time together, we were so taken by our own personal intimacy with Christ that had developed over the course of the year, we committed together to a mutual mission to help others in the Body of Christ find this intimacy we had discovered. As a result, The Influencers discipleship ministry was established. Although there are other aspects of this ministry, at its heart is a process of discipleship called The Journey. As a mentor / facilitator committed to leading other men on this spiritual journey, we feel that you need to understand the perspective that influenced the development of The Journey.

First, we try not to use the word “study” or “program” to describe The Journey. We feel that it would be an inaccurate representation. It is not a concentrated bible study, but rather a discovery process from the Bible. In this process of discovery and spiritual foundation building, we chart a path that directs us toward our ultimate target of having an intimate, abiding relationship with Christ, which in turn will bear fruit to His glory. Yes, we will study the Bible, for our spiritual foundation will be built from material found in God’s word. Since we believe that “All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, correction and instruction in righteousness,” we believe that we must find our clear and final truth in God’s word. We also believe that God has inspired wisdom, insight and truth in other creative works. Some of these commentaries and literature help the 21 st century man to understand how profoundly relevant God’s word and His leadership is to them in their day and time. We also believe that some of these resources can help us toward our goal, of intimacy with Christ. For this reason we encourage reading and research in some of these resources in order to gain fresh insight and clarity of understanding of what scripture says. We challenge our participants to bring this insight to our meetings and share it. However, we also have an important rule that all of these discoveries must pass through the grid of scripture and align with it. Our spiritual foundation must be built on theology, not philosophy. As a result of this process, a dedicated effort in studying the Bible becomes part of The Journey.

So far, everything mentioned might sound similar to other bible studies or discipleship programs. However, the next points would be where The Journey begins to follow a different path. We believe our primary objective is not to study about God, but rather to be led, by these foundational revelations, into an intimate, abiding relationship with Him. For this reason we view The Journey to be our personal progression into intimacy with Jesus Christ, rather than a study about Him. This is why we use the word “journey” to describe the process.

Next is our perspective about the actual discipleship approach we use. As a result of mentoring and discipling men for many years, experience has been gained in some of the benefits and problems of some of the traditional forms, which emphasize a disciplined commitment to verse memorization, evangelism and a rigid schedule of daily devotions. We believe that these are all good tools, and if used consistently, provide a strong biblical foundation for the participant. Unfortunately, for many of the participants, after the training ends the accountability to continue this regiment wanes. Why is this? Although the discipline is good and the tools are good, life change is not consistent for many of the participants. We believe this happens because there was more horizontal accountability emphasized within the traditional approach rather than a vertical one, and as a result the heart of the participant had not been captured for Christ.


As a result of this observation, we have a strong conviction that the heart of the man must change first before these disciplines can have a chance to work to the surface of the person. Because of this, we have made it the primary objective of The Journey to move the participant toward the place where heart change can really occur, which is in an abiding, intimate relationship with Christ. We feel that once this connection is made, the outward disciplines will joyfully follow and the disciplines mentioned can become a true lifestyle. The true inward and outward transformation, called the “fruit of the Spirit” will be a natural occurrence, as a result of the participants abiding with Him. We feel that the “fruit of the Spirit” is the supernatural expression of the Holy Spirit in us and through us, and it is this fruit that impacts our world around us. But, this fruit cannot occur in us without the necessary connection of abiding in Christ

We also believe that God desires that His children join Him in the “Great Commission.“ But, we believe that we must first connect with Him on a deep, intimate level called “abiding,“ before our spiritual gifts are enabled and we become the harvesters that can make our own unique contribution to the “Great Commission.” Without the foundation of “the fruit of the Spirit” established in our life, we feel that our contribution to the “Great Commission” will be highly limited, because we are attempting to labor in our own power rather than working within God’s design.

Please understand, we do not feel our approach is the only path for a deeper intimacy with Christ. However, the points referenced above should assist in understanding the contrasting differences in the approach The Journey uses.


Recruiting to The Journey


To recruit a Journey Group that is adequately informed of our objectives and the needed commitment required to fully participate in a group. The recommended procedure we are providing for recruiting your Journey Group, is a “best first step” approach. We feel that it gives the recruit the best opportunity to hear your heart and the motivation you have for assimilating a Journey Group.


We live in a fast pace society. For that reason, busy people are reluctant to let go of their free time and they jealously guard it. We need to be sensitive to this fact. In order to be sensitive to the general attitudes of time protection, and yet, be very clear on the commitment required for being in a Journey Group, we feel the initial interview that you and the recruit have will establish an important foundation for the Introductory Sessions you are inviting him to. The purpose of our Introductory Sessions is to help the recruit understand the heart of our ministry by seeing in the story the theological truths conveyed about spiritual growth in the life of a believer that will eventually lead to fruit bearing. The purpose of your initial meeting with your recruit is to simply ask him to join with other recruits for a two-session review of The Journey to the Inner Chamber and to discuss the truths conveyed. After the book review, you will be extending an invitation to the recruits to join a Journey Group and the individuals can decide at that time if they have both the time and the interest to proceed.

We recommend that you first compile a list of potential recruits that you want to approach and begin praying for these men. We believe that God will help you build your group and this is the beginning point for building it. Prayer will always be essential for the success of your group’s journey and for your leadership. Next establish a time and place for your Introductory Sessions, so you can recruit to it.

In approaching your list of recruits, we recommend that you personally call and meet with each man over coffee or lunch. It’s OK if you want to meet with them two at a time. This will be your opportunity to convey the development of the Influencer Ministry, our heart for marketplace discipleship, but most of all, your heart and motivation for forming a Journey Group. There can never be a better representative for what we are doing than what it has meant to you and why you want other men to find what you have found. Tell him about how you were first approached. Tell him why you were reluctant but also interested. Tell him why you were willing to make an effort and what has come from it. Remember what you have heard us say many times, “Experience trumps theory every time.” Let him hear your experience.

Since you are only asking for him to initially commit to only a two-session book review, limit your effort to simply asking for him to join some other men and you in this review. Assure him that his going forward with a Journey Group will be as result of his prayer and personal conviction and no one will pressure him to join it. If he wants to join your group you will discuss the commitment required with the group after the second session.

After you feel convinced that his initial questions have been answered and he is willing to take the next step, give him the book and ask him to begin reading it. Part One should be read before your first meeting.


Have him put on his calendar the meeting time and place. It would be a good idea to get his e-mail address at this time so that you can compile a group mailing and remind your group of the meeting place and time.

Concerning communication. We have found that our best groups have something that is consistent with them all, …. good communication. In the early stages of your group’s assimilation, more communication is better than less. Once your group is up and running, there will be a dynamic that will lessen the need to remind and announce. However, early on, make a commitment to good communication.


Introductory Session 1

The Journey to the Inner Chamber - Part One


To help your recruits understand the dynamics of true spiritual growth and the contribution to God’ s work that can be made by a person who is truly abiding in Christ. The story is an allegory that conveys biblical and practical truth, as these components are presented in a way that both informs and challenges the reader to examine his own life.


What is the story’s purpose in The Journey, and what do we hope to accomplish by using it? First, we are trying to convey to the recruits an understanding of the condition of mankind, the enemy that we face everyday, the deceptions that our enemy places before mankind and the decision that we must make in accepting God’s rescue. We also want to convey the need for spiritual growth after our decision to trust Christ and the joyful responsibility we have in joining our King in His rescue mission to mankind. The story presents these aspects of the “Good News.” But it is presented in an allegory so that it will convey these truths creatively and make the reader discover them.

Second, the story also presents a message about spiritual growth. We believe that one of the major problems within the Body of Christ today is spiritual anemia. We are anemic because of several reasons. Consider the following reasons.

•Our intake of God’s word is sporadic. Most of what we know about God and the many things that this would include is second or third hand information.

•Our concept of God is often shaped by other people’s opinion, such as what we read from commentaries on scripture or what we hear preached or what we pick-up from TV or radio. Therefore, we often have a skewed view, and in many cases, an incorrect view of God.

•We have become dependant on being “fed” by someone else, rather than becoming a “self-feeder.” As long as we need others to spoon-feed us God’s word, or we are unwilling to personally dig in and find our own answers to many of life’s challenges, we will not grow to a spiritual maturity that can serve others. The perspective conveyed in The Journey is that it is not an either / or situation. We believe that God conveys wisdom through gifted speakers and writers, along with wisdom found directly from His word. However, we believe that a diet that is limited to a speaker or teacher alone keeps a believer spiritually anemic. We believe that learning to become a self-feeder is essential for deeper spiritual growth and for becoming the Influencers that Christ would have us be.

•We don’t know how to hunt for the treasure in God’s word. We have become so conditioned to our Christian culture and routine that we don’t know where to start or how to find answers for ourselves. In


The Journey To The Inner Chamber several truths about spiritual growth are conveyed, including the initial step in trusting Christ with our souls. Next we see the necessity of mentors, who follow-up a young believer’s decision by getting him grounded in God’s word and feeding him with it. However, it doesn’t stop here, which is the case with the conveyance of God’s word to many if not most believers. Rather we see Mentor strategically move the young believer Learner to his own plan and method of discovering truth from God’s word that goes beyond the feeding that Mentor was giving to him. In the story we also see presented God’s design for the Church, as He has given to us gifted men and women that work in a coordinated fashion for the purpose of building up the believer.

•We don’t understand our true goal as Christians. Jesus said that if we abide in Him we will bear much fruit. Unfortunately, most evangelicals put the emphasis on fruit bearing rather than abiding. As a result, we are unable to join Him in His mission, for our spiritual gifts are not yet enabled. In the story we see the goal of spiritual growth, which is a deepening intimacy with Christ. In the story, our journey’s objective is the Feast in the Inner Chamber. The Feast is the Lord God Himself, as we abide in His presence. It is in this “Inner Chamber” (His presence) we are prepared for the spiritual warfare we will face and where our spiritual gifts are enabled. Once our gifts are enabled, we become dangerous warriors for our King. We become Influencers and are released to impact the Harvest found in the “Refugee Camps” in our world around us.

The Journey to the Inner Chamber Part 1, is a creative story for conveying truth biblical truth. We want your recruits to discover these truths in the story and to discuss them with each other in Session #1. It makes for some interesting discussions and it also helps the participant know where his starting point is in his journey to intimacy with Christ.

If someone were to ask you, “What is The Journey all about?” you can tell them to read the story. It will tell them where you are headed as a group and what your objectives are. The story has sound theology, but it is cloaked in a format that creates an epiphany for the reader. However, the story is not included in The Journey simply to entertain. In this meeting you will be directing the recruit’s attention to the theology the story is portraying. In this session you will be discussing conditions and the spiritual adversaries the Bible points out mankind has to face. You will also be pointing out the Gospel story and the essentials of spiritual growth.

Try to allow this time to be a time of discovery and enlightenment for the recruits. Create an environment that allows the recruits to ask questions and share their own surprises from the story. It is hoped that they will agree with the theology expressed and will be able to evaluate their own position at “The Banquet Table.”

Most people agree that they have stopped growing for they are still in the “baby food section” and have not become self-feeders. If they can conclude this and can see the serious results that may occur in their life, you will find a motivated participant who will want to move forward in his spiritual growth. You will also find one who is willing to put forth the effort required for moving toward intimacy with Christ.

We do not want to give the impression that The Journey is the only way to grow in intimacy with Christ. However, we do want to make it clear that this is our objective and the journey we are on. You can call it a road map or steppingstones. However, every session points to our destination, which is a deeper intimacy with Christ.


Introductory -Session 1-

Discussion of Part One of

The Journey to the Inner Chamber

• Welcome your group.

Mentor’s Insight: Convey in your own words that you have asked to meet with them today so that you can introduce a discipleship process that has been developed specifically for Christian men in the “market place.” Tell them the purpose of this and the next meeting is to allow them to review a book that will offer them insight as to what our heart beat is as a ministry and what we feel is needed to help men become the men God wants them to become. Before getting into the book review, introductions are necessary.

• Introductions - names - family makeup – professions.

Mentor’s Insight: Convey in your own words that before the introduction begins they all need to be introduced. Spend a brief period getting to know each other by sharing names, family make­up and what they do for a profession. Start with yourself.

• Introduce Session.

Mentor’s Insight: It is very important for your recruits to understand the scriptural and theological basis for The Journey to the Inner Chamber. The following questions are provided to stimulate your discussion. All the questions in Part 1 do not have to be discussed. Rather, they are provided mainly for your insight and preparation. It is okay that your discussion be open and even random and does not follow a certain order, although we recommend keeping your discussion centered in Part 1 before discussing Part 2 of the story. When a certain discussion point comes up, make sure you do not leave that point without looking at the theology. These questions and scripture references can help.

Q: What did you see the theme of the story to be, and what was your impression?

Answer: It is a mystical journey that parallels the inner condition of the world and the spiritual growth of a particular believer, starting from his conversion, to becoming a powerful influencer for Christ.

Q: Let’s talk about Part 1 first. Who were the main characters in Part 1 and what did they represent?

Answer: Refugee/Learner, Messenger, Influencer, Mentor, God.

Q: What were the different places in Part 1 that come to your mind?

Mentor’s Notes:


Mentor’s Insight: Discuss some of the places or reference points mentioned in the story. Let your group have a good time with this as they help each other recall the places in the story. Make sure the following places and points are discussed and the scripture referenced read to your group.

Q: The Refugee Camp. Do you agree that this is the inner condition of the world?

Answer: The spiritual condition of the world. See scripture Reference: Romans 8: 19­23.

Q: The “hideous creatures.” Do you agree that there is active spiritual warfare that is going on, most often without us knowing that it is going on?

Answer: Demons: Army of Satan. Scripture Reference: Ephesians 6: 10­12.

Q: The Great Deceiver. Do you think Satan’s greatest tactic is deception?

Answer: Ask them to brainstorm some ways he deceives the world. A key thought could be to identify some sample “counterfeits” that Satan uses to distract us and to confuse us. This could include issues such as an over pursuit of wealth, accomplishments, security, applause from man, etc. See scripture reference in Revelations 12:9 and Revelations 20:3.

Q: The “Appetizer Table.” Let’s talk about “religions.” Do you agree that this is one of Satan’s greatest deceptions today?

Answer: “Religions” ­ Man seeking God rather than God seeking man. Various “false enlightenments” that the Great Deceiver has placed in the world to distract us from the true course to God. See scripture reference: Is. 29:13, Deut. 12: 29­32.

Q: The Bridge. Does this point of emphasis in the story agree with your understanding of what needs to be done in order to become a child of God?

Answer: Must receive God’s only provision for entering His kingdom and joining His family, which comes through Jesus Christ alone. See scripture references in John 14:6, John 10:9 & Romans 5: 1­2.

Q: The Table of Sweets. Let’s discuss this reference point and get your opinions.

Answer: Shallow Doctrine...It is a weak, diluted theology that attempts to appease the “babes in Christ”, rather than teach them truth. By keeping them dependent on “sweets” they are prevented from moving on to good spiritual nutrition. By only listening and following a comfortable message, they are remaining weak and susceptible to spiritual sickness. See scripture reference in Jeremiah 26: 2­3.

Q: Now, lets discuss The Banquet Table and different foods that are on it. What does this “food” represent?


Answer: The “banquet table food” represents the undiluted word of God, compared to the “Table of Sweets” which waters down and sweetens the message in order to not offend.

Q: The “food” progression. What does the progressive meal on the Banquet Table represent?

Answer: An increasing intake of the spiritual insight found in scripture. The progression represents maturity in the growth and understanding of scripture, as we apply God’s precepts to our life. The progression represents maturing from needing to be “spoon” fed to becoming a “self feeder.” See scripture reference in 2 Timothy 3:16­17.

Q: Mentor. Let’s talk about Mentor. What or who does Mentor represent?

Answer: The mentor in the story, represents the men and women God has provided, because of their special giftedness and calling, to teach and model what it means to have an authentic, maturing relationship with Christ. They are also able to explain scripture in such a way that it helps God’s child to grow in his faith and maturity. See scripture reference in Ephesians 4: 7­ 16 and 1 Cor. 3: 1­2.

Q: “Self-feeding”. Let’s discuss this particular goal for Mentor and Learner. What does this represent?

Answer: “Self­feeding” represents a spiritual growth goal, in that God’s child is able to find truth in God’s word by his own research and personal application of that truth to his life. When he becomes a self­feeder he is able to help someone else grow by assisting them to their own maturity. It also represents a consistent intake of God’s word in a private, contemplative setting, such as a quiet­time. Mentor’s goal is to assist God’s child to the goal of becoming a self­feeder.

Q: The Inner Chamber. What does the Inner Chamber represent in the story?

Answer: The “Inner Chamber” represents an “abiding intimacy” with Christ. The spiritual progression that Learner had been experiencing at the Banquet Table had in fact been leading him to a deeper intimacy with Christ. See scripture reference in Rev. 3:20 and John 15.

Q: The words “Personal Abandonment and Absolute Trust” are written over the door to the “Inner Chamber.” Why do you think they were there and what do they mean?

Answer: Though out the Bible God has emphasized our need to trust Him and to put nothing before Him. Vital to a deeper intimacy with Him is the abandonment of our own rights to ourselves and our allowing Him to have complete Lordship of our life, as we trust His leadership. As long as we try to remain in control of our life and demand our personal rights for ourselves over His authority over us, we cannot go deeper. For this reason “Personal Abandonment and Absolute Trust” are required for entering “The Inner Chamber” (Deeper Intimacy with Christ). See scriptural reference in Matt.



Q: What was the result of Learner partaking of the Feast in the Inner Chamber?

Answer: Learner was able to become an Influencer. He was equipped with the weapons of spiritual warfare and was able to grow in strength and wisdom for using those spiritual weapons. We don’t know at this point what went on behind the door to the Inner Chamber. We can only see the results. Our time with Christ, in such an intimate encounter, is not to be observed but rather experienced. For this reason it is left to our own personal perspective as to what our experience with Christ in the Inner Chamber is like. We don’t know our needs that He will address or the hidden things in our life that He will deal with in our abiding with Him. We only know that our time with Him in the Inner Chamber will yield the fruit of a transformed life, and this transformed life will become a powerful witness for Him.

Q: What was the man’s reaction once he understood that it was God’s desire that he become an Influencer and that he could not become one if he remained where he was on the Banquet Table?

Answer: He was both excited about what he could become and disappointed in that he had stopped his spiritual growth because of his spiritual laziness. He had also been frightened when he realized the dire impact it could have on his loved ones if he were to remain in his present condition.

Q: Personal Application: Now a personal question to you. Could you identify with the storyteller? Can you identify where your spiritual stopping and beginning point is, as you relate it to the story?

Mentor’s Insight: Most people, once they read the story and apply it to their own life, realize the point where they are. Most are not “self­feeders” and have stopped progressing. In fact, many say they are still in the “Baby Food” section. This is very helpful for them to realize this, for the story points out what must be done to break out of their rut and gives encouragement to them that they do not have to remain in their current condition. It also gives them a road map to the intimacy with Christ that they basically hunger for.

Q: Can you also see that spiritual immaturity is a problem that exists throughout the Body of Christ? Why do you think this condition exists?

Answer: This needs to be their own observation if they are to believe this is a common problem in the Body of Christ. “Cultural Christianity” has been a detriment to real conversion and spiritual growth since the persecutions ended and it became safe and popular to be identified as a Christian. For this reason, status quo Christianity has found a toe­hold in many churches and lives, as we have stayed comfortable because “everyone else is doing it and it’s the way I was raised.“ How many of God’s children are really experiencing the joy of intimacy with Him and their significance in finding His purpose for their life? Sad to say, most haven’t a clue. How sad it must make our Father that His children stand away from Him when He has opened the door to His arms for us to run into them. Therefore, this discussion needs to really sink in and find personal application in your group.


• Introduce your special guest.

Mentor’s Insight: It has been said that experience trumps theory every time. There is no greater persuasion than a changed life, especially if that life is demonstrating the difference Christ has made to it. If you can, we strongly recommend that you invite two of our Influencers who have completed The Journey, and allow them to tell their stories, one after Part 1 has been discussed and the other after Part 2 is discussed. They should be given approximately 5­10 minutes to share and be asked to stay around a little longer to answer any questions that the attendees might have after your meeting is over. This is a “heart thing” and will go a long way for encouraging your attendees. In this particular session you have discussed the important aspects of spiritual growth by becoming a self­feeder, having a planned process and having a group to share The Journey with. Ask your guest to focus on these aspects of his testimony in order to hammer home the truths that you have been discussing.

• Closing comments and prayer.

Mentor’s Insight: Encourage your group because of their attendance and discussion. Remind them to read Part 2 of the story, if they have not already done so, and the time and place of your next meeting. Ask for any closing questions and close with prayer.


Introductory Session 2

The Journey to the Inner Chamber - Part Two


To continue the discovery process begun in Part 1 by presenting a life model of what a real Influencer looks like. It is our attempt to put before them a character that proves to be “salt and light” to his world despite the fact he appears not to be a man of influence. Abiding in Christ will bear fruit in a supernatural manner and is not limited by our earthly limitations. The story conveys this message.


In order to establish a better understanding of the principles of abiding, we will use Part 2 of the Journey To The Inner Chamber to create discussion and personal application. Part 1 of the story was an allegory of truth that was designed to challenge status quo and present a path for spiritual growth to intimacy with Christ. Hopefully it provided interest and understanding. Part 2 puts flesh and bones on the principles you have been discussing.

The story is again challenging the status quo of the perceived principles of influence, as it presents a humble man who has a dynamic influence to his world around him and eventually to the world beyond his immediate touch. This man has no credentials or an obvious “worldly setup” that would predict influence. He would not be regarded an “influential person” by the world’s standards, and this is the status quo we challenge.

The story also continues the journey of the unnamed storyteller, as he struggles with the issue of moving forward into the Inner Chamber. The two characters are blended into a divine appointment that takes place in the lives of these men, as they see God bring them together for finding answers and conveying the truth from the experienced life of Gabe. Again the principles of being a “Learner” and a “Mentor” are conveyed in the flesh in Part 2, as it was conveyed in allegory in Part 1.

Use this meeting for discussing those principles presented in Part 1 and lived out in Part 2. Let your participants linger with their thoughts and interpretation of the story and the principles. This will be a relaxed time for building the necessary foundation for their understanding for where you will be headed as a group.


Introductory -Session 2-

The Journey to the Inner Chamber - Part 2

• Begin your meeting with prayer.

• Read the following quote from Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest.

“Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful what you do with the best you have. Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to Him as a love­gift. Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship. If you hoard it for yourself, it will turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded. God will never allow you to keep a spiritual blessing completely for yourself. It must be given back to Him so that He can make it a blessing to others”.

Q: In our last meeting together, we read an allegory that conveyed biblical truth about our journey to intimacy with Christ. In the story we observed Learner enter the Inner Chamber and eventually emerge as a powerful and well-armed warrior. When he left the Inner Chamber, where did he go?

Answer: To the Refugee Camp

Q. Would you agree with me that Chambers is making a case in is statement above that we cannot be content with remaining in a spiritual condition that does not reach out or convey the heart of our King? We are about to discuss a character that took what he experienced in the Inner Chamber of his intimacy with Christ to his world around him. And he was able to make a powerful difference in it.

• Let’s now turn our attention to Part 2 of The Journey To The Inner Chamber.

Mentor’s Insight: In Part 1 it was okay to allow a random discussion, but Part 2 needs to be more specific. For this reason, we recommend the following questions be discussed by your group.

Q: There are several key characters in the story and some necessary

Mentor’s Notes:


steps for entering into a deeper intimacy with Christ. In Part 1 this intimacy was described as “The Inner Chamber.” Let’s now talk about the real life drama and characters in Part 2 of the story. Do you remember the names of the main characters in Part 2?

Mentor’s Insight: The storyteller, Gabe, the pastor and the angry neighbor.

Q: Let’s get a description of Gabe. How would you describe this man in the story?

Answer: A common, humble man without much in the way of material belongings or worldly influence. A character that would be the “least likely” to impact his world around him

Q: Would you say that Gabe was influential? Allow a good discussion on this point.

State: Let’s understand the different definitions associated with the word “influence.” Read the definitions of “influence” to your group.

1. The effect of something on a person, thing, or event. 2. The power that somebody has to affect other people’s thinking or actions by means of argument, example, or force of personality. 3. The power or authority that comes from wealth, social status, or position. 4. Somebody or something able to affect the course of events or somebody’s thinking or action.

Q: If you think Gabe was influential, which of these definitions best describe Gabe’s influence?

Mentor’s Insight: Definitions #1, #2 and #4.

Q. Why would definition # 3 not fit Gabe?

Mentor’s Insight: He didn’t draw his ability to influence based on wealth, social status or position.

Q. What definition do you think best describes the word influence as far as the world is concerned?

Answer: #3

Q. Based on the # 3 definition, would Jesus have qualified as influential?

Q. Even though He did not have the qualifications listed in definition #3, did it limit Jesus’ ability to influence? Discuss why or why not.

Q. Did it limit Gabe? Discuss why or why not.


Q. Do you think it was Gabe’s ambition to be influential?

Q: Do you think Gabe’s “supernatural” ability to influence, as he did, would have been hurt or limited if it had been his personal ambition to be influential?

Mentor’s Insight: You are attempting to lead your group to understand the difference between a man’s ability to influence with his personality or human abilities or earthly assets verses the incredible influence that can be made, as we become instruments for God to flow His influence through us. Most often, a personal ambition, other than our simple desire to bring glory to the King, will get in the way.

Q: What do you think Gabe’s primary pursuit in life was?

Answer: To pursue God and live his life out faithfully to His glory.

Q: Would this pursuit have made him an influential person? If so, why and how?

Mentor’s Insight: You are now attempting to transfer the revelation that the kind of influence or witness that will impact our world in a supernatural way is found only when Christ Himself is able to influence through us. To make it our ambition to seek Christ and to be faithful to walk with Him daily with an unobstructed fellowship, will allow Christ to express Himself through us. This dynamic relationship and its fruit were evidenced in the life of the humble Gabe. He would not have been recognized by the world as a man of influence. But in the end, Christ’s influence through him was revealed.

Q: The phrase “servant leadership” was used to describe a form of Gabe’s influence. How would you describe “servant leadership” based on Gabe’s method?

Mentor’s Insight: To lead by serving someone at his or her point of need. To model this role and to establish authenticity and moral authority, thus enabling the ability to influence with Christ’s love and His precepts.

Q: Would “servant leadership” be a fair description of the kind of biblical leadership Jesus instructs us to use?

Q: Now let’s bring it home. Is it a real possibility that God can use a man in an obscure environment, such as a secular job, to do a great work for Him? Could this really be true with us?

Mentor’s Insight: The above discussion questions about Gabe have laid a foundation for making a personal application. It is critical at this point for your group to understand that our ability to influence our world around us to Christ does not come from title or prestige. It is not as result of eloquence or education. It is directly dependent on our own healthy abiding relationship with Christ and His strategic placement of our life where He would have us serve. To us, or the world’s view, we may think that nothing good could come from our circumstances. However, abiding in Christ breaks though any limitations and produces fruit wherever He places us. It is important that we


authenticate the marketplace and the participant’s placement in it as a critical place of the ministry of influence.

Q: What are some examples of attitudes and limitations God would have to overcome in our life to make us men of influence like Gabe?

Q: When you come into God’s kingdom after your life on this earth, do you hope to hear Him say that He is pleased by the way you invested your life?

Mentor’s Insight: The following information lays the foundation for your next sessions. We are attempting to tie the story and the principle truths together and present a “priority of influence” to your group. The following information should help you make this transition.

Q: Let’s turn our attention to Gabe’s Principles of Influence that we see mentioned at Gabe’s funeral. Do you remember them?

Principle 1 - “Be A God Seeker” Principle 2 - “Be A God Abider”

Principle 3 - “Live It Out” (“Embrace My World With a Sacred responsibility”)

Q: How would you describe these principles if you were to be asked what they mean? (discuss)


• Read the following quote from Oswald Chambers:

“When I have really transacted business with God on the basis of His covenant, letting everything else go, there is no sense of personal

accomplishment ­­ no human ingredient in it at all. Instead there is a complete overwhelming sense of being brought into union with God,

and my life is transformed and it radiates peace and joy.”

Q: Would you agree that Gabe had come to live a life that radiated peace and joy?

Q: Would you also agree it was this peace and joy that was most attractive to those people God brought into his world?

Q: Would you also agree that what radiated from Gabe to his world around him and so impacted it was found by Gabe in the privacy of his own intimate, abiding walk with Christ?

Q: As you apply Part One and Part Two of the story to your life, ask yourself these questions: Where am I on the banquet table? Have I become a self-feeder, and I am growing closer to the Inner Chamber? Does my life reflect the peace and joy of Gabe, and is it influencing my world around me to Christ? Am I willing to do something about my concerns and start in earnest my journey to intimacy with Christ?


Perhaps our next guest can help you with those answers as he shares his story. • Introduce your special guest

Mentor’s Insight: As stated in your first session, it is best to have one of our experienced Influencers share his testimony about The Journey and what it meant to him. Ask him to reflect a testimony that deals with the impact Christ has had on his world around him as fruit has been born because of his intimacy with Christ that he has discovered. Allow five to ten minutes for this.

Invitation to join your Journey Group:

Mentor’s Insight: In your own words state the following invitation and logistical information.

• The new Journey Group that we are starting and you will embark on, if you choose to take it with us, will be exploring more deeply these principles of Gabe. We call these segments “Enlightened ­ Enabled and Expressing.

• There is a cost is $75.00 per participant, which includes a small contribution to the ministry and the books we will use during The Journey. The books include: The Journey to the Inner Chamber, The Participants Guide, A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23, The Prayer Cottage and the Sacred Garden, and Secrets of the Vine. We ask that you make a contribution to The Influencers for this amount in the first session so that we can continue to provide this ministry to others, as well for you.

• Some of you are ready to commit and some are still in the consideration stage. We ask all of you to prayerfully consider the time needed to give yourself to this spiritual adventure, for when we start our journey together we want to make sure we all complete it together. So go home, talk it over with your wife. Pray over it. I will be calling or e­mailing you the time and place and frequency of our meetings. I will get your decision at that time.

• Thank your recruits for being part of the book review and pray for them and their decision going forward.

• Dismiss

Mentor Follow-up

Mentor’s Insight: Because you have deferred asking your group for their decision until they have had a chance to pray about it, some necessary follow­ up is required. On the next page we are attaching a sample e­mail that you may use to follow­up this meeting. Wait a few days before you send it.


Follow-up e-mail or communication.

Thank you for joining me the last few weeks as we explored the book, The Journey to the Inner Chamber. Hopefully you have come away with a strong conviction that it is time to move deeper into the intimacy with Christ that you are invited to and to become the man God wants you to become.

I have purposely asked that you pray before making a decision to join us, for in order to take the spiritual journey that will lead to the destination you seek, the requirement of time and commitment will be the major cost to you. We liken The Journey to a treasure hunt and like most treasure hunts there is exploration, searching, digging and sacrifice. Unlike most treasure hunts that lead to disappointment because it is not found, the Treasure we will hunt for wants to be found. In fact, it is His treasure map we will be following, and if you follow it you will find what you are looking for.

Not only is there a commitment required on your part that we ask for, we also want you to understand that the enemy of your soul does not want you to take The Journey and he will do everything he can do to discourage it. Again, we have found prayer is the weapon God gives us to break through this distraction so that we can hear God’s leadership. Pray that God will give you His leadership, and make a commitment to follow it no matter what He directs.

As you are doing business with God in prayer at this time with the question of whether or not to join with us, I share with you the agenda we will be using for approximately 9 months. It is as follows.

• We will start our first session on (Date and Time) at (Place and Directions) unless the group decides a more convenient time and place.

• We will meet every two weeks for two hours. We are often asked why we meet every two weeks, rather than every week. We have found it is the two weeks between our sessions that prove to be the most life changing and intimate time as you follow the treasure map we will be providing you in the off weeks.

• We urge you to make it a priority to make every session, except for special exceptions.

I will be contacting each of you in the next few days to get your decision.

May God bless you as you follow His leadership,

(Your name)

Mentor Insight: We suggest you provide the participants the full schedule of all sessions at the end of Introductory Session Two. This allows each participant to plan his schedule around the sessions.

Final follow-up with your recruits before the first session.

Mentor’s Insight: After you e­mail your last follow­up, getting their decision is next. After a few days call your recruits and find out what their decision is. For those who will join you ask them to secure the following material before joining your first session.

• Purchase and bring a one-inch spiral binder to the first session.

• Bring a Bible that he feels comfortable with reading, studying and marking in, preferably NASB - NIV - NLT.

• A good writing pen or two.


• You will provide the Participant’s Guide in the first session.

This should complete your follow-up procedures, and you are now ready to launch your group into The Journey. May God bless you as you serve your men. As you do so remember the promise given to us in Ephesians 6:7- 8.

“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does…”

Our brother, it is because you desire to go even deeper in your love relationship with Christ that you take others to Him. In doing so, you will find the Treasure you seek.


Mentor’s Points and Procedures


The Journey

Curriculum books that are part of The Journey are available from a number of online resources ( is a great resource) as well as retailers nationwide with the exception of The Journey To The Inner Chamber, The Prayer Cottage and The Sacred Garden. These are available from our resource center at the address listed below and should be requested by you ahead of time and given to the participant at the appropriate time. Those books are: The Journey To The Inner Chamber, The Prayer Cottage and The Sacred Garden, Secrets of the Vine, and A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23.

The Journey To The Inner Chamber, The Prayer Cottage and The Sacred Garden are available at a cost of $10.00 each and can be order by sending your check to: The Influencers, P.O. Box 113, Rogers, AR 72757-0113. Please include your name and shipping address, and number of each book needed with your payment.

The Mentor Guide: Included in the Mentor Guide will be a “Series Introduction” insert before each of the three parts in the series and a “Objectives and Perspectives” insert before each session. This information will aid you in his understanding of the three series and the individual session objectives. These inserts are for the Mentor’s use only, except when the session recommends that it be shared with the participants.

Mentor’s Insights are included in each session. These tips are provided to help you understand the reason behind many of our questions and where you are headed with the session. This information will help you as you try to articulate in your own words the statements or questions you are being given to ask or state. Most of all these insights are provided to encourage you with a deeper understanding that will keep you own heart involved with The Journey. It is the passion of personal conviction and your own discovery that convinces your group that there is more to the Treasure than they have yet found. We want you to continue finding treasure as you lead

Questions to be asked will be marked as a “Q.” These questions and their answers are meant to be an aid to the mentor, as you create a discussion format for each session based on the off week assignment and where you are headed in the session. Hopefully, the combination of the participant’s research and the session questions and points being made, will create a successful interactive discussion format, which is what we are trying to achieve.

Daily journaling, and the participant’s sharing from it, is an essential component in our sessions. In fact, it is The Journey. It is the key part for the participant’s personal application of truths discovered in the series. For that reason the participant should purchase a 1-inch spiral notebook to use as his journal through the series, and your sessions should always include an opportunity to share from the journals. Always keep emphasizing the importance of journaling.


Costs: You have informed the recruit of the cost of the material for The Journey in the second Introductory Session, which included our request that they make a contribution for that amount to the ministry. Please collect that contribution from each participant and reimburse your account at our resource center.

Additional curriculum: Although we have included key books and research material, we want to encourage the participant’s own research on the subjects discussed. Therefore, as the mentor of your group, please explore other sources that can edify your sessions. The mentor should feel free to add his own personal spiritual experiences to the discussions in his group. If you have a book or a reading that has been particularly helpful to you in the past, be sure to suggest it to your group. We are not recommending this as a means to transfer knowledge, but rather to stimulate your group and yourself with a greater hunger to know our King better.

The assignments that you give out at the end of each session are designed to assist the participant in his journey to intimacy with our Lord. The goal is to inspire your group. Do not use guilt as a motivator, but rather grace and inspiration from your own discoveries. Use the “tools” we give you to paint a picture of what we aspire to. Our objective is not to hold each other accountable to one another (horizontal) but rather to our King (vertical). We gather to inspire each other to become “self-feeders” and “abiders” in Christ and in doing so to unlock the treasury of Heaven.

Finally and most important for your group dynamics, is the meeting itself. You will note a suggested agenda, similar to what you will be provided throughout the series. These questions and illustrations are intended to aid you in creating discussions relevant to your meeting focus. However, in order to breathe life into your meetings it is vitally important that you not become rigid in your Q. and A. sessions. Rather, try to create an easy discussion flow with your group. You do this by being prepared and well versed on the subject discussed and by leading from your heart. In order to keep your heart fresh, we have found that it is beneficial that the mentor go through the series and complete the study material just like the participants. Although you may have already gone through the material in a previous group, you will still discover new things and it will keep you fresh with your understanding. Most importantly, you must continue your own seeking after the Lord, as you serve your participants.

Book Handout Schedule:

Enlightened Session 2 – Hand out “A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23”

Enlightened Session 5 – Hand out “The Prayer Cottage and the Sacred Garden”

Enabled Session 1 – Hand out “The Secrets of the Vine”




• Introduction to Enlightened

Session 1 - (Pages 45­58) Establish The Journey’s objectives and

journaling exercise.

Session 2 - (Pages 61­72) God Knows.

Session 3 - (Pages 75­82) God Cares.

Session 4 - (Pages 85­90) God Is Willing.

Session 5 - (Pages 93­102 God Is Able.

Session 6- (Pages 105­126) Extended Prayer Time: The Prayer

Cottage and the Sacred Garden.




Have you ever had an experience when a simple question that you had answered before in a certain way could no longer be answered in the same manner? One of our co-founders shares his story and the impact it had on him.

A young graduate student and I were attending the same wedding. We didn’t know each other, but both of us had a relationship with the groom in that he was a friend and I the uncle. During the reception we had a conversation that got around to the question of knowing Jesus Christ. He asked the simple question, “When did you get to know Jesus?”

I had been asked this question numerous times over the past 50 years, and I had always answered it the same by giving a quick testimony of making a profession of faith at 9 years of age in a little Baptist church in Mississippi. But, this time, something else came out of my mouth, and I knew instantly that God was about to take me down a path of discovery that would open my understanding of Him as never before. This was the surprising answer I gave.

“When I was 9 years old, I made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ in my church, which indicated that I knew him. But, the following years of my life were so filled with darkness I really wasn’t sure if I knew Him at all.”

“Then, when I was 21 years old God showed me some new things about Himself that made me think that maybe I really had not known Him before, and it was at this time I got to know Him.

“However, when I was 30 years old my father was killed in an industrial accident. I was greatly grieved during this loss, for not only had I lost my father but I had also lost my dad. My father, being my dad, meant something special to me, for it indicated friendship and intimacy with him that not all fathers and sons have. It was during this grieving process I discovered that God wanted to be my Abba, which is Hebrew for “Daddy.” Because of my grief and during this time I discovered the intimate “Daddy God” that my Father wants to be to me and with all His children. It also caused me to question whether I had really known Him before, and maybe it was only then that I had really gotten to know Him.”

“It is now several years later and He has continued to reveal new things about Himself to me. There have been some monumental times, as they were at age 21 and age 30. Age 40 and age 50 stand out as times of new revelations about God. This has caused me to understand why I was having a hard time understanding when I first got to know God. I have come to understand and conclude that I am only getting to know this great and awesome God of the Bible”.

“Now, what I know about Him, because of His Son Jesus, causes me to worship Him. However, the better I get to know Him, the more my love for Him grows and I realize that there is more of Him for me to get to know. I know Him much better since age 9. But, to really know Him? Why, I think to really know God will take me an eternity to get to that point, don’t you agree?”

The young graduate student shook his head in agreement as we both testified to our limited understanding of our awesome God. But, little did I know that it would forever change my view of God and in the way I mentor others.

We believe that this example points to a common problem within the Body of Christ, in that we think that we know God and we are content with what we know, or don’t know about Him. However, there is so much more for God’s family to discover about Him, and it should be our personal life’s journey to pursue Him for this purpose.

When we were praying through the format of The Journey we began to realize that the first step should be to get a better understanding of the intimate God that He is. It is the rare exception that one would come


across a believer who has discovered a deep, intimate relationship with God that goes beyond a belief in His sovereignty and recognition of His position. There is respect and even worship, but there is still something lacking in their intimacy with Him. Why is this? Why do we stand outside this intimate fellowship that we could be enjoying with Him, instead of accepting His invitation to come closer? Most likely it is because we don’t know this aspect of God, and we don’t know how to enter in. But the invitation is so clear from Jesus when He spoke to us about “abiding in Him and He in us.” Is this illustration that He gave to us not the most perfect picture of intimacy with Him? Why can we not see that there is more to Him than our recognition of Him being the “God of the universe?” He is also “Daddy”, and He wants us to enjoy Him on this level of understanding and intimacy. For this reason, our first pursuit in The Journey is called “Enlightened.”

There are four intimate aspects of God that we will be concentrating on in this series. They are:

God Knows: (He knows you)

God Cares: (He cares about what He knows about you)

God is Willing: (He is willing to involve Himself in those things He knows and cares about)

God is Able: (He is able to do something about that which He knows and cares about provided there is no obstacles that prevents His work in your life)

The progressive understanding of these aspects of God are designed to build a foundation of understanding that God is a loving, caring and an intimate God that wants to involve Himself in every aspect of our life. This is “enlightening” to many Christians, if not the majority of us.

It is our objective to inspire all of our participants to that abiding relationship that we continue to reference over and over again. But, there has to be a place to start, and what better place is there to start than in our understanding of this aspect of God? If we come to understand this about God, then we will also understand that it is His desire that we enter more deeply into our intimacy with Him. It’s His idea for us to relate to Him on this level, and it has been that way since the beginning of the creation of man. Simply put: He wants us to enjoy Him and He us. This is the “enlightened” we speak of and the foundation we want to build in this session.



Session 1

Establish The Study Objectives


To introduce the session points and a journaling exercise. The session points will reinforce our emphasis on pursuing intimacy with an intimate God. Next is the journaling exercise. Journaling is not difficult. However, it is intimidating only because a participant doesn’t know where or how to start and they often feel they are not “measuring up” with a requirement. We want to make them feel both comfortable and comforted in journaling, by giving them an exercise that can help them initiate the process. When they come away from this session they will have recorded their first entries in their journals and should feel some comfort that it is not as intimidating as they first thought.


As a result of the previous meetings and discussions your group should have begun to realize that our objective, or pursuit if you will, is that we will move deeper into our relationship with God. The allegory of The Journey to the Inner Chamber is about a journey into this intimacy with Him. The “Inner Chamber” in the story represents the abiding relationship that Christ speaks of in John 15. It is from this intimate abiding with Him that we are equipped to bear fruit to his glory. This fruit comes from our influence to the world around us.

In order to reinforce this story and objective, we must now begin to make a biblical case that God does indeed desire fellowship and friendship with His children. We do this by exploring some characteristics of God that point out that He is an intimate, caring God. They are:

God Knows – God Cares – God is Willing – God is Able

In Session 1 we will attempt to clarify our view of God by tightening our focus on a certain key characteristic of God. It is impossible for finite creatures such as humans to fully understand an infinite God Who has and is doing all that He is doing. For that reason we will be focusing only on those intimate qualities that we are able to better relate to. However, in doing this we must not try to bring God down to our level of thinking or perceive that He is limited by the abilities that man possesses. It is essential that although we cannot comprehend Him, we are still awed by Him and that our faith in Him grow.

You will discover as you move further into the leadership of The Journey that all of our meetings are designed to establish foundations of revelation and understanding about God and His desire for intimacy with us. Unfortunately many, if not most Christians, do not know this aspect of God nor do they understand the invitation that he has given to us to come into this intimacy. Viewing God as greater than human and as the Infinite and Almighty Creator is necessary for having a proper view of Him. However,


this is only the start of our getting to know Him better. He is also loving and caring and has a greater capacity to understand us, to forgive us and to love us beyond our ability to comprehend. For this reason He invites us into His presence to get to know Him better. Some names for God that you will reference in your next session follows. Please review them. We will introduce some more names for God as a means to help your group broaden their view of Him, along with these that you will mention in your next session.

Jehovah-jireh – Jehovah will provide (See Genesis 22:14) Jehovah-nissi – Jehovah is my banner (See Ex. 17:15,16) Jehovah-shalom – Jehovah is peace (See Judges 6:23,24)

In the latter part of your session, you will introduce a journaling exercise. As you know, keeping and sharing from our journals is an essential component of The Journey. We have found that men love to journal once they get the hang of it and feel comfortable sharing from it. For that reason, we have placed in your session a time for this introduction. Take your time with it and make sure your group understands how truly simple it is. Invite any in your group that still need a little help to meet with you privately. This time with you will help kick-start their journaling and will prove to be a valuable time for both of you.

When you open your time up for discussion, let the participants talk as much as possible. It is their time to share. Encourage the discussion by questions that stimulate responses. One good question that could follow-up someone’s observation is, “How does that make you feel about God and His desire to help you in your life?” We are always trying to drive our discussions home to the individual’s understanding that what is really important is not our observations about God but rather our personal intimacy with Him.


Enlightened -Session 1-

Establish The Journey’s Objectives

• Roundtable Time.

Mentor’s Insight: Have a brief discussion of current events, as you introduce the practice of warming up the group with a “roundtable time.” We will be encouraging the off week times of interacting with God and recording these thoughts in their journal. By having a “Roundtable Time” in the beginning of the session, we are establishing the journal’s importance to The Journey, and it is also an encouragement to be on time for your sessions. Please do not neglect this time. Be prepared to share your own insight from your journal, as you model the importance we place on it journaling.

Pass out the Participants Guide at this time.

• Introduce Session.

Mentor’s Insight: Use this time to move all your participants in the same direction in their understanding of what their target will be in this series. The following statements and questions can assist you. But, remember put them in your own words.

Q: In the last session we highlighted “Gabe’s Principles of Influence” as our guide for The Journey. We will now introduce to you the segments of The Journey that we use that follow those principles. These segments are:

ENLIGHTENED (or getting to know God better)

ENABLED (or learning what it means to abide in Christ and to be empowered by Him)

EXPRESSING (or becoming Influencers that bear fruit to our King’s glory)

Q: If our desire is to go deeper in our intimacy with Christ, what particular aspect of God do we need to have more enlightenment on?

Mentor’s Insight: That He is a personal, loving God that has invited us into a deeper intimate relationship with Him. It is His idea, and He has made it possible for us.

Q: How do we know this? Could it be based on how He has presented Himself to mankind? Let’s look at three of the names of God that you have in your Participant’s Guide (Assignment for Session 2). If we were doing a study of God it would stand to reason that studying the names of God would be a good place to start, and

Mentor’s Notes:


why is this?

Answer: A name would indicate a particular characteristic of God.

Q: Would you agree with me that the best way for us to have a characteristic of God hammered home to us would be to personally experience that truth about God? As an example, if you were to have your back against the wall and have no other way to provide food for your family and to see God miraculously provide for you in a way that you knew for sure that it had to be God providing, would you then understand Jehovah-jireh, which means “My Provider”, better?

Q: Or if you see a miracle where God has taken you through a desert and you have now crossed the Jordan River into your promised land, would you understand better that Jehovah-nissi is “My Banner?” Or to see God bring peace to your home or homeland, would we understand Jehovah-shalom, which means “Giver of Peace”, better?

State: There are many theories about God and what God can do. Then, there are experiences with God and what God has done. Listen to the words of one our founders and how his experience with God and what God has done for him influenced our first pursuit of understanding the intimate characteristics of God.

“Some time ago I heard a message that intrigued me. Later, when I was facing a life threatening condition, the points in that message began to encourage me and thus hammer home some truths about God. These truths I speak of and my trust in them gave me great encouragement and thus joy in a great time of crisis. As I hung onto those truths during my crisis, I began to grow closer to God than ever before. After my crisis, not only did I see God deliver me from my life threatening condition, my life was also forever changed by my experience with God. These are the truths I speak of: God knows me, and what I am going through. God cares about what He knows about me. God is willing to help me. And, God is able to help me. “

Mentor’s Insight: In your own words convey the next point. Since we are on a journey to intimacy with God, then we feel that we should concentrate on the intimate characteristics of God. Therefore, our Enlightened series will pursue an understanding of those four aspects of God that have been mentioned, and it is through these truths that we hope to understand the intimate characteristics of God better.

• Outline the remaining objectives.

Mentor’s Insight: Explain the four basic truths we will be pursuing in this segment of The Journey.

…God knows you and everything about you.

…God cares about that which he knows about you.


…God is willing to involve Himself with you on the deepest level of your needs.

…God is able to do something about that which He knows and cares about you.

Mentor’s Insight: The following questions could assist your participants in their understanding and personal application of these truths. By the way, understanding without personal application keeps the truth a theory. On the other hand, understanding with personal application, is the first step to experience.

Q: So how would these truths, if we really believe them and rely on them, change us and encourage us? How can these truths turn sorrow to joy and fear to confidence and in turn help us grow closer and more intimate with God?

Mentor’s Insight: It would be helpful if you have access to a marker board for the following illustration. Go through the exercise of relating these truths one­ by­one, as if you were climbing a ladder. The Ladder Illustration follows.

Ladder Illustration The first rung on the ladder is “God Knows.” Therefore, if God knows me thoroughly, then He knows all of the details of my life (see Psalm 139). If He knows all the details, then He knows exactly what I’m going through at this time. Remember, Jesus suffered through all the temptations that we face and He empathizes with us and knows how to come to our rescue (see Hebrews 2:18). This in turn would assure me that He is sensitive to my special needs. This aspect of God comforts me because I know He knows what is going on with me. I need to know this about God to draw closer to Him.

The next rung on the ladder is “God Cares.” Therefore, if He is a caring and compassionate God, He has a great empathy and concern about my hurts, my fears and my troubles. He knows exactly what I am feeling emotionally, what I am going through, and He feels deeply about it. This aspect of God comforts me because I know He is neither disinterested nor uninvolved with me on my emotional level. The Bible says He knows and cares about every tear I shed (see Rev. 7:17). We need to know this aspect of God to draw closer to Him.

The next rung on the ladder is “God is Willing” (see Phil 4:19). Most Christians believe, at least in theory, the first two rungs in the ladder. But, deep down, we really don’t believe that He is willing to come to our help. We believe it for someone else. We believe it when someone shares their story. But, when it comes down to ourselves we become a “Doubting Thomas.” For this reason, many of the trials we face become ours to carry rather than accepting the help of He Who wants to prove Himself to us. He is in fact saying ‘”Trust me to get you through this and in doing so prove Myself to you and thus draw you closer to Me”. We need to know this aspect of God, for it will comfort us and assure us when we are going through our trials, and that our trials are not in vain.

The last rung on the ladder is “God is Able” (see Eph 3:20). Now, there is


very little comfort if we have a God that is involved with us on the deep level we’ve been speaking of, but is unable to do anything about it. However, there is great comfort to know the Great I Am, the Creator of the universe is my Abba, my Daddy, and He is able to do something about what He knows and cares about . Knowing this brings us great comfort when we face those impossible situations that only He can remedy. We need to know this aspect of God to draw closer to Him.

At the top of the ladder, is the throne of God (draw a throne with a cross on it). As we take our spiritual journey and go through the many experiences that climb this ladder, we also find that this process builds godly character and faith. Best of all, it gives us the greatest treasure of the universe. We learn to abide in Christ. Our deepest longing is met, as we are able to have our hearts awakened, and we are able to be restored to the relationship that God had originally created. We feast in “The Inner Chamber,” as we follow our journey to this banquet.

Mentor’s Insight: After you’ve gone through the ladder illustration, in your own words, ask the following questions.

Q: After we process these truths and really begin to trust God in these areas, what would be the normal conclusion that we would have to come to?

Answer: If God is sovereign, then what or who should I fear. If God is for me, then what or who can be against me?

• Introduce the Journaling Exercise.

Mentor’s Insight: In your own words share the following information.

As we move forward in The Journey, it is important that you understand that the discipleship process that you will be going through will require that you learn to “self­feed” in God’s word. If you will recall Part 1 of the story you read, you will remember that it is at this point that the storyteller understood that he had stopped growing spiritually. He still required someone else to teach him God’s word, and this was hindering his progress to The Inner Chamber. Unfortunately this is a common problem with most Christians, and this is why we are spiritually anemic and weak. It is also why most Christians do not have an intimate relationship with Christ.

An essential part of The Journey is the use of your journal, for in using the journal, you will begin a process of becoming a self­feeder, and this process will likely continue for the rest of your life. Because we have taken many men through The Journey, we understand that most of them initially feel a little intimidated with journaling, until they come to see that it is not as hard or as complicated as they feared it would be. To help you understand this we will spend our remaining time giving you a jump­start with your journal using a session on journaling. We think you will see that it is not complicated or hard. We also think you will one day realize how profound it has been in your life.

• Journaling Exercise.


Mentor’s Insight: Have your group record the following information in their journals as they read and apply the promise or instruction to their life.

Write on Board

What did I read in scripture?

What key thought was conveyed?

How does this apply to my life right now?

How should I respond to this promise or instruction?

Exercise Example #1.

Scripture Reading: II Timothy 3:16 (Have some one read the verse)

What key thought is conveyed? (Ask your group for their feedback)

Mentor’s Insight: All scripture is inspired by God and is given to us for teaching others and ourselves, for instructions for dealing with issues of life and for training in how to have a right­standing relationship with God. Have them write this in their journal.

How does this apply to my life right now? (Ask your group to respond)

Mentor’s Insight: If I want to be taught how to enter into an intimate, abiding, right­ standing relationship with Christ, then I am to find my answers from God’s inspired word. Have them write this in their journal.

How should I respond to this promise or instruction? (Ask your group to respond)

Mentor’s Insight: I should accept that God’s word has been given to help me live my life, and I should make it a priority to study His word and apply it to my life daily. Have them write this in their journal.

Example #2.

Mentor’s Insight: Use the next scripture for a training exercise as you did with example #1. Example #2 is a “Needs Based” understanding of scriptures, as if someone needed insight in a particular area, such as “fear or anxiety.” However, instead of telling them what to write, ask each man to make his own interpretation and write it out in his journal. After enough time has passed, ask each man to share what he wrote.

Scripture: Philippians 4: 4-8

Thought Conveyed: (Meditate and record in journal)

Personal Application: (Meditate and record in journal)

Promise to claim or instruction to follow: (Meditate and record in journal)

• Questions about journaling.

Mentor’s Insight: First congratulate your group on their efforts and assure them they


can do no wrong as they are learning to journal. Tell your group that you will be glad to meet with them individually and continue to help them get an understanding about how to journal. You may even want to meet with your men and ask them to bring their journals, and both of you can share from them. This could be a good way to get to know each other better.

• Review assignment.

Mentor’s Insight: Discuss and challenge them to be prepared to share something new and interesting about God Knows, as they record it in their journals. Be prepared to hand out “A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23” in Session 2.

• Close with prayer.



-Assignment for Session 2-


Make it a habit to get 15 – 30 minutes daily with God. The best time is early in the morning, but what works for you is all that counts. Make sure it is a quiet place without distractions.

First, look in your list for the names for God that deal with “God Knows.” Look up and read the scripture references and others that you might cross-reference. Include Psalm 139 and Psalm 37:23. In your journal record the date, the scripture reference(s) and any thoughts, questions or revelations you discover. Be prepared to share these things with the group when we meet next.

Next, go back to your journal and look at what you recorded. For each verse or revelation that you discovered pray back a personal prayer of commitment to God to trust him in the area of your life that you have felt “alone” in. Clearly articulate to God those things you are concerned with and your desire to trust Him with them.

Spend some time with God and confess any areas of your life you have been trying to keep secret from Him. Clean the slate by confessing and receiving His gift of forgiveness. Next clearly state the areas of weakness that you need His help in making you stronger.

At the end of your research and study, write a prayer to God in your journal thanking Him for the any revelations He has given to you and your commitment to follow His leadership.

Let this prayer be “a new song of joy” for His loving presence in your life and the fact that He knows all the details of your life.


Names, Titles & Descriptions of God (NIV translation)


A faithful God–Deut 32:4 A forgiving God–Neh 9:17 A fortress of salvation–Ps 28:8 A glorious crown–Isa 28:5 A jealous and avenging God–Nah 1:2 A Master in heaven–Col 4:1 A refuge for his people–Joel 3:16 A refuge for the oppressed–Ps 9:9 A refuge for the poor-Isa 25:4 A sanctuary-Isa 8:14 A shade from the heat-Isa 25:4 A shelter from the storm-Isa 25:4 A source of strength-Isa 28:6 A stronghold in times of trouble-Ps 9:9 An ever-present help in trouble-Ps 46:1 Architect and builder-Heb 11:10 Builder of everything-Heb 3:4 Commander of the Lord's army-Josh 5:14 Creator of heaven and earth-Gen 14:19 Defender of widows-Ps 68:5 Eternal King-Jer 10:10 Father-Isa 9:6, 63:16, Matt 5:16 Father of compassion-2 Cor 1:3 Father of our spirits-Heb 12:9 Father of the heavenly lights-Jas 1:17 Father to the fatherless-Ps 68:5 God-Gen 1:2 God Almighty (El Shaddai)-Gen 17:1 God and Father of Jesus Christ-1 Pet 1:3 God Most High-Gen 14:18-22 God my Maker-Job 35:10 God my Rock-Ps 42:9

God my Savior-Ps 18:46, 27:9 God my stronghold-Ps 144:2, 2 Sam 22:3 God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob-Ex 3:16 God of all comfort-2 Cor 1:3 God of all mankind-Jer 32:27 God of glory-Ps 29:3 God of God-Deut 10:17, Ps 136:2 God of grace-1 Peter 5:10 God of peace-1 Thes 5:23 God of retribution-Jer 51:56 God of the living—Matt 22:32 God of the spirit-Num 16:22 God of truth-Ps 31:5 God our Father-Col 1:2 God our strength-Ps 18:2 God over all the kingdom-Dan 4:17 God the Father-Col 3:17 God who avenges me-Ps 18:47, 94:1 God who relents from sending calamity- Joel 2:13

Great and awesome God-Deut 7:21 Great and powerful God-Jer 32:18 Great, mighty, awesome God-Deut 10:17 He who blots out your transgressions- Isa 43:25 He who comforts you-Isa 66:13 He who forms the hearts of all-Ps 33:15 He who raised Christ from the dead- Rom 8:11 He who reveals his thoughts to man- Amos 4:13 Helper of the fatherless-Ps 10:14 Him who is able to do more than all we ask or imagine-Eph 3:20 Him who is able to keep you from falling- Jude 24


Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead-2 Tim 4:1 Holy Father-John 17:11 Holy One-Rev 16:5 Holy One among you-Hos 11:9 I AM WHO I AM-Ex 3:14 Jealous-Ex 20:5 Judge of all the earth-Gen 18:25 King of glory-Ps 24:7-10 King of heaven-Dan 4:37 Living and true God-1 Thes 1:9 Lord Almighty-2 Cor 6:18 Lord God Almighty-Rev4:8; 16:7, 21:22 Lord is Peace-Judges 6:24 Lord Most High-Ps. 7:17 Lord is my Banner-Ex. 17:15 Lord my Rock-Ps. 28:1 Lord of all the earth-Mic 4:13; Zech 4:14 Lord of kings-Dan 2:47 Lord our God-Deut 1:6,10 Lord our Maker-Ps 95:6 Lord our shield-Ps 33:20 Lord who heals you-Ex 15:26 Lord who is there-Ezek 48:35 Lord who makes you holy-Heb 2:11 Lord who strikes the blow-Ezek 7:9 Lord will provide-Gen 22:14 Love-1 John 4:8 Maker of all things-Eccl 11:5; Jer 10:16 Most High-Gen 14:18-22 My advocate-Job 16:19 My comforter in sorrow-Jer 8:18 My confidence-Ps 71:5 My helper-Ps 118:7; Heb 13-6 My hiding place-Ps 32:7 My hope-Ps 25:5, 21 My light-Ps 27:1 My mighty rock-Ps 62:7 My refuge in times of trouble-Ps 59:16 My song-Ex 15:2 My strong deliverer-Ps 140:7 My support-2 Sam 22:19 One to be feared-1 Chron 16:25 Only wise God-Rom 16:27

Our dwelling place-Ps 90:1 Our judge-1 Sam 24:15 Our lawgiver-Isa 33:22 Our leader-2 Chron 13:12 Our mighty one-Isa 33:21 Our redeemer-Isa 47:4; 63:16 Our refuge and strength-Ps 46:1 Righteous father-John 17:25 Rock of our salvation-Ps.95:1 Shepherd-Ps 23:1 Sovereign Lord-Acts 4:24 The almighty-Gen 49:25; Ruth 1:20 The compassionate and gracious God- Ex 34:6 The eternal God-Gen 21:33 The consuming fire-Isa 33:14 The everlasting God-Isa 40:28 The exalted God-Mic 6:6 The faithful God-Deut 7:9 The gardener (husbandman)-John 15:1 The glorious father-Eph 1:17 The glory of Israel-Mic 1:15 The God who saves me-Ps 88:1 The God who sees me-Gen 16:13 The great king above all gods-Ps 95:3 The just and mighty one-Job 34:17 The living father-John 6:57 The majestic glory-2 Pet 1:17 The majesty in heaven-Heb 1:3 The one who sustains me-Ps 54:4 The only God-Jude 1:25 The potter-Jer18:6 The rock in whom I take refuge-Ps 18:2 The spring of living water-Jer 2:13 The strength of my heart-Ps. 73:26 The true God-1 Thess 1:9


A Nazarene-Matt 2:23; Mark 14:67 All-Col 3:11 Alpha and omega-Rev 1:8


Anointed one-Acts 4:26; Ps 2:2 Apostle and high priest-Heb 3:1 Author and perfector or our faith-Heb 12:2 Author of life-Acts 3:15 Author of their salvation-Heb 2:10 Branch of the Lord-Isa 4:2 Bread of God-John 6:33 Bread of life-John 6:48 Bridegroom-Luke 5:34-35 Chief cornerstone-Eph 2:20 Chief shepherd-1 Pet 5:4 Chosen and precious cornerstone- 1 Pet 2:6 Christ Jesus my Lord-Phil 3:8 Christ Jesus our hope-1 Tim 1:1 Christ of God-Luke 9:20 Consolation of Israel-Luke 2:25 Crown of splendor-Isa 62:3 Eternal life-1 John 5:20 Faithful and true-Rev 19:11 Faithful and true witness-Rev 3:14 First to rise from the dead-Acts 26:23 Firstborn from among the dead-Col. 1:18 Firstborn over all creation-Col. 1:15 Firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep-1 Cor 15:20 Fragrant offering and sacrifice to God- Eph 5:2 Friend of tax collectors and sinners- Matt 11:19 God over all-Rom 9:5 God’s son-John 11:4 Great high priest-Heb 4:14 Great light-Matt 4:16 Great shepherd of the sheep-Heb 13:20 Guarantee of a better covenant-Heb 7:22 He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world-John 6:33 He who searches hearts and minds- Rev 2:23 Head of every man-1 Cor 11:3 Head of the body, the church-Col 1:18 Head of the church-Eph 5:23 Head over every power and authority-

Col 2:10 Heir of all things-Heb 1:2 Him who died and came to life again- Rev 2:8 Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins-Rev 1:5 His one and only son-1 John 4:9 Holy and righteous one-Acts 3:14 Holy one of God-John 6:69 Holy servant Jesus-Acts 4:27,30 Hope of Israel-Jer 17:13 Horn of salvation-Luke 1:69 Image of the invisible God-Col 1:15 Immanuel (God with us)-Matt 1:23 Indescribable gift-2 Cor 9:15 Jesus-Matt 1:21 Jesus Christ-John 1:17 Jesus Christ our Lord-Rom 1:4; 5:21 Jesus Christ our Savior-Titus 3:6 Jesus of Nazareth-Mark 1:24; Matt 26:71 Judge of the living and the dead- Acts 10:42 KING OF KINGS-Rev 19:16 King of the ages-Rev 15:3 Lamb of God-John 1:29; 1:36 Light for revelation to the Gentiles- Luke 2:32 Light of men-John 1:4 Light of the world-John 8:12 Living bread that came down from heaven- John 6:51 Lord and Savior Jesus Christ-2 Pet 3:18 Lord (Kurios)-Josh 3:11,13 Lord of glory-1 Cor 2:8 LORD OF LORDS-Rev 19:16 Lord of peace-2 Thess 3:16 Lord of the harvest-Matt 9:38 Lord of the Sabbath-Matt 12:8 Lord (Rabboni)-John 20:16 Man accredited by God-Acts 2:22 Man of sorrows-Isa 53:3 Master-Luke 8:24; 9:33; Col 4:1 Mediator of a new covenant-Heb 9:15; 12:24 Merciful and faithful high priest-Heb 2:17 Messenger of the covenant-Mal 3:1


Messiah-John 1:41 Morning star-Rev 2:28 My friend-Jer 3:4 My intercessor-Job 16:20 One who makes men holy-Heb 2:11 One who speaks to the Father in our defense- 1 John 2:1 One who will arise to rule over the nations- Rom 15:12 Our glorious Lord Jesus Christ-Jas 2:1 Our God and Savior Jesus Christ-2 Pet 1:1 Our only sovereign and Lord-Jude 1:4 Our Passover lamb-1 Cor 5:7 Our peace-Eph 2:14 Our righteousness, holiness and redemption- 1 Cor 1:30 Physician-Luke 4:23 Prince and savior-Acts 5:31 Prince of peace-Isa 9:6 Price of princes-Dan 8:25 Prince of the hosts-Dan 8:11 Ransom for all men-1 Tim 2:6 Refiner and purifier-Mal 3:3 Resurrection and the life-John 11:25 Righteous judge-2 Tim 4:8 Righteous one-Acts 3:14; 7:52 Rock eternal (rock of ages)-Isa 26:4 Ruler of God’s creation-Rev 3:14 Ruler of the kings of the earth-Rev 1:5 Savior of the world-John 4:42 Second man-1 Cor 15:47 Shepherd and overseer of your souls- 1 Pet 2:25 Son of man-John 3:13-14; 5:27; 6:27 Son of the blessed one-Mark 14:61 Son of the living God-Matt 16:16 Son of the Most High God-Luke 8:28 Source of eternal salvation-Heb 5:9 Sure foundation-Isa 33:6 Teacher-Matt 23:10 The amen-2 Cor 1:20 The beginning and the end-Rev 21:6 The bright morning star-Rev 22:16

The exact representation of his God’s being- Heb 1:3 The first and the last-Rev 1:17 The gate (door)-John 10:7,9 The good shepherd-John 10:11 The head-Eph 4:15; Col 2:19 The last Adam-1 Cor 15:45 The life-John 14:6 The living one-Rev 1:18 The living stone-1 Pet 2:4 The lord our righteousness-Jer 23:6 The man from heaven-1 Cor 15:49 The man Christ Jesus-1 Tim 2:5 The most holy-Dan 9:24 The one and only-John 1:14,18 The only God our savior-Jude 1:25 The radiance of God’s glory-Heb 1:3 The rising of the sun-Isa 59:19 The stone the builders rejected-1 Pet 2:7 The testimony given in its proper time- 1 Tim 2:6 The true light-John 1:9 The true vine-John 15:1 The truth-John 14:6


A deposit (earnest)-2 Cor 5:5

Another counselor-John 14:16, 26 Breath of the almighty-Job 32:8 Holy One-1 John 2:20 Holy Spirit-John 1:33 Holy Spirit of God-Eph 4:30 Seal-2 Cor 1:22 Spirit of Christ-1 Pet 1:11 Spirit of counsel and of power-Isa 11:2 Spirit of faith-2 Cor 4:13 Spirit of fire-Isa 4:4 Spirit of glory-1 Pet 4:14 Spirit of grace and supplication- Zech 12:10 Spirit of his Son-Gal 4:6


Spirit of holiness-Rom 1:4 Spirit of Jesus Christ-Phil 1:19 Spirit of judgment-Isa 4:4 Spirit of justice-Isa 28:6 Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord-Isa 11:2 Spirit of life-Rom 8:2 Spirit of our God-1 Cor 6:11 Spirit of sonship (adoption)-Rom 8:15 Spirit of the living God-2 Cor 3:3 Spirit of the Lord-Isa 63:14; Luke 4:18 Spirit of the sovereign Lord-Isa 61:1 Spirit of truth-John 14:17; 1 John 4:6 Spirit of wisdom and of understanding- Isa 11:2 Spirit of wisdom and revelation- Eph 1:17 The gift-Acts 2:38; 10:45 The promised Holy Spirit-Acts 2:33 The same gift-Acts 11:17 Voice of the almighty-Ezek 1:24 Voice of the Lord-Hag 1:12; Isa 30:31


Enlightened Session 2

God Knows


To better understand the complete knowledge that God has of our life and all that is going on in it. In order to understand this, we need to understand that God is omnipresent (present at all times) and omniscient (all knowing). Since He is where we are wherever we are and He knows everything that is going on around us, if we believe these things about Him, we have built a necessary foundation for trusting Him.


Mentor, this is important for your own perspective. Please begin by reading Psalm 139.

When one reads this passage, he must come away with a sense, or at least a conviction, of God’s complete knowledge of us. This knowledge is completely thorough. It includes His knowledge of our conception to the point of our birth, which includes our personality traits, to the days we have of life before we ever have one. Included in this are our thoughts, where our bodies are at any given point, any place, any time and in all circumstances. In all these things, God sees us and knows what we are dealing with. So the question is, “What should this mean to us?” Look at what King David, the writer of Psalm 139 says.

“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! They are innumerable!” (verse 17)

Do you get the feel of the excitement that was within David when he wrote this Psalm? Can you understand his point of view about God’s complete knowledge of him? Let’s see if you can feel it as well. Read this passage again, but take David out of it and put yourself in it. Now answer these questions by jotting your thoughts next to the question.

Your thought life? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________

Your future? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________


When you are frightened about the circumstances in your life? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Your vulnerabilities, any and all?

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

When you are confused or discouraged?

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

The ministry to the men He has entrusted to you?

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Your weaknesses, that are made perfect by His strength?

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

After you complete the above questions, ask yourself if you really believe that God knows what is going on in your life? If you do believe it, then you are ready to take your group to a necessary foundation for leading them into intimacy with our King, and you will be ready for this next meeting. It is important that your group establishes this belief about God, and this is why we are emphasizing it.

Don’t forget the necessity of prayer for your group. Most of all, … don’t forget: He is right beside you, applauding your efforts in leading His men to a closer life with Him. He appreciates everything you are doing for them, and He loves you very, very much.


Enlightened -Session 2- God Knows

• Roundtable Time.

Mentor’s Insight: Share from the journals. Remember we are trying to hammer home the importance of having a quiet­time and recording it in their journals. By having a reproducing session format you will send the message that we value their efforts in journaling. Before long, those who are really interested in going on this journey with you will find exciting truths and they will learn to “self­feed.” In addition, you want to encourage your participants to be on time so they can get the most out of each session. For this reason, do not wait for the stragglers to show up. Begin on time and this will send another important message.

• Review From Last Session,

Mentor’s Insight: Give a brief refresher of the series objectives in your own words.

• Sharing about “God Knows.”

Mentor’s Insight: This should be an introduction by you to your participants that establishes one of the key foundations of Enlightened. The fact that God is completely and totally aware of everything about us is breathtaking when it gets through to us. When it is coupled with the other aspects we will be covering, it becomes life changing. Therefore, speak from your own heart what it means, as a foundation for them and what it means to you personally. For your assistance we are providing sample questions.

Q: We use the term “God Knows” purposely as a means to communicate the aspect of God called “Omniscience.” Have you heard that term? What does it mean?

Answer: All knowing.

Q: Actually, what we are trying to do is personalize this aspect of God in our study of Him, and it might have been better to use the term “God knows you.” How does it impact you to realize that God knows everything about you?

Answer: It should give peace, accountability and sometimes shame, for we can hide nothing from Him. Explore other things.

Mentor’s Notes:


Mentor’s Insight: Convey the following information in your own words. Last week you were given some names and scriptures and were asked to study and pray through them. It was mentioned that we would discuss our discoveries and any insights you found. Before we begin sharing, remember, our purpose and method. We are on a spiritual journey of discovery, together. We are helping each other journey to the “Inner Chamber”, or a deeper intimacy with Christ.

We have an open sharing format. There are no stupid observations or questions. You may share your heart and those questions that have you confused, without being criticized. In addition, if we cannot come up with an answer, it will be our practice to pursue wisdom in our off­week and bring it back to the group. Remember, we find our answers in theology, not philosophy.

• Now to our discussion.

Mentor’s Insight: As you approach the study of God’s Omniscience (God knows) we must also recognize the importance of our own knowledge of God. Therefore, start off with some key verses on that subject. With your participants, look at these verses and have a “nugget find” session by asking them what the verse means to them personally.

Read: Proverbs 1: 7. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Q: What does it mean to fear the Lord?

Answer: You’ll discover this answer in the next few questions. Let your group struggle with the answer at this point

Q: How would this fear be the beginning of knowledge?

Read: Proverbs 2: 3 – 5. “For if you cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as hidden treasure; then you will discern the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God.”

Q: Would you agree that this passage makes it sound almost like a treasure hunt for finding the answers that we are seeking?

Q: Where would this treasure be found?

Answer: God’s written word.

Q: What would keep us from receiving or hearing God’s insight, since we are seeing a clear promise that it will be provided?

Answer: Our inability to hear or sense His wisdom. We are spiritually dull to it.

Q: What particular discernment will we receive? Keep in mind my first question to the group.


Answer: We will discern what it means to “fear the Lord.”

Q: We are given the treasure map to understanding what the “fear of the Lord” means. But, what does this “fear” provide us?

Answer: The beginning process of receiving knowledge from God

Q: The rest of the passage promises that this discernment will lead us to discover the knowledge of God. Concerning the knowledge that is mentioned here: Is there a difference in knowledge of God and knowledge from God? Which knowledge do you think this passage is referring to? (look at verses 6 - 11)

Mentor’s Insight: A companion thought to this pursuit of knowledge from God is the work of the Holy Spirit and our dependence on Him in order for us to receive and understand revelations that God gives to us. We must understand that there is a supernatural connection to God and through the Holy Spirit; that through this connection God imparts wisdom and knowledge to us, provided there is no hindrance. We will be getting into “hindrances” in your session “God Is Able.” For now, help your participants grow in their understanding of how this knowledge and wisdom transfer is designed by God to work, before you get into why it sometimes doesn’t work.

• Read I Cor. 2: 7 – 13.

Q: In this passage, we see the method that God uses to impart the wisdom and knowledge that He promises to give and what is it?

Answer: Holy Spirit.

Mentor’s Insight: We will be doing an extensive study of the person of the Holy Spirit later in our journey. However, understand, there is a God ordained design that we must learn to use. But, most believers have no idea how He work’s in our life and how to listen to Him.

Q: Can we be actually cheating ourselves of God’s blessing by not living by the guidance for daily living that He has given us in His word?

Mentor’s Insight: The above question is complex and it may need to be restated in your own words, if it is not clear. The heart of the question is simply that God has given us many promises for our encouragement and comfort that deal with His care for us. Do we believe Him? Are we willing to rely on the fact that those promises are meant for us and we can trust them? Our trust in Him and His promises is key for seeing those promises fulfilled in our life.

• Sharing from participant’s study of “God Knows.”

Mentor’s Insight: This will be the first opportunity for your participants to share their attempts at interpretation and application of the truths of the scriptures provided in their assignment. Be highly encouraging of anything they share by sharing your excitement in their efforts and insight. This will


encourage them to dig deeper and to feel comfortable in sharing. Later you will be able to help them view certain misunderstandings and scriptures that have been misunderstood by gently guiding them to an accurate understanding. Right now you are winning the right to “mentor” them in that area.

• Review assignment.

Mentor’s Insight: Pass out Peter Keller’s book and ask them to begin reading it and note key points that stand out. Also share that that we will be referencing some of the points in the book the next few weeks. Therefore, it would be good to bring the book along with them.

• Close with prayer.


-Assignment for Session 3-


Begin your reading of Peter Keller’s book, A Shepherd Looks Psalm 23. You will find some key points about God’s care for you in this book.

In our last session we discussed God’s intimate knowledge of his child. God knows everything about you, including your fears, concerns, hopes, dreams, the present and the future, and He also cares greatly about these things in your life.

First week

Read the attached explanation on the chapter “Knowing and Being Known,” from J. I. Packer’s book “Knowing God.”

Write in your journal, in detail, the concerns that you are dealing with right now, and make a clear recording of what they are. Those concerns will be revisited in a few days.


Next, consider that God’s care of His children has often been compared to a shepherd caring for his sheep. Attached are some verses that describe a shepherd, good and bad, along with his duties. During the first week read and study these verses and others that you might find.

“Good” - John 10: 11,14 “One” - John 10:16 “Chief” - 1 Peter 5:4

“Gentle” - Isaiah 40:11 “Great” - Hebrews 13:20 “Great Divider” - Matt. 25:31-4

Answer the following questions record them in your journal:

• What are some characteristics of sheep that would be similar to God’s children and to you?

• Are there any of these characteristics that you identify with that are going on right now in your life?

• What are some characteristics of a good shepherd that would be similar to God?

• Of those characteristics of the “Good Shepherd” how would you like for Him to minister to your specific needs right now. Example: Do you need protection? Assurance? Feeding? Watering? Wisdom? To be led? Help with a personal problem?

• Look at your list of concerns as recorded in your journal. Take each of those concerns to the Lord in prayer. Entrust these needs to Him. Ask for His wisdom to know what to do about them. Ask for patience to wait for His solution.

Second Week

• In the second week reflect on your previous week’s concerns.

• Pray through the verses that you read and studied the first week. Use a few minutes each day to reflect on and praise God for His caring attributes. Try to sense or feel His love for you. This is done best when you’ve gotten alone and quieted yourself from distractions. This is the best way to describe a “quiet time.”

• Continue to read and research any scripture or material that you can bring to the group about the subject “God Cares.” (Remember Proverbs 2:3-5? We’re on a treasure hunt, and we can help each other find the gold nuggets.)

• Toward the end of the second week revisit your “concern list.” Are there concerns that need to be taken off your list because they have been dealt with? Have you received wisdom for dealing with a matter? Has something miraculous taken place with any of your concerns? If so, record it in your journal, and be prepared to share with the group.


Knowing and Being Known by God

In our previous sessions it has been discussed that we are on a spiritual journey to get to know God better. To really know the Omnipotent (All-powerful), Omnipresent (Everywhere Present), and Omniscient (All- Knowing) person of God will take more than our lifetime on earth. For His children, we have an eternity after this life to continue that pursuit. Even so, we will only be getting to know Him better.

Jesus is the perfect representation of God in the flesh. Therefore, what we know about God, as presented by Jesus, causes us to worship and adore Him. We can recognize God as Creator, as Provider, as Sovereign God. But, it takes the gentle, humble, serving characteristics of Jesus to help us recognize Him as Shepherd, as Friend and as the Lamb of God.

The Holy Spirit is our Teacher, our Guide and our constant Companion. But do we really know Him? He is invisible. Therefore, we cannot see Him. He is a gentleman and never forces Himself on us even though He has the right to do so. Therefore, we are sometimes oblivious to Him. He will teach us if we will listen. He will guide us if we will follow Him. He is our ever-present Companion, even if we don’t recognize Him. He is faithful, even though we are not. Can we really understand such love and commitment that God has demonstrated about Himself? Our King desires that we know Him, as He really wants to be known. We cannot fathom the riches that are found in our intimacy with Him. He has His arms open to us to find what we are missing. If we will only pursue it as if it were hidden treasure, we will find it.

J.I. Packer, in his book Knowing God observes:

“What were we made for? To know God.”

“What aim should we set ourselves in life? To know God.”

“What makes life worthwhile is having a big enough objective, something which catches our imagination and lays hold of our allegiance; and this the Christian has in a way that no other person has. For what higher, more exalted, and more compelling goal can there be than to know God.”

Therefore, even though it seems impossible, our life’s objective should be to know God better everyday. Even though our target reveals more about Himself that requires more time and more experience on our part to understand this new aspect of Him, we should not grow weary of our pursuit. It’s not that He is changing. No, it is we who are changing and eventually grasp more clearly those truths hidden from view before. Our ignorance and our limited perspective of Him hide these truths. However, once we make it our goal to pursue a greater knowledge of the Almighty, He builds a foundation in our life that allows Him to reveal more about Himself, and we get to know Him better.

Packer continues


“Being Known - What matters supremely, therefore is not, in the last analysis, the fact that I know God, but the larger fact which underlies it, ­­­­ the fact that He knows me. I am graven on the palms of His hands. I am never out of His mind. All my knowledge of Him depends on His sustained initiative in knowing me. I know Him because He first knew me, and continues to know me. He knows me as a friend, one who loves me, and there is no moment when His eye is off me, or His attention distracted from me, and no moment, therefore, when His care falters.”

Therefore, even though our knowledge of God is limited by the many hindrances that keep us from knowing Him fully and we must be content with “getting to know Him,” His knowledge of us is not so limited. His knowledge of us is completely thorough. We are completely known by God, from conception to birth to life to death. All our days, all our travels, in darkness and in light, God knows where we are, how we are and why we are there. Such knowledge of someone is hard to understand. But, no one is asking you to understand it. To understand this kind of knowledge goes back to understanding someone who is capable of having that kind of knowledge, and we are back to getting to know God. But, trust us when we tell you this: “You are on a journey that will help you understand God and His ability better. Along the way you will discover another aspect of God that is even more meaningful than the fact He knows you. It is that aspect of God that is revealed by the life of Jesus. He not only knows all about you, He also cares about what he knows about you.



Session 3

God Cares


To understand that not only does God know everything about us, He also cares about that which He knows about us. How do we know this? We look closely at His heart, and in doing so we determine that it is good.


Last session we introduced the aspect of God that is “All Knowing.” If we stop here, we have simply introduced one of God’s characteristics, but we have not presented the intimate, personal God that he is. It is essential that your participants come to establish a foundation of understanding that God is All Knowing. But they also need to couple with this foundation the next layer, which is “He cares about what He knows about us.” This is where we begin to point the participant’s eyes to the intimate God that He is and His heart. The next few weeks we will be hammering home this truth more and more.

In this session, let the truth of God’s care for you and your participants be the main theme of this meeting. Keep their focus on this subject. Let the questions weave in and out so that the implication of this truth is absorbed. If there are any needs mentioned by the participants, let this be a time of assurance that those needs will be met, for God cares deeply about His child. Be the voice of God, as you assure this person with God’s promises from His word. Let His heart in the matter be discovered, disclosed and discussed. It will be the blessing that some of your people need for this moment in their life. But, most important, it is the foundation of understanding God better that is being established. Their trust in Christ and the life that He wants to give them will rely on these truths and on the foundation that is being laid.

In addition, this session would be good time to stop your session when need be, and have a special prayer for any person who has expressed a need. Let you prayer be seasoned with God’s assurance and attention to this need expressed. Be God’s voice of assurance as you claim His promised love and care for this person.


Enlightened -Session 3- God Cares

• Roundtable Time.

Mentor’s Insight: Begin your time with the participants in prayer. Never overlook the importance of this as you lead your group. As their mentor, you need to pray for the Lord to use you as an instrument for blessing His children. Look at your participants as His children and that you have been given a “sacred responsibility” to love them and nurture them. Prayer is necessary for you. Prayer is also necessary for the participants, as it helps them to block out distractions and become attentive to the truths that will be revealed in your session. Also, share from your journals as you continue to make it known the importance we place on their commitment to this.

• Introduce Session.

Mentor’s Insight: Today’s topic is a discussion of “God Cares.” The last meeting that you had you discussed “God Knows.” To personalize that topic you looked at it like this: God knows everything about me, my needs, my hurts, my desires, my inadequacies, my pains, the desires of my heart, when I woke, where I would go before I had a clue. He knows everything. God knows everything about me. He also cares about everything I’m dealing with. Now how do we know this? This is what we want to uncover today. This will be your concentrated focus. Some suggested questions which you may use to stimulate your discussion are as follows.

Q: If we are indeed convinced that God does know and does care about us thoroughly, then what should be the resulting affects that would occur in our life?

Answer: We would have peace, joy, hope, etc. Let them struggle with this answer until they uncover it.

Q: Can anyone give a personal testimony that this is your perspective and that you have experienced some of these benefits, as a result of this perspective?

Answer: It might be too early to find any personal experience from members of your group. If no one answers, volunteer your own experience.

Q: Now if this not happening in your life, what could be some reasons?

Answer: Some examples could be fear, lack of trust, etc. Open it up for discussion, and let them brainstorm.

Q: For those of you who are fathers, let me ask you a question

Mentor’s Notes:


about your perspective as a “good father.” What if your child came to you with a need, and you said that you would help him with it. Later the child came back and asked again and again and again for the same thing that you said you would grant. What would you begin to conclude about your child?

Answer: Child doesn’t really trust the father. Let them determine this.

Q: The reason for this could be that you are a bad father and the child’s experience with you is that you are untrustworthy. Or your child might simply not know yet how trustworthy you are. Therefore, they would need some situations that could show how trustworthy you really are. Would you agree?

Q: On the other hand if you had proven yourself to this child in times past and had proven your trustworthiness, do you think that child would keep coming back, doubting you? No, he would probably rest in his trust in you and would be assured that you would help him. As a loving father, would you not want your child to have a resting trust in you?

Q: Let’s do a scripture study in the Bible, as we turn to Hebrews 11: 1. We want to consider the definition of faith that we read here: (Have someone read the verse share the following Mentor’s Insight)

Mentor’s Insight: There are two essentials in this definition. First is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. Second is the evidence of things we cannot see. In the Greek the key words would be translated: “Assurance:” Taking title deed to that which we hope for. “Evidence:” A thing done and proven. In other words, “faith” is taking title deed to something we hope for and a thing that is done.

So the real key to faith is that the “promise giver” has to be trustworthy in order to have this confident assurance, and we must take him at his word. If you as a father are trustworthy and deserve to be trusted, it would have to be your child that has a problem and needs adjustment in your relationship. On the other hand, if your child doesn’t know that you are trustworthy, it would be important that trust is established with your child by proving yourself to that child and thus produce a confident assurance.

Q: Now what about God? Can He be trusted? Can we take our needs to Him and rest assured that he will help us? Does God want us to have a resting trust? Could this kind of trust even be classified as “Child-like faith,” as mentioned in the Bible? This is what we want to establish.

Mentor’s Insight: One of the greatest misconceptions about God is that we often view Him as a human, and we put Him on our level. We expect Him to look at us, and others, as we look at others and ourselves. The truth is, God operates with a different perspective about us. So let’s lay a foundation of what God’s perspective of us is.

• Use marker board and discuss the questions on the following


Q: Let’s look at the difference between three essential aspects of God. He is a “just” God. He is a “merciful” God. And he is a “gracious” God. What is the difference in these aspects?

Justice is ….. getting what we deserve.

Mercy is ……not getting what we deserve.

Grace is ……getting something we don’t deserve.

Consider the following scenario as we try to love someone as God loves us.

Mentor’s Insight: The following real­life scenario is a personal example that one of founders used in teaching his daughter about the attributes of God that we mentioned above. You might want to use one of your own personal experiences instead of the one that follows.

Your child is now driving. She is driving your beloved car that you take so much pride in. Your child doesn’t pay attention to where the car is positioned next to the gas pump when getting gas and when she pulls out, the car hits the metal pole that is sticking up, protecting the gas pump. What do you do when you find his out?

The child comes home and admits that she made a mistake and was not careful. She offers to work off the cost of repairing your car. Let’s apply the attributes of God that we have mentioned to this scenario for a better understanding of how He views and values us.

Consider the following.

If you were a father that demanded justice (or getting what she deserves) you would demand a payment in full, for it was her fault. She would have to work it off, for justice requires it. This is an example of justice.

But, you look on her with compassion and say, “No my child, you do not have to pay for this mistake. I forgive you and do not hold this against you.” In doing this you communicate to her that you are a merciful father. (Not giving her what she deserves) This is an example of mercy.

However, because you love her so much and you are still not satisfied that she really understands the depth of your love and forgiveness you say: “My child, I see your remorse and I am touched with your sincerity. I also feel that you are ready to be entrusted with your own car. Therefore, tomorrow why don’t you and I go car shopping? It is my heart’s desire to buy you your very own car.” (Giving her what she does not deserve) This is a small representation of grace, but you get the idea.

Q: Consider the way the value system of the world looks at you and me. How would you describe the value system of the world?

Answer: The world values its people based on how we look, what we produce, what we make of ourselves, and how significant we are, etc.

Q: In contrast let’s think about God’s value system. How do you


think He values us?

Answer: God values us based on: What we are. (His creation) Not a mistake. God involved in our life at the point of our conception. Our days established, etc. ­ Reference Ps. 139.

What He paid for us. (Jesus gave Himself as our ransom) “Ransom” implies the amount paid for our redemption. It indirectly establishes the value of the person saved. God paid the highest price ever paid to redeem a kidnapped victim, which is mankind. He paid the greatest price with the best that He had to offer….His perfect Son.

What we will become. (Example Peter) Jesus said to Simon, “You are Simon but you will be Peter.” Another way of saying it is, “You are Simon, the bigot, the arrogant, the prideful, the stubborn and the one who could never believe that he would forsake Me. However, as I build My life in you, you will become the “rock foundation” on which I will build My church.”

Q: Therefore, if we hope to find that joy, peace, etc. that we read about and are promised in the Bible, do you agree that we must alter our thinking about God and the basis of our relationship with Him? When we come to understand the character and personality, yes the heart of God, we must conclude that He cares for us and that He can be trusted.

• Sharing Session.

Mentor’s Insight: Two weeks ago, you asked your group to do their own study and come back and share things that they discovered about our caring God. Ask them to share their discoveries. In your share time let them do most of the talking. Watch how God shapes the perspective of your group as they learn to dig and “self­feed” in His word. This is a very important dynamic that needs to develop in your group. Don’t give them the answers too quickly. Let them “discover” God’s truths.

• Read Psalm 23, and then discuss “A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23”.

Mentor’s Insight: The book referenced has some good points that speak of the qualities of a good and bad shepherd. There are also points of interest about the needs of sheep and the way a good shepherd meets those needs. Use this book and the points mentioned and discovered by your group as a vehicle for helping your participants understand the intimate qualities of the Good Shepherd (God), and guide them to that view of God.

• Review your assignment.

• Close with prayer.



-Assignment for Session 4-


So far in Enlightened we’ve studied that God knows everything about you. Next we studied that “God Cares” about everything He knows about you. In this session we will be discussing God’s willingness to get involved with your problems and troubles and to intercede on your behalf.

First Week:

Begin your study of this session by using the first week to read some key verses that deal with God’s willingness. Along with those that you find on your own, look at the following verses and write in your journal some requirements you see for having your prayers answered.

Ps. 66:18 - 19 Matt. 21: 22 John 14:13 I John 5:14 Matt. 6:14 Matt. 6:5 - 6 Luke 18:10 – 14 Matt.18: 19 – 20 Like 18: 1 – 8 Luke 11:5 – 8 Matt. 7: 7 – 11 Mark 11:24

Second Week:

Begin your second week by reading the five chapters of James. Some people call this Epistle the most practical guide for living the Christian life that is written in the Bible. Perhaps you will agree after you’ve read and studied it. There are some key nuggets about prayer and God’s ability and in some cases limitations at times to work in our life. See if you can find those things that keep God from blessing us. Also look at the following verses and see if you can identify any other obstacles that can hinder God’s ability to work in our life:

Matt: 13:58 Hebrews 3: 15 – 19

After the above study ask God if there are any hidden faults that you are unaware of that are keeping Him from blessing you. Now, confess those sins by claiming I John 1:9, and receive His forgiveness. Look at those obstacles in your life, and ask if there is anything that you are being led to repair or deal with. Possibly a relationship needs to be mended. Perhaps forgiveness needs to be extended to others, or even to yourself. Humility will be required in order to address these issues, but remember that these very things could be the difference between the unobstructed life God wants to give you and the self imposed limitations that you could be living with. After you’ve gone through this self-evaluation time, record in your journal your thoughts.



Session 4

God is Willing


Most Bible believing Christians would agree with everything we have presented so far, at least in theory. But, when it comes to believing that God is willing to help me personally, well, that’s another issue. On the contrary, it is the issue. It is the issue, for God does not want our faith to based on theory but rather through personal experience. For this reason He allows trials to come to us that will test and prove our faith, and yes, allow Him to prove Himself to us. In this session, we lay this foundation that God is willing and wants to prove to us that He hears us and will help us, for in doing so we come closer to Him. It is God’s desire that we come closer to Him and the cycle of need, asking and receiving from God accomplishes His desire.


How can God love me? Why would God love me? And why would God be willing to involve Himself with my life? Are these questions you have asked yourself? Sure you have, and your participants have asked the same questions. It is a natural inquiry for finite creatures to try and understand an infinite Being’s love for them. Here’s the problem; we cannot understand it. Instead we must simply accept it and grow in our appreciation of it. Grace is unexplainable, and the sacrifice of Jesus is unfathomable. Therefore, we have to get outside our finite thinking based on the world’s value system and our normal way of doing things. God doesn’t operate the same we do. Instead, He is trying to teach us the difference by the way He communicates to us. It is with our earthly trials and His provisions for meeting our needs He is able to communicate to us that He knows, He cares, He is willing and He is able. His willingness is demonstrated to us with the provision He provides us. In essence He says to us, “Here is what I know you need,” as we open our eyes to His provision.

So how does it help to know that He is willing to help us in our hour of need? First it puts a tension on us to ask ourselves if we are doing something that keeps Him from either being unable or unwilling to help us. Remember, God is able, but is He able in your life? There is always a more important message that God is communicating to us, even more than our perceived need. Could there be something wrong in my relationship with God that He wants me to understand? It is in the hour of need that our spiritual ears are wide open to God and we are willing to consider that there could be a problem. Does it help to know He is willing and something we are doing might be the reason for the delay? You bet it does. Therefore, this part of the Enlightened series is used for hammering home this truth. Spend as much time necessary to help your participants understand this point in the process of their Journey.


Enlightened -Session 4-

God Is Willing

• Roundtable time.

Mentor’s Insight: Share form your journals and pray for any special needs that might be surfacing with your group.

• Introduce Session.

Mentor’s Insight: Have an open discussion about the willingness of God to involve Himself with mankind and specifically in our life. Some key questions to be discussed follow.

Q: I would like for you to share your complete and earnest feelings about whether or not you feel that God would involve Himself in your life. Let’s share our thoughts on this subject.

Q: Why do you think God would want us to see Him come to our help when we are having great difficulties in our life?

Mentor’s Insight: In your own words convey the next statement. Sometimes God purposely waits in giving us a quick answer to our problem. Let’s look at some scriptures that point out why there may be a delay. Let’s identify some reasons. Examples follow.

Q: Read John 15: 1-2. We see the word “prune.” Could God’s pruning be an example of a purposeful delay?

Answer: Yes. Pruning produces fruit. An example of a fruit produced from a delay of an immediate answer to our prayer could be “patience.” Help your group understand this correlation.

Q: Read Hebrews 12: 5-11 We see the word “discipline” used in this passage. We also see a result produced because of this discipline. Do you identify it?

Answer: The peaceful fruit of righteousness.

Q: Read Daniel 10: 10-14. Do you see a delay in this scenario? What was the cause of the delay?

Answer: Spiritual warfare going on behind the scenes and out of sight.

Q: Can you think of some other reasons God would delay in providing our needs? • Share insights from assignment and review key points.

Mentor’s Insight: Spend the rest of your time simply sharing those things

Mentor’s Notes:


that God has taught your group about Himself from their assignment. Add to it any other new things that might have been learned as they have progressed in their journey. Some additional questions that can be discussed after sharing revelations from their assignment follow.

Q: Is it surprising to you that God would want to have an intimate, personal relationship with you beyond your initial salvation experience?

Q: Another name for God in the Old Testament is Abba, which can be translated as “Daddy.” Have you ever thought that God wants to have a Daddy/child relationship with you? How would that change your view of Him and your approach to Him?

Q: Read Psalm 42:1-2. Let’s get some comments from you about the word picture we see in these verses.

Q: Look at this passage in a personal way by applying it to a man and his relationship with God. What do you see? Do you think the writer of this Psalm desired an intimate relationship with God? How would you classify his desire?

Answer: Insatiable.

• Extended Prayer Session preparation:

Mentor’s Insight: This is a good time to begin preparing your participants for their first extended prayer session. Start by giving a brief testimony of your own introduction and subsequent experience with the concept. Answer any questions your participants might have at this time. Next, discuss the time and location for your day. This is where preliminary planning is done with your group. Make sure your participants know that this is a core component of The Journey and that they must make every effort to be at the session.

• Review assignment

Mentor’s Insight: Be prepared to hand out “The Prayer Cottage and the Sacred Garden in Session 5.

Close with prayer.



-Assignment for Session 5-


This will be our last session in Enlightened. So far we have learned that God knows everything about you, that God cares about everything he knows about you, and that God is willing to get involved with your problems and troubles and to intercede on your behalf. In this final session of Enlightened, we will learn the true meaning of Omnipotence: “God is all powerful.” The next two weeks will be a time of studying this attribute of God. If you are now convinced that God knows and cares about you, thoroughly, it would be equally important to understand and believe that God is able to do anything He wants to do about what He cares about you.

First week

Look up as many scriptures that deal with God’s power and ability. Make a list and record these verses in your journal.

Pick out some verses that are especially personal to you. Perhaps you have something that you are dealing with that seems “impossible.” If this is so, you are in a good place for God to demonstrate His love and His power to help you with what you are dealing with. Write in your journal that “impossible” thing that you are dealing with right now.

Next, take your needs to your All Powerful Father in prayer and ask His help. Record this in your journal.

Look up any promises that He has given in His Word that deal with your particular need. (There are some good books in the bookstore that list His promises. You might want to pick one up.)

Research any books or quotes that you might come up with that teaches on Omnipotent God. Please bring these “nuggets” with you, and share them with the rest of the group when we meet next.

Second Week

This will be a week of reflection. Make it a point to rise a little earlier each morning and take in the “still water” that God wants to bless you with.

Let your “quiet time” be just that. Practice listening. Take in the quietness. It is said that God speaks with a still small voice, and we are often too hurried to hear Him. Give Him a chance to speak to you and you listen.

“A. C. T S “ is a good prayer pattern to start with when you are ready to pray. It is a simple method you might want to try.

(A)doration – take time to recognize Who He is and tune in.


(C)onfession – come clean before God and confess any wrongs that you are aware of and that need His forgiveness.

(T)hanksgiving – overflow with gratitude. Think of how blessed you truly are and thank Him.

(S)upplication – take your needs to Him, and remember that He is faithful to keep His word on something that He has promised to do. Trust Him with it.



Session 5

God Is Able


To understand that God is omnipotent (all-powerful). What does it mean to be “all- powerful?” It means He can accomplish anything He desires. He is not limited by resources, abilities or dimensions, such as time and space. He can do it all. But, He can also be hindered by us in some things, and this will be our main focus, since we have already established that He is willing.


In this session, you will be leading your group to understand better the depth of God’s capabilities in taking care of our needs. We have explored His great knowledge of us in God Knows. We explored His great care for us in God Cares. Next, we explored His great willingness in God is Willing. Now, we explore His great capabilities, in God is Able. He can meet our needs, no matter what they may be. Nothing is impossible for Him. It is essential to grow in our understanding of this aspect of God, if we want to grow in our trust in Him, which will I turn lead us to intimacy with Him.

Now here is a very important question, with reference to the statement “God Is Able:”

Is God really able to work in your life? (Think about it)

In the Gospel of Mark, we read about many miracles that Christ performed. He healed lepers, cast out demons, healed a palsied victim, healed many at the seaside of their various illnesses and brought a dead child back to life. These were only a few that were mentioned. He demonstrated that he is able to do a mighty work for the faithful people. However, in Mark 6:5 we read that He could not do a mighty work in the people’s lives. Why? They didn’t trust Him. Therefore, here is one example of how we can keep God from being “able” in our life. Our unbelief can discourage His help.

How about another example? In I Peter 3: 7 we read about another hindrance to prayer. Dishonoring our wife is a clear hindrance that is mentioned. There are many other examples that can be found, as we look at various scriptures pertaining to the subject. Anxiety, fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, gossip, slander, blaspheming, disobedience, serving other gods, are a few examples. These are some clear causes stated in the Bible that have shown God to become unwilling to intervene on the behalf of the one in need. Even though God was able to help them, God was unwilling.


Next there is a case that sometimes God is unable. Why is this when we make a case that He is able? Because, He has placed this limitation on Himself. Look at Matthew 13: 53-58. When Jesus walked away from the country that He was unable to reach, He marveled at their unbelief. Can’t you just see Him walking away shaking His head, astounded that these people would cheat themselves out of the blessing of God being in their presence? “And he did not do many miracles because of their lack of faith.”

With these things in mind, we want to lead this group to understand that He is able, but that they can keep Him from being able to do great things in their life if there are hindrances. Pray that this will be a time of soul searching and revelation, as you lead these men to understand their responsibility to this part of God’s blessing of them. There should be some good discussion on examples of blind spots, deaf zones and hidden disobedience that can keep God from being able to intervene. Don’t forget to apply 1 John 1:9 to your discussions, as we are reminded that we are given a plan for eliminating those hindrances and for opening the flow of God’s capabilities back to our life.

Mentor’s Insight: You will be sharing a “Blessings Flow Diagram” that we developed in order to illustrate the point of how God’s child can be his own worst enemy in preventing God’s help in time of need and also a way to recognize and re­open the flow of God’s help back to us. The following explanation pertains to the six points in the illustration.

Blessings Flow Diagram

In point 1 we see an aspect of God, in that He is able to accomplish anything He wants, because with God, all things are possible. We also see a question: “But is God able?” Are there things that prevent God’s help? The answer is yes, which we will cover in the following points.

In point 2 we see that God operates under His law, which is “All things are possible.” On the other hand we see that mankind operates under a different law, Murphy’s Law, which says: “If it can go wrong it will go wrong.” What does that really mean? It means that we live in an imperfect world and we are imperfect. It is not a question of if we will sin. There is no question at all. We will sin, and this separates us from perfect God. It is inevitable.

In point 3 we see the basic gospel message in that through the sacrifice and atonement of Jesus Christ we are given God’s provision for eternal life and a relationship with God Himself. When we have an intimate, unhindered relationship with God we also have the Law of God available to us, which is “With God, all things are possible”, thus overriding man’s law.

In point 4 we see that there are hindrances that can still interrupt God’s blessings to His children because those things that offended God before we came into His family are still offensive to Him, for sin is always offensive to God. The difference now is that it doesn’t prevent a relationship with Him. We will always have our relationship with Him, and it is secured by His grace and His promise. But sin, and especially an ongoing sinful condition in our life that we hold on to and won’t let go of, can hurt our fellowship with God. And this hinders the flow of His blessings to us in our time of need.

In point 5 we see our Gracious God’s provision for His children when we inevitably fall into a condition that has just been mentioned. It is the sincere recognition of our sin, our heart-felt request for God’s forgiveness and our deliberate turning away from the temptation that drew us into that sin.

In point 6 we see that as a result of our repentance and God’s forgiveness, the hindrance has been removed and God’s provisions are now available for us. Now God is Able.



Enlightened -Session 5- God Is Able

• Roundtable Time.

Mentor’s Insight: Encourage your group to share from their journals. Spend as much time as you sense is necessary to warm­up your group with this sharing. This is the only indirect accountability we have in our leadership for helping them to see how vital their journaling is for The Journey.

• Introduce Session.

Mentor’s Insight: We are trying to promote some meaningful discussion in this session. Therefore, we have limited the number of questions and points for you to make. Let the Holy Spirit lead you and your group in finding the hidden treasures available to you. Begin your challenge to your group with the following statement.

State: Even though God is All Powerful and is capable of doing anything He wants, can we do things that can prevent His help in some way? Let’s see if we can. As we read these scriptures, point out the hindrance and the affect.

• Read the following scriptures. Be sure and let this discussion stretch out, as the points are hammered home. We are leaving a lot of time for discussion in this session.

• Read: Mark 6: 1-5.

Q: What condition do you read here that prevented Jesus from doing a mighty work in the people’s life?

Answer: Lack of faith and belief in who Christ was.

Q: Why do you think God imposes this limitation on Himself?

Answer: That we may understand the requirement of faith and obedience. Otherwise, He would be rewarding and reinforcing lack of faith and disobedience.

Q: Read: 1 Peter 3: 7.

Q: What condition do you read here that hinders our prayers?

Answer: Dishonoring our wife.

Q: As spiritual leaders in our home, why would He allow this “dishonoring of our wife” to hinder our leadership?

Mentor’s Notes:


Answer: For He wants our spiritual leadership to be characterized by His way of leading a marriage. The hindrance of our prayers communicates a message that He values our wives and He wants us to treat them with honor.

Q: Read: Matthew 5: 23-24.

Q: What condition do you read here that hinders our worship of our Lord?

Answer: A broken or unresolved relationship as a result of wronging another person.

Q: Why would God place such importance on a relationship problem with another human that it would get in the way of mine with Him?

Answer: Again, to communicate the importance He places on our witness to the world and that Christ be presented through our lives, by us being a peacemaker.

Q: Read: Matthew 19: 16-23.

Q: What condition do you read here that hinders our following Christ?

Answer: The comforts and “counterfeits” of the world. Remember the “Refugee Camp” in the story?

Q: Read: Hebrews 12:1.

Q: What condition do you read here that keeps a Christian from running his race for God?

Answer: Sin.

Q: Can you think of any other condition that can hinder or prevent God from doing a mighty work in your life?

Mentor’s Insight: You will note that we gave to you a series of stimulating questions to lead to this, but there are more. Let your group explore some conditions. Be sure to always connect it back to how it also comes back to haunt us as it keeps us from receiving God’s best for us.

• Review “Blessings Flow Chart.”

Mentor’s Insight: You should be familiar with the flow chart provided, as we use it to illustrate how we have the capability to disrupt or interfere with God’s blessings to us. In fact, we often become our own worst enemy in keeping God from answering our prayers. The purpose of the chart and your discussion is to help your participants understand this problem and how they can remedy it. We hope that it will also challenge them to evaluate themselves in this area. Take plenty of time for discussing this problem and solution. You may want to share some of your own stories of how knowing this has helped you.


• Discussion.

Mentor’s Insight: Have your group share the information they have discovered as a result of their studies over the last two weeks about God and specifically about His Omnipotence. Reference the assignment for this session.

• Wrap –up.

Mentor’s Insight: In your own words convey the following.

The first segment of The Journey called Enlightened is almost complete. What we’ve attempted to do is to build a foundation for what follows in the next segment of The Journey, called Enabled. In that segment we will be focusing on the actual process of developing an abiding relationship with Christ, as is mentioned in John 15.

• Half-Day Session planning.

Mentor’s Insight: Explain that at the end of every segment in The Journey we have one of our most meaningful times together, which is to share a special extended time with each other and the Lord. Their next session will be to experience that time together. Share any thoughts you have on your personal experience with these sessions. In addition, if there is anything you haven’t discussed about any preparation, the meeting place and what to expect that day, this would be a good time to discuss it. Also point out that they need to bring a folding chair, their Bibles and journals. You will provide coffee, water, drinks and lunch, unless you decide to ask the group to share those responsibilities. Doing this for your group is a great way for you to demonstrate the “servant leadership” you will be teaching on later.

• Review Assignment.

Mentor’s Insight: Distribute The Prayer Cottage and The Sacred Garden books and tell them that the only thing they have to do between now and when you meet next is to read the book. Emphasize the importance of reading the book, for it will be a model or guide for their extended prayer session. Be prepared to hand out “The Secrets of the Vine” in Enabled Session 1.

• Close with prayer.



-Assignment for Session 6-

Extended Prayer Session Preparation

Our dear brothers:

It has been our delight to meet with you the last several weeks and to get to know you on a deeper level. It has been our greatest delight to get to know our Lord better during this time, and we thank you for being an instrument in His hands for that purpose.

We have all been used by Him, in our discussions, as we have opened our minds, hearts and souls to each other and explored scriptures, ideas and thoughts about the great God that loves us. Through this means we have learned some great truths that will shape our perspective of Him for the rest of our life. These truths will literally change our life and will eventually find their way to the influence of others. This is the main reason we call ourselves “Influencers,” for what good thing that comes into our life must eventually find its way to others. This is God’s purpose and plan for us, in that we become full of His love and overflowing with it to others. Getting to know Him better and His love for us is the beginning of this process. What lies ahead in our lives is a great and wonderful adventure with Him, as He loves us, leads us and uses us to His honor and to our great privilege.

This final session is the most important of Enlightened, for this is a time that we will listen to God, reflect on His involvement in our life and are able to spend time with Him in an unhurried manner. Our busy schedules rarely provide us an opportunity to meet with God in a relaxed, unhurried time. For this reason we miss a lot of things that He wants to communicate to us and things that we would like to discuss with Him. We find ourselves just to busy for the most important thing that we could be doing. For these reasons, a time like this day becomes an essential catch up time for us, and this is why we think it is so important for us. You can be encouraged that we will be praying for you in this special time with our Savior.

There will be several things that we will be praying for you at this time. Some of those things will be:

• That during this time you will be able to calm yourself and to block out any distracting thoughts that might come to you or that you have brought into this day.

• That you will feel an intimacy with the Holy Spirit like you have never felt before.

• That you will be awestruck by God’s presence and His love for you.

• That you will feel the “touch” of Jesus as He nurtures you and Shepherds you.


• That you will be will find yourself in the Lord’s presence, at the foot of His throne, and that you will be able to take all of the burdens that you bring with you that day and put them at His feet and leave them there.

• That you will be able to trust Him with those burdens and find the answers that you seek.

• Most of all, we pray that you, as we, get to know Him better during that time.

Our time with our King will be a special and private time with Him. We would not want to interfere with that by giving to you any required assignments. Therefore there will be only one thing that we ask that you do to prepare for this time, which is to read the book you have been given, “The Prater Cottage and The Sacred Garden.” As you read the book, ask the Holy Spirit to begin preparing your heart for our extended time of prayer.



Session 6

Extended Prayer Session


To introduce the blessing and benefit of an extended time of prayer. Men need time, permission, encouragement and accountability to break through all the reasons why they would not take time to meet with the King in such a way. We provide that accountability and encouragement. But, we also know that they need something that will create a lifestyle of prayer and create in them a desire to return. That can only be found in a very special time with Christ, our King. For that reason, pray, pray and pray that they will find a breakthrough to the intimacy God wants for them during this time.


We have already clearly emphasized the importance of the extended prayer session for your participants. Let’s understand why we feel this way.

Communication with God, as with all real communication, requires speaking and listening. We speak with a clear articulation of our prayer. We listen by our meditation on His word. Communication is established when these two components are joined together and neither is out-of-balance with the other. When we couple our hearing with God’s speaking and apply what we are hearing to our current circumstances as He gives us direction, there is a breakthrough in the basic foundation of intimacy with God. We are under His influence, and He is drawing us nearer to Him.

Think about those awkward times you speak to someone but get no feedback, only silence. Or think about the other extreme when you are with someone who never stops talking. They have no concern about your thoughts in a matter or no interest in anything you have to say. In each case, you do not enjoy your time with these people, for no real communication has taken place. Unfortunately, it is our habit to do the same with our King because of our imbalance of the two components. Our King deserves better from us, and we need to hear more of what he has to say to us.

So why get away to a private place and dedicate an extended time for this purpose? We do this in order to help your participants learn this valuable lesson. Men, especially, do not give themselves permission to do something that looks like nothing. They fear boredom, and the many requirements that are on them also make them fear wasting precious time. As a result they try to get unnecessary obligations out of the way and prayer often falls into this category. It is our attempt to change their perspective and help them taste the truth of how prayer, in such a setting as an extended prayer session, is a joyful privilege and becomes


something to live for rather than dread. It will require a breakthrough. But when it does get through to them, their life is forever changed.

Do everything you can do in bathing this time in prayer. Also, make it fun for them when they first meet and return. Have some water available to take with them when they disperse. Cook some burgers or something to eat when you all rejoin and have your debriefing session. Allow your men to share their experiences and revelations during their prayer time as you eat your meal. Model servant-hood by giving to them your concerns, your prayers, your hospitality and your laughter. And don’t forget to enjoy this time yourself. Show them how you live for this special time as well.

Mentor’s Insight: We have not provided a session plan with questions, for we feel that an unstructured, general sharing or “debriefing” is all that is required. We recommend that your debriefing be shared during the meal. At the end of your time and before you break with prayer, review the assignment for Session One of “Enabled.”


Suggested Schedule and Format


Extended prayer session

• First 30 minutes: Gather, take water, packets and disperse.

• Next 2 ½ hours: Find a place that is quiet, private and comfortable for your time with God.

• After 3 hours: Begin making your way back to the meeting place.

• The next hour, share a meal together and share your experience.

• The Extended Prayer Session ends after approximately 4 hours from start to finish.


A loose translation of the Westminster Catechism is: “The chief purpose of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him.” If there were a chief purpose of our extended time with God today it would be for you and Him to enjoy one another. Let this be a time for you and the Lord to enjoy each other, as you dedicate this time for that purpose.

First segment

Tuning In.

It is essential to “tune in” as you start your time with God. Hopefully you have found a quiet, private and comfortable place for this time. Look for a place that will allow you to pray out loud, if you desire to do so.

A good way to begin your “tuning in” is to ask the Holy Spirit to bless you with an intimate time with Him. Ask Him to help you to be able to hear Him and to sense His presence.

Read Psalm 19. Think of the mighty works of God and how His creation declares His holiness. After you read and think through this chapter, let verse 14 be your prayer to God, and pray it out loud to Him.


Read Psalm 23. As you read this passage, read it out loud and pray it back to God. Make it personal to Him, as you recognize His Shepherding of you. After each verse, stop and think what each verse means to you. Think of yourself, lying down and being restored by Him.

Next, begin using the Prayer Guide that we have provided. The guide has been produced in order to compliment the book you have just read. We think that you will find it to be very helpful with your first extended time of prayer. You will be surprised how fast the time goes by and the benefit of using the guide.


Stopping points.

Please be aware that you might not finish a complete journey through The Prayer Cottage and The Sacred Garden your first time. If you find that you feel that you must remain at a certain stopping point during this time, it is possibly the leadership of the Holy Spirit that you are receiving. Therefore, remain, listen, reflect, ask in prayer and see what our King may be saying to you at this particular spot. As an example, we have had many say that a longer time in the Examination Room was necessary for them, before they could venture further. Don’t rush this experience. You may return and complete your journey later. But, don’t miss the blessing of the moment, by trying to hurry through to another point.

Second Segment

Use the prayer guide

The Prayer Cottage and The Sacred Garden

(A guide for an extended time of prayer)

In the story you read, there were some very important rooms (or steps) that preceded going into The Sacred Garden (an intimate time) with the Savior. Although the story is an allegory, there are indirect truths conveyed in it for guiding you through a meaningful, extended time with our Savior. Many times we struggle in our prayers for we do not adequately prepare our hearts and minds for this intimate encounter with the King of the Universe. The guide we are providing is to assist you with this preparation and to guide you through some important “stops” in your prayer journey.

We hope that this time will bless you beyond any other time that you have spent with the Lord. In order to use this guide, think of the book and the different rooms or places the Savior took the person in the book. Then proceed slowly and deliberately through each stop in The Prayer Cottage and the Sacred Garden. May the Lord bless you on your prayer journey.


The Prayer Cottage

The Grace Room – This is a place where we pause, rest and reflect on God’s great mercy and grace. In this room (or pause), our hearts are prepared with thankfulness and the perspective we need to go further. Start your prayer journey with the Lord here first. Don’t rush this time. Soak in it awhile before going further. Think about the wonderful things your Savior has done for you. Were any of those blessings a result of your deserving it or was it because of His unconditional love? Stay in this room (time) and reflect on the blessings in your life until a spirit of thankfulness begins to emerge. It’s OK if it takes awhile for it is necessary to get the right perspective about God’s love for you. After you complete your time in the Grace Room take a moment and jot down the things that came to your mind.

Grace Room Reflections:
















The Prayer Cottage

The Examination Room – This is where we ask God to examine us and show us sin, disobedience or areas in our lives that are not pleasing to Him. In the story there was a particular sin that was not obvious, and the Lord had to reveal it. If you are conscious of sin in your life, *repent and be forgiven. If you are not aware of anything, ask God to reveal anything that you are blind to. Ask Him to open up those dirty closets in your life and reveal to you areas that are displeasing to Him. This time could be painful, but it is necessary. After your time feels complete in this room, move to the next area.

*Note, in the story, “repent” means to be in agreement with God about a sin in your life. Don’t rush through the, “I’m sorry stage.” It needs to be heartfelt and sometimes painful, but it will be good to get it out in the open. This is where we ask God to help us overcome the temptation to repeat it. After you’ve addressed those issues that you need to take to the Lord, write down any revelations that were revealed to you in the Examination Room.

Revelations In The Examination Room













The Prayer Cottage

The Courtyard - When we repent of our sins, God is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If you truly repented, you have been forgiven. This is the area of the cottage where you receive His cleansing. Take whatever time you need during this time to bask in His forgiveness. When God forgives us our sins, He remembers them no more. You do the same. Take a symbolic bath to wash away the effects of your sin, and let it end here. Don’t keep beating yourself up over a particular sin that God has forgiven you. Deal with it as God has. Forgive yourself, move on and don’t take it with you. Many people are debilitated in their spiritual growth because they just won’t forgive themselves, even though they know God has. This is not good. Therefore, take the fresh, clean robe of being in right standing with God and put it on. This represents the new life of a repented, forgiven and washed clean child of God. You will need to remember this time as you move further into the Garden. Make note of the forgiveness and fresh life God has given to you.

Special Forgiveness Noted and Accepted in the Courtyard














The Sacred Garden

This is what all the preparation was all about. Enter into this time with your Savior with no hindrances or distractions. Remember the special places in the Garden where you can spend dedicated time with Him. Spend some time with Him in each of these places in The Sacred Garden.

“The Intercession Bench”– Are there people for whom you want to seek God’s help? Take each of these people to the Lord, and ask that He bless them. If you are aware of any specific needs they have, ask God to show you what you may do, as an extension of His hand, in helping with that need. Write in the following space things that were revealed to you that you might do, as an instrument in God’s hand, for the people you have just prayed for. If you do not know specific needs that they have, just take their name and what comes to your mind about them to our Savior. He delights in your prayers for other people. He knows their needs. He may choose to reveal to you something you can help Him with on their behalf.

Thoughts from the Intercession Bench of who and how to help














The Sacred Garden

The Perspective Place - Do you have need of perspective about an irregular person in your life? Clearly voice your exasperation to the Lord, and try to listen to his advice as to how He would deal with that person(s). Do you need to give grace to this person? Would it help to know that if you do give this person unconditional love and acceptance that you worship God? Rather than trying to ask God to change the person, consider asking God to change your thinking about the person and look at this person with His compassion.

After you have spent time taking these people to the Lord and seeking His perspective, is there a particular thought idea or action that comes to your mind that you think He is telling you to do concerning this person? Write your answer in the following space.

Thoughts from the Perspective Place














The Sacred Garden

The Meditation Rock - Read 2 Peter 1: 3-4. What does He promise you in this passage? Do you need some special wisdom or understanding? Spend some time in this “pause” in your prayer journey and look for promises in His word that deal with your need. Ask Jesus for insight and see if He is ready to discuss the answers with you. God’s word gives us timeless guidelines that deal with your needs. You just need to go on a treasure hunt in His word and find His promises. When you do find a promise that speaks to your need, record your thoughts in the following space.

Special wisdom found at The Meditation Rock
















The Sacred Garden

Valley of Abundance - What needs do you have that need to be clearly articulated to our Savior? God’s word in Philippians 4:19 promises that all of your needs will be supplied from God’s glorious riches. Read this promise. Think about it. We’re talking about the King of the Universe meeting your needs according to His ability and resources! Can you exceed that resource? Do you believe that this promise applies to you? Remember the definition of faith given to us in Hebrews 11:1? “What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot see.” Take a little time, and think about these promises and then take those needs to your Lord and Savior. After you have done this write down some special assurances that have been given to you at this time.

Needs expressed, entrusted and claimed in the Valley of Abundance














The Sacred Garden

The Shadow of Death - Read Habakkuk 3: 17-19. What special thing are you going through that God is asking you to trust Him with on a deeper level? Is there something that is frightening you? Is this particular thing requiring of you to entrust control of it to God? Is your logic getting in the way? Is your fear robbing your joy, your rest, your peace? Then this is where you take a step on your “High Places.” This is where you commit your fear to the Lord and ask for His assurance. This is where you step out in faith and trust Him to keep you steady. This is where you give to God this thing that is frightening you and face it with Him. Take comfort in His promise found in Psalm 37: 23-24: “The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord holds them by hand.”

By the way, if you have a problem considering yourself godly, think of your time in the Courtyard. Remember the cleansing and forgiveness you received. You were asked to make special note of it. Remember, the forgiveness found in Christ Jesus makes you in “right standing” with God. “Right standing with God” is called “righteousness” in the Bible. Righteousness is another word for “godly.” So you see, God’s complete forgiveness of your sins causes Him to consider you “godly”, and the above verse applies to you. He is holding you by your hand right now. He will not let you fall. You might be seeing some things that would indicate some frightening and impossible conditions as it was with Habakkuk. But the Sovereign King of the universe, Who can do all things, holds your hand and will not let you stumble. Believe this and claim it.

After you have committed to trust God with those fearful things that you are dealing with, write any thoughts of assurance and instructions that you feel the Lord is impressing on you to step out in.

Steps to take in my High Places









The Sacred Garden

Restoration Pool - Are you tired and weary? Have you gotten to a point that even your prayers are a labor? Has your life’s journey taken its toll on you? Do you need to be ministered to in a special way that even you do not know what would be required? Well consider this: He Who created you knows all your needs. He knows just what you need, and this is the place to find it. This is where you just rest in His presence. Form a mental of a picture of a lamb resting in the shadow of his shepherd. It’s a hot day in the desert. There is a pool of water, but there is no shade. The lamb places his body in the shadow of his shepherd and rests. Think of the relief the lamb feels to find shade from the hot sun. Think of the relief that he feels because he is so close to his shepherd that he doesn’t have to fear one thing. With that picture in mind, go to your Bible and read Psalm 91. Put yourself in the promise found in this passage. Lay down by “Restoration Pool” and in the shadow of the Almighty God, and let Him restore you. Take all the time you need. After you’ve spent this time resting at the “Restoration Pool,” if you like, consider writing any reflections from this time.

Reflections from The Restoration Pool














The Sacred Garden

Exiting the Sacred Garden - You are almost complete in your extended prayer session. However, as in the book, a time of reflection on your reentry into the “real world” is important. Here are some questions you might want to ask yourself and some commitments you might want to make before ending this time. They are:

• Has this special time with the Savior blessed you? Do you feel a special closeness to Him and intimacy with him that you didn’t have before this extended prayer time? Do you plan to return to the Sacred Garden? Make a commitment to enjoy a time like this again with your King.

• Are you ready to represent the ideals of your King and His kingdom? This means being His champion. Are you ready to become a “champion” for God? Make a commitment to reflect His characteristics of justice, mercy and grace to your world around you.

After your time of reflection, please re-join your group.



-Assignment for Session 1-

Abiding in Christ – What Does it Mean?

Congratulations on your completion of the first leg of The Journey. As we have said to you many times before, each session establishes a foundation of understanding for the next session. As we have moved forward in this understanding, we have also moved closer to out target, which is intimacy with Christ. As each session builds on the next, likewise, each series in The Journey builds on the next. This assignment hopes to “bridge” the first series with the next, as we help you understand what you have just gone through and where we be headed next.

In the Enlightened series, we attempted to prove to you biblically that God is an intimate God and desires to have something very special with His children, something that we are both longing for and created for. It is a relationship with Him that is closely akin to having a Daddy / child relationship. Now a lot of us did not have an intimate relationship with our earthly fathers, and we can’t understand this kind of intimacy. In addition, our best fathers giving their best efforts come up short of meeting our deepest need, for they, like us, are imperfect in their love and care for us, and they cannot see into the deep recesses of our life and know how to love us on this level. God does, but we just don’t know it or we can’t comprehend it. For this reason we have explored these intimate characteristics of God and have looked at His invitation to us to come close to Him. Now, we explore how we should respond to this invitation and move closer to the Inner Chamber, or to intimacy with Him.

We did hit on the “obstacles” or hindrances that get in the way of that intimacy. This was a beginning “educational effort” as you were made aware of how these obstacles can hinder God’s blessings to us. But, it has to go beyond the educational phase in order for the hindrances to be removed from our life. It requires that a change of heart, even a new heart be found within us. So how do we change our hearts? How to we engage our hearts into our relationship with Christ and then go beyond the simple theological studies and explanations that have been rendered? This where our next series takes us, and this is why it is called “Enabled.” Our next efforts will be focused on enabling our hearts by allowing the Holy Spirit to be actively filling our life with His presence, His power, His perspective and His heart. His heart must become our heart.

So where do we start? We start where we always do. What does God’s word say about “the heart?” Attached you will find a few scriptures that deal with the heart. Please read these scriptures along with the excellent insert provided. With the scriptures and insert read, record your answers to the questions in your journal.


Heart defined from a biblical point of view.

1. “The human heart, considered as the source of emotional life where the deepest and sincerest feelings are located and an individual is most vulnerable to pain.” 2. “Somebody’s essential character.” 3. “The ability to feel humane and altruistic feelings.” 4. “Affection, love, or warm admiration.” 5. “The capacity for courage and determination.”

Passages that reference the “heart.”

“And I will give them a new heart to know Me, for I am the Lord; and they will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me with a new heart.” Jeremiah 24:7

“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:12­13

“Repent and turn away from all your transgressions, so that iniquity may not become a stumbling block to you. Cast away from you all your transgressions which you have committed, and make yourselves a

new heart and a new spirit.” Ezekiel 18: 30­31

“For with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness (right­standing with God).” Romans 10:10

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8

After you have read the above passages and any others you find that deal with the heart, next read the excerpt on the following pages.



(Excerpt from Waking The Dead by John Eldridge)

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. -KING SOLOMON (PROV. 4:23)

You are never a great man when you have more mind than heart.


On her journey down the yellow brick road, a journey, may I remind you, that grows more dangerous every step she takes- Dorothy meets a number of strange sights. She befriends the Scarecrow, and later the two of them come upon a lumberjack made of tin, standing utterly still in the forest, his ax frozen in midair. At first, he seems unable to speak. Coming closer, they discover that he is trying to say something after all. “Oil. . . can.”. After a bit more misunderstanding and misinterpretation, they get the oil-can to the joints of his mouth, only to find that he can speak as well as any man, but that he was rusted. Once he is freed from his prison, he begins to tell them his story.

Now the movie left out a crucial point, which the author gave in detail. The Tin Woodman had once been a real man who had been in love with a beautiful maiden. It was his dream to marry her once he could earn enough money to build them a cottage in the woods. The Wicked Witch hated his love, and she cast spells upon the man that caused him injury, so that one by one his limbs needed to be replaced with artificial ones, made of tin. At first it seemed an advantage, for his metal frame allowed him to work nearly as powerfully as a machine. With a heart of love and arms that never tired, he seemed sure to win.

"I thought I had beaten the Wicked Witch then, and I worked harder than ever; but I little knew how cruel my enemy could be. She thought of a new way to kill my love for the beautiful Munchkin maiden, and made my axe slip again, so that it cut right through my body, splitting it into two halves. Once more the tinner came to my help and made me a body of tin. Fastening my tin arms and legs and head to it, by means of joints, so that I could move around as well as ever. But alas! I now had no heart, so that I lost all my love for the Munchkin girl, and did not care whether I married her or not. My body shone so brightly in the sun that I felt very proud of it and it did not matter now if my axe slipped, for it could not cut me. There was only one danger, that my joints would rust; but I kept an oil­can in the cottage and took care to oil myself whenever I needed it.”

“However, there came a day when I forgot to do this, and, being caught in a rainstorm, before I had thought of the danger my joints had rusted, and I was left to stand in the woods until you came to help me. It was a terrible thing to undergo, but during the year I stood there I had time to think that the greatest loss I had known was the loss of my heart. While I was in love I was the happiest man on earth; but no one can love who has not a heart, and so I am resolved to ask Oz to give me one. If he does, I will go back to the Munchkin maiden and marry her."


Both Dorothy and the Scarecrow had been greatly interested in the story of the Tin Woodman, and now they knew why he was so anxious to get a new heart.

“All the same," said the Scarecrow, "I shall ask for brains instead of a heart; for a fool would not know what to do with a heart if he had one."

"I shall take the heart," returned the Tin Woodman; "for brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world."

(L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)

Notice, there was a man who was once real and alive and in love. But after a series of blows, his humanity was reduced to efficiency. He became a sort of machine - a hollow man. At first, he did not even notice, for his condition made him an excellent woodman, as any person can become productive like a machine when he forgoes his heart. Notice also that it was the Wicked Witch who brought the disaster upon him. Baum's mythic tale reminds us that the Enemy knows how vital the heart is, even if we do not, and all his forces are fixed upon its destruction. For if he can disable or deaden your heart, then he has effectively foiled the plan of God, which was to create a world where love reigns. By taking out your heart, the Enemy takes out you, and you are essential to the Story. You'll notice he's been rather effective. I find it almost hard to believe a case must be made that the heart is . . . well, at the heart of it all. Of life. Of each person. Of God. And of Christianity. But our Enemy has come against us, and now we are all in some way like the Tin Woodman. We, too, have suffered a series of blows over time. And we, too, have seized upon efficiency, busyness, and productivity as the life we will live instead. Now we are lost. Dazed. Alert and oriented times zero. Sleepwalking through life. In order to find our way out of these we must return to the heart.

John Eldridge


Personal application

Record in your journal your thoughts and answers to the following questions

“For there is no good tree which produces bad fruit; nor on the other hand, a bad tree which produces good fruit. For each tree is know by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they pick grapes from a brier bush. The good man out of the treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.” Luke 6: 43­45

Is there any indication by the deeds being produced by my life, good or bad, that I have a heart condition spoken of in the above passage?

Are there any indications in my life that I have become a “hollow­man” by not allowing my heart to engage in my relationship with God?

If I wanted to have a good heart, one that would please my King by producing “good fruit,” what price would I pay to receive it?

If I understand my “heart need” at this time, what would be my sincere prayer to God? (Write out a “heart prayer” to God in your journal and clearly express your desire to allow Him to control your heart and to make of it what He would desire)




Session 1 - (Pages 135­142 ) Abiding In Christ – What Does It Mean?

Session 2 - (Pages 145­148) The Fruit of Abiding – Part 1: The Transformation

Session 3 - (Pages 161­168) The Fruit of Abiding – Part 2: The Harvest

Session 4 - (Pages 171­179) The Holy Sprit – Who Is He?

Session 5 - (Pages 183­188) The Filling of The Spirit – How, When, What?

Session 6 - (Pages 191­199) The Gifts of The Spirit – Our Part in the Harvest.

Session 7 - (Pages 203­221) The Gifts of The Spirit – Definitions and Discussion.

Session 8 - (Pages 225­229) Extended Prayer Session and Review of Your Spiritual Gifts.




Congratulations on the completion of the Enlightened Sessions of The Journey. By this time you should be aware of an increasing hunger in your group for a deeper intimacy with Christ. You should also be seeing this growth in your own life, for this is a normal blessing that comes back to us as we serve others.

You may now realize that our last sessions were designed to reveal to your participants the nature of God that desires intimacy with His creation. Of course, a complete study of God could be exhaustive. Instead, we introduced a simple, straight-forward pursuit that focused on those attributes of God that show us that He loves us and wants us to come closer to Him. Hopefully this foundation was established in Enlightened. In the Enabled segment you and your group will be making progressive steps toward this intimacy we speak of.

Why do we use the word Enabled to describe this part of The Journey? Why not use a title that describes intimacy instead? Quite frankly, it is because we need to enter into this intimacy we speak of, rather than just study about it. We need to understand both those things that hinder and enhance our journey into a deeper intimacy with Christ, so that we can make that journey. These sessions will be a progressive, step- by-step journey in our understanding and our movement toward this intimacy with Christ that we speak of. For this reason we have named this segment “Enabled.”

Foremost in our understanding of our intimate God, is our need to know the Person of the Holy Spirit better. It is He that inspires, invites and receives us into this intimacy with God. In this series we will be expanding our understanding of this Person of the Holy Trinity. We will explore His characteristics and His inspiration, including the “fruit of His Spirit” and the “gifts of His Spirit.” At the core of this understanding is our abiding in Him, which Jesus emphasized. Abiding in Christ is our first necessary step to enable the fruit of the Spirit that Christ promised. The “fruit of the Spirit” then enables the “gifts of the Spirit. When the gifts of the Spirit are functioning, as they should be, we are then ready to play our part in the “harvest.”

Toward the end of this segment we turn our attention to understanding the “gifts of the Spirit.” In these sessions we will expand our understanding of these powerful ministry gifts and begin to explore the specific gift mix of your participants. We do this because we want them to understand that it this giftedness that is so unique to them and will cause them to influence their world around them. They are not expected by God to be someone other than who He created. But He wants us to be fully alive and fully enabled so that we can be our best and give our most for Him. Before our gifts are empowered or “Enabled” for bearing a supernatural fruit, comes the necessity of an abiding fellowship in Christ. Otherwise, we will accomplish


nothing for our King. A “fruit that lasts” will occur naturally from abiding. However, to try and bear a “fruit that lasts” without abiding in Christ will become frustrating and discouraging, along with not producing the kind of fruit Jesus speaks of.

Therefore, as you can see by our perspective, it is from our intimate, ongoing abiding relationship with our King that our spiritual vitality is first inspired and then enabled. That is why we feel Enabled best describes our next part of The Journey.


Enabled -Session 1-

Abiding In Christ ­ What Does It Mean?

Objective To better understand that God, being an intimate God, has given to us the privileged opportunity to live in an intimate relationship with Him, called “abiding.” It is also our objective to relay His message that our Christian work, or fruit, is enabled from this intimacy with Christ.


It has been said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Jesus seemed to think so. That is why He gave us so many earthy, word picture stories. He knew that His audience could capture a deeper application of His truths if they could see it with the “mind’s eye.”

John 15 is a vivid picture to us of what an abiding relationship with Christ should look like as we compare it to the vine and the branch. This passage can do more to challenge our Christian “work-oholic” attitudes and methods as profoundly as any passage in the Bible, if we will understand the deep truths conveyed. With this passage we are both led and cautioned, for we spot quickly that real Christian fruit can be born only one way…..from “abiding” with Christ.

In the Body of Christ we have a tendency to concentrate on becoming fruit-bearers rather than abiders. It’s like the story of the dad who put the Christmas toys together without using the instruction manual. The toys looked neat and together, until they began to fall apart under pressure. Likewise, because we want to feel good about ourselves and about our contribution to The Great Commission, we try to “show something” as quickly as possible, even if it means we take a critical shortcut. How do we shortcut our purpose for our King? We shortcut God’s design for fruit bearing. We don’t become effective fruit-bearers because we do not take the time, or place as our highest priority, our need to abide with Him first and foremost. When our Christian life and works start to fall apart we wonder why. It is because we didn’t follow His instructions.

You might ask, “Can it be all wrong if our hearts and intentions are good?” Well, if we were talking about kudos from the people watching us, we could get some applause and a few strokes from them. However, what Jesus is speaking of is real spiritual fruit that lasts. We’re not talking about something as shallow as being seen by man, recognized by our peers or applauded by the world. Much of the real fruit in our life will be fruit that will probably be unseen by an audience, unappreciated by our peers and a challenge to the world’s value system. In fact, our fruit might even bring some persecution or even death to some of us. We have a 2,000-year legacy of this historical fact that would prove it. So what kind of fruit does Christ want to produce in us? We think it is a fruit that gives light to a darkened


world. It is the “living water” to the thirsty or in other words, a supernatural influence to our world around us. It is an “other world” kind of fruit. It is a “fruit that lasts” for all eternity. It is a fruit that can be born only from abiding in Christ. This is the fruit Jesus was speaking of. It is supernatural.

In this session we begin to build a foundation of understanding this truth about abiding in Jesus to becoming the fruit-bearers that He wants us to become, as a result of abiding. Keep it in mind at all times that fruit comes from and out of abiding. It does not precede it.

If there were ever a session or part that was most important in The Journey, it would have to be this one. For this reason take your time and let the truths discovered make their impact. This is one foundation that needs to be strong.

We will be referencing some of the insight found in The Secret of the Vine. Make sure your group receives their book in this session and are encouraged to read and mark some revelations they find.


Enabled -Session 1-

Abiding In Christ – What Does It Mean?

§ Roundtable Time.

Mentor Insight: Share from the assignment given to your participants. Also, if you haven’t already done so, pass out the book, “Secret of the Vine.”

§ Introduce session by reading John 15: 1 – 10. (Have someone in your group read it)

Mentor Insight: As we have stated many times, this passage is at the heart of The Journey. Spend as much time as you need to lead your participants deeply into this passage. Share your own heart and life into the importance of this message. The questions that follow might help your discussion.

§ Suggested questions.

Q: How many times do we read the words abide or remain in this passage?

Mentor Insight: The Greek verb used in this passage is, “MENO” is used metaphorically for a place, a time, of qualities such as faith –hope­love­ Christ’s love­afflictions­brotherly love­the love of God­the truth. Other English words to describe “MEN”’ include continue in, dwell in, endure in, stand in or possibly continue to and tarry.

Q: Give me your appraisal of the importance that Jesus places on abiding?

Q: Why do you personally feel abiding would be important to you?

Mentor Insight: Let them think these questions through and discuss them as long as they wish. Some possible answers you will hear will include the “shear importance” Jesus gave to it. In abiding we are safe and secure. We are taught while abiding and we are more teachable.

§ Re-read John 15: 1 – 2.

Q: Jesus gave an illustration of the relationship between the Vine (Himself), the branches (believers) and the Vinedresser (The Father). How would you explain in your own words the illustration Jesus gave? How would each of the next points relate to each other?

The branches to the vine. (Get their Answers)

Mentor’s Notes:


The fruit to the branches. (Get their Answers)

The pruning to the fruit. (Get their Answers)

The fruit to the Father. (Get their Answers)

Q: Jesus uses the word “fruit” to illustrate a point. What is the fruit that you think He was speaking of?

Mentor Insight: Let them take a few guesses at the question. However, don’t acknowledge or volunteer an answer at this time, for they will explore this in greater depth in their assignment. The following questions take them deeper into the dynamics of abiding, being pruned and bearing fruit as a result.

§ Read Galatians 5:22 and Romans 12:1-2.

Q: What fruit is being mentioned here? (Discuss)

Q: Is this fruit something that can be done by our will power, or is it a supernatural benefit of our relationship with God? (Discuss)

Q: Do you think all believers demonstrate the characteristics mentioned in Galatians 5:22? Why or why not? (Discuss)

§ Re-read John 15, verse 2.

Q: In this passage we see that the Father prunes the believer in order to bear more fruit. Let’s discuss the aspect of pruning. What do you know about pruning a plant? (Discuss)

Q: If a plant could talk, do you think it would tell you that it hurts to be pruned?

Q: Why would a loving Father God prune us, if He knew that it hurt us? (Discuss)

Q: Do you think the Vinedresser, our Father, has a skillful purpose in His pruning of us in helping us to become the man He wants to make of us? Let’s read an excerpt from one of our recommended books, Secrets of the Vine , pages 33, beginning with the last sentence through page 35, “The first secret of the Vine.”

Mentor Insight: This is a great illustration about the plan and purpose God has in His pruning of His children. After you read the excerpt continue the following questions.

Q: The kind of pruning that the Father does in his child will first produce the characteristics of Christ in us. These are the same characteristics we read about in Galatians 5: 22 and are called “the fruit of the Spirit.” Would you agree with this appraisal? Let’s read Gal. 5:22. (read)


Q: Would you also agree that another name for this transformation could be ‘Christ-likeness?’ We call this “The fruit of transformation.” Can we see that when we are pruned by God He is instilling in us Christ-like qualities?

Mentor Insight: As you know, God is not only wanting to purify His children and create Christ­like qualities in us, He also has a purpose that goes beyond our individual lives. He is also preparing us for another fruit. He is preparing us to join Him in the “fruit of the harvest”. Lead your group to see and understand the purpose He has for their lives by discussing the following questions.

Q: There is another kind of fruit implied in John 15. We call it “the fruit of the harvest.” Let’s read the following verses and see if you can spot it. (Verse 16)

§ Read Matthew 9:37 and ask the following question.

Q: We have discussed so far God’s plan and purpose of making us men who can bear fruit to His honor. We now need to look further into God’s plan by looking at the problem. In this passage we see the problem. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. So what is Jesus’ plan for meeting this problem head-on? It is to raise up a labor force that will join Him in the harvest and guess what, we are in this plan if we will join Him by letting Him make of us the men we can become from abiding in Him.

Q: The fruit mentioned in John 15:16 would indicate a harvest of souls, for only souls last forever. Our good works will pass away when we do. But those people that have come to know Christ through the fruit of our abiding relationship with Christ will live for eternity. This is the “fruit that lasts.” This is the fruit we carry with us to Heaven. That is why we call it the “fruit of the harvest. Can you see this?

§ Read John 4:35.

Q: We see Jesus saying to His disciples, “Open your eyes and look around.” What was He telling them to look at?

Answer: The people and the harvest opportunities.

Q: Consider the harvest opportunities in your world around you. Do you see lives that need to know this Jesus that has so impacted your life?

Q: Do you see any marriages and families that are being torn apart? Do you see lives with addictions?

Q: Do you see people losing their jobs, losing their investments, losing their bearings in life because of their perceived prosperity?

Q: Do you see any “down and outers” or “up and outers” that are starting to conclude that life is overrated? If you do, you are seeing


lives that are ripe for harvest.

Q: Have you considered that you are being given an invitation by God to lead these people to Him? How would we do it?

Mentor Insight: How blind we are to the opportunities around us, for we see them as commonplace or they lack the “glamour” of an “authentic” ministry. The above questions are designed to challenge the way we see our world around us and to “authenticate” the ministry that we have been given. The next questions challenge us as to how God has designed the way we are to show our world the way to Christ.

Q: Would not the most impactful witness you could have to those people around you be for them to see in you the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self- control that Christ brings to your life? (Discuss)

Mentor Insight: You can try to fake these qualities. But your self­efforts will not impact your world around you, for you will be as counterfeit as a three dollar bill. The real fruit of transformation, which comes from abiding and pruning, impacts our world, and this is why God prepares us first within our hearts and in our life. But it is not to stop there. It is important for your group to understand that a disciple of Christ must also bear fruit that goes beyond themselves. If you hear the words, “Your relationship with Christ is a private matter,” you are only hearing a partial truth. Yes, it is a private, intimate relationship with Him. But this relationship is also lived out to our world around us. To keep it within us and with no concern for those around us will cause our own spiritual health to stagnate. We cannot have the Spirit of Christ within us, as Lord of our life, without having the same perspective that He has for our world.

§ Read Gal. 6:7-9.

Q: This passage speaks of a harvest as well. It tells us we have to be patient and see it through to the end, as we wait on the Lord to work. How does this passage speak to some of you? Is there anyone who might be feeling some discouragement presently? Maybe knowing that God will eventually reward your faith and trust in Him could encourage you right now. You might have someone in your life that you need to hand over to the Lord, for you’ve done about all you can do. Can we pray for you right now concerning this need?

Mentor Insight: Have a time of prayer for anyone who would need the prayers of your group. This is a good time to gather around those in your group that need special prayer.

§ Closing discussion about today’s session.

Mentor Insight: Invite any question or comments on today’s session. Go over next session’s assignment.

• Review assignment. This assignment will cover the next two sessions.



-Assignment for Sessions 2-

The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 1: The Transformation

First week

If you haven’t already done so, read Bruce Wilkinson’s book, Secrets of the Vine. You will gain a lot of insight on abiding that will assist your study the following weeks. Make note of interesting points that you can go back to and reference. Record your thoughts in your journal.

Second week

Hopefully you are beginning to see the importance of abiding in Christ, but do you really understand what it means and what is required? For this reason please research and find answers to the following questions and record your findings in your journal.

• Jesus gave a parable listed in Luke 8: 4-15 and in Mark 4:1-20. Read these, and identify the seed whose fruit was choked out because of life’s worries, riches and pleasures. Record in your journal your answers to the following questions.

What are some worries and other distractions that normally occur in our lives that keep us from bearing fruit?

What particular “weeds” are you aware of in your life that could be choking out your fruit?

• Re-read Chapter 3 in Secrets of the Vine.. Record in your journal your answer to the following questions.

Are there some “vines” in your life that might be dragging the ground and need to be washed clean with repentance and tied up in order to bear fruit?

Can you identify any areas of your life that the Vinedresser is doing some pruning?



-Sessions 2 and 3-

The Fruit of Abiding – Part 1: The Transformation

The Fruit of Abiding – Part 2: The Harvest

Objective Part 1

Just as there are symptoms for disease that help a doctor diagnose an illness in our physical body, likewise, there are spiritual symptoms that indicate if we are healthy spiritually. It is our objective to understand what abiding looks like by understanding the fruit of the Spirit and how our transformation into Christ­likeness occurs. In these characteristics we can see the symptoms of a right relationship with Christ.

Objective Part 2

The fruit of the harvest are those lost souls of mankind that are gathered for the King. Christ said that He needs “harvesters” to join Him in gathering the harvest. It is our objective to point out the distinctiveness of a “harvester” verses a worker or hireling and to show how the process of discipleship will lead to intimacy with Christ that will lead to fruit­bearing because it enables us in a supernatural manner for the harvest. We also introduce the process for becoming a true “harvester” for our King.


It would be important that you share with your group that the pace will quicken in the Enabled Series. However, we will purposefully slow it down for the next two sessions so they can get the most out of their discussion. This particular foundation is essential in The Journey.

Your group is hopefully experiencing some of the richest sharing time so far. In order for it to be a time that they will get the most out of it, remind them that they need to make a serious commitment to reading and completing their assignments prior to each meeting. These assignments are not difficult. But they do require getting involved. We are trying to encourage their private devotion life, in order that they become self-feeders. These assignments lead them into this objective. Be sure and encourage their time spent alone with the Lord.


In the next two meetings, you will be drawing out thoughts and conclusions from your participants based on what they got out of their assignments. Points in * Wilkinson’s book will be discussed, as they provide good discussion material. The key emphasis we are making in these meetings is that the fruit mentioned in John 15 has a particular “look,” a supernatural quality about it. It is closely identified with a change in the characteristics of the person rather than results generated by the person. This is a surprise, for many Christians feel that this “fruit” spoken of in John 15 are souls that are won to Him because of our contribution to the Great Commission. We agree that it does eventually yield this type of fruit. We call it the “fruit of the Harvest.” But there is a hidden dynamic that is often overlooked, which is the necessity that we are prepared by the Holy Spirit to effectively labor in the Harvest fields. It is not our disciplined effort at good works that produce a supernatural fruit. In fact, these type efforts can even become counterproductive to the Lord’s outreach, as we present ourselves in a way that is not appealing and convincing. There is a design that Jesus gave to us for becoming fruit-bearers. That design is formed in the Inner Chamber of our intimacy with Him. In the Inner Chamber we are re-formed into men that present Christ “in-side-out.” The “fruit of transformation,” the characteristics of Christ, is the person the Lord wants our world to see, when they see us. From this basis, the supernatural awakening of our spiritual gifts are employed in the Harvest and a supernatural reaping is produced.

Many of God’s children give it the best they can do, while failing to give it the best that God can do through them. We often think that it is all up to us and we take on our roles as “fruit-bearers” with zeal, but eventually fail in our effort. We become frustrated and tune-out on the call of the Great Commission, for we feel ill equipped to face our spiritual battles and unsure of the total benefit of what Christ has to offer. We don’t live it, so we can’t teach it. What a shame, for the best influence we can have to our world around us is when its people see in our lives the great benefit of being God’s child and how our life is giving off this supernatural fruit we speak of. For the above reasons we want to undo any misconceptions about being a fruit-bearer (or harvester) and to encourage your group to understand what real fruit looks like.

A stated before The Influencers ministry is emphatic about fulfilling our part in “The Great Commission.” Jesus said the “harvest” is ready to be picked and there is a great need for laborers / harvesters. It is clear that He wants us to join Him in the fruit of the harvest. It is a sacred responsibility for all of God’s family to be part of this mission of our King. But, Jesus mentioned the need for people who will and can gather the harvest, not just workers or hirelings. What is a true harvester? We believe that it is one who is saved, discipled, transformed, enabled and Christ’s characteristics are being expressed in his life. To say again: Saved, Discipled, Transformed, Enabled and Expressed = Harvester

Explanation: After our salvation the process of discipleship is begun by the Holy Spirit, as He shows us those things in our life that are hindrances to our intimacy with Him. This is the discipline of the Lord mentioned in Hebrews 12 and referenced by Wilkerson in his book as the First Secret. With our voluntary surrender of these hindrances, our journey to intimacy with Christ is able to take some giant steps. As a result, the “fruit of the Spirit” mentioned in Galatians 5: 22 begins to show in our life. This is an indication that we are in the process of being prepared to become a “harvester.” As Christ’s characteristics have matured in us and have become the climate of our life, the gifts of the Spirit that were given to us at our conversion are then enabled. At this point our mind, body and soul are working in harmony with passion, calling and strategic placement. We are now prepared for our particular contribution to the Great Commission. This is when we become a “harvester” and are invited to the Harvest.

As a laborer in the harvest, our part is to first be a witness of the truth of Christ and the difference He has made in our life. We become the “light on a hill and salt to the world,” that Christ described. Next, we serve the Body of Christ by exercising our spiritual gift(s), as we build the Church up. Finally, we engage


in an active process of leading others through the steps to intimacy with Christ that we have come to understand. In this process we become a reproducer and this is what differentiates a worker from a laborer. We must reproduce.

Tying all of this spiritual transition together and keeping it together is the active and ongoing lifestyle of an intimate, abiding fellowship with Christ. We can never be cut off from the Vine and be able to bear fruit. Abiding in Christ is our life-blood. It starts the transition and leads to the transformation process. It keeps it going by sustaining us with the spiritual nutrition that we need, as it comes to us from our continuous abiding with the Vine. As we live our life out as an “Influencer” for our King, supernatural fruit is produced, not by our effort, our strategy or tireless work. Rather, this fruit comes as a result of authenticity, moral authority and the tremendous pleasure we enjoy from our intimate walk with Jesus. When this fruit occurs in the life of the believer, he becomes a champion for our King.

In the next two sessions we are attempting to build a foundation for understanding the supernatural aspects of the fruit of abiding. Pray that this will be well received and understood, for it will be on this foundation the rest of The Journey will built.

* ­Important note concerning the Secrest of the Vine­

There is an important “perspective point” that we must provide to reflect the conviction God has given to us. We believe that Wilkinson’s book is very insightful. But, he leaves some confusion in his 3 rd Secret as he tries to bridge intimacy with Christ to bearing fruit. In addition, it would appear that his secrets are out of sequence in the growth to intimacy and the fruit produced from intimacy. Therefore, the following two illustrations list the Secrets of the Vine as Wilkinson has listed them in the book. The second illustration, The Three Steps to Bearing a Lasting Fruit, presents how we prefer to describe the processes of discipline, abiding intimacy and fruit bearing. In addition, we are providing you information that will explain why we believe this is the process theHoly Spirit uses to mature us into “Harvesters.”

Illustration # 1 - The Three Secrets, as Wilkinson lists them

The first secret of the Vine: “If your life consistently bears no fruit, God will intervene to discipline you.”

The second secret of the Vine: “If your life bears some fruit, God will intervene to prune you.”

The third secret of the Vine: “If your life bears a lot of fruit, God will invite you to abide more deeply with Him.”

The Influencers View:

Illustration # 2 - The Three Steps to Bearing a Lasting Fruit

The first step: “Discipline - After our conversion a process of discipleship will begin called discipline. Discipline is given to us by God in order to root out hindrances that keep us from coming closer to Him.”


• We believe it is the work of the Spirit to draw us closer to God. His work, after our conversion, is to disciple (discipline) us, as referenced in Hebrews 12, so that we can understand the life He would have us live and the hindrances that get in the way of our progress. These hindrances keep us from intimacy with Holy God and His discipline given to us is to help us give up the sin or hindrance that keeps us from going deeper with Him in the intimacy of abiding. The symptoms are evident when we compare the “deeds of the flesh” mentioned in Gal. 5: 19 – 21 to the “fruit of the Spirit” in Gal. 5:22. These passages provide us an evaluation of who or Who is in control of our life. It is either the flesh, or it is the Spirit of God. We can pick it up pretty quick as we look at these passages and see where we tend to fall.

The second step: “Abiding - The process of entering into a deeper intimacy with Christ, called abiding starts and becomes a lifelong spiritual journey. This journey into an ever-deepening intimacy with Christ will bear fruit. When you bear fruit, you will be pruned by God to bear more fruit. It is the ongoing process of going deeper in our abiding with Christ.”

• When we enter into a deeper intimacy with Christ, the first fruit to show up is the “fruit of His Spirit.” As we spend more time with Him and yield our flesh nature to His Lordship, we grow in His characteristics. It is the first indication of change in our journey to a deeper intimacy with Christ and to becoming a fruit-bearer. After this first step, it is the ongoing work of the Vinedresser (God) to prune the branches (our life). No matter our maturity, or the fruit-bearing stage in our life, He wants us to bear even more fruit and pruning is His method. We must not look at pruning as being done to us because we have a sin in our life that we must give up, as it is with the discipline of the Lord in Step # 1. Pruning is done in order for us to give over an aspect of our life. It could be something as simple as feeling the need for a change in life, such as simplifying and becoming unhindered from excessive debt, because of the continuous pinch we live in. Or, it could be having our faith challenged so that we can grow in faith, or a multitude of “cause and effect” conditions that God introduces in our life in order to direct us or shape us to a particular path. These prunings accomplish changes in us and around us. We are pruned because we are doing some things right. It is not punishment. On the contrary, it is God saying, “You’re doing good. Now, I’m going to help you do even better as you live out My purpose for your life.” What a compliment from God! If we can just see it through the Lord’s eyes and understand what He is doing, would it not help us to gladly accept His pruning and maintain our joy through it?

• The third step: “Deepening - God’s deeper pruning for the mature believer also deepens our intimacy with Him and this causes us to bear even greater fruit. It is the work of the Lord to not allow us to grow stagnant in our spiritual journey but to press onward to a more intimate fellowship with Him the rest of our life and in turn produce our best fruit for Him as our journey continues.”

• As we deepen in our intimacy with Christ, our lives also become more fruitful, for our life is more authentic and our spiritual gifts are empowered. Because He has an unhindered relationship with us, a supernatural power can be deployed in and through our life by Him. We are able to bear the kind of fruit He speaks of in John 15 only through this method.


We believe that intimacy with Christ is His “grace invitation” to the believer and out of this intimate, abiding connection fruit will be born. Abiding intimacy does not come as a result of works or fruit. We don’t go deeper because we bear more fruit. We bear more fruit because we go deeper. We believe the intimacy aspect of abiding follows the discipline aspect in our spiritual journey, for the discipline, and our response to it, eliminates the hindrances. But, our intimacy with Christ, as with all of relationship with God, is grace driven. Contrary to some views on this, we believe that grace is the enabler for salvation, the enabler for going deeper in intimacy and the enabler for bearing fruit. Grace is to be understood as not only the unconditional love of God for us through Jesus; it is also His unconditional acceptance of us. It is His “grace love” for us that disciplines us so that we can respond to His invitation to go deeper. It is His “grace love” that leads us to the next step in our journey, which is unhindered fellowship with Him and the deeper intimacy with Him He wants us to have. And finally, it is His “grace love” that works in and through our lives to transform us into Christ-like men who are then invited to His harvest in order to demonstrate Christ’s love to our world around us.

Now you could be asking, “If bearing a lot of fruit doesn’t take us deeper, what part do we play for going deeper in our intimacy with Christ?” The answer: We surrender ourselves. We surrender more and more of our self to God and in doing so, we move closer to and deeper with Him. More of Him and less of us is the path to deeper intimacy. The doors to the Inner Chamber pronounced “He who enters here must do so by personal abandonment and absolute trust.” A lifestyle of “personal abandonment and absolute trust” in Christ are the actions we take that take us deeper in our intimacy with the King. It begins the day we step through those Inner Chamber doors and it will be our challenge for the rest of our days on this earth. Going even deeper into the Inner Chamber of intimacy with Christ is a lifelong journey and it will continue beyond this life and into the next. And the further we go, the more Christ- like we become and more abundant is our fruit.



-Session 2-

The Fruit of Abiding – Part 1: The Transformation

Objective Part 1 Just as there are symptoms for disease that help a doctor diagnose an illness in our physical body, likewise, there are spiritual symptoms that indicate if we are healthy spiritually. It is our objective to understand what abiding looks like by understanding the fruit of the Spirit and how our transformation into Christ­likeness occurs. In these characteristics we can see the symptoms of a right relationship with Christ.


Three Secrets / The Three Steps

• Wilkinson “If your life consistently bears no fruit, God will intervene to discipline you.”

Influencers 1 st Step – “Discipline – After our conversion a process of discipleship will begin called discipline. Discipline is given to us by God in order to root out hindrances that keep us from coming closer to him.”

• Wilkinson “If your life bears some fruit, God will intervene to prune you.”

Influencers 2nd Step – “Abiding – The process of entering into a deeper intimacy with Christ, called abiding, starts and becomes a lifelong spiritual journey. This journey into an ever deepening intimacy with Christ will bear fruit. When you bear fruit, you will be pruned by God to bear more fruit. It is the ongoing process of going deeper in our abiding with Christ.”

• Wilkinson “If your life bears a lot of fruit, God will invite you to abide more deeply with Him.”

Influencers 3rd Step – “Deepening – God’s deepest pruning for the mature believer also deepens our intimacy with Him, and this causes us to bear even greater fruit. It is the work of the Lord to not allow us to grow stagnant in our spiritual journey but to press onward to a more intimate fellowship with Him the rest of our life, and in turn produce our best fruit for Him as our journey continues.”


Enabled -Session 2-

The Fruit of Abiding -Part 1-

The Transformation

• Roundtable Time: Share from your journal entries and your assignment.

• Introduce Session.

Mentor Insight: Phrase the opening remarks in your own words. Always remember to speak from your heart and your passion otherwise The Journey may become rote to you and your group. Make sure you anoint each meeting with your prayers and ask that you can be God’s voice, as He leads your group through your surrender life to Him.

State: “Our 2 nd session is entitled “Enabled.” Enabled requires an empowerment by God. Empowerment is the result of abiding in Christ. This empowerment creates another reaction called “fruit.”

State: “In our last session we looked at the two forms of fruit that Jesus was speaking of in John 15. Do you remember what we call those fruits? (The Fruit of Transformation and The Fruit of the Harvest) Let’s explore these two kinds of fruit.

The Fruit of Transformation:

Mentor Insight: This is where a departure from the norm begins to show up. Most believers do not understand the spiritual dynamics of a life transformed by God. Most of the time we view it as “something that just happens” without any contributing factors on our part. As Influencers, we believe that it is the work of the Holy Spirit to transform. But, we also believe it is our choice to put our self in the position to be transformed. We are invited to abide. When we chose to obey, we put our self in that position and transformation follows. Transformation is supernatural and is the work of the Holy Spirit, not by our own efforts. The questions that follow should help them see this.

Q: What does the “Fruit of Transformation” imply to you? (Discuss)

Tip: A change in behavior, in perspective, of perception by others. Etc. ­ Brainstorm this question.

Q: How do you think this transformation will express itself to others? (Discuss)

Mentor’s Notes:


Tip: By the way we view others, treat them, react to them and by the way they view us.

Q: How do you think this transformation can bear fruit in others people’s lives? (Get answers)

Tip: By Influence. Definition: “The power that somebody has to affect people’s thinking or actions by means of argument, example or force of personality.”

Q: Let’s talk about the definition of influence that I have just given to you. There are three means of affecting someone that are listed: Argument – Example – and Force of personality. Which definition do you think applies to the “Fruit of Transformation”?

Tip: Example (some could also say moral authority)

Q: Why would it not be the other two listed?

Tip: This word (influence) can be used to describe a good or bad affect that we can have on another person. We know that the only influence that God would have us have on another person would be a good influence. Words (arguments) are only theory if they are not lived out and not seen in the life of the person. Theory is not completely trustworthy and is trumped by experience every time. Personality is only the persuasiveness of man and doesn’t have the supernatural ability to affect change. With personality we are back to the problem that theory presents.

There is only one sure way to influence others, as Christ would lead us and that is by our life’s example of our abiding with Him and the affect it has on us. Then we can affect others in a good way for it is in fact Christ that is at work in us and through us to others. This is why the fruit of a transformed life can impact others when words and personality cannot.

The Fruit of the Harvest:

Mentor Insight: Let’s not forget the “Great Commission,” for Christ has not, nor does He want us to. The fact is we cannot really abide without bearing a fruit that joins Him in the “harvest.” It would be easy to allow our inward peace to become our only objective once we begin to enjoy the peace, power and perspective that a transformed life experiences. However, let’s add another “P” to the equation. “Purpose.” The peace, power and perspective that we experience in the transformed life leads to our purpose, which leads us back to the “harvest” of the lost souls out there and the part we play in their rescue.

Q: Let’s talk about the ‘Fruit of the Harvest” and lets draw on our memory of the story, The Journey to the Inner Chamber. In the story, who was Influencer and what did he do?

Q: Do you think Influencer played a part in the Harvest?

Q: Do you think he played his part in the Harvest?


Q: How did he play his part?

Q: Do you remember Mentor? Did he play his part in the Harvest? How did he play his part?

• Wrap up / Share Time.

State: As we wrap up our remaining time, let’s discuss our reading assignment from the last two weeks. Let’s share the impressions and revelations you came away with from reading The Secrets of the Vine.

Mentor Insight: Have a time of sharing while remembering the caution we gave to you in the “Perspective and Objectives” section about concluding that going deeper into intimacy with Christ is from bearing fruit.

Wilkinson’s “Three Secrets”/Influencers “Three Steps”

• Wilkinson “If your life consistently bears no fruit, God will intervene to discipline you.”

Influencers 1 st Step- “Discipline- After our conversion a process of discipleship will begin called discipline. Discipline is given to us by God in order to root out hindrances that keep us from coming closer to him.”

• Wilkinson “If your life bears some fruit, God will intervene to prune you”

Influencers 2nd Step- “Abiding-The process of entering into a deeper intimacy with Christ, called abiding, starts and becomes a lifelong spiritual journey. This journey into an ever deepening intimacy with Christ will bear fruit. When you bear fruit, you will be pruned by God to bear more fruit. It is the ongoing process of going deeper in our abiding with Christ.”

• Wilkinson “If your life bears a lot of fruit, God will invite you to abide more deeply with Him.”

Influencers 3rd Step- “Deepening-God’s deepest pruning for the mature believer also deepens our intimacy with Him, and this causes us to bear even greater fruit. It is the work of the Lord to not allow us to grow stagnant in our spiritual journey but to press onward to a more intimate fellowship with Him the rest of our life, and in turn produce our best fruit for Him as our journey continues.”

• Review the assignment:


Mentor Insight: The assignment for next session is a continuation from the last one in that we build on their understanding of what it takes to join the King by becoming a “laborer.” They must continue to become transparent before the Lord and understand that transformation has to occur before fruit is born. Always keep going back to this priority as they make it their first and foremost objective to not allow any hindrances that keep them from this intimacy.



-Assignment for Session 3-

The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 2: The Harvest

Continue your daily quiet times and recording in your journal. Ask God to reveal to you any other “weeds” that you might not be aware of. Record His answers in your journal and lay them before the Lord, asking His blessing on you as He weeds out your life.

Do some independent research on possible fruit that Jesus could be talking about that have not been pointed out or discussed.

Begin to pray through and record in your journal what you feel God is leading you to understand about “abiding” in Him. This is a question that can only be asked by you and answered by Him. Make your heart attentive to His answer and be ready to respond to His leadership. Could there be a hindrance? Could there be a blind or deaf zone in your life?

We will be discussing The Harvest and how God prepares you for joining Him in this great campaign. However, we cannot join Him there without first going through our transformation. The transformation occurs in the private time that you have in the Inner Chamber of intimacy with the Lord. Don’t let anything hinder your progress to this privilege.



-Session 3-

The Fruit of Abiding – Part 2: The Harvest

Objective Part 2

The fruit of the harvest are those lost souls of mankind that are gathered for the King. Christ said that He needs “laborers” to join Him in gathering the harvest. It is our objective to point out the distinctiveness of a “laborer” verses a worker or hireling and to show how the process of discipleship will lead to intimacy with Christ that will lead to fruit­bearing because it enables us in a supernatural manner for the harvest. We also introduce the process for becoming a true “laborer” for our King.


Enabled -Session 3-

The Fruit of Abiding -Part 2-

The Harvest

• Roundtable time.

Mentor Insight: Continue to use this time in your sessions to encourage your group’s sharing from their journals and their assignment. In this particular case you want to hear about some of their breakthroughs and spiritual enlightenments concerning abiding, hindrances, etc.

• Introduce the Session.

Q: When we us the term the “Fruit of the Harvest” what does it imply to you? (Discus)

Tip: A fruit that lasts – the souls of mankind.

Q: In Matthew 9:37 we see where Jesus emphasizes the need for laborers or best understood as harvesters. Do you think there is a difference in a Christian “worker” and a Christian “harvester?” What do you think it would be?

Tip: (This is only our view, but we think there is a distinction.) A “worker” is one who serves out of is own perspective and ability in serving Christ. A “harvester” serves from inspiration that comes from abiding in Christ. His ability to serve is enabled by the King, and he joins with other laborers in a coordinated fashion in carrying out his work. His work is not random service, but is a strategic expression of his spiritual gifts, which have been enabled by abiding with Christ. The definition of “harvester is: “Someone who gathers crops, especially by hand.” This would make it sound like a delicate, personal service that is done in an individual manner, much like our understanding of the use of our spiritual gifts, (Discuss).

Q: Think about the story we read at the beginning of our sessions, The Journey To The Inner Chamber. If you were to put yourself in that suit of armor and you were able to see through the counterfeits and look at the real inner condition of the people around you, how would you now view them differently? (Discuss)

Q: Again, think of the character Influencer in the story. Influencer was dispatched by his King from the Inner Chamber to go into a world that was hostile to him. He had to be prepared for that warfare with his own defenses and also to be able to affect the people who were deceived by the Great Deceiver’s counterfeits. Do you think it would be necessary for our King to prepare us in a similar

Mentor’s Notes:


manner for our world and to be able to impact it? Then we can understand the purpose of pruning. Let’s pull out some good points from Secrets of the Vine.

Mentor Insight: In John 15 we read that ‘pruning’ will occur in order that more fruit can be produced. There is some great information about pruning that your group read in Secrets of the Vine. They were asked to record their thoughts in their journal. Ask your group to share their thoughts on what they read about “pruning. The following questions might help your discussion.

Thoughts on Pruning found in Secrets of Vine

State: Let’s get out Wilkinson’s book out and pick out some points to discuss. I will jump start it with some questions. But, feel free to jump in with your own questions for the group.

Q: On pages 62 – 65 Pruning vs. discipline is discussed. What is the difference?

Q: On page 64 we read that our attitude during pruning is critical to keep from slipping into sin and a need for discipline. Why is this?

Q: Making amends with God if necessary is mentioned on pages 68 –69. What are your thoughts on this need?

Q: Now there are different points made in Wilkerson’s book that I would like to place before you so that you will give me your thoughts on them. They are: (Just mention the thoughts and the page number and let your group respond)

Abundance – pg. 69 Encouragement when being pruned – pg. 75 Telling God where it hurts – pg. 76 David’s transformation as a result of being pruned – pg. 78

• Wrap-up / Share and Prayer Time,

Q: Ask your group to share from their hearts and if any of them now see that either discipline or pruning is or has been going on in their life.

Mentor Insight: In their assignment they were asked to do some prayerful introspection about how God is working in their life, specifically in the area of discipline or pruning. Hopefully they have been able to identify the difference in the two and now realize what specifically God is trying to get them to give up (sin) or give over to Him (aspect of life, pruning). Ask if any in your group would be willing to share any of those revelations.

• Prayer for your group.


Mentor Insight: Hopefully you have had some transparency demonstrated, as your group opened up a little about some of the struggles that are going on in their life. At the conclusion of your share time, take a moment to pray for and bless your group with a prayer of encouragement and petition for God to take each member by hand and lead them to the truth and freedom that he wants for them to have. Depending on the time you have remaining, go around your group and lay your hands on each man and prayer for him by name. This will be a very special time for both you and them

• Review assignment.



-Assignment for session 4-

The Holy Spirit – Who Is He?

The next several weeks we will devote ourselves to the study of the Holy Spirit and the discovery of the special gifts that each of us have. These gifts are called “gifts of the Spirit” or “Spiritual Gifts.” “Spiritual Gifts” are given to each believer at the time of our re-birth. These gifts are given in order to uniquely equip us with the tools to be “harvesters” or laborers as mentioned in our studies. The Holy Spirit allocates the gifts to all believers. It is He that determines how we fit in His plan for harvesting other souls. Each gift is different, like parts in a body are different. But like the different body parts, we are also dependent on one another, such as a hand, fingers and arm are dependent on each other. Each gift is to work in coordination with other gifts and by the divine directive of Christ, the Head of the Body.

Before we move into that study, we need to look more extensively at the Person of the Holy Spirit. This will be our pursuit this week.

Week One

Start your study of the Holy Spirit by asking Him to teach you about Himself. Record in your journal the next two weeks your discoveries so you can share them with us when we meet next.

Next, start a scripture research that teaches about the Holy Spirit. We have included some reference material to “jump-start” your research. Add to this information your own research that teaches on the Person of the Holy Spirit.

Record those aspects of the Holy Spirit which were special discoveries to you personally during the first week. As an example, He is no less God than The Father and the Son, but did you realize this prior to your study of Him? Did you know that He has feelings and we can actually grieve Him? Did you know that He helps us in our prayers and actually intercedes on our behalf? Did you know that it is He who chose to endow you with your spiritual gifts that we are about to discover and develop in your life? These are only a few surprises that you may discover, but we want you to find more.


Week Two

This is a time to dedicate your self to worshipping, speaking to and listening to the Holy Spirit. Our prayers are not often addressed to this part of the Trinity, for we most often address our prayers to the Father and to Jesus and the Holy Spirit is frequently not thought of. We want to begin to balance that out as we worship Him as well the Father and the Son. Let this week be a “walk” with the Holy Spirit as you enjoy Him. For this reason we recommend a little structure that you should follow the second week. It is as follows.

• Pray back to Him those discoveries about Him that you were able to learn the previous week. Converse with Him how these particular aspects of Him both comfort and confuse you, and that you desire to seek His guidance as He teaches you more about Himself. Talk to Him as you would your very best friend.

• Commit to begin the process of making sure that He is included in all your decisions as you seek His wisdom. Start this by identifying particular areas in your life that you have independently reserved for yourself and have not sought His wisdom or direction in. It could be in your job, finances or even your prayer life. It could be your marriage, a difficult relationship or even a difficult memory that just won’t go away. Let Him help you with these things as you release them to Him.

• Seek His divine guidance in those things that you have kept to yourself. Ask that He help you keep Him in mind in all decisions that you make from this time forward.

• Record those particular discoveries and commitments in your journal, and be prepared to share them with us in our next meeting.

We all look forward to hearing from you in our next meeting as you share your discoveries.


The Holy Spirit

(Some names and titles) Breath of the Almighty (Job 33:4) Comforter (John 14:16, 26; 15:26) Eternal Spirit (Hebrews 9:14) Free Spirit (Psalms 51:12) God (Acts 5:3, 4) Good Spirit (Nehemiah 9:20; Psalms 143:10) Holy Spirit (Psalms 51:11; Luke 11:13; Ephesians 1:13; 4:30) Power of the Highest (Luke 1:35) Spirit of adoption (Romans 8:15) Spirit of burning (Isaiah 4:4) Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9; 1 Peter 1:11) Spirit of counsel (Isaiah 11:2) Spirit of glory (1 Peter 4:14) Spirit of God (Genesis 1:2; 1 Corinthians 2:11; Job 33:4) Spirit of grace (Zechariah 12:10; Hebrews 10:29) Spirit of holiness (Romans 1:4) Spirit of judgment (Isaiah 4:4; 28:6) Spirit of knowledge (Isaiah 11:2) Spirit of life (Romans 8:2; Revelation 11:11) Spirit of might (Isaiah 11:2) Spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10) Spirit of revelation (Ephesians 1:17) Spirit of the Father (Matthew 10:20) Spirit of the fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2) Spirit of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2; Acts 5:9) Spirit of the Lord God (Isaiah 61:1) Spirit of the Son (Galatians 4:6) Spirit of truth (John 14:17; 15:26) Spirit of understanding (Isaiah 11:2) Spirit of wisdom (Isaiah 11:2; Ephesians 1:17) Spirit (Matthew 4:1; John 3:6; 1 Timothy)


Enabled -Session 4-

The Holy Spirit – Who Is He?


To better understand the Person of the Holy Spirit and His work in our life. Note “Person” is used, not “it” as some often reference Him in a non­person manner. We will emphasize that He is not a lesser part of the Holy Trinity and is equal with God the Father and God the Son. He is God, the Spirit.


It has been said by some intellectuals that the reason they do not embrace Christianity in their pursuit of God is because of the complexity of the Holy Trinity and their inability to understand God this way. These people think that they need to understand the awesome, Holy Infinite God, before they can worship him or embrace Him. They are on a losing course with this belief. Unfortunately, many Christians are also guilty of believing only a God they can understand rather than believing a God that they realize they can never understand. Faith is seeing with the eyes of the soul and requires us to accept that which we cannot see. If we limit our trust to what we can see with the eyes of the flesh or only believe that which we can understand with the intellect of our mind, we will never grasp beyond our own limitations the infinite glory of He who is able.

If you want to be intelligent in your understanding of God, first conclude that you cannot fully understand Him. Do you really think that we have the capacity to observe and critique Him Who creates everything, knows all things, is able to do all things and is not limited by time or space? We cannot! However, we can try to understand Him through aspects of His character and what he has revealed to us about Himself, for in these aspects we can get a grasp of Who He is and His heart for His children.

We seem to be more comfortable with understanding God as Father and God as Son better than other aspects, for we are familiar with those terms. But we do struggle with God as Holy Spirit. Why is this? Along with the problem that we “smart finite” thinkers have in trying to understand Infinite God, is the additional fact that Holy Spirit is mysterious, is invisible and yet, He is present and He is active. Of course some people can sense, or say they sense, His presence, His council, His power, His comfort, His teaching and His intervention better than others. Unfortunately, some of these same people cause us deep concern because of their behavior or our suspicion of a hidden agenda. As a result, we stay away from anything that remotely enters into that uncomfortable zone and it causes many of us to “throw the baby out with the wash.” Let’s not do that, for it is too crucial that we learn to communicate with the Holy Spirit. It is He that is taking us deeper into our relationship with God.

There are aspects of Him that Jesus said would show up and we would see and feel if we have the “spiritual eyes and ears” that sense Him. However, there are many more believers that do not sense His presence, even though He is with them. Why is this? Is it possibly because they do not recognize Him as God? Is it because they are ignorant of this Third Person of the Trinity? Do they ignore Him? Are they tuned out?


The answer is probably yes for a lot of believers, along with some other old baggage that doesn’t want to be made “uncomfortable” with talking about Him. But we must talk about Him and teach about Him and worship Him, along with the Father and the Son. We must develop our spiritual eyes and ears that can sense His love and leadership.

You will be leading your group to a better understanding of our Lord God, Holy Spirit, as we move forward in the subject of Enabled. If you haven’t figured it our yet, it is He Who enables us to abide and to bear fruit, and it is He Who walks with us through life. Don’t you think we need to know Him better? Don’t we need to sense His leadership, His presence, His power? This is where it begins. This is where our heart, our ears and our spiritual eyes become open to Who He is, and this is how we learn to hear His voice.

Enabled -Session 4-

The Holy Spirit – Who Is He?

• Roundtable time.

Mentor Insight: PARACLETUS – HOLY GHOST – HOLY SPIRIT, these are some names assigned to the Third Person of the Trinity. PARACLETUS is the Greek word for Holy Spirit and defined means to come along side and help. In the Greek we see both a name for Holy Spirit and His work as God. As you begin to introduce this Person in the Trinity, ask Him in a group prayer to come along side you and help you represent Him is the way He desires to be represented. He is with you.

• Read the Objective and Perspective page. Discuss and ask the following questions.

Q: Last week we explained to you briefly where we are headed in the Enabled Segment and that a study of the Holy Spirit would be good because so many of us are basically ignorant about Him. Do you think this is true of believers in general? (Discuss)

Q: In the assignment material we included some reference material pertaining to the Holy Spirit. We asked you to reference it and to also do some research on your own. Let’s discuss some of the things you discovered. What I want to hear from you is any surprise or revelation that came to you in your study about the Holy Spirit.

Mentor Insight: If your group is slow to respond, ask them to give their opinion on the following aspects of the Holy Spirit:

• Titles applied to Him (Discuss)

• Deity assigned to Him (Discuss)

Mentor’s Notes:


• His personality (Discuss)

• His work in the world (Discuss)

• His work in Christ’s ministry (Discuss)

• His work in the scriptures (Discuss)

• His ministry among believers (Discuss)

• His ministry in the church (Discuss)

• His reception (Discuss)

• His filling (Discuss)

• His work as teacher (Discuss)

Mentor Insight: You want to now personalize the relationship of the Holy Spirit by moving toward an intimate encounter that could be happening within your group. The following sharing session will hopefully allow some encounters to be shared. Remember, this is a sacred time in The Journey, so make sure your group shows respect for each other, as you share some private information.

Q: The second part of your assignment was to spend time the second week getting to know the Holy Spirit better. Would you be willing to share with us some of those intimate moments what came out of it? Possibly it was a feeling of encouragement, or conviction, or wisdom that was needed for the moment. Possibly it was a time of healing or a burden unloaded. Would you share it?

Mentor Insight: You might be asking why we would do a study of the Holy Spirit at this time. We were previously talking about abiding and pruning, so why a deviation from the path we were on? The reason is because our session is entitled Enabled, and our pursuit in this aspect of The Journey is to know what it means to be empowered to do some unnatural things, such as being able to influence others to Christ, to serve, and to literally give our life away. We have already discussed the dynamics of abiding which leads to being fruitful. We have discussed the fruits of “transformation and the harvest” and the necessity of God pruning us. However, to complete our understanding of our Vinedresser’s work, which leads to fruit bearing, we have to recognize that the true source of this supernatural ability is the Holy Spirit Himself in us doing that work in and through our life, and it is the pruning that increases His Lordship in our life.

Mentor Insight: Next, you want your group to get comfortable with understanding better God’s supernatural ability and how He works through us. They might be thinking of a superman character and could become intimidated, as they think that this might be required of them. Supernatural means to see and have things done with you and through you in such a way that it can only be explained as a “more than normal” event. The following questions could help:

Q: When you hear the word supernatural, what comes to your mind?


Q: Do all of you believe that God can do and does supernatural things?

Q: Have any of you seen or experienced what would be called a supernatural event?

Mentor Insight: This question might evoke some interesting answers. Your group will probably not have many, if any, supernatural events to report. If there is a report of an event, ask the participant if they saw any opportunity that God was glorified through it. This is key, so freely discuss it. Otherwise, stay away from a “ghost report” or such. If there are no reports, ask the following questions.

Q: Do you think that the reason we could see less supernatural events from God could be our own fault? What could be some reasons that prevent the Holy Spirit from working as dynamically in our life as He does with other believers?

Answer: Lack of faith – Hidden sin life – Selfish ambition ­ Not asking. Brainstorm reasons.

Q: Would you like to be a vessel or instrument that God could entrust a supernatural work to be done through your life?

Q: Do you think that it can be done in your life without it becoming an ego thing for you, or a danger to the well being of your life and soul?

Q: What do you think God would have to do in you and probably to you in order to prepare you to be an instrument that He can trust and use in the way we are talking about?

Answer: He would prepare us by teaching us to rely on His strength rather than our own. His pruning is an example of “cutting out” our self­reliance and instead relying on Him. If ego would be a tendency, some humbling circumstances might be a form of pruning that He uses for that problem in a life He plans to use. In all cases He is teaching us that only He can do the supernatural, not us.

• Review assignment.

Mentor Insight: Our next step in our journey will be to try and understand what it means to be “filled” by the Holy Spirit. There is a lot of confusion about this, yet it is critical for abiding and bearing fruit. For this reason we ask your group to work on a creative assignment that will help them better acquainted with being under God’s control because of His filling.

Close with prayer.



-Assignment for session 5-

The Filling of the Spirit - How, When, What?

“And don’t find your pleasure by getting drunk with alcohol but rather by being filled (PLARAO) by the Holy Spirit.” Ephesians 5:18 (R.F. translation)

Did you know that the word “filled” (Greek PLARAO) used in the above passage is actually a nautical term? It would be likened to the filling of a sail on a sailboat when the wind blows into it. If you have ever sailed you would understand the importance of the sail being “filled” by the wind, for it is the “engine” of the boat, the power that propels it along and in the case of the old sailboats in Paul’s day, the direction the boat would be taken. In a similar manner this is the type filling we receive by the Holy Spirit. This next week let us have some fun as we let our minds make creative thoughts about what it means to be filled by the Holy Spirit. Be prepared to share these creative thoughts in our next session.


A good sailboat captain knows how to harness the wind for its maximum filling of the sails. He maneuvers his boat in such a way to catch the wind and drive his boat at its best. He uses the tiller, the rudder, the trim of the sail, his acquired knowledge and his personal experience to have the wind fill his sails. Likewise, we must use a variety of influences that direct our lives to the filling of the Spirit. In the above referenced scripture PLARO is used in the present tense, meaning that it is an ongoing process. It is also spoken in a passive voice, which means it is an outside Agent (Holy Spirit) that does the filling. What we derive from this word study is that we can’t make it happen (be filled with the Spirit), but we can keep it from happening.

We have been learning what it means to abide. The fruit of a true abiding relationship with Jesus is produced because of the dynamic presence of the Holy Spirit in our life. The “fruit of the Spirit” that begins to be produced and show up in our life is evidence that He is filling our sail (our life). This is the first outward and inward sign, when the filling begins. As we live our lives and grow in our abiding with Him, the ongoing filling is influenced by our obedience and our unhindered fellowship with God as we face the difficult choices we must make each day.

We can empty our sails (our life) of His filling because of sin and disobedience. We never lose the capacity to stray or to fall away from our intimate abiding relationship with Him, for He always allows us to choose who we will follow. Think of some of those men and women of God who had great ministries, born as a result of God’s dynamic filling in their life, only to become shipwrecked by involving themselves in things that they knew God was opposed to. The precious filling of His Spirit in their lives was emptied. As a result many have tried to continue their ministry without His filling. But they could only fake it only for a short time before the fruit stopped showing up and their words became as empty as their inner life was. What a pitiful sight it is to see a life that is shipwrecked after having enjoyed the filling that the Holy Spirit had given it. Even so, there is a way back, because we have a Master Sailor Who can show us the way back to the sea, and the wind and to a life where our sails will be full again.


In this exercise, think about the dynamics of the wind, the sail, the boat and the rudder. Relate those dynamics back to your life. Ask yourself: “Am I being filled by Holy Spirit. Am I maneuvering my life toward Him so that I can be filled by Him, or am I staying out of the way of His “wind?” Ask yourself if there is an anchor or hindrance that is keeping you from being filled with His Spirit. Next, complete the following creative exercise.

Think of some dynamics of a boat, it’s sail and rudder, and then relate them back to the Holy Spirit’s work in your life. Write a letter to God in your journal and be prepared to share with us in our next session.

Since this is a creative exercise, we have included an outstanding letter that was written by one of our Influencers during this exercise. John Collis wrote the attached letter, “The Master Sailor”, and it blessed all of us when he first read it to us. We think you will be blessed when you read it, and hope you will find stimulation for your own words.

Ideas to consider.

The sail:

• If your life was a sail, and the Holy Sprit was wind what would you expect the “Wind” to do for you? (List as many dynamics you can think of)

The boat:

• If your boat represents a life being moved from one place to another by the Wind (Holy Spirit), what would be your cargo? What would be your destination? (Think about where your life is headed)

The rudder:

• As you probably know, the rudder of a boat steers it. As the boat’s captain you have the God given right to choose where it will be steered because your hand is on the tiller. Where do you choose to take it? Will you take it down popular sailing lanes (the world view) or plot a new course and direction as an adventurer for Christ? What will be your navigational aid, the stars (popular opinion) or the SON (wisdom from above)? As the captain, do you choose to steer your boat (your life) in such a way to maximize the wind (Holy Spirit) in your sails or will you steer against the wind (disobedience) and empty your sails of His winds? You might want to consider making Him captain of your boat and you first mate.

• Write your letter to God. We will share these during our next session. Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you write. Your letter might take the form of a letter, a memo, an essay or even a poem. Savor this special time with the Holy Spirit.


The Master Sailor by

John Collis

As I scan the beach I see all my prized possessions scattered everywhere. My boat has washed ashore showing the hole in its side that led to my shipwreck. The sails and all its riggings are tattered and damaged. In a daze I ask myself how this all happened.

I retrace my thoughts trying to remember when I started my journey and how it ended in this desperate isolation. I remember packing all my worldly treasures in the boat and setting sail. As I started my trip I believed that I could captain the ship. I thought that there would be nothing to handling this boat. “Why, I can do anything!” I bragged, “For I am one of the good guys and I do things right.”

It was fun going at first. I would head into the open sea and push my boat as far and as fast as I could make it go. I didn’t care who got in my way or what came up, for I believed that I could handle anything. Then it happened. There, hidden beneath the surface in uncharted waters, was the reef that has taken down many a self­sufficient sailor. This reef is the “Fools Reef,” for it lures its prey into thinking that he is safe and the water is deep, but when the ignorant sailor ventures too close he finds himself shipwrecked, as I did that day.

As I fall to my knees I remember that I was the fool that found his reef, and now I am broken like my ship. The gulls and crabs pick through what is left of my treasure, as it lies scattered on the beach. I cry out and ask, “Why did this happen to me, for I am one of the good guys?” Then I hear a voice that answers me, “For you didn’t know how to sail or chart a course.” As I open my eyes I see the One who answered my question. It is He that salvages old boats, the Master Sailor.

“Can you help me with my predicament?” I ask. “For I have come to realize that I can do nothing more.” With a kind and understanding smile He answers, “You bet”, and He starts immediately repairing my old wrecked boat.

Different from other boat builders, the Master Sailor starts on the inside of my boat first. He repairs and scrubs and cleans and before long it looks and smells better than new. With the inside of my boat remade, the outside begins a miraculous transformation on its on and before my eyes I see a new boat with the hole repaired and a new sail hoisted on the mast. And, what a sail! It is the most beautiful sail that I have ever seen. It is as white as a cloud and ready to be filled.


The Master Sailor (Continued)

Finally the Master Sailor attaches a new rudder and hands me the tiller. “No way!” I exclaim, “I want You to take over the control of this vessel. I remember what I did on my on, and I wound up on the rocks as a result!”

The Master takes the tiller from my hand and I say, “Would You be the Captain of my ship? Would You take the tiller and go where You like? I will be happy to work on any duty You assign me to as long as You are the Captain, for I know that You are the Good Captain and I can trust You to get me through the reefs that I will face.” With great joy in His face we launch my vessel, and He takes command. Before long the sail is full with wind and billowing with energy.

Now, my Captain is not One to make my journey easy or without its storm tossed seas. It is part of my training, He tells me. There are rough waves and scary conditions that I still have to contend with. But when I get concerned I remember that He is in the boat with me and He has His hand on the tiller. I take my eyes off the storm and fix them on Him, and the peace that cannot be explained comes over me. I know that He knows what He is doing, where He is going and that He is in total control of every situation.

Oh, how grateful I am that He is now the Captain of my ship and I am now His humble mate. Together we sail the seas and land in ports of His choosing. We also repair other shipwrecks that have found themselves on Fools Reef. He lets me carry His tools, as he helps other sailors like me make it back to sea, with His hand on the tiller of their boats and as Captain of their ship.

We will sail these seas together until He will take me to my final port, that place where old shipwrecks like me find their rest and their home. He told me that He began working on my dwelling place at the same time He repaired my vessel here. I can’t wait to see it. But until that day, we’ve got much to do because Fools Reef has claimed another victim, and the Captain has my ship on the way to another rescue.


Enabled -Session 5-

The Filling of the Spirit ­ How, When, What?

Objective To understand the necessity of being filled with the Holy Spirit in order to be transformed. There are many misconceptions about this subject, and we will attempt to bring a better understanding on how and when this occurs and what this filling looks like to our world around us.


We introduced in the assignment for this session that being filled by the Holy Spirit is something more closely related to the sail of a boat being filled rather than a cup being filled. To help your men grasp this they were asked to make a creative application of this concept. We want it to be creative for we want them to break out of the many misconceptions that they might have about being “filled” and to become more comfortable with the words and their understanding. We also want them to understand that we do play a part in this filling, as we make ourselves available and motivated for the Holy Spirit’s filling. All of this adds up to a better understanding and hopefully leads them to a point that they are ready to position their “boat / life” before the “wind / Holy Spirit” in order to be filled.

Here are some good questions: Do we control the wind? No, it blows where it will. Can we harness the wind? Only by operating within certain sailing principles and making our boat ready to catch it. What are those principles? If we do not raise our sail, we do not catch the wind. If we still have our anchor down, our boat will be in turmoil and it will get us nowhere. If our boat is too loaded down, it can sink and not respond to the wind. If we are trying to head in the opposite direction from where the wind is blowing, our sails will remain empty and we will remain adrift. Now, apply this application to being filled by the Holy Spirit.

Do we control the Holy Spirit? No, He is sovereign God, and He moves where and how He chooses.

Can we capture His power and be filled by Him? Yes, He has made it clear that we can, and He desires that we do so. But, His “filling” can be done only by following His guidelines.

What can keep us from being filled, if it is His desire that we be so? Think of this: If we do not seek Him or desire Him, we do not “raise our sails.” If we are double minded and say that we want Him to rule our life and fill us with His presence (fill our sails), but we are not willing to change by giving up old habits and attempt to remain in control of our life, we keep our anchor down and we “remain in port.” As a result, our life doesn’t change. In addition, our life is in turmoil, for a battle rages within us for who or Who will be in


control. We do not control the wind; we only join it. We do not control Sovereign God; we only join Him.

What would be a spiritual counterpart to attempting to sail against the wind? How about asking to be filled by the Holy Spirit, but not willing to give up a sinful condition in our life. He will not fill us with His Spirit if He has to coexist with a sinful condition in our life. How about our willful disobedience to Him in a particular issue? Would that not empty our sails of His Spirit? It would, for we would be attempting to sail against the wind (His guidance and direction).

So you see, there are many creative applications to the exercise you are giving to your participants that will make them think and apply the Lord’s precepts to their life. When we start to get an idea how we are cheating ourselves out of some major blessings the Lord wants to give us, we begin to take charge of changing those things that hurt us. We do have a part, and that is what you are leading your participants to understand. They position their life in such a way that Holy Spirit can fill them up.


Enabled -Session 5-

The Filling of The Spirit – How, When, What?

• Roundtable: Share from their journals but not their assignment. We will share the creative work next.

• Introduce Session.

Mentor Insight: Read the assignment for this session and begin your share time by asking if every one if they read the essay by John Collis. Ask them what they feel John was conveying in his written words. (Discuss)

• Share your group’s letters to God.

Mentor Insight: This can be a very blessed time for your group. Allow your group to read their letters and when they do so, encourage them for the efforts that they have made.

• The Dreaded Doldrums explanation.

Mentor Insight: The Dreaded Doldrums ­ There are several around the world sailboat races that, when plotting their course, the captains have to be careful to steer a course that avoids a certain area of the Atlantic ocean around the Sargasso Sea. This area produces a unique atmospheric condition called the “Doldrums.” If a captain finds himself in this condition, his race is all but done, for he loses the wind and his sails become empty. It can stay this way several days. There are tales of ancient mariners staying in the doldrums so long that they ran out of water and food and eventually died. Yes, there are dangerous consequences that could happen to a sailboat once it has no wind power. The crew can be subject to starvation, to waves, to rocks and even a shipwreck.

When a Christian goes through a spiritual doldrums, there could also be danger of a spiritual shipwreck. It is a hopeless feeling, as we see our life out of control and bound for the rocks ahead and cannot stop it. For this reason, we want to do all we can to avoid this spiritual condition and to get out of it as quickly as possible.

• Relate the next questions to The Dreaded Doldrums analogy.

Q: If we are captains of our ships and are challenged with maneuvering our life in such a way that we avoid emptying our sails, what could and should we do to prevent it?

Tip: Read Ps. 119: 9&11 after your group’s answers. Ask them how this passage points toward an answer.

Mentor’s Notes:


Q: What are some examples of things that we can do or not do that can empty or keep our “sails” from being filled?

Tip: Read Colossians 3: 1­2 after your group’s answers. Ask them how this passage points to an answer.

Q: We know that a sailboat can eventually become shipwrecked if it loses it wind. In the same way do you think a Christian life can become shipwrecked if it loses its “wind?” In what way? How could it occur?

Tip: Read 1 Timothy 1: 18­19 after your group’s answers. Ask them how this passage points to an answer.

Q: If we were once doing well in our Christian race and because of disobedience or other reasons we have lost the wind, what should be our priority for getting back that filling and back to the race?

Tip: Read Hebrews: 1­3 after your group’s answers. Ask them how this passage points to an answer.

Mentor Insight: Relate the answer to the above question to the dynamics of a sailboat and our life. State that a good captain would position his boat to catch the wind and would watch and wait for it if the boat had suddenly lost the wind. In the same way, a person should position his life in such a way to capture the wind of the Holy Spirit. There would likely be some life changes that would have to be made. There could be some unnecessary entanglements that might need to be removed. For sure, the anchor will need to be raised, by letting go of our will and giving it over to the Holy Spirit.

Q: How can we become better captains of the life God has given to us?

Q: How can we help others become better captains of their boat?

• Prayer of dedication.

Mentor Insight: Take time right now to lead your group in prayer. Have a prayer of dedication (a memorial) to be better captains of their life, as they make choices that will drive them to safe harbor with God, rather than choices that lead them to shipwreck.

• Go over assignment.

Mentor Insight: Continue to encourage the participants to keep having their quiet­times and recording in their journals, for a good captain always keeps a log of his ship’s journey.


Enabled -Assignment for session 6-

The Gifts of the Spirit – Our Part in the Harvest

The next two weeks will be preparation for learning about and discovering your own spiritual giftedness. You will really enjoy the next two sessions as these gifts are possibly discovered in your life. Your assignment is to slowly review the following scriptures.

• Romans 12: 1- 8

• I Corinthians 12

• Ephesians 4

• I Corinthians 13

Answer the following questions by recording your answers in your journal.

1. List as many different spiritual gifts listed or implied as you can find in these chapters.

2. In your reading can you identify the source of these gifts?

3. In your reading can you identify who receives these gifts?

4. Do you see at what point they are given?

5. What do you read that speaks of the purpose of these gifts?

6. Are there any spiritual gifts more important than others?

7. Who directs the expression of spiritual gifts?

8. In Galatians 5:22 – 23 we read about the Fruit of the Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3 we see some correlation between the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. What do you think that correlation is? (This is key to understanding how we engage the gifts and join Christ in the “harvest.”)

Complete the above questions and be ready to share your answers in the next session. Again, this will be preparation for our discussion and your personal understanding of this subject. Come well prepared.


Enabled -Session 6-

The Gifts of the Spirit – Our Part in the Harvest


As one looks at our world around us he sees a multitude of differences. These differences range from every flake of snow to our fingerprints and DNA. Just as there are differences in physical appearance, perspectives, personality traits and talents, so it is for Christians with our spiritual capabilities. Every Christian has a unique gift mix, talent mix, time of life, passion and heart that when working in harmony with abiding in Christ, makes a dynamic contribution to The Great Commission. The purpose of this session is to introduce the biblical teachings about spiritual gifts, where they come from and how they work in harmony. This will provide a good foundation of understanding before the spiritual gifts evaluation we will give them after session 7.


Consider the amazing physical differences in human beings. God has created all of us with a unique DNA, our own fingerprints and mixture of talent, personality and physical characteristics. Consider these aspects being downloaded into an individual and that person being placed in his or her own unique cultural environment, family situation and geographic location. Consider this plan being established at conception and how that new life was formed and seen by our Creator even in its mother’s womb. And what about knowing the details? Our Creator knows at all times where this new life emerges, where it wanders, what it thinks, and every day that is ahead of it. Read Psalm 139 to understand this better.

Think about our “Spiritual DNA,” the gifts of the Spirit. Different from our talents that are given at birth to bring glory to man and ourselves, our spiritual gifts are given at our second birth to bring glory to God. Our talents are given for the benefit of mankind. Our spiritual gifts are given for the benefit of the Body of Christ. We receive these gifts at our “re-birth” and like a muscle in a body that needs to be exercised to grow stronger, our gifts have to be exercised to grow stronger. Before that can happen, a process of exploration, experimentation and confirmation of a spiritual gift is needed. This is what you will be doing next. As we begin a wrap-up of our Enabled Sessions, we are introducing the concept of spiritual gifts and how they work. By the end of our series, we will introduce an evaluation instrument that does a good job of spotting possible spiritual gifts. These sessions would be viewed as the exploration phase of the gift discovery.

When you begin your journey into the “Expressing” segment, an understanding of the unique giftedness of each participant will create a very special slant to understanding how each person in your group can relate


Christ to their world around them. There is a unique “Spiritual Cntribution” our Creator has endowed us with that He wants us to use in our expression to our world. When we express with this spiritual muscle, we do so with a supernatural strength that produces supernatural results. This is our attempt to help your participants understand this plan by our King.

Do not forget! Attempting to use our spiritual gifts without having an intimate abiding relationship with Christ will accomplish nothing (1 Cor. 13: 1-3). For this reason we have worked diligently to lay a foundation of understanding the importance and necessity of abiding. If you are not careful, there could be some of your participants that will want to shortcut this spiritual process by getting busy and attempt to use their gifts without “enabling” them. Therefore, they need to understand clearly that the gifts are our expression to our world around us. Abiding engages and enables those gifts so that we can bear a supernatural fruit. Without the enablement of our gifts, they will not accomplish the contribution that God intended, and we will not be making our best contribution to the Harvest.

There will be inevitable questions that you cannot answer, for the spiritual gifts are as mysterious as God is mysterious. Rather than a stumbling, unclear answer, be frank about their mystery and the fact that the group should agree to read up and do some outside study in order to bring understanding to the group. Remember, this is the exploration phase. This is an example how your group helps each other in The Journey. Use the group to find answers.

Enabled -Session 6-

The Gifts of the Sprit – Our Part in the Harvest

• Roundtable time.

• Introduce the Session by discussing the assignment.

Mentor Insight: Spend some time discussing your group’s research assignment. However, save your discussion of question 8 until later in your session. In the assignment you shared that the group would be exploring the unique spiritual gift or gifts or gift mix that each person in the group has. In order to really explore this objective, some private study in preparation was required.

• Discuss the following process of discovering spiritual gifts.

1. Exploration – Study the Bible and see what it has to say about spiritual gifts. This includes what they are, what they look like, where they fit, where they come from, how they are to be used and what to expect from them. Exploration also includes various testing instruments that point to gift possibilities. We will be using one of those evaluation tools.

Mentor’s Notes:


2. Experimentation – This means to experiment with activities that would reveal a spiritual gift, such as the gift of teaching, hospitality, etc. Spiritual gifts are not given just to make us feel good about our selves, except in the context of their use in fulfilling God’s purpose for our life. When we are involved with God’s purpose for our life we are indeed fulfilled and feel good about our life’s involvements and objectives. When we experiment with the possibility of a spiritual gift, we are taking our next step in the exploration process, by looking for a confirmation of the possibility of a spiritual gift.

3. Confirmation – We are confirmed by others in the Body of Christ as they see our gifts at work. We are confirmed by how we feel and the fruit we bear. We are confirmed by the deepening intimacy that continues, as we co-labor with the Holy Spirit and start to see things as He does. We are indeed confirmed by Him, as we continue our journey to our own intimacy with Him.

Mentor Insight: The above statements have established the foundation of your session. The following discussion points will move your group through the exploration process.

State: Let’s begin our exploration by turning to the passages referenced in your assignment. As we read them, let’s identify any spiritual gift mentioned. (Read and write gifts on the board)

• Discuss questions in the assignment:

Mentor Insight: Refer to our questions in the assignment and establish a foundation for understanding the gifts before you begin a detailed study of the gifts listed on the board. After reviewing the questions write the following information on the board and explain.

1. Charismata – (Grace gift) – This is the definition in Greek.

Mentor Insight: This would be good time to remind your group that grace is something that God gives to us and is undeserved by us. It is His choice. It originates from His heart and mind. We can’t ask for it to get it. We can’t work for it to get it. It is God’s sovereign choice to dispense it to us. Likewise, a “grace gift” is dispensed by His plan, His choice, His design, His measure and His purpose. This will help your group understand why there should never be resentment or competition among gifts, or any pride in what we have or don’t have.

2. Charismatic – Talk about the misunderstanding of the term and its implications.

Mentor Insight: In some segments within the Body of Christ, a mistaken identification has occurred. The word charismatic has been used to describe certain gifts or a certain gift emphasis. This is inaccurate, for all Christians are charismatic because we all have a spiritual gift. It is also spiritually unhealthy to emphasize certain gifts as more important than others, which is pointed out in the assignment. We need to understand that a “grace gift” starts with the foundation of it coming from God’s grace, and this is important for a clear understanding of how they fit together and serve God’s purpose.


3. Gift Projection – Problem and implications.

Mentor Insight: When a spiritual gift is enabled and operational, it is a thing of beauty, for it overrides the basic limitations of the person and expresses itself beyond the norm. To the observer it is attractive and in some cases envied. This is not good, for it redirects our eyes from the Creator to the created. It could cause jealousy and resentment. This is not good, for it creates division within God’s family. It can cause a person to compare himself with others and feel “less than” gifted or loved. This is not good, for it argues with God that that person deserves more and they are not satisfied with God’s choice for them.

When these things occur, we are seeing a condition called “gift projection.” For this reason, we need to understand that when we see a spiritual gift functioning as God created it to function and it is producing the fruit He promised; we are seeing something supernatural. If we don’t see it through the eyes of Him who endowed the gift we miss the joy of Him getting the glory from another person’s life and we miss the point of the gifts. An additional responsibility lies with Christians to understand that when our gifts are enabled and engaged and bearing fruit, we need to bear witness of the fact that it is God at work within us, and it is not something that we are making happen ourselves. We have a responsibility to give Him all the credit and glory as well.

4. Perceived hierarchy of gifts – discuss

Mentor Insight: Shamefully so, there are those that believe and teach that some gifts are more important and evident of one’s commitment to Christ, even though it smacks in the face of scripture. We must understand there is no hierarchy of gifts. There is no rank of importance. There is only the healthy co­laboring of all gifts for the building up of the Body of Christ. There is a reference in 1 Cor. 12: 31 to the greater gifts, which would seem to contradict the teachings of Paul in the preceding verses until you read it in light of his next teaching in 1 Cor. 13: 1­3. Then we see the greater gifts are those that have been empowered by the fruit of the Spirit which comes by way of an abiding relationship with Christ.

5. Gifts vs. Talents – discuss

Mentor Insight: God gives a talent at one’s birth, and its purpose is to bring honor to the person and to the world. A spiritual gift is given at the point of our salvation (rebirth), and its purpose is to bring glory to God and to build up His church. A talent can work in sync with a gift, such as a musical talent expressing itself through the gift of encouragement, as we are encouraged to worship our King. However, a spiritual gift cannot be attributed to the work of man or his genes.

6. Gifts vs. Roles – discuss

Mentor Insight: A Christian role is a commandment that all Christians are given by God that can also be a spiritual gift for some. As an example, all Christians have been given a role to evangelize. But some people have a spiritual gift of evangelism. We have all been given Christian roles to show hospitality or to give to the needs of the Body of Christ. However, some Christians have the gift of hospitality and the gift of giving. It is especially


easy to let gift projection be a hindrance for those who don’t have the gift and they see someone else carry out the role with such ease, while it is a struggle for them.

7. Stewardship of gifts – discuss

Mentor Insight: Once a spiritual gift has been discovered and enabled, there is a sacred responsibility to use it. We believe that the wisdom for using this gift and the opportunity for doing so will express itself through and from an abiding relationship with Christ. Our ministry should become a life priority as we look for opportunities in our world to use our gifts to God’s honor and glory. We will be discussing this emphasis in our next series of Expressing.

• Write on board and ask: – “The necessary condition for engaging our spiritual gift and it becoming effective is…..?”

Mentor Insight: We asked you to reserve question 8 until this time in your session. Now, ask your group if they were able to see the correlation of the two scriptures mentioned in question 8 and what that would be. Hopefully they will see that the gifts are ineffective without grace­love, which is a fruit of the Spirit. The following questions should build on that revelation, as you discuss the type of love Paul was talking about

Q: What did you see is the necessary condition for engaging your gift?

Answer: Love.

Q: What kind of love do you think Paul was talking about? Would it be a normal kind of love that we understand?

Answer: Agape love / unconditional. It would be supernatural.

Q: If a supernatural love is required in order to use our gifts effectively, how can we generate it or produce it?

Answer: It is a result of Christ in us, and it is He doing the impossible of loving as only He can.

Q: Do you now understand how these two scriptures work together? It is the fruit of the Spirit, which is evidence of a right standing relationship with Christ that enables our spiritual gifts. It is only through abiding in Christ that the fruit of the Spirit is produced.

Mentor Insight: It is very important that your group understands the dynamics of the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, for it is when these two aspects of the Spirit are working in harmony with each other that our influence is empowered to do a supernatural work. This when we become true light and salt as Jesus referenced.

• Review assignment.

• Close with prayer


Enabled -Assignment for session 7-

The Gifts of the Spirit – Prepare the Soil

Week One: “Opening Your Spiritual Eyes”

Congratulations on your fine work and the blessing that you have brought to the group these last few weeks. Perhaps you are beginning to see that you were able to have a special insight or encouragement that you brought to the group or someone else has brought to you. If so, you have experienced what it feels like to be in a healthy fellowship of believers who are “building up each other in Christ.” This is what fellowship is meant to do, edify and build up believers. However, there is possibly more at work than simple relationship building. You might be seeing those spiritual gifts we’ve been discussing play a big part in the process. They might be a little hit-or-miss for some of you right now, for we’ve only begun to create a healthy environment for the expression of your gifts. Like a muscle, a spiritual gift becomes stronger through use. As you start to grow in your intimacy with our Lord, watch your gifts start to come to the light.

After our next meeting, you will be given an evaluation instrument that has been helping believers for many years identify their spiritual gifts. It is not infallible, but it gives us a good start in the “exploration” process. We have laid a good foundation for you in understanding about spiritual gifts. But before we zero in on your specific one(s), it would be good to worship the Lord by laying whatever gift you will discover before Him right now. He has selected your gift mix, and it will be to His glory that you bear fruit with them. It will be one of the most important practices of stewardship that you will ever face. This begins for you a very important and sober time of evaluation and dedication of those gifts. We suggest that you start this process by using this week to fellowship with the Lord by listening quietly and praying back softly those things He is impressing on you, and recording your thoughts in your journal. This will be a week of preparation.

Week Two: “Dedicating your spiritual gifts”

Read Romans 12:1. The “living sacrifice” mentioned includes the dedication of the special ministry gifts that you have been selectively given. Begin your week by establishing an “alter of dedication” in your mind and heart that dedicates your gifts for God’s exclusive use. Ask that He will both develop and use your gifts to His honor and glory. Ask that He will draw you near to Him into the most intimate, abiding relationship that you have ever experienced, so that you can know how and when to exercise your gifts. Ask that these gifts be a natural expression of what is going on inside of you as you live your life with Him.

In your journal, record your thoughts everyday this week. Allow your thoughts and prayers to be centered on your spiritual gift discovery, your commitment to use them to Christ’s honor and glory and how He might be preparing you to use those undiscovered gifts. Remember we have been discussing the filling of the Holy Spirit and how we are to position our boat (our life) where He is and to be directed by Him. We don’t necessarily see the ultimate destination, only the next step. Record in your journal where your next step may be going, so that you can remember the day you took that step and you are able to measure the delicate life changes that may occur in and around you from this point on. When we come back together we will be sharing our thoughts from our journals, and we will be discussing more deeply the gifts, their definitions and how they work.


Enabled -Session 7-

The Gifts of the Spirit ­ Definitions


The purpose of this session is to prepare the ground for the evaluation your men will be taking. After a time of establishing their perspective on gifts in general, discuss and help them understand the different spiritual gifts listed on the evaluation that your group will be taking. This is a time to discuss how these gifts work in harmony with other gifts. It is also your opportunity to encourage those men who feel “less than,” because they may not be operating within their spiritual gifts and strengths. The evaluation will do a good job of pointing this out.


In order to understand the Spiritual Gifts evaluation tool, a thorough understanding of the definitions is important. In this meeting you will be discussing those definitions and the dynamics of how they work and relate to one another.

Make this a special time of understanding, as you discuss each definition and relate it to a ministry activity, whether it is expressed in a church, in a work situation, in a neighborhood and so on. The important thing is to help your participants identify with the gift expression and how the gift(s) bear fruit. Possibly there are some individuals your group can identify that have a gift that stands out, such as teaching or serving or administration. Discuss these models and remind them of your discussion on “Gift Projection” and that they should not be intimidated by someone who has exercised and matured their gift. Instead they should be encouraged that one day their gifts will mature and they too can become models. We call these models “Influencers.”

In your last meeting a foundation for understanding the concept of spiritual gifts was established. Build on that foundation. Emphasize that all the gifts need the completion of the other gifts. With some gifts a “partner gift” working along side it to maximize its effectiveness is required, such as the gifts of Knowledge with Wisdom the gift of Helps partnering with another gift. Perhaps you can discuss other examples of how certain gifts aid others. We’re trying to get across to the participant that there are no “self-contained mavericks” in the Body of Christ that can bear a “fruit that lasts” without others in the Body that compliment any contributions we make. This is a basic understanding of how the gifts work in harmony with each other.

Hopefully the participants are convinced from our last meeting that there are no unnecessary gifts. They should understand that each is important and has been selectively given to each believer. This “grace gift”


is given by God’s design and for His purpose to be realized in our life. All the gifts are needed. In order to hammer this truth home in a creative manner, we use the “Aircraft Carrier Story” to challenge their thinking and their understanding. Have fun with this illustration, and make them think.

Next, is the relationship we make of this analogy with a typical church family. We are trying to undo misconceptions and misunderstandings about a perceived “spiritual hierarchy” that exists within the Body of Christ. If we are to become Influencers and impact our world around us, which includes co-laboring with paid clergy within our church, we must be mobilized. If we are to be mobilized to minister to our world around us, our ministry must be authenticated. The point is that all God’s children are standing on equal footing beneath God’s throne and His call on our life to carry out His “Great Commission.” The thing that is different about all of us is our “Spiritual Gifts,” which are those “grace gifts” and God’s sovereign choice for where we express those gifts. The function, (our call to the Great Commission) is equal for all. The form, (our specific contribution to the Great Commission based on our gifts and where we are placed) is that which is unique for us. These are the keys points we are attempting to impart.

Go over the definitions within our evaluation instrument, and distribute the instrument to your group at the end of your session to take home and score. Ask your group to bring the results to the next session, which is the extended prayer session.

Enabled -Session 7-

The Gifts of the Spirit- Definitions

§ Roundtable Time.

Mentor Insight: Review assignment from the last session and have a general sharing time from their journals.

§ Introduce the session by asking your group to turn to the spiritual gifts definitions in their workbooks. Begin your discussion with the following statement.

State: In our last session we did a study of the source of the gifts, the purpose of the gifts and a general survey of the gifts listed in scripture. Today we will try to get a handle on our understanding of those specific gifts and how they work in the Body of Christ.

State: We would like to stimulate your thinking this morning and try to establish a foundation of understanding that we all might be able to relate to. Let’s go back to the ocean in our imaginations.

Q: When you close your eyes and try to visualize this object, tell me what you see and understand about it……. An American aircraft carrier. (Get answers. Let them try to describe it in detail)

Mentor’s Notes:


Answer: They would probably say, “big or awesome or powerful, etc.”

Q: As you consider the imposing warship in your mind’s eye, tell me what you think is the chief purpose of that aircraft carrier?

Answer: Let them struggle with the answer. But the answer you are looking for is: To protect our country’s interest by establishing our presence in an area of the world that needs to be reminded of this fact.

Q: What is the chief function of the aircraft carrier?

Answer: Again let them struggle with the answer. But, the answer you are looking for is: To be a launching and recovery platform for it’s aircraft.

Q: Who is the most visible person in the mission of this sea-going vessel?

Answer: The popular answer is generally the pilot.

Q: Who is the most important person in the purpose of this ship of war?

Answer: They’ll probably say the captain or pilot or many different personnel, but the answer you are looking for is: All the people of this warship are needed and are important. Give examples of different duties, skills, jobs and each one being dependent on the other crewmembers. An example could be: Without the kitchen sailor, there would be no food. Without the dishwasher sailor, the other crew, including the captain would get sick. Same with the latrine orderly and his duties.

Q: Are there any non-essential duties or unnecessary functions in this vessel? As an example: How about the cooks? How about the dishwashers? How about the latrine orderlies? How about the navigator, the captain, the catapult operators, the doctors, nurses, maintenance people, defense personnel and so on? Are these people essential for the mission of this vessel? But the crew below deck that are keeping that ship on course and on mission are not who we think of when we visualize the aircraft carrier, are they? Why is this?

Answer: Not high profile – not ego driven – not emphasized as important by world’s view, because there seems to be no glory in the “lower duties.”

Q: Do you agree that all personnel are important and even essential to the mission of a typical aircraft carrier? If you were the captain would it not be important to you that your crew has inspiration, motivation and good morale about their assignments and that they believe that they are essential? Would your strategy be to communicate through the ranks how all the different personnel and their duties relate to the mission of the vessel? Would it not be your ultimate responsibility to train and motivate all the people on your vessel to see their job as important and to understand how they relate to the mission of the aircraft carrier? Do you think a well- trained crewman, no matter what his duties are, would be able to see how he fits in the scheme of things?


Mentor Insight: We have established a foundation of understanding in order to relate the truths about our subject, which is the purpose of the spiritual gifts. This is what now follows.

Q: What do you think of when you think of a church? Give me your answers.

Q: What is the chief purpose of the church?

Answer: To bring glory to God and to love Him and enjoy Him.

Q: What is the chief function of the church?

Answer: To spiritually feed God’s flock, to encourage us to a deeper intimacy with Him, to equip God’s flock for co­laboring with Him for impacting their world around them. To build up the Body of Christ.

Q: Who is often seen as the most visible person in the church?

Answer: They will probably understand that most people at first blush would think it is the pastor.

Q: Who is the most important person in the mission of the Church?

Answer: Not any one person. We are all essential for accomplishing the mission of the church.

Q: Now let’s be honest, do you think that most people feel that only the most visible people are the most important in the church’s mission and the rest of us are just non-essential crew members?

Q: Are they right? Of course they are not. The church has no non- essential people in God’s family. The gifts He has given to each of us are essential in His kingdom’s work.

Mentor Insight: With all this in mind we can see why God inspired Paul to write 1 Cor. 12. We see emphasized the importance of every gift and why they are essential. Have someone reread this passage.

Q: Do you think you could walk into a typical church and grab the first person that walks by and get an answer to these questions?

♦ What is the chief purpose of the your church? ♦ What is the chief function of your church? ♦ What is your duty for helping your church accomplish its


Q: How do you think they would react?

Q: Would it not be important for inspiration, motivation and morale for each member to know where they fit and how they relate to the church’s mission? I think so.


Q: Would it also be an answer to one of the great questions all Christians eventually bring to Christ: “What is Your will for my life?

Mentor Insight: Every one would like to know God’s will for their life. If we knew God’s will for our life, most of us would make it our highest priority to obey Him and follow His plan. When we read Romans 12:2, God’s will for our life is mentioned. Isn’t it something that this passage mentions this right before its introduction of the spiritual gifts? Are we being told that if we want to know God’s will for our life, we should discover our spiritual gifts and use them for His glory?

• Read Romans 12 and point out the above Mentor Insight in your own words.

• Review Gifts and Definitions.

Mentor Insight: Last session you went through the scriptures and listed the gifts. In this session you are going to assign definitions to those gifts. The testing instrument that you will be using will relate to these definitions. Therefore, this is a good time for exploring the definitions and to answer your group’s questions. Most likely you will be able to give a satisfactory answer. But, just remember, don’t hesitate to give the answer: That’s a mystery that most likely only God knows for sure. There are some things that we think we know and there are a lot of things that we know we don’t know. But that is because we serve an infinite God and we are finite thinkers.

§ Go through definitions and field questions.

§ Discuss your next Extended Prayer Session, the time and meeting place.

§ Review assignment.

Mentor Insight: Their assignment will be to complete the spiritual gifts evaluation. Pass out the tests. Tell them to take the test home and complete it. Tell them to bring the evaluation when they come to the extended prayer time.


Enabled -Assignment for session 8-

The Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Your assignment is to be prepared for our next session by completing the assessment tool we have given to you. Simply follow the instructions and score the evaluation in an earnest and accurate way as possible. Don’t try to score it as you would like to see yourself. Simply score it as close to the way you view life and as you act in it.

After you have scored the evaluation, please bring it to our next session for we will be continuing our exploration process at that time, and we need your evaluation.

Continue your journal time, as you continue your journey to The Inner Chamber.


Spiritual Gifts Explanations

ADMINISTRATION: To Pilot or Steer a Ship The gift of Administration is the divine enablement to understand what makes an organization function, & the special ability to plan and execute procedures that accomplish the goals of the ministry. References: 1Cor. 12:28, Acts 6:1­7, Ex. 18:13­26

Distinctives: People with the Gift • Develop strategies or plans to reach identified goals • Assist ministries to become more effective and efficient • Create order out of organization chaos • Coordinate a variety of responsibilities to accomplish a task • Organize people, tasks, or events

Traits: • Thorough • Objective • Responsible • Organized • Goal­oriented • Efficient • Conscientious

Cautions: People with this gift • Need to be open to adjusting their plans, so that they don’t stifle a leader’s vision • Can use people simply to accomplish goals without being concerned for their growth in the process • Could fail to see God’s purposes being fulfilled in the process of meeting a goal

APOSTLESHIP: To Be Sent With a Message The gift of Apostleship is the divine ability to start & oversee the development of new churches or ministry structures. This is one of the four (possibly five) gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4 that may indicate offices in the Church. Historically this office was held by the Apostles as chosen by Jesus and is now expired because they have all died. However, this is also a Spiritual Gift still in operation today as described below. References: 1 Cor.12: 28­29, Eph. 4:11­12, Rom. 1:5, Acts 13:2­3

Gift: Yes: however a few scholars feel this gift passed with the office. Office: No – passed with the Apostles.

Distinctives: People with this gift • Pioneer and establish new ministries or churches • Adapt to different surroundings by being culturally sensitive and aware • Desire to minister to unreached people in other communities or countries • Have responsibilities to oversee ministries or groups of churches • Demonstrate auth. & vision for the mission of the church

Traits: • Adventurous • Entrepreneurial • Persevering

• Adaptable • Culturally sensitive • Cause­driven

Cautions: People with this gift • Should be aware that misusing their authority can quench the Spirit in others

• Need to be affirmed and sent by the church • Can be demanding and pessimistic

DISCERNMENT: To Separate or Make Distinction, Differentiate The gift of Discernment is the divine enablement to distinguish between truth and error. It is able to discern the spirits, differentiating between good & evil, right & wrong. References: 1Cor. 12:10, Acts 5:1­4, Matt. 16:21­23

Distinctives: People with the gift • Distinguish truth from error, right from wrong, pure motives from impure • Identify deception in others with accuracy and appropriateness • Determine whether a word attributed to God is authentic

• Recognize inconsistencies in a teaching, prophetic message or interpretation • Are able to sense the presence of evil

Traits: • Perceptive • Insightful • Sensitive • Intuitive • Decisive • Challenging • Truthful

Cautions: People with this gift • May struggle with how to express their perceptions, feelings or insights • Could be harsh when confronting others, instead of speaking the truth in love • Need to confirm their perceptions before speaking

ENCOURAGEMENT: To Come Along Side Of The gift of Encouragement is the divine enablement to present truth so as to strengthen, comfort, or urge to action those who are discouraged or wavering in their faith. References: Rom. 12:8, Acts 11:22­24, Acts 15:30­32

Distinctives: People with the gift • Come to the side of those who are discouraged to strengthen and reassure them • Challenge, comfort, or confront others to trust and hope in the promises of God • Urge others to action by applying biblical truth • Motivate others to grow • Emphasize God’s promises and to have confidence in His will



• Positive • Motivating • Challenging • Affirming • Reassuring • Supportive • Trustworthy

Cautions: People with this gift • Can sometimes be overly optimistic, too simplistic or flattering • Should first take time to understand others and what they really need • May want to just say “positive” things to others and avoid being confrontational when it’s needed

EVANGELISM: To bring good news The gift of Evangelism is the divine enablement to effectively communicate the gospel to unbelievers so they respond in faith and move toward discipleship. This is one of the four (possibly five) gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4 that may indicate offices in the Church. Historically, leaders in the early church held this office and some hold this office today (Billy Graham is one example). This is also a Spiritual Gift still in operation today as described below. References: Eph. 4:11, Acts 8:26­40, Luke 19:1­10

Gift: Yes Office: Yes

Distinctives: People with the gift • Gives the message of Christ with clarity & conviction • Seek out opportunities to talk to unbelievers about spiritual matters • Challenge unbelievers to faith and to become fully devoted followers of Christ • Adapt their presentation of the gospel to connect with the individual’s needs • Seek opportunities to build relationships with unbelievers

Traits: • Sincere • Candid • Respected • Influential • Spiritual • Confident • Commitment oriented

Cautions: People with this gift • Need to remember the Holy Spirit, not guilt, is the motivator in a person’s decision for Christ • Should avoid becoming critical of others & remember that we are all “witnesses,” but we are not all “evangelists” • Need to listen carefully, because the same approach is not appropriate for everyone

FAITH: To Trust, Have Confidence, Believe The gift of Faith is the divine enablement to act on God’s promises with confidence and unwavering belief in God’s ability to fulfill his purposes. References: 1Cor. 12:9, 13:2, Heb. 11:1, Rom. 4:18­21

Distinctives: People with the gift • Believe the promises of God and inspire others to do the same • Act in complete confidence of God’s ability to overcome obstacles

• Demonstrate an attitude of trust in God’s will and his promises • Advance the cause of Christ because they go forward when others will not • Ask God for what is needed and trust Him for His provision

Traits: • Prayerful • Optimistic • Trusting • Assured • Positive • Inspiring • Hopeful

Cautions: People with this gift • Need to act on their faith • Should remember that those who speak with reason and desire to plan do not necessarily lack faith • Should listen to and consider the counsel of wise and spirit–filled believers • May have more faith in their gift of Faith rather than in the Giver of Gifts (God Himself)

GIVING: To Give Part of, Share The gift of Giving is the divine enablement to contribute money and resources to the work of the Lord with cheerfulness and liberality. People with this gift do not ask, “How much money do I need to give to God” but “How much money do I need to live on?” References: Rom. 12:8, 2Cor. 6:8, Luke 21:1­4

Distinctives: People with the gift • Manage their finances and limit their lifestyle in order to give as much of their resources as possible • Support the work of ministry with sacrificial gifts to advance the Kingdom • Meet tangible needs that enable spiritual growth to occur • Provide resources, generously and cheerfully, trusting God for his provision • May have a special ability to make money so that they may use it to further God’s work

Traits: • Stewardship­oriented • Responsible • Charitable • Trust in God • Disciplined

Cautions: People with this gift • Need to esteem their gift, remembering that giving money and resources is a spiritual contribution to the body of Christ • Need to remember the church’s agenda is determined by leaders, not by the givers’ gift • Need to guard against greed

HEALING: To restore instantaneously NOTE: The word is actually plural, “healings,” which indicate that different kinds of healings are possible with this gift (i.e., emotional, relational, spiritual, physical, etc.) The gift of Healing is the divine enablement to be God’s means for restoring people to wholeness. This is one of the four “Sign” Gifts primarily used to establish the Church in unreached areas of the world (past and


present). The “Sign Gifts” can be quite divisive. Anyone who feels that they have one of these gifts should seek wisdom from their church leadership for guidance on how this gift is used in their church. The practice of these gifts should be done in a non­divisive way. Also, recognize that Bible­believing teachers differ in their views on the “Sign Gifts”. While you may not be in agreement with other believers on this subject, we can all “respect” our differing viewpoints based on Scripture. References: 1Cor.12: 9, 28, 30, Acts 3:1­16, Mark 2:1­ 12

Distinctives: People with the gift • Demonstrate the power of God • Bring restoration to the sick and diseased • Authenticate a message from God through healing • Use it as an opportunity to communicate a biblical truth and to see God glorified • Pray, touch, or speak words that miraculously bring healing to one’s body

Traits: • Compassionate •Trust in God • Prayerful • Full of faith • Humble • Responsive • Obedient

Cautions: People with this gift • Need to remember that it is not always their faith or the faith of the sick that determines a healing, but God who determines it • Need to realize that God does not promise to heal everyone who asks or is prayed for • Should remember that Jesus did not heal everyone who was sick or suffering while he was on the earth

HELPS: To take the place of someone The gift of helps is the divine enablement to accomplish practical & necessary tasks, which free up, support, and meet the needs of others. References: 1 Cor. 12:28; Rom. 12:7; Rom. 16:1­2; Acts 6:1­4 Gift – Yes Ability – Yes

Distinctives: People with the gift • Serve behind the scenes wherever needed to support the gifts & ministries of others • See tangible & practical things to be done and enjoy doing them • Sense God’s purpose & pleasure in meeting everyday responsibilities • Attach spiritual value to practical service • Enjoy knowing that they are freeing up others to do what God has called them to do

Traits: • Available • Willing • Helpful • Reliable • Dependable • Loyal • Whatever­it­takes attitude

Cautions: People with this gift

• Need to esteem this gift, remembering that doing practical deeds is a spiritual contribution to the Body of Christ • Find it difficult to say no • Need to be responsive to the priorities of leaders instead of setting their own agendas

HOSPITALITY: To love strangers The gift of Hospitality is the divine enablement to care for people by providing fellowship, food, and shelter. There is some question as to whether this is a gift or a quality for all believers to display. It certainly is an ability, but also a possible Spiritual Gift. References: 1Pet. 4:9­10, Rom. 12:13, Heb. 13:1­2

Gift – Yes? (Some scholars feel this is a command, or at best, an ability) Ability – Yes

Distinctives: People with the gift • Provide an environment where people feel valued and cared for • Meet new people and help them to feel welcomed • Create a safe and comfortable setting where relationships can develop • Seek ways to connect people together into meaningful relationships • Set people at ease in unfamiliar surroundings

Traits: • Friendly • Gracious • Inviting • Trusting • Caring • Responsive • Warm

Cautions: People with this gift • Should avoid viewing their gift as just “entertaining” • Need to remember to ask God who He wants them to befriend and serve • Should be careful not to cause stress in their own family when inviting others into their home

INTERCESSION: To plead on behalf of someone, intercede The gift of Intercession is the divine enablement to consistently pray on behalf of and for others, seeing frequent and specific results. Some scholars feel this “gift” is actually another way to express the gift of “Faith”. Another view is that it is a “subset” of faith. It is also a learned skill, not everyone who has the Gift of Faith has the ability to be an intercessor. That is, not everyone who has the Gift of Faith are also effective intercessors. References: Rom. 8:26­27, John 17:9­26, 1 Tim. 2:1­2, Col. 1:9­12, 4:12­13 Gift – Possibly no? – Perhaps it is a division of the Gift of Faith.

Distinctives: People with the gift • Feel compelled to earnestly pray on behalf of someone or some cause • Have a daily awareness of the spiritual battles being waged and pray


• Are convinced God moves in direct response to prayer. • Pray in response to the leading of the Spirit, whether or not they understand the leading • Exercise authority and power for the protection of others and the equipping of them to serve

Traits: • Advocate •Caring •Sincere • Peacemaker • Trustworthy • Burden­bearer • Spiritually sensitive

Cautions: People with this gift • Should avoid feeling that their gift is not valued, by remembering that interceding for others is their ministry and spiritual contribution to the body of Christ • Should avoid using prayer as an escape from fulfilling responsibilities • Need to avoid a “holier than thou” attitude sometimes caused by extended times of prayer

INTERPRETATION: To translate, interpret This gift is the divine enablement to make known to the Body the message of one who is speaking in tongues. This is one of the four “Sign” Gifts primarily used to establish the Church in unreached areas of the world (past and present). The “Sign Gifts” can be quite divisive. Anyone who feels that they have one of these gifts should seek wisdom from their church leadership for guidance on how this gift is used in their church. The practice of these gifts should be done in a non­divisive way. Also, recognize that Bible­believing teachers differ in their views on the “Sign Gifts”. While you may not be in agreement with other believers on this subject, we can all “respect” our differing viewpoints based on Scripture. References: 1Cor. 12:10, 14:5, and 14:26­28

Distinctives: People with the gift • Respond to a message spoken in tongues by giving an interpretation • Glorify God and demonstrate his power through this miraculous manifestation • Edify the body by interpreting a timely message from God • Understand an unlearned language and communicate that message to the body of Christ • Are sometimes prophetic when exercising an interpretation of tongues for the church

Traits: • Obedient • Responsive • Devoted • Responsible • Spiritually sensitive • Discerning • Wise

Cautions: People with this gift • Need to remember that the message being interpreted should reflect the will of God and not man • Should remember that this gift is to provide edification, to build up the church • Use it in conjunction with tongues and it should be used in an orderly manner

KNOWLEDGE: To know The gift of Knowledge is the divine enablement to bring truth to the Body through a revelation on biblical insight. References: 1Cor. 12:28, Mark 2:6­8, John 1:45­50

Distinctives: People with the gift • Receive truth which enables them to better serve the Body • Search the scriptures for insight, understanding, and truth • Have an unusual insight or understanding that serves the church • Organize information for teaching and practical use • Gain knowledge which was not attained by natural observation or means­ this is possible with the qualification that you should be very careful and cautious with this. Another point of view might be that this is an unusual spiritual insight Traits: • Inquisitive • Responsive • Observant • Insightful • Reflective • Studious • Truthful

Cautions: People with this gift • Need to be careful of this gift leading to pride (“knowledge puffs up”) • Should remember that it’s God message, not theirs, when they give a word of knowledge to the church • Need to remember with the increasing of knowledge comes the increasing of pain

LEADERSHIP: To stand before The gift of Leadership is the divine enablement to cast vision, motivate, and direct people to harmoniously accomplish the purposes of God. References: Ro. 12:8, Heb. 13:17, Luke 22:25­26

Distinctives: People with the gift • Provide direction for God’s people or ministry • Motivate others to perform to the best of their abilities • Present the “big picture” for others to see • Model the values of the ministry • Take responsibility and establish goals

Traits: • Influential • Diligent • Visionary • Trustworthy • Persuasive • Motivating • Goal­setter

Cautions: People with this gift • Should realize their relational credibility takes time and is critical for leadership effectiveness • Should remember that servant leadership is the biblical model, the greatest being the servant of all • Do not need to be in a leadership “position” to use this gift

MERCY: To have compassion The gift of Mercy is the divine enablement to cheerfully and practically help those who are suffering or are in need, compassion moved to action. References: Rom. 12:8,


Matt. 5:7, Mark 10:46­52, Luke 10:25­37

Distinctives: People with the gift • Focus upon alleviating the sources of pain or discomfort in suffering people • Address the needs of the lonely and forgotten • Express love, grace, and dignity to those facing hardships and crisis • Serve in difficult or unsightly circumstances & do so cheerfully • Concerned with individual or social issues that oppress people

Traits: • Empathetic • Caring • Responsive • Kind • Compassionate •Sensitive • Burden­bearing

Cautions: People with this gift • Need to be aware that rescuing people from their pain may be hindering God’s work in them • Need to guard against feeling “unappreciated,” since some of the people helped will not show or express any appreciation • Should guard against becoming defensive and angry about the sources of others’ pain

MIRACLES: To do powerful deeds The gift of Miracles is the divine enablement to authenticate the ministry and message of God through supernatural intervention, which glorify Him. This is one of the four “Sign” Gifts primarily used to establish the Church in unreached areas of the world (past and present). The “Sign Gifts” can be quite divisive. Anyone who feels that they have one of these gifts should seek wisdom from their church leadership for guidance on how this gift is used in their church. The practice of these gifts should be done in a non­divisive way. Also, recognize that Bible­believing teachers differ in their views on the “Sign Gifts”. While you may not be in agreement with other believers on this subject, we can all “respect” our differing viewpoints based on Scripture. References: 1Cor. 12:10, 28­29, John 2:1­11, Luke 5:1­ 11

Distinctives: People with the gift • Speak God’s truth and have it authenticated by an accompanying miracle • Express confidence in God’s faithfulness and ability to manifest His presence • Bring the ministry and message of Jesus Christ with power • Claim God to be the source of the miracle and glorify Him • Represent Christ, and through the gift, point people to a relationship with Christ

Traits: • Bold •Venturesome •Authoritative • God­fearing • Convincing • Prayerful • Responsive

Cautions: People with this gift

• Need to remember that miracles are not necessarily caused by faith • Should avoid viewing this gift as a personal responsibility, remembering that God determines the location and timing of healing • Need to guard against the temptation to call on the Lord’s presence and power for selfish purposes

PROPHECY: To speak before The gift of Prophecy is the divine enablement to reveal truth and proclaim it in a timely and relevant manner for understanding, correction, repentance, or edification. There may be immediate or future implications. This gift, like Apostleship, is an office mentioned in Ephesians 4 that have passed. However this is a gift still in operation in the Body of Christ. References: Rom. 12:6, 1 Cor. 12:10, 28, 13:2, 2 Pet.1:19­ 21

Gift – Yes Office – No Distinctives: People with the gift • Expose sin or deception in others for reconciliation • Speak a timely word from God causing conviction, repentance, and edification • See truth that others often fail to see and challenge them to respond • Warn of God’s immediate or future judgment if there is no repentance • Understand God’s heart and mind through experiences He takes them through

Traits: • Discerning • Compelling • Uncompromising • Outspoken • Authoritative •Convicting • Confronting

Cautions: People with this gift • Need to be aware that listeners may reject the message if not spoken with love and compassion • Need to avoid pride which can create a demanding or discouraging spirit that hinders the gift • Should remember that discernment and scripture must support and agree with each prophecy

SHEPHERDING: To shepherd a flock The gift of Shepherding is the divine enablement to nurture, care for, and guide people toward on­going spiritual maturity and becoming like Christ. References: Eph. 4:11­12, 1 Peter 5:1­4, John 10:1­18

Distinctives: People with the gift • Take responsibility to nurture the whole person in their walk with God • Provide guidance and oversight to a group of God’s people • Model with their life what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus • Establish trust & confidence through long­term relations • Lead and protect those within their span of care



• Influencing • Nurturing • Guiding • Discipling • Protective • Supportive • Relational

Cautions: People with this gift • Should remember that God judges those who neglect or abuse their oversight responsibilities • Need to be aware that the desire to feed and support others can make it difficult to say “no” • Should realize that some of those being nurtured will grow beyond the shepherd’s own ability and need to be freed to do so

TEACHING: To instruct The gift of Teaching is the divine enablement to understand, clearly explain, and apply the word of God, causing greater Christ­likeness in the lives of listeners. References: Rom. 12:7, 1 Cor. 12:28­29, Acts 18:24­ 28, 2 Tim. 2:2

Distinctives: People with the gift • Communicate truth that inspire more obedience to Word • Challenge listeners simply & practically with biblical truth • Present the whole counsel of God for maximum life change • Give attention to detail and accuracy • Prepare through extended times of study and reflection Traits: • Disciplined • Perceptive • Teachable • Authoritative • Practical • Analytical • Articulate

Cautions: People with this gift • Should avoid pride that may result from their “superior” biblical knowledge and understanding • Could become too detailed when teaching and fail to make life application • Spirituality is not measured by how much you know

TONGUES: Tongue, language The gift of Tongues is the divine enablement to speak, worship, or pray in a language unknown to the speaker. People with the gift may receive a spontaneous message from God, which is made known to His Body through the gift of Interpretation. This is one of the four “Sign” Gifts primarily used to establish the Church in unreached areas of the world (past and present). The “Sign Gifts” can be quite divisive. Anyone who feels that they have one of these gifts should seek wisdom from their church leadership for guidance on how this gift is used in their church. The practice of these gifts should be done in a non­divisive way. Also, recognize that Bible­believing teachers differ in their views on the “Sign Gifts”. While you may not be in agreement with other believers on this subject, we can all “respect” our differing viewpoints based on Scripture. References: Cor. 12:10, 28­30, 13:1, 14:1­33, Acts 2:1­ 11

Distinctives: People with the gift • With an interpretation a word by the Spirit which edifies • Communicate a message given by God for the church • Speak in a language they have not learned & do not know • Worship the Lord with unknown words too deep for the mind to comprehend • Intimacy with God which inspires them to serve & edify

Traits: • Sensitive • Prayerful • Responsive • Trusting • Devoted • Spontaneous • Receptive

Cautions: People with this gift • Remember that miracles not necessarily caused by faith • Should avoid expecting others to manifest this gift which may cause the gift to not be authentic or legitimate • Remember all gifts, including this one, are to edify others

WISDOM: To apply truth practically The gift of Wisdom is the divine enablement to apply spiritual truth effectively to meet a need in a specific situation. References: 1Cor. 2:3­14,12:8, James 3:13­18, Jer. 9:23­24 Distinctives: People with the gift • Focus on the unseen consequences in determining the next steps to take • Receive an understanding of what is necessary to meet the needs of the body • Provide divinely given solutions in the midst of conflict and confusion • Hear the Spirit provide direction for God’s best in a given situation • Apply spiritual truth in specific and practical ways

Traits: • Sensible • Insightful • Practical • Wise • Fair • Experienced • Common Sense

Cautions: People with this gift • Could fail to share the wisdom that God has given them • Need to avoid having others develop a dependence upon them, which may weaken their faith in God • Need to be patient with others who do not have this gift.




1. Respond to each statement according to the following scale: 3 = Consistently, definitely true 2 = Most of the time, usually true 1 = Some of the time, once in a while 0 = Not at all, never

2. Using the response sheet below, write your response to each statement in the block whose number corresponds to that number statement in the Assessment. When finished, add up the numbers in each column and put the total of each column in the bottom block. Write your 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd highest letter totals on the lines below and look up the Spiritual Gifts using the key below.

3. Important: Answer according to what you are, not who you would like to be or think you ought to be. How true are these statements of you? What has been your experience? To what degree do these statements reflect your usual tendencies?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102

103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119


1st, 2nd & 3rd highest letter totals Spiritual Gift

_____________________________ __________________________

_____________________________ __________________________

_____________________________ __________________________

KEY: A – Administration B – Apostleship C – Discernment D – Encouragement E – Evangelism F – Faith

G – Giving H – Helps I – Hospitality J – Intercession K – Knowledge L – Leadership

M – Mercy N – Prophecy O – Shepherding P – Teaching Q – Wisdom

(Healing, Interpretation, Miracles and Tongues are not included in this assessment because their presence in the life of a believer tends to be self­evident.)


Assessment Statements:

1. I like to organize people, tasks, and events.

2. I would like to start churches in places where they do not presently exist.

3. I can readily distinguish between spiritual truth and error, good and evil.

4. I tend to see the potential in people.

5. I communicate the gospel to others with clarity and effectiveness.

6. I find it natural and easy to trust God to answer my prayers.

7. I give liberally and joyfully to people in financial need or to projects requiring support.

8. I enjoy working behind the scenes to support the work of others.

9. I view my home as a place to minister to people in need.

10. I take prayer requests from others and consistently pray for them.

11. I am approached by people who want to know my perspective on a particular passage or biblical truth.

12. I am able to motivate others to accomplish a goal.

13. I empathize with hurting people and desire to help in their healing process.

14. I can speak in a way that results in conviction and change in the lives of others.

15. I enjoy spending time nurturing and caring for others.

16. I am able to communicate God’s Word effectively.

17. I am often sought out by others for advice about spiritual or personal matters.

18. I am careful, thorough, and skilled at managing details.

19. I am attracted to the idea of serving in another country or ethnic community.

20. I frequently am able to judge a person’s character based upon first impressions.

21. I enjoy reassuring and strengthening those who are discouraged.

22. I consistently look for opportunities to build relationships with non­Christians. 23. I have confidence in God’s continuing provision and help, even in difficult times.

24. I give more than a tithe so that kingdom work can be accomplished.

25. I enjoy doing routine tasks that support the ministry.

26. I enjoy meeting new people and helping them feel welcomed.

27. I enjoy praying for long periods of time and receive direction as to what God wants me to pray for.

28. I receive information from the Spirit that I did not acquire through natural means.

29. I am able to influence others to achieve a vision.

30. I can patiently support those going through painful experiences as they try to stabilize their lives.


31. I feel responsible to confront others with the truth.

32. I have compassion for wandering believers and want to protect them.

33. I can spend time in study knowing that presenting truth will make a difference in the lives of people.

34. I can often find simple, practical solutions in the midst of conflict or confusion.

35. I can clarify goals and develop strategies or plans to accomplish them.

36. I am willing to take an active part in starting a new church.

37. I can see through phoniness or deceit before it is evident to others.

38. I give hope to others by directing them to the promises of God.

39. I am effective at adapting the gospel message so that it connects with an individual’s felt need.

40. I believe that God will help me to accomplish great things.

41. I manage my money well in order to free more of it for giving.

42. I willingly take on a variety of odd jobs around the church to meet the needs of others.

43. I genuinely believe the Lord directs strangers to me who need to get connected to others.

44. I am conscious of ministering to others as I pray.

45. I am committed, and schedule blocks of time for reading and studying scripture, to understand biblical truth fully and accurately.

46. I can adjust my leadership style to bring out the best in others.

47. I enjoy helping people sometimes regarded as undeserving or beyond help.

48. I boldly expose cultural trends, teachings, or events, which contradict biblical principles.

49. I like to provide guidance for the whole person –relationally, emotionally, spiritually, etc.

50. I pay close attention to the words, phrases, and meaning of those who teach.

51. I can easily select the most effective course of action from among several alternatives.

52. I can identify and effectively use the resources needed to accomplish tasks.

53. I can adapt well to different cultures and surroundings.

54. I tend to see rightness or wrongness in situations quickly and easily.

55. I reassure those who need to take courageous action in their faith, family or life.

56. I invite unbelievers to accept Christ as their Savior.

57. I trust God in circumstances where success cannot be guaranteed by human effort alone.

58. I am challenged to limit my life­style in order to give away a higher percentage of my income to God and/or others.

59. I see spiritual significance in doing practical tasks.


60. I like to create a place where people do not feel that they are alone.

61. I pray with confidence because I know that God works in response to prayer.

62. I have insight or just know something to be true, when others may not see it or believe it.

63. I set goals to accomplish them and manage people and resources effectively.

64. I have great compassion for hurting people.

65. I see most actions as right or wrong, and feel the need to correct the wrong when I see it. 66. I can faithfully provide long­term support and concern for others.

67. I like to take a systematic approach to my study of the Bible.

68. I can anticipate the likely consequences of an individual’s or a group’s actions.

69. I like to help organizations or groups become more efficient or effective.

70. I can relate to others in culturally sensitive ways.

71. I receive affirmation from others concerning the reliability of my insights or perceptions.

72. I strengthen those who are wavering in their faith.

73. I openly tell people that I am a Christian and want them to ask me about my faith.

74. I am convinced of God’s daily presence and action in my life.

75. I like knowing that my financial support makes a real difference in the lives and ministries of God’s people.

76. I like to find small things that need to be done and often do them without being asked.

77. I enjoy entertaining people and opening my home to others.

78. When I hear about needy situations, I feel burdened to pray.

79. I have suddenly known some things about others, but did not know how I knew them.

80. I influence others to perform to the best of their capability.

81. I can look beyond a person’s handicaps or problems to see a life that matters to God.

82. I like people who are honest and will speak the truth.

83. I enjoy giving guidance and practical support to a small group of people.

84. I can communicate scripture in ways that motivate others to study and want to learn more.

85. I give practical advice to help others through complicated situations.

86. I enjoy learning about how organizations function.

87. I enjoy pioneering new undertakings.

88. I can identify preaching, teaching, or communication which is not true to the Bible.

89. I like motivating others to take steps for spiritual growth.

90. I openly and confidently tell others what God has done for me.


91. I am regularly challenging others to trust God.

92. I give generously due to my commitment to stewardship.

93. I feel comfortable being a helper, assisting others to do their job more effectively.

94. I do whatever I can to make people feel they belong.

95. I am honored when someone asks me to pray for them.

96. I discover important biblical truths when reading or studying scripture, which benefit others in the Body of Christ.

97. I am able to cast a vision that others want to be a part of.

98. I enjoy bringing hope and joy to people living in difficult circumstances.

99. I will speak God’s truth, even in places where it is unpopular or difficult for others to accept.

100. I can gently restore wandering believers to faith and fellowship.

101. I can present information and skills to others at a level that makes it easy for them to grasp and apply to their lives.

102. I can apply scriptural truth that others regard as practical and helpful.

103. I can visualize a coming event, anticipate potential problems, and develop backup plans.

104. I am able to orchestrate or oversee several church ministries.

105. I can sense when demonic forces are at work in a person or situation.

106. I am able to challenge or rebuke others in order to foster spiritual growth.

107. I seek opportunities to talk about spiritual matters with unbelievers.

108. I can move forward in spite of opposition or lack of support when I sense God’s blessing on an undertaking.

109. I believe I have been given an abundance of resources so that I may give more to the Lord’s work.

110. I readily and happily use my natural or learned skills to help wherever needed.

111. I can make people feel at ease even in unfamiliar surroundings.

112. I often see specific results in direct response to my prayers.

113. I confidently share my knowledge and insights with others.

114. I figure out where we need to go and help others get there.

115. I enjoy doing practical things for others who are in need.

116. I feel compelled to expose sin wherever I see it and to challenge people to repentance.

117. I enjoy nurturing others, patiently but firmly, in their development as believers.

118. I enjoy explaining things to people so that they can grow spiritually and personally.

119. I have insights into how to solve problems that others do not see.


Enabled -Session 8-

Extended Prayer Session and Review of Your Spiritual Gift(s)


“Living Sacrifice” is the phrase the Apostle Paul uses to describe what we call “personal abandonment and absolute trust.” He also attaches to this phrase, “to present”, and his whole sentence precedes his teachings on spiritual gifts. In this session we want to establish the atmosphere for your men to “present their gifts” that they have just discovered as a living and holy sacrifice to their King. Note the we use the word “atmosphere,” for this needs to be a very special time of discussion and ceremony for your men. Pray how God would help you establish the atmosphere that can make this a special time for your men.


This is your second extended prayer time and you will be building on the introduction of having a dedicated half-day together, as you did in the first extended session. This session will be using a limited version of our first format, as you ask the participants to prayerfully consider the dedication of their spiritual gifts as a “Living Sacrifice” for our King’s purposes, as was introduced at the “Restoration Pool,” in The Prayer Cottage and The Sacred Garden. You may want to refresh your memory on that part of the book, for it introduces the thought of becoming God’s “champion.”

Another key part of this day with your group is to share the results of their spiritual gift evaluation. This is a time that you, as their mentor, can affirm and encourage the individuals in your group in a very special way. Most of them will still be unclear with some of the information they have been given and it will be in this time that you can start to pull it together for your group. When they share the results of the evaluation, be sure to review the definitions again and affirm what you have been seeing in each participant and ask the other group members if they have seen similar indications. By this time your group is starting to let down some walls, and you will be surprised how the other members of the group will affirm each other. Encourage this to happen, for it will make your time very special for your group, and especially for you. We recommend that you use the first two hours of your time to “circle-up” for this most encouraging time.

The next two hours will be dedicated for your group’s alone time with the King. Challenge your group to begin their time in the “Prayer Cottage,” in order to prepare their hearts and mind, and then to move to that place in this intimate time that the Lord will take them.

Challenge your group to re-think their journey, thus far. Think about the things that have been revealed to


them. Think about the invitation they have been given to join our King, with his purpose for their life. Think about the way God has wired them and molded them for that purpose. Challenge them to draw on those messages that have been given to them from their Savior and to listen to Him as to what it means now. This will be a time for them to find the answer for that very important of question we all have which is, “What is God’s purpose for my life?”

After you have prepared your group for their extended prayer time, distribute the attached agenda and release them. When they return have your meal ready to serve, and share your meal together while the individuals talk about any revelations that they might have had. Before dismissing, establish your next meeting time, and pass out and review their assignment.


Enabled -Session 8-

Extended Prayer Session

(This guide is to be used in the Extended Prayer Time)

First Hour

In your first extended prayer session we introduced to you the book, The Prayer Cottage and The Sacred Garden. There are two parts in this book. The Prayer Cottage is a place for preparation and The Sacred Garden is a place for different prayer emphasis. When you begin your prayer time today, first consider your need for preparation. Dedicate some of this initial time for soaking in God’s grace.

Next prayerfully evaluate your life for any areas of disobedience, un-confessed sin or anything you feel is a hindrance in your intimacy with Jesus. Do business with this issue by recognizing it, confessing it and receiving God’s forgiveness.

In this first hour, simply enjoy this time with your King. Take a “grace walk” and be refreshed.

Second Hour

Do you remember the different prayer stops within the Sacred Garden? Do you remember “The Intercession Bench,” the “Perspective Place,” and the “Meditation Rock?” After you have gone through your time of preparation, go to The Sacred Garden and make your way to “Meditation Rock.” This is a place within your prayer time that you seek and find God’s wisdom.

We have mentioned to you previously that we do not want to control or direct your time with our King. However, there are some things that we would ask you to take to Him and seek His wisdom in. This time is also the last meeting of the Enabled Segment. Therefore, this prayer time is a time of contemplation of what you’ve learned and how you should respond to it. This is where prayer for wisdom and dedication come in. With all this in mind, may we suggest the following format and schedule with your time at the “Meditation Rock”.

• Spend some time thinking about what you have learned about how God has spiritually made you and the ministry gifts that He has equipped you with. We’ve put a lot of emphasis on trying to see our gifts through the Holy Spirit’s intentions for our life in serving Him. Think of those discussions.


• Mull over our discussions of the last few weeks about the necessity of the “Fruit of the Spirit” being present in our life in order to enable our spiritual gifts. Again, think about the necessity of abiding in Christ.

• Now, think about the necessity of the dedication of our life in order to abide in Christ.

We have asked previous groups what they felt was a necessary prerequisite to truly abiding in Christ. “Death” was one of the most insightful answers. However, it is not a physical death that was being referred to but a living death or a “living sacrifice” as mentioned in Romans 12:1.

• Read Romans 12:1. What does a “living sacrifice” mean to you? Oswald Chambers uses the word “abandonment” to describe it. Some use “consecration,” others use “dedicated,” “set apart” and “sanctified.” Jesus described it as taking up our cross daily and following Him. After you read Romans 12:1 and pray through it, come up with your own word or description and be prepared to share this with the group.

• “Living sacrifice” means to me: (Your answer – write it in your journal)

When one thinks of a “holy” sacrifice it is appropriate to also think of an “altar.” Did you know that the altar in the Old Testament was a place of dedication and sacrifice, a place of memorial and unity with God? As you think about your spiritual gifts and the necessity of presenting them to God as a “living sacrifice,” consider symbolically establishing this time as “an altar.” Consider this your time that you release your mind and your heart to the care of the Lord and the day you “place” your spiritual gifts and your life on that altar. This could be your own memorial or day of remembrance when you point to a specific time that you said to God: “Here I am Lord. Take all I have and do with it as you see fit. I’m all Yours.” Wouldn’t this be the clearest example of abandonment or “living sacrifice?”

• “The Altar” means to me: (Your answer – write it in your journal)

In conclusion, record in your journal any thoughts about the day, especially any new revelations and commitments you have made today. Then rejoin the group for a discussion of any revelations or breakthroughs you have experienced.


Expressing -Assignment for Session 1-

The Journey To The Inner Chamber (Part 2) - Revisited

Congratulations on your completion of the first two segments in The Journey. We hope the last segment will be exciting for you, as it challenges you to continue moving forward in your spiritual journey to intimacy with Christ.

When you first began The Journey, you were asked to read Part 2 and 3 of a story called Journey To The Inner Chamber. With this allegorical story you were shown a “road map” for spiritual growth. In Part 1 you saw that the key to this road map is your growth in self-feeding on the word of God. This is critical for entering into the “Inner Chamber.” Hopefully you are well on your way to understanding the concept of self-feeding, and you are feasting at the banquet table of our Lord.

When we ended Part 1 of the story, it was left a mystery as to what the “Inner Chamber” is like inside and what the results are for the life that abides there. Your questions could be: “How do I enter in to this deeper intimacy with Christ and what does an Influencer look like in real life.”

Part 2 was an attempt to answer some of those questions by putting some characters before you that could make it clearer for you. Our key character Gabe, was a surprising model to use as an example of an “influential person” until we were able to understand the dynamic connection that abiding in Christ has with influencing our world around us. Gabe was chosen by our King to represent Him, because Gabe represented the ideals of his King by the way he lived his life. Without fanfare and glory seeking for himself, this quiet man went about his life, being faithful in the little things in his life and flexible with the opportunities that came to him. The result, at Gabe’s life end we were able to see the supernatural fruit that occurred because of Gabe’s faithfulness and co-laboring with his King.

We are now entering into the segment in The Journey called, “Expressing.” We ask you to re-read Part 2 of the story and pay close attention to “Gabe’s Principles of Influence, as mentioned in the story. This will prepare you for our next discussion and will lay the foundation for our last segment.

God bless you men. May your life become a “Gabe” for our King and to someone He brings to you.




Mentor Insight 1: (Pages 235­236) Important note about changes.

Mentor Insight 2: (Pages 237­239 Introduction to the Expressing Series.

Session 1- (Pages 243­251) Gabe’s Principles of Influence and the global affect.

Session 2- (Pages 255­262) Enlightened (Revisited and Amplified).

Session 3- (Pages 265­274) Enabled (Revisited and Amplified).

Session 4- (Pages 277­289) Principle # 3 - Live It Out.

Session 5- (Pages 293­302) The Influencer’s Warfare – Strategy and Resources.

Session 6- (Pages 305­314) Weekend commencement

Christ’s model of leadership

Special dedication

Half-Day session

Closing remarks and sharing



1. You need to be planning your weekend retreat immediately, get it on the calendar with your group and make reservations for the place you will be going to. Therefore, the following determination is needed:

2. We have found that our groups sometime start to lose momentum after the extended prayer session of Enabled. Your men are often emotionally high and there can be a let-down. To counter this and to create momentum that will take them through to the end, we have both shortened the number of sessions we will have from the normal 8 to 6. We also recommend that you explore with your group about now going to an every week format. We have used the every other week format in the other segments, for your group needed time to digest the session information and to have enough time between sessions to not be rushed in their journaling. By this time they are well on their way in their journaling. If not, then they have resisted and unfortunately they have likely not grown toward the intimacy they are seeking. If your group is in agreement, we feel that you can go to the weekly sessions and not disrupt your group’s journaling. If you decide to do this, you will need to schedule your weekend commencement 5 weeks earlier.

3. As said before, by this time in The Journey the individuals in your group should be well on their way to journaling. However, there now needs to be a more deliberate effort in reading, studying and finding answers in their private Bible study. This is essential in order for them to become the “Self-feeders” that we are encouraging. So that we can support this objective and prepare your men for their life after The Journey, we need to begin reinforcing this practice in the 3 rd

segment. You will note that we are purposely reducing the assignments given to them between sessions and instead encouraging the group to begin a daily practice of exploring scripture and to record their discoveries in their journals. Different from our journaling encouragement to this point, will be the group’s collective pursuit of one gospel study, the Gospel of John. You, as their mentor, may need to help jump-start their exploration by going back to your first Journey session and reviewing the journaling exercise. Look at how we demonstrated looking for answers from the Bible, making application and recording their thoughts. Use that same model for your journaling and study of John. Since there are 22 chapters in John, ask you group to limit their focus to 4 chapters per week. Try to keep your group within the same passages, so that when you come together during your session, everyone has been studying the same resource. In your Roundtable session you will be discussing the highlighted passages that they came away with from their studies.

As this Bible study and journaling practice unfolds, you will see some rich interchange in your sessions. Above all, resist spoon-feeding your group. Let them find their wings in this. Let them really fly when they come to your session and share what they have discovered. By doing this, hopefully your men will continue on in their journaling after the accountability of your group ends because they have found the key to unlocking heaven’s wisdom. We believe that the discipline of Bible study is essential for spiritual growth. However, we are reluctant to introduce the disciplines until the heart is engaged. If your men’s hearts are engaged, you will see the work of the Holy Spirit make these passages come alive, for He is now teaching them as never before. This is why we are introducing this emphasis now in The Journey, for we feel that they should be ready for “the meat” on the Banquet Table.

4. We are also recommending a change to the tempo on this segment by making it truly a roundtable discussion format and encouraging a very loose, unstructured exchange. Why do we recommend this? Your men have now grown to the point that they have something that needs to be contributed to the group in a freestyle manner. The Q&A sessions that we provided in Enlightened and Enabled were used to keep your group on target and not get away from our discussion objectives. However, this “boxing in,” although necessary in the first two segments, needs to be eliminated so that your men can express more freely, and yes, even randomly.

Now don’t panic in thinking there will be a lot of dead time that will make it awkward for you or your group will chase rabbits. By this time in your group, it will be refreshing and even freeing to you once it gets going. However, to give you back up, we are providing the subject that needs to be discussed and some sample questions that can be asked on that subject, if you need to use them. But, please do not be totally dependent on them. Instead, take the topic to be discussed to the table and allow the reaction to unfold. You may want to develop some of your own questions that you sense your group needs to discuss. But, if you need some questions, we are making them available to you. If you can


do without them and stay on subject, your discussions will be richer and more readily received to the heart of your men.

Remember, there was a point in The Journey to the Inner Chamber that Learner had progressed enough on the Banquet Table that he was able to discover some wonderful food that Mentor had overlooked. As Learner fed Mentor, a new maturity developed and Learner was ready to proceed to The Inner Chamber. You must not hold your “Learners” back. They must be encouraged to self-feed, discover truths and lead someone else to the process of becoming a self- feeder, as they journey more deeply to intimacy with their King.




Many times, we can study something so closely that we can become blind to it. What do we mean by this statement? Have you ever heard, “He couldn’t see the forest for looking at the trees?” This is what we mean. The possibility of this “blindness” can happen with any of our efforts of close examination that we make. It often comes in our tedious, concentrated work and our serious effort to find truth and relevancy. Even an artist will tell you that he needs to back away from his work and get a new perspective before he can truly perfect the job he is working on.

How about a Bible study or a discipleship process such as the one you’ve been going through? Absolutely, we can become blind to the simple hidden truths, and we need to use a little “wisdom from above” (sanctified common sense) to get a clearer picture. So let’s get a clearer picture, as we proceed into this last segment of The Journey.

First, let’s take a look at the “big” picture. We do this by asking some straightforward questions, “What have we learned? Where do we go next? What is our next step to take? What do I need to know to take this next step?” Let’s try to answer some of those questions.

In our first segment we emphasized the intimate characteristics of God, Who loves us and Who wants a deeper intimacy with us. What did that prepare us for? It prepared us for the next step, which was the second segment.

In our second segment we led your group to understand the process for entering into the intimacy with Christ that we speak of which requires them to understand the role of the Holy Spirit as He invites us and nurtures us toward this abiding relationship with our Savior. We have tried to help your group understand that the process of becoming a self- feeder and being taught by the Holy Spirit moves us to toward this joyful fellowship, called “abiding.” But, even though the intimate calling of our King is for us to come closer to Him, we must make certain deliberate steps in response to it.

As a means to help your men understand the next steps they must make, we have used the metaphor of the Inner Chamber as a means to present a special place that is waiting for your men. In order to enter in, their step through the doors requires their “personal abandonment and absolute trust” in Christ. This is not a new standard that we are presenting. It is only a creative word picture to convey the truth of what we read in the Bible for becoming a true disciple of Christ. Hopefully, your men are beginning to grasp what we have been presenting as we have laid a foundation in each session that moves them toward those Inner Chamber doors.

Often times, the closer your men move toward their target, which is a deeper intimacy with Christ, some transformation signs begin to show up in of their life as an outward expression. This outward manifestation of the Holy Spirit is symptomatic that He is gaining control of their life. It is called the “Fruit of the Spirit.” Hopefully, your men, and especially their relationships around them, have begun to see the affect of them drawing closer to Christ, as the fruit of His Spirit is beginning to show up in their life. If this be the case, they are partaking of the “Living Water” that Jesus spoke of, and they are progressing toward our Target in The Journey. Now, what is the next step that must be taken?

Jesus spoke of “Living Water,” as opposed to “stagnant water.” Why would He use such an analogy? We believe it is because He does not want us to be content with just having a personal experience of a deeper intimacy with Him. The true abiding relationship that Jesus spoke of in John 15 will bear fruit, and it does so as we live out in our world around us our transformed life. Our transformed life is so designed to make a statement, a witness to the people around us, as they see the difference Christ is making in our life. It is a horizontal expression to the people around us, and it is best expressed as our loving service to them as we become servant leaders. Servant leadership is a term the world often uses to describe a particular way of managing people. However, the world’s attempt in this endeavor does not come from an abiding intimacy with Christ. As a result, it is only a heartless attempt at manipulating people for gaining control of


them. It will fail, and it will eventually resort to other means to accomplish its objective. But true servant leadership will lead others to the Source, which is Jesus Christ, and this form of leadership will be characterized by the Holy Spirit’s life in us. This leads us to our next step, which is “Living it Out.”

We must thoroughly understand that the Living Water of Christ must flow in and out of us. Repeat: It must flow. Our relationship with Him cannot be dammed up or stay self-contained in us, if it is “Living Water.” It must be expressed to others and in doing so we receive a fresh refilling for ourselves. We must also understand that if we do not continue our intake, we will be depleted as we give it away. Too often we see this happen, as we give until we are empty rather that giving out of our fullness and overflow. Therefore, we must stay on our own journey, as we invite others along with us. We must keep our souls healthy and keep on abiding. Next step, ACTION:

How do we express this indescribable gift of intimacy that we are enjoying with our Savior? It is somewhat of a mystery. As it starts to happen we become increasingly aware that it is God at work in and with our life. Our life becomes “liquid,” as we are poured out to our world around us. We get into the flow of things, and we find circumstances, opportunities, preparedness and life change to be a regular occurrence in and around us. We are still full of joy for we know it is by God’s design for our life that they occur. We become comfortable with the unknown future for we feel part of God’s agenda, not our own. When we bear fruit we do that which comes “spiritually natural” to us, as we give our spiritual gifts away to our world around us in the form of influence. With this “Conduit Principle,” our abiding relationship stays active, healthy and vital. Yes, vital for our selves, but also vital to our world around us, as our King reaches through us to these people. Remember, a healthy branch will bear fruit, not of its own will or efforts, but because of its life design. Cut off from the vine it will bear no fruit and it will whither and die. Attached to the vine, it will give that which it is designed by our Creator to do, bear fruit. It is the same with God’s child. We are created to bear lasting fruit. But, getting outside of our self requires that we have eyes for the Harvest, and this where Expressing comes in. We look at the opportunities that we live around, and we embrace this world of ours with a sacred responsibility to impact it with the love of Christ. The way we impact it is based on our giftedness and our strategic placement by our sovereign King. There is no menial task or unimportant mission that He sends us to. There is only menial and uninspired effort, for we fail to see how God connects the dots and creates a tremendous plan that we fit into.

So, what is our next step for moving your group to their world around them in order to begin with this “Conduit Principle?” We use “Gabe’s Principles of Influence,” as mentioned in Part 2 of The Journey To The Inner Chamber, as our roadmap for understanding how this relationship with Christ works its way to our world around us. We will focus on “Gabe’s Principles” by unwrapping them and considering those ministry opportunities within our reach. These opportunities are often everyday events that we tend to overlook or discount as unimportant. However, when we get a grasp of “blooming where we are planted,” we begin to see things through God’s eyes, and we begin to partner with Him in reaching our world around us in a supernatural way. We begin by expressing His unmistakable and unfathomable love to these people.

Oswald Chambers penned these words in My utmost for His Highest. They speak to the heart of the Influencer view, as to why we think it is vital that we express outward that which is going on within us.

“Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful what you do with the best you have. Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to Him as a love­gift. Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship. If you hoard it for yourself, it will turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded. God will never allow you to keep a spiritual blessing completely for yourself. It must be given back to Him so that He can make it a blessing to others”.

With this being our objective for our last segment in The Journey, let us continue our journey to the “Inner Chamber.”



-Session 1-

Review of Gabe’s Principles of Influence


To concentrate more closely on Gabe’s Principles, as we use them as a road map for application in real life. In sessions 2 and 3 we will be expanding our understanding of each principle, and we will revisit and amplify the Enlightened and Enabled Series. In session 4 we will focus more intently on Gabe’s priority of expression. Session 1 is the foundation for the following sessions.


Since it has been several months since your group read the story about Gabe, we asked them to refresh their memory of it as their assignment for this session. We now want them to look through their “enlightened and enabled” eyes and see if they view the story differently now. We believe they will, as they get the connection of how abiding, using ones spiritual gifts, using them in the place God has you planted, will bear a supernatural fruit. This is where we discuss it and hammer it home.

There are some important points that you need to revisit with your men as they make personal application.

Gabe had no title or degree. He had no credentials that the world would regard as important for being influential. His profession in life would be disregarded as one that would impact the power brokers in the world today. How many of your men still feel that they have to gain some kind of credential based on the world’s value system before they can impact their world around them? Discuss this thoroughly with your men.

Gabe’s place of work, his centers of influence, his geographic location, his economic circumstances, his age and his cultural background would be regarded by the world as ineffective and out of touch. They would say that these things would go against him if we were to be practical by the world’s view. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? “A carpenter from Nazareth? What good could come from there?” How many in your group still feel that their place of work or opportunity to serve Christ is obscure and out of the mainstream. As a result, they feel left out, unwanted, unneeded and insignificant. Discuss this with your men.

We are not going to be practical, if we are going to get it done. The world would say that we are “idealistic” if we don’t use the common tools and tactics of the world to be influential, but what does your group now believe the Bible leads us to believe? Can we really impact our world best by abiding in Christ? This is where their commitment to this strategy is hammered down and hopefully becomes a personal conviction.

The “Great I Am” tells us in His word that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Phil. 4:13). He says in His word that we are actually stronger when we are weak (2 Cor. 12: 7-10). His word tells us that He chooses the foolish, the weak, the lowly and the despised to shame the wise, the strong and to take away the boasting of the arrogant (1 Cor. 1: 27-31). Do your men really believe that this can be true in their life? God’s strategy for influencing our world. Why does God do this, use our weaknesses rather than our strengths? Look at Bible history for that answer. Time and time again God has spoken clearly about the problem with pride and the delight He has in the humble man. These are characteristics that are opposite of each other. One characteristic


(pride) debilitates spiritual growth and the help God would want to bless us with. The other characteristic (humility) enables spiritual growth and allows us to grasp the strength of the universe. How do we know this? Look at Bible history for examples of how God has purposely stacked the odds against His servants and has overwhelmed the strength of their enemy. Gabe is a fictional example of a person who all the odds were stacked against (in a practical sense), and yet God bewildered the world (those practical thinkers) by choosing to honor Himself through that simple country farmer. The story is fiction, but the truth of the concept has been lived out time and time again since Holy Spirit began establishing His presence in His family over 2,000 years ago.

What is the message we are trying to convey? First, God can do a supernatural work through the man who has a healthy abiding relationship with Him. Second, God has fertile ground for His work when we are humbly dependent on Him. Third, God has fertile ground with the man whose major pursuit is to live a life that worships his King.

Gabe’s Principles of Influence sum it up. How do we live a life of worship? That’s what we are about to discuss. Gabe’s Principles give us a guide for impacting our world around us. By blending our being (abiding) with seeing (God’s perspective) with doing (our response), we live a life of worship and fulfill our part in The Great Commission. Consider the following:

Principle 1 - “Be A God Seeker” (Enlightened)

Principle 2 - “Be A God Abider” (Enabled)

Principle 3 - “Live It Out” (Expressing)

With these objectives established, we will use this session to allow what’s been learned in our journey thus far to sink in. We will be re-visiting ground we’ve covered before. That’s okay, for we want to continue to hammer home the absolute need for the principle of abiding to stay at the forefront of any expression that we will have. This is where the power to influence comes from. It comes from Him, through us, and to our world around us. We cannot supernaturally express that which is not there. But if its there, we cannot hold it back. For that reason we must repeat this principle over and over. It is the heart of The Journey.


Expressing -Session 1-

Gabe’s Principles of Influence


Mentor’s Insight: After this session we will be encouraging independent journaling as our only assignments. Our reasons have been mentioned in the Introduction. After your Roundtable Time today, begin the session with prayer. By this time your group should be comfortable with sharing their prayer needs. If you haven’t done it before, do something a little different in this prayer session. If someone has a personal prayer need, ask the man next to him to place his hand on the man’s arm or shoulder and pray a personal prayer for that particular need that has been stated. Do this with everyone who has a personal need for prayer. Take your time and allow the group to participate in a time of fellowshipping with prayer in this man’s need. This is where a powerful ministry of prayer is expressed in your group and could sustain long after they no longer meet.

Introduce the Session.

Mentor’s Insight: In your own words convey the Objectives for today’s session. (See O&P) After your introduction, begin your discussion with the following discussion.

• Discussion about things they now understand in the story that they did not understand when they first read it.

(Sample Questions)

Q: With this objective established, let’s get your thoughts on your take on the story now that you are looking through some different eyes. You read this story about Gabe several months ago. How do you see it differently?

Answer: After building the foundations of Enlightened and Enabled, it is hoped that your men can see both the priority and supernatural effect that God can have on a man and his ability to influence his world around him, if that man walks closely with Him. Let your group talk about it as much as they like, and then take it to a personal application for them by asking the next question.

Q: As you read about Gabe, this humble farmer who didn’t have much going for him in the way of material things and being influential, as the world sees it, did it give you hope and inspiration that you too could become a man that could impact your world? (Discuss)

Q: How would you describe your world? Don’t describe “the world,” but rather your world. Describe your world. (Discuss)

Mentor’s Notes:


Mentor’s Insight: We are looking for an answer that would help your men to understand the sphere of influence their life has on numerous people. Marriage, parenting, extended family, friendships, work, neighborhood, church are examples of “their world.” Help them see this.

Q: Back to Gabe. What did his world include? (Discuss)

Mentor’s Insight: Gabe’s world included both good and bad. He struggled to make a living, but he put his children through college and provided well for his family. He worked hard in the fields and faced the challenges of crop failures. But through prayer and dependence on God, he was successful with the work of his hands. He was loved, but he was also hated. He was challenged with prejudice around him and if he would deal with it in a Christ­like manner. He was also challenged to be only himself rather than being exalted as a hero. Some would say that Gabe was greatly limited by his world, and some would say that his world drove him to the King and thus enabled him. Either way, it was Gabe’s world to make the best of and to give his life back to his King by being a living sacrifice. By doing this, he gave to God the one thing he could have retained for himself. He gave to God his heart and all that it included that was in his world.

• Discussion about the parallels of the journey of Gabe and The Journey.

(Sample Questions)

Q: We began our journey together several months ago with the segment called Enlightened. We read that Gabe was a man that lived by principles, and his Principle # 1 was to be a God Seeker. What do you think would be Gabe’s approach and daily habit in order to be a consistent God Seeker?

Mentor’s Insight: He would make it a daily priority to know more about God through studying His word. He would want to make sure that there would be no hindrances that would keep him from hearing God. He would seek insight from God’s word as if he were looking for hidden treasure.

Q: Gabe had another principle he lived by, which was to be a God Abider. What would be the difference in being a God Seeker and a God Abider?

Mentor’s Insight: Seeking to know God better is a life­long pursuit and is unattainable in this lifetime. Abiding with Him, is an invitation to us from Christ, and it is available for us to obtain. On one hand, we don’t know what it means to fully know God, and we must be content with not knowing everything about Him. On the other hand, we can know what it means to have all of Him and to enjoy Him, even though there are things we do not know about Him.

• Discussion about what “The World” means.

Mentor’s Insight: Gabe’s 3 rd principle was to “Live it Out.” Before you talk


about that principle, your group needs to revisit your discussion on the “world” Gabe embraced and the one God would have us embrace. You need to resolve a conflict of understanding what the world is so your group can understand how to embrace it. Start by reading some verses about the world.

(Sample Questions)

• Read John 3:16 and ask the following questions.

Q: What does this verse say God loves about the world?

Answer: God loves the people of the world.

• Read 1 John 2: 15-17 while pointing out that this verse also mentions something about the world. Ask the following questions.

Q: What does this verse instruct us to do?

Answer: Not to love the world.

Q: Do we have a conflict here? Why or why not?

Answer: There is no conflict for this passage is not talking about the people of the world but rather the value system of the world.

Q: If we are to metaphorically embrace our world around us, in light of these passages, what would our world be, and how would we embrace it?

Answer: We are to love and accept the people but not their values, if that value system is contrary to God’s value system.

• Discussion of applying Principle # 3 to Gabe’s world.

(Sample Questions)

Q: In bringing this back to Gabe, would you say that Gabe’s principles were lived out in the way he treated his neighbor who tried to burn his barn down?

Q; Do you think Gabe’s principles walked him through some difficult and emotionally charged challenges and helped him stay on the right path?

• Discussion about making a personal application.

Q: Let’s bring it home to you men personally. Do you think that if you live by the same principles that guided Gabe, they would be relevant to your world and you could impact it? Q: Do you think if you had a clear set of principles to follow such as these, they could help keep you safe from different kinds of failures?

Q: What could be some examples?


Mentor’s Insight: In Gabe’s case, his principles kept him from reacting and instead gave to him a plan of action. He could have reacted in anger and in turn committed a crime. His anger and vengeful wrath could have separated him from the abiding relationship with Christ that he enjoyed. This could have made him weak and given Satan an opening that would have affected Gabe, his family, the other man’s family and the total outcome that proved to be a great blessing to the pastor, the church and to Gabe’s world. As far as your men are concerned, how about moral failures, integrity failures, marriage failures, parenting failures, etc?

• Wrap up.

Q: Do you think Gabe could have lived by Principle #3 if he were not actively practicing Principles # 1 and #2?

Mentor’s Insight: No, Seeking to Know God Better and Abiding with Christ enabled him to live out Principle #3. These principles actually empowered #3. Again, as we have said constantly, if we want to bear a supernatural fruit as Gabe did in the particular instances mentioned, it requires that it come from an Abiding relationship with Christ.

Q: As we make it down the home stretch of The Journey would you agree with me that it is critical that our foundation in Gabe’s Principles #1 and #2 be strong and we really understand what it means to be a God Seeker and a God Abider?

State: For that reason, we will defer our pursuit of understanding Principle #3 until session 4 and repack our foundation the next two sessions as we deeply explore those first two principles.

• Go over assignment and note changes mentioned in the introduction. This would be a good time to re-review the journaling exercise shown in session one of The Journey .

• Close with Bible passage John 14:27 and prayer.

Mentor’s Insight: Since you have been discussing a very challenging experience for Gabe a natural question could be “How could he keep his peace?” The answer to that question is found in the above verse. It is a gift from Christ to His disciples. It is up to us to accept it.



-Assignment for Session 2-

Enlightened (Revisited and Amplified)


Gabe’s Principle # 1 - Be a God Seeker

What does it mean to be a self-feeder? The name implies the answer. It is the act of feeding one’s own self. It is to be able to look for what is needed and what you are hungry for, and to ingest it without someone else’s help. In the case of Bible study, it would follow the same guideline. To look for what is needed or you hungry for, to receive it, to take it to heart and to allow it to nurture you.

Is self-feeding absolutely essential? Only if you want to grow strong spiritually. Only if you want to become the spiritual man God wants to make of you. Only if you want to be part of God’s solution rather than His problem. Only if you want to find what you are looking for, which is the Treasure of the universe in having an abiding relationship with Christ.

Is self-feeding optional? It is optional more so today than any other time in history, for never has there been so great a deluge of information, commentaries, television ministries and exceptional communicators that make it easy for us to be spoon-fed. But all of this has not dealt with an obvious condition in the Church. We are still undernourished and spiritual anemic. Why is this? Unless we become a self-feeder we cannot get the intimate interaction with the Holy Spirit that teaches us and makes us stronger. That special learning time is reserved for a time and place alone with Him, as He leads us to receive just what we need. He feeds us through our self-feeding effort, and it is in this particular type of intake that we receive our clearest messages and our greatest growth.

As you begin the final leg of The Journey we feel that it is essential that you are progressing in the self-feeding aspect of The Journey. There are several aspects of the discipleship process that you have gone through that you will take forward with you and will bless you. However, we cannot emphasize enough the value of continuing your self-feeding in God’s word as you journal. It will be one of the most important practices that will help you continue and maintain the principles that we have emphasized and we are reviewing in this series.

With this emphasis stated, we would ask you to now begin a study of the Gospel of John. We are asking your group to all do this together so that we can share our discoveries in our Roundtable time. We will not spoon-feed you as you work through this gospel. In fact, you might have to struggle a while with it. We believe the Holy Spirit will come as He promised to guide you and teach you, and it is this that we want you to experience. We do ask you to limit your study to four chapters a week so that we can all be in sync with one another. Record in your journal those particular passages that stand out to you and why they do. We want you to truly experience what it means to be a self-feeder, so that when you graduate from this process you have been introduced to, you will be well on your way in your growth to intimacy with Christ.

Since we will be revisiting the Enlightened emphasis, or Gabe’s Principle #1 the next session, also give a little time and attention to refreshing your memory of some of the profound discoveries you had during that series. We will be talking about them and giving you an opportunity to share those discoveries and any new ones that have been found. God bless you as you now take a giant step forward to the Inner Chamber.



-Session 2-

Enlightened (Revisited and Amplified)


Gabe’s Principle #1 – Be a God Seeker


To review the discoveries made in the Enlightened series and to amplify the need for being a God Seeker. Since a healthy view of God goes a long way toward building trust and trust is foundational for building intimacy, making sure this foundation is sound is very important to our spiritual journey.


We have reviewed The Journey with many of our graduates and asked for their understanding as to how each segment impressed them, and we have come away with some consistent answers about the Enlightened Series. Some have told us that they had an incorrect view of God before the series, and it helped them to see God as He really is. Many said that their view of God had been previously warped or skewed by bad teaching or bad examples from fathers or other role models, and it helped to see God in a correct light. Some said they had no idea that Christianity was about a relationship with Christ. Many said that they had no idea that God desired that we have intimacy with Him and that it was available to them. And we wonder why some if not most believers really don’t trust God as He deserves to be trusted and as we need to trust Him. We just don’t trust Him because we don’t know Him. If we did, we would have no problem turning our life over to Him.

As we hear these expressions of spiritual exasperation and discouragement it forces us to ask, “What kind of bible are they reading? Can’t they see for themselves these obvious truths about God?” The answer is sadly consistent. They are not reading the Bible at all.

Next we ask, “Where did they get their information about God to believe what they believe about him?” The answer again is sadly consistent. They don’t know where it came from. They just adopted it as a result of someone else’s explanation or belief.

We wonder why Christian marriages and families are being picked off at an alarming rate. We wonder why we are seeing more and more breakdowns in the integrity and ethics of Christian businessmen. We wonder why the Church has lost its ability to take holy ground in a corrupt world. We wonder why many of our churches look like just another social club. But we fail to see the truth that a life of casual Christianity leads to a life that becomes a Christian casualty, we fail to see that a church that is casual about helping its congregation know and follow God’s precepts will lead to a church that has an anemic and weak congregation.

We fail to connect the dots that we are weak because we are anemic and we are anemic because we don’t know who we are or Who we serve or the maturity process God has designed for us. Therefore, in order to become the man God wants us to be and to build a foundation of trust that will lead us to the intimacy with Him that we seek, we must start with the basics of Who He is and what He has invited us to. In order to build a life of trust that can conquer the forces of evil and make a difference in our world, we must go back to the basics of Who we serve and how we serve Him. It


is for that reason we feel that the Enlightened Series needs a review. It is an essential building block for building a life that represents our King and for becoming His champion.

You should be praying for strong interaction in your group and a relaxed atmosphere of sharing. We are providing you sample questions on the subject that we suggest that you present for discussion. However, use the questions only if you must.


-Session 2-

Enlightened (Revisited and Amplified) Or

Gabe’s Principle #1 – Be a God Seeker

• Roundtable Time. Mentor’s Insight: Remember our emphasis on self­feeding and the study efforts we have requested of your group in their assignment? Begin your Roundtable time by asking that they share the highlighted verses in each of the 4 chapters they studied and what stood out to them. Also ask if they were able to make personal application and receive any special guidance from these verses. It would be best to have them read from their journals so that this practice in reinforced. Take as much time as you like, for this is very important for reinforcing the value of their independent study and practice of self­feeding.

• Begin your discussion.

Mentor’s Insight: How do you judge what a successful group looks like at this stage of The Journey? The answer: “Where is the wisdom coming from?” If your group is interactive and are now teaching one another, you have a good group. If they are excited about their discoveries and are willing to share liberally with other members, you have a good group. If they are being fed but are still hungry for more, you have a good group. If they are beginning to value the insight of other members other than yourself and are starting to bond in their joint pursuit, you have a good group. Big question: Do you want this kind of group? This is where it happens. Pray for them and talk least of all in your session. You will be surprised how well your group responds.

• Discussion of their concept of God at the beginning of The Journey and now.

(Sample Questions)

Q: Do any of you view God differently now than you did when you first began The Journey? How?

Mentor’s Notes:


Mentor’s Insight: Let them go on this one. Look for the changes and ask what particular thing helped them see God differently.

Q: Would some of you volunteer that you had a skewed view of God? If so how did you get that view, and what was it?

Mentor’s Insight: Look for the source and ask how it hurt them. Q: Do you think most Christian men have a skewed or flawed view of God? How does it hurt them?

Mentor’s Insight: A flawed view of God does not allow us to progress from basic faith to absolute trust in God. We cannot venture further into our intimacy with Him without this trust. Therefore it is essential that we build a good foundation of Who God is.

Q: If you were going to help men grow in their faith and trust in God and undo these skewed views, how would you do it?

• General discussion about the intimate attributes of God as mentioned in Enlightened.

Mentor’s Insight: This is a general sharing time that basically throws the question on the table and see who picks it up and runs with it. It is designed to allow your participants to reengage their initial thoughts on this subject with the new eyes and experience gained from The Journey so far.


(Sample Questions)

Q: Let’s discuss some things that now stand out to you better than they did when we first introduced them to you. First was God’s attribute of knowing everything. How does that affect you and your thinking about Him right now?

Q: Have you grown in your faith in this aspect of God over the last few months?

Q: Has this new knowledge of God somehow produced a positive reaction in your life? If so, in what way?


(Sample Questions)

Q: Did any of you have a skewed view in this particular area when we first began? If so, in what way was your view of a caring God skewed?

Q: Now that your eyes have been opened a little, can you now understand what created this skewed understanding of God?

Q: Would some of you share what it was and what you’ve been doing to work through it?


Mentor’s Insight: This last question can be a profound exercise as it helps your men get in touch with those deep hurts and the poor modeling they were exposed to in their past. Be sensitive to opening this door. If you sense someone wants to talk about it and it seems right, do it. When you do so, have a special prayer for this man after his sharing. If you feel that it is a private issue, meet with him privately so he can share with you.


(Sample Questions)

Q: This is where a lot of people get hung up. They are in full agreement that God Knows and He Cares, but they don’t feel. He is willing to involve Himself in their life. Did any of you feel this way when we first started The Journey?

Q: Has your opinion changed since then? If so, how?

Q: How many of you felt that way because you didn’t feel like you were measuring up and God wouldn’t help you like He did others?

Q: Let’s talk a little about God’s grace. Grace is hard to understand, do you agree?

Q: Have you grown in your understanding of God’s grace since starting The Journey?

Q: How has this growth in understanding God’s grace helped you with the question of is He willing to help you?

Mentor’s Insight: We try to make The Journey as grace driven as possible by always taking the answer back to God’s grace, with questions such as being unworthy. “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees,” was a warning by Christ to His disciples. What was this caution Jesus was giving us? It was the legalism and performism of these people, and it taints our understanding and acceptance of God’s unconditional love and help. We have to move forward in our journey not by performance for God, but by learning to walk in and to live in God’s grace. This practice of “marinating in God’s grace” is found only in the intimate, abiding relationship He invites us to. It is the only way we can escape the “leaven of the Pharisees,” for it is the value system that our world operates with. However, this abiding is also the only place we can do a true work for Christ that will last for eternity. Therefore, if we really want to perform for God, it is found in the Inner Chamber, as He enables our gifts and strategically places us where we can do our best.


(Sample Questions)

Q: How has your knowledge of God’s capabilities grown since entering The Journey?


Q: In the last few months have any of you seen God do some things that would point out His special ability to you? Would you share it?

Q: Why do you think God wants to reveal His majesty to us?

State: Let’s talk a little about trials and how they fit into God’s blessings to us. Consider the following cause and affect process.

(Write on board)

Trials to Treasure - God’s Plan to Bless

1. A trial or test provides stretching. 2. This stretching provides a new capacity to receive. 3. The greater capacity to receive provides a fresh hunger to fill. 4. The fresh hunger to fill provides a new pursuit to find. 5. The new pursuit to find provides new discoveries to seek. 6. The new discoveries found provides a greater knowledge of God. 7. A greater knowledge of God provides the source of our need. 8. To have our need provided provides a deeper intimacy with God. 9. A deeper intimacy with God is the purpose of the tria.l

Q: So, in light of this “cause and affect” process, why does God want to demonstrate His power and ability to us?

Answer: So that we can be ultimately blessed by it by coming closer to Him.

• Wrap-up.

Insight: Go over the four chapter assignment for the Gospel of John. Challenge your participants to continue their hunt for treasure and to bring it back to share with your group. Encourage them to seek and find, on their own, God’s insight and direction, while recording it in their journals. Remind them that this is the time they are learning to self­feed, and it is essential to stay with it until God speaks to them.

• Close with prayer.



-Assignment for Session 3-

Enabled (Revisited and Amplified)


Gabe’s Principle # 2 - Be a God Abider

As indicated in your previous assignment, we are “releasing you” to the hunt, as you dig independently for treasure, and you learn to self-feed. Some of you are flying with this assignment. Some of you are still struggling. For those of you who are still in the struggle, but still in the hunt, don’t give up, for the Lord has promised that if we seek Him with all our hearts we will find Him. How do we know this? He wants to be found.

Before reading and studying your next four chapters of the Gospel of John, glance at the following scriptures in Psalm 119 for the “how and why” we are leading you to learn how to self-feed. Read the first 45 verses of Psalm 119. Pay attention to the “how” mentioned in verses 9-11. Now look at the “why” mentioned in verse 45. (Hint: “treasure and freedom” are mentioned) Feed on that a while before you enter your study of John.

Men, we can’t wait to hear your words that you share from the insight gained in your Bible studies.

God bless you.

Your fellow Journeymen.


Expressing -Session 3-

Enabled (Revisited and Amplified)


Gabe’s Principle # 2 - Be a God Abider


To explore more deeply Gabe’s Principle # 2, which is what it means to abide with Christ. In this session we will challenge the group with the requirement of “Personal Abandonment and Absolute Trust,” as mentioned on the doors to the Inner Chamber.


I stood negotiating within myself whether to continue on the path or not, and an angry question found its way to my thoughts. Why did God’s Sacred Garden include a frightening place like this?

Everything to that point had been so pleasant and peaceful. But this was absolutely dreadful. “Lord,” I cried, “How can I do this? Why must I do this?”

“Do you trust ME?”’ was the simple answer I heard. “Yes dear Lord, I trust You. But, I am so afraid,” I replied.

“Follow my voice and I will lead you safely through this threat,” He said. The Lord’s voice was calming. As long as I could hear Him speaking to me,

I felt courage. But, when He was silent my fear returned. “Lord,’ I cried out, “is there no other way?”

“Not if you want the peace and intimacy with ME that you seek,” was His reply.

(Excerpt from) The Prayer Cottage and the Sacred Garden

Even Jesus cried out, “Father, is there no other way?” We all cry out with the fear of pain and challenges that we may not be able to overcome, unless God’s plan works and He keeps us steady on our high places. What is His plan for us? To draw us near to Him is pretty clear. What is His method? That we volitionally surrender our “idols”, our illusion of control, our fears and anything else that comes before Him.

“My “idols,” you ask, I have no graven images in my life! How can I surrender an idol if I don’t have one?”

Consider the definition of an idol: “Anything that comes before God in your life.” What can that include? Let’s think about it. Television? Game-day? Hobbies? Work? We don’t have to go far to uncover some, do we? Pretty obvious things when you think about it. How about fears? How about losing control of your life? How about trusting someone so thoroughly you leave no back door for escape?

When you pull these thoughts together and get a handle on how many things can, and do, come before God in our life, then we can understand what “Personal Abandonment” would include. When we think about the thoroughness of “Absolute Trust,” then we can also understand our very limited and even conditional faith in God.


Now understand this: What it means to abandon and trust in the way it is being presented is an individual decision and is also defined by the individual and God. We are not trying to create a condition outside God’s grace that requires performance or a testosterone ladened challenge to “jump into the unknown.” We are, however, trying to emphasize to your men God’s own challenges to us to trust Him, to depend on Him and to give our lives over to Him. If we try to whitewash it or soften it for fear of losing them or frightening them, we do these men no favor. Our sacred responsibility to them is to speak His truth and let it speak to their heart. For that reason, we will be pointing them to scriptures that deal with abandonment and trust. It might be some tough going, so pray that you will let God’s word speak and work in their hearts.

As said many times, the best witness for leading someone to the Inner Chamber is one who has faced those doors and their requirement for entry. This would be a good time to share your struggle with it and what has come from it. If you can share what it means to you, it will have a powerful impact on your group.

We will also allow your group to discuss other aspects of Enabled, so that this foundation can be packed down tightly. Questions are provided if it is necessary for you to use them.


-Session 3-

Enabled (Revisited and Amplified) Or

Gabe’s Principle # 2 - Be a God Abider

• Roundtable Time.

Mentor’s Insight: Remember our emphasis on self­feeding and the Bible study efforts we have requested of your group as their assignment? Begin your time with an open sharing from their journals, while focusing in on the highlighted passages they found significant.

• Begin your session by reading the excerpt from The Prayer Cottage and the Sacred Garden found in your O&P.

Mentor’s Insight: This excerpt can be a good way to get your group thinking about the discipleship and pruning process found in the Enabled series. Since you will be discussing the subject of Personal Abandonment and Absolute Trust, it could be a good way to start it.

• Discussion of the excerpt.

(Sample Questions)

Q: When we read this excerpt, what answer did God give as to why the frightening trial was allowed?

Answer: In order to have the peace and intimacy with God that the man was

Mentor’s Notes:


seeking and to ultimately become God’s champion he had to experience God’s willingness and ability to protect him.

Q: You read this book before your first extended prayer session. How does this excerpt and requirement impact you now that you’ve progressed in The Journey?

Q: Have any of you felt that God has challenged you to abandon and trust Him more deeply? Share with us your struggle if you will.

Mentor’s Insight: These questions are designed to give the men insight as to some reasons why they may be going through some tests. Many times a simple observation that someone is being disciplined, pruned or sifted is of great encouragement at a difficult time, for it gives hope and reminder of God’s invitation to come closer to Him.

Personal Abandonment and Absolute Trust.

Mentor’s Insight: Pick out the scripture(s) that reference the types and purpose of trials, based on your preference. Use these scriptures as a starting point for discussing Abandonment and Trust. These scriptures mention some reasons for the trials and tests that we go through. To this point we have been discussing the trials of Gabe within the context of the story. Now, your men need to have a scriptural reference so they will know where our story gets its inspiration.

Scripture Reading

Types of Trials

• 2 Cor. 1:8-10 - (Some trial are very severe) • Job 1:7-22 - (Some trials have an unknown reason) • 2 Cor. 12: 7-10 - (Some trials are sometimes physical) • 1 Cor, 10:13 - (Although difficult, trials are endurable) • Matt. 5:10-12 - (Trials are rewardable)

Trials Purpose

• Gen. 22:1-18 - (To test faith) • 1 Peter 1:6-9 - (To purify faith) • James 1:3,4,12 - (To increase patience) • Ps. 66:10-12 - (To place us in a better place) • Is. 48:10 - (To refine us) • Hebrews 12: 10 - (To partake of the righteousness of God) • 1 Peter 4: 12-16 - (To bring glory to our King)

• Discussion of Personal Abandonment and Absolute Trust.

(Sample Questions)

Q: Do you think most Christian men have a fear of abandoning themselves to Christ and trusting Him absolutely?


Q: If you were asked to define the term “Personal Abandonment, as it relates to your life, what would you have to abandon?

Mentor’s Insight: You are now getting down to the core fears of a man when he is asked to give up control, even though complete control is an illusion. If he is honest with himself, he will define what that control is and why he has a fear of letting it go. This is a time to discuss the issue of abandoning control of something that a man has. It is not a time to have an intervention. Let your men talk this over conceptually as a group, but allow them to do business with God on this issue privately. Remember the decision to enter the Inner Chamber is something we have to make as an individual, not as a group.

Q: What do you think about idols? Do you think some of us, or even you could have an idol in your life?

Mentor’s Insight: It might help to give the definition of an idol in order to stimulate your group’s personal application to the question: “Idol ­ anything that comes before God in your life.”

Q: How do idols get in the way of our relationship with God?

Q: How do you think the trials and their purpose come into play with the issue of abandoning any idols we have in our life?

Q: Do you understand how the abandonment of anything that comes before God in your life can ultimately bless you?

Q: Do you think our holding on to an idol, or anything that comes before God, can keep us from abiding with Christ?

Faith verses Trust

Q: Back to the purpose of trials. Do you think there is a difference in simply having faith in God and trusting Him with all that you care for?

Q: Can trials and our rescue from them by God, lead to a strengthening of our faith to a point of absolute trust in Christ and can this be the reason God allows the trial in our life?

Mentor’s Insight: Jesus wants us to understand that He is trustworthy and that we can abandon ourselves to Him. There is a difference in simply having faith in Him and trusting Him absolutely. The trials that we are given are actually His methods of introducing His faithfulness to us. It is His plan that we see Him come to our rescue in the various trials that we are required to face and as a result, we grow in our faith to the point we are ready to trust Him absolutely.

Consider the training

Q: If you were a good coach and wanted to produce a winning team, you would take the individuals of that team through a regiment of receiving the necessary nutrition, matching it with


challenging exercises to build muscle, and would make sure they have essential recuperative rest following the training. During this training you would also be working with the individuals in their particular position to make them better at it, while giving to the team a game plan and objectives. Do you agree with this?

Q: Can you also see a similar cycle with the way God grows us in our faith?

Mentor’s Insight: God gives us nutrition from His word. He challenges us to use His instructions from the word when we face our trials. This builds faith. He gives us rest when we need it, as He has promised us that trials are momentary and we will get through them. In this cycle of communication to us, He also builds our identity, our purpose and where we should serve Him with the gifts of His Spirit. This is His “game plan” for us. Q: The next question has to do with God’s ultimate objective with the trials. He uses them to push our journey forward to the Inner Chamber and what we gain within our intimate relationship with Him. In this sacred place we are “enabled” for many things. Let’s make a list of the things that we are enabled to do in the Inner Chamber. What would you say they would be?

Mentor’s Insight

1. Jesus said for us to take His yoke upon ourselves and learn from Him. Abiding in Him “yokes” our desires of the flesh and gives us the ability to live a Christ centered life.

2. Abiding in Him enables our transformation into becoming Christ­like men who present the characteristics of Christ through our life’s expression.

3. Abiding in Him enables our hearts to change, as He exchanges our old hearts for new, and He restores to us what was lost.

4. Abiding in Him enables us to bear a fruit that lasts, which is the only way it can be done.

5. Abiding in Him enables our spiritual gifts, which is the individual part we play with the team (The Church) as we compete in His game plan (The Great Commission) for reaching the world with His gospel message.

6. Abiding in Him enables our weapons and defenses for facing spiritual warfare, giving us the ability to “charge the gates of Hell” (Satan’s strongholds in this world). See Matthew 16:18.

7. Abiding in Him enables our thirst for God to finally be addressed, as we are able to partake of His Living Water.

• Wrap-up.

Mentor’s Insight: Read the following attachment to your group in order to hammer home your discussion about Abandonment and Absolute Trust, and follow it up with the challenge we’ve provided.


The Feast in the

Inner Chamber

I watched Learner rise from the banquet table, where he had been eating. I followed him as he walked toward two large wooden doors that exited from the banquet hall. Over the large doors were inscribed these words:

He who enters this Chamber must do so by Personal Abandonment and Absolute Trust

I watched Learner pause and read the words. I could tell he was considering the impact that such a commitment would have on his life. This was a serious, life- changing challenge, and it could not be entered into without considering the cost. I couldn’t help but think he was remembering where he had come from, outside the Kingdom’s walls, and his process of development. I thought, “He has to realize that the One Who has loved him and brought him this far would never ask anything of him that would hurt him or betray him even with the challenge that is being asked of him.” After a while of contemplation, Learner nodded as if to assure him self of the things I had come to think. Then he opened the massive doors and walked into the Chamber.

(Excerpt from The Journey to the Inner Chamber)

State: Men, as we wrap up this session, all of us realize that in order for our journey to continue to the depths of intimacy we want with Christ, we have a decision to make. “Do I trust Him absolutely? Can I trust Him absolutely? Can I abandon myself to Him? Do I take the next step through those Inner Chamber doors?” These are questions we must answer, and the next step we take must be yours and mine alone to take. We can only journey to the doors as a group. But, the next step is an individual decision for us to wrestle with and deal with. I will be praying for you, as you must carefully consider what Personal Abandonment and Absolute Trust will mean to you. I will also be praying that you will take that step to the Feast that is waiting for you there.

Mentor’s Insight: By this time you should be encouraged to sense the leadership of the Spirit, as He leads you to respond to your group’s reaction to the session. If you are out of time, invite the individuals to e­mail you questions and you can respond. Also, meet with them privately, for this will be an excellent time for mentoring a future leader and helping him see the dynamics of personal abandonment and absolute trust. At this point your group is ready for the level of challenge that you are giving to them. It is their decision to respond to it. It is your responsibility to speak the truth and let it work its way to their hearts.

• Go over the assignment, as your group continues to journal in the next four chapters of John and close with prayer.



-Assignment for Session 4-

Gabe’s Principle # 3 - Live It Out

What is a “Sacred Responsibility?” Consider the definitions and especially the one we feel is most appropriate:


1. dedicated to a deity or religious purpose 2. relating to or used in religious worship 3. worthy of or regarded with religious veneration, worship, and respect 4. dedicated to or in honor of somebody 5. not to be challenged or disrespected


1. the state, fact, or position of being accountable to somebody or for something 2. the blame for something that has happened 3. somebody or something for which a person or organization is responsible 4. authority to make decisions independently

Let’s tie these definitions into our own interpretation and definition:

Sacred Responsibility - defined and personalized - “With respect for my King and His purpose for my life, I accept my position, state of life and circumstances as an opportunity to fulfill His sovereign plans, and in doing so I am provided an opportunity to worship Him.”

As you prepare for our discussions in the next session, please consider our definition of “Sacred Responsibility.” We will discuss it.

Most of all please continue your “self-feeding” efforts as you continue your reading and study of the next four chapters of the Gospel of John. We look forward to the great insight you share with us as the Lord speaks to you.

To His great glory.


Expressing -Session 4-

Gabe’s Principle # 3 - Live It Out


To explore more deeply Gabe’s Principle # 3, which is to “Live it out.” In this session we will challenge the group to look at the Harvest opportunities in their world around them and to prioritize their expression, as they express Christ’s love in their marriage, to their children and to their neighbors around them. We will also continue to remind them that this expression is supernatural and must come from their time in the Inner Chamber.


Sacred Responsibility - (defined and personalized) - “With respect for my King and His purpose for my life, I accept my position, state of life and circumstances as an opportunity to fulfill His sovereign plans and

in doing so I am provided an opportunity to worship Him.”

“When you leave this Sacred Garden, My child, you are entrusted with a sacred duty to be My witness. The best witness that you can be is the way you live your life before other people. Let your actions be

inspired by your gratitude to Me and My love for you. Be fair, be merciful, and be gracious. My characteristics are imparted to you as you abide in Me. This ‘fruit of the Spirit’ is able to affect others

as they see how you deal with the difficulties of your life and walk on your high places. These characteristics shine like a light in darkness, and they declare your authenticity.”

(Excerpt from) The Prayer Cottage and the Sacred Garden

Live it out: Gabe had a simple plan for living out his faith. He had priorities and all that he did flowed through this plan. First, was to love his wife like Christ loved the church and gave Himself for us. Second, was to love his children like the prodigal

father loved his son and always opened his arms to them. Third, was to embrace his world around him with a sacred responsibility and to express the love that was given to him by Jesus to those God brought into his life, whether they were bad or


(Excerpt from) The Journey to the Inner Chamber



(To be read during Session 4)

Then He (Jesus) said, “There was once a man who had two sons. The younger said to his father, ‘Father, I want right now what’s coming to me.’

“So the father divided the property between them. It wasn’t long before the younger son packed his bags and left for a distant country. There, undisciplined and dissipated, he wasted everything he bad. After he had gone through all his money, there was a bad famine all through that country and he began to hurt. He signed on with a citizen there who assigned him to his fields to slop the pigs. He was so hungry he would have eaten the corncobs in the pig slop, but no one would give him any.

“That brought him to his senses. He said, ‘All those farmhands working for my father sit down to three meals a day, and here I am starving to death. I’m going back to my father. I’ll say to him, Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you. I don’t deserve to be called your son. Take me on as a hired hand.’ He got right up and went home to his father.” When he was still a long way off, his father saw him. His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him. The son started his speech: ‘Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you. I don’t deserve to be called your son ever again.’

“But the father wasn’t listening. He was calling to the servants, ‘Quick. Bring a clean set of clothes and dress him. Put the family ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Then get a grain-fed heifer and roast it. We’re going to feast! We’re going to have a wonderful time! My son is here, given up for dead and now alive! Given up for lost and now found!’ And they began to have a wonderful time.

“All this time his older son was out in the field. When the day’s work was done he came in. As he approached the house, he heard the music and dancing. Calling over one of the houseboys he asked what was going on. He told him, ‘Your brother came home. Your father has ordered a feast of barbecued beef, because he has him home safe and sound.’

“The older brother stalked off in an angry sulk and refused to join in. His father came out and tried to talk to him, but he wouldn’t listen. The son said, ‘Look how many years I’ve stayed here serving you, never giving you one moment of grief, but have you ever thrown a party for me and my friends? Then this son of yours who has thrown away your money on whores, shows up and you go all out with a feast!’

“His father said, ‘Son, you don’t understand. You’re with me all the time, and everything that is mine is yours. But, this is a wonderful time, and we had to celebrate. This brother of yours was dead, and he’s alive! He was lost, and now he’s found!’ “

The Message by

Eugene Peterson



-Session 4-

Gabe’s Principle #3 - Live It Out

• Roundtable Time

Mentor’s Insight: Remember our emphasis on self­feeding and the Bible study efforts we have requested of your group as their assignment? Begin your time with an open sharing from their journals, while focusing in on the highlighted passages they found significant.

• Begin your session

Mentor’s Insight: Start your session by reading the excerpts from the two stories included in your O&P.

• Gabe’s Principle #3

Mentor’s Insight: Read Gabe’s Principle # 3 that follows.

Live it out: Gabe had a simple plan for living out his faith. He had priorities and all that he did flowed through this plan. First, was to love his wife like Christ loved the church and gave Himself for us. Second, was to love his children like the prodigal father loved his son and always opened his arms to them. Third, was to embrace his world around him with a sacred responsibility and to express the love that was given to him by Jesus to those God brought into his life, whether they were bad or good.

State: This principle lived out doesn’t sound glamorous. In fact it would seem downright mundane and less than gallant, unless you were to look through the eyes of those precious lives that have been entrusted to you and see how very important you are to them and you understand the importance Christ puts on this priority.

Q: Could it be true that we don’t look at those opportunities around us as anything special because they are not glamorous and we don’t get any “press” in giving our life to them?

Q: If Gabe had seen life that way, would he have served the enemies and strangers that invaded his privacy and his life?

Mentor’s Insight: It was because Gabe operated with those principles that we’ve been discussing that caused him to become involved and overcome his natural flesh reactions. As a result, God was able to produce tremendous fruit through his life. Spend the rest of your time discussing that 3 rd principle and its priority of expression.

Discussion of the priority of Expression

Mentor’s Notes:


• Love my wife as Christ loves the Church: Read Ephesians 5:25,

(Sample Questions)

Q: We see is in this verse that we are to love our wives as Christ loves the Church. Let’s first of all discuss the challenge Christ has in order to love the Church. Is the Church without its flaws and is it totally lovable?

Mentor’s Insight: No. As an object of His love, we are totally undeserving of it. The church is comprised of imperfect people who disgrace, disobey and disavow our commitment to Christ constantly. But still He loves us, for His love is unconditional and always hoping for the best for us.

Q: What are some things that Christ has to pass His grace over in order to love you and me? Let’s brainstorm it for a few minutes.

Mentor’s Insight: “Take the log out of your own eye before taking the speck out of another person’s eye.” Jesus gave this council to help us view others more appropriately. We are so critical of the imperfections of others but give ourselves a tremendous amount of grace with our own imperfections. Take your group through a time of “log inspection” so they can get in touch with Christ’s grace to them, and so they can then understand what is required of Christ to love them. Then equate this understanding to loving our wives in the same manner. When we do this, we see how conditional we are in our love for her. How can God bless our marriage if we, as the spiritual leader of our homes, do not follow His first instruction to us, which is love our wives in the same manner He does?

Q: Do we have a problem loving our wives like Christ loves us because we use a different standard than His to us? Do we require justice when we should be dispensing grace? Can this be what hinders our marriage from growing into what God would want it to become?

Q: How is it possible to love our wives like we’re instructed to do so, by giving to them “grace love?”

Mentor’s Insight: Again, the great impossibility exists when we try to do the right thing in the wrong way. We cannot originate Christ’s unconditional love. It must flow from Him and through us. This can only happen as a fruit of abiding with Him. If we try to do the right thing but in the wrong way, we will fail and we will not experience the kind of marriage that can be created by Him. Remember, the first description of the fruit of the Spirit is “love.” This is the unconditional, life­altering love that sets us free and joins us to Him. This love will also join a marriage together in such a way that it too becomes a supernatural expression of a couple who abides in Christ. As the spiritual leader in our homes, we are to be the models to our family of what Christ’s love looks like. This is best seen by the way we love our wife.

• Love my children as the Prodigal Father loved his children.


Mentor’s Insight: Read the insert provided concerning the Prodigal Son. This is a powerful story of a godly man, his two sons and the servants that watched the drama. Read the insert and discuss the event, as you look for the model of loving our children that God has given us.

(Sample Questions)

Q: There are four characters pointed out in this parable? Who were they?

Mentor’s Tip: The two sons and the father are obvious. The fourth character(s) are obscure and can be overlooked. The servants. Think about it. Isn’t it something that the people around us observe good and bad things about us, and how we deal with our problems is a witness or influence to our world around us?

The Father and the Lost Son.

Q: Let’s start with the two sons. What characteristics are demonstrated by the lost son?

Tip: Rebellion – consequences ­ brokenness – humility – change of life’s direction ­ return to the father and home.

Q: We see the lost son returns home. What made him think that his father would welcome him back?

Mentor’s Tip: The life his father had lived out before his son. The father had trained up this child by demonstrating the way he treated people was fair and with a good heart. An example of the father’s life was the way he treated his hired men. The son would have been satisfied in just being treated as one of his father’s hired hands.

Q: If the father had been a “tin man” (a man without a heart) when the prodigal son was growing up, what would the child had probably done?

Tip: He would have thought the father would not welcome him back. He would have had no alternatives. He would have perished.

Q: But what quality did the father demonstrate to his wayward child?

Mentor’s Insight: Unconditional, Christ­like love. When the son came home he was welcomed with the open arms of unconditional love, much like God to us in that he gives us much more than we expect or deserve. He gives us His grace. What a welcome!

Q: As fathers, can we see how the practice of unconditional love lived out and expressed to our children’s mother and to them will help our children to always know that our arms are open to them?

Q: As a father, if you had a child that grew to adulthood and one day strayed from the training you had given him, how would you want this son (or daughter) to remember you when he finally comes


to the broken reality of his situation, as the Prodigal Son did?

Mentor’s tip: You might be asking this question to young fathers, which will hopefully challenge them to begin a pattern of relating to their child in such a way that when their child grows up they will be remembered as a godly “prodigal father.” On the other hand you might be asking this question to someone who is dealing with the guilt of being a past “tin man.” Encourage the latter that it is not too late to awaken a heart that can still bring healing to old wounds and welcome back their prodigal son.

The Father and the Faithful Son.

State: In this passage we do see a “Tin Man,” the brother. I think we all could relate to his attitude, especially if you have had a family member who has followed a similar course as his brother. As with most empty hearted attitudes, he missed the blessing. Still, his wise father reminded him that he was not overlooked and his faithfulness would be rewarded. Look what the father said to him.

“His father said, ‘Son, you don’t understand. You’re with me all the time. And everything I have is yours’…….”

Mentor’ Tip: In other words, the party is still ahead for you, so don’t get an attitude of self pity. Our Father in heaven has some great things in store for His faithful children, along with the great benefits of being in a right relationship with Him as we abide with Him. Encourage your group not to lose the blessing because of self pity.

The Father and the Servants

Q: Now the fourth character or characters are the servants. Why should we point out these relatively obscure people in this scenario?

Mentor’s Insight:: They are the observers. They are the witnesses of this great love of the father.

Q: How do you think the servants observation of the prodigal father would have influenced the way they started parenting their children from that point on?

Mentor’s Tip: Have you considered those around you, such as your friends and family members, your neighbors and the friends of your children? Think of how they are influenced when they observe your actions and when you demonstrate a love like the prodigal father to your family? This man was demonstrating Agape love, and when we do this we don’t know when we are being observed. But someone is watching, and we are influencing that person. We are bearing fruit. When we carry out our sacred responsibilities as spiritual leaders in our family in the way Jesus would do it, we demonstrate to our world around us what is going on inside us. We become powerful influencers, and this love is reproduced all around us. Even into the next generations. This is real influence for it goes on long after we are dead and gone. It is our spiritual legacy.


Q: Not to sound redundant, but we must continue to hammer home the point. How can we become men that can love our wife and children like Christ and the Prodigal Father loved?

Mentor’s Tip: It is a fruit of the abiding relationship we have with Christ.

• Embrace My World Around Me With A Sacred Responsibility

Mentor’s Insight: Read and discuss the definition of Sacred Responsibility and lead our group in a discussion of what it means:

Sacred Responsibility - (defined and personalized) - “With respect for my King and His purpose for my life, I accept my position, state of life and circumstances as an opportunity to fulfill His sovereign plans, and in doing so I am provided an opportunity to worship Him.”

(Sample Questions)

Q: In your assignment we gave to you our definition of Sacred Responsibility and asked that you think on it. Let’s discuss it. Would you agree that this definition sounds about right?

Q: How do you think our reaction to our life’s circumstances can be an opportunity to worship God?

Q: In the story The Journey to the Inner Chamber there was a discussion between the young preacher and Gabe when the young man was trying to rebuild the church. The young man was feeling sorry for himself because no one else was helping him other than Gabe. Do you remember what Gabe told him?

Mentor’s Insight: “All self­pity is from the Devil. Now are you going to listen to him or to God? Get back to work and let Him deal with their hearts!”

Q: Can self-pity, because of our poor circumstances and those difficult special challenges in our life, keep us from embracing our sacred responsibility?

Mentor’s Insight: At the root of self­pity is a complaining and thankless heart. In essence we are saying that God doesn’t care about me or He is not in control or I don’t deserve the problem. We miss the big picture in not seeing how essential our part could be in that circumstance as God perfects His master plan. Since we don’t embrace it as coming from God, we lose the opportunity to worship God through it. Thus all self­pity is from Satan.

Q: How did Gabe accept his “position, state of life and circumstances?”

Mentor’s Insight: He gave it back to God in the form of worship. He believed that all his circumstances, good or bad, would be an opportunity to worship God, if he chose to use it as such. He believed there was a master plan that surrounded his life and that anything God gave to him was acceptable.


Q: Is there a certain kind of freedom to live life when we have such trust and a view of life that God is really totally in control of everything about us and He has a wonderful plan for our life?

State: God has communicated to us that not only are we invited to a life changing intimacy with Christ in the Inner Chamber, He also expects us to take what we find there to our world around us, beginning in or marriage, then to our children and next to the rest of our world around us. The entire sphere of influence that our life has should be embraced as a “sacred responsibility.”

• Wrap-up.

Mentor’s Insight: Read the following excerpt as a means for bringing the whole session together. Then, make the final statement concerning the session.

(Excerpt from) The Journey to the Inner Chamber

The doors to the Inner Chamber began to open slowly. I was to the side of the doors, so I could only see the emergence of the man who came from the Chamber. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Standing before me was a man in shining armor similar to Influencer. I recognized him as Learner, but he had only a slight similarity to the man who entered God’s Kingdom. The man who had entered God’s kingdom was replaced by a new one. It was obvious that an amazing supernatural transformation had occurred in Learner’s life and that the Feast he had just partaken of had completed its work. This new man now stood strong, confident and dangerous. He was ready for battle.

State: This new man stood strong, confident and dangerous. He was ready for battle. Men, when a man comes out of the Inner Chamber, which is an allegory for our abiding relationship with Christ, we are ready for impacting our world with Christ’s love. This impacting love, called the fruit of the Spirit, begins first with our family and next it radiates to the rest of our world around us, and it this fruit that empowers us to “embrace our world with a sacred responsibility.” Because we will be facing a powerful enemy, our next session will deal with preparing for the spiritual warfare we will face.

• Remind your group of their journaling assignment in the Gospel of John and dismiss with prayer.



-Assignment for Session 5-

The Influencer’s Warfare – Strategy and Resources

(Excerpts from) The Journey to the Inner Chamber

Refugee Camp

As I began to scan the starving crowd, I saw something that was in stark contrast to the misery I had been viewing. Riding through the crowd, mounted on magnificent horses, were riders dressed in gleaming armor. The armor, the noble steeds and the riders’ air of confidence were handsome and appealing. As I watched the riders move gently through the crowds, I saw flaming arrows being shot at them from hideous creatures that were walking through the crowd of humans. The flaming missiles had no effect, though, as they bounced off the riders’ armor and shields.

The Feast

As Messenger’s words trailed off, Learner’s face began to transform. There, mounted on his beast of war, dressed in shining armor and ready for battle, was the man I had been following through his spiritual journey to the Feast in the Inner Chamber. Little did I know when I first saw the pitiful Refugee, who later became Learner that I was looking at someone most familiar to me. Before my eyes, mounted on his horse and courageously ready for battle, was the man God wanted me to become. It was also the man I desired to be. I was looking at a man that was slightly older than me. But, I was looking at myself.

If there was ever a moment in my life when disappointment and excitement could coexist, it was then. Yes, the revelation of my spiritual retardation and the resulting loss of joy and purpose disappointed me. But at the same time I was excited about the hope of tomorrow and the clear purpose before me. The thought that I could be a warrior like Learner and Influencer excited me. With great resolve I committed to change things. I turned to tell Messenger about my commitment only to see that I was rising to the clouds and being withdrawn from him and the vision. As I slowly rose, I could see that Learner and Influencer had already entered the battleground. Arrows were bouncing off their armor as quickly as they were being shot. I could see the joy in their faces as their swords were drawn and being used to attack the enemy of mankind. Like the expression of sheer delight seen in the faces of athletes when they run for the prize, these two warriors had the expression of joy and satisfaction. It was the last scene in the vision as I was drawn back to the clouds and then to my study.

As we move toward the final sessions in The Journey, it is imperative that you be aware of and become prepared for the nature of the spiritual battle you will face. You will be in danger, but you will be a dangerous warrior that is prepared for his battles. But, you’ve got to be prepared with the spiritual armor for the battles. In the next session, we will introduce the battle plan that God has given us.

Your assignment is to continue to read and journal in the last five chapters of the Gospel of John. Did you know that the journaling in God’s word that you have been doing is actually training you with how to use the only offensive weapon God has given to you? Look what the Bible says about it.

“And take the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:17.

See you next session as we do some “Sword Training.”


Expressing -Session 5-

The Influencer’s Warfare – Strategy and Resources


In the spirit of full disclosure it is only prudent that we spend time imparting some wisdom, knowledge and discernment about the fact that there are enemies who are opposed to our Journey. This session introduces the need to be sensitive to the battle and to be prepared for the fight.


There is opposition on our sacred journey to the Inner Chamber and our Sacred Responsibility from it.

The easy thing for us to do would be to share this news in a kind of sidebar comment. “Oh, by the way, you need to be aware as you begin your journey of Expression that there are enemies along the way who are opposed to everything you’ve learned thus far. So, be careful out there.” This kind of approach would leave questions, concerns and confusion about who these enemies are and the evil deeds they throw along the pathway. Confusion leads to lies, lies lead to fear, fear leads to bondage and bondage leads to paralysis. Our journey for the rest of our life could come to a halt even before it starts, if we did not prepare ourselves adequately for the existence and nature of our opposition.

John Eldredge writes in his book Waking the Dead, “We are at war...The world in which we live is a combat zone, a violent clash of kingdoms, a bitter struggle unto the death. I’m sorry if I’m the one to break this news to you: you were born into a world at war, and you will live all your days in the midst of a great battle, involving all the forces of heaven and hell and played out here on earth.” Jesus himself said in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. Paul says in Ephesians 6:12, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” This kind of opposition sounds scary! If this sounds “mystical” or “cosmic” like the forces of good verses evil in the movie Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, good, but it’s bigger than that, it is God verses Evil.”

The ministry of an Influencer is a ministry focused on the marketplace. Ed Silvoso in his book, Anointed for Business, defines this marketplace as having three basic components: business, education and government. He states that the marketplace is the heart of the city. This is also a primary target for the enemy of mankind. The fact that it is also a primary target of the Influencers ministry, would guarantee to us that we will see spiritual opposition. The enemy aims at the heart of the city with his lies. We aim at the heart of the city with the truth of a transformed life. There will be battles waged. We can either be victims or victors. If we expect victories, then we must use the weapons that our King has given us for waging spiritual warfare.

Concerning this target Silvoso also states, “Demons spend their time in the command centers that control unredeemed business, education and government circles.” We must be prepared to meet this resistance by taking up the Shield of Faith”.

We believe that an Influencer’s vocational job could be used as a ministry platform for pulling down the strongholds of the enemy in the heart of these businesses. However, we must remember that we are on the enemy’s turf. We are fighting in his backyard and we must not go into it unprepared.

Our Journey will come with opposition, roadblocks, heartache, and causalities, but it will also come with ultimate victory. John assures us of this victory in I John 4:4.


“...greater is He (God) that is in you than he (Satan) that is in the world.”

John also assures us victory in I John 5:4.

“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—Our faith.”

Yes, our faith becomes our Shield, that instrument of war about which Paul says in Ephesians 6:16:

“ will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”

The Journey has been inspired to lead us into an intimate relationship with the Creator of the Universe . It is essential that we would know and trust, without a doubt, the One who is the focus of our faith. Our faith and trust in Christ * “is the force that is beyond our fear, and more powerful than self-preservation.” * (See Gates of Fire excerpt)

Spiritual warfare includes many aspects, from knowing the enemy to knowing how to war. Understand that any teaching on this subject should require more time than one session. We are required to reduce it to simply an introduction in the session. We are also trying to eliminate the element of surprise and inspire the individuals in the group to dedicate some self-feeding time to the subject, for gaining better understanding. Like any other worldly or spiritual pursuit, the more knowledge and understanding we develop with a subject, the better we become in its application, and this better prepares us for meeting the opposition.

The discussion material that we are providing include the following:

1. Knowledge about who our enemy is. (The world, the flesh and the Devil)

2. Knowledge about the destructive tactics of our enemy.

3. Knowledge about victory strategies available to us in our fight against this enemy.

4. Finally, we will introduce some practice skills utilizing the Full Armor of God found in Ephesians 6.

If you or your group desires to gain more understanding on this subject we would recommend a book written by Mark I. Bubeck entitled, The Adversary. (published in 1975 by The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, ISBN: 0-8024-0143-0) .

Several noteworthy items are introduced in this book and become an adequate warning for the unprepared who ventures into Satan’s back yard. They are as follows.

§ “Believers are being (should be) jolted awake to the reality of their participation in a spiritual warfare. This warfare promises to intensify as the return of our Lord draws nearer.”

§ “The biblical doctrine concerning the fallen world of darkness deserves much more careful study than most believers have given it. Ignorance of Satan’s devices leaves gaping holes in our defenses, through which the enemy is only too willing to move against us.”

§ “It is important that we keep a biblical balance in our warfare. We must be careful not to develop a demon behind every bush spiritual mentality”.

Let us give one final caution when teaching or leading any discussion about spiritual warfare. Our objective is to not generate fear of our enemy. Instead, we are attempting to develop a healthy respect for his modus operandi and to affirm that our hope for complete victory is achieved when we yoke ourselves to the greatest military strategist of all times, Jesus Christ.


“The Shield”

­A creative illustration­

Gates of Fire by

Steven Pressfield

Although extraordinary valor was displayed by the entire corps of Spartans and Thespians, yet bravest of all was declared the Spartan Dienekes. It is said that on the eve of battle, he was told by a native of Trachis that the Persian archers were so numerous that, when they fired their volleys, the mass of arrows, blocked out the sun. Dienekes, however quite undaunted by this prospect, remarked with a laugh, “Good. Then we’ll have our battle in the shade.” Herodotus, the Historian

Dienekes (Battle hardened Spartan warrior about thirty-five years of age) “Have your instructors taught you why the Spartans excuse without penalty the warrior who loses his helmet or breastplate in battle, but punish with loss of all citizenship rights the man who discards his shield?”

Alexandros (A twelve year-old Spartan warrior trainee under the mentorship of Dienekes) “They have. Because a warrior carries helmet and breastplate for his own protection, *but his shield for the safety of the whole line.

Dienekes smiled and placed a hand upon his protégé’s shoulder. “Remember this, my young friend. There is a force beyond fear. More powerful than self-preservation.”

* “but his shield for the safety of the whole line.” A Spartan warrior was trained early on that his shield was essential for his unit because in locking the shields side by side, greater protection was provided from the arrows of the enemy. Likewise, when a group of Influencers lock their shields of faith together in harmonious prayer and faith, a dynamic protection from the enemy’s onslaught occurs. Christ said that if there be an agreement of two believers in prayer, that which is asked for will be granted (Matt. 18:19). This is a example of locking shields. In Eph. 6:16 we are told the “shield of faith” will “extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one.” When we lock our shields of faith together, our protection is broader, as the promised benefit of God’s protection is realized.


Expressing -Session 5-

The Influencer’s Warfare – Strategy and Resources

§ Roundtable time.

Continue to let the men share from their journaling of John.

§ Read “The Shield” to your group.

Mentor’s Insight: The attached “The Shield” is a great way to shape your group’s focus on the spiritual warfare they will be facing. We would be remiss if did not prepare them in advance of the battles they will be facing. Read this to set the stage for the following discussion.

§ Discussion.

(Sample Questions)

Q. Please note the quote, “There is a force that is beyond fear, more powerful than self-preservation.” If we related this statement to our spiritual warfare as a Christian, what would be the force for us?

Answer: Our faith in Christ.

Q. Let’s turn to Ephesians 6:16 and read it. What does this verse promise that our faith in Jesus will produce, among other things?

Answer: Protection from the flaming missiles.

Q. What do you think those flaming missiles include? Sinful thoughts, fears, anxieties, doubts against God and His sovereignty? Let’s brainstorm this question.

Q. Do you think these temptations come from our mortal enemy only?

Mentor’s Insight: No. The above questions established a foundation for a discussion of the three root sources of temptation; the devil, the world and the flesh. The following statement should help you move your group to a discussion of those root sources. As we have indicated before, we would prefer that you put any statement or questions we provide you in your own words. However, if time doesn’t allow this, you may simply choose to read this statement to your group.

• Statement:

State; The Bible indicates that our temptation, as Christians, comes

Mentor’s Notes:


from three root sources. Satan is obvious, as he has been man’s mortal enemy since we became the “apple of God’s eye.” Satan is a spiritual being, a fallen angel and an enemy of our King. Satan and his fellow fallen beings are actively at work creating temptation and chaos in our world and most strategically toward God’s family. Because Satan is the “Prince” of this world, he has created his own value system that the world operates with. The Bible calls this value system simply “the world”. This helps us understand our second source of temptation.

The world is a value system that has been raised up against God’s value system. It is best spotted by comparing God’s precepts and guidelines against those that we have grown up with, those that are commonplace and those that are primarily self-centered. It has often been said that you know if you are on the right path if it goes against the status quo of what is popular. The status quo of that which is popular is described by Jesus in the following way:

“Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those that enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.” (Matt. 7:13-14)

Our next source of temptation cannot be blamed on Satan or the world. We look at him in the mirror everyday. It is our own self- nature. It has been said that it is hard to distinguish Satan’s voice from our own, for they sound so much alike. Why is this? Because the spiritual DNA of fallen man has been passed down from one generation to another until it found its way to you and me. It is our base nature to be opposed to God’s Lordship of our life, just like Satan. It is our base nature to be opposed to God’s value system, just like the world is opposed to it. This particular source of temptation is identified in the Bible as “the flesh” and we will wrestle with it until Jesus is given Lordship over it and we take His yoke upon us and learn from Him how to die to it.

• Discussion on the Devil, the World and the Flesh.

Mentor’s Insight: (Satan) Although there are many verses where we can see the heart and personality of Satan, we are providing only three for you to discuss. The are:

• The Accuser: Revelations 12:10 (discuss) • The Adversary: 1 Peter 5:8 • The Deceiver: 2 Cor. 11:14

Discuss these traits of Satan with your group and ask how they might be able to identify some examples of how he has acted in this area in their life and how they might stand firm against his attacks in the future. If you would like to find some additional traits to discuss, they can be found in a Biblical Cyclopedia Index.


Mentor’s Insight: (The World) The following verses provide us God’s view of the world and His instructions with reference to His children living in it.

• We are not of this world: John 17: 14,17 • We are not to be conformed to the world: Romans 12:2 • We should be over comers of the world: 1 John 5:4,5 • We are to be a light to the world: Matt. 5:14

Discuss these attributes of the world and help your group identify how the corruption of the “world” finds its way into our lives in almost every aspect, unless we learn to stand (live) apart from it.

Mentor’s Insight: (The Flesh) The following verses point out both the weakness and propensity that our nature has to follow a path that is contrary to God. It also points to our deliverance from it and how to stand against it.

• The personality of the flesh: Galatians 5: 19-21 • The conflict in the flesh: Romans 7:21-25 • The consequence of giving in to the flesh: Galatians 6: 7-8

Mentor’s Insight: Hopefully your group has had a good discussion on the root causes of sin. Now you need to lead them is an understanding of the weapons that are available to them for waging war against those temptations. The following passage will point them to that arsenal.

• Read Ephesians 6: 10-18. How to Stand and Win.

Mentor’s Insight: As the passage is being read, ask you group to identify and write down the spiritual weapons that are being mentioned. To assist your discussion consider the following weapons.

1. Stand firm: Must be bold and courageous.

2. Trust: Always remember the truth of who you are and the mission you are on.

3. Preparation: Know and remember your life’s purpose, and be prepared to express in your world around you.

4. Faith: It is not “our faith” that stands between us and the flaming missiles of the enemy. It is Jesus Himself. Our faith simply invites and trusts that He will stand before us. Learn to stand behind Him when the “arrows” start to fly your way by holding up the shield of faith.

5. Helmet of Salvation: Protect your mind and your thoughts. In 2 Cor. 10:5 we are told to capture every thought in obedience to Christ. Stop temptation where it begins, which is in your thought. With sexual temptations we are instructed to flee from it both physically and in our thoughts. We can not let it get a foothold in our mind, for if we do, it will be only a matter of time before it is lived out to our world.


6. The Word of God: Become and stay a self-feeder. God’s word makes us strong. It is our only offensive weapon. Learn to wield the “sword of the Spirit” and become God’s champion.

7. Prayer: Always ask for help from your King. Stay in constant communication with Him,

8. Be alert: Our enemy prowls around us. Learn to use your fellow Influencers by “locking up” your shields of faith.

• Encourage your group’s continued journaling for their assignment.

Mentor’s Insight: We have only touched the tip of the iceberg with our study on spiritual warfare. For that reason we recommend the purchase and reading of Mark I. Bubeck’s The Adversary. As an optional study, this will give them greater insight in how to wage a spiritual war with our adversary. Encourage them to follow up this discussion time with their own research and study.

• Discuss any final preparation for your weekend commencement and dismiss with prayer.


Expressing -Session 6-

Commencement Weekend


To provide a special time of dedication for your group with their life going forward and your release of them. You have invested several months of your life into these men. It is your final ministry to them in The Journey. It should be special for both them and you.


As we read the Gospel according to John, chapters 13 – 17, we watch a real-life human drama unfold, as Jesus prepares His disciples for His crucifixion. He also encourages them that it will not be the end, but rather the beginning of the purpose He has for them. It was a time of pulling together those things he had taught, modeled and prepared them for during His time with them. It was a celebration of the Lamb’s purpose and a demonstration of what a real servant of God looks like. It was also a model for us to follow.

What did Jesus model in those final hours before His death and resurrection? In Chapter 13, verse 15 He tells the disciples, “For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.”

Was Jesus only talking about the act of washing each other’s feet, or serving each other in the most humble way? Was this symbolic action on His part the whole of it, or was there more during that night that He left for us as an example for preparing the disciples for their future ministry? Can you, as a mentor, find other things that you should consider as you have your last night with your group and as you prepare them for their continued journey? Consider just a few of the things that Jesus left as an example for you to use on the very special “commencement” night you will be having with your group.

• He washed their feet and instructed that it be done by the disciples.

• He broke bread with them, as He not only met the physical needs of hungry men but also established a memorial that we celebrate as Communion.

• He reminded the disciples of the mission of His life and that His death was for that purpose.

• He established the disciple’s purpose, as they continued to serve Him by carrying the Gospel forward after He had left them.

§ He emphasized abiding many, many times, for their power, strength, prayer life and resource for living life.

§ He introduced the Holy Spirit and His purpose.

§ He encouraged them that the Holy Spirit would be with them always and would teach them and help them recall the things that He had taught and modeled before them.


§ He prepared them for the spiritual warfare that they would face and encouraged them to storm the gates of hell with the power and resources of the Holy Spirit.

§ He prayed for them.

§ After His crucifixion and resurrection, He commissioned them to go forward with the things that they had learned from Him and to make a difference to their world.

As you prepare for your commencement weekend give prayerful thought as to how you can fold the examples Jesus left into your weekend. There should be a flow to your weekend, as you have sequential activities planned. Try to balance those things planned with a joyful time of worship and celebration. Although you have a feel for your group and we certainly encourage you to sense and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction for you, we have established a model that follows the examples listed above.



-Commencement Weekend-


Arrival: Gather together as a group for your departure. Try to arrive at your destination early enough so that everyone can have some walk around time and become familiar with the grounds. This will also give you time to set up the meeting room, the kitchen, snacks and dinner prep.

Reflection Session: This is an approximately one hour session for your group to look back over the past year and reflect on their growth, the change in their hearts and the joy that they all have experienced. Make it fun and joyful.

Dinner: Prepare dinner with your own menu and those in your group that volunteer to assist you. After it is done, gather together for a prayer of dedication for the weekend and for the dinner.

Evening Sessions: The sessions following the meal includes a dedicated teaching time on the following.

§ Christ, the true “Servant Leader” and what that looks like. (See attachment for resource material for your preparation).

§ Communion. Mentor or assistant should lead this time and allow it to flow into the foot washing service without interruption. This should be a sacred, contemplative time with your group.

§ Foot Washing service. This is Christ’s humble example that you the mentor/leader, model before your group. It is the conclusion to your evening session.

Morning plans:

§ Make a light, continental breakfast available. Gather your group at the designated time and separate for their extended prayer time. We are not providing an agenda for their prayer time, for they should understand by this time how to organize their time. You may simply explain to them that this will be a grace walk with the Lord for them, as they enjoy Him the next several hours. Ask them to be ready to share when they return any encouragement that they had during that time.

§ Debriefing. As is our custom, we like to have a session where your group has an open sharing time. Allow at least an hour for this time or maybe a little more. Ask your group to share any encouragement that they received during their grace walk. After their sharing about that time, ask them to share the before, during and present state of heart and mind, as they look back over the last months your group has met together. Finally, ask them to share any commitments that they have made for “Expressing” their heart to their world around them. This may include starting a new Influencer group or some special service activity. Whatever it may be, remind them of the purpose that Jesus has given to them, and that they cannot continue their journey to intimacy with Him if they are not a conduit of His love and service to others.


§ Final Prayer: After the group sharing time is complete, rise from where you are seated, place your hands on each member of your group and pronounce a blessing and a prayer on each person. Think of the impressions that have come to you about this person the last year. Think of a particular blessing that could be identified with this person and pray for it. Dedicate this person, his family and his ministry of expression that follows. Above all, pray that he will continue in his journey to intimacy with Christ and that he will show others how to follow him there. Pray for his safety, his wisdom, his purpose and anything else that the Holy Spirit may lead you to pray.

§ Conclusion: After your time of prayer for your group, dismiss the group.


Resource Material


Preparation on Servant Leadership Session


Lessons in Servant Leadership


Leader: Bring bread and juice for communion and a pitcher of water, basin and towel for the foot washing services.

Also make sure every one has their Bible.


Gather everyone in a circle. Dim the lights in order to establish a very quiet, contemplative atmosphere. Ask everyone to close their eyes for a few moments and clear their minds. Then start the teaching from scripture.


Mentor’s Tip: Ask your attendees to think back to a night two thousand years ago. Ask them to visualize a picture of a room prepared for an evening meal for a group of men and their leader. As you help paint the picture of that special time, ask them to get into the human drama of that night.

Ask: Who are these men? High priests? Leading politicians? Successful businessmen? Brightest scholars?

State: No, this is a group of men who have not attracted the attention of the power-brokers of that day and time. These men were not part of the elite.

State: These are men who have been on an incredible journey of discovery (just like you). These ordinary men have experienced the awesome privilege of knowing the living God, face to face. They have developed an intimate, personal relationship with Him. Yet these men still do not fully understand. As they gather around the table, they are about to learn a very powerful, life changing lesson.

State: The room is full, and the food is ready. The meal is served. But something is not right. Those in charge of the plans have forgotten a very important custom and as He had done many times before, their leader seizes the moment to teach them a very important lesson.

State: Contrary to custom, there is no servant at the door to wash the dirty, dusty feet of the celebrants as they enter the room. The truth is the attendees don't even realize the problem. Instead they begin to argue with each other about who among them is considered the greatest!

State: Suddenly, the leader of the group gets up from the table. He is the one the group calls "Rabbi", "Teacher", "Lord", "Messiah". The men watch, amazed, as their Teacher removes his outer clothing and picks up a basin of water and a towel. Daring not to ask what He is doing, they are stunned as they watch what He does. He kneels before each one and begins to wash their feet!

Mentor’s Tip: Pause at this time and allow the visual picture to sink in.


State: In this humble expression of servant leadership, the “Christ of the towel” is teaching these disciples what Christ- like servant leadership looks like. He models it right before their eyes.

State: Tonight, the king of Kings, the Creator of the universe, that same “Christ of the towel” is present among us and He asks us to consider the same lesson He taught to His disciples two thousand years ago.


Ask: What are the characteristics of a Christ-like servant leader? Take your Bible and open to John 13: 1-17. (Read the whole passage first and then return to specific verses.)

Read verse 1: "Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love."

State: First characteristic: Jesus’ love was complete. Christ-like servant leaders also demonstrate this selfless love by

serving others.

Read verse 3: "Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that He had come from God and was returning to God..."

State: Second characteristic: Jesus clearly knew who he was. Christ-like servant leaders also possess the knowledge of

who they are in Christ. This security enables them to serve others.

Mentor Insight: You may want to stop here and read them the following scriptural promises of who they are adapted from the book Who I Am in Christ, by Neil Anderson. This can hammer home to each man that he is totally secure in Christ.

You Are Accepted

John 1:12 You are God’s child. John 15:15 You are Christ’s friend. Romans 5:1 You have been justified. 1 Cor. 6:17 You are united with the Lord and one with Him in Spirit. 1 Cor. 6: 19-20 You have been bought with a price- you belong to God. 1 Cor. 12:27 You are a member of Christ’s body. Ephesians 1:1 You are a saint. Ephesians 1:5 You have been adopted as God’s child. Ephesians 2:18 You have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit. Colossians 1:14 You have been redeemed and forgiven of all your sins. Colossians 2:10 You are complete in Christ.

You Are Secure

Romans 8: 1-2 You are free from condemnation.


Romans 8:28 You are assured that all things work together for good. Romans 8:31-34 You are free from any condemning charges against you. Romans 8:35-39 You cannot be separated from the love of God. Phil. 1:6 You are confident that the good work God has begun will be perfected. Phil. 3:20 You are a citizen of heaven. 2 Tim. 1:7 You have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Hebrews 4:16 You can find grace and mercy in time of need. 1 John 5:18 You are born of God, and the evil one cannot touch you.

I Am Significant

Matthew 5: 13-14 You are the salt and light of the earth. John 15: 1,5 You are a branch of the true vine, a channel of His life. John 15:16 You have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit. Acts 1:8 You are a personal witness of Christ. 1 Cor. 3:16 You are God’s temple. 2 Cor. 5: 17-21 You are a minister of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 6:1 You are God’s co-worker. Ephesians 2:6 You are seated with Christ in the heavenly realm. Ephesians 3:12 You may approach God with freedom and confidence. Phil. 4:13 You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Read verses 4-5: “So He got up from the meal, took off His outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around His waist. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash His disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around Him.”

State: Third characteristic: Jesus didn’t wait; he saw the need and met it. Christ-like servant leaders do the same.

Read verses 6-8: "He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?" Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." "No", said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet." Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”

State: Fourth characteristic: Jesus was willing to let others serve him. Christ-like servant leaders do not let their pride

stop others from serving them.

Read verses 12-15: "When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. "You call me Teacher and Lord, and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you should also wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."

State: fifth characteristic: Jesus taught by example. Christ-like servant leaders serve because Jesus served. Christ-like

servant leaders teach servant-leadership by their own example.

Read verse 17: "Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them."


State: Here’s a great promise from Jesus. Christ-like servant leaders live a blessed life because they serve as Christ instructed them.

State: How can we imitate Jesus’ servant leadership? • Abide: every day reflect on Christ’s love for you. • Be willing to put others needs ahead of your needs. • Remember that God will always provide all that you need for every good work (2 Cor. 9: 7-8). • Remember that you are God’s co-worker. • Perform your service to others quietly and without the need of recognition by others.

State: Tonight our Influencer Journey is ending, but your lifelong journey continues. Tonight and tomorrow we want to encourage you to meditate and pray about your new journey and how you will live out your life as an Influencer.

State: Jesus has taught us the lessons of servant leadership and has given us the model. Being faithful to His model and mission, He asks us to join Him in His work.


Mentors Tip: Without announcing it, begin the communion. Teach on the significance of the bread and juice as you lead the group through this sacred time. We have provided the following format for you, but feel free to develop your own if you wish.

• Introduction

Have one of the men read Psalm 103. Then lead the group in a prayer of preparation.

• The Bread

Have one of the men read Isaiah 53:3-6. Have another man read 1 John 1: 8-22.

State: This Bread represents the Body of Christ, broken for you. (Pass the bread).

Read: 1 Cor. 11: 23-24

State: Take and eat.

• The Cup

Read: Psalm 22:1, 6-8, 11-18. Have one of the men read Matthew 27: 33-42.

State: This Cup represents the shed blood of Jesus Christ, freely given for you. (Pass the juice.)

Read: 1Cor. 11:25-26

State: Take and drink.

Foot Washing Ceremony


State: It has been our honor and privilege to serve you during this Influencers Journey. As a symbol of our love and service to you and following the example of our King, we want to wash your feet and pray for you. (Ask men to remove their shoes and socks.)

Foot Washing: Kneel before the first man and pour the water over his feet, and then dry his feet with the towel. Then pray a personal prayer for him. Repeat this for every man in the group.

Conclusion: Close the evening session with a final prayer.



Encouragement to this group’s Mentor

Thank you for the time and love that you have given to your group. You have served your King as His Influencer to your group, and He is delighted by your act of worship and love for Him. There will be many more blessings for you to participate in as you see these men that you have invested your life in take the baton from you and begin to run their own race. In fact, you will likely become a “spiritual grandparent,” as you see their influence made to their world around them. When this happens you will enter into a new joy and understanding of the investment you have made into God’s kingdom building.

For the reason that you can still be a significant contributor, do not completely pull away from your members. Stay connected. They do need to be released from your leadership so that they can become self-feeders and spiritual leaders. If you do not release them, you will become a crutch to them, and they will not grow strong. However, stay connected by transitioning from mentor to fellow Influencer, as Influencer did with Learner in The Journey To The Inner Chamber. Go with them, or take them along, but get out of the “castle and into the refugee camp.”

Encourage these new Influencers, by becoming their Barnabas, their Mr. Encourager. Side by side you and these men will seek out and find opportunities in their world, and you can encourage them as to how to embrace it with a sacred responsibility. This is where your ministry will take another leap. Remain sober though, for the joy of seeing this happen needs to be coupled with a seriousness of the spiritual warfare that will follow. Expect it, but don’t be afraid of it. “More than conquerors” is the promise for you as you go forward. But remember, keep on abiding. This is how you will win your race and bring captives home to our Father. Never stop abiding.

God bless you faithful Influencer, as you continue your journey.