the list veritas ' model portfolio...telus corp. t 24-may-17 $45.47 $50.00 4.3% 18.0 the jean coutu...

Portfolio Yield: 2.9% COMPANY TICKER DATE ADDED PRICE (C$) 27-Jul-2017 INTRINSIC VALUE ESTIMATE CURRENT YIELD QUALITY RATING (out of 25) Allied Properties REIT AP-U 24-May-17 $38.41 $45.00 4.0% 20.0 Canadian Utilities Ltd. CU 28-Jun-16 $41.46 $46.25 3.4% 17.0 Capital Power Corp. CPX 9-Apr-15 $24.79 $29.50 6.7% 12.5 Cenovus Energy Inc. CVE 7-Mar-16 $10.89 $21.00 1.8% 15.0 CGI Group Inc. GIB/A 22-Nov-16 $66.48 $71.00 0.0% 19.0 Enbridge Inc. ENB 5-Jul-17 $51.65 $66.00 4.7% 17.0 Granite REIT GRT-U 5-May-17 $50.02 $54.00 5.2% 13.0 Husky Energy Inc. HSE 11-Jan-17 $14.66 $21.50 0.0% 13.0 Loblaw Companies Ltd. L 9-Apr-15 $68.75 $85.00 1.6% 16.0 Manulife Financial Corp. MFC 27-May-13 $25.53 $27.00 3.2% 19.0 Maple Leaf Foods Inc. MFI 29-Oct-04 $34.14 $35.50 1.3% 17.5 Metro Inc. MRU 25-Nov-14 $42.30 $51.00 1.5% 19.0 Northland Power Inc. NPI 13-Mar-13 $23.29 $27.00 5.2% 16.5 Quebecor Inc. QBR/B 9-May-14 $44.28 $45.00 0.5% 16.5 Shaw Communications Inc. SJR/B 26-Aug-16 $27.75 $31.50 4.3% 15.0 Telus Corp. T 24-May-17 $45.47 $50.00 4.3% 18.0 The Jean Coutu Group Inc. PJC/A 24-Jun-15 $20.76 $24.00 2.5% 16.0 TransCanada Corp. TRP 16-Dec-15 $63.56 $67.50 3.9% 16.5 Waste Connections Inc. WCN 1-Jun-16 USD $64.42 USD $72.50 0.7% 17.0 Veritas Investment Research, 100 Wellington Street West, TD West Tower, Suite 3110, P.O. Box 80, Toronto, Ontario , M5K 1E7, 416-866-8783, Veritas Investment Research Corporation owns the copyright in this report. This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part without Veritas’ express prior written consent. Any such breach of this copyright is contrary to ss. 27(1), 34, 35 and 42 of the Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42 and will be liable for damages. July-28-17 THE LIST The V -List is a concentrated portfolio of 12 to 25 companies recommended by Veritas Investment Research as the best investment opportunities drawn from our firm’s research. Veritas ' Model Portfolio Stocks are selected based on their potential for long -term capital appreciation, using bottom-up fundamental analysis and a strict review of accounting and disclosure practices to identify companies with defensible competitive advantages and the ability to generate meaningful cash flows.

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  • Portfolio Yield: 2.9%










    (out of 25)

    Allied Properties REIT AP-U 24-May-17 $38.41 $45.00 4.0% 20.0

    Canadian Utilities Ltd. CU 28-Jun-16 $41.46 $46.25 3.4% 17.0

    Capital Power Corp. CPX 9-Apr-15 $24.79 $29.50 6.7% 12.5

    Cenovus Energy Inc. CVE 7-Mar-16 $10.89 $21.00 1.8% 15.0

    CGI Group Inc. GIB/A 22-Nov-16 $66.48 $71.00 0.0% 19.0

    Enbridge Inc. ENB 5-Jul-17 $51.65 $66.00 4.7% 17.0

    Granite REIT GRT-U 5-May-17 $50.02 $54.00 5.2% 13.0

    Husky Energy Inc. HSE 11-Jan-17 $14.66 $21.50 0.0% 13.0

    Loblaw Companies Ltd. L 9-Apr-15 $68.75 $85.00 1.6% 16.0

    Manulife Financial Corp. MFC 27-May-13 $25.53 $27.00 3.2% 19.0

    Maple Leaf Foods Inc. MFI 29-Oct-04 $34.14 $35.50 1.3% 17.5

    Metro Inc. MRU 25-Nov-14 $42.30 $51.00 1.5% 19.0

    Northland Power Inc. NPI 13-Mar-13 $23.29 $27.00 5.2% 16.5

    Quebecor Inc. QBR/B 9-May-14 $44.28 $45.00 0.5% 16.5

    Shaw Communications Inc. SJR/B 26-Aug-16 $27.75 $31.50 4.3% 15.0

    Telus Corp. T 24-May-17 $45.47 $50.00 4.3% 18.0

    The Jean Coutu Group Inc. PJC/A 24-Jun-15 $20.76 $24.00 2.5% 16.0

    TransCanada Corp. TRP 16-Dec-15 $63.56 $67.50 3.9% 16.5

    Waste Connections Inc. WCN 1-Jun-16 USD $64.42 USD $72.50 0.7% 17.0

    Veritas Investment Research, 100 Wellington Street West, TD West Tower, Suite 3110, P.O. Box 80, Toronto, Ontario , M5K 1E7, 416-866-8783,

    Veritas Investment Research Corporation owns the copyright in this report. This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part without Veritas’ express prior written consent. Any such breach of this copyright is contrary to ss. 27(1), 34, 35 and 42 of the

    Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42 and will be liable for damages.



    T h e V - L i s t i s a c o n c en t r a t ed p o r t f o l i o o f 1 2 t o 2 5 c o m p an i es r e c o m me nd ed b y Ve r i t a s I n v es t m en t R e s e a r c h a s t h e b e s t i n v es t me n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s d r a w n f r o m o u r f i r m’ s

    r e s e a r c h .

    Ver i tas ' Model Por t fo l io

    S t o c k s a r e s e l e c t e d b a s e d o n t h e i r p o t e n t i a l f o r l o n g - t e r m c a p i t a l a p p r e c i a t i o n , u s i n g b o t t o m - up f u n d a m e nt a l a n a l y s i s a n d a s t r i c t r e v i ew o f a c c o un t i ng a n d d i s c l o s u re

    p r a c t i ces t o i d e n t i f y c o m p an i e s w i t h d e f e n s i b l e c o m pe t i t i ve a d v a nt a ge s a n d t h e a b i l i t y t o g e n e r a t e m e a n i n g fu l c a s h f l o w s .

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    A H O L Y T R I N I T Y O F L O C A T I O N , Q U A L I T Y , A N D D E V E L O P M E N T

    Allied is an office real estate company specializing in Class I office space, emphasizing the adaptive re-use of light industrial structures (i.e.

    lofts). With almost 12 million square feet of gross leasable area, the REIT’s properties are concentrated in nine of Canada’s largest major

    metropolitan areas, with substantial exposure to the Toronto office market. Allied’s focused strategy of increasing its footprint in the

    Toronto Class I industrial market over the past five years has paid off, with unit prices increasing at over 7% CAGR. In our view, the REIT’s

    experience in developing Class I office space gives it a unique advantage in Canada, which we expect to contribute top quartile growth

    over the near term.

    Updated June 27, 2017

    Prior Close $39.90

    Intrinsic Value $45.00

    Current Yield 3.8%




    Accounting & Disclosure 4/5

    Allied now includes recoverable maintenance capex in its

    AFFO metric. We view its accounting for the metric as gener-

    ally clean.

    Adjusted Cash Flows 3/5

    Allied’s F16 adjusted AFFO payout ratio was 94%. This was the

    first year that Allied suspended its DRIP, and even then the

    REIT was still able to meet all of its cash payout obligations.

    The Balance Sheet 4/5

    The REIT’s debt to gross book value is 37%, far below its maxi-

    mum limit of 60%. The REIT’s interest coverage is 2.8x, which is

    well above its limit of 1.65x.

    Business Operations 5/5

    Allied’s well-located, high quality properties have allowed it

    to incrementally raise its rents to tenants. The vast majority of

    the REIT’s leases are on a triple-net basis, which shield the

    trust from sudden hikes in utilities or property taxes. Finally,

    given rising property values in Allied’s key metropolitan mar-

    kets, we believe Allied has greater ability to pass on any cost

    inflation it incurs to tenants.

    Corporate Governance 4/5

    Annual incentive and long-term performance bonuses for

    management are based on specific, quantifiable metrics.

    The board is majority independent, although we note that

    one trustee is also a partner at Allied’s principal law firm.


    Our estimate of F17 AFFO is $1.71 per unit. For the following three

    years, we estimate a 8% growth rate, leading to an estimate of

    $2.17 of AFFO per unit by 2020. We then apply a terminal multiple

    of 22.7x to the REIT’s 2020 AFFO earnings. Discounting the REIT’s

    AFFO by its cost of equity of 6.9% brings our intrinsic value to $45

    per unit.

    Period Ending C$ Millions (except as noted)

    F15 F16 Q1-F17

    Unit price $31.57 $35.95 $36.09

    Units outstanding 78.3 84.7 84.9

    Market capitalization $2,473 $3,046 $3,064

    Enterprise value (EV) $4,175 $5,058 $5,001

    Reported Debt to Gross Book

    Value 35.6% 36.6% 36.6%

    Revenue $365 $390 $102

    Veritas Adjusted AFFO $131 $130 $34

    Veritas Adjusted AFFO Total Pay-

    out Ratio (includes DRIP) 87% 94% 95%

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    R A T E B A S E G R O W T H D E L I V E R S I N - L I N E Q U A R T E R CU remains our top pick on account of its discount valuation and impressive organic rate base growth rate of 5% through

    F20. While lower achieved distribution ROEs in Alberta is a legitimate concern under second-phase PBR, a higher generic

    ROE, continued rate base growth, the efficiency carryover mechanism and a lower efficiency factor largely offset risk.

    Updated April 27, 2017

    Current Price C$38.85

    Intrinsic Value C$46.25

    Current Yield 3.7%




    Accounting & Disclosure 3.5/5

    Better disclosure of financial results in its Energy seg-

    ment and a more detailed look at expenditures en-

    hances the relative transparency of CU’s financial

    results compared to its Canadian peers.

    Adjusted Cash Flows 3/5

    Base FFO of approximately $700 to $750 million per

    year is expected, with growth prospects primarily tied

    to the 5% core annual growth rate expected in its

    regulated businesses (excluding Fort McMurray Tx.

    The Balance Sheet 4/5

    Measured use of leverage and healthy discretionary

    cash flow suggests no equity issuances are need to

    fund CU’s $5 billion capital spending plan.

    Business Operations 3/5

    Divesting natural gas extraction assets has accelerat-

    ed the de-risking process occurring at CU and ACO.X

    as the proportion of regulated assets grows.

    Corporate Governance 3.5/5

    The merits of a relatively low payout ratio are evi-

    denced during challenging business conditions for a

    utility with a higher business risk profile.


    We apply a discount, 1.4x multiple to CU’s F17E rate base to ar-

    rive at a $46.25 per share equity value estimate.

    Period Ending

    (Amounts in C$) Q1-F16 F16 F15

    Share price $38.96 $36.19 $32.00

    Shares (millions) 269.4 268.1 266.9

    Market capitalization (millions) $10,496 $9,700 $8,537

    Net debt (millions) $11,030 $11,695 $9,688

    Enterprise value (millions) $21,525 $21,396 $18,225

    Adjusted EBITDA (TTM, millions) $1,820 $1,716 $1,947

    Adjusted EPS (TTM) $2.26 $2.20 $1.81

    EV / EBITDA (TTM) 11.8x 12.5x 9.4x

    P/E (TTM) 17.2x 16.5x 17.7x

    Net debt-to-EBITDA (TTM) 6.1x 6.8x 5.0x

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    B R A C E D F O R U N C E R T A I N T Y Recent acquisitions, cost management, and risk management (i.e. hedging exposure to Alberta wholesale power prices)

    galvanizes CPX’s plan to deliver 7% dividend hikes in F17 and F18. In our view, the market is taking an overly pessimistic

    view of Alberta electricity market reform, as capacity-based, all-in prices support material value upside.

    Updated May 2, 2017

    Current Price C$24.88

    Intrinsic Value C$29.50

    Current Yield 6.3%




    Accounting & Disclosure 3/5

    CPX’s disclosures are essentially on par with TA, although

    forecasting the impact of its portfolio optimization group is


    Adjusted Cash Flows 2/5

    Using our base case projection of power prices in Alberta,

    CPX’s EBITDA will decline by $100 million post-PPA expiries in

    F20. However, given the robust FCF yield currently implied

    at its share price, the market has already fully-accounted

    for the decline

    The Balance Sheet 2/5

    CPX’s leverage and debt service ratios remain elevated.

    However, compared to TA, CPX’s financial risk profile is low,

    with an FFO-to-Debt ratio near 20%.

    Business Operations 3/5

    Like TA, CPX is facing significant headwinds due to low

    power prices and increasing environmental charges. How-

    ever, CPX is better hedged against market and legislative


    Corporate Governance 2.5/5

    CPX is taking a measured approach to new gas develop-

    ment in Alberta, awaiting greater clarity on market reform.

    We think a wait-and-see approach is appropriate, given

    the capital cost associated with G4 and G5.


    Taking the Decatur acquisition into account, our value estimate

    of CPX increases to $29.50 per share (from $28.50 previously).

    Period Ending

    (Amounts in C$) Q1-F16 F15 F16

    Share price $26.06 $17.77 $23.23

    Shares outstanding (millions) 96.2 96.2 96.2

    Market capitalization (millions) $2,507 $1,709 $2,235

    Net debt (millions) $2,245 $2,320 $2,242

    Enterprise value (millions) $4,752 $4,029 $4,477

    Adjusted EBITDA (millions) $543 $482 $520

    Adjusted FCF per share (TTM) $3.09 $3.37 $3.11

    EV/EBITDA (TTM) 8.8x 8.4x 8.6x

    P/ACFFO (TTM) 8.4x 5.3x 7.5x

    Average AB power price per MWh $22 $33 $18

    Payout ratio (TTM) 50% 41% 50%

    Net debt-to-EBITDA 4.1x 4.8x 4.3x

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%


    nbi l lou@veri


    P L A Y I N G T H E L O N G G A M E W I T H F C C LCEO departure, elevated debt levels, required asset divestments and share sales by ConocoPhillips are more than enough to explain recent

    pressure on Cenovus’ share price, however, we think investors have become overly fearful. Cenovus’ structurally low sustaining capital costs

    (~$7.20 per barrel in 2018 declining to $5 per barrel by 2021) contributes to generating significant free cash flows next year. This is not a company

    at risk of going under. In 2018 (at US$55 WTI) Cenovus clears $1.44 per share in free cash after sustaining capital, even at a required yield of 8% on

    this cash, Cenovus would be worth $18.00 per share – potentially a double from today’s share price.

    Updated June 22, 2017

    Current Price C$9.14/ US$6.87

    Intrinsic Value C$21.00

    Current Yield 2.2%




    Accounting & Disclosure 2/5

    Foster Creek's non-fuel operating costs dropped 24% year

    over year in 2015, to $8.51. Some of this decline was due to

    capitalizing expenditures for some of the project's infill drill-

    ing program, which were previously expensed. This is based

    on the judgement that these activities enhanced future

    production capability, thereby qualifying for capitalization.

    Adjusted Cash Flows 3.5/5

    We expect Cenovus to generate cash flow of $2.30 to $2.40

    per share in 2018 at US$55 WTI. Cash flow can cover a divi-

    dend of $0.20 per share and capex of $1.60-$1.80 per

    share. Cenovus can use the cash surplus of $0.40 per share

    to reduce its leveraged balance sheet.

    The Balance Sheet 2/5

    FCCL purchase was financed with a transaction Cenovus

    issued a $3 billion bought deal, issued 218 million shares to

    Conoco and $7 billion in debt that will be paid down with

    ~$4.5 billion in asset sales currently being marketed. Net

    debt to 2017 funds flow of 3.1x (US$51 WTI) is elevated but

    manageable given the company’s free cash flow.

    Business Operations 2.5/5

    Given that Cenovus was the operator we don’t expect

    much to change at FCCL post transaction. Management

    recently disclosed that it plans to reactivate Christina Lake

    phase G in 2017 and an additional phase at Foster Creek in


    Corporate Governance 3/5

    It remains to be seen whether Cenovus' decision to defer

    work and cut all non-essential staff and contractors in 2015

    will have a lasting effect on the company's corporate cul-


    Cash Flow and Distributions 2017 Q1 2016 2015

    Reported CFO* 328.0 861.0 1,474.0

    Capital expenditures (313.0) (1,034.0) (1,714.0)

    Available cash (shortfall) 15.0 (173.0) (240.0)

    Dividends declared 41.0 166.0 805.0

    % of CFO* 13% 19% 55%

    % of available cash 273% N/A N/A

    * CFO is cash from operations after working capital and asset retirement expenditures

    Company profile 2017 Q1 2016 2015

    Price 15.05 17.78 17.50

    Shares (millions incl. exch.) 833.3 833.3 833.3

    Market cap. ($ millions) 12,541 14,816 14,583

    Revenue ($ millions) 3,865 12,282 13,064

    CFPS 0.39 1.03 1.77

    Price to YTD CFPS 9.6x 17.2x 9.9x

    ROE (annualized) 7.2% (4.4%) 5.2%

    Dividends per share 0.05 0.20 0.97

    Production (000's boe/d) 295 272 280

    CFO* per boe 12.17 8.69 14.40

    Net debt to EV 18% 15% 14%

    Net debt to CFO* 2.1x 3.0x 1.6x


    Commodity Case WTI Oil Price

    2017 / 2021

    HH Gas Price

    2017 / 2021


    2017 / 2021



    $62 Oil Case 51 / 62 3.05 / 3.50 0.75 / 0.80 14.00

    $67 Oil - Base Case 54 / 67 3.31 / 3.75 0.76 / 0.81 21.00

    $77 Oil Case 57 / 77 3.50 / 4.00 0.77 / 0.85 33.00

    Our base case values Cenovus at $21.00 per share, reflecting a return to

    US$67 WTI oil and US$3.75 NYMEX gas through 2021.

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    C G I W A L K S T H E W A L K W I T H I T S D I G I T A L R E V E N U E S

    Management aims on becoming the one-stop shop for their clients in offering a full-service of systems integration and consulting (‘SI&C’),

    outsourcing, and Intellectual Property (‘IP’) solutions. We see progress on all fronts, especially digital IP revenues, which management

    continues to pursue from organic and inorganic sources. CGI is not only talking the talk when it comes to digital revenues, but also

    walking the walk in executing its IP strategy. In light of these promising results that highlight CGI’s growth, we maintain our BUY

    recommendation and C$71.00 price target.

    Updated May 4, 2017

    Prior Close C$65.55

    Intrinsic Value C$71.00

    Current Yield 0.0%




    Accounting & Disclosure 3/5

    We have no major concerns with CGI’s accounting; however,

    we believe the company’s Adjusted EBIT metric (used for credit

    agreement purposes) can be skewed by changing capitaliza-

    tion and depreciation/amortization policies. Recently, CGI’s

    Adj. EBIT margin expansion is driven primarily by a correspond-

    ing decrease in amortization expense.

    Cash Flow Sustainability 4/5

    CGI generates sustainable cash flows from its pipeline of con-

    tracts. Working capital draws have been larger than usual (as a

    % of revenues); however, we expect this to normalize as Logica

    effects are rolled off. As CGI broadens its proprietary software

    and solutions business, we expect this “capital-light” business to

    reduce working capital needs.

    Balance Sheet 4/5

    CGI is relatively unlevered and does not have significant debt

    maturity payments which require more cash flows than it cur-

    rently generates.

    Business Operations 5/5

    CGI has a stable network of enterprise clients which deliver

    predictable returns. We also believe that digitization of corpora-

    tions and government institutions is a major trend which CGI

    can continue to capture in the near future, especially with its

    ambitious IP30 growth plan. The company’s proximity-focused

    operations allow it to avoid the wrath of governments taking

    action against globalization.

    Corporate Governance 3/5

    CGI trades on a dual class structure, and the majority of the

    company’s votes are in Class B shares which are largely held by

    the co-founder.


    CGI has a $21 million backlog, which after deducting operating ex-

    penses, required capex, and net debt, is only worth ~$600 million or

    ~$2 per share. As a result, rather than looking ‘backwards’ at back-

    log, we recommend looking forward at CGI’s future bookings. Our

    conservative case assumes CGI grows its bookings and topline reve-

    nues at inflation (2.5% p.a.) while continuing to convert ~12% of its

    revenues to free cash flow. Under these assumptions, we estimate

    CGI is worth ~C$71 per share, including ~$2 per share in backlog, net

    of debt. Our intrinsic value does not add any value from CGI’s shift

    to digital revenues.

    TTM Period Ending C $ Millions (except as noted)

    F15 F16 Q2-F17

    Share price $48.35 $62.49 $65.55

    Shares outstanding; includes

    Class B (millions) 307.3 304.8 296.78

    Market capitalization $14,858 $18,866 $19,454

    Enterprise value (EV) $16,681 $20,870 $20,974

    Revenue $10,287 $10,683 $10,650

    Constant Currency Revenue

    Growth Rate -4.0% 0.2% 3.1%

    Adj. EBITDA $1,892 $1,959 $1,958

    Free Cash Flow Margin Excl.

    Working Cap Changes 12.0% 11.6% 11.5%

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    P R O J E C T S U N R I S E L O O K S T O T A M E S G & A

    Sobeys announced a three-year transformation initiative called “Project Sunrise” on May 4th. The project

    includes several initiatives with the goal of realizing $500 million in annualized savings by the end of F2020. In

    this report, we evaluate Project Sunrise and assess whether the $500 million of expected savings are

    reasonable, with a focus on the specific sources of savings. We also discuss a potential discount strategy for

    Sobeys outside of Ontario.

    Updated July 5, 2017

    Current Price C$22.06

    Intrinsic Value C$23.50

    Current Yield 2%




    Accounting & Disclosure 3/5

    Disclosures are lacking, as is with the typical Canadian retailer.

    Empire only has two reporting segments: food retailing versus

    investments and other operations (i.e. real estate), making it

    difficult to assess results of the more significant food retailing

    segment, especially Canada Safeway’s performance.

    Adjusted Cash Flows 3/5

    We expect Sobeys to achieve $500 million savings by the end of

    F2020: $300 million savings from centralized procurement and

    new pricing strategy; and $200 million from headcount reduc-

    tion to eliminate duplication.

    The Balance Sheet 2/5

    The issuance of debt to finance the Canada Safeway acquisi-

    tion and the decline in EBITDA during the past two years in-

    creased Empire’s lease-adjusted net debt-to-EBITDAR ratio from

    2.0x to 3.0x in F2017. We expect Sobeys to realize savings from

    Project Sunrise which should reduce its lease-adjusted debt-to-

    EBITDAR ratio to 2.0x by F2019.

    Business Operations 3/5

    Sobeys has been plagued by a lack of discount format pres-

    ence in regions most affected by the oil industry slowdown and

    ineffective promotional strategies. Our grocery proprietary sur-

    veys in Ontario during the past year showed that Sobeys has

    reduced its regular prices and reliance on promotions. Together

    with centralized procurement, we expect it will improve its gross

    profit margin going forward.

    Corporate Governance 3/5

    Nine out of 14 Board of Directors members are independent

    directors (64%). Out of the 271.7m common shares in total,

    173.5m are non-voting Class A shares and the remaining 98.1m

    are Class B voting common shares. The Sobeys family owns

    33.4% of the shares outstanding while holding 100% of the vot-

    ing rights.


    We have derived a new $23.50 intrinsic value (up from

    $21.00) for Empire using a F2020 net asset value model

    and discounting the value to F2018 (year ending April 30,

    2018); and a discounted cash flow model based on 10%

    discount rate and 1.5% terminal growth rate. Empire re-

    mains a BUY.

    FY end April

    (C$ Millions, except as noted) F2017E F2018E F2019E





    Gross Profit 5,935



    Gross Profit Margin 24.15% 24.51% 25.06%

    Food Retailing EBITDA




    Food Retailing EBITDA Margin 3.37% 3.94% 4.88%

    Other EBITDA




    Total EBITDA




    Total EBITDA Margin 3.67% 4.23% 5.15%

    Share Price $22.06 $22.06 $22.06

    Market Capitalization












    Shares Outstanding (millions)




  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    D E - R I S K E D M A G N A E X P O S U R E L E A V E S G R A N I T E U N D E R V A L U E D Granite REIT specializes in the industrial subsector, benefitting from a key tenant relationship with Magna. In 2016, Granite

    completed lease renewals and extensions for 28 properties, 15 of which were tenanted by Magna, including seven SPPs.

    Having addressed its key tenant risk, we currently view Granite as overly discounted. Granite has a favorable operating

    structure (triple-net leases) that resulted in one of the highest property operating margins in our universe, at 96.6%. Also, the

    REIT has conservative leverage, a low payout ratio, and a disciplined growth strategy. We expect these trends to continue.

    Updated June 27, 2017

    Prior Close C$51.97/US$39.64

    Intrinsic Value C$54.00

    Current Yield 5.0%




    Accounting & Disclosure 4/5

    No accounting issues noted. The REIT has not reported AFFO

    in the past as there was no set standard for the metric. But

    now that REALPAC has put out a standardized guideline for

    AFFO, the trust will begin reporting the metric in its Q1 2017


    Adjusted Cash Flows 5/5

    By our estimates, Granite’s AFFO payout would have been

    76%, which is on the low-end and is very conservative in our


    The Balance Sheet 5/5

    Granite is known for being very conservative with its capital

    (some would say it is too conservative). Its leverage ratio,

    which is debt divided by fair value of properties, is 25%.

    Business Operations 3/5

    Granite has a concentrated single-tenant relationship with

    Magna, one of the world’s largest auto parts suppliers. 78%

    of Granite’s annualized lease payments come from Magna.

    However, Granite is starting to move away from relying on

    Magna as its sole source of tenancy.

    We also note that Granite does not have exposure to

    Magna in Mexico anymore, mitigating potential fallout from

    NAFTA renegotiations.

    Corporate Governance 4/5

    Performance goals are based on quantifiable metrics. With

    the exception of the CEO, the board is independent. Three

    activists have recently won board seats and we expect

    them to drive Granite’s acquisition strategy.


    Our estimate of F17 AFFO is $3.31 per unit. For the following three

    years, we estimate a 3.5% annual growth rate, leading to an

    estimate of $3.70 of AFFO per unit by 2020. We then apply a ter-

    minal multiple of 15.5x to the REIT’s 2020 AFFO earnings. Discount-

    ing the REIT’s AFFO by its cost of equity of 8.0% brings our intrinsic

    value to $54 per unit.

    Period Ending C$ Millions (except as noted)

    F15 F16 Q1 F17

    Unit price C$37.96 C$44.83 C$46.52

    Units outstanding (‘000s) 47,017 47,123 47,144

    Market capitalization $1,785 $2,113 $2,193

    Enterprise value (EV) $2,374 $2,770 $2,650

    Reported Debt to FV of Proper-

    ties 23% 25% 24%

    Revenue $216 $223 $55

    Veritas Adjusted AFFO $148 $151 $39

    Veritas Adj. AFFO Payout Ratio

    (includes DRIP if applicable) 73% 76% 79%

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%


    nbi l lou@veri


    F R E E C A S H L E A V E S H U S K Y A H E A D O F T H E P A C K

    After sustaining capital requirements of ~$2.3 billion in 2018 (our estimate), we expect the company to generate $1+ billion in free cash

    flow at US$50 WTI, representing a free cash flow yield of 7.4% at today’s share price. Even factoring in an additional $900 million in growth

    capital, we still see Husky eking out a cash surplus of $150 million next year at US$50 WTI. While the proverbial ‘popular kids’ Suncor and

    Imperial continue to draw more attention, we prefer Husky’s discounted value and ability to navigate stagnant oil prices. BUY.

    Updated July 25, 2017

    Current Price C$14.12

    Intrinsic Value C$21.50

    Current Yield 0%




    Accounting & Disclosure 2.5/5

    Husky's Indonesian operations have run into IFRS 11 report-

    ing restrictions requiring equity accounting. The partners

    have rights to the net assets of a business arrangement (a

    'joint venture'), which requires equity accounting, rather

    than direct rights and obligations on the assets themselves

    (a 'joint operation'), which would allow proportionate con-


    Adjusted Cash Flows 3/5

    At US$51 WTI (our low case) 2017 operating cash flow per

    share of $3.10-$3.20 per share and free cash flow per share

    of ~$0.20. These cash flows and free cash flows increase in

    2018 to ~$3.75 and ~$0.50 with US$55 WTI (our low case).

    The Balance Sheet 3.5/5

    Husky ended Q2-F17 with $5.9B of debt and $2.5 billion in

    cash for a net debt position of $3.4 billion and $4.0B of un-

    used credit on its borrowing facilities. Husky’s current net

    debt is 1.1xt its funds flow at US$51 WTI in 2017, which is best

    among its integrated peers.

    Business Operations 2.5/5

    Husky is diversifying away from its traditional Atlantic and

    Western Canadian base with the startup of Liwan and Sun-

    rise. Mid and Downstream EBITDA remains an outsized con-

    tributor to overall operating income.

    Corporate Governance 2/5

    Husky is a creature of Li Ka-Shing who controls, directly and

    indirectly, a 70.74% interest. His control and influence were

    never more evident than with the April 25, 2016 $1.7 billion

    sale of midstream assets to two entities controlled by Li Ka-


    Cash Flow and Distributions Q2 2017

    (6 Mos.) 2016 2015

    Reported CFO* 1,434.0 1,971.0 3,760.0

    Capital expenditures (964.0) (1,705.0) (3,005.0)

    Available cash (shortfall) 470.0 266.0 755.0

    Dividends declared 0.0 0.0 1,181.0

    % of CFO* 0% 0% 31%

    % of available cash 0% 0% 156%

    *CFO is cash from operations after working capital and asset retirement expenditures.

    Company profile Q2 2017

    (6 Mos.) 2016 2015

    Price 15.01 16.29 14.05

    Shares (millions incl. exch.) 1,005.5 1,004.9 1,005.5

    Market cap. ($ millions) 15,092 16,370 14,127

    Revenue ($ millions) 9,036 12,919 16,369

    CFPS 1.43 1.96 3.74

    Price to YTD CFPS 5.3x 8.3x 3.8x

    ROE (annualized) -0.3% 5.4% -20.7%

    Dividends per share 0.00 0.00 1.17

    Production (000's boe/d) 327 321 346

    CFO* per boe 48.10 16.81 29.80

    Net debt to EV 19% 20% 32%

    Net debt to CFO* 1.2x 2.1x 1.8x


    Commodity Case WTI Oil Price

    2017 / 2021

    HH Gas Price

    2017 / 2021


    2017 / 2021



    $62 Oil Case 51 / 62 3.05 / 3.50 0.75 / 0.80 14.00

    $67 Oil - Base Case 54 / 67 3.31 / 3.75 0.76 / 0.81 21.50

    $77 Oil Case 57 / 77 3.50 / 4.00 0.77 / 0.85 32.50

    Our base case values Husky at $21.50 per share, reflecting a return to

    US$67 WTI oil and US$3.75 NYMEX gas through 2021.

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    Q 1 - 2 0 1 7 B E A T S D U E T O S U C C E S S I N T A R G E T E D P R I C E I N V E S T M E N T A N D E X P C O N T R O L

    Loblaw’s Q1-2017 adjusted EBITDA increased 4.3% to $864 million, better than consensus of $843 million. Loblaw

    targeted price investment in Q1-2017 continued to drive strong traffic which offset the negative impact of food

    price deflation. This was the third consecutive quarter that Loblaw demonstrated success with this strategy. April

    2017 should be the last month we experienced food price deflation and the Canadian grocers should have easier

    comparison from May 2017 onwards and we expect Loblaw to generate positive SSSG in the next few quarter.

    Loblaw has become more promotional during our grocery price surveys in January and April 2017. Going forward,

    we expect Loblaw continues to experience a slight GPM decline but the retail GPM should remain stable in the

    26% range. Loblaw demonstrated strong expense control during the past several quarters and this had helped to

    more than offset the GPM decline.

    Updated May 5, 2017

    Current Price C$77.56

    Intrinsic Value C$85.00

    Current Yield 1.4%




    Accounting & Disclosure 4/5

    Loblaw began reporting the sales and profitability of its retail

    segment and financial services segment beginning in Q1-2011.

    We are looking for more detailed disclosure on the perfor-

    mance of Shoppers Drug Mart versus legacy food retail.

    Adjusted Cash Flows 3/5

    Free cash flow should improve as IT spending gradually declines

    to less than 1% of sales by 2016. Loblaw will also benefit from the

    higher-margin Shoppers Drug Mart business and related opera-

    tional synergies.

    The Balance Sheet 3/5

    The acquisition of Shoppers increased lease adjusted net-debt-

    to-EBITDAR ratio from 1.3x to 3.1x, which is still within the lever-

    age ratio range of DBRS’ BBB credit rating. The company has

    since paid down $1.9m, and has employed free cash flow to-

    wards dividend increases and share buybacks.

    Business Operations 3/5

    Grocery is a mature industry and the acquisition of Shoppers

    Drug Mart will help Loblaw to benefit from the aging de-

    mographics and the strong growth of generic drugs. Loblaw

    should realize benefits from SAP system implementation in areas

    of improved store inventory management during 2016.

    Corporate Governance 3/5

    Loblaw’s Board of Directors consists of a majority of independ-

    ent directors, with 10 out of 13 considered independent (77%).

    Unlike the majority of Canadian retailers, Loblaw does not have

    a typical dual class voting structure. The issuance of shares to

    finance the acquisition of Shoppers reduced George Weston’s

    interest in Loblaw from 62.8% to 46.0% in late 2013.


    We have incorporated the better-than-expected Q1 results in our

    model and derived a new NAV of $85.00 (up from $80.00). Our $85.00

    intrinsic value of Loblaw consists of $72.00 from Retail, $2.00 from Fi-

    nancial Services and $11.00 from the 82.7% interest in Choice Proper-

    ties REIT. Loblaw remains a BUY

    FY end December (C$ Millions, except as noted)

    2016 2017E 2018E

    Consolidated Revenue 46,385 47,861 49,486

    Consolidated EBITDA (Adj.) 3,852 3,938 4,030

    Consolidated EBITDA Margin 8.30% 8.23% 8.14%

    Loblaw Food Retail Adj EBITDA 2,125 2,181 2,250

    Loblaw Food Retail EBITDA Margin 6.41% 6.39% 6.36%

    Shoppers Drug Mart EBITDA

    1,506 1,530 1,542

    Shoppers Drug Mart EBITDA Margin 12.33% 12.08% 11.83%

    Share Price $71.05 77.56 77.56

    Market Capitalization 29,067 31,730 31,730

    EV $39,162 $41,053 $39,813

    EV/EBITDA 9.9x 10.4x 9.9x

    Shares Outstanding (millions) 401 399 399

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    S T E A D Y A S S H E G O E S

    MFC reported core EPS of $0.53 in Q1, which met the Street’s expectations. Core ROE improved meaningfully from 9.3% last year to 11.1%, while

    MFC’s quarterly dividend was left unchanged at $0.205/share. The company’s business in Asia continues to flourish largely on the back of improved

    distribution, while the U.S. business rebounded due to record gross flows within wealth and favorable policyholder experience. Our thesis on MFC

    has not changed coming out of the quarter; we continue to expect gradual improvement in both core earnings and ROE, as the benefits of strong

    sales and higher interest rates make their way into results. Both our BUY recommendation and intrinsic value estimate of $27.00 remain unchanged.

    Updated May 12, 2017

    Current Price C$23.92 / US$17.46

    Intrinsic Value C$27.00

    Current Yield 3.4%




    Accounting & Disclosure 3.5/5

    MFC met its ROE target of 13% in Q1 2017 with a 13.7% result.

    Accounting charges did weigh on earnings as a flattening

    yield curve led to modest gains in Japan on the valuation of our

    policy liabilities.

    Capital 4/5

    The company’s capital position remained strong with MLI’s

    MCCSR ratio ending the quarter at 233%, unchanged from the

    prior year.

    The Balance Sheet 4/5

    MFC’s direct exposure to oil & gas as part of its Alternative

    Long-Duration Assets portfolio is $2.1 billion (0.7% of total

    invested assets) in Q1. Other O&G exposure include $14.4 billion

    (8%) of fixed income exposure per MFC’s disclosure in Q1-F17.

    Business Operations 3.5/5

    Earnings growth relative to the prior year period was particularly

    strong in the U.S. and Asia at 37% and 14%, respectively. The U.S.

    business benefitted from many factors such as favorable

    policyholder experience, including changes to claim

    assumptions in the long-term care business, and higher fee

    income in wealth and asset management (WAM). Asia’s

    growth of 14% (on a constant currency basis) was driven by

    robust new business volumes as well as further progress on

    expanding MFC’s distribution capabilities in the region.

    Corporate Governance 4/5

    No issues noted.


    Our intrinsic value of $27.00 incorporates a multiple of 1.3x on our

    F2017 BV/share estimate of $21.06.

    BUSINESS COMPOSITION Excluding Corporate and Other, 38% of MFC’s Q1 F2017 core

    earnings was generated in Asia, 29% in Canada, and 47% in U.S.

    FY end Dec. 31 C$

    F14 F15 F16

    Share price (at end of period) 22.18 20.74 23.91

    Book value / share 16.42 19.51 19.37

    P:BV 1.4x 1.1x 1.19x

    MCCSR (of Canadian subsidiary) 248% 223% 230%

    Core ROE 9.8% 9.2% 12.9%

    Dividend yield 2.8% 3.6% 3.1%

    Reported core EPS (TTM) 1.48 1.68 1.96

    Core P:E 15.0x 12.3x 10.6x

    Market capitalization ($B) 41.3 40.9 47.2

    # of shares O/S ($M) 1,864 1,971 1,975

    AUM ($B) 691 857 894

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    M A P L E L E A F A N G L E S F O R G R O W T H Maple Leaf Foods produced the fifth consecutive quarter of double digit EBITDA margins (10.8% in Q1-F17), there is now plenty of

    evidence that the company can run its modernized plant network at an attractive scale. While management’s latest five-

    year target of 14% to 16% Adj. EBITDA margins is likely to face many challenges, Maple Leaf may yet surprise investors with

    gains from product development and branding efforts, escaping its current positioning in relatively mature protein

    markets. We remain buyers of this name.

    Updated May 4, 2017

    Current Price C$34.27

    Intrinsic Value C$35.50

    Current Yield 1.3%




    Accounting & Disclosure 3/5

    The bulk of Maple Leaf’s ‘provisions’ account has now be-

    come current ($14.0 MM of $26.1 MM at the end of Q3).

    Provisions primarily relate to severance and site closing

    costs tied to Maple Leaf’s plant restructuring.

    Adjusted Cash Flows 3.5/5

    We expect Maple Leaf to generate about $234 MM of free

    cash flows in 2017, after $110 MM of sustaining capital with

    a similar level (+/- $10 MM) likely in 2018 and $259 MM of

    free cash in 2018.

    The Balance Sheet 5/5

    At the end of Q1, Maple Leaf had ~$2.83 per share in net

    positive working capital on its books, after debt, provisions

    and other liabilities. This included $1.08 per share in cash.

    Business Operations 3.5/5

    In our view, primary margins (sales less inventory costs)

    should normalize near 24% of sales in 2017, with SG&A and

    non-inventory costs reduced to ~$448 million net of D&A,

    just over 13% of sales.

    Corporate Governance 3.5/5

    The modernization of Maple Leaf’s supply chain leaves

    management with no more excuses. Continued operation-

    al execution is a crucial test of Mr. McCain’s leadership and

    so far results have been good.


    Our updated valuation of $35.50 a share incorporates 11.6%

    EBITDA margins in 2018, with $3.5 billion in sales and a 10.3 times

    Enterprise Value to EBITDA multiple.

    FY end Dec. 31 C$ Millions

    F15 F16 LTM,


    Price 23.76 27.65 29.11

    Shares outstanding, millions 135.0 136.3 132.7

    Market capitalization 3,207.6 3,670 3,862

    Debt (cash) net of working capital

    and selected long-term liabilities (456.1) (558.5) (375.3)

    Enterprise value 2,751.5 3,210.2 3,486.7

    Revenue* 3,292.9 3,331.8 3,346.1

    EBITDA (adjusted) 219.8 343.4 349.9

    EPS (adjusted) 0.58 0.93 0.99

    P/E multiple (TTM adjusted) 41.0x 29.7x 29.4x

    EV / Adj. EBITDA (TTM) 12.5x 9.3x 10.0x

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    Q 2 - F 2 0 1 7 B E A T S D U E T O E F F E C T I V E

    M E R C H A N D I S I N G A N D P R O M O T I O N A L S T R A T E G Y

    Q2-F2017 SSSG of +0.3% was impressive despite a tough comparison of +5% in the same quarter last year and a

    deflationary environment. Metro’s Q2 results were in line with the observations from our January 2017 grocery price survey

    in Ontario. Metro has a track record of using an effective promotional strategy to drive positive SSSG. Despite the

    aggressive promotions, Metro had the right merchandise mix that drove gross profit margin improvement in Q2-F2017.

    In this report, we show the detail results of our Apr 2017 grocery price survey in Ontario. We believe Metro’s effective

    discounting strategy should bode well in a deflationary environment.

    Updated April 26, 2017

    Current Price C$45.18

    Intrinsic Value C$51.00

    Current Yield 1.4%




    Accounting & Disclosure 3/5

    Metro no longer provides any metrics for the core grocery

    retailing segment versus the higher-margin Premiere Mois-

    son and Marche Adonis businesses. Similar to peers, there is

    also a lack of disclosure on results by banner and/or region.

    Adjusted Cash Flows 4/5

    Metro’s return on equity was more than 14.5% over the last

    20 years. Management has been using more than 50% of its

    annual free cash flow to buy back stock in the last few

    years. Metro’s latest dividend increase (in January 2017)

    was the 23td consecutive year of dividend growth.

    The Balance Sheet 4/5

    Lease-adjusted net debt/EBITDAR as of Q2-F2017 sat at 2.3x,

    showing consistent improvement since F2005 (3.5x) when

    Metro acquired A&P Canada. Further, Metro holds about

    $2 billion worth of Alimentation Couche-Tard shares that

    may be liquidated if needed.

    Business Operations 4/5

    After the acquisition of A&P Canada in 2005, Metro consoli-

    dated its five banners in Ontario into the Metro brand and

    simplified its operating structure. Following the success of

    the revamped merchandising program at Food Basics

    stores since 2013, Metro rolled out a similar program for its

    Super C banner. A consistent focus on improving fresh offer-

    ings and effective promotional programs have helped Met-

    ro improve store traffic and tonnage.

    Corporate Governance 4/5

    Metro’s Board of Directors consists of a majority of inde-

    pendent directors, with 12 out of 13 independent.


    We have incorporated the better-than-expected Q2-F2017 results

    in our model and increased our intrinsic value to $51.00 (up from

    $48.00). Excluding the value of the Couche-Tard shareholding,

    this implies that we value Metro’s grocery operations at about

    11x F2018E EBITDA. The much higher EBITDA margins at Metro

    justifies the premium valuation over its peers.

    FY end September (C$ Millions, except as noted)

    F2016 F2017E F2018E

    Fully-Diluted EPS $2.39 $2.50 $2.65

    Revenue 12,788 13,168 13,552

    EBITDA (excluding equity-accounted earnings from Couche-Tard)

    931 975 1,007

    EBITDA Margin 7.28% 7.50% 7.48%

    Share Price $41.80 $45.18 $45.18

    Price/Earnings 16.6x 17.3x 16.4x

    Price/Book 3.3x 3.5x 3.2x

    Market Capitalization 9,774 10,009 9,783

    EV 10.994 10,180 10,786

    EV/EBITDA 10.8x 10.5x 9.9x

    Shares Outstanding (millions) 239.3 225.5 219.0

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    S T R A T E G I C R E V I E W U N C E R T A I N T Y & O N T A R I O A S S E T S

    W E I G H O N N P I Bloomberg article suggests the deal has fallen apart. Taken together, following the expiry of Iroquois Falls’ new dispatch sales agreement

    in F22, the net impact of these items reduces our price target from $27.00 to $25.00 per share, with our revised target representing

    approximately 10% upside to the current share price.

    Updated July 7, 2017

    Current Price $22.81

    Intrinsic Value $25.00

    Current Yield 4.7%




    Accounting & Disclosure 3/5

    Compared to BEP.UN, NPI’s FCF disclosure is conservative,

    since it accounts for debt repayments on active wind


    Adjusted Cash Flows 3.5/5

    Although, lower cash flow from Kingston and robust devel-

    opment plans do not leave much room for a dividend in-

    crease in F17, our analysis shows that once the European

    wind farms commence operations, NPI should have suffi-

    cient free cash flow to increase the dividend by 8%, to $1.17

    per share.

    The Balance Sheet 3/5

    The decline in cash flow from Kingston will negatively im-

    pact Northland’s corporate level credit metrics. However,

    since Northland employs project level financing under-

    pinned by long-term sales agreements/subsidies, it should

    have ample access to debt capital.

    Business Operations 4/5

    Gemini windfarm achieved full completion ahead of

    schedule and under its total budget. In addition, Nordsee

    One continues to progress as planned, with 14 turbines in-

    stalled to date.

    Corporate Governance 4/5

    No issues noted.


    We reduced our value estimate for NPI from $27.00 to $25.00 per


    FY end Dec. 31 C$ Millions Q1-F17 F16 F15

    Share price $24.56 $23.30 $18.66

    Shares o/s (millions) 184.4 186.6 169.6

    Market capitalization $4,529 $4,347 $3,166

    Long-term investments $50.4 $50.3 $0.0

    Net debt and preferred shares $6,099 $6,017 $5,923

    Enterprise value $10,628 $10,364 $9,088

    Revenue (TTM) $1,284.9 $1,099.0 $728.1

    Free cash flow (TTM) $239.0 $242.3 $182.2

    Avg. units o/s (TTM, millions) 173.1 172.9 183.7

    Cash flow per share (TTM) $1.3 $1.3 $1.1

    Price-to-free cash flow (TTM) 18.9x 17.9x 17.4x

    Payout ratio (TTM) 83% 83% 101%

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    P O S I T I V E O U T L O O K D E S P I T E N E T N E U T R A L E R A With the recent CRTC ruling on net neutrality banning the use of data cap exemptions on content, a key differentiating

    tool in Videotron’s arsenal was decommissioned. Despite the setback, we have reason to believe wireless will continue to

    deliver results. Staying the strategic course has served Quebecor’s shareholders well, and continues to yield solid

    performance, led by steady gains in wireless subs of 27k all while ARPU drove higher to $52.49. On the cable front, internet

    sub growth improved 3.2% over the prior year with the addition of 15k customers. Declines in TV subs remained stable at -

    2.4%, well above peers (Rogers and Shaw) while ARPU remained flat at $49.73. Finally, a debt refinancing helped reduce

    the cost of debt by more than 200bps on $625 million of principal.

    Updated May 18, 2017

    Current Price C$40.12

    Intrinsic Value C$45.00

    Current Yield 0.5%




    Accounting & Disclosure 3/5

    Disclosures are improving, with management providing

    wireless EBITDA figures for FY16, allowing for greater clarity

    over performance.

    Adjusted Cash Flows 4/5

    Improving wireless profitability, continued cable EBITDA

    growth and the completion of LTE capex in 2016 will help

    increase free cash flow over time.

    The Balance Sheet 2.5/5

    Net debt: EBITDA sits at 3.3x after Quebecor increased its

    QMI stake from 75% to 81%.

    Business Operations 4/5

    Wireless continues to drive growth, with 27k net additions,

    and ARPU increasing 5.8% to $52.49. Video net losses of 10k

    were manageable and Internet adds of 15k were better

    than the 10k a year ago.

    Corporate Governance 3/5

    The rights of Class B shareholders are limited due to a com-

    bination of a dual class share structure and the Caisse’s

    ownership (includes veto rights for dividend increases, ac-

    quisitions and the right to force an IPO of QMI by 2019).


    We are maintaining our BUY rating and updating our intrinsic val-

    ue estimate to $45.

    YTD Mar 31, 2017 C$ Millions

    F15 F16 F17

    Revenue (TTM) $4,027 $3,929 $4,038

    EBITDA (TTM) $1,458 $1,456 $1,505

    Share price (reporting date) $33.05 $36.11 $41.53

    EV/EBITDA (TTM) - proportionate 8.1x 8.3x 7.7x

    Dividend yield 0.3% 0.5% 0.4%

    Market capitalization 4,059 4,420 4,895

    Enterprise value 10,011 10,555 10,374

    QMI Net debt: TTM EBITDA 3.2x 3.5x 3.3x

    Wireless subscribers (thousands) 662 796 921

    Wireless ARPU $46.03 $49.61 $52.49

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    S U B G R O W T H I N T H E G R E E N Shaw added ~13k TV subs this quarter, marking the first time in five years that the Company has generated positive TV

    growth. The customer improvement has been much faster than anticipated, especially when compared to Comcast’s

    trajectory (X1 launched 4 years before growing TV subs). Shaw’s pro-forma leverage ratio of 1.9x is now lowest amongst

    peers, but we are not expecting dividend increases until at least 2019, given the $350m in incremental wireless capex to

    be spent in F18. Nevertheless, a more complete handset offering, better network coverage and the ability to bundle a

    rebranded wireless product are positive catalysts to come.

    Updated June 29, 2017

    Current Price C$30.14/US$23.13

    Intrinsic Value C$31.50

    Current Yield 3.9%




    Accounting & Disclosure 3/5

    Good aside from revenue smoothing of 2-year promo plans

    and capitalization of equipment subsidies, compared to

    expensing by peers.

    Adjusted Cash Flows 3/5

    Dividend increases will be on hold for a few years, as Shaw

    builds out its LTE network. The company also loses about

    $260M in FCF from the media sale, but is comfortable with a

    high payout ratio (100% with DRIP).

    The Balance Sheet 4/5

    Following the sale of ViaWest for $2.3b, Shaw’s pro-forma

    net debt-to-EBITDA decreased to 1.9x, which is the lowest in

    the industry.

    Business Operations 4/5

    With BlueSky TV and Gigabit internet rolled out to its entire

    footprint, investments are now bearing fruit, yielding strong

    Consumer segment sub growth. Further investment to im-

    prove the LTE network is expected to enhance Wireless

    performance down the line.

    Corporate Governance 3/5

    The Shaw family continues to effectively control the com-

    pany through ownership of 79% of the multiple voting



    We are maintaining our BUY and increasing our intrinsic value

    estimate to $31.50.

    YTD May 31, 2017 C$ Millions

    F15 F16 F17

    Revenue (TTM) ex. media 4,329 4,670 5,234

    EPS (TTM) 1.62 2.76 1.06

    EBITDA ex. media 1,996 2,090 2,178

    Share price (at reporting) $27.83 $24.86 $30.14

    EV/EBITDA (TTM) 8.1x 7.8x 8.9x

    FCFE Yield (TTM) 5.8% 4.2% 4.0%

    P/E (TTM) 17.2x 9.0x 28.4x

    Market cap 13,122 12,017 14,870

    Enterprise Value 18,757 17,586 19,452

    Net debt: TTM EBITDA 2.3x 2.5x 2.5x

    Dividend Yield 4.0% 4.8% 3.9%

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    T E L U S S O O N T O H A R V E S T W H I L E B C E N E E D S T O G R O W

    Since 2010, Telus has deployed its resources aggressively, with consistent 10% annual dividend increases as well as

    investments to build out fibre directly to customer households. Telus’ fibre-to-the-home investments will cover a

    considerable portion of its footprint by the end of the year, with the company expected to return to free cash flow growth

    in 2018. Yet its shares now trade at a meaningful discount to large-cap peers. With Telus approaching a position to harvest

    those investments, we are upgrading our recommendation on Telus to a BUY with a $50 intrinsic value estimate.

    Updated May 18, 2017

    Current Price C$45.21 / US$ 33.23

    Intrinsic Value C$50.00

    Current Yield 4.2%




    Accounting & Disclosure 4/5

    Accounting and disclosures are reasonable.

    Adjusted Cash Flows 3/5

    We estimate that Telus will pay out about 105% of F17E and

    96% of F18E free cash flow, respectively.

    The Balance Sheet 4/5

    The net debt-EBITDA ratio of 3.0x sits outside of the 2.0-2.5x

    target and will limit the extent of share buybacks that can

    be done in the future (management is targeting $250M per

    year through 2019).

    Business Operations 3/5

    Wireline subscriber were slightly slower than a year ago,

    with 7k TV adds vs 11k in Q1-16. Wireless ARPU grew 3.9%,

    while churn was down 4bps.

    Corporate Governance 4/5



    We are upgrading our recommendation to a BUY with a $50 in-

    trinsic value estimate.

    YTD Mar 31, 2017 C$ Millions

    F15 F16 F17

    Revenue (TTM) 12,135 12,582 12,889

    EPS (TTM) $2.39 $2.25 $2.16

    EBITDA (TTM) 4,274 4,264 4,350

    Share price (reporting date) $42.80 $39.63 $45.21

    EV/EBITDA (TTM) 8.40x 8.41x 9.14x

    P/E (TTM) 17.9x 17.6x 20.9x

    FCFE yield (TTM) 4.0% 3.9% 0.9%

    Dividend Yield 3.7% 4.6% 4.2%

    Market capitalization $25,894 $23,501 $26,719

    Enterprise value $35,905 $35,875 $39,773

    Net debt: TTM EBITDA 2.3x 2.9x 3.0x

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    Q 1 - F 2 0 1 8 I N L I N E ; B I L L 8 1 S T I L L A N O V E R H A N G

    Jean Coutu’s Q1-F2018 Pro Doc was very soft due to the removal of cap on professional allowances (“PAs”) of generic drugs. However,

    the Pro Doc softness was partly offset by the strong results from the franchising segment.

    We have reduced our F2018E and F2019E Pro Doc EBITDA based on the higher-than-expected PAs that Pro Doc is paying. On April 12,

    2017, the Quebec government announced that it will modify the regulation to restore the 15% cap on PAs. We expect the 15% cap to be

    reinstated beginning in Q2-F2019 (i.e. June 2018). We continue to expect the elevated SG&A expense level to roll off when all shipments

    will be made from the Varennes distribution centre beginning in October 2017.

    Updated July 11, 2017

    Current Price C$20.10

    Intrinsic Value C$24.00

    Current Yield 2.3%




    Accounting & Disclosure 3/5

    Disclosures are on par with those of other Canadian retailers

    across the board. Jean Coutu reports Pro Doc as a separate


    Adjusted Cash Flows 3/5

    Cash flows are positive and stable, and should grow at a

    steady pace. Free cash flow increased from $119m in F2016 to

    $187m in F2017 largely due to investment in a new, larger distri-

    bution centre in the previous year.

    The Balance Sheet 4/5

    Jean Coutu has a strong balance sheet with no debt and

    $179m in cash at the end of Q4-F17. Book value of Jean

    Coutu’s land and buildings was about $422 million at the end of

    F2017 and management has previously indicated that the mar-

    ket value of its owned real estate is more than $500 million be-

    fore considering the new DC (~$190m investment in total), in-

    cluding $30 million worth of surplus real estate. Therefore, Jean

    Coutu has access to capital by either crystallizing the value of

    its real estate or levering up its balance sheet.

    Business Operations 4/5

    Jean Coutu is the number one pharmacy player in Quebec

    and benefits from aging demographics. Pro Doc (generic drug

    manufacturer acquired by Jean Coutu in 2007) is the key profit

    driver and will help to mitigate the negative impact of recent

    drug reforms. Pro Doc’s EBITDA margin is 25%+ even after lower

    generic drug prices from competitive tendering, much higher

    than the 6.50% regulated mark-up for prescription wholesaling.

    Corporate Governance 2/5

    The Jean Coutu family controls about 93% of the votes with 57%

    of outstanding equity through owning 100% of Class B shares

    having 10 votes per share. Should the Jean Coutu family cease

    to be the beneficial owner of at least 50% of the outstanding

    votes, the Class B shares will revert back to one vote per share.

    Ten out of 15 directors (67%) are independent.


    We have derived a new $24.00 intrinsic value (down from $25.00) for

    Jean Coutu using a net asset value model. Our lower intrinsic value

    reflects the higher-than-expected PAs that Pro Doc will have to pay in

    the next few quarters before the Quebec government reinstates the

    15% cap on PAs. Note that our intrinsic value has also included an

    estimated negative impact of Bill 81.

    FY end February (C$ Millions, except as noted)







    Fully-Diluted EPS $1.08 $0.87 $1.16

    Retail Sales 4,474 4,505 4,614

    Revenue 2,978 2,921 3,008

    Franchising EBITDA 240 240 256

    Pro Doc EBITDA 71 14 63

    Total EBITDA 311 254 320

    EBITDA Margin 10.45% 8.78% 10.72%

    Share Price $20.05 $20.10 $20.10

    P/E 18.5x 17.3x 14.7x

    Market Capitalization 3,697 3,614 3,523

    EV/EBITDA 11.3x 13.5x 10.4x

    Shares Outstanding (millions) 184 180 175

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    F I N I S H I N G S T R O N G : T R P D E L I V E R S S O L I D Q 4 R E S U L T S &

    A P R O M I S I N G O U T L O O K We continue to rate TransCanada a BUY because of its unique combination of income and value attributes. Our $67.50 per share value

    estimate implies a 7.5% F20E FCF yield, which is underpinned by a portfolio of low-to-medium risk growth projects.

    Updated February 17, 2017

    Current Price $62.22

    Intrinsic Value $67.50

    Current Yield 4.0%



    Accounting & Disclosure 4/5

    Compared to its most similar peer, Enbridge Inc., we find

    TRP’s disclosure to be slightly better, since it offers a more

    granular look (i.e. EBITDA and earnings vs. only adjusted

    earnings at ENB) into the assets that make up its reporting


    Adjusted Cash Flows 4/5

    With its major capital projects commencing operations in

    the coming years, we expect TRP’s operating cash flow to

    increase markedly, granting it significant capacity to fund

    future growth projects and to increase the dividend.

    The Balance Sheet 3/5

    Like most other regulated Canadian businesses, TRP is bene-

    fiting from the current low interest rate environment, with

    ample access to debt capital. The unexpected equity

    issuance in November will improve leverage metrics.

    Business Operations 3/5

    Results from TRP’s Alberta power assets has declined along-

    side spot power prices, but with a mostly gas-fired genera-

    tion fleet, we believe TRP is relatively well positioned to ride

    out new climate change initiatives.

    Corporate Governance 2.5/5

    No significant issues noted.


    Our value estimate is now $67.50 per share.

    For the Period Ended

    (Amounts in C$) F16 F15 F14

    Share price $60.54 $45.19 $57.10

    Shares (millions) 864 703 709

    Market capitalization (millions) $52,292 $31,751 $40,484

    Net debt (millions) $54,526 $38,513 $31,711

    Enterprise value (millions) $106,818 $70,264 $72,195

    Adjusted EBITDA (TTM) $6,647 $5,908 $5,521

    Adjusted EPS (TTM) $2.78 $2.50 $2.42

    EV / EBITDA (TTM) 16.1x 11.9x 13.1x

    P/E (TTM) 21.8x 18.1x 23.6x

    Net debt-to-EBITDA (TTM) 8.2x 6.5x 5.7x

  • Quality Scale

    Torpedo Risky Neutral Better Best

    5 10 15 20 25

    Intrinsic Value Scale

    -50% -25% 0 25% 50%




    A S H O P P I N G S P R E E I S O N T H E H O R I Z O N While we don’t typically ascribe value to unannounced transactions, a strong indication of M&A activity combined with its history of

    successful integration and improvement of acquired businesses warrants an exception for WCN. With significant capital available to

    deploy (over $2 billion of discretionary cash generated by the end F18), we believe

    Updated July 27, 2017

    Current Price US$66.00

    Intrinsic Value US$72.50

    Current Yield 0.7%




    Accounting & Disclosure 4/5

    The control deficiency reported in WCN’s 10K is immaterial,

    and will not impact core EBITDA, EPS or free cash flow.

    WCN’s peers. While we’d like more detail on operating

    expense and SG&A, excluding a “core price” disclosure

    that isn’t adjusted for rollbacks.

    Adjusted Cash Flows 5/5

    The BIN acquisition continues to pay dividends. Literally.

    We believe WCN is capable of hiking its dividend by almost

    20% in October, due to robust FCF generation.

    The Balance Sheet 3/5

    WCN’s leverage is essentially at the midpoint of its peer

    group. However, WCN’s track record of margin improve-

    ment and FCF conversion suggest the organic business’

    debt service capability is above average.

    Business Operations 4/5

    Operating conditions remain strong in the North American

    waste management sector, with growing volume reducing

    risk of price competition.

    Corporate Governance 3/5

    Integration is ahead of schedule, boosting our confidence

    that WCN can generate additional value accretion

    through prospective M&A.


    Our $72.50 per share estimate is $2.50 per share higher on ac-

    count of assumed prospective M&A value creation.

    Period Ending US$ Millions

    Q2-F17 F16 F15

    Share price $64.42 $78.59 $56.32

    Shares outstanding (millions) 263.4 175.4 122.4

    Market capitalization $16,970 $13,787 $6,894

    Net debt $3,755 $3,819 $2,157

    Enterprise value (EV) $20,725 $17,606 $9,051

    Revenue (TTM) $4,401 $3,376 $2,117

    EBITDA (TTM) $1,374 $1,071 $711

    Adjusted EPS (TTM) $2.27 $1.98 $1.98

    Net debt-to-EBITDA (TTM) 2.7x 3.6x 3.0x

    EV-to-EBITDA (TTM) 15.1x 16.4x 12.7x