the lord’s day celebration - church of god in christ · 2019-11-10 · 9 greetings in the name of...


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The Lord’s Day Celebration

Table Of Contents

Bishop Charles Harrison Mason …...……………………………………………………..5

Bishop Charles Edward Blake, Sr. ..………………………………………………….…...7

“From The Desk Of”

Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr. …………..………………...…………………9

The General Board ………………………………………………………………………...10

The Lord’s Day Worship Celebration …….………………………………………....….12

Affirmation Of Faith ……………….….....…………………………………………...…...16

Hymn—“Yes, God Is Real” ……………….….....……………………….…………..…...17

The Evening Worship Celebration …….…………………….……………………....….20

The Service Of Episcopal

Consecration & Installation .…………..……………………………….…..…….23

Preface To Ordinal …………………………...…...…...……………………………….23

The Presentation ……………………………………………………………………….24

The Charge ………………………..…………………………………………………….24

The Inquiry ………………………………………………………………..…………….25

The Acceptance ……….…………………………………………………..…………….25

The Investiture …………………………………………………………..……………...26

Holy Communion ………....…...…………………………………………………………..27

Hymn—“There Is Power In The Blood” …….……………..…………………………...30

Bishop Designates & Assignments ……………………………………………………...31

2019 Jurisdictional Bishop Designates ……….........…...……………………………….33

2019 Auxiliary Bishop Designates ………….......…...…………………………………..39

2019 Episcopal Assignments ………………….......…...………………………...……….49

2018 Special Recognition …..………………….......…...………………………...……….53


Bishop Charles Harrison Mason was the founder and first senior bishop of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), presently the largest African-American Pentecostal church in the United States. Born to former slaves Jerry and Eliza Mason in Shelby County, Tenn., on Sept. 8, 1864, Mason worked with his family as a sharecropper and did not receive a formal education as a child. But at an early age, he was influenced by his parents’ religion. Mason joined the African-American Missionary Baptist Church when he was an adolescent and later received his license to preach from the Mount Gale Missionary Baptist Church in Preston, Ark. In November 1893, Mason enrolled at the Arkansas Baptist College, but withdrew after three months to transfer to the Minister's Institute at the College; he graduated from the Institute in 1895. In 1895, Mason met Charles Price Jones, a popular Baptist preacher from Mississippi. Mason and Jones soon began preaching the doctrine of holiness and sanctification in the local Baptist churches, which led to their expulsion from the Baptist Convention. Mason and Jones decided to form a new fellowship of churches. Mason suggested the name Church of God in Christ, after what he described as a vision in Little Rock, Ark., to distinguish the church from a number of “Church of God” groups forming at that time. Due to disagreements in the new Pentecostal teachings, the two men split their group in 1907. Mason won the legal rights to the Church of God in Christ name and charter, and established his work in Memphis. After moving the COGIC headquarters to Memphis, Mason established additional departments and auxiliaries, created dioceses, and appointed overseers throughout the country. In 1945, Mason dedicated Mason Temple in Memphis as the church’s national meeting site and the international headquarters of the Church of God in Christ. At the time of Mason’s death on November 17, 1961, COGIC had a membership of more than 400,000 and more than 4,000 churches in the United States as well as congregations in Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia. Today, it has an estimated 6.5 million members. The church can be found in every state in the United States and in more than 105 countries in the world.


Charles E. Blake, Sr. was elected the seventh in succession Presiding Bishop by the General Assembly of the Church of God in Christ, Incorporated, on November 12, 2007. At the 101st Holy Convocation, during the quadrennial election in 2007 Bishop Blake was re-elected as Presiding Bishop, in 2012 and recently in 2016 for another four-year term. Bishop Blake is the pastor of West Angeles Church of God in Christ, one of the largest churches in the Western United States, with a membership of over 25,000. He is recognized as one of the great preachers of this generation with a message that ministers to the whole person and brings together people of various racial and ethnic backgrounds. On April 6, 2009, in Washington, D.C., President Barack Obama sought Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake to serve on his 25-person White House Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. This one-year appointment is a testament to his passion for the community and his desire to unite all people for the common good. He was also chosen as one of four individuals to speak at the Democratic National Convention’s first Ecumenical Service, where he pronounced his status as pro-life Democrat and challenged both Democrats and Republicans to protect the rights of the unborn and born alike. The heart of Bishop Blake is seen quite clearly in the love that he has for the children in Africa who have become orphans because of the HIV/AIDS pandemic plaguing the continent. In response to the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa, Bishop Blake founded in 2002, and served as president of the Pan African Children’s Fund (PACF). Save Africa’s Children, a program of PACF, provided support to over 420 orphan care programs, 200,000 children and 24 nations throughout sub-Saharan Africa until the program ended in 2014. In 2016 Bishop Blake was elected to serve as the Co-Chairperson for the Executive Committee of the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA). He has also formerly served as an Advisory Committee Member of the Pentecostal World Conference, and as the founder and Co-chair of the Los Angeles Ecumenical Congress (LAEC), an interdenominational coalition of religious leaders and pastors. He was the founding Chair of the Board of Directors for the C.H. Mason Theological Seminary, and has served as a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, and as a Board Member of the Board of Directors for the Interdenominational Theological Seminary. Bishop Blake has served as Chair of the Executive Committee, member of the Board of Directors of Oral Roberts University, and as a member of the Board of Directors of International Charismatic Bible Ministries. Bishop Blake’s awards and accolades are numerous. A few include the Distinguished Leadership Award presented by the African Presidential Archives and Research Center at Boston University (2007), the Trumpet Award (2006), the Salvation Army’s William Booth Award, the Greenlining Institute’s Big Heart Award, and was the designated recipient of the Los Angeles Urban League’s Whitney M. Young Award (2000). In 2003, Bishop Blake was awarded the Harvard Foundation Humanitarian Medal for his work with Save Africa’s Children and its mission to support orphanages throughout the continent of Africa. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors designated February 5, 2004 as Bishop Charles E. Blake Day. Second only to his call as a minister of the Gospel, Bishop Blake says his most treasured accomplishments are those of a devoted husband to Lady Mae Lawrence Blake, and a loving father and grandfather to their three children and eight grandchildren.


Greetings in the Name of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ: I count it a tremendous blessing to extend another warm welcome to the saints of God, as we enthusiastically convene for the Church Of God In Christ’s 112th Holy Convocation. Serving our exceedingly blessed and esteemed institution as presiding bishop over the past 12 years has not only been a humbling honor, but a wonderful privilege and experience. Each Holy Convocation serves as our denomination’s exuberant culmination of all that we have accomplished over the course of the year together - in ministry, outreach, charity, missions, discipleship and more. Over the years, I’ve found our largest annual convention to be a visual representation of our strength in numbers and in unity. With members gathering in one location from, literally, across the globe, I am always moved, motivated and inspired to journey on and fulfill the Lord’s purpose. For the past nine years, the city of St. Louis has been a graciously accommodating host. Continuing this year, we pray that the Glory of the Lord would miraculously flow into the streets and homes of St. Louisans, and that our weeklong worship would impact our host city in a magnificent way. When we earnestly and collectively seek the Lord, we will leave an indelible mark wherever we gather – no matter the location. May we always make affecting others in a spiritually life-changing way a large part of our purpose during convocation. As the last quarter of 2019 swiftly passes, you may be contemplating ways to wrap up the year and bring things to a close. I would encourage you, however, to consider this week a time of renewal; one that would allow you to refuel and finish incredibly strong. Let us remember that as another year winds down, time increasingly winds up. As such, “…let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…” Our theme for 2019 forever holds true: “God’s Unlimited Power Makes Unlimited Accomplishments Possible”. With this knowledge, we do not have to set limitations around any one year, nor any solitary goal. Instead, we can remain in a state of expectancy and anticipation, knowing that our Master will exceed all that we can ask or think . That the saints of God would grasp firm the power that lies within, through Christ, is my prayer.

In His Service,

Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr.

Presiding Bishop & Chief Apostle

The Seventh in Succession





Lord's Day Worship Celebration Sunday, November 10th, 2019




The Lord’s Day Worship Celebration The Dome At America’s Center

Church Of God In Christ 2019 Theme:

God’s Unlimited Power Makes Unlimited Accomplishments Possible Ephesians 1:15-23, 3:20 (NKJV)

Ephesians 1:15-23

15 Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your under-standing being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, ac-cording to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. 22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

Ephesians 3:20 20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

WORSHIP LEADER - Bishop J. W. Macklin, Second Assistant Presiding Bishop – Prelate, Nor Cal Metropolitan Jurisdiction


(+Where indicated, Please Stand)

9:00 AM The Prelude Recital The C. H. Mason Memorial Choir

J.O. Patterson Fine Arts Orchestra Dr. Judith McAllister, International Minister of Music Elder Ezra Howard, Director J.O. Patterson Fine Arts Orchestra

9:30 AM The Processional Bishop Robert G. Rudolph, Jr. Adjutant General





+ The Hymn of Adoration “Holy, Holy, Holy” The C. H. Mason Memorial Choir


+ THE PRESIDING BISHOP + The Call to Worship Bishop J. W. Macklin Second Assistant Presiding Bishop Prelate, Northern California Metropolitan Jurisdiction

LEADER This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. CONGREGATION I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. LEADER The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped:

therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him. CONGREGATION I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast

known my soul in adversities; LEADER Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright. CONGREGATION Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say

continually, The LORD be magnified. LEADER Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy

salvation say continually, Let God be magnified. CONGREGATION Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? LEADER Let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them

exceedingly rejoice. CONGREGATION Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. ALL This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Lord's Day Worship Celebration Sunday, November 10th, 2019


+The Invocation Bishop George D. McKinney GENERAL BOARD MEMBER Prelate, Southern California Second Jurisdiction

+The Levitical Affirmation The C. H. Mason Memorial Choir

J.O Patterson Fine Arts Orchestra Dr. Judith McAllister, International Minister of Music

+The Old Testament Lesson Psalm 147 1-7 Bishop Lawrence M. Wooten


Prelate, Eastern Missouri Western Illinois, Jurisdiction

+The New Testament Lesson Ephesians 1:15-20, 3:20 Bishop J. Drew Sheard GENERAL BOARD MEMBER

Prelate, Michigan North Central Jurisdiction

+The Congregational Hymn “Yes God Is Real” Choir & Congregation Led by: Bishop Darrell L. Hines GENERAL BOARD MEMBER Prelate, Illinois Midwest Jurisdiction

+The Affirmation of Faith Bishop Nathaniel W. Wells GENERAL BOARD MEMBER Prelate, Western Michigan Jurisdiction

The Observations Bishop Joel H. Lyles General Secretary Prelate, Greater Maryland First Jurisdiction

+The Celebrative Praise Send Judah First - International Worship Team Pastor Rodney Posey, Coordinator Ohio North 1st Jurisdiction, Bishop Edward C. Cook, Prelate

The Anthem The C. H. Mason Memorial Choir

J.O Patterson Fine Arts Orchestra Dr. Judith McAllister, International Minister of Music

The Salutation Mother Barbara McCoo Lewis General Supervisor, Department of Women Southern California First Jurisdiction, Bishop J.L. Ealy - Prelate


Secretary to the General Board – Prelate, Wisconsin Southeast First Jurisdiction

Lord's Day Worship Celebration Sunday, November 10th, 2019


The Ministry of Music, Worship & Arts The C. H. Mason Memorial Choir

J.O. Patterson Fine Arts Orchestra Send Judah First Liturgical Dancers

Dr. Judith McAllister, International Minister of Music Elder Ezra Howard, Director J.O. Patterson Fine Arts Orchestra Evangelist Rochelle Robbins, Coordinator- SJF Liturgical Dancers

The Introduction of the Presiding Bishop Bishop Phillip A. Brooks First Assistant Presiding Bishop Prelate, Historic Michigan First Jurisdiction

The Sermonic Selection The C. H. Mason Memorial Choir

J.O Patterson Fine Arts Orchestra Dr. Judith McAllister, International Minister of Music



+The Invitation

+The Prayer of Healing & Deliverance Bishop Brandon B. Porter GENERAL BOARD MEMBER Prelate, Tennessee Central Jurisdiction

+The Benediction Bishop Matthew Williams GENERAL BOARD MEMBER

Prelate, Florida Southwestern Jurisdiction

+The Recessional





Lord's Day Worship Celebration Sunday, November 10th, 2019


We affirm our faith in the Bible.

Congregation: We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible

written Word of God.

We affirm our faith in God.

Congregation: We believe that there is only One God, eternally existent in

three persons: God the Father, God the Son and, God the Holy Spirit.

We affirm our faith in the blessed hope.

Congregation: We believe in the blessed Hope, which is the rapture of

the Church of God, which is in Christ, at His return.

We affirm our faith in repentance.

Congregation: We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is

through repentance and faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ.

We affirm our faith in salvation.

Congregation: We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely

essential for personal salvation.

We affirm our faith in Jesus Christ.

Congregation: We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross

provides healing for the human body in answer to believing prayer.

We affirm our faith in the Holy Spirit.

Congregation: We believe that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to

Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it.

We affirm our faith in sanctification.

Congregation: We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by

whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in

the present world.






The Evening Worship Celebration & The Service of Episcopal Consecration and Installation

The Dome At America’s Center

The Order of Divine Worship (+ Where indicated, Please Stand)


BISHOP PHILLIP A. BROOKS First Assistant Presiding Bishop

Prelate – Historic Michigan First Jurisdiction

+The Organ Prelude

+The Apostolic Procession Bishop Robert G. Rudolph, Jr. Adjutant General







The Service of Episcopal Consecration & Installation Sunday, November 10th, 2019


+The Call to Worship Bishop Phillip A. Brooks FIRST ASSISTANT PRESIDING BISHOP Prelate – Historic Michigan First Jurisdiction

THE LEADER: Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the

mountain of his holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.

THE PEOPLE: Declare His glory among the heathen; His marvelous works among all nations. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: He also is to be feared above all gods.

THE LEADER: Give unto the Lord, ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

THE PEOPLE Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The Lord reigneth. Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof: let the fields rejoice, and all that is therein.

THE LEADER: Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the Lord, because he cometh to judge the earth.

ALL: O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth forever.

Psalm 48:1&2, 1 Chronicles 16:24&25, 28-31, 32-34 (KJV)

+The Invocation Bishop Ted G. Thomas GENERAL BOARD MEMBER Prelate, Virginia First Jurisdiction

+The Old Testament Scripture Isaiah 40:27-31 Bishop Sedgwick Daniels GENERAL BOARD MEMBER

Secretary to the General Board Prelate, Wisconsin Southeast First Jurisdiction

+The New Testament Scripture 1 Timothy 3:1-7 Bishop Nathaniel W. Wells

GENERAL BOARD MEMBER Prelate, Michigan North Central Jurisdiction

+The Hymn “There is Power In The Blood” Choir & Congregation Led by: Bishop Matthew J. Williams

GENERAL BOARD MEMBER Prelate, Florida Southwestern Jurisdiction

+The Affirmation of Faith Bishop Lawrence M. Wooten, Sr. GENERAL BOARD MEMBER

Assistant Secretary to the General Board Prelate, Eastern Missouri, Illinois Western Jurisdiction

+The Anthem Choir The C. H. Mason Memorial Dr. Judith McAllister, International Minister of Music Southern California First Jurisdiction, Bishop Joe Ealy, Prelate

The Service of Episcopal Consecration & Installation Sunday, November 10th, 2019



Bishop Darrell L. Hines GENERAL BOARD MEMBER

Prelate, Illinois Midwest Jurisdiction

The 112th Holy Convocation Video Highlights

The Ministry of Music The C. H. Mason Memorial Choir Dr. Judith McAllister, International Minister of Music Southern California First Jurisdiction, Bishop Joe Ealy, Prelate



The Presentation of the Messenger

The Sermonic Selection The C. H. Mason Memorial Choir Dr. Judith McAllister, International Minister of Music Southern California First Jurisdiction, Bishop Joe Ealy, Prelate

THE WORD OF GOD BISHOP MICHAEL R. COLE Prelate – North Dakota Jurisdiction Vice-President, Regions of the World COGIC World Missions

+The Invitation

+The Prayer of Healing & Deliverance

The Service of Episcopal Consecration & Installation Sunday, November 10th, 2019


The Service of Episcopal Consecration & Installation

His Grace, The Most Reverend Charles Edward Blake, Sr. Presiding Bishop,

Chief Consecrator and Celebrant

1 Timothy 3:1-7 This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

Preface to the Ordinal

The Holy Scriptures and ancient Christian writers make it clear that from the apostles' time, there have been different ministries within the Church. In particular, since the time of the New Testament, three distinct orders of ordained ministers have been characteristic of Christ's holy (universal) Church. First, there is the order of bishops who carry on the apostolic work of leading, supervising, and uniting the Church. Secondly, associated with them are the presbyters, or ordained elders, in subsequent times generally known as priests. Together with the bishops, they take part in the governance of the Church, in the carrying out of its missionary and pastoral work, and in the preaching of the Word of God and administering His holy Sacraments. Thirdly, there are deacons who assist bishops and elders in all of this work. It is also a special responsibility of deacons to minister in Christ's Name to the poor, the sick, the suffering, and the helpless. The persons who are chosen and recognized by the Church as being called by God to the ordained ministry are admitted to these sacred orders by solemn prayer and the laying on of Episcopal hands. It has been, and is, the intention and purpose of this Church to maintain and continue these three orders; and for this purpose these Services of Ordination and Consecration are appointed. No persons are allowed to exercise the offices of bishop, priest or elder, or deacon, or wear their insignia in this Church unless they are so ordained, or have already received such ordination with the laying on of hands by bishops who are themselves duly qualified to confer Holy Orders. It is also recognized and affirmed that the threefold ministry is not the exclusive property of this portion of

Christ's universal Church, but it is a gift from God for the nurture of His people and the proclamation of

His Gospel everywhere. Accordingly, the manner of ordaining in this Church is to be such as has been, and

is, most generally recognized by Christian people as suitable for conferring the sacred orders of Bishop,

Elder, and Deacon.

The Service of Episcopal Consecration & Installation Sunday, November 10th, 2019


The Service of Episcopal Consecration THE PRESIDING BISHOP


(The Order of Worship completed and the Word of God having been preached, the Service of Consecration begins.

The Presiding Bishop will summon the candidates to the main altar for consecration.)

The Presentation (The Chairman of the Board of Bishops shall present the Candidates to the Presiding Bishop saying:)



(Having received the candidates, the Presiding Bishop begins the charge:)

The Charge “The Church of God in Christ has expressed confidence in you, in your character, in your devotion to Christ and the Church, and in your ability to direct the affairs and promote the general interests of the entire Church in that she has signally honored you by selecting you to this high office.”

“The Apostle Paul warns that a Bishop must then be blameless, the husband of one wife...vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach. Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.”

The General Assembly of the Church of God in Christ has assigned to you as Bishop, the following duties: ❖ To uphold, obey and defend the Word of God.

❖ To obey and defend the Constitution of the Church of God in Christ.

❖ To function as the Administrative Head of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction to which you are assigned.

❖ To seek out and discover, in cooperation with your District Superintendents and Congregations, a suitable Pastor for each Congregation under your care.

❖ To encourage Ministerial Improvements and Leadership Training by planning Pastors Study Groups, In-Service-Training, Ministerial Retreats and Supporting the Charles Harrison Mason System of Bible Colleges.

❖ To inspire the Pastors to spiritual growth and personal improvement for more effective witnessing for Christ and His Kingdom.

❖ To encourage visitation among the Pastors in the homes, hospitals and penal institutions.

❖ To stimulate, by your life example, as well as, by your preaching, the outlook and vision of your people and inspire them to holy living and more dedication to the total program of the Church.

❖ To submit yourself to your Superiors in the church with all prayerful humility and by your example, teaching those under your charge to do the same.

❖ To seek out communities in your Jurisdiction into which a Christian Witness might be effective.

The Service of Episcopal Consecration & Installation Sunday, November 10th, 2019


The Inquiry

The Presiding Bishop:

“In as much as the Holy Scriptures enjoin that no man be placed hastily in supervision of the affairs of God’s Holy Church and in order that those here may know your mind and purpose concerning this Sacred office will you, in the fear of God, answer the questions we ask you in the name of Christ and His Church?”


“Will you endeavor to live soberly, righteously and godly as a Bishop in the Church so that you may be an example to all others in Christian living?”


“Will you instruct those who come under your charge, in the Word of God to the edification of the whole church?”


“Will you give diligence to faithfully perform all the duties assigned to you as Bishop of the Church of God in Christ as directed by your Superiors?” ANSWER: “I WILL, BY THE HELP OF GOD.”

“Will you ever seek, in true humility, to deal justly and kindly with your brethren in the ministry and with all others over which you shall be placed as Bishop?”


The Acceptance

(The candidates will now turn and face the standing congregation)

The Presiding Bishop: “Saints of Christ: Do you under God, accept these men into this office and will you give them your cooperation, support and prayers as they seek to carry out the responsibilities of this office?”


The Service of Episcopal Consecration & Installation Sunday, November 10th, 2019


The Investiture

The Ring: The Symbol of priestly authority.

The Cassock: The robe which is worn during the service, is the symbol of an Elder and Servant. The Bishop is first and foremost, a Servant and one among his brethren.

The Cincture: This Garment is a symbol of Christ. It speaks of the Bishop’s willingness to “wash his brethren’s feet” pursuant to the example of His Lord.

The Rochet: This white linen Garment is a symbol of the Priesthood. Aaron’s Ephod is found in the book of Leviticus and is a reminder to the Bishop that his role as Celebrant and Worship Leader is prominent in the total Mandate of the Office.

The Chimere: This Garment is a symbol of a Prophet. The Bishop of the Church becomes the Chief Defender of the faith and the Preacher of the doctrines in his Jurisdiction. This is one symbol that sets him apart from Elders, for he alone wears this Mantle of Office.

The Tippet: The tippet is the symbol of a slave. It is the tippet that binds the Bishop to his Church. Inscribed on the tippet, is the seal of the Church of God in Christ, Inc., and the Seal of the Bishop. They are the symbols of Jurisdiction or Assignment. The tippet signifies that the Bishop is a man under authority.

The Pectoral Cross: This Cross of Gold is hung around the Bishop’s neck as a symbol of his imprisonment for Christ. The Bishop is hereby officially inducted into the College of Bishops.

The Installation of the Bishop (The Presiding Bishop now places the Tippet about the neck of the newly appointed Bishop and makes the following declaration)

The Presiding Bishop:





(The newly installed Bishops now kneel at the main altar)

The Service of Episcopal Consecration & Installation Sunday, November 10th, 2019

Holy Communion


The Holy Communion Celebration “This do ye in remembrance of me”

❖ The Scripture Reading I Corinthians 11:23-32 Bishop Donald Alford, Sr. Prelate - Indiana North Central Jurisdiction

❖ The Blessing of the Elements The Presiding Bishop Assisted by The General Board

❖ The Purification

❖ The Consecration and Distribution of the Hosts

While the Presiding Bishop serves the members of the General Board, the Adjutant Elders will

move toward their communion stations and remain there until the Bishop of the station arrives.

When the Bishop of the station arrives, he will serve each of the Adjutant Elders and then

instruct them to feed the flock of God. At that point the Adjutant Elder from the Communion

Station will proceed to feed the Saints. After the General Board has been served, the

Jurisdictional Bishops will follow and be served at the main altar by the members of the General

Board. The Bishops of the stations immediately after receiving the Lord’s Supper will move

toward their stations and serve their table. Phase One as described above will then be enacted.

❖ The Closing Hymn and Levitical Benediction

““And they sang a hymn and went out…” Let The Church Say - AMEN

❖ The Recessional




. . . . . . . . . . . .


“These are the men whom the Lord delighteth to honor”

2019 Jurisdictional Bishop Designates

2019 Auxiliary Bishop Designates

2019 Episcopal Assignments

2018 Special Recognition


2019 Jurisdictional Bishop Designates

Bishop Designate Joel Forto Balindan, Sr. Prelate, Philippines Northern Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Chadwick Fionn Carlton Prelate, South Korea Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Kevin Alghia Griffin Prelate, Antigua-Barbuda Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Morris Overton Jenkins, Jr. Prelate, Peru Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Lester Earl Johnson Prelate, Columbia First Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Clyde David Jones, Jr. Prelate, Michigan Southwest Agape Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Gabriel Eugene McCurtis Prelate, Chile Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Solomon Iyobosa Omo-Osagie, II Prelate, Kenya Cornerstone First Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Glenn Rodney Plummer Prelate, Israel Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Edwin Maurice Walker Prelate, Illinois Northern Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Reginald Corey Witherspoon, Sr. Prelate, Washington Northwest Jurisdiction

2019 Auxiliary Bishop Candidates

Bishop Designate Kendall Nehemiah Anderson Auxiliary Bishop, Tennessee Headquarters Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate James Henry Bowman, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, New York Central Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Caesar Romero Cabiness Auxiliary Bishop, New York Eastern First Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Marion David Eppright Auxiliary Bishop, Iowa Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Israel Coloma Forto Auxiliary Bishop, Philippines First Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Jerry Lynn Givens, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, Michigan Southwest Fifth Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Phillip Xavier Green, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, Virginia Second Jurisdiction

2019 Auxiliary Bishop Candidates (continued)

Bishop Designate Napoleon Bill Harris, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, Illinois First Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Robert Lee Harris Auxiliary Bishop, Michigan Northwest Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Louis Christopher Hayslett, I Auxiliary Bishop, Tennessee Central Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Philip Robert Jackson Auxiliary Bishop, Michigan Southwest Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Keith Alvin Kershaw Auxiliary Bishop, South Carolina Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Lonnie Bobby Lynch Auxiliary Bishop, California Southern Second Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Ronald Alfonzo Sewell, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, Virginia First Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Alex James Smith Auxiliary Bishop, Arkansas First Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Tony William Torain, I Auxiliary Bishop, Maryland Greater First Jurisdiction

2019 Episcopal Assignments

Bishop Avelino Coloma Forto, Jr. Prelate, Philippines Second Jurisdiction

Bishop Guy L. Glimp Prelate, Pennsylvania Commonwealth Jurisdiction

Bishop William Leroy Harper Prelate, Missouri Eastern First Jurisdiction

Bishop Carl Anthony Pierce, Sr. Prelate, Maryland Central Jurisdiction

2018 Special Recognition

Bishop Designate Ronald A. Watson, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, Virginia Second Jurisdiction


Bishop Designate

Chadwick Fionn Carlton Prelate, South Korea Jurisdiction

Under the loving care and guidance of his parents, Columbus and Rena Carlton, Dr. Carlton developed a love for God in his youth. He accepted his call to the ministry as a young man under the tutelage of his spiritual mentor, the late Bishop Sherman Scott Howard. On March 5, 2006, Dr. Carlton founded The Temple of Healing Waters, fondly referred to as “Healing H20” or “The Waters” in Loudoun County, Virginia, where the vision fosters the principles of excellence, empowerment, restoration, and healing.

A preeminent scholar, Dr. Carlton earned Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Maryland; a Master of Science degree from St. Thomas University in Miami, Florida; a Master of Theological Studies from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC; a Doctor of Ministry (DMin.) from Wesley Theological Seminary; and, is currently completing his dissertation in pursuit of earning a Doctor of Theology (ThD) from Lasalle University, Philadelphia, PA. Because of his preparation and competencies, Dr. Carlton has been recently appointed adjunct faculty at William Seymour College, a subsidiary of Valley Forge University, to teach

an undergraduate course, Contemporary World History, and a graduate course, Historical Theology.

As founder of the Northern Virginia Metropolitan District, Dr. Carlton serves as Superintendent under the leadership of Jurisdictional Prelate of Virginia Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Bishop Wilbert Lee Daniels, Sr. The NOVA Metropolitan District, a multicultural and innovative fellowship of churches, comprises COGIC, as well as non-COGIC churches. Most recently, Dr. Carlton has had the distinct honor of being recognized as one of COGIC’s 100 Influential Pastors.

A devoted husband to Lady Darice Carlton, Dr. Carlton relishes his time with her and his beloved children, Dylan, Dru & Denver.

Bishop Designate

Joel Forto Balindan, Sr. Prelate, Philippines Northern Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Joel Forto Balindan, Sr., who is born on September 6, 1975, is the eldest of the six children of Mr. Dominador A. Balindan, Sr. and Missionary Mhaye F. Balindan of Tumauini, Isabela, Philippines. Having been influenced by his devout christian grandparents, the late Reverend Francisco M. Forto and Missionary Soledad B. Forto, Bishop Balindan received Christ as his Lord and Saviour at the age of 13, enrolled at the New Man Missions and Seminary after high school graduation, and was called to ministry as pastor at the age of 20. From 1998 to 2019, he served as the resident Pastor of Lighthouse Worship Center, Church of God in Christ, Delfin Albano, Isabela, which now currently serves as the headquarters of Northern Luzon Philippines Jurisdiction. Because of his passion to serve Christ and to lead the lost to Christ, he was appointed as Regional Superintendent for COGIC Northern Luzon Philippines and as President for Missions of COGIC Philippines Jurisdiction. Together with his wife District Supervisor Marivi S. Balindan and their four children. Shekinah Faith, Don Joel, Immanuel Gabriel, Joel Jr., Bishop Balindan zealously brings the message of Christ

in Northern Luzon Philippines.

To equip himself for the great task of building God’s kingdom, Bishop Designate Joel Forto Balindan, Sr. pursued a Pastoral Leadership Course at the Evangelical School of Theology and earned units in Education at the Honorato G. Baquiran College. Bishop Balindan is actively involved as: President, One Vision for Tumauini; Church Mobilization Coordinator for Cagayan Valley Region for Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse); Regional Coordinator of Church Multiplication Coalition; Board Member of “Manna Pack” Feeding Program; and President, Incarnational Love Mission.


Bishop Designate

Morris Overton Jenkins, Jr. Prelate, Peru Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Morris O. Jenkins, Jr. serves as the Senior Pastor of both Ellis Memorial

Church of God in Christ and Greater New Holy Trinity Church of God in Christ in Houston,

Texas. He is also the Director of Higher Ground Community Development Corporation, a

non-profit organization which assists lower income residents in the greater Houston area with

not only their day to day needs, but is also concerned with their spiritual wellbeing. He

possesses over 30 years of progressive and executive ministerial experience, including

Superintendent of Northwest Houston District, Executive Secretary of Texas South Central

Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction under the leadership of Bishop Prince E. W. Bryant, Sr., Director of

Missions for Peru, COGIC World Missions under the leadership of Bishop Vincent Matthews,

Coordinator and Workshop Facilitator for the COGIC Leadership Conference under the

direction of Bishop Jerry W. Macklin, and Executive Board Member Annual Ministers

Conference at Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas. As a scholar practitioner,

Bishop Designate Jenkins has developed expertise in church growth and development,

transformational leadership, and the systematic spiritual development of new believers. He is a

graduate of Houston Graduate School of Theology, where he received both Masters of Divinity

and Doctor of Ministry degrees.

As a pioneer in global ministry, Bishop Designate Jenkins has leveraged information and communication technology along with

multimedia, to broadcast through both television and the internet to reach thousands. His main focus is soul winning and kingdom

building. Prior to his work in the ministry, he developed expertise in Agricultural Science, receiving both Bachelor of Science and Master

of Science degrees in Agricultural Science from Prairie A&M University. He worked in senior management as Director of Urban

Horticulture with the Texas A&M University Extension Service. Bishop Designate Jenkins has received many accolades and awards

including recipient of the 2010 “Outstanding Minister Award” at the 52nd Annual Ministers Conference held at Prairie View A&M

University. He is married to Lady Marsha Jenkins and they are the grateful parents of two sons and grandparents to one granddaughter.

Bishop Designate

Kevin Alghia Griffin Prelate, Antigua-Barbuda Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Kevin Griffin accepted Jesus Christ, received the gift of the

Holy Ghost and was called to Word ministry in Mobile, Alabama under the

tutelage of his father in the gospel, the late Pastor James Simon of Dolie Temple

Church of God in Christ. In 1991, God instructed him in a vision to return to New

York and assist his uncle, the late Bishop Norman N. Quick, then pastor of Childs

Memorial Temple Church of God in Christ (the historic site where the funeral of

Malcolm X was held). Obedient to the Spirit, he returned and lovingly carried out

those duties until Bishop Quick’s passing. While serving faithfully at Childs

Memorial Temple, Bishop Quick appointed him Pastor of Glad Tidings Church, a

small, but strong multi-cultural flock in Mt. Vernon, New York. The church, later

renamed Grace and Mercy Revival Center Church of God in Christ, continues to

thrive under his leadership.

With his unique anointing for prophecy and deliverance and a passion for soul-

winning, he began operating in the ministry of spiritual warfare. This evangelistic course afforded him a rewarding

seven years of missionary work in Antigua and three years in Jamaica. Week-long crusades of deliverance, healing and

salvation blessed the residents of those islands spiritually, while much needed food, clothing and school supplies were

distributed to meet their temporal needs as well. Other missionary journeys and revivals include Belize, Barbados, and

South Africa.

Bishop Designate Kevin Griffin has exhibited outstanding leadership skills. In addition to being Senior Pastor of both

Childs Memorial Temple and Grace and Mercy, he has served in many capacities in the New York Southeast

Jurisdiction. Bishop Designate Kevin Griffin is the husband of the lovely Lady Judith Griffin and father of four

beautiful children, Andrielle, Joshua, Mattea, and Seth Griffin.


Bishop Designate

Clyde David Jones, Jr. Prelate, Michigan Southwest Agape Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Clyde Jones, Jr. accepted the Lord as his savior in Fulton, Kentucky where he received the gift of the Holy Spirit at the age of thirteen. Surrendering to the will of the Lord, he accepted the call to the ministry when he was nineteen. In 1997, he was ordained by his pastor, the Presiding Elder Green D. Moore at the Northwest Church of God in Christ in Detroit, Michigan. He received his pastoral calling in 1986 and founded Faith Redemption Center Church of God in Christ under the leadership of Bishop Earl J. Wright, Sr. for fifteen years he served as the treasurer of the Agape District of Southwest Michigan under Superintendent Isaac King, Jr. When the Southwest Michigan Agape Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction was established in 2003, he continued to serve as treasurer of the Finance Department under Bishop Isaac King, Jr. for over the next fifteen years. During those thirty plus years, he developed a Finance Department from a person of one to a professional performing staff. Bishop Designate Jones has been the Superintendent of the Lighthouse District for over

fifteen years and was the first Administrative Assistant appointed by Bishop Isaac King, Jr.

Bishop Designate Jones has been married to Missionary Barbara Jones for forty-five years. They have two sons and three grandchildren. He served his Country in the U.S. Navy for four years. Upon his return, he attended William Tyndale Bible College. He retired from General Motors as the Director of Training, Education, and Communications. He is a man of integrity and faith who is respected throughout the church world and in the community. He is called the “pastors’ pastor” for his high level of wisdom, and mentoring skills. He has used his bridge building abilities to develop many cross-cultural and cross-denominational relationships in order to promote the Kingdom of God.

Bishop Designate

Lester Earl Johnson Prelate, Columbia First Jurisdiction

A social entrepreneur and field missiologist, L.E. impacts the lives of people by promoting education, the power of the knowledge of self-worth, and hope of one's future in Christ. Alongside the preaching of the gospel, L.E. employs the arts, social development, and humanitarianism to create positive change around the world. L.E. currently serves as Associate Director of Community Engagement at Southwestern Michigan Urban League in Battle Creek and as an Adjunct Instructor at Kellogg Community College.

L.E. recently completed his doctoral studies at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, California in Educational Leadership and Change. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan where he earned a bachelor's in Voice Performance and Harvard University where he earned a master's degree in International Relations.

L.E. is the pastor of the Citadel of Expectancy Church of God in Christ in Battle Creek, Michigan. On a global scale, L.E. has spent the past 13 years reinvigorating the Church of God in Christ in South America. L.E. has been chosen to succeed Bishop Fred L. Cunningham as prelate of the Colombia First Jurisdiction. L.E. also serves as President of the Western Michigan Jurisdiction Missions Department. Under the leadership of his Jurisdictional Prelate and General Board Member of the Church of God in Christ, Bishop Nathaniel Wells, over the past four years the Western Michigan Jurisdiction Missions team has planted the Church of God in Christ in Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay.


Bishop Designate

Gabriel Eugene McCurtis Prelate, Chile Jurisdiction

Dr. Gabriel E. McCurtis, Ed.D., is the grandson of the late Bishop S.V. Brooks, first Church of God in Christ (COGIC) prelate of the state of New Mexico. McCurtis, a life-long member of Southern CA Jurisdiction #1 COGIC, received his ordination from the late Bishop J.A. Blake, Sr. in 1981. He served under the leadership of Presiding Bishop Charles E Blake, Sr. as a pastor, jurisdictional missions president, and district superintendent (1991-2009). Likewise, he served under the supervision of Bishop Joe L. Ealy as the president of the Education Department (2009-2017), regional superintendent (2017-current), and an administrative assistant (2019-current). McCurtis served as an International Field Representative of the Missions Department by Bishop Carlis L. Moody, Sr. and Bishop Vincent Matthews, respectively (2013-current).

Dr. McCurtis worked as a public school teacher, a K-12 administrator, and a district superintendent of schools for a unified school district (1981-2014). McCurtis completed his BA/ MA degrees at the University of California, Riverside (1975-1983). He holds a Doctorate of Christian Educational Administration (Ed.D.) from Calvary Chapel University, where he graduated cum laude (2009-2012), and he is currently working towards a second doctorate in the field of Strategic Leadership (Ph.D./DSL) at Southeastern University located in Lakeland, Florida. In 2019, McCurtis became inducted into the Florida Lambda Chapter of Alpha Chi, a National College Honor Scholarship Society.

Bishop Designate

Solomon Iyobosa Omo-Osagie, II Prelate, Kenya Cornerstone Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Solomon Iyobosa Omo-Osagie II was born in Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa. He immigrated to the United States at a young age and attended college while working to support himself in his new country. He was ordained as an Elder in 2006 by the late Bishop David Washington Spann, Sr. of the Greater MD First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. Two years later, he founded the Impact Pentecostal Fellowship COGIC. In 2009, the Bishop Joel Harley Lyles, Jr. appointed him as the Jurisdictional Secretary. In 2013, he began focused mission work in Kenya and one year later, he formally organized the Impact Pentecostal Fellowship - Kenya, East Africa. Working with his wife Lady Andrea and committed ministry partners, they have completed several life-giving, lifesaving, and life-changing projects that have positively impacted lives and families across Kenya. Bishop Designate Omo-Osagie holds several earned academic degrees. A prolific writer and public intellectual, Bishop-Designee Omo-Osagie has authored and published several books, articles, and commentaries. His works have appeared in numerous national and international publications including The Western Journal of Black Studies, Southern Historian: A Journal of Southern History, Baltimore Sun, Baltimore Examiner, Baltimore Afro American Newspaper, Philadelphia Tribune, and Newswatch magazine among many others. His acclaimed books, While in the Wilderness: Essays on Empowerment, Perseverance, and Hope were published by Testimony Publications in 2018 and Commercial Poultry Production on Maryland’s Lower Eastern Shore: The Role of African Americans, 1930s to 1990s, a pioneering research work in 2012 by the University Press of America. He is a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated and is married to the elegant Lady Andrea. They have two beautiful and graceful daughters, Shalom Chidimma and Keturah Osarieme.


Bishop Designate

Edwin Maurice Walker Prelate, Illinois Northern Jurisdiction

A The word of God tells us in Jeremiah 3:15 "And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding".

Pastor E. M. Walker is that God fearing man given to serve as the pastor of Friendly Temple C.O.G.I.C. Pastor Walker has served as Superintendent of the Greater South Shore District. He currently serves as Administrative Assistant to Bishop C. V. Marshall, Prelate of the Northern Illinois Churches of God in Christ. He also serves on the Board of Ordination and as the Youth President for this Jurisdiction.

Matthew 9:37, 38 tells us that "...the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest" Pastor Walker believes that we should go out and work the harvest. He served as the youth & Concert Coordinator and is

now serving as the Administrative Chaplin for Cook County's Sheriff's Department.

Pastor Walker is a loyal husband to Mrs. Salana Walker and a dedicated father of five children (three boys and two girls).

Being an anointed man of God, Pastor Walker follows as the Lord leads in the gift of healing, the gift of prophecy and as a psalmist.

Bishop Designate

Glenn Rodney Plummer Prelate, Israel Jurisdiction

Dr. Glenn Plummer is President & CEO of WLPC-TV40 Detroit which can be seen 24 hours/day over-the air and on Comcast channel 397 in the Detroit market. Currently he cohosts a nationally syndicated TV show entitled, “The Lesson” with his wife, Dr. Pauline Plummer. This husband and wife team teach the international Sunday School lesson on television each week and claim to have “the largest Sunday School class in America”.

Dr. Plummer was licensed in ministry 40 years ago in 1979. He was installed as senior pastor of Ambassadors for Christ Church 20 years ago in 1999, and five years ago in 2014 he founded his second church, The Midtown Church. He currently serves as senior pastor of both churches. On April 9, 2019 at our headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee by unanimous consent, the General Assembly of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) ratified the historic decision of Presiding Bishop Charles Blake and the General Board to appoint Dr. Glenn Plummer as Bishop of Israel. This historic decisive action of COGIC Leadership places Dr. Plummer as the first Bishop of Israel in the 112 year history of COGIC and the first American Bishop of Israel for any denomination in the 300+ year history of the United States. It is also said that he is the first Bishop of Israel outside of the Catholic Church since the Protestant Reformation in 1517... 502 years ago. Bishop Designate Plummer has been a

national and international leader in the pro-Israel community for more than two decades, traveling to the Holy Land more than twenty-two times and hosting trips to Israel for hundreds of believers. In 2006 he founded FIBA, the Fellowship of Israel and Black America which has since extended its mission to include the Ethiopian Israeli community. The name in Israel is FIEBA (Fellowship of Israelis, Ethiopians, & Black Americans). He is a widely sought after speaker and teacher in both the Christian and Jewish community

He is the recipient of The Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award from U.S. President Barak Obama.

He is happily married to author, national recording artist, and television personality, Dr. Pauline Plummer. They serve together as a marvelous couple in ministry & business, and are parents to a wonderful blended family which includes eight adult children and four beautiful grandchildren.


Bishop Designate

Reginald Corey Witherspoon, Sr. Prelate, Washington Northwest Jurisdiction

Pastor Reggie C. Witherspoon, Sr. is a man led by the Spirit of God with an anointing to lead the people of God into a deep relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that produces authentic ministry and purposeful lives. Under Pastor Witherspoon’s administration, the ministry has renovated the Main Sanctuary, renovated The Joshua Generation Teen Center is equipped with an interactive technology center (BYTES), full kitchen, state-of-the-art electronic and communication devices, as well as a theatre with an area for ministry service. Under his leadership and fiscal wisdom, none of the properties owned by Mount Calvary Christian Center, COGIC have a mortgage.

Mount Calvary Christian Center, COGIC is a church where Christianity is not a religion, but a way of life through obedience to and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Mount Calvary is a ministry that God has chosen to be a leader in the twenty-first century resulting in global impact for the Kingdom of God that is equipping the believer for the abundant life promised by the Lord Jesus Christ! The ministry is on the cutting-edge of service, with a corporate spirit of praise.

Pastor Witherspoon, Sr. was born in Seattle, Washington. He accepted the Lord Jesus Christ in 1976 and preached his first sermon on September 21, 1980. He became a licensed minister in 1982 and was ordained in April 1984, under the administration of Bishop T. L. Westbrook. Pastor Witherspoon is married to Laura Nadine Witherspoon. The Witherspoon’s have four children, Reggie, Jr., LaTaunya, Romel and LaKayla Witherspoon, and three grandchildren.



Bishop Designate

James Henry Bowman, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, New York Central Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Dr. James H. Bowman Sr. is a visionary and contemporary manservant of God who has a heart of compassion for all people. Under Dr. Bowman’s leadership, the Antioch Church of God In Christ in Buffalo, New York which he has pastored since 1983 joined the New York Central Jurisdiction Church of God in Christ at its inception in 2008. Dr. Bowman holds an Honorary Doctorate from the National School of Theology and has extensive theological education through the C.H. Mason Bible College at Buffalo, Houghton Bible College and Moody Bible Institute. He obtained his postsecondary education at the State University of New York College at Buffalo and went on to work for 20 years with the Buffalo Public School Board Quality Integration Education Program. Bishop Designate Bowman has proven administrative and organization building skills which he has demonstrated in his work with New York Central Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. He serves as Administrative Assistant, Chairman of the Ordination Board and Chairman

of the Executive Board under Jurisdictional Prelate Bishop Ronald J. Hoston. Dr. Bowman is equally talented as an accomplished musician and recording artist. Dr. Bowman is the son of the late Presiding Elder Reverend Morris L. Bowman and Mother Ruby M. (McAdams) Bowman. He has shared 47 years of marriage with First Lady Kathryn F. Bowman who is the daughter of the late Bishop Carl Roberson who served as Prelate of the South Dakota Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Church Of God In Christ. He is patriarch to three generations of family whose accomplishments reflect their godly upbringing. He is the father of four - Karla (Charkunda) Taylor, Reverend James H. Bowman Jr., Kristina (Brandon) Smith and Jason (Leilani) Bowman and grandfather of ten. Dr. Bowman is committed to the advancement of the Kingdom through relevant scriptural exegesis accompanied by a life of demonstrative works that fulfill the greatest commandment as prescribed in Matthew 22:37-40.

Bishop Designate

Kendall Nehemiah Anderson Auxiliary Bishop, Tennessee Headquarters Jurisdiction

Superintendent Anderson has been married to Carol L. Anderson for forty five years and they are blessed with two children: Elder Kendall Anderson Jr. and Kesha Pritchard, two grandchildren, Karah and Allen.

Superintendent Kendall Anderson served under the pastoral leadership of the late Tennessee Headquarters Jurisdiction Prelate Bishop F. D. Macklin and after his demise was appointed pastor of the Homeland Church servicing as pastor for twenty four years and is present the district superintendent of the Good shepherd district.

Superintendent Kendall Anderson served thirteen years as chairman of the board of ordination under the leadership of Tennessee Headquarters prelate Bishop J. O. Patterson Jr,

Superintendent Anderson is present serving prelate Bishop David Allen Hall, executive Administrative Assistant in the Tennessee Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction

Superintendent Kendall Anderson, Sr. service in the national church is well known. He has served in the Treasure Department for nineteen years, twelve with Bishop Samuel Leon Lowe and presently as the assistant Treasure to Bishop C. H. Mason Patterson appointed by the General board in 2012.

Superintendent also serves on the Ways and Means and the Extension Committee under Bishop Malcomb Coby.


Bishop Designate

Marion David Eppright Auxiliary Bishop, Iowa Jurisdiction

Auxiliary Bishop Designee, M.D. Eppright is first and foremost a loyal and faithful servant of God, the church and God’s people. He is the Pastor of Faith Tabernacle Church of God in Christ, West Des Moines, Iowa (affectionately known as “The Miracle On 9th Street”) and serves as the Superintendent of the E.A. Tindrell District. He is the husband of 46 years to Mother Sandra D. Eppright the former Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women. He is an outstanding father to Marion D. Eppright II, Kenny Oakley, Tonia Smith, Stacey Taylor, and Inta Sanford, beloved brother, exceptional uncle, and appreciated grandfather and great grandfather.

Since accepting the call God placed upon his life in 1971. Auxiliary Bishop Designee, M.D. Eppright has held numerous positions within the Church of God in Christ at the District, Jurisdictional and National level. He is tested and proven leadership material and is a builder of people. He established the Hurley Bassett, Sr. Leadership Institute as well as two Districts, the Hurley Bassett Sr. and the E.A. Tindrell District. He was the first National Adjutant for the Iowa Jurisdiction and currently serves as a National Adjutant Overseer. Auxiliary Bishop Designate M.D. Eppright earned a Bachelor of Science in Education and Master’s Degree in Counseling and Personnel Supervision from Drake University. He earned his Doctoral Degree in 2007 and served as Vice Principle at Edmunds Academy of Fine Arts in Des Moines, Iowa. He is currently semi-retired and serves as a Driver’s Education Instructor and Chaplain for the West Des Moines Police Dept.

Auxiliary Bishop Designee, M.D. Eppright faithfully serves under the leadership of Bishop Leroy F. Johnson Jr., Prelate of the Iowa Jurisdiction.

Bishop Designate

Caesar Romero Cabiness Auxiliary Bishop, New York Eastern First Jurisdiction

Bishop Caesar Romero Cabiness, Senior Pastor of Praise Tabernacle Inc. a resident of Bellerose, New York, is married to the lovely Lillie Cabiness and is the father of six children. He responded to the divine call in 1986. Humbled with a love for the Almighty, he placed himself under devout pioneers exhibiting strength in the faith. He served under his late uncle Rev. C. L. Sampson at Stairway of Faith Enlightened C.O.G.I.C. and the late Dr. James Titus Burkes at Evergreen C.O.G.I.C. He performed as national adjutant under late Prelate Bishop F.D. Washington.

Developed in several capacities of ministry under these and other strong leaders led him to become a seasoned pillar of the church. Bishop Cabiness was ordained in April 1988 by the Presiding Bishop of the C.O.G.I.C. Inc. Bishop J.O. Patterson Sr. Already serving, he was installed Pastor of Praise Tabernacle, Inc. in September of 1992 by Bishop Ithiel Clemmons. Pastor’s desire was to see the Spirit of God manifested in the lives of people. Hence, he incorporated the motto, “The Spirit of God working through the Word of God in the lives of God’s people. Bishop Cabiness renovated Praise Tabernacle from a formerly dilapidated dance hall site into a towering place of praise where people can worship and find refuge and strength. He is the founder of Te’Hillah School of Urban Ministry, a school for Christian Education and Nu Image Empowerment Centre, a community based program, affiliates of Praise Tabernacle, Inc. Bishop Cabiness has studied diligently attaining numerous certificates and awards. He holds Baccalaureate degrees from Logos Bible College, Northgate Bible College and Master’s and Doctorate of Sacred Theology degrees from United Christian College. Continuous in labor, he was appointed as an Executive Board Member for the Jurisdiction in 2018 and Dean for the 4th

Saturday Conference in 2019. His ministry extends beyond church walls even to foreign lands supporting missions in Jamaica. He serves as Chaplain in crises for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). He can be heard propagating the gospel message of Jesus Christ over the airways of QPTV weekly.

Auxiliary Bishop Designate Gaines loves the Lord and loves serving people as a whole. He has been known Internationally in the Church of God in Christ as their Personal Transportation Specialist since 1989. His prayer is that he does the assignment well that the Lord has given him and at the end of this life he wants the Lord to say well done thou good and faithful servant.


Bishop Designate

Jerry Lynn Givens, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, Michigan Southwest Fifth Jurisdiction

Jerry L. Givens Sr. is a man of valor and one who is known for his spiritually, knowledge, supportive nature, loyalty and realness. One of his main character traits is: “The product you are looking at is exactly what you get if you buy it; what you see, is what you get.” Administrative Givens has always been a man of great work ethic, a man of faith, a man of courage, and known as a walking bible. His life began in Flint Michigan, on June 30, 1954. He is the fourth of eight children (four boys & four girls) born to Dr. Purvis and Mother Ruth Givens. While being reared in Flint, Jerry attended Flint schools. After graduation, he attended Mott Community College, majoring in Accounting. He retired from GM, after 32 years of service, as a payroll executive. As a youngster, he loved to follow his father, which led to God working a miracle in his life. On the day mentioned, Jerry was determined to follow his dad after he was told he could not go at the time. He hid behind a truck that was carrying a load of steel. His father was unaware that he was hiding and when the driver started to back up, he was run over by the truck, suffering from multiple injuries. The injuries he sustained could’ve been worse but a shell-shocked veteran, cried out to alert

Dr. Givens that his son was behind the truck. Jerry was taken to a local hospital and God did the rest. In 1970 he met the young lady of his dreams, Cherrylean Johnson of Saginaw, Michigan, the thirteenth child of eighteen children. He was joined in Holy Matrimony June 21, 1975 to Cherrylean. To this union came Anna Marie, LaTonya, Jerry Jr., and Erica Ruth. The Lord has multiplied his seed through his children and now there are 10 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. He grew up at Prayer Garden C.O.G.I.C. founded by his father in 1966 and he accepted Christ on November 28, 1973. God also filled him with the Holy Ghost, January 31, 1974. In 1983 he preached his trial sermon and in 1986, he became an ordained Elder in the Church of God in Christ. He was then appointed Pastor of the Prayer Garden Church of God in Christ on the same day. In 2016, Givens was compelled to assist in the creation of Kingdom United, now known as Michigan Southwest Fifth Jurisdiction under the leadership of Bishop Don W. Shelby Jr. He serves as First Administrative Assistant and sits on the ordination board.

.Bishop Designate

Israel Coloma Forto Auxiliary Bishop, Philippines First Jurisdiction

I was born on January 21, 1980, the 2nd child of the three children of Bishop Avelino B. Forto, Sr. and First Lady Tessie C. Forto. My elder Brother is Bishop Avel C. Forto, Jr. and Evangelist Faith Forto Arcega.

During the altar call after the Sunday service I gave my life to Jesus and I accepted HIM as my Lord and Savior when I was 10 years old. Being a son of a pastor, I was called by God at a very young age. From time immemorial, I have been serving the Lord starting from Kid’s Ministry and Sunday School, Young People Department, Music Department, Men’s Department until I have been called to be a Pastor. I got married on October 20, 2001 to Evangelist Gladys Joy G. Forto. The Lord blessed us with three children, Francheska Yzrael G. Forto, (17 y/o); Franco Miguel G. Forto, (15 y/o; Franz Joaquin C. Forto, (4 y/o).

I finished my high school as one of the pioneering selected scholars of the government after passing the entrance examination to study at Special Class “Science and Math” High School Department. I finished the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering in the year 2002. Finished Bachelor of Laws and degree of Juris Doctor in

the year 2013. When I took the Bar Examination only 1,800 hurdled the exams out of 8,155 examinees, the hardest bar exams for the past ten (10) years with 22 percent National passing. Presently, I am an attorney-at-law, practicing corporate law, criminal law and labor law, and the lawyer of the Church of God in Christ churches across the Philippines.

I served as an assistant pastor of my Father since 2005 until 2013. Jurisdictional Youth President for three (3) years and Jurisdictional Sunday School President for four (4) years since 2005 up to 2012 respectively.

In the National Headquarters of COGIC Philippines, we have three (3) local churches in one location and I am one of the pastors. Currently, I am the AIM Chairperson, Overseer of Luzon (one of the major islands), 2nd Administrative Assistant and Jurisdictional Secretary. As one of the Bishops in the Philippines, I am helping my Father, Bishop Avel B. Forto, Sr. to establish churches in Southeast Asia with my Elder Brother, Bishop Avel C. Forto, Jr.


Bishop Designate

Napoleon Bill Harris, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, Illinois First Jurisdiction

Administrative Assistant Napoleon Harris Sr., D.Div. was called into the ministry in the late 1950’s and was ordained in 1973 by the late Bishop Louis Henry Ford. In 1980 Dr. Harris responded to the pastoral call and along with his wife organized The Community Church of God in Christ. Throughout Dr. Harris’ relationship with First

Jurisdiction Illinois he served the COGIC in various capacities: District Sunday School President, District Evangelist Department President, Assistant District Superintendent, District Superintendent, and Administrative Assistant.

Dr. Harris faithfully served the current Prelate of First Jurisdiction Illinois, Bishop Ocie Booker for the past 22 years. While employed by the city of Chicago Dr. Harris served as the Personnel Director for the Chicago Department of Health.

During his employment in state government he simultaneously earned two master degrees – Public Administration and Theology Studies. Dr. Harris was blessed to retire from government service after more than 30 years and devote himself fulltime to the ministry. As pastor of The Community Church Dr. Harris delightfully proclaims souls have been added to the congregation; and, with the blessings of God the church has been bountifully blessed to purchase two church buildings and pay-off both mortgages within 22 years. For 27 years the original church building was located in Hazel Crest, IL. In 2007 Pastor Harris was led by divine revelation to relocate the ministry to its current location in Hammond, IN where we proclaim God enlarged our territory. With the blessings of God he organized a non-for-profit organization named, Community H.E.L.P. Incorporated. HELP is a 501(c) 3 community development organization that aids the church in extending its ministries beyond the physical walls of the church building. In addition, after more than a year of preparation, Dr. Harris published his autobiography: God’s Hand: Memoirs of Faith and Fortitude. Dr. Harris has been married to Sherelene A. Harris, Ed.D. 53 years and they are the parents of eight children.

Bishop Designate

Phillip Xavier Green, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, Virginia Second Jurisdiction

Elder Phillip Xavier Green was born November 8, 1966 during the Church of God in Christ Annual Holy Convocation. This indeed would be the first sign that he was destined to be a mighty man of God. He is one of nine children born to Bishop Samuel L. Green Jr. and the late Mother Vivian F. Green. Elder Green graduated from the Hampton Public School System as well as Hampton’s VOTECH Technical School, studying electronics and went on to attend Thomas Nelson College. On October 4, 1986, he married the love of his life, Richelle Ricks and to this union three children were born; one daughter, Lauren and two sons, Phillip Jr. (PJ) and Brandon. Elder Green has served in every area of the Church, putting his hands to work where needed. He is a born leader and man who truly cares for people. Following the voice of the Lord, Elder Green humbly accepted his call into the ministry 1989 and was ordained as an Elder in 1992 under the honorable Bishop Samuel L. Green, Jr. Elder Green has accomplished great things in his life and the best is still yet to come. He serves in several positions in the church on the local, district, state and national level. Along with his wealth of experience, Elder Green has traveled extensively throughout these United States and abroad with several General Board Members and the Mission Department to South Africa, Madras India, London England, Seoul Korea, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong, Trinidad, Beijing, China and Belize. Elder Green has served and continues in the spirit of servant.


Bishop Designate

Robert Lee Harris Auxiliary Bishop, Michigan Northwest Jurisdiction

Administrative Assistant Robert Lee Harris was born in Detroit, Michigan. He is the 4th of 10 children, born to the late Bishop Willie Leroy & Mother Ima Harris. He is married to Mother Lois Marie Harris; this union brought forth (3) three children: Missionary Lolita Marberry, Missionary Lisa Harris and Elder Robert Preston Harris. He is blessed with (9) nine grandchildren & (4) four greatgrandchildren. He was educated in the Detroit Public School district and has received the highest Civic recognition offered to any minister of the gospel in Southeast Michigan; City of Detroit Testimony Resolution; Mayoral Proclamation, County of Wayne Commission Certificate and the State of Michigan House Senate Resolution.

He followed the example of Jesus through two “FREE” annual feeding ministries: Summer Fish Fry (serving 1,000+) & Christmas Day hot meal (serving 1,200+) while sponsoring a Monthly community-wide meal program. Pastor Harris leverages the power of broadcast media by preaching the Gospel over Radio & Internet with Streaming. He is SAVED, SANTICFIED & filled with the Holy Ghost preaching the

word of God, giving a lost World reproof & rebuke and operating in the Prophetic with Healing through the laying on of hands. Administrative Assistant Robert Harris was ordained and/or appointed to the following positions in the Church of God in Christ; 1982 licensed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, 1984 ordained an Elder by the Late Bishop J.S. Bailey (Southwest Michigan), 1988 appointed co-chairman of Devotional Committee Michigan Southwest First Jurisdiction, 1989 appointed National Adjutant -- Church of God in Christ, Inc., 1989 appointed co-pastor of St. Paul Church of God in Christ by the Late Bishop W.L. Harris, 1992 appointed Pastor of St. Paul Church of God in Christ by the Late Bishop W.L. Harris, 1995 – 2018 served Michigan Southwest First Jurisdiction under the leadership of Bishop John Henry Sheard, Chairman Board of Bishops (a faithful servant leader who always returned any Jurisdictional honorarium back to the leader as an additional Official Day Love Token), 2018 – Present serving Michigan Northeast “The Historic 1st Jurisdiction” under the leadership of Bishop Dr. Phillip Aquilla Brooks II, 1st Assistant Presiding Bishop.

Bishop Designate

Louis Christopher Hayslett, I Auxiliary Bishop, Tennessee Central Jurisdiction

LC Hayslett was born on January 8, 1944 in Rossville, TN to Eddie and Ruth (Swift) Hayslett. He is the eldest of eleven children of which two siblings and his father preceded him in death. He received his formal education at the Mt Zion Elementary school in Rossville, TN and secondary education at Fayette County Training school in Somerville, TN. Upon graduating high school in 1960 at the young age of 16, he left home and relocated to Memphis, TN where he attended LeMoyne College. In May of 1965, he was united in Holy Matrimony to the late Missionary Frankie Lemons Hayslett of Memphis, TN and in that union they were blessed with eight children in which one preceding them in death upon his birth. In March of 2004, God saw fit to call Superintendent Hayslett’s wife, Missionary Frankie Hayslett, home to receive her reward after 39 and a half years of marriage and dedication to God’s kingdom. In October of 2005, Superintendent Hayslett was blessed with another companion in the person of Lady Ilose Canady Hayslett who has been very faithful and instrumental in continuing God’s work right by her husband’s side. LC was saved, filled with the Holy Ghost and united with the Christ Temple Church of God in Christ in Memphis, TN under the leadership of the late Eld. Herman Gaston in 1962. In 1965, Minister Hayslett was ordained as an Elder in the Church of God in Christ by the late Bishop

A.B. McEwen, Sr. and appointed to the Ashport Church of God in Christ in Ashport, TN in 1973 by the late Superintendent A.B. Mc Ewen, Jr. Later, the name of the church was changed from Ashport Church of God in Christ to Spiller Hill Church of God in Christ under the direction of the late Bishop J.O. Patterson, Sr. In 1981, Tennessee Central Jurisdiction was organized under the leadership of the late Bishop W.L. Porter, wherein Eld. Hayslett was appointed as District Superintendent of the Ripley District. Very shortly after, Bishop W.L. Porter elevated him to the office of Administrative Assistant where he yet faithfully and untiringly serves under the current bishop, Bishop Brandon B. Porter. As of today, a total of six churches has been birthed out of the Spiller Hill Church of God in Christ as a result of this anointed man of God’s leadership, faithfulness and unwavering stance in the Word of God. This year, 2019, marks the 46th year that Superintendent LC Hayslett has been the Pastor of his local church, the Spiller Hill Church of God in Christ in Ripley, TN, where the Spirit of God is yet alive and everybody is somebody.


Bishop Designate

Keith Alvin Kershaw Auxiliary Bishop, South Carolina Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Kershaw is the founder and organizer of the Genesis Church of God in Christ (Columbia, SC). Bishop Designate Kershaw currently serves as the Director of the Office of Conferences, Events & Travel overseeing the process & protocols of COGIC’s annual National Meetings as the denominational meeting planner. He most recently served as the Logistics Manager for the annual COGIC Holy Convocation. He has served as the Vice-Chairman, Assistant Convention Planner and Executive Board Member for the COGIC Auxiliaries in Ministry (AIM) Convention. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of the Religious Conference Managers Association (RCMA). He also serves, or has served, as an Advisory Board Member for Convention & Visitors Bureaus in Saint Louis, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Spokane, Little Rock, Louisville, Orlando and Minneapolis. Bishop Designate Kershaw earned a Bachelor of Science Degree from South Carolina State University in 1983. In 2002 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate degree from the Charles E. Graham Baptist Bible College and Seminary. He is married to the former Maxine Y. Greene and is the father of one daughter, Rachel Victoria Kershaw. When not immersed in his work or spending time with family, he is an avid fan of the game of golf.

Bishop Designate

Philip Robert Jackson Auxiliary Bishop, Michigan Southwest Jurisdiction

Auxiliary Bishop Designate Philip R. Jackson – a husband, father and proud grandfather. He and his wife of more than 50 years, Lady Delores C. Jackson have three sons, Philip II (Celisa), Eric (Aiyana) and Jason (Theresa), and three grandsons Philip III, Brandon, and Kyle.

Auxiliary Bishop Designate Jackson is a native of Detroit Michigan. He is an Alumnus of Central High School. He has been a member of Seth Temple, formerly Livingston Street, which is the Mother Church of the churches of God in Christ in the state of Michigan, nearly all of his life. In May of 1967, he was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost; as a result, God released an unusual anointing on his life. He began his ministry under the pasturage and tutelage of the late Bishop John Seth Bailey. On July 19, 1987, he was appointed Pastor of Seth Temple Church of God in Christ.

He was appointed District Superintendent of District No. 3, January 2008, Chairman of the Elders Council of 1st Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Michigan Southwest, Administrative Assistant, and Auxiliary Bishop Designate in 2019, by Bishop John H. Sheard, Jurisdictional Prelate. He serves as a Commissioner for the National Church of God in Christ, Inc., Judiciary Board Committee for the National Constitutional Convention and he is a Member of the COGIC Publishing House Board of Directors appointed by Presiding Bishop, Charles E Blake, Sr. On March 30, 2008, Administrative Assistant Jackson received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity Degree from Saint Thomas Christian College, Jacksonville, FL.

So many people are truly encouraged by his miraculous testimony: “From being a slave to sin to being a steward of God.” He is the Founder and President of “I Am Redeemed Ministries” officially launched in 2001. This ministry is a source of encouragement to the unlearned, unsaved, and the saved, that “Nothing is impossible with God.”


Bishop Designate

Lonnie Bobby Lynch Auxiliary Bishop, California Southern Second Jurisdiction

Superintendent Lonnie Lynch is an anointed servant of the Lord who has been preaching the gospel for over 40 years. He committed his life to the Lord in Las Vegas, Nevada under Pastor Theodore Trent and was later licensed as a minister under the late Bishop C. Cox. In 1967, Superintendent Lynch relocated to Los Angeles, California where he united with Bibleway Church of God in Christ under the pastorage of Elder Curtis Spears. During his tenure there, he served over the Evangelist Outreach Program where he organized street and park services. He also hosted a weekly radio program for a number of years. Superintendent Lynch was known as the “renaissance man", bridging the gap with other denominations. He was ordained as an Elder under the late Bishop Samuel Crouch. In the First Jurisdiction of Southern California, he served as a District Evangelist President under President D. L. Austin.

In 1982, Superintendent Lynch and his family relocated to San Diego, California, where he founded and organized Revival Time Community Church of God in Christ.

He joined the Second Jurisdiction of Southern California, upon its inception, under the leadership of Bishop George D. McKinney. Shortly after uniting with the Second Jurisdiction, Superintendent Lynch served as the Jurisdictional Evangelist President with Dr. Battles, National Evangelist President. He currently serves as District Superintendent, San Diego Area Superintendent and Administrative Assistant to Bishop McKinney. Superintendent Lynch and his wife, Supervisor Gloria Lynch, have hosted a weekly telecast for 20 years. He holds a BA in Business Administration from California State Dominguez, a BA in Theology from LaVerne University and a Doctorate in Theology from Next Dimension University. Superintendent and Supervisor Lynch are the proud parents of four children and five grandchildren.

Bishop Designate

Ronald Alfonzo Sewell, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, Virginia First Jurisdiction

Administrative Assistant Ronald A. Sewell, Sr., was born in Philadelphia, PA. He obtained his elementary and secondary school training in the Philadelphia Public School System. In 1960, Administrative Assistant Sewell joined the United States Navy as an enlisted member and retired after 22 years of service as a Commissioned Officer. Administrative Assistant Sewell furthered his education attending Norfolk State University and Old Dominion University. He further studied in St. Leo College completing courses in Old and New Testament Survey. In 2000 he entered the University of Biblical Studies and Seminary in Bethany Oklahoma, OK, receiving his Bachelor of Theology. Later he entered the North Carolina College of Theology completing his Master of Arts and his Doctor of Theology in Wilmington, NC, 2005.

Administrative Assistant Sewell received his Christian Education and Ministerial Education at the New Community Temple Church of God in

Christ, under the Bishop Ted G. Thomas, General Board member of the Church of God in Christ, where he served for eleven years until Bishop Thomas appointed him as a pastor of the Herald of His Coming Church of God in Christ.


Bishop Designate

Tony William Torain, I Auxiliary Bishop, Maryland Greater First Jurisdiction

Superintendent Tony W. Torain is the founding pastor of The Good Shepherd Church of God in Christ in Baltimore, Maryland. On January 1, 1989, he and six other Christians became the first members of this fellowship. A native of Mebane, North Carolina, he is a 1975 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he majored in English Literature. He is a 1979 graduate of the Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary where he earned the master’s degree in New Testament Theology. In the spring of 1980, he graduated from Boston University with the Master of Arts in African-American Literature. In 1984 he graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law with the Juris Doctor degree and in 1985 he earned the Master of Social Work at the University of Maryland School Of Social Work. He has done further doctoral study at Princeton Theological Seminary and Regent University Divinity School and will complete the work for the Doctor of Ministry at Virginia Union University in the fall of 2019.

In 1991 he was named the Assistant Dean for Student Services and Minority Affairs at the University of Maryland School of Social Work. In 1994 he was named Associate Dean at the University of Baltimore School of Law. In 2010 he became the Deputy Clerk for the Circuit Court for Baltimore City and in 2015 he was named Executive Director of the Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners. In the Greater Maryland First Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ he serves as Administrative Assistant to Bishop Joel H. Lyles, Jr., Superintendent of the Bishop F.J. Ellis Memorial District, and Dean of the C.H. Mason Jurisdictional Institutes.

Since May of 1985 he has been married to the former Celestine Best of Newburgh, New York and is the father of two adult sons, Tony W. Torain, II, J.D. and James Best Torain, M.D.

Bishop Designate

Alex James Smith Auxiliary Bishop, Arkansas First Jurisdiction

With over 43 years in the ministry, Superintendent Alex Smith uses his God given gifts to minister to the people of God. As Superintendent of the Helena-West Helena District for 32 years, he has guided and supported 16 Pastors to carry out the vision the Lord has placed on their lives. He has been very active at all levels in the ministry- local, regional and in Arkansas First Jurisdiction. He has held numerous positions that include First Administrative Assistant, Ways and Means Chairman, Judicial Committee and Jurisdictional Sunday School President. He is a strong and faithful supporter of the jurisdictional and national work. He faithfully answers the call of his leaders by working with the Jurisdictional Bishop spiritually, physically and financially which also includes praying and supporting the Bishop in any way needed. He is a strong advocate for all local pastors and members to support the work of the Jurisdiction. He is currently the Regional Superintendent of Region 4 Jurisdictional Finance Chairperson. He supported our National Bishop’s vision by supporting Save Africa’s Children. In the marketplace, Superintendent Smith was the first African American to establish a recognized business entity on the main street of Helena as the Owner/Operator of Smith’s Shoe and Repair Shop. He also custom made Physician Prescribed Orthopedic Shoes as

a part of this business. After 26 years in business God called Superintendent Smith from working on the soles of men’s shoes to the souls of men. He matriculated at Lincoln High School in Forrest City, Arkansas. He is a Spiritual Advisor to many attorneys, physicians and other leaders and residents in Phillips County and surrounding areas. Superintendent Smith has maintained a radio broadcast for over 30 years. He helps to meet the needs of the people in the community through the establishment of a Food Pantry. He has a long history of ministry to nursing homes, the home bound and those in prison. The street where the church is located is an honor given to him for his work in the community named Honorary Supt. Alex J. Smith Way.


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Guy L. Glimp

Prelate, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Jurisdiction

Bishop Designate Glimp is a multi-talented leader and serves a multi-faceted ministry, the Sanctuary Church of God in Christ, located in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia. Ordained in 1992 by the late Bishop O.T. Jones Jr., Bishop Designate Glimp has served the Church of God in Christ in many areas. He is the 3rd Administrative Assistant to Bishop Ravenel of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. Bishop Designate Glimp also serves as the "Chief Financial Officer" of the Jurisdiction with responsibility for all banking and investing activities. In the National Church, Bishop Designate Glimp is the Dean of the National Adjutancy Corp., a member of the Quality Assurance Team, Budget Committee and most recently served as “Interim Controller” of the church reporting to the Presiding Bishop.

Bishop Designate Glimp holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Shippensburg University and Stonier Graduate School of Banking. He has been conferred the Masters of Divinity (M.Div.) and the Masters of Sacred Theology (STM) degree from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. Bishop Designate Glimp is married to Lady Regina Hester-Glimp and they are the proud parents of three, Régine (now with the Lord), Cherelle and Jonathan.


Avelino Coloma Forto, Jr. Prelate, Philippines Second Jurisdiction

Bishop Avelino C. Forto, Jr., was the eldest among the three children of Bishop Avelino B. Forto, Sr., PhD. And Rev. Tessie C. Forto, Ph.D.—the very persons who had greatly inspired him and became his role models in loving God’s people. He graduated with flying colors in the year 2001 and had earned the degree of Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from Angeles University Foundation, one of the prestigious universities in the Philippines. In the year 2003-2007, he became National Youth President COGIC Philippines Youth Department. In 2007, he was ordained as Minister and from 2007-2013, he was elected as Chairman of Pastors and Elders Council-Philippine Jurisdiction. He had taken up Pastoral Theology at the International Bible Seminary/International Bible Institute from 2009-2011. He became their batch’s cream of the crop and had delivered his inspirational speech during the commencement program. In 2009-2013, he became Chairman of City Youth, under the Association of United Christian Churches of Angeles and Mabalacat City (AUCCAM). In 2013-206, he was

given the honor to become the President of Pampanga Ministers Fellowship, Youth Department. It was fruitful 2013, the year when he was ordained and consecrated as Auxiliary Bishop, Church of God in Christ – Philippine Jurisdiction at the age of thirty-four (34) in St. Louis, MO. He decided to continue equipping his knowledge as he had taken up Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies at Asian Theological Seminars (ATS) in the year 2013-2014. From 2015 to present, he assiduously partakes as a Core Leader in the Association of United Christian Churches of Angeles and Mabalacat City (AUCCAM). He was joined together in holy matrimony with Ellia May Santos in 2005 and were blessed with three (3) children: Maxeen Athea, 14 years old; Avelino III, 10 years old; and the newest member in the family, Amari Tessie Elynne who was just born August 30, 2019.



Carl Anthony Pierce, Sr. Prelate, Maryland Central Jurisdiction

Bishop Carl A. Pierce, Sr., a Tyler Junior College and University of Houston graduate, formally entered the ministry in 1986; was ordained in 1989, and currently serves as Senior Pastor of Carter Memorial Church Of God In Christ in Baltimore, Maryland, where he has led the ministry of his local church to exceptional growth, expanding its territory and outreach to include ministry opportunities and participation in the Delaware Maryland Virginia metroplex.

Bishop Pierce’s commitment and passion for ministry is obvious by his continual response and execution to the many ministerial assignments and responsibilities relegated to him. A dedicated servant of the Lord, he faithfully serves the Church nationally as a member of the National Elections Commission; Elections Commissioner for the General Council of Pastors and Elders; Logistics Coordinator for the National Leadership Conference; Associate White House Liaison for the Church Of God In Christ, and as Vice Chairman of the International Auxiliaries In Ministry (AIM) Convention. In addition to his local church and national responsibilities, he serves the local civic community, and is an active participant in city and state governmental affairs. He is often called upon to participate in dialog with state and city leaders regarding the plight of city, state and national concerns. He shares his accomplishments, dreams and vision with his daughter, Tiffany, and son, Carl, II.


William Leroy Harper Prelate, Missouri Eastern First Jurisdiction

Bishop William Leroy Harper is the pastor of Christ Community Temple Church of God in Christ in St. Louis, Mo. He served under the leadership of Bishop R. J. Ward of Eastern Missouri First Jurisdiction Church of God in Christ. He has served as pastor of Christ Community Temple for twenty-eight years. Bishop Harper is married to District Missionary Mary L. Harper and is the father of six children, nine grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Bishop Harper was saved in Denver Colorado at the Prince of Peace COGIC under the leadership of the late Eld. William Coburn. While in Denver, Bishop Harper served under the leadership of Elder Phillip H. Porter (now Bishop Phillip H. Porter). Bishop Porter not only became his pastor, but also a spiritual father, a mentor and a friend.

Bishop Harper relocated to St. Louis, Missouri in 1977. He served under the late Bishop William E. Turner of the Memorial Church of God in Christ and Elder Jerome C. Chambers of Christ Community Temple COGIC. Both men were a great inspiration in his life. Bishop Harper was ordained in 1980 and appointed as pastor of Christ Community Temple in June of 1984 by the Late Bishop William E. Turner. Under the leadership of Bishop William L. Harper, the members of Christ Community Temple have witnessed the Lord bring the vision of this ministry to pass. On July 18, 1993 the church relocated from 2849 N. Euclid, to 3500 Norwood Avenue, a new sanctuary built from the ground.

Bishop Harper has earned Bachelor of Art, Master of Art, Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees. The late Bishop R.J. Ward saw the potential and allowed Bishop Harper to serve in various capacities within the Jurisdiction. Prior to his elevation as Prelate, Bishop Harper served the Jurisdiction as Auxiliary Bishop, Chief of Staff and Chairman of the Jurisdictional Assembly.



Ronald A. Watson, Sr. Auxiliary Bishop, Virginia Second Jurisdiction

Bishop Ronald A. Watson was born to late Juanita and the late Frank Watson. He was raised in the city of Philadelphia, PA. He has been married to Doris Butler Watson for 61 years. To this union, five children were born: Tony (Pam), Ronald, Jr. (Brenda), Raymond (Darlene), Marc (Katrina), and Andrea (Marcus). Supt. and Mrs. Watson are the proud grandparents of Angie, Katrina, Ronald III, Jessica, Brooklyn, Ryan, Danielle, Adrian, Alexis, and Madison; great grandparents of Zariah, TJ, Maddison Rose, and Havannah.

Bishop Watson is a scholar as well as a minister. He holds a degree in Social Services and has received numerous certificates and awards in higher education and ministerial training. He continues to acquire and share Christian and Leadership education and training at institutions of higher learning surrounding the Radford, VA area and at Christian conferences around the nation. He has attended Radford University, College of William and Mary, Thomas Nelson University, Trenton State, New River Community College, Billy Graham School of Evangelism; he received a Doctor of Divinity Degree from Norfolk Seminary & College and Trinity Bible School. He is also a retired Senior Master Sergeant from the United States Air Force with over 20 years of service.

Bishop Watson is not just an ordinary man, but he is a visionary, a leader and an achiever. He was appointed Pastor of the Radford Church of God in Christ in 1981 where he has led the congregation for 38 years. Watson is considered by many of the pastors and civic leaders in the New River Valley to be an icon and a beacon of hope for the hurting and mistreated.