the manner in which the author organizes his or her information


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Page 1: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information
Page 2: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

the manner in which the author organizes his or her


Page 3: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

Sequence Pattern (time) List pattern (addition)

Compare-Contrast Pattern Cause /Effect Pattern Definition/example pattern

(illustration) Problem/Solution Drawing Conclusions

Page 4: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

• Sequence Pattern(time)- The ideas presented by the author must be in order.

• List Pattern (addition)-In this pattern, the author organizes his/her information by making a list. This list does not need to be in any order.

• Definition Pattern(illustration) -In this pattern, the author defines a particular term, idea, or concept and follows it with examples.

• Cause – Effect Pattern -The author explains the reason why something happened or the results of something. (the cause happens first!)

• Compare-Contrast Pattern -This pattern shows how two things are alike and how they are different ,or both.

• Problem/solution- A problem is discussed and a solution is found or suggested

Page 5: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

Look at the following items. Which one is easier to read and understand?

1. One way to lose friends is to talk but not listen. A way to end friendships is to borrow money and not pay it back.

2. One way to lose friends is to talk but not listen. Another way to end friendships is to borrow money and not pay it back.

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Page 7: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

Page 276

Mark It!

Page 8: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

characteristics, elements, features, types, ways letters (a, b, c) or bullets to list


Page 9: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

Comparison: how 2 things are alike

Contrast: how they are different

Page 10: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

Cause EffectWhy? resultsReason consequencesExplanation

Page 11: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

Review Test 3 pg 253-256 (yes, with topic and paraphrase)

Also, underline or highlight the main idea for each paragraph

For extra credit, write out the main idea for paragraph E (the main idea is not stated in the passage)

Page 12: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

Many students find it difficult to make the transition from high school to college. In high school, teachers often treat students like children. For instance, teachers may require homework to be done in a certain color ink, or they may call parents when children misbehave. On the other hand, college teachers treat students as adults. No one other than the students themselves is expected to take responsibility for learning. Also, adjusting to greater independence can be a challenge for many college freshmen. Students in high school usually live at home. In college, however, many students live on their own and have no one to answer to or depend on but themselves.

Page 13: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

1Psychologists use several theories to explain different sides of human behavior. 2Best-known is the psychoanalytic theory, which holds that people are driven largely by needs and desires that they are not aware of—the so-called “subconscious” mind. 3Another theory, behaviorism, suggests that people’s actions are based largely on past experiences of reward and punishment. 4We do things that brought us pleasant results in the past and avoid things that brought unpleasant results. 5Yet another theory, “gestalt” psychology, emphasizes the role of overall patterns in our thinking. 6For example, we find it much easier to remember a tune than a series of unconnected musical notes.

Page 14: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

1One reason tabloids publish untrue stories about celebrities, even though they know the celebrities might sue, is free advertising. 2If there is a lawsuit, it will make the news, and the tabloid gains the publicity. 3Furthermore, in a lawsuit the burden of proof is on the celebrity, not the paper. 4Also, such lawsuits are both expensive and time-consuming. 5A court delay, for example, can prevent a movie star from beginning work on a new project. 6And the chances of collecting a significant amount of damages are slim. 7Finally, tabloids publish untrue stories for the obvious reason: whether it is true or not, people love celebrity gossip—and it sells papers.

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1Projection is an unconscious process of seeing one’s own shortcomings in others. 2For example, a greedy shop owner may cheat many of his customers, yet consider himself a pillar of the community and a good Christian. 3How does he justify to himself his greed and dishonesty? 4He believes that everyone who enters his store is bent on cheating him any way he or she can. 5In reality, few, if any, of his customers share his motives, but he projects his own greed and dishonesty onto them.

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1When a person’s position in society is derived primarily through inheritance, we call this ascribed status; that is, a person’s position in society is fixed (or ascribed to him or her by others) on the basis of family background or genetic inheritance. 2Racial, ethnic, and religious differences, as well as gender, often serve as the basis for ascribed status. 3The caste system in India has long been an extreme example of a social structure based on ascribed status. 4Each level in society is known as a caste. 5Everyone is born belonging to a specific caste. 6The caste of the parents thus generally determines the status of their children, regardless of ability or merit.

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1Insomniacs may envy those who have no problem sleeping. 2However, too much sleep is also a sleep disorder. 3There are a couple of major causes of sleeping too much. 4One major cause of this problem is apnea, a condition associated with breathing difficulties during the night. 5In severe cases, the victim actually stops breathing after falling asleep. 6When the level of carbon dioxide in the blood rises to a certain point, apnea sufferers are spurred to a state of arousal just short of waking consciousness. 7Because this can happen hundreds of times in a night, apnea patients typically feel exhausted and fall asleep repeatedly the next day. 8Another cause of too much sleep is narcolepsy, a hereditary condition that causes victims to nod off without warning in the middle of a conversation or other alert activity. 9Narcoleptics will often experience a sudden loss of muscle tone upon expression of any sort of emotion. 10A joke, anger, sexual stimulation—all bring on a feeling of weakness

Page 18: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

Objective 4: on the Accuplacer and on the

final exam

Page 19: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

a) A. Additionb) B. Contrastc) C. Comparisond) D. Cause and effect

They weren’t brilliant answers, but they did establish the facts that I had read the assignment and that I could speak English.

Page 20: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

A. AdditionB. ComparisonC. ContrastD. Cause and effect

For days after our arguments, she would not speak to me…I was lost to her. And because of that, I lost, battle after battle….



Page 21: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

The sentence below expresses a relationship of :

A. timeB. illustrationC. comparisonD. contrast

Like our high school building or old Mayor Welch, Jefferson just was….

Page 22: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

A. IllustrationB. ContrastC. EffectD. addition

Compared to their more confident peers, they were also more likely to sabotage existing relationships. On the other hand, students who perceived themselves as capable achieved more academically.



Page 23: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

The relationship of the second to the first sentence below is one of :

A. illustrationB. Cause and effect C. AdditionD. comparison

Researchers have found that putting a smile on your face, even if you’re not in a good mood, can lead to a more positive disposition. Likewise, if you approach a class determined to learn something, you probably will- even if it’s how not to instruct students!



Page 24: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

The relationship of the second to the first sentence below is one of :

A. illustrationB. additionC. effectD. contrast

The self-fulfilling prophecy also operates on the job. For instance, salespeople who view themselves as being effective communicators are more successful than those who view themselves as less effective.



Page 25: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

About 5% of all babies born alive, or 175,000 babies per year, have a significant defect. Such birth defects account for about 15% of deaths among newborns. Recall from the genetics chapters that birth defects may be caused by genetic as well a environmental factors, or by a combination of the two.

According to the selection, which of the following is a result of birth defects?

a. Fifteen percent of newborns die

b. Five percent of babies born alive have significant birth defects

c. Poor social development results.


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Page 27: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

Means discovering ideas in writing that are not stated directly.

Use hints and clues from the passage to “read between the lines”

Page 28: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

Always make sure to underline the hint or clue that gave you

your answer.

If you have nothing to underline, your answer is wrong!

All answers must be based on what was in the passage!!

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Page 30: the manner in which the author organizes his or her information

Among the heroes of history are animals. One was a canary named Bibs. Bibs was the pet of an elderly woman, Tess, who lived alone. Tess’s niece lived nearby. One day the niece heard a tapping at her window and discovered Bibs. The niece quickly went to her aunt’s house and found Tess had struck her head on something and fallen over. Bibs died after alerting the niece.

What do you know is true?A. Bibs knew where the niece lived.B. Bibs was always kept in a cage.C. Bibs was never caged.

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Several years ago, Father Bernard Pagano, a Roman Catholic priest, went on trial for a series of armed robberies of small shops. Newspapers labeled the gunman the “gentleman bandit” because he always was well groomed and displayed perfect manners. Seven eyewitnesses positively identified Father Pagano as the robber. Yet, at the last minute, another man, Ronald Clouser, confessed to the robberies. Clouser knew details of the crimes that only the real bandit could have known. Only then were charges against the priest dropped.

A. Father Pagano really did commit the robberies. B. Father Pagano looked somewhat like Clouser. C. If Clouser had not confessed, he would have been caught anyway.

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Patients under anesthesia were reassured in the operating room that their surgeries were progressing nicely. The patients were unconscious and later had no memory of the words of encouragement. Nevertheless, they were likely to experience faster, better recoveries than those patients who received no words of encouragement.

A. Even though unconscious, patients under anesthesia understand on some level what is being said to them. B. Being talked to during surgery is the single most important factor affecting a patient’s recovery. C. Words of discouragement to unconscious patients would not affect their recovery at all.

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Coney Island, a strip of land on Long Island, New York, is best-known as a center of amusement parks. It was first settled by the Dutch in the mid 1600s. The word “coney” is an old-fashioned term for rabbits. Nowadays, roller coasters and hot-dog vendors are what most people think of when they hear the name Coney Island.

A. The Dutch settlers probably settled more of New York than any other European group. B. The Dutch probably found many rabbits on Coney Island. C. It is very likely that the hot dog is a Dutch food.

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“Waving a red flag at a bull” is an expression meaning to deliberately provoke someone to anger. And bullfighters do wave red cloaks as they taunt the bull in the ring. But does the color red really anger a bull? Experiments at the University of California concluded that bulls and other cattle are pretty much colorblind. They more quickly notice bright colors than dark ones, but that’s about it. Red is naturally an attractive color for bullfighters to use, both because it is the color of blood and audiences find the color exciting. But waving a cloak of any color at the bull would probably annoy it just as much as a red one.

A. The experiments at the University of California included bullfights. B. Bulls are not really annoyed when they charge at a bullfighter. C. A bull would pay more attention to a white cloak than to a gray one.