the love of boats

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My interest for boats


My name is Terence Wood, my parents moved to Plymouth from Manchester, with my sister and I back in 1969 I was then 15 years old

The Love of Boats

Hopefully this short story; will explain my passion for boats, and the reason why; I have taken on such a large project.

In1969 my parents moved from Manchester to Plymouth Devon, with my sister and myself, I was then 15 years old.After moving to Plymouth my Father and I quickly became interested in boats.Whilst looking for work I had the opportunity to become a trial member of the crew to a Fishing Trawler; running from Plymouth Barbican, this was in December, Ice on the deck, and unaware that the fishing trip would take three days at sea, the less said about my condition the better, but to say!!! ill wasnt the word for it. If nothing else, it gave me great respect for the Sea, and the Trawler men.

My father took up a position with a local company as a diesel fitter, and I decided to keep both feet on the ground. But I still loved boats!I then, took up the position of apprentice electrician. The company that I was employed with, had about Ten Electricians working on private and industrial contracts, but one of the sparkies was a marine electrician, and because I was keen on boats, he would always take myself on any boat work, If I was available from other duties.To start the working day, rowing a dingy out to someones boat on a mooring, was fantastic. I have always remembered one particular boat!! And its owner, the work was to remove old, and fit new ships batteries. At the time c1971 the Yacht was berthed at Mashfords Boat Yard on the River Tamar in Plymouth, This boat was having some refit work carried out. We arrived at the boatyard and walked along the key side towards the Yacht, I was very surprised to find that it was Gipsy Moth and yes!!! Sir Francis Chichester was on-board. He invited us on-board his Yacht and I shook the hand of that courageous man, we exchanged some pleasantries and carried out the work required Wow.

It is now 1974 within the next12 months my father will be looking at buying an old wooden MOD river boat, 32ft with a 7ft 10in beam no engines or engine bearers, but stern tubes / shafts / and props are still intact.The time came; and my Father bought the boat, and a 4 year project was started. As mentioned, dad was a diesel mechanic; to a high standard, and he decided to marinise a Ford 4D and use a Borg Warner Oil Gearbox for the main engine, the standby engine was an Enfield 8HP single cylinder air cooled diesel with its own gearbox.After lots of hard work by my dad, and assistance from me; the boat came to completion c1978. Prior to the crane lift, my Father had to singe a disclaimer for any damage caused during the launch/lift by the boat yard.We were all their; and so happy on the launch day, looking forward to all the family trips ahead.

The crane took up position in the boat yard the strops were slung and the lift started, the boats keel was raised to about 7ft and the move progressed, things started to go wrong very quickly, the stern strop started to slip to midship and the back of the boat dropped to the ground.There was an almighty bang when the keel hit the floor, all we got from the boatyard owner was, its the first time thats happened. (Or; was it!!!)Amazingly the boat showed no signs of damage, so she was placed on the beach to await the incoming tide. As the tide started to rise, so did the water in the boat. Pumping and buckets did not help, needless to say the boat sank, and so did my fathers heart. The boat was a rite off, on closer inspection it was evident that both keel boards had sprung.The heartless boatyard owner said to my father, he would lift the engines out; but he would have to burn the boat.I had never seen my dad so upset, but!! He still had the bug for boats, and so moved forward. He repaired the engines and had them running again, he then exchanged the main engine for a small open fibreglass boat, and dad built a small cabin; fitted the spoked wheel from the old boat wheelhouse, and fitted a new outboard.I would like to add that my father was not just a dad; he was also my best mate. We had some good fishing/day trips, but unfortunately dads health was never good. It is now 1984 dad took a sudden turn for the worst, and within two weeks of going into Hospital for tests; he was gone, aged 55 (farther and best mate). God Bless Him

A few weeks went by and the boat needed attention on the mooring, the day before attend to the boat, I was at my Mothers and mum asked me not to go on the boat, as she believed it was going to be to dangerous.

Mum said she just had a feeling that I would not be safe.

Come the following day the weather turned bad and the winds were force 5/6 (I would have been rowing out to the boat on this day, but for mum!!) God Bless Her the next day, I went to check on the boat, only to find that it was missing off the mooring, as it happened the wind was onshore and I found the boat up river on the beach that I was walking along. When I reached the boat, there were a number of teenagers near the boat; the bottom of the boat was holed. (And at the time I had no spare cash to spend on the boat) or for transportation / or alternate location to keep the boat.

When I looked in the boat, the wheel from the old boat had already been stolen, and the youths were suggesting that I let them have the boat. At that moment; I did not know what to do; I was trying to come up with an answer to my situation as to keeping the boat, but nothing.I was being watched at this time, by the ones that probably stole the ships wheel.

I walked around the boat and at the bow of the boat, near the top of the beach in amongst the flotsam I found the answer to my problem, there was a full bottle of mentholated spirits, with a rusty top; as if it had been floating in the river for a long time, but why should it be there now! I opened the bottle and pored it over the cabin; (said sorry to dad) and set the boat alight, to the amazement of the onlookers.If it wasnt for the flotsam the boat would have been taken, (stolen) I am sure. But now, its dads again. In boat heaven.

With having a growing family, (i.e. four children) it would not be for another twenty years before I could take up boating again. Always thinking, of the days with dad.It is now 2004 with some money behind me, the wife (Lin) and I decided to visit a local boatyard, (NOT the one that destroyed; my fathers boat) I firstly took an interest in buying a yacht, a Colvic 22 but after three viewings and because of the condition of this boat; we went towards a motor boat.

We decided to purchase a Seamaster 25 (Trillium) with twin Perkins 4108 48hp diesel engines, and Enfield Out drives at a cost of 14,000. This boat already had all; the interior replaced two years previous; and thus, was a new boat inside.I then spent another 4,000 on other equipment, and repairs.Four years on (2008) and lots of fun and enjoyment with this boat, also expecting to keep the boat into retirement, the recession started to hit home.The diesel revenue changed and the cost of fuel went to pump prices, it now cost 90 for a day trip on my boat, as opposed to the previous 45.I was then made redundant after Nineteen years with the same company, one month later the wife was also made redundant.

Two months into redundancy, and the Seamaster has to go up for sale. This boat has cost me 18,000 plus!. A number of months go by! and an offer is made, its a buyers market 7,000. Unable to plan, without a job or income; resulted in me having to accept this offer with some disgust. Now!; do I take the money and run! No?? I buy a smaller boat, (just like dad) a Hardy 18 ph Pilot. Both the wife and myself employed again I started spending on this boat, I took out the porter-potty and fitted a new sea toilet / new bulkheads / new cooker / new Stainless water tank / new echo sounder and lots more. (Not again) after lots of family trips and plenty of sea fishing with friends / family and my son-in law Jon.

During this time, I started to admire the Yachts a lot more, as they gracefully sail by; and recognised the benefits, of there seagoing ability.

I then realised that the boat I had, is not the one that I rely want.

Now I am getting to the point of why I wish to be a member of the Hurley Boat Association.

November 2011, whilst starting the winter work on my present boat (Seaweed) in the boat yard, I decided to have a look at a number of yachts that were up for sale. Lots; of good bargains. But I wanted a boat, which I could put my personal mark on, or should I say waste some more money on.

I have found that for myself; having a love for boats can make you do what you know you should not.

A week or two later the boatyard owner offered me a boat for a menial sum; Abandoned by two previous owners, and now belonging to the Boat Yard Owner. This is a Hurley 22 fin keel c1968/74 (please find pictures of this Yacht on the disc that I have supplied).

What I am about to say, may sound ridiculous to some or even most people, but when I saw this Yacht; I instantly felt a connection, I loved her lines and actually felt sorry for her demise. My being able to look through what you initially see; and picture what could be; at the end of the project, made me even more determined to take the project on.

I had a survey carried out on the Hurley, and the hull was sound.

With the work involved and only working on the Yacht in my spare time. I reckon that, Two Years; would be realistic time scale, for this project.

I must mention at this point, that I have never been at sea on a Yacht under Sail or Power.

Motor Boats, no problems. But using the sails; I have lots to learn; but hey life is a learning game.

Back to the boat, I was also told that if I dont have the Hurley it will most probably be broken up, this is because it is not financially a viable project, it has gone past refurbishment, and is now a rebuild only; but if my labour is not an issue or costed within the re-build. Then it is possible to bring the boat back on budget, to what her market value will be.This means that I must not go over 5,000 during the re-fit. I would like to ad that apart from the funds from my present boat sale, I will be paying for the remainder; on overtime money only. (Yes I know; I am mad!)

This Hurley has been in the yard for some Ten Years; apart for some menial work, she has been left to the weather. No hatch cover; has meant that all the woodwork inside the hull is rotten, including: Bulkheads / Hanging Knees / Strongback / and all other woodwork! Why am I putting myself through this again could it be that I just love boats; this Yacht did have a name, but apart from not liking the previous name, I felt that she needed a more appropriate name, due to her present condition; and because of her pending doom!, the name of Phoenix felt quite appropriate for this sweet little boat.

Let the work begin!!

(Sorry if this has been long winded, or boring, but it all means a lot to me.)