the mean stack

Developers Conference MEAN Stack The

Upload: md-ziaul-haq

Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: The MEAN Stack

Developers Conference

MEAN Stack The

Page 2: The MEAN Stack

Sr. JavaScript Developer���Elance-oDesk Corp���


Md. Ziaul Haq

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What is MEAN Stack ?

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Stack ?

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•  LAMP - JS, Apache, Php, MySQL

•  MS.Net - JS, IIS, C#, ASP.Net, SQL Server

•  Java - JS, Tomcat, Java, JSP, Oracle

Some Development Stack

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MEAN is for

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•  MongoDB - as Database

•  ExpressJS - as Web Application Framework

•  AngularJS - as Frontend Framework

•  NodeJS - as Web Server


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JavaScript Everywhere



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Fullstack JavaScript

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• JavaScript everywhere

•  One language, no context change

•  Consistent best practices

•  Asynchronous Communication

•  Scalable


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• Popular among the community

•  Popular in Github

•  HackerNews love JS :)

•  Enough resource

•  Easy to start on

Why JavaScript

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Who Using

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Quick Overview

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•  NoSQL, document-oriented database system

•  JSON-like documents

•  Easier & Faster to communicate

•  Scalable

•  Learn more :

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•  A lightweight web app framework on top of Node.js

•  Wrapper for Node.js HTTP module objects

•  Easier & Faster to communicate

•  Learn More:

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•  Client-side MVC framework

•  2 way data binding

•  Watcher everywhere

•  Learn More:

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•  Server-side JavaScript platform built on V8 engine

•  Non blocking I/O

•  Asynchronous

•  Event driven

•  Almost every thing in NPM

•  Learn More:

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Jump on

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•  Install Node and MongoDB in your system

•  Install the required tools

•  npm, Git, bower, grunt/gulp, mongoose

•  Setup the MEAN project with dependency

Page 21: The MEAN Stack

•  Install Node and MongoDB in your system

•  Install the required tools

•  npm, Git, bower, grunt/gulp, mongoose

•  Setup the MEAN project with dependency

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Fullstack JavaScript Framework

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•  Boilerplate, ready to start on


•  Dependancy management

•  Test suit are ready

•  Ready free packages


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Project create

•  $ sudo npm install -g mean-cli

•  $ mean init <appName>

•  $ cd <appName> && npm install

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•  public - Frontend

•  assets - CSS and images go here

•  controllers - the front end processing

•  routes - routes to each view

•  services - angular wrappers for data providers

•  tests - karma tests

•  views - the HTML for each page

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•  server - Backend

•  controllers - the back end processing

•  models - the data object’s definitions

•  routes - routes to the controllers, from get/posts…

•  tests

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Love Generator ?

•  Yeoman

•  generator-mean

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[email protected]

Thank you all.���
