the literal meaning of zakat is to increase, technical ...€¦ · 1. zakat cannot be given to a...

The literal meaning of Zakat is to increase, technical meaning is purification. Here, to give Zakat implies purifying your wealth and soul by giving a portion of your wealth to those in need every year in the month of Ramadan

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Page 1: The literal meaning of Zakat is to increase, technical ...€¦ · 1. Zakat cannot be given to a person who owns at least 7 1/2 tolas of gold or 52 1/2 tolas of silver or equivalent

The literal meaning of Zakat is to increase, technical meaning is purification.

Here, to give Zakat implies purifying your wealth and soul by giving a portion

of your wealth to those in need every year in the month of Ramadan

Page 2: The literal meaning of Zakat is to increase, technical ...€¦ · 1. Zakat cannot be given to a person who owns at least 7 1/2 tolas of gold or 52 1/2 tolas of silver or equivalent

‟ „Take from their wealth so that you might purify and sanctify them.

(The Holy Qur‟an, chapter 9, verse 103)

….& establish the prayer, & pay the zakat.”

(Qur‟an 2:177)

'In their wealth there is a

known share for the beggars

and the destitute (extremely

poor and lacking the means

to provide for oneself)‟

(Qur‟an 70:24-25)

As-Sadaqat (here

it means Zakat)

are only for the

Fuqara (the poor

who do not beg)

and Al-Masakin

(the poor who

beg) and those employed to collect funds and for to attract the hearts of those who

have been inclined towards Islam and to free the captives and for those in debt and

for Allah‟s cause (i.e for Mujahidin-those fighting in the holy wars) and for those for

the wayfarer ( a traveler who is cut off from everything), a duty imposed by Allah

and Allah is All-Knower, All Wise (Surah Tauba-9-verse 60)

“The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is that of a grain of

corn. It grows seven ears and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah increases manifold

to whom He pleases” (Al Baqarah -261)

Page 3: The literal meaning of Zakat is to increase, technical ...€¦ · 1. Zakat cannot be given to a person who owns at least 7 1/2 tolas of gold or 52 1/2 tolas of silver or equivalent

“Allah Destroys wealth obtained from interest & will increase from deeds of charity”.

(Al Baqarah -256)

Shaitaan threatens you with poverty & bids you to coin evil & Allah promises you His

forgiveness & bounties & Allah is bountiful & All Knowing” (Al Baqarah -268)

Statements from Hadith:

Obeying God & Gaining Pleasure of Allah

Removes evil from the zakat payer

Increase in your wealth

Protection from Loses

Obtaining Allah‟s forgiveness & Blessings

It will serve as a shield from fires of hell.

It will provides shelter on the Judgement day

Saves from fear & Grief

Other Benefits within the society:

Helping a person acknowledge that everything comes from God on loan and

that we do not really own anything ourselves

And since we cannot take anything with us when we die we need not cling to it

Acknowledging that whether we are rich or poor is God's choice

So we should help those he has chosen to make poor

Learning self-discipline

Freeing oneself from the love of possessions and greed

Freeing oneself from the love of money

Freeing oneself from love of oneself

Behaving honestly

Page 4: The literal meaning of Zakat is to increase, technical ...€¦ · 1. Zakat cannot be given to a person who owns at least 7 1/2 tolas of gold or 52 1/2 tolas of silver or equivalent

Zakat is one of five Pillars of Islam. To be precise, it is the third pillar after

Shahadah (Testimony of Faith) and Salat (Obligatory Prayer)

The word Zakat appears in the Holy Quran a total of 32 times.

Allah has made Zakat compulsory on all Muslims instructing them to perform

Salat and pay Zakat many times in the Holy Quran.

This message is explicitly clear in Surat Al-Muzammil in Quran:

“And establish regular prayers and give regular charity; and loan to God a beautiful

loan. And whatever good ye send forth for your souls, ye shall find it in God's

presence, Yea, better and greater in reward and seek ye the grace of God: for God is

most forgiving, Most Merciful." Al-Quran

Being a 3rd pillar of Islam, Zakat is compulsory on every sane adult Muslim

man or woman whose net yearly savings meet or exceed the Nisaab values.

Zakat amounts to 2.5% of all net savings. This includes cash in hand, bank

savings, bonds, and other objects of monetary value.

Jewellery and gold are not exempt from Zakat. Therefore, their worth must be

factored into total yearly savings.

Items for personal use are exempt from Zakat. This includes your house, cars

and clothing.

Zakat is compulsory on every able bodied Muslim including those who are not

employed as long as their net yearly savings meet or exceed the Nisaab Values.

There is a clear difference between Zakat and Zakat-ul-Fitr (Fitrana). The latter

is due on all Muslims, period. The former applies to only those who meet

Nisaab values.

Zakat is given to the poor and the needy. This includes people in debt.

The Zakat amount can be broken down into different quantities and be given

to multiple charities.

It is absolutely imperative for parents to educate their children early on about the

concept of Zakat and its importance in Islam. They should be reminded that Zakat just

like Salat and Sayam (fasting) is Fardh (compulsory) on all able Muslims.

Page 5: The literal meaning of Zakat is to increase, technical ...€¦ · 1. Zakat cannot be given to a person who owns at least 7 1/2 tolas of gold or 52 1/2 tolas of silver or equivalent

To Whom Zakat can be given

The Poor & The Needy – these people may have some wealth and funds but it

is not enough to make up for the nisaab.

The Destitute – People who have no wealth or funds. They are living their life

on the very basics necessities of life.

Zakat Collectors – People who collect Zakat as well as distribute it.

Muslim Converts – This category was specifically designed to get new Muslim

converts who were genuinely poor on their feet. It still exists to this day.

People in Debt – People who are in debt but cannot pay it back are eligible for


Travellers – Muslims who are in the middle of their journey and out of money

are eligible for zakat donations.

To Whom Zakat cannot be given

1. Zakat cannot be given to a person who owns at least 7 1/2 tolas of gold or 52 1/2

tolas of silver or equivalent wealth in cash, kind or in trade goods. ( 1Tola=12.5Gms)

If a person owns household goods over and above that which are necessary for his

normal use, such as carpets, utensils or other goods which are owned and kept in

possession but are hardly in frequent use, then such goods do not come under

essentials but in accumulated wealth, and Zakat cannot be given to the person

possessing them.

2. To non-Muslims

3. To some relatives: Zakat cannot be given to one‟s mother, father, paternal and

maternal grandparents, great grand-parents, etc. Likewise, Zakat cannot be given to

one‟s offspring-sons, daughters, grand-children, great grand-children, etc. Zakat

cannot be given by husband to wife, nor by wife to husband.

4. To children: The position of a minor child is linked with his or her father. If the

father is wealthy, then the child will also be considered as rich and Zakat cannot be

given to him If the father is poor enough to receive Zakat. but the mother is rich, then

Zakat could be given to the child because the child‟s financial position is linked with

that of the father, not the mother.

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5. Zakat cannot be given to domestic or other servants as wages.

6- To pay debts of a deceased : If a poor man dies in debt and someone uses Zakat

money to pay the debts of the deceased, then the actions will be invalid and the

obligation to pay Zakat will not be discharged, because the deceased did not become

owner of the money paid for the discharge of the debt. The heirs of the deceased,

however, if they are poor, can receive Zakat and discharge the debt of the deceased,

if they desire to do so.

8- To pay funeral expenses : Zakat money cannot be used to pay expenses relating to

the funeral and burial of a person. But the heirs of the deceased, if they are poor, can

receive and accept Zakat and use the money for the burial expenses of their deceased


Zakat Cannot Be Used For

building mosques, repairing, maintaining or Running a mosque

Making an intention is integral in Islam. It can be found in virtually every discipline in

the Islamic faith. Muslims make an intention to pray before they pray. The same goes

for fasting and Hajj. It is therefore, mandatory to make intention of giving zakat,

either at the time of organising the payment or at the time of payment.

Page 7: The literal meaning of Zakat is to increase, technical ...€¦ · 1. Zakat cannot be given to a person who owns at least 7 1/2 tolas of gold or 52 1/2 tolas of silver or equivalent

Jewellery & Precious Metal – Gold and Silver. Both are come under Zakat even if

they are used merely for decorative purposes. The reason behind it is simple; they

contribute towards your cumulative wealth and as such their worth must be tabulated when

calculating Zakat.

Bank Accounts – Any cash, bonds, stock one might have in their savings

account. The amount should be in the bank for one year. Loans given or funds

received are also part of the Zakat process.

Cattle and Crops - Cattle and crops that are in excess of one‟s need.

Zakat on Animals

Zakat is obligatory on goats, sheep, cows, buffaloes and camels which graze on wild

grass, plant leaves and on some feed, now and then given by the owner, and on the

above animals meant for sale.

The Prophet ( ) said: “By Allah in whose hand my life is, whoever had camels or

cows or sheep and did not pay their Zakat, those animals will be brought on the Day

of Resurrection far bigger and fatter than before and they will tread him under their

hooves, and will butt him with their horns and (those animals will come in circle)

when the last does its turn, the first will start again and this punishment will go on till

(Bukhari) Allah has finished the judgements amongst the people.”

“And there are those who board gold & Silver & do not spend in the path of Allah,

announce to them a most grievous penalty on the day of Qiyamah, heat will be

produced out of that wealth in the hell fire, than with that they will be branded on

their foreheads & their flanks & backs.(it will be said to them) this is the treasure which

you hoarded for yourselves, taste then the treasure that you are hoarding.”

(al Taubah verse 34)

Prophet Muhammad said” The nation that does not give Zakat, Allah will bring a

drought on them (i.e the necessaties of life will become very scarce on them)”

Prophet Muhammad said” The person on whom Allahs has bestowed wealth, and

he does not give Zakat, on the day the judgement, his wealth will be turned into a

venomous bald serpent which will wind around his neck & bite his jaw & say: “I am

your wealth, I am your treasure” (Bukhari)

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Prophet Muhammad saw gold bangles on hands of two women. He inquired if

they give zakat on them. They replied No, He said “Do you wish on the Qiyamah

that you be made to dress in the bangles of fire?” they replied No, He then said “Give

zakat on them” (Tirmizi)

Some people might think Zakat is a form of tax. It is not. Zakat and tax are

two entirely different things. One is a spiritual act and an obligation as a caring

human being and the other is a requirement of secular law. The concept of

Zakat is to assist the poor and those who are suffering in order to help them

end their suffering and get back on their feet.

NISAB VALUE: €296 (Silver) | €3,199 (Gold)

ZAKATUL FITR: €7 Per Person

(updated on: 01/06/2015)

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Difference between & (fitrana):

Zakat ul Fitr is incumbent on every free Muslim who possesses one Sa of dates or

barley which is not needed as a basic food for himself or his family for the duration of

one day and night. Every free Muslim must pay Zakat ul Fitr for himself, his wife,

children, and servants. (One Sa‟ equals approximately three kilograms).

The required amount of Zakat ul Fitr is one Sa‟ of wheat, rice or corn or similar items

considered as basic foods.

The lies in eligibility.

Zakat-ul-Fitr is compulsory on all Muslims regardless of age or financial standing.

The only exemption is for those who do not have one sa‟ (approximately 2.6 – 3kg)

of their staple food in excess of their needs.

Because of the wider range of people who have to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr, it is the

responsibility of the head of the household to pay for those under their care. Thus,

for children, this task is undertaken by their parents on their behalf. Zakat, on the

other hand, compulsory for only for Muslims who meet the Nisaab values after all

their yearly Zakatable earnings are calculated.

The lies in the amount. The amount due for Zakat-ul-Fitr is very

small, and rarely exceeds € 7. Zakat, however, can amount to a larger number

because its 2.5% of all net savings.

Zakat-ul-Fitr is paid during Ramadan before the month ends. It needs to be paid

before the Eid prayers at the very latest. This is a very specific time frame that all

Muslims must abide to. Giving Zakat-ul-Fitr before the Eid-ul-Fitr prayers is extremely

important, as a late payment is invalid and the obligation can‟t be made up for.