the legend of st. michael’s ring

4° grade B-C-D students

Upload: justyna82

Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: The legend of st. Michael’s ring

4° grade B-C-D students

Page 2: The legend of st. Michael’s ring

St. Michael is the patron Saint of Ottaviano. A legend says that many years ago, in Ottaviano, there was a shortage of food and people prayed to their patron Saint to help them.

Page 3: The legend of st. Michael’s ring

A few days later, a young man came into the shop in Puglia and bought many sacks of wheat to send to Ottaviano. He paid the bill giving to the merchant a precious ring which he took off from his finger.

Page 4: The legend of st. Michael’s ring

When the wheat was delivered in Ottaviano, the people were very happy and they asked the merchant who had paid for it. He couldn’t reply.

Page 5: The legend of st. Michael’s ring

Before he went back to Puglia, the merchant went to the big church at the top of Ottaviano to pray to St. Michael. He asked him to protect him during the return trip. While he was praying, he was very surprised because St. Michael looked like the young man who had bought the wheat in Puglia…

Page 6: The legend of st. Michael’s ring

…and he wasn’t wearing the precious ring he used to wear on his finger!