the lantern of saint christopher - amazon

October 2014 1 The Lantern of Saint Christopher Lighting the Way for Christ October 2014 Volume CXXXIII Ruth’s Reveries … Driving into work today, I experienced the obvious signs of autumn hovering around. Some trees are beginning to turn. One of our oak trees is colorful, dropping its leaves, I think more for lack of water and due to heat, rather than actual frost. However, other trees are becoming colorful as well. God’s paint brush at work! Another obvious sign are the birds preparing to migrate. So many birds, all neatly lined up on the electric lines. If there was one, there were 100 of them. It is interesting to see one take off and another one “politely” takes its place almost immediately; their rhythm so natural. Amazing creatures! Birds on the Wire! And when disrupted, they all fly helter skelter, every which way, yet somehow in their awkward frenzy they are flying free and get back into their flock with ease. I recalled a movie by that name. It was a comedy with Mel Gibson and Goldie Hawn from back in the circa 1990’s. I never saw it, but a friend of mine, who was a Mel Gibson devotee (then, but not now) did, and she liked it. I thought I would Google the movie and refresh my memory. However, what I found was quite interesting.

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Page 1: The Lantern of Saint Christopher - Amazon am reading a really interesting book about walking the Pacific Crest Trail. It is

October 2014 1

The Lantern of Saint Christopher

Lighting the Way for Christ October 2014 Volume CXXXIII

Ruth’s Reveries … Driving into work today, I experienced the obvious signs of autumn hovering around. Some trees are beginning to turn. One of our oak trees is colorful, dropping its leaves, I think more for lack of water and due to heat, rather than actual frost. However, other trees are becoming colorful as well. God’s paint brush at work!

Another obvious sign are the birds preparing to migrate. So many birds, all neatly lined up on the electric lines. If there was one, there were 100 of them. It is interesting to see one take off and another one “politely” takes its place almost immediately; their rhythm so natural. Amazing creatures! Birds on the Wire! And when disrupted, they all fly helter skelter, every which way, yet somehow in their awkward frenzy they are flying free and get back into their flock with ease.

I recalled a movie by that name. It was a comedy with Mel Gibson and Goldie Hawn from back in the circa 1990’s. I never saw it, but a friend of mine, who was a Mel Gibson devotee (then, but not now) did, and she liked it. I thought I would Google the movie and refresh my memory. However, what I found was quite interesting.

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October 2014 2

I did not know that there was a song with the same title. Written by Leonard Cohen… the lyrics follow…..

Like a bird on the wire, Like a drunk in a midnight choir I have tried in my way to be free.

Like a worm on a hook, Like a knight from some old fashioned book I have saved all my ribbons for thee.

If I, if I have been unkind, I hope that you can just let it go by. If I, if I have been untrue I hope you know it was never to you.

Like a baby, stillborn, Like a beast with his horn I have torn everyone who reached out for me.

But I swear by this song And by all that I have done wrong I will make it all up to thee.

I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch, He said to me, "You must not ask for so much." And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door, She cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?" Oh like a bird on the wire, Like a drunk in a midnight choir have tried in my way to be free.

I found that I had to sit with these verses for a bit. These words resonated so intricately with what some of us experienced by attending the “Bridges Out of Poverty” seminar.

The only reason why birds on power lines usually aren’t electrocuted is because the wire is the only thing they’re touching. Were they to straddle two separate lines, we would have pigeon pie for supper!

I often wonder how many wires we straddle at a time. I also wonder how free we are. And do we take what freedom we have for granted? The birds do precisely what God created them to do. With our free will, and disillusioned thoughts that we know what is best, sometimes we do not realize our created potential by filling our lives with things which encumber us, enslave us, and make us less than free.

This is the autumn of our seasons. Time when things die off. Time when creation begins its journey to winter rest, in peaceful slumber. Perhaps it is our time too, to allow some entrapments to die off, be put to rest. To make amends to those we have been unkind to, untrue to. (Not that I am condoning our choir to change their method of singing freely!!) To get ourselves off the hook of things which take our sights off our spiritual well-being. It would be foolish for us to take for granted those freedoms we enjoy, especially in this day and age. What would we have to fall back on were our freedom to be absconded? The only thing that allows us to find true freedom is to stand only on one wire…. That is the wire which connects us directly to God. Fly free!

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October 2014 3

Sunday Attendance It is important that we are aware of how many people are in attendance on Sunday. So each month we show the attendance numbers. Remember, statistics indicate that to have a thriving and prosperous congregation, we need to shoot for 100 as the average Sunday attendance.

Sunday Attendance June July August September

1st Sunday 76 55 62 66

2nd Sunday 89 59 49 76

3rd Sunday 67 68 60 92

4th Sunday 74 61 71 tbd

5th Sunday 78 n/a 66 n/a

TOTAL 384 243 308 (to date) 234


First of all, let’s not forget that the BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS will be held on October 5th at 2:00 in the church parking lot. If it rains – it will be indoors. Animals to be blessed will astound you – there have been turtles, fish, iguanas, dogs and cats, snakes, and I wonder why the farmer next door does not bring over his wonderful cows. Ruth+, particularly likes this Service, and although I am certain there are other denominations that do the Blessing of the Animals, it just seems so Episcopalian to me. Makes you proud to be an Episcopalian! Join this special event, and bring your pets (whatever they may be!)

I hope you have noticed several changes in our Services. The Worship Commission has been busy plotting and planning wonderful things. For example, the Recession Songs are now Upbeat, and Hymns that will stay with you as you exit the church; songs that will stay in your head. We have a new “Our Father,” authored by our own Melody Kelley. It is a beautiful rendition of the Lord’s Prayer. Rosanne Brown’s rendition is beautiful as well, and has served us well for many years. It will continue to have a place in our Services at certain times of church year. Meanwhile, we are thankful for Melody’s beautiful rendition. Wow, it is beautiful, and very uplifting!

It may seem early to many of you, but we (The Worship Commission) are already planning the Services for November and December. What an exciting time of the year. If you have suggestions to be discussed at the Commission meeting, please take them to a member of the Commission, and I guarantee you, we will consider them at our next meeting, which will be during October. We will be discussing the coming Christmas Eve Service, the children’s Christmas Pageant, the Christmas season music, the many blessings of the season, etc.

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October 2014 4


This Sunday, I would ask that you take a look around you in our church. Who is missing, and why? Who is possibly in financial trouble, or has a chronic illness, or who has received a blessing for which they are grateful, and for which we should be grateful too? Etc., etc. Then think about all the deaths from Ebola, from natural disasters, and most of all, senseless deaths attributed to religious beliefs. Is there something you can do for all those less fortunate than yourselves? Yes, Indeed! There is always Prayer! JESUS HEARS OUR PRAYERS AND HE ANSWERS THEM. Is it asking too much for you to pray for one another?

On Tuesday’s at noon, we have a short Celtic Prayer Service, asking our Lord to Comfort, Guide and Heal us, and all those we hold dear in our hearts. If you cannot spare 45 minutes at noon on Tuesday (and, of course, it is difficult if you are working), we have a Healing Station at the back of the church for Sunday church goers. I have no doubt you know of someone, if not yourself, who needs your prayers. Let us help you – join us either on Tuesdays at noon, or in the back of the church during communion. Go up to the Altar, received the body and blood of Christ, and then go to the Healing Station in the back corner of the church and name those for whom you wish to offer your prayers.

FELLOWSHIP Mary Donnellan

September was a busy, busy and productive month, and I am sure October will provide many opportunities for growth, service, and fellowship. One on-going opportunity is Coffee Hour. Be sure to sign up. Enlist your friends to help you so we can keep this wonderful tradition going.

I am reading a really interesting book about walking the Pacific Crest Trail. It is WILD by Cheryl Strayed. It makes me want to walk the Pacific Crest Trail, but I think that ship has sailed! I might make twenty miles before I quit! But the book is a journey not only of hiking but also of learning about important matters in life. I recommend it.

Mary Donnellan

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October 2014 5

ECW – Episcopal Church Women Judy Brainard

We had a very productive meeting this month, along with lots of good food and laughter. The schedule for this year is posted on the bulletin board.

Our October activity is at the Dayton Foodbank. They not only service the Dayton area, but Fairborn and other communities as well. In their three county service area, there are 39,000 children who face food insecurity. Each week, volunteers build packs full of food to sustain the children through the weekend. These packs are then given to schools and agencies who give them to children with a need. Agency and school staff place them in backpacks when the children are out of the room. We are going to stuff these backpacks on Thursday, October 2 from 10 to 12.

Maps are available with the sign- up sheet. The facility is located at 56 Armor Place, Dayton. There is ample parking at the facility. If you wish to carpool, be at the church at 9:30.

Here are some helpful hints: Temperatures can fluctuate in the warehouse so they suggest wearing layers. No food or drink is permitted. You must wear closed toe shoes and be at least 14 years old. Upon arrival, enter through the far right-hand door. After we have completed our task, we will go to the Golden Nugget for lunch. Deb Snavely has done the planning for this outing and we hope we will have a good crowd to accomplish this worthwhile work.

The ECW has also bought yarn to make prayer shawls. There are only two of us making them now and the need is great. See me for yarn to make a shawl and get directions. The knitting is very simple, just straight knit and purl and there are experts around to help you if you encounter a problem.

St. Christopher’s Family By Membership Commissioner, Nancy Mitchell

The Spotlight is On . . . .

Roy & Judith Hays Judith and I met at a fraternity Christmas party in 1960, and had our first date in January 1961. Seven weeks later, we were married in the Presbyterian church that my parents attended, less than a week after I proposed (at a Valentine’s day dance). She was 19, and I was 21. We lived with my parents while I was working for American Standard at their foundry in Louisville.

In July, the Soviets began erecting the Berlin wall and President Kennedy said he was increasing the draft…I checked on my draft status and found I was #3 from the top! I decided to enlist, rather than be drafted into the Army. Having been in Naval ROTC, I went to see the Navy recruiter first, but he was out to lunch. So I went across the hall to the AF recruiter, and to make a long story short, I served in the Air Force for 27 years, with Judith by my side the whole time. She worked at many jobs while supporting my career, including Insurance, Body Shop Manager, Librarian, and Teacher’s assistant. We ended up here at Wright-Patterson AFB in January 1987, and I retired 1 September 1988.

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October 2014 6

During our career, we served in Germany and England, along with many CONUS bases. We had three sons: Kevin-‘62, the Annapolis grad; Roy C.-‘63, the chemical engineer; and Jason-‘65, the fireman-paramedic. We have three wonderful daughters-in-law and seven grandchildren, and we thank God every day that they all are healthy and happy.

We both enjoyed acting in local Community Theatres, and have very long resumes of acting and practical stagecraft experience. When we got here, Judith was in the first play performed at the new Dayton Playhouse on Siebenthaler Ave. Meanwhile, I became a member (and president) of the Fairborn Playhouse, and we both played at Playhouse South and the Dayton Theatre Guild.

Being far too young to retire completely, I got a job with a (series of) contractors providing logistics support to WP, as an Engineering Analyst working in the Technical Order policy area. I was lucky enough to keep the same job for the next 22 years, and became known as the “Godfather of TOs.”

We joined St. Christopher’s sometime around June 1987, after we settled into our current house in Holiday Valley. We’ve both been active in the Vestry, Sunday School, Adult Education, and serving on the Alter. The primary things that have kept us at St. C’s are you, our fellow parishioners. Thank you all!

Roy & Judith


Roy Hays, Jr. Warden

S I write this, the 2015 pledge drive starts in one week. The theme for this drive is Walking the Way, provided by “The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS).” “The Way” is the way of

Christ. The introductory bulletin insert will be distributed on Sunday, Sept 28th, and will explain the underlying theme much better than I could in this article. Please read and discuss these inserts, and pray about your level of pledging.

ast month, I explained why St. Christopher’s needs you to pledge; so we can budget income versus expenses for the year. If your children are also making offerings, they should also pledge. The

Biblical standard of giving is ten percent (tithe) of your income, and many of us are striving to reach that level.

ur Consecration Sunday will be November 9th, and we hope most of you will be in church that day to put your pledge offering on the altar. However, we will be happy to accept your pledges anytime

before or after that date.

f you have any questions please feel free to contact me during the coffee hour or at home @ 864-2029. Thanks,

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October 2014 7

OUTREACH by Linda Canas

Please continue to save your aluminum tabs. We are giving them to the Springfield Masonic Home. They, in turn, give them to the Shriners to cash in for their children's hospitals. Thank you!

ST. CHRISTOPHER’S COMMUNITY CRIER Getting out to show your Episcopalianality

Marilyn Power Through the month of Oct. - Wednesdays– Fairborn Farmer’s Market, 5/3 Commons, Main St – mid-am to mid-pm

Now through 26 Oct – Saturdays & Sundays – Cowin’s Corn Maze – Young’s Dairy, Yellow Springs – 11am to 6pm - $5.50@, 4yrs. & under free

Month of Oct. – Fridays & Saturdays – Young’s Haunted Wagon Rides – Young’s Dairy, Yellow Springs – 7:30pm to 10pm - $10@, 4yrs. & under $4

4 Oct – Yellow Springs Farmer’s Market, Kings Yard parking lot – 7am – noon

9 Oct thru 12th – Huber Heights Community Garage Sale

11 & 12 – Enon Apple Butter Festival – South Xenia St. (grounds of Enon Elementary School) – Sat. 10am to 6pm, Sun. 11am to 5pm

11 Oct – Yellow Springs Street Fair – 9am to 5pm

24 & 25 Oct – Fairborn Halloween Festival – downtown – Friday, begins at 4pm/ parade at 7:30pm – Saturday, throughout the day

25 Oct – Enon & New Carlisle (all of Clark Co) Beggar’s night (trick or treat) – 6-8pm

27 Oct – Fairborn Mayor’s Citizen Forum – Time 7 p.m., Place: Fairborn Senior Housing on Central (former Central School), 221 N. Central.

31 Oct – Beggar’s night (trick or treat) - 6pm to 8pm for the communities of Beavercreek, Centerville, Fairborn, Huber Heights, Riverside, & Xenia.

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October 2014 8

October Birthdays 1 Ruth Paulus

4 Beth Bayard

6 Rosalie Arnold

14 Grace Mukunzi

14 Michael Brainard

16 Grayson Haberecht

17 Rudy Arnold

18 Telesa Learn

19 Nancy White

25 Bryce Kopp

31 Barry Kelley

October Anniversaries October 8 Gail and John Stauffer

October 22 Carol and Paul Sharp

October 24 Rosalie and Rudy Arnold

St. Christopher’s Prayer List For illness, healing: Dick, Kathy, Larry, Toni, Judith, Carol, and Nancy,

In our Long-term Prayers: Laura, Mike, Bill, Sharon, Dorothy, Dottie, Hans Petter

For our soldiers: Mark, serving in Texas, Alicia, serving in New Mexico, Peter serving in Maryland. Scott, Joel, Kerry, Charlie, Keith, Erik, and Elyse, now serving in Afghanistan, Michael serving in Kyrgyzstan, and Jon, now serving in Korea

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October 2014 9

October 2014 Events and Announcements, Opportunities � Sunday School Schedule – 9:15 Adult Forum, and Sunday School for Third Grade and up. –

10:00 a.m. Sunday School for Pre-K to Second Grade.

� Thursday, October 2 - from 10 to 12. ECW goes to the Dayton Foodbank to “stuff the backpacks.” If you wish to carpool, be at the church at 9:30. Afterwards, we will go to the Golden Nugget for lunch. See the article in this Lantern for more information.

� Sunday October 5 –at 2 p.m., Blessing of the Animals

� Thursday October 9 – 6 pm Girl Scouts Reconnect & Reminisce Potluck dinner

� Thursday October 9 – 6:30 Youth Commission Meeting.

� Sunday October 12 – St. Vincent’s Volunteers

� Sunday October 12 – at 2 p.m. Cropwalk . You can sign up to walk, or support others who are walking

� Sunday October 19 – Discretionary Fund offering

� Sunday October 19 – ECW used book sale

� Sunday October 19 – 11:30 Vestry meeting

� Monday October 20 – Deadline for November Lantern articles and info.

� Sunday October 26 – St. Vincent’s Volunteers (next November 9).

� Monday October 27 – Fairborn Mayor’s Citizen Forum, Time: 7 p.m., Place: Fairborn Senior Housing on Central (former Central School), 221 N. Central.

� Saint Clare’s Creature Comforts Needleworkers’ Group: Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m.

� Weekly Healing Service – Tuesdays at noon a Healing Service with Holy Communion is held in the church proper. The service is open to anyone who wants to attend.

� Thursdays – 7:00 pm Choir Practice (starts September 4).

� OUTREACH –Remember Box Tops for Education. Please continue with donations for FISH, including Bars of soap and other toiletry items, and Food items. And feed your change to our bank -- 2 cents a meal.

� Check sign-up sheets – On the counter in Christopher’s Corner there are sign-up sheets for altar flowers, sanctuary candles, fellowship, St. Vincent’s, ECW activities, Prayer Chain, etc.

� Prayer Concerns: Please call or email Joyce D'Allessandris to activate the Prayer Chain. e-mail: [email protected], phone: 254-0005.

� The October 2014 Lantern – is online at A printed copy is available upon request, or a copy can be sent by email.

� We are still collecting used printer cartridges. They can be recycled at the office supply stores. There is a plastic container in Christopher's corner for you to fill!!

A Gentle Reminder: When planning church activities, please check the calendar posted in the church office to avoid scheduling conflicts. And please post upcoming activities.

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October 2014 10

COFFEE HOUR *** Remember to sign up for coffee hour. Coffee hour does not have to be elaborate. More than one family can share, and then it’s almost no trouble at all.

Reconnect & Reminisce

Remember when. . . .

Come out and share a memory, a song and a dish.

Invite every former Fairborn Girl Scout you know

And join us for a potluck dinner on Oct. 9th at 6pm

at St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, 1501 N. Broad St., Fairborn

Any questions? Contact Andrea Wintrow, Fairborn Service Unit Chair, at 937-879-5940 or [email protected]

Coming Events

Consecration Sunday Nov. 9th with Potluck Dinner

Convention in Chillicothe Fri/Sat Nov. 14-15

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October 2014 11

Greene County Public Library Greene County Public Library’s levy on the November 4th, 2014 ballot is a renewal of the Library’s existing 1-mill levy, plus a small increase of 0.9 mill. This levy represents more than half of the Library’s budget and will cost about $2.60/month more in taxes per $100,000 of property valuation.

The Library has not asked taxpayers for additional funds in 10 years. Without this levy the Library will be forced to:

� Cut staff

� close locations

� reduce hours

� decrease programs and services

� limit new materials

With this levy our Library can:

� continue programs for children

� maintain services to homebounds, elderly, and disabled residents

� update books and other materials

� keep our locations open and the staff needed to help and serve our patrons

Individuals or groups interested in more information about the levy can stop at their local Library or visit us on the web at

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St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church October 2014 Fairborn, OH

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4

5:30-7 GS mtg 32760 J. Green

10 to 12. ECW , to Dayton Foodbank to “stuff the backpacks.” Carpool from church at 9:30. Afterwards, Golden Nugget for lunch.

7 Choir

6:30 GS mtg 31280

GS CPR class

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Seventeenth Sunday Pentecost

9:15 am Adult Forum, 9:15 am Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

2 - Blessing of Animals

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts Noon Healing Service

Full moon

5:30-7 GS mtg 32760 J. Green

6:00 Girl Scout R&R Potluck

6:30 Youth Comm. Mtg

7 Choir

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Eighteenth Sunday Pentecost

9:15 am Adult Forum, 9:15 am Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

St. Vincent’s Volunteers

2 – Crop Walk

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts Noon Healing Service

Full moon

5:30-7 GS mtg 32760 J. Green

7 Choir

6:30 GS mtg 31280

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Nineteenth Sunday Pentecost

9:15 am Adult Forum, 9:15 am Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

Discretionary fund offering

ECW used book sale

11:30 Vestry mtg


Information Deadline

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts Noon Healing Service

5:30-7 GS mtg 32760 J. Green

5:30 Worship Comm. Mtg

7 Choir

26 27 28 29 30 31 November Twentieth Sunday Pentecost

9:15 am Adult Forum, 9:15 am Sunday School 10 am Eucharist, Sunday School

St. Vincent’s Volunteers

6:30-8 GS mtg 30240

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts Noon Healing Service

5:30-7 GS mtg 32760 J. Green

New moon

GS 30240

Haunted House

7 Choir

St. C Youth

Haunted House & lock-in


Sunday Nov. 9th


Fri/Sat Nov. 14-15

(937) 878-5614 1501 N Broad St., PO Box 1026, Fairborn OH 45324

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Seventeenth Sunday Eighteenth Sunday Nineteenth Sunday Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost After Pentecost After Pentecost After Pentecost October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26

Worship Leader Toni Olgeaty Diane Cannon Tammy Elliott Roy Hays

Chalice Bearer Buddy Schneider Ed Smith James Lester Alan Haberecht

1st Reader


2nd Reader

Mary Donnellan Ezekiel 33:7-11 Cindy Feltz

Romans 13:8-14

Toni Olgeaty Genesis 50:15-21 Tammy Elliott Romans 14:1-12

Ron D’Allessandris Jonah 3:10—4:11 Hayward Learn

Philippians 1:21-30

Theresa Turner Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32

Sierra Lester Philippians 2:1-13

Acolyte Kathy Smith Iyabo Eguaroje Ed Smith Danielle Lester

Ushers Judith Hays

Jean M. Muhire Gordon Hermann

James Lester Iyabo Eguaroje

Roy Hays tbd

Healing Prayers Cindy Feltz David Christmas Joyce D’Allessandris Toni Olgeaty

Greeters Judy Brainard Iyabo Eguaroje

Phyllis Fitzgerald Ginny Argarin

Andrea and Alan Haberecht

Darlene Walbroehl

Altar Guild Eleanor and Becky

Wood Kathy Smith, Sierra Lester

Melody Bigi Judy Brainard

Betty Crichton David Christmas

Tellers Rosalie Arnold

Bob Bigi Ed Smith

Gordon Walbroehl Millie Roach

Gordon Hermann Susan Brainard John Stauffer

Fellowship Turner/Cannon open Donnellan

D’Allessandris Faller

PLEASE check the schedule and note your assignment(s). If you are not able to serve, try to find a substitute, and notify both the office (878-5614) and the person responsible for that assignment.

Toni Olgeaty 864-5140 Worship Leaders, Chalicers, Lectors, Acolytes, Ushers Andrea Haberecht 546-1208 Coffee Hour/Fellowship Nancy Mitchell (937) 912-9381 Greeters Lauren Faller 740-606-1985 Senior Warden Melody Bigi 878-4058 Altar Guild Melody Kelley (937) 372-6687 Director of Music Rosalie Arnold 878-5097 Tellers Ruth Paulus+ 878-5614 Prayer Requests

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS : 10 AM to 2 PM, Monday through Friday