the law of attraction

The Law of Attraction [Abridged] Using your thoughts & feelings to attract what you want.

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The Law of Attraction[Abridged] Using your thoughts & feelings to attract what you want.

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You’re Already Experiencing it!“What a coincidence – I was just thinking about you!”

Have you ever used the following phrases:

• Out of the Blue

• Serendipity

• Coincidence

• Fate

• Karma

• Fell into Place

• Meant to be

Presentation Notes
Have you ever sometimes what you need just falls into place, or comes to you out of the blue from a telephone call? Maybe you bumped into someone on the street – or you get a random phone call from someone you have just been thinking about. Or heard about people who find themselves in the same relationship over and over again.
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I attract into my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative.

LOA: Defined

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History of LOA

Budda - “What you have thought has determined what you have become”

Bible - "And I say to you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you" Luke 11:9

1906 – William Walter Atkinson, “Thought Vibrationor the Law of Attraction in the Thought World”

1926 – Ernest Homes, “Basic Ideas of Science of Mind” 1949 – Dr. Raymond Holliwell “Working With the Law”

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Science & Law of Attraction?

Its not for new age hippies! Example: Positive & Negative Poles Magnetic Energy

Thoughts & Feelings are energy(Vibrations)Earworm: “I’m Picking up Good Vibrations…”

Presentation Notes
The Law of attraction isn’t a fancy term or new age magic. It’s a law of nature that every atom of your being is in constant response to – whether you know it or not. There is physiological foundation for positive thinking and it’s effect. There are many forms of energy: atomic, thermal, electromotive, kinetic (ect!) Think about how metals can be magnetized by aligning molecules in the same direction. Creation of positive and negative poles is a fact of science.
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“I shoulda stayed in Bed!”Flikr @Doggy Wishbone

For example, when a person wakes up first thing Monday morning feeling a little bit cranky and irritated, they are sending out a negative feeling.

They get out of bed and then stub their toe, realize they ran out of coffee, then burn the toast, get stuck in traffic, a client cancels on them … (more negative vibrations!)

Presentation Notes
For example, when a person wakes up first thing Monday morning feeling a little bit cranky and irritated, they are sending out a negative feeling (vibration). They get out of bed and then stub their toe, realize they ran out of coffee, then burn the toast, get stuck in traffic, a client cancels on them (more negative vibrations!) … ect!
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Choosing your thoughts &

feelings deliberately.

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flickr @ pattykoplitz

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Do Not Think of a Snowstorm

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You Totally thought of a Snow Storm!!

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Words Matter

Don’t Hesitate to Call Don’t Panic Don’t Forget Don’t Be Late I Dont Want this to Hurt I Don’t want my clients to cancel

Presentation Notes
When you hear yourself make the statement containing the words don’t, not or no you are actually giving attention and energy to what you do DON’T want
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Words Matter (Try these instead)

Don’t Hesitate to Call Call me Soon Don’t Panic Stay Calm Don’t Forget Remember To Don’t Be Late See You On Time I Dont Want this to Hurt I Will Be Fine I Don’t want my clients to cancel I Want My Clients to

keep Their Appointments

Presentation Notes
When you hear yourself make the statement containing the words don’t, not or no you are actually giving attention and energy to what you do DON’T want
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You can only send out one vibration at a time, when your words change, so does your vibration. Want to feel more positive?

Change your words!

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Avoid Victim Mindset!

The SINGLE BIGGEST THING that will sabotage your life is victim mindset. Why?

"You don't know my story!“ "You have no clue what it's like to be me!“ "Yeah but my situation is worse!“ "It's (insert ANYONE BUT YOU)'a fault things aren't working for me!"

Yes! You CAN choose your attitude & mindset

Presentation Notes
Because it's the hardest thing to come to terms with and admit, it's like a warm coat on a cold day, it wraps around you and makes you feel comfortable. �
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3 Tools to help you choose your mindset

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Tool #1 : Appreciation & Gratitude

Keep appreciation & gratitude journal – write in it EVERY DAY

Bonus Tip: Find someone to hold you accountable!

Appreciation & gratitude both help send out positive vibrations. When you’re appreciating something, you’re offering a feeling and vibration of pure joy. Appreciation & gratitude both help send out positive vibrations. When you’re appreciating something, you’re offering a feeling and vibration of pure joy.

Presentation Notes
Appreciation & gratitude both help send out positive vibrations. When you’re appreciating something, you’re offering a feeling and vibration of pure joy. Appreciation & gratitude both help send out positive vibrations. When you’re appreciating something, you’re offering a feeling and vibration of pure joy.
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Tool #1 : Appreciation & Gratitude

Samples:I am grateful that I went hiking with new friends I loved sharing lunch today with close friends. I appreciate my close friends giving me their

attention I love having lots of friend

Presentation Notes
Appreciation & gratitude both help send out positive vibrations. When you’re appreciating something, you’re offering a feeling and vibration of pure joy. Appreciation & gratitude both help send out positive vibrations. When you’re appreciating something, you’re offering a feeling and vibration of pure joy.
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Tool#2: “I’m in the Process of…”

Sometimes it’s hard to believe you will get what you desire. This is especially true if you’re focusing on the fact that you haven’t reached your goal. When you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’re offering a negative vibration.

So instead, feel the relief by saying “I’m in the process of...”

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Tool#2: “I’m in the Process of…”

Before: I still haven’t attracted my ideal mate. I’m in the process of attracting my ideal mate. Before: I still waiting for my ideal job. I’m in the process of obtaining my ideal job. Before: I haven’t reached my goal weight yet. I’m in the process of having a happier, slender body.

Presentation Notes
Sometimes it’s hard to believe you will get what you desire. This is especially true if you’re focusing on the fact that you haven’t reached your goal. When you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’re offering a negative vibration. So instead, feel the relief by saying “I’m in the process of...”
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Tool #3: “I Have Decided”

Another way to rephrase your expressions so they offer a positive vibration is to use the phrase “I’ve decided.” When you say “I’ve decided...” it creates a strong positive emotion. “I’ve decided I’m having this,” or “I’ve decided I’m doing that.” Most people rarely use the word decide, yet it is an excellent way to take your focus off of lack and put it back onto your desire.

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Tool #3: “I Have Decided”

I’ve decided I’m going to have more money in my life.

I’ve decided I’m going to work three days a week.

I’ve decided I’m going to be in a happy, healthy relationship.

I’ve decided to attract my ideal job.

Presentation Notes
Another way to rephrase your expressions so they offer a positive vibration is to use the phrase “I’ve decided.” Have you noticed that in most cases when you say “I’ve decided...” it creates a strong positive emotion. “I’ve decided I’m having this,” or “I’ve decided I’m doing that.” Most people rarely use the word decide, yet it is an excellent way to take your focus off of lack and put it back onto your desire.
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Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate. It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind

~Napoleon Hill

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Additional Reading:

My Favorite LOA book:Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of what your want and less of what you Don’t

By Michael Losier

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