the latest, ultimative final version, current release, approved, last minute changes included post...

The Latest, Ultimative Final Ver- sion, Current Release, Approved, Last Minute Changes Included Post-Installation Checklist Sjaak Ursinus ilionx Martin Leyrer IBM

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Page 1: The latest, ultimative final version, current release, approved, last minute changes included post installation checklist - Version November 2015

The Latest, Ultimative Final Ver­sion, Current Release, Approved,

Last Minute Changes IncludedPost-Installation Checklist

Sjaak Ursinusilionx

Martin LeyrerIBM

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Martin Leyrer - IBM

• Working 5 years for IBM as an IT-Specialist

• ICS product stack since 1995

• Twitter → leyrer• Linkedin →● Blog →

Page 4: The latest, ultimative final version, current release, approved, last minute changes included post installation checklist - Version November 2015

Sjaak Ursinus - ilionx

• Working 11 Years for ilionx as aconsultant

• Working with IBM Connections since Jan 2007

• IBM Champion since start of program• Twitter → sursinus• Skype → sursinus• Linkedin →• Various other social website’s

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Why ?

• Even we forget things• Info is scattered across the

Connections documentation• So far no singular check list has

emerged• Overview of „optional“ configuration


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• NOT an installation guide• Probably incomplete• Biased towards what we think is


• If you want to add something, please let us know

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01. Increase Number ofOpen Files (Linux only)

• default is: 1024 open files/process• recommended limit: 8192• Martins recomendation: 65536• „ulimit -n“ to check• To change, edit/etc/security/limits.conficuser soft nofile 65536icuser hard nofile 65536

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02. JDBC Connection Pool Size

• Initial WebSphere JDBC pool size:10 connections/connection pool

• Connections 5.0 CR1 Performance Tuning Guide has recommendations

• Use scripts from „Connections Administration & Scripting 101“ to set automatically

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03. JVM Heap Size

• Connections needs „sufficient“ heap space, esp. Search

• Connections 5.0 CR1 Performance Tuning Guide has recommendations

• Use scripts from „Connections Administration & Scripting 101“ to set automatically

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04. Change WebsphereDefault Log Language

• Open Websphere Integrated Solution Console

• Go to Servers->Server Types -> „Websphere application servers“ and select server you want to change

• Server Infrastructure → Java and Process Management → Process definition → Additional properties → Java Virtual Machine

• Add to “Generic JVM arguments”:-Duser.language=en -Duser.region=GB

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# Enable strict CBC padding# 471 1

Header add Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000"

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06. Redirect All Traffic ToHTTPS

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06. Redirect All Traffic ToHTTPS

● httpd.conf

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^(.*)$1/ [R,L]

<IfModule mod_ibm_ssl.c>...

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07. File Downloads ThroughIBM HTTP Server

• Improves performance significantly• Available for files stored in

– Activities– Files– Libraries– Mobile– Wikis

• Advanced Setup

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08. Add A Reverse CachingProxy

• „Optional“ configuration• Improves performance, especially

over wide area networks (WAN)• Lots of options:

– WebSphere Edge Components– Nginx– Varnish– Apache– Squid

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09. Push Notifications forMobile

• Notifications are sent, when the following events occur:

– The user is invited to join a community.– The user is invited to join a person's

network.– A task is assigned to the user.– A user is @mentioned.– A comment is added to content that the

user owns.– A synced file is modified on the server and

updated on the user's mobile device.

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09. Push Notifications forMobile

• The following ports must be open on each node in the cluster where the Mobile application is installed:

– Android● Port 443 (HTTPS only)

– iOS● Ports 2195 and 2196

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09. Push Notifications forMobile

• Check out & edit mobile-config.xml• <Push enabled="true">• <RememberPassword>true</Remem


...• http://www-

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10. Email-NotificationSender

• Default: generic email address, such as [email protected]

• Displayname and Email-Address can be changed

• Globally or per app• Easy setup

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10. Email-NotificationSender

• notification-config.xml


<property name="globalSenderName">IBM Connections Administrator</property>

<property name="globalSenderEmailAddress">[email protected] </property>


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11. Email-NotificationMobile Links

• Not included by default• Adds link to notification that opens in

mobile Connections app

• Easy setup

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11. Email-NotificationMobile Links

• notification-config.xml

• <properties>

• ... <includeMobileLinksInNotifications>true</includeMobileLinksInNotifications>

• ...

• </properties>

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12. Email-NotificationTLS Links

• Per default E-Mail Notifications contain only http links

• Today, Connections should be https only

• Easy setupLotusConnections-config.xml:<forceConfidentialCommunications enabled="true"/>

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12. Email-NotificationTLS Links

• LotusConnections-config.xml

• <forceConfidentialCommunications enabled="true"/>

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13. Add Search Languages

• Not everyone speaks & creates english-only conten

• You can have multiple languages• You have to define one primary

language• Recreate Searchindex after adding


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13. Add Search Languages

wsadmin -lang jython -user wasadmin -password [PWD]


SearchCellConfig.checkOutConfig("D:/temp", "ic-cell")





SearchCellConfig.checkInConfig("D:/temp", "ic-cell")

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14. More Language RelatedSearch Settings

• For better multilingual support set

• search.ignore.punctuation.enabled

• search.language.sensitivity.enabled

• oneToTwoMapping.enabled

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14. More Language RelatedSearch Settings

• Set via wsadmin command LCConfigService.updateConfig()

• Easy setup

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15. Enable User To SetLanguage Preference

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15. Enable User To SetLanguage Preference

• Default: User interface is displayed in the language set by the locale settings of the web browser.

• Easy Setup:

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15. Enable User To SetLanguage Preference

• LotusConnections-config.xml

<languageSelector cookieDomain="" cookieName="" defaultLanguage="" enabled="true"usePermanentCookie ="false">

<language lang="en">English</language>

<language lang="de">Deutsch</language>

<language lang="fr">Fran\u00e7ais</language> </languageSelector>

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16. Enable URL Preview

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16. Enable URL Preview

• Connections (WAS) needs to be able to access „The Internet“

• Can facilitate a Proxy• Easy to set-up

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17. Enable Sync For Files

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17. Enable Sync For Files

• Not always enabled by default, so verify

• Enable before deploying the Client-Plugin

• Easy setup

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17. Enable Sync For Files

• files-config.xml

<fileSync enabled="true"> <clientDownloadLink enabled="true" url=" software/dw/ibm/connections/"/><autoVersioning enabled="true"/></fileSync>

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18. Enable Sync For Mobile

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18. Enable Sync For Mobile

• Not enabled by default• Consider enabling file download via

IHS beforehand• Easy setup

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18. Enable Sync For Mobile

• mobile-config.xml

<FileSync enabled="true">




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19. Enable Round-TripEditing For Files

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19. Enable Round-TripEditing For Files

● Not enabled by default.● Enable before deploying the Client-Plugin

● Easy setup

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20. Modify Maximum Fileand Library Size

Default maximum file size is 512 MB• Default personal library: 512 MB • Default Community library: 512 MB•

• There are limits for files in Wikis, Activities, … as well, but try to educate your users to store files in „Files“

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20. Modify Maximum Fileand Library Size

• Change via FilesPolicyService• Modify „Default Policy“• Create new policies for different user

groups• Numbers > 2GB must add an "L"!

eg: 2GB are given as „2147483648L“• Easy setup:

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21. Assigning tasks tomultiple people

• Marked as completed when all assigned users mark the item complete

• An activity owner can also mark the activity complete

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21. Assigning tasks tomultiple people

• Disabled by default• Watch out for „side-effects“ with

Notes-Plugin and mobile apps.

• Easy setup

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21. Assigning tasks tomultiple people

• oa-config.xml

<property name="feature.multiAssignment.enabled">true</property>"

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25. Community EventsDefault View

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25. Community EventsDefault View

• widgets-config.xml file:

<widgetDef defId="Calendar"


<item name="defaultView" value="grid" />• Easy setup

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24. Default Widgets ForCommunities

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24. Default Widgets ForCommunities

widget-config.xml<template id="default"> <widgetInstance uiLocation="col2statusposts" defIdRef="StatusUpdates" instanceId="StatusUpdates1"/><widgetInstance uiLocation="col2" defIdRef="Forum" instanceId="ForumInstance1"/><widgetInstance uiLocation="col2" defIdRef="Bookmarks" instanceId="BookmarksInstance1"/><widgetInstance uiLocation="col2" defIdRef="Files" instanceId="FilesInstance1"/></template>

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24. Default Widgets ForCommunities

widget-config.xml<template id="default"> <widgetInstance uiLocation="col2statusposts" defIdRef="StatusUpdates" instanceId="StatusUpdates1"/><widgetInstance uiLocation="col2" defIdRef="Calendar" instanceId="CalendarInstance1"/><widgetInstance uiLocation="col2" defIdRef="Forum" instanceId="ForumInstance1"/><widgetInstance uiLocation="col2" defIdRef="Bookmarks" instanceId="BookmarksInstance1"/><widgetInstance uiLocation="col2" defIdRef="Files" instanceId="FilesInstance1"/></template>

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24. Default Widgets ForCommunities

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24. Default Widgets ForCommunities

• Easy Setup

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22. Table Of ContentsMacro for Wikis

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22. Table Of ContentsMacro for Wikis

• Disabled by default• Room for improvement• Option for more macros• Support?• Easy Setup

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23. Wiki Syntax Tab

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23. Wiki Syntax Tab

Disabled by default• Enable in wikis-config.xml via editor.wikitexttab.enabled

• Easy Setup:

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26. Community ActivitiesView

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26. Community ActivitiesView

• oa-config.xml file:

<properties><property name="feature.communityActivitiesView.enabled">true</property> </properties>

• Easy setup

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27. Microbrowser Support

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27. Microbrowser Support

• Not enabled by default• Renders Connections for mobile

device webbrowsers• Useful when the mobile App is not

available• Easy setup

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28. Bonus Tip:App Password

• Check out the Social Connecions 9 session „IBM Connections – Beyond a standard installation – Fasten your seatbelt!“ by Maik Weber and Stefan Heßler for details.

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• Connections Administration & Scripting 101

• IBM Connections V5 CR1 Tuning guide

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Sjaak UrsinusIlionx

Twitter → sursinus

Skype → sursinus

Linkedin →

Various other social website’s

Martin LeyrerIBM Austria

E-mail: [email protected]




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