the memphis daily december thousand dollarswhol--vote caat lor heuoi 1 visitor 100 on the vote lor...

ma ANNOU MENTS. FOR MAYOR. SV. Krr sulhorised lo announce Mv.ip Fl T VALKF.R a a candidal municipal election. fr,r Mayor at tte ensuing de'lt to announce M lie for Mayor on. dell FOR CITY RECORDER. tlTY RECORDER. At the solicitation ol I Ir , . .. gay oltl friends, I have consented U' krome a candidate hefore the General t II nice of :it Recorder, at the .. .1 nr. :n Jnauarv iii-- 1e!0 W. I.. ATE WART. l OlI OTT UTV TX LLKCTR -- We are author-uaiu- e of FELIX W. n Oafta tr the city conven Una. 1K- We are author-Wi- . RINQWALUas h t olleclor. at tl.e ensn- tn. t to the deci-- t convention. del- - .We are aulhor-- name of W. T. e - lerto lon. dell' MTV TX I OLl.ECTOR-W- e are autlior- - to bii-- i uaee CHARLES M. t'Alt- - -- We are authorized to ae of JO"N XEWiSOM, fnr CI ut the ensuing mnnie-- i ir the decision of the noiiu a. del FOR WUARFM ASTER. T-- H rFx' We are authorised to snnoa a M 1YN Em candidate tor WnsrTmsster fit dell 'T.IR We are aitthitrixed to LARKT HAUMSTAlv U 1 ir Wu irimulor, al lUe sns.- - ng : lectio-- .. d.-- . irHAH art zed to sunn K WIL-r- , at the den ensmn m TTA1 are authorized to V .me of Capiaiu K. A. u Wiiarfniastcral the ensuing municipal election. del 11- - i! I ICMASTER.-W- e are au Y M..iin-t'V- rr THiiMASH as a candidal tot Wnarfrnastar iDg election. del RFM T1 R. We are uth'r'.Jel tn imiuMnc- - ttie name of ROUT. GOODTS. pre.. it Incumbent, for to the ofEe ..: Whar.'nias'.er. ut the next municipal e!--- HO.JU Ledger and W.-cki- Journal copy. II AT it. At the scllclletlon ol IrU-nds- , I announce my-- i elf no a madldati toi tue offlcs of Wharf- - Busier, at the com - municipal election. UN - N.iHMAXnlS, bo22 (TMkarkai in as " French Louts"). FOR JCDGE 1st CIRCUIT COURT. CP iV. Idtton Appeal: In response to the J i Ullipll misitarr nail in vour paper of yeterdsy signed " One of the B tr," I hereby announce mvs.lf a candidate forJtDGKof the FIRdTCli -i ; jiUf of shelny county. o i C. W. HEIsKELL FOR JCDGL Zt CIRCUIT COURT. "ilKCl'IT JCDOE We re authorized to L or.''unf I. A. ANDERSON aata candl-- c i tireof the becjnd JudieaaTC'iscuit o; a.ielby county, deli FOR CLERK Jr. CIRCUIT COURT. nLXI BKCOND CIBCCTT COURT. We y n re snthorix d to announoe Col. JOE BARBIfcRK :. ii candidate lor the pfBce of Clerl o: ti.e Bccosti t irculi Court of Shelby countr dell i) CtBCCIT COURT-A- fr. CLERK I have fit tO eatll u i.c t become a candidate lor the above t, and 1ti 'ep'y I cm onlv ay. that I Will t a no nidation, if tendered. and, If elec r asideAVor to perform the du- - Mas de V B TREZEVANT. FOR COUNTY COURT CLFRK. RK. At the Hoiiclta-f- t tion HNHBs, !nd in re-- - r; r,r ... AprxAi-an- Leils-- r. rlte the I d WAHTED MALE HELP. .v in cf tfl be turned at Ten e, rte-- insertion. T A ;"HEiM. Fifty farm handa. la - ook; and planters t tue Lab r for help. 8 West ton ; sfet. deMj O. H. WOOD. ROOKS AND BOARD. jtssices smr.V- - (Am hid tiiil be inserted al Ten oen;j per Ln. eneh inMtvm. oom. mi liable R Willi board In r ten-Ala- b neeoDd-floo- r front B bl- - neighborh'wl In tli i private family. Can uatiia terms, by a perr liessiug C. H. W-- d. SttL : LOST. ltd at Tm ih. -- ' . e ri'Sanl by reporting the same at So 4 Msdtson street. HsH this ds.t- -: One dun.o fonr. I as ti ass euitilj will be paid Ior them delivered to 1 nan, del rsor, street. FOR RENT ROOMS. Jlotten urvirr th't be inn'Tied at Ten cent ye insert iri. IO.M.-J- d Comi at biock-sulta- ble ulee .i leaeot.ab.e ralce. .:r!rto J'K J ANDREWS, nova i rout Row, F03 RENT HOUSES. ICatxcm un k V FXT-I"- A ii 1"- - d Iline, noar Main w st'eet. a ply to JKw. J. Andrews, So. S2 -- 't. up -- Htirn. i FOR RENT-FAR- MS. Xanssf ssi f. KM. A dfslrablf Tm-- 1 m, five miles from . . rjr.HH.t rotd 8y acres Of Op e MLavte Of CUlllVwtlOU. 4 r b-- i te)ectlon of fruli rxh EHrHD, with hct-nll- bousi. wlih ten room v lu tu yard; smoke-- , btuhle ntirt i. j.j puopHir, No. an Kroni street. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Aonoet under this had uiU be inserted at Jrn emU per line, eneh insertion. l'OOD One lined.ed corns rirv and green bsrd wood, on levee. I. lew In ion. at eight dollars per oril. at river, or nine dol- lar delivered, full measure warranted. dele O. WHITE. LANH acres tUk aa1 valuable land. Arkansas, lying ten mft( wast ol Moond City, and half a mile south of Military Road; ISTi acr-- cleared and in : all above overflow. Also c Suburban Lom, on McLean Avenue, near Poplar street. For terms, apply to H. B. MORTO!?, Oi-- liverton Hotel, TJ- TJOCIPriiKS.-W- lll sell, cheap, a lot of Velodromes, in complete order best make 1st- - st i tries. Apply to W. O. Wood-so- u, or It. T. BatfBav. dell IRON" TfK'K Cheap, at Swift's Iron Works, street. delu MASOk.C 0IKECT0RY FOR 1869. konoas. otsii Mmnns, No. lis meets 2d Friday of . j montu li cor. Madison anuisecoua A. I.: liun. K. Pullvu. Hec. AV ' ll- - s A. No. neetk !si Monday In try mouth, al Hall, corner Court and Ma John Zeul, W. M.; John fc. loisb, He-- r an s. orr. No. meets 1st Friday of each ni' it Hall r Madison and Second, i. W Mitchell, d.; B. Sturm, Sec. Jrs ,r , No B etc 3d Friday of each KHIth sil-- rs HalL P. M. Stanley, W v) ; l: . X I aseesf 4th Friday of each u.ouih i ml. Memphis Hall, ner of Ms.iisot John Atuslle, E K.I- - SsECBAi-TKl- . icets 2t Mondsy of eas rnoi.ii: -- aci, Dctra- - M L U. I' 'He, bec jeraraa Corri ueets Sd Monday of eacii monlb C s HaU. John Zeul, Th. IU-- ; X- J- - , r. Vo. 4 meets th Mon-h- . da .reach r Geo Mellerth, Com.; T. .1. l.archu-- . 1 Utxt ' I UAf 3r Rosa Croix, lsth. No ni, ...J. M.-- . . H T I. 0 0. F. DIRECTORY. Oatoko Ksi AXrar-r- r. Ko.. I- - O. O. F meets on ska 1st and id Tour day niuiits of each BJi' 7' o. oca. A .K.ibvi,.c.K; 1.. sfwuf'His U'ln.i No. a meets every Tuesdsv J. L. Russe.i, N. Q iVa, V. u.; 0. Walter, Record- - THE MUNICIPAL CANVASS Calls upon Candidates-Answ- ers to Calls-Car- d from the Chairman of the 7th Ward Primary Meeting Etc. Editors Appeal: If Bob Malone will rouseut to run for the office of County Court Clerk he will 1 elected by a " LA ROB MAJORITY." IXDKPKNDKS't FOB MAVOR. Editor Ap)n al: As will be seen by my card elstew liere. I am a candidate for Mayor of Mao By of Memphis, sub i iln'ue to the ehoic'e of the peojde, at the on Thureduv January 6, 1870. M P. WALKER. Mi:mphis, Iiocemlier lj, 1S0M. rut: MAYORALTT KKSPOXSK FROM MB. BAWLlSOd. Wessr. Farrinfton, Church, Lilly, Ford, and others: Noticing in thia nioniiun's papers a cull :ipou me to be a candidate for the Mayor-ilt- y of the citv, I lind the namea ol friends nc. :n I coulif not treat with indifference. A call through the pafMH IMm to be .he mode adopted to :iw.-rt.::- the views .if candidates; I shall briefly ro- ily. . I am no politician, no aspirant for '. nor never was. My name has been ased by my lriends in" one or two to but very little success. I have baaa iMUtal oi the city of Memiihis ma its vicinity ever since the lirst brick vas laid In the town, and Hin now a Granger to most of its people. My busi- ness is in my ollice, and there I stay and uttendto it. I hope the time has arrived when the people of Memphis can select their otli-tw- and elec; them. I hold, under a gov-- . runient like ours, tht when it is the will of the people to elect any man to office thai, he should not refuse, unless for very cogent reasons. With this view, I will say to my fei that if 1 lie their choice, and should receive the nom- ination of Iho Convention and be elected Oy the people. I w ill serve them to the nest ol my ability; if not elected, you will never hear one word of regret. 1 know of no disabilities to the ollice, as respects the age. lam plenty-old- . Respectfully, J. J. klAWLIXGS. To the Citizen of the Seventh Ward: The meeting having adjourned last even- ing before the tellers had finished count- ing tbe ballots lor officers in the ward, and for delegates to the Municipal Conven- tion, I lake this method, as Chairman of the meeting, to imorin you of the result of the two ballo s taken. For candidate lor Ajdennai.: W. Weids,4ll A. J. Roach, 162 M. Rurk", 157; H. (. Dent, 41: Joe llruee, 2; Jack Oram, 1; H. O. Trader, 13; A. J. Wheeler. Id. For Ooaractlflaea J. B. Nigningo, 14 ; Pas Twobig. 145; Kernel!, 42; A.J. White, ti: J. H. Hartley, ; A. J. Roach, 12: J. B. Sharpe, 4; J. Jones. 1; J. W. W altering. 1; lVrnell, 4; J. M. Patrick, 1; P. H. Davie, 1; R. Woruilev, 1 ; W. H. Trader, 15; W. L. Stewart, 4; J. K.ier. 6. For School Visitor P. L. Mitchell, 49; B. T. Lemon. 10; John S. Kerr, 4; A. C. Furguson, 1; J. M. Gregory, 2; John Ster-wit- t, 2; M. L. Meacham." n; D. Gober, 6; A ien, ti; E. P. Carroll, S; D. C. Tra- der, 6. i.oie vote cast for Alderman 4W Whol; vote cast for Councilnien 4S4 Whol- - vote caat lor Heuoi 1 Visitor 100 On the vote lor delegates to the Conven- tion, the Secretary of the meeting and the tellers report as follows: There were sixty-thre- e nunies balloted for. Tho whole number of voles cast were 24rJ6. The seven who obtained the highest vote are: Ed. Anderson, Win. Harrington, Dom. Zweifel, Wiu. Crosby, J. A. Deniger, A. Dwyer and M. Gallagher. The highest vote received by any of the seven is lGi nod the lowest 124. Tho tellers and the Secretary also atate that, "in a great many instances, they found several tickets, and in one instance eight tickets, roiled to- gether and evidently voted by one person, an original of w hich is exhibited as fol- lows and Contains the following names: Anderson, Gallagher, Harrington, Deni-ge- r. Zweifol, Dwycr and Crosby. " The Secretary and tellers further report that "about 150 votes were decided by the Committee to have been illegally cast," in the vole for delegates. Any person who may see the report of the tellers and the Secretary, " by calling on mo. T. H. LOti WOOD, Chairman of the Meeting. Akai.s reduced this week. GAXa' NEW STORE, 2iis Main street. Baro AtNs ! Bargains!! Bargains!!! Great bargains in dry goods at B. Lowen- stein A Bro.'a this week. Noticr. Th pnio of furniture, as ad-- v. r;ised by W. II. Paiwmore A' Co. for yesterday, will take place this (Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock the aale of diamoiids,s-atche- s and jewelry will be resumed. TnE regular monthly meeting of the Confederate Relief and Historical Associa- tion will be held this evening, in the Mu- nicipal Courtroom, at 7i o'clock. ISliAU i. UARBIS. President. Jons W. Dawson, Secretary. ChRiSTBAS BODKS. H. Wade A Co., 207 Main street, rail the attention of their friends and the public generally to their very beautiful assort- ment of Holiday toads, inch as Writing Desks, Portfolios. Work Boxes, Photo- graph Albums. Chroiiios. Gold Pens, Childrens' Cincs, lieantifully illustrated Books in Morocco, Anliijuo bindings; Ju- venile and Toy Books in great variety. CnoicK Bcttei; al Ice Depot, hVA Jef- ferson. Ivoiit-iikaiik- o Canos for one dollar at the Revolution DollarStore. Go to Locke's, SBwM Main street, for the latest news. Dttv poods- reduced this week at B. Low- enstein A Bro's. Select Ovsti hs. 79 cents per can. at ,co bi A CARD. I would most respectfully announce to the public of tnis city and vicinity, that Mr. A. B. Collins, OiS76 Second "street, will represent me, and will take pleasure iu git iug all the information, furnish cir- culars and price lists, and take orders for our unsurpassed and justly celebrated pianos, known as those of the SI. Louis Piano Manutact urimr Company. It is bl h time to cease paying tribute to the Fist. Patronize home manufac- ture, and make Mississippi Valley therefore c all on Mr. Col- lins, and you will not only find it to your interest, but I assure you a lasting satis- faction for giving us a consideration be- fore purchasing ewewlier . L. K. KOXl.'KSZTSKI, Agent St. Louis Piano Mf'gCo. Great bargains this week at B. Lowen- stein A Bro's. Fob carpets and oil-cl- bs, go to E. 's, 200 Second street, Vincent Block. IMPORTANT LAW. So Voting Outside of the District or Ward in u hieh the Voter Lives and is Entitled to Vote. Tho following is tbe first section of a bill which passed the present Legislature on the auth ult., and is now a law of the State: " Be it enae'rd '. the iencral Assembly of the State of Ttmnmste, TOtat all voters in this Statihall bo reouired to vote in tin- - civil dMrict or ward in which they may reside. Any person violating this act shall Is guiltv of a fuisdenieanor, and uion conviciion thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars; awvesataat, that sheriffs and other offlirs holding elections shall be permitted to vote in anv ward or precinct in which they may hold an election; provided aUo. I hat i I from anv causf there should be a failure to hold an el&Hion in any civil district or ward, then nothing in this act shall be so eoijstrued as to pre- vent any voter from voting in any other civil district or ward in this cotinty or town, for State ereowtf officers, al the time preseribed hsjaw." Swep.pjno roductiou at B. Ixiwenstein A Bro's. The is delivered by daylight, seven times a week, for twenty-fiv- e cents! Select a box of Handkerchiefs, Half-Hos-e. F. Y. Shirts, or any style of Furniah-ini- r Goods for holiday gifts, at 233 Clav Building. WIGGANS A THORN'S, TO ADVERTISERS IN THE APPEAL. Alter this date, advertisements will not be received from auv but regular custoui-er- x and houses, unless a. .mpanicd by the cash. Tbe enforce-me- nt if this rule is rendered necessary by Iho difficulties of collection and tbe de- mands of a business thsl requires a cash outlay in all its departments, for its proper and profitable conduct. Business men mlU understand and appreciate the neces- sity for this baais lor our future. KEATING, ENGLIBU A CO. November 30, INCH. TwxNTT-riv- E Cents a week is all tbe Appeal costs delivered by earners. THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-THURSDA- Y, DECEMBER 16, 186- - FOURTH WARD. Nominations at the Preliminary Meeting Last Night. The eiti7.cns of the Fourth Ward assem- bled at Waddell A Lanier'a office, last night, according to adjournment on Tues- day eveninff. Col. T. A. Nelson took tho chair, and M. D. Welch, Esij., acted as Secretary. On motion, the nomination of tho pre-cedi- night waa reconsidered, and I. T. CirtwrighX renominated and elected by acclamation. Capt. Mont. Pepper and CoL R. P. Dun- - din were men, oy oanoi, noinir.atea ior the Council. W. W. Young, Esn., was nominated School Visitor, and the following dele- gates chosen to the Convention: Col. .las. Coleman, Dr. R. W. Mitchell, Capt. Jas. Louden. The meeting thereupon adjourned. Two ApamsStreet Brick Residences at ArcTloN", on tbe premises, y at :t p.m., by Messrs. Royster, Tre7.evant A Co. This sale should be attended by any- one who is in the market to purchase a well built and conveniently located city residence. The property is to be sold, we observe, with guaranty of perfect title, on easy terms, and at peremptory auction, which ought to be the very conditions to attract bidders. See tho advertisement in auction column. One of t he houses the adjoining tenement duplicate in size of lot and building, will be offered at the same hour and placo. A Universal Remedy. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" for Coughs, Colds, and Bronchial Atfections, now stands the first in public favor and confidence; this result h- - been acquired by a test of many years. Its merits and extensive use have caused the Troches to be counterfeited, and we would caution purchasers to be on their guard against worthless imitations. Pain in the Side. This distressing symptom of Consumption arises from In- flammation of the Lungs, or the membrane called the Pleura, or from bronchial alfec-- t ion of the air passages; in either ease it is a very dangerous indication of disease. Tbe cause of this symptom should be re- moved at once and nothing can possibly effect that object so speedily and happily as the Hungarian Balsam. It has also been introduced iuto the practice of WMMJ of our bass hospitals, infirmaries, mid other institutions; and has long since received the public sanction of the most eminent chemists and pro- fessional men of this and other countries. Fashionable Fcrs At Aucttox This .Thursday) morning, December 10th, al 10 o'clock, by tiottlieb A Eznkiel, Auc- tioneers, corner Second and Adams sta. Read B. Lowenstein A Bro's advertise ment y. Foil carpets and go to E. 's, 2tioSec.ond street, Vincent Block. Xothi.vo equals the price and style of our Arabs. CANS' VBW STORE, -- s Main street. Jet Sets, lasiiionable styles, for $1 00, at the REVOLITION DOLLAR STORE, 21 IMaiu street LAW REPORTS. Phicinal CourtJudge Foute. Theudgments taken yesterday were as follows: lieinschew et al vs. Lawrence dis- missed. Henurold vs. Zwifel, flargan A Co. judgment for platatiflLfMh Jones ys. Bobbins A Co. non-su- it en- tered. ilauiuer vs. Evims non-su- it entered. Has Briggs et al ou trial. Cardy vs. Briggs ot al on trial. To-da- y the cases on the calendar hereto- fore published will be called for trial. Crimina! Court Judje Hudson. In the case of the State of Tennessee ex rel. Lucy Smith vs. Georgo W. F. Cook, Attorney, the decision of the Court was' reserved until this morning. The case of the State vs. Fred and An- nie Brichiman indictment for receiving stolen goods will lie called for trial to- day by consent of the counsel. No other case will be called for trial un- til January 17.1S7o, to which day the Court stands informally adjourned. Chancery CourtChancellor Morgan. A number of demurrers were heard yesterday. The following decrees were filed : Boggan vs. Stewart sale. Parker vs. Hammond sale. I". ovine vs." Stewart on petition. Winn vs. Wickersiiam substitution made. Bond vs. KerschoSf final. .Miller vs. Duhose demurrer overruled. James vs. Eppes e. Teni.. F. A.M. Ius. Co. vs. Potter order. Trader vs. Goggin confirmation order. Bethel vs. Nelson decree defective. Moon vs. Nelson decree defective. Judnou vs. Nelson decree defective. To-da- y the case of ihe Memphis Gas Company vs. the Gayoso Gas Company will be heard before Judge Carmack, who will preside by interchange, the present Chancellor being one of the counsel in the cause, and therefore incompotent. Law Court Judge Carmack. Yesterday, in the case of Bescher, Shultz A Co. vs. Price el al., a judgment was rendered for plaintiff for $3rj(S 79. To-da- y th ' first case for trial is a con- tempt case, which originated before Judge Lee Sr.ecd et al. vs. Stoddard A Co. Tbe special calendar for to-d- is as fol- lows: iVs.5 Gunekell vs. Yergeret al. H7S Mitclieli vs. Stewart A Bro. 1477 Mitchell, ailm'r, vs. Stewart. 117 Mitchell vs. Stewart A Bro. Ititi Myers vs. Hughes. Potter vs. Greenfield. rji Southern ExprtssJCo. vs. A. A M. s. s. Co. ISB3 WUttaaM vs. Levy. 17- ;- Wach,?ret al. vs. Kaggio. 1K17 Damnum, reo'vr, vs. Richards. Chancellor Morgan will preside by in- terchange y, an 1 dispose of the above business. U. S. Circuit Court Judge Trigg. No Curt yesterday . Judge Trigg not having returned to the city. To-d- li" will ba on the bench, and the District Court ducket .admiralty w ill be taken up for trial. RedcctiosI Reduction!! Reduction!!! At B. Lowenstine A Bro.'s this week. Fine Dresseii TntKEVs just received por express by J. Dcvoto, corner Adams aud Third streets. These Turkevs are fal and nice, and will be sold at twenty cents per pound. i You can buy a cheap Arab at 283 Main street. Elegant French and Chinese per- fumery, in fine cul-glas- s laittles, at the Revolution Dollar Siore, 213 Main. The Appeal is delivered for 25 cents a week. Read the reduction advertisement of B. Lowenstein A Bro's. ArocsT Berton, the confectioner at the corner of Fourth and Poplar streets is ahead of everybody in that line. He also sells home made muice meat, ready for use, at 20c a pound. Smoky Chimneys. No cure no pay. Have your grates set and smoky chim- neys cured, oy calling on H. Lemon, 41 Madison street. To Printers. We havo for sale a font of Jng Primer type, nearly new, suitable for a country weekly. For price, apply or ddress Appeal olfice. KEATING. ENGLISH A CO. Christmas A rails elegant presents. CAN S' NEW STOKE, w Main street. How ark you off for. soap? Fifty per cent, better value at the Revolution Dollar Store, 213 Main streot. Seven dailies a week. 25 cents. An Act to Regulate the Publication of Legal Notices. " Section 1. lie it enacted, That it shall be the duty of all Clerks, Sheriffs, and other court officers, to make, or cause to lie made, publications of all notices of a legal character in the newspaperpublisbed In the county where such shall be ordered having the largest circulation in said 'ouniy, and where there is no newspaper published in the cotinty, then the publi- cation shall be made in the newspaper published nearest the county seat, having tho largest circulation in said county, Provided, That in every Instance where tue, party or parties or ihe attorney or at- torneys, interested in said publication shall have the rijiiil to designate the news- papers in which the said publication shall be made." We copy above so much of the legal ad- vertising iaw as the public is interested in. We do this for tbe sole of putting tbe officers, lUiiantx and attorneys upon their guard in relation to the mat- ter, and to guard them against being mis- led. It is the privilege of the party or at- torney, at whose instance an advertis- ement's inserted, to publish it in anv a- - ptr be pleases. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Of all the ugly days, yesterday was certainly the ugliest that we have had this winter. There wore five arrests in the First District yesterday up to five o'clock, and the same number in the Second. A gold-tippe- d billiard cue will lie voted to the most opular tiilliard saloon in Ihe city, at the Catholic Fair, this evening. By a slip of the types or the pen, wo were made to say the Kov. Norwood and Beecher. It should read the Rev. "Nor- wood" Beecher. If anything can be worse than the condition of 6ur streets, it is that of our side-wal- ks and "wisy-vvers- as Sam Weller would say. Attention is called to the advertise- ment of Dr. Russel's dispensary. No. 42 North Court street. It is said to bo the oldnst and best institution of the sort in the Southwest. Officer Dillon, of the First District, yesterday arrested Tom Molloy on eharge of being an escap d convict from Mis- souri. Jilolloy proved a goed character and was discharged. We learn that the Rev. Father Tracy has decided not to canvass our city, at present, in aid of his church at Hiints-vill- e, but has determined to wait until later in the season, lia leaves for his home The'lo vees looked gloomy enough yes- terday, and the riviy was lis wintry and dark "as the skies above it. Few persons cared, even with the chance of making money, to brave the mud and slush, so the levee "was almost deserted. We understand that an effort was or will be made by the gentleman who found the poor unfortunate spoken of by us a few days aao, to get hor into some institu- tion, either in Philadelphia or New York, where she CM be reclaimed if there' is any good left In her. A dispatch was received yestoniay by F. M. Man m, " President" of tho new Board." from New York, announcing that the money necessaay to complem the Little Rock Railroad was ready and wait- ing his check, if the " new Board " is sus- tained by the Courts. We regret to learn that the Infant child of Mr. J. W. Smith, of the firm of oung A Co., fell from the anus of its nur e, yesterday evening, on the brick pavement, and sustained injuries which will probably nrovo fatal. We sincerely I Or-- l hat our friend maybe spared this beioavemeut. A communication from " M." gives a flattering account of tho progress made in composition by th- - young ladies who wriLolor a magazine published by the Philological Soaaty of the Memphis lo Seminary. We regret that we can- not publish his eomaiunicatioii. but unite with him in congratuiaiim- - 'he young contribuiors ujicn their proiieieuey. For tho purpree of assist njr to re- establish ihe levee syttem in Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana, Senator Kel- logg, of Louisiana, has iss .ied a bill which provides for the guarauico by the United Slates of the principal and interest of cer- tain bonds to be issued by the States of Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana, un- der direction of a Board of Commissioners, to be protected by the levying of a tax for payment of interest, and the mortgaging of the swamp and other State lands to the United Slates. The " lieautiful snow," paid us a living visit ves'.erdav. 1 lie nir was foil of it at intervals, but owing to tho i ' moist ' condition ot tiie coat of mud with which our City Fathers have caused the Nieolson pavement to bo covered, it did not tarry long in sight after hitting the earth. If we must have " snow i'thei air," wo would dearly love to see a man-tl- a of it spread over the city. We havo rarely seen the air, even in high latitudes, fuller of it than during ono or two flurries yesterday. Mr. Burns a farmer residing in the vicinity of CI::reimon, Ark yesterday left at our ollice a stone pipe such as was formerly much in use By tue aboriginal inhabitants of tho Mississippi valley. In plowing a field a year ago he came unn this relic, which is an admirabl" sp; oimeii of the rough artistic skill of the Indians. It represents a human bate in tho atti-tud- o of the most humble and devout wor- ship, carved in sandstone, which liears some traces of mineral contact. It is a curiosity calculated to " excite our special wonder," and to induce speculation as to the origin of the North American Indians. Because th-- - almanac says that the nighis are " moonlight " at present, it is no " sign " that they are so. The gas compaay, however, seem to think that it i, and have no: listen the gas, though tho nights have been black as Erebus. We, in cominen w it ii everyone whose business OT pleasure calls them to lie on the streets j at night, protest against- this as an out- -' rage not to be tolerated longer ihan we can possibly help. Tho city and her poo-l- a are in the anacouda toils of the j company, Bad that monopoly is aquer-a- - ing and grinding the pioplo to the inmost it dares. Truly, then is no tyranny so galling as that oi a monopoly! We have received from Messrs. B. W. srnian A Co., 471 Broadway, New York, tin ir catalogue of illustrated works and photographs for Christmas. It em- - braces the 1st oat and (best productions of German ari and literature, and makes a lover of such works, who is as poor as we are. sigh ever, to read their titles. Tbiuk of tho" "Go tlit OaUaSf illustrated by Kauibach, oniy; or tbe Slsuman atcr Licbe, iiiusirated with ebromolii us; r tbe Itubcn's Alimni, iiiusirated with twenty photographs from the original; or Rafaei's Bible, or a dosen other works of ' the aatun sort, iiliis ia Had sTRb chiomo-litb- a ' and photographs! In addition to these aro numerous lsrge pbotografMsa of celebrated pictures such as Weiiterhal;-er'- s Florinde, etc. We suppose our book stores will havo some of them for Christ- mas. We regret lo announce tho sudden death, vrhieb. occurred from an apoplectic stroke on Monday last, near Kcoxville, Tenn.. of George W. Harris, lietior known under the name of "S.i: Loven-good- ." Mr. Harris was a printer, and wrole the first of the 'Luv. ngood Pa- pers" which have since become widciy knowu not only la this country but in Europe whiie working at tho case on a country paper fal Central Alabama, about livvl or 4. His iii-s- ; essays were, e think, Daddy Playing Bow and "Sul Loven-giv.d- 's Shirt," and though ho wro;o iihiio Ha ptlttina; tUosa afterward, uone can equal these lor ouiriijcotis fun and devil- try. Mr. JI arris punii-be- d a bopk Of his sketches immediately after tlM war. which me: wilb a very large sale. He hail DMeired the appointment ot some Alabama railroad, and was on his way, we suppose, io assuafkr utsduiuts vlidi death overtook him. Ie leaves a host of friends who will sincerely mourn his loss. Alcorrespoudent, " Chioora." writing a few dan since troui Indian Bay, Ark., saysoflhat place: " Our little settlement, or. In other words, modified city, with all ' its present progressive improvements and advantages, bids fair at no very distant day o liecouie a 4 very city and com- mercial and cotton emporium for all the surrounding country. The uiimerous fiiif roads centerinir here from all parts of the adjoining counties, otter suporior induce- - j in' :. is to planters shipping the ' fleece,' J and of which many now avail themselves in preference to other points nearer. Crops this season are generally very good with us. Many f.eedmeu have done aW here for the las' low years, and can Mr show the frnits of their lalior by be- - ing possessed of land and homesteads, thus showing that anybody can amass ricbes hero, who only gives a tea;onable share of attention to culiivatlng the rlcb and productive soil. Let your merchants ' prepare, for wo Jii!l almost drain them of the good things vi life in a very short time." One of the latest, and to onr mind by far, tfafl most beautiful In design, color ' and execution, of Prang's chromolitbs, is now on exhibition in this city. The pic-- I ture is about eighteen HMMMW wide, by twenty-lou- r in height. ' In the midst of bla-'k- , tempestuous billows, which rago around it, riaos a mighty cross of stone, to which is clinging a frail and beautiful girl, clad in white. Her Itaaaa are tasteued firmly upon the transverse, and hsr face is turned to heaven, her eyes fixed to a rift above hcriu the storm-cloud- through which rays of heavenly light pour down upon her head. No other sign of hunian j life is seen save one hand, which is roach- - j ing up from the depths of the Hood, grasp- - ing al a Moating spar. Every muscle and vein is distinctly shown, and the Terr curve of tbe fingers is descriptive of the "strong swimmer in his agony." The gloomy clouds roll biaek around tbe cross and mingle with the waters; ail is dark- ness and terror, amid which the Rock of Ages and she who clings to it alone stand firm and unmoved. This lieautiful work of art, along with a splendid collection of ..V .. inc HHiotr I Wi!n'. Afo,.. dalen,laoneSi,i..i.ipat Yoong A Cc7s. Itri'ikstore, Xo. US Main street. The pub lic are invited to call and examine tuem. Dav before yesterday, a man named King called u in-r- 1siy named George Madison, who runs a hand-ca- rt for Wait A le w is. co..i dealers on Second street, and told him to go to the Louisville Depot, get a valise for Un, and carry it to An-gel- o Marre, who would pay the cartage. The boy did as direeied, out on going to Mr. Marre's saloon, the barkeeper did not know Mr, King, and refused to take I be valise. 'I he Isiv thereupon determined lo lake 11 to tue oraee ol VI ail A Lewis, where he wua abasit to deliver It to Mr. Lewis, when a mulatto boy, well dressed aud apparently a waiter at some club room or saloon, camo runuinir un and asked Madison if "that was Mr. Klna's valiseT" BeliiK answered that it was, the mulatto nandi d Uadlaoa the quarter and told him that Mr. King had sent him for it, whereupon the valtsa was delivered to him, and ke went off with it. In the course oX an hour or so. King called on Mr, Lew's unit demanded his valise TJ.e latter immediately called Madison, and on his recounting "the alfair as we have stated it. King demanded pay for it, valuing It at $300. Mr. Lewis, thinking there might bo some collusion between Madison and the mulatto, to whom he hail given the valise, went to 'Squire Foley and had him arrested, search being made meanwhile for the mulatto boy, who, of course, was not found. Yesteniay morn- ing the case came up Issforo 'Squire Foley, and Madison reiterated his statements, which were corroborated in every rosiiect, with the exception that Mr. Marro's bar- keeper swore that he finally offered to take the valise (after first refusing to do so). With the ovidenco before him, 'Squire Foley thought it his duty to send Madison to the Criminal Court under (2000 bail. From knowledge of the boy, and from the straightforward manner in which he tells his story, we cannot help think- ing, however, that some "job" has been " put up " on him perhaps by some st earn boat or hotel waiter, who chanced to overhear his conversation with the bar- keeper. If the case is thoroughly gifted, we are confident of his innocence. The snow made us think of Christmas yesterday in spite of the plentiful lack iif Christmas advertising with which the Mem pis press is just now blessed. It is tho strangest thing in the world to us to see how utterly unmindful our merchants and shopkeepers are of the mighty lever of success which is wielded so powerfully by their brethren of other cities. For weeks past, glancing through our North, East and West, we hate found them filled with advertisements of their holiday wares; yet herein Memphis the holidays have scarcely been spoken of. Indeed, were it not for the traditional weather, and the fact that we look forward to a holida on that occasion, we could hardly believe that we were witbina week Of Christmas. WhyisthisT Are our pen- - pie less mindful of that great Feast of tho Christian year, the season of mir'.h and and good feeling, of renewal of old frl.-nd- - sbijis and cementing of new ones, of for- giveness of enemies, and giving tokens of j friendship the Christmas holidays than their Northern neighbors, to whom it has only of late years become the season of gladness. Once and uot very long ago Christmas was tho Southern holiday in contradistinction to the Northern thauks-givin- g a day which tbe Puritans and their descendants by especial legislation Put in the place of the anui versary of the Nativity of Our Lord. How is it now? Wherd are they gone thoso good old CUrist-na- aaysr swept away oy tue spirit oi innovation, of greed of gain, and infidelity, which came over us during tbe war and sinco it! Will that spirit possess us forever? Are al! tbe time honored cus- toms of our fathers dead, er to be We hope not. We l0io that, since during this year of IMR, which will soon be gathered to its predecessors and numbered with Ihe past, we of Tennessoee, and of Memphis especially, as a people, havo baen relieved toa greatexlent of the galling chains which a year ago were thrown around onr liml, and whose clank was forever ringing in our ears, and since have been otherwise blessed with health and prosperity, our people will shake offthu lethargy, return to thi good old customs, and make Christmas what it once was in the Koatb a season of joy, merriment, and thanks- giving. New designs in White Aralts. GANS' NEW STORE, 29b Main street. Gkntb' Sleeve Buttt ns and Studs, gold P'te and warranted, for one dollar, at the Revolution Store, 213 Mai street. Gents' woolen outside shirls for ?1 each, at the Revolution Dollar Store, 213 Main. Larue Auction Sale op Furs This Thursday) morning, December Mils, at 10 o'clock, by Gottlieb A Auction- eers, corner Second and Adtnis streets. Thk Appeal is the onlv Daily paper published iu the city. Only twenty-fiv- e cents a week. LETTER LIST. The following Is the list of letters remain- ing In Ihe Memphis Foslofiice and not deliv- ered by carriers yesterday. All letters directed to street and numbers, will be delivered promptly by carriers. LADIES' LIST. Barnett, mrs M A 2 Bowcn, mrs n Bradlev.liirsM W Baker, mrs M haieran, mrs L Bladen, mrs A Blown, mrs L Butts, mrs SJ Chapman, mrs E i lark, mrs CM cuonrd, niiss j DeVere, uis E Dunn, miss N iio. 'ki. y anss c mrs M Elliott, mss E astnarus. cars J Fort, mrs EP I'lynn. BUB 1 II ' - 'i. mrs A fjiilainaa. mm c lirecn, mrs L dray, mrs C J ireen, mrs M F (irundy, uirs Harris, mrs C Harris, mi-- s M H Harper, mrs J Hermann, mrs i Hl'-ks- u; - J IHi.'ains, mrs A Hoimes, mrs MA Hoflman, a M Hurt, mrs E V Hampton, mrs II llrdpia, mrs H It Hasseldon, tnrs HR Hayward. mrs J AQ Hicks, mrs J Jones, miss M lamnsbuiy, mrs M I nasal lm. 8 Leeds, miss M Melrose, miss A Miles, mrs K Millor, miss J O'llrleu, miss M (FHara, mrs M T Fernett. nirs NT Foad. mrs F Pulien, mrs M A Reynolds, iur V M Retry, miss J Itobinson, mrd F W Uaymond. miss N s"h. gogg, mrs I st. wart, miss H Tasgan, miss M s Folr. rars .1 W Yanne mrs E v.'atsim, inri N White, ft It Waiungiou, mrs S Wenilemthy. mrs M Winn, miss EF OEXTLEMKN'8 LIST. Alien. F. Armstrong, J Adams, R Bowes. E Hates, t w Bsqker, J H Boyd, J II Burns, J F Hell, HE Bulger. J Burn.. PF Urasler, D l.uukc, J L Btirdlue, A H Bosvllle, J Batas, c W B iker. W A Bronner. K oehra'i. (1 Cowart, J A Collier. R 8 Caronim.W&Co Case, C L Carl, W Cra!g. R Coiiley, J B Davittson. J Q Trager.CMa llunlap, J i '. B Davs, f Huncn. Q Ii.tVlJ.on. ! V Huuner. J Dodd, W H lianlels, J W Done. JS rdwards, T M 1 J FFerriri. U" A Flemier, B l ilts, J P Flynn, c ramplon, A Flnq, M Gartner, f GrlOHli, H M 't '1 lasher. M filone . 1.0 Graham, J UJ Ooodwin, J Hu-- y.i. si Hopkins. J 0 i.e.oeiiHber.II Hatha way WH Hugees A Anderson Hoiklo5. llaalltta Hansen, J Ilaney, A Hill, mr Modae. J Hampnregr & Lnrkin Hunt, ER Howard. NO Jackson.CC Jones. J . K II Johnson, M U Johnson, AB Johnston, JK Johnson. E Johnson, F J.i "In. U JetTersQn, S MJ.Ioiies, FT j Oerson, r Joinison, P Johosoh, IIF, Jaania, 1' H Kirby, K Kin, J Kneen, I) Kerns. W F Lasnall, J R 2 Lank ford, G H Ujve, E I.awler, P Mind, li, H 5 Miniey, GO Marshall. J Vs.'k. J llnrw; y, J II Mclsjoald, J II McKowo, WH Me- - In;.-- . J A ' sj si Mo luv, W McMakin, J U Nutt. J Orr. J l'ae, . J I Perry. 8 c) Pistoe, H D Pitman. J E It .wlings. It Rhzgs, C lllder, J B Richards RE it-- ., v. JUS House, E ic) Koush, J A Riley .T Klce. G S Bctaaa J u KtPlt R Shuuk, CK sti anger, A J swear:nger, V BaatneL I ll Bamuel, TH Smith, PF rttiaii J P Bmiti,iJ W Stewart, A T sn lair, F Bmil.y, w t Sww.e, AA Shaffer, li F Stanley. D8 Thomas. J Ic) Thompson, W 1i.oui.i-- , W U Thomas. AU Terry, T J Tvler. N E Yoge, V j Wane, B Wilson, E 6t Wortau, W Walls, J A Wi!U..m-.i,n- . H I: Walters. J E R Wanlge'r, E Wlllson, I, i adj . 'i -- Williams, . V E Vvalton. A I C Wood, UB Wlck-,J- J M nlte. WL w ootiuurn, j Thk Weekly Appeal is the largest single sheet published iu the South. Read R. Lowenstein A Bro.'s advertise- ment y. , Beautiful White Arabs. GAXS' NKW STORE, s Main street. Dr. Mortimore's Office Central Hotel. The last sale of Japaneso Goods at Rovster. 'J'reevant A ("o.'s, will take place this day. The collection consists of some of the richest and most exquisite ever offertsl in Memphis. This is positively the last chanoe lo purchase aaaaa antj elegant presents for Christ- mas. Jcst ARtiiVEn at Ihe foot of Cnion street 'J00 cords ash wood. It will bo sold st reduced prices, as the owner is anxious to close oul. Leave orders at 14 Madi- son street. For (rreat bargains this week, call at B. Lowenstein A Bro's. Keek no further for an Arab. OAKS' NEW STORB, Ut Main street. Reap tho reduction advertisement of B. Lowenstein A Bro's. w HAITI WO Papkr HIR s AI.E tlfKAT. desired 'Z,S?JL ""Sll-tJS- M paper tor cash, on application at the Appeal out, ing room. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. No advertisement is inserted in the SffTDAY A ri-i- ' M, unit ss especially ordered and paid for as an extra publication. We jive our advertisers six days in the week, the same as all other Memphis papers, and for the seventh day w e charge one-sixt- h additional. Bvsixf.98 Notick. No contracts or ob- - lwationa assumed or madfl by any indi- - victual owner or employee of thisoftlce, will be paid at onr counter or recognized as an offset io any bills due tbe same. The party making any bill must settle it himself in person. KKATINO. ENGLISH 4 CO. Tim carriers leave the Appeal at your door u vu days for 7b cents. AMUSEMENTS. Memphis Theatei;. There was a fair house last night in spite of the bad weather. "Sinbad the Sailor" was the at- traction, with Soph; Worrell in the title role, and her Bister Irene as Koohinor, supported by their New York Company. Tho piece was well prodi;. eaV and well acted throughout. The playwili be re- peated Sr. Patrm. k's Path. There was a very go id attendance at the Greonlaw If all last evening, and the many attractions offered to pleasure seekers appeared to lie .ipprc-o'at;- d. Saxry's quadrille banil was kept busy fui music to the lovers of the dance, which appears to be a leading this festival. The polls were also opened, and many votes received for fa- vorite candidates. For the tine gold head- ed cane, for tho candidate for Mayor, votes were recorded for Cl. Lenow, Mr. G. A. Hanson, Mr. H. J. Lynn, Maj. J. J. Ilaw-ling- s and Maj. Ruffin, tbe former gentle- man being ahead. For I lie aa idle, for the Chief of Police, Capt. Pat. Winters and Alderman Tom O'Donnell are the most prominent. A magnificent hnnting-cas- o gold watch is the priz ' for the favorite candidate for Tax Collector, the contest- ants being Felix W. Robert sen. ('apt. W. T. Thurmond, and Mr. Charles M. Carroll. The voting ior the antlers, for the most gallant ftrs company, w.ts not commenced, in consequence of The absence of tbe poll books an en; uisiastic gent wanted to vote for tho Ho. ;s during our visit to tho hall. The eOsHaet for the Wharfmaster prize, and the lurrel of Hour for tho best housekeeper will bo inaugurated In our report of tho fair yesterday we failed to notice that the refreshment table was in chargo of Mr. Twohig. It pre- sents attractions to suit tbe taste of all. NiLWS. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. fit. Louis Delt.eBt. Louis.. ...' p.m HU Louis I.aiiv Uav .10 a. m Arkansas river... Maev Bovb J p. in Friar's Point.... .Ji. W. (HlOt. ...5 p.m Dyorshtwg ..SALLIS V Jk p.m New Orleans.... . 44X1) EISA -r p.m New Orleans ..Pacj.inb Cakkoi.l... l p.m ARRIVALS. city nf Cairo St. Lonls Bailie V Oyersburg Gen Anderson .Frlar'.s Tolni Alaska New Orluaua DEPARTURES. City of Cairo St. Lonls Kauny Brandies ...KvausvIUe Alaska - ...Cincu.n t Alico feau. -- ..CicCl.iuatt lien. Andtaraon ...... Friar's Point j i77i-- Grand Era. Mary Boyd. Sallle V RIVERS, WEATHES AND BUSINESS. Memphis Gas Works December UL River rose IK inches in past twenty four hours. Below high w ater mark o! 1807, 16 feetlh inches. chas. oooDwior, Bai rintenUcnt of as Works. New fl 1 a I MB. December's. Arrived yesterday: Magenta, from Memphis; Mississippi, Mohawk and barges, .from St. I.oui.s; Groosbeck, from C: iein:ii!i; Messenger, from P.tlsbur,-- . Deputed: (Ireat Republic. Emm i No. .(, and P. W. Strader. Arrived to day : Indiana. De- parted: Magenta, for Memphis; Lizzie Gill, Mohawk and barges, for St. Louis, and Mary Houston for Louisville. Cairo," December 1&, Down: St. Jo- seph at PI last night. Belle St. Louis at 1, aud Alps at 1 am ; Pcirel at noon. Bee at 1, Imperial at 2, and Lorena at 3 p.m. Wp: Clara at 2, and I. iBarg" at ;'. a.m 'Ihe ' river fell 12 inches. The weather is cloudy and nil'd. Lol'isVili.i:, Deeep.iber li, Up: Bl He Vernon and Louisville. Down: Sallie. The weather is wet. The river is falling, wilh seven leet live inches iu the canal. St. Loris, Paceaabar Uk Arrived: Rubicon and Forsjth. Departed: Thoinp-- : sou Dean and St. Joseph. The river has risen four feet since Saturday. W eattier : wet with alternate snow and "rain. PirTsBt !iii, Ic etvnber 13. The river is rising with seven leet five inches in the channel. More coal leaving. Cl.Ni'iNNATl, December lo. Arrived: J. W. Garrett and Sam J. Hale. Departed: I Waunita and Robert Burns. The river is risiug, with 14 feet in the channel. Rain- ing. The news from above will be found in our disp-itcues- It will 1m seen that the Ohio is high and bitls fair to remain so un- til a cold snap sets in. Abora St. I,ouis navigation is suspended, or is very preea-rio- The Arttnaaa, at ftst rejsirt, was swelling, with lots of water to all points. While river is rising stoail'dy. The first snow of the season fell hero yesterday, and it wou'.d have covered ihe ground were il no! tor tno iiue.i, wnieh lapped it upas fast ;;s li liiisineis on the levee is seriously retarded by the rain, snow and mud. Mist ELLANEOrs. The Alice Dean left for Cincinnati with HiHI bales cotton. Fanny Brandt is got away for Evansville with JftM bales colluii. The elegant and naaaraaaaad passenger steamer !, nl v Gay. wi; ii Capt. Isaac Jones, one of our most popular oilieers, in com-- , mand, will pass up iliis moming for Cairo and St. Louis. Owen G. Catea, a popular and efficient clerk, has charge of tho ollice. The Sallie V. camo in from Dyantbarg yesterd-- y with 100 bales cotton, ami a good passenger trip. Si;e leaves again to-- , day for H tie's Point an Forked Deer lo Dyersburg. Capt. Milter commands, and Rhosa Parker, a popular clerk, is in the ollice. Tho Natima, Capt. Ashford, leaves on Friday ior White river. The Liberty is tbe regular Saturday White river packet. The Richmond will be in port to leave on Saturday for VtekaJaaiaj and Noir Or- leans. The beentifui Belle St. Lt uis, Capt. Alex. Zeigier, will aet away this evening Tor Cairo, St. Louis and all way landings. Capt. Zeigier has no superior as a Btaant- - boat master iu any aaaae of ihe word, and he is ably socoudvu by Messrs. Baskelle and Ellis H urris. The Grand Era did not get away last niht, as her crew jumped on account of the weather. She leaves this evening for Vloksburg and New Orleans, at 6 p.m. j Capt. Knuns is master, ami Jas. Kerr.jr., j is her Chief seeretai-y- . Capt. Malone backs oat the t i. W. Cheek to-d- ay for Friar's Point and all way land- ings. She is tbe regular, White" Collar pa ket. Frank Gonterinan is clerk. The elegant new steamer Mary Boyd, the pride of Arkansas river, will leave to- - day for all landimrs on, that stream to Little Hock. She la the regular L". S. j mail packet, and connects wilh the pack- ets for Forta Smith and Beaton. Capt. Rube Ilayraa eomtnanda. E, W. Outlaw and Bob Shields are her clerks. Tbe Paulino Carroll. Dept. Ed. Dix, leaves at 2 p.m. y for Vsefcatoataj and New Orleans. She is a first-clas- s messen- ger packet, and makes all Way landing". The foiiowimi is the scale of wanes paid on steamers plying between Ut. Louis and St. Paul, the last season, as furnished the St. Paul Press: Captains, 4175 pcrmonth; Pilots. to IBO; First Clerks, fl40; Second Clerks, ;G0; First Engineers, ?lln; Second Engineers. t7": Mares. $119; Stew- ards, S70; dockers, trout $30 to $110. The St. Louis Hcpttblica:; saysi "The following we glean 'from a dispatch re- ceived yesterday by Messrs. Snllwell A Powell, Horn David R. J'owell, of the firm, and one of the owners of tbe beat. The dispatch says: '.'CO heil ofstock and SiOtonsnf freieht, besides barge freight, is here, and will go forward by first boat. The Arthur" is lying straight; water up to name on larboard side; it reaches to center of deck-room- ; six feet of water on starboard side, al! 'round. All depends Bpoa the weather.' " l'li.oT.v "A ooDP'i.K. Ark., Dec. H. Did JfygtUft ; It you are not removing " Memphis from the bluff " as requested by your porkopolis friend, you may have room for a small snug report. Tlie J. J. AKert, Cant. Tom Trunnet. is now lining tils Befoul engagement In the ranioiis oid Devil's l'llbow. Ho will drop down to the city lor more coal, to consume the green cord-woo- d he is forced to burn, and re- turn to remove all trees liable tot'..;; ;u and bohjt all the snags from Cairo to Memphis. This is her beat for the season, and the work wlil be well done. One more cleaning out of the Foglc man chute will render tbe "ten mile cut-off- " safe by night or day, and navigation wil oon be disarmed of all its terrors save lire. Her worthy officer, Mr. Dodson, will show his logbook of the Abort's perform- ance. Jf our boai) center C S. Q. snag-ixi- would only remove the Radical snags as fast from tbe popular current, the old " ship of State ' would once more ride tbe wave in triumph. " Until death us do part." Youis, CHARLIE. Pittsburg papers complain of the rail- road bridge at Steubenville, Ohio, as an obstruction to the navigation of the Ohio river, and a nuisance which ought to be removed. Tbe following rates of freight now rule st Louis: To Memphis Flour, 50c; pork, 75c; whisky, $1 T5; corn, per Back, H5c; heavy pound freight, 3uc: bay and light do.. 4Wa,M)c Der Ion lbs. To Vicksburvr Fiour, rue; pork, $i ; corn er sack, 40c; heavy pound freight, 3.c; hay, oOc er ten. 10 iev urn-an- s r lour, oc; pork. ?1 25; whisky. $2 25; corn, 45c per sack; oats, bacon, lard, etc.. 40c per cwt: Imv. 60c por cwt ; hy barge. 6c per bbl and 2c per suck and per H O Ihs less. Tbe St. Louis Times says of the siiikins: of the Arthur: "Tlie W. ri. Arthur, Cant. Rusk, en route from thia pirt to Xew Or- leans, mi 1. 1. at Ilenuett's I an line;. I miles south of here, Friday morning. She is on a sloping bar, with six feet of water at her bow and nftc-e- feet at the stern, and is likely to prove a total loss. The Submarine No. U, now at Cairo, hat been ordered to go to her assistance. The Arthur was owned by Capt. John N. B Messrs. Still w ell. Powell A Co., and Mr. Levi Ashbrook. She was In- sured for MM Of this insurance RBM was in the Merchants' and Manufactur- er , a:.d $i:0 i.i the Citizens' of Pitts-- b' g. We did not learn where the bat-- ! a- e of her insurance waa placed. Her go was a valuable one. Martin Oat-- I us' agencies had $13,000, the Globe of St. l.iiis -- t.Vjo, mid tho American Centnl a'iOOO risks on the cargo. Other home companies are also probably heavily in- volved in her cargo risks. Capt. Bofnnger and Mr. Davo Powell started on tbe Lu- minary yesterday for the scene of the disaster." poii Till F azlaUn river, the steamers. I rlvei STEAMBOATS. FOIl NEW ORLEANS, For Now Orloans. The Swift anil Superb Pauscnuer Steamer Pau Imp. Carrni -- au Dlx.. Will lesveTHie DAY. 16th ir RICH'S W. LI6HTBURXE delg Kegular Memphis and New Orleans Wedne- sday Packet For New Orleans. GRAND EH A O. U Kouns, m utter iniseieani passenger sitauicr win leAve as aoove TIII1 DAV. llh Inst., at 5 p.m. LKVV 4 KOUIliNs, Axents. dels M Jefferson street. Memphis and New Orleans Packet. For Vicksliurg. EVsScBMI and New Orleans. RICHMOND Xeal. master Tins splcndia low-- p im- - Y S Tl-- r s'. ,,ni. w e ;V - - b jvo m f 3 SATURDAY, ln-t- ., ut 5 p as. LLVY & BOBBIN, Asents, delC M Jefferson sir- i t. FOR NEW ORLEANS The Luxurious Steauie RICHMOND. -- 4 7 w Nkal ...Master. Will leave SATURDAY, 18th Mat, at 5 p.m. For freistht or passage apply on board. de!4 TOR WHITE RIVER. Memphis and Arkansas Packet Co. White River Line. For DeVa'.I's Biuff, eoaaseaUna; with BaftMai for L:'to Rock; :.n ! for Ac.M-'- a a d .Inst. sonport. ssssnsawtasg with saesaaM u.vte.- - v. 11a for I'ocaiiontte. Latesville a all in- - termed tate pe4ai; also, lo West Point on Liltie iteo Kiver. KATD.MA . Wm. Ashford. Master Tins (iri. ..- - ger sieaiiif-- r win leave as ratvaT, I7;n tnsi.. at p.m. For lreiiit or p.ssaicc apnlv or- board or to w. ii. kunsehay, As-n- t, drH No. a .Madison SL, Stanton Regular Memphis and White River United States M..,i Saturday Packet. For Helena, Indian itay. Clarendon, DeVidl's lilQ't', Little It.s-k- . lies Arc. West Po;u:, ttearcy, Augusta and Jackonpurt. XJXX313I,Y, JSTo. f2, Pat. EL Wneat Master. This elepant steamer . J , wlltli.-.- . v. .;.J3. SATL'ItUA V. lsth InsL. at p in. LEVf A .. Agents, dels i.i .'..-- s in FOR FRIARS IOINT. Regular aTemptats. Helena aid Friar's Point Trl-- eckiy Packet-f- or lie rrlars Feint and all Way LandiDtfs. The elegant pas-ea- g r steamer, rkGeo. W. Cheek. Urn. ii.tione Ma-ie- r Leaves as shove rHls LtAT.Uithlo p.m. For freight or pas-a- e apply on tto-r- d or to RICH'fj VV. LIUHT31,"kS e. (ien'l Ag. art, t aatl Jt fferson sir, . I. FOR CINCINNATI. Regular Memp'ei, u::.i Ctucinni iti Packe- t- For Cairo, laiuisville auu Cln innati. MUfXKQLA V. Kerastcr This elegant and ..;ei will leave as ahi-- e BATCTRDAY. !i,h Inst-- at 5 p.m LARRY' HARMSTAD. Anient, No. - '.! eet FOR LOUISVILLE. Regular New U: s and Louisville Packet For (";.iro suit Loaisvi'l- . NH'K LilNli'A'uKTH ivale.l, mister Tills new aud sptend " ' !y ' ..(' I, .t.- imt-- r w.ll leave as 1H1S HAY. ItUh inst.. utpia.m. LARRY HARMsiT 1. .'.sent, delu 12 .Madison street. AMUSEMENTS MEMPHIS THEATER. Spalding, Bidwel! L HJacDonouah. Propr's. It. W. Y'ULNUE.. .Aatng Manager TFUTilfDAY FVf.NfXH, Pecemher 10th. Last utght but tliree nf the Or.icefal, Girted and Beautiral WOKKKLI. sisfERsi and their New York Company. First night of the great burlesque eutitlcd SiVBAi" THE SAILOR sinltad. Miss Baphto; Koohinor. Mt-- s Irene. Mhs ftophle will appear as the oung Girl oi the Period tin aooourit of lta length, the burlesque wlil aaaasltata the whole of the perfo-ma'tr- e. Frii'.ay Evening, lioeinher 17 For the ben- - sttt si Ihe Worrell islxters. will be are Isx .si iho popular biirl'sque oi ''Cinderella' ami lti'tck-Eye- tl Bsssaa."' FAIR AND FESTIVAL To aid in llqaldatlng the debt Incurred in the erection of ST. PATRICK'S NEW CHURCH, Will be iuaagurate.1 at Corner of Becoial and Ualon Streets, TUESDAY, DECEMBER !4. l69 deiJ PARLOR MUSIC HALL, St 33 Soooiicl 3troot. OPEN EVZRY NIGHT. MONDAY F.VF.SJNU, Dec. as 1W. First ap aaaasaaa of Miss Mtxt.ta iiAisroaiB sjmI W. C. I'.fBTOM, t'.eCU .jtel-.i.N BOtTBIdi lion BOtfATa nnti.'.lsi ; also HUM MAt.Oth Math.mi, the Tan lied V. .enlist ami I ami Wn. Vi iini--t- . in cuu-fa- n ottos wlib the licsl Variety Coiubie.ation In the city. AiiMlssiio.N ..SCJ Oata UUCHEsTKA CHAlltsi SO C. ma BROOM S GraAnrtOUSEi (JetTcrsou Street, near Main.) CttAS. H. H. Broom aodVroprlelor CUASLfrr White , Kiage Manager FroC 1 Kan k .. .. .IHdar ol Orchestra Open Hvcry TAJ" lglit, riOHMtNClNO THCItSDAY EVENING, Vt Mit. ild. wilh a Mammoth Company. The anmitalBBseBt toconsisi of Negro Min streit-y- tkings and Dunites, Fancy Datices, liat-hsd- bnetus, s. . v ;!; u..,.. s, Pantomimes and Forces. Admission, joe; Private lloxea. f-- se'Jt FRANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE 15 COURT STREET. KEEP PACE WITH THE TIMES ! Immense Arrival of New Material ! Five Lightning Job Presses ! Large Additions in Lithographic and .Gothic Types! Beautiful New Book Faces in Picas and Nonpareils ! Rich and Elegant Engravings, Cuts, Emblems and Vignettes ! Every kind of Business represented , tnciiess variety or Cards and Papers ! A Complete Job Printing House ! aar The proprietor takes occasion to ssraln ca" the intention of the .Mruhanu and lTusl- - ness Men of Memphis to frrV uiiltie for nillmr orders for every description of Me- rcantile required in theoflleeor Count I ine most perlect satisfaction wlllbegiven in every Instnuce, aud 1'bicss shall be low and rsiroBM. Orders ru.petfnlly sollcted. S. C. TOOF, soil Proprietor, ' Ten Thousand Dollars IN BARGAINS OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC THIS WEEK! Avail Yourselves in We Mean A. SEESSEL & SON STEAMBOATS. FOR AUKAN.SA3 RIVER. "scrarihis and Arkansas River Packet States Mail Line. For Helena, Fine Blun and Little Hock. Stoniuor 2V5 xry lioycl, Hay lies msster. This elegant and newly refitted - '! s. steamer will leave as a . , Hm THL'KSDAY, llith '.usi.. at I p.m. Connf-i- wiiii s'eamer Foi't OiUson fr Fort e rutin aud aaive. For freight or paaaajK ar;r-!- on board or lo W. a. KtSMHKDAT. Aaent, : "'IIMMnl - I a i A. g wj FOR HT. mUIS. Hnphi3 and St. Louis U. S. Mail Line fok miKMAy. 'i.i mhcs, cairu axd S T. UOUWk bell: ST. LOUIS Tel master This elegant passenger packet J will leave a., above THIS DAY, 16th ln.t., at I p.m. Tlcaeta for al! points, via Memnrts and ft. Louis Pacaeu, North. East and Weal. Apply to General Kaiints i Ticket ufflce 278 Msli. street. FLEM. C VLVERT, Snp't. Ton B. iTilx. Tlck- -t Agent. del DrPOXl ST. LiOTJIB. The Flee! and Luxurious I'asseuger blea ner, rsnLA0Y GAY Isaac Owen Cites cierk. Will leave Till !6'h List, at Ml RICH 'II W. UUU1BI IO'E.Uen'1 Agent, deli No. i Jettrfton siret t. ARKANSAS RIVER LINE. Me.Tiphis and Arkansas River Packet Company. s. Mail Line, tgj Winter Arraneinont prfsext .wr.t i.citrxi; tiif .it,K of water in the Arkansas em plus and River leavix i i'i i - FOR LITTLE ROCK, TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS t SATURDAYS, O l.itx.., stkam v:iis TTtriH n M T.r V K,,-.- i. Prtlclnirtl master . .... m ... W. A. CAI.DWH.r BsasdeH, master i, l'.K Ad. sto.-m- , master UU1DOX Clay Rlee. Master Connecting at Little Rock, for Fort smith, w:ti. Un entirely new and elegant n; sseuacr packets DARBSXTKLXA. Wm. B. Nowlaiid, master FORTGIKSUi.V ,Sm!th, master 1 In-- co conncctiUK with tho very Ihcut-dra- ft packet sM ITH Ed. Malone, master rn'ln JJf0."1- - on board. or it Company s oinee, Mtantou nioca, o. ?!a Lsoii si r. . JOHX D. ADAMS, President. W. 11. KENNKPA Y, Affnt. tie FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER. Memphis and St. Francis River Tues- day Packet. For Helena. Mariana. .Mad twin and Wlttsbory The new ami eleksui endow heel Passenjei Pa.-le- t, SAINT FRANCIS, CapL T. R. Howinan Muni C. Palue, Clerk 1 r ILL leave Mem phis ;nr H FL-- r.NA. L'ANUt ILI.E KUil HT. lltAM'lS RJYKhM faVery TL'fcl? o'clock p.m. LAltitY HAKMSTAI) Aaen L fehl s" : ..ii- - ,1 cr.eet BARGE FOR SALE. Q H S j3s. Ij 33 . THE A NO. I MODEL BARGE, msssngeii, 10 Fcst Lang, 24 Feet Beam, 4 Feet Held. thoronch reptlr i!"ck'-- last The above lbrg- - will u-- o;tl cht-an- . Apply RlnI iJ W. l.IiiHlhl'KNF. dell 4 Jefferson street. FOR FOItKED DEER RIVER. For Halle's ! i n. K ( .:,:. i.yersburg. and ail luterniedlate Laudiu The spk udld sld.!-whe- el passenger packet fidSC SALLIE V- - BrfCi u. a Aiillcr. master j W. R. Parker, clerk. Umi leave as above, EYrlY ThU.ISOAY, AT 5 P.M. For freight or apply on board, dee FOR FRIAR'S POINT. Memphis to Friar'a Pt, Helena and Bexds. r.itksrs Jaaaaasi SEN. ANDERSON, - Jas. Lee, master Leaves Memphis Mondays, Wehsksdavs, sud FainAYa. GEO. W. CHEEK, Geo. Malone. raastar I Memphis TrtsoAvs. THcasnAYs, and SATi'nnAVs, at t o'clock p.m. Leaves Fiiar's Fotut every day at o'clock dec I Friar s Point Helena and Bends PackuL GEN. ANDERSON, - limes Lee, Master. S I.oares Memphis, commencing Xoyeai- - ber '.'1st: Mondays, WcdnesHlaj's antl Friday's, At 4 o'clock p.m. aw No freight received after 4 p.m. aw Leaves Friar's Point Tuesdays, Thurs- days aud Saturdays, al M o'clock ii.m. uo5 Regular Memphis and Friar's Point U. S Mall Packet For Desoto Front, Com mirce.Au.stln. Helena, Delta, Friar's Point and all Way Landings. The favorite passenger steamer DES ARC, Marsh Miller, Master, 1' V, vi - . v 1 V DAY and FRIDAY, at 4 p.m. Lemes 1 rtarS Point every Wl.D and SATURDAY, at lo a.m. The lies Arc has contracted to carry the V S. Mail, and shippers can rely on her remain- ing permanently in the trade. Agents: MORTON. ALLEN A CO.. Friar's Point. PRNNF.Y A K Helena. F.LLIOTT A M ;.i..S U, Memphis. mn FOR MOUND CITY. For Arkansas and Texas. rp RAVKI.ERB OR EMIGRANTS going to I .r Texs siiould cioss the rlvtr at this point on steamer L-- l ... KA w.. t ..... . . wnr . a . i in . sr as . Ml III ' IV Ll !I - uua Ami travel savei. ihmi niwm P". Vnre tli-.- nf .i mi Oaily FOR HATCH IE S(tVSa THE s- - EAMaa MOHAy Z. BEJjIjE, D. master. Will commence to ... .. . . HalehleRUereuthe tlrsirisei',, 7: , inu river. om .m emphi. to the rai rod near arownsrule. weekly, anuwiiT SotSl busipsas ior Us trade satlsiaeioril v u W. . UMi.,, Agent. Time ! Business ! STEAMBOATS. FOR WHITE RIVER. Memphis and Arkansas River Packet Company. WHITE RIVER LINE I FOR the present, and ant!' rnrl her notice the boats of tius line la WHiTit ftlvER :iro withdrawn exc.'Vi the eleaant side-whe- el steamer. rCntomn ...AsuroRP, Muter Will leave Memphfs every Friday. . rnnnecflmt with the Rallrrad fcr l.rrrta IStx-a- . aiei at jAcasosroKT, wita iiie n-- w suit elegant light-dra- ft steamer 3BratoaTrilAo ..CoiO, Maeter For Pocahontas, T!a!- svllle . and all interae- - .Kate poiul The Natotna will ruu to West Poiat on Little Red River. sT For Freigt't or Passaje apply oo b rd.. or at the I'omnsny's OtEc.e, Staulou Btook,. Va, 3 Madison .1.. Merap.... JOHN D. AUA.1S. President. TM. H. KEIXKPAY. Agent. no3 Speed, Saf.y and Cowfert EUlett Line. Mem A White River Independent Packet or Helena, rrlar s Point. LlevaL h Little Rock . Dea Arc. : am, LF.QAL TFNUf , m This drst-ei- a. seinrersleant- - rt EVKRY Ti .. I'jT iA points on Ci : Promenade au.l le9- - leading. snc-'- I "OLD RELIABLE" DAVIS UNITED STATES MAIL LIME. OPPOSITiCH TO KC'iOPOLY. ide-wh- Passnzerst- I rill form a Sen iau M ad e.nd Black T a ,m Inase baal ily rraaliiwl ? makina Ih and Plantc have tslt ... thus raaki e. Bf strict lo merit C usikn freia Tenn. I J nola No. FOR NEW ORLEANS. Regular Wednesday Packet, ftr Vickaeerg, Natchez and New Orleans. Magnidrent Steamer Great 3FleT2"tu.3-""lo- . W. li. Donaldson ma-nr- . Will leave as above, WaotrsDAT, leeem-be- r 1st, a: I o'clock a tu., and every alicraata We.lusday thereafter. For al: reliable information, apple a: tria Gsneral Pas-e- r D-- p in.u-n- t. Ho. Pio-e.s-- nade. loot of Jefferson Sir.-- :. P.:s.c r,rr priH-urlu- tickets al this ::i e .' Kooins. a. Id. s K. ao3 Ticket went. Regular Memphis and Ntfw Orleans PacaeL MAOENTA J. f. Hicia, master John 8. eulllvan. Clerk. The oniy Msuiphls and X. i ir- - m ,J leans racket. Leave v... ...... , i"-! as follows: Wednesday, ivtol-c- r Wciueeday Novemrer ie-.- Wclitesday November iltii. Wednesday December sin. Wcdmsiday. HcieniBar ad. Larky harmm ah a tn., oc37 ELI.ltlTT it MILLER, Aicsr.t. Regular Memphis and New Orleans Packet. FOR NEW ORLEANS & THE BENSS The large and magnificent passenger steamer GREAT REPUBLIC, W.B.DucmM4od. MiriKivr J.H.AtklBiacm.clertc WIL.'. LAVE as abovi WEDNESDAY.Decembr 'V?. at 5 p.m Ana every alternate t e nestiav Hieresfter For freight or pases- - applv on board or Sl RuaBINS. Agents, 16 Jeffetison Street. LARRY HARMS' AD. Agent. no23 r- - Mad;sr.n Street. FREIGHT TICKET AGENCY Freight & Ticket Office OF TUE I nV aT? NEW ORLEANS, ST. LOUIS AND - RED RIVER STEAMERS. Through Bills Lading for Freight Given to Al! Points. awTnKoron Tickets soid to Airt roi.TT OH Mississippi ami Ksn ttr ss. w" Trayelers secure Reserved tate Rooms by purchasing their tickets al tnis office. W Information concerning freight, etc., cheerfully alven. RICH'D W. LIGHTBURNE, Gen'l Agent. 4 !tTprsf.o Street. KOUN'S THROUGH LINE. Regular alternate Wednscuray Mem -- .his and) New Orleans Packet. For New Orleans, Red River, and all Be ad Landings. Ths msiailflcenl low pressure m cotiaensim; rasseuirer rscss a- - n -- c3l j?a-- 1 G. L. Koau, mtv-tcr- . Jus. Mm a. y Leaves MeiuptiU s. jr., clerk, WEDNESDAY. Dee. WEDNESDAY, IV its, 5 p.m. c. 20th, 5 p.m. Leaves New fl' Through reosdr .ins Alternate WrdacsJass. J by LF.VY A ROBKINsl it. W. LKHTBI'HNE, S.1' K0UN8A BRO., ppi,fo,'mPi'U' New 'Orleans. I NOTICE. Offtcs Koms' IAne Hed River Pneket Co. New orleaxs. La,, t.,. 3. njja f C H. " HOCK j, our only authorized Alien i. l. kocns) a tao. IV otl o o . General Ticket Offlre of the M. and C. R ft. Meufkis, Ten.-.- . Nov. as. ,sn. S H. SHOCK is oar only authorized ageat to redeem our Emigrant tickets bound Booth, and none others need atthlsoflloa. AA.SAK.NBi, V eaa'l Xlckst Agent. i

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Page 1: THE MEMPHIS DAILY DECEMBER Thousand DollarsWhol--vote caat lor Heuoi 1 Visitor 100 On the vote lor delegates to the Conven-tion, the Secretary of the meeting and the tellers report




SV. Krr sulhorised lo announceMv.ip Fl T VALKF.R a a candidalmunicipal,r Mayor at tte ensuing

de'ltto announce

M lie for Mayoron. dell


tlTY RECORDER. At the solicitation olI Ir , . .. gay oltl friends, I have consented

U' krome a candidate hefore the General t

II nice of :it Recorder, at the.. .1 nr. :n Jnauarv iii--

1e!0 W. I.. ATE WART.

l OlI OTTUTV TX LLKCTR -- We are author-uaiu- e

of FELIXW. nOaftatr the city conven

Una.1K- We are author-Wi- .

RINQWALUas ht olleclor. at tl.e ensn-tn. t to the deci-- t

convention. del- -

.We are aulhor--name of W. T.

e -

lerto lon. dell'

MTV TX I OLl.ECTOR-W- e are autlior- -to bii-- i uaee CHARLES M. t'Alt- -

-- We are authorized toae of JO"N XEWiSOM,

fnr CI ut the ensuing mnnie-- iir the decision of thenoiiu a. del


T-- H rFx' We are authorised tosnnoa a M 1YN Em candidate

tor WnsrTmsster fit dell

'T.IR We are aitthitrixed toLARKT HAUMSTAlv

U 1 ir Wu irimulor, al lUe sns.- -

ng : lectio-- .. d.-- .

irHAH art zed tosunn K WIL-r- ,

at thedenensmn m

TTA1 are authorized toV .me of Capiaiu K. A.u Wiiarfniastcral theensuing municipal election. del

11- - i! I ICMASTER.-W- e are auY M..iin-t'V- rr THiiMASH

as a candidal tot WnarfrnastariDg election. del

RFM T1 R. We are uth'r'.Jel tnimiuMnc- - ttie name of ROUT. GOODTS.

pre.. it Incumbent, for to theofEe ..: Whar.'nias'.er. ut the next municipale!--- HO.JU

Ledger and W.-cki- Journal copy.II AT it. At the scllclletlon ol

IrU-nds-, I announce my-- ielf no a madldati toi tue offlcs of Wharf- -

Busier, at the com - municipal election.UN - N.iHMAXnlS,

bo22 (TMkarkai in as " French Louts").


CP iV. Idtton Appeal: In response to theJ i Ullipll misitarr nail in vour paper ofyeterdsy signed " One of the B tr," I herebyannounce mvs.lf a candidate forJtDGKofthe FIRdTCli - i ; jiUf of shelny county.

o i C. W. HEIsKELL


"ilKCl'IT JCDOE We re authorized toL or.''unf I. A. ANDERSON aata candl-- c

i tireof the becjnd JudieaaTC'iscuito; a.ielby county, deli


nLXI BKCOND CIBCCTT COURT. Wey n re snthorix d to announoe Col. JOE

BARBIfcRK :. ii candidate lor the pfBce ofClerl o: ti.e Bccosti t irculi Court of Shelbycountr dell

i) CtBCCIT COURT-A- fr.CLERK I have fit tOeatll u i.c t become a candidate lor theabove t, and 1ti 'ep'y I cm onlv ay. thatI Will t a no nidation, if tendered. and,If elec r asideAVor to perform the du- -Mas



RK. At the Hoiiclta-f- ttion HNHBs, !nd in re-- -

r; r,r ... AprxAi-an- Leils-- r.

rltethe I



.v in cf tfl be turned at Tene, rte-- insertion.

T A ;"HEiM. Fifty farm - ook; and planterst tue Lab r for help. 8 Westton ; sfet. deMj O. H. WOOD.


jtssices smr.V- - (Am hid tiiil be inserted al Tenoen;j per Ln. eneh inMtvm.

oom. mi liableR Willi board Inr

ten-Ala- b

neeoDd-floo- r frontB bl-- neighborh'wlIn tli i private family.Can uatiia terms, by aperr liessiug C. H. W--d.SttL :


ltd at Tm

ih. -- ' . e ri'Sanl by reporting the same atSo 4 Msdtson street. HsH

this ds.t- -: One dun.ofonr. I as ti ass euitilj will be paidIor them delivered to

1 nan,del rsor, street.


Jlotten urvirr th't be inn'Tied at Tencent ye insert iri.

IO.M.-J-d Comi at biock-sulta- ble

ulee .ileaeot.ab.e ralce. .:r!rtoJ'K J ANDREWS,

nova i rout Row,


ICatxcm un

k V FXT-I"- A ii 1"- - d Iline, noar Mainw st'eet. a ply to JKw. J. Andrews, So. S2

-- 't. up -- Htirn. i


Xanssf ssi

f. KM. A dfslrablf Tm-- 1

m, five miles from. . rjr.HH.t rotd 8y acres

Of Op e MLavte Of CUlllVwtlOU. 4r b-- i te)ectlon of frulirxh EHrHD, with hct-nll-

bousi. wlih tenroom v lu tu yard; smoke-- ,

btuhle ntirt i.j.j puopHir,No. an Kroni street.


Aonoet under this had uiU be inserted at JrnemU per line, eneh insertion.

l'OOD One lined.ed corns rirv and greenbsrd wood, on levee. I. lew In ion. at

eight dollars per oril. at river, or nine dol-lar delivered, full measure warranted.

dele O. WHITE.

LANH acres tUk aa1 valuable land.Arkansas, lying

ten mft( wast ol Moond City, and half amile south of Military Road; ISTi acr-- clearedand in : all above overflow.

Also c Suburban Lom, on McLeanAvenue, near Poplar street.

For terms, apply toH. B. MORTO!?,

Oi-- liverton Hotel,TJ- TJOCIPriiKS.-W- lll sell, cheap, a lot of

Velodromes, in complete order bestmake 1st- - st i tries. Apply to W. O. Wood-so- u,

or It. T. BatfBav. dell

IRON" TfK'K Cheap, at Swift's Iron Works,street. delu

MASOk.C 0IKECT0RY FOR 1869.konoas.

otsii Mmnns, No. lis meets 2d Friday of. j montu li cor. Madison anuisecouaA. I.: liun. K. Pullvu. Hec.

A V ' ll-- s A. No. neetk !si Monday In

try mouth, al Hall, cornerCourt and Ma John Zeul, W. M.; Johnfc. loisb, He-- r

an s. orr. No. meets 1st Friday of eachni' it Hall r Madison and Second,i. W Mitchell, d.; B. Sturm, Sec.

Jrs ,r , No B etc 3d Friday of eachKHIth sil-- rs HalL P. M. Stanley,

W v) ; l:. X I aseesf 4th Friday of

each u.ouih i ml. Memphis Hall,ner of Ms.iisot John Atuslle,

E K.I- -

SsECBAi-TKl- . icets 2t Mondsy ofeas rnoi.ii: --

aci,Dctra- -

M L U. I' 'He, bec

jeraraa Corri ueets Sd Monday ofeacii monlb C s HaU. John Zeul,Th. IU-- ; X- J- -


r. Vo. 4 meets th Mon-h- .da .reach r Geo Mellerth, Com.;

T. .1. l.archu-- . 1

Utxt ' I UAf 3r Rosa Croix, lsth. Noni, ...J. M.-- .

. H T

I. 0 0. F. DIRECTORY.Oatoko Ksi AXrar-r- r. Ko.. I- - O. O. F meets

on ska 1st and id Tour day niuiits of eachBJi' 7' o. oca. A .K.ibvi,.c.K; 1..

sfwuf'His U'ln.i No. a meets every Tuesdsv

J. L. Russe.i, N. QiVa, V. u.; 0. Walter, Record- -


Calls upon Candidates-Answ- ers to Calls-Car- d

from the Chairman of the 7thWard Primary Meeting Etc.

Editors Appeal: If Bob Malone willrouseut to run for the office of CountyCourt Clerk he will 1 elected by a



Editor Ap)n al: As will be seen by mycard elstew liere. I am a candidate forMayor of Mao By of Memphis, sub iiln'ue to the ehoic'e of the peojde, at the

on Thureduv January 6, 1870.M P. WALKER.

Mi:mphis, Iiocemlier lj, 1S0M.


Wessr. Farrinfton, Church, Lilly, Ford,and others:Noticing in thia nioniiun's papers a cull

:ipou me to be a candidate for the Mayor-ilt- y

of the citv, I lind the namea ol friendsnc. :n I coulif not treat with indifference.

A call through the pafMH IMm to be.he mode adopted to :iw.-rt.::- the views.if candidates; I shall briefly ro-

ily. . I am no politician, no aspirant for'. nor never was. My name has been

ased by my lriends in" one or twoto but very little success. I have

baaa iMUtal oi the city of Memiihisma its vicinity ever since the lirst brickvas laid In the town, and Hin now aGranger to most of its people. My busi-ness is in my ollice, and there I stay anduttendto it.

I hope the time has arrived when thepeople of Memphis can select their otli-tw-

and elec; them. I hold, under a gov-- .runient like ours, tht when it is the

will of the people to elect any man tooffice thai, he should not refuse, unless forvery cogent reasons. With this view, Iwill say to my fei that if 1 lietheir choice, and should receive the nom-ination of Iho Convention and be electedOy the people. I w ill serve them to thenest ol my ability; if not elected, youwill never hear one word of regret.

1 know of no disabilities to the ollice,as respects the age. lam plenty-old-.

Respectfully,J. J. klAWLIXGS.

To the Citizen of the Seventh Ward:The meeting having adjourned last even-ing before the tellers had finished count-ing tbe ballots lor officers in the ward, andfor delegates to the Municipal Conven-tion, I lake this method, as Chairman ofthe meeting, to imorin you of the resultof the two ballo s taken. For candidatelor Ajdennai.: W. Weids,4ll A. J. Roach,162 M. Rurk", 157; H. (. Dent, 41: Joellruee, 2; Jack Oram, 1; H. O. Trader, 13;A. J. Wheeler. Id.

For Ooaractlflaea J. B. Nigningo, 14 ;

Pas Twobig. 145; Kernel!, 42; A.J. White,ti: J. H. Hartley, ; A. J. Roach, 12: J. B.Sharpe, 4; J. Jones. 1; J. W. Waltering. 1;lVrnell, 4; J. M. Patrick, 1; P. H. Davie,1; R. Woruilev, 1 ; W. H. Trader, 15; W.L. Stewart, 4; J. K.ier. 6.

For School Visitor P. L. Mitchell, 49;B. T. Lemon. 10; John S. Kerr, 4; A. C.Furguson, 1; J. M. Gregory, 2; John Ster-wit- t,

2; M. L. Meacham." n; D. Gober, 6;A ien, ti; E. P. Carroll, S; D. C. Tra-

der, 6.i.oie vote cast for Alderman 4W

Whol; vote cast for Councilnien 4S4Whol- - vote caat lor Heuoi 1 Visitor 100

On the vote lor delegates to the Conven-tion, the Secretary of the meeting and thetellers report as follows: There weresixty-thre- e nunies balloted for. Tho wholenumber of voles cast were 24rJ6. Theseven who obtained the highest vote are:Ed. Anderson, Win. Harrington, Dom.Zweifel, Wiu. Crosby, J. A. Deniger, A.Dwyer and M. Gallagher. The highestvote received by any of the seven is lGinod the lowest 124. Tho tellers and theSecretary also atate that, "in a great manyinstances, they found several tickets, andin one instance eight tickets, roiled to-gether and evidently voted by one person,an original of w hich is exhibited as fol-

lows and Contains the following names:Anderson, Gallagher, Harrington, Deni-ge- r.

Zweifol, Dwycr and Crosby. "The Secretary and tellers further report

that "about 150 votes were decided by theCommittee to have been illegally cast," inthe vole for delegates. Any person who

may see the report of the tellersand the Secretary,

"by calling on mo.

T. H. LOti WOOD,Chairman of the Meeting.

Akai.s reduced this week.GAXa' NEW STORE,

2iis Main street.

Baro AtNs ! Bargains!! Bargains!!!Great bargains in dry goods at B. Lowen-stein A Bro.'a this week.

Noticr. Th pnio of furniture, as ad-- v.

r;ised by W. II. Paiwmore A' Co. foryesterday, will take place this (Thursdaymorning at 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock theaale of diamoiids,s-atche- s and jewelrywill be resumed.

TnE regular monthly meeting of theConfederate Relief and Historical Associa-tion will be held this evening, in the Mu-nicipal Courtroom, at 7i o'clock.

ISliAU i. UARBIS. President.Jons W. Dawson, Secretary.


H. Wade A Co., 207 Main street, rail theattention of their friends and the publicgenerally to their very beautiful assort-ment of Holiday toads, inch as WritingDesks, Portfolios. Work Boxes, Photo-graph Albums. Chroiiios. Gold Pens,Childrens' Cincs, lieantifully illustratedBooks in Morocco, Anliijuo bindings; Ju-venile and Toy Books in great variety.

CnoicK Bcttei; al Ice Depot, hVA Jef-ferson.

Ivoiit-iikaiik- o Canos for one dollar atthe Revolution DollarStore.

Go to Locke's, SBwM Main street, for thelatest news.

Dttv poods- reduced this week at B. Low-enstein A Bro's.

Select Ovsti hs. 79 cents per can. at,co bi


I would most respectfully announce tothe public of tnis city and vicinity, thatMr. A. B. Collins, OiS76 Second "street,will represent me, and will take pleasureiu git iug all the information, furnish cir-culars and price lists, and take orders forour unsurpassed and justly celebratedpianos, known as those of the SI. LouisPiano Manutact urimr Company.

It is bl h time to cease paying tributeto the Fist. Patronize home manufac-ture, and make Mississippi Valley

therefore c all on Mr. Col-lins, and you will not only find it to yourinterest, but I assure you a lasting satis-faction for giving us a consideration be-

fore purchasing ewewlier .

L. K. KOXl.'KSZTSKI,Agent St. Louis Piano Mf'gCo.

Great bargains this week at B. Lowen-stein A Bro's.

Fob carpets and oil-cl- bs, go to E. 's,

200 Second street, Vincent Block.


So Voting Outside of the District or Wardin u hieh the Voter Lives and is Entitledto Vote.Tho following is tbe first section of a

bill which passed the present Legislatureon the auth ult., and is now a law of theState:

" Be it enae'rd '. the iencral Assemblyof the State of Ttmnmste, TOtat all votersin this Statihall bo reouired to vote intin- - civil dMrict or ward in which theymay reside. Any person violating thisact shall Is guiltv of a fuisdenieanor, anduion conviciion thereof, shall be fined ina sum not less than twenty nor more thanfifty dollars; awvesataat, that sheriffs andother offlirs holding elections shall bepermitted to vote in anv ward or precinctin which they may hold an election;provided aUo. I hat i I from anv causf thereshould be a failure to hold an el&Hion inany civil district or ward, then nothingin this act shall be so eoijstrued as to pre-vent any voter from voting in any othercivil district or ward in this cotinty ortown, for State ereowtf officers, al thetime preseribed hsjaw."

Swep.pjno roductiou at B. IxiwensteinA Bro's.

The is delivered by daylight,seven times a week, for twenty-fiv- e cents!

Select a box of Handkerchiefs, Half-Hos-e.

F. Y. Shirts, or any style of Furniah-ini- rGoods for holiday gifts, at 233 Clav



Alter this date, advertisements will notbe received from auv but regular custoui-er- x

and houses, unlessa. .mpanicd by the cash. Tbe enforce-me- nt

if this rule is rendered necessary byIho difficulties of collection and tbe de-mands of a business thsl requires a cashoutlay in all its departments, for its properand profitable conduct. Business menmlU understand and appreciate the neces-sity for this baais lor our future.


TwxNTT-riv- E Cents a week is all tbeAppeal costs delivered by earners.



Nominations at the Preliminary Meeting

Last Night.

The eiti7.cns of the Fourth Ward assem-bled at Waddell A Lanier'a office, lastnight, according to adjournment on Tues-day eveninff.

Col. T. A. Nelson took tho chair, andM. D. Welch, Esij., acted as Secretary.

On motion, the nomination of tho pre-cedi-

night waa reconsidered, and I. T.CirtwrighX renominated and elected byacclamation.

Capt. Mont. Pepper and CoL R. P. Dun- -

din were men, oy oanoi, noinir.atea iorthe Council.

W. W. Young, Esn., was nominatedSchool Visitor, and the following dele-gates chosen to the Convention: Col. .las.Coleman, Dr. R. W. Mitchell, Capt. Jas.Louden.

The meeting thereupon adjourned.

Two ApamsStreet Brick Residencesat ArcTloN", on tbe premises, y at :t

p.m., by Messrs. Royster, Tre7.evant ACo. This sale should be attended by any-one who is in the market to purchase awell built and conveniently located cityresidence. The property is to be sold, weobserve, with guaranty of perfect title,on easy terms, and at peremptory auction,which ought to be the very conditions toattract bidders. See tho advertisementin auction column. One of t he housesthe adjoining tenement duplicate in sizeof lot and building, will be offered at thesame hour and placo.

A Universal Remedy. "Brown'sBronchial Troches" for Coughs, Colds,and Bronchial Atfections, now stands thefirst in public favor and confidence; thisresult h- - been acquired by a test of manyyears. Its merits and extensive use havecaused the Troches to be counterfeited,and we would caution purchasers to be ontheir guard against worthless imitations.

Pain in the Side. This distressingsymptom of Consumption arises from In-flammation of the Lungs, or the membranecalled the Pleura, or from bronchial alfec-- tion of the air passages; in either ease it

is a very dangerous indication of disease.Tbe cause of this symptom should be re-

moved at once and nothing can possiblyeffect that object so speedily and happilyas the Hungarian Balsam.

It has also been introduced iuto thepractice of WMMJ of our bass hospitals,infirmaries, mid other institutions; andhas long since received the public sanctionof the most eminent chemists and pro-

fessional men of this and other countries.

Fashionable Fcrs At Aucttox This.Thursday) morning, December 10th, al10 o'clock, by tiottlieb A Eznkiel, Auc-tioneers, corner Second and Adams sta.

Read B. Lowenstein A Bro's advertisement y.

Foil carpets and go to E. 's,

2tioSec.ond street, Vincent Block.

Xothi.vo equals the price and style ofour Arabs.

CANS' VBW STORE,-- s Main street.

Jet Sets, lasiiionable styles, for $1 00,at the


LAW REPORTS.Phicinal CourtJudge Foute.

Theudgments taken yesterday were asfollows:

lieinschew et al vs. Lawrence dis-

missed.Henurold vs. Zwifel, flargan A Co.

judgment for platatiflLfMhJones ys. Bobbins A Co. non-su- it en-

tered.ilauiuer vs. Evims non-su- it entered.Has Briggs et al ou trial.Cardy vs. Briggs ot al on trial.To-da- y the cases on the calendar hereto-

fore published will be called for trial.

Crimina! Court Judje Hudson.

In the case of the State of Tennessee exrel. Lucy Smith vs. Georgo W. F. Cook,Attorney, the decision of the Court was'reserved until this morning.

The case of the State vs. Fred and An-nie Brichiman indictment for receivingstolen goods will lie called for trial to-day by consent of the counsel.

No other case will be called for trial un-

til January 17.1S7o, to which day the Courtstands informally adjourned.

Chancery CourtChancellor Morgan.

A number of demurrers were heardyesterday.

The following decrees were filed :

Boggan vs. Stewart sale.Parker vs. Hammond sale.I". ovine vs." Stewart on petition.Winn vs. Wickersiiam substitution

made.Bond vs. KerschoSf final..Miller vs. Duhose demurrer overruled.James vs. Eppes e.

Teni.. F. A.M. Ius. Co. vs. Potterorder.

Trader vs. Goggin confirmation order.Bethel vs. Nelson decree defective.Moon vs. Nelson decree defective.Judnou vs. Nelson decree defective.To-da- y the case of ihe Memphis Gas

Company vs. the Gayoso Gas Companywill be heard before Judge Carmack, whowill preside by interchange, the presentChancellor being one of the counsel in thecause, and therefore incompotent.

Law Court Judge Carmack.Yesterday, in the case of Bescher,

Shultz A Co. vs. Price el al., a judgmentwas rendered for plaintiff for $3rj(S 79.

To-da- y th ' first case for trial is a con-tempt case, which originated before JudgeLee Sr.ecd et al. vs. Stoddard A Co.

Tbe special calendar for to-d- is as fol-lows:

iVs.5 Gunekell vs. Yergeret al.H7S Mitclieli vs. Stewart A Bro.1477 Mitchell, ailm'r, vs. Stewart.117 Mitchell vs. Stewart A Bro.Ititi Myers vs. Hughes.

Potter vs. Greenfield.rji Southern ExprtssJCo. vs. A. A M.s. s. Co.

ISB3 WUttaaM vs. Levy.17- ;- Wach,?ret al. vs. Kaggio.1K17 Damnum, reo'vr, vs. Richards.Chancellor Morgan will preside by in-

terchange y, an 1 dispose of the abovebusiness.

U. S. Circuit Court Judge Trigg.No Curt yesterday . Judge Trigg not

having returned to the city.To-d- li" will ba on the bench, and the

District Court ducket .admiralty w ill betaken up for trial.

RedcctiosI Reduction!! Reduction!!!At B. Lowenstine A Bro.'s this week.

Fine Dresseii TntKEVs just receivedpor express by J. Dcvoto, corner Adamsaud Third streets. These Turkevs are faland nice, and will be sold at twenty centsper pound. i

You can buy a cheap Arab at 283 Mainstreet.

Elegant French and Chinese per-fumery, in fine cul-glas- s laittles, at theRevolution Dollar Siore, 213 Main.

The Appeal is delivered for 25 cents aweek.

Read the reduction advertisement ofB. Lowenstein A Bro's.

ArocsT Berton, the confectioner at thecorner of Fourth and Poplar streets isahead of everybody in that line. He alsosells home made muice meat, ready foruse, at 20c a pound.

Smoky Chimneys. No cure no pay.Have your grates set and smoky chim-neys cured, oy calling on H. Lemon, 41Madison street.

To Printers. We havo for sale a fontof Jng Primer type, nearly new, suitablefor a country weekly. For price, apply orddress Appeal olfice.


Christmas A rails elegant presents.CAN S' NEW STOKE,

w Main street.

How ark you off for. soap? Fifty percent, better value at the RevolutionDollar Store, 213 Main streot.

Seven dailies a week. 25 cents.

An Act to Regulate the Publication ofLegal Notices.

" Section 1. lie it enacted, That it shallbe the duty of all Clerks, Sheriffs, andother court officers, to make, or cause tolie made, publications of all notices of alegal character in the newspaperpublisbedIn the county where such shall be orderedhaving the largest circulation in said'ouniy, and where there is no newspaperpublished in the cotinty, then the publi-cation shall be made in the newspaperpublished nearest the county seat, havingtho largest circulation in said county,Provided, That in every Instance wheretue, party or parties or ihe attorney or at-torneys, interested in said publicationshall have the rijiiil to designate the news-papers in which the said publication shallbe made."

We copy above so much of the legal ad-vertising iaw as the public is interestedin. We do this for tbe sole ofputting tbe officers, lUiiantx and attorneysupon their guard in relation to the mat-ter, and to guard them against being mis-led. It is the privilege of the party or at-

torney, at whose instance an advertis-ement's inserted, to publish it in anv a- -ptr be pleases.

LOCAL PARAGRAPHS.Of all the ugly days, yesterday was

certainly the ugliest that we have hadthis winter.

There wore five arrests in the FirstDistrict yesterday up to five o'clock, andthe same number in the Second.

A gold-tippe- d billiard cue will lievoted to the most opular tiilliard saloonin Ihe city, at the Catholic Fair, thisevening.

By a slip of the types or the pen, wowere made to say the Kov. Norwood andBeecher. It should read the Rev. "Nor-wood" Beecher.

If anything can be worse than thecondition of 6ur streets, it is that of ourside-wal- ks and "wisy-vvers- as SamWeller would say.

Attention is called to the advertise-ment of Dr. Russel's dispensary. No. 42North Court street. It is said to bo theoldnst and best institution of the sort inthe Southwest.

Officer Dillon, of the First District,yesterday arrested Tom Molloy on ehargeof being an escap d convict from Mis-souri. Jilolloy proved a goed characterand was discharged.

We learn that the Rev. Father Tracyhas decided not to canvass our city, atpresent, in aid of his church at Hiints-vill- e,

but has determined to wait untillater in the season, lia leaves for hishome

The'lo vees looked gloomy enough yes-terday, and the riviy was lis wintry anddark "as the skies above it. Few personscared, even with the chance of makingmoney, to brave the mud and slush, so thelevee "was almost deserted.

We understand that an effort was orwill be made by the gentleman who foundthe poor unfortunate spoken of by us afew days aao, to get hor into some institu-tion, either in Philadelphia or New York,where she CM be reclaimed if there' is anygood left In her.

A dispatch was received yestoniay byF. M. Man m, " President" of tho newBoard." from New York, announcingthat the money necessaay to complem theLittle Rock Railroad was ready and wait-ing his check, if the " new Board " is sus-tained by the Courts.

We regret to learn that the Infantchild of Mr. J. W. Smith, of the firm of

oung A Co., fell from the anus of itsnur e, yesterday evening, on the brickpavement, and sustained injuries whichwill probably nrovo fatal. We sincerelyI Or-- l hat our friend maybe spared thisbeioavemeut.

A communication from " M." gives aflattering account of tho progress made incomposition by th- - young ladies whowriLolor a magazine published by thePhilological Soaaty of the Memphis lo

Seminary. We regret that we can-not publish his eomaiunicatioii. but unitewith him in congratuiaiim- - 'he youngcontribuiors ujicn their proiieieuey.

For tho purpree of assist njr to re-

establish ihe levee syttem in Arkansas,Mississippi and Louisiana, Senator Kel-logg, of Louisiana, has iss .ied a bill whichprovides for the guarauico by the UnitedSlates of the principal and interest of cer-tain bonds to be issued by the States ofArkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana, un-der direction of a Board of Commissioners,to be protected by the levying of a tax forpayment of interest, and the mortgagingof the swamp and other State lands to theUnited Slates.

The " lieautiful snow," paidus a living visit ves'.erdav. 1 lie nir wasfoil of it at intervals, but owing to tho i

' moist ' condition ot tiie coat o f mudwith which our City Fathers have causedthe Nieolson pavement to bo covered, itdid not tarry long in sight after hittingthe earth. If we must have " snow i'theiair," wo would dearly love to see a man-tl- a

of it spread over the city. We havorarely seen the air, even in high latitudes,fuller of it than during ono or two flurriesyesterday.

Mr. Burns a farmer residing in thevicinity of CI::reimon, Ark yesterdayleft at our ollice a stone pipe such as wasformerly much in use By tue aboriginalinhabitants of tho Mississippi valley. Inplowing a field a year ago he came unnthis relic, which is an admirabl" sp; oimeiiof the rough artistic skill of the Indians.It represents a human bate in tho atti-tud- o

of the most humble and devout wor-ship, carved in sandstone, which liearssome traces of mineral contact. It is acuriosity calculated to " excite our specialwonder," and to induce speculation as tothe origin of the North American Indians.

Because th-- - almanac says that thenighis are " moonlight " at present, it isno " sign " that they are so. The gascompaay, however, seem to think that iti, and have no: listen the gas, though thonights have been black as Erebus. We,in cominen w it ii everyone whose businessOT pleasure calls them to lie on the streets j

at night, protest against- this as an out- -'

rage not to be tolerated longer ihan wecan possibly help. Tho city and her poo-l- a

are in the anacouda toils of the j

company, Bad that monopoly is aquer-a- -

ing and grinding the pioplo to the inmostit dares. Truly, then is no tyranny sogalling as that oi a monopoly!

We have received from Messrs. B.W. srnian A Co., 471 Broadway, NewYork, tin ir catalogue of illustrated worksand photographs for Christmas. It em- -braces the 1st oat and (best productions ofGerman ari and literature, and makes alover of such works, who is as poor as weare. sigh ever, to read their titles. Tbiukof tho" "Go tlit OaUaSf illustrated byKauibach, oniy; or tbe Slsuman atcrLicbe, iiiusirated with ebromolii us; rtbe Itubcn's Alimni, iiiusirated withtwenty photographs from the original; orRafaei's Bible, or a dosen other works of '

the aatun sort, iiliis ia Had sTRb chiomo-litb- a '

and photographs! In addition tothese aro numerous lsrge pbotografMsa ofcelebrated pictures such as Weiiterhal;-er'- s

Florinde, etc. We suppose our bookstores will havo some of them for Christ-mas.

We regret lo announce tho suddendeath, vrhieb. occurred from an apoplecticstroke on Monday last, near Kcoxville,Tenn.. of George W. Harris, lietiorknown under the name of "S.i: Loven-good- ."

Mr. Harris was a printer, andwrole the first of the 'Luv. ngood Pa-pers" which have since become widciyknowu not only la this country but inEurope whiie working at tho case on acountry paper fal Central Alabama, aboutlivvl or 4. His iii-s- ; essays were, e think,

Daddy Playing Bow and "Sul Loven-giv.d- 's

Shirt," and though ho wro;o iihiioHa ptlttina; tUosa afterward, uone can

equal these lor ouiriijcotis fun and devil-try. Mr. JI arris punii-be- d a bopk Of hissketches immediately after tlM war. whichme: wilb a very large sale. He hail

DMeired the appointment ot someAlabama railroad, and was on his way, wesuppose, io assuafkr utsduiuts vlidi deathovertook him. Ie leaves a host offriends who will sincerely mourn his loss.

Alcorrespoudent, " Chioora." writinga few dan since troui Indian Bay, Ark.,saysoflhat place: " Our little settlement,or. In other words, modified city, with all ''

its present progressive improvements andadvantages, bids fair at no very distantday o liecouie a 4 very city and com-mercial and cotton emporium for all thesurrounding country. The uiimerous fiiifroads centerinir here from all parts of theadjoining counties, otter suporior induce- - j

in' :. is to planters shipping the ' fleece,' J

and of which many now avail themselvesin preference to other points nearer.Crops this season are generally verygood with us. Many f.eedmeu have done

aW here for the las' low years, and canMr show the frnits of their lalior by be--

ing possessed of land and homesteads,thus showing that anybody can amassricbes hero, who only gives a tea;onableshare of attention to culiivatlng the rlcband productive soil. Let your merchants '

prepare, for wo Jii!l almost drain themof the good things vi life in a very shorttime."

One of the latest, and to onr mind byfar, tfafl most beautiful In design, color


and execution, of Prang's chromolitbs, isnow on exhibition in this city. The pic-- Iture is about eighteen HMMMW wide, bytwenty-lou- r in height. ' In the midst ofbla-'k- , tempestuous billows, which ragoaround it, riaos a mighty cross of stone,to which is clinging a frail and beautifulgirl, clad in white. Her Itaaaa are tasteuedfirmly upon the transverse, and hsr faceis turned to heaven, her eyes fixed to arift above hcriu the storm-cloud- throughwhich rays of heavenly light pour downupon her head. No other sign of hunian j

life is seen save one hand, which is roach- - j

ing up from the depths of the Hood, grasp- -ing al a Moating spar. Every muscle andvein is distinctly shown, and the Terrcurve of tbe fingers is descriptive of the"strong swimmer in his agony." Thegloomy clouds roll biaek around tbe crossand mingle with the waters; ail is dark-ness and terror, amid which the Rock ofAges and she who clings to it alone standfirm and unmoved. This lieautiful workof art, along with a splendid collection of

..V .. inc HHiotr I Wi!n'. Afo,..dalen,laoneSi,i..i.ipat Yoong A Cc7s.Itri'ikstore, Xo. US Main street. The public are invited to call and examine tuem.

Dav before yesterday, a man namedKing called u in-r- 1siy named GeorgeMadison, who runs a hand-ca- rt for WaitA le w is. co..i dealers on Second street,and told him to go to the Louisville Depot,get a valise for Un, and carry it to An-gel- o

Marre, who would pay the cartage.The boy did as direeied, out on going toMr. Marre's saloon, the barkeeper did notknow Mr, King, and refused to take I bevalise. 'I he Isiv thereupon determined lolake 11 to tue oraee ol VI ail A Lewis,where he wua abasit to deliver It to Mr.Lewis, when a mulatto boy, well dressedaud apparently a waiter at some clubroom or saloon, camo runuinir un andasked Madison if "that was Mr. Klna'svaliseT" BeliiK answered that it was, themulatto nandi d Uadlaoa the quarter andtold him that Mr. King had sent him forit, whereupon the valtsa was delivered tohim, and ke went off with it. In thecourse oX an hour or so. King called onMr, Lew's unit demanded his valise TJ.e

latter immediately called Madison, andon his recounting "the alfair as we havestated it. King demanded pay for it,valuing It at $300. Mr. Lewis, thinkingthere might bo some collusion betweenMadison and the mulatto, to whom he hailgiven the valise, went to 'Squire Foleyand had him arrested, search being mademeanwhile for the mulatto boy, who, ofcourse, was not found. Yesteniay morn-ing the case came up Issforo 'Squire Foley,and Madison reiterated his statements,which were corroborated in every rosiiect,with the exception that Mr. Marro's bar-keeper swore that he finally offered totake the valise (after first refusing to doso). With the ovidenco before him,'Squire Foley thought it his duty to sendMadison to the Criminal Court under (2000bail. From knowledge of the boy, andfrom the straightforward manner in whichhe tells his story, we cannot help think-ing, however, that some "job" has been" put up " on him perhaps by somest earn boat or hotel waiter, who chancedto overhear his conversation with the bar-keeper. If the case is thoroughly gifted,we are confident of his innocence.

The snow made us think of Christmasyesterday in spite of the plentiful lackiif Christmas advertising with which theMem pis press is just now blessed. It istho strangest thing in the world to us tosee how utterly unmindful our merchantsand shopkeepers are of the mighty leverof success which is wielded so powerfullyby their brethren of other cities. Forweeks past, glancing through our

North, East and West, we hatefound them filled with advertisements oftheir holiday wares; yet herein Memphisthe holidays have scarcely been spoken of.Indeed, were it not for the traditionalweather, and the fact that we look forwardto a holida on that occasion, we couldhardly believe that we were witbina weekOf Christmas. WhyisthisT Are our pen- -

pie less mindful of that great Feast of thoChristian year, the season of mir'.h andand good feeling, of renewal of old frl.-nd- -

sbijis and cementing of new ones, of for-

giveness of enemies, and giving tokens of j

friendship the Christmas holidays thantheir Northern neighbors, to whom it hasonly of late years become the season ofgladness. Once and uot very long agoChristmas was tho Southern holiday incontradistinction to the Northern thauks-givin- g

a day which tbe Puritans andtheir descendants by especial legislationPut in the place of the anui versary of theNativity of Our Lord. How is it now?Wherd are they gone thoso good oldCUrist-na- aaysr swept away oy tuespirit oi innovation, of greed of gain, andinfidelity, which came over us during tbewar and sinco it! Will that spirit possessus forever? Are al! tbe time honored cus-

toms of our fathers dead, er to beWe hope not. We l0io that,

since during this year of IMR, which willsoon be gathered to its predecessors andnumbered with Ihe past, we of Tennessoee,and of Memphis especially, as a people,havo baen relieved toa greatexlent of thegalling chains which a year ago werethrown around onr liml, and whoseclank was forever ringing in our ears, andsince have been otherwise blessed withhealth and prosperity, our people willshake offthu lethargy, return to thi goodold customs, and make Christmas what itonce was in the Koatb a season of joy,merriment, and thanks-giving.

New designs in White Aralts.GANS' NEW STORE,

29b Main street.

Gkntb' Sleeve Buttt ns and Studs, goldP'te and warranted, for one dollar, at theRevolution Store, 213 Mai street.

Gents' woolen outside shirls for ?1each, at the Revolution Dollar Store, 213Main.

Larue Auction Sale op Furs ThisThursday) morning, December Mils, at

10 o'clock, by Gottlieb A Auction-eers, corner Second and Adtnis streets.

Thk Appeal is the onlv Daily paperpublished iu the city. Only twenty-fiv- e

cents a week.


The following Is the list of letters remain-ing In Ihe Memphis Foslofiice and not deliv-ered by carriers yesterday.

All letters directed to street and numbers,will be delivered promptly by carriers.

LADIES' LIST.Barnett, mrs M A 2 Bowcn, mrs nBradlev.liirsM W Baker, mrs Mhaieran, mrs L Bladen, mrs ABlown, mrs L Butts, mrs SJChapman, mrs E i lark, mrs C Mcuonrd, niiss j DeVere, uis EDunn, miss N iio. 'ki. y anss c

mrs M Elliott, mss Eastnarus. cars J Fort, mrs E PI'lynn. BUB 1 II '

- 'i. mrs Afjiilainaa. mm c lirecn, mrs Ldray, mrs C J ireen, mrs M F(irundy, uirs Harris, mrs CHarris, mi-- s M H Harper, mrs JHermann, mrs i Hl'-ks- u; - JIHi.'ains, mrs A Hoimes, mrs M AHoflman, a M Hurt, mrs E VHampton, mrs II llrdpia, mrs H ItHasseldon, tnrs H R Hayward. mrs J A QHicks, mrs J Jones, miss Mlamnsbuiy, mrs M I nasal lm. 8Leeds, miss M Melrose, miss AMiles, mrs K Millor, miss JO'llrleu, miss M (FHara, mrs M TFernett. nirs N T Foad. mrs FPulien, mrs M A Reynolds, iur V MRetry, miss J Itobinson, mrd F WUaymond. miss N s"h. gogg, mrs Ist. wart, miss H Tasgan, miss M sFolr. rars .1 W Yanne mrs Ev.'atsim, inri N White, ft ItWaiungiou, mrs S Wenilemthy. mrs M

Winn, miss E F

OEXTLEMKN'8 LIST.Alien. F. Armstrong, J Adams, RBowes. E Hates, t w Bsqker, J HBoyd, J II Burns, J F Hell, HEBulger. J Burn.. P F Urasler, D

l.uukc, J L Btirdlue, A H Bosvllle, JBatas, c W B iker. W A Bronner. K

oehra'i. (1 Cowart, J A Collier. R 8Caronim.W&Co Case, C LCarl, W Cra!g. R Coiiley, J BDavittson. J Q Trager.CMa llunlap, Ji '. B Davs, f Huncn. QIi.tVlJ.on. ! V Huuner. J Dodd, W Hlianlels, J W Done. JS rdwards, T M1 J FFerriri. U" A Flemier, Bl ilts, J P Flynn, c ramplon, AFlnq, M Gartner, f GrlOHli, H M' t '1 lasher. M filone . 1.0 Graham, J UJOoodwin, J Hu-- y.i. si Hopkins. J 0i.e.oeiiHber.II Hatha way WH

Hugees A Anderson Hoiklo5.llaalltta Hansen, JIlaney, A Hill, mr Modae. JHampnregr & Lnrkin Hunt, ERHoward. NO Jackson.CC Jones. J

. K II Johnson, M U Johnson, A BJohnston, JK Johnson. E Johnson, FJ.i "In. U JetTersQn, S MJ.Ioiies, FTj Oerson, r Joinison, P Johosoh, IIF,Jaania, 1' H Kirby, K Kin, JKneen, I) Kerns. W F Lasnall, J R 2

Lank ford, G H Ujve, E I.awler, PMind, li, H 5 Miniey, G O Marshall. JVs.'k. J llnrw;y, J II Mclsjoald, J IIMcKowo, W H Me- - In;.-- . J A ' sj siMo luv, W McMakin, J U Nutt. JOrr. J l'ae, . J I Perry. 8 c)Pistoe, H D Pitman. J E It .wlings. ItRhzgs, C lllder, J B Richards REit-- ., v. JUS House, E ic) Koush, J ARiley .T Klce. G S Bctaaa J uKtPlt R Shuuk, CK sti anger, A Jswear:nger, V BaatneL I llBamuel, T H Smith, P F rttiaii J PBmiti,iJ W Stewart, A T sn lair, FBmil.y, w t Sww.e, A A Shaffer, li FStanley. D8 Thomas. J Ic) Thompson, W1i.oui.i-- , W U Thomas. A U Terry, T JTvler. N E Yoge, V j Wane, BWilson, E 6t Wortau, W Walls, J AWi!U..m-.i,n- . H I: Walters. J E RWanlge'r, E Wlllson, I, i adj . 'i --

Williams, . V E Vvalton. A I CWood, UB Wlck-,J- J M nlte. W L

w ootiuurn, j

Thk Weekly Appeal is the largestsingle sheet published iu the South.

Read R. Lowenstein A Bro.'s advertise-ment y. ,

Beautiful White Arabs.GAXS' NKW STORE,

s Main street.

Dr. Mortimore's Office CentralHotel.

The last sale of Japaneso Goods atRovster. 'J'reevant A ("o.'s, will takeplace this day. The collection consists ofsome of the richest and most exquisite

ever offertsl in Memphis. This ispositively the last chanoe lo purchaseaaaaa antj elegant presents for Christ-mas.

Jcst ARtiiVEn at Ihe foot of Cnionstreet 'J00 cords ash wood. It will bo soldst reduced prices, as the owner is anxiousto close oul. Leave orders at 14 Madi-son street.

For (rreat bargains this week, call at B.Lowenstein A Bro's.

Keek no further for an Arab.OAKS' NEW STORB,

Ut Main street.

Reap tho reduction advertisement of B.Lowenstein A Bro's.

w HAITI WO Papkr HIR s AI.E tlfKAT.

desired 'Z,S?JL ""Sll-tJS-M paper

tor cash, on application at the Appealout, ing room.


No advertisement is inserted in theSffTDAY A ri-i- ' M, unit ss especially orderedand paid for as an extra publication. Wejive our advertisers six days in the week,the same as all other Memphis papers,and for the seventh day w e charge one-sixt- h


Bvsixf.98 Notick. No contracts or ob--lwationa assumed or madfl by any indi- -victual owner or employee of thisoftlce,will be paid at onr counter or recognizedas an offset io any bills due tbe same.The party making any bill must settle ithimself in person.


Tim carriers leave the Appeal at yourdoor u vu days for 7b cents.


Memphis Theatei;. There was a fairhouse last night in spite of the badweather. "Sinbad the Sailor" was the at-

traction, with Soph; Worrell in the titlerole, and her Bister Irene as Koohinor,supported by their New York Company.Tho piece was well prodi;. eaV and wellacted throughout. The playwili be re-

peatedSr. Patrm. k's Path. There was a very

go id attendance at the Greonlaw Ifall lastevening, and the many attractions offeredto pleasure seekers appeared to lie .ipprc-o'at;- d.

Saxry's quadrille banil was keptbusy fui music to the lovers of thedance, which appears to be a leading

this festival. The polls were alsoopened, and many votes received for fa-

vorite candidates. For the tine gold head-ed cane, for tho candidate for Mayor, voteswere recorded for Cl. Lenow, Mr. G. A.Hanson, Mr. H. J. Lynn, Maj. J. J. Ilaw-ling- s

and Maj. Ruffin, tbe former gentle-man being ahead. For I lie aa idle, for theChief of Police, Capt. Pat. Winters andAlderman Tom O'Donnell are the mostprominent. A magnificent hnnting-cas- o

gold watch is the priz ' for the favoritecandidate for Tax Collector, the contest-ants being Felix W. Robert sen. ('apt. W.T. Thurmond, and Mr. Charles M. Carroll.The voting ior the antlers, for the mostgallant ftrs company, w.ts not commenced,in consequence of The absence of tbe pollbooks an en; uisiastic gent wanted tovote for tho Ho. ;s during our visit to thohall. The eOsHaet for the Wharfmasterprize, and the lurrel of Hour for tho besthousekeeper will bo inauguratedIn our report of tho fair yesterday wefailed to notice that the refreshment tablewas in chargo of Mr. Twohig. It pre-sents attractions to suit tbe taste of all.


fit. Louis Delt.eBt. Louis.. ...' p.mHU Louis I.aiiv Uav .10 a. mArkansas river... Maev Bovb J p. inFriar's Point.... .Ji. W. (HlOt. ...5 p.mDyorshtwg ..SALLIS V Jk p.mNew Orleans.... . 44X1) EISA -r p.mNew Orleans ..Pacj.inb Cakkoi.l... l p.m nf Cairo St. LonlsBailie V OyersburgGen Anderson .Frlar'.s TolniAlaska New Orluaua

DEPARTURES.City of Cairo St. LonlsKauny Brandies ...KvausvIUeAlaska - ...Cincu.n tAlico feau. -- ..CicCl.iuattlien. Andtaraon ...... Friar's Point

j i77i--

Grand Era. Mary Boyd. Sallle V


River rose IK inches in past twentyfour hours. Below high w ater mark o!1807, 16 feetlh inches.

chas. oooDwior,Bai rintenUcnt of as Works.

New fl 1 a I MB. December's. Arrivedyesterday: Magenta, from Memphis;Mississippi, Mohawk and barges, .fromSt. I.oui.s; Groosbeck, from C: iein:ii!i;Messenger, from P.tlsbur,-- . Deputed:(Ireat Republic. Emm i No. .(, and P. W.Strader. Arrived to day : Indiana. De-parted: Magenta, for Memphis; LizzieGill, Mohawk and barges, for St. Louis,and Mary Houston for Louisville.

Cairo," December 1&, Down: St. Jo-seph at PI last night. Belle St. Louis at 1,aud Alps at 1 a m ; Pcirel at noon. Bee at1, Imperial at 2, and Lorena at 3 p.m. Wp:Clara at 2, and I. iBarg" at ;'. a.m 'Ihe

' river fell 12 inches. The weather iscloudy and nil'd.

Lol'isVili.i:, Deeep.iber li, Up: Bl HeVernon and Louisville. Down: Sallie.The weather is wet. The river is falling,wilh seven leet live inches iu the canal.

St. Loris, Paceaabar Uk Arrived:Rubicon and Forsjth. Departed: Thoinp-- :sou Dean and St. Joseph. The river hasrisen four feet since Saturday. Weattier

: wet with alternate snow and "rain.PirTsBt !iii, Ic etvnber 13. The river is

rising with seven leet five inches in thechannel. More coal leaving.

Cl.Ni'iNNATl, December lo. Arrived: J.W. Garrett and Sam J. Hale. Departed:

I Waunita and Robert Burns. The river isrisiug, with 14 feet in the channel. Rain-ing.

The news from above will be found inour disp-itcues- It will 1m seen that theOhio is high and bitls fair to remain so un-til a cold snap sets in. Abora St. I,ouisnavigation is suspended, or is very preea-rio-

The Arttnaaa, at ftst rejsirt, wasswelling, with lots of water to all points.While river is rising stoail'dy.

The first snow of the season fell heroyesterday, and it wou'.d have covered iheground were il no! tor tno iiue.i, wniehlapped it upas fast ;;s li liiisineis onthe levee is seriously retarded by the rain,snow and mud.

Mist ELLANEOrs.The Alice Dean left for Cincinnati with

HiHI bales cotton.Fanny Brandt is got away for Evansville

with JftM bales colluii.The elegant and naaaraaaaad passenger

steamer !, nl v Gay. wi; ii Capt. Isaac Jones,one of our most popular oilieers, in com-- ,mand, will pass up iliis moming for Cairoand St. Louis. Owen G. Catea, a popularand efficient clerk, has charge of tho ollice.

The Sallie V. camo in from Dyantbargyesterd-- y with 100 bales cotton, ami agood passenger trip. Si;e leaves again to-- ,day for H tie's Point an Forked Deer loDyersburg. Capt. Milter commands, andRhosa Parker, a popular clerk, is in theollice.

Tho Natima, Capt. Ashford, leaves onFriday ior White river.

The Liberty is tbe regular SaturdayWhite river packet.

The Richmond will be in port to leaveon Saturday for VtekaJaaiaj and Noir Or-leans.

The beentifui Belle St. Lt uis, Capt.Alex. Zeigier, will aet away this eveningTor Cairo, St. Louis and all way landings.Capt. Zeigier has no superior as a Btaant- -boat master iu any aaaae of ihe word, andhe is ably socoudvu by Messrs. Baskelleand Ellis H urris.

The Grand Era did not get away lastniht, as her crew jumped on account ofthe weather. She leaves this evening forVloksburg and New Orleans, at 6 p.m.

j Capt. Knuns is master, ami Jas. Kerr.jr.,j is her Chief seeretai-y- .

Capt. Malone backs oat the t i. W. Cheekto-d- ay for Friar's Point and all way land-ings. She is tbe regular, White" Collarpa ket. Frank Gonterinan is clerk.

The elegant new steamer Mary Boyd,the pride of Arkansas river, will leave to- -day for all landimrs on, that stream toLittle Hock. She la the regular L". S.

j mail packet, and connects wilh the pack-ets for Forta Smith and Beaton. Capt.Rube Ilayraa eomtnanda. E, W. Outlawand Bob Shields are her clerks.

Tbe Paulino Carroll. Dept. Ed. Dix,leaves at 2 p.m. y for Vsefcatoataj andNew Orleans. She is a first-clas- s messen-ger packet, and makes all Way landing".

The foiiowimi is the scale of wanes paidon steamers plying between Ut. Louis andSt. Paul, the last season, as furnished theSt. Paul Press: Captains, 4175 pcrmonth;Pilots. to IBO; First Clerks, fl40;Second Clerks, ;G0; First Engineers, ?lln;Second Engineers. t7": Mares. $119; Stew-ards, S70; dockers, trout $30 to $110.

The St. Louis Hcpttblica:; saysi "Thefollowing we glean 'from a dispatch re-

ceived yesterday by Messrs. Snllwell APowell, Horn David R. J'owell, of thefirm, and one of the owners of tbe beat.The dispatch says: '.'CO heil ofstock andSiOtonsnf freieht, besides barge freight,is here, and will go forward by first

boat. The Arthur" is lyingstraight; water up to name on larboardside; it reaches to center of deck-room- ;

six feet of water on starboard side, al!'round. All depends Bpoa the weather.' "

l'li.oT.v "A ooDP'i.K. Ark., Dec. H.Did JfygtUft ; It you are not removing

" Memphis from the bluff " as requestedby your porkopolis friend, you may haveroom for a small snug report. Tlie J. J.AKert, Cant. Tom Trunnet. is now liningtils Befoul engagement In the ranioiis oidDevil's l'llbow. Ho will drop down to thecity lor more coal, to consume the greencord-woo- d he is forced to burn, and re-

turn to remove all trees liable tot'..;; ;uand bohjt all the snags from Cairo toMemphis. This is her beat for the season,and the work wlil be well done. Onemore cleaning out of the Foglc man chutewill render tbe "ten mile cut-off- " safeby night or day, and navigation wil oonbe disarmed of all its terrors save lire.Her worthy officer, Mr. Dodson, willshow his logbook of the Abort's perform-ance. Jf our boai) center C S. Q. snag-ixi-

would only remove the Radical snagsas fast from tbe popular current, the old" ship of State ' would once more ridetbe wave in triumph.

" Until death us do part."Youis, CHARLIE.Pittsburg papers complain of the rail-

road bridge at Steubenville, Ohio, as anobstruction to the navigation of the Ohioriver, and a nuisance which ought to beremoved.

Tbe following rates of freight now rulest Louis: To Memphis Flour, 50c; pork,75c; whisky, $1 T5; corn, per Back, H5c;heavy pound freight, 3uc: bay and lightdo.. 4Wa,M)c Der Ion lbs. To VicksburvrFiour, rue; pork, $i ; corn er sack, 40c;heavy pound freight, 3.c; hay, oOc erten. 10 iev urn-an- s r lour, oc; pork.?1 25; whisky. $2 25; corn, 45c per sack;oats, bacon, lard, etc.. 40c per cwt: Imv.60c por cwt ; hy barge. 6c per bbl and 2cper suck and per H O Ihs less.

Tbe St. Louis Times says of the siiikins:of the Arthur: "Tlie W. ri. Arthur, Cant.Rusk, en route from thia pirt to Xew Or-leans, mi 1. 1. at Ilenuett's I an line;. I

miles south of here, Friday morning.She is on a sloping bar, with six feet ofwater at her bow and nftc-e- feet at thestern, and is likely to prove a total loss.The Submarine No. U, now at Cairo, hat

been ordered to go to her assistance. TheArthur was owned by Capt. John N. B

Messrs. Still w ell. Powell A Co.,and Mr. Levi Ashbrook. She was In-

sured for MM Of this insurance RBMwas in the Merchants' and Manufactur-er , a:.d $i:0 i.i the Citizens' of Pitts-- b'

g. We did not learn where the bat-- !a- e of her insurance waa placed. Her

go was a valuable one. Martin Oat-- Ius' agencies had $13,000, the Globe of St.

l.iiis -- t.Vjo, mid tho American Centnla'iOOO risks on the cargo. Other homecompanies are also probably heavily in-

volved in her cargo risks. Capt. Bofnngerand Mr. Davo Powell started on tbe Lu-minary yesterday for the scene of thedisaster."

poii TillF azlaUnriver, the

steamers. I




For Now Orloans.The Swift anil Superb Pauscnuer Steamer

Pau Imp. Carrni -- auDlx..

Will lesveTHie DAY. 16th irRICH'S W. LI6HTBURXEdelg

Kegular Memphis and New Orleans Wedne-sday Packet For New Orleans.

GRAND EH A O. U Kouns, m utteriniseieani passenger sitauicr

win leAve as aooveTIII1 DAV. llh Inst., at 5 p.m.

LKVV 4 KOUIliNs, Axents.dels M Jefferson street.

Memphis and New Orleans Packet.For Vicksliurg. EVsScBMI and New Orleans.

RICHMOND Xeal. masterTins splcndia low-- p im- - Y

S Tl-- r s'. ,,ni. w e ; V - - b jvom

f 3SATURDAY, ln-t- ., ut 5 p as.

LLVY & BOBBIN, Asents,delC M Jefferson sir- i t.


The Luxurious Steauie

RICHMOND. -- 47 w

Nkal ...Master.

Will leave SATURDAY, 18th Mat, at 5 p.m.

For freistht or passage apply on board. de!4


Memphis and Arkansas Packet Co.White River Line.

For DeVa'.I's Biuff, eoaaseaUna; with BaftMaifor L:'to Rock; :.n ! for Ac.M-'- a a d .Inst.sonport. ssssnsawtasg with saesaaM u.vte.- -v. 11a for I'ocaiiontte. Latesville a all in- -termed tate pe4ai; also, lo West Point onLiltie iteo Kiver.

KATD.MA . Wm. Ashford. MasterTins (iri. ..- -

ger sieaiiif-- r win leave asratvaT, I7;n tnsi.. at p.m.For lreiiit or p.ssaicc apnlv or- board or to

w. ii. kunsehay, As-n- t,

drH No. a .Madison SL, StantonRegular Memphis and White River United

States M..,i Saturday Packet.For Helena, Indian itay. Clarendon, DeVidl's

lilQ't', Little It.s-k- . lies Arc. West Po;u:,ttearcy, Augusta and Jackonpurt.

XJXX313I,Y, JSTo. f2,Pat. EL Wneat Master.

This elepant steamer . J ,wlltli.-.- . v. .;.J3.

SATL'ItUA V. lsth InsL. at p in.LEVf A .. Agents,

dels i.i .'..-- s in

FOR FRIARS IOINT.Regular aTemptats. Helena aid Friar's Point

Trl-- eckiy Packet-f- or lie rrlarsFeint and all Way LandiDtfs.

The elegant pas-ea- g r steamer,

rkGeo. W. Cheek.Urn. ii.tione Ma-ie- r

Leaves as shove rHls LtAT.Uithlo p.m.For freight or pas-a- e apply on tto-r- d or toRICH'fj VV. LIUHT31,"kS e. (ien'l Ag. art,

t aatl Jt fferson sir, . I.

FOR CINCINNATI.Regular Memp'ei, u::.i Ctucinni iti Packe- t-

For Cairo, laiuisville auu Cln innati.MUfXKQLA V. Kerastcr

This elegant and ..;eiwill leave as ahi-- e

BATCTRDAY. !i,h Inst-- at 5 p.mLARRY' HARMSTAD. Anient,

No. - '.! eet


Regular New U: s and Louisville PacketFor (";.iro suit Loaisvi'l- .

NH'K LilNli'A'uKTH ivale.l, misterTills new aud sptend " ' !y ' ..(' I,

.t.- imt-- r w.ll leave as1H1S HAY. ItUh inst.. utpia.m.

LARRY HARMsiT 1. .'.sent,delu 12 .Madison street.


MEMPHIS THEATER.Spalding, Bidwel! L HJacDonouah. Propr's.It. W. Y'ULNUE.. .Aatng Manager

TFUTilfDAY FVf.NfXH, Pecemher 10th.Last utght but tliree nf the Or.icefal, Girtedand Beautiral WOKKKLI. sisfERsi andtheir New York Company. First night ofthe great burlesque eutitlcd SiVBAi" THESAILOR sinltad. Miss Baphto; Koohinor.Mt-- s Irene. Mhs ftophle will appear as the

oung Girl oi the Period tin aooourit oflta length, the burlesque wlil aaaasltata thewhole of the perfo-ma'tr- e.

Frii'.ay Evening, lioeinher 17 For the ben- -sttt si Ihe Worrell islxters. will be are Isx .siiho popular biirl'sque oi ''Cinderella'ami lti'tck-Eye- tl Bsssaa."'

FAIR AND FESTIVALTo aid in llqaldatlng the debt Incurred in the

erection of


Will be iuaagurate.1 at

Corner of Becoial and Ualon Streets,


PARLOR MUSIC HALL,St 33 Soooiicl 3troot.


aaaasaaa of Miss Mtxt.ta iiAisroaiB sjmIW. C. I'.fBTOM, t'.eCU .jtel-.i.N BOtTBIdi lion

BOtfATa nnti.'.lsi ; also HUM MAt.OthMath.mi, the Tan lied V. .enlist ami I

ami Wn. Vi iini--t- . in cuu-fa- n

ottos wlib the licsl Variety Coiubie.ationIn the city.

AiiMlssiio.N ..SCJ OataUUCHEsTKA CHAlltsi SO C. ma

BROOM S GraAnrtOUSEi(JetTcrsou Street, near Main.)

CttAS. H. H. Broom aodVroprlelorCUASLfrr White , Kiage ManagerFroC 1 Kan k .. .. .IHdar ol Orchestra

Open Hvcry TAJ" lglit,riOHMtNClNO THCItSDAY EVENING,Vt Mit. ild. wilh a Mammoth Company.

The anmitalBBseBt toconsisi of Negro Minstreit-y- tkings and Dunites, Fancy Datices, liat-hsd-

bnetus, s. . v ;!; u..,.. s,

Pantomimes and Forces.Admission, joe; Private lloxea. f-- se'Jt




Immense Arrival of New Material !

Five Lightning Job Presses !

Large Additions in Lithographic and

.Gothic Types!

Beautiful New Book Faces in Picasand Nonpareils !

Rich and Elegant Engravings, Cuts,Emblems and Vignettes !

Every kind of Business represented,

tnciiess variety or Cards and Papers !

A Complete Job Printing House !

aar The proprietor takes occasion to ssralnca" the intention of the .Mruhanu and lTusl- -

ness Men of Memphis to frrV uiiltie fornillmr orders for every description of Me-rcantile required in theoflleeorCount I

ine most perlect satisfaction wlllbegivenin every Instnuce, aud 1'bicss shall be lowand rsiroBM.Orders ru.petfnlly sollcted.

S. C. TOOF,soil Proprietor, '

Ten Thousand Dollars




Avail Yourselves in

We Mean



"scrarihis and Arkansas River PacketStates Mail Line.

For Helena, Fine Blun and Little Hock.

Stoniuor 2V5 xry lioycl,Hay lies msster.

This elegant and newly refitted - '! s.steamer will leave as a . , Hm

THL'KSDAY, llith '.usi.. at I p.m.Connf-i- wiiii s'eamer Foi't OiUson frFort e rutin aud aaive.For freight or paaaajK ar;r-!- on board or lo

W. a. KtSMHKDAT. Aaent,:

"'IIMMnl - I a i A.g wj


Hnphi3 and St. Louis U. S. Mail Line

fok miKMAy. 'i.i mhcs, cairu axdS T. UOUWk

bell: ST. LOUIS Tel masterThis elegant passenger packet J

will leave a., aboveTHIS DAY, 16th ln.t., at I p.m.Tlcaeta for al! points, via Memnrts and ft.

Louis Pacaeu, North. East and Weal. Applyto General Kaiints i Ticket ufflce 278 Msli.street. FLEM. C VLVERT, Snp't.

Ton B. iTilx. Tlck- -t Agent. del

DrPOXl ST. LiOTJIB.The Flee! and Luxurious I'asseuger blea ner,

rsnLA0Y GAYIsaac Owen Cites cierk.

Will leave Till !6'h List, at Ml 'II W. UUU1BI IO'E.Uen'1 Agent,

deli No. i Jettrfton siret t.


Me.Tiphis and Arkansas River PacketCompany.

s. Mail Line, tgjWinter Arraneinont

prfsext .wr.t i.citrxi;,K of water in the Arkansasem plus and River

leavix i i'i i -


O l.itx..,stkam v:iis

TTtriH n M T.r V K,,-.- i. Prtlclnirtl master. .... m ...

W. A. CAI.DWH.r BsasdeH, masteri, l'.K Ad. sto.-m-, master

UU1DOX Clay Rlee. MasterConnecting at Little Rock, for Fort smith,w:ti. Un entirely new and elegant n; sseuacrpacketsDARBSXTKLXA. Wm. B. Nowlaiid, masterFORTGIKSUi.V ,Sm!th, master1 In-- co conncctiUK with tho very Ihcut-dra- ft

packetsM ITH Ed. Malone, master

rn'ln JJf0."1- -on board.

or it Company s oinee, Mtantou nioca, o.?!a Lsoii si r. .

JOHX D. ADAMS, President.W. 11. KENNKPA Y, Affnt. tie


Memphis and St. Francis River Tues-

day Packet.For Helena. Mariana. .Mad twin and Wlttsbory

The new ami eleksui endow heel PassenjeiPa.-le- t,

SAINT FRANCIS,CapL T. R. Howinan Muni C. Palue, Clerk

1 r ILL leave Mem phis ;nr H FL--r.NA. L'ANUt ILI.E KUil HT.

lltAM'lS RJYKhM faVery TL'fcl?o'clock p.m.

LAltitY HAKMSTAI) Aaen Lfehl s" : ..ii- - ,1 cr.eet


Q H S j3s. Ij 33 .


msssngeii,10 Fcst Lang, 24 Feet Beam, 4 Feet Held.

thoronch reptlr i!"ck'-- last above lbrg- - will u-- o;tl cht-an- . Apply

RlnI iJ W. l.IiiHlhl' 4 Jefferson street.


For Halle's ! i n. K ( .:,:. i.yersburg.and ail luterniedlate Laudiu

The spk udld sld.!-whe- el passenger packet

fidSC SALLIE V- - BrfCiu. a Aiillcr. master j W. R. Parker, clerk.Umi leave as above,

EYrlY ThU.ISOAY, AT 5 P.M.For freight or apply on board, dee


Memphis to Friar'a Pt, Helena and Bexds.

r.itksrs JaaaaasiSEN. ANDERSON, - Jas. Lee, masterLeaves Memphis Mondays, Wehsksdavs,sud FainAYa.GEO. W. CHEEK, Geo. Malone. raastarI Memphis TrtsoAvs. THcasnAYs, andSATi'nnAVs, at t o'clock p.m.

Leaves Fiiar's Fotut every day at o' dec I

Friar s Point Helena and Bends


GEN. ANDERSON, - limes Lee, Master.

S I.oares Memphis, commencing Xoyeai- -ber '.'1st:

Mondays, WcdnesHlaj's antl Friday's,At 4 o'clock p.m.

aw No freight received after 4 Leaves Friar's Point Tuesdays, Thurs-days aud Saturdays, al M o'clock ii.m. uo5

Regular Memphis and Friar's Point U. SMall Packet For Desoto Front, Commirce.Au.stln. Helena, Delta, Friar'sPoint and all Way Landings.

The favorite passenger steamerDES ARC, Marsh Miller, Master,

1' V, vi - . v 1 VDAY and FRIDAY, at 4 p.m.

Lemes 1 rtarS Point every Wl.Dand SATURDAY, at lo a.m.

The lies Arc has contracted to carry the VS. Mail, and shippers can rely on her remain-ing permanently in the trade. Agents:

MORTON. ALLEN A CO.. Friar's Point.PRNNF.Y A K Helena.F.LLIOTT A M ;.i..S U, Memphis. mn


For Arkansas and Texas.rp RAVKI.ERB OR EMIGRANTS going to

I .r Texs siiould cioss the rlvtrat this point on steamerL-- l ...KA w.. t ...... . wnr .a. iin. sr as.Ml III ' IV Ll ! I - uua Amitravel savei. ihmi niwm P".Vnre tli-.- nf .i mi Oaily


master.Will commence to ... .. . .

HalehleRUereuthe tlrsirisei',, 7: ,inu river. om .m emphi. to the rai rodnear arownsrule. weekly, anuwiiT SotSlbusipsas ior Us trade satlsiaeioril vu W. . UMi.,, Agent.

Time !

Business !



Memphis and Arkansas River PacketCompany.


FOR the present, and ant!' rnrl her noticethe boats of tius line la WHiTit

ftlvER :iro withdrawn exc.'Vi the eleaantside-whe- el steamer.

rCntomn ...AsuroRP, MuterWill leave Memphfs every Friday. .

rnnnecflmt with the Rallrrad fcr l.rrrtaIStx-a-. aiei at jAcasosroKT, wita iiie n-- w suitelegant light-dra- ft steamer

3BratoaTrilAo ..CoiO, Maeter

For Pocahontas, T!a!- svllle . and all interae- -.Kate poiul

The Natotna will ruu to West Poiat onLittle Red River.

sT For Freigt't or Passaje apply oo b rd..or at the I'omnsny's OtEc.e, Staulou Btook,.Va, 3 Madison .1.. Merap....JOHN D. AUA.1S. President.

TM. H. KEIXKPAY. Agent. no3

Speed, Saf.y and Cowfert EUlett Line.

Mem A White River Independent Packetor Helena, rrlar s Point. LlevaL h

Little Rock . DeaArc. : am,

LF.QAL TFNUf , mThis drst-ei- a.

seinrersleant- - rtEVKRY Ti

.. I'jT iApoints on Ci :

Promenade au.l le9- - leading.snc-'- I




ide-wh- Passnzerst-I rill

form a Sen iauM ad

e.nd Black Ta ,mInase baal ilyrraaliiwl ?makina Ihand Plantchave tslt ...

thus raakie. Bf strict

lo merit

C usikn freiaTenn. IJnola No.


Regular Wednesday Packet, ftr Vickaeerg,Natchez and New Orleans.

Magnidrent Steamer

Great 3FleT2"tu.3-""lo- .W. li. Donaldson ma-nr-.

Will leave as above, WaotrsDAT, leeem-be- r1st, a: I o'clock a tu., and every alicraataWe.lusday thereafter.

For al: reliable information, apple a: triaGsneral Pas-e- r D-- p in.u-n- t. Ho. Pio-e.s--

nade. loot of Jefferson Sir.-- :. P.:s.c r,rrpriH-urlu- tickets al this ::i e .'Kooins. a. Id. s K.

ao3 Ticket went.Regular Memphis and Ntfw Orleans PacaeL

MAOENTA J. f. Hicia, masterJohn 8. eulllvan. Clerk.

The oniy Msuiphls and X. i ir- -m ,J

leans racket. Leave v... ...... , i"-!as follows:Wednesday, ivtol-c- r

Wciueeday Novemrer ie-.-

Wclitesday November iltii.Wednesday December sin.Wcdmsiday. HcieniBar ad.Larky harmm ah a tn.,oc37 ELI.ltlTT it MILLER, Aicsr.t.

Regular Memphis and New OrleansPacket.

FOR NEW ORLEANS & THE BENSSThe large and magnificent passenger steamer

GREAT REPUBLIC,W.B.DucmM4od. MiriKivr J.H.AtklBiacm.clertc

WIL.'. LAVE as aboviWEDNESDAY.Decembr 'V?. at 5 p.mAna every alternate t e nestiav HieresfterFor freight or pases- - applv on board or

Sl RuaBINS. Agents,16 Jeffetison Street.

LARRY HARMS' AD. Agent.no23 r-- Mad;sr.n Street.


Freight & Ticket Office





Through Bills Lading for Freight

Given to Al! Points.

awTnKoron Tickets soid to Airt roi.TTOH Mississippi ami Ksn ttr ss.

w" Trayelers secure Reserved tate Roomsby purchasing their tickets al tnis office.

W Information concerning freight, etc.,cheerfully alven.

RICH'D W. LIGHTBURNE, Gen'l Agent.4 !tTprsf.o Street.


Regular alternate Wednscuray Mem --.his and)New Orleans Packet.

For New Orleans, Red River, and all Be adLandings.

Ths msiailflcenl low pressure mcotiaensim; rasseuirer rscss

a-- n --c3l j?a--1

G. L. Koau, mtv-tcr- . Jus. Mma. y

Leaves MeiuptiU s. jr., clerk,WEDNESDAY. Dee.WEDNESDAY, IV its, 5 p.m.

c. 20th, 5 p.m.Leaves New fl'

Through reosdr .ins Alternate WrdacsJass.J byLF.VY A ROBKINslit. W. LKHTBI'HNE,

S.1' K0UN8A BRO., ppi,fo,'mPi'U'New 'Orleans.


NOTICE.Offtcs Koms' IAne Hed River Pneket Co.

New orleaxs. La,, t.,. 3. njja fC H. "HOCK j, our only authorized Alien

i. l. kocns) a tao.

IV otlo o .General Ticket Offlre of the M. and C. R ft.Meufkis, Ten.-.- . Nov. as. ,sn.

S H. SHOCK is oar only authorized ageatto redeem our Emigrant tickets boundBooth, and none others needatthlsoflloa. AA.SAK.NBi,

V eaa'l Xlckst Agent.
