the m.a.c. flyer - marlborough aero club

OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE MARLBOROUGH AERO CLUB INC. P.O. Box 73, Blenheim, 7240 Tel: (03) 578 5073 Email: [email protected] M.A.C. Marlborough Aero Club THE M.A.C. FLYER February 2018 Vol No. 43

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Page 1: THE M.A.C. FLYER - Marlborough Aero Club


P.O. Box 73, Blenheim, 7240

Tel: (03) 578 5073

Email: [email protected]

M.A.C. Marlborough Aero Club


February 2018

Vol No. 43

Page 2: THE M.A.C. FLYER - Marlborough Aero Club



John Sinclair Alistair Matthews Scott Madsen

Ph: 03 578 7110 Ph: 027 428 7863 Ph: 027 453 9348


Tim McKendry Raylene Wadsworth

Ph: 021 104 0721 Ph: 03 578 5073


Mike Rutherford, Grant Jolley, Marty Nicoll,

Victoria Lewis, John Hutchison, Jonathon Large


Sharn Davies Ben Morris

Ph: 03 578 5073 Ph: 027 940 3235

Check out our new website –

Annual Inspections, ARA / BRA’s, repairs, modifications

and rebuilds – we can handle it all!

Ph. (03) 578 3063

Mob. 021 504 048

Email [email protected]

Hangar 22b, Aviation Heritage Centre Airpark,

Omaka Aerodrome,

Blenheim, NZ

Page 3: THE M.A.C. FLYER - Marlborough Aero Club


Greetings all. We are well into the new year so hope all is going according to

plan for you, including plenty of flying. This newsletter is a wee bit late as we

were holding off until after the Healthy Bastards competition to bring you the

latest results. It was an excellent day all round so thanks to Craig, Raylene

and Sharn for the chief organisation. Keep an eye out also on 7Sharp as

coverage on HBBPC will be on in the next couple of weeks. Read all about it

elsewhere. But on that note we got many comments on how good the

airfield is looking along with the facilities and not to mention the friendly

people. This once again reflects the hard work by the committee, staff and

all the membership in proactively organising and getting done all those

things that make the Marlborough Aero Club what it is. Thanks to all.

A couple of new signs have appeared on the centre piece in the office car

park. They do look smart and advertise what we do and also the Young

Eagles. Chris Boyce, a club member, does all our art work these days and

does a great job at a good price so if you are looking to get something

done privately then check Chris out.

We may have another sign or two yet to finish off the centre piece. The other

obvious things you will have noticed are the resealing of the apron and the

installation of permanent tie downs. All jobs cost a dollar or two but the

benefits are spread over many years so the investment is good. Your current

committee are making bold but measured steps to ensure the MAC remains

a place to be proud of.


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Presidents Report Continued….

Our Bar Manager, John Hutchison, made a pilgrimage to Nelson the other

day to attend an auction at the now closed Suburban Club. We were hoping

for a new bar fridge but these proved too costly. However John picked up

some other handy items including some trestle tables which are very handy

for the various functions we hold. Thank you John. The family had a great day

at the beach!

A non glamorous part of the work are all the little (and not so little) things

that need doing and we are lucky to have a fine club member called Chris

Lloyd who we employ as our handy man. Great job, including the lawn

mowing (not the airfield mowing which is still done by Andrew Whelan,

another long time club member and Ag pilot extraordinaire!) for which we

are looking to get a larger , more efficient ride on to cover the large area

that needs care. Once again we try and use the businesses of our club


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The committee is quietly thinking of what other aircraft may be of benefit to

the club. We have a good fleet which serves us well, the 2 Tomahawks for

most of the training, the C172 as a good 4 seater (I hope everyone has

noticed the great polish job on her thanks to Vince and Bianca), the

Dynamic covering the microlight scene and there are a couple of new

people flying that but room for a couple more, so do check out the

experience, and we have the Pacer ‘COX’ which we lease for tail dragger

experience so give that a go if you want something different. If there is

something else you fancy then let us know.

The Flying NZ Nationals are looming fast. We have a small but powerful team

going to Timaru. Always room for more if you fancy and it is the Trans Tasman

Wings Trophy down there this year. As usual I am looking forward to helping

and supporting and catching up with old acquaintances. See Club Captain

Ben for more.

Also please support our birthday celebrations coming up this year. Speak to

Victoria on this one.

Presidents Report Continued….

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Just a couple of house keeping items. If you make a booking with the club it

is important to honour it otherwise we are wasting time and resources which

also means money. Of course there are occasions when we have to cancel

but if there are continued cancelations, or unnecessary cancelations then

do expect a charge to cover the instructors time.

Also please remember to respect the staff at all times. They are employed by

the committee on your behalf and are given the authority to manage the

day to day running of the club in every way so please follow their requests. If

you do think differently then give me a call and we will take it from there. This

includes entry into the flight office which is a staff only area unless otherwise

authorised and the computer is definitely staff only. It supports important work

which we do not want to get inadvertently lost!

Thanks for your understanding.

Lastly you may or may not be aware that we have a bit of a library in the

office, down by the briefing table. There are some good books and video’s (if

you still have a player) which are free to be borrowed. There is a sign out

book in the Office for these so do feel free. Of course do not forget to bring

them back for the next person.

Finally all the airfield has been operational for a time now so standard taxi

practise can apply but if you note anything too rough or any bunny holes

then please let Sharn know and overnight parking for aircraft is preferably

outside the club house with the overflow outside the office.

Great flying


Presidents Report Continued….

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Bristol Freighter ZK-CPT

A wee history lesson, new to some and a refresher to others.

Bristol Freighter ZK-CPT “Merchant Courier” was gifted by SAFE Air to the

Marlborough Aero Club in February 1986. She was flown to Omaka

Aerodrome on 7th February 1986 by Captain R. A. Guard and First Officer R.

Haxton, both ex-chief flying instructors of the Marlborough Aero Club, and

was officially retired on the 15th June 1986.

SAFE Air, now Airbus, out at Woodbourne, was established as a cargo airline

in 1950 and operated until 1990 when the flying side of the company ceased

operations. Many Bristol Freighters were flown by the company and many of

the pilots and other support crews were members of the Marlborough Aero

Club. Hence when the Bristol's were retired it was fitting that one should end

up at Omaka to be kept as a historical reminder of those years. There are

some great books and video’s around to find out more if you wish or perhaps

some of the old employees will relate some stories for us in the next issue! Now

there is a challenge.

A group known as “The Friends of the Bristol” was set up within the club to

oversee the upkeep of the aircraft. This worked well for many years and she

has stood as a proud guardian outside the Aero Club Clubhouse and latterly

overlooking the Aviation Heritage Centre car park.


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The work force available to administer some tender loving care to the Bristol

has waned over recent years and the club has looked at, and tried, various

options including asking the AHC to take on the ownership and care. This they

have done for the last 3 years and we thank them for it along with the work

done in that time , and prior.

Many people and organisations have given tremendous support to this care

and we acknowledge everything that has been done. After discussions with a

number of people within the club and within the AHC it was decided to return

ownership of CPT to the MAC.

We therefore need to revitalise a group to keep an eye on the aircraft and

help organise the upkeep of it. We have excellent technical support

from Alistair Marshall, Marty Nicoll and Anthony Barnes but a couple more

would be great. The Bristol does have its own funds to cover expenses. These

largely came from selling spare parts overseas when Bristol's were commonly

flying and donations from various sources.

Bristol Freighter Continued….

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The final resting place for CPT is yet to be decided but probably back on its

pad out side the club house. This does not mean it will be shut away forever

as it will be towed out for any special occasion if possible and to have an

engine run as and if required. It is always a great sight and sound when those

engines fire!

So if you are interested in helping to look after CPT then please give me a call

and we will go from there.


Bristol Freighter Continued….

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We are into a new year and it feels as though my mind hasn’t yet finished the

previous year. A lot has been packed into the last month for the club and me

on a personal level. The club finished on a high note with us completing 116

flying hours in December. Considering Bianca was away on leave most of the

month that is quite a respectable number. I would like to thank Travers, John

and Alistair for stepping up and giving me a hand at the club over December

and January.

January was a very busy start to the year with Angela over from Hong Kong to

complete her PPL and C-172 type rating. Molly Griffith passed her PPL and

Vince has joined us as a third full time instructor. The month ended on a

positive note with us completing 173 flying hours.

Alistair and Vince

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As for myself, I got married on New Years Eve so I am now under the thumb of

Brydie. I had a great day and enjoyed the company of Raylene, Tom and

Marty from the club. I am looking forward to heading away on a honeymoon

in April. I have received quite a few nice words from our members. Let’s hope I

don’t forget the advice given to me by them.

To keep our members informed we now have permanent pickets installed out-

side the flight office car park. These tie downs are to be used for over flow

parking. There are white painted tyres marking the new picket locations.

Please be aware of these as you taxi. Our flight line has had to move back

slightly on the tarmac outside the flight office as the pickets end very close to

the end of the seal. Please be aware of this and watch out for the tyres as you

taxi from outside the flight office onto the grass.


CFI Report Continued….

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Angel Tsui 2 February 2018

Molly Griffith




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Find us on Facebook

M.A.C Marlborough Aero Club

MAC Accommodation

Pilot / RNZAC Member

$120 / night

Email: [email protected]


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Safety Report continued….

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Safety Report continued….

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Safety Report continued….

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Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a safe & enjoyable festive season. We have confirmed our

MAC nationals team to attend the RNZAC National competitions in Timaru at

the end of February. I’m pleased to announce Peter Henn, Erin Creasey,

Russell Young & Hayden O’Hara will be representing our team with Alistair

Matthews & Aaron Patchett all attending in support. Also a huge thankyou to

Patchett Ag Air for supplying the team with shirts. Support like this is fantastic

and definitely helps to keep the profile of MAC looking great. Unfortunately

due to work I cannot attend being our busy time of year with very scarce

amounts of leave available. Please join me in wishing them all the very best to

get there! I also thank you all as a club very much for the support you have

shown both the Regionals and Nationals team in helping them fund the trips.

It’s very much appreciated!

This year Club Competitions will be held on the last Sunday of each month.

These days will be renamed ‘Club Day’ with a competition being the focus of

the day, mixing with other members, having fun, followed by going to the bar

for a drink and a catch up. Members don’t have to be competing in order to

turn up. Every single person is welcome just as much and I can assure that

everyone who wants to be involved, will be eg helping with bombing etc. The

importance of the day is to bring more members out, making those who don’t

show up often welcome and ensuring that we are all on the same page

doing the things we all share a common interest in. The first completion will be

the famous ‘All Transport Race’ help on Sunday 31st March from 2pm.You do

not require any flying experience to give this competition a try! See you there!

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Club Captain’s Report Continued….

There are a couple of other items on the cards which may include a MAC

open day to the public which will involve lots of our members so do stay

tuned! A plan has to be put in place before going into specifics but this should

be a great way for the public to see what we do give the opportunities for

members to display their own aircraft, stories, meet & greet etc. I will get more

information out about this very shortly.

Until next time, keep up the awesome Club spirit and remember what you put

in is what you get out! So if anyone has an idea that would like to put forward

do not hesitate to contact me. All ideas/questions/suggestions are welcome.

I’ve really appreciated seeing existing members of the Club welcoming the

newer members ensuring they are confident and feel good about the place.

That’s great so well done to those of you. Lastly, remember the bar is open

every Sat & Sun night from 5pm. Have a safe and enjoyable month. More

people the better!

Safe Flying


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It looked like 2018 would be the first year that the weather would play a major

factor in the Healthy Bastards Bush Pilot Champs. Given the situation other

major airshows, and not so major fly-ins have found themselves in the recent

years with weather bombs, we have been very fortunate to have escaped

unscathed, and while a few out of town competitors didn’t make it this year,

our sixth event ran as smoothly as ever, with a near perfect day.

I would say we saw the largest turnout of spectators by far this year, with one

lady I heard leaving Christchurch at 3am to be make it here in time.

Around 45 pilots entered. A few didn’t make it, but we also allowed a few late

entries on the day, so it all balanced out pretty well.

I would like to thank all club members and volunteers who again came out

and gave their time and efforts. Without you all this event simply would not

work, but with you all it makes it one of the most fun, slick, and well run

aviation events out there anywhere. This also includes Young Eagles, ATC

cadets and their parents who did a sterling job on car park and BBQ duties.

Apart from being a fantastic day of aviation entertainment, this event serves

several other valuable purposes.

1. It really is a great advertisement for our Club, and airfield. Not just to other

pilots, but also to members of the public who might be stimulating that first

interest in aviation.

2. It is a great way to help major sponsor Dr. Dave sell his Heathy Bastards


3. I would also like to think that the initial goal of those of us who dreamed up

the idea initially are being met – that is to promote safer, more accurate

and precise flying skills amongst the GA community.


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That said, the standard of flying this year without doubt was outstanding. From

the lowest time pilot (36 hours in Piper Pacer ZK-PAL) to the highest time pilot

(>20,000 hours), all were spot on the mark every time, and all approaches

were safe, stable, and very well executed.

Lunch time entertainment was provided by Nigel (GA200 spraying demo) &

Ray (gyrocopter handling demo), with 12 lucky spectators receiving free flights

in a Pilatus PC12 (courtesy of Sounds Air), and Boeing Stearman (courtesy of

AHC/Classic Aircraft Sales).

I think everyone present on the day (and evening) would agree it was a most

enjoyable and entertaining day of flying. Next year’s competition will be held

again on Waitangi weekend, on February 2nd 2019.


Craig Anderson

2018 Healthy Bastards Bush Pilot Champs continued….

Innes Bint Precision Landing Champ Dean Philip STOL Microlight Champ

Scott Madsen STOL Light Touring Champ Willie Sage STOL Heavy Touring Champ

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Results are as follows:

Precision Landing

1 Innes Bint ZK-BVJ PA18A 0.3m

2 Russell Young ZK-SNE PA28-180 0.5m

3= Deane PhilipZK-JUG CH701 0.6m

3= Chris Anderson ZK-TIA CH701 0.6m

Short take-off and Landing

Microlight Category (<1325lb)

1 Deane PhilipZK-JUG CH701 T/O 12.6m LND 14.9m

2 Chris Anderson ZK-TIA CH701 T/O 12.4m LND 27.7m

3 John Richards ZK-LSW Rans S6 T/O 31.4m LND 4.8m

Light Touring Category (1326-2550lb)

1 Scott Madsen ZK-BKN PA18 T/O 30.7m LND 36.2m

2 Bruce Coulter ZK-BTX PA18 T/O 32.6m LND 38.7m

3 Jim Benbow ZK-JLB PA18 T/O 31.8m LND 49.0m

Heavy Touring Category (>2550lb)

1 Willie Sage ZK-MTP M6-235 T/O 34.1m LND 54.2m

2 Nigel Griffith ZK-CES C185F T/O 41.1m LND 64.4m

3 Richard Coop ZK-RWC C180B T/O 68.8m LND 58.2m

2018 Healthy Bastards Bush Pilot Champs continued….

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2018 Healthy Bastards Bush Pilot Champs continued….

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2018 Healthy Bastards Bush Pilot Champs continued….

Thank you to Rob Duff for the photos

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Sharn and Brydie got Married 31 December 2017

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More details will be out in the near future...

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Events coming up….

MAC Club Day

Sunday 31st March 2018

ALL members welcome

This will be held on the last Sunday of each month

Competitions will be run—the first will be the All Transport Race

Bring your planes out for show…

Go flying…

Have a chatter with other members

Join us for a drink in the bar afterwards

More details will follow...

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PPL Law starting on 6th March and will run Tuesday and

Thursday evenings 1830 - 2030 over 3 weeks at the aeroclub.

Cost for the course is $150 per person (cash) and will also

require the PPL Law Waypoints workbook which is available for

purchase through the aeroclub.

Let me know if you would like to confirm a spot or have any


Erin 021 285 1107


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If this is of interest to you, call Greg Carter on 0274 741 912

or Colin Marshall on 0274 125 402 for further details

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