the maloke faiimee, september 22, good blood does the ... · dh i tli tdfcrrt vermontville....

THE MALOKE FAiiMEE, SEPTEMBER 22, 1S05 The Moor and His Horse. The horsemastership of tbe Moors Is Itire and entirely successful. A never walks when he can ride never by any chance gets off to his beast. How a Moorish pony have chuckled at the weary enforced on tired men by well cavalry colonels In South Af- He would have said to himself: •1 don't think much of animals that carry 3fteen stone fifteen hours a _ I must be a really superior kind f tatst" The Moorish (and Gonmier) always spends his nights in the He is never groomed or clip- Hls youth is passed wandering over the vast fields. When work be pets all the barley be it night and a drink before his feaf to the evening. From 7 a. m. to 7 L aa. he expects to work and to work id without bite or sup. His saddle l i a wooden* tree superimposed on at | » « t half a dozen folded blankets, tbe fttck&ess of whieh often reaches six tkcbee, and he never gets a sore bark don Spectator. Good Blood Means good health, and Hood's Sarsapartlla has an unapproached record aa a tofood-^vrifler. It effects Ha wonderful cures, not simply because it Contains sarsapanlla but because it combines the utmost remedial values of more than 20 different ingredients. There is no real substitute for it. If urged to buy any preparation said to be "just as good" you may be sure it is inferior, costs less to make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. Gel Hood's 8»n*parU!a todar. In astwl Hqnid form or in ebocol^ed tabtote known u Sarutabs. BURKE. Kelley day. and daughter, Mrs. Nelson, of Salem, N. Y., were at C. M. Keile'y's last week Mon- Maither attended Ottawa fair last week. Judson Grant, of 'Port O»v5ngton, call- ed on his sister Mrs. Abe Fillings, re- cently. » Mr.* and Mrs. Murray Crosby were "uests of Mr. and IWrs. Barlow Crosby la>t WfPk HOGANSBURGH. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholaa Bo; Covingto; were calling on >yea»of Fort i frre»3s—in town last Sunday. H. Englehart, of Corona, L. I. who spent the past 'three weeks at Mr*. Emma Daly's left for his home Monday. Kev. Fauier Pheneouff spent tlie past week in Montreal. Mrs. Henry Murray and little son, Har ly, of Bombay, who spent the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. aajd Mre. T. F. Murphy, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Bero and two lit- tle daughters ,of Winthrop, spent Sun- BRU8HTON. ., v,.t lS-Mlase» Grace and Marion ... Cunnings returned Friday from Lak« *• ;I3*feid Club, Where they have been em- day at A. A. aero's. Mr. a»d Mrs. F. T. K«J nan and daugh- ter. G4adys, and son Henry, Mr Mrs. Ed. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. H« Got the Ticket, >n's return" tickets are issued most British railways at seaport J to sailors at reduced rates. A well groomed yo|g|g man de- 1 one to Birmingham; the book- lac clerk at Hull demurred. " 'Seamen's returns' are only Issued •a aailors," he snapped. •Well, I'm a sailor," was the reply. *1 hare only your word for that," ptft tbe clerk. "How am 1 to know It fceorrect?" "How are yon to know?" came the taswer. "Why, you leather necked. •wfrel eyed SOD of a sea cook. If you feel my starboard boom runninp fcul «C your headlights you'll know I ve j fcntn doing more than sit on a st*ol %iaatlng aii my life, and you'll ham In y a r jaw tackle a bit " •"Give him tbe ticket." said the pas- •eager suierhm ntkut wlx had over- heard the dlil true he s a siJ^r, right L< nd n ^r&i^ t( Vli Mi Ml Loor tl - \l tt i Chapman ugh a-t Mor vnil M " W i t Ten n K Hit he Hn •s Emi Lake inns the Mi \Ii ist * \dd Ka^t i u.d town i tew tup t< N< v i-on to All la v\n iain«* whtre -he summer t- )h\fr a. vj-ite.1 ist< He\ d l Vr anv n !>• •\(\ ( vivitm^ leUt Mis Lrf'-he eititis Mr i ir Mr 8 \ ittt i n Ik 1 is M K M < 't\ emp o er 4 - f ir K fr< r r- H Fred Flint. Miss Margaret L*intry, Ed Monahan. Andrew Burke, Wm. Bradley and Rudy Bero attended the Malone fair on Thursday. Henn' McKwen of Flint's Corners, called on friends here Wednesday. Miss May Cotter, of Springfield, Mass., is a guest at the home of her uncle, J. T. O'Brien. James Sullivan has purchased a fine new piano for his daughter, Genevieve. David Hackeit and William Bero spv>nt Tuesday in Bombay. Mr. a'ml Mr?. Prank Balsh and child, of Massena, spent Saturday and Sunday wMh Mrs. Baislfs parents, Mr. and Mrs. J W. Bt ro I irqnini Biov of Port Oo\ineton . % \ t in i >w n Tiii K dav I \ number of our citizens, old and n- dr. e tc N\ando -Mind ij f> ivit - -i turn <f »H1 between the N J \aii h< \ <s and our home team. The game - \fry interesting and resulted in a r< f Mintcpn to ele\en in fa\ >i m wfio is attending school drove down Friday even- aiiel \ er Nmlu with in 1 - <tn 1 Mr«! fdn ml Totrn <n uira\ ^nd the M ployed the pa«t season. A. U Itonaidson was a caller at West Bangror Friday. Neva Allen teaches school in Quinn District » Taylor SheaJea returned on Tuesday from sBrajsher, where he was visiting his graaidmother, Mrs. M. Taylor. Munson Bombard went to Ogdensburg Thurswiay where he will undergo operation for appendicitis. Miss EHaabethr Orton returned Thurs- day frorti X«ak«"..Placid, where she has been employed the past season. Walter Woods and children re- turned home Thursday to Tupper Lj&ke. Mrs. George Hamilton, of Canada spent Sunday here, the guest of rela- nd Thinking ' it ^ hje uben 'tur* . ca i <*ee I < f e r e t b e i r i c i \ IT g of the fig jird wh«n they think I «f them In r<>r t tL k ai. ill moht I asen mike u>e of Iriij-e^ tlmuph ther [ WOBLJ be f o ^ert nt L ao<- Thus one , nn wbtn If think« f Halv tiees Jnrt the rnnud wri l am 1 t r M>e<* the eonntrv s ouniue ci a t i n another •aav sef tbe < UUTE> c" re d out before him, vr ffa it<> r u p td towns Mi ind of Vhi and friends, and Mrs. Sydn jy Sargent are visiting friends at West Bangor. George Harris spen Sunday and Monday at Rainbow Lake. * S. Qoinn and ' went Tuesday to Syracuse. Miss Marjorie Hawley of Ltawrenqevllle, i visiting at Earl Clark's. Frank JDelosh, of Malone, is calling on friends in town. r arren Manning, of Ray Pond, Is vss- itiner his mother, Mr? Mary Manning A few days >s«. Dons Dollar of Hetivelton is w i n s "Rjth her grandmother and at- tending school Will Fremh -who i emplov ed at Bi\ Pond «ptnt «!unJai \uth hss f%milv Jo<jeph Savage hft Mondav for Ne- riska where he ha* a position await- ie hnn Mre R Clark of AJb+inv who has he en \ [Siting Mr* Ldith «5cott the •t Tveek went to Kike Placid Sat a Hie lilies G«rtni ip Maude ^axton have titi Rustic LtfKige at Corev - been employed the p tM Mrs Qumn and h< r lies O Bnen have gorv \ Y to \i«!!t liev P Ir And Mrs G* r*. Thursday in Ottawa riT<! to attend ti : t for! Mi n d Mr« Uif ik° \rr \pri m P ° t hi« Darenf 5 M rte B wen ' \ lei Jr ; ler skating r nk t •Spauld ng ind irned home from whore thev h"Tv<j '•ummei Cook « at that i*-e M'nda : and niilhin h i Man m Tor tella shai At the ho now a i lirt. \ffg Co f T or Mi 1 " ; *• f T C Mil f im<il\ In 1 n f l>an ' f (1 ; Does the BabyThrive If not, something must be wrong with its food. If the mother's milk doesn't nourish ft, she needs Scott's Emulsion. It supplies the elements of fat required for the baby. If baby is not nourished by its artificial food, then it requires SCOTT'S EMULSION Half a teaspoonful three or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired effect. It seems to have a magical effect upon babies and children. A fifty-cent bottle will prove the truth of our statements. Send this ft r with name Send this ftdwrtisemet, g of paper in which it appears, your address and four cents to cover postage, and we win send you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World.' SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Peari St, New York Oie di(T< r^ut iid*- r iu age-* cf which Ben ra ike u^f s r « f r example, hear the word< cf th ir t'loucht within them 5 '*, ives rtherv rpid tt PIU as if j QK word*, wee wtttr jrcneraDv In i Mack on 8 white ground.—London Poet. i County Letters. CHASM FALLS. I'- a.nd \ l ! ic Mr ar and h ip] etui d T e e the\ 11 k irg 1 M TJ \ it Mi i. n p n nda 1 Que i a LtiW' E, Cll t ! n le 1 hi dft a % to •= id t ^^alon I ID Chasi I- i Kd W L hib linn 3 tad the we u r \ 11 Hilda He in for the "wintc Harold M i callers in tow Dr Harw 1 in getting th the Frankl r 1 i i chlf n ^i tnd [wi t [JI I) i ( t\ 1 * C lli, ^ fccne m C il i del JV f P f i r i ^ 1 ru< t I 0 i em i It t Main «.*. we H ce< 1 i i re re ic«ent DH i tli tdfcrrt VERMONTVILLE. Clarence Costlow is at home now for «. vacation. He has been in Washington D. C. for about two vears. Mrs. Rog-ers is quite ill. Mrs. Oaj-s ip in Saranac I*ik< for a while. Mrs, Warner is Aery sk-K. There Ls to be a Harve-H Sunper at the home of R, D. Ooff Thursday Sept. 23rd. It is for the benefit of tht church. Price 25 cents. WEST BANGOR. i oft O- kn r i a tenl i. sol. ^ m Mil one ^ J i i n 4 ' i" "ii i e M >r d ^ rt > wit i 4a ^die f JI re li Mi iJik *te tdferd "j n A few at Bomtwv w,tn Iier paren home Sunday night. Guy Dickinson came home field to .<-<Denci a week w;tl: in t!iip vicinity . JlL>e standard Bee Spaiilding at her ing Sept. 13th, where a tin shower was tendered one of the menTbers, Miss Blanche Casey, who is to become the bride of Mr. Barmsm .next week. Re- freshments were ser\-ed and a pleasant time reported. Ser-t. 20—Charles Helms was calling on old friends in this place Saturday. ' Mrs. George Bradford Spring- f i j ; met wjth Pearl e Monday even- Sept. 18-Williar I^n^.ion. of Ware Mass., is the gue^t of .Mrs--. Gabree. Miss Lydia Ernlaw and Joseph Jesmer Were united in marriage $ept. 1! bv Hev. W. H. Moore. Miss Cora I^aFleur is- attending >t- iawa fair. Horatio Mear.s left Monday for Okie- lioma. Bradley Fish• of 'Uake. is ie town. Oliver Boardway ST., cjiieel Wednesday. the funeral being held at St. Edward's Jt. C. church Friday at ten o'clock. He leaves his wife and four sons, Oliver and Wiiliam, of this place, John f>f Maione, and Edward, to intrnrn hi.«< loss •jncere sympathy is extentied. at the time. HYed K setts, ha at the h Henry Sehroon summer. Harry Knapp and family were guests .at O. W. Smith's Saturday. Two men caili-nR themselves, Mormon missionaries, have been in town re- cently. BLOOMINGDALE Sept. 13—Mrs. Ctias. Kjiapp is ill. Hev. Mr. Scobie from Otttnwa and Rev. Mr. Hill are holding revival meet- Ings in the VermontyiiU J M. 15. church. William Plander*; If? disposing of hi« stock nf merchandise as he has receiv- ed an-1 accepted an offer of a good position elsewhere. Miss Isabella Lamson is teaching on Qpechee Hill. Miss Anna Hwy,,es is ynguged to teach at Sugar Biish; - The Union Prce *eh.x>3 has commenc- «d with a good attendance and is pro- — - - finely. COOKS CORNERS. min? station gre Bradford arr camp at Twin Ponds for a short rry and friend from Massachu e been spending a few days me of 'Grebrge Kerry. Fa;rchild.<? has returned from Lake where he spent the Sent. 18-Our fk Sunday. Sept. 19th. Mrs. Jolm Maiiar is on the sick, list. Georse Murphy, of U)well. is-'visiting John and Wm. Condon. John Mahar transacted business in "Westville last Saturday. "*~ Michael McCaffrey' was a Malone call- er on Saturday. Albert Avery is picking hops. NORTH BANGOR. Sept. IS—A meeting of the stockhold- ers in the Union church was held last Tuesday. Solon Reynolds was chosen chairman, John B. Hayes, secretary. L. R Davis, Ralph E. Tarbell and Geo. C. Walker were elected trustee.-*, R £. Todd. sec'y. and Af-W.. Gjbson, treas. Itev. Sleep, pastor of the Consregra- uonal church, went to Montreal last Tuesday to resume his studies at col- lege. He will continue to preach here ij'.iridays as usual. Rev. Moore attended the fair at Ot- tawa last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Russell made a short call here last week on their way from Platt§burjrh to their home in Og- densburg. Mrs. W. T. Bellows, of New York, vis- ited her sister, Mrs. A. W.Oibson last week. Mrs. Roila Gilpin. of Bridgeport, Conn., fs visiting iier sister, Mrs. Oscar Kemp- ton. This community was sadly pained to learn of the death of George D. L*ytle, He is wei! rem-embf-rd here for hi« jrT&nly (qualities and as one of our leading mer- ! chants some 20 years ago. As the par- ) ticulars will be published in The * Farmer, it is not necessary tc repeat I them here. Mr. Traynor. who is atttendjng a medi- ollege at Albany, is visiting his «BIoodWiIlTeIP Strength, stamina and vital- ity depend upon the blood supply. Keep it pure, fresh and red with BEECHAM'S PIUS &ister, Mrs. Dr. McCarthy. Mrs. Fred Eldred of Ampersand Pond, who made a short call here last week has returned to iier home. Many from this place attended the fair at Malone. Some of them wish they hadn't. Joseph Mott and Oliver T>e- losh were relieved of what money they had about them. Miss Jennie Montgomery has gone to Bombay where she is teaching- school. Wm. B. Lytle, of Springfield. Mass., is visiting his old home and friends. Mrs. Mary Dow is very poorly. Her son Bert Dow visiting her. of Springfield, Mass., is Fred Johnson is on the sick list with acute rheumatism. Daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs, Roy Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Will Hfed- ley last week. F. J- Dwyer, of New York City, was the guest of his brother, C. H. Dwyer iund other relatives jn this place for the past week. He holds a fine posi- tion in that city. - R. C. tfrrweoA A Son,,H. H, Lee and others Is this vicinity are to be cor.- srraiul&tted on t*e premiume received at the fair last week. C, H. Dfcivyer also received premiums. FORT COVJNGTON. ^ a fen d i\ ! s I i Iw u 1 VIi 1 r ed Prida\ Canada, the Malone fair Ml \ - L laughter H h me f M f *. ti \\ f 'N Wedne««ii the week with i ' rl Iber -M i break a 1 n*- "i s M C i o l , of her \< jn i i tlie tvteht Ml )nl who hi\ and jn > a for New \ few dd^ eturn to t i town h, of Ma si parents ; r p throu^n ita Clara, is setts, is call- other friends ing on in town. .MKss Rose McMillan, of Cornwall, is visiting at the home of Thos. i^owe. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tyo called on Miss Maggie Tyo Sunday. John Derushie went to Montreal on Sunday. l^vi Premo and Hnrry Brown were visitors in town on Monday. W. J. ftousolle. accomi>anied by Misses L-iilian and Henrietta Mayhew and Kathryn Marsha Ml y spent Th jn ty Malone. Air. and Mrs. John Rogers of Ma- lone. called on friends here recently. Henry Rockwood. of Bombay, was jn town Monday. —r- Thos. Maynard, of Montreal visited his brother, John, Sunday. .Miss G-eorgie Cowan left for Ne-.v York Wednesday. Prof. Oummings. Arthur and W.' C. Tail Ion accompanied Frank Sills in his launch to Montreal. The trip was made in eig-ht hours Mr. and Mr?. T. H. Lowe and Mr. and Mrs?. Thos. Mayhew spent PViday at Maione. CONSTABLE. Mr. and Mrs. H/mry Stickney. of Ly- is, N. Y. are g-uests of the farmer's parents. Waliie AUbrev of the East is renew- ing old acquaintances in this section, and visiting near relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Hutchins have heen called to mourn the loss of their two youngest children within the past week of caterrhal dysentery. Floyd, the youngest, boy died week Tu-j.s- •inv and was buried Thursday and -m Sunday rnorning their only daughter The! ma. died. The sympathy of the entire "comniunity goes out in full to them in this, their hour of sorrow. Peter Farrell, our local harness maker. received first and second prizes en his hand-made harnesses at the fnir held in Malone last week. Mr. Far- reil does excellent work. Many little children are sick about town. ' Carl Stebbins has been quit 1 ? sick, but is on the erain at this -writing Hone Buell is verv ill at her home with cholera infantum. "Dr. VanDy^<». of Malone, is attending her. Currie F. Wilbur returned to her work at the State Hospital, Ogdensbur*, on Friday. Mrs. H. D. Beebee is visiting her brother, George Wilbur and family at St. Regis Falls and her sister... .Mrs. Walter Austin at Norwood for a short time. Mr. a-nd Mrs. Nelson Estabrooks tire Erie, are d visiting: the letter's brother Pa., for awhile. Mrs. Wm. Lynch and daughter visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.Buell entertained Will Bellows of New York cltv last week. Marcia Estabrooks is the guest of her sister, Mrs. MoKenzie in Bangor. The Misses Anastasia and Mabel I>.n- tiee.n have returned from. Take Plaoid. regular meeting of Constable 3 will be held at its rooms on Haturday evening ot this week, fyept. 25th. Let as* many as can be present. Mrs. P. B. Culver and daughter," Be- tella, of Bristol, Conn.^are visiting th^ir friends in town. Mrs. Culver was for- merly Miss Addte Stockwell, of West^ ville, a, niece of the late Sheriff stock- well anfl cousin ot ex-Sheriff Henry. The h >enl the r- it t' e mi f i ule tu IO M un t i n I >n riaire-l H \e •aturd ^ n i cm, ^ of hei lnt) 1 lut aid cl U % relat ve^ h t i BOMBAY Sept 18—Uucy C. Dana WM on th« sick Hfft a few days this week. H. £1. Owens has returned home. Miss Bessie Mulvana fcsft last week to teach at Sar&hac Ijake. teA& Murl«l Boyea accompanied her. W. H. Lftoonan and family spent two daj in Malone this week attending the fair. J, J. and W. C. Shields and families spent Thursday In Malone. John McMullea of Milton, Vt.t spent a few days with his brother, T. H. Mc- Mullen this week. MIBS Maud Barber left today for her school at Sackett's Harbor. Gteorge Condon has returned from his trip to Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blanchard .have returned from their trip to Vermont. Arthur Barlow Is 111 with typhoid fever His sister, May, has quite recovered. James Thurgood is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Thurgood. Word has been received that F. L.. Secor has obtained a fine position in Syracuse and that Mrs. Secor will leave in about two weeks. Shields Bros, closed their shops for a couple of days this week to give their help an opportunity to attend "lie Malone fair Mrs. H. E. Owens is visiting her parents in West Winfield., The funeral of Mrs. McDonald took place at The R. C. church. Jtomtoay, on Sept. 16. Interment was at b\irt Cov- ington. Much sympathy is. extended to the bereaved family. Misses M. Condon and C. iEiliott spent Sunday at their respective homes. Mrs. Ella Barber is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j e rry Spillings. Wm. Cowe, of Potsdam, shipped a carload of stock to New ^ork from this station. Prices were fairly good • Berttha McMullen spent Saturday in Massena. Sbielos Bros, have gone to Portland on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Kelley spent Friday and Saturday in Malone. On Sunday they were the guests of Jlr. and Mrs. L#on Turner in cantp at Lake Titus. ? t Ittt r '», the ^ u Mr and diusrhcers their new la\ Vfter . •J me Tietropolis the\ will h i ht me in Un^n^cles s spent sundav j i A^ai ;t cf iu brother Gilbert Mrs n d Pierce an 1 fw o rted T iursda-v morning frr 1 me in Oregon. fhe\ *ill S Sds Mrs. Millie F. Monroe, sister of H. •H. McBnde, lias returned to Provi- dence, with a stop at Saratoga, and Albany, after a four weeks' visit .nd Mrs. FT. H. McBride are visit- peek at Jesse Bucklin's in taking in the sights. mg foi °ttawa, DUANE. ?Pt. 18—There Ti-as a surprise party 3_at the home of Mrs. A. Woods n, y ?, e > R ' J >' eri ^ho goes next week to Cornell for a four years' course. >irs.. William Sprajarue is a little bet- er at this wntingr. Mrs. Nettie SeTkjrk spent TOmrsday .t the Malone fair. • „ ' Fridav Ord Kerry w a s a 6alIer ir i Malone Mrs. Burreli and daugrhter, Alice, who Have spent some time at the home of •Joseph Murphy, have returned to their home in Malone. Mary Mitchell is visiting her sister, Mrs. Floyd Selkirk. Roy Beyerl is home from laoon Lake. DICKINSON CENTER. Sept. 20-The ladies of the F. B. church will hold a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Kamadell on Friday afternoon and evening. All are cordially invited. Miss Harriet Baldwin returned from Syracuse today. (Monday) W T. Bugbee has been having a. vacation the past week. Arthur Run- ions, of Nyando, has been supplying during his absence. Mr. Bugbee re- turned thj« moinmg Mr and Mr<= tYank McComber and Mr and Mrs Noble N les attended the fun- eial of Heib ssmith at Port Jackson on S\inda\ Afr ^mith wa^ f rmtrly of For Jacks >n but at the time of his death •Ra< living m Pot •'dim 1 e\ t?to ura teturnt-d todav from ~FA- lenburg h i\ inj, atten led the quarterly meeting held th-re \lr« \\ L, H «e his lust returned frcm the cit\ with a full line of mil- lnciv goods ind invites vour inspec- tion L> M£?ht I imr-on of Bc-ui, and his «u«te! Alt s Gt it rude I Jimp sen. of Wor- ce ter Mass art home in their vaca- tion Mis Jick«. n Mfrev hi" been visiting her sister Mi ° til zoheth Arcjuette in Milone tie } ist wetk \h V e\ 1 tUitl ff Ciumet, Out. s the git t tt hei pir nt Mr. and Mis W J «viiinlers i^?ra 11 tntv a I t ta is at home for a few da\« VI i 1 Mi« i F Park and daugh- ter Marun sptnt two dns, with rei- »tives m NichoUil e and Btechertown. is Win I \ vniih i" visiting hei aunt Mit M i n t -»nnth and her sister. Mi«» R 1 }^ee\e in \\ mtl i ip. Mi ir iul ^n ith lecerUv visited li en Is in - Pet, FVU1 Mi m i Mi I^ilph i. rnltv- and two chilhen h IV retiuned tu their home m the wes-uri part of the state. \ olr Nile n L! ihf mi f rtune to lose fnur pi^s the paM we k valued at $100. Mrs \V L, tt we is enter lining her notf er Mis L L I aunateer, of I ochetei Ir an Mi<= "Xettk^ have returned to tl n home in Pots lam vli« \\ lev iic of Spi ngfield, is heie vi«>itirg fnend^ Mi tin*, tu*. Ol and Mri J. P. Saw- in of Winthrop were guests of Mrs. Tcinet Baner ind Mrs Hizareth David- )n on Ihurblav Mr« t>aw1n also cilled on hei ousm W m I N. Smith. Mr and Mr 1 1 Pat raw are rejoic- ing over tne arrival of a son also Mr. and Mrs J hn McNa^sai I IUI ^mit i i^ vciv lck at r resent, T h u n i a n B°ine*« of Springfield, Mass. vis ting lelatives here Uo Wilnns A V rth Laurence vis- ited his cou m "VJrs H H Briggs on I rdav and baturdav L ither Bates ofWestfoid Vt., has teen visiting his ^i<ner in aw, Mrs. B. L Orcutt Mr and Mrs Jbrnerv French, former- 1> of St Regis Fills but now of Boston Mass and Mr and Mrs. R. J. 1 orsv th of Greenfield Ma.«s , are vis- Mr^ &arah Dustm and other rela- and Mrs. Wm. Trim buried their only child, a baby girl of five months and 10 d<i\s on baturda\ Service was held at the home Rev Bavliss offici- ating. There was a large attendance of sympathetic relatives and friends. te entire proceeds raised for the Cornwall General Hospital fund during the past week were $2^1.20. Through the efforts of the ladies here of this amount' $111. was credited to them. Clear from all expenses $100.30, They are to be congratulated upon their success. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kingsley are here from the Kast. Mrs. Sylvester Planty who has been spending several weeks at Eagle Is- land Upper Saranac Lake, has returned home. Mrs. D. E. Moody and sons, Ralph and Richard, were caJlers in town on Saturday. H. H. Brings returned from Sy^acu*e n x 1 rioay. A. N. Tower and son, Herman Tower, f W t i l l i t S 3OUTH BOMBAY. Sept. 18-Elmer Flanders transacted business at Malone Saturday. Mrs. John Gray, of Brasher, is visiting er mother. Mrs. P. Flanders. Casius White, from the East. ;s spend- ing a few days with his mother, Mrs. \ White. Miss Edith Berry from Vermont is home for a few weeks' vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Berry. - Mrs. Clary and son. Vernon, and her daughter Orda, of Bangor, were the sts of ttlie former's mother, ft Betsey Brayton on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Phelps of Evert on, was the guest of Mrs. Orange Phelps Tues- day. s>ne also called on other relatives Mrs C. White visited her daughter, frs. Elmer Smith, of Bombay Tues- day and Wednesday. Her two sons Ed- ward and Casius. and grandson, Orville Sweet, accompanied her . Jl«v. and Mrs. Heath spent a 1 days this week with Mr and A George Russell, and otlw" friends* tSSSS i n &? t lT P ^'l£ Lreonard Niles is employed in repairing John Barrett's silo. "" Mrs. H A. Russell and three childrpn of Bombay we re visitor? at Mrs. o W. Russell's Thurs<Jay P>ank Brayton visited his sister, Mrs M. Clary, at Bangor. Thursday. TROUT RIVER. Sept. 20—Mrs. Roswell Hastings of Chi- conee and her brother, pat McCaffrev of Maione spent last week amon friends. The many friends of Gabriel Tullv wi be shocked to learn of his suddt-n "dent which occurred Tuesday ' ni^ht. He"w taken ill Saturday but no serious trou- ble was anticipated. On Tuesdav heart- trouble set in and he suddenly pas u^^ was ^ y^ars of a ire and had been a merchant in the little town ^L.l*" 8 ^ 0 " f o r 19 ^' ears - He was a ur^t^ growth of the t6wn. sears a. member of &2S d 5f2S Sincere t ve« Mr. What The Kidneys Do. Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us Strong and Healthy. All the blood ia the body passes through the kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day. When healthv they remove about 500 grains of impure matter daily, when un- healthy some part of this impure mat- ter is left i r t h e blood. This brings on many diseases aad symptoms— pain in the back, h^dache. nervous- ness, hot, dry skin, rheumatism, gout, gravel, disorders of the eyesight and hearing, dizziness, irregular heart, debility, drowsiness, dropsy, deposits in the urine, etc. But H you keep the filters right you will have no trouble with your kidneys. Fred Gibbs, 57 Edward Street, ^Ma- lone, N. Y., says: "I caa^sax/that Doan's Kidney Pills are the best medicine I ever used tor backache and kidney trouble. I procured my supply from the Hyde Drug Co. aad they brought entire relief from the disa- greeable symptoms of kidney trouble that had bothered me for a long time. I know of other wber Doan's Kidney Pills "• hav^)>eeo used with just as great benefit.* For tale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Miltmrn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Remember the name—Doan'»—and take no other. as for man Presbyteria WELL BRED folks want only bread well baked. It's easy to be had if you keep your eyes open and find out where to buy. BEST BREAD MADE Investigation will 3ead right up to the front door of this bakery. It's here "those who know" leave bread orders. No sour, heavy stuff every leaves thm bakery. For light, wholesome bread come here every time. L. G. HALLER. Howard Block, - Malone. N. I . Phone 105 L, Torturing eczema spreads its burning, area every day. Doan's Ointment quiet- ly stops its spreading, ia^tant.y re- lieves trie burning, cures it permanent- ly. At any dru« store. sympathy is extended to the Frdiay night occurred the death of Mrs. Catherine Caldwell at the home of ausrht#r, Mrs. James White. Mrs. en was 88 years of age and Mr] i«.+ H j " /H-l 315 health for some time, but her death was quickened bv a'sev- ere faJI recently. She was an active 'wo- man all through life and took m*u-h pride in being- able to wait unon her- se^f jn her old age. In earlv 15f- «fhe married William Caldwell. who became e farmer* re hard- d f %>,- ^ mOst Prospero this section. They both were hard- working people and only retired from farming a few years a^o. Mrs. CaldweU was a Christian woman, a kind neigh- o e v e b d g g a few ye was a Christian b d a Christian woman, a kin bor and a friend to everybody. ST? m ^ Ch ° f h ti Ji of her time ««,111S O11 u i e and even the.past year was al- interested and anxious for any- Miss Mary Beattfe and Mrs. Sarah RoS. Blanche Dalzell is spending the week ¥° ntr€al tki in^the %Lt Sj Willie McCombs went to Malone fair Ihursday and from there to Montreal o take m the old home week Mrs. Albert HurJbyrt spent Mondav at Charles Ouimet a man aZyout 80 y^ars lorse when it turned A. N. Tower and son, Herman Tower, i£ 0r8e w hen it turned ^crdr^JcIted him of Westville. were in town over Sun- ibreaking one leg at the thigh and" the* day. other at the knee. SKERRY Sept. 20—There will be a New Eng- land supper social at the home of IV* - and Airs. Adelbert Sherwin, Sept 30th. Price 10 cents. AH are cordially invited. Mrs. Alfred Eggleston'e- father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baxter, of Athol. Mass., visited Mrs. Eggleston last week. . « The annual church meeting- will be held in the ehureh at Skerry Sept. 28 In th, ening. All who are interested are requested to attend. Mrs. Greeno, of Burlington, visited her Sister. Mrs. Wilber Owens last week. Mr. nd Mrs. Warren Cane vrent in- to camp near Beaver River last Monday. C. R. Kerry and Herbert McNaSsar went to Slush Pond on a. hunting trip last Thursday returning Saturday night with a fine deer, Mr. and Mrs. punean McNaraara and Daniel MoNamara, of Holyoke. visited relatives here old home week. Mr. and Mrs. James Bonner of Con- stable, visited at C. JR. Kerry's last Saturday. Mildred and Thusia Eseltine spent last week caring for their grandmother, Mrs. Ivathan Eseitie h i i i week caring for Ivathan Eseitine, slowly. g n m o t h e r , Mrs. who is improving very Fred Merritt purchased a new ensi- lage cutter at the fair ground week. last Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sulia are to move into Walter Eusleston's rooms In the residence of Alfred Bgrgleston this_week. School commenced today in the Cen- ter district with Miss Alice Montany as teacher. She boards at C. li Xerry's at present. Mrs. C. R. Kerry and son Edwin, vis- ited her mother in So. Malone last Sun- Fred Kerry and friend, Mr. Saunders. of New Britain, Conn., visited at the home of his uncle, C. R. Kerrv last Sunday niHit. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tall man visited their mother Mm Aneon Eaeltine. over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Kinney and Mr. and Mrs. Buell, Warren Stevens and sister, Mrs. arren Steven and sister, McGivney, Alison McLaug""h- ter Ma of M l t Mr. Ett^ McGivney, Alison McLaugh- lin and sister. Mae, of Malone, spent part of last week at Twin Ponds. WESTVILLE CENTER The many friends of William B. BueU will be, pleased to learn that be is now improving, after a serious* attack of illness 1 and now seems to be on the road to recovery. Almost everybody in the county knows Uncle William Jtaell. He o. . .^ + , , J- nas betji vcrv vU T neumlsria for the past weelt. " Mrs. John Tobey, of Brooklyn, and her niece, Mrs. Reeves, of Ga-eenport ong Island, called on old acquaintances ist week. Mrs. Will McMaster and son of Hol- H?ke, are visiting her siater, Mrs. John *J Connell. EAST DICKINSON. Sept. 20thr-Mr. and Mrs. G?uy Packard and Mr. and Mrs. Roy G3enn, w3io have been spending a few days at Mr. Pack- ard s old home here have returned to LfOwviHe. Clark Hastinsrs Is Improving: the looks of his house with a coat of paint. Mrs. Ella Manning, of Bruahton, was calling on friends "here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Wood were the guests of their son, Ira, of Atburg, on Sunday. JB. Donovan, of Boston Mass., who formerly lived in this vieinity was call- inK^bn old fiends in this place and at- tended Malone fair Mr and Mrs. J. J3. Clark spent Sun- day in Moira the guest of Mrs. Clark'a parents. __ Charles Clary, of Moira, has been build ing chimneys for a number of people in this place. Bayard Russell, who has been spend- ing a few days in the Adirondacks re- turned Sundav with a nice deer. This is the first deer that has ben brought out.of the woods in this vicinity. Mrs. Wade Hastings has purchased e i new five hundred dollar piano. WEtTVILLE. Misses Eva Brooks and Loretta Ro- Kera returned Saturday from MeColloms where they were employed for the sum- mer. Ed. W. Kelsey of Windsor Locks, CODn., is spending two weeks in town the guest of . his parents and friends. There Is more CSatarrh in this sec- tion of the country than all other dis- eases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incur- able. For a gnat many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and pres- cribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires consti- tutional treatment. Hair* Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney A <§> Toledo. Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken •In- ternally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonfol. It acts directly apon the blood and mueotss surfaces of 4he .-_ William _ is one of our grancT olJ men whom it * r always a pleasure to meet and greet. any oase".it fails to OTreTsend testimonials. Address* F.~ J. —• v.»»-u« « CO., Toledo, Obio Sold Gold Medal Flour waa your mother's bv DrucKists. 75c. Tak« Halls' Family fevorlte. CrmmA. J Pills for oonstlpation. *wiuiy NOTICE. To the Electors of the Town of Ban- gor, N. Y. i'ake nottice that the petition requir- ed by law having be«n duly fued in tins office with tae required "number of tax- payers' signatures calling for a ".Spe- cial Town Meeting," in and for ihe Town of Baiigor, N. Y., for the purpose of voting on the following proposition, to wit:— •'Shall the town board of tlie town of Hangor be authorized to issut; a Certificate of Indebtedness in tne sum of One Thjousand Dollars or so much thereof as shall be necessary to complete the crushed stone road now under con- struction from t&e state read at North Bangor to the Rutland Xla.ilFoad?-' Therefore take notice that said "&pe- ial Town Meeting" shall be and here- by- is called for Tuesday Sept. 2Sth, 1909, in the Town Hail at Nortn Bangor. N. Y. That the polls of said Special Town Meeting shall- Tje open from S o'clock in the forertoon until 4 o'clock in the afternoon of that day for the purpose ->f voting on said proposition. Dated North Bangor, Sept. 7th, 1909. US ON A CHAJP1N 40wl Town. Clerk. NOTICE. All persons indebted to bYed M. Smith, Moira N. Y., are requested 'IQ call at the store of W. H. Montross and settle on or before the 1st day of November, 1909, as the accounts will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. FTLED M- SMITH, 40w4 Moira, N. Y. THE PEOPU3 OF THE STATE OP New. York to Catherine HSuniil. re- siding at Brasher, N. Y., Anna Gehan, residing at Helena, N. Y., Margaret I-iantr?/ residing at Hlogansbarg, N. Y., William Mtzgerald, residing at Ionia, Ionia County. Michigan, Katherine Barry, residing at Racket Bridge, N. Y., Elizabeth Barry, res.ding at lliacket Bridge, N. Y..; James Barry, residing at RiUiket Bridge,N.Y. ;John Barrv.residing^ at Oneida, N, Y-;Frank Baxry.residing at to Park. St; Geneva, N. Y., Michael H. Bfeury. residing at Saranac Lake. N. Y.. Mary McCormick, residing at Nor-. wood, N. Y.; JBlizabeth D. Derochie, residing at Racket River, N. Y., consti- tuting all the husband, wife, heirs at law and next of kin of Michael Barry, late of tbe town of BonYbay, in the county of Franklin and state of N e w York, deceased, send greeting: Whereas, Thomas HT Lantry, the ex- ecutor named in the last will and 1 testaim-nt of the said Michael Barry, deceased, has lately applied to our sur- rogate of our county of Franklin to have ine said will proven as a wiil of real and personal property in pur- suance of the statute in such case made and provided: STou and each of you are therefore dte4^»|d required, per-- sonall^. to be anflm^pear before our said surrogate, at his offiee in Malone village, in the county of Franklin, on the Stn day of ?fevember next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend the probate of said last will and testament. * AB<i * a ,"if °* the * tOT * s *-i' i Persons fF* U !^5?f •*?*• *** of twenty-one years, they will please take notice, that they are required to appear by their general guardian, if they have one, and if thev have none that they appear and VPp!y for the appointment of a special guard- ian, or in the event of their failure or SSil d ?J? a SWW di appointed by the surrogate to . and act for them in the pre- -P -i-ii. fer the probate of said will In testimony whereof, we-have hereun- t o affixed the seal of our said fL « ^ ^"2555?- . ^tne"". Frederick (i* s.> G. Paddock, surrogate of mid county, at the surrogate's of- fice in Malone village, th-said county, the l«th day of Sep- tember^ 19(S. ^* BOYCE BRYANT. Court. mm

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Page 1: THE MALOKE FAiiMEE, SEPTEMBER 22, Good Blood Does the ... · DH i tli tdfcrrt VERMONTVILLE. Clarence Costlow is at home now for «. vacation. He has been in Washington D. C. for about


The Moor and His Horse.The horsemastership of tbe Moors Is

Itire and entirely successful. Anever walks when he can ride

never by any chance gets off tohis beast. How a Moorish pony

have chuckled at the wearyenforced on tired men by well

cavalry colonels In South Af-He would have said to himself:

•1 don't think much of animals thatcarry 3fteen stone fifteen hours a

_ I must be a really superior kindf tatst" The Moorish (and Gonmier)

always spends his nights in theHe is never groomed or clip-

Hls youth is passed wanderingover the vast fields. When

work be pets all the barley bei t night and a drink before his

feaf to the evening. From 7 a. m. to 7

Laa. he expects to work and to workid without bite or sup. His saddle

l i a wooden* tree superimposed on at| » « t half a dozen folded blankets, tbefttck&ess of whieh often reaches sixtkcbee, and he never gets a sore bark

don Spectator.

Good BloodMeans good health, and Hood'sSarsapartlla has an unapproachedrecord aa a tofood-^vrifler.

It effects Ha wonderful cures, notsimply because it Contains sarsapanllabut because it combines the utmostremedial values of more than 20 differentingredients. There is no real substitutefor it. If urged to buy any preparationsaid to be "just as good" you may besure it is inferior, costs less to make,and yields the dealer a larger profit.

Gel Hood's 8»n*parU!a todar. In astwl Hqnidform or in ebocol^ed tabtote known u Sarutabs.




and daughter, Mrs.Nelson, of Salem, N. Y., were

at C. M. Keile'y's last week Mon-

Maither attended Ottawa fairlast week.

Judson Grant, of 'Port O»v5ngton, call-ed on his sister Mrs. Abe Fillings, re-cently. »

Mr.* and Mrs. Murray Crosby were"uests of Mr. and IWrs. Barlow Crosbyla>t WfPk


Mr. and Mrs. Nicholaa Bo;Covingto; were calling on

>yea»of Forti frre»3s—in

town last Sunday.H. Englehart, of Corona, L. I. who

spent the past 'three weeks at Mr*.Emma Daly's left for his home Monday.

Kev. Fauier Pheneouff spent tlie pastweek in Montreal.

Mrs. Henry Murray and little son, Harly, of Bombay, who spent the pastweek at the home of her parents, Mr.aajd Mre. T. F. Murphy, returned homeSaturday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Bero and two lit-tle daughters ,of Winthrop, spent Sun-


.,v,.t lS-Mlase» Grace and Marion... Cunnings returned Friday from Lak«*• ;I3*feid Club, Where they have been em-

day at A. A. aero's.Mr. a»d Mrs. F. T. K«Jnan and daugh-

ter. G4adys, and son Henry, MrMrs. Ed. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs.

H« Got the Ticket,>n's return" tickets are issued

most British railways at seaport Jto sailors at reduced rates. Awell groomed yo|g|g man de-

1 one to Birmingham; the book-lac clerk at Hull demurred.

" 'Seamen's returns' are only Issued•a aailors," he snapped.

•Well, I'm a sailor," was the reply.*1 hare only your word for that,"

ptft tbe clerk. "How am 1 to know Itfceorrect?"

"How are yon to know?" came thetaswer. "Why, you leather necked.•wfrel eyed SOD of a sea cook. If youfeel my starboard boom runninp fcul«C your headlights you'll know I ve jfcntn doing more than sit on a st*ol%iaatlng aii my life, and you'll ham Iny a r jaw tackle a bit "

•"Give him tbe ticket." said the pas-•eager suierhm ntkut wlx had over-heard the dlil true he s a siJ^r, right

— L< nd n ^r&i^



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Fred Flint. Miss Margaret L*intry, EdMonahan. Andrew Burke, Wm. Bradleyand Rudy Bero attended the Malonefair on Thursday.

Henn' McKwen of Flint's Corners,called on friends here Wednesday.

Miss May Cotter, of Springfield, Mass.,is a guest at the home of her uncle, J.T. O'Brien.

James Sullivan has purchased a finenew piano for his daughter, Genevieve.

David Hackeit and William Bero spv>ntTuesday in Bombay.

Mr. a'ml Mr?. Prank Balsh and child,of Massena, spent Saturday and SundaywMh Mrs. Baislfs parents, Mr. and Mrs.J W. Bt ro

I irqnini Biov of Port Oo\ineton. %\ t in i >w n Tiii KdavI \ number of our citizens, old and

n - dr. e tc N\ando -Mind ij f> ivit- -i turn <f »H1 between the NJ\aiih< \ <s and our home team. The game- \fry interesting and resulted in ar< f Mintcpn to ele\en in fa\ >i

m wfio is attending schooldrove down Friday even-

aiiel \ er N m l u with in1-<tn 1 Mr«! fdn ml Totrn <n

uira\ ^nd the M

ployed the pa«t season.A. U Itonaidson was a caller at West

Bangror Friday.Neva Allen teaches school in Quinn

District »Taylor SheaJea returned on Tuesday

from sBrajsher, where he was visitinghis graaidmother, Mrs. M. Taylor.

Munson Bombard went to OgdensburgThurswiay where he will undergo a«operation for appendicitis.

Miss EHaabethr Orton returned Thurs-day frorti X«ak«"..Placid, where she hasbeen employed the past season.

Walter Woods and children re-turned home Thursday to Tupper Lj&ke.

Mrs. George Hamilton, of Canadaspent Sunday here, the guest of rela-

nd Thinking 'it ^ hje uben 'tur*

. ca i <*ee I<fere tbeiri c i \ IT g of t h e figj i rd wh«n they think I

« f t hem In r<>r t tL k ai. ill moht Iasen m i k e u>e of Iriij-e^ tlmuph the r [WOBLJ be f o ^ert nt L ao<- Thus one ,n n wbtn If think« f Halv tieesJ n r t the r n n u d wri l am 1 t r M>e<* theeonntrv s ouniue ci a t i n another•aav sef tbe < UUTE> c " r e d out beforehim, vr ffa it<> r u p t d towns

M i i n dof


and friends,and Mrs. Sydn jy Sargent are

visiting friends at West Bangor.George Harris spen Sunday and

Monday at Rainbow Lake.* S. Qoinn and '

went Tuesday toSyracuse.

Miss Marjorie Hawley of Ltawrenqevllle,i visiting at Earl Clark's.Frank JDelosh, of Malone, is calling on

friends in town.rarren Manning, of Ray Pond, Is vss-itiner his mother, Mr? Mary Manning

A few days>s«. Dons Dollar of Hetivelton iswins "Rjth her grandmother and at-

tending schoolWill Fremh -who i emplov ed at B i \

Pond «ptnt «!unJai \uth hss f%milvJo<jeph Savage hft Mondav for Ne-r iska where he ha* a position await-ie hnnMre R Clark of AJb+inv who has

he en \ [Siting Mr* Ldith «5cott the•t Tveek went to Kike Placid Sat a

Hie l i l i e s G«rtni ipMaude ^axton have titiRustic LtfKige at Corev -been employed the p tM

Mrs Qumn and h< rlies O Bnen have gorv\ Y to \i«!!t liev P

Ir And Mrs G* r*.Thursday in Ottawa

riT<! to attend ti

: t for!Mi n d Mr« Uifik° \rr \pri m P° t hi« Darenf5 M

rte B wen' \ lei Jr i«

; ler skating r nk t

•Spauld ng indirned home fromwhore thev h"Tv<j'•ummei

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T or Mi 1 " ; *•f T C Mil

f i m < i l \ In1 n f l > a n

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Does theBabyThriveIf not, something must bewrong with its food. If themother's milk doesn't nourishft, she needs Scott's Emulsion.It supplies the elements of fatrequired for the baby. If babyis not nourished by its artificialfood, then it requires


Half a teaspoonful three orfour times a day in its bottlewill have the desired effect. Itseems to have a magical effectupon babies and children. Afifty-cent bottle will prove thetruth of our statements.

Send this ft r with nameSend this ftdwrtisemet, gof paper in which it appears, your address andfour cents to cover postage, and we win sendyou a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World.'SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Peari St , New York

Oie di(T< r^ut iid*- r iu age-* cf whichBen ra ike u f s r « f r example,hear the word< cf th ir t'loucht withinthem5'*, ives rtherv rpid tt PIU as if jQ K word*, w e e w t t t r jrcneraDv In iMack on 8 white ground.—LondonPoet. i

County Letters.CHASM FALLS.

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Clarence Costlow is at home now for«. vacation. He has been in WashingtonD. C. for about two vears.

Mrs. Rog-ers is quite ill.Mrs. Oaj-s ip in Saranac I*ik< for a

while.Mrs, Warner is Aery sk-K.There Ls to be a Harve-H Sunper at

the home of R, D. Ooff Thursday Sept.23rd. It is for the benefit of tht church.Price 25 cents.


i oft O- kn r i a t e n l i . sol. ^m Mi l one

^ J i i n4' i" "ii i e M >r d^ r t > wit i 4 a ^ d i e f JI re


Mi iJik *te td fe rd "j n A fewat Bomtwv w,tn Iier parenhome Sunday night.

Guy Dickinson came homefield to .<-<Denci a week w;tl:in t!iip vicinity .JlL>e standard Bee

Spaiilding at hering Sept. 13th, where a tin showerwas tendered one of the menTbers, MissBlanche Casey, who is to become thebride of Mr. Barmsm .next week. Re-freshments were ser\-ed and a pleasanttime reported.

Ser-t. 20—Charles Helms was callingon old friends in this place Saturday.

' Mrs. George Bradford

Spring-f i j ;

met wjth Pearle Monday even-

Sept. 18-Williar I^n^.ion. of WareMass., is the gue^t of .Mrs--. Gabree.

Miss Lydia Ernlaw and Joseph JesmerWere united in marriage $ept. 1! bvHev. W. H. Moore.

Miss Cora I^aFleur is- attending >t-iawa fair.

Horatio Mear.s left Monday for Okie-lioma.

Bradley Fish• of 'Uake. is ietown.

Oliver Boardway ST., cjiieel Wednesday.the funeral being held at St. Edward'sJt. C. church Friday at ten o'clock. Heleaves his wife and four sons, Oliverand Wiiliam, of this place, John f>fMaione, and Edward, to intrnrn hi.«< loss•jncere sympathy is extentied.

at thetime.

HYed Ksetts, haat the h


Harry Knapp and family were O. W. Smith's Saturday.

Two men caili-nR themselves, Mormonmissionaries, have been in town re-cently.


Sept. 13—Mrs. Ctias. Kjiapp is ill.Hev. Mr. Scobie from Otttnwa and

Rev. Mr. Hill are holding revival meet-Ings in the VermontyiiUJ M. 15. church.

William Plander*; If? disposing of hi«stock nf merchandise as he has receiv-ed an-1 accepted an offer of a goodposition elsewhere.

Miss Isabella Lamson is teachingon Qpechee Hill.

Miss Anna Hwy,,es is ynguged toteach at Sugar Biish; -

The Union Prce *eh.x>3 has commenc-«d with a good attendance and is pro-

— - - finely.


min? station

gre Bradford arrcamp at Twin Ponds for a short

rry and friend from Massachue been spending a few daysme of 'Grebrge Kerry.Fa;rchild.<? has returned fromLake where he spent the

Sent. 18-Our fkSunday. Sept. 19th.

Mrs. Jolm Maiiar is on the sick, list.Georse Murphy, of U)well. is-'visiting

John and Wm. Condon.John Mahar transacted business in

"Westville last Saturday. "*~Michael McCaffrey' was a Malone call-

e r on Saturday.Albert Avery is picking hops.


Sept. IS—A meeting of the stockhold-ers in the Union church was held lastTuesday. Solon Reynolds was chosenchairman, John B. Hayes, secretary.L. R Davis, Ralph E. Tarbell and Geo.C. Walker were elected trustee.-*, R £.Todd. sec'y. and Af-W.. Gjbson, treas.

Itev. Sleep, pastor of the Consregra-uonal church, went to Montreal lastTuesday to resume his studies at col-lege. He will continue to preach hereij'.iridays as usual.

Rev. Moore attended the fair at Ot-tawa last week.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Russell made ashort call here last week on their wayfrom Platt§burjrh to their home in Og-densburg.

Mrs. W. T. Bellows, of New York, vis-ited her sister, Mrs. A. W.Oibson lastweek.

Mrs. Roila Gilpin. of Bridgeport, Conn.,fs visiting iier sister, Mrs. Oscar Kemp-ton.

This community was sadly pained tolearn of the death of George D. L*ytle,He is wei! rem-embf-rd here for hi« jrT&nly

(qualities and as one of our leading mer-! chants some 20 years ago. As the par-) ticulars will be published in The* Farmer, it is not necessary tc repeatI them here.

Mr. Traynor. who is atttendjng a medi-ollege at Albany, is visiting his

«BIoodWiIlTeIPStrength, stamina and vital-ity depend upon the bloodsupply. Keep it pure, freshand red with


&ister, Mrs. Dr. McCarthy.Mrs. Fred Eldred of Ampersand Pond,

who made a short call here last weekhas returned to iier home.

Many from this place attended thefair at Malone. Some of them wishthey hadn't. Joseph Mott and Oliver T>e-losh were relieved of what money theyhad about them.

Miss Jennie Montgomery has gone toBombay where she is teaching- school.

Wm. B. Lytle, of Springfield. Mass.,is visiting his old home and friends.

Mrs. Mary Dow is very poorly. Herson Bert Dowvisiting her.

of Springfield, Mass., is

Fred Johnson is on the sick list withacute rheumatism.

Daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs,Roy Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Will Hfed-ley last week.

F. J- Dwyer, of New York City, wasthe guest of his brother, C. H. Dwyer

iund other relatives jn this place forthe past week. He holds a fine posi-tion in that city.- R. C. tfrrweoA A Son,,H. H, Lee andothers Is this vicinity are to be cor.-srraiul&tted on t*e premiume receivedat the fair last week. C, H. Dfcivyeralso received premiums.


^ a fen d i\! s I i

Iw u 1 VIi 1 r

ed Prida\Canada,

the Malone fairMl \ - L

• laughter Hh me f M

f *. t i \\ f'N Wedne««ii

the week with i' rl Iber -M i

break a 1 n*-

"i s MCi ol,of her \< jn i itlie tvteht

Ml )nlwho h i \and jn > afor New \few dd^eturn to t

i townh, of Ma si

parents ;

r p throu^n

ita Clara, is

setts, is call-other friendsing on

in town..MKss Rose McMillan, of Cornwall, is

visiting at the home of Thos. i^owe.Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tyo called on Miss

Maggie Tyo Sunday.John Derushie went to Montreal on

Sunday.l^vi Premo and Hnrry Brown were

visitors in town on Monday.W. J. ftousolle. accomi>anied by Misses

L-iilian and Henrietta Mayhew andKathryn MarshaM l

yspent Th j nty

Malone.Air. and Mrs. John Rogers of Ma-

lone. called on friends here recently.Henry Rockwood. of Bombay, was jn

town Monday. —r-Thos. Maynard, of Montreal visited

his brother, John, Sunday..Miss G-eorgie Cowan left for Ne-.v York

Wednesday.Prof. Oummings. Arthur and

W.' C. Tail Ion accompanied Frank Sillsin his launch to Montreal. The tripwas made in eig-ht hours

Mr. and Mr?. T. H. Lowe and Mr. andMrs?. Thos. Mayhew spent PViday atMaione.


Mr. and Mrs. H/mry Stickney. of Ly-is, N. Y. are g-uests of the farmer's

parents.Waliie AUbrev of the East is renew-

ing old acquaintances in this section,and visiting near relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Allie Hutchins haveheen called to mourn the loss of theirtwo youngest children within the pastweek of caterrhal dysentery. Floyd,the youngest, boy died week Tu-j.s-•inv and was buried Thursday and -mSunday rnorning their only daughterThe! ma. died. The sympathy of theentire "comniunity goes out in full tothem in this, their hour of sorrow.

Peter Farrell, our local harness maker.received first and second prizes enhis hand-made harnesses at the fnirheld in Malone last week. Mr. Far-reil does excellent work.

Many little children are sick abouttown. ' Carl Stebbins has been quit1?sick, but is on the erain at this -writing

Hone Buell is verv ill at her homewith cholera infantum. "Dr. VanDy^<».of Malone, is attending her.

Currie F. Wilbur returned to her workat the State Hospital, Ogdensbur*, onFriday.

Mrs. H. D. Beebee is visiting herbrother, George Wilbur and family atSt. Regis Falls and her sister... .Mrs.Walter Austin at Norwood for a shorttime.

Mr. a-nd Mrs. Nelson Estabrooks tireErie,


dvisiting: the letter's brotherPa., for awhile.

Mrs. Wm. Lynch and daughtervisiting relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. E. A.Buell Will Bellows of New York cltvlast week.

Marcia Estabrooks is the guest ofher sister, Mrs. MoKenzie in Bangor.

The Misses Anastasia and Mabel I>.n-tiee.n have returned from. Take Plaoid.

regular meeting of Constable3 will be held at its rooms on

Haturday evening ot this week, fyept.25th. Let as* many as can be present.

Mrs. P. B. Culver and daughter," Be-tella, of Bristol, Conn.^are visiting th^irfriends in town. Mrs. Culver was for-merly Miss Addte Stockwell, of West^ville, a, niece of the late Sheriff stock-well anfl cousin ot ex-Sheriff Henry.


>enl the r-it

t' e mi f iule

tu IO


un t i n I>n riaire-l H \e•aturd ^ n i c m ,^ of hei l n t )

1 lu t a i d cl U% relat ve^ h t i


Sept 18—Uucy C. Dana WM on th«sick Hfft a few days this week.

H. £1. Owens has returned home.Miss Bessie Mulvana fcsft last week

to teach a t Sar&hac Ijake. teA& Murl«lBoyea accompanied her.W. H. Lftoonan and family spent two daj

in Malone this week attending the fair.J, J. and W. C. Shields and families

spent Thursday In Malone.John McMullea of Milton, Vt.t spent a

few days with his brother, T. H. Mc-Mullen this week.

MIBS Maud Barber left today for herschool at Sackett's Harbor.

Gteorge Condon has returned from histrip to Michigan.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blanchard .havereturned from their trip to Vermont.

Arthur Barlow Is 111 with typhoid feverHis sister, May, has quite recovered.

James Thurgood is visiting Mr. andMrs. J. Thurgood.

Word has been received that F. L..Secor has obtained a fine position inSyracuse and that Mrs. Secor will leavein about two weeks.

Shields Bros, closed their shops fora couple of days this week to givetheir help an opportunity to attend"lie Malone fair

Mrs. H. E. Owens is visiting herparents in West Winfield.,

The funeral of Mrs. McDonald tookplace at The R. C. church. Jtomtoay, onSept. 16. Interment was at b\irt Cov-ington. Much sympathy is. extendedto the bereaved family.

Misses M. Condon and C. iEiliott spentSunday at their respective homes.

Mrs. Ella Barber is visiting herparents, Mr. and Mrs. j e r ry Spillings.

Wm. Cowe, of Potsdam, shipped acarload of stock to New ^ork fromthis station. Prices were fairly good •

Berttha McMullen spent Saturday inMassena.

Sbielos Bros, have gone to Portlandon a business trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Kelley spentFriday and Saturday in Malone. OnSunday they were the guests of Jlr.and Mrs. L#on Turner in cantp atLake Titus.

? tI t t t

r ' » , t h e ^u

Mr anddiusrhcerstheir new

la\ Vfter .•J me Tietropolis the\ willh i ht me in Un^n^cles

s spent sundav j i A^ai; t cf iu brother GilbertMrs n d Pierce an 1 fw o

rted T iursda-v morning frr1 me in Oregon. fhe\ *ill

S SdsMrs. Millie F. Monroe, sister of H.

•H. McBnde, lias returned to Provi-dence, with a stop at Saratoga, andAlbany, after a four weeks' visit

.nd Mrs. FT. H. McBride are visit-peek at Jesse Bucklin's intaking in the sights.

mg foi°ttawa,


?Pt. 18—There Ti-as a surprise party3_at the home of Mrs. A. Woods

t« n, y?,e >R'J>'eri ^ho goes next weekto Cornell for a four years' course.

>irs.. William Sprajarue is a little bet-er at this wntingr.Mrs. Nettie SeTkjrk spent TOmrsday

.t the Malone fair. • „ 'FridavOrd K e r r y w a s a 6 a l I e r iri Malone

Mrs. Burreli and daugrhter, Alice, whoHave spent some time at the home of•Joseph Murphy, have returned to theirhome in Malone.

Mary Mitchell is visiting her sister,Mrs. Floyd Selkirk.

Roy Beyerl is home from laoon Lake.


Sept. 20-The ladies of the F. will hold a social at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Kamadell onFriday afternoon and evening. All arecordially invited.

Miss Harriet Baldwin returned fromSyracuse today. (Monday)

W T. Bugbee has been having a.vacation the past week. Arthur Run-ions, of Nyando, has been supplyingduring his absence. Mr. Bugbee re-turned thj« moinmg

Mr and Mr<= tYank McComber and Mrand Mrs Noble N les attended the fun-eial of Heib ssmith at Port Jackson onS\inda\ Afr ^mith wa^ f rmtrly of ForJacks >n but at the time of his death•Ra< living m Pot •'dim

1 e\ t?to ura teturnt-d todav from ~FA-lenburg h i\ inj, atten led the quarterlymeeting held th-re

\lr« \\ L, H «e his lust returnedfrcm the cit\ with a full line of mil-lnciv goods ind invites vour inspec-tion

L> M£?ht I imr-on of Bc-u i , and his«u«te! Alt s Gt it rude I Jimp sen. of Wor-ce ter Mass art home in their vaca-tion

Mis Jick«. n Mfrev h i " been visitingher sister Mi ° til zoheth Arcjuette inMilone t ie } ist wetk

\h V e\ 1 tUi t l ff Ciumet, Out.s the git t tt hei pir nt Mr. and

Mis W J «viiinlersi^?ra 11 tntv a I t t a is at home for

a few da\«VI i 1 Mi« i F Park and daugh-

ter Marun sptnt two dns, with rei-»tives m NichoUil e and Btechertown.

is Win I \ vniih i" visiting heiaunt Mit M i n t -»nnth and her sister.Mi«» R 1 }^ee\e in \\ mtl i ip.

Mi ir iul ^n ith lecerUv visitedli en Is in - Pet, FVU1

Mi m i Mi I^ilph i. rnltv- and twochilhen h IV retiuned tu their homem the wes-uri part of the state.

\ olr Nile n L! ihf mi f rtune to losefnur pi^s the paM we k valued at $100.

Mrs \V L, t t we is enter lining hernotf er Mis L L I aunateer, ofI ochetei

Ir an Mi<= "Xettk^ have returned totl n home in Pots lam

vli« \\ lev i i c of Spi ngfield, isheie vi«>itirg fnend^

Mi tin*, tu*. Ol and Mri J. P. Saw-in of Winthrop were guests of Mrs.Tcinet Baner ind Mrs Hizareth David-

)n on Ihurblav Mr« t>aw1n alsocilled on hei ousm W m I N. Smith.

Mr and Mr 1 1 Pat raw are rejoic-ing over tne arrival of a son also Mr.and Mrs J hn McNa^sai

I IUI ^mit i i vciv lck at r resent,Thunian B°ine*« of Springfield, Mass.

i« vis ting lelatives hereU o W i l n n s A V rth Laurence vis-

ited his cou m "VJrs H H Briggs onI rdav and baturdav

L ither Bates ofWestfoid Vt., hasteen visiting his i<ner in aw, Mrs. B.L Orcutt

Mr and Mrs Jbrnerv French, former-1> of St Regis Fills but now ofBoston Mass and Mr and Mrs. R. J.1 orsv th of Greenfield Ma.«s , are vis-

Mr^ &arah Dustm and other rela-

and Mrs. Wm. Trim buried theironly child, a baby girl of five monthsand 10 d<i\s on baturda\ Service washeld at the home Rev Bavliss offici-ating. There was a large attendanceof sympathetic relatives and friends.

te entire proceeds raised for theCornwall General Hospital fund duringthe past week were $2 1.20. Throughthe efforts of the ladies here of thisamount' $111. was credited to them. Clearfrom all expenses $100.30, They are tobe congratulated upon their success.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kingsley arehere from the Kast.

Mrs. Sylvester Planty who has beenspending several weeks at Eagle Is-land Upper Saranac Lake, has returnedhome.

Mrs. D. E. Moody and sons, Ralph andRichard, were caJlers in town onSaturday.

H. H. Brings returned from Sy^acu*en x1 rioay.A. N. Tower and son, Herman Tower,f W t i l l i t S


Sept. 18-Elmer Flanders transactedbusiness at Malone Saturday.

Mrs. John Gray, of Brasher, is visitinger mother. Mrs. P. Flanders.Casius White, from the East. ;s spend-

ing a few days with his mother, Mrs.\ White.Miss Edith Berry from Vermont is

home for a few weeks' vacation withher parents. Mr. and Mrs. AugustusBerry. -

Mrs. Clary and son. Vernon, and herdaughter Orda, of Bangor, were the

sts of ttlie former's mother, ftBetsey Brayton on Sunday.

Mrs. Henry Phelps of Evert on, wasthe guest of Mrs. Orange Phelps Tues-day. s>ne also called on other relatives

Mrs C. White visited her daughter,frs. Elmer Smith, of Bombay Tues-

day and Wednesday. Her two sons Ed-ward and Casius. and grandson, OrvilleSweet, accompanied her .

Jl«v. and Mrs. Heath spent a 1days this week with Mr and AGeorge Russell, and otlw" friends*

tSSSS i n S £ &? tlTP^'l£Lreonard Niles is employed in repairing

John Barrett's silo. ""Mrs. H A. Russell and three childrpn

of Bombay w e r e visitor? at Mrs. oW. Russell's Thurs<Jay

P>ank Brayton visited his sister, MrsM. Clary, • at Bangor. Thursday.


Sept. 20—Mrs. Roswell Hastings of Chi-conee and her brother, pat McCaffrevof Maione spent last week amonfriends.

The many friends of Gabriel Tullv wibe shocked to learn of his suddt-n "dentwhich occurred Tuesday ' ni^ht. H e " wtaken ill Saturday but no serious trou-ble was anticipated. On Tuesdav heart-trouble set in and he suddenly pasu ^ ^ w a s ^ y^ars of a ire andhad been a merchant in the little town^ L . l * " 8 ^ 0 " f o r 19 ^'ears- He was a

ur^t^growth of the t6wn.sears a. member of



t ve«Mr.

What The Kidneys Do.Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us

Strong and Healthy.All the blood ia the body passes

through the kidneys once every threeminutes. The kidneys filter the blood.They work night and day. Whenhealthv they remove about 500 grainsof impure matter daily, when un-healthy some part of this impure mat-ter is left i r t h e blood. This bringson many diseases aad symptoms—pain in the back, h^dache. nervous-ness, hot, dry skin, rheumatism, gout,gravel, disorders of the eyesight andhearing, dizziness, irregular heart,debility, drowsiness, dropsy, depositsin the urine, etc. But H you keep thefilters right you will have no troublewith your kidneys.

Fred Gibbs, 57 Edward Street, ^Ma-lone, N. Y., says: "I caa^sax/thatDoan's Kidney Pills are the bestmedicine I ever used tor backache andkidney trouble. I procured my supplyfrom the Hyde Drug Co. aad theybrought entire relief from the disa-greeable symptoms of kidney troublethat had bothered me for a long time.I know of other wber Doan'sKidney Pills "• hav^)>eeo used withjust as great benefit.*

For tale by all dealers. Price 60cents. Foster-Miltmrn Co., Buffalo,New York, sole agents for the United

Remember the name—Doan'»—andtake no other.

as for manPresbyteria

— WELL BREDfolks want only bread well baked. It'seasy to be had if you keep your eyesopen and find out where to buy.

BEST BREAD MADEInvestigation will 3ead right up to the

front door of this bakery. It's here"those who know" leave bread orders.No sour, heavy stuff every leaves thmbakery.

For light, wholesome bread comehere every time.

L. G. HALLER.Howard Block, - Malone. N. I .

Phone 105 L,

Torturing eczema spreads its burning,area every day. Doan's Ointment quiet-ly stops its spreading, ia^tant.y re-lieves trie burning, cures it permanent-ly. At any dru« store.

sympathy is extended to the

Frdiay night occurred the death ofMrs. Catherine Caldwell at the home of

ausrht#r, Mrs. James White. Mrs.en was 88 years of age and Mr]

i«.+ H j" /H- l 3 1 5 health for some time,but her death was quickened bv a'sev-ere faJI recently. She was an active 'wo-man all through life and took m*u-hpride in being- able to wait unon her-se f jn her old age. In earlv 15f- «fhemarried William Caldwell. who became


re hard-d f

%>,- ^ m O s t Prosperothis section. They both were hard-

working people and only retired fromfarming a few yea r s a^o. Mrs. CaldweUw a s a Christ ian woman, a kind neigh-

o e v e b d g

g a few yewas a Christianb d

a Christian woman, a kinbor and a friend to everybody.ST? m^Ch °f h ti J iof her time ««,111S O11 u i e

and even the.past year was al-interested and anxious for any-

Miss Mary Beattfe and Mrs. Sarah RoS.Blanche Dalzell is spending the week

¥°n t r € a l tki in the %Lt S jWillie McCombs went to Malone fair

Ihursday and from there to Montrealo take m the old home weekMrs. Albert HurJbyrt spent Mondav at

Charles Ouimet a man aZyout 80 y^arslorse when it turnedA. N. Tower and son, Herman Tower, i £ 0 r 8 e when it turned ^crdr^JcIted him

of Westville. were in town over Sun- ibreaking one leg at the thigh and" the*day. other at the knee.


Sept. 20—There will be a New Eng-land supper social at the home ofIV* - and Airs. Adelbert Sherwin, Sept30th. Price 10 cents. AH are cordiallyinvited.

Mrs. Alfred Eggleston'e- father andmother. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baxter, ofAthol. Mass., visited Mrs. Egglestonlast week. . «

The annual church meeting- will beheld in the ehureh at Skerry Sept. 28In th, ening. All who are interestedare requested to attend.

Mrs. Greeno, of Burlington, visited herSister. Mrs. Wilber Owens last week.

Mr. nd Mrs. Warren Cane vrent in-to camp near Beaver River last Monday.

C. R. Kerry and Herbert McNaSsarwent to Slush Pond on a. hunting triplast Thursday returning Saturday nightwith a fine deer,

Mr. and Mrs. punean McNaraara andDaniel MoNamara, of Holyoke. visitedrelatives here old home week.

Mr. and Mrs. James Bonner of Con-stable, visited at C. JR. Kerry's lastSaturday.

Mildred and Thusia Eseltine spent lastweek caring for their grandmother, Mrs.Ivathan Eseitie h i i iweek caring forIvathan Eseitine,slowly.

g n m o t h e r , Mrs.who is improving very

Fred Merritt purchased a new ensi-lage cutter at the fair groundweek. last

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sulia are to moveinto Walter Eusleston's rooms In theresidence of Alfred Bgrgleston this_week.

School commenced today in the Cen-ter district with Miss Alice Montanyas teacher. She boards at C. l iXerry's at present.

Mrs. C. R. Kerry and son Edwin, vis-ited her mother in So. Malone last Sun-

Fred Kerry and friend, Mr. Saunders.of New Britain, Conn., visited at thehome of his uncle, C. R. Kerrv lastSunday niHit.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tall man visitedtheir mother Mm Aneon Eaeltine. overSunday,

Mr. and Mrs. Kinney and Mr. andMrs. Buell, Warren Stevens and sister,Mrs.

arren Steven and sister,McGivney, Alison McLaug""h-ter Ma of M l t

Mr. Ett^ McGivney, Alison McLaugh-lin and sister. Mae, of Malone, spentpart of last week at Twin Ponds.


The many friends of William B. BueUwill be, pleased to learn that be is nowimproving, after a serious* attack ofillness1 and now seems to be on the roadto recovery. Almost everybody in thecounty knows Uncle William Jtaell. He

o. . .^ + , , J- n a s betji vcrvv U T neumlsria for the past weelt. "Mrs. John Tobey, of Brooklyn, and

her niece, Mrs. Reeves, of Ga-eenportong Island, called on old acquaintancesist week.Mrs. Will McMaster and son of Hol-

H?ke, are visiting her siater, Mrs. John*J Connell.


Sept. 20thr-Mr. and Mrs. G?uy Packardand Mr. and Mrs. Roy G3enn, w3io havebeen spending a few days at Mr. Pack-ard s old home here have returned toLfOwviHe.

Clark Hastinsrs Is Improving: the looksof his house with a coat of paint.

Mrs. Ella Manning, of Bruahton, wascalling on friends "here the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wood were theguests of their son, Ira, of Atburg, onSunday.JB. Donovan, of Boston Mass., whoformerly lived in this vieinity was call-inK^bn old fiends in this place and at-tended Malone fair

Mr and Mrs. J. J3. Clark spent Sun-day in Moira the guest of Mrs. Clark'aparents. __

Charles Clary, of Moira, has been building chimneys for a number of peoplein this place.

Bayard Russell, who has been spend-ing a few days in the Adirondacks re-turned Sundav with a nice deer. Thisis the first deer that has ben broughtout.of the woods in this vicinity.

Mrs. Wade Hastings has purchased ei new five hundred dollar piano.


Misses Eva Brooks and Loretta Ro-Kera returned Saturday from MeCollomswhere they were employed for the sum-mer.Ed. W. Kelsey of Windsor Locks, CODn.,

is spending two weeks in town theguest of . his parents and friends.

There Is more CSatarrh in this sec-tion of the country than all other dis-eases put together, and until the lastfew years was supposed to be incur-able. For a gnat many years doctorspronounced it a local disease and pres-cribed local remedies, and by constantlyfalling to cure with local treatment,pronounced it incurable. Science hasproven catarrh to be a constitutionaldisease and therefore requires consti-tutional treatment. Hair* Catarrh Cure,manufactured by P. J. Cheney A <§>Toledo. Ohio, Is the only constitutionalcure on the market It is taken •In-ternally in doses from 10 drops to ateaspoonfol. It acts directly apon theblood and mueotss surfaces of 4he.-_ William _

is one of our grancT olJ men whom it* r always a pleasure to meet and greet. a n y oase".it fails to OTreTsend

testimonials. Address* F.~ J.— • v.»»-u« « CO., Toledo, Obio SoldGold Medal Flour waa your mother's bv DrucKists. 75c. Tak« Halls' Family

fevorlte. CrmmA. J Pills for oonstlpation. *wiuiy


To the Electors of the Town of Ban-gor, N. Y.

i'ake nottice that the petition requir-ed by law having be«n duly fued in tinsoffice with tae required "number of tax-payers' signatures calling for a ".Spe-cial Town Meeting," in and for iheTown of Baiigor, N. Y., for the purposeof voting on the following proposition,to wit:—

•'Shall the town board of tlie townof Hangor be authorized to issut; aCertificate of Indebtedness in tne sumof One Thjousand Dollars or so muchthereof as shall be necessary to completethe crushed stone road now under con-struction from t&e state read at NorthBangor to the Rutland Xla.ilFoad?-'

Therefore take notice that said "&pe-ial Town Meeting" shall be and here-

by- is called for Tuesday Sept. 2Sth,1909, in the Town Hail at Nortn Bangor.N. Y.

That the polls of said Special TownMeeting shall- Tje open from S o'clockin the forertoon until 4 o'clock in theafternoon of that day for the purpose->f voting on said proposition.

Dated North Bangor, Sept. 7th, 1909.US ON A CHAJP1N

40wl Town. Clerk.


All persons indebted to bYed M.Smith, Moira N. Y., are requested 'IQcall a t the store of W. H. Montrossand settle on or before the 1st day ofNovember, 1909, as the accounts willbe placed in the hands of an attorneyfor collection.

FTLED M- SMITH,40w4 Moira, N. Y.

THE PEOPU3 OF THE STATE O PNew. York to Catherine HSuniil. re -

siding at Brasher, N. Y., Anna Gehan,residing a t Helena, N. Y., MargaretI-iantr?/ residing at Hlogansbarg, N. Y.,William Mtzgerald, residing at Ionia,Ionia County. Michigan, KatherineBarry, residing at Racket Bridge, N. Y.,Elizabeth Barry, res.ding at lliacketBridge, N. Y..; James Barry, residing a tRiUiket Bridge,N.Y. ;John Barrv.residing^at Oneida, N, Y-;Frank Baxry.residing a tto Park. S t ; Geneva, N. Y., MichaelH. Bfeury. residing a t Saranac Lake. N.Y.. Mary McCormick, residing at Nor- .wood, N. Y.; JBlizabeth D. Derochie,residing a t Racket River, N. Y., consti-tuting all the husband, wife, heirs a tlaw and next of kin of Michael Barry,late of tbe town of BonYbay, in thecounty of Franklin and state of NewYork, deceased, send greeting:

Whereas, Thomas HT Lantry, the ex-ecutor named in the last will and1

testaim-nt of the said Michael Barry,deceased, has lately applied to our sur-rogate of our county of Franklin tohave ine said will proven as a wiilof real and personal property in pur-suance of the statute in such case madeand provided: STou and each of youare therefore d t e 4 ^ » | d required, per--sonall^. to be anf lm^pear before oursaid surrogate, a t his offiee in Malonevillage, in the county of Franklin, onthe Stn day of ?fevember next at 10o'clock in the forenoon, then and thereto attend the probate of said last willand testament. *

A B < i * a,"if °* t h e *tOT*s*-i'i PersonsfF* U!^5?f •*?*• *** o f twenty-one years,they will please take notice, that theyare required to appear by their generalguardian, if they have one, and if thevhave none that they appear and VPp!yfor the appointment of a special guard-ian, or in the event of their failure orS S i l 1° d?J? a SWW diappointed by the surrogate to

. and act for them in the pre--P -i-ii. f e r the probate of said willIn testimony whereof, we-have hereun-

t o affixed the seal of our saidfL « ^ ^"2555?- . ^ tne"" . Frederick(i* s.> G. Paddock, surrogate of mid

county, at the surrogate's of-fice in Malone village, th-saidcounty, the l«th day of Sep-tember^ 19(S. ^ *

