the man and the money

The woMAN and The MONEY Arinze Imachuwku

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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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A book I made based on my iner thoughts on money and it's impact on society


Page 1: The Man and The Money

The woMAN

and The

MONEYArinze Imachuwku

Page 2: The Man and The Money
Page 3: The Man and The Money



Money brings power. Not something I completely agree with but do to a certain extent, especially in our day and age. Money seems to run the world, It can bring a smile as well as take it away, I find money to control a lot of people however there are a few that think there is more to life than money. The people than run the world are all accused of doing what they do just for money. The possibility to take someone’s life also derives from having money whether it is right or not is another subject however assassins make money from killing people. There are people that live life with not concern of money, but worry and believe in other things for example their religious beliefs despite this that are not always the most popular people in the world. Some people even complain that The Queen is there for show and what she does consumes too much money. I search on yahoo answers what the queen does and some of the responses where:

“Queen Elizabeth is a dignified, responsible, serious person who performs her many duties admirably. These duties are too many to specify here, but, perhaps as important as any of them, is the constant and regular consultations she insists upon with her Prime Minister. Having conducted these regularly in private with 10 successive P.M.s, she is in an exceptional and unique position to use her very high intelligence and political acumen to guide these leaders - which she does very effectively. She was the only person strong enough to control dear Margaret Thatcher!! God save our Queen!!!!!! Long may she

reign!!!!!, “

“As little as possible. Feeds her dogs, rides horses, gambles at the Races, Drinks whiskey, Waves from her balcony, hits people with swords while saying arise Sir ..... goes on Holiday abroad and spends as much taxpayer money as she can whilst calling everyone in the Commonwealth :”My loyal subjects” and getting everyone to sing: “God save the Queen” at every possible moment. But seriously .... she is the constitutional head of the Commonwealth. Laws only come into effect when they are signed by her. She has the power to appoint and dismiss Governments and she presides over the opening of the UK Parliament. She is also the head of the Church of England although Charlie (and what a right Charlie he is) has said that this should be ignored in favour of recognition of all religions”.

These are contrasting opinions however the majority of there were negative. In my opinion some of her money could be shared with the nation just for the fact there are some people that are living in conditions you couldn’t even think of but that’s another story. In this day and age money can be used to do and get almost anything which is why people do so much for it. Things are becoming more expensive and harder to maintain. Not everybody wants to swarm in money but everybody wants to live which is only cable with food, shelter and other basic needs to acquire these basic needs we need money. The people that control our money are labelled as the most powerful people in the world, would you agree?

Page 4: The Man and The Money



Page 5: The Man and The Money

I’m sure a majority of us are familiar with the Adam and Eve story, They disobeyed God’s orders not to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge and were punished. Eve was punished creating new life through painful childbirth and Adam a life of toil. Stereotypically the men in the family work however I recently discovered that this was the punishment of passed on to men according to the bible. I found this very interesting that according to God men from nearly the beginning of the human race are supposed to work are provide for the family. I believe that this brings a family together, whether it is the woman or the man, someone or collective we should provide for each other as well as ourselves.

Page 6: The Man and The Money


Becoming a “man” means different things to different people however to me it’s not just the fact that you grow physically but the mental transition is what is most im-portant. The realization of having to be the protective figure and begin to think with initiative in this world is life chang-ing. Some may have to look after their loved ones more than others but I sure a majority of us gain responsibilities when we get older. Knowing what to do when nobody does is a trait I only find is wise men, not everybody steps up to the plate of responsibility and this doesn’t always include other people it may be for you to sort yourself out, but those that do tend to

be very successful at what they do. There are various phrases and quotes that I tend to turn to when I feel unfortunate of de-pressed some of them are “man up” and “a man I someone stand on his own feet” and “survival of the fittest”. These all relate to staying strong and wise.

In the society of today woman are begin-ning to have to get things done themselves as well. Patriarchal views are becoming supressed and women are starting to take on “men” roles. Maybe in a couple of years the phrase “man up” may just be “grow up”.

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All youve got are your balls and your word

becomingthe man of thehouse

In my

house hold my father was there for a short

period of my childhood, this was the same for most of my friends as well. Some of us had to teach ourselves to take con-trol and certain situations and learn things you mother my not be able to tell you as well as you father will either way we all went through it and eventu-ally grew physically and men-tally. My mum always said my dad wasn’t there to do even the little things like teach me how to tie a tie together, watch me and take me to football match-es or talk to me about girls. Personally I think it made me much more independent, not

to say that those with fa-thers are not as independ-ent but it defiantly help me morally. The stress my mother went though is something I would never like to see my son go though, therefore I believe I must treat my partner how I would have liked my mum to be treated, if I am not going to do so I wouldn’t like to be with her. Watching my parent’s rela-tionship defiantly had a part to play in shaping my character. It let me know what not to do and what to do. That also goes for my brother’s childhood; there are a lot of mistakes he experi-ence which allowed me to gain wisdom from.

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In all relationships there are highs and lows, some last longer than oth-ers however in most cases money is not what breaks couples apart, in my opinion it is what keeps them together. When couples have no money, from what I have witnessed it bonds them together emotionally. Struggling and grafting I believes let you know who really cares about you. Whoever is there through those times would be there for good. Achieving something to-gether will give you memories and memories help build relationships which in turn last longer. Despite the good things that money can cre-ate between men and women it can also be used to break people apart. Married women and men often want to take each other’s money when divorced which may be out of spite or just to benefit themselves. It is argued that they want to be able to look after their children they have had with the person however I don’t understand why they would need any money for themselves. Girls I converse with say they wouldn’t sign a prenuptial agree-ment because it means that the man doubts their relationship from the beginning of it however I argue that if you both think it will last it would matter if you were to sign it. There are valid points that support not having the prenuptial agreement

for example if the woman or man were to stop working while looking after the children that you have had together they deserve compensa-tion for the time they could of spent with someone else or doing some-thing else that would of provided them with money in contrast if it wasn’t the opposite persons fault why should they have to pay for something they didn’t want to hap-pen.

My mother and fathers relationship deteriorated as my dad’s money grew. His priorities became dif-ferent and the house hold slowly broke apart. I don’t know what his priorities became but neglect ion to the family and the little details that keep families together faded. Atten-tion to my mum from him was gone and he never seemed to care what my mum thought. My mum be-came depressed and we became her priority in life. Eventually my dad realised some of his mistakes when the finical side of his life wasn’t so healthy however we were already grown and didn’t need as much attention as we did when growing up. Althoug my mother didn’t have much money she kept what was im-portant 1st and brought up her four children as best as she could, in my opinion she done a brilliant job.

men &women

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Page 10: The Man and The Money

Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material pos-sessions or money. Ab-solute poverty or desti-tution refers to the one who lacks basic human needs, which commonly includes clean and fresh water, nutrition, health care, education, cloth-ing and shelter. About 1.7 billion people are estimated to live in absolute poverty today. Relative poverty refers to lacking a usual or socially acceptable level of resources or income as compared with oth-ers within a society or country.” – Britannica Encyclopedia

I just discovered that poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money and changes my view on who I think I in poverty. I used to think destitution was poverty and people that lack a certain amount of

what I found when

I typed poverty

into Google

material possessions are people that are ungrate-ful. I believe this is what leads to crime, they say money is the root of all evil but not I believe being in poverty or broke is the root of all evil especially where I’m from.

When I type poverty into Google it showed me pictures similar to the ones on the left. They all looked un-happy and concerned. I would like to know why it didn’t show me things like what games children create though destitution, and any of the other positive things that come from it. I realise absolute poverty the majority of the time has negative however there are positive things that relate to it as well such as those that come out of poverty. Hard work is also something positive that can come out of poverty and struggle.

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People that make money together tend to form a relationship. You could have a friendship before you made money together however once it comes into the equation it could cause it to grow stronger or weaker. Money from my experiences tends to be manipulative and clouds people judgment, for my it’s not the fact that you can or can’t give me money it’s that you love me enough to give me one of you most valuable possessions which is often money. I don’t like to argue with my friends about money or any one I class as a loved one. Some-thing I don’t like to mix is family and business; too often I hear that people take advantage for the fact that their boss is family and wouldn’t treat them like they would anyone else. If I had to employ someone I would prefer it to be someone I don’t know that way they would work harder because they know they can be replaced if the job isn’t done well.

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“look after your mum for me.....”

Page 13: The Man and The Money

Money can be a direct form of protection in addition the person that has the money can also be the form of the same thing. This adds to a man’s stereotypical figure of strength and stability. Whether man or woman I believe family comes first and in this day and age money is what helps your families stability. I don’t agree with people that want to die with their money there are more important things in life however, people say money isn’t everything and I agree but it defiantly is something.

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Everybody may prioritize their lives on being rich but I’m sure a majority of people wouldn’t mind it. Being in poverty is something I believe I was a part of however struggling made me the man I am today; I believe money makes and breaks. Although I believe our society does not handle money properly there are individuals that do. Those are the ones that assure their families and loved ones are fed. Can money buy love? I don’t know, Can money buy happiness, another ques-tion I don’t know but I am de-fiantly sure in this day and age we need to survive.