the memphis daily · j ui las tn by john 8. c. hogan & co." ncnpins appeal published daily...

J ui las Tn BY JOHN 8. C. HOGAN & CO." ncnpins APPEAL PUBLISHED DAILY A WEEKLY JOHN S. C. HOGAN & CO. i at n Kii rms lastly (la advance) per UDnm : (13 00 ' per week t I X MMMM newelealera, parens : 6 Weekly per annum tin advaaoel ft to ar .Nosabacriptloa entered in out msil book lor a less lime than oca mouth. RATE.. OF 4DTKKTIOISB. One sonars one raaarxotl" : JT : : DM " eaoh additional Insertion e 60 two weeka :::;:: 5 00 ft - one month ::::::: IM no- - Alt wrveniamnenta considered doe afire aolld nonpareil constlltean a eqnare- - a" All advertlsementa tn llirHpedel Notice column will beelrexwed JJ eeuutper fine. ar Marriage end ueeiu notions autaUabed aa advertateaaeuta- - ar Advert. seiueuu to be Insert M1 In the Weekly paper only, or a- uxesaiaw intervals In ellh.roT the iiaoers. w.o te- cLaraed il per square for each and Insertion. af Ail a4vertiean.ej.te not marked for a spe- cial time will .iisoouliiiued at the ead of one week. a- - an'.- s for the Al'riAl must aw banded In ai tiieterk'adeak. ar TranmmU adwraMwali arul be paid for naJraaee. ar No advertleenient will appear la the Weekly paper unlet by special contract. ar Our friend, are requeued W uaetUeir beat efl".rt- - to eeud na auhacrDjera, and CU up our 112a, and also to forward any llama of news that may be of sufficient local Importance to warrant their publication. TUUU OF W KKHI.T. A. an Inducement to get np elnbe, we adopted the foilow-iru-t scale of prices, which are as low aa oar current expenaea will admit of: One Copy, one year : t : ffi 00 ToelubsoX tan or aaoaa, wach 4 50 " " twemy or more, each : : 4 00 Jnivrraaeey m MASONIC DIRECTORY. OHM 1 Hurt. 1M 1 i'baoeu, 1 Teoelil. 1 ehebat. 1 Adar. Stl 1 Veadar. .VNf) KAIsOKIC CAMDIU. 1 Niaan, Sth Arnl, . 1 .h Hay 1 Hivau, 1 Thamoa, 4t. . 1 Ab. lad Anirus- I Baa, lat Septelnoer Ash Weilrewlflv laaesava Stani.d.yThut-la- y. :h April. .. Good Frtdae. lMh April - kaatar Randav. lt April. Aaeeualon. irh May, IVnlecoal.eth'June Ralnt Andrew's Kay, Mi Xovvtuherln eacn year. Jail tr MASONIC DIHECTOHY.i Losass. AisBrsoa. No 1". weer. it Monday in eyere montii. at -' ear. Court aed'Maln. I C. Trader, W. af H. T. Tom- - II Ree. Bocru Munii No US. tfpets 2d rriii jy of each m J. T. Sell La:i. Botr : All ' Hasii.Tov niot-l- W. at : KlLWlWI of eae Worahi sesr. Ijar. June Hall neon. -- Hal 0YA1. ar'er. N. Monday each I s IUU. ' h. Eraaa tl Tli. W at. 6t ararch,. Frrnt a. k.. t r? 4. 3d of month A. Wtiee er. e. eac 11 11. li. Paynter, I. 3d Rec. fo- - imandery, Vo 4 Meets 4th of mo John znt, tvns.: 9. J. Wiaain. A.". A.'. St.'O'iTISH ItlTK. ornisum Hlioir-!at- el M .; Client M l arr JfiTHaas LotUe of 1 aleeusih Wtdiiesdaj Me,.- r- -l M. t,. r II IA "Unci! o' Ptt r Jfn. L. WenJ. K. PuUeo , CAXVASVl:--- TKR Of ( W. A, lams. M . W .N,t L Benty P. WiiliAnu . i iro-- OOJCSISTOHY or Ws Stl., t'omi Trad,r. .'d. Mac.'. a., Jur. Slaaiey, ' 8tc Rec ajcd . No. Me-- 1 Mrrreiay uurj :'.U. ''wlar,l, INSURANCE , ec.-- . JM. - ,th.. RAILROADS. HKMFHIS AMI fll.4Ki.LvHH nAii.noAD. rpRAX leave a fiwsidty : . ' I Ti7rooaE.resa. PorlfikeTs at. tut- the office, .NO I a A-- A. HAHNlKd.o I apll'f II Madison eaew St. Mon- day Cbwrlex Alualle. Hunt Kn.lay One., O.-- . tr. (X )llatDlU, IirtaV, r.pAiliUaVesiihlrt iinccUaA tioii jMCk.HlU, eiui I infiionl I iino. ..S Recelm-rtv- n tor fTVTTtiN t:s Ohsmniaal; by rati or river. ree - uo cl ause Clnctnrtati lo task. W . JAl JOHNes I s at:... -- tsr im- THURMOND, FOSTER & CO., TOBUCCO FACTORS AX1 OKN'KTtAI. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Indtr br. enlaw upcra Honac, Hocond street. my Tmste's Huts. SUrUAnJiO(9 Ol by o. A. Feu M PHP tm Mad M. Hit- - MMal tVMtttaal pMyiutriil hmrdiv Jinr, ue.u( flvi rnOsatasJ uow.Mur: WiVu,', plAO ;ot In th- . i . O'HUsT FUlM. Ci asMa.l lU M N s. In. iMutLf t cornei tjruu &iJ nmvh r avt our pttftt ttaULVsr Jlue ol tvMfi hOtKirVd l frti In a ft'. jvAriiy twelve buudretl fyssji li'iTM j to Ku kor acieej. title to i bui I wtl' ei uisht reaVasnatus jeains HOI tmus h. 'Vtojs. II. s hkk oUjer every hare oCIer. nihil mi.ih l ua an and soond. r. si ; A&CH. Pis, Meeu a. x. 'Win', Casi tirtacv .venae Lnd of P. J. or Joua Zent, Utb: So. 1 Wednesiiay- - nlshl Udj i --o... i off JereaH litis.: SM Tarah.-- . ; lSTh.. L ; H. I Tt.iu- - I of JSd.. tomm.-- ; Jbtra : lKxU;e Umel Sunt:.. Vallev, MlrA, I SPLENPID HIU1I1 of OrMti JiiD' HI UMl TtJUIl. I aWns, Puiawaki, AiK.,i'ulum f uuiuji otMUMci fur kvune er A cent. rpHR'W 1 lani Cars seletl frtun New tfli.i! : ." XeCtM IM poriiv, iarar- - iuKoertsviu not MM h bcu Muade, wi!l,u tbf Day oT a.u: of Upou fttui TUs rood, arasT. sL to 1 July 14. isW. for of n in of 1 d on or i.iVeUjSa . irostee. .RT II . Troetee L UANtMJaH Co., PKEMIUM SILK AND WOOLEN DYERS 21 St u! Mreel, KKTWKK-- JF.KFERSON AND COl'ItT. aud lem No nef eulletueu a Clothe. Cleautjd rr Good- - left )n atom M orxir-r- . MEMPHIS SAIL AM) AV.iU LUfT, Ho. SUA A root Street! , (MOSITY BtaJCK), Window and VrrsBdah Awnlnirs noit iiffl-e- e. Hotels, and rnva'e JT Hpocal atleuooo a'Hou lo iuowu - Rlgitl.iK. H oleiaway a, and all kinds 01 Hop aud Can, hits. xsyi ua M rroat eurtwi, spatsira. : as T THE M -- " - -- a a-- a. , w t a ' . st W . w -- .rj U V JLJ-- . ae lJ IV! I , ELiXV vOO f!nvrrTinwri yw.cs v. mm. i APPEAL SPECHTS CONFECTIONARY REOPENED ! Confectionary In Ererj Variety, And all of the beat quality, conatantly on hud and lor aale at price, to suit the time. A LARGE LOT OP TOYS. WIS 8 AID CHAMPACXSS Of to per tor vintage. WEDDINCS AND PARTIES Supplied with every rsxjntslle, on abort Dotloe as naecaVast mki7ur P. H. HEINRICH fc BRO., Wholesale and Retail O o u i otlon ore And CANOY MANUFACTURERS ! Dealera In Imported Wine.', Llqoors, Cigars, Fruits, etc- -, Xo. 236 front Street, "h'7 MF. M" PHIS. TEWW . INSURANCE AGENCIES (KRfltMt Life Insurance Company, 80 Broadway, Hew York. HntlO WWENDOXE Prewdent. FB. SCHWriNIUJOL. Vtee-l're- a i and baw'r. JOHN H. FRERICHS, 802 Jfain Btreet, weeral a seat for Weatern teaaesnee. THE ST. LOUIS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ks&tls April 1st, over SUO0.000. D. A. J .4 X VARY, : PreMidt-nt- . jm. J AS. H. !. 4S, YiePretidenL H M.T. 6EXBY, : : Sen retry. .187.: MM. is. BEMO, Gcu'l Ace lit. DIRECTORS: James 11 Lucas, Henry OvexstrJ Baranel Wiai. Kick, scaasvfcr. Roi.l M.runkhonser. William T. Gav. Ctata. H. l'ect. BobL K Woods, ales Valle. Geo. R ltobinTOn, nias. Jr. iieCord, on V. Thornton, Hen. at. Rnnyan, T":r any ot Hon. OFFICE MEMPHIS Ml. M hTufcttT, yJsJl iAlali John MKIJIOAL, J. Si. WHITE, M. U. General Agents, r W. -- ' titiese. . Ml ! all ar: .1 Aen-ie- - Oo I H I HERNANDO ' A. K. ad. Cri, T tf as ms - " : J V T- J No. 13 Jt Ho 'HI1 'om jinny c ntir eily m r' lmute. aul l tO (1t A - iMi: MUktl of ImcUi Luc Leunpauy av H. LAIKI, DIRECT R H. l'f.VC0V4B. 1). Jd. ZOWaWsaBlU, MAY, nxhil .Ini TAILORING, J. C. THE MERCHANT Xo. lit J EPF Fit Mlrtmt-,- ' A ACnlraercs 4J MERCHANT ot alone David Keith. K. 1. Hanenkamp, lalac W. Mitcfae!'.. I). A. January, Win. .T. F. Ijater, Jr.. Jacob Tamm, Uoga. Jitlllsuv Begoto Block. Mc.Tf AIIO Ark sddreaeed- - rranklaad, tonU- - fwerHuka. BEN Cloths AMINKHS tV.T.IfiWLN rat OTIS, lemphis, Tenn., .oippiaoid Tor or fiDMPANY. a- - IMfsl, L.'il! : : a - insurance Sevius a. m:. . ! - :. ta. 4 vs i, uaa are a' Is lo ..f. .men. s I President - m AMiii v AjL. i :.L ISc fit tary. &OTJRIKG fc CO.. i i i n d c S I L II I), s'tu, sti:i:et. KEW "TTX'K m Befcirea. w 'V. R'H.KRS, formtlSrv with Messrs. Power A Mise..y, can fonn l lo waft upon his old and new tne! 3ni UHiRAYJZ LL1DGLEY, VI""r Hm NO. 31 MALISON STREET, Merchant Tailoring Goods. rP make eyery earment onrselv. and wul jaraulee-aliala-.-lion tn all caees. MITtli l TI.VJF, MVES MNK LI BTElfits, 8COURIKG, R ING, 1 loan at ahort not ice by M. D. lr- - !e. I be U he A as ISAAC ISAACS,;"!; 54 1- Jefferaon j All executetl with neaAjaeas and die. patch, an I eotire saUafacuon attarantead wheu th' work he dooe. insrll wwwMawaaMHWKasasawawawwaaHwsM SALES ! finest, most varied and complete of C Kormerly owned by J. H. WAGOENER, 1 now BtUJW Eastern OOeT, by GE. FRAMv C ARHSTR0G, A "I I::-'- Tli.- ul of t Dt - metiM of i HKAl'fcJr UtruDd KVfcK BROTViHT TO MEMPHIS i Must beSold within Days TbOMt who call flr-- t will have the first choios. P(iw4iKion of l hti uouoe miil oe ivu silly day. CALL, AT ONCE! City and Country Trad Supplied, ,, ,'t 'lt fi. lit tatl. 1 14 in. HI J U ABSTRACT OFFICE. ltOOM NO. 1. ornrr Monroe hiiI Set oii Si. t'K have iheAI-er- at B.oka antt onran).Ht- TT Index oi tne ftrBHatBr's urn-- e, ocmpHod by late HKSKV a. UaUtB; and. more than a years' trial of their accuracy, a careiulexir.erce .11 liie hustoeas, (not Le ot an ru ai! that ilme), we are enabled 10 furnish oonplete deralgn- - Fort Pickering, Memphis and Shelby CouLty Laada, P at the notice and on the moet reasona- ble lerms. J. CAMPBRLi. A CO.. 'eh'Hi if 'i o. Kon.l A Camphell. DisHoliitiou. copartnership heretofore exlstlna be-- 1 two n a. ttajar. VBI, a. i ,a.i 1! isher finder If'tiHrne a,, oT rl L-- LKK, M.LIH A ami t'otton lOS name and style HALLER. FISHER & CO.. who are authorized the old Gruu in bellieuicuL Memphis. May H. IW7. OTK'E CO.. IN AJFu OF to use the name Of B. Y. HALUtR. h. KLJ.1H, J. H. rasu KR. toy IS Ira To Wtxom il Ma i imern.-- ' t hereby given that J c. McOADt i Meuilbu. Tenn.. bave this day an of ui! Lnesr uuula and 10 J. H. West. J H- Taylor and J. M. of the firm of West. Taylor Jl a, Aaakjneea for tbe benePt 01 Uietr . r - tors. All parties Indebted to said firm of J. O. tv Co., Otii ome forward and settle with lbe aaslKaees, ami all creditors or aaid lira w4li pre ant their drums for aattleauent an ley eaid aaaigultictt so tbe 'Jn lecslxljeo as- - WM'. TA1 LOR ACAKKITHKRM. fi Krou i street Meinpaua. May a, HB7, ayoalwwat , MEMPHIS DAILY "APPEAL. """"""i"""""" ntmtmPHls EXTRAORDINARY CLOTKIF. MEMPHIS: THURSDAY. JCSE .1, UM7 BREVITIES. Lately the over land route to Califor- nia to making faster time thair the "learner. The Bnvanaah A'ev i and Herald has been complimented with tomato, ami ocre. A woman waa mood dead at ne bwttry, Charleston, last Moudav night. . The reoeiptii of internal reran ne for the past week were JS,T41,f3fr. The submarine telegraph wir from hoiilne-ri- i Florida to the inland of Cub in nearly laW. The receipts of customs from the ending May were fa.8h0,fi6l. The Mamachamtbi legUlature ail- - juiuru hud me on naiuruai uiglit, alter awaatnn of nre loonttat. - The -- ale- at the Uuion stock yards, in Chicago, for the t ear ending April 3)tb. amounted to i30.KSS.128. whites and ' -- ,TJ ? colore, Kr tU0V' change matters materially by making a popalation of 14,144. A man recently sold a horse in Cali- fornia $14,000. In Eaatoorr, Maine, rwentlv. six Indian were married to white girts. A German store has been started in Newark, New Jersey. The " Knoiviile " is the name of a new cigar introduced into that dry. In less one week there were received at Liverpool 103,6tW of cotton. The once famous Altec children trbveiinr in Rnglam! tbe names of .enor and Senora Nrraez. Seventeen newly married couples were stopping at the International hotel, N'iajrara fall., one day recently. The eommon council of New York city has appropriated ',( to defrary 'he expense of celebrating the Fourth of July. Americans on the coast south of Rin, Brazil, btsVe ere-te- il saw mills, and are now supplying that market with ex- - . e .r.n iLiui.TI. Appointments have been made for rit't ' rtO.. H i .i t . iiuy-uv- auill,eiary xueeuud to oe held in Boston this week. Tbe committee of the Cnited Htates fenate on Indian affairs have postponed their proposed trip to the plains until the middle of September. Tbe receipts of cotton at Louisville dnrioe th year ending M3rd 31, wereTU SSo bales. greater portion of this Tennessee cotton. Tbe Odd Fellows of Columbus, Ohio, are going to erect a handsome building for thetoHelvea span grtinnd recently purchased opposite tbe opera house. Two frightful deaths from hydro- phobia took place in New Orleans last week. The victims were children. Another attempt is about to be made toBtop the street cars from running on Sundays taaan. . wa at near. , . suiu Mm si. ., in sola. Oil Wednesday last forS i") per ton. This is lower than it ever in gold times, j The last survivor of the war of 77i; f r in the nyio of a hale, nearty old vet-- j eran, named John triay, residing iu NoWe county, Ohio, airefl one hundred and four years. Last Sunday night, in New, idurinit the temporary absence of tbe watchers, some villain entered the house where the hody of Mr. Faures was laid ,, and stole two silver pieces placed on j the ev es of the corjise. The average depth of the Atlantic I , ocean i estimated at and of the Pacific at On.non. The deepest water in tbe Aiiautie is off the island of St. Helena, which ha b-- sounded ST.uvu j j feet, or 6verflve miles. Tbe locatftm of tbe Illinois indue- - trial university has been permaoeatly fixed at I'rbana, two miles from Cham- - pain, u;on lands given by the eouuty I for that purpose. Tbe annual meeting of tbe edhaca- - tional association of Virginia, will be held in I.ynchbuTgou the lfitti of July. ' (ten B. is a rae mber of the asso- - ctaticn. and is crxpecleti to attend. Oou ull., 'ere horrified uoe.- - njrivta, auu .lot IHK lllc part of the season employed forty-seve- n I ves-e- ls in transporting oysters, fish and terrapin-- . Kurrpe r indioates genera! confidence in the sta- - Willy of peace. Consuls continue to rise Oeneral arid nuntet! in latest ilinaiciies kc owned try Iswu IIimv were down aim u. riser Poiicj Header. -- Madame Kistori JaHl.OOO profits rewiy Street, The retailed Rtooc tb witbln tbe and iiaviau shortest O. THE iltMlr.s'ers Kae- - roan., negro week favorite than bales are under lsi'.r, -- VJUU E. 'in ber trip through America are not with "t parallel. Jtisstaud that - ame Patti, irom two hundred and thirty I : ; T - u ' , , . " . . , . . ' . . , . - I o , - WlifUa Ver"'e which' 'Irl?:,,. ..""V KhtLil "Tbe raid . 18th inst. g .,r,.M.,., ,,, lurliisUMeresaryirfiegalioii. a for the gaming table iu tbe "t'ercie des Montards." He has won the enormous sum of lAfMjntt francs in a fortnight. total amount of beet suirar pro- duced iu lbe world is reported to be about ,90 MO tous annually. France is tbe oil f irrower of beet sugar. I body of Artemu. Ward arrived j New Friday Lieut by the' f .(earner DeutehTand, and win be takes to j Mait e interment. It Is eitiniated that there is in Xtw York city alone five hundretl thoii-an- d ( dollars of counterfeit fractioiial cuirency in circulation. nl Boston have i . . . -- e ill ' t I Johnou. Baltimore c dtiui railroad nas matle arraniremenfs transferring cars across Unit) river change, j New York pnliiiaberlatsaidtohave Larzaini'd ( Jen. Lee's re-- 1 rpJ LORS ales. eampargiis lor per cent stock Sixty after VAN effect The sold feet, Lee Tbe The ou -- Th coup-e- bill for doUars A mrlA In tne for re common contici.' extend for without A j for 'eu .red 3lece of paper ever .ton h: of Kugiaud a millions And the large.' amount paid f o This great panic Waa Lusha 14th com j fhe Cartersville sh.aotinjt i.eai- - place r:(W. Mondav little white sponding for sometime. Kisbei lis was about of capsized frut, on Kri fstearg Hall, t'aiit. "nl'riT:rrton rrsh, (apt. Beckwith. a boy uatned liogers. were drowned. Dakota pspeis of ihe ImIi uiL, say that not single oatrAga has tieen com-- 1 miied ttiis season ny Ind!:.- - on tbe' up er .Miooouri. m.tll parlies pass and down the river without moleeta-tio- t j Mr. norfe Xeusel, a resld-sn- g near Mt. Fleaxtaut, Ohio, hung hiai-lel- f last r'riiiay uecausehe feared glanders fiom diseased hone. He leaves a faai iiy. Capt. Mix, formerly second of the steamer Santiago de Cuba, will kave New York Europe ou Monday :: a monitor raft, taking with him two sailors. This craft Is only twelve feet width, twenty-fiv- e in length. Collector Crane, of the fifth North j j Carolina district, reports that during tbe past week has seised twenty d rati lie- - rieseuiraaed iu tbe illicit manufactjre of j whisky aip.e brandy. The reeideut did not decide upon the question of restoring municipal offi- ce! s at before leaving Washing- ton for the south, and nothing will be done in relation to ituniil return. Mr. Howe, chairman tbe Ameri- can ettramittee for assisting Candi-ote- s, has arrived Athens. He has al- ready forwarded several hundred breecli-loa)4er- ac insurgent. , . , tleorge. M ear ham, while washing -- beep a mill pond in KtroDBBV-ill.- . Cuyahoga county, on the Wth uh., got into a dsrejt bole and drowned. He sevepteoa year uld- - e vraordfnary number of voters has been reitistered Washing- ton, whom, && are colored. Tbe whole number of votes cast municipal officers a year aifo 5783. Havana advices of 2th say the United States steaaaers Mononsrajtela and Hwatora at Thomas on loth. It surmised that they had --: ue there to take pessessioii tbe Islam. Canadian an celebrate 2d July, when the con- federation goes into erl'ect, as a holiday, wilh a grand review of regulars militia, at Toronto. The Otoe Indians of Nebraaka reported their agent to be In a starv-iu- condition. Many of them are dying from the sat'ects eating potrsned meat. Their corn and beau crops last year were very scant, and they bad barely seed ouuiign to commence operation spring. H.bert ttaraon died Springfield. Pa., last week. He had been Uisaite thirty years, but recovered bis sense on his oVath and conversed iatelli- - gently of occurrences iransp;reu imc day and week previous to insanity, making inquiries about bis oxen, the work on tue an, aad oul nsdghbom who been dead for years. The space wasauerjevt Uuk to his A few vears ago Count Kaousset Boul- - loii purchased large of land in ora, Mexico, and planted a French colony upon a difllculty with one the colonists, the was shot, the settletrfeat waa thereupon broken Now a report comes from France that of his cousins organ hflng an expo- - TATE ITBaU. The Naehvifte and Chattanooga rail-wa- y is buildiog a aiewpiug car in Chat-tauoom- t, vrhieii the f'nion aaya will coat t.iAKi. It tU oc put on Lb road In AaguaC The ci y eagiaeer of CbatUnooga 1 making a survey with the Tiew to pre- paring a map of the city. Several fttiuadK uefjraes fortioly entered the Kasbviile -- treetcaw up Hun. day last, and the tattle, in every inntaiK-- ijuietiY vi uted the coaches' to the unruly black- - The rioters that tbe mayor had toid thoui they right to ride in all cars, and they intended to do so. This the naayurdaijies. To reward, suppose, tins action on lu part these dark-hue- il citizens under:, the civil rights bill, a number of citizens of (South some of whom stock hold- ers, haveaigaeda petition to the direct- ory the street railroad company, ask-i- nn that UkUB( iiou on .o of color i.e annulled a!: who deport tUeoi-selv- projterly be admitted to the on terms of perfect equality. The Qa-zrtl- r. learns the whole matter is referred to the stockholders, who afe to report to- day. It is well to reflect whither wear Inrtintrin this misgoverned state, and if -- oil tf8"'1 for me result or rue Ai'gust elections The William. n countv tax list j l,sT, foots The Bmnr of the 3d Inst, says: 'Squire ilnxny hate shown-u- a three very nue spec:njens ut wheat, growu on farm, tinea m; e from the city, on the north side or the river. Tne heads are fully six inches long and the stalks over five and a half feel high. Wheat Is now being cut by most of the farmers along tne Georgia and Iieca- - tur railrosd.' Secretary Fletcher is announced to apeak Cleveland on Monday. It is sard that is going to attack Baxter and bis record. The Union rind Ditpaich of the 4th gives tbe fbliowins information about Brownlow's army Five companies of the Browokiw militia have thiw been mu.-tere- d into the service of the state. They are at present stationed as allows: Capt. Getj. Grisbiini'd company, at Bris- tol, Johnston county ; Capt. John T. Kobe son 'ft company, at Troy, Obion county Cast. O. Bickman's com- - at New Hope, Franklin county: Joe Blackburn's company, at Lib erty, DeKalb county. A company at Cookavdle, Putnam county, in command Lieut. Wm. S. Stewart, and a com- pany Kuoxville, under Capt. Robert Hall, are to be mustered into the service this week, and Will swell the entire force now in the field to GOO. Mr. Deoipsey Weaver, cashier the Planter's bank, was stopped on tbe Murfreeeboro pike, five miles irom Nash- ville, on Saturday afternoon, and rob- ber by two white men of twenty dollars in fractional currency, hts watch and sleeve buttons. The thieves took front his buggy, tied and gagged him, and safely rifled ockets behind a clump of bushes, while buggies were pas.-in- ic (he while hut a short dis- - tance off, their occupants in ignorance in of what transwdring TEXAN ITEMS. The Spanish consul at fralveston, Don Carlos Chacon, died on the 27th uli. in that city, of congestion of the brain. The police of Oalvesfn have been rerrrnved by order of Gen. Sheridan, and military guards are now discharging their duties. Piano Blanco Is the name of a cave sftuated about the center Duvall eounty. It has been explored some sev-eut- y five yaxds. Large chamber, with ling srrrams of coo!, fresh so cold as to dispense with the luxury of ice, have been iound. A natural well, some twenty-fiv- e feet in depth, two hundred I yards fp.tii ti.e entrance the cave, ixii-t- . from direction of which a cur- - of milie with itih! for. from a furnace stack. The walls of the j cave are composed df sulphate of lime an-- ! pfesent opinions will any conlrl l,e made out of It t'l.auc The CieiJinu. rurrf tValx nvantinn. tbe oath he accidental drowning of Mr. John Dier, who wa- - kno-ke- overbuardby the gimng Ihe aail in a small yacht, in which be was sajuiiig pUasure, company with his two -- inters, anotlrer n. .o.inus, ts., utui snipi-et- i(, .yew Bm sT V T rTTT: '! at on Is at spfcutators of Ills death. withou', being aUe to render assist- ance, none of the being able to swim. The ASvertitcr says that corn is now selling at eesrta per bushel in Ilastrop county, and denveitd at specie" we presume. Tbt stringent hue the coming crop, the has reports . u tt,i'iaoii and Bell counties, ihe farming r. ipects are encocragiBir, with exception of wheat, Wbicb will yield probably Brrore than half 3 crop, owing to frequent heavy rains that have fallen iu those retrrciis.... , jusictaitu, uuJ h I l prevaUed Febru- - Dallas II, of the l,e is, vprv ey, tlm at: ,arm ' ,. action his it York Tlo the The attained wheat aiauy instances, aud aoaje farmers think make seed. generally case, however. There well sever.- passed portion county ..T...... .'"e twelve miles Dallas, very tive, tirely ruining wheat crop breaking ueariy every glass north hooe. represented averaging witlnnt. beat through roof voted The ,':ily resilient fnrira forthcoming four Nashville, him The Brai Strpui' learns lleini, that Nh ootfou highly prouiis The RrgitUr l!th says that freedmeu's church that colored worship(ers and iajared number seriously. The bouse oue, built themselves. out was .,, auout uroltiil Tins. ..i.iisi. Eagme company No. Macon, May, contemolate visit Sivannah Tinirsday last ins't. eighty-on- e old, mi Wed F.rpr syn that uimself tkrougl tue rape was attempted that last with ha oaao and da-- girl nine oat lay pt. and m up j., 4 farmer a ofBoer for he aad the Mobile, his was was TR.H04 for was arrived the was are this in for bed, tnai his far had a tract Soi In couut and up one asserted had a axe m;t vara for up his he far W. bis wafer, of rent for any fifty years old, sixty cents, m been for Auver the not hs the will This is not the I had n too much rain for corn as A tiiri storm over a of Dallas a few At Mr. D of it wsa der.tru. en the of Mr. K, aiil tint pa Up of on the We trf bail is us size of a ft the of w ,M Jl , i , mi in a "oiooo ua to the the f ' st i parts of "ort nod corn are ing. Waco of the the iu ciiy in upon the a of them was a new the freed men had in one nay i was in the j of iu to on the On Mr. years a Ha upon oil J. iu by i of ths at to , , iu in of the St. of Tbe the of ami by of it. of of we of of in of of all of the air of be of in in cro. ria?l iu the of the teil 2, by HI tvy uerr ant! young Iretdiuau about grown. Atbeas correspondent of the Loyil Ot urgiau says that "a grand and enthusiastic mass meeting " was held in that place on tbe 28th. Val.losta .Sbwf h Georgia Times is gratified to report favcrabiy on th grow -- Ing crt-ps- Curu is saiaJI, but looks re- - tnarHkawy green and looks well, and, altogether, n pitious season is remembered Cot to more pro- - The CartersvilM gSprens of the 31st, -- ays tlejit the wheat harvest in that sec- tion is rapidly approaching, ami that there was an immense area of land sown down, aud that the crop from all account bids fair t.. be foil one. Preparations ' are now being made tar e:ivii:g it. A oortespon Jenl of" the Macon Tefe- - graph, writing from Johnson county. Stay Sttst, says the crapa ere in con-- I dUton. 1 reednien, in th rfiAia, are worklBgwefl. All areplTttingnftlefent corn to answer plantation purposes. A planter of tjnmter county has laid j on the table of the A merieus Pi publican a staiK twenty-tnre- e lucbes In length, which he says is a sample of a four hundred acre field. Both cotton and corn are represented to be in excel- lent condition. puhiisbed swamp growing Maysville county stone structure, called Castle Hudson, for Acustomlotuse and isrstornce. Tbe ' otuin gives the following par- agraph ou politics: We publish to-d- the returns of ttut late election for con- gressmen in Kentucky, given from tbe office of tbe secretary of state. It will he seen that Young's majority over in this is 147K. This is cor- rect, tUoiiL'h the Louisville papers it Uov. Helm aud the state ticket will, in August, carry the election by majority at least. By the same paper we that negroes were baptized at oi. ouuuay last, iuere was an ioiouu gathering of tbe negro tion tne surrounding country on the occasion. The Itussellville that the farmers In that section complain that the wheat hxs Leeu retarded iu its growth and injured by the fly ; that the cut worm has injured the corn, and the fly or bug has seriously damaged the to- bacco plauts, aud that unless there is uioie favorable weather these will turn out badly. Kenatoii Wilson, in his speech at llinrtsvilie, A.a, said his audience: Th" republican party never lied to you of tbe south." What party passed the Crittenden resolutions in IH61 ? What repeatedly declared that the object of the war was simply to preserve the uniao f What party proposed tbo pend-in-g constitutional amendment as Quality, and then refused consider it as eueh ? party said tbe accep- tance of the reconstruction bills by the s..iith would entitle ber to admission, aud .through its party congressional committee afterwards said other terms would be req u i red ? 'CMra-g- Thaet. St. Paul Pre promises fifteen million -i of wheat from Minnesota this season. It suvs the area of land put ditiou with toe double object ol reveng- - wheat this vear is aiocfe greater loan him and the Pver in ! even in frontier settle-H- e rseaid to have succeeded in obtaining meuts where the scarcity of seed pre 12X) recruits, wbooi he) has armed i voita, mora town to Wiuoheater ctviWao. wheat lUau last ear. WASHINGTON loikBipoinMrr. WaSHise-eo!!- , Jane 1, tatT. The city is tn quite a ferment over the approaching municipal election. Both parties are manifesting immense zeal. The blacks their share of the busi- ness hugely. They parade attend the political meetings very assiduously. A friend tells me he saw an old colored gentleman reading something in a Tittle store where we want; on Inquiry, (lad- ing it was the constitution which Pres- ident Johnson so freely distributed to tne people, according to l'etroleum .Nannv, last summer la bis western trip. My said: "Old man, what are you reading that lor : don't no body pays any attention to that now 2" Tbe colored mveraign replied: ''Oh, it is the constitution. country not get on without the constitution, for the consrresa had to meet here to do as they pJene, Gen. Thomas has been given carte blancte to manage matters iu Tennessee as be thinks bast. He baa been inconstant consultation with the secretary of war and the president. There great appre- hension here that there may be trouMp there, but the administration are essne- - cially anxious for matters to go on there. It is feared that dis- turbances there may operate injuriously on the general question of reconstruc- tion. It is conceded now that there will be no actual session of congress at the time to which tbe congress adjourned. A little- - baud of the most radical radicals are disappointed, but the is y cordially aequieaced in. With the failure to have an extra session, the qusssfion practically falls to the ground. The judiciary committee have been calling witnesses before them to inquire into tbe application fer permission, to Mr. Breckinridge to return. But there is nothing for them to find oat of any consequence. president was ap- - pueti to, to give some assurance wuicn would warrant Breckinridge's return, which application Mr. Greeley indorsed. The president replied bo would not in- terfere with Breckiuridge if be returned. is probable, therefore, Mr. Breckin ridge will long turn his steps nomewara. It is believed here that our govern- ment has been using its influence with the Spanish government for the aboli- tion of slavery in the Spanish colonies, there is reason to believe that will be taken in this direction. Tbe state department are very anxiou-fo- r the Juarez government to spare the life of Maximilian, but the impression is that he will not. indeed, tbe impression U that he cannot. The Mexican qaes-tio- n will be brought prominently for- ward, it said, in the next congress with a view of laying down the policy of the I'nited States in reference to a protecto- rate, eto. government are determined to rush their vigorously against the American members of the firm of Fraser, Trenholm 4 Co. The creditors bave offered to compromise at seventy five cents on the dollar, but this government suit, it is thought, win prevent and force the house into the court of bankruptcy. Tbe embarrass- ments of the house have been caused by -- pectilatine lu cotton. It Is said the bouse has gone on in the most reckless way. I have seen persons from Charleston who say the stoppage of the house has been foreseen for months, and fcr some time their notes could be purchased at a great What a atrauge passion man has fr money, though the members of this bouse had millions of wealth, yet they must put all to hazard to add something more to their vast possessions. The president goes very quietly to Ral- eigh. None of the cabinet, it is said, are to accompany him. Inquiries are made here from the south by persons who are willing to accept the new order of thing), and come to ooa-res- s, but eanaot exactly take tbe Iron- clad oath, whether in consideration of untold quantities .rf planter Paris t"4r there party wheat. Prior, e IOI men w. isii-ii- lil vr it nou I ISSI UK The answer tt) their inquiries is. that it is utterly useless for anv one to I - - Kn .. f ; 1. ic toe oi i.n unr isa I. a- I j tor or reprei-- tan, e sun cannot taae tbe oath. The conservatives here are j very much in hopes that the south will not interpose any unnecessary obstacles lo representation by flying- in thefkee of lbe existing law aud giving an excuse for rejection. The south have weieht enough to carry any how without taking on any unoet-ersarily- . I here are ai r rehensions of I insiun ne uay 01 eiecnon, i.rusoect Is I lue n,"t regulations have St. . t .. .. , i, 1. .. ..r ,1 very they not as all which suicide district leas. The The The The uot.eoeu ioi mr uiteviriu oi uie J.IIM-V- , with a view of prompt repression. i. a tb rasa wami Washiniitiin, Jane 3. Neither Gen. (! rant's .heatluarters nor tbe state de- partment :cceeded in obtaining any cotmrmatory intelligence of the rumor of Maximilian's execution. Kx-Ma- Withers, of Mobile, is here wailing the return of Attorney -- t General 6tanbery aud the president, for final action on the (lueerion of restoring 'roi t tie mayoralty ot mat ciiy. ir tbe civil authorities are reinstated there, the order will also provide for revoking the sup-- i pres-do- of tbe radical paper. Washington City nas pass-M- i quietiy throngh an important lia-a- event to- is in its mMnicipal election under the lays suae. the lurm of J no. u'f" . cuoreu Klnvd, some ten or north ' c . a? ,u hi. Tiie t;. .. .. . i ra Q or a a An The good cotion a ' ia is is ', ' IW. V HID .."II- II t.I K". OJ ne eiecteti. ine i.ites voted were tux ctJiectors and city council (Jen. Hcotield arrived in town tbis mi ruing from Richmond and a consultation with lien. Grant during siwi ol . i . , i . , . atri-in- iz uuder a recent order wbicb the forr-ha- s, issued reararding the miiitary guverament in Virginia. It, is stated . ll.s! Iia BJikil for morn ofrii'eru tn u. ,1 irois of blaa iu the snftircnisnt nt rh r. . airtit-tio- act. Tbe work of preparing lue registration alone bas been very .great. The bouse judiciary committee tn-d- etaaej the tmieaehment investigation wbieb they ccnamenced under an order of tbe bouse, and in pursuance of charges made by Kepresentative Ashley, of Ohio, in January last. After taking nearly I AUK) pages of printed evidence during a scssiuu covering live months, tbe oom-- I luittee proceeded to vote on the report it siiouid make to the house. Tbe was as follows : On the question, Dies the evidence warrant the committee in reporting articles of impeachment ?" The aflirmative votes were Messrs. well, Thomas, Lawrence and WUliains. The negative were Messrs. WUssss, chair- man, Woodhridge, Churchill, Eldridge and MMsAiaU. on lbs eamaoittee decided not report in 1'avor of iiupeachmeat. A resolution of censure waa then pre- sented to the eJfeut that tbe evidence iinsluced before the committee, of the ollRial and oilier acu oi rresnienr, An drew Johnson, demonstrates mat be is uuworthy of the ouoiidenoe and resptH-- t of the American people. Tbja was agreed to a follows : Yeas Messrs. Wilson, (chairman. .. .ivio... Boutwell. ! iioriia.-- , Weod-bridg- Willis and Lawrence all repub- licans. Nays Messrs. Eldridge and Mar- shall both democrats. Tbe committee agreed to make tbe above facts public, and then adjourned to the 86th of June, they will pro- ceed to consider the question of "a re- publican government in Maryland,'' wbfch was referred to them for investi- gation, and report bj the house. SiSSOl Ilk.. A company for protection sgainst horse thieves bos been organized in St. Charles county. kfatci'KV lieMis. Wortn county court nas ordered The UnUetin, at Maysvllle, thesaleof the lands of the county, the crops and the democratic party ' to take place o tbe third Monday ia iu Kentucky are finely. i July. l liey are uuildiug at a The 1'utnam court nas appro- - as He-Ke- e make TS.dilO learn thirty-on- e Ricb- - popula ot Ilt.rald states and rust crops to " party to What jn ing property, With lour times bkaai enjoy and friend you know could result -- It before and steps suit any will tirst eanm bail bisuisj, result jBoat to when Hi The priated money for making a survey through tbe county, east and weat, by the Missouri and Mississippi air line rail- road. Some St. Louisans are making pre- parations to build an eirperlenenfal fur- nace in Potosi, for the smelting of argea-tifero- galena, lead, copper, zinc, etc. The editor of the Osage Chronicle haa beeu presented with a dozen ben's eggs that weigh two pounds ami six ounces. The species of chicken that produced them is called the "golden pheasant." The night freight train east, on the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad, ran over a horse on Huuday morning, throw- ing tbe engine and two can off the track. The engineer and fireman were slightly injured. The engine is said to be com- pletely wrecked. Damage, about five thousand dollars. Tbe Franklin county Ohervtr re- cord a shooting affray that lately earns? off in that town between a cot stable and a Justice of tbe peace, and concludes that the soft piping notes of tbe pistol are be- coming too frequent there for nervous people. la the hemp hackling establishment of Messrs. W I no or, tweuiy-tiv- e of tbe men struck for higher wages last Mon- day. Tbe strike, like all others, didn't pay, however, aad after remaining Idle for two days, they went to work again at the old rates. The vigilance committee of Jobnsoa county are striking terror to the horse thieves. They have already bung three and are close upon the track of some others, The editor of tbe Loyal Muuounan has been te St. Louis and seen the " gorgeous sriectacolar. " He lefts his readers : "The proprietor incurred heavy expense ia completing the scenery ,and consequently had to cat tbe girk' dresses rather ahort." Tbe Chicago Fhut says that business was uevar more actios in that city Ulan now. An exchange asserts that the soldiers on duty in Mobile bave already begun te shoot down uaoffendiflg darkies. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH THE DeSOTO bank -- 'VUUII JriHJJHK'Iiefl. IWaSTSKS ASSOCTATXD rSBSS HtPOiTM Mo.vtoomkky. Ala.. Jon h. A mixed convention of republicans assem Med yesterday. Judge Smith, white man, was elected president, and tbe darkies received half the remaiaiog offices. Geo. Swayne, Got. Pat I on and others were present. The motion to In- vite Judge Bus teed was violently opposed by the negroes Mobua June 5 Pope has removed ine board of aldermen and rammou council, treasurer of board and tax col ' lector, of Mobile. Washishtom, June J. j Humor, the newly appointed governor ,f Louisiana, is here practicing la, and it is said lie has declined the posi- tion. The at torney reneral annrmnces, in i reply to numerous letters from the south, i that the sunnlementarv ouinion will bo Issued in time for the convenience of people. the Tbe various statements relative to the hostile attitude of the Indiana in the northwest have received additional offi- cial confirmation. The monfhly report of the statistical bureau for May shows the imports, for the f.itw months ending April 8th. to be $132327.817, and fur ten months in the fiscal year, $344,2564.-i- . The dom-ti- c eTrrKirbTfor monsy. rl3,)y,77o, and for ten soontha t.,fm,m, including $17rl.-oa- oi i r - . . r- - .. ...i ovuuti. .capons or rorein riv uwiu ue lot lout uiuutiui, 4p 1 00,151, and for ten months, $16 208,045. A Washington special says the action in removing (Jov. Wei!-- , of Louisiana, so promptly ok ho heels of j ..... j a .jcuiaii'. nit reasons . or removing the board of levee commis- sioners, attracts very lively comment bete. Friends of tbe president assert uiai it is an insult to nim. ami renders certain the speedy removal of Sheridan, and the reversal of all his actions. The statement of the secretary of the treasury for May will show a very large currency aud considerable re- duction in the public debt. It is generally conceded In Richmond tint Gm. .S-- field's order, No. 34, ig- nores Slanbery's opinion of tbe recon-structio- u laws. It adheres to the scheme of the challengers, disputes applications to register, and requires the boards to decide for theadmiasion or rejection after an examination, application and hearing of witnesses. Paris, June 4. It is understood the result of the meeting between the Em- peror Napoleon and theozar of Russia, is, mat iney nave agreed upon a plan for the settlement of the Cretan ditHcufy. which will tie proposed to the other great European powers, and wbich it is hoped will be adopted by thean aud urged Upon the sultan with united influence. Beklix, June 4. The king of Pru-s'a- , accompanied by fount Rismark, left for Parts tli is afternoon on a promised visit I tn Napoleon and the French exposition, f HARDWARE. CHARrrKK STOVE E MPORIUM, ESTABI-IdHE- IN 1SJ), IM Main Street, Corner of Stm of Big Coffee Pot, Memphis, Tenn. JOHN L. EICHBERGS 1 HEAMirARTEHS Ff.AT HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. m esaas SC1IOOLEV S PA TEXT AMERICAN BEFRI&ER4T0RS. Wholesale and Retail Dealer tn Stoves, (.rates, Hollow Ware, CUTLERY, HARDWARE, TINNER'S STOCK, Cmul (hi. Lamp., Etc, Etr., Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and bbeeMren Work. RilOfUffl AWti nxfjTrti; on short noUce, and ai the LuWEIf CASH PRICBB. Particular attention Is called to ra Coal Cook Stove The Bet Coal rook Stove In America, And ihe n " Charter" BEER COOLERS I Water Coolers," Ice Boxes, Bird Cages, Dog Muzzles, Patent Ice Cream Freeaora, Ktc. Ste., Etc my: Joan V. PKS18. H. A. DEMK Ac CO., DEALERS m Ray, Corn. Oats, Flour. Lime. Cement, PI malar. Western Protlnce. ia 41 soutn Sltie Conn stjuare. myil lm Lumber, AITR wm 'Triumpli,' Befrigerators, Lumber, Lumber! contract to mrnish VKIO to 400.001) Material Aran, oOU'to l.uU Eeet Pressed Flooring. Ail the aoove oi tne tei leuow cine. Addreas J. A. WKKJS A iO., Burasvllle, Mies., or FOWLSR, WIGOK A CO., Ho. lai Mala street. my4 lm Memphis, Tenn, Trust Sale. VJOTTCE la hereby given that la afrorrIanre with the proviatuna and direct toos of a detjd ajo Lraat executetl and delivered t uae on the 11th day July. 1S06, by Ii.tlt4i,.-- Ii-- Haw lev whifh deed tfl of record !n the IWcortler'i thee or (,'r uendea eoanty, ATkaaama.) aixl Tor tbf payfiaent of ivhe DUav tharetn dawcrioad, I will, ou Saturday, the 13th Say of July, IMP, at Lire door of tb Olerfca otfloe, rn the lown of Marion. CrUeoden t, J)U.y, .VfjattMiMAof, to! t he hlith-i- t bidder, fofauh In hand, the M-- . ;u drr1hed real estate, attnatt In Crnten-ciaa- e uuty.Arki.anKa., sod Known as that part t of the (intiit ortuinally owawl by the (.ramlfp Kstate. convey ed bv William .). D, fpMiu t Ooortfe W. L'uderii li artl iaas-- - Hur- - : The south part 0 the Houtii went quarter of aaetion twenty-foo- r 4) coaveyed In Kara .lets, the east half ot section Lhirtyalx and tbe aootheaat qnarte.- - of -- action thirty- - Ave .;ii, ail ia township eva 7i. north of tbe bane l'ne of range eight (a), east of the 5th prln cintl naarldaaTJ. Tbe title to this property Is believed to he rertect'y good, bat I shall convey only at XruBtoe. Prt of this land comprises one oftbeflueat piantauona oa tta Military K- ad. with iiu uourie, s"abiDS,ets., being the pUotation icnown aa the Brown rlar near Marlon, Ark. nay3L trt- - B-- C BBO WN, Truase. N. & J. HOFFHEIMEE, COMMISSION Tobacco, Etc Etc., Io, m Front I'll Till Always hand, a larje supply Old Bourbon and Bye Whiskies. Also, Celebrated RA TARIAN BITTERS. Kl'DOLI'H Kl EtsG. ftli A XUI A CTTJ BJf K OF BOXES 4 A oi all una street, Mem - M IB 18, on of M o.. is-- tay- - NgUMM BANKS AND MO. 90 MA IH SON SrBKET. JlMla ILK tit, - W.f.WOUB, - -- I. 8. rAisXtWwftTIa, TBE MERCBANTSr NATIONAL BANK or mb mp his. TsmrassEs. T kHWIiSfATrTD A Tf) FltAK- - 1 ' paid in. Poi'jWO. Aumorixxi Car.iial. HJi5.uSi.. Collertlooa made In ttiealty, and et asl aeaass-slhl- e point, ua the panctaaliy nn tbe day of payment, at esrrsut rates of sassier W H-- : : A.T. LAC K Y. : Vice Hroaodnr. J.J. KKRRMAN, : : : tint arrets Amos W. A. tlsasl wyn, Capt. f. a. Ohorch. H. A. Partae. R. Moajh, K. A. J. While, H. T. lohu L. Taylor. Jaa. Thoa. R Smith. A. T. Icey, W. H. Cherry myB " MEMPHIS GERMAN SAYINGS fflWITUTION, 50. 1 A01M8 JO. !. GVonoral Banls.lng a..D American and EXCHANGE BUSINESS- - 0. PAXIK, - YHAi) WtKSSaa, raySltf FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS, Depositor and A?ent XJialtoca. States. T. 8. DAVIS, - -- a. C. BR UTK LEY, C. P. KORKU, T. W. JO HNSTOK, DIRKGTOKS : WM tliVIK, r. h. D tTis, DAN ABI.R. i. HOWM. R.C BKfVrTf.EY. s. B. BEil, myfl if 22 2 .r. j. - F. M. - - - InsH'ntfon ssaaite, resident. rasUer. Eanhansie. WondnstT, STSIKT - Cash Preatdect. Cashier. Cashier. A. B LIB d.SE, BF.VJ. fc'SKMAN, W. ,RRt rrrrR. J. W. Lr.FTViCH BANKING. BUB! ISSUEA5CE COIPAIT. ORGANIZED 1844. OFFICE, MADISO STREET. fiiitPHY. CASH, CHKUR.Y. JSuroptMin Financial Seiorettary. DIRECTORS : MtfRPHT, E, APPITRfVlN, T. NKLS .N, J.c. JCH-IO- Of S a T A. Nelson, of Co. J St. FRsNK, P M. CASH T. so.t.i - ....... tooyer A Ce. HISI lo any ai prep, red receive MEMPHIS CITY SAVINGS INSTITUTION, b accessor to Ugdea, To bey Co., Jt-1- 6 JeffertM fitreet, nnpK Ten. 8. HTOBET, t. E. C. KIRK. 'pRANSACTS s tienera; Bar.klruf Boslaeaa, Rairtaea Depes anodealsin UeM, Silver, aJtchana,aoveiuaaiii awcnriueaaiul Cacur- - ranltal rent Mrney mr coiiecuon prompi.y attrnJed In. BKCTOKS: A. J. WlilTB, AMOS wis.tiROFF, B. H. TOBKY, nihiotr JA HEN. SAV080 LULii8 UihTlTUTION, MEMPIUB. Banklns fione Madron SL has j - u u.a.iuu past ten yean, continues transact a QJBJTirEAL EICEASOS AI"D BANKING BUSINIS6S. Will Receive Lepaiu, and tsei' Korign A AAoinoitir Exrhange, atsjd rrnmal M nej ELLiS euma salt pnrchaaers, and all leadlna the United j 3UUa. and will make collections nil access!- - bleplaeeaia thertorth and West, a X. AVar, (asfeier. JOS "4 C. LAJIXK, rrcsldeat. GERMAN "All A3 j. j. : ar. k -: I HI, a. iniii N. ' BT. H. W. ir beral. ar HAY, KIRK. sSoM. Stiver 4GXAL BANK OF MEMPHIS, 393 Main Street. C0103XA, MAans aairriy, JBjrr, ra t - M it r. ut. . Asa't CRD ITT, . H. C P. .", ubi. w rj Hon. J. M. A. (i. '1. Falls J. :yu: ts tv-- A Pris ash. I V, L)I U K C. H In !8Sf, . . .or L.1C Ray in to on cities of on feblS JAira Ma'i j. r. P. tn to Pi Asst DIKKCTOKS: HOFKHKIMKR, MBTTK, RorrMAJi, SMITH, Prvtideit. Y.JUNti, Prsuidstnt. TTNNBMMEI, Memphia. Ezcaange mHimt. laaalrr. Caaalrr. JOHN DfJTljySRR, a A. D AM MAN. JACOB WBI.I.EH, VRaa-'U- , E. ItR, AMD. RBNKERT, J. i. Collection. matle on all accessible-point- in the Southwest. Kit baase for sale na ariactaal rrtlaa of Lai ted elite aad oa alt acta. rlpai ciliea or tarupe. mrnwi Bik ..F te.wlvxee, I MEMPHIS. J. W. rAfil, Jr., : : Prcaldeat. H. I. SARTI. :::::: Casalar. BASK BUILDIMG, 04 ttred :SBtc ham DOES A GENERAL DEPOSIT AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS: Di Cutn, Uncurrent CoI.cctloBS from all point Solicited. spm M PEOPLE'S Of MEMP F. my-J- tis XSi No. 15J Hon Fre-seitlen-t. Caehier. PLASTERS- - litVK XO-rE- N ae ordanee with an Act of the Leclalatnre oi Xanaeaaee. paeeed Ueoeniber Utli. osib. en an act "To expedite ihe distribution or ine efecta of canaa, which bave or may maite a mans their notice 11. letiy K.veu 10 ine holders of the notes of The "nans or Tenntsee to them w J th me undersiaced. at the Liana in oashsine. be tween now an the Ural day of January, eorhteen liandred and sixty-nin- lliaaH, and re- ceive certiacaiee therefor, or they will be for- ever from any parucipatioti in the assets of the Banit. The certincatee will be receive,! AT Pan in payment of debts fine the Bank whether tendered be oreor after tbe let of Jan- uary, ittw. IX W HA V Eft, aei ni Trustee. Forwarding Merchants, LAWIINCM 4 S J 0 H Wholesale Dealers la Vo. V jVeW Xew York. Imported Domestic We oner our aiiileea tor the WINES, LIQUORS, SEGA RSI Purchase or Sale Sleeks. Sirrot, too, railway securities Oniy on '"mmattrl-r- i. mtTr' agaaaatral Banking Brokerage Basing on the moat S terms. :nuJ4f jrioicE. TES creditors of the estate of S. a. Malorse-- are hereby notified mat I have stunaaated the Insolvency of said estate to Ciera of lbs B, O - L) jHl 1 "umiytsiama Ula of stud eausto """"-- r are uoliflee ennesaee. u, and PAPER txindon tueiT ciaimHs, uuij tyiinin months rratn uaie atn, filed in - of the to, rayfliat I anril 1st. iS7. DiV. W. Ot.i.EN, : : KICH JJalsoX. : will be INSURANCE AGENCIE a TO MY OLD FRIENDS Of West Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas. 1 1 AVIUM accented ai the ST. LoCfS Mt SSStS I UMCAV T. I WOOM reaBeetrol.y t.a the at ten ion of roy old end n thai iaatuu t on as a aar, certain and reliable naCstlaal tbroucn wbsah they may aeeore their lawtl'sn acainensani lq me event of death, orahens-seiye- e from aa hs : poy ed old asss case ot Mr. ! . OTIS) ta aasorlared srtlh m-- and a ouice i. at .o. taaoi on street, ro ta Ho., a .:,ere sse wm eelee.s u mparariy needed lniurmatlon to ihfae de- - aantitaa J H. McMAstOJI- - INS U RANG E. Fire and II Assets Marine lasnraaee C maw Tout. SeMMiHly I Of NaV.V VOttK. 7pM ioaafaaj ..Jn.orit"- EaiterprisM Insnranrrs ompasiy or CISCISSATL Assam .. - -- ..tlJMBj.s0 Putnam Insurance f ouip;tiiy OT BARTr-OP.D- , COJw. Caah Capital eWJJK) THE well ostaMeshed innraMoa of Lb L Compax.lee for pr.tniot aud hoour-thl- and their large iiih Aaaesa, eorannead lo tbe areas asasal erty R .lders who desire re iaole f W r.nni.n canles but lltoae duly aothonaed by nlale and .1 laws. Alt loesea at.; i. ted and paid that Lindser k Vradenhnrat. Oeneral rnsnranee Agent.. Sn. II MAdiaon street aa staira,. Mempnia. Temo- - apas PLANTERS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF Capital, OtS , 273 I- - root Street. BBTWEKSf AUD MADflSON. K, R FORREST P. P. DOUeHJERTY.. W. H. DEDRICK T. P. K E.N VOX myj daw t. Ti:"JXE.i8EF.. to. $200,000. MKMI'HIS, TENNKSSKK. BS Secretary. Secretary. PXaeOPXaalSfii INSURANCE COMPANY. Office No. 20 Madison in PeSoto Bank Balldinsx. CAPITAL STOCK, Ar. now prepared to take Fire and Risk. organised on the 3th :aat as ru Hosts DIRECTOJHS : W. M. GREEN LAV.". KMiKR, M. KARKl.VuIu.N. C. W. ..BW.TK, JuiLN OViiRro's, Ja-- OFFICERS : W. R. 8REELtW, - - rre.!dnt JAM US IIBIK, - - Vlce-P- rr !drau j B. r. IRAB, Serreury. mhn :lm Owen, Moore & West, A OK NTS FOR THK Georgia Home Insurance Compan?, Oaf Oolumbna, Oa. task Capital and Surplus, - at : 61 State InsTirance Company, Of No-- h . . Tenn. Life lompanj. Of Conn. AstrttaArer II.'N.W. J too want vonr Life or Property Insnred, A chu an-- t see rr.e men-- we 1 er , Mfliv North-wes- i'.,rr... M u This IusUtutlon, oraan:ied taaB stteeta, Tenn. iNo. MET Street, Strut Cotr. TAKEN' IT. onedn- - COW Oi-o- lo my lot lat will puasc prova proptrtj taJr awmy. O. uj,y IH Uw iw FOR KriLlr-4lMlt- .hf to trt Lt-- fmoi MP'JB av. w'llITK ..Press.: Aaataiant SU laMrjvooc rm.m- - Jitna CALVARY CEMETERY INTERMENTS Purchase of Lots. Houm: . NO GIFT ENTESPRISE anj other indie alsSOlRI kAV likl STATZ AID BAYA-I- A LtfTfKaiab. ONLY LEGAL LOT KRI ES pHKY are drs must a Co lector as prfBeeaie . I. e r- - s oki. 411 J ..rrer :nli7 :u: now open ctarner Ijn ien a.m., if Or S Ai LN C. S. Bond Tne CTiartent a KuRTY VKA d with U. pnbMc by sworn Must be drawn if tickets are sold or not, PRIZES ALL GASH. Tawra at two States Drawtngn each day, axsa) iviiiis acli moots. Draw Id c csvn be seen two hours aftr ptar-ch-- a of t icketa. in.: ttis? T1cktH are Pnaua pM day f parfnavo. Tick- b 91 to $Jb acts nliuK to Yt zra 5 to fin HJ, to Rcbem- -. Prtalpal Aawnt, W. VaN OAT. Ko. Ji Ntnwt. T'' a crtah W T. hue M Dissolution. arm of ORIUBY. EVANS! A JOWNSON thlail.y dlsaolved hy mum.: coaaenl. irinsby retirintr, Elthe-- memter of the i antrieriaed to receive and reeei- w t. i;Rlt;BT W. aVajStt. St iOHNS'is-- . The tXiTT will re com VANS A J May V. IS my 3w of W. B. ovr Ms! la of anl to Oder are deeoa in two on E. 8. at. J.TH.vwrysr. 1 rustee's Sale. trto of a dsBBd af irriat to me evensiteft BY Ciaarlea yfauiaaaita.sAi oa JUttx oay ot ftgptAWuber, and duly reroruVd. at thm In ii office ,i - )T it Stale rn H m I)JM, iaBt-'cor- Book No. .i7, part teooad. rases . jtm an i 3.0. itesuoer tv. mr pwrpane tOnifr aaSKOIl aHfl 93Ut SXTCCta., axmui aaoteforuieaom of Maty-tw- o mm. and Thrrty-tsr- o IXiIlars om. owed by u Joan b Leech. by aatastrny to- - Mony Bli TmitSSIl, BiM M auli Strt9et led creditors," is Ole T. end af gold, and and the -- TT- or"'" JtiJliN creditor i, sear deal-la- COCRT Marine JAMES) a. ; P ! JXo. veated in me to me pruoettr te me In aid irnat deed. I will, on lMh day of Jane, sei:, on premises, a: taa-- :owta D.I Ci city of Me best bid prorerty tUated. nphia. Saelby ieeicnaied aad of the city of Mtj was- - iin.l atwi mhjli ter ted WHU. Us- - ISS. ine ai:d set- the Uie lUo ler. for i :nh. the fol- - l lyin 0. oa in rtatn txaei three hundred aad aeventy-ooefN- 01), aad boonded as foiiown, Begin u . r. k? on the Qorthetutt comer ora lot oa tne Ninth aide JerJejaou street, known aa (ieorg CroaweiTi, fleet wpwi ward y irom the tnter-etulcj- of JerTerson and Third utie-1- tMoeeaast warvlly wiLh tbe rvonta side of JeCbrson street ft to its term mation aad tnrcrxavUon with Third street; thence south wanlly with the west aide Ihenoo uorr.wi'lly wit:, tbe -- ae ule of alley feet to the sooui bonndaiy liLeof the aaid Cromwell tot; thenc asiwsrdiy with said sJioiuvailAsoUhh Uraadmry i;nc vsjS hi to tbe southeast corner of tbe seJd .'rom well's lot; in nee nonnwaruiy wiui trie east BeaaWsl ary line of the said Cromwell lot llJ feat to the besrinnJng. together lth all rhe pnvllegea and appurtati snot herenato bettgygiog. The title In believed to be good, but, 1 sell onlv as iTustae the right nf redemptma waived TBijS. uKhi if, : - -- e Memphis, May f, lT. mvf Cbaini'ry Sale of Heal fetal?, Oi Tuesday, Jane 11, 1887. No. 429 X. BV D -r- ssmnae Tate et al. vs. ivwls Selby et al. Chancery Coart of Memphis. TY virtue of an inioeitiry deree misls in ' A F ir. .iu.w, a wui taoaJ, em iuuim suet i J, vj the highest bidder, et the Courthouse door, ta me eny oi Meoipnis, lenneasee, an Tutjsday. June 11. 1867, between the hours of is a m. and U m. . the foilowina deacrlbed real estate t: A car- ta: u lot ox anrcel ol aroond sitnste, lytns and being lu Hnelby county. Mtate of Tenntsnee, and ta the Ulh Civil Dtstrwt of said eonnly containutaelsbtaerea and lour Wen handretlths of an acre, the iielng tne north part er lot No. 17 of eutxtixiaion . 7 M anown on the plan of the suodivlsioii of ihe John of five tliooaaatl aereaaasnNiiyideo ov M. a. Kerr aud K. s. Todd. Lot No 17 u ahosrn ou Ilncksrl map marked T. S Tate. Ttnaas or sin-O- n a credit of alx and ftajarva months, notes with good ecnrlty. with inlerea' from d.y of sale, and lien retained til' nay' men l ol the porciiase money. kqulty of redemption barred. L A. ALriTON , arz and Master. mylitds Attachment Suit. Law Court of Memphis. V. B. tittaeon A Co., olalnunn. vs. J. H. Haynie 4 Co., lefendao U. FriTsAVTT for attachment haylnir been aaftStf8 S1" re Pnrsuance of section Tennessee, and havint; been named sn.1 returned by theSropi otflcet " levied, etc," on the property of tnat H. Haynie Co : it la therefore ordered that said defendant appear at the Courthouse In the city of Mem- phia. Tenn., on or beJore the second Monday !n June next, aud defend this anil, or the earn, will ae taken Mr lamruaaau as to them, and 1 this order be pobilahed once a week son am -- onaeeotlve weeks In the Memphis Appeal AOssjfjr: JOHN DOXOVAi. Clerk. lieta 1 utnee, ay 4, igar aam 1 ance x PLaluaa. r. Attorneys for sstayilAwt-w- WINES AND LIQUORS. TO THE TRADE. Iwor ijj caii tbe la attention of MXRL U AJTTa ALE AND LAGER BEES, Of my Superior Quality. TT n mm lah at any part of the or ipnt. Kree of saaste Tlllllil llanswll siMMltA. mv LIQUORS, onalstrneof pure i.ile stock of UA R i jonty and Third stree'. X. H. E 'A. X, Importer and Wholesale Deawer la iut id warn yuions, II XaartM SL, Beaaala, Teu TT tn store and to amva m a barrel, varlons 75 moaner T M Jj pipe. R., I th M 3011 H. K: -- . . I a JAItlR of PoetofSi pipes Cognac Iteasse Sherry and Pon Win sta- -. ra Itreen seal and Pass: r Q ' D,.i noser . a M do iaossetlers do '. e. A London Porter and SVoteb Ale bU casks Perkrna A Col's Pcrtat- r- W do Yennaea in stone :acs r ' Ales and T trter. Fr-n- -h " H iiff?1!! to,t''r1" LZ a, H-- EVAJfS. Mlfcnroe street. MEGJBBEN I BROTHER, WHOLESALE Liquor Dealers, 2Si MAIN STREET : SSI Memphis, : : : Tennesse " )ana E. SIMPSON fc CO., -- Vo. 17 Dey Street, NEW YORK, Wholesale Dealers and Importers WINES, LIQUORS, Etc. CASH CUSTOMERS WUi and it crentij to their interest to aive as call before J hailaa slat all mhSrf FORD, DIXON Sc CO, wHOLEStVLE SADDLERY aJVD Saddlery Ilardtrare, 419 Street, ST. LOUIS, : MO. 0 FfiRl A C., jpinf. r on. 2 O O a LU OC a I.Tnjld, Caojsja. punehe.,r DRY GOODS. aa 9! q 0 I 0 PI Whisky, srilsurDf Llfrry Emiiiing. Whiakv. Bratiiiy Barkiy. Cr,nrial.. Main HAVRE, PT.lTfB Haw rH w H GO 1 LYONS, FIES & CO, Wholesale and Retail bXALJtKd IN DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AJD SHOES, BATS, ETC., Asa Main .trees. MfACPBiS. . .HSI. I , J. SHEPHERD, le tr in. O t srrrrui.s. W ATKINS te CO., COMMISSIO V DRY-GOOD- S AND OTIOS 3a MAIS SmET, MEMPHIS, T EN v. WF. SELL TO MERCHANTS ONLY. rayl lm SOUTHERN TBJMMING EMPOEITTM ! JAMES G. MOFPATT, 317 Mala St.. Ssaih or I nlon, importes or Ladles' Dress and Cloak Trim-ming- a, French and German Battens, Fancy Goods, Notions, Zephyr Worsted, Worsted Patterns, Real Laces, English Hosiery, Toys, French Corsets. Agent the celebrated Boulevard Hoop Shirts! rah Id :ni NOTICE. THE creditor the eats, of hereby nyttrted that I f- -3 com-- me 01 -- as: estate to tn Court of Tip or. county. Ti iii.n tbe tors or said cerate are not in. 10 n. their claims, dnly autbenUcattd. wuhin at raon Ilia from the usf hereof. or th.a notice wl be In bar ot tnoanano J B. rAN NlEL, Administrator. April 1st. MSB-- aoM tr Xotice. T the Jane Term, l.ssr, of the Conn ty Coart iTa. or anetos- - county, tenn . Letters of siaraucl May TV tt City do riled N NOTICE. W ave this to Mr.JOH V snsni the baetoa La - ":on on 8ILA8 P- m23 uHLHvl'SSS. at tax The bocks of J T. fodad at the efBce or mi II sea oan ue made. Mr. u. W3lllr. Richard Waijen.lsai oitve and money ' QuriULu a : a ft 1a. w u o .'0.- - f e Appleby nsoivency ii.eCleraof Coor.ty A i , shall apply :ni.u tas Inismst SebeUar I V receipt 1 Hmto.1 sirs. will em :he old stand We unt tor aft aim to r ex pav rea J. V. oTH Mr-Eft- . aa r

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Page 1: THE MEMPHIS DAILY · J ui las Tn BY JOHN 8. C. HOGAN & CO." ncnpins APPEAL PUBLISHED DAILY A WEEKLY JOHN S. C. HOGAN & CO. i at n Kii rms lastly (la advance) per UDnm: (13 00 MMMM






i at n Kii rmslastly (la advance) per UDnm : (13 00

' per week t I XMMMM newelealera, parens : 6Weekly per annum tin advaaoel ft toar .Nosabacriptloa entered in out msil booklor a less lime than oca mouth.

RATE.. OF 4DTKKTIOISB.One sonars one raaarxotl" : JT : : DM" eaoh additional Insertion e 60

two weeka :::;:: 5 00ft - one month ::::::: IM

no-- Alt wrveniamnenta considered doe afireaolld nonpareil constlltean

a eqnare- -a" All advertlsementa tn llirHpedel Notice

column will beelrexwed JJ eeuutper Marriage end ueeiu notions autaUabed aa

advertateaaeuta- -ar Advert. seiueuu to be Insert M1 In theWeekly paper only, or a- uxesaiaw intervals Inellh.roT the iiaoers. w.o te- cLaraed il persquare for each and Ail a4vertiean.ej.te not marked for a spe-

cial time will .iisoouliiiued at the ead of oneweek.

a-- an'.- s for the Al'riAl mustaw banded In ai tiieterk'adeak.

ar TranmmU adwraMwali arul be paid No advertleenient will appear la theWeekly paper unlet by special Our friend, are requeued W uaetUeir beatefl".rt- - to eeud na auhacrDjera, and CU up our112a, and also to forward any llama of newsthat may be of sufficient local Importance towarrant their publication.

TUUU OF W KKHI.T.A. an Inducement to get np elnbe, we

adopted the foilow-iru-t scale of prices, which areas low aa oar current expenaea will admitof:One Copy, one year : t : ffi 00ToelubsoX tan or aaoaa, wach 4 50" " twemy or more, each : : 4 00

Jnivrraaeey m


OHM1 Hurt. 1M 1

i'baoeu,1 Teoelil.1 ehebat.1 Adar. Stl1 Veadar.


1 Niaan, Sth Arnl, .1 .h Hay1 Hivau,1 Thamoa, 4t. .

1 Ab. lad Anirus-I Baa, lat Septelnoer

Ash Weilrewlflv


Stani.d.yThut-la- y. :h April. ..Good Frtdae. lMh April -kaatar Randav. lt April.Aaeeualon. irh May,IVnlecoal.eth'JuneRalnt Andrew's Kay, Mi Xovvtuherln eacn


Losass.AisBrsoa. No 1". weer. it Monday in

eyere montii. at -' ear. Courtaed'Maln. I C. Trader, W. af H. T. Tom- -II Ree.

Bocru Munii No US. tfpets 2d rriii jy ofeach mJ. T. Sell

La:i. Botr:

All '

Hasii.Tovniot-l-W. at :

KlLWlWIof eaeWorahi





-- Hal


ar'er. N. Monday each I

s IUU. 'h.





6t ararch,.

Frrnta. k.. t

r? 4. 3d ofmonth A. Wtiee er.



11. li. Paynter,

I. 3d


fo- - imandery, Vo 4 Meets 4thof mo John znt, tvns.: 9. J.


A.". A.'. St.'O'iTISH ItlTK. ornisum

Hlioir-!at- el

M .; Client M l arrJfiTHaas LotUe of 1

aleeusih WtdiiesdajMe,.- r- -l M. t,.

r II IA "Unci! o' Ptt rJfn. L. WenJ. K. PuUeo

,CAXVASVl:--- TKR Of (

W. A, lams. M . W

.N,t L Benty P.WiiliAnu . i iro--

OOJCSISTOHY or WsStl., t'omi

Trad,r. .'d. Mac.'.







ajcd .

No. Me-- 1 Mrrreiay

uurj :'.U.



,ec.-- .

JM. -



nAii.noAD.rpRAX leave a fiwsidty :

. 'I Ti7rooaE.resa.

PorlfikeTs at. tut-the office, .NO I a

A-- A. HAHNlKd.o I

apll'f II









O.-- .




iinccUaA tioiijMCk.HlU,


I infiionl I iino...S Recelm-rtv- n tor fTVTTtiN t:s

Ohsmniaal; by rati or river. ree -

uo cl ause Clnctnrtatilo task. W . JAl JOHNes I s

at:... -- tsr im-




Indtr br. enlaw upcra Honac,


Tmste's Huts.SUrUAnJiO(9 Ol

by o. A. FeuM PHP

tm Mad M. Hit--

MMal tVMtttaalpMyiutriil

hmrdiv Jinr,

ue.u( flvi rnOsatasJuow.Mur: WiVu,',

plAO ;ot In th- . i .O'HUsT FUlM. Ci

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In. iMutLf t corneitjruu &iJ nmvh r avt our

pttftt ttaULVsrJlue ol tvMfi

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frti In a ft'.jvAriiy twelve buudretlfyssji li'iTM j to Ku kor

acieej.title to i

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tmus h.'Vtojs. II.







mi.ihl ua an

and soond.

r. si ;


Pis, Meeu

a. x.



tirtacv .venae




orJoua Zent,

Utb: So. 1

Wednesiiay- - nlshlUdj i

--o... i

off JereaH litis.:SM Tarah.-- . ;

lSTh.. L; H. I Tt.iu- -

I ofJSd.. tomm.-- ;

Jbtra: lKxU;e



MlrA, I


HIU1I1 of

OrMti JiiD'HI UMl TtJUIl. I

aWns, Puiawaki, AiK.,i'ulum f

uuiuji otMUMci fur kvune

er A cent.


lani Cars seletl frtunNew


: ."


IM poriiv, iarar- -

iuKoertsviu not MM h

bcu Muade, wi!l,utbf Day oT







sL to1 July 14. isW.

for ofn in

of 1




i.iVeUjSa .


.RT II . TroeteeL UANtMJaH








eulletueu a Clothe. Cleautjd

rr Good- - left )n atomM orxir-r-.


Ho. SUA A root Street! ,


Window and VrrsBdah Awnlnirs

noit iiffl-e- e. Hotels, and rnva'eJT Hpocal atleuooo a'Hou lo iuowu -Rlgitl.iK. H oleiaway a, and all kinds 01 Hopaud Can, hits.

xsyi ua M rroat eurtwi, spatsira.





-- " - --a a-- a. , w t a ' . st W . w --.rj U V JLJ--. ae lJ IV! I , ELiXV vOOf!nvrrTinwri yw.cs v. mm.



Confectionary In Ererj Variety,And all of the beat quality, conatantly on hudand lor aale at price, to suit the time.



Of to per tor vintage.

WEDDINCS AND PARTIESSupplied with every rsxjntslle, on abort Dotloeas naecaVast mki7ur

P. H. HEINRICH fc BRO.,Wholesale and Retail

Oo u i otlon oreAnd


Dealera In Imported

Wine.', Llqoors, Cigars, Fruits, etc--,

Xo. 236 front Street,"h'7 MF. M" PHIS. TEWW .


(KRfltMtLife Insurance Company,

80 Broadway, Hew York.HntlO WWENDOXE Prewdent.FB. SCHWriNIUJOL. Vtee-l're- a i and baw'r.

JOHN H. FRERICHS,802 Jfain Btreet,

weeral aseat for Weatern teaaesnee.THE ST. LOUIS MUTUAL


ks&tls April 1st, over SUO0.000.

D. A. J .4 X VARY, : PreMidt-nt-.

jm. JAS. H. !. 4S, YiePretidenLH M.T. 6EXBY, : : Sen retry.

.187.: MM. is. BEMO, Gcu'l Ace lit.

DIRECTORS:James 11 Lucas, Henry OvexstrJBaranel Wiai. Kick, scaasvfcr.Roi.l M.runkhonser. William T. Gav.Ctata. H. l'ect.BobL K Woods,

ales Valle.Geo. R ltobinTOn,nias. Jr. iieCord,

on V. Thornton,Hen. at. Rnnyan,

T":rany ot



Ml. M hTufcttT,yJsJl iAlali



General Agents,r W. -- ' titiese. . Ml

! all ar: .1Aen-ie- - Oo



A. K. ad.










V T-


No. 13 Jt Ho

'HI1 'om jinny c

ntir eily m r' lmute. aull tO (1t A - iMi: MUktl

of ImcUi Luc Leunpauy av


R H. l'f.VC0V4B.1). Jd. ZOWaWsaBlU,

MAY,nxhil .Ini



Xo. lit JEPF Fit

Mlrtmt-,-' A






David Keith.K. 1. Hanenkamp,lalac W. Mitcfae!'..I). A. January,Win. .T.

F. Ijater, Jr..Jacob Tamm,


Jitlllsuv Begoto Block.



sddreaeed- -


tonU- -





rat OTIS,lemphis, Tenn.,.oippiaoid

Tor or


a- -IMfsl,


: :


- insuranceSevius a. m:.


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I President- m AMiii vAjL. i :.L

ISc fit tary.


fc CO..i i i n d cS I L II I),

s'tu, sti:i:et.KEW "TTX'K

m Befcirea.

w 'V. R'H.KRS, formtlSrv with Messrs.Power A Mise..y, can fonn l lowaft upon his old and new

tne! 3ni




Merchant Tailoring Goods.

rP make eyery earment onrselv. and wuljaraulee-aliala-.-lion tn all caees.



R ING,1 loan at ahort not ice by

M. D.

lr- -!e.







54 1- Jefferaon j

All executetl with neaAjaeas and die.patch, an I eotire saUafacuon attarantead wheuth' work he dooe. insrllwwwMawaaMHWKasasawawawwaaHwsM


finest, most varied and complete of

CKormerly owned by

J. H. WAGOENER,1 now BtUJW Eastern OOeT, by

GE. FRAMv C ARHSTR0G,A "I I::-'- Tli.- ul of t D t -

metiM of i HKAl'fcJrUtruDd KVfcK BROTViHT TO MEMPHIS

i Must beSold within DaysTbOMt who call flr-- t will have the first choios.

P(iw4iKion of l hti uouoe miil oe ivusilly day.

CALL, AT ONCE!City and Country Trad Supplied,

,, ,'t 'lt fi. lit tatl.1 14 in.HI J U


ornrr Monroe hiiI Set oii Si.t'K have iheAI-er- at B.oka antt onran).Ht-

TT Index oi tne ftrBHatBr's urn-- e, ocmpHodby late HKSKV a. UaUtB; and.more than a years' trial of their accuracy,

a careiulexir.erce .11 liie hustoeas, (notLe ot an ru ai! that ilme),

we are enabled 10 furnish oonplete deralgn- -

Fort Pickering, Memphis and ShelbyCouLty Laada,

P at the notice and on the moet reasona-ble lerms. J. CAMPBRLi. A CO..

'eh'Hi if 'i o. Kon.l A Camphell.

DisHoliitiou.copartnership heretofore exlstlna be-- 1

two n a. ttajar. VBI, a. i ,a.i ..bn1! isher finder If'tiHrne a,, oT rl L--LKK, M.LIH A ami t'otton

lOS name and style


who are authorizedthe old Gruu in bellieuicuL

Memphis. May H. IW7.





to use the name Of

B. Y. HALUtR.h. KLJ.1H,

J. H. rasu KR.toy IS Ira

To Wtxom il Ma i imern.-- '

t hereby given that J c. McOADti Meuilbu. Tenn.. bave this day

an of ui! Lnesr uuula and10 J. H. West. J H- Taylor and J. M.

of the firm of West. Taylor Jl a,

Aaakjneea for tbe benePt 01 Uietr. r - tors.All parties Indebted to said firm of J. O.

tv Co., Otii ome forward and settlewith lbe aaslKaees, ami all creditors or aaidlira w4li pre ant their drums for aattleauentan ley eaid aaaigultictt so tbe 'Jn lecslxljeo as- -

WM'. TA1 LOR Krou i street

Meinpaua. May a, HB7, ayoalwwat


MEMPHIS DAILY "APPEAL.""""""i""""""ntmtmPHls




BREVITIES.Lately the over land route to Califor-

nia to making faster time thair the"learner.The Bnvanaah A'ev i and Herald has

been complimented with tomato, amiocre.A woman waa mood dead at

ne bwttry, Charleston, last Moudavnight. .

The reoeiptii of internal reran ne forthe past week were JS,T41,f3fr.

The submarine telegraph wir fromhoiilne-ri-i Florida to the inland of Cubin nearly laW.

The receipts of customs from theending May were fa.8h0,fi6l.The Mamachamtbi legUlature ail- -

juiuru hud me on naiuruai uiglit, alterawaatnn of nre loonttat.- The -- ale- at the Uuion stock yards,

in Chicago, for the t ear ending April3)tb. amounted to i30.KSS.128.

whites and' -- ,TJ ? colore,Kr tU0V' change matters materially by

making a popalation of 14,144.A man recently sold a horse in Cali-

fornia $14,000.In Eaatoorr, Maine, rwentlv. six

Indian were married to white girts.A German store has

been started in Newark, New Jersey.The " Knoiviile " is the

name of a new cigar introduced intothat dry.

In less one week there werereceived at Liverpool 103,6tW ofcotton.

The once famous Altec childrentrbveiinr in Rnglam! tbe names of.enor and Senora Nrraez.

Seventeen newly married coupleswere stopping at the International hotel,N'iajrara fall., one day recently.

The eommon council of New Yorkcity has appropriated ',( to defrary'he expense of celebrating the Fourth ofJuly.

Americans on the coast south ofRin, Brazil, btsVe ere-te- il saw mills, andare now supplying that market with ex- -. e .r.n iLiui.TI.

Appointments have been made for rit't 'rtO.. H i .i t .iiuy-uv- auill,eiary xueeuud to oeheld in Boston this week.

Tbe committee of the Cnited Htatesfenate on Indian affairs have postponedtheir proposed trip to the plains until themiddle of September.

Tbe receipts of cotton at Louisvillednrioe th year ending M3rd 31,wereTU SSo bales. greater portionof this Tennessee cotton.

Tbe Odd Fellows of Columbus, Ohio,are going to erect a handsome buildingfor thetoHelvea span grtinnd recentlypurchased opposite tbe opera house.

Two frightful deaths from hydro-phobia took place in New Orleans lastweek. The victims were children.

Another attempt is about to be madetoBtop the street cars from running onSundays taaan.

. wa at near., . suiu Mm si. ., in sola. OilWednesday last forS i") per ton. Thisis lower than it ever in gold times, j

The last survivor of the war of 77i;f r in the nyio of a hale, nearty old vet-- j

eran, named John triay, residing iuNoWe county, Ohio, airefl one hundredand four years.

Last Sunday night, in New,idurinit the temporary absence of tbe

watchers, some villain entered the housewhere the hody of Mr. Faures was laid

,, and stole two silver pieces placed onj the ev es of the corjise.

The average depth of the Atlantic I

, ocean i estimated at and ofthe Pacific at On.non. The deepest waterin tbe Aiiautie is off the island of St.Helena, which ha b-- sounded ST.uvu j


feet, or 6verflve miles.Tbe locatftm of tbe Illinois indue- -

trial university has been permaoeatlyfixed at I'rbana, two miles from Cham- -

pain, u;on lands given by the eouuty I

for that purpose.Tbe annual meeting of tbe edhaca- -

tional association of Virginia, will beheld in I.ynchbuTgou the lfitti of July. '

(ten B. is a rae mber of the asso- -

ctaticn. and is crxpecleti to attend.Oou ull.,

'ere horrifieduoe.- - njrivta, auu .lot IHK lllcpart of the season employed forty-seve- n

I ves-e- ls in transporting oysters, fish andterrapin-- .

Kurrpe rindioates genera! confidence in the sta- -Willy of peace. Consuls continue to rise

Oeneral arid nuntet! in latest ilinaiciieskc owned try Iswu IIimv were down

aim u. riserPoiicj Header. -- Madame Kistori JaHl.OOO profits





Rtooc tb






iltMlr.s'ers Kae- -










'in ber trip through America are notwith "t parallel. Jtisstaud that -

ame Patti, irom two hundred and thirty








, , .

". . , ..


. , .



o ,- WlifUa Ver"'e which'

'Irl?:,,. ..""V KhtLil "Tbe raid . 18th inst.g .,r,.M.,., ,,,

lurliisUMeresaryirfiegalioii. a forthe gaming table iu tbe "t'ercie desMontards." He has won the enormoussum of lAfMjntt francs in a fortnight.

total amount of beet suirar pro-duced iu lbe world is reported to be about,90 MO tous annually. France is tbe

oil f irrower of beet sugar.I body of Artemu. Ward arrivedj New Friday Lieut by the'f .(earner DeutehTand, and win be takes toj Mait e interment.

It Is eitiniated that there is in XtwYork city alone five hundretl thoii-an- d (

dollars of counterfeit fractioiial cuirencyin circulation.

nl Boston havei . . . --e ill '

t I Johnou.Baltimore c dtiui railroad nas

matle arraniremenfs transferring carsacross Unit) river change,

j New York pnliiiaberlatsaidtohaveLarzaini'd ( Jen. Lee's re-- 1

rpJLORS ales.eampargiis lor per cent














bill fordoUars



In tne


re common contici.'extend


Aj for



3lece of paper ever.ton h: of Kugiaud a

millionsAnd the large.' amount paid

fo This great panic

WaaLusha 14th

com j fhe Cartersvillesh.aotinjt i.eai-- placer:(W. Mondav little white

sponding for sometime.



about of

capsizedfrut, on Kri

fstearg Hall,t'aiit. "nl'riT:rrton rrsh, (apt. Beckwith.

a boy uatned liogers. were drowned.Dakota pspeis of ihe ImIi uiL, say

that not single oatrAga has tieen com-- 1

miied ttiis season ny Ind!:.- - on tbe'up er .Miooouri. m.tll parlies passand down the river without moleeta-tio-

t jMr. norfe Xeusel, a resld-sn- g

near Mt. Fleaxtaut, Ohio, hung hiai-lel- f

last r'riiiay uecausehe fearedglanders fiom diseased

hone. He leaves a faai iiy.Capt. Mix, formerly second

of the steamer Santiago de Cuba, willkave New York Europe ou Monday

:: a monitor raft, taking with him twosailors. This craft Is only twelve feetwidth, twenty-fiv- e in length.

Collector Crane, of the fifth North jj

Carolina district, reports that during tbepast week has seised twenty d rati lie- -

rieseuiraaed iu tbe illicit manufactjre of j

whisky aip.e brandy.The reeideut did not decide upon the

question of restoring municipal offi-

ce! s at before leaving Washing-ton for the south, and nothing will bedone in relation to ituniil return.

Mr. Howe, chairman tbe Ameri-can ettramittee for assisting Candi-ote- s,

has arrived Athens. He has al-

ready forwarded several hundred breecli-loa)4er- ac

insurgent. , . ,

tleorge. M ear ham, while washing-- beep a mill pond in KtroDBBV-ill.- .

Cuyahoga county, on the Wth uh., gotinto a dsrejt bole and drowned. He

sevepteoa year uld- -

e vraordfnary number ofvoters has been reitistered Washing-ton, whom, && are colored. Tbewhole number of votes cast municipalofficers a year aifo 5783.

Havana advices of 2th say theUnited States steaaaers Mononsrajtelaand Hwatora at Thomas on

loth. It surmised that theyhad --: ue there to take pessessioii tbeIslam.

Canadian ancelebrate 2d July, when the con-

federation goes into erl'ect, as a holiday,wilh a grand review of regularsmilitia, at Toronto.

The Otoe Indians of Nebraakareported their agent to be In a starv-iu-

condition. Many of them are dyingfrom the sat'ects eating potrsned meat.Their corn and beau crops last year werevery scant, and they bad barely seedouuiign to commence operationspring.

H.bert ttaraon died Springfield.Pa., last week. He had been Uisaite

thirty years, but recovered bis senseon his oVath and conversed iatelli- -

gently of occurrences iransp;reu imcday and week previous to insanity,making inquiries about bis oxen, thework on tue an, aad oul nsdghbomwho been dead for years. The

space wasauerjevt Uuk to his

A few vears ago Count Kaousset Boul--

loii purchased large of land inora, Mexico, and planted a French

colony upon a difllculty with onethe colonists, the was shot,

the settletrfeat waa thereupon brokenNow a report comes from France that

of his cousins organ hflng an expo- -

TATE ITBaU.The Naehvifte and Chattanooga rail-wa- y

is buildiog a aiewpiug car in Chat-tauoom- t,

vrhieii the f'nion aaya will coatt.iAKi. It tU oc put on Lb road InAaguaC

The ci y eagiaeer of CbatUnooga 1

making a survey with the Tiew to pre-paring a map of the city.

Several fttiuadK uefjraes fortiolyentered the Kasbviile -- treetcaw up last, and the tattle, in every inntaiK--ijuietiY vi uted the coaches' to the unrulyblack- - The rioters that tbemayor had toid thoui they right toride in all cars, and they intended to doso. This the naayurdaijies. To reward,

suppose, tins action on lu partthese dark-hue- il citizens under:, the civilrights bill, a number of citizens of (South

some of whom stock hold-ers, haveaigaeda petition to the direct-ory the street railroad company, ask-i- nn

that UkUB( iiou on .o of colori.e annulled a!: who deport tUeoi-selv-

projterly be admitted to theon terms of perfect equality. The Qa-zrtl- r.

learns the whole matter is referredto the stockholders, who afe to report to-day. It is well to reflect whither wearInrtintrin this misgoverned state, and if

--oil tf8"'1


me result or rue Ai'gust electionsThe William. n countv tax list

j l,sT, footsThe Bmnr of the 3d Inst, says:

'Squire ilnxny hate shown-u- a three verynue spec:njens ut wheat, growu onfarm, tinea m; e from the city, on thenorth side or the river. Tne heads arefully six inches long and the stalks overfive and a half feel high.

Wheat Is now being cut by most ofthe farmers along tne Georgia and Iieca- -

tur railrosd.'Secretary Fletcher is announced to

apeak Cleveland on Monday. It issard that is going to attack Baxterand bis record.

The Union rind Ditpaich of the 4thgives tbe fbliowins information aboutBrownlow's army Five companies ofthe Browokiw militia have thiw beenmu.-tere- d into the service of the state.They are at present stationed as allows:Capt. Getj. Grisbiini'd company, at Bris-tol, Johnston county ; Capt. John T.Kobe son 'ft company, at Troy, Obioncounty Cast. O. Bickman's com--

at New Hope, Franklin county:Joe Blackburn's company, at Lib

erty, DeKalb county. A company atCookavdle, Putnam county, in command

Lieut. Wm. S. Stewart, and a com-pany Kuoxville, under Capt. RobertHall, are to be mustered into the servicethis week, and Will swell the entire forcenow in the field to GOO.

Mr. Deoipsey Weaver, cashierthe Planter's bank, was stopped on tbeMurfreeeboro pike, five miles irom Nash-ville, on Saturday afternoon, and rob-ber by two white men of twenty dollarsin fractional currency, hts watch andsleeve buttons. The thieves tookfront his buggy, tied and gagged him,and safely rifled ockets behind aclump of bushes, while buggies werepas.-in- ic (he while hut a short dis- -tance off, their occupants in ignorance

in of what transwdring

TEXAN ITEMS.The Spanish consul at fralveston,

Don Carlos Chacon, died on the 27th that city, of congestion of the brain.

The police of Oalvesfn have beenrerrrnved by order of Gen. Sheridan, andmilitary guards are now dischargingtheir duties.

Piano Blanco Is the name of a cavesftuated about the center Duvalleounty. It has been explored some sev-eut- y

five yaxds. Large chamber, withling srrrams of coo!, fresh so

cold as to dispense with the luxury of ice,have been iound. A natural well, sometwenty-fiv- e feet in depth, two hundred I

yards fp.tii ti.e entrance the cave,ixii-t- . from direction of which a cur- -

of milie with itih! for.from a furnace stack. The walls of the j

cave are composed df sulphate of limean-- ! pfesent opinions will anyconlrl l,e made out of It t'l.auc

The CieiJinu. rurrf tValx nvantinn. tbe oathhe accidental drowning of Mr. John

Dier, who wa- - kno-ke- overbuardby thegimng Ihe aail in a small yacht, inwhich be was sajuiiig pUasure,company with his two -- inters, anotlrer

n. .o.inus, ts., utui snipi-et- i(, .yew BmsT V T rTTT:


at on



spfcutators of Ills death.withou', being aUe to render assist-ance, none of the being able toswim.

The ASvertitcr says that corn is nowselling at eesrta per bushel in Ilastropcounty, and denveitd atspecie" we presume. Tbt stringenthue the coming crop, the

has reports . u tt,i'iaoii andBell counties, ihe farming r. ipects are

encocragiBir, with exception ofwheat, Wbicb will yield probablyBrrore than half 3 crop, owing to frequentheavy rains that have fallen iu thoseretrrciis.... , jusictaitu, uuJ h

I l prevaUed Febru- -

Dallas II, of thel,e is, vprvey, tlm at: ,arm ' ,. action his





The attained wheataiauy instances, aud aoaje farmers

think make seed.generally case, however. There

wellsever.- passed

portion county

..T...... .'"etwelve miles

Dallas, very tive,tirely ruining wheat crop

breaking ueariy everyglass north hooe.

represented averagingwitlnnt. beat through roof

voted The,':ily resilient fnrira





The Brai Strpui' learnslleini, that

Nh ootfou highly prouiis

The RrgitUr l!th saysthat freedmeu's church that

colored worship(ers andiajared number seriously. Thebouse oue,

built themselves.

out was .,, auout uroltiil Tins...i.iisi. Eagme company No. Macon,

May, contemolate visit SivannahTinirsday last ins't.eighty-on- e old, mi Wed F.rpr syn that

uimself tkrougl tue rape was attempted that lastwith ha oaao and da-- girl nine






j., 4farmer











arrivedthe was







a tractSoi

Incouut and



assertedhad a
















years old,

sixty cents, mbeen

for Auver


hs the

will This isnot theI

had n too much rain for corn asA tiiri storm

over a of Dallas a fewAt Mr. D

of it wsa der.tru. enthe of Mr. K,

aiil tint pa Up ofon the We trf

bail is us sizeof a ft the of

w ,MJl , i , mi in a "oiooo uato the the f'

st i

parts of "ortnod corn are

ing.Waco of the

the iu ciiyin upon the

a of themwas a new the freed

men had

in one nay iwas in the j of

iu to on theOn Mr.

years aHa upon







to , ,






Tbethe of






we of








of be



cro. ria?liu








uerr ant!

young Iretdiuau aboutgrown.

Atbeas correspondent of theLoyil Ot urgiau says that "a grand andenthusiastic mass meeting " was held inthat place on tbe 28th.

Val.losta .Sbwf h Georgia Times isgratified to report favcrabiy on th grow --

Ing crt-ps- Curu is saiaJI, but looks re--tnarHkawy green andlooks well, and, altogether, npitious season is remembered

Cot tomore pro- -

The CartersvilM gSprens of the 31st,-- ays tlejit the wheat harvest in that sec-tion is rapidly approaching, ami thatthere was an immense area of land sowndown, aud that the crop from all accountbids fair t.. be foil one. Preparations

' are now being made tar e:ivii:g it.A oortespon Jenl of" the Macon Tefe- -

graph, writing from Johnson county.Stay Sttst, says the crapa ere in con-- IdUton. 1 reednien, in th rfiAia, areworklBgwefl. All areplTttingnftlefentcorn to answer plantation purposes.

A planter of tjnmter county has laidj on the table of the A merieus Pi publican

a staiK twenty-tnre- e lucbes Inlength, which he says is a sample of afour hundred acre field. Both cottonand corn are represented to be in excel-lent condition.

puhiisbed swamp

growingMaysville county

stone structure, called Castle Hudson, forAcustomlotuse and isrstornce.

Tbe ' otuin gives the following par-agraph ou politics: We publish to-d-

the returns of ttut late election for con-gressmen in Kentucky, given from tbeoffice of tbe secretary of state. It willhe seen that Young's majority over

in this is 147K. This is cor-rect, tUoiiL'h the Louisville papersit Uov. Helm aud the state ticketwill, in August, carry the election by

majority at least.By the same paper we that

negroes were baptized atoi. ouuuay last, iuere was anioiouu gathering of tbe negro

tion tne surrounding country on theoccasion.

The Itussellville thatthe farmers In that section complain thatthe wheat hxs Leeu retarded iu its growthand injured by the fly ; that thecut worm has injured the corn, and thefly or bug has seriously damaged the to-bacco plauts, aud that unless there isuioie favorable weather these willturn out badly.

Kenatoii Wilson, in his speech atllinrtsvilie, A.a, said his audience:

Th" republican party never lied to youof tbe south." What party passed theCrittenden resolutions in IH61 ? What

repeatedly declared that the objectof the war was simply to preserve theuniao f What party proposed tbo pend-in-g

constitutional amendment asQuality, and then refused consider itas eueh ? party said tbe accep-tance of the reconstruction bills by thes..iith would entitle ber to admission,aud .through its party congressionalcommittee afterwards said other termswould be req u i red ? 'CMra-g- Thaet.

St. Paul Pre promises fifteenmillion -i of wheat from Minnesotathis season. It suvs the area of land put

ditiou with toe double object ol reveng- - wheat this vear is aiocfe greater loanhim and the Pver in ! even in frontier settle-H- e

rseaid to have succeeded in obtaining meuts where the scarcity of seed pre12X) recruits, wbooi he) has armed i voita, mora town toWiuoheater ctviWao. wheat lUau last ear.

WASHINGTON loikBipoinMrr.WaSHise-eo!!- , Jane 1, tatT.

The city is tn quite a ferment over theapproaching municipal election. Bothparties are manifesting immense zeal.The blacks their share of the busi-ness hugely. They parade attendthe political meetings very assiduously.A friend tells me he saw an old coloredgentleman reading something in a Tittlestore where we want; on Inquiry, (lad-ing it was the constitution which Pres-ident Johnson so freely distributed to tnepeople, according to l'etroleum .Nannv,last summer la bis western trip. My

said: "Old man, what are youreading that lor : don't no bodypays any attention to that now 2" Tbecolored mveraign replied: ''Oh, it is theconstitution. country notget on without the constitution, for theconsrresa had to meet here to do as theypJene,

Gen. Thomas has been given carteblancte to manage matters iu Tennesseeas be thinks bast. He baa been inconstantconsultation with the secretary of warand the president. There great appre-hension here that there may be trouMpthere, but the administration are essne- -cially anxious for matters to go on

there. It is feared that dis-turbances there may operate injuriouslyon the general question of reconstruc-tion.

It is conceded now that there will beno actual session of congress at the timeto which tbe congress adjourned. Alittle- - baud of the most radical radicalsare disappointed, but the is y

cordially aequieaced in. With thefailure to have an extra session, the

qusssfion practically falls tothe ground.

The judiciary committee have beencalling witnesses before them to inquireinto tbe application fer permission, toMr. Breckinridge to return. But thereis nothing for them to find oat of anyconsequence. president was ap--pueti to, to give some assurance wuicnwould warrant Breckinridge's return,which application Mr. Greeley indorsed.The president replied bo would not in-

terfere with Breckiuridge if be probable, therefore, Mr. Breckin

ridge will long turn his stepsnomewara.

It is believed here that our govern-ment has been using its influence withthe Spanish government for the aboli-tion of slavery in the Spanish colonies,

there is reason to believe thatwill be taken in this direction.

Tbe state department are very anxiou-fo- rthe Juarez government to spare the

life of Maximilian, but the impression isthat he will not. indeed, tbe impressionU that he cannot. The Mexican qaes-tio- n

will be brought prominently for-ward, it said, in the next congress witha view of laying down the policy of theI'nited States in reference to a protecto-rate, eto.

government are determined torush their vigorously against theAmerican members of the firm of Fraser,Trenholm 4 Co. The creditors baveoffered to compromise at seventy fivecents on the dollar, but this governmentsuit, it is thought, win prevent

and force the house into thecourt of bankruptcy. Tbe embarrass-ments of the house have been caused by-- pectilatine lu cotton. It Is said the bousehas gone on in the most reckless way.I have seen persons from Charleston whosay the stoppage of the house has beenforeseen for months, and fcr some timetheir notes could be purchased at a great

What a atrauge passion man hasf r money, though the members of thisbouse had millions of wealth, yet theymust put all to hazard to add somethingmore to their vast possessions.

The president goes very quietly to Ral-eigh. None of the cabinet, it is said, areto accompany him.

Inquiries are made here from the southby persons who are willing to accept thenew order of thing), and come to ooa-res- s,

but eanaot exactly take tbe Iron-clad oath, whether in consideration of

untold quantities .rf planter Paris t"4r there




e IOI men w. isii-ii- lil vr it nou I ISSI UKThe answer tt) their inquiries

is. that it is utterly useless for anv one to I

- - Kn .. f ; 1.ic toe oi i.n unr isa I. a- Ij

tor or reprei-- tan, e sun cannot taaetbe oath. The conservatives here are

j very much in hopes that the south willnot interpose any unnecessary obstacleslo representation by flying- in thefkee oflbe existing law aud giving an excusefor rejection. The south haveweieht enough to carry any how withouttaking on any unoet-ersarily- .

I here are ai r rehensions ofI insiun ne uay 01 eiecnon,

i.rusoect Is I lue n,"t regulations haveSt. . t .. .. , i, 1. .. ..r ,1


they not











uot.eoeu ioi mr uiteviriu oi uie J.IIM-V-,

with a view of prompt repression.

i. a tb rasa wamiWashiniitiin, Jane 3. Neither Gen.

(! rant's .heatluarters nor tbe state de-partment :cceeded in obtainingany cotmrmatory intelligence of therumor of Maximilian's execution.

Kx-Ma- Withers, of Mobile, is herewailing the return of Attorney -- t General6tanbery aud the president, for finalaction on the (lueerion of restoring 'roit tie mayoralty ot mat ciiy. ir tbe civilauthorities are reinstated there, the orderwill also provide for revoking the sup-- ipres-do- of tbe radical paper.

Washington City nas pass-M- i quietiythrongh an important lia-a- event to- isin its mMnicipal election under the

lays suae. the lurm of J no. u'f" . cuoreuKlnvd, some ten or north ' c

. a? ,u

hi. Tiie

t;. .. .. .i

ra Q













', ' IW. V HID .."II- II t.I K". OJne eiecteti. ine i.ites votedwere tux ctJiectors and city council

(Jen. Hcotield arrived in town tbismi ruing from Richmond and aconsultation with lien. Grant duringsiwi ol . i . , i . , . atri-in- iz

uuder a recent order wbicb the forr-ha- s, issued reararding the miiitaryguverament in Virginia. It, is stated

. ll.s! Iia BJikil for morn ofrii'eru tn u. ,1irois of blaa iu the snftircnisnt nt rh r. .

airtit-tio- act. Tbe work of preparinglue registration alone bas been very

.great.The bouse judiciary committee tn-d-

etaaej the tmieaehment investigationwbieb they ccnamenced under an orderof tbe bouse, and in pursuance of chargesmade by Kepresentative Ashley, of Ohio,in January last. After taking nearly

I AUK) pages of printed evidence during ascssiuu covering live months, tbe oom-- I

luittee proceeded to vote on the report itsiiouid make to the house. Tbewas as follows : On the question, Diesthe evidence warrant the committee inreporting articles of impeachment ?"The aflirmative votes were Messrs.well, Thomas, Lawrence and WUliains.The negative were Messrs. WUssss, chair-man, Woodhridge, Churchill, Eldridgeand MMsAiaU. on lbs eamaoittee decidednot report in 1'avor of iiupeachmeat.

A resolution of censure waa then pre-sented to the eJfeut that tbe evidenceiinsluced before the committee, of theollRial and oilier acu oi rresnienr, Andrew Johnson, demonstrates mat be isuuworthy of the ouoiidenoe and resptH-- t

of the American people. Tbja wasagreed to a follows :

Yeas Messrs. Wilson, (chairman... .ivio... Boutwell. ! iioriia.--, Weod-bridg-

Willis and Lawrence all repub-licans.

Nays Messrs. Eldridge and Mar-

shall both democrats.Tbe committee agreed to make tbe

above facts public, and then adjournedto the 86th of June, they will pro-ceed to consider the question of " a re-

publican government in Maryland,''wbfch was referred to them for investi-gation, and report bj the house.

SiSSOl Ilk..A company for protection sgainst

horse thieves bos been organized in St.Charles county.

kfatci'KV lieMis. Wortn county court nas orderedThe UnUetin, at Maysvllle, thesaleof the lands of the county,the crops and the democratic party ' to take place o tbe third Monday ia

iu Kentucky are finely. i July.l liey are uuildiug at a The 1'utnam court nas appro- -


He-Ke- e



learnthirty-on- e Ricb- -


Ilt.rald states

and rust





jning property,

With lour times bkaai


friendyou know





and steps














priated money for making a surveythrough tbe county, east and weat, bythe Missouri and Mississippi air line rail-

road.Some St. Louisans are making pre-

parations to build an eirperlenenfal fur-

nace in Potosi, for the smelting of argea-tifero-

galena, lead, copper, zinc, etc.The editor of the Osage Chronicle haa

beeu presented with a dozen ben's eggsthat weigh two pounds ami six ounces.The species of chicken that producedthem is called the "golden pheasant."

The night freight train east, on theHannibal and St. Joseph railroad, ranover a horse on Huuday morning, throw-ing tbe engine and two can off the track.The engineer and fireman were slightlyinjured. The engine is said to be com-pletely wrecked. Damage, about fivethousand dollars.

Tbe Franklin county Ohervtr re-

cord a shooting affray that lately earns?off in that town between a cot stable anda Justice of tbe peace, and concludes thatthe soft piping notes of tbe pistol are be-

coming too frequent there for nervouspeople.

la the hemp hackling establishmentof Messrs. W I no or, tweuiy-tiv- e of tbemen struck for higher wages last Mon-

day. Tbe strike, like all others, didn'tpay, however, aad after remaining Idlefor two days, they went to work again atthe old rates.

The vigilance committee of Jobnsoacounty are striking terror to the horsethieves. They have already bung threeand are close upon the track of someothers,

The editor of tbe Loyal Muuounan hasbeen te St. Louis and seen the " gorgeoussriectacolar. " He lefts his readers : "Theproprietor incurred heavy expense iacompleting the scenery ,and consequentlyhad to cat tbe girk' dresses ratherahort."

Tbe Chicago Fhut says that businesswas uevar more actios in that city Ulannow.

An exchange asserts that the soldierson duty in Mobile bave already begun teshoot down uaoffendiflg darkies.



Mo.vtoomkky. Ala.. Jon h. Amixed convention of republicans assemMed yesterday. Judge Smith, whiteman, was elected president, and tbedarkies received half the remaiaiogoffices. Geo. Swayne, Got. Pat I on andothers were present. The motion to In-vite Judge Bus teed was violently opposedby the negroes

Mobua June 5 Pope has removedine board of aldermen and rammoucouncil, treasurer of board and tax col 'lector, of Mobile.

Washishtom, June J. j

Humor, the newly appointed governor,f Louisiana, is here practicing la,and it is said lie has declined the posi-

tion.The at torney reneral annrmnces, in i

reply to numerous letters from the south, i

that the sunnlementarv ouinion will boIssued in time for the convenience ofpeople.


Tbe various statements relative to thehostile attitude of the Indiana in thenorthwest have received additional offi-cial confirmation.

The monfhly report of the statisticalbureau for May shows the imports, forthe f.itw months ending April 8th. to be$132327.817, and fur ten months in thefiscal year, $344,2564.-i- . The dom-ti- ceTrrKirbTfor monsy. rl3,)y,77o, and forten soontha t.,fm,m, including $17rl.-oa-

oi i r - . . r- - . ....i ovuuti. .capons or rorein

riv uwiu ue lot lout uiuutiui, 4p 1 00,151,and for ten months, $16 208,045.

A Washington special says the actionin removing (Jov. Wei!-- , of

Louisiana, so promptly ok ho heels of j

..... j a .jcuiaii'. nit reasons . orremoving the board of levee commis-sioners, attracts very lively commentbete. Friends of tbe president assertuiai it is an insult to nim. ami renderscertain the speedy removal of Sheridan,and the reversal of all his actions.

The statement of the secretary of thetreasury for May will show a very largecurrency aud considerable re-duction in the public debt.

It is generally conceded In Richmondtint Gm. .S-- field's order, No. 34, ig-nores Slanbery's opinion of tbe recon-structio- u

laws. It adheres to the schemeof the challengers, disputes applicationsto register, and requires the boards todecide for theadmiasion or rejection afteran examination, application and hearingof witnesses.

Paris, June 4. It is understood theresult of the meeting between the Em-peror Napoleon and theozar of Russia, is,mat iney nave agreed upon a plan forthe settlement of the Cretan ditHcufy.which will tie proposed to the other greatEuropean powers, and wbich it is hopedwill be adopted by thean aud urged Uponthe sultan with united influence.

Beklix, June 4. The king of Pru-s'a- ,

accompanied by fount Rismark, left forParts tli is afternoon on a promised visit I

tn Napoleon and the French exposition, f




IM Main Street, Corner of

Stm of Big Coffee Pot, Memphis, Tenn.




m esaas


Wholesale and Retail Dealer tn

Stoves, (.rates, Hollow Ware,CUTLERY, HARDWARE,

TINNER'S STOCK,Cmul (hi. Lamp., Etc, Etr.,

Manufacturer of

Tin, Copper and bbeeMren Work.RilOfUffl AWti nxfjTrti; on short noUce,

and ai the LuWEIf CASH PRICBB.

Particular attention Is called to ra

Coal Cook StoveThe

Bet Coal rook Stove In America,And ihe n " Charter"



Water Coolers," IceBoxes, Bird Cages, Dog

Muzzles, PatentIce Cream Freeaora, Ktc. Ste., Etc


Joan V. PKS18. H. A.


Ray, Corn. Oats, Flour.Lime. Cement, PImalar.Western Protlnce.

ia 41 soutn Sltie Conn stjuare.myil lm





Lumber, Lumber!

contract to mrnish VKIO to 400.001)Material

Aran, oOU'to l.uU Eeet Pressed Flooring.Ail the aoove oi tne tei leuow cine.Addreas J. A. WKKJS A iO., Burasvllle,


Ho. lai Mala street.my4 lm Memphis, Tenn,

Trust Sale.VJOTTCE la hereby given that la afrorrIanre

with the proviatuna and direct toos of adetjd ajo Lraat executetl and delivered t uae onthe 11th day July. 1S06, by Ii.tlt4i,.-- Ii-- Hawlev whifh deed tfl of record !n the IWcortler'ithee or (,'r uendea eoanty, ATkaaama.) aixl Tor

tbf payfiaent of ivhe DUav tharetn dawcrioad, I

will, ouSaturday, the 13th Say of July, IMP,at Lire door of tb Olerfca otfloe, rn the lown ofMarion. CrUeoden t, J)U.y, .VfjattMiMAof, to!t he hlith-i- t bidder, fofauh In hand, the M-- .

;u drr1hed real estate, attnatt In Crnten-ciaa- e

uuty.Arki.anKa., sod Known as that part t

of the (intiit ortuinally owawl by the(.ramlfp Kstate. convey ed bv William .). D,fpMiu t Ooortfe W. L'uderii li artl iaas-- - Hur- -

: The south part 0 the Houtii went quarterof aaetion twenty-foo- r 4) coaveyed In Kara.lets, the east half ot section Lhirtyalxand tbe aootheaat qnarte.- - of --action thirty- -

Ave .;ii, ail ia township eva 7i. north of tbebane l'ne of range eight (a), east of the 5th prlncintl naarldaaTJ.

Tbe title to this property Is believed to herertect'y good, bat I shall convey only atXruBtoe.Prt of this land comprises one oftbeflueat

piantauona oa tta Military K- ad. with iiuuourie, s"abiDS,ets., being the pUotation icnownaa the Brown rlar near Marlon, Ark.

nay3L trt- - B-- C BBO WN, Truase.



Tobacco, Etc Etc.,Io, m Front

I'll TillAlways hand, a larje supply

Old Bourbon and Bye Whiskies.Also, Celebrated



A oi all unastreet, Mem


M IB 18,

on of

M tay- -




JlMla ILK tit, -

W.f.WOUB, - --

I. 8. rAisXtWwftTIa,


NATIONAL BANKor mb mphis. TsmrassEs.

T kHWIiSfATrTD A Tf) FltAK- -1 'paid in. Poi'jWO. Aumorixxi Car.iial. HJi5.uSi..Collertlooa made In ttiealty, and et asl aeaass-slhl- e

point, ua the panctaaliynn tbe day of payment, at esrrsut rates

of sassierW H-- : :A.T. LAC K Y. : Vice Hroaodnr.J.J. KKRRMAN, : : :

tintarrets Amos W. A. tlsaslwyn, Capt. f. a. Ohorch. H. A. Partae. R.Moajh, K. A. J. While, H. T.

lohu L. Taylor. Jaa. Thoa.R Smith. A. T. Icey, W. H. Cherry myB "


50. 1 A01M8 JO. !.GVonoral Banls.lng


American and


0. PAXIK, -YHAi) WtKSSaa,



OF MEMPHIS,Depositor and A?ent

XJialtoca. States.T. 8. DAVIS, - --



WM tliVIK,r. h. D tTis,DAN ABI.R.i. HOWM.R.C BKfVrTf.EY.s. B. BEil,

myfl if

22 2

.r. j. -

F. M. - - -


























Of S a T A. Nelson, of Co.J St. FRsNK, P M. CASH

T. so.t.i - ....... tooyer A Ce.

HISIlo any ai

prep, red receive


SAVINGS INSTITUTION,baccessor to Ugdea, To bey Co.,

Jt-1-6 JeffertM fitreet, nnpK Ten.8. HTOBET, t. E. C. KIRK.'pRANSACTS s tienera; Bar.klruf Boslaeaa,

Rairtaea Depes anodealsin UeM, Silver,aJtchana,aoveiuaaiii awcnriueaaiul Cacur- - ranltalrent Mrneymr coiiecuon prompi.y attrnJed In.





Banklns fione Madron SL

has j- u u.a.iuupast ten yean, continues transact a


Will Receive Lepaiu, and tsei'Korign A AAoinoitir Exrhange,

atsjd rrnmal M nejELLiS euma salt pnrchaaers,

and all leadlna the United j

3UUa. and will make collections nil access!- -

bleplaeeaia thertorth and West,a X. AVar, (asfeier.

JOS "4 C. LAJIXK, rrcsldeat.


"All A3

j. j. :

ar. k -: I

HI,a. iniiiN.

'BT. H.






sSoM. Stiver



393 Main Street.C0103XA,

MAans aairriy,JBjrr,





it r.


. Asa't


C P. .",ubi. w rjHon.

J. M.A.

(i. '1. Falls

J. :yu:

ts tv--


Pris ash.



K C.

HIn !8Sf,

. . .or L.1C


in toon cities of



JAira Ma'i

j. r.




















J. i.

Collection. matle on all accessible-point-

in the Southwest.

Kit baase for sale na ariactaal rrtlaaof Lai ted elite aad oa alt acta.

rlpai ciliea or tarupe.

mrnwi Bik ..F te.wlvxee,I

MEMPHIS.J. W. rAfil, Jr., : : Prcaldeat.H. I. SARTI. :::::: Casalar.


ttred :SBtcham



Cutn, Uncurrent

CoI.cctloBS from all point Solicited.spm M






XSiNo. 15J Hon




N ae ordanee with an Act of the Leclalatnreoi Xanaeaaee. paeeed Ueoeniber Utli. osib. en

an act "To expedite ihe distribution orine efecta of canaa, which bave or may maite

amans their notice11. letiy K.veu 10 ine holders of the notes of The

"nans or Tenntsee to them w Jthme undersiaced. at the Liana in oashsine. between now an the Ural day of January,eorhteen liandred and sixty-nin- lliaaH, and re-ceive certiacaiee therefor, or they will be for-ever from any parucipatioti in the assetsof the Banit. The certincatee will be receive,!AT Pan in payment of debts fine the Bankwhether tendered be oreor after tbe let of Jan-uary, ittw. IX W HA V Eft,

aei ni Trustee.

Forwarding Merchants, LAWIINCM 4 S J 0 H

Wholesale Dealers la Vo. V jVeW Xew York.Imported Domestic We oner our aiiileea tor the

WINES, LIQUORS, SEGA RSI Purchase or Sale Sleeks.


too,railway securities

Oniy on '"mmattrl-r- i. mtTr' agaaaatral

Banking Brokerage Basingon the moat S terms. :nuJ4f

jrioicE.TES creditors of the estate of S. a. Malorse--

are hereby notified mat I have stunaaatedthe Insolvency of said estate to Ciera of lbsB, O - L) jHl 1 "umiytsiamaUla of stud eausto

""""-- rare uoliflee

ennesaee.u, and



tueiT ciaimHs, uuij tyiininmonths rratn uaie atn,filed in - of the

to, rayfliat I anril 1st. iS7.









will be



West Tennessee, Mississippiand Arkansas.

1 1 AVIUM accentedai the ST. LoCfS MtSSStS I UMCAV T. I WOOM reaBeetrol.y t.athe at ten ion of roy old end n thai iaatuut on as a aar, certain and reliable naCstlaaltbroucn wbsah they may aeeore their lawtl'snacainensani lq me event of death, orahens-seiye- e

from aa hs : poy ed old asss caseot

Mr. ! . OTIS) ta aasorlared srtlh m-- and aouice i. at .o. taaoi on street,

ro ta Ho., a .:,ere sse wm mparariy needed lniurmatlon to ihfae de- -

aantitaa J H. McMAstOJI- -



Marinelasnraaee C

maw Tout.

SeMMiHly IOf NaV.V VOttK.


EaiterprisM Insnranrrs ompasiyor CISCISSATL

Assam .. - -- ..tlJMBj.s0

Putnam Insurance f ouip;tiiyOT BARTr-OP.D-


Caah Capital eWJJK)

THE well ostaMeshed innraMoa of LbL Compax.lee for pr.tniot aud hoour-thl-

and their large iiih Aaaesa, eoranneadlo tbe areas asasalerty R .lders who desire re iaole f

W r.nni.ncanles but lltoae duly aothonaed by nlale and.1 laws. Alt loesea at.; i. ted and paid that

Lindser k Vradenhnrat.Oeneral rnsnranee Agent.. Sn. II MAdiaon

street aa staira,. Mempnia. Temo- - apas




OtS , 273 I-- root Street.BBTWEKSf AUD MADflSON.



myj daw









Office No. 20 Madison in PeSotoBank Balldinsx.


Ar. now prepared to take Fire andRisk.

organised on the 3th :aat as ru Hosts



..BW.TK,JuiLN OViiRro's, Ja--

OFFICERS :W. R. 8REELtW, - - rre.!dntJAM US IIBIK, - - Vlce-P- rr !drau

j B. r. IRAB, Serreury.mhn :lm

Owen, Moore & West,A OK NTS FOR THK

Georgia Home Insurance Compan?,Oaf Oolumbna, Oa.

task Capital and Surplus, - at : 61

State InsTirance Company,Of No-- h . . Tenn.

Life lompanj.Of Conn.

AstrttaArer II.'N.W.

J too want vonr Life or Property Insnred,A chu an-- t see rr.e men-- we




Mfliv North-wes- i'.,rr... M u

This IusUtutlon, oraan:ied taaB stteeta, Tenn.




Strut Cotr.TAKEN' IT. onedn- - COW

Oi-o- lo my lot latwill puasc prova proptrtjtaJr awmy. O.

uj,y IH Uw iw


KriLlr-4lMlt- .hf

to trt Lt--

fmoi MP'JB av.






rm.m- -




Purchase of Lots.Houm:


NO GIFT ENTESPRISEanj other indie

alsSOlRI kAV likl STATZ AIDBAYA-I-A LtfTfKaiab.


pHKY are drs

must aCo lector as

prfBeeaie. I. e r-- s





:nli7 :u:

now open

ctarner Ijn iena.m.,


Or S


LN C. S.



CTiartent aKuRTY VKA d

with U.

pnbMc by sworn

Must be drawn if tickets are sold or not,

PRIZES ALL GASH.Tawra at two States Drawtngn each day, axsa)

iviiiis acli moots.Draw Id c csvn be seen two hours aftr ptar-ch-- a

of t ttis? T1cktH are

Pnaua pM day f parfnavo.Tick- b 91 to $Jb acts nliuK toYt zra 5 to fin HJ, to Rcbem- -.Prtalpal Aawnt, W. VaN OAT. Ko.

Ji Ntnwt.



W T.hue M

Dissolution.arm of ORIUBY. EVANS! A JOWNSONthlail.y dlsaolved hy mum.: coaaenl.irinsby retirintr, Elthe-- memter of the

i antrieriaed to receive and reeei-

w t. i;Rlt;BTW. aVajStt.

St iOHNS'is-- .

The tXiTTwill re com


May V. ISmy 3w


W. B.




of anlto


are deeoa





8. at. J.TH.vwrysr.

1 rustee's Sale.trto of a dsBBd af irriat to me evensiteftBY Ciaarlea yfauiaaaita.sAi oa JUttx oay

ot ftgptAWuber, and duly reroruVd. at thmIn ii office ,i -








iaBt-'cor- Book No. .i7, part teooad. rases. jtm an i 3.0. itesuoer tv. mr pwrpane

tOnifr aaSKOIl aHfl 93Ut SXTCCta., axmui aaoteforuieaom of Maty-tw- o mm.and Thrrty-tsr- o IXiIlars om. owed byu Joan b Leech. by aatastrny to- -


Bli TmitSSIl, BiMM auli Strt9et


creditors," is







the--TT- or"'"JtiJliN creditor












veated in me to me pruoettr teme In aid irnat deed. I will, on lMh day ofJane, sei:, on premises, a: taa--

:owtaD.I Cicity of Me

best bidprorerty

tUated.nphia. Saelby

ieeicnaiedaad of the city of Mtj

was- -





Us- -



theUie lUo

ler. for i :nh. the fol- -l



rtatn txaei

three hundred aad aeventy-ooefN- 01), aadboonded as foiiown, Begin u . r. k? on theQorthetutt comer ora lot oa tne Ninth aideJerJejaou street, known aa (ieorg CroaweiTi,

fleet wpwi ward y irom the tnter-etulcj- ofJerTerson and Third utie-1- tMoeeaast warvllywiLh tbe rvonta side of JeCbrson street ft toits term mation aad tnrcrxavUon with Thirdstreet; thence south wanlly with the west aide

Ihenoo uorr.wi'lly wit:, tbe -- ae ule ofalley feet to the sooui bonndaiy liLeof theaaid Cromwell tot; thenc asiwsrdiy withsaid sJioiuvailAsoUhh Uraadmry i;nc vsjS hito tbe southeast corner of tbe seJd .'rom well'slot; in nee nonnwaruiy wiui trie east BeaaWslary line of the said Cromwell lot llJ feat tothe besrinnJng. together lth all rhe pnvllegeaand appurtati snot herenato bettgygiog.

The title In believed to be good, but, 1 sell onlvas iTustae the right nf redemptma waived

TBijS. uKhi if, : - -- eMemphis, May f, lT. mvf

Cbaini'ry Sale of Heal fetal?,Oi Tuesday, Jane 11, 1887.

No. 429 X. BV D -r- ssmnae Tate et al. vs. ivwlsSelby et al. Chancery Coart of Memphis.

TY virtue of an inioeitiry deree misls in' A F ir. .iu.w, a wui taoaJ, em iuuim suet i J, vj

the highest bidder, et the Courthouse door, tame eny oi Meoipnis, lenneasee, an

Tutjsday. June 11. 1867,between the hours of is a m. and U m. . thefoilowina deacrlbed real estate t: A car-ta:u lot ox anrcel ol aroond sitnste, lytns andbeing lu Hnelby county. Mtate of Tenntsnee,and ta the Ulh Civil Dtstrwt of said eonnlycontainutaelsbtaerea and lour Wen handretlthsof an acre, the iielng tne north part erlot No. 17 of eutxtixiaion . 7 M anown onthe plan of the suodivlsioii of ihe John

of five tliooaaatl aereaaasnNiiyideoov M. a. Kerr aud K. s. Todd. Lot No 17 uahosrn ou Ilncksrl map marked T. S Tate.

Ttnaas or sin-O- n a credit of alx and ftajarvamonths, notes with good ecnrlty. with inlerea'from d.y of sale, and lien retained til' nay'men l ol the porciiase money.

kqulty of redemption barred.L A. ALriTON , arz and Master.mylitds

Attachment Suit.Law Court of Memphis.V. B. tittaeon A Co., olalnunn. vs. J. H. Haynie4 Co., lefendao U.

FriTsAVTT for attachment haylnir beenaaftStf8 S1" re Pnrsuance of sectionTennessee, andhavint; been named sn.1 returned by theSropiotflcet " levied, etc," on the property of tnat

H. Haynie Co :

it la therefore ordered that said defendantappear at the Courthouse In the city of Mem-phia. Tenn., on or beJore the second Monday !nJune next, aud defend this anil, or the earn,will ae taken Mr lamruaaau as to them, and 1

this order be pobilahed once a week



--onaeeotlve weeks In the Memphis AppealAOssjfjr: JOHN DOXOVAi. Clerk.lieta 1 utnee, ay 4, igar

aam 1 ance xPLaluaa.


Attorneys forsstayilAwt-w-


TO THE TRADE.Iwor ijj caii tbe

laattention of MXRL U AJTTa

ALE AND LAGER BEES,Of my Superior Quality.

TT n mm lah at any part of the oripnt. Kree of saaste

Tlllllil llanswll siMMltA. mv

LIQUORS,onalstrneof pure

i.ile stock of UA R i


Third stree'.

X. H. E 'A. X,Importer and Wholesale Deawer la

iut id warn yuions,II XaartM SL, Beaaala, Teu

TT tn store and to amvam a

barrel, varlons75 moanerTM

Jj pipe. R., I



H.K: -- .


I a

JAItlRof PoetofSi

pipes CognacIteasse

Sherry and Pon Winsta- -. ra

Itreen seal and Pass:r Q ' D,.inoser . a

M do iaossetlers do




London Porter and SVoteb AlebU casks Perkrna A Col's Pcrtat- r-

W do Yennaea in stone :acsr ' Ales andT trter. Fr-n- -h

" H iiff?1!! to,t''r1"LZ a, H-- EVAJfS.

Mlfcnroe street.


WHOLESALELiquor Dealers,

2Si MAIN STREET : SSIMemphis, : : : Tennesse "


E. SIMPSON fc CO.,--Vo. 17 Dey Street,


Wholesale Dealers and Importers


CASH CUSTOMERSWUi and it crentij to their interest to aive as

call before J hailaa slat allmhSrf



Saddlery Ilardtrare,419 Street,

ST. LOUIS, : MO.0 FfiRl A C.,

jpinf. r on.














0I 0



srilsurDfLlfrry Emiiiing.










LYONS, FIES & CO,Wholesale and Retail




Asa Main .trees. MfACPBiS. . .HSI.

I ,J.















JAMES G. MOFPATT,317 Mala St.. Ssaih or I nlon,

importes orLadles' Dress and Cloak Trim-ming- a,

French and German Battens,Fancy Goods, Notions,Zephyr Worsted,Worsted Patterns,Real Laces, English Hosiery,Toys, French Corsets.

Agent the celebrated

Boulevard Hoop Shirts!rah Id :ni

NOTICE.THE creditor the eats, of

hereby nyttrted that I



me 01 --as: estate to tnCourt of Tip or. county. Ti iii.ntbe tors or said cerate are not in. 10 n.

their claims, dnly autbenUcattd. wuhin atraon Ilia from the usf hereof. or th.a notice wlbe In bar ot tnoanano

J B. rAN NlEL, Administrator.April 1st. MSB-- aoM tr

Xotice.T the Jane Term, l.ssr, of the Conn ty Coart

iTa. or anetos-- county, tenn .

Letters ofsiaraucl


TV tt




N NOTICE.W ave this

to Mr.JOH V

snsni the



- ":on on

8ILA8 P-

m23uHLHvl' tax

The bocks of J T.

fodad at the efBce ormi II sea oan ue made. Mr. u.W3lllr. Richard Waijen.lsaioitve and money '









f e Appleby

nsoivency ii.eCleraofCoor.ty




shall apply:ni.u tas


SebeUarI V



Hmto.1 sirs.will em

:he old stand We


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