the lamb of god chronicle lamb of god chronicle... · the lamb of god chronicle june 2019 the lamb...

The Lamb of God Chronicle June 2019 The Lamb of God Community PO Box 35 054 Christchurch 8640 Phone [04] 232 2297 Mobile 021 0586 909 Email: [email protected] Website: INDEX TO CONTENTS Reflections Page 1 Our People/News/Articles Page 2-5 “Challenges” Page 5 Kairos NZ News Page 6 Web Sites Page 6 Members/Info/Records Page 7 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 7-8 National Prayer Watch Page 9-11 Reflections: Journeying with Paul Greetings brothers and sisters, winter is upon us. I know for some of you it is your preferred time of year filled with winter activities or enjoying the subdued temperatures, I fall into the latter group who wait longingly for the return of longer days and higher temperatures. In recent times, my reading of the Bible has been in 3 books, Jeremiah, Acts and John’s gospel. I have previously spent some time looking into Paul’s journeys in the Book of Acts, particularly his 1 st missionary journey in Acts 13 & 14. Paul is amazing in his fervour and tireless energy in proclaiming the gospel. In particular, I find the journeying from Perga to Derbe and back to Attalia very interesting (all in modern-day Southern and Central Turkey). As with many of the writings, these chapters cover enormous ground in just a few verses. My understanding is the distance Paul travelled was over 1,000 kms about the distance from Christchurch to Auckland, probably most, if not all, were walked (not in nice Nike’s either). At the start of this part of the trip, he has a disagreement with John Mark leaving him with Barnabas as his only companion. He is struck with a debilitating illness (Galatians 4:13, possibly even Malaria). During the travels (which are arduous) Paul is stoned and “they dragged him out of the city (likely Lystra), supposing that he was dead. But when the disciples surrounded him, he got up and went into the city.” Amazingly Paul completes his journey and then is eager to spread the gospel to many further places. I find as I look into these scriptures some very inspiring stories of those who have gone before us. My commitment to the Christian life and spreading the gospel seems quite meagre in the light of such accounts. However, I am aware that God has placed a call on

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  • The Lamb of God Chronicle June 2019

    The Lamb of God Community PO Box 35 054 Christchurch 8640 Phone [04] 232 2297 Mobile 021 0586 909 Email: [email protected] Website:

    INDEX TO CONTENTS Reflections Page 1 Our People/News/Articles Page 2-5 “Challenges” Page 5 Kairos NZ News Page 6

    Web Sites Page 6 Members/Info/Records Page 7 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 7-8 National Prayer Watch Page 9-11

    Reflections: Journeying with Paul Greetings brothers and sisters, winter is upon us. I know for some of you it is your preferred time of year filled with winter activities or enjoying the subdued temperatures, I fall into the latter group who wait longingly for the return of longer days and higher temperatures.

    In recent times, my reading of the Bible has been in 3 books, Jeremiah, Acts and John’s gospel. I have previously spent some time looking into Paul’s journeys in the Book of Acts, particularly his 1st missionary journey in Acts 13 & 14. Paul is amazing in his fervour and tireless energy in proclaiming the gospel. In particular, I find the journeying from Perga to Derbe and back to Attalia very interesting (all in modern-day Southern and Central Turkey). As with many of the writings, these chapters cover enormous ground in just a few verses. My understanding is the distance Paul travelled was over 1,000 kms about the distance from Christchurch to Auckland, probably most, if not all, were walked (not in nice Nike’s either). At the start of this part of the trip, he has a disagreement with John Mark leaving him with Barnabas as his only companion. He is struck with a debilitating illness (Galatians 4:13, possibly even Malaria). During the travels (which are arduous) Paul is stoned and “they dragged him out of the city (likely Lystra), supposing that he was dead. But when the disciples surrounded him, he got up and went into the city.” Amazingly Paul completes his journey and then is eager to spread the gospel to many further places. I find as I look into these scriptures some very inspiring stories of those who have gone before us. My commitment to the Christian life and spreading the gospel seems quite meagre in the light of such accounts. However, I am aware that God has placed a call on

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    my life and that I need to be obedient to it and utilise the opportunity He presents in the people around me to proclaim the gospel. This month sees Manuel and Cheryll Lobo from Auckland branch celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Well done both of you, it is a blessing to have you and your family as part of our people the Lamb of God (NB You have a great looking dog too). God bless you all, Mark C


    LEADERSHIP SEMINAR IN SOUTHERN On the second attempt, the Southern Region accomplished its Leadership Seminar with Roger Foley after the day in March was disrupted by the tragedy at the mosques in Christchurch with flights into Dunedin being cancelled. Everybody else made it to Dunedin, so we continued with our usual monthly meeting. Saturday 11th May our next day dawned with fog over most of New Zealand and the flight from Christchurch being delayed and those travelling by road [4 plus hours for some] affected by poor visibility. Roger’s flight took off, and he arrived later into Dunedin where it was sunny with the day starting later and being affected by less time together. The fog was perhaps prophetic of our day as we looked at God’s way and the impact the world is having on the body of Christ and the fogginess around God’s word. God has called us as leaders, and we have his Word to study and the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us to stand firm as we lead his people. Mark and Kirsten Challies travelled by road for Mark’s first official meeting in Southern with us having a valuable time with him.


    Men’s Breakfast – Saturday 4th May: The Auckland Branch held its first Men’s breakfast for 2019 on Saturday 4th May. Notwithstanding a cold May morning, this was attended by close to 20 brothers including almost one-year-old Caleb who brought along his bushy eyed Dad Aaron. Praise and worship were powerful and spirit led by Aidan Misquita, and he encouraged us to be victorious in the spiritual battle. Five messages of prophecy came out strongly exhorting us to have courage and trust in God’s time rather than our own. Then, John Tham presented the first part of a 2 part series based on John 14. A promise delivered by Jesus that we could do the works he did and even greater ones if we believed in the Father. As always, the mince (3 different types, I guess made by the sisters) was tasty and very satisfying. Was good to catch up with some of the brothers after a month out from the Men’s conference. God Bless and see you at the next one.

    -Christopher Fernandez

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    YCP Service – Saturday 4th May: “Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10 On Saturday the 4th of May, 16 YCP members joined together to serve at Auckland City Mission, assisting in its distribution centre to provide necessities to those in need. The Auckland City Mission serves the community by offering a wide range of social and health services to those who are marginalised in our city. They do this through advocacy, crisis care, housing, healthcare, detoxification programmes, as well as homeless, and elderly person services. We were welcomed by the manager, Tracy, who took us on tour and gave us a keen insight into all the work that goes into running the centre. Our role that day was to pack food parcels that would go out to families in need. A small group

    of us were tasked with packing small parcels of rice, oats, and sugar, that were added to boxes of tinned veges, cereal, and other food items. With Easter just gone, a company had also donated pallets of Easter chocolates, which made for a sweet inclusion in the packs. We also had small group sorting and packing toiletries, such as shampoos and toilet paper.

    The mission provides compassionate and empowering service to those who are facing hardship, and YCP was extremely blessed to have been able to contribute in a small way to their mission to show love to the vulnerable in our community!

    -Samantha Amaral

    Women’s Activity: Street Food Festival – Saturday 18th May: Finally, the day of the much-awaited Women’s Activity dawned. What an exciting activity - well done Women’s Leadership Team. The amazing cooking talents of the ladies in our Branch was on display, and the treats were enjoyed by all who were present. The turnout was fantastic, and the fellowship was truly heartfelt. I leave you with photos which may convey what words cannot describe…

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    CHALLENGES IN LIVING TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY Resource for Reflection or House Group Discussion by Tom Caballes

    The Sum of All of Our Fears – June 2019

    I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. (Psalms 34:4-5 ESV)

    In life, there is always something we can be afraid of – being made redundant at work, becoming sick from a deadly disease, being involved in a car accident, natural calamities, financial ruin, etc. So, how can we walk through life without giving in to fear all the time? The key is to find THE reason not to be afraid of – God: He knows everything, and He is in control of everything; if we have God in our lives, we can fully trust Him with big and small things. Every fear that we can have boils down to the fear of death – but through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we have already conquered death. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalms 27:1 ESV) If Jesus has conquered our greatest fear, why can’t we walk and live in radiance, without shame, and without fear? So How Do We Live a Faith-Filled Life and not a Fear-filled one? 1. If we follow and obey God, know that there is no reason for us to live in fear. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? (Romans 8:31-35 ESV) 2. When you commit your life to God, He makes a two-way deal with you: You focus on following God, and God will take care of your life and needs. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33 ESV) It does not mean all your prayers will be automatically answered from now on, but God will provide everything you need according to His will. Believe that God is taking care of you all the time. Turn all your anxiety over to God because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7 GW) 3. Even at the darkest, saddest, and most fearful situation, God will never abandon you. God’s ways are not yours – And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 ESV) God can redeem your most gruelling experiences in life for good – because He loves you. God can turn your saddest experiences and memories for your good. Trust Him. 4. Living in fear of anything prevents us from loving and serving God fully as He deserves. Instead of living our lives in radiance and confidence, knowing that God is always there for us, living in fear robs us of joy, peace, and contentment that only God can give. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7 ESV) 5. Know that God has prepared for you a special dwelling place in heaven [See John 14:2] No matter what life throws at you, even death itself, cannot separate you from God. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39 ESV). So live a life in confidence! You will, one day, win – and your prize is an eternal life of joy and bliss with God. 6. Ultimately, who is in control of your life – you or God? If your life is in God’s hands, be at peace. You are in the best place you can ever be. God knows everything; He cares deeply for you and will never abandon you. OTHER SCRIPTURE PASSAGES: 1. “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.” (Isaiah 12:2 ESV) 2. Other Bible verses: Psalm 91: Psalm 56:3-4; Philippians 4:6; Isaiah 43:1-3; FOR REFLECTION OR SHARING:

    In what ways has fear prevented you from living a full life and giving your all to God?

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    Kairos New Zealand and Singles Schedule of Events – 2019

    Winter Oasis 2019 – 7 to 9 July [for High Schoolers] [Lingkod Leaders’ Conference in Bohol, Philippines] - 20 to 27 October [for Working



    KAIROS South Pacific Web Site – check it out at

    We updated our Lamb of God website– We also have two new domain names which point to the same website: and Try them!

    The Sword of the Spirit website is This website is where we can know more about what is happening in our communities around the globe. The

    Lamb of God is a community of the Sword of the Spirit.

    Sign up [free] for Youth Culture Newsletter The most recent edition of the Youth Culture Newsletter is now available online. Please visit the website below: This link is a recommended Sword of the Spirit publication for youth and parents.

    Living Bulwark Sword of the Spirit – Highly Recommended! This Sword of the Spirit online publication has received more than 43,000 visits (an average of 135 visits each day) in its first year. All back issues for the past 12 months are available at To view the current issue of the online magazine, go to


    Branches are encouraged to email news, photos, happenings and snippets to Tom Caballes at [email protected]. We close on the 20th of the previous month.[email protected]

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT OUR RECORDS Membership Records and Data: Branch leaders are responsible for keeping updated records and then emailing all new attendee additions, deletions, address, phone changes, births, deaths, transfers, etc. to: Tom Caballes – email: [email protected]

    BIRTHDAY INFORMATION [Day and month, but the year is optional.] Branch leaders are asked to keep updated records and email all new attendee additions to: Tom Caballes – email: [email protected]

    GETTING CHRONICLE & OTHER NEWS BY EMAIL [1] If you are receiving The Chronicle as an electronic edition, we need to hear if and when you

    change your email address. Notify [email protected]. [2] If you are receiving this by hard copy, but you have an email address, please send your email address to [email protected]. [3] The Chronicle has a national and international mailing schedule. If you want to add an email address we can send the Chronicle, please notify [email protected].

    Wedding Anniversaries - Happy Anniversary!


    Bernie & Bernadette Black 05/06 Christchurch

    Manuel & Cheryll Lobo 05/06 Auckland

    Vitus & Arca Fernandes 08/06 Auckland

    Jojo & Ella Jalandoni 10/06 Central

    Philip & Alison Middlemiss 10/06 Blenheim

    David & Marilyn Hamilton 11/06 Christchurch

    Birthdays for This Month - Happy Birthday!


    Hans Jalandoni 01/06 Central

    Chris Aston-Grieve 02/06 Christchurch

    Robert Van Doorn 02/06 Christchurch

    Kerry O'Neill 07/06 Blenheim

    Andy Crocker 08/06 Nelson

    Mike Cullimore 09/06 Blenheim

    John Caballes 10/06 Central

    Reuben Garrett 11/06 Blenheim

    Joseph Gomes 13/06 Auckland

    Howell Tungol 13/06 Central

    Chanelle Anngow 14/06 Christchurch

    Darren Humphries 14/06 Christchurch

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    Aaron Fisk 14/06 Auckland

    Liana Borkus 15/06 Christchurch

    Micah Briguera 16/06 Central

    Marisa Misquita 18/06 Auckland

    Francesca Humphries 20/06 Christchurch Maria dos Anjos D'Souza 23/06 Auckland

    Ethel Peters 23/06 Auckland

    Irene Hong 25/06 Auckland

    Benjo Fernandes 28/06 Central

    PRAYERWATCH SOLDIERS OF CHRIST, ARISE Fight the good fight. Reinforce the guard, station the watchmen, prepare an ambush! The Lord will carry out his purpose. Jeremiah 51: 12 NIV

    Previously, I had looked at Samuel the prophet and a victory God had accomplished through him. Next, Samuel anointed Saul to be king and saw him made a king of Israel [1 Samuel 10:] but sadly shortly afterwards Saul was disobedient and lost God blessing [1 Samuel 13: & 15:]. About this time, the Philistines moved to attack the Israelites as they controlled all the blacksmiths who were needed to make swords and spears [2 Samuel 13: 19-20]. The Israelites had very few swords or spears, so many of the soldiers disappeared or went into hiding, leaving Saul without an army. However, Saul’s son Jonathan took matters into his own hands, trusting in God to lead the way. Jonathan and his armour bearer approached the Philistine camp [1 Samuel 14:] with the invitation ‘to come up’ [14: 8-12] being a signal that God would give them victory. Entering the enemy camp, the two men attacked, and God shook the ground causing the Philistines to panic and attack each other. With the confusion created, the Israelite soldiers came out of hiding and joined in accomplishing this victory. Having celebrated Easter, we are reminded once again that Jesus has accomplished the victory over Satan, evil and death, and all we need do is stand firm in faith in him. Just as Jonathan and his armour bearer went forth in faith, so our call is to stand faithfully in the bulwark of the Sword of the Spirit and finally to be there at the final victory. Just as Jonathan and his armour bearer encouraged other soldiers to come out of hiding, so each warrior on the Prayerwatch is doing the same as it is not easy to stand alone, but together, we make a strong spiritual wall around the Lamb of God community. Once again, we see how God intervenes in battles with natural events which give his people an advantage and often when outnumbered. Today God the Father gives us armour and weapons [Ephesians 6: 10-18] to protect us and to stand in confidence in the spiritual battles we face against unnumbered foes. The gift of praise and or tongues is a weapon we need to use in spiritual warfare as we focus on the creator of all that is good and give him the praise and glory. Be alert, be vigilant, and be ready for we are at war. Are you standing in the gap [Ezekiel 22: 30] wearing the full armour of God [Ephesians 6: 13-18] strong in the strength which God supplies, through His eternal Son.

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    If you have any comments or questions concerning the Prayerwatch, then please send them to me or give them to one of your branch leaders to send to me. God bless and watch over you all.

    Alan McKenzie. National Coordinator Prayerwatch

    LAMB OF GOD PRAYERWATCH - PRAYER INTENTIONS SPIRITUAL WARFARE Against strongholds of Apathy, Witchcraft, Confusion and other named spirits.


    COMMUNITIES Protect and bless the life and mission of The Sword of The Spirit, Patmos & Cornerstone Lamb of God [Fiji], Families for Christ [Melbourne], Vanuatu Group, Light of Christ [Nelson],


    Auckland: Ashlyn & Felecia Fernandes, Neville & Karyn Coutinho, Valerie Menzies, Anora D'Costa, Teresa Soares, Blanche Hollingsworth, Wallace Fernandes, Simone, Glory & Leslie De Mello,Central: Jun & Angie Briguera, Henri & Cutie Zalamea, Robert & Ethel Caballes, Tom & Mhel Caballes, Peter & Stephanie O’Connell, Blenheim: Mark & Mary Jackson, Mike & Cheryl Garrett, Christchurch: Roger & Veronica Foley, Robert & Karin Van Doorn, Darren & Julie Humphries, Tai & De Stirling, Niul Kay, Lyn Keane, Pauline Marsden, John & Monica Haughey, Annette Sargisson, Chris & Maureen Lyons, Ian & Pārbati Hamilton, Trevor Wall, Joan Corbett, Steven & Maria Sequeira, Chris Aston-Grieve, Ron & Helen Elliott, Southern: John & Janet MacManus, Mike & Judy Prendeville, Paul & Shauna James,


    Auckland: Clifton & Anora, Cynaika & Antacia D'Costa, Southern: Florence & Susan Quigley,


    Central: Ron Blackwell, Blenheim: Carol Cullimore, Jenny McElhinney, Rebecca Jarvis, Christchurch: Mary Anngow, Robin Corbett, Trevor Wall, Peter Anngow, Southern: Christine May,


    Auckland: Brian Lobo, Blenheim: Chris Fredericks, Philip Middlemiss, David Aberhart, Christchurch: Dorelle Ham, Undine Cavanagh, Niul Kay, Andre’a Forster, Southern: Mike Prendeville,

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    Auckland: Mira D'Souza, Peter D'Souza, Maria dos Anjos D'Souza, Thomas Hong, Alwin D’Souza, Joan Lobo, Alfred Saldanha, Shalini Saldanha, Simone D'Mello, Karyn Coutinho, Anthony Philippupillai, Christopher Dalgado, Olivia Fernandes, Bruce Donald, Patrick Lim, Philomena Coutinho, Cherylyn Donald, Jo Collins, Iris Saldanha, Central: Stephanie O’Connell, Jacob Muollo, Henri Zalamea, Aly Fernandes, Jojo and Ellamae Jalandoni, Cutie Zalamea, Josiah Grieg, Jenny O’Connell, Blenheim: Grace Weston, Mike Garrett, Anita Fredericks, Barbara Ryan, Chris Fredericks, Christchurch: Lisa Borkus, Karin Van Doorn, Chris Aston Grieve, Veronica Foley, Siobhan Forster, Bernie Black, John Murray, Chris Lyons, Monica Haughey, Bronwyn Harborne, Pauline Marsden, Ian Hamilton, David Black, Fr John Rea, Joan Corbett, Roger Foley, Southern: Fr Merv McGettigan, Steven & Judy Homes & Family, Rhoda Woodfield, Alan McKenzie, Judy Prendeville, Richard May, Susan Quigley,


    Auckland: Blanche Hollingsworth, Ivan & Sheila D’Souza, Elias & Priscilla Martis, Edmond & Betsy Fernandez, Central: Christine Oliver, Ron & Jackie Blackwell, Christchurch: Steven & Maria Sequeira, Veronica & Roger Foley, COVERING PRAYER National Council, Kairos Ministries [YCP, UCO, EJ, Pre- EJ, YA], Branch Life, Lamb of God Centre, Branch Visits, Clustering in Auckland, Ministry of Fr John Rea, Employment of Members, Light of Christ Special Ministry, Wellington branch [sickness among extended family], and the Ashburton Group in Christchurch.

    “I have made you a Watchman” Ezekiel 33: 7