the matrix of buddhahood

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  • 7/30/2019 The Matrix of Buddhahood


    The Matrix ofBuddhahood


    Perfect Liberation through knowing oness own

    naturally pure, spontaneous Mind, right here,

    right know, as Unoriginated Indestructible

    Spirituality-Primordial Buddhahood-Great Bliss-

    Supreme Love- Being and Non Being-The Abiding

    and the Moving- Space, Time and Infinite worlds-Complete Nothingness Empty of Itself-

    Transcendence as the Pure and Indestructible

    Continuity-Absolute Unity of Reality in its


    David Pomeroy

    Copyright2004 by David PomeroyAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in

    any form or by way of electronic or mechanical including photocopying,recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without

    permission in writing from the author.

    David PomeroyPerth, WA


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    This book was conceived and written as a Tantric Buddhist philosophical-spiritual work which

    speaks in the language of symbols and experientially lived spiritual and mystical states of

    transcendent awareness, conveying multiple meanings. It is a work, which will open itself in all its

    profundity to those amongst us who seek to release their spirituality in its perfect totality. The

    reading of the text, and the meaning contained there-in, unfold in fullness according to the spiritual

    capacity of the individual, and his or her ability. This is accomplished through past spiritual

    practice and realisation, or through current and future practice, to realise the growth of their own

    spirituality, in and through themselves to complete spiritual maturity.

    This book is written specifically for those who seek direct spiritual experience and realisation

    through their own great efforts. It is a work only accessible in its more profound meaning to thosegenuine philosopher-mystics who apply themselves completely in the frequently lonely, dangerous

    and extremely arduous endeavor of spiritual practice. Above all, it is an instructional guide towards

    liberation from bewilderment - ignorance and suffering, through the release of one's unoriginated

    spirituality as all compassionate Buddhahood, Infinite Sky Mind, Primordial Awareness, Complete

    Nothingness, authentic Being itself, Naked Reality.

    The spiritual practitioner may read and meditate simultaneously on any part of the book as a living

    practice. No word or phrase should be regarded as absolute in definition or meaning, but only as an

    operational index to be intuitively understood, experienced and realised. The philosophical and

    symbolic language used should be understood to communicate unlimited meaningfulness, vision

    and depth. Each aspect of the book is structured so as to potentially bring forth and release ones

    spirituality in all its dimensions of meaning through a genuine heartfelt practice consistently

    applied irrespective of the hardships. Indeed, the hardships and suffering experienced must be

    integrated into one's spiritual development and realised as profound spiritual teachers and

    benefactors. All experiences should be integrated into the totality of one's authentic Being-

    Spirituality itself, which is not an entity and is devoid of ego and its constructs.

    The infinite creative expression of unoriginated spirituality in its pure potentiality, including all

    possible states of meditation, cognition, thinking, feeling and acting in the world and transcending

    the world, in all their possible modes, should be regarded and experienced in absolute profundity

    and lucidity as an Inseparable Continuity- Absolute Unity. As the path and the goal are integral, asencompassing, vivid, dynamic and permeating dimensions, or fields of each other, in all their

    experiential stages and modes, so the practice is the continuity of total integration of all inner and

    outer experiences through commitment, as awareness and practice in its complete profundity. The

    sure signs of further integration, are an increase in compassion and lucidity of consciousness, and

    decreasing bias and prejudice. In other words, a simultaneous widening of the unity of universal

    sympathetic feeling and inseparability of all beings and all that appears, with a deepening of

    awareness which is blissful and complete in itself, without ultimately any objectification, which

    must be stabilised through continuity of commitment.

    Transcendence occurs, and spirituality is realised, when we see, think, act, feel and respond

    integrally in our totality, as Being-in -Itself as oneself, infinitely open, without any prejudice orbiased tendency, no matter how subtle. Without preconceived ideas, systems of belief, or holding

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    fixedly to conceptions and contents of consciousness, of any kind or form. Here, we are no longer

    rigid or frozen in any way, no matter how subtle, but have released ourselves from the prison of

    ideational consciousness and ego constructs and its contents into Reality itself- naked-pure-radiant-

    blissful- all compassionate-ineffable.

    I humbly acknowledge with profound gratitude and love the Absolute Unity of Ultimate Reality,Unoriginated Spirituality, the Ineffable, as the source of this work. To all sentient beings from time

    without beginning, middle or end, as Ultimateness, naked Reality manifest as my spiritual teachers

    and benefactors; to all the worlds great compassionate religious leaders, sages, saints and

    philosopher mystics of all great and noble spiritual paths, most especially Milarepa, Saraha,

    Naropa, Tilopa, Gambopa, Lobsang Rampa, C.G.Jung, Ammonios Saccas, Plotinus, Jesus, Rumi,

    Jacob Boehme, Angelus Silesius, John of the Cross, Francesco of Assisi, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Meister

    Eckhart, Geraldine Pomeroy, you who are my Father-Mother Guru's, my spiritual brothers, Being-

    in -Itself as myself, closer than my own heart.

    April 2004

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    Each and every morning may I consciously be born anew inseparable from the infinite radiantawareness of Supreme Spirituality, the Absolute;

    Each and every day may I be one in attunement with the Real, as authentic Being- in -the -world as

    my very self, Being -for- others inseparable in my totality;

    Each and every evening may I be born in at-onement through the little death of sleep to the great

    light of nothingness, unoriginated, indestructible awareness, ultimate bliss and supreme freedom;

    Each and every moment may I never depart from the vision, experience, realisation and practice as

    the Ultimate Unity of continuity of spirituality as the Real.

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    Today and everyday I will cultivate my spirituality as a mother cares for her child;

    Today and everyday I will cultivate experiential knowledge of Reality, through letting go of words,

    concepts and belief systems;

    Today and everyday I will endeavor not to crave or desire the constant accumulation of worldly

    goods, seeing the infinite treasury of my pure spirituality, unbounded, luminous and indestructible.

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    Let the sublime experiences grow in me without external reference;

    Let divinity in utter humility grow, blossom and fruit as complete being for others as my authentic

    spirituality, without entitative reality or conceptualised form;

    Let me truly know, completely realise and fully experience in one lifetime for myself, no matter

    how great the suffering or hardship, the Real, authentic Being itself as myself, Primordial

    Buddhahood, complete nothingness, primordial radiant light of awareness, ultimate truth, the


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    Again and again let me never give up attempting to pull down the prison walls of my mind;

    Let me truly understand, that real freedom is co-identical with the complete realisation of the

    Unoriginated Spiritual Mind as my integral Being, in and beyond the world as Spirituality itself;

    This prison I know to be delusional in Reality, in truth, never has it been;

    What prison can hold me!

    What jailer can torture me!

    What words can hurt me!

    When I see Reality face to face - integral Being in the world and transcendence as spirituality itself,

    as integral Being in the world and transcendence.

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    Let me be humble in thought, word and deed,

    For with humility I dwell in the presence of Saints

    And Sages;

    In humility, I demand nothing yet everything is revealed.

    In humility, I take the lowest position, yet I have an unending view;

    In humility, I rest at ease without demand of anyone or anything, absorbed in equality, beyondmine and yours.

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    Let my every breath be compassion;

    My every thought be kindness;

    My every word be wisdom incarnate;

    My every action authentic spiritual being beyond opposites, likes and dislikes, prejudice of any


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    Let me not desire worldly things of any kind or form;

    Let me enjoy the beauty of appearance without attachment or clinging desire;

    Le me fully realize the truth that transcends appearance and form;

    Let my enjoyment of the appearance of things in this life be dedicated in service to all others.

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    At all times may I be free from worldliness;

    At all times may I be free from selfishness;

    At all times may I be free from ego clinging.

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    May I have the courage to love more each and every day of my life;

    May I cultivate and show forgiveness for myself and others to love more, each and every day of my


    May compassion rule my every thought, word and deed now and forever.

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    May I see unity in diversity;

    May transcendence and immanence be felt and realised as one in my Being;

    May I feel the pain and suffering of others as my own;

    May life and death be seen and experienced as one, not two.

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    Every day may I discover anew the strength, courage and experience to climb the mountain of


    To transform hate into love;

    To open my heart to all without prejudice or bias.

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    May I die without regret;

    May my every thought, word and action conform to my last moments on earth;

    May I cultivate peace in everything I do;

    May I have unbounded compassion for myself and others, even if I should fail a thousand times,

    but never shall I give up trying.

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    May the radiance of my spiritual being in the world and beyond the world shine with the intensityof luminous wisdom and compassion;

    May the radiance of my luminous compassion know no inner or outer obstacles;

    May I fully realise this all embracing compassion, love and wisdom as my authentic spiritual being.

    May all beings fully realise their own spirituality beyond words and thought.

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    If I am lonely, let me perceive and feel the inseparable unity of all;

    If I am sad, let me contemplate deeply the suffering of others and open my heart in compassionate

    embrace to all beings.

    Let the radiance of my compassionate wisdom, the essence of my authentic spiritual Being suffuse

    all beings in the light of transcendent spiritual consciousness, the ground of reality.

    May authentic spiritual being, ultimate truth, the supreme reality, be experienced and fully realised

    by all those who strive for spirituality.

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    When I eat, drink, walk, see and feel, may I experience and realise the divine unity of all.

    May my breath be one breath in the all;

    May my hands feel the spirituality of all;

    May my eyes look at the transcendent beauty that pervades all with equality;

    May all beings experience and fully realise their own minds, authentic spirituality, unoriginated,

    uncompounded, blissful, pure, indestructible, beyond thought and all opposites in one lifetime.

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    With all my spiritual strength gained from profound inner realisation;

    May I abandon all desire for fame and fortune, gain or loss;

    Knowing in my own innermost being that such desires are the cause of misery and suffering to

    myself and to others;

    Let me forever abandon all worldly thoughts and dedicate my whole being in the spiritual service

    of others.

    Let me not waver in this commitment, even unto death.

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    At every moment may I rest at ease without thought or anxious concern;

    In the co emergence of immanence and transcendence, from the ground of my authentic spiritual

    being, the unformed, the blissful, the radiant;

    Like a cloudless sky, let me rest at ease without the storm clouds of thought rising in the sky of


    When I rest at ease let me not discriminate or cling to those clouds;

    Let me be as a block of ice melting within the great ocean of Spiritual Being, non -entitativeness;

    Let my life be as the sun nourishing all beings in the radiance of compassion, love, wisdom andspiritual vision.

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    In great darkness and suffering let me recognise the infinite treasury of my own spirituality, beyond

    all gain and loss, beyond all loneliness and despair.

    Let me see with clarity and depth the infinite creative potentiality that I embody right now.

    Let my compassion arise within me whenever I feel darkness engulf me, for I know that my

    essence, truth and reality is beyond pain and suffering, loss & gain.

    Let the truth of my spirituality shine forth in stillness, silence and solitude.

    Let me not fear my own revelation, and in humility keep silence upon my inner world.

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    Let me not worship the written word or holy book, only the living experience of my ownspirituality unbounded in all.

    Let me not hold fast to any creed or dogma, but only to self realised truth beyond all opposites,

    emotional instability, prejudice and ego clinging, ignorance of any kind.

    Let my whole being in the world and beyond the world be one with authentic Being, pure

    spirituality, primordial Buddhahood.

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    Let me have the strength of courage to climb the highest mountain, my own integral being, to

    ascend to the summit of the groundless, Primordial Being, the Absolute.

    Let me have the strength of courage to swim the great ocean, authentic spirituality,

    To fully realise the infinite depth of the primordial ocean of my authentic being- in -the- world and

    beyond- the- world, for and with others as Spiritual- Being -Itself, pure and indestructible;

    To swim that great ocean and find no other shore, for there is no end to its infinite creative expanse;

    To fully realise Ultimate Reality with continuos clarity and profundity, and thus for my ego to

    drown in the ocean of Spiritual Being itself, beyond all hope and fear.

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    Let me be blind, deaf and dumb of all prejudices and concepts, when I see others, hear others,

    speak to others;

    Let my every thought, word and action be of the great equality;

    Let me recognise and know all beings as my parents, my brothers, my sisters, my very Being.

    Let not prejudice of any kind or form, no matter how subtle participate in my Being in the world

    and beyond the world, as the great equality of integrative unity.

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    Let me be free from religious prejudice and bigotry of any kind or form;

    Let me not cling to any concept, word or thought;

    Let me be free from habitual thought, word and deed;

    Le me speak and act with perfect equality when I talk of God, Allah, Jehovah, Isvara, Brahma,

    Mahamudra, complete nothingness, the radiant light, primordial Buddhahood, nature, Supreme

    Consciousness, Non dual Transcendent Awareness, the ineffable beyond play words.

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    Every moment of my life let me cultivate the ground of my eternal spirituality;

    Let the flower of my indestructible mind, open under the inseparability of non -dual transcending

    wisdom rain from above, and the compassionate ground of being from below.

    Let the fruit of the garden of my spiritual being, be the union of opposites beyond thought and

    concept, subject and object.

    Let this non-dual transcending spiritual consciousness, the fruit of my spirituality, perfect freedom

    from ignorance and suffering, be eaten and experienced by all beings.

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    Today I will practice compassion and love to all beings;

    I will not wait another moment;

    Now is the time to practice;

    Even though my practice may be imperfect, even though my compassion and love inadequate;

    I will try now and forever more, to be in practice what I am in authentic reality, pure spirituality.

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    Let me realise Spirituality as my own being inseparable;

    Let me see Spirituality as inseparable from appearance in this or that;

    Let me experience Spirituality as this or that, beyond conceptual frameworks;

    Let me rest at ease beyond thought, as pure Spirituality, being this or that, as pure Spirituality.

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    Let me experience past, present and future as inseparable from my own spiritual being;

    Let this world, the world beyond and transcendence be fully realised as perfect co-incidence, non-

    dual transcending consciousness, co-emergent great bliss ;

    Let the unoriginated, uncompounded, indestructible, infinitely compassionate, all conscious Mind

    of complete nothingness and radiant light, be experienced and known as my ineffable spirituality.

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    All beings are my family, all are deserving of endless compassion;

    The ignorant, the hate filled, the violent, the murderer are all my brothers and sisters, my very

    spirituality, forever free, pure in authentic reality;

    To these, and all others who suffer from worldly blindness and delusional poisons, I dedicate in

    spiritual service my life and being, in compassion and love.

    May my compassion and love know no end or boundaries;

    May infinite freedom, joy and spirituality be experienced by all who suffer.

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    If I have not stabilised my own spirituality as a living continuum, let me not be over eager to serveothers, lest I be a hypocrite and harm others;

    Let me not serve others until wisdom and infinite consciousness have revealed authentic

    spirituality, lest I be like a blindman leading the blind;

    Let me be patient to endure the hardships of spiritual development for no-one is ever abandoned or


    Let me know and experience the suffering of others as from myself inseparable.

    In the confirmation of the living experience of continuity, compassion and wisdom, may I act with

    great naturalness, non biasdness, beyond concepts and creeds.

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    Let me strive with all my being, every hour, everyday of my life to realise Being -in- Itself, andnever to depart from authentic spirituality, the ground of my unoriginated spirituality, the

    inseparability of transcendent noetic wisdom and compassion, nothingness and bliss,

    To be seen, known, felt and experienced as one indestructible continuity -unity in me, and beyond

    me as Ultimate Reality.

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    Let me be in action what I am in thought, feeling and consciousness.

    Let action, thought and consciousness be seen and experienced as one continuum;

    Let me rejoice in transcendence as the unity of my being;

    Let my unbounded compassion and love flow through the essence of spirituality, relieving the

    suffering of others.

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    Let me keep peace inside myself, even if all around is war and horror;

    Let me be free from delusions, even if all around are chained in anger;

    Let me see my all pure radiant spirituality as the truth of my being, the real unbounded;

    Let me be free from emotional instability, resting at ease in the Real beyond desire, loss or gain,

    fame or disgrace, fearless in the cosmic grandeur of unoriginated spirituality.

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    With vision unrestricted from self-delusion;

    With hands untouched by the blood of innocents;

    With hearing unimpaired by the prejudicial multitudes;

    With thought and consciousness unbounded by frozen habit and restrictive concepts;

    With heart infinitely embracing all in compassion;

    With mind pure, blissful, radiant and lucid as Being itself as myself;

    Let me and all beings experience union with reality itself, naked and shining.

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    Let me rule myself, not others, in the realm of no ego, the unbounded infinite SkyMind:

    Let all beings be spiritual masters of their own destiny;

    Let the indestructible inner radiant light of transcendent noetic wisdom guide humanity in itscreativity as spirituality;

    Let the law of humanity be open heartedness through unbounded compassionate wisdom;

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    Search as I may in all countries of the world, amongst all peoples, even amongst the furthestreaches of space and time; I will never realise Ultimate Truth, spirituality itself if I look for

    external reference and confirmation in the appearance of things, with a mind clouded and

    bewildered by rigid concepts, frozen emotional receptivity, delusional thinking, habitual

    tendencies, systems of belief, prejudice and bias of any kind or form, no matter how subtle.

    Therefore, in the transcendent unity of my consciousness- thoughts - communication -feelings-

    practices - actions creativity, may I be like ice having melted and become one in the great

    primordial ocean, to fully realise myself and others as the Ultimate Unity of continuity of

    Indestructible Spirituality, Being itself as Reality.

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    When I look upon a man, a woman, a dog, an insect, a rock, bacteria, virus, the appearance of all,

    let this looking be one integral vision of continuity -spirituality as Being itself, pure Reality;

    Let my vision, practice and action be integral spirituality as infinite continuity of unity with All

    appearance, with All feeling tones, with all acts of cognition, with All processes of thought, withAll processes of experience.

    May I renounce all worldliness and abide in authentic spirituality, the infinite treasury of my Being;

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    I relax, I relax,

    I rest at ease,

    I let go, I let go,I do not crave,

    I remain in silence,

    Motionless whilst in motion,

    I let all things inner and outer remain in a state of naturalness, naked, blissful, luminous, pure and


    May these little words from my heart be the spiritual elixir for all those who suffer.

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    May I fully realize in profound compassion that no one, no matter what suffering they have

    inflicted upon others is ever condemned forever, not even for a moment, for never have we been

    apart from Holy Truth, unoriginated, Ultimate Reality, perfect freedom, profound compassion;

    May I fully realise in profound compassion, that I built the walls of my prison and locked the

    doors, and that it is I and only I, who will break down the walls and unlock the gates;

    May I fully realise in profound compassion, that this prison of mine will last as long as I continueto build the walls, maintain the torturers and lock the gates.

    May I fully realise in profound compassion, that this prison I built and maintain will endure and

    continue to grow in size and horror, as long as I employ the torturers of gain and loss, mine and

    yours, fame and fortune, selfish desire, pride, vanity, anger, hatred in all its forms ,no matter how


    May I fully realise in profound compassion, that to harm others is to harm myself, to torture others

    is to torture myself, to hate others is to hate myself, thus do I build my prison, stronger day by day,

    lifetime by lifetime.

    May I fully realise in profound compassion, that this immense fortress like prison, with its great

    dark walls reaching to the sky, its heavily constructed gates, its immense roof impenetrable to light

    and air, seemingly impossible to dismantle and leave, is completely torn asunder on awakening to

    the ultimate realisation, as the unoriginated, indestructible unity of spiritual continuity of pure

    consciousness, birth, life and death, past, present and future, this world of being, the world beyond

    as infinite compassion-non-dual transcending consciousness- pure bliss-complete nothingness and


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    Like water moving in a vast ocean with waves of every size above, below silent, still amidst

    unfathomable depths;

    Like sunlight melting ice and snow, revealing life anew in all its sublime glory;

    Like air circulating freely, intimately and inseparably amongst all beings, indiscriminant in

    sustaining all;

    May I fully in this lifetime integrally Be, with infinite compassion, the Unity of continuity of

    Spiritual Being, itself as my authentic Being in the world.

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    In the radiant glory of the ineffable, spirituality itself, transcendent awareness, enlightened Mind,Supreme Buddhahood in fourfold perfection, complete nothingness, pure consciousness I bow

    down in spiritual service and utter humility to you my great and venerable guru, my spiritual

    mentor, my friend, my brother, my Being itself - you the mass murderer, the thief, the rapist, the

    torturer, the destroyer of life, the corrupter of virtues - you and I, never have we been apart in love -

    compassion- purity and transcendent unity.

    Never will I depart from you in compassion and love, no matter how dark the light;

    Never am I apart from you in the purity of holy thought, word, deed and non-dual transcending

    consciousness, no matter how deep the swamp of filth you and I swim in;

    Never have I abandoned you, not even for the briefest moment, even in the prison like depths of the

    hell of madness, I am with you as you are with me;

    Never in the realm of Ultimate Truth, of Reality itself, have you ever been apart from the Holy and

    indestructible spirituality -itself as transcendence;

    Renounce completely all worldly desires for fame and fortune, loss and gain, praise and disgrace,

    hate and anger, and reveal yourself to yourself in the humility of the continuity of integral


    This is the Way of infinite compassion and love, inseparable from non-dual transcending awareness

    in the profound service of being for and with others, as the continuity of unity of authentic Being in

    the world as spirituality itself - the Real.

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    Amongst an infinity of beings with infinite religions in infinite ages, in infinite worlds with an

    infinity of sages;

    There is but One value, see, know and experience this great one valueness fully by completely

    melting the hardened ice of ego;

    There is but One truth, see, know and be that great truth by completely melting the hardened ice of


    There is but One practice, see, know and be this great practice by completely melting the hardened

    ice of ego;

    There is but One love, see, know, experience and be that great love by completely melting the

    hardened ice of ego;

    There is but One Compassion, see, know, experience and be all compassionate by completely

    melting the hardened ice of ego;

    There is but One wisdom - see, know, experience and be that great wisdom by completely melting

    the hardened ice of ego.

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    May my death be free from fear and uncertainty, secure in the knowledge of the Real;

    May death be realised more everyday, as ultimate fulfillment of continuity of Being itself, as my

    very spirituality, pure and indestructible;

    In knowing how to die may my realisation of deathlessness, of transcendent luminous spirituality

    be a living example of the Real- being for others;

    May death be free from false sentiment and misplaced longing, secure in the conviction of

    indestructible wisdom;

    May death be free from grief of attachment to family, friends and the world of appearances;

    May death be fully realised and known in this very life time, as the continuity-unity of Being itself

    as my spirituality, as Primordial Buddhahood, as realisation of the inseparability of mother and son

    lights, of the unity of samsara and nirvana, of great nothingness and transcendent wisdom;

    May I see the continuity of the Real in death, everyday of my life;

    May I realise in dying everyday, Spirituality- in- itself, pure and indestructible, radiant, blissful

    beyond pain, suffering, ignorance or delusion;

    May the Primordial radiant light of complete nothingness, of non-dual transcendent consciousness,

    be realised and experienced as the Real in and through this life, and at the time of my death, as

    Unity - continuity of birth, life, death and transcendence.

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    Infinite freedom am I now, beyond all constructed boundaries, beyond suffering and pain;

    Pure lucidity am I now, beyond all ignorance and self imposed delusion;

    Transcendence am I now, beyond this or that concept, beyond extremes in Reality;

    Complete nothingness am I now, beyond subject and object, beyond compound and addition,

    beyond origin and originated, beyond play words;

    Buddha am I now, beyond samsara and nirvana, beyond Buddha and sentient beings, Primordial

    Noetic Radiance, Unbounded infinity, blissful, all compassionate.

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    I open my eyes wide in the pure and indestructible field of Reality, and see only Buddha's in the

    radiant light of complete nothingness, pure Omniscient consciousness;

    Where before there were only ignorant sentient beings, inner and outer conditions, confusion,

    hatred, anger and destruction, these I now see as integral spirituality as the transformation power ofContinuity-Unity as Reality in transcendence;

    I listen with ears open wide in the pure and indestructible field of Reality, and hear only Sages,

    Saints and Guru's;

    Where before I heard only slander, lies, gossip, prejudice and biased tendencies, these I now hear

    as the sounds of perfect liberation, integral spirituality as the transformation power of Continuity -

    Unity as Reality in Transcendence;

    I reach out with hands open wide in the pure and indestructible field of reality, and embrace with

    infinite compassion the divinity of Being.

    Where before I felt only pain and suffering, passion and lust, loss and gain, heartache and despair,

    these I now feel profoundly as the experience of integral spirituality as the transformation power of

    Continuity -Unity as Reality in Transcendence;

    I open my mouth wide in the pure and indestructible field of reality, speaking freely from the realm

    of no talk and no thought, the elixir of no coming and no going in the vessel of no extremes;

    Where before I spoke and tasted the fearful pangs of anxious extremes of thirst, hunger and

    gluttony in all its forms, these I now taste in inconceivable bliss as integral spirituality as the

    transformation power of Continuity -Unity as Reality in Transcendence;

    I open my nostrils wide breathing in the pure and indestructible field of Reality, and smell only the

    heavenly perfume of indispersable spirituality;

    Where before I smelt fear in all its myriad forms, now my breath of life, spirituality itself flows

    inseparably in the transformation power of Continuity -Unity as Reality in Transcendence;

    I open my heart wide as infinite space in the pure and indestructible field of Reality, and fully

    realise with infinite compassion Ultimate Truth, the ineffable;

    Where before I only saw-heard-touched-tasted-smelled-breathed and spoke in bewilderment-

    confusion-frozen habits-hatred-anger-destruction-prejudice-lies-slander-biased tendencies-loss and

    gain-suffering and pain-heartache and despair-thirst-hunger-gluttony-fear in all its myriad forms.

    These I fully realise as Integral Spirituality as the transformation power of Continuity-

    Absolute Unity as Reality in Transcendence.

  • 7/30/2019 The Matrix of Buddhahood
