the mature market : a european perspective neil harrison sac environment & design senior...

The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

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Page 1: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

The Mature Market :A European Perspective

Neil Harrison

SAC Environment & DesignSenior Bioenergy Consultant

Page 2: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

1. Where are we starting from?

2. What are we aiming for?

3. Woodfuel in Upper Austria

4. Summing Up


Page 3: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

1. Where are we starting from?

Page 4: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

4Source : DECC Energy Trends, December 2010

Energy Consumption in the EU

Page 5: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant


Renewable Energy Consumption

Source : DECC Energy Trends, Dec 2010

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6Source : DECC Energy Trends, December 2010

Proportion of Renewable Energy

Page 7: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant


Proportion of Heat from Renewables



Page 8: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Energy and Heat Use in the UK

Page 9: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Energy and Heat Use in the UK

Whichever way it’s presented, the facts are that :

The UK is a huge energy user;

The proportion of renewables in the energy mix remains small;

Heat makes up the largest proportion of energy demand;

Heat is by far the worst-served in terms of RE capacity.

Page 10: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

2. What are we aiming for?

Page 11: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Renewable Energy Targets in the UK

EU 2009 Renewable Energy Directive sets a binding target of 20% of energy in the EU coming from renewable sources by 2020. The UK share commits us to 15%.

Target is for 12% of our heat to come from renewable sources by 2020.

Longer term targets set by Government are for a reduction in carbon emissions of at least 80% by 2050.

Page 12: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

How Will We Meet the Target?

Composition of Renewable Heat by Technology and Sector(Central Growth Projection, 2020)

Source : NERA/AEA : The UK Supply Curve for Renewable Heat, DECC 2009

Page 13: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Barriers to Development

Source : Ernst & Young, Renewable Heat Initial Business Case, DEFRA/BERR 2007

Page 14: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

3. Woodfuel in Upper Austria

Page 15: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - A Mature Market

A third of total primary energy comes from renewable sources;

46% of the total heating demand is from renewable sources - 31% from biomass (mainly wood);

Annual investment in new installations totals €210m, with biomass heat making up € 110m;

Use of renewables avoids the emission of 7.4mt/yr CO2;

Avoids imports of c. €1bn/yr (value retained in economy).

Page 16: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - The Drivers

Farmers, foresters and sawmills looking for new revenue streams for forestry residues in early 1980’s;

Creative entrepreneurs looking for solutions to the automation of wood-fired heating systems;

Heavy taxes on coal in 1980’s due to air quality issues, and high-cost of other fossil fuels (Austria is land-locked, with no gas or oil reserves).

Page 17: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - The Carrots

Support for enterprises of all types with grants for R&D and capital investment - a feature for 25 years;

Support from Agriculture and Forestry Department for skills and training, including apprenticeships in biomass production;

100-year history of forestry practices emphasising sustainability;

Creation of State Energy Cluster to coordinate and support activity - 150 member companies.

State support for export to other countries globally.

Page 18: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - The Sticks

Obligation to use renewable heating in public buildings over 10,000 sq ft;

Energy performance certificates for buildings;

Inspection regime for boilers and AC systems;

Minimum requirements for renewable heating and cooling;

Page 19: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - The Results

Annual revenues from manufacturing, sales and installation of wood-fired boilers of around €530m;

Total employment in wood heating c. 4,500 people;

25% of all modern wood-fired boilers installed in the EU are manufactured in Upper Austria (easily >50% of those in the UK);

Annual sales of woodfuels approaching €100m.

Page 20: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - The Results

Highly developed wood energy industry;

30 years of competition with fossil fuel boilers, and also with each other;

Process of constant product improvement & innovation.

Boiler efficiency 1980-2004

Page 21: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - The Results

Not just boilers! Chippers, chip handling equipment, pellet and briquette production equipment, computer controls and even fuel is now made and exported from Upper Austria around the world.

Austrian consultancies, universities and state institutions export their know-how and expertise around the world.

Mus-Max Factory, Gross St Florian, AT

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Page 23: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - On the Ground

Incredibly well developed woodfuel industry, with plenty of competition in the marketplace (good for customers).

State Forestry Department has comprehensive woodfuel research, training and even apprenticeship programmes.

Page 24: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - Woodfuel Use

Page 25: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - District Heating

Huge number of district heating plants - in excess of 1,000, with an average size of 1MW.

Page 26: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - District Heating

Page 27: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - Forest Resources

Standing stock in Austrian forests - inventories from 1961-2002.

Page 28: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - Woodfuel Prices

Competition, improved production efficiencies and increasing resource availability have led to steady (and falling) fuel prices.



Pulpwood Prices 1972-2008 at roadsidenominal real

Page 29: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - Woodfuel Prices

Even in times of instability and overheating markets, woodfuel prices are comparatively stable.

Page 30: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - Summing Up

Woodfuel is the first choice for heating in most homes, commercial premises and public buildings;

There is competition and innovation in the marketplace, delivering excellent value for customers;

There are a range of ways to have your heat provided.

Page 31: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Upper Austria - Summing Up

The available resource for fuel is increasing, in marked contrast to fossil fuels, which are decreasing;

Woodfuel prices show long term stability, and a downward trend over a period when use was increasing dramatically;

State support over a long period of time was needed to deliver an industry and infrastructure that is truly world leading.

Page 32: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

The UK - Summing Up

The soon-to-be-introduced Renewable Heat Incentive has the potential to catapult us very rapidly towards the Austrian position;

Some parts of the UK are scaling back on their support for the supply chain, despite evidence from Austria that demonstrates it is at least as important to support as the demand side;

Given the right approach, the need to heat a building will actually become a highly profitable enterprise.

Page 33: The Mature Market : A European Perspective Neil Harrison SAC Environment & Design Senior Bioenergy Consultant

Principal Contacts

Neil HarrisonEnvironment & Design

01668 283 36307825 781 [email protected]

Kate HutchinsonEnvironment & Design

0131 535 307507557 033 [email protected]