the local business internet marketing audit presentation

The Internet Marketing Audit Presentation A Complete Process To Getting More Sales From The Internet & Mobile In The Most Cost Effective Ways Possible

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A complete process for auditing your entire Internet marketing presence, and steps to dominate your market using the Internet and mobile.


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The Internet Marketing Audit PresentationA Complete Process To Getting More Sales From The Internet &

Mobile In The Most Cost Effective Ways Possible

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Audit Presentation


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Audit Presentation: ABOUT ME

A Little About Me

● I'm not a guru. I hate nonsense, fancy new age ideas and thinking, and b@llshit.

● My background began with network marketing, and then I moved onto Internet marketing, making money with websites from my computer - I have a track record.

● This was (and still is) an extremely competitive way to make money, and it wasn't until I got a temporary job doing some marketing for a local, independent jewellery shop, that I realised there was a market for helping local businesses with their Internet marketing.

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Audit Presentation: ABOUT ME

A Little About Me

● I love what I do. I love the Internet for its accessibility and speed of finding information, and ease of communication, but I also don't want to see it emptying high streets. I want to see high streets, full of life and community.

● My goal is ultimately to make more money for my company, by providing value for all - by helping you gain more happy customers. Then there are three winners - you, your customers, and me. But if I leave you better than I found you - regardless if you hire us to do the work outlined in this presentation, then I've already won.

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Audit Presentation: ABOUT ME

A Little About Me

● I always say that my advice is free, and that I'm always on the end of the phone for guidance. At this stage of my career, I am able to offer you free advice on the phone if you phone me up for help - but I don't know how long I can do this for, as my business grows. You may have to book a consultation.

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Audit Presentation: INTRO

How To Increase Your Turnover

There are two ways to do this:

1. Make more from the customers you already have.2. Get more customers and continue the above.

There are three stages to making this happen...

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Audit Presentation: INTRO

Three Stages To Getting More Sales

1. FINDING: Without any marketing, your business is a shop in the desert. You need to erect signposts leading your potential customers to you, or they'll never find you. A potential customer needs 7 exposures to a product before buying.

2. CONVERTING: Once you get them there, you need to be persuading them buy, or you have no business.

3. MILKING: Once they have bought, you want to maintain a relationship so you can sell more stuff to them for as long as you can.

Let's break this down further...

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Audit Presentation: 1) FINDING

In-Premises Postcards

What is it and why: One of the easiest ways to get potential and actual customers onto your database is to have postcards you give to them - after a transaction, or just hand them out. Have them fill it in, and you'll be able to contact them at will. 3.6% of in-store issued vouchers are redeemed.What you can do: Have your local printer design and print you something. Make sure it contains your website address, and a spot for them to complete their details in-store. Even better if you can give them the option to text in - you will able to contact them via text, then.

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Audit Presentation: 1) FINDING

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

What is it and why: 1 out of 3 of all online searches are for a local business - that's 2.6 billion local searches online a month. 83% of people first search online before making a local product or service purchase. Google is the most popular online search tool, but you need to create signposts for them to find your website. The more and higher quality signposts they are, the higher you will rank. 98% of people only look at page 1 of Google. On page 1, 1st place gets 42% of visitors, 12% for 2nd, 3rd is 8.5%, and so on. If you're not on the 1st page - especially the top 3 - for any of your keywords, it will be hard to be found.

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Audit Presentation: 1) FINDING

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

How you stand: Google 'google adwords keyword tool', and search the following keywords: [YOUR BUSINESS NAME], [MARKET in TOWN], [MARKET TOWN], [MARKETS TOWN], [ETC]. Do the same for 'mobile devices'. Add it all up - this is how many potential customers are looking for you on Google. Then go to: and enter your web address, and the same keyword phrases as before. It will tell you where you rank for these keywords in Google.

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Audit Presentation: 1) FINDING

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

What you can do: You can submit your site to Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, by simply searching for "submit my site to [SEARCH ENGINE]". You can also add links back to your website from other sites - the bigger the sites the better. Warning: this is an ongoing job. A tip is to go to Google and type in your main keywords. Look at the sites at the top. These are your competition. Now type "[COMPETITORS WEBSITE]" including the quotes, into Google. This will tell you all the sites that are linking to your competitor in Google. See if you can get a link back from these sites to you.

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Audit Presentation: 1) FINDING

AdWords/Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

What is it and why: You buy traffic from Google, by the click, every time your ad is clicked - that appears on the right side of Google. The more competitive the keyword, the more per click you pay. Google AdWords revenue is nearly £15 billion p.a. 1.1% of Google users click on AdWords rather than left-side links.What you can do: Google 'adwords voucher'. You'll get your first clicks for free if you find one. Get advice for writing good ads on Google. You can bid on brand keywords, but brand names are not allowed in ad copy, so AdWords is easier on a local level, rather than nationally.

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Audit Presentation: 1) FINDING

Quick Response (QR) Codes

What is it and why: A QR code is like a barcode, that can be scanned by a phone, to carry-out a pre-set task, like go to a website, or create a text. More that 2/3 of Americans and Europeans who scan QR codes do so to obtain information about a product. 18% of those who scan, buy afterwards.What you can do: You will see these more and more, so don't miss the boat. From now on, when you advertise 'offline', go to and create a code that does what you want the customers to do. Copy/save the code to your ad to attract those QR code users.

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Audit Presentation: 1) FINDING

Data Collection

What is it and why: Done properly, a customer database is the most valuable asset to a business. Data collection is simply the act of obtaining customer data to opt them into the marketing funnel. What you can do: Every conceivable interaction with customers should be a way to collect data from them - without being intrusive - to be able to sell to them again and again. Data can be taken when answering the phone, getting details for repairs, or taking special orders, etc. 1-5% is considered an average opt-in rate for website subscribers - it is vastly higher when face-to-face.

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Audit Presentation: 2) CONVERTING


What is it and why: The foundation of an online marketing presence, a website is essential, and the cornerstone that businesses leverage in order to generate new leads. With 35% of the world online, 7% of all sales coming from the Internet, and 48% of all sales influenced by exposure to the web, a website generates trust that a directory listing or a Facebook page simply can't match. How you stand: Go to and enter your web address. You will now be given a list of all the things your website is missing.

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Audit Presentation: 2) CONVERTING


What you can do: Firstly, go through the results from and action them - Google will reward you for it. Then, consider moving your site to WordPress (WP) if not already - easy to edit and Google loves them. Local biz websites should have the phone no. and email/contact link at the very top of every page - and on the front page, a contact form (preferably with a special offer), plus a video if possible. Use your branded email address - [email protected] - for added authority. A good website can expect less than 50% bounce rate, and 1% to 2.5% conversion rate. Also, longer-term domain names are trusted more by Google.

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Audit Presentation: 2) CONVERTING

Ecommerce Shop

What is it and why: 83.9% of web searchers made at least one purchase during 2012. If you sell product that can easily be packed and shipped directly to customers - and still make a profit running it, it is certainly something to think about.What you can do: They can be expensive to set-up, and if you aren't already getting good traffic to your site, then you won't make many sales. A better plan is to start with the "1) FINDING" methods above to drive traffic to your shop/website first. Also, start with an eBay and/or Amazon shop, to get them in the front end.

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Audit Presentation: 2) CONVERTING

Mobile Website (IMPORTANT!)

What is it and why: A mobile website is a second website, built specifically for mobile phone viewing. From 2013, more people will be accessing the Internet from their phones than their computers. Google says that if your website is hard to read on a mobile phone, 61% of your audience leaves, and 40% goes to a competitor that has a good mobile web presence. The likelihood someone will buy averages 7.4% on a mobile device - over 3 times higher than on a computer. The problem is 90% of websites look horrible on a smartphone. On a phone, people want certain information - and they want it fast.

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Audit Presentation: 2) CONVERTING

Mobile Website (IMPORTANT!)

How you stand: Look at your website on your mobile phone. Is it shrunk to fit the screen? Do you have to pinch the screen and zoom in to read it? Are the buttons tiny? Does it have lots of graphics to make it load slow? If you click on your phone number (which SHOULD be displayed), does it automatically open it up to start a call? If not (this describes most, don't worry) chances are, your customers will not enjoy the experience, and will exit the site fast. Now, go to Google and look at how some of your competitors fare. You will see the .mobi extension a lot - this is good for Google mobile.

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Audit Presentation: 2) CONVERTING

Mobile Website (IMPORTANT!)

What you can do: Go to and sign-up. You will get taken to some mobile phone-optimised website demos. Have a look around and see how a mobile site should look. Having a mobile site means having TWO sites - your current one for computer/laptop users, and another for mobile users (redirected). If you want to create it yourself, buy a .mobi domain, then go to Google and type in 'free mobile website'. See if you can find any free tools to create one yourself. They will likely be covered in advertising, and won't be perfect, but it will mean you are 'mobilised'. Make sure it is unique content.

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Audit Presentation: 2) CONVERTING

Advanced Website Elements (Reg/Mobile)

What is it and why: 53.5% of people and 70.8% of web users watched online video in 2012. Good things to try are a virtual tour/ meet the team video on your website using YouTube; customer tutorials (YouTube) on your website and emailed to your customers; portfolio/ product showcase videos (YouTube) on your website and emailed to your customers; and an online booking/ consultation/ appointment form on your website.What you can do: Grab a video camera and start filming some of the above. Upload to YouTube and add to your website and email to your customers regularly.

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Audit Presentation: 2) CONVERTING

Social Media (Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Google+)

What is it and why: Google says 65% of people using smartphones are visiting social media sites. 67% of B2B companies and 41% of B2C have acquired a customer through Facebook.What you can do: Create a business profile in Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google+ (use for this). Link them to your regular and mobile websites for easy access. Get your web man to have them nicely designed with your brand. Use Facebook for competitions and news, Twitter for announcements, Google+ for soliciting reviews (important: found on Google searches), and YouTube for your videos.

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Audit Presentation: 2) CONVERTING

Mobile App

What is it and why: A mobile app is a software tool made for mobile phones, that is downloaded onto people's phones. It can be a weight loss tool if you're a gym, or a recipe library if you're a cooking class, or a hair tips guide if you're a salon. There are endless functions that can be made into an app. Mobile app downloads will reach 76.9 billion in 2014, and will generate $35 billion sales.What you can do: Google 'free mobile app builder'. They will likely be very basic, and covered in adverts but it'll be a start. Apps are normally expensive to build.

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Audit Presentation: 2) CONVERTING

Recurring Membership/Subscription

What is it and why: Having a membership programme ensures ongoing, monthly income regardless of a customer’s visit/product purchase). They could be offered a particular service each month, or an even bigger discount from those offered by the free loyalty programme. There could be a special members area on the website, where they would be able to have access to stock at a discount not available in store.What you can do: Have a think if you have any services or products you could offer your customers on a regular basis. It must be valuable emough for them to pay monthly.

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Audit Presentation: MILKING

Some Stats You Need To Understand

The importance of staying in touch with your customers:

● It costs 7 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one.

● Repeat customers spend 33% more than new customers.● 80% of future profits come from only 20% of existing

customers.● A 5% increase in customer retention can lead to 75%

increase in profits.

How to stay in touch with your customers...

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Audit Presentation: MILKING

Marketing Through The Ages - From Centuries Ago To Now




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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Your Customers Are All Over The Place Today

As you can see, we started out with word-of-mouth being the only way to reach your potential or actual customers, centuries ago. And then the post was invented, and then the newspaper. Then came the telephone, and with it the Yellow Pages. Then we had radio, and then television. And in more recent times, email, Internet, and Facebook/Twitter/etc. Fast forward to today, and we now have the ability to use text messaging to reach customers very easily. Your customers are everywhere. But, traditional marketing has seen a 161% decrease in usage by businesses in recent times. Let's explore why.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

The Power Of Modern Communication

Today, we can still utilise all the marketing channels of old. The problem with the older channels - direct mail, television, radio, news ads, Yellow Pages, etc. - is that they are all very expensive, and don't have the same exposure that they used to - particularly direct mail, news/magazine ads, and Yellow Pages. Radio and TV are just too costly. On the flip side, email, Internet, Facebook, text messaging, are vastly cheaper to reach your customers with - and since this is where most of your customers are today, they are supremely cost effective compared to the older channels. In the following slides, we'll look at why this is.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Text Messaging/SMS

What is it and why: 89% of the population has a mobile phone, 90% use them for texting, and 95% of texts are opened within 5 minutes. Further, text messaging is estimated to be 5x more effective than direct mail, and 10x times more so than newspaper advertising. Texts are good for sale announcements, discount codes, appointment reminders - anything.What you can do: Start collecting mobile numbers in your marketing, or at the checkout. Offer a higher discount for mobile numbers, to reward your customers appropriately. Go to and create a campaign. Add the shortcode and your 'keyword' to your advertising.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Email Marketing

What is it and why: Email presently generates 21.6% of total revenue from online campaigns. 44% of email users said email inspired at least one online purchase and 41% said it prompted at least one offline purchase. It can be used for notify of seasonal sales, new ranges, voucher code notification ("print this and bring in-store"), Facebook competitions, VIP sign-up, etc. What you can do: Go to and create an account. Create a list and a web form for your customers to fill in. Put the form on a web page you want them to go to. Advertise this page in your promotions.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING


What is it and why: A blog is a portion of your website specifically designed for news articles and updates. They are powerful in getting listed in Google. 57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their company blog, and companies that blog get 55% more web traffic. How you stand: Type "[YOUR MARKET] blog" into Google to get an idea of how popular your market is for blogs and blogging. Zero competition is not a good sign.What you can do: Go into your website's backend and create a blog. It can be or something. Post anything that you would normally email, also.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Special Offer Vouchers

What is it and why: An easy way to draw people back into your business, whilst capturing their contact data. 4/5 people used a mobile text voucher in 2102, redemption rates of text/mobile vouchers is 10 x newspaper or post vouchers, 45% of new media users prefer to receive mobile vouchers via text, and 20% of new media users look for incentives on their phones.What you can do: Come up with an offer, and promote, or give with the restaurant bill. Anyone that emails/ texts gets the code you created like 'SPECIAL'. The customer shows you the code when paying, in return for the offer.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Loyalty Programme

What is it and why: 30% of consumers say a loyalty programme is the one thing to make them spend more. Perhaps a % off their first purchase (to encourage sign-up), one discounted buy a month, and extra % off at sale time. Price increases may be an idea, to factor in discount. Ask us about our cafe-type text message punch card system.What you can do: Go to roi-tool and play with some numbers. What's your average sale & customer lifetime value? Work out a % you can afford in your margins and advertise the offer in your ads. Send an offer monthly to the list to keep them sweet.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

VIP Programme

What is it and why: Great way to spread the message and build the customer list. Loyalty programme members are incentivised to refer their friends and family, by getting another layer of discount per month. Clothing chain GAP have a VIP scheme where they reward those members that refer 10+ people to their loyalty programme with an EXTRA 10% on top of the initial 10%. Hardly any bricks & mortars do this.What you can do: Already have a loyalty programme? Set-up an optin page. Send an email to your list. Tell them they will get another 10%(?) if they supply 10 names and emails on the optin page. Then email these folks to join.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Local Business Joint Ventures

What is it and why: This is leveraging another business' customer list. If a customer is on a business' database, it is because they trust them. This trust means they can be contacted with related offers. And these businesses will be happy to send out an offer on your behalf, as long as they are rewarded. The legwork involved means these joint ventures (JV's) are rarely tapped by local businesses. Due to a percentage payment to the database-owner, there may not be much of a profit from the initial campaign (if any), but the real money is made when the new customers are added to your database on the back of this promotion, for long-term selling.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Local Business Joint Ventures

How you stand: Have a look around outside your premises - are there businesses that may share the same customers as you? Then you may be in luck. For those businesses without a database, it can work by them having a postcard that they give to their customers in store - the endorser’s incentive being that they will be paid a percentage of your sales resulting from these postcards.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Local Business Joint Ventures

What you can do: Ask the owner to recommend you to his list. Arrange a special offer just for his customers, and strike a deal for how he will be rewarded - perhaps 50% of the profits, or 10% of sales generated. You pay the costs of the promo. Get all new customers onto your database/loyalty programme for future selling. If he sends 1000 letters/emails, and only 10% of his come in - that's 100 new customer to you. JV with a new business each month - each time with a different partner, as some people will be on more than one database, and will not appreciate being hit too often.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Blogging/Email Newsletters/Tips

What is it and why: Simply by staying in the customer's mind is a great start to forming lasting relationships with them. And regular tips via email, or your blog, is a great way to do this. It breeds trust. Messages sent out to your customers, with free advice, and no sales pitch, sub-communicates that you don't need sales, and you will only try to sell them something you believe is valuable. Any related offers from other businesses can also be sent, with commission paid to you when your customers buy.What you can do: What information would interest your customers? Start sending them tips on this and more.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Virtual Tour/Product Showcase

What is it and why: This is where, using the power of video and YouTube, you focus on 1 or more products each month, with a video tour. This can give more perceived value to any item, and can be emailed and texted each month to your customers.How you stand: Do you have products worthy of video showcasing? Car dealerships, estate agents, jewellers - any product of high value. Even new hair styles.What you can do: Use your phone to record a short video (which can be a simple video montage of photos). Use to produce them, adding some light music in the background. Upload to YouTube, and add to your site.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Testimonial Competitions

What is it and why: People want to leave positive feedback but they never get around to it. And as we know, sometimes people leave negative feedback, too. It is important to incentivise them with vouchers or specials that motivate them to leave you good reviews on Google+ Local, which is the first thing people see when searching you on Google. What you can do: Have them leave good reviews on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google+, and frame it as a competition. The best review is the winner, and gets a prize. Or the first one out the hat. Announce it on your blog/Facebook/Twitter, and make them feel famous.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Customer Reactivation

What is it and why: This is where you find any customer info on your database, and contact them, requesting their permission to send them promotional messages - as long as they have the option to opt-out.How you stand: Do you have any customer information anywhere? Repair slips, details taken down during a special order, etc?What you can do: As long as you obtained their details during a transaction, or lead-up to a transaction, you can send them a a one-off email/letter in the post giving them the option to receive further marketing messages. Check the up-to-date law on this before you proceed.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

In-store Sales Tactics

What is it and why: A customer is most receptive to buying something when they are already in the process of buying. Some tactics that can be used are upselling, downselling, or cross-selling at every available opportunity. Bonuses and surprise bonuses, too, are very effective in fighting buyer's remorse. Under-promise/over-deliver.What you can do: At the point of sale, the following tactics can be exercised:● Upsell - offering a piece that matches, for

example. Or offering a related item, at a special offer if bought as a set.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

In-store Sales Tactics

What you can do:

● Downsell - this can be selling a pendant without the chain, if they can't afford the price for the set. Take a part out of a set that they like and sell it by itself.

● Cross-sell - the McDonalds’s example is the best: "Would you like fries with that?" Is there something related/unrelated that you can casually ask if they also want? A cleaning product for the item, or insurance, etc?

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

In-store Sales Tactics

What you can do:

● Bonus - are there any products that can be offered as a bonus if they buy certain products? It can even be a downloadable information product on the maintenance of the item bought. It can just be something cheap for you but valuable to them.

● Unannounced/surprise bonus - great for combatting refund/returns/buyers remorse, is there anything you can give for free once they've purchased, that will send them away bemused with delight?

● Price increases - can you ethically raise prices on anything? Can you start charging for things you do for free?

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Final Thoughts On Milking

The optimum way to maintain a relationship with prospects, is to allow them to register via the channel(s) most comfortable to them (email/address/ mobile phone/Facebook/Twitter/blog), and contact them in some way 2-5 times a week using a combo of email, letter, text, Facebook, Twitter, postcard, gifts, etc. They may get a text message a couple of times a month, a couple of emails, some Facebook updates, a blog here and there. A lot of it will be subliminal, and they won't always realise how much you're contacting them. Another thing you can do is get prospects' birthdays, and send some kind of birthday card/gift/discount (perhaps with a special offer) - this is a very powerful.

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Audit Presentation: 3) MILKING

Final Thoughts On Milking

As you progress, try to be segmenting the customer database into different groups:

● Those that buy regularly (generally, 20% of customers generate 80% of the turnover).

● Those that haven't bought in the last 3/6 months.● Those that haven't bought at all.

The more targeted a marketing message, the more powerful it will be. Another great tactic is to phone the best (or worst) customers from time-to-time, to say hello.

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Audit Presentation: TRACKING

Tracking Your Marketing

What is it and why: One thing you'll want to start doing before you go too much further, is tracking advertising, to see what is working. It's important to track marketing, because without it, you'll never know where the advertising money is best spent. More and more, traditional advertising like newspaper, magazine ads, and Yellow Pages, etc., are diminishing in terms of the enquiries they trigger.What you can do: Here is how you can track marketing:● Email addresses - did you know you can have a

different email address for each campaign? E.g., [email protected] so you know where they saw the ad.

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Tracking Your Marketing

What you can do:

● Phone calls - there is a service called that allows you to have a free 08 phone number - as many as you like. You can use a different number in each advertising campaign you have, so you will know which campaigns are generating calls. The 08 number redirects to your regular number.

● Count footfall - this one requires work, as you will need to make a tally and find out where people heard about you, even if done subtly.

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Audit Presentation: TRACKING

Tracking Your Marketing

What you can do:

● QR codes - I mentioned these before. Each one can be given a different web address, so you can see which ones are being found.

● Web addresses - sign-up with Google Analytics (free). Create a separate sales page for each promotion, and see how many hits it gets in Google Analytics. This will tell you which ads are performing.

All in all, you'll have a much better idea of what is working for you, and what is not. Finally, ask us about our more in-depth advanced phone and online tracking.

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Audit Presentation: WHERE TO START

Where You Should Start

Most companies that do what I do start by finding new customers and throwing them at your website/shop. The problem with this is that if your website doesn't already convert very well, this can be a waste of good leads. Also, to remind you of some earlier stats:● It costs 7 times more to acquire a new customer

than to retain an existing one.● Repeat customers spend 33% more than new customers.● 80% of future profits come from only 20% of

existing customers.● A 5% increase in customer retention can lead to 75%

increase in profits.

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Audit Presentation: WHERE TO START

Where You Should Start

As you can see from those stats, if you already have a database, or can build one easily, it makes sense to leverage this before spending money on new leads. But the website/mobile website/Facebook/Twitter that you send people to, also needs to be converting to a good standard. So I recommend doing things in this order:1. Get your website/mobile website/Facebook/Twitter

profile to a decent, converting standard.2. Start working on the customer-milking methods, so

you can leverage the customers you already have.3. Re-invest from the customer-milking into customer-

finding methods. When the system works, don't stop filling the pipeline with new prospects.

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Audit Presentation: FINAL THOUGHTS

Some Things To Bear In Mind

● The work involved in addressing the above activities is time-consuming.

● Some things are instant.● Some things take time - give it 6-12 months - as

repeat customer spend and newly added customers to the database start to be noticed.

● Make a note of average monthly turnover, average transaction value, cost per customer, customer lifetime value on start. Do the same for 6 months and 12 months, to see if there are improvements.

● It may be that everything is not cost effective for your business, and not worth continuing.

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Audit Presentation: RECOM. READING

I Highly Recommend The Following Books

Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion - Robert Cialdini

The 48 Laws Of Power - Robert Greene

How To Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie

Page 62: The Local Business Internet Marketing Audit Presentation

Audit Presentation


Page 63: The Local Business Internet Marketing Audit Presentation

Audit Presentation: YOUR NEXT STEPS

Where To Go From Here

There are four ways to get all this work done:

● 1) Do it yourself.● 2) Get your web/techie man to do it.● 3) Hire me (I'm not cheap, but I get results).

We'll start with a face-to-face critique using this guide.

● 4) Hire another company (they'll be cheaper).

Whichever way you choose, if you start to attack everything in this presentation, you should expect to start seeing exceptional improvements...

Page 64: The Local Business Internet Marketing Audit Presentation

Get in touch if you would like us to help you with all this:

[email protected] 28 965 28

Good luck.

Audit Presentation: CONTACT US