the man in rtown women's silk - chronicling america · 2017. 12. 19. · bllrig hott.e in...

PAGE 4 iiiirafflifliiraimmi OH! THE LUCKY DOG r | *1 The Youngest Business Man in rTown WANTS YOUR PATRONAGE Can you guess who he is? Of coifrse he doean't handle very much money and he doesn't make anything near as much a? the Second Are. buxl- nesa men do, but he works just as hard. What Does He Sell? Why he sells the thing that everybody buys. Thou- sands and thousands of people buy it every day and they can hardly get along without it It is the newspaper. He passes your home every day and he wants to leave a copy of The Seattle Star on Your Porch in TOOT mall box or any special nook where you de&ir* to have it left, for the small sura of 50 Cents a Month Order the paper direct from him or phone the clr- eulation department of THE SEATTLE STAR, MAIN 0600, and leave word for him to serve you regularly. THE SEATTLE STAR leads it* closest competitor by MORE THAN 18,000 COPIES A DAY It ha* undeniably earned the name of "Seattle' 9 Mast Popular Paper" There's at Reason?the People Demand It Peggy Brown. Thia IHtlf bunch of cu tenet a ring*, and danctt her way thru "The Passing Show of 1921" in a moat captivating manrer. She ha* been urith Mr. Shubert'a Foltiea showa ever atnre 191}) ant* it one of the moat popular mem- bera. The cute, little Pekinese dog cuddled in Peggy't anna ia now the propirtij of Jane and Katherine Lee, clever nfage kiddira. It wt»* given to them by Miss Brown. Urges Keeping Out of Neighbor's Mind "Kwp four nna* out of your grl|h bor"* »übcon»clou* Blind" *i> the *4 vice of Dr. Orlando Kdgar Miller. t«> taring on ooa*riou. and .übs-oiiarloiM mental at 111* Maaonlc (via. ' pie Thur**l»y night. Ho denounced hypnoU*m w a p*ycholo«tc«U prim* and dfrlarwl that all the (onl It had ' aocomplUhed in healing either mind or body could have been ?eranv j pitched better by «uto autrgeetion or | austreatlon. Healing by peyrhologtml method*. ? ha declared. k> toerely ualng natural ; lawn, i A police raid an ? faahlortable gam bllrig hott.e in diacloeed the fact that a young woman waa regu ! larly employed at croupier BARTELL DRUG STORES To render a true service that spares neither time nor trouble to give satisfaction to every patron is the aim of all Bartell Stores FRIDAY and SATURDAY SAVING SPECIALS IW These Specials Represent Real Save \u25a0' warmer in«»- Take Advantage of Them! ZJJJ, h /J * Fels Naptha Soap - (k* more liberal ? Java Rice Face Powder . ? 33C Hf"* Tf r *'? um Forhan's Tooth Paste, large 38C fa°vorit« brand 35c Energine Cleaner 27c probably in- Pinaud's Eau de Quinine sl.lO eluded in thij 50c Cuticura Ointment - 36C Dj*r ki« .. as* IBBXIMEMTEMRSJ 50c Liquid Veneer Mop Polish 32C ; *oe Dent paa* up IntereaUng Carter's Liver Pills 14* Mavia so*; Sl.oo place* or people-? Kodak u you OJjp Milfnrfl 1 .aurn Potind Panfr fiO double M'nnen'. 33* go and share Lhl* pleaaur* with 60C OTIIIOra TOUna 1 «iper, t><) QOUDie Armand Bouquet 33# others SheetS .................. ............. IOC Pompelan Fragrance 35# The «j<*p«opie tn our Kodak jQc Milford Lawn Envelopes 6c Hu,lnul * Thr** SrrSJtaSJt Me Ox Fiber Hand Brush «e picture making without ehanra. __ __ _ , _ M»fha 1./>V 35* JTZSZ TIZ T2Z Golden Peanut Brittle SZLFSZi:: si nr. anrt .he flnnhed nir- Everybody like* Peanut BrltUe, but you wUI Ilka Barter!'. Oold»n Colgate'* SO# and 35* at I o m' Peanut Brittle better than ever. If* made wtlh blanched Hpanieh !«4jr Mary 35* and BO* ' Peanut*. Cane Sugar. Creamery Butter. Salt and Soda and la I>a Jloheme 50# and 75* Out-of town patron* get the packed In paraffined carton*?convenient to carry, doean't atlcfc. and Fiancee 75* «ame «ervlc« by mailing tJielr mighty handy for the home, ear or outing Pound cartor# 35# Harden 010 85* and «5# ,0 °" r >UI " ' End o".the Week Chocolate*, Victoria Brittle, lb .50* Ambre Royal .. 75* and ai.OO pound -*»* Braall Nut Brittle, lb HO* J.Orlran SI .35 Cocoa nut Brittle. Ib 40# Walnut r»»tl««. lb 70* Quelque* l>ura SI.OO ? . Milk Chocolate Almond Brittle. Kitln Kinleh Ml*ed. eoft and Ideal 81.00 Safety First! pound 78# bard center*. Ib 30* II 1-lnuf* Dubarry #I.OO Every home, autotat. camp- . Zrl u l ry Deodorants ftrnt aid outfit in metal " Bhurn Z' h bo* Ju«t flu the pocket. *7, l;ftO if \Z-- ejLJ Violet « erate Thta Odoronn... and contain* every emer . *C\LA\ delightful vanl.hmg ere-m 27c, 55c, SI gtney need. Kit c?m ><»>*>>?\u25a0 bleaol,., .od h«i«. M ~ _m, t nn li '"y" mn <* 1,1 ? fi.r fn<«- \ \u25a0 1 ' powder Rold only at Rutelle, Non-Spi . . 50c \u25a0\u25a0 .? .. . . 25* and so# jar* « Jl Odor Don't 25c C 1 a V n An the nnmhcrs i]lm Spiro 25c oeiect I our in Rinprle, double and multi- m IBi Kveraweet 2">c MAUf pie bristles set in rubber OuOC I Olishes Amolin.... a. --,7 n. cushion. Hughes* Ideal arifl ... 25c, 50c At Barteii» you win find a * auQ vlcancrS mi wrrtrfM Melba Deodor- Cap to match any cior ha.h Brushes are not affected oy Al , , h# popula , aMtirn , ftni Mi ~ Ml an J T-' c Ing eult or any *had- of hair. All th« n«w style* and color* * at are now on di*play at very at- No. JJ f1.35 No. 47, SI.OO 2ln 1, all colora 15* nflUf ant .. . . 25c tractive pricea. No. 4* ai.SO No. SS. 5t. 75 Two for 25* Stearns' N'e- Plaln Oipa. *H color* No. 49. 81.00 No. sf>. 53.50 Phlnola, all color* 10* '>\c 35# to BO# No. «« «3.00 No. S2. 53.00 flllt Rdgc ZR; * Fanev Cap*, large variety Other number* up to ......55.00 Whlttemore'* Kllte 35* /" jJ "\ 35# to SI.BO Whlttemore'* Dandy 35* (BAYCRI Pore o? Diving Cap. ... t Cream 50* to 75# Water Glass 15^ nd £o# c^iic«nuinfl Award Water Wing*, aheolut* * »AA»!Wr 35r> Wf Sill WonUlrlG ir You still have time to put Midnight on Dye 25# * 1 ? . Rubber Life Ring* 53.00 Up ggg S for Winter. P'" 'hee White 25# DfiV©! - *! 3DI6XS Girls Eg{fs arp chea P nOW A N u Ben. for bathing mitt* are <JU»rt Will preserve about Wonder Make White 35# JQk OQ I K*| very popular thl« year, and yon fifteen dozen. dhlllT ReonTe Znt \u25a0 \u25a0 will aurely want one. Made of «£wi, ,J * * rubber, with fancy buckle*, and Pint* ....35# % Gal... 65# ' , an<J '''' ,, re l?OX of 1 dozen 20(* In many color*. Each, 50#. Quart. ..40# a... ?>m cSST'.-v.xtt;'***;°*m "" ule of 2 An Appreciated Service "" ""' s ' "' E«f:h mall bring* ii* letter* of thanks fn.m r,nr nut-of town pa'ron* for the individual att"nti'>n given their order* and protriptn*»» wlih a nntfli V v\ WT ft a m/v «\ which Jh.y are dl.p.tched. K A DTkl I Mall Order* are Intelligently flll»d by experienced people, who look If rt i\ I 1.1.1. I/I\U' 1 1W IX l.i 1 after cuelomern' Interest In purchaaing; muuU *o, in fact, an if you m UUU a KJ A ama-ikx guarantee The m.p.ger of "'h «. .. u ? , our Mail Order Department Kivea hla perxmal attention to all mail Heeond A\e Sixth and ? tne Bnlliird and I2nd .V W. order*, wh'ch in a st iarantee that your want* will .arcfully Htt'nd- Klr*l and Irnltr Way IIMIH iP>rcn Ave. Ed to. Addreaa all ord<r* to Mall Order Department ?no »tr»et ad- drea* neceuaary. THE SEATTLE STAR Cynthia Grey Girl Who Was Spanked In Glad of It Now ?Modern Parent Too Lazy, She Says?How About It? HY CYSTIfIA GREY Spank 'em instead of tending them to reformatories adva- cate* one. woman it answer to the 18-year-old. girl vho wrote that her father upanked her when she. disobeyed hnn. What do you think about itf Following are some, comments: Dear Mis* Grey: Your 18-year-old spanked correspondent has certainly brought up a question that in deserving of argu- ment in this age when parents are generally too lazy to per- form the disagreeable task of inflicting such punish men la, and disregard the child's best interests in favor of their own comfort. I am not upholdinp cruel whippings or beatings, but as one who was roundly paddled for my misbehavior, I make the claim that the average child is owed that duty?one for which they will in later years thank the parent. Of course, when me is receiving such a punishment she in not likely to be in favor of spankings, but in after years she will realize their benefit*. As to age, 1 believe behavior and not age should determine the end of spanking. I was well-paddled at lt» and it did me gtiod. My wis*- mother believed in in- flicting spankings coolly and deliberately. She did not spank often, but when she did, she did a good job. She would tell me to to my room, that she was going to spank me soundly. No amount of argument ever altered her decision to paddle. Well, after I had had time to think about the coming puutxhenent awhile ?he would come Into the room and "clear for Mtlon " Attar a few aound apanka aha would pauaa and may eamething Ilka "Now you wit) real laa that ll a your own fault you have to g< i thla " And then aha realty be ran to apank. Iletieve me, a fond aound apank Inn like mother u»«-d to flea la pain ful and I wouldn't want to alt down aJI day. |lut down In my heart I would alwaya admit that i had got what 1 deaareed. I believe ape n king doea alder gtrla more good titan lltOo onea, e*en. Tha ihume of being turned ov»i- and paddled la an additional punlwhment to lha pain, it ia quite a while alnce I had my la»t apunklng and 1 don't auppoea I will ever gel am>Ui*r but t am glad my mother did paddle ma when I draerved it. I know a lit'la town In tlie Eaat where a Juvenile court Judge often arntenrva miarhlevoua glrta and bora to a apnnklng Inatead of tending them to the reform arhool They ?rntenee them about a week befora inflicting It. When It cornea time for tha punishment they go Into a prt vale room, take off their flothaa. and put on aort of overalla. which are thin and tight acrowa the aeat. Then lha child la brought out before tha whol<- clam, turned arrnaa a polloe- aom.tna lap and apanked with a ahlngle I think It wouhl be a good ld«-a to do tha aanta thing here. ALICE U a a e Where la Monte Carlo and what la Ita history? Mia* Oray will racalva raliara In bar office Vionlay. VTadnaaday and Friday from 1 to t p dl, and on Ttieaday and Thuraday from 11 a m. to 11 m. each week. Fleaae do not at olhar times aa It \u25a0erlouely Intarfrria with bar writing *«»'« Carlo li eiluated ia (V pri»i-ipalUy of Monaia. aa a healthy, beautifnl eie,+tu,n abore the bay a/ I '*? Mediterranean There appear to have km pieWup tablet al llonte j Carlo In the year J»St. but U tea* la till that franrott tllane. tearing hi* j at Mombmrg tvmlap la ai» end. tetlh n* hope of re-newt J. ob- tmmed a r</i»c'»eion for it year* from Charlet Iff, al it conct anon patted ?era the hantt of a foint atcx k eom- p**.y which in 1199 attained aa M- (raataa to IHt, Xnne at fie Mak- j 'aaia Save ac< ett fa the tablet, but ihey me totally exempt from taxa- tion and lurge pri eei are paid tor I their lan da. . e e What la the deacriptloa of the (ample at lidfou T lit length ia OJ feef, and the breadth of U* forode lit fetrt ft is 'Xterrd by a gateway St foet In height between two immense frva- Irated pyioea 115 feet high, the while nir/gi< being fee ed wit K tculp- turei and inscription* la bas-relief It it the bett preter t*d of all the Egyptian temple-g. Too much Irritation I* a menace lo growing crot«. |agfc4 national Institution JrvmCoaU Cpart^~"i j n i nglv a 9&(&.T| We Make the Style for the Best Dressed Men and Young Men Right in our own metropolitan work- shops, Browning King & Co. manufacture all their own suits. The style and quality of these suits have made Browning King & Co. the largest manufacturing clothing retailer in the country. We like to fit you in the right style. Our variety to choose from includes two-, three- and four-button form-fitting and straight- j back and sport coats. The style and qual- ity are tailored in every garment to stay. Selling now at?- s3o $35 S4O $45 | ] Browning King & Co. If 2nd at University St., Seattle II FRIDAY, JTJNE 2, 1922. M ac Dou^lly&thwick Shopping Hour« 9:00 to 5:30 Women's Silk Stockings $1.95 Very Special ?Full-fashioned silk hone with lisle'heels, toes and garter tops. ?ln colors black, white, African brown. ?.Semi-fashioned silk hone with lace inserts, lisle tops, toes and heels. ?Colors black and cordovan- ?Both styles, sizes 8 Jto 10. Women's Pumps $4.75 Exceptional Value this s k gt^picturea 21' New "Drop-Va Pumps $7.50 These smart Pomps are patent leather, with round toes and tips stitched and trimmed with perforations. Smart and up-to-the-minute. Sizes 2Vfc to 8. ?MarDMKall-kMtlTwtrk. Fifth riMT Women's Gauntlets Extra G Q Special O Dressy French Suede Gloves vX ?strap wrist style. ~~b' t ka. PariS P ° int st^tc^n * on ?sand, mode and beaver. ?sizes to 7, but not in all colors. Imported Lambskin Gauntlets, $2.95 ?strap wrist style. ?colors black, white, bearer, brown and slate. Sizes 6' 4 tO I Ptrrrl jn MW Everett Radio Receivera I,oo# ohm Head Bft*. apecialty made for f\f\ radio telephone KiKnala. with iatont adjutrtable "?« %J % \J (/ he.idhand. permittin* two persona to Ilaten in. Double phone Mt A Dressmaking Contest For Girls 8 to 18 Years CLASS X " SIOO CLASS T Girt. ll« H Girls 15 to rt Pri» «U5 In Lasn First PrUe..... .»15 Second Prtie 915 -pj . Second Third I*rl«e *tO I riZeS Third Pri«e._.#to Garment* Judtrd According to Style and WorkmamMp AU Girls Eligible Whether yon lire In Seattle or in a neighboring elty; whether you are in Hi«h School or Grammar School, Public or Pri- vate School. Prominent Judges \u25a0fin f!ffle T. RalH, Plrwtar of Home Kcnnnmlu at the Um- rereity of Washington. m«a Kllen lYatmr?, Supervisor of Home Kcnnomica to tbe Public Schools. \u25a0IM fella Miflt»«, Commercial Co-nrdlnator, Vocational De- partment Public Scboola. Read These "Rules of Contest" Carefully nuy nil the materials for your drnrni at MacDougull - South- wick's. ?gtffct and Woolent. Street Floor. ? Otnpham i ®*<f Other Cotton Good*, Povrt.i<(i4r*. ?lAicru and Trimmingi , Street floor. ?Notion* ant Srtrtttp AOC«SJO- rtat, Street Floor. lixhbon*. Strrrt Floor. Pattern*. Street Floor and Gray Linen S\op Nave Iho Sale> Slip* (riven at the lime your purchftMy. Bale* Sllpw mui>t he ittuhei) to the finished garment when It in sent In for Judging. Follow (lie Rule* every con- testant must follow the rules and accept the decision* of the judges a* final. Entriee close Monday, June 12th. Garments must he finished Sat- urday. June 24th. Enter Tour N«mr__ Cut this out and mail It or bring It In to the Contest Manager. hereby enter Macltouga 11-South wick's Dre.-smaklng Contest For (Jlrls and agree to abide by the rule* of the contest and the decision of the Jud«e«. Kn(ry Vn Pate of Entry. Prlie Winning Garment* on Dl-play June S.ltli to !81h AH Garments Returned I'Yidaj, June 30th MISS RYAN LOSes CHISWICK, Eng.. June 2.?Eliza- beth Ryan. California tennis star, wiis defeated UxUy in the semi-final round of the Middlesex champion- ship tournament by Mrs. Peacock, former Indian champion, at 0 3, 4-6 and *-4. POGROM WINS EPSOM. June I. ?Vlaoount As- tor'a crack filly Pogrom, today won the Oaks. feature face rac«> for 3 year-old filltea, from a field of 11 runners. Sobriquet, owned by Sir Edward Hullon, was second, and Mysia third.

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Page 1: The Man in rTown Women's Silk - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 19. · bllrig hott.e in diacloeed the fact that a young woman waa regu! larly employed at croupier BARTELL DRUG STORES


iiiirafflifliiraimmi OH! THE LUCKY DOGr | *1The

YoungestBusiness Man in


Can you guess who he is? Of coifrse he doean'thandle very much money and he doesn't makeanything near as much a? the Second Are. buxl-nesa men do, but he works just as hard.

What Does He Sell?Why he sells the thing that everybody buys. Thou-sands and thousands of people buy it every day andthey can hardly get along without it It is thenewspaper. He passes your home every day andhe wants to leave a copy of

The Seattle Star on Your Porchin TOOT mall box or any special nook where youde&ir* to have it left, for the small sura of

50 Cents a MonthOrder the paper direct from him or phone the clr-eulation department of THE SEATTLE STAR,MAIN 0600, and leave word for him to serve youregularly.

THE SEATTLE STARleads it* closest competitor by


It ha* undeniably earned the name of

"Seattle' 9 Mast Popular Paper"

There's at Reason?the PeopleDemand It

Peggy Brown. Thia IHtlf bunch of cu tenet a ring*, anddanctt her way thru "The Passing Show of 1921" in a moatcaptivating manrer. She ha* been urith Mr. Shubert'a Foltieashowa ever atnre 191}) ant* it one of the moat popular mem-bera. The cute, little Pekinese dog cuddled in Peggy't annaia now the propirtij of Jane and Katherine Lee, clevernfage kiddira. It wt»* given to them by Miss Brown.

Urges Keeping Outof Neighbor's Mind

"Kwpfour nna* out of your grl|h

bor"* »übcon»clou* Blind" *i> the *4vice of Dr. Orlando Kdgar Miller. t«>taring on ooa*riou. and .übs-oiiarloiMmental at 111* Maaonlc (via. '

pie Thur**l»y night. Ho denouncedhypnoU*m w a p*ycholo«tc«U prim*

and dfrlarwl that all the (onl It had

' aocomplUhed in healing either mindor body could have been ?eranv

j pitched better by «uto autrgeetion or| austreatlon.

Healing by peyrhologtml method*.? ha declared. k> toerely ualng natural; lawn,i

A police raid an ? faahlortable gambllrig hott.e in diacloeed thefact that a young woman waa regu

! larly employed at croupier

BARTELL DRUG STORESTo render a true service that spares neither time nor trouble togive satisfaction to every patron is the aim of all Bartell Stores

FRIDAY and SATURDAY SAVING SPECIALSIW These Specials Represent Real Save \u25a0' warmer

in«»- Take Advantage of Them! ZJJJ, h

/J * Fels Naptha Soap -(k* more liberal

? Java Rice Face Powder . ? 33C Hf"* Tf r *'?um

Forhan's Tooth Paste, large 38C fa°vorit« brand35c Energine Cleaner 27c >» probably in- Pinaud's Eau de Quinine sl.lO eluded in thij

50c Cuticura Ointment - 36C Dj*r ki« .. as*IBBXIMEMTEMRSJ 50c Liquid Veneer Mop Polish 32C ; *oe

Dent paa* up IntereaUng Carter's Liver Pills 14* Mavia so*; Sl.ooplace* or people-? Kodak u you OJjp Milfnrfl 1 .aurn Potind Panfr fiO double M'nnen'. 33*go and share Lhl* pleaaur* with 60C OTIIIOra TOUna 1 «iper, t><) QOUDie

Armand Bouquet 33#others SheetS .................. ............. IOC Pompelan Fragrance 35#

The «j<*p«opie tn our Kodak jQc Milford Lawn Envelopes 6c Hu,lnul* Thr**

SrrSJtaSJt Me Ox Fiber Hand Brush «epicture making without ehanra. __ _ _

_ , _M»fha 1./>V M» 35*

JTZSZ TIZ T2Z Golden Peanut Brittle SZLFSZi::si nr. anrt .he flnnhed nir-

Everybody like* Peanut BrltUe, but you wUI Ilka Barter!'. Oold»n Colgate'* SO# and 35*at I o m' Peanut Brittle better than ever. If* made wtlh blanched Hpanieh !«4jr Mary 35* and BO*

' Peanut*. Cane Sugar. Creamery Butter. Salt and Soda and la I>a Jloheme 50# and 75*Out-of town patron* get the packed In paraffined carton*?convenient to carry, doean't atlcfc. and Fiancee 75*«ame «ervlc« by mailing tJielr mighty handy for the home, ear or outing Pound cartor# 35# Harden 010 85* and «5#

,0 °"r >UI " '

End o".the Week Chocolate*, Victoria Brittle, lb .50* Ambre Royal.. 75* and ai.OO

pound -*»* Braall Nut Brittle, lb HO* J.Orlran SI .35

Cocoa nut Brittle. Ib 40# Walnut r»»tl««. lb 70* Quelque* l>ura SI.OO

? . Milk Chocolate Almond Brittle. Kitln Kinleh Ml*ed. eoft and Ideal 81.00Safety First! pound 78# bard center*. Ib 30* II 1-lnuf* Dubarry #I.OO

Every home, autotat. camp- .

Zrlul ry Deodorantsftrnt aid outfit in metal "Bhurn Z' h

bo* Ju«t flu the pocket. *7, l;ftOif\Z-- ejLJ Violet « erate Thta Odoronn...and contain* every emer . *C\LA\ delightful vanl.hmg ere-m 27c, 55c, SIgtney need. Kit c?m ><»>*>>?\u25a0 bleaol,., .od h«i«. M ~_m, t nn li '"y" mn <* 1,1 ? fi.r fn<«- \ \u25a0 1 '

powder Rold only at Rutelle, Non-Spi . . 50c\u25a0\u25a0

.?.. . . 25* and so# jar* « Jl Odor Don't 25c

C 1 a V n An the nnmhcrs i]lm Spiro 25coeiect I our in Rinprle, double and multi- m IBi Kveraweet 2">c

MAUf pie bristles set in rubber OuOC I Olishes Amolin....a. --,7 n. cushion. Hughes* Ideal arifl ... 25c, 50cAt Barteii» you win find a

* auQ vlcancrS miwrrtrfM Melba Deodor-Cap to match any cior ha.h Brushes are not affected oy Al, , h# popula, aMtirn, ftni Mi ~

Ml an J T-'cIng eult or any *had- of hair.All th« n«w style* and color*


atare now on di*play at very at- No. JJ f1.35 No. 47, SI.OO 2ln 1, all colora 15* nflUf ant .. . . 25ctractive pricea. No. 4* ai.SO No. SS. 5t. 75 Two for 25* Stearns' N'e-

Plaln Oipa. *H color* No. 49. 81.00 No. sf>. 53.50 Phlnola, all color* 10* '>\c35# to BO# No. «« «3.00 No. S2. 53.00 flllt Rdgc ZR;


Fanev Cap*, large variety Other number* up to ......55.00 Whlttemore'* Kllte 35* /" jJ "\

35# to SI.BO Whlttemore'* Dandy 35* (BAYCRI

Pore o? Diving Cap. ...


50* to 75# Water Glass 15^nd £o# c^iic«nuinflAward Water Wing*, aheolut* * »AA»!Wr 35r> Wf Sill WonUlrlGir You still have time to put Midnight on Dye 25# r» * 1 ? .

Rubber Life Ring* 53.00 Up ggg S for Winter. P'" 'hee White 25# DfiV©!-*! 3DI6XSGirls Eg{fs arp chea P nOW ANu

Ben. for bathing mitt* are <JU»rt Will preserve about Wonder Make White 35# JQk OQ I K*|very popular thl« year, and yon fifteen dozen. dhlllT ReonTe Znt \u25a0 \u25a0will aurely want one. Made of «£wi, ,J * *

rubber, with fancy buckle*, and Pint* ....35# % Gal... 65# ' ,

an<J '''' ,,re l?OX of 1 dozen 20(*In many color*. Each, 50#. Quart. ..40# a... ?>m cSST'.-v.xtt;'***;°*m ""ule of 2

An Appreciated Service "" ""' s ' "'

E«f:h mall bring* ii* letter* of thanks fn.m r,nr nut-of town pa'ron*for the individual att"nti'>n given their order* and protriptn*»» wlih a nntfli V v\ WT ft a m/v «\

which Jh.y are dl.p.tched. K A DTkl IMall Order* are Intelligently flll»d by experienced people, who look Ifrt i\ I 1.1.1. I/I\U' 1 1W IX l.i 1

after cuelomern' Interest In purchaaing; a« muuU *o, in fact, an if you m UUU a KJ A ama-ikx

guarantee The m.p.ger of "'h «. .. u ? ,our Mail Order Department Kivea hla perxmal attention to all mail Heeond A\e Sixth and ? tne Bnlliird and I2nd .V W.order*, wh'ch in a st iarantee that your want* will b» .arcfully Htt'nd- Klr*l and Irnltr Way IIMIH iP>rcn Ave.Ed to. Addreaa all ord<r* to Mall Order Department ?no »tr»et ad-drea* neceuaary.


Cynthia GreyGirl Who Was Spanked In Glad of It Now?Modern

Parent Too Lazy, She Says?How About It?

HY CYSTIfIA GREYSpank 'em instead of tending them to reformatories adva-

cate* one. woman it answer to the 18-year-old. girl vho wrotethat her father upanked her when she. disobeyed hnn. Whatdo you think about itf Following are some, comments:

Dear Mis* Grey: Your 18-year-old spanked correspondenthas certainly brought up a question that in deserving of argu-ment in this age when parents are generally too lazy to per-form the disagreeable task of inflicting such punish men la,and disregard the child's best interests in favor of their owncomfort.

I am not upholdinp cruel whippings or beatings, but as onewho was roundly paddled for my misbehavior, I make theclaim that the average child is owed that duty?one for whichthey will in later years thank the parent. Of course, whenme is receiving such a punishment she in not likely to be

in favor of spankings, but in after years she will realizetheir benefit*. As to age, 1 believe behavior and not ageshould determine the end of spanking. I was well-paddledat lt» and it did me gtiod. My wis*- mother believed in in-flicting spankings coolly and deliberately. She did not spankoften, but when she did, she did a good job. She would tellme to g» to my room, that she was going to spank mesoundly. No amount of argument ever altered her decisionto paddle.

Well, after I had had time to thinkabout the coming puutxhenent awhile?he would come Into the room and"clear for Mtlon " Attar a few aoundapanka aha would pauaa and mayeamething Ilka "Now you wit) reallaa that ll a your own fault you haveto g< i thla " And then aha realty beran to apank.

Iletieve me, a fond aound apank

Inn like mother u»«-d to flea la pain

ful and I wouldn't want to alt down

aJI day. |lut down In my heart Iwould alwaya admit that i had got

what 1 deaareed.I believe ape nking doea alder gtrla

more good titan lltOo onea, e*en.

Tha ihume of being turned ov»i- andpaddled la an additional punlwhment

to lha pain, it ia quite a while alnceI had my la»t apunklng and 1 don'tauppoea I will ever gel am>Ui*r butt am glad my mother did paddle mawhen I draerved it.

I know a lit'la town In tlie Eaatwhere a Juvenile court Judge oftenarntenrva miarhlevoua glrta and borato a apnnklng Inatead of tending

them to the reform arhool They

?rntenee them about a week beforainflicting It. When It cornea time fortha punishment they go Into a prt

vale room, take off their flothaa. andput on aort of overalla. which arethin and tight acrowa the aeat. Thenlha child la brought out before thawhol<- clam, turned arrnaa a polloe-aom.tna lap and apanked with aahlngle I think It wouhl be a good

ld«-a to do tha aanta thing here.ALICE U

a a e

Where la Monte Carlo and what la

Ita history?

Mia* Oray will racalva raliaraIn bar office Vionlay. VTadnaadayand Friday from 1 to t p dl, andon Ttieaday and Thuraday from11 a m. to 11 m. each week. Fleaaedo not at olhar times aa It\u25a0erlouely Intarfrria with barwriting

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pri»i-ipalUy of Monaia. aa a healthy,beautifnl eie,+tu,n abore the bay a/

I '*? Mediterranean There appear tohave km pieWup tablet al llonte

j Carlo In the year J»St. but U tea* latill that franrott tllane. tearing hi*

j at Mombmrg tvmlap la ai»

end. tetlh n* hope of re-newt J. ob-tmmed a r</i»c'»eion for it year* fromCharlet Iff, al it conct anon patted?era the hantt of a foint atcx k eom-p**.y which in 1199 attained aa M-(raataa to IHt, Xnne at fie Mak-

j 'aaia Save ac< ett fa the tablet, butihey me totally exempt from taxa-tion and lurge prieei are paid tor

I their lan da.. e e

What la the deacriptloa of the(ample at lidfou T

lit length ia OJ feef, and thebreadth of U* forode lit fetrt ft is'Xterrd by a gateway St foet Inheight between two immense frva-

Irated pyioea 115 feet high, the whilenir/gi< being fee ed wit K tculp-turei and inscription* la bas-reliefIt it the bett preter t*d of all theEgyptian temple-g.

Too much Irritation I* a menacelo growing crot«.

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We like to fit you in the right style. Ourvariety to choose from includes two-, three-and four-button form-fitting and straight- jback and sport coats. The style and qual-ity are tailored in every garment to stay.Selling now at?-

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Prominent Judges\u25a0fin f!ffle T. RalH, Plrwtar of

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m«a Kllen lYatmr?, Supervisorof Home Kcnnomica to tbePublic Schools.

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Read These "Rules of Contest" Carefullynuy nil the materials for yourdrnrni at MacDougull - South-wick's.?gtffct and Woolent. Street

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to the finished garment whenIt in sent In for Judging.Follow (lie Rule* every con-testant must follow the rulesand accept the decision* of thejudges a* final.

Entriee close Monday, June12th.Garments must he finished Sat-urday. June 24th.

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and agree to abide by therule* of the contest and thedecision of the Jud«e«.

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Pate of Entry.

Prlie Winning Garment* on Dl-play June S.ltli to !81hAH Garments Returned I'Yidaj, June 30th

MISS RYAN LOSesCHISWICK, Eng.. June 2.?Eliza-

beth Ryan. California tennis star,wiis defeated UxUy in the semi-finalround of the Middlesex champion-ship tournament by Mrs. Peacock,former Indian champion, at 0 3, 4-6and *-4.

POGROM WINSEPSOM. June I.?Vlaoount As-

tor'a crack filly Pogrom, today wonthe Oaks. feature face rac«> for 3year-old filltea, from a field of 11runners. Sobriquet, owned by SirEdward Hullon, was second, andMysia third.