the kingdom of avonlea chapter 5

The Kingdom of Avonlea Generation 2: Hamilton Family Round 1

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Page 1: The Kingdom of Avonlea Chapter 5

The Kingdom of Avonlea

Generation 2: Hamilton Family Round 1

Page 2: The Kingdom of Avonlea Chapter 5

Dear Anabel, How have you been? Well I hope. A lot has certainly happened for us as of late. Edward continues to allow me to be seen in public. After the birth of our daughter Emilia, I almost feared he might have me sent straight away to some establishment take a new

wife and run the house himself.

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Mother certainly feared the same. We all walked on pins and needles for a week. Isabella had to order my mother to the

sweat box something she hadn’t done in years.

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We’d be completely lost without her. She took care of my precious girl while I

recovered seeing as how mother took to fainting the moment she realized I’d brought another girl into the family.

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She also looked after my sweet sisters too. Honestly, for her age Isabella certainly

hasn’t lost a single step. I don’t know how she does it. I can only hope I have half that

energy at her age.

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However, it turns out all our fears were for naught. Edward came home from his trip home to see to affairs that had cropped up during his absence. He

was absolutely delighted. Apparently, his beautiful wife’s friendship with Princess Eowyn got us seats

at the king’s table at the royal wedding. He had to admit our little Emilia would be beautiful just like her lady mother and no doubt as clever too.

Thank goodness for Eowyn!

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I of course not wanting to disappoint took advantage of the opportunity and worked to befriend the soon to be Queen Roth.

Ganieda and I got on well enough. No doubt my connections with Eowyn played a part in her willingness to speak with a

woman of my disgraced position.

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I do realize my position is precarious, and I confess I felt desperate in my attempts to befriend the king and queen. If I am unable to bear sons? Having the ability to at least find good matches for our daughters and

willingness to raise another woman’s child (Edward has a few sisters. We could always adopt one of their sons as heir), may be the only thing that keeps me out of the mad house and ensures the well being of my three


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But enough about my worries. You want to hear about the wedding don’t you? It was a grand affair. Lovely. The food was delectable

to be sure, but I dare say between us the queen’s cook cannot rival Isabella.

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Sharla is much younger though I suppose.

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The wedding did have a slight hiccup when Master Ogden managed to somehow insult Princess Galadriel upon their first meeting. Apparently, she had not yet heard that her brother had given his young sister’s hand in marriage to Master Ogden. It was quite awkward to be sure. Things

quieted down though once Queen Idril stepped in.

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Gaineda and Thorin were wed upon the shores of Avonlea at the stroke of midnight. I must confess it was quite nippy out. I wish

I’d worn something over my gown.

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The whole kingdom appears to have been invited including the peasants, not that I mind of course. I think

it’s marvelous our king thought to invite them, however it does make me worry Edward might rethink his earlier faith

in my ability to make connections.

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King Thorin, is every bit a lord as the stories tell. I would be lying if I did not say I did not

envy Ganeida just a tad in her good fortune.

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The evening ended with Princess Galadriel and Master Ogden having quite a public

display of affection. Obviously Master James managed to make up for lost ground quite


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I also had the privilege of making the acquaintance of Lady Pony. She’s

apparently from a land called Silver Bend. Quite charming. Of course when has Eowyn

not had a good taste in friends?

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Fran took to crying spells after the wedding I’m afraid. She’s come of age and due to various circumstances which are

entirely not her fault is regrettably without any prospects for a husband.

As you well know she’s always wanted a family of her own and to be an old maid would be the worst fate imaginable for her.

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The other girls are well enough, but then Gertie is lucky enough to have managed to secure a possible marriage prospect. And even if it falls through, it won’t be the end of

the world for her. And my youngest sister Paulina really doesn’t care much about marriage.

She’d marry of course, if Edward asked her to. Especially to help me and Emilia, but she’d not recalling in the season the way Gertie is. And poor Fran is locked in her rooms wishing the season would last just a bit longer in hopes Edward will come through with

something for her. Poor dear.

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I spent my free time spinning, playing the violin, and tending to my pride and joy Emi wishing beyond anything there was more I

could do.

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Especially since mother has taken to the bubbles. Graciously it hasn’t become a habit yet, but all the stress is getting to her at last. I know she stayed

strong though father because of us, but I don’t know if she can keep it together much longer.

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Gardiner stopped by the other day out of the blue, bless him. It was lovely to have him about the manor again. He’s always been such a good friend, and always seems to

know when I could use his support.

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In other news, Erec Roth has become a frequent visitor of late. Edward most certainly is not shying away from making connections with the heir to such a respected family within

our kingdom nor am I to be honest. I do find it all quite curious though.

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Oh Anabel! I left this note half finished. I apologize, but I am with child again! You are going to want to strangle me to be certain if I don’t get the accounts of the wedding or the news I’m expecting again to you

straight away I know. Edward is thrilled, naturally, he has his chance at a son. As for me ,

I’m excited and terrified all at once.

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I leave you with the news that my precious girl Emilia is growing up so fast! And she has such an unruly head of hair. You should see it! But it’s gorgeous when it’s tied back.

I can certainly see Edward in her.

Wishing you all the best,

Adrianna Hamilton