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“If you knew there was a miracle waiting for youhow would you feel?” The Law of Grace has some components to it that areextremely unique and not found anywhere else in any of the ideas of prosperity,money or richness.


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A conversation with Asara Lovejoy, author of

and Kathryn Perry

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©The Joy of Receiving from Grace

2012 Asara Lovejoy and Kathryn Perry Cover by Jeremy Taylor

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the authors.

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Kathryn: Hey, welcome to the call everybody. This is Kathryn Perry, CEO of the One

Command seminars, and I have got Asara Lovejoy on the call. Hey, Asara, how are you doing?

Asara: Hi, Kathryn. I’m doing just great. I am so excited about the material that we are

going to cover in our Commanding Cash Success Club tonight and it is on the “Joy of Receiving from Grace.”

This is really an interesting concept because we are going way out into the

quantum field into the open potential of creating something so brilliant and so unusual.

The question that I like to ask is, “If you knew there was a miracle waiting for you

how would you feel?” The Law of Grace has some components to it that are extremely unique and not found anywhere else in any of the ideas of prosperity, money or richness – it’s not the Law of Attraction, it’s not even the Law of

Creation. The Law of Grace is the attitude, feeling, and state of the potential of the gift of

grace from the unlimited supply of the universe that comes to you just because. Grace is a gift that has no expectations, no demands, and no performance required for acceptance. Grace comes when not expected. Grace is that miracle from the center of the universe that shows up in your life whether you are a deserving or non-deserving person. Grace does not care, it simply is. It’s the ability to receive something wonderful and great in unexpected ways.

Have you ever experienced that moment of unexpected receiving? Kathryn, have

you ever experienced that moment of unexpected receiving and this state of grace that I’m talking about?

Kathryn: You know, I have and I remember when I really met grace. That energy and

consciousness of just coming into that awareness that’s, “Wow.” There’s no worthiness; it was just simply looking at, “I’m worthy of love from simply being born” that this is my birthright that there is nothing I had to do to earn that, it simply was here already. That understanding was like a veil falling away from my eyes and I have had so many beautiful unexpected gifts from Grace: from cash from strangers to good things appearing on my doorstep. And there was nothing I could have ever done to set it up in advance, simply coming into that space.

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And I have to say too, Asara, that sharing on receiving from Grace is probably the closest to our hearts and the truth of who we are and the essence of the One Command. These are true laws that have so much to reveal. This is one thing I want everyone to know about. Would you agree?

Asara: Yes, I agree and the one other teaching that ties into this is the Law of

Expectancy. Just to let you know we are going to make some commands at the end of the call

so you can get into a new relationship with the Law of Grace and allow Grace to come into your life. Allow yourself to have something happen so magically from the center of the universe – that is beyond your ability to think, reason, or figure out and to let it arrive in your life for you.

When you can live from that idea of rightness of receiving, of that ability to be

able to receive in a completely new way: a receiving from the soles of your feet to your elbows to your eyelashes to the center of your heart to your breath to the cells of your body, everywhere within you, then you are able to receive in joy and in an acceptance of that gift.

I loved the idea from a woman who shared with me her experience of Grace. She

said that she had this idea that she was a lucky person and that because she was a lucky person she could command in the morning, “I don’t know how I have luck. I only know that I have good luck today and I get good cash and good luck today.”

I thought that’s really interesting that feeling of having good luck as an emotional

state. It’s emotionally commanding cash. And it’s an emotion of, “I am a lucky person.” How many of us have ever identified ourselves as, “I am a lucky person?” That was an invitation for me to identify myself as a lucky person.

Then, I took that idea to the next level by adding and, I am a person that is lucky

and lives in Grace.” Ask yourself, do you think that you’re a person who is lucky and lives in Grace? Now in a spiritual sense we’re really saying, “I’m lifting up my countenance. I’m lifting up my thoughts. I’m lifting up my physiology. I have the ability to receive in joy and gratitude because I am now opening myself to a completely new experience of Grace coming to me, that I am in Grace, I live in Grace.” And I can say this as many times as I want to say it because I want you to get into the feeling of that attitude, “I’m a lucky person and Grace is a natural part of my life – the ability to receive Grace in gratitude, receive in joy, and receive in unexpected ways.”

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This decidedly goes beyond planning an income. This is beyond planning a financial cash flow.

Kathryn: When people want to contemplate any quality, like Grace, it is nice to do

commands for words such as gratitude as an extension of that Grace. And you might also say, “I’m grateful. I’m a gracious person. I am graceful I’m gracious,” and just keep moving those words around owning all of those qualities – the expression of being in that, living from that. You might have had the experience of Grace but not always been gracious. When you can come into that self-identity of graciousness that expands your experience of grace.

I always love moving words around and going deeper into the meaning,

expanding them out, even things that sound similar. And this can become a way of being, not just an opening or receiving.

Asara: Exactly, it is exactly true. It is as if we can super-position our self in the universe,

extremely far out into the universe and imagine that your in the center of that field of miracles as an open potential for your self. The question then is where do you receive that gratitude and where do you activate that gratitude and where do you receive that knowledge of Grace?

And the answer is, you receive it in the memory of your heart and the memory of

love such as loving a child or a beloved. Have you ever held a child that you love? When you remember loving a beloved where you are in love with the other person because you’re simply in love with the other person, you’re in that state of Grace.

Love is in the acceptance of the other person’s differences as well as their

similarities. The reason that you love the other person is that you find an identification of them in you - in yourself of happiness and joy with who they are, that this tickles your fancy - that you like the way they talk, you like the way they smell, you like the way they dress.

You find Grace and gratitude in your relationship with your animals; with the way

you love your pets. Many of you have pets and are in love with them. We say, if you want to look at true Grace, it’s that ability of a pet to be there with you that is giving you unconditional love without a bit of judgment, without any reservation, without any demands except maybe “feed me” every once in a while. I know you’ve got another thought there Kathryn, go ahead.

Kathryn: I’m just want to say that is my experience too, when I think about the qualities of

the heart that is Grace. I remember going into a meditation and connecting with Grace and love. And if you’re think about it, even the grumpiest, vilest person

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can love some little dog or a kitten, so just align with that, even if it’s just a sliver of love, it’s like focusing on the tiniest dot of light, it expands. And we want to start meeting that quality in people even if we don’t understand them - let’s meet going from Grace to Grace.

That is what we mean when we talk about giving abundance to abundance. This is

really something that you can meet in every relationship and this is what you’re seeking in relationship so start living and breathing from that. This is something only the heart really knows about,

Asara: Yes, that is exactly right. One of the demonstrations of the power of that wide

open universe of who you are is showing up and making yourself available for service in the world to live your own truth and you really want to come into the knowledge and acceptance that you have your own life’s purpose.

I just finished a radio show with Seth Chernoff who has recovered from two bouts

of cancer and has created a book called The Manual for Living. Basically the book is a whole series of questions that are just engaging the beta mind to keep asking the beta mind, “Why are you thinking the way you’re thinking? Why are you saying that you’re limited? How come you don’t think you’re connected? Why are you feeling unhappy?” In his sharing he says that he came into that state of Grace where he healed but he made a commitment to how he could share back to the world, how he could share his message. Ask yourself how can you share your message by your state of being of who you are at any given moment.

Not only can you be in the state of Grace of receiving great good, you can receive

a state of Grace in any situation where you might be fighting with somebody or angry with somebody or feeling left out or feeling hurt or feeling limited in any way. Stop and command and go into the theta mind – “I don’t know how I am the power of the wide open universe in a state of Grace in me”- that I activate that state of Grace in me and I commit everything I feel and I am experiencing it to a greater good. I commit it to a greater good.

Here is a story I have shared before but it seems appropriate right now. I was

going through a lost love while living in Southern California. I had a very successful radio career and a boyfriend who was really the best in many ways. I liked him a lot. I was deeply in love with him and then he left. I was broken-hearted and I mean I was broken-hearted: I cried, I wrote poems, I wrote songs, I tried to get over the broken-hearted feeling because I loved him so much and he was the object of my love and he wasn’t there. I was left without the fulfillment of my expression of love in his direction and I was suffering from that lost love.

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Finally, one day while I was driving to Malibu on the Pacific Coast highway in

California I had the thought, “You know what, this is ridiculous that I am spending all this passion and emotional energy on lost love and crying and not putting this energy, this passion, this sorrow and grief to any use.” At that very moment I went up into theta and I said, “God, take all of my emotion and put it to use especially to into relieve suffering anywhere in the world where it would be of service. If I can be in this suffering and do good for somebody else in this moment, please take my suffering and use it.”

Instantaneously, I was in a state of Grace of non-suffering. I was in a state of love

and gratitude and completion. It was as if that relationship had disappeared and all of its elements of dissatisfaction were completed in that moment in me. That is Grace. That is what Grace is. It is astounding because that experience was completed in that moment and I had only joy remaining, forever even to this day.

Kathryn: When we talk about love I get a lot of messages from people that they had

someone they loved and lost them, the relationship wasn’t to be and they mourned that for a long, long time and continued to mourn, remaining incomplete. I would tell them, “The mission is complete when your heart is opened to a new potential of love.” And anything that goes beyond that is a gift of gifts. The real gift is the opening.

We had a big loss in our family when my 16-year old nephew committed suicide.

We had to align to something greater and to go beyond our grief into finding some good - there must be some good. We had to come to that good in that moment. That was the only thing that took us through and that was pure Grace. The decisions we made on our reaction to this death took us to that intelligence of Grace and to that greater capacity.

Asara: I remember that time. You lost a loved one and instead of grieving you brought in

the cup of love. You brought in that whole process of a cup of love that brought in that Grace. The question I want you to ask yourself is, how are you going beyond simply receiving because you have a birthright to be receiving the state of grace? What if you were that state of Grace for those in your environment around you – in your family, in your workplace, in helping other people around the world?”

I love Catherine Ponder, author of Dynamic Laws of prosperity story of the

woman that was so broke – she had no money, she had no food – and her kids were hungry. And she said, “We’re going to set the table and then let’s go look outside and see what we have in our environment that supports us.” She said, “I

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have some beautiful flowers. Let’s put some beautiful flowers in the garden on the table and let’s take some over to my neighbor.”

They took the flowers over to the neighbor and they put some flowers on their

table; they went out to give that state of Grace to somebody else and they didn’t say, “We’re hungry. We don’t have food.” They didn’t say anything of that nature. They said, “Here are some beautiful flowers I’d like to share with you. We have something to share with you.”

And about an hour later, there was a knock on the door and they had three of their

neighbors that came over with food. The woman hadn’t even said they needed food, yet the neighbors knew and responded. And the next day, somebody showed up and gave her money. She held true to the law of expectancy and being in a state of Grace, of gratitude and love, of what their environment provided for her even in dire circumstances.

If you have to find a way into your state of Grace then start with your physical

body standing here on the earth. And be grateful for that. If you have to come to that elemental state of Grace, then come to that elemental

state that you are graced with the body that you are living in this physical world and that you are giving the gift of your life in your experience of living and your exhaling that life out into the breath of the world. Your breath is inhaling the breath of life from the world and you’re exhaling the breath of life back into the world. Do you have a thought about that, Kathryn?

Kathryn: Yes, I’m just loving what you’re saying and how you’re saying it because that is a

completely different state from when we are saying, “Well, okay, I’m grateful because at least I have a roof over my head, at least I have my house, at least I have this,” because I’ve been in circumstances as well that we’re so full of anxiety and fears that I could not think of one good thing and I would think at least I’m still breathing in and out and I still have a chance. That’s all I could think. In this comparative state that is the beta mind, I can say “Well, at least I don’t have to live under a bridge or beg.” That is the beta brain.

What you’re talking about is coming into the theta mind - an expansive, non-

comparative state. There’s nothing to compare it to because it’s an essence and it’s an experience that’s very expansive and is an intelligence coming from a different part of your being that’s all you and greater than your small beta mind. This is something that has to be caught and we’re hoping to infect as many people as possible tonight.

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Asara: Exactly, exactly. Yes, exactly. Let me ask you, what inner position would you imagine within yourself living in that state of Grace? Kathryn you are so good at guided meditations and reveries. Would you take the listeners, the club members, through a little guided imagery right now asking them to find that feeling, that inner position, within them of that state of Grace. How would their body feel living from that gratitude of grace? Would you be willing to do that, Kathryn?

Kathryn: Ye, I’d love to. You can listen to the audio portion to be guided through this

process or have a friend or partner read it to you. Just go ahead and just close your eyes and let yourself simply focus on the sounds

of my voice. And it’s only you and me and Asara here together right now, and this is just settling down into your body. Just allow yourself to be grounded for a moment and connect into the power and the majesty and the grace of the earth as it supports you and bring that energy up. And now just let your body rest in that energy.

And as you’re lightly breathing in and out, this may sound familiar, but simply

focus on your heart and the love in your heart and that light that is the love in your heart. And as you’re focusing on that light, allow that light to expand to its natural state. And this is how it’s coming in.

Now find the place in you that is not that light. Find the part of you that forgets

the light. It’s impossible. And come into that place of you that remembers being more than light, and allow that part to expand, the part of you that is the wave, the part of you that is the particle of light; and which part of you is not the wave and which part of you is not the particle. Impossible.

And perhaps you need to move outside of your body and observe that as you

move out of this ordinary consciousness into this position of observing, where is there not light? Where is there not the wave or the particle of Grace? Impossible. There is a lot of substance coming to you and in a new position inside of you and a new possibility of remembering, of knowing, of expressing from this light of Grace. And let the parts of you that maybe you have forgotten, remember.

There we go. Do you see light coming through? And those are parts of you that

know more than what you ever experienced before. Now let that information release and come through you. Bring your attention back to your heart to here and now, and when you’re ready, open your eyes.

Asara: That is just so, so beautiful, just so beautiful, and I want to keep us in process.

I’m going to take everybody right back into the process because this really is

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where you find grace. You find grace right here in this inner self. I want you to go ahead and close your eyes again, except if you’re driving and I

want you to just imagine what your body would feel like living in this gratitude and Grace. What would happen in your body in terms of love vibration, kindness, gentleness, acceptance, expansion? What would every cell of your body feel like surrounded by Grace, the Grace of goodness, the Grace of giving, the Grace of receiving – the Grace of the universe is yours? What if you were in a state of Grace in every cell of your body? What would your body feel like? What would your feet feel like; your knees feel like, your solar plexus feel like, your heart feel like, your shoulders feel like, your elbows and hands? What would your head feel like, your eyes feel like?

What would happen to pain and suffering? Where would that go? It would

disappear. It wouldn’t exist inside of you when Grace arrives. Grace replaces all that is not Grace. Instant healing, instant manifestation, instant love, instant acceptance, instant, “I am present” in a state of a grace – I love Grace. I adore Grace.

Your body is now in a state of adoration. Your body is now in a state of Grace.

Just let yourself feel that, feel that, feel that. Imagine you’re feeling that. See yourself feeling that. Be that. Now just go ahead and let that integrate, move around in your body, have fun, play there. And open your eyes and come on back into awareness of what we are saying in your conscious mind as well as your unconscious mind.

What are the aspects of Grace? Of course, it’s generosity of spirit, but it’s also

kindness and I like to share a little bit about the idea of kindness as strength rather than as weakness. So much of our lives are about argument and the opposition to even a new idea or a feeling and I just want you to think about the truly kind experiences, the moments of kindness, that you’ve ever had that arrived in your life because those are the moments of Grace, when a moment of kindness showed up.

Maybe you were just upset and irritated when somebody patted you on the arm

and supported you emotionally without any expectation, maybe even a stranger. That state of Grace of kindness is an attribute of receiving and of giving – that

calming effect of kindness, of giving even in a moment, in an instant of caring for yourself and being of service in caring for another person and doing that in a state of kindness. Can you imagine and see that as strength?

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The Law of Grace surrounds us. It is in every aspect of who we are. The Law of Grace is as bright as the sunshine and it’s the sunshine, as Kathryn just said in that meditation that she took us through, that it is ever-present because in that Law of Grace there is no dark night. The Law of Grace is a perpetual sun on the planet at all times in your atmosphere. And you want to bring the Law of Grace even into your dream state at night where you’re sleeping and let that sun shine bright and that love of your atmosphere of your humanness, of your spiritual self, of receiving, of creating and operating in a Law of Grace.

A Law of Grace is an immutable law that will switch circumstances for you in an

absolute instant. In a moment, you can switch your circumstances by committing to a greater good, by giving yourself into a greater service, by coming back into the greater truth of who you are and being honest and honoring yourself by not settling, by not sacrificing.

And that Law of Grace has much power. It has power and presence and energy

just as the sun has energy and it is feeding you. The Law of Grace is always feeding you. It’s like opening the pores of your skin, opening the cells of your eyes, opening the scent of Grace, opening the taste in your mouth to the taste of Grace, concentrating on Grace, bringing that alive, making that alive. Nobody ever taught us about Grace. No one ever spent any time talking about Grace, did they?

The churches and spiritual teachers and masters brought us into the Law of Grace

into the understanding that a Law of Grace exists. Yet it exists beyond all the spiritual teachings as a natural event. It is talked about in spiritual teachings and exists there. Yet it resides and is brought to you through the natural state of nature, of the universe, of the gift of Grace as yours. And I want you to think that you expect to give and receive in equal measure in the Law of Grace.

We’re going to now go through some commands and end in a state of Grace. I don’t know how I expect to give and receive in equal measure. I don’t know

how. I open my mind and I open my heart to receive Grace in me now. I only know I do and I’m fulfilled.

Let’s come back into that meditative state by allowing yourself to close your eyes,

and come back into your physical body and ground deep down into the world, down into the earth, down into the presence of your physical body and your physical form, and take that energy of that connection and resonate that back up into every cell of your body = up directly into your heart, and open your heart to that state of Grace.

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I do not know how I am in that state of Grace, as you let your eyes roll up

underneath your eyelids and move your consciousness up into the light field, push through that last edge of darkness and pop up into the white luminosity. I don’t know how I live in this state of Grace and I am in Grace in me now. I only know I am in a state of Grace. I live in Grace. I open to Grace. I am filling the cells of my body up with Grace and I understand even though I don’t know how to understand the Law of Grace is active in me now and I am fulfilled. I don’t know how. Go ahead.

Kathryn: I don’t know how I came to be the living embodiment of Grace. I don’t know

how I am embodying the attitudes and temperaments and flow and ease of being in Grace. I only know I am graceful now and I am fulfilled.

Asara: And I don’t know how I expand in every moment into greater service to serve a

greater good. I dedicate all my emotions and feelings to a great good of service to those in the world, that I can use my emotions for their good. I can apply my emotions of any quality of suffering and pain to help those in the world and to be the Grace in their life, that good. I only know I can expand into a greater state of awareness and let go of my own personal trials and tribulations by dedicating that emotion to a greater purpose and a greater good.

And I don’t know how in equal measure I receive that help of Grace that removes

my suffering, increases my prosperity, allows me greater love in my life, in my heart and the cells of my body, and in my knowledge and persistence of living a consciously awake life. I only know I open now and commit now anew to receiving that state of Grace in me, that Grace that gives unconditionally in a moment with no expectation, beyond my command. I only know it is so now in me and I am fulfilled.

Kathryn: And just as everyone is coming back into their body Asara, I want to report this

image that’s coming in that as everyone’s coming back into their body in this new position of Grace inside of them in this new state of Grace, I am literally seeing the energy and that essence start to unwind and I’m watching it go right through the morphogenic field right there, and it literally looks like that energy of Grace is traveling right back to the people’s DNA, right through the assembly line.

And they’re going from Grace to Grace to Grace. And Grace is like meeting each

one. And I’m just watching this unwinding in this whole field of light and energy like a whole new field lighting up in the DNA and that’s coming all the way down and I witness that being lit up all through every cell and fiber and being of every person in the sound of our voice. And right into that little part of that little kid

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inside of everyone that says, “That’s not fair. Where is mine? Why do I have to give up? Why do I have to get what’s taken?” And that little child is met with Grace.

Asara: Yes. Kathryn: Comforted in Grace. Asara: I love that. Kathryn: There it is, right there. Asara: Yes. Kathryn: And that little child is taught – there’s more than enough for everyone. There’s

more than enough for you. Asara: That little child. The little child in each and every adult is receiving Grace. You

can go back in time now because there’s no time or space. You can create your inner child now receiving in Grace. Give up the past pain and suffering and open up to that state of Grace even in your imagery of your little self, of that beloved being that’s you in your early childhood. Those outside circumstances are gone. They’re no longer happening and you can forget them.

You can have amnesia of your past and open into a present consciousness of now,

of Grace living in every cell of your body, even in your memory state. You can live in the state of Grace even in your memory state. I open my mind to live in grace in my memory state to pull up the qualities of kindness and goodness and expectancy and receptivity and giving and being Grace to others in my good life now, and I am fulfilled.

And I just want us to quietly leave this call, Kathryn, and allow everyone to just

remain in a state of Grace for as long as they like and come back into their opportunity with The One Command in our future calls. And I love you, each and every one, and I want you to have a moment of Grace that’s yours personally. So we’ll say goodbye.

Kathryn: Bye. We love you. Bye-bye.

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