the m. a. c. record. - michigan state...

The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. HI. THE THANKSGIVING GAME. Th e foolb,lll squad, including IS playe rs, Prof. ),lr. Cort- right and the manage rs, lean. : 10- njg-hl:1t 7 :1 0 for Columbus for the last glllllC of lhe 5c;lson, and Ill .. ti ge rs, sirens. etc., of the wh ole co lege cOIl1Hlunity go with them. ,Ve are 011 I}' surry tha t we cannot go along: :[1\,\ present o ur · seh·cs. T he boys rcach their des- tination at i : 10 \V c.lncsd;,)' mo rn - ing , and will have oppurtunity to r est lip hefore the big: ),{arne. After mu ch corn:spollllin:;.:: :mil It has hh'!l fou ml t[WI a rate of $3.88 c,L11 be f or th e Columbus trip for a c ruwd of A rOll s in g 111:1;; 5 meeting- W,IS held 1;ISI c\'l'niug", at wh ich time s pe eches we re mad e hy D c, lI1 Sha\\ ", Seq. ':I . Cross, }'.lr. Cortrig-ht, '\Ir. Linde · m,1I11l, and Ol'iat!, B. 1\ l il· In ,\11\.1 Only SO n1\mes we re 1:1 ;;t ni;tht . and indi c' lion" an ' thut :\1. A. C. will he rep_ re sented by a :;ood l'r owd of nl ot ers liS well :IS th e 1);lIHL The final class " ilm e will he . - played :It honle. DR. GUNSAULUS. T he tirst IHllll be r Oil thl·'\1. _ \. C. lect ure c ou r"e is · ... i I 'ell in t he armon' ilt S : oo o 'doc k this el·l'nin;..:: , - Dr. Gun s: l1tlu " is at the heiltl of Am O \lr In s littlt l!, is pas tor of th e Central '\1. E. Church in Chic>t}.:"o, and since h:ls occupi l"! the eh: l ir of profe sso r;,l l lecture r at th e L' nil'c rs it y of Chic:I:!\!. He is no t IJIlI)";1 noted lectllre r, hilt ha s !(.ulld time tl, write sCI'e ral h(>nks. A II1"'1g" his hooks a re , "Oct uhe r at Eastw""d," "Tran s- "f Ch ris!'" ":-)on:,:"" of Xig-ht :Hld Ony," ·' (j!adst.m , the )Ola n anti Ii i;; Ti mes," alltl T he 1\1 an "f Galike. " Among hi s !ect un's ,Ire " Glad· st" lle ," "Oli I 'e r en ,m \\"ell," ('II , :! r ub," ctc . lIi;; suhjel't f or Ih e is I lOt :UllloUllccd . !';tudcnts will he admitt ed .. 11 prc sl"lltati"ll Il f red c ard :It thl" tl""r. Gelle ra l at ltllis sillll t Il a ll "thers 50 ce nt s. A. A. C. AND E . S. T he :\ I1ll'ril':Ul •\ ssoc iat iOll of :\ g-riclI1tural Colle ges mill mc nt St ation s mel Ht AILIlHfI, <..i l'org-ia, No vembe r 13 - 15. Thi " induded th r ec :>l'ct io ll s, represented by colle ge presidc llls, st ation dire cto r", an d tho sl' in ch:lrgc of ex ten s ion work . J USt pr ev io us to these the followill;": o r · ganil. 01l.i ons 1lll'l , il..; Farmer's In s titute Direl'to r s, :\me ri c:J n A s;;o· eiation for Ihe Advan c emcllt of Ag ri cult ural T enchi ng , Society for Ihe Promo tion of Agri cuhu r:11 !':ici· cnee, ;lJl(! the A mer il"a n Sociclyo f Aj! r ono m y, T he meeting of these ass oc iation s hrought for th :1 large :ll1elllhIll Ce, repre s l'l1 t ing el' ery s t:lte in the uni on. The A g r ic ultur:d MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE . Col1egc w a;; rcpr cscll teu by twenty- fo ur f rom statl's, itl- :llunlni and oftici,tls of the prescllt or p ast. The \1 ichiga n party dilll'd tog-ether :1t the ho td 011 th e cve lling of :'\0- ,"embe r 13th. The following- i" a lisl of those present : Dl'an Eugene Da l-cupo rt , C rh h:lIla, Ill. Director C. T ho rn e, \\ 'oos l <' r, Ohio. Dl':1II A . 13. Cordle)" COrl'allis, Orego n. Di re ctO r F, [l, )OIurnford, Colum· hia. ).1 0. l 'rof . \\-. D. Hur d, Amh erst. )01 a ss . Direc tor E. D. g::lI1tO ll'n, \\ '. \. a. D ean R. S. S l];lw. Ea;;t Lan.,ing. \! ich, I' rof. \V. II. Fren ch, ElI ::;t L:11l· Prl.' S. J. L. Snyder, Ea st L an · si ng, )OJi ch. Pr esident r;:. L. B Ullertic!d, Am· he r st, )01 ass, U. J. Cro:::b.l" U. S. D epa rtmen t o f A g r. I)in:cwr L. A. C l;nton , Stor r s, COIiIl. Prof LpmH1 Carrier, B lacks· b ur g, \" ". :iuJl 1. \\'. P. Snyde r, So rth P l:tltc, :'\ch. De an E. .\. Burnet!, Lin col n. Xl·h. D ea n C . l'. G illette, Fort Collius, Col. Pro f. \\ ' . G . Sackett. Fort Co!· lins, Col. Pr eiiillent Il ow' lrd Edwanls. King st on, R. I. Prof. \ V. C. i.:llta, La f aye tte , Ind. F. I I. Iiall, (; l'IlCV:I , Exp. !::'ta., X. Y. Dean F. \\". H OWl', :-.:. Y. \\". A. "i'a,d or, G. O l'pa rtnlell1 of Agriculwrl" h:illne)" Allt/i er sl, LIEUT . CRON TO REMAIN . l1:lve Iwen re ce il cd fr om the \\ ':I r Departml'nt to the effect that the prese n t l'o nlmandallt would not he rl· liel·ed from dutl" bere uutil ncxt [une. :\ rrcelll ,;CI of Con· :.:: r .. "s · prol' ided that all l':lpt:l in s :lIld lieutclHlIIlS 0 1 th c arm\" w ho ha ll hee n 0 11 detached se rd c'c f or mO I' e thMl fotlr OUI o f Ihe l:-t" l six I' cars should be relieved ;\ll d to their re;.:-illle nt s. l.i eu tell:Hjt CrOll, pri o r tll :lrrll'al her e, had h:l(] UlOre than three _, 'ca rs of sla ff dut)" as pO,,1 alld battaliOIl l\ua rlcrrnaMt:r, :Hld suppost:d t ha t his eligihility for fu rther Ilct a ched scn ' ice had ex· pired, :md that h e wOl1ld be Ilext mOnth. It appears, that the \\' ar Departme nt has inte pretcll parI of !hi s " taff dU!.I- as cornpany dut)" thus extend in g hi s to ur until Jun e. It is als o possible that Lieut. Cron mH)' be .1!1owed to comp letc :I full tou r of three "ca r s, hut this depcmls upon the adoption hy C ong- r ess of c ert;lin amendm e nts to the existin)! law , which :Ire to he proposed by t hc \\ ' ar D ep:lr t ment. DRAMA TIC CLUB. On D ece m he r i the t: ol!egl.' com · munit), will hal'C : 111 opport uni ty to wittle !,s Olle of !he best dr:lIlmtic pla ys e VCr g- i ll en at tht: armory. Th e club will present .. The \]ol1ey 5pi lll le r, " a high ruyahy play by the dnlll1:1 t i;;t . A. \\" . I' ill' ero. Th e pIa) has heell appr oved by the ur;' II11at ic lca;,:- uc of Americ a. :lIld wil! s ur ely ple;lse :111 who it. A profession,ll :Irto r in thc per· son o f ,\Ir , :\,I it c hdl. flur n('11 in- st r\l cw r in I\ill he includell in the C ;l s tc of cha ra ctl'r ;;, 11'; wil1 a lso Ollr old frielllL O viatt , who h:ts h:IJ l'onsiderahk WO rk along- this lille. Th e r ern:lill(kr of the phlyers h: l\ call heclt Ill e rn be r ;; of the duh , :!lld hin'c had goO( I expe ri. ence, : 111\1 will h: mdle wdl th e ir SCI'· eral p; lrt s. T he c aSI of pl".I· ers will b<.' ;I ;; 1 011u w s: .. L ord r;:ell,!{ lIssic" _ . \lr . . \I Don:lld, •. I I : Irold Iloyeot t"- :\[ r. itt'he!1. " Jules F oubert ·'_ Prof. t-.:in :z . "Baron Kr oodlc"_;" lr. (h iat t . " }'l illken t FOIIlll'rt " _.\ ! is,; G ra· ham. " Dorilld:l C :l r- Il' r, .' "- :\li;;11 Cr:llle. Re ll1elllber the dntc. :l l1d plan 10 he un hand . T he Armory, D ec. 7. Y. M. C. A. BANQUET. Afterthe Y. C.:\ 1Il (:('Iing-I,lsl Thursl!;I.I· ni)!ht . the facuh.I·. Y . )oJ. C . ..-\, cnhi lJ l't amI Bible dass le ader;; Hlet in Ihl' r00111S. A her listening 10 5011ll' \I ('11 rl·ll· llered mu;;ic hI ,hc Y. \1. C .. ". orch..,,,tr:1. t hn' 'WCllt dOlI 11, :11 (:ij.!"ht o'cloc k, to duh G, where thc\" f ou nd :1 htlll illifu l dinlll'r "preml'ltd!)re \ht: rll . 1\ ith c herry codtai !. then tming- l:p on be af · ste:l k. p0!;ltOe,;, fren ch peas :.Ind roll s. alltl in: ne:lIl1, co ffee : lI ld frall fralls as li ni shi ll j.! they ,kcided thl') could CHt no more. Theil carne the prog r am of speechl's, w ith F. E. All' drew':ls to:JSI1":I ;; lcr. T he tirst sp('aker WII S F. :\. ;\l'ag-le r, wh o de tailed :1" near :111 pos"ihle .. T hc Situation of t he Y. C. A. P rof. E . .I. I-.::UII I.C next spoke 011 ' ·T he and he 101.1 wll:!t hI! thO\II .:-I 1I II:IS the pur])o!,e uf the Y. )01. C . . \. :1I1l1 11'));11 it shoil ld do. Pr "fess" r F rench \\ :1;; The third speake ·r. li e ·· Tl w Y. C. : \. and the C oll el!l':' D ean Sh aw \\"1\ S the next spe ak er , wh o :tal 'e .. :\ Litt le I'ra ctical it y ." Th ere we re still "Ihers I" "e he,lrd, :lI1d .\1 r. A ndrcw s c alled III turn I' ll DI.':1I1 Ll"mall. Pro f. An. dCrSl!ll, :11141 Prof. \ Vil son, who th r eshell Ih e: s\lhjec t "f Ihe Y. )oJ. C. A. and ils purpo;;e lu a fra The h:II1'1uel, as :t wh ok', W' IS an en tire Sll cce ss, lind th oSe pr esen t c1l1 inle(1 it tn be th e mO.'lt c lll hu;<;ias· tic <lnd best y , }.r. C. A. h:lI1quet ev er g il' cn . 10 '/.3. O r. Ch :uh's \, '. Il u lll l' . of Co· rU1ll1:l. dic.1 ,11 l it!.' Ci Ty hospit al, in Pdo skey, Frili:l\',inllowill;: a sel' cre att ack of ht:: lrt c 'ro ll hle, fmlll whi ch he had :5uff ... rl' tl for ahoUl a \'c ar . Or. Ilu lll(' owned a sUlllme r in Iby \ -iew, :II1J ilileu dtl{ s pend, iug the willler in I'eto.,kcy wht: r l' he h:ul t :lken r oo illS. l ie was :I promin ellt ph) s ici all, h:jllillg- pr;I\ ·. ticell at CUrUllll:l for 30 )'!.'ars. li e gr :ulualcd frurn A. C. in '73 , :lml fr om thl' Udr oi l :\l edic:l1 Collegl' ill 'j6 . II !.' \\";1, n hr l)thn of Dr . _\. \\". H lI ll w,ol Owosso. allll of Ed - w;lrd alld .\ gu"tuS, of Lansing-, Th !.' hod\' wa" to Co r ullna fo r huri a ·!. ':)5· I I is inter..,,,till:! to noh' thai Olle of otl r flTellt g- r adllates. iss \' e rrl;! . \lI en. Wa S e!c.,'t {"d to tht' posi l iono! principal of school" ;I t T ow er City, X. D., of which T. D. Hine baugh . '8S, was a 11IeHibe r of the hua rd . Mr.lIill ,, \iau g-h is .1 d(>, '\ or of e rinary mCl]ic;Jle, II p rOlllillCl1 t f:lrme r, and 11 ill t h"t ro mUllit }. D l" . II. \\:1» ;..::1 .. d til wd· COllll' an )OI.A .C. ;..:irl :111<1 Allen con;;ide rs he r sd f fo rl u llate ill hav- in.g- (IS an ("llIis"r all\1 one who is iI lo)';!l S,)II of old ;\1. _\ . C. The llltcTII:lliollal I l:irve sl cr C o. anlwull eec! the estahl i sh ment of all n;:riUI1tllr:tl :icrl"ice hureau 0 11 :I bro ad sc a ll·, alld !;l·t _ asi ll e $ I ,000,· (100 fn r t he 11·,'rk. 1'. G. I{ olden, f ormerl\' dl'llll in [I)\\"a Col · lege, Iowa' !> ;..:rea t <.:orll n\;lll, has hCell made hl'ad of the nell' hu_ Te'au. The fidd I,f a ct i\itit'.:I will bc lIlade to include the \'lltir e C"ll rn helt. eOmprrSlllg'SOllle 1<10,000.000 ;Jcres. O e lll onst r:lIioll f:lrlllS will he sl arted, lind with the sc .IS the Cc n lC r, sl: lte widc lIgitalioll II ill he lnnd!.' tow:..rri morc alii] mo re profilahle Edl lC;l tiol\l1l si er eoplieli ll slides , 11 1.1 tIInvill;.:" lilms will la rg c h ' ill the I\ork. The 11;ln' eS t er Co. " tl k"l> ;"Ir, 1I oldl' II :lS " Th !.' Hu rh: lll k of the \'"rrJ liell!'" on accoutl! o f bis l''''Cnsil'c work for tIll' l,clll'Tlllent .)f In\\':I corn, , \Ir. F. J. l' or t er, :1 pr omille lll Illmher dealer of E;l sl /o nlnn, allli a }.:" f:ldll ale "I '<),. died n't the L'n ive r. s il)" ho spit:d Xov . fol!owinj.!" an operation fur:1Il ah,;cess, Thc hod y II":IS t:l kl'll tv Clwrle\' oi, Co. fo r buri:l!. Por te r \\:1;; forme rJ l OttO, a "peci:d in 1 <)01/. . 'oi· \\ 'ullal-e B. Li\er;ull'l', for Ihrt'e ye:lrs instrtll:tor ill rbi ry ing- at A. C., is in thl.' dain' division :ll \-Vashing-ton , D. C. -I Iis 1V0rk is aho ut hlilf tiel. 1 : 1Il t! half ollieI.' work, Hi ,; field work is i ll \ ·i q.,:-inia , Wes t \ 'ir);;!"inill, :lIld and in thi" wo rk he is trying' to a ssis t Cr came ies in those s t;He S 10 work up busi· ncss. , \ir.l .. st ;l tes that it is r:lthe r s low work. : 11111 he mi sses the p ro_ gr cssiveness of th e n orth.

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Page 1: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State · The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. HI. THE THANKSGIVING GAME. The

The M . A. C. RECORD. VOL. HI.


The foolb,lll squad, including IS playe rs, Pro f. ~lacklill, ),lr. Cort­right and the manage rs , lean.: 10-

njg-hl:1t 7 :1 0 for Columbus for the last glllllC of lhe 5c;lson, and Ill .. tige rs, si ren s. etc. , of the whole col· lege cOIl1Hlunity go with them. ,Ve a re 011 I}' surry that we cannot go along: :[1\,\ present lh~'m our· seh·cs. T he boys rcach their des­tination at i : 10 \V c.lncsd;,)' mo rn ­ing , and will have oppurtunity to rest lip hefore the big: ),{arne.

After much corn:spollllin:;.:: :mil lclcphonill~, It has hh'!l fou ml t[WI a rate of $3.88 c,L11 be ~ccll rcd for the Columbus trip for a cruwd o f ~OO.

A r Oll s ing 111:1;;5 meeting- W,IS held 1;ISI c\'l'niug", at which time s peeches we re mad e hy Dc,lI1 Sha\\", Seq.':I . Cross, }'.lr. C or trig-ht, '\Ir. Linde· m,1I11l, and }.fc;;~rs . Ol'iat!, B. 1\l il· In ,\11\.1 DO\l~la~. Only SO n1\mes we re l:tckin ,~ 1:1 ;;t ni;tht . and indic'a· lion" an' thut :\1. A. C. will he rep_ resented by a :;ood l'rowd of nlot e rs liS well :IS the 1);lIHL

The final class " ilm e will he . -played :It honle.


T he tirst IHllll be r Oil thl·'\1. _\. C. lecture cou r"e is · ... i I'ell in the armon' ilt S :oo o 'doc k this el·l'nin;..:: , -

Dr. Gun s:l1tlu " is at the heiltl of AmO\lr Ins littlt l!, is p astor of th e Central '\1. E. Church in Chic>t}.:"o, and since 1 ~6 h:ls occupil"! the eh:lir o f p ro fessor;,l l lecture r at th e L' nil'c rs it y of Chic:I:!\!.

He is not IJIlI)";1 noted lectllre r , hilt has !(.ulld time tl, write sCI'e ral h(>nks. A II1"'1g" his hooks a re, "Octuher at Eastw""d," "Trans­ti~u ratiol1 " f Ch ris!'" ":-)on:,:"" of Xig-ht :Hld Ony," ·' (j!· , the )Ola n anti Ii i;; Ti mes," alltl '· T he 1\1 an "f Galike. "

Among his !ectun's ,Ire " Glad· s t" lle," "Oli I'e r en ,m \\"ell," "~al ('II , :! rub," ctc . lIi;; suhjel't for Ihe ~6th is IlOt :UllloUllccd . !';tudcnts will he admitted .. 11 prcsl"lltati"ll Il f t h~ red card r~ceipt :It thl" tl""r. Gelle ral atltllissillll tIl a ll "thers 50 cents .

A . A. C. AND E . S.

T he :\ I1ll'ril':Ul • \ ssoc iat iOll o f :\ g-riclI1tural Colleges mill E .\'p~r i­mcnt St ations mel Ht AILIlHfI, <..i l'org-ia, November 13- 15 . Thi" o r~anil.atio n induded th rec :>l'ct io lls, represented by college presidcllls, st ati on director" , and thosl' in ch:lrgc of ex tens ion work . J USt prev io us to these mcetitl ~·s the followill;": o r · ganil. 01l.i ons 1lll'l , I·il..; Farmer's Ins titute Direl'tors, :\meric:J n A s;;o· eiation fo r Ihe Advancemcllt of A g ricultural T enchi ng, Society fo r Ihe Promo tion o f Agricuhu r:11 !':ici· cnee, ;lJl(! the A mer il"an Sociclyo f Aj! rono my,

T he meeting of these assoc iation s hrought fo r th :1 large :ll1elllhIll Ce , represl'l1 t ing el'ery s t:lte in the union. The ~Iich igall A g ricultur:d


Col1egc w a;; rcprcscll teu by twenty­four p~'rsoll s, f rom fi ft~en statl's, itl­clud in~ :llunlni and oftici,tls of the prescllt o r past. The \1 ichiga n party dilll'd tog-ether :1t the hotd l~i i'd nlont 011 th e cvelling o f :'\ 0 -,"embe r 13th. The following- i" a lisl of those present :

Dl'an Eugene Da l-cupo rt , C rha· h:lIla, Ill.

Director C. T horne, \\'oosl<' r, Ohio.

Dl':1II A . 13. Cordle)" COrl'allis, Orego n.

Di rectOr F, [l, )OIurnford, Colum· hia. ).1 0.

l'rof. \ \ - . D. Hurd, Amh ers t. )01 ass.

Director E . D. ~:.1Ilderson, ~l or· g::lI1tO ll'n, \\ ' . \. a.

Dean R. S. S l];lw. Ea;;t Lan.,ing. \! ich,

I' rof. \V. II. French, ElI ::;t L:11l· sln~, ~I kh .

Prl.'S. J. L. Snyder, Eas t Lan · si ng, )OJich.

President r;:. L. B Ullertic!d, Am· he rst, )01 ass,

U. J. Cro:::b.l" U. S. Departmen t o f A g r.

I)in:cwr L. A. C l;nton , Storrs, COIiIl.

Prof LpmH1 Carrier, Blacks· b urg, \" ".

:iuJl1. \\'. P . Snyde r, Sorth P l:tltc, :'\ch.

D ean E . .\. Burnet!, Lincol n. Xl·h.

D ea n C . l'. G illette, Fort Collius, Col.

Pro f. \\ ' . G . Sackett. Fort Co!· lins, Col.

Preiiillent I low'lrd Edwanls. Kings ton, R . I.

Prof. \ V. C. i.:llta, La fayette, Ind.

F. I I. Iiall, (; l'IlCV:I , Exp. !::'ta., X. Y.

Dean F. \\". H OWl', ~yracllsc ,

:-.:. Y. \\". A. "i'a,d o r , G. ~. Ol'pa rtnlell1

of Agriculwrl" ~ec. h:illne)" Allt/ie rsl, ~ras5 .


~\ dl' i ces l1:lve Iwen receil cd from the \\ ':I r Departml'nt to the effect that the presen t l'o nlmandallt would not he rl· liel·ed from dutl" bere uutil ncxt [une. :\ rrcelll ,;CI of Con· :.:: r .. "s· prol' ided that all l':lpt:l ins :lIld lieutclHlIIlS 0 1 thc arm\" who h all heen 0 11 detached se rdc'c for mOI'e thMl fotlr OUI o f Ihe l:-t" l s ix I'cars should be relieved ;\ll d rell lf!l~d to their re;.:-illlents . l.ieu te ll:Hjt CrOll , prio r tll hi~ :lrrll'al here, had h:l(] UlOre than three _,' ca rs o f sla ff dut)" as pO,,1 alld battaliOIl l\ua rlcrrnaMt:r, :Hld suppost:d tha t his eligihility fo r fu rther Ilct ached scn' ice had ex· pired, :md that he wOl1ld be reli el't~d Ilext mOnth. It appears, ho\\·e l'~T. that the \ \ ' ar Department h as inte r · pretcll parI of !his " taff dU!.I- as cornpany dut)" th us extend in g his tour until June. It is also possible that Lieut. Cron mH)' be .1!1owed to comple tc :I full tou r o f three "ca rs, hut this depcmls upon the adoption hy C ong- ress of cert;lin amendments to the existin)! law , which :Ire to he proposed by thc \\' ar D ep:lr tment.


On Dece mhe r i the t:ol!egl.' com · munit), will hal'C :111 opport uni ty to wittle!,s Olle of !he best dr:lIlmtic plays e VCr g- i llen at tht: armory. The club will present .. The \]ol1ey 5pi lll le r, " a high ruyahy play by the EIl~lish dnlll1:1 t i;;t . A. \\" . I ' ill' ero. Th e pIa) has heell approved by the ur;'II11at ic lca;,:-uc o f America. :lIld wil! s urely ple;lse :111 who s~e

it. A profession,ll :Irtor i n thc per·

son o f ,\Ir, :\,I it chdl. flur n('11 in­st r\lcw r in I::n~1i5h I\ill he includell in the C;ls tc of cha ractl' r ;;, 11'; wil1 a lso Ollr old frielllL O viatt , who h:ts h:IJ l'onsiderahk WOrk along­this lille. Th e rern:lill(kr o f the phlyers h:l\ call heclt Ill e rn ber ;; of the duh, :!lld hin'c had goO( I expe ri. ence, :111\1 will h:mdle wdl th e ir SCI'· eral p;lrts .

T he caSI of pl".I·ers will b<.' ;I ;;

1011u w s: .. Lord r;:ell,!{lIssic" _ .\lr . . \I e·

D on:lld, •. I I :Irold Iloyeot t"- :\[ r. ~I itt'he!1. " Jules F oubert ·'_ Prof. t-.:in:z . " Baron Kroodlc"_;" lr. (h iat t . " }'l illken t FOIIlll'rt " _.\ ! is,; G ra·

ham. " Dor illd:l Kroodle"- ~Iiss C :l r­

Il' r, .' ~I:l rgot "- :\li;;11 Cr:llle. Re ll1elllber the dntc. :l l1d plan 10

he un hand . T he Armory, Dec. 7.


Afterthe Y. ~l. C.:\ 1Il (:('Iing-I,lsl Thursl!;I.I· ni)!ht . the facuh.I·. Y . )oJ. C . ..-\, cnhi lJ l't IIle m h~ r~. amI Bible dass leader;; Hlet in Ihl' r00111S. A her listening 10 5011ll' \I ('11 rl·ll· llered mu;;ic hI ,hc Y. \1. C .. ". orch..,,,tr:1. thn' 'WCllt dOlI 11, :11 (:ij.!"ht o'cloc k, to duh G, where thc\" fou nd :1 htlll illifu l dinlll'r "preml'ltd!)re \ht: rll . Cunllnendll~ 1\ ith cherry codtai !. then tming- l:p on beaf· ste:l k. mash~d p0!;ltOe,;, fr ench peas :.Ind roll s . alltl aft~r ~" Iding in: ne:lIl1, coffee :lI ld f rall f ralls as li nishi ll j.! touch~'s, they ,kcided thl') could CHt no more. Theil carne the prog ram o f speechl's, w ith ~ I r. F. E. All' drew':ls to:JSI1":I ;; lcr.

T he tirst sp('aker WIIS F. :\. ;\l'ag-le r, who de tailed :1" near :111 pos"ihle .. T hc Situation of the Y. ~ 1. C. A.

P rof. E . .I. I-.::UII I.C next spoke 011 ' ·The ~I;III," and he 101.1 wll:!t hI! thO\II.:-I1I II:IS the pur])o!,e uf the Y . )01. C . . \. :1I1l1 11'));11 it shoil ld do.

Pr"fess" r F rench \\ :1;; The third speake·r. li e discus~cll ··Tlw Y . ~1. C. :\. and the C ollel!l':'

Dean Shaw \\"1\S the next speaker, who :tal'e .. :\ Litt le I'ract ical it y ."

Th ere we re still "Ihers I" "e he,lrd, :lI1d .\1 r. A ndrcws called III turn I' ll DI.':1I1 Ll"mall. Pro f. An. dCrSl!ll, :11141 Prof. \ Vilson, who th reshell Ihe: s\lhject "f Ihe Y. )oJ. C. A . and ils purpo;;e lu a fra

The h:II1'1uel, as :t whok', W'IS an en t ire Sllccess, lind thoSe p resen t c1l1 inle(1 it tn be the mO.'lt c lll hu;<;ias· tic <lnd best y , }.r. C. A. h:lI1que t ever g il'cn .

~o. 10

[~LUMNI]I ~. ~

'/.3. O r. Ch:uh's \, ' . Il u lll l' . of Co·

rU1ll1:l. dic.1 ,11 lit!.' Ci Ty hospit al, in Pdoskey, Frili:l\',inllowill;: a sel'cre a tt ack of ht::lrt c'ro ll hle, fmlll which he had :5uff ... rl'tl for ahoUl a \'c ar. Or. Ilu lll(' owned a sUlllmer I~o llll' in Iby \ -iew, :II1J ilileudtl{ s pend, iug the willler in I'eto.,kcy wht: r l' he h:ul t:lken roo illS. l i e was :I

prominellt ph) s ici all, h:jllillg- p r;I\·. ticell at CUrUll ll:l fo r 30 )'!.'ars. li e g r:ulualcd frurn ~1. A. C. in '73, :lml f rom thl' Udroi l :\l edic:l1 Collegl' ill 'j6. II !.' \\";1, n hrl)thn of Dr. _\ . \\". H lI llw,ol Owosso. allll of Ed ­w;lrd alld . \ gu"tuS, o f Lansing-, Th !.' hod\' wa" br(}u~h t to Co rullna fo r huria·!.

':)5· I I is inter..,,,till:! to noh' thai Olle

of otl r flTellt g- radllates. ~I iss \' e rrl;! . \lIen. WaS e!c.,'t{"d to tht' posil iono! principal o f school" ;I t T ower City, X. D., o f which T . D. Hine baugh . '8S, was a 11IeHibe r of the huard . Mr.lIill,, \iaug-h is .1 d(>, ' \or o f v~·t· e rinary mCl]ic;Jle, II p rOlllillCl1 t f:lrme r, and 11 le~de r ill th"t ro m · mUllit }. D l" . II. \\:1» ;..::1 .. d til wd· COllll' an )OI.A .C. ;..:irl :111<1 ~J,ss Allen con;;ide rs hersd f fo rl u llate ill hav­in.g- (IS an ("llIis"r all\1 fri~' I H l one who is iI lo)';!l S,)II o f o ld ;\1. _\ . C.


The llltcTII:lliollal I l:irves lcr C o. h a ~ anlwulleec! the estahl ish ment o f all n;:riUI1tllr:tl :icrl"ice hureau 0 11 :I

broad sca ll·, alld !;l·t _ asille $ I ,000,· (100 fn r the 11·,'rk. 1'. G. I{ olden, formerl\' dl'llll in [I)\\"a ~Ill ie Col · lege, (l1~d Iowa'!> ;..:rea t <.:orll n\;lll, has hCell made hl'ad o f the nell' hu_ Te'au. The fidd I,f acti\itit'.:I will bc lIlade to include the \'lltire C"ll rn helt. eOmprrSlllg'SOllle 1<10,000.000 ;Jcres. Oe lll onst r:lIioll f:lrlllS will he s larted, lind with thesc .IS the Cc n lC r , s l :lte widc lIgitalioll II ill he lnnd!.' tow:..rri morc illt ~l1igcll t alii] more profilahle f~l rn\in~. EdllC;l tio l\l1l si e reoplieli ll slides ,11 1.1 tIInvill;.:" pi~'IUn.· lilms will fi~ure la rgch ' ill the I\ork. The 11;ln'eS ter Co. " tl k"l> ;"Ir, 1I oldl' II :lS " Th !.' Hu rh: lll k of the \'"rrJ liell!'" on accoutl! o f bis l''''Cnsil'c work for t Ill' l,clll'Tlllent .)f In\\':I corn,

'y~. ,\Ir. F. J. l'orter, :1 p romille lll

Illmher dealer of E;lsl /o nlnn, allli a }.:" f:ldll a le "I '<),. died n't the L'nive r . s il)" hos pit:d Xov . t~ . fol!owinj.!" an operation fur:1Il ah,;cess, Thc hody II":IS t:l kl'll tv Clwrle\'oi, Co. fo r buri:l!. ~ I rs. P o r ter \\:1;; fo rme rJ l ~ ! "rie OttO, a "peci:d in 1<)01/. .

'oi· \\'ullal-e B. Li\er;ull'l', for Ihrt'e

ye:l rs instrtll:tor ill rbi ry ing- at ~ 1. A. C., is in thl.' dain' division :ll \-Vashing-ton , D. C. -I Iis 1V0rk is ahout hlilf tiel . 1 :1Il t! half ollieI.' work, Hi,; field work is ill \ ·i q.,:-inia, West \ 'ir);;!"inill, :lIld ~l;lryla11(l, and in thi" wor k he is trying' to assist Crcamer · ies in those s t;HeS 10 work up busi· ncss. ,\ir.l .. st;l tes that it is r:lthe r s low work. :11111 he misses the p ro_ g rcssiveness o f th e north.

Page 2: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State · The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. HI. THE THANKSGIVING GAME. The

The M . A. C. RECORD ~II.~I."~D CU". TU,..ou' DU"'"'' THe COLLI'CI~

¥u .. U TH e I" ,e" ,o"" SUTe A .. "'CU~T ... n COLLeGe

B . A. ,."UNCE: . ....... ", .. .. [O 'TO"

.ua.cRI,....'ON Jtnl<!1'flI .... seednd-cl .... a mill! rn&t~ .. r .. t

Lanll" ... Mlcb. Atld~.s all ,ubllerll)tlo"~ "I]d ad"@rtblnl

maHer to \be ,)1. A O. HlC('(llln. ~~',.n .. "'''­,Inl. Mlcb. Addl'Ul aIL IlOntrlbtiUo;m, to l be :w .. ,' Editor.

RemU b,. p. O. )10"",. Orde., l)Nl.rt Or H.ea latered Letter. Do not !lend IIl.aml)8.

BUBtne .. Omce ..-lIb I .. wrecn~ .It Va" BlIr.n 1'.lnUDE Ck>~ ~1~~I~ (In\nd A"f!, So~ Laoll .... Mlcb.


" 'C E ~T spring and summe r, [ like fllll he>'l o f Hll."

T H E short course h ulletin!! :m.: 1I0W heing distributed, aud

aUcntion is again called 10 the bet that an) who h.n-e friclllls interested ill the work o f theM: courses will rccci\'c It copy, if name ... arc left :'1 the pre~idellt's offict:.

K EE l'> ill mind tne triel1 ll i:,1 re­union next sprill~. PJ:.ns

>Ire ;.:"oing- forwan.! for one of the A"re;lte!!t meetings in the history of the AlulIlni Association. You C1UJ­

not afford lO miss it. Thcre will he some speci!ll qucstion,. up for con­siderluion. :lIId e\·cry :dumnus shoulll h:\\'(: a voice.


:'.Ir. D cwey A. !:jedey, of our 10· c:11 weather burcau station, !!poke to the I lort. Club \Vt:dnc!;Iday ni~ht on ··The " ·cHthc r Hur~·;111 lInd hs Relation to H orticultu re." .\ Jarj.{c Ilumher of slideS were shown which c"pl:iincd thc weather map., and how fruit j;!rowc::r:> :md ... hipllers 111:1) "ccurc VallL.lhle inforlllalion frOIll them. Tht: pi.:turcs of fron effects on or:mJ{c grO'les and the ruin \\ ronf!ht hy hurricane .. were IIIlUS· 111111) inter{'stillg-.

:\ I r. GUllson n lld h roug-ht from G ra nd Led~e some .':>py apples fo r Ihe meeting, and he spoke bricny eoncc rnill :.! the work of harvcslin~ ill :\Ir. F;trr:md's orcha rd. Thc apple .. were of more th:ln ordina ry <.Ju:tlit) .

I. . T. Pickford briefly told of somc points noted durill.!! thc sum­mer \-acation at Benton 1l llrhor, lind G. E. Smith nlade some spicy cum-1ll1!11U1 rCJ.,::ilnling his sujouru :I t CIIS­novia in Mus kegon coutlly.


The allllulIl hll term opcn meet­ing of the Cosmoplitan dub at ~\J. A. C. was the successful e\·cllt o f Fri{l:l), e\·cning lasL An excep­tioll:llly well balann'd literary :Hld musical progralll waS gh·en :1\ the People'" church . A. !tano, ', In, was ;n o.:ha r,!!e o f the mcetiuj!, and his well pointed stories 1111<1 remArks shows that he ;s well lIiJ.Ch ~\meri·

canized. The musical selections were Well

.rendered and much appreciated by the audience. :'.lr. Higgs sang sev­eral \·ocal solos

J\liss Freyhofer gave a rendition of the well known \"dl Dance, by Fume, Bohemian COlllpo!k r, and l~olo ll :lise, Cbopin.

Mr. P. K. Fu, '153, exhibited rally Ch inese popular airs, and we must concede to our f riend of the

The M. A . C. RECORD.

celestial kingdom the right of the unique and Ori~ill,ll musicale.

:'.lr. Jhosc, our lI indu student, read a p"per on indi:l, the country and her people.

11 r. C B. lo l itchell, or the English departmcnt, promises \() become <Iuite a celehrity ill s lory tCli ing. Il is readings were hig-hly appreci­ated :md we hope to hellr tIIo re from him.

The big c\·ent of the evening undoubtedly W;lS thc Ilddrcss by Judge Collingwood. all hOllorar)" lIlemhcr of thc club_ The topic discussed was along the line o f uni­\'c rsal peace, and in thc nature of a re\'iew of Norm:11I Angcll'!S book, ·'The Gre,lt Illu sion."

It is to be regreted that we Cilll­

not gi\-c ;t det,liled IK·count of the address, and we helic\·c thos.c inter­ested will profit greatly by referring 10 tht: "bove mcntioned book.

Judge Collingwood is to :tddress the cluh in the near future on the topic of ··The American Judiciary:'

The ~1. A. C. eh:lpu: r has re­cently voted a compulsory sub­scription of e:lch member to the Cosmopolitan ."I"dl'lIf, the otllcial orgun of thc Cordll Fratres, pub­lished :It ~bdison, \Viseonsin.

The b i-weekly meetings of the dub are exceptionally well carrieo out, ,tnd judging hy the splendid material l:ttely admitted to 1l1emher­ship, the club i" cerlainly coming to the fronl, :lIld promi3cs to play an illllXlrlallt p:trt in colll·).:"e life at M. A. C.


Friday.J:m. 31. is the tentalil·c date set for the local oratoric,11 COn­test. As proposc(\ b~· the puhlic speaking association, a scries of de­bates win be held,lt.s man\" .. ocict i,..s a,. :Ire intcrc"lcd takin;.:" ,;an. The men's societies will p:lir off, the old­c.':>t with the sccond oldest. etc. Thc tin'll contest will be bctwet:n the \\Jnners ill men'" :tnd wiuners in women's societies.

. \ 3 a reMIl! of Ihe fir"t c,lll, six SO<.:ielies ha\-e si~llificd their inten­tion of tllk ilJ~ part - four mcn's and two women·s.

The winllin" societ \. will bc givcn a trophy. and "'pictu n:., of the win. ners will he exhibited in conspicu­ous places.

On :t<.:count o f the interest takell ill the honor system, lin iIHIXlrt 3n t <jul!stion for the ddmting tC:lms will be, R eso/:· .... d, Th:u 1111 tests :;Ind examinations in th~· :\1 ichig-an Aj.{. r icultuml Collc),{e should he COII­ducted under the honor system.


Mr. F rank Keller, a fo r me r Lan_ sing man. ami husband of Leta Ilyde Keller, diecl at Los Angeles recently of tulx.'rculosis. loir. Kel­le r was in cha r~e of the L:msill~ \\'heelbarrow Co.·s hr:tnch house at St. Paul. Ilc suffere{l :tn attack of pneumonia !:1st winler, which re­sulted inluberculosis. lie ;Ind Mrs. Keller spen t some time in Califor­nia, but found no relief.

1\1 r. Keller was a brother of Mrs. Claude Aldrich, of East Lansing, her prescot address is 1.J67 \\'. 50th St_, Los Angeles.

'9 1 •

C. F. Baker, fo r merly professor of biology in P o mOll a ('ollege, Clarcmont, Calif., hitS rece ntly been made professor of ltA"ronomy in the Un iversity ofthe P hilipp ine Islands.

Y. M. C. A. NOTES.

Mr. ~ I. V. McGill ga'le a fille t:llk on "Tweh"e Points in the Boy Scout Law," last Thursday evening ill the Y. lo i. C. A. rooms. It is a movement lllnt is sprcadillg nil over the coulltry, lind t:\"t! ry one should have hellnl him. H e presented the subject wel\, :md those who wcre there were more than pleased Ihat they hltd Silent this hour 10 such good ad\'ItIHagc.

T hc rc will be :1 meeting next Thur:l<l:ty e\-ening, although il is Thanksl-:hiug. Everyhodr come and spend an enjoyable e\.-eniug.

A week H~O hut Thursday cvcn­ing every chair was fille{l, :md :t number of fellows were sitting on the tables. Last Thursday Ihe sent­ing capacity was agaill taxed. The room i.':> going to he filled before the cnd of the ,)"(,IIr_

The Bihle study ballquet will be held two wceks after Thanks~ivill~, in ste,ld of the date previously mcn_ tioned. Remcmber the date, Dc­cemher 12th.


Dr. E. r. Wilcox, special agent in eh:l r;.:"e <il f the U_ S. experiment slation at'tt lonolulu, Ilawaii, spent Friday :tnd S:llunlayof la'<t week with his Si3ter, ;\Irs. Boguc, and his father and mother. li e «ails with his wi fe No\-emhcr 30 for lloltolulu.

IJictures of all students :Ire now being t;tken for the \\" ol\'e rine at the Coulter ~tudio, corner Allc),{:tn and \\·:tshin~totl .\ves., one block south of :\Iichigan :\vc. Cards for "ittin),{s call he ohlained from Ihe sec retaries of :111 litcrar\' S(M.·ielies, E. C. ' -olz, D. D. Wells, F. II. _\1 ueller, Ilc",>crian Iiollsc, or :\liss June \\·ood, roo m So \\"Olllan's BJdK. Come early and a\·oid the ru .. h.

After sc\·cral Jears' work at the Joseph Keashey Bri.:k School ill N . C., :\Iiss Emtn,l Bah·r,:! former M. _\. C. :,.:-;rl h:1S receivcd an appoint­ment by Ihe _\ me ri l·a n ;\Jiss iolwry Associillion to a posilion in the Straight ni\·crsity, of Xcw Or­leans. This i" no little recognition to the :Ihility of Mi"s BOlker, iI.':> Straight University ranks next to

. Talloogn :lIId F i"k, both _\merican ~'1i~sionary Schools.

A. B. Corllley, 'SS, dean of the College of .\griculture;lt Corvallis, Orc~o!l, made ;\J. A. C. a hurried \·isit Friday. De:uI Cordlc), hi's been mnking extcllsi\c :>1lIdies of building- p1:1tl3 for his college_ and had \ isitcd 1.1 number of eaStern 0.:01-leges on his trip. \\"hell at :'.1. j\. C. hc was 011 his way nomc, but Sj>Cll t practically the whole day in becoming betler acquainted with the growth of his ,tlma 111:ll e r.

' I !.

G. , - . Brauch is in cha rge of the C inc.innati omce of the Norlh Amer­ican Fruit ExchltllKe, a la rg~ organ­ization for distributing and selling all kinds of fruits. H e has rccclllly scnt 0 supply of fruit auclion cata­logues to the hort icu ltural depart ­ment, which will be very useful in some of the' cou rses. 1 Ie ends his letter by saying: "l must go out now und sell a car of New York grapes, and t r y to place some more northwestern box apples."


A very fine co llection of h:llld spccimc:ns of SOlnt;: of the more im­pOrt'lnt. wo(){ls of the I>hilippine Islands was Selll hr D. I). \ Vo(){1 , . , I I, who 1l0W holds the position of

forest Assist,lnt in Ihe Philippi tie r~orcst !jeri-ice. This collection will ad(1 A"reatly to tht· specimens of tropical woods now on hand for labor:ltory purposes.


UoIe1I: Uigh gra.le furniture. interior Iin!;!!I. 1Ii1..Iing, flooring. po;.ts. lies.Ship­builliing. musical instru men!J!. ollniug.

Note: Acle belongs TO the locust fam ily, Imt iu appearance aud mechan . ical properUes r8Sembes black walnut.


Uses: General high grade ()(Jlunruc· lion. e][cept long beams and rafter8; lliling. tie8. fl.ooring, dOOr!!, IIMh. _ship and wharf builliing. furniture. bRl us­tet8 and other turned work; hemp Ilre6!!es,8ugnr milts. !lCutpwre. wooden tools. tool handles. pilttle 8tock/l.


Uses: General con"tnl('tion. ship. wha.rf alld briuge building. wagon bodies. spokes. hubs. felloe. ... II.griC\ll tural imillement.;. mediuUl grade furnilUre. ' ·at.!!land barrels. flooring. "artitiona.

RED I.AU.oI.:'>.

U~: L-ightantl temporary ()(In!!truc­Lioll. <.lonerete forms. dugouts and light· el"il cheap furniture. !!iding. interiur finish Ilnd flooring, chen" cigar boxes. dry mel\.llure;,.

NOT&._ 'fhi/l wood. tog~lher with \lUI­

guile. is the wooU shirped to tht: U. S. under the I)lUIle of ··Philil)pine lIulhog. any'-·


UlIeS: Howse construction. hOIlIle­bold implements. bo][es. colHns. !Wund­ing bORnls of stringed instruments.

BA(;TICA:'> · U t: AN.

U>IeIf: Light and teml'onuy l'On!lruc­tiOIl.I.'Oncrete frames. dugouts. IighLerti. ehellp furrJ iture. flooring. lI idlng. Ilnd interior fiulsh. boxes.


U!lee: Gtlneralooll.!!truCllon.lIooring tliding. furn iture, ,Ju~outs . bo][8l!. ri l."; mort ani, tlry merumrcs.


Usea: House oonstruction, flooring. lute-rior finis h. furniture, shipbuilding. boat/l, dugouts, boxell.

Note: Tanguile, with red lauan. is the wood exported u nder the name of .. Phitippitl6 mahogany:'

ACLES()· P ARA:'>().

Ut5e8: Posts. bridge building. ties, agricultural implements.

Note : Thi.!! wood can be dilitillguitlhed from acle by the absellce of t he pel/pery odor. by its more glossy surface. and by the light and dark bKnd!! of 1.'0101.

TI :'>UA1.o.

U86fI: General construction . sldp­building. high grade furlliture, inlerior finish. floo ring, ties.


UIIe!I: Fine cabinet work. inlaying, canes, fntlll8S. hiltll. tool handles.

Note: Thill is the true Phili lJpine eboily. \·llriOU~ speci~ of ptll"ililn mon or camagon (Diospyros spp., are !IOld 8.'1

" Phili lJpill1l ebony" or '· ba.iltard ebc)!)1." they are very rarely. it e\·er. dead black, and are slightly lighter in weight than ebony.


U888 : High grade furn iture, interior ( Qon ttDlle<:l DII PIIfIe t.)

Page 3: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State · The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. HI. THE THANKSGIVING GAME. The

• ,




The M . A . C. RECORD.




CLASS PUBLI C ATION S MID COLLECE ANNUALS T he L argest an d B est A ssortment of Novelties 'n

Neckwear, Fancy Jewelry, Gloves, Hosiery, Etc. \\. e ca rry C\ ~' rythin),!' in the line of A cordial

' , ,

is extended the College 1t1,' ttatlOll to Announcements, Programs, Invitations, Etc. people

' , to pa y us a \·tSlt.

\\ 'c sperla li;:c on indi,idllal orders for

Fine StatioJl('r~ _ cmboSSl·d o r priltted

LANSING . MICHIGAN 'l'5he . Mills Dry Goods Co.

Do You Want [\'ER,Y KIND Of

Pair Shears FUR.NITUR.E c.A LLOW US t h e plt!:lsllrc 0; showing you ~Ilifc

the finest collection of L adies' and Gentle- Safet y R azor- FOR: YOUR. ROOM ;illhnlo'· .... uto I';lrOp.

J) m en 's Furnishings ever brought to L ansing. ~:,.,.,.. H.· .. dy .. n<l ~:"<lpc~ to "'IN:t fcom

Vie specialize ,n furnishing1> for C ollege I {om's and Strops Cots Folding Beds trade . .-\ lwavs find the latest in Sweaters,


Ha mme rs Matresses Macki n aws, R ain Coats, Caps, H ats, Shirts I latchets

and Neckwear at Chisels Book Cases Desks Screw Drin:: rs

MIFFLIN'S 'n fact, ,tnylhing you Ilcl'd ill -h:lnlware \·ou will tind _ :tnd at priCl'S tu ~uit -:It ALL GOODS DELIVERED fREE

NOFtons HilFdWilFU M. J. 8. B. M. BUGK

. ' '- - •••• '-<'<' ~"~'" -. '.~' . ABOUT THE CAMPUS """""',.. .... ~ ;\lrs. EII" t ,u,:..: W,tS called ({l h~ r

old home at G <:I1~'\-a, on ,1<:';011111 of

the iJhw,,;s ;1J1l1,kath o f her muther.

Thl' T hcmian ;';0\';,,1\" will hohl the ir fall term party in tIl<' a;.:ril·ld­lu ra l huildillJ,!: on the \'\'cnill:! of ::-Jo,-. !Ij .

As now 1'lal111e,1. the o r at iun .... 011-test for sophomo res will Itlke p[:lCC

al the clo .. " uf the winkr term, dllr­ing: which the puhlic !;p"akil1~ wo rk is J,!:iv<.:n.

~\ [rs . F. B. Thurut:, of \\' a t.::r­\' ilk, K 'H1 s., ;111'\ ~lrs. R ey nolds, of Kalispel, ~IUIlt. , rnodwr and 5;"I('r of 1l rs. \\', \\ ', lohl1~tol1. were ",II,:,;'" o f Prof. allll" ~lrs. [ ., £01' len " ' days, lC:l viJlg' \V cdncsd a.1" for the \\'cst. Dr. R eyno!,ls. the h rother­, also spent a few d'l}'5 here.

Ahout 15 former short course m en l{ot IO)!c1ht-r at the .\ ppk Sho w ill Grand Ra pids r e(:(:ll tl ~ :lnd helLi it ban que t at the Li,·i ngs, ton ll o tcl. 1. P. ~luu son . the new presidellt of 'the ~ t ll\e Il orti tult llra l Society, aud " former short ('ou rsc man, met with th ... hoys .

R. J. \V cst, a fonner instructor :;t ),'1. A . C., in comp:lny with his fllther has organi/,"'cl the \V est Chemical and P aint Co., at Sprin g . port, :"'Jich. T he co rnp:my will I)o t o nly m:lI llJ!acture '·'Irious kinds o f p:ti nt, but wi!! have also ,I num be r of s pecialties, incl uding StO l'C polish, furnace cement , t!tc. M r. \Ves t was for some time the tethnical superintendent of the Camphell Paint and Glass Co., of St. Louis , Mo,

~. F. liak:>, 'OJ, :1 prOmillen! fanner Ii, i ll:! 11<.:a r 10ni,l, was ,I ('01 I~'!!;e ,i~itor \\·cdlK'sday uf la~l w·cek . .

:"Ir~. Landon retllT!1ed from ~ile s t1w p,l;,l week , where sh~· attended he r mothcr during- h ... r last il1l1e ..; ~.

Thl' mothcr, IIho \\,:1,.. SI years of agc, w a;; laid to rc"t 011 Frida\'. :'\"" . 15 ·

T hc Bijou bl'ndit on lhe ('I'eni ll;! o f :-.10r. 19 II':tS a Sllc'CeS~ , :tIltl the hand fUll.! fur thc Columbus t ri p illcreas"'11nircl\'. Somc ~o memhers of the hatHl ·we re on hand allll p" r:llt...d th ... s lr ... el, wimlitl>:" up at

lhe Bi jou, where a shor t conce r t wa" ;.:i\·clI :Hld a ;,::oolll ... Illlll\be r o f tkkd~ sold .

The ch llrch Bazaar ;;;ale at the P eople's Church 0 11 Friday of !:ist week was o nc of the most slIccess · ful yd held. The H.! lltun· Il clted thc socil' ty morc th:lJl $1!5'oo. There werc hooths o f [<Inc.), work , Japanesc work, vcget ahles, baked ),:'oo(ls, cn tt lh', lUlU novelties. III ad · d itio n, the c:lffetc r:t suppe r p ro ved it n tl\l:lble dosing' attraction .

Pro fs . Bake r ali(I Sanfonl :ulll In· st rllctor Gil l<oll attended the :utllllal llleetill)C uf the ;\Ii chigHJl Forest r y A ssocia tion at S:lgin,lw , last week. Prof. Bakcr g ave a lalk all pract ical train ing- o f foresters, which w as il. IlIstratNI hy !;,nte rn sl ides . T hese cons isted of "iews rep reselllill)! lhe acti vities o f thc su mlller r...rm forestry s tud ellts on lhe nation:tl forl' sts in the west, and \:lst year 's southern Iogg-ing t r ip.

The ldll·r., held a .lelto,:-htful pa r t.,· in the .-\;.!I' . l{ ld~, Frid:t~ e,·cllillg-, tit ... FUfl·lI.,i.·s 011 ~:tlllnl:l\

cYening:, alld the Llliun". in lh· ... ~oeiet\' I Iou",~' VII Frida.1 <.: .... ~rlil1~.

. \ t the lhird ,IJlInl:1J IlICeliug' thc :-':orthc·rn :\UI V ro\\er".·.\ ,, ~"Ci:lli" lt, to hc held at L ancn"ter, I'a" Uee. It:; ,trld 19. paper" will he read hI· I~rof. C. I' . Close, '95, of ?llarylalid. amI C .. \. I<.el·d, '05, of thc Departmen l of Ag-ricultun::.

Dean I ~issdl was in Clcl eland a day or two the p:tst week, whe re, as prcsidellt of (1I1e of thc sections, he l:o mpleled the lll'ccssary arr:mg:e· meltts for the llICetill:,:- uf hi~ section of the Americ<HI Societr for the l' roll)otion of Seiclice . 'l 'llls meet· ing- will he held at Clcl'd:tlHI du r . iltg: thc holid ars.

All who wcre p ri ,·ilcg:ed to aUt'w i the mO\'ing' pict llrl' show :It the Gladmere Frid;oy report :1 ,' e ry in· !cresting, as wdl as instrlll' tive p ro­J.:'Tlun, :.fcarly all of the young: women from the \V Oml'll's Bui ldi llg: attended. The thank s o f each olle ;tr ... due :"Ir. ?II ills, of the :"1 ills O n · G OOI!S Co., for the enter tainment. .

I' Tof. B<lbcoek and partY!lrrivell from R ochest ... r, :"film" last T ues· day c\'eniug", :Intl the profe!iso r s tood the t r ip nicely. lI e is able 10 he ahout the holtsc and lakc :m ai r · in;::, occasionally in the wh eel ch:li r. Il is college friends :Ire certa inh' gratified to sCc h im in such gootl spiri ts. Prof. And erson made the t rip with him , :1I1d Dr. Bru~gal tnet them in Grand Rapids.

\r. c. Trolll i~ "till all the st:lff (,f the l'ark <':Ollllll;""ioll ill Ur:tnd Rapill..;.

:"Ii,,;; Z !ll' ~(lrth rtlp lIas tah'll to th ... l'it~ Iw~pital Sum!:,)" llnd 011

:"lond:IY wa~ IIpl'rall'd on fur i1ppl'n . (lll·iti" . Th e vpl'r;, tion ,,',l.-; elilircly ,~url'e~" f\ll , ,md it i" "xpe(:t cd rhat )'Iiss ~. ,,-ill ,.pn·dil., I·eco\,er,

The ~plder Book h\ lohn Il cnr\' Comstock, senior proic~50r of Cor. nell, i~ Oll~' of lhc most eOll1piclc works o f ih l.:ind ever puhli"IH'~1. It is printed Oil he.!,'), pap •. 'r, :tnd the illustral ion" an.- of lire hest. D r. Shafcr has bl'C Il I:!lon'd wit h:t COP)' ·

Lil'll1 . \\ '. D. j"T;lIer, 'o<j, of the 1.;. S. CO:ls t Arri!lcr)' Corps :It Flo \V il1ia ms, :"Ie., has a le:IVC of all­Sl'nee for twO mOl ltlts, :lIld will spelld a couple o f wccks in and lll'ar 1,:ln. si n~. ?llr. Fr:l;: ... r l'a lled 011 collq . .::e fric ltd s th~' pa,.t week. ,\Ir". Fr:u.:r (Shirley v:tnlner) and littlc son have heen in Lansill).:' for solllc tillte, visiting- h~' r ]>:""'lItS.

T he Ollli (: rOIl :'\11 ,,·ill entertain the mcmbe rs o f the Coll ... g:e \\· omcn's Cluu ,md S(' llIor g'lrls T ucsll:t.y. D ec. 3, a l four o'clock in thl' p,lrlors o f the \\·omell's Building. Th e progra m will ('onsist of memo. rial ('xt! rciscs in honor of )Irs. Ellen R khards, this heing the 70th :Hln i­ver5ary o f he r b ir th. As l'lC fo rc melltioned, :'.Irs, R ichards spellt the larger portion of her life for home bcttt:r m ... n t, lind was tht! fi rst to apply science to nHlt\crs o f food, clothing, shelter :lI1d the a rt of living.

Page 4: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State · The M. A. C. RECORD. VOL. HI. THE THANKSGIVING GAME. The

The M. A. C. RECORD.


It completely covers the field of local news, politics, and the world of sports.

Becallse its telegraph nnd correspondence service euable it to gi\'c its rcaders the latest general news of the day ill ad· vance of any other newspaper coming into L ansing.

Ha ve T HE STATE JOURNAL delivered to your home by carrier


COU!,;T l' I !'STITt:TES.

Roscommon Co.-Roscommon, Dec. 3-4.

C rawford Co.- Grayling Dec. -1-5-

Otsego Co.-Gaylord, Dec. 5-6. )1onlmorcncy Co.-Atlanta, Dec.

6-7-~Iason Co.-Ludington, Dec. 10-

'3-Alpena Co.-Long Rapids, Dec.

10- 11.

Cheboygan Co._\Volverinc,D<..-c. '3- 14,

Presque Isle Co.-Millersburg, Dec. 13-14 .

Emmet Co._llarbor S prings, Dec. lG- r7 .

\Vexford Co.-l\Jall ton, Dec. '7-,8_

Missa\lkee Co. - M c Bain, Dec. ,8- 19'

Lake Co.-Do\-er, Dec. 20-2 I. Co.-Hollor, Dec. 23-24-Os(:oda Co .. . M io, Dec. ZOo

O~ K· DA\· INST ITl!TIi:",

Kalkaska Co._Rapid City, Dec. =:; Excelsior, Dec. 3; Cold Springs, Dec ... ; ~orlh Springfield, Dec. 5 ·

l\.lissaukee Co.-Shippy, D ec. ~; :\Iorey, Dec. 3: Falmouth, Dec. 4; Lake C it )', Dec. 5-6.

Oceana COo_Rothbu ry, Dec. 6; \V l:a n~, Dec. +; Cranston, Dec. 7; Mears. Dec. 5; l3looming Yalley, Dec. 3.

Emmet Co.- Isla nd \ ·jew. Dec. 3; Ely, Dec. -\; Alanson, Dec. 5: Bear C reek , Dec. 6; Epsilon, Dec. ,-

Otsego Co. - Yanderhih, Dec. 6-7·

10,,';0 Co._ llale, Dec. 3; GrAnt, Dec. 4: Sherman, Dec. 5; Alabas· ter, Dec. 6; TIl\\:\s City, Dec. 7·

AlpenA Co.-Alpena, Dec. 12.

Cheboygan Co. - Cheboygan, Dec. 7; indian River, Dec. 9·

Montmorency Co. - Il ill11111n, Dec. 9.

\\'exford Co. - PleaslI nt L a ke, Dec. 9: Antioch , Dec. 10; Buck· ley, Dee. li _ 12: ClldillftC', Dec, 19-20

L:lkc Co.- Buldwill , Dec. ' 3; Chase, Dec. q; Luthe r, Dec. 23·

05<:1,.'0111 Co. - Tusti n , Dec. 16; Leroy, Dec. '7i ll erSt:y, Dec. lSi A vOlxlale, Dl,.'(:. 19; )1 arion, Dec. lO.

Il illsdllle Co __ Lickl\' Corners, Dec. II: Ambo,', Dec. I;; Frolllicr, D ec. '3i J effersoll, Dec. ' 4i Allen, Dec. JG; R eading, Dec. 17i Cam· lien, Ol,."(:. IS; Church's Cowers, Dec. 19.

0 5<:0<1:1 Co.-Comins, Dec. [6; I~ airv icw, Oec. 'i: R t..·d O:.k, Dec. 18: Lu zcwe, Dt"c. 19·

Gladwin Co._\\-aglirviJle, Dec. 16; Grout, Dec. '7; Bea\'ertoll, Dec. IS.

Isahella Co. - \\' inn, Dec. '9 ; BI:lllch arJ, Dec. 20-Z1; \\'eid man, Dec. 23·

Leelanau Co.-Empire, Dec. 20-21.

;>.tccoslll Co.-Morley, Dec. '7 i Stlillwood, Dec. IS; UarrJlo ll , Dec. 19; R ee ltlUs, Dec. 20.


(Continued from ~, !.I

finish, flooring . stOr1l frouts. carriage making. chests. carvi ng. ship building, tiell, doors. windows. one of the best, and certainly the mOllt widely known . fancy wood il1 the Philippines.

O,\LA.... .. TAS.

Uses: Cigar OOll8.s. ceilingtl, furni ­ture, pattern boa.t8. dugout8. pianos.

Note : This ovood isclO8e1y related to the " Spanish cedar" of tropical "-mer· ior, and scarcely to be distinguiShed from it..

omwoN. Note : These woods ILr1I practioally

identical. Dungon hILS thinner l:!8.p. wood. Dungon is II. high land tree and Dungon late a coast. and swamp tree.

U8tl!I: High g rade comltruction , ship. .... harf and hridge buildi ng. lliles. ties, wheels, cog·wheels. deric lr.s. hemp p~-


UI!eS: Light and temporary oon· Rroct ion, concrete forms. cheap furni ­ture, siding, Hooring and interior finish, shi phuilding. dugouts a nd lighters. bolles, all purpo_ where chea.I>ne68 and ease of working are more Important than strength anoJ dnrtlbility.

....PITONG. Uses: Geueral construction. sh ip and

bridge building. dugou ts, lighters. in­terior finish. medium grade fur nitut@. floo ring, wagOIl·bedS. ch arcoal

llA.... .. oo :o: O.

U!!eS: P otila. pilhlg. "'ooden tools, t ool handles. pulleys.


Uses: Genera.l high grade construc­tion. poles. tie!!. ship. bridge a nd wharf building. paving blooka. hubs, flooring and interior finish, furn iture.

Miss Louise R au.of l~etoskct', has been appointed stenographe r in Sec. Brown's office to till the ,'aeancy caused by the resignation of Miss Gilbert. )'liss R:1U i:i a graduate of the Ferri s Institute.

B. n. Pratt was Ii visitor last wet:k. li e is s till COll nected with the t.;n ited States Departmcnt of Agriculture in thdr work on fruit s torage lind transportation. A her his marriage LO ~I iss Louise Kelly on No"'" ~7, they will visit Iheir homes near Bentoll llarbor lind then go on to \\. ash+ ing-ton. D. C., and lalcr to New York and then to Portland, Ore­gon, where they will rem:lin all willtcr.

A litcrar.r society for eng ineers is planned by some of the st udents. The idea ilS to have tl COlllllliuce look up all the latcst engi nccring advances amI p rescnt Ihem 10 the society. Talks on different phases of engineering problem" will bc ar rang.,d. Already" tempora ry or­g anization has hcen formed, with chai rman and variou s office rs. Sc:v­eral committeeS have heen :Ippointed, and arc at work. As yet no name is suggested for the new society .

~VERY reader of the M. A . C. Record is cordially invited to

visit our store, use our rt!Jt room, telephone, and our mail order department by writing for samples or orderinl1 mer· chandise; money refunded whenever you are not pleased.

New Silks ana Dress Gooas Much Under Price. $1.25 StorlD Serge. 54. alld 56

inches wide: neavy qual· ity. Sp8("'ial, tbe yard .. $t.OO

11.M1, 'I.;~ and 12.00 quali · ties of DrfSS Goods and SUiting!!, M inchetl wide. Sample pieces. yard ... . .. $ t. 25

S1.2~ Princess Messaline. full yard wide; all oolors. Special the yard .................... 98C

11. 26 ricb. heavy. plain Satin FfI,iIle, 8 sample half pieces; ne'" fall colors. It Ul t: ar,. Special, the yard .. ......... 75C

J. W. KNAPP CO. Cloaks. Suits, Furs. Ladies ' and ·Gents ' Furnishings, Dry Goods, H ouse

Furnishings, and an immense sc and Ioe store.

L4wrence & VanBuren Printing Company

210_2 12 Orand A VI:. North

Lilley College Uniforms

ArB the Ilekno",· led l<1lu st>l.nd .. rti C()r ", l llt .. ry ~hool~. .. "d Kra ,,'orU at "II tll(o leadll\l!; oolleK('~ e,·('r)"",ber". 'l'hey .. re nlO..., IHtr""t"·, In BPJ)eftr"ll"<:e lind Ilh'" bet.ter Mln-Iee thBnllnyotb('r make Of college uniform.

" -rite for t'U tIlIOir. Addn.Si!

The M. C. Lilley d. Co. c.J._'. 0.19


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I'ROFESS IONA L MEN. T he name. In t hll DlteelOry. BI "'ellal

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CO I . I. I!:: G t~ BAftB ~;RSHO P. In Bath llou .... And,. 18~IIII ... Uh M.A.{'. A hand,. !>A.lo . ... lid Il"00<1 "'ork llone.

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Stnrl'. If YOU "'I~ h f\ 8 IY"~h h ll l r ~ut alvl' u~ • rlall. ~;. ~:. H.e)"noIUs. I'rop. ~



B I,U PltAU .II: S U ;Bt:lt'f'. Bookblnde ..... acoount boot. makers. JNlper rullnl .

IIbral")" and tine Ilt~ bindings. tile bo1es. map nM)Untln.s. lllbumt, POCkel boQb. ete. O1t11enl' pbon' 1"0.-1811. ' n nit)' l"aUonal Bank &lIdl" .. . G~'O.G. BludeBu Bnd Henr,.


'-I H. LARSED.-{)blnll. Olau.ll: Lamp,. r , UlI W asbtDa ton A vf!. S.


N H . MOORI!!. D. D.S. Otrlee.II-413 H OI· • tine. Bulldlna .!lna . )lIeb. Bell

phonl' $-.J; Oltlnnl Au tom .. Ue IM)j,

D E. P AR ME J.t:K. Dentin. 1l7J,i WA8b· • '''KlOn Ave. S .. 1." "~l n lit . )lIe ll lll"o .

Automlltle p"one. otrlee 340:t: relldenee. lI-IllI.

J E . STOFFER. D. I). S. Otrle.:d!08"'60 It)' • N"Uon .. t BanI!: Bldg. Antom .. t .. : phone

681: Bell pho"e'l. Form er M. A. O. _tndent. = =


ROllSJ!:H.'S OAP1TAL DRlIO STORR. Up IQ date. Uorner itQre. Oppoelte Ho lII!ler B]~k.


J W. KNAPP CO. nry OOO(tf .. "d I'ur_ • nl.hlnRs. :H()-T.!~ ", ... I>I"lI"to" Ave So.

M ILl ,S DRY ooons 00. lJr,. (loods :-:'ull~. Cl<.>ftu. WIII.18. Art !'i"l'edle Work. ~:te. 1(Jt.11O WlIshh ll{tOU Ave. South •


CAPITO), ELEOTRIO t!:NG1NItI!:RINO 00. - t 'ult line of I!:Iec:trleal 8I1pplle..

IneludlnK Itndenu' ~ "lItIel And oon ... ear_ bon. t .. nt .. luOi loud mllzda n.adln . lamps. in Ie. Mlebl ... n A'·e.


M J • .t. B. )I. BUO ... PUrnln .. e. Corne. • W.."h1nl!!"ton A.-e. lind 10111" !:lIT"t.

See ad.


N ORT ON'S HAR I)WAk~~. Gene r.l H .. ru .. · .. re. 1'In ..... re. Gr .. "lte ..... r ... Out.­

ler)'. !:lto,·eo., ete. III W ..... hlnllton A'·e. 8 . S~IItI.


M RS. O. T. OASI!::. ' :'II,,"ulaelUrlng i;h.n'J)Q<>lnll" ok Hlllrdre",,1I1 1I" "'rlo ... :

8"' ltebe8 n,&de of CUI h"l. o. rombln wll, alllO oolo~t and ~1I0\'ated tQ look a. 1It00d ... ne .. ·. T he F ... uen-Amerlcas, II YKlenle Toilet HeQul~1tf'! .... ,."':CI .... LTY. Au\.On .. th: phone &61. !:!):\4 WlII!btnaton A \"t'. S.


G Itl N:-;: I':I.L 1:11(\)8. "M Ieh htll ll'~ LeAdll1 l )JlIslc H OWie." H IIlII OrlUte I'I .. nOI

lind Pl .. ye. I'honos. E"'IY Ter ... ,. 1'11111001 to Ite nt - Yt'IIT'S Kentlll on~ On i'urehBl\t ~:"eryUltnR In the tteal ... of MII§le. 1. .... :00.: 8 1"(0 lOT"(>KE: tJ~ ~ . "' ... .. h'1I"16n A'·e.


DR- OSQAH H . BHUJ;:O~; I.-COr. ) l lell. A "1". fOnd Orand lth·t'r A"t'~ ~e ... n I....,.

otna. HOu ..... 1 t. 8::JlA.m.: ttQtllndJl08 p.m. 8und.,.s. Ittol"nd Ii toft II. m . nIt!. nn. phone 1314: Bl'1I ~

DR. H . w. I.A:-;:DON. E II><t 1 ~"llnK. Mleb. omce honrs: 7 to 8:l1O •. 01 .. 1~:IWl tQ ,

!,nd 8:J1O to 8 " . m. SI\I\IIIIY" 10 lO I I ~'IO a. Ill. , tQ8 p. m . OilJten~' phone 11!:!8.


LAWR~~SOE <t. VAN IHlR~~N I'RJ~'T. IN(J (!1).-tlo-~I~Gn""1 A"elllle North. f"lne 1'.lnUnl!!". 80th I'holle ..

ALL~~S PRINTISG CO. O<>rnerC.pltol a,'enlle and IQnl .. 8tr~t. !'M ntlnll"

omee Supplle •• E" .... \·etl (·.roll, I'roa .... m.: )t .. ~,. GOOd~. Bell phone 10lI-l. AutomAtie pbone 4(l(]I. R l''''embf'r our ne,,' 1~"lo".

ROHl!:: ltT SMITH I'TG.OO.-(Jor. Wa.h­Ington A ,·e.Md lonlll St.

~H"_~S~" ~"~':'-'=-:~~~:co=""" •. ___ CLOTHING. UNIFORMS.

E LGIN MI",.r,IN.-Ui.dl ea lind GenUe. Tine ~I . o. L tr.LEY &. 00 .. o;;lu",;;;' m (>II', " urn lsbln, Good._ s- ."_ Uh l().-)h lnll fllC\urers o{ ~ 1 1U 1"ry lind

~~ -- SOcltlly Good~.

- "