the mentor part1

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  • 7/31/2019 The Mentor Part1


    The Mentor Part1



    There are not many people who come into your life and

    fundamentally change everything about it. Sure, there arepeople who might play a part in your life story, or who

    influence your beliefs and decisions. But it probably only

    happens once or twice in a lifetime where a personality

    pulls you into its slipstream, causing you to steer off course

    for a while before you can regain your bearings and find the

    road again. This is exactly what happened to me in the

    months I spent with Kent Manzini, the person who changed

    my life forever.

    The strange thing, looking back, is that I still havent come

    to any sort of fixed judgment about him. I know that when I

    relate this story you will think he is a bad character a

    greedy, opportunistic user and exploiter. But the more I

    think about it the more I realise that you can only judge

    someone in the context of their environment and their

    constitution. We dont condemn vultures for eating

    corpses. In other words, we do what we do to get bye. And

    maybe Kent is the perfect example. But let me tell you the

    story and you can judge for yourself.


    I dont have very clear memory of the first time I met him.

    We were introduced one night at a place in town where all

    the yuppies, politicians, business types and entrepreneurs

    gathered to network and get drunk. It was one of those

    pretentious places where the drinks were criminally

    overpriced simply because of the types of people who

    frequented the place. It wasnt a place I had ever been to

    before I didnt fit in at all and I couldnt really afford theprices. But on that night Thami, an old university friend of

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    mine, convinced me to join him so we could catch up and

    talk about old times, maybe chat up a few women.

    It took me less than an hour to get sick of the place, eventhough Thami was buying our rounds. He was completely in

    his element in these surroundings. He dropped out of his

    studies after a year to open a small event planning

    business. Before long he was winning big contracts and he

    used places like this for access to people who could arrange

    more work for him. His real reason for coming to here was

    obviously to work the room, not to drink or chat.

    I stood out like a sore thumb. Everyone else came dressed

    to the nines in jackets and ties while I huddled in the corner

    in my usual faded jeans and tracksuit top. What really got

    to me, though, was that Thami knew half the room and

    kept darting off to talk with everyone at different tables. I

    was left to drink by myself, like an outcast. I cursed myself

    for not coming in my own car.

    By the time Kent and his entourage joined our table I was

    well on the way to passing out. I dont recall if they were

    invited over or if they just gradually invaded our space.

    What I do remember is how we traded barbs from the word

    go. He must have singled me out as someone to pick on

    because of the way I was dressed. Or maybe it was because

    everyone could see that I had already partied a bit too

    much that evening and was the worse for wear. I remember

    him sticking a hand out at me and saying:

    My name is Kent Manzini, how are you my brother?

    The men around him started to chuckle, obviously amused

    by the sight of this grey-suited, well groomed king of the

    universe being condescending towards a poor drunk punk. I

    mumbled something in reply and shook his hand.

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    I didnt catch your name, he prompted.

    Molefe Duiker, I slurred back over the music.

    Duiker! What kind of a name is that for an African?

    By now everyone at the table was in stitches.

    Its more African than Kent. Were you conceived there, or

    did your mother name you after the cigarette? I replied,

    and it came out more aggressive than I meant it to. At least

    it had the effect of wiping the smiles off all their faces.

    Judging by the way the atmosphere in the room seemed todrop, I fully expected him to take offense and attack me.

    Instead he smiled and patted me on the back.

    I like this guy, he announced to the room. Hes got a big

    heart. What did you say your name was, again?


    Well call you Molly, then. Waiter, please bring anotherdrink for my friend Molly.

    The rest of the evening was a blur. I know we went on

    drinking until the early hours of the next morning, but I

    dont remember much about whom I spoke to and what I

    said. I woke up the next morning feeling like a zombie. The

    first thing I noticed was a text message from Thami, telling

    me that Kent was interested in meeting with me. He gaveme his number and email address. Apparently he wanted to

    talk business.


    I went to work at the call centre as usual the next morning.

    I was so used to working hung over that it felt more naturalthan arriving at work sober. But I was too distracted to be

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    productive that day. I went through the motions of trying to

    sell life insurance over the phone, all the while counting

    down the hours and minutes to the end of the working day.

    I didnt know too much about this Kent Manzini character,

    but from what I could gather he was a good person to


    After work I phoned Thami, trying to get more information.

    Apparently Manzini was a big operator on the local business

    scene. He was only in his 30s but was already a millionaire

    who owned many businesses. He had an MBA from a

    university in the United States and was also an ordained

    preacher and respected motivational speaker. Everyone

    who was anyone knew him, and it was rumoured that he

    was the biggest funder of one of the most prominent up-

    and-coming ruling party politicians. All of this was

    impressive, but what I still couldnt understand was why a

    guy like this wanted to meet with me. I told Thami that I

    was sceptical about his motives.

    What do you have to lose? he asked. Its not every day a

    millionaire takes an interest in you. It might lead to

    something big, you never know. Or are you happy with

    working in that call centre the rest of your life?

    The meeting was arranged for later that week. I got paid a

    basic per hour and a small percentage of every policy I sold,

    so there was no problem with me taking an afternoon off. I

    was given the address of an office park close to the Sandton

    CBD. I parked my car in the underground lot and checked

    my appearance in the mirror. I hoped that I was dressed

    appropriately. I wasnt sure if what was about to happen

    constituted a job interview, or just a casual chat. I had

    decided to err on the side of caution and go in my only suit.

    The trousers were slightly lighter than the jacket because Iwore them more often, but it still looked quite respectable.

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    The building complex was one of those new age office parks

    where the offices and conference rooms were cordoned off

    into different blocks and were separated by gardens and

    water features. I reported to reception and was given a

    small map giving directions to Mr Manzinis office. I had to

    walk through a zen garden and over the bridge of a koi

    pond. The place was strangely deserted. Usually an office

    block in the middle of the afternoon is a hub of activity. This

    place, in contrast, was completely uninhabited. Or rather,

    the people that were there were not visible. They were

    hidden away in the nooks and crannies, enjoying theirprivacy.

    I got to the correct block, which was called Orchid and

    decorated with large colour prints of the flower. Manzini

    was just outside the door of the building, chewing on a mint

    that he had just taken out of the packet. His clean-shaven

    skull gleamed as it reflected the spring sunshine.

    Hey, Molly! Im happy you made it. With a practiced

    motion he flicked the mints wrapper into the pristine koi

    pond. I pretended not to notice, but I couldnt help thinking

    that the person responsible for keeping the fish alive

    wouldnt be too happy if he saw that. Manzini escorted me

    into the tiny foyer. We poured coffee from the filter

    machine and took our mugs into the glass-partitioned office

    containing his desk, suitcase and laptop.

    Once inside the building I noticed more signs of activity

    than were evident outside. I could hear people in other

    rooms, typing and talking on the telephone. The drone of

    the air conditioning system made it difficult for me to make

    out exactly what they were saying. Manzini himself seemed

    strangely aloof from all this chaos. He shut the door,

    immediately blocking out the noise, and settled down intohis chair after directing to me mine. We drank our coffees

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    for a while and he seemed to be reading his email in

    between sips. After a few minutes of this he squeezed the

    bridge of his nose with his forefinger and thumb, sighed

    softly, and then got down to business.

    The reason I asked you to come is because of what

    happened the other night, he began.

    What about the other night?

    The way you spoke to me in front of everyone...

    Look, I didnt mean anything by it. I was drunk and it justcame out, I explained.

    No, dont apologise, he said. I like the way you stood your

    ground. I like people with a backbone. All those other

    people I consider leeches. They go out with me just to be

    seen with someone important. Ive decided that I need

    more people like you surrounding me.

    Do you mean socially?

    No, not just socially. Im someone who believes that you

    cant completely separate social and professional life. My

    personal brand encompasses everything I do and say.

    So what exactly do you want from me?

    Im sure youve heard my story. Im a busy man with lots of

    different interests and projects. I need what you might call

    an Executive Assistant.

    You want me to be your secretary?

    No, no! I dont want to dictate letters to you or ask you to

    bring in the tea. I can use anyone for those tasks. But I do

    need someone strong to plan my engagements, my travel

    arrangements, those types of thing. Ive been doing most of

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    that myself, and I think its time for me to delegate in that


    You know I dont have any experience in that type ofthing? I said.

    Yes, your friend has told me some of your background.

    Apparently you have a qualification in science but you sell

    life insurance?

    I did have a science degree, but a couple of years as an

    intern at a government laboratory had killed any

    enthusiasm I once had for the scientific life. I was resigned

    to my fate and was content with continuing my career in


    Yes, thats what Ive been doing for the last few years. The

    moneys not great but its a start. I explained.

    Thats the problem with you guys who havent seen the

    world. You always think small. Dont you think you deservebetter? I was really intrigued with his accent. It was

    something I noticed during our encounter in the bar that

    first night. You could hear from the way he talked that he

    had received an expensive education overseas.

    Well, yes... I began to answer him but then I noticed that

    his attention had shifted away from me towards a figure he

    could see through the window. There was a white womanwalking across the bridge towards the office, and her

    imminent arrival seemed to spur him into getting to the

    point quickly. He took out a block of post-it notes and

    scribbled something on the top page before handing it to


    Look, I dont know what you earn at the moment and I

    dont really care. But that is what I am willing to give you,after tax and deductions, if you accept. Look at it, think

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    about it, and then decide. If you like it, you can start on

    Monday. Now you have to excuse me. Thanks for coming


    He got up and opened the door for me and I only had time

    to take the slip of paper and put it in my pocket before I

    was out the door. I passed the woman on my way out the

    building and couldnt help but take a quick look. She was

    taller than me in her heels, a perfectly built buxom blonde.

    Just before Kent closed the door I heard her say Hello

    Love! before pecking him on the cheek. What would his

    comrades say about that, I wondered?

    I sat in my car for a little while, trying to make sense of

    what just happened. The meeting had gone a lot better

    than I expected, even if it only lasted a few minutes. The

    man certainly had a presence, and I considered myself lucky

    to get noticed by someone as successful as he was. The

    offer seemed a bit strange but Thami was right: what did I

    have to lose? If the money was alright, why not have a stab

    at being an Executive Assistant to a figure like that?

    Eventually the slip of paper felt like it was burning a hole in

    my pocket. I looked at it, and even before I made out all the

    figures my mind was already made up. It was approximately

    triple the amount I made in a good month at the call centre.

    I was about to begin a new life.


    I really enjoyed the change in scenery during those first few

    weeks in Orchid. It was a new experience for me to work

    in a place where I could take a break whenever I wanted

    and where I didnt have to cower under a power-hungry

    supervisor. I also got a kick out of being given my own cell-phone, laptop and email address. The only thing that struck

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    me as strange was that I wasnt given my own separate

    office. Kent arranged for another desk to be brought into

    the room he used as an office. I was given the corner next

    to the window.

    The office we worked from were the headquarters of

    Kentman Investments, which was the umbrella company

    that housed all of Kents businesses. Before I started the job

    I did some internet research and found out that after

    returningfrom overseas he made some money in the

    construction business with a company called Manzibuild.

    He also started businesses in waste management and water

    purification, but all of those were sold now. The active

    businesses under Kentman seemed to be in the fields of IT,

    health and wellness, whatever that meant.

    To call my activities in Kents office work would be slightly

    misleading. I spent most of my time following him around,

    leather-bound notebook in hand listening to him talk about

    himself and how to be successful in business. Reading those

    notes today, I cant make much sense of his comments I

    dont know if it is because of the way I took them down or if

    they were genuinely as erratic and incoherent as they are in

    the notes. At the time he seemed like some kind of modern

    day Marcus Aurelius mixed with a good dose of Bishop TD

    Jakes. He preached about doing things for yourself and

    taking responsibility for the creation of your own wealth.He could quote the bible and JayZee in the same rambling

    sentence and still make his original point.

    Whenever he asked me whether I had any questions, I kept

    trying to direct the conversation towards the practical

    aspects of the business. What I wanted to know could be

    summed up with one question: How exactly do you make

    your money? But the harder I pushed the vaguer hisanswers became. The closest he ever came to answering

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    this question was to tell me that he didnt really focus on

    any one of his businesses. He had reached a stage where he

    could invest in many different businesses and exploit

    whatever opportunities were available at the time. When I

    asked for some examples, he would say:

    Dont stress the details, my friend. The ideas are more

    important than counting the cents. Business is about

    fulfilling your destiny, not making money.

    I also found it strange that a company as big and prestigious

    as Kentman Investments should have so few employees. Irealised very early on that the people I noticed working in

    Orchid were not part of our company, they just rented

    space in the same building. In fact, I was beginning to

    wonder if I was the only Kentman employee.

    Of course not, Kent reassured me. I have people around

    the country. I just dont believe in the old-fashioned thing

    of having everyone in an office. These days, with the newtechnology, all you need is a smart-phone. Once you have

    been trained up, youll also be free to come and go as you

    want. I prefer my people out in the world, meeting the

    people who can make us the money!

    The one aspect of his life that was very important to him

    was arranging meetings with people. He would ask me to

    call the PAs of the people he needed to speak to, and thenbook tables at his favourite restaurants and nightclubs. I

    never went with him to those meetings so I didnt know

    what he was discussing with them. These meetings took up

    a good deal of his time. While he was away from the office I

    was left pretty much to my own devices. I had free reign to

    do whatever I needed to do. The only thing I had to keep an

    eye on was his diary, and give him an update every so often

    about who he was supposed to meet next, and where.

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    One Friday afternoon I got a call from Kent. He told me to

    clear his diary and to prepare myself to go out for a late

    lunch with him and his girlfriend. I assumed it was the same

    woman I saw the first time I came to his office.

    Maryne should be there in the next half an hour or so,

    please wait for her in the parking lot. She wants you to join

    us because her baby sister is visiting her from the Free

    State. She needs some company closer to her own age, he

    explained. Well go someplace we all can enjoy.

    She pulled up in a red Audi, exactly the same model asKents silver ride. Her sister sat in the passenger seat, an

    identical looking, younger and far grumpier version of

    Maryne. Her name was Tanica, and it was obvious that she

    was hating every minute of being there. I got to talking with

    Maryne, who turned out to be a marketing type, friendly

    and very chatty. Part of her friendliness might have been an

    attempt to make up for her sisters bad manners but she

    seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me. I was

    her mans new right hand man, after all.

    I also figured that her baby sisters English might not be so

    good, and Tanica was trying to make things more

    comfortable for her by translating certain things. I also

    learned that Tanica was still studying, and was living with

    Kent and her eldest sister for the holidays. Their parents

    lived in some small town and thought it would be good for

    their youngest daughter to be exposed to city life before

    she started working too.

    We ended up at the local mall, in a restaurant that served

    good food but was also popular with people just wanting a

    cocktail or ten after work. It stayed open until late, and

    later that night some of Kents business connections made

    an appearance. He and Maryne went over to one of their

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    tables, leaving me and Tanica alone for the first time. I

    thought she might be more comfortable talking to me

    without the other two present, so I shuffled over closer to

    her and began to ask about her visit.

    It must be nice spending time with your sister again?

    Its OK, I suppose. I usually only see her at home, when she

    comes to visit.

    So how does Kent handle it when he goes to visit your


    He doesnt. When she comes home to visit she never

    brings Kent. They have never seen him before.

    But they know about him? Theyve been seeing each other

    for years now.

    They know a little bit about him. She speaks to me more

    than she speaks to them.

    They know hes not Afrikaans, not white.

    They suspect. I mean, Im sure theyve figured it out by


    And theyre OK with it.

    I wouldnt say OK. Theres nothing they can do about it, so

    why must they worry.

    It took me a while to process this. For all his status and

    wealth, the man was still not accepted.

    And you, what do you think of Kent? You know him quite

    well already.

    I dont like him. But not because of what you are saying.

    Why dont you like him then?

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    She leaned closer to me, looked me in the eyes, and said:

    Because he lies.

    I tried to get her to explain what she meant, but I couldnt

    get anything further out of her. I never ever forgot those

    words though. They made no sense at the time. I was

    convinced the family vilified him for having the nerve to

    become involved with their precious blonde and blue-eyed

    daughter. There was just something about her tone when

    she said those words that made me pause. She said them

    like she really meant them.


    Just after a month into the job, Kent decided that I would

    be of more use to him if I joined him on his travels. He was

    booked on a two-week government sponsored speaking

    tour. He was meant to give motivational talks to groups ofblack businessmen in three big cities and a few small towns

    in between. He arranged for me to accompany him, so I had

    to drop everything and get ready to leave with him.

    A strange thing happened on the flight to the coast, where

    he was expected for the first speaking engagement. He was

    booked to speak the next morning, and I was sitting next to

    him on the late afternoon flight. He was talking about thefirst time he got on an aeroplane. It was when he won the

    scholarship to study business overseas. According to him,

    he was a simple, unsophisticated boy from the township

    and the thought of being so high in the air frightened him

    so much that he spent most of the long flight in the toilet.

    He joked that at least in the cubicle there was nobody to sit

    next to him and see how he was shaking. The drinks trolley

    came past and he asked if I wanted a whisky. I said yes, and

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    when the stewardess arrived he asked for one whisky and

    two mineral waters.

    What, are we going to share the shot? I joked.

    No, Molly, its for you. I never touchthe stuff.

    What? I asked, not believing what I was hearing.

    Whenever I saw him in a bar or restaurant he always had a

    glass with a shot or two of something in it. I told him as


    Maybe youve seen me with a glass of liquor on my hand.But have you ever seen me drinking any of it? he asked me.

    No, I cant say...

    Thats because Im a teetotaller. The glass is all for my

    image. Its for the look, part of my brand. In reality I dont

    drink alcohol. Havent tasted any in my life.

    I sipped my drink and listened to his ruminations on varioustopicsfor the rest of the journey. This would be the first of

    many interesting things I learned about my travelling

    partner on that trip.

    We collected our luggage and headed towards the car

    rental agency. At the counter Kent asked me to fill in the

    paperwork and hand over my licence for them to make a

    copy. The organisers of the talk would be paying the costs,but I would be listed as the person to whom the car was


    Mr Duiker will be doing all the driving, he explained to the

    girl behind the counter. This was news to me. I had

    prepared myself for two weeks of sitting in the passenger

    seat while Kent drove us around.

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    And please print him directions to our hotel, he called

    after her. He turned to me to explain: Youre on your own

    for the rest of the day. My lift is waiting for me in the other

    parking lot. Go check yourself in and get some room

    service, anything you like, on the rooms account. And

    theres a comfy bar downstairs, spend some time there if

    you want. Well meet again early tomorrow morning with

    the other speakers at the conference room at our hotel. I

    have some business to see to before then.

    I found all this a bit strange, especially given that I was

    supposed to be the person in charge of planning his

    schedule, but I wasnt going to complain. Who was I to

    question the way he did things? I couldnt help but wonder,

    though, what kind of business he had to see to late at

    night in a strange town. I told myself that I was probably

    reading too much into the incident. People like Kent were

    well connected and knew other important people in every

    town in the country. They prided themselves on theirextensive networks.

    I was given the keys to a late-model white Nissan sedan and

    sent on my way with my luggage, hotel reservation

    documents and map. I stayed at the bar until around

    midnight, waiting to see whether he would be staying there

    for the night, and who he would arrive with. Eventually I

    reached the conclusion that he was going to be sleepingsomewhere else. I signed for my drinks before going

    upstairs to get some rest before the big engagement later

    that morning.


    To fully understand Kent Manzini, you have to witness himin front of a crowd. Its as if he becomes a different person,

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    as if something possesses him and he loses himself in the

    moment. He feeds off the energy of the people he is

    speaking to, and the more enthusiastic they get about what

    he is saying the better he gets at saying it. I had the

    privilege of watching him perform this magic time after

    time to crowd after crowd. He could talk in at least three or

    four different languages, and adapted his speeches

    according to the region he was in. What he said, and the

    way he expressed himself catered to everyones taste -

    from the uneducated and illiterate to the serious scholar.

    On a typical day during the speaking tour we would meet in

    the lobby of our hotel for breakfast. At least half the time,

    Kent would have slept somewhere other than the hotel and

    he would arrive for breakfast with whomever was hosting

    him the previous evening. I was often shocked by the

    amount of high calibre people he associated with. I would

    come downstairs in the morning and be confronted with

    Kent pulling me towards a table and saying:

    Mr So-and-So, meet my assistant Molly, and I would be

    shaking hands with the Director General of some or other

    government department, or the CEO of a company. Other

    times I would have to have breakfast with the head of a

    church or spokesperson of a political party. There were

    even times when we were joined by people whose faces I

    recognised as TV presenters or actors. But most of the time,the person joining us for breakfast would be a what I

    started to think of as type A bluppie, in other words a

    young businessman, usually extremely well groomed and

    impeccably dressed, who happened to be the next best

    thing in his line of work. I met a string of people in this

    mould bank executives, marketing gurus, economic

    forecasters, investment analysts and even a few business

    journalists. They all seemed hungry for a piece of Kent. It

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    struck me how lucky I was to have so much access to the

    man, when all these important people had to hustle to get

    some face time with him.

    After breakfast we would drive in convoy to the speaking

    venue. We were in small towns most of the time so this was

    usually straightforward. But there were other times when

    we were in big cities and where traffic came into play, when

    I was given the task of leading the convoy in my rental car,

    which always came with a GPS navigator. I would always

    drive alone. During these trips I often stole a glance in the

    rear-view mirror at the car behind me. The scene would

    always be identical. There would be a chauffeured luxury

    car following me, with the breakfast guest and Kent

    huddled in conference on the back seat. I say in conference

    but it was almost always Kent talking while gesticulating

    with his hands and the other person listening and nodding.

    On arrival at the venue I would go in first and liaise with the

    organisers to find out the exact time Kent needed to start

    speaking. I would go back to convey this information and

    plan our own schedule for the day. I would set up the

    laptop with the presentation slides on it and make sure that

    it was connected to the projector and that the projector

    was working properly. Kent would give his presentation,

    there would be a lunch for all the participants, and then the

    afternoon would be spent networking in smaller groups andarranging private meetings. In the late afternoon I would be

    told what the plan was for the evening. Either I would have

    to join Kent for supper with one of the organisers, or he

    would have to attend to some other business and I would

    be sent back to the hotel and told that he would see me in

    the morning again.

    This routine went on until the last day of the tour. Therewas no speaking engagement that morning and our flight

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    back home was only at lunchtime. I thought this would give

    us an opportunity to sleep in, but Kent informed me


    We need to be at the bank when they open their doors.

    Meet me downstairs after breakfast with your bags packed.

    Well be taking your car today.

    We loaded everything into the car and I drove him to a

    branch in town. Before he got out the car he grabbed his

    laptop bag, removed his laptop and walked into the branch

    with the empty satchel. The transaction must have beenarranged before he got there because he was back outside

    in under 20 minutes. He kept the satchel on the floor

    between his feet and began directing me to a different part

    of time. We pulled into the parking lot of a government

    building. At the entrance I could see that it was the

    headquarters of the provincial health department.

    What are we doing here? I asked him. Again, this wasntpart of the itinerary we had so painstakingly planned.

    I have some business interests with this department, he

    replied. This might take a little while so put on the air

    conditioning on and listen to some radio. If it takes too

    long, I may phone you and tell you to check our baggage in

    at the airport and then come back for me. But stay here

    until I tell you otherwise.

    You dont need me to come with you?

    No, that wont be necessary. I dont want to confuse them

    with a new face, he said with a smile.

    He took the satchel and headed in the direction of the main

    entrance. Before he got there he was intercepted by what

    looked like one of the officials who worked in the building.They greeted each other and then the official directed Kent

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    to a side entrance to the building. They disappeared from

    view. I took Kents advice and made myself comfortable in

    the car. I was tired of being on the road and I missed home,

    even if it was a one-bedroom dump in a vibrant

    neighbourhood. I had just received my first months salary,

    and the amount was so much that I was considering finding

    something nicer, closer to work maybe. Or maybe a newer

    car? My 20-year old scrap had been giving me problems. I

    pushed my seat back and dozed off, lulled by the drone of

    the radio and the sun.

    I was woken by Kent slamming the door. I took one look at

    his face and knew that things had not gone according to

    plan inside the building. He was sweating heavily and the

    first thing he did once in the car was crank up the air-

    conditioning to its maximum. His facial expressions also

    showed signs of strain. For the first time I noticed that

    despite his well-groomed exterior, he had bags under his

    eyes and worry lines on his forehead. I even wonderedwhether it was true that he was only in his 30s. The

    youthful air he gave off, like so much else about him, might

    be something practiced, something he worked hard at


    Ok, lets go home, he said with a resigned air. He didnt

    say anything else for the rest of the trip to the airport. I

    knew better than to try to get anything out of him. In anycase, he was too busy on his phone, sending messages and

    checking his emails. I clearly remember him having to shove

    his laptop into one of the kitbags containing his clothing.

    The laptop satchel he walked in with had been left in the



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    The end of the year was approaching and I was beginning to

    wonder about how much leave I would be given around

    Christmas. I had no family to worry about and I had only

    just started in the job, but I was still dreading spending the

    festive season working. All my friends were already

    planning their holidays. I asked Kent about this and to my

    relief he told me that he would be away for a few weeks.

    Im going skiing in the Alps with Maryne and another

    couple were friends with, but were only leaving on Boxing

    Day. Where are you having Christmas lunch? he asked.

    At one of my friends I suppose.

    Well Im giving you three weeks off after Christmas to

    spend with your friends. Why dont you come to my place

    on Christmas day? Bring your favourite booze because I

    dont keep any. Ill be cooking a feast for you, Maryne and a

    close friends of ours. Oh, and dont forget your costume

    The way he said it made it clear that it was more of an

    instruction than an invitation. I wasnt exactly a fan of

    swimming pools and the thought of spending Christmas day

    with Kents rich friends wasnt my idea of fun. But I was

    glad to hear about such a long holiday and decided that it

    made sense to suffer through one day of pain and boredom

    to gain three weeks of freedom.

    He gave me directions to their place. I had never been there

    before, so I was pretty eager to see exactly how large he

    was living. The address was as upmarket as I expected but

    when I got the house it was smaller and somehow grubbier

    than I imagined it. Which is not to say that it lacked

    anything. He owned everything there was to own, but

    somehow it didnt all fit together. The complex they lived

    in, for example, was an expensive Tuscan-themed estate.Yet Kent had insisted on installing palm trees in his back

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    yard. The inside of the place was also cluttered with

    everything from spas to gym equipment and every

    domestic appliance known to man.

    I was greeted at the door by Maryne, who wished me a

    merry Christmas and told me to make myself comfortable.

    It was stiflingly hot that day, so she was already in a

    Christmas-themed bathing costume covered with a sarong

    and Father Christmas hat. Judging by her breath when she

    pecked me on the cheek, she was far from sharing her

    partners aversion to alcohol. She took the six pack and

    vodka I had with me to put in the fridge.

    You shouldnt have bothered with this stuff. I brought

    plenty myself, she explained.

    I thought he doesnt keep any in the house, I answered.

    He doesnt, but I brought some from my place. Can I pour

    you a cocktail?

    I was confused by the comment. Why didnt they live

    together? There was plenty of room for two people even if

    it wasnt the mansion I expected. I took the glass she

    offered me and walked with her to the entertainment area

    outside. Kent was standing in the shallow side of the

    swimming pool, talking to a huge hairy barrel-chested

    figure who Maryne introduced as Gautam Dev, a close

    friend and business partner visiting from India.

    Molly, put your shorts on and come join us. I need your

    opinion on something.

    By the time I changed Maryne had brought out a platter of

    snacks and a drinks trolley with more cocktails. She was in

    the pool, doing laps past the men who chatted away while

    sitting on the steps. I climbed in gingerly, but the day was

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    so hot that the water temperature wasnt that much cooler

    than the air anyway.

    Molly, I was just telling Gautam that in South Africa, deathis big business! began Kent jovially.

    For a few seconds I was stunned by the comment. It was

    just such an incongruous thing to say on a beautiful, warm

    summer day, Christmas to boot, while relaxing in a pool in

    the leafy suburbs.

    Yes, I suppose AIDS and crime and all that, I managed to

    mumble in response.

    Exactly, crime and AIDS! parroted Kent. Our morgues are

    always full with bodies. The undertakers and funeral home

    owners are millionaires these days. Death is big business


    No, no, let me tell you two something, Gautam

    interrupted. There is no country on earth where life ischeaper than in India. There are just too many people for us

    to care whether one or two die or not. And so much of

    poverty! Sometimes you wonder why these people care to

    breed at all. All their kids can look forward to is a few

    hungry years of suffering before dying in the streets.

    I took another swig and tried to adjust to the weirdness of

    the conversation. I watched Maryne gracefully glidethrough the water, performing the breaststroke perfectly.

    She kept the sarong on when she swam. I remember

    thinking how strange it was that someone with such a

    perfect body would want to keep it covered.

    I was telling Gautam that I fully expect Manzihealth, my

    healthcare company, to become the best performer among

    all my businesses. Health and wellness is the new gold.People cant stop spending on feeling good. And if that

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    doesnt work, you just get them to spend on looking good!

    The one budget that never dries up is the vanity budget.

    We all laughed at this. Maryne had stopped swimming andwas drying herself by stretching out on the baking tiles next

    to the pool. Kent abruptly stopped laughing. He turned

    towards her as if he had just thought of something.

    I better start cooking the meal, he excused himself.

    As I expected, he wheeled out a huge gas griller and began

    to fiddle with the knobs. He was going to cook everything

    outside, tradition be damned. And instead of turkey or

    gammon, he decided that seafood was more appropriate.

    We gathered around to help and also to watch him cook. By

    now Maryne and I were also were cooked after a few

    cocktails each, and I decided to switch to beer before things

    got out of hand. Gautam was on his first cocktail, but he

    seemed to be light on juice because it had an immediate

    effect. He kept trying to help Kent with the cooking with theresult that utensils and other equipment started dropping.

    To distract him Kent told Maryne: While were all here,

    why dont you get the presents I bought for them.

    She came back out of the house with two little boxes. Mine

    contained a silk Italian tie, monogrammed with the

    companys logo, the capital letters K and M in fancy script.

    Kent joked that it was time I started wearing ties andstarted looking the part of someone who earned as much

    as I did. Gautam decided to open his later. Kent suggested

    that he keep it wrapped for his trip back to India and open

    it once he got home. The giving of the gifts started us

    talking about what Kent and Maryne had got for each


    That, unfortunately, is between the two of us, said Kent.Maryne burst out laughing, to Kents obvious irritation.

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    Come on, love. Lets tell them, she said.

    Absolutely not, he insisted, and she could tell that he

    wasnt joking anymore.

    Im sure the skiing trip is part of your gift for each other, I

    suggested, mainly to break the tension. They nodded in

    unison. Kent smiled again and took another sip of his soda

    water and lime.

    After the meal and desert Gautam began to make

    preparations to leave. He explained that he needed to get

    some rest and prepare some final things before his

    departure the next day. Kent took me aside and asked me

    to stay and watch Maryne while he took Gautam back to

    the hotel.

    She does weird things when shes alone and drunk. Shes

    not supposed to mix alcohol with her medication. Im a bit

    scared shell hurt herself. Stay and have a few more drinks

    with her until I get back. I need at least one sane person in

    the house while Im gone.

    I can always take him, I began, already uncomfortable with

    the prospect of being alone with his woman in his house.

    No, please. Im the only one who would pass a breathalyser

    now. Besides, Gautam and I have a few things to discuss on

    the way there.

    When they were gone we decided to take our drinks to the

    swimming pool and cool off after the big meal. After what I

    had just been told, I somehow felt more comfortable

    outside than in the house. Maryne seemed fine to me,

    though, and we shot the breeze for a while before she

    brought up the topic.

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    You know how we were speaking earlier about gifts? she

    asked. The reason he didnt want to say what they were is

    because it would embarrass him in front of Gautam. See,

    we already have everything all the phones, gadgets and

    cars we can handle. So for the last two years we have been

    buying each other procedures.

    Procedures? What do you mean? I was honestly


    You know, bored rich people procedures. Botox and work

    and other stuff. Why do you think we look so fabulous? shesaid this last word with a snort of drunken sarcasm. We are

    both into that kind of thing, and its so easy for us to

    arrange because of his contacts in the medical business.

    Hes had skin lightening, botox and other work on his face.

    Makes him look ten years younger than he is.

    What about you?

    Well, thats the thing. This year, I had to ask for another

    procedure for Christmas. But this one is more corrective

    than anything.

    What are you talking about? I asked.

    She stood there for a while, contemplating her answer. It

    was obvious that she needed to get something off her chest

    but she just didnt have the words to do it. She walkedtowards me and slowly unclipped the knot holding the

    sarong. I backed away from her, still holding a beer, until

    my legs were against the side wall of the swimming pool.

    She came closer and closer until she was nearly on top of

    me, and she was reaching behind her back and unclipping

    her bikini top, which fell into the water revealing her huge

    breasts. They were firm, pasty and uneven with small red

    lumps pressing against the skin, which was stretched and

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    flaky. Her nipples were completely inverted, two deep holes

    disappearing into her flesh. The sight sobered me up

    immediately. I tried not to look at her face but I could see

    that she registered the disgust in my expression.

    Nice, isnt it. Another Kent Manzini success story, she

    slurred and tried to laugh but burst into tears instead. She

    covered herself, got out of the pool and ran inside. I could

    hear the bedroom door slamming shut. I heard her sobbing

    loudly inside the bedroom, but she eventually became quiet

    and I gathered that she was fast asleep.


    I never got the full three weeks of holiday because a week

    after New Year I got a call from a frantic Kent. He told me

    he was cutting short his skiing trip because there was an

    emergency we had to deal with. He needed me in the office

    the next day. It was a good thing I stayed in town instead of

    going home to visit my parents as I initially planned. I

    reported bright and early the next morning and found Kent

    in the office reading a newspaper. He called me over and

    pointed to a small story on one of the pages. It was about a

    lawsuit being filed by a patient of a state hospital who

    developed septicaemia after getting an injection with a

    defective syringe. The hospital expected more people tocome forward with similar complaints.

    Have a look at this. A friend alerted me while I was

    overseas, he said and pointed to a specific paragraph.

    Officials are blaming the poor quality of the hospital

    equipment on the health departments preferred supplier,

    Manzihealth. Despite numerous efforts, we were unable to

    get any response from Manzihealth owner, Kent Manzini or

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    any spokesperson for the company. The department of

    health in the province has announced that it is to

    investigate the incident and relook its agreement with

    suppliers of medical equipment.

    Can you believe those bastards? he exclaimed. I was on

    holiday and my work phone was off. How was I supposed to

    know they wanted a response from us?

    So its true, what this guy is claiming. Is it the companys


    Well have to take a look. Sometimes you get a bad batch

    of products, theres nothing you can do. What these people

    dont understand is that were running a business, were

    trying to make profit. They get what they pay for, and then

    when things go wrong they want to shift the blame to us.

    For now, you have to help me come up with a response. My

    PR guy is on his way. He works from Pretoria but he will be

    meeting me for lunch. I will be spending lots of time withhim until all of this blows over. I need you here to man this

    office and field any calls or queries. Your line will be that I

    will release a statement when the time is appropriate. No

    comment at the moment.

    After he left I reread the story, trying to determine exactly

    how serious this problem was. I kept thinking about

    Marynes words in the swimming pool another KentManzini success story. Did it mean that these mistakes were

    common? The whole idea seemed preposterous. I couldnt

    get myself to believe that a company as respectable as

    Kentman, and a businessman as respected as Kent Manzini,

    could have anything to do with such shenanigans. Like he

    told me, he never got involved in the brass tacks aspects of

    his businesses. So it must be someone else, running one of

    the smaller companies in the group, responsible for

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    supplying the faulty medical supplies. But then why did

    Maryne blame him for her botched surgery?

    I spent the next week taking the odd phone call frompeople looking for Kent. Only a fraction of the queries had

    to do with the newspaper story. I gave them the line I was

    instructed to give, and Kent really did go underground for

    most of that time. I received the odd communication from

    him, usually to the effect that he was hunkered down

    somewhere with his spin doctor, putting out fires. In fact,

    the storm I was preparing myself for never materialised.

    Somehow the patient who threatened the lawsuit

    underwent a change of heart and decided not to sue. The

    promised investigation into the supply of equipment never

    got underway and the whole episode simply fizzled out.

    But during this quiet period when Kent was away I began a

    strange correspondence. It started out of the blue when I

    received a please call me notification from someone called

    Dineo. I ignored the first message because I didnt know

    anyone with that name but I started getting many of these

    messages, three or four every day for days on end. I

    decided to put an end to the business and find out why this

    person was bothering me. It was probably a

    misunderstanding about the phone number, I thought to

    myself, they are trying to get hold of someone with similar

    digits. To my surprise the woman who answered knew myname.

    Who is this and what do you want? I replied.

    Its Dineo, she answered. Am I speaking to Molefe


    How do you know me?

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    They told me you are working for him now, and if I want to

    tell him something I must try to get hold of you. She spoke

    very slowly and softly, with an accent that told me she

    wasnt comfortable expressing herself. The impression I got

    was that she was a country bumpkin, intimidated by having

    to speak to someone in the city.

    You want to tell Kent something?

    Yes, Kent. Tell him I want to know why there is no money

    for so long. He will know what Im talking about.

    She hung up. I immediately sent Kent a text message,

    explaining that this Dineo person was calling after him and

    asking for money. His reply came faster than I expected,

    almost instantaneously don worry, will sort it out. He

    obviously knew her, then. At least I did my part for her and

    the problem had been sorted out. I assumed it would be

    the last time I heard from Dineo.


    Things went back to normal and Kent started coming into

    the office regularly again. We resumed our old sessions

    with the notebook and I began to understand him and his

    methods better as the weeks went by. He continued his

    endless rounds of meetings, events and functions while Ibecame more proficient at planning his hectic schedule and

    managing the smooth running of his diary. He even got me

    involved in developing some more material for his next

    round of speaking engagements. This involved reading

    some of the literature that he recommended and extracting

    some quotes that he could tweak and use in his talks.

    It was around this time that Kent started talking to meabout his work for the church. It started off with a request

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    that someone emailed, asking for funds to be donated to a

    charity that went into the poorest slums and gave people

    bibles. We both looked at the mail and I made a joke that

    he only good that would do was if those people sold the

    bible and bought some food with the money. This remark

    seemed to offend Kent.

    See how ignorant you are, Molly. You still think man can

    live by bread alone, he said.

    Im just saying, Kent. Whats the use of owning a bible if

    you dont have anything to feed your children? I knew hewas an ordained pastor, but I couldnt believe he was taking

    this line on the issue.

    This is why you havent been blessed with success yet, he

    continued. You still dont understand priorities. If you dont

    get on Gods good side first, nothing will happen for you.

    With God on your side, you can get away with anything. Im

    living proof of that.

    I nodded in agreement. I knew that it was futile to continue

    the argument. Kent was by no means a tyrant, but there

    were certain principles and values that he took very

    seriously. I didnt agree with what he was saying, but I knew

    that I was wasting my breath telling him so.

    So are you going to support this campaign? I asked.

    You know I always practice what I preach, he said. He

    proceeded to take down the bank details from the email.

    While I was still there he went onto his own banks website

    and transferred a huge sum of money as a donation to the

    campaign. The amount he gave them was exactly equal to

    my monthly salary. I dont know if that was a co-incidence

    or if he was sending a subtle message to me about my

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    relative worth to him. It was a message I would never


    It was during our next speaking tour that I realised how bad

    Kents personal life had become, especially the situation

    with Maryne. I saw less and less of her at the office and

    from what I could tell his contact with her had also fallen

    considerably. Eventually, one morning in the lobby of our

    hotel in Durban, he confided in me that she was on a

    downward spiral, and that he preferred to simply get outthe way in case she took him with her.

    I dont know if its the anti-depressants, but shes become

    like a zombie, he confessed.

    Maybe the dose is too strong, I suggested.

    No, shes been taking the same stuff for years now. But

    recently shes just down - nothing I buy her is good enough,she never wants to go out, and when we are together she

    sulks and watches TV all day. Thats why I dont even bother

    with her anymore. Its like shes not the same person.

    I think you just need to spoil her a bit when you get back.

    I dont know. I need to decide if its worth the effort.

    His social engagements while we were on the speaking tourwere as frequent as ever. Once again, I fell into the routine

    of finding places and people to amuse myself with in the

    evenings. I even began to build my own network of friends

    and acquaintance in the different towns we toured. They

    were mostly people like me: hangers on, spokesmen and

    assistants to the VIPs who hosted, or who graced the stage

    on the business and motivational speaker road-shows. Not

    only were they valuable leisure companions at the end of

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    the working day, they also provided much needed

    intelligence on the VIPs they were meant to be looking


    It was on one of these outings that I began to learn some

    more of the truth about Kents past. Juanita, the PA of one

    the politicians on the tour, brought up the topic of Kent

    Manzini by saying how she had heard that he came from a

    wealthy family, and that his father was a wealthy trader in a

    rural village.

    Thats not what I heard, said Zam, one of the marketingand event officers for the organisers. I heard from

    someone who used to do business with him that he had a

    tough upbringing. He grew up in his grandmothers house

    with a dozen other cousins, all living off her tiny pension.

    Isnt that right Molly?

    Your guess is as good as mine, I replied. My response

    brought about laughter and expressions of shock from therest of the company.

    You mean to tell me that even you, who practically lives

    with him, havent penetrated the secrets of the mysterious

    Mr Manzini? Zam asked.

    When it comes to business matters and his general

    philosophy of life, I know his views quite well. But I dont

    pry into his social life.

    Pity, because I heard its quite a raucous social life he

    leads, added Juanita.

    Really? From what I see the guy is always working, I


    Yes, but when you are Kent Manzini, the line between

    business and pleasure is a very thin one, said Zam.

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    I tried to push them for more details, but they clammed up

    out of fear of saying too much and inadvertently revealing

    their sources. They seemed genuinely surprised that I

    couldnt dish any dirt on Kent. At first they thought I was

    just being guarded but they knew me well enough to realise

    that I was also in the dark about his personal exploits.

    The next afternoon Kent asked me to accompany him to the

    harbour after his talk. He said he wanted to show me some

    of the concrete examples I always asked him about. We

    drove the shipyards where we met a harbour official who

    was expecting us. We were taken to one of the loading bays

    where the cargo from a huge ship was being offloaded.

    They had already opened one of the containers for us to

    inspect. When he saw all the merchandise Kents mood

    became bubbly and childlike. He had a huge smile on his

    face and could barely contain his energy.

    You see Molly, when I say something its not just empty

    words. Let me show you how I turn ideas into money, he

    led me towards the open container. He approached one of

    the boxes and began taking off the packaging.

    Remember that conversation with Gautam, my business

    partner? he asked.

    The one about AIDS and crime and how vain people are?

    No, the one about how death sells in our country. I wasnt

    just making conversation with the two of you. On the way

    back to the hotel I sealed this deal with Gautam. He sends

    us these from his factories in India where they cost next to

    nothing to make, and we supply them here, where there is

    always a need for them. And thanks to the exchange rate,

    we make a healthy profit! he said with a gleam in his eye.

    He held up the first sample. It looked like a piece of canvasshaped like a sleeping bag. On closer inspection, when I felt

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    it, it was slimmer, unpadded and made of a very thin plastic

    material. It had the Manzihealth logo printed at the top and

    the bottom, and a zip around the edges.

    You see, this is how you turn death from a negative to a

    positive, Molly. If we want to prosper we have to exploit all

    our resources. And the Lord knows that dead bodies are a

    resource we have in abundance here. These body bags are

    going to revolutionise our business. Ive already got the

    contract to supply them to the public hospitals and

    morgues in four different provinces. And when other

    hospitals notice how cheap we are, theyll come on board

    too. What you are looking at here is the next instalment in

    my fortune.

    For some reason I couldnt share his enthusiasm.