the medical alphabetacy - chapter 4


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This is the 4th chapter of my medicine themed alphabetacy.


Page 1: The Medical Alphabetacy - Chapter 4
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Welcome back to the fourth chapter of the Medical Alphabetacy.

As you can see Arrhythmia has returned home to take her place as heiress and continue the family. The living room has gotten a makeover to better suit her passion for all things alien. Sue is very happy that one of her daughters has come home, while the other two are at least living close by. Thinking about Arteria, that might turn out to be a bad thing actually, we'll see.

By the way...I've already played this legacy farther than all my attempts before. (That shows how hard I failed. ^.~) So I better stop the babbling and hurry to the baby making.

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Arrhythmia instantly looks for a job in the architecture career, but doesn't have any luck. Too bad that she doesn't want to be a doctor, since that would have been available.

"Not my fault that my dream doesn't fit your theme."

I'm not really complaining, girl. I like you far too much for that.

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Since her job hunt wasn't successfull Arrhythmia concentrates on her love life for now. Jenny, her fiancee, was quickly invited over and a wedding party started. The two of them shared a last pre-ceremony kiss while they waited for their guests to arrive.

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Everybody came: Aorta with her fiance Elmar. Suzie the zombie, who has left college together with the girls and was allowed to live at Aorta's place because she has nowhere else to go. A townie wearing inappropriate black clothing.

"This is a wedding? Oh...Arteria told me it was her sister's funeral." And while we are speaking of her...Arteria is wearing black too.

"It's a sad day for me, so this is quite appropriate."

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Everybody was gathering together to watch the ceremony. Everybody? No...of course not. There was as expected one sim, who boycotted the whole thing.

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Arteria! What are you doing?

"I'm dancing at my sister's wedding. Isn't that what you wanted and why you invited me?"

The wedding is outside.

"Oh, my bad. How could I have missed that?"

I would probably believe you if you weren't grinning like that.

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But Arteria's presence wasn't really required anyway...

"I promise to stay with you and revolve around you like the earth revolves around the sun, like the moon around the earth, like venus around the sun and of course also like..."

Um...Arrhythmia, we get it. Just let Jenny say her thing.

"I do too."

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And so Jennifer Suankiri became Jennifer Medical. Welcome to the family.

Jenny is a knowledge sim with the lifetime want to top the Medical career. (Yay, you're perfect, Jen.) She is a virgo with a 9/2/6/3/5 personality. Her predestined hobby is science and she likes the girl of her dreams to be a little on the chubby side. So go eat that cake, Arrhythmia.

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They aren't even married for two minutes and Jenny already tries to make sure that the piece Arrhythmia cuts for herself isn't too small.

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"Feed your spouse with cake, not asphyxiate her!" *three voices screaming in unison*

Fortunately Jenny managed to survive Arrhythmia's accidental attempt at murdering her.

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The party was a total success, even if not all the guests knew how to behave. But since Suzie is a zombie and has lost almost all her personality points she can be forgiven.

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Time for the wedding night.

"I'm so glad that you're a doctor, Jen. Otherwise this legacy would be doomed.""You mean a doctor working on experimental procreation technics that allow women to impregnate each other. This wouldn't work if I were a normal doctor.""Well, then I would have had to ask my friends from up there for help." *giggles*

Since Arrhythmia hasn't found the right job yet she will be the one to carry the first child of this generation. For the others I'll see who suits me better.

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While her sister unsuspectingly enjoys her wedding night Arteria has made her way over to one of the darker parts of town. Once again meeting the gypsie to enlist her help in destroying the legacy.

"This is the strongest I have to offer. A single drop of it and she will never be able to have children. If she is pregnant already the child will die. If this doesn't work you can always contact the friend I told you about. She knows alot more about poisons than I do.""Thanks. Your help will be rewarded as soon as I succeed."

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The perfect opportunity to put her plan in motion soon presented itself for Arteria in the form of Aorta's and Elmar's wedding.

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While everybody else was distracted by the wedding ceremony, Arteria used her opportunity and mixed a very special cocktail.

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"Arrhythmia I'm so sorry that I missed your wedding ceremony. I thought that it would start later, that's why I stayed inside."" need to be sorry, Arteria. I know how much you would have liked being there.""I'm really sorry though. You have to have a drink with me, since we didn't at your wedding.""Sure...."

Oh no...please don't.

"You can't do anything about it. We're not on the main legacy lot. You have no power here." *laughs diabolically*

I hate you Arteria.

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"This drink Arteria made is really good.""I don't know, mom. I just drink it because I still don't trust her and want to make sure that nothing happens to Arrhythmia.""Since when are you this paranoid?""You have no idea what is going on, do you?"

No, she doesn't. You are the only one who knows what your sister is trying to do.

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"What? They weren't supposed to drink that."

And another plan gone to hell. I really have hope that the B generation will be born before you manage to harm your sister.

"I lost this battle, not the war. And at least you won't be able to make Aorta heiress now, if anything happens to Arrhythmia."

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After Aorta's wedding and Arteria's failed plan life for the Medicals continues as usual.

"A spatula? You found a spatula in his belly during the operation? You're kidding me, mom?""No. And if you don't believe me ask your wife. She has seen it too."

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Since she doesn't need to skill Arrhythmia gets to do whatever she wants, while her mother and wife are slaving away at the hospital.

"If I theorize the course a planet populated with aliens might take and multiplicate that with the probability of my signal reaching them I should be able to calculate the exact moment I need to be outside to make contact."

And to think that you're the only non-knowledge sim in this household.

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"Look, I brought you someone my future kids can marry!"

Too bad that we already know him and he is currently still Arteria's boyfriend. But I guess it's the thought that counts. Hi again, Gunna.

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"I like Jenny, but she needs to learn how to do this."

Sue, as you can see, did bring home a fellow doctor that we didn't know yet. Yay. And even though his nose is a little on the huge side he isn't a total apeface. Now go and make friends with this family Boris.

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Arrhythmia's pregnancy begins to show and for some reason she decides that she also needs a new and very unfitting hair style. I knew that pregnant women have strange tastes sometimes, but this...Off to the mirror you go.

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Back to normal again.

"What did you do with my hair. I liked the new style."

No, just no.

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Arrhythmia's pregnancy doesn't go unnoticed of course. Since her plan with the contraceptive poison has failed Arteria has decided to try more drastic measures. She would contact the friend the gypsie told her about and see if she could help her find a permanent way to get rid of her sister.

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Arteria had no trouble following the gypsie's direction and finding the evil witch the old woman had been talking about.

"I need her to disappear. Permanently, if you get what I mean.""Hihi, this is the ultimate evil. You will make such a good addition to our side. The head witch will be so proud of me."" soon as I'm heiress I'll also help you fight the good witches. But first things first.

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The witch worked her magic and Arrhythmia was engulfed by a tingling sensation and a green glow. Power spread through her body, while an evil laugh bubbled from her mouth.

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"Bwahahaha, you really won't be able to stop me now. I will finally be able to get rid of my sister and take over her position as heiress."

Has it ever occured to you that I could just give up this legacy if you succeed in harming Arrhythmia?

"I know that you won't. You're on such a roll, you won't give that up."

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"Just a little make-up and my usual styling and my sister won't be any the wiser. Getting into her home will be easy as cake."

Maybe she'll notice the green glow.

"Do you seriously believe that?"

No, unfortunately I know how bad sims' survival instincts are.

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Back at the main legacy household:

"I'm so glad you came over to keep Arrhythmia company, while both Jenny and me are at work. Since the beginning of her pregnancy she's so needy.""That's nothing, mom. I know how important this legacy is for your real life self. And I want to do everything for my future niece or nephew."

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Arteria secretly smiled while watching her sister, who was unsuspectingly stuffing her mouth with pancakes. Her plan was coming together nicely.

*mumbles* "Almost perfect. Suzie wasn't supposed to show up, but that won't stop me."

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As soon as they had finished their meal and both Arrhythmia and Suzie were busy with cleaning the plates Arteria decided that her time had come.


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Flames suddenly appeared and engulfed Suzie, who stood a little closer to them. Sure that the fire would spread and soon reach her sister too Arteria made a run for it, leaving Arrhythmia to her panic. What she hadn't expected was the supernatural help, that suddenly came to at least Arrhythmia's rescue.

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Death appeared, his light putting out the flames.

"I'm just doing that because Arteria has annoyed me one too many times."

She only annoyed you twice...not that I'm complaining.

"One too many times, like I said. And now at least the Suzie the zombie desaster is done with."

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Even though Suzie dies right before her eyes, Arrhythmia is still a little on the oblivious side.

"I'm so glad that Arteria left just before the fire started. Imagine what could have happened to her had she been here. She could have ended like Suzie."

We couldn't have that, could we? *sounding ironic*

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Aorta of course did realize what had happened to Suzie, when her zombie roommate didn't come home for dinner. Knowing that Arteria was somehow responsible for it she and Elmar went over to the main legacy household and finally informed Sue and Jenny what was going on. They didn't believe it at first.

"But she was so nice this morning. She even came over to look after Arrhythmia while the two of us work.""Look after her? Mom! She tried to kill her. It was most likely dumb luck on her part and bad luck on Suzie's part that saved her."

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"If all of that is true, what are we supposed to do? We don't even know how Arteria caused the fire.""I actually have a strong suspicion. Sue, you said that she looked a little green when she arived this morning?""Yes, I thought she might be sick, but assumed that she wouldn't have come over if she wasn't feeling well.""I think she's a witch.""That is bad. What can normal people like us do against the powers of a witch?""Not much, but I know someone who might be able to help."

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"The signal Arrhythmia noticed came from the sixth star in the seventh row of the tenth galaxy next to the moon. So if I sent a plea for help there, maybe someone will answer."

Do you really think this will work?

"What else could we do? If Arteria really is a witch she won't have much trouble killing my wife. And your legacy with her."

True. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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Arteria wasn't deterred by her failure and Suzie's death. It actually seems to have encouraged her.

"Between three dead trees, where all hope simply flees, in my pot does stew a murderous brew...muhahaha...This time I will not fail. And if I have to poison the whole town, so be it."

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Suddenly a bright light filled the clearing and engulfed Arteria, lifting her high up in the air. She tried to grab hold of one of the tree branches, but it only stopped her ascend for a minute before breaking under the intense pull. Screaming she was beamed into the spaceship and disappeared into the night.

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Oh look. The alien's didn't just take Arteria away, they also left a note. Let's see what it says.

"We have taken her away, where she won't be able to harm this legacy. We see this as our first payment for the city on the moon Mrs. Medical will be building for us. Do not disappoint us or you will get her back."

I'm actually glad this is over with.

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The morning after Arteria's sudden disappearance Aorta visited the family to check up on her sister.

"I can't believe that the Aliens took Arteria. She gets to explore far away planets and I don't. That's so unfair.""I'm sure you'll get your chance too. Maybe it was just a mistake on their part."

You know that it wasn't.

"Shh...Arrhythmia doesn't need to know."

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"According to the chess rules - edition 3453 you aren't allowed to move this piece.""Ok...then I'll just do this."" can't do that either. Chess rules - edition 752.""Mom...would you stop studying the rules and just play."

With Arteria's disappearance normality, or what counts as that in the sim world, has returned to the Medical household.

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So much for normality.Arrhythmia's screaming in pain as she goes into labour and the chapter comes to an end. It may be a little strange to end it right here, but I wanted to wrap up the Arteria storyline and have the B generation be the star of the next chapter.

It was a little shorter than usual, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Next time there'll be babies.Thanks for reading and see you again next time.