the legal stuff - train · greens...


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Page 1: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train · greens drink first thing in the AM. My favorite recipe right now is 1 liter of fresh water,
Page 2: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train · greens drink first thing in the AM. My favorite recipe right now is 1 liter of fresh water,



Copyright © 2014 by The Forged Athlete, LLC

All rights Reserved

No portion of this book may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including fax, photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use.

This manual may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Travis Stoetzel, except in the case of a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages for the sake of a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or journal, and all of these situations require the written approval of Travis Stoetzel prior to publication.

The information in this book is for educational purposes only. The information in this book is based on my own personal experiences and my own interpretation of available research. It is not medical advice and I am not a medical doctor nor have I claimed to be.

The information within this book is meant for healthy adult individuals.

You should consult with your physician to make sure it is appropriate for your individual circumstances. Keep in mind that nutritional needs vary from person to person, depending on age, sex, health status and total diet.

If you have any health issues or concerns please consult with your physician.

Always consult your physician before beginning or making any changes in your diet or exercise program, for diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries, and for advice regarding medications.

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LMS Strong Table of Content

Major Mistakes ......................................................................................................... 4

The Most IMPORTANT Key .................................................................................... 8

You Must Get LEAN ............................................................................................... 11

This Program is NOT a Diet ................................................................................... 12

I Must Destroy These Myths ................................................................................... 14

The Lean. Mean. Strong. SUCCESS Principles ......................................................23

The Lean. Mean. Strong. Acceptable Food Guide .................................................. 31

Just A Quick Rant ................................................................................................... 35

The LMS – “Not So Healthy” Food’s List ............................................................... 37

The WHAT and WHEN To Eat .............................................................................. 38

The LMS Meal Templates ...................................................................................... 40

HOW to tweak LMS to Build More Muscle ............................................................ 54

HOW To Tweak To Lose More Fat ......................................................................... 55

How To Cheat and WIN .......................................................................................... 56

What About Supplements ...................................................................................... 63

Some Final Words For You .................................................................................... 68

Lean. Mean. Strong. FAQ’s .................................................................................... 70

Lean. Mean. Strong.

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Simple Nutrition for Serious Results.

For the last few years since opening my gym and growing my business online, I've received countless amounts of request from people that wanted to know exactly what it is I ate.

What this manual will cover is what I've discovered over the many years of testing and tweaking different styles of eating and what I've produced for you is a highly effective plan on how and what I eat to keep me lean, get me strong, increase my energy levels, as well as help improve my performance.

The good news is, everything I have laid out for you below has also worked for many of my clients both online and off.

So, if you've ever wanted to know what I eat, you’re about to find out.

The truth is I wasn’t always the best eater.

In fact, I used to eat like complete crap and at the time I thought I was eating “healthy”.

I tried just about every single type of diet out there…

I did the Atkins diet, the ol' Bodybuilder’s Diet (which consisted of only eating oatmeal, broccoli, eggs, protein shakes, and chicken), and even the ol' not eating anything after 8pm diet…

Since those days, I've learned a lot. I've tested a lot and I've seen the results firsthand.

What you're about to read is what I currently do and what I have my personal clients do and if you follow what I've got laid out for you, I know that you too will see some amazing results. But, before I go any further there's one thing you must know… This is NOT a diet and it's not a quick fix meal plan… It's a LIFESTYLE and the truth is, until you treat your nutrition like an actual LIFESTYLE, you will not see the greatest results that you’re capable of seeing.

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So, what I want to do for you is make eating to get LEAN, MEAN, and STRONG as simple as possible so you can implement it into your LIFESTYLE without any major problems.

What you'll discover is not that complicated. The main thing you do first is It's STOP the mistake of making things too confusing.

Bottom Line - Eat good healthy foods, cut out the sh*t, and when you get that down, you can start implementing in the more advanced, but simple techniques I have laid out for you in this manual.

Now, before we get into what you need to be eating, let's talk about some of the major mistakes plus all the dumb sh*t I've done in the past and still do at times so YOU know exactly what to avoid.

First off, I mentioned above about the stupid diets I tried in the past. I can remember back when I tried the Atkins diet. You know the ol' “no carbs at all, no fat, no dairy, just mainly a crap ton of protein diet”?

Yeah that one…

It worked at first, but after a few weeks my energy levels went to sh*t, I started getting headaches, couldn't concentrate at times, and my performance and strength levels started to dwindle as well.

Bottom line, that was NOT a healthy style of eating that was going to do me any good over time.

So, I dropped that diet quick. What I was missing were your good carbs like veggies and fruits as well as my powerful and highly nutritious fats. In order to have a high level of performance, you need these essential foods to help fuel and supply your body with essential vitamins and nutrients.

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My next big mistake was when I tried to eat the same foods over and over again.

Other then getting bored of eating the same foods over and over, I started to develop food allergies. I would get a stuffy head and runny nose every time I ate chicken and eggs, and I also noticed my energy levels started to drop off after eating meals. This was due to my digestive health decreasing from having to digest the same foods over and over day in and day out.

What your body needs is a wide variety of foods to keep things balanced out as this will keep you satisfied and help improve your digestive health and energy levels. I’ll talk more about this on into the manual.

My next big mistake that I made and still see a ton of people making as well was having way too many protein shakes in one day. I can remember when I was taking in anywhere from 3-5 a shakes a day! Shakes were good for time cramped situations but not for the long haul (and not for my digestive health either).

The truth is, your body needs REAL foods and no matter how good your protein shake blend is, it's still a processed food. You need to balance out your meals by having at least 80% of your nutritional uptake coming from real foods.

Another trap I fell into for awhile was when I started eating too many "fake" healthy foods. Things like quick protein bars, protein shakes (like I just mentioned), "protein cookies" and pre-made "healthy" meals. At the time I thought I was eating "healthy" stuff but when it came down to it, there were way too many fake added in fillers and ingredients.

At the end of the day, LESS is more so now when I select the foods I eat, I try to go for only the RAW form or the form with the least amount of ingredients added to it as possible. If something says "fat free" or reduced fat on it, I typically avoid it. Bottom line - Eat the real thing. Just like with training, there are no short cuts for hard work just as there are no short cuts to eating real, healthy foods.

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Another major mistake I made for the longest time was by not eating enough of your "energy" foods. So things like all of your different green foods like kale, spinach, kimchi, ect. I skipped this stuff without knowing what I was missing out on. ENERGY was one of the big things I was missing on a daily basis as I was constantly drinking Red Bulls, Rockstars, and other drinks to increase my energy.

Since then, I’ve harnessed the power for “energy” foods and I have at least one greens drink per day. With the addition of more “energy foods”, I've had better digestion, more energy, and increases in performance since. It honestly, truly pays off having a good, solid greens drink first thing in the AM.

My favorite recipe right now is 1 liter of fresh water, a splash of organic lemon juice, and 1 scoop of Athletic Greens. (More about greens drinks later)

The final mistake I want to talk about is what most people think as the go to method as being essential to healthy eating which is the ol' myth of thinking you must eat every 2-3 hours in order to keep your metabolism high, retain muscle, and build strength.

Not only is the ol’ “you have to eat every 2-3 hours” thing a myth, but for most people it’s extremely time consuming and they’re unable to do this anyways. When I tried to keep up to this way of eating, I was usually pretty frustrated. If I ever missed a meal, the rest of my day was screwed as my attitude would be off (you would not want to cross my path when I missed a meal), and my mind would be in the gutter.

Since then, I’ve discover that having to eat every few hours is not only a myth, but that you can get just as good results if not better when you strategically use Intermittent Fasting (more on this below). Since then, I've freed up my time, increased my energy, and have improved my overall results both on a physical side as well as performance wise.

Now that you know about some of the biggest mistakes I’ve made in the past, we need to get to the most IMPORTANT part of this manual, which is with goal setting and mindset.

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I bet YOU thought it was on what foods you should be eating didn’t you?

Well, that has a lot to do with your success, but it’s not the most important.

So to begin, we need to know exactly what your goal is.

So, what is it?

Do you want to build more muscle? Shred more fat? Or are you just looking to increase your energy and performance?

What ever it may be, this will help create everything, but it’s critical you figure out what it is you want to do. Not only will this help guide you to where you want to go, but it will also give you the drive and motivation needed in tough times.

People that don’t have goals lack purpose and passion for what their trying to do.

Purpose and passion will help drive you towards you goal and help you bust through barriers and go over bumps in the road that creep up in your way.

So, before you go any further, take out a piece of paper and write down what it is you want to achieve.

You don’t have to settle on just one little thing either. This can a multitude of different goals, but one thing is for sure; you must write these goals down.

Also, make sure the goals you write down can be measured and make sure that they have true meaning to you.

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A bad example would be, “I want to lose 5% bodyfat.” That’s great, but WHY?

You need to include some “why’s” in there to make it more meaningful.

A better example of including a “why” in with your goal that would be something like this, “I want to lose 5% bodyfat so I’m leaner and look better with my shirt off. I want to get ripped an look good for all the hard work I do because I deserve it and when I achieve this, I’ll have more confidence, and swagger to walk around and be proud about the way I look and feel.”

See the difference in those two goals?

Now, before you go any further, write down 3 BIG goals that have some BIG “whys” attached to them. Do this for ALL of your goals.

After you’ve wrote down your goal, make sure you set yourself some hard deadline for when you should have them accomplished.

This will force you to take action and to be less likely to fall of the wagon. If there’s no deadline, then there’s really no sort of pressure that will continually push you to getting things done.

You need to have some sort of accountability set onto your shoulders. A nice solid deadline will help solve this program so after you’ve wrote down your 3-5 TOP goals and “whys”, write down some dates next to these goals that will serve as your deadlines.

Better yet, to add to this, make sure to email me ([email protected]) and let me know what your goals are and when you deadlines are so you've got even more accountability on your shoulders. This will drive you forward even faster!

You don’t want to let me down right?

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I don’t want to see you fail so make sure to get it done! It’s your choice on whether or not you really want to send me your goals and deadlines. If you do, great!

If not, make sure you write them down!

DO NOT go any further until you do so!

The reason this is so important because it’s more for your mental side of things. In order to make sure we’re the most successful, you must have you mind set on SUCCESS and having a strong list of goals that are combined with some strong “whys” will help you get more focused.

Bottom line, this is by far the most important step as you've got to have a target to shoot for otherwise you'll be floating around blind.

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You Must Get LEAN.

Now that we have the mental side of things noted, it’s important to now focus in on a few things that are more on the physical side of things that we need to make clear before we go any further…

I you're above 15% Bodyfat (BF), you need to get leaner. No if’s, and’s, or but’s about that.

At this point, fat loss should be your number one focus because when you get yourself leaner, your body will easily stay ripped and will build muscle more efficiently. When yourself to a lean 12%, then you can go for more muscle gain.

If you're below 15% and muscle gain is your goal, you're eating habits will be a bit different.

If you're an athlete and you're going for performance, you'll have a bit of a mixed eating style, which will be a combination of eating styles. This will include having an eating style that supplies us with enough energy to perform, but at the same time, will also keep you from gaining too much weight.

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This Program Is NOT A Diet…

So, let’s get into what this program will do for you.

First off, the BIGGEST mistake you can make is by thinking that a diet or short term eating plan is the right thing for you and is going to get you to the goal that you want to achieve.

This is 110% false.

If you look at nutrition and eating as nothing more then a “diet plan” you will fail.

What you need to focus in on is the big picture…

In short, this program is specifically designed to get you leaner, stronger, increase gains in energy and improved performance. It’s the all-in-one way to eat, but one thing must be made clear… It’s a LIFESTYLE.

Now, with what I just stated about what this program will do for you, it’s important to note what it won’t do for you…

Some of the main things it won’t do is make you count calories, measure and weigh foods, cut out the foods you love to eat, make you have the perfect ratio between your fats, pro's, and carbs, or have you following a strict diet for a certain amount of days…

You won’t have too much to worry about other then following the basic templates I have set up below. If you can stick to following the templates I have laid out, you’ll be more then good to go!

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So, what is this program based on if there’s no counting calories or ever having to weigh and measure my food?

What is it that makes this program so good?

Well, it’s all about KNOWING how to eat right and KNOWING how your body works and that’s what you’ll discover over time while following LMS.

It’s a LIFETSYLE. This “diet plan”, if you want to call it that, never ends.

It’s forever.

Unless you’re looking into doing a bodybuilding or fitness figure competition, you can eat how you want according to the different ways I have written out within this book and maintain a lean, mean, nd strong body year around! Not just for when you “diet”.

That’s the difference between eating for a “diet” and eating for a LIFESTYLE.

Bottom line – NO ONE and I mean NO one wants to follow a strict, written up meal plan that has restrictions, calorie amounts, specific ratios of pro’s, carbs, fats’ year around!

You’ll soon discover that this program is not out to make you follow a bunch of strict guidelines. It’s about principles.

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I Must Destroy These Myths… Now, before we go into the principles that make this program so effective, let’s go over some of the main food myths that I’ve discovered over the years that are completely false and just plain piss me off…

I can’t expect that everyone that picks up this manual already knows these myths, which is why I’m sharing them. It’s important to avoid these fallacies!

You need to know this BS so you can break free from the all of the lies out there in regards to what real good nutrition truly is.

Food Myth That Pisses Me Off #1) Meat is BAD for Us.

Yes I can see where people think meat is horrible for you (especially with movies like Food Inc. and reports like The China Study) but the truth is, it’s the type of meat you’re eating and where you’re getting it.

You should be trying to get your meat from organic, grass-fed, wild caught, free range sources. When you eat those types of meats from healthy sources, you get all the benefits such as all the B vitamins, cholesterol, and amino acids which all help the body function properly.

Humans need meat! We were meant to eat it.

You see these? They’re used for chewing on meat! ;)

Now if you can’t get yourself some high quality sources of meat should you just totally avoid it all together?

I say no.

Your next best choice is to go for an “Organic” source of meat and to make sure to supplement with a high quality omega 3 fish oil to help up your Omega 3’s to balance out the amount Omega 6’s you get from regular meats. Lower quality meats won’t have high levels of Omega

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3’s in them naturally which is why you’ll need to supplement with extra Omega 3.

If an organic source of meat isn’t available, then you your final “go-to” for protein would be to go with the leanest meat you can find.

For example, 85/15 beef would be an OK choice if you were eating grass-fed beef, but if all you had to choose from was 85/15 grain-fed beef and 93/7 grain-fed beef you would definitely want to go with the leaner choice.

BTW, you should be supplementing with a high quality Omega 3 just because it’s that essential ;)

Food Myth That Pisses Me Off #2) Fat will make you Fat and is BAD for you.

Let me first just scream at the top of my lungs that this is FALSE!

I, for the longest time, thought this was true.

Why wouldn’t anyone believe this?

After all, fat is fat, right?


The reason is due to the fact that not all fats are created equal.

Just like meat, it comes down to the source and type of fat you’re eating.

If you’re eating hydrogenated fats and other trans fats then yes – those are terrible source for you and will make you fat, but if you’re eating fat from a grass-fed cow, organic seeds, nuts, coconuts, avocados, or the fat that comes from fresh caught fish, then you’re fine.

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These fats supply a ton of healthy energy and will actually help you burn fat.

Something else that’s important I need to discuss is that of being either a “fat burner” or “sugar burner”. When it comes down to it, you want to become a “fat burner” vs. a “sugar burner” and the sad truth is, most of us are primarily sugar burners due to the crappy sugar filled diets we have.

The reason most people get fat and stay fat is partly due to them being primarily a “sugar burner” where as I just said, is due to the high consumption of processed carbs, grains, and crap sugars. In return, people’s bodies use these sources of sugars as energy.

When your body mainly uses sugar as energy, it becomes efficient at using it for energy and keeps your body fat stored away as it has no reason to use it.

So how do you fix this problem?

How do you become a “fat burner”?

Well, first off, you need to cut out your consumption of grains, processed carbs and sugars because when you cut out your grains, processed carbs, and sugars, your body will now start looking at other source of energy, which will be fat. When you make this switch, your body will become much more efficient at using fat for energy.

A major bonus when it comes to healthy fats is that they supply a longer sustained source of energy vs. that of what fast digesting sugars and carbs supply. With fats, you won’t get the crashes in energy you typically get when eating a bunch of carbs as fats take longer to digest and they hardly have any effect on your blood sugar levels. Sugars and carbs on the other hand give you that nice post consumption crash after you consume them due to such a high rise in blood sugar.

This is important as if you want sustained energy throughout the day, you’ll have to control your blood sugar levels. In short, if you control

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your blood sugar levels, you’ll lower your bodyfat % which means you’ll get and stay lean.

In other words, “Control your blood sugar and you’ll control your bodyfat %.”

Not only will you get LEANER, you’ll have more energy from this as well.

Now, just like with anything other type of food, you still have to watch your overall consumption of fat. Too much of anything is bad!

Bottom line - Get in your healthy fats such as whole cage free, organic eggs, grass-fed beef, fresh caught salmon and other fresh water fish, grass-fed butter, nuts, seeds, oils from nuts and seed sources such as coconuts, and avocados.

A good recommendation in regards to supplementing with fats would be to look into a high quality Omega 3 fish oil as well as a high quality MCL oil.

Food Myth That Pisses Me Off #3) Drink Milk! It’s GOOD for you.

I’ve got to give that statement above a big fat NO!

Just to let you know, the regular milk you find in the stores is nothing more than a conglomerate of highly processed liquid that’s filled with toxic hormones.

This is caused by the pasteurization of the milk that destroys most of the nutrients and enzymes that then turns it into nothing more than empty toxic calories.

If you can’t give up your milk, I would first recommend that you find a milk source that’s coming from a grass-fed cow or better yet, get yourself some grass-fed RAW milk. That stuff is highly ANABOLIC from what I’ve researched.

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If you’re up for the change and want a solid replacement for regular milk, then I would strongly suggest you drink Almond or Coconut milk. These two replacement sources have twice the amount of vitamins and nutrients then regular milk has plus contain fewer calories per serving. In addition, they’re not coming from a toxic source.

Food Myth That Pisses Me Off #4) Juice is HEALTHY for you.

Hell No!

To be straight up with you here, juice is nothing more then a ton of empty calories and pasteurized sugar.

In a nut shell, this is the process fruit juices go through before you buy it from the store…

…it’s first super heated when processed which then destroys all the vitamins and nutrients the fruit contained before hand

…next there a ton of added fillers and mix in’s blended into the juice

…finally, this leaves you with nothing but….

…toxic SUGAR.

This is NO good!

Now, I’m in now way against juicing or eating fruits and veggies (obviously), but if you want juice, make it yourself at home with some fresh, organic fruits and veggies.

Go right to the source instead of getting the highly processed sh*t you’ll find at the store.

It’s way cheaper and healthier!

Final say is to get a juicer and make your own juice at home ;)

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Food Myth That Pisses Me Off #5) Whole Grains are GOOD for you.

Man, I can remember when I used to eat a crap ton of carbs!

I’ve never felt better since cutting out ALL of my grains.

Just to let you know, it doesn’t matter if the grain you’re eating is 100% whole grain or “9 grain” because in the end, grains contain gluten and gluten containing foods have been linked back to causing a number of autoimmune diseases and other complications.

I say it NOT worth the risk.

I recommend you try to cut your grains out as much as possible just for the shear health benefits as well as the physical improvements as well.

With anything, there are always some alternatives you can reach for.

In this case, rather then reaching for some regular whole wheat bread, reach for a better source with better ingredients such as Ezekial Bread which comes from “sprouted whole grains”.

Sprouted Whole Grains are plant based and are somewhat better because they lack all the fake filler and preservatives regular breads have.

My final recommendation would be to check out Paleo Bread. I’ve tried this out a few times and if I feel like having a bread fix such as having a sandwich, Paleo Bread is awesome. There’s NO grain, NO gluten, and the ingredients are all solid and if you’re someone that doesn’t want to give up your bread, this would be one of your best options for sure.

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Food Myth That Pisses Me Off #6) Cholesterol is BAD.

This is a myth I believed for far too long.

The bottom line is this, we need cholesterol to help produce testosterone within our bodies and not to mention help our brains function properly.

Other benefits of “good” Cholesterol are that they help fight off deadly bacteria and illnesses.

GOOD Cholesterols also help build sex steroids within the body in which we need as humans to survive and reproduce. These good cholesterols also help our bodies build up more lean muscle and burn fat (which you probably want).

From what I have read and researched, the high cholesterol dilemma is complete BS!

The reason so much focus is put on high cholesterol is because the medical sales with cholesterol lowering drugs are over a billion-dollar a year industry!

The last I heard, 9 out of the 13 doctors that are on the Expert Panel for cholesterol information and research were directly under the pay roll of some of the biggest medication drug companies in the world!

I’d say that there’s something pretty fishy about that…

Bottom line, it’s more then OK to eat your whole eggs, healthy fats and oil, and other “healthy” cholesterol filled foods (see the acceptable foods list below).

Now, it’s important to note that f you’re going to be increasing the amount of fat and cholesterol you’re going to be taking in, at the same time (this is IMPORTANT) you need to make sure you’ve cut out your sugars, grains, and processed junk foods!

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Combining fats that contain cholesterol and all of those toxic processed carbs and sugar filled foods will be a bad combination for you.

It’s also important to note that there are in fact GOOD and BAD cholesterols.

The bad cholesterols that you want to avoid are within your trans fats from anything that been fried as well as your bad saturated fats which come from low quality protein sources (like grain-fed beef), and most of your dairy products. These sources contain high levels of LDL or “bad” cholesterol.

On the other hand, you want to focus on taking in good sources of cholesterol (HDL’s) which come from nuts, seeds, wild caught fish, grass-fed beef, cage free eggs, ect.

Bottom line – we need cholesterol to function properly. Just make sure to focus on the source!

Food Myth That Pisses Me Off # 7) Replacement Sugars are HEALTHY

Let’s be real here… This is wrong!

In reality, replacement sugars do nothing to help prevent our blood sugar levels from going up which is one of the main reasons these fake sugars even exist other then to sweeten up the taste of our meals ;)

Most of these new “healthy” sugar replacements have been created for diabetics and other people looking to control their blood sugar levels.

These replacement sugars include sources like Splenda and Nutri-Sweet, which are two replacement sugars that actually do nothing to help regulate blood sugar levels.

These are nothing more than man-made junk that will do nothing but harm our bodies in the long run.

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The best way to regular your blood sugar levels and to stay as healthy are possible is to cut out ALL of your sugars and sugar substitutes. If it’s been tampered with in some way, shape, or form, you know it can’t be good for you. The BEST recommendation I can make in regards to finding a solid sweetener is to go with RAW organic honey or look into RAW organic coconut sap crystals. These are great ways to sweeten up meals, just make sure to use in moderation.

Now that I’ve vented a bit and have let off some steam as well as uncovered some of the major big time myths, it time to get into key principles that make up LMS. Applying these to your eating lifestyle will skyrocket your success.

Like I’ve mentioned many of times before, I want to make this as easy as possible for you so pay attention and take in the principles I have laid out for you next and we’ll be well on our way to getting leaner, meaner, and stronger!

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The Lean. Mean. Strong. SUCCESS Principles

Principle #1- JERF

This is simple. JERF stands for “Just Eat Real Food” and it really doesn’t get any more simpler or plain cut then that. When in doubt, eat REAL food. Real foods are foods that have no ingredients in them other then what their made up of themselves.

It’s important you cut out the fake crap foods from your diet at once. There will be some JERF foods that do have additional ingredients in them such as certain protein powders I recommend and others like Coconut Milk or Almond Milk, ect, but it’s important to note that with these, the ingredients that they have are made up of primarily other JERF foods.

It’s important to track that in case you do eat foods that are made up of multiple ingredients. Always look for that. Just look out for that and learn how to see it.

Principle #2 – The 90/10-80/20 Rule

What the 90/10-80/20 Rule comes down to discipline. Basically what these two ratios stand for is the amount of healthy meals vs. “cheat” meals you can have.

Depending on where you’re at with your BF%, if you’re higher (above15%) your LMS eating ratio will be based off of the 90/10 rule and the reason for this is to get you below 15% BF as fast as possible.

If you’re below 15% and at a body composition that you’re happy with, your LMS eating ratio will be set at the more moderate 80/20 rule.

Basically what these ratios dictate is how often you can get off track with your eating. Like I mentioned above about LMS is that you can still eat the foods you love (you know the one’s you shouldn’t be eating).

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Like me for instance, this last weekend before I began writing this manual, I indulged in some double chocolate cake and ice cream. If that wasn’t enough, the next day I decided to throwdown a few beers and some wings!

Why? Because I earned it and I was still sticking to my LMS plan. I’m currently at 8% BF and I know I can get away with a little bit of a cheat here and there.

After all, I’m not a ROBOT and either are you. We need to live life a little bit and indulge.

With that, the rest of the week I was 100% on with my eating because I also knew I needed to stick to my 80/20 rule.

With LMS, it’s all about the “give and take” state of mind, which basically comes down to having a good balance.

You can’t live Lean, Mean, and Strong eating chocolate cake all the time…

Bottom line – you can still eat the crap (but damn tasty) foods that we love to eat. It’s all about having the right balance and earning the right to do so. Stick to your LMS ratios!

Principle #3 – LMS Power Combo = Paleo + Intermittent Fasting

The last principle that makes up LMS is basically how I’ve taken a Paleo based eating style and have combined it with the super powers of Intermittent Fasting.

In short, using these two strategies of eating combined will give you the best results ever.

First off, what is Paleo?

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Well, it’s a philosophy of eating based around the Paleolithic era of time when cavemen and cavewomen roamed the earth some 12,000 years ago.

Our cavemen and cavewomen ancestors had to hunt and gather their own food to stay alive and survive, so the core of the Paleo philosophy eating is in the belief of eating just as our ripped caveman ancestors ate.

It’s a plain and simple concept - Eat JERF (Paleo approved foods) and reap the benefits!

Most of the concepts about Paleo eating came from the fact that The Paleolithic Era of time came before there were any types of modern farming and animal husbandry.

So, what the heck does this mean?

It means that our cavemen ancestors didn't do much farming nor did they raise livestock. They roamed around and either gathered food or hunted for their meals.

There were no fields of corn, hay, wheat, barley, ect. Grains just were not around yet. There also weren’t any cow, turkey, or chicken crowded pens.

It was gather and hunt your food or die.

So, the sole idea behind Paleo eating is to go back to our caveman roots and try to focus in on the specific types of food we had available to us back then and try to only stick to eating those.

So eat foods like:

Meats – chicken, fish, seafood, pork, beef, eggs Veggies – leafy types / non starchy Fruits (mainly berries) Nuts Seeds Oils From sources such as Olives, Avocados, Coconut, Almonds,

Macadamias Tons of fresh Water

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Avoid these foods:

All Grains All Sugars All Dairy Pretty much anything processed

Now at first glance, one may say to themselves that they could nevereat like this and we’ll dive into the selections more heavily below but, to be POSITIVE about it, there are some special situations where you can fit in the non-Paleo foods if need be. I’m a realist and know that you can get away with it and still be ok (think 90/10-80/20 rules).

Now, Paleo basically dictates the WHAT we eat while Intermittent Fasting will dictate HOW we eat (that’s if and when you choose to implement it)…

If you don’t know what Intermittent Fasting is yet, I’m going to keep it real basic and to the point.

At the root of it all, IF is when you don’t eat for a certain amount of time rather, you actually purposely skip meals like breakfast and even lunch.

In LMS, when you choose to use IF, you’ll basically not eat for a period of at least 16 hours. You can of course choose to go longer, but you must at least abstain from food for at least the bare minimum of 16 hours in order to achieve the desired results.

Why is this good?

Well again to keep things super basic, in the end, it will help you’re body use fat as energy, increase growth hormone, help you control your blood sugar levels, increase the amount of energy you have, and so on.

There’s a TON of benefits associated with IF and the bottom line is, IF works and when you combine it will a Paleo-like LIFETSYLE of eating, the benefits and effectiveness of both IF and Paleo skyrocket.

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Principle #4 – Rotate Your Food Choices

Remember how I mentioned I used to eat the same foods over and over back in the past? Well, little did I know I was making a HUGE mistake.

At first this worked well as it made it easy to prepare meals as I always knew exactly what I was going to eat, knew what to get when I went shopping, but after a while it got real old.

I was able to last a lot longer then a lot of people would have been, but what I didn’t know was the effects this was having on my body.

One of the major effects I started to feel were allergic reactions to certain foods, mainly with eggs and chicken. I would get a runny nose and sneezes whenever I ate them and at the time I really didn’t think much about it, but this was due to me eating the same things over and over again.

Basically what happens when you eat the same foods over and over is your body builds up a tolerance to them. Overtime, your body gets worse and worse at digesting these foods because you eat them so much. This is due to the body not having enough of the right enzymes to digest these foods.

After a while, when you start to use up and lack some of the enzymes needed, the food you eat starts to just sit in your gut since it’s not able to be digested.

Bottom line, I wasn’t digesting my meals very efficiently or more importantly, not absorbing the foods I was eating.

Once I learned about the importance of rotating my foods sources, I started to do so at once.

The main thing you must focus on to improve your ability to digest your foods is to rotate your proteins.

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Now, I always try to have a different protein source at each meal over the course of a day.

For instance, if I have beef in the AM, I’ll make sure to have chicken, eggs, or fish later on in the day.

Sometimes this can be tough, but it’s important to try and implement into your eating habits as best as possible.

If this is tough for you, I’ve also just gone whole days with eating the same source of protein. This way you can plan out your days a bit better. What you would do for this is stick to one protein source for the whole day and just rotate your sources over the course of the week.

In addition to rotating your foods, it would be smart to add in a strong and high quality form digestive enzymes to help further aid in digesting your food.

Another thing I’ve done to help improve my digestion is to have a big glass of water and lemon juice before my bigger meals. I’ve also started to supplement with HCL and probiotics as well to help improve digestion even more.

One final tip I’ll give with this since it’s so important to have a healthy digestive system is to try and eat your “heavier” proteins earlier in the day and to reserve your “leaner” proteins for later in the day.

For example, what I’ve done is a take total 180 degree turn in regards to how I eat my protein now as I’ll have beef, pork, or steak typically for my first meal then, finish off the rest of the day with “leaner” meats like chicken breast, turkey, eggs, or fish.

The reason for this is to let your body digest your proteins before you hit the sack. Heavier meats like steak, pork, ect take a bit longer to digest then your “leaner” proteins do.

I’ve noticed a HUGE change in my ability to sleep better since switching my protein intake up like this. On nights where I would have a nice 16oz steak, I would often times wake up feeling extremely

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exhausted and fatigued probably due to my body working overtime during the night to digest that huge slab of meat I ate.

Principle #5 – Alkalize Your Body and Eat For Energy

One of the BIGGEST mistakes I was making for far too long was that of neglecting to alkalizing my body.

For longest time I was struggling with low energy levels during the day, sleepiness, drops in performance, frequent colds during the winter, and feeling of constant fatigue.

Yes, I was training hard and that could have been why I was feeling this way, but it wasn’t until I started to research more about how important it is to alkalize the body.

All of the symptoms I was having where major signs of being to too acidic.

Bottom line, most of us live a lifestyle that promotes acidity of the body. For me, I was training at high intensities all the time, eating a ton of protein, drinking energy drinks, and neglecting my veggies.

The problem with all of these things is that they all produce more acid within the body and in turn, I was highly acidic!

When your body becomes too acidic it puts it in a very stressful state where instead of using most of your energy for daily tasks (like training, focusing on work, burning fat, building muscle, recovering from workouts, ect), it uses a ton of it’s energy to try and balance out the acidity of the body first.

To add to that, feeling the way I did caused me to be more stressed out as well. Stress alone will cause more acid within the body to be produced, which only adds to the problem even more.

Another issue with being too acidic is with illness and disease. It’s been said that there is only one sickness and that is acidity of the body.

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Diseases have been shown to flourish in highly acidic environments so if you constantly harm your body by being in a highly acidic state all the time, you’ll be way more susceptible to illnesses and even disease.

Notice how a lot of the times the people that eat like crap tend to get sick more often than the people that eat healthy do?

Coincidence? I think not!

So, how did I finally start to lower my acidity levels?

Well, here’s a quick checklist to help you out…

Think “ Greens to Get Lean”! Eat MORE Greens – It’s mandatory I eat greens at every meal not matter what!

Cut out ALL of my grains (except when I enjoy my cheat meals of course)

Cut out ALL of my sugars (gotta love your cheat meals) I have at least 1-2 greens drink per day (usually post workout) Start the day off with a large glass of purified water w/ lemon

and sometimes a splash of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar I get at least one massage if not more every few weeks (helps

with relaxation and stress reduction) Go through the “5 Day Domination Preparation Protocol” to set

your body up for success. (see within the “How to Start” section below)

Pick 1 day to avoid any type of meat intake every 14-21 days (gives your digestive system a nice break) – see “the Meatless Fasting Protocol” below for more detailed info

ALWAYS have a greens drink POST workout either within my protein shake or on it’s own

After a heavy cheat day or “drop off the wagon weekend bender”, follow the “2 Day “Reboot” Protocol to reset your body back to normal – see “the 2 Day “Reboot” Protocol below for more details

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The Lean. Mean. Strong. Acceptable Food Guide So, now that you know what the LMS ways of eating are made up of, we need to go over exactly what it is you need to be eating.

The lists I have below are to help you know exactly what it is you can eat to be successful with LMS. Ultimately it comes down to what you put into your mouth.

Lean Proteins

Cage free eggs Lean ground turkey Skinless chicken breast Lean ground beef Lean ground bison Grass fed beefPork chops Venison or other wild game meats

Fish – salmon tilapia, cod, sardines Grass-Fed Whey protein powder Low Ingredient Whey Protein Powders Pea or Hemp Protein Powders

***Quick Notes***

Try to go with grass-fed, cage free, wild caught, free-range quality protein sources for best sources of meat that will be the healthiest for you.

If you need to go with sources of meat that aren’t grass-fed, free-range, etc., I would strongly recommend you increase the amount of high quality Omega 3 fish oils you take in, as these lower quality sources will be higher in Omega 6 fat’s, so you’ll need to balance things out with extra Omega 3 consumption.

Avoid processed meats like the sliced turkey, chicken, and beef you get from the deli, as these have a ton of fillers in them, plus a ton of added sodium.

Try to buy unpackaged, fresh meats when possible.

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Bottom Line - Always check the SOURCE of where you’re getting your meat. Do extra research about exactly where you’re getting it from just to be sure.

“FREE” Unlimited Greens

Broccoli Cauliflower Kale Spinach Mixed greens Arugula Romaine lettuce Tomatoes Cucumber

Brussel sprouts Asparagus Bok choy Cabbage Collard greens Bell peppers Swiss chard Kimchi Olives

***Quick Notes***

Try to go with organic sources of greens as much as possible.

If there’s a certain veggie not listed above, and if it’s a non-starchy, green, leafy, and not a man made product, it’s probably acceptable. There are way too many veggies to list out in full, but these are the main ones.

Frozen veggies are fine as these last longer and can be heated up when needed.

Avoid buying canned veggies as these will have extra fillers in them and just aren’t as fresh.

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Smart Starches

Sweet potatoes Yams Red / White potatoes White Rice Quinoa

Parsnips Pumpkin Tubers Radishes Beets


***Quick Notes***

These “smart” starches will only be eaten at specific times, which are noted in the LMS meal templates below. Typically only after training sessions or in the evening to “re-load” your body’s carb stores.

Try to go with organic sources of smart starches as much as possible.


Strawberries Raspberries Blackberries Blueberries Cherries Green apples

Banana’s (for post workout only) Peaches Pears Apples All other Tropical Fruits

***Quick Notes***

Try to go with organic sources of fruits as best as possible.

Buy your fruits frozen when possible to keep them fresher longer. If you’re above 15% bodyfat, I would HIGHLY recommend you cut all of your fruits OUT of your diet until you get yourself leaner.

Definitely avoid the tropical fruits on your non-training days.

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Healthy Fats

Coconut oil Macadamia nut oil Extra virgin olive oil MCT Oil (magic sauce) Almond butter Cashew butter Hazelnut butter Almonds

Pistachios Pecans Brazil Nuts Macadamias Walnuts Avocados Sunflower Seeds Pumpkin Seeds

***Quick Notes***

It’s important to buy high quality sources of healthy fats

Avoid any sources of “fake” fats like margarine, and other butters that are “fat free”

Always go for FULL, RAW healthy fat sources. The further your fat source is from being RAW, the worse it is.

If you’re going for FAT LOSS, having a lot of high quality healthy fat sources will be critical, as these healthy fat sources will be replacing a lot of your starch intake for energy

Additional “So-So” Healthy Fats

Fermented cheese from grass-fed cows or goats Grass-fed raw butter or ghee Organic Kefir Full Fat Organic Cottage Cheese

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Just A Quick Rant…

Now, before we go any further, I need to vent a bit here…

When it comes down to it, deep down within our gut, we KNOW exactly what we should and shouldn’t be eating.

We know that instead of having a candy bar that we should probably be eating a bowl full of strawberries and some nuts instead. We know that it would be a ton better to have a large pile of green fresh veggies topped with some grilled chicken instead of having a juicy, fat, greasy cheeseburger and fries.

We know what to eat and what NOT to eat, but yet we still eat poorly.


At the end of the day it all comes back to your overall goals and how important these goals are to you. If you want to lose fat, get lean, build more muscle, and get healthier, you know what you need to do. It just comes down to doing it!

Bottom line – do what needs to be done to get the f*&cking job done!

Quit making excuses.

There’s a BIG difference between “trying” to eat healthy and actually eating healthy.

One of my biggest pet-peeves is when a client, or someone I consult with tells me that they’re “trying” to eat healthy…

Don’t just “try” just “DO” damn it!

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Just make sure you’re doing what you need to do and get it done. I can’t be any clearer here.

With what I have listed out in this manual for you, if YOU all you were to do is eat the right foods, you’d be fine.

Just make sure at the bare minimum that’s what you’re doing.

You have the power of choosing what you put in your mouth.

Now, make the right choices! ;)

There - Now, I feel a bit better… That felt good!

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The LMS – “Not So Healthy”Food’s List

Ok, just to be sure that you know exactly what it is you need to be avoiding, here's the NOT so "healthy" list of foods…

All Processed and Non-Processed Grains and Snacks -Foods such as breads, cookies, chips, popcorn, and other snacks are nothing more then highly processed crap that do very little in supplying you with energy, vitamins, or nutrients—most of these foods are high in extra ingredients and fillers which is another reason to avoid them.

Here’s some more…

High sugar containing foods Highly processed foods – anything that comes in a box with a

laundry list of ingredients – NO GO! Any and ALL Fast foods Any and ALL Fried foods TV Dinners “Healthy” Lean Cuisine Meals and other frozen “quick” meals High calorie and ZERO calorie soft drinks (Includes Gatorade,

pop, soda, fruit juices) Candy and other artificial foods Any other type of fake, man made, highly processed, high

ingredient, boxed, bagged, or packaged food.

***Cut these foods out of your diet immediately as best you can ***If you have the urge to have any of these foods, that’s what the 90/10-80/20 rule’s are for – only have them for cheat meals ***Just because it’s not listed above doesn’t make it a “healthy” food.

Always check the SOURCE and remember the golden rule of “JERF”

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The WHAT and WHEN To Eat

Below I have supplied all of the different eating templates you’ll need in order to be a success with LMS.

These templates will reveal to you a guide of when and what to eat so all you have to do is plug in the foods you want from the listed foods I have provided.

I wanted to make this as easy as possible for you to follow so all you have to do is follow what the template that has been laid out for you.

Simple remember?

Real quick before I let you check out the templates, you may ask “Why” templates?

Well, what templates allow YOU to do is select the foods that YOU love the most.

What I may eat on a regular day basis could be totally different from what you would eat so there’s really no sense in me telling you exactly what to eat; especially if you HATE the foods that I’m going to prescribe you to eat. That’s the quickest way to failing with your nutritional habits.

Make sense?

Bottom line is as long as you match up the templates with what I have laid out; you’ll be good to go!

One more quick note in regards to WHICH template’s to choose…

The answer is up to you! I have below sample weekly plans of how to combine and utilize the templates together but you can also use them as you want.

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For example, you can use just IF templates that utilize Intermittent Fasting or you could choose to only use Performance Based templates. There’s really no right or wrong answer here, but the most important thing to understand is to use the templates and the layout of the templates that work BEST for you.

It may take some time for you to figure this out, but as long as you’re eating LEAN and CLEAN, you’ll be fine. It’s takes time to really dial things in.

#1 FOCUS is to eat LEAN and CLEAN first, then modify the WHEN and HOW you eat.

And with that, below are the LMS Meal Templates!

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The LMS Meal Templates

LMS Meal Template Notes:

The following meal plans are split up into AM, PM, and OFF Day based plans so that you can choose the right template for you that follows best for when you train or don’t train. For example - If you train in the AM, choose the AM plan.

Meal Templates are also split up into Performance, Intermittent Fasting, and OFF Day focused plans.

OFF Day Templates are general meal templates that you can follow on your days off. There are both Performance based and Intermittent Fasting based OFF Day plans.

These are pretty self-explanatory.

Performance Templates are plans that do NOT utilize Intermittent Fasting. These templates follow a more traditional way of eating that includes breakfast and meals spread out throughout the day.

These templates work best for hard gainers that want to build up more muscle and strength, in-season athletes, youth athletes, and for guys out there that just don’t want to reap the rewards of fasting. I fully recommend Performance based eating for young athletes (in-season and off), especially one’s who are competing in a sport. Young athletes need to eat!

Intermittent Fasting Templates are plans that utilize at least a 16 hour fasting period. For these (as discussed earlier) you’ll abstain from eating any calories for at least 16 hours then follow the template for the rest of the day. You can choose to go longer then 16 hours, but that is the bare minimum needed to achieve desired results.

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These templates work best for people who are extremely busy in the mornings, wanting to lose fat, increase energy, balance out their hormones, improve digestion, and for general maintenance purposes.

You can still use IF even if your goal is to build up more muscle and strength as long as your following the templates correctly.

Bottom line, it’s best to use the template that best suits YOU. As noted above, it’s important to understand that it will take a bit of time to see which templates or combos there of work the absolute best.

Quick Meal Template Notes:

-Start out every single day with at least 1 liter of water ***A small splash of organic lemon juice can be added to your water + a scoop of greens drink to help start your day off strong and to increase your bodies alkalinity.

-simply plug in foods taken from the LMS foods list within the templates

-You should be drinking water constantly throughout the day – shoot for at least 64oz per day MINIMUM.

-Feel free to plug in some of my LMS sample recipes into the meal templates below for easy additions

-I recommend you take a solid Omega 3 Fish Oil with every meal, especially with your post workout meals

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“Wait! What About Calories and Amounts?”

Ah, I get this question all the time and my first response is, “don’t worry about it”.

My goal is for you to learn how your body works and to just “know” how much you need. That takes time and like I’ve mentioned before, who want to count up their calorie intake everyday and track carbs, fats, and proteins?

It’s always good to know where you’re at starting off and so below I do have some formulas and calculations you can go off of (See within the FAQ’s).

Training Day – AM – Performance

Meal 1 – Greens Drink Pre Workout Shake (30-60 mins BEFORE Training)

-1 large handful of each - kale and spinach -1-2 stocks of celery - chopped -small spill of Organic Lemon Juice -1 cup of regular Coconut Milk -1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder -1 serving of Athletic Greens ***Blend all of the ingredients above and drink

-2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils -1/2 serving of BCAA’s – Athletic Greens ***wash these down with your pre-training shake

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Meal 2 – Post Training Shake (Immediately Post Training)

-1 large handful of spinach and kale -1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder -2 cups of Water OR Coconut Milk -10g glutamine powder -5g leucine

-2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils -1/2 serving of BCAA’s – Athletic Greens ***wash these down with your pre-training shake

Meal 3 – Post Training Meal (90 Mins after Post Training Shake)

-5-8oz. protein source (best options - steak, ground beef, bison, ect) -unlimited FREE greens – as much as you want -smart starch source -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils

Meals 4+

-spread out your meals for the rest of the day giving yourself 2-3 hours between meals or just “graze’ (eat a small bit when you’re hungry) -all of these “grazing” meals will follow the template below

-lean protein source (best options – eggs, chicken, fish, turkey) -unlimited greens – as much as you want -healthy fat source -NO smart starches rest of day

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Training Day PM – Performance

Meal 1A – Breakfast Greens “Alkalinity” Shake - Option

-1 large handful of each - kale and spinach -1-2 stocks of celery - chopped -small spill of Organic Lemon Juice -1 cup of regular Unsweetened Almond Milk -1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder -1 serving of Athletic Greens -1 tbsp Unrefined Organic Coconut Oil ***Blend all of the ingredients above and drink

Meals 1B - Breakfast / Solid Meal Option

-protein source (best options - steak, ground beef, bison, whole eggs, bacon) -unlimited FREE greens – as much as you want -healthy fat choice – nuts, seeds -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils

Pre-Workout Meal (At least 60 mins BEFORE Training) Greens Shake

-1 large handful of each - kale and spinach -1-2 stocks of celery - chopped -small spill of Organic Lemon Juice -1 cup of regular Coconut Milk -1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder -1 serving of Athletic Greens ***Blend all of the ingredients above and drink -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils -1/2 serving of BCAA’s – Athletic Greens ***wash these down with your pre-training shake

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Post Training Shake (Immediately Post Training)

-1 large handful of spinach and kale -1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder -1 serving of Chai Seeds (OPTIONAL) -1 cup of Water OR Coconut Milk -10g glutamine powder -5g leucine

-2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils -1/2 serving of BCAA’s – Athletic Greens ***wash these down with your pre-training shake

Post Workout Meal (90 Mins Post Training AFTER Post Training Shake):

-protein source (best options - steak, ground beef, bison, etc.) -unlimited FREE greens – as much as you want -smart starch source -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils

Remaining Meals of Day (If any):

-spread out your meals for the rest of the day giving yourself at least 2-3 hours between meals or just “graze’ – eat when you’re hungry -all meals will follow the template below

-lean protein source (best options – eggs, chicken, fish, turkey) -unlimited greens – as much as you want -healthy fat source -NO smart starches rest of day

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Training Day PM – Intermittent Fasting

***You will Fast Until 16 Hour Window is Complete -only drink water, “greens” drink, tea, or coffee before your 1st meal -NO calories allowed during your fast

Meal 1A – Liquid Shake Option - Breakfast Greens “Alkalinity” Shake

-1 large handful of each - kale and spinach -1-2 stocks of celery - chopped -small spill of Organic Lemon Juice -1 cup of regular Unsweetened Almond Milk -1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder -1 serving of Athletic Greens -1 tbsp Unrefined Organic Coconut Oil ***Blend all of the ingredients above and drink

Meal 1B – Solid Meal Option – Greens + Protein Option

-unlimted FREE greens – as much as you want -protein source (chicken, fish, turkey, eggs) -healthy fat source – keep this at a minimum -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils -1 serving of Athletic Greens mixed in water

Meals 2-3 Breakfast / Mid Morning Meal Grazes

-protein source (best options - steak, ground beef, bison, whole eggs, bacon) -unlimited FREE greens – as much as you want -healthy fat choice – nuts, seeds -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils ***keep these meals nice and small – DO NOT overdo it

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Pre-Workout Meal (At least 60 mins BEFORE Training) – Greens Shake Option (only if you didn’t have a Greens Drink for breakfast)

-1 large handful of each - kale and spinach -1-2 stocks of celery - chopped -small spill of Organic Lemon Juice -1 cup of regular Coconut Milk -1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder -1 serving of Athletic Greens ***Blend all of the ingredients above and drink

-2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils -1/2 serving of BCAA’s – Athletic Greens ***wash these down with your pre-training shake

Pre-Workout Meal (At least 60 mins BEFORE Training) – Solid Meal Option

-unlimited FREE greens source – limit this – don’t overdo it -6oz LEAN protein source (chicken, fish, egg whites) -smart starch source – limit total – don’t overdo it ***the purpose of this meal is to fuel your body for training NOT satisfy you for the rest of the day – DO NOT stuff yourself here.

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Post Training Shake (Immediately Post Training)

-1 large handful of spinach and kale -1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder -1 serving of Chai Seeds (OPTIONAL) -1 cup of Water OR Coconut Milk -10g glutamine powder -5g leucine

-2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils -1/2 serving of BCAA’s – Athletic Greens ***wash these down with your pre-training shake

Post Workout Meal (90 Mins Post Training AFTER Post Training Shake):

-protein source (best options: chicken, eggs, steak, ground beef, bison, etc.) -unlimited FREE greens – as much as you want -smart starch source -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils

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Remaining Meals of Day (if any):

-spread out your meals for the rest of the day giving yourself 2-3 hours between meals or just “graze’ – eat if need be or when you’re hungry -all meals will follow the template below

-lean protein source (best options – eggs, chicken, fish, turkey) -unlimited greens – as much as you want -healthy fat source -NO smart starches rest of day* *If you’re training EARLY in the AM the next day after this day, include smart starches into your FINAL meal of the day **it’s important to make sure you “re-fuel” you glycogen stores for the next day of training, especially if you fasted during the day and you plan to train the next day in the AM

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Training Day AM – Intermittent Fasting

Meal 1 – Pre Workout (30 mins BEFORE training)

-black coffee (optional – recommended for fat loss or for workout boost) -5-10g of BCAA’s

Post Training Meal (Immediately AFTER Training)

-25g of Whey Protein mixed in ONLY water ***you only need a post workout shake if your main goal is muscle gain ***NO protein shake needed for fat loss -5-10g of BCAA’s -10g of Glutamine -5g of Luecine

***Your First Solid Meal Will Come After Your 16 Hour Window is Complete***

-only drink water, “greens” drink, tea, before you 1st meal after your workout -DO NOT drink coffee after any workouts – this will further increase cortisol and acidity of body – for this reason, only drink coffee BEFORE workouts or on off days

Meal 1A – Liquid Shake Option - Greens “Alkalinity” Shake Option

-1 large handful of each - kale and spinach -1-2 stocks of celery - chopped -small spill of Organic Lemon Juice -1 cup of regular Unsweetened Almond Milk -1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder -1 serving of Athletic Greens -1 tbsp Chai Seeds -1 tbsp Unrefined Organic Coconut Oil ***Blend all of the ingredients above and drink

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Meal 1B – Solid Meal Option – Greens + Protein Option

-unlimited FREE greens – as much as you want -protein source (chicken, fish, turkey, eggs) -healthy fat source – keep this at a minimum -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils 1 serving of Athletic Greens mixed in water

Meals 2-3 - Grazes

-protein source (best options - steak, ground beef, bison, whole eggs, bacon) -unlimited FREE greens – as much as you want -healthy fat choice – nuts, seeds -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils ***keep these meals nice and small – DO NOT overdo it

Final Meal of Day (Make this BIG):

-lean protein source (best options – eggs, chicken, fish, turkey) -unlimited greens – as much as you want -smart starches ***it’s important to make sure you “re-fuel” you glycogen stores for the next day of training, especially if you fasted during the day and you plan to train the next day

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Non Training Days – Intermittent Fasting

***You Will Fast Your Until Your 16 Hour Window is Complete -no calories allowed during this time -tea, coffee, greens drink, and water are acceptable

Meal 1A – Liquid Shake Option - Greens “Alkalinity” Shake

-1 large handful of each - kale and spinach -1-2 stocks of celery - chopped -small spill of Organic Lemon Juice -1 cup of regular Unsweetened Almond Milk -1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder -1 serving of Athletic Greens -1 tbsp Chai Seeds -1 tbsp Unrefined Organic Coconut Oil ***Blend all of the ingredients above and drink

Meal 1B – Solid Meal Option – Greens + Protein Option -unlimited FREE greens – as much as you want -protein source (chicken, fish, turkey, eggs) -healthy fat source – keep this at a minimum -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils 1 serving of Athletic Greens mixed in water

Rest of Meals For Day - Grazes -protein source (best options - steak, ground beef, bison, whole eggs, bacon) -unlimited FREE greens – as much as you want -healthy fat choice – nuts, seeds -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils ***keep these meals nice and small – DO NOT overdo it

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Re-Fuel Meal - Final Meal of Day (ONLY If training the next day):

-lean protein source (best options – eggs, chicken, fish, turkey) -unlimited greens – as much as you want -smart starch source

***it’s important to make sure you “re-fuel” you glycogen stores for the next day of training, especially if you fasted during the day and you plan to train the next day

Non Training Day / OFF Day

Meal 1 – Breakfast Greens “Alkalinity” Shake

-1 large handful of each - kale and spinach -1-2 stocks of celery - chopped -small spill of Organic Lemon Juice -1 cup of regular Unsweetened Almond Milk -1 scoop of Whey Protein Powder -1 serving of Athletic Greens -1 tbsp Chai Seeds -1 tbsp Unrefined Organic Coconut Oil ***Blend all of the ingredients above and drink

Rest of Your Meals - Grazes

***spread out your meals for the rest of the day giving yourself 2-3 hours between meals and just “graze’ (Only eat when you’re hungry) -all meals will follow the template below

-protein source (best options - steak, ground beef, bison, whole eggs, bacon) -unlimited FREE greens – as much as you want -healthy fat choice – nuts, seeds -2 capsules of Omega 3 Fish Oils ***If muscle gain is your goal, feel free to add in some smart starch source with your earlier meals – NO starches allowed in your later meals for the day.

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How To Use The LMS Meal Templates

Now that you have the meal templates, it’s important to know how to use them in conjunction with one another.

One option is to go 100% and follow a single meal template day by day.

For example, if you’re going to use intermittent fasting, simply follow the intermittent fasting meal templates Monday thru Friday.

If you’re going to be using the performance templates, follow those all seven days of the week.

Now, if you want to get a little bit crazier, you can use my proven and effective weekly schedules where I blend the IF and Performance templates together.

See the layouts below of the different weekly plans that show how to blend the meal templates together to help aid in the best results possible for you goals.

***Make sure to go through the “5 Day Domination Preparation Manual / LMS Check List” first before you begin***

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HOW to tweak LMS to Build More Muscle

When it comes down to it, the key to building more muscle is to increase the overall amount of calories you take in.

Now, before you run off and start eating cheese burgers and ho-ho’s to increase your overall calorie consumption, just know that not all calories are created equal.

You want to consume only good, high quality calories, not crap calories. This can be tough to get in enough food, but if gaining a ton of mass is your primary objective, you must treat your eating habits just as serious as you treat your training.

The easiest way to increase the amount of calories you take in is to increase the size of your meals, especially your post workout meals.

You’ll also want to increase the amount of smart starches you take in after your training sessions as well. Still follow the meal templates supplied, but if muscle gain is your overall goal, it’s as simple as eating a bit more.

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HOW To Tweak To Lose More Fat

The key to losing more fat is to make sure your following the meal templates as closely as possible and to limit the amount of starches your taking in overall.

To accelerate your fat loss or if you’re above 15% as I just mentioned before, you’ll want to limit your smart starch consumption to ONLY the first meal after your training session. On non-training days, you will NOT take in any amounts of smart starches and if a smart starch source is listed within the meal template for that day, you will simply swap that out for a healthy fat source instead.

It’s funny to think that adding in a fat will actually help you accelerate your fat loss…

Funny but TRUE!

It also needs to be noted that you’ll need to follow a 90/10 ratio in regards to how strictly you follow the meal templates. Get yourself to a sub 15% bodyfat before you start using the 80/20 ratio or in other words, EARN the right to cheat more ;)

One final note to help with fat loss is to cut back on the overall consumption of your red meats and higher fat containing proteins. You can still have them in your diet, but limit the consumption of steaks and beef to 1-2 days per week. All other days should be filled with leaner sources of meat that include fish, eggs, chicken, and turkey. Get yourself leaner then you can increase your red meat consumption.

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How To Cheat and Still WIN People ask me all the time how I manage to eat completely lean and clean all the time like I’m some sort of robot or something. The truth is, I don’t eat lean and clean all of the time. I would go insane!

If I were to tell you what I eat on the weekends you would be floored (that is if you don’t know who I really am quite yet). Truth be told, I love me some sweets like brownies, frozen yogurt, cookies, and a nice slice of cheese cake (brownie cheese cake is the BEST by far).

Just about every weekend I enjoy myself a nice cheat meal. I get whatever I want without any second thoughts about it. I’ll even throw back a nice dessert afterwards as well. Heck, if I’m feeling a bit crazy, I may even have a few cheat meals, one of Friday night then again Saturday afternoon. Sometimes I’ll even go way off track and have another cheat meal for dinner. That’s the furthest I’ll take it…

I can eat what I want at times like this because I’ve EARNED the right to do so. I hit on this a bit before in regards to the 80/20 , 90/10 Rules of eating.

In short, you DON’T have to skip out on all of the great tasting “no-no” foods that are out there in the world for your whole life. If you play it right, you can eat these foods with NO repercussions or regrets as all. In fact, you could get away with eating the junkiest of foods if you so choose and still get leaner and stay shredded!


Now, before I get into this a bit more, I again must go over the importance of the 80/20, 90/10 rules. It all comes down to these ratios. If you’re someone that’s over 15% bodyfat, you need to keep yourself at the 90/10 rule. This means that 90% of the time you’re eating lean and clean. No excuses. Your mind should be focused on getting yourself below 15% bodyfat!

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Now, if you’re below 15% and already a bit leaner, you can live by the 80/20 rule. Since you’re already pretty lean, you can get away with a little bit more cheating and still be fine.

Now, with these two rules in mind, I want to help show you how you can cheat and still WIN. Notice how I’ve not yet mentioned that you need to follow Lean. Mean. Strong. 100%. No one will ever be able to do that. I know I won’t.

Now, let’s say that you tend to eat the worst on the weekend. Ok. Since we know you eat like sh*t on the weekend, let’s make sure that you eat lean and clean every day during the week. This means that Monday-Friday, you’re sticking to the plan. NO cheat meals at all! This is where your SACRIFICE and DISCIPLINE come into play. If you want to get yourself leaner and meaner and you want to achieve your goals bad enough, you’ll find a way to make sacrifices.

Let’s look at a different scenario… Two of the absolute worst holidays in regards to when people make the worst eating choices are that of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know there’s a ton of other smaller events that go on around these times as well that revolve around eating that make eating even more difficult.

So, what do you do? You PREPARE for what’s coming…

If you know you have a large family Christmas feast coming up or a long weekend in Vegas planned with some friends and you want to be able to enjoy all of the great “no-no” foods and even have some drinks, make the SACRIFICES needed before the big event so you can keep yourself within the 80/20, 90/10 range. If you can find the DISCIPLINE to keep yourself within these ranges, you can cheat without regrets and still get and stay lean in the process.

This has been working for me for years now and I know that you can make it work too!

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To ensure your success even more, I’ve got a few “before and after” protocols that you can use in order to stay on track.

The first is what I like to call my “24 Hour Calm Before The Storm”Protocol, which will get you ready for a big cheat weekend (like X-Mas, Turkey Day, or a long weekend trip) by ensuring your body is working at 110% capacity.

The “after” protocol I have to get your body back on track after a long weekends cheat / bender (New Years, B-Day party’s, ect) is my 2-Day “Re-Boot The System” Protocol.

Both of these protocols when used right will help you get back on track FAST without wasting much time. And the best part is, you can cheat and have your fun without worrying about getting yourself back on track after your long weekend binge is over. All you’ve got to do is properly prepare and recover after your event.

So here’s the two protocols…

The 24-Hour “Calm Before The Storm”Protocol

The protocol is best used when you know there’s about to be a crazy set of days where you'll be eating bad foods, possibly having some drinks and repeating this for a consistent amount of times.

This protocol is geared to help prepare you for war and what you’re trying to do is make sure your machine is operating at 110% capacity so it will be able to process all of the crap you're about to stuff your face will fast to get rid of it quickly.

If your body isn't “well oiled”, you'll come out of your binge in terrible shape and the “2 Day Re-Boot won’t be as effective.

Now before I go any further, lets not get carried away and take this as an open pass to just let loose 110%. You still need to have some discipline.

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Know when to call it quits.

At this point, before you even think about going on a 2-3 day cheat bender for the holidays or a special occasion of some sort, make sure that you've earned the right to do so by being at least 80-90% compliant with your eating habits.

If not, don't even think about!

I say that to qualify for this, you need to of at least gone a good 21+ days of being at or above 80% lean and mean.

From here you can proceed.

***Quick Notes***

-For the next 24 hour period your food intake will only consist of unlimited greens (spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli, kemchi, ect) and light proteins only including chicken breast, turkey breast, or eggs.

-No carbs or sugars at all for the whole 24 hours.

-You can choose to fast until noon if you want.

-If not fasting, eat light meals that are spread throughout the day.

-Triple the amount of water you usually drink - I want you peeing clear having to go every 20 mins or so

-You'll stop eating at around 5-6pm - This way if you happen to start off your next day with a huge breakfast, you’ll be fine.

-Continue to hydrate on though the next day and all throughout your cheat

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The 2 Day “Re-Boot The System” Protocol

This protocol is best used after a long weekend that possibly consisted of eating like crap, drinking, excessive partying, and lack of sleep.

What this aims to do is re-boot your system so it can get back up to speed.

Do not abuse this protocol.

It does not give you free range to just blow off every single weekend!

This protocol will only work if you have been following the LMS system closely at 80-90% strong as mentioned with the previous protocol.

I can remember how well this protocol worked after a long 4-day bender I had for one of my buddy’s bachelor party. I typically do not drink nor do I go a few days in a row where I eat badly.

Let’s just say I strayed off my normal path a bit, but I used this protocol immediately after and I was feeling back to 110% just after the first day into it.

It pays to be lean and clean 80-90% of the time ;)

***Quick Notes***

Day 1 - Fasting + Rehydration

Since you probably took in 3-5x's the amount of cals you normally do over you cheat days, the day 1, 24-hour fast will help balance out the excessive calorie intake. You’ll feed on the fuel you already have.

-You’ll intake nothing more then lemon juice + purified water all day (this means from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep)

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-Green tea is acceptable.

-If you have a greens drink supplement like Athletic Greens or similar, that it ok to take in as well.

-The key for day 1 is hydration.

-No coffee! You will have to suffer wit the lack of energy ;)

Day 2 – Meatless Fasting Day

For Day 2, you’ll slowly add foods back into your normal diet via greens and protein powder then actual protein later in the day.

-Early AM greens-drink alkalinity shake upon waking up (see above within the meal templates)

-Drink lemon water thru rest of day

-NO protein via meat ALL day until last meal of day

-Have another greens-drink alkalinity shake with protein powder for lunch

-Late dinner can consist of a light and lean protein (eggs, chicken, turkey breast) + an endless amount of unlimited greens

After Day 2 - Get right back into the LMS system!

Bottom Line – In order to make the most use out of these powerful protocols, make the sacrifices needed to achieve success and have the discipline to stick to these sacrifices. You’ll come out a Lean. Mean. And Strong Winner!

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What about Supplements?

When it comes to supplements, there are some essential supp’s that I recommend, as well as some other additional supp’s that when used in conjunction with a clean and strict diet, will increase your results.

It should be known and understood that there is NO supplement out there that will magically get you results (other then possibly a high quality Omega 3 Fish Oil). Your main focus needs to be on what you EAT, not what you supplement with.

If you eat like sh*t and expect to cover things up via taking a supplement or whole slew of supplements, you are dead wrong and will eventually go broke due to all the money your wasting.

What I have listed below are my main “essential” supplements and below that I have listed out some supplements that I would also highly consider.

Essential Supplements

1) High Quality, Highly PURE Omega 3 Fish Oil

For Omega’s there are a TON of different brands out there that are good and a zillion that are terrible. It’s all about quality when it comes to fish oils and to be frank, you’ll have to pay for the better ones.

My recommendation is to go with Athletic Greens Omega 3.

It’s priced generously and is of very high quality.

The health benefits are endless with the main one being an anti-inflammatory. Bottom, line you NEED to be supplementing with a good quality O3FA!

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2) High Quality BCAA’s

Just like the Omega’s I just mentioned, there are a ton of different brands of BCAA’s out there because having a good BCAA before, during, and after your workout is important for both performance and recovery.

BCAA’s will help you recover faster fro workouts, decrease muscle soreness, and help you preserve your muscle mass while you’re trying to get lean.

For these, I also recommend Athletic Greens BCAA’s as they are very high in quality.

3) Greens Drink

Other then supplying you with a ton of additional vitamins and nutrients, a solid Greens Drink mix will help with digestion, energy, and supporting your immune system. Those aren’t ALL the benefits but just some of the important few.

For this, I definitely recommend Athletic Greens as it’s the best tasting Greens Drink I’ve found as well as the most effective.

***There are also other “greens” drink mixes out there that I highly recommend.

The pH Miracle Greens Drink brand is one I highly recommend getting because with this one you can sip on it all day within your water.

I use this in conjunction with Athletic Greens as it’s a bit different.

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4) Digestive Enzymes

When it comes to increasing you energy and how well you body functions on the inside, enzymes are essential. With digestive enzymes, not only do they help with digestion (especially with higher protein meals), there’s also a ton of other benefits DE’s give us.

The top benefits are that they serve as another form of an anti-inflammatory, they cleanse the blood, and help us fight off nasty viruses by improving our immune system.

I for one started taking these after I read up about all the benefits and I’ve been able to tell a great deal of difference.

I recommend BioTrust AbsorbMax

5) Probiotics

I’ve mentioned the importance of digestion a ton within LMS and if there’s anything else that’s going to help improve my digestion, I’m going to take it.

Probiotics will help increase your body’s ability to digest foods which will then help you be able to better absorb these foods.

If you suck at digesting your meals, those foods will sit and rot in your stomach and that will NOT be good for business.

I recommend BioTrust Pro-X10

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Additional Supplements

1) High Quality Protein Powder

People often ask why I don’t mark protein powder down as one of the top essential supplements and my answer to that is that you should first and foremost try to get in most of your protein from quality food sources first.

From there, I feel it’s important to have yourself a “go-to” quick and easy protein source for after your training sessions.

There’s a ton of different types of proteins out there and what I’ve personally found to work the absolute best in regards to also being of high quality is BioTrust Low Carb

BioTrust has a limited amount of ingredients, which is important to look at with protein powders, as what you’ll find with a lot of brands is they are stuffed with a ton of extra fillers and ingredients that you don’t even need that will only bog your body down.

If you want to go totally dairy free, I would recommend a solid Hemp Protein powder which has extra benefits in it such as containing more Omega 3 fatty acids.

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2) Glutamine

Not much to say about glutamine other then it’ll help you recover faster as well as help increase Growth Hormone levels and help decrease cortisol.

All great things!

Glutamine is typically of the same quality across the board so just finding a good source pretty much anywhere is recommended.

3) Leucine

Last but not least is Leucine, which like Glutamine, is another branch chain amino acid.

There’s numerous benefits in supplementing with leucine which includes helping your body stay in more anabolic state via helping with protein synthesis.

The best source that I have personally found is from Bio-Test, but you can also find it in pure form a lot of other places as well. It tastes like crap, but the benefits far outweigh the taste ;)

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Some Final Words For You…

Now, before I send you on your way to get Leaner, Meaner, and Stronger I need to again point out just how important it is you focus in on eating RIGHT.

When you truly look at it, if you want to get yourself stronger, leaner, and ultimately meaner, the choice is up to YOU.

Remember how I mentioned in the first section about MINDSET and how you must be focused in on your goals in order to succeed? This is so important to understand.

Having your mind set on SUCCEES must be #1.

From there it’s up to you.

I’ve never once been forced to eat anything (other then the occasional meal with the in-laws), but it honestly all falls down onto your shoulders when it comes to eating right or not.

YOU have the power to decide what goes in your mouth and what doesn’t…

Do NOT make excuses.

Hold yourself to good standards (think 80/20 or 90/10).

If you don’t have the extra cash lying around to buy higher quality, organic foods, you can most definitely still survive buying the cheaper priced foods (I would know as I was able to live off of nuts and berries for years before I started my gym). Bottom line, there’s always a “better” option then settling for crap filled fast food.

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I know it’s 100% possible to eabudget. Do NOT let this be an excuse because that

Just remember that when it comes to you getting better results that nutrition is everything

Follow the information that I’ve included within the LMS program and you will be fine.

Don’t try to complicate things. Just focus on the basics, drop the excuses, and make it happen!

Here’s to YOU getting

I know it’s 100% possible to eat healthy while on a shoe-string budget. Do NOT let this be an excuse because that it all it is.

Just remember that when it comes to you getting better results that which makes everything else secondary.

Follow the information that I’ve included within the LMS program

licate things. Just focus on the basics, drop the excuses, and make it happen!

Here’s to YOU getting Leaner, Meaner, and Stronger!

string it all it is.

Just remember that when it comes to you getting better results that which makes everything else secondary.

Follow the information that I’ve included within the LMS program

licate things. Just focus on the basics, drop the

Leaner, Meaner, and Stronger!

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Lean. Mean. Strong. FAQ’s

Why are there no specific amounts of food listed? I need to have specific amounts listed!

I do this for a few reasons…

#1 is to help you avoid confusion as well as to help you LEARN how to eat in the real world.

I’ve helped 100’s of people get lean and without ever having them count a single calories, measure their foods, or weigh out the exact amounts.

The best thing you can do is learn how YOUR body works. Not one person is the same and prescribing a certain amount of calories to eat is typically a waste of time in my opinion.

But, if you need to know or want some guidelines to follow, here’s the best info I can give you…

Some Simple Calorie Calculations:

For MUSCLE GAIN – Take Body Mass x 15-17

For FAT LOSS - Take LEAN Body Mass x 11-13 – For women, take your weight x 10-11

This should take care of a few other high FAQ’s that I get a ton as well which include…

How many cals should I be taking in?

Should I be counting my calories?

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What’s the ratio of carbs / fats / proteins I should be taking in?

Again, just like with counting calories, I usually don’t ever waste time measuring out exact amount of proteins, fats, and carbs, but this could be important if you’re not seeing the gains you want. I usually only measure out the amount of PROTEIN and CARBS then fill in the rest with FATS for purposes of either gaining weight or losing fat.

So, here are some simple calculations to help you out if you want to keep track of this stuff:

For Muscle Gain:

Protein – 1-1.5g / lbs of bodyweight + 20g more

Carbs – 150-200g / day at least (only take in starchy carbs POST workout)

For Fat Loss:

Protein – At least 1g up to 1.5g / lbs of bodyweight

Carbs – Less then 150g down to 100g / day (only take in starchy carbs POST workout)

What is Grazing?

Grazing is a great little ‘paleo” technique that when you can get down right will have you getting and staying lean all year long!

Grazing is when you eat only when you feel the need to. Over the course of the day you would feed on smaller meals and would never particularly sit down to have an “official” full meal like you would if you were sticking to the traditional 3 meals a day model.

Grazing works typically works best with IF.

Think of it as snacking on small meals throughout the day.

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What if I can’t get organic foods or the meats that you suggest (grass-fed, free-range, organic etc.)

This is OK and if you can’t get access to the foods don’t sweat it. Just get the BEST quality you can.

I will say if you’re stuck with getting non-grass-fed beef or other lower quality sources of protein that I would supplement with a High Quality Omega 3 for sure.

This will help balance out the Omega 6’s and help increase your intake of Omega 3’s which will make up for the lack of Omega 3’s that are not found in regular beef and other meats.

If you can’t access a good quality Grass-Fed Beef locally, I recommend ordering online from US Wellness Meats. Great stuff!

What About Dairy?

Dairy is a touchy food and there’s a fine line between acceptable and non-acceptable.

For the most part I’m against dairy primarily in the form of milk. Most milk comes from sick cows and is highly toxic as well as highly processed.

If you’re going to drink milk, I would get it from grass-fed cow and try to get it RAW. That will be the best form of milk to get.

As far as cheeses and other dairy products go, I’m for eating cheese, but NOT all cheeses are created equal. Try to go for “older” fermented types of cheeses that are from grass-fed cows or goats and make sure their FULL fat. Any cheese that’s be stripped of it fat isn’t good. It’s nothing more then some processed crap.

Cheeses such as feta and gouda are my personal favorites and are ok in moderation. I personally like to top my B.A.S.’s with some cheese from time to time.

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Kefir is another dairy product that I’m not totally against and can also be consumed sparingly. Like feta cheese, kefir is fermented and has a good response on your digestive system due to the amount of probiotics it contains.

What about these new “healthy” no carb, gluten-free breads and other foods? Are these OK?

Short answer – NOT so much.

These are nothing more than processed foods.

No Carbs… No gluten… Who cares! They are better options but remember to try and stick to the GOLDEN RULE - JERF!

I see you listed Athletic Greens as a highly recommended supplement. They don’t ship to me, what else could I get in it’s place? Just real quick, please note that none of the supplements I listed are “mandatory’ rather they are very HIGHLY recommended for best results.

For the greens drink, if you can get your hands on Athletic Greens, I would certainly do so. However if you can’t, a good alternative would be Prograde’s Genesis.

It’s very similar and from what I’ve heard is a great, high quality product.

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The Aggressive Strength Training Guide

Travis Stoetzel is a hardcore and aggressive strength coach located in Omaha, NE where he owns and operates The Forged Athlete Gym, which caters to highly dedicated athletes and serious lifters.

Below you can gain knowledge insight on the various tools and resources he uses to help turn his clients and athletes into strong, jacked, and athletic soldiers. The section below showcases the other various strength and conditioning programs and products he has created and uses to help people all across the world get results.

Connect With Me Below:

Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / Lean And Mean Blueprint

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This manual is by far one of my BEST creations ever collection of 31 HARDCORE Workout Finishersimplemented into any training program out there.

Hardcore Workout Finishers are the BEST way to “finish” off your workouts by using quick and effective circuits, supersets, and other combos of high impact movements to help shred fat, increase conditioning, build power

In addition to the 31 Hardcore Workout Finishers, there’s a ton of bonus finishers that include sleds, prowlers, sandbags, and other hardcore tools. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO ON HA


HARDCORE? It’s time you start!

This manual is by far one of my BEST creations ever as this 31 HARDCORE Workout Finishers can be

o any training program out there.

Hardcore Workout Finishers are the BEST way to “finish” off your workouts by using quick and effective circuits, supersets, and other combos of high impact movements to help shred fat, increase conditioning, build power, and build muscle.

n addition to the 31 Hardcore Workout Finishers, there’s a ton of bonus finishers that include sleds, prowlers, sandbags, and other


re YOU Finishing OFF YOUR WORKOUTS It’s time you start!

as this

Hardcore Workout Finishers are the BEST way to “finish” off your workouts by using quick and effective circuits, supersets, and other combos of high impact movements to help shred fat,

n addition to the 31 Hardcore Workout Finishers, there’s a ton of bonus finishers that include sleds, prowlers, sandbags, and other

Page 77: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train · greens drink first thing in the AM. My favorite recipe right now is 1 liter of fresh water,

The Bags, Bells, and Bodyweight Training

The “System” Travis created built upon years of intrenches work with his clients and himself. This is for SERIOUS trainees thabodyweight, and sandbags to help construct serious gains in muscle, strength, power, and athleticism. If you love to train hard and want a serious challenge, this is it!

This program spans over 40 total weeks and will anyone to the test. If you’re serious about getting lean while building strength and power all at the sthis is the perfect blend of kettlebells, sandbags, and bodyweight training. Exceptionally great for MMA fighters, wrestlers and other cofire, military, a law enforcement personnel.

The Bags, Bells, and Bodyweight Training System

The “System” Travis created built upon years of intrenches work with his clients and himself. This is for SERIOUS trainees that combine the use of kettlebells, bodyweight, and sandbags to help construct serious gains in muscle, strength, power, and athleticism. If you love to train hard and want a serious challenge, this is it!

This program spans over 40 total weeks and will put anyone to the test. If you’re serious about getting lean while building strength and power all at the same this is the perfect blend of kettlebells, sandbags, and bodyweight training. Exceptionally great for MMA fighters, wrestlers and other combat athletes including fire, military, a law enforcement personnel.


The Bags, Bells, and Bodyweight Training

The “System” Travis created built upon years of in-the-trenches work with his clients and himself. This is for

t combine the use of kettlebells, bodyweight, and sandbags to help construct serious gains in muscle, strength, power, and athleticism. If you love to train hard and want a serious challenge, this is it!

put anyone to the test. If you’re serious about getting lean

time, this is the perfect blend of kettlebells, sandbags, and bodyweight training. Exceptionally great for MMA

mbat athletes including

Page 78: THE LEGAL STUFF - Train · greens drink first thing in the AM. My favorite recipe right now is 1 liter of fresh water,


PROJECT: Mobile and Hostile Bodyweight Training

If you’re low on resources as far as weight training equipment goes, this is yI originally created this program for a Brazilian Professional Football team and when I went down south to train them, we had ZERO equipment to work with.

The results…Championship

Whoever choosesbecome stronger, faster, highexplosive. This is a great program for people on the go with limited options for equfor MMA fighters, wrestlers, football players, and other power / combat athletes. All serious lifters welcome!

PROJECT: Mobile and Hostile Bodyweight Training System:

If you’re low on resources as far as weight training equipment goes, this is your NO EXCUSES problem solver! I originally created this program for a Brazilian Professional Football team and when I went down south to train them, we had ZERO equipment to work with.

The results…A Brazilian Football NationalChampionship (See Details HERE)

s to go through this whole system will become stronger, faster, highly conditioned, and more

. This is a great program for people on the go with limited options for equipment. This is ideally made for MMA fighters, wrestlers, football players, and other power / combat athletes. All serious lifters welcome!

PROJECT: Mobile and Hostile Bodyweight Training

ur NO EXCUSES problem solver!

Professional Football team and when I went down south to train them, we had ZERO equipment to work with.

A Brazilian Football National

to go through this whole system will conditioned, and more

. This is a great program for people on the go ipment. This is ideally made

for MMA fighters, wrestlers, football players, and other power / combat athletes. All serious lifters welcome!