the merciad, nov. 19, 1952

f & Judy Carlow Florene Cherry Joan - Harrison Doris Moore Roxana Downing* Frances Sullivan Vke MEROIAD VoL XXIV. No. 3 MERCYHURST COLLEGE, ERI E, PA. November 19, 1952 Frosh Reveal Leadership Course Holiday Dance Party Plans Pat Murphy and Patl Narby stand "pat" on the fact that the freshman Christmas|partyf will be. '"one of the most original ever held at the college." As co-chairmen of the affair, they announce that the date has been set for Tuesday, December 16. Ann Popp will send invitations that will match the decorations planned by Mary Kell y. Ente rtain ment, to be planned by Jean Heav- ey, will coincide with the Christ mas theme. Gifts are being select ed by Marilyn Abahazi, and re freshments planned by Barbara Cavanaugh. Produces Leaders For Parish Troop |St. John's Elementary School is providing experience, for future elementary teachers Mickey O'Donnell and Betty Seymour. These two girls took the Girl Scout Leadership Course, here at Mercyhurst last year and are now leaders of a fourth grade Brownie troop at St. John's school. Welcome ta . , , Sister M. Prancesca, new Assistant to the Registrar. Mickey is from Rochester, New York and has had previous train ing at camp this past summer be fore beginning her junior year. Betty's home town is North Ban gor, New York, and her practical experience in working with chil dren has come from her own brothers and sisters. Journeying t o | St. % John's school every Thursday afternoon from 3 to 4 p. m., Mickey and Betty in struct their troop in such subjects as handicraft, singing, and games. Mercyhurst Girls Cooperate To Give Lounge 'Face-Lifting' For three weeks clever posters have?been clamoring for our at tention . . . an open house along with a spaghetti dinner and a picnic-was held .!. . chances have been passed out . .. all for what? All this effort has been put forth so that everyone's dream may come true—that the room "where all knowledge flows", otherwise known as the lounge, may be re furnished. In \ about two months, a complete renovation of the color scheme and furniture will have taken place—we hope! A decor of harmonious colors for the walls, woodwork, and fur niture is being planned by a group of students under the direction of Sister M. Angelica. Attractive ness and warmness will be two of the characteristics which the smoker will possess. Sitting beneath the soft floor lamps on the sturdy new chairs, the "lounge lizards" will have, al l the comforts of home. Music com ing from a tuned piano or new juke box will add to Pthe pleasant atmosphere. No longer will audi torium chairs have to be recruit ed to supply ample seating space. How proud we shall be to show off our beautiful, colorful lounge when speakers and other guests come to our college. And after a succesful play or program in our Little Theater, how fine it will be to invite friends over to our picturesque smoker. Yes, this re decorating program is a step for ward among the many improve ments being made at Mercyhurst. Does this renovated lounge seem like a dream to you? It can be come a reality if each and every one of us sel^s her quota of chan ces for our raffle and supports the In Three Days The first formal of the year— and a charity ball besides—what more could a student want? All the excitement, caused *by th e miniature queen's throne in College Hall, concerned the, announcement of the NPCCS dance by co-chair men Prances Sullivan and Judy Carlow. This Thanksgiving ball will be meld November 22 in the Gannon Commons Room. Four containers in College Hall display 1the pictures of the I class candidates for queen: Paula Brug- ger, senior; Ann Downing, junior; Donna Cutrona, sophomore; and Shirley Kozik, freshman. The can didate receiving the largest con tribution will reign as queen at the dance. '} Part of the proceeds of the dance Iwill be sent to the relief department of the Pax Romana, particular consideration to be giv en to a student home in Paris for refugee girls. The remainder of the proceeds, however, will stay on campus to further the education of Mercyhurst foreign students. Chairman of the Orchestra Com mittee, Donna Byers, announces that there will be dancing from nine to one to the music of Gene Parle ettand his orchestra. r class projects. By December 1, the termination of our drive, we hope to have reached our $700 goal. Which class will be, honored at a party for giving the most money to this worthwhile project-Which eight students will share the prize for selling the most chances? Who will be the lucky persons to win the raffle prizes? We can be the fortunate stu dents to enjoyj!a colorful, attrac tive lounge if we give one hundred per cent cooperation and hard work [.to the success of this pro ject. We are still in the dream stage—let's make it a reality. Faculty Nominates Seven To Share National Honor The names of seven Mercyhurst students will be included in the 1952-53 edition of Who's Wh o in American Colleges and Universities. They w ere chosen by vote of the faculty on th e following points: scholastic achievement, person ality traits, service to th e school, leadership, contrib ution to extra-cur ricular activities, and her potential usefulness t o society T h e seven to be honored are: Judy Carlow, Florene Cherry, Roxana Downing, Mary Lou Dwyer, Joanj Harrison, Doris Moore, and Frances Sullivan. |Two of Erie's own daughters, Jud y Carlow and!Roxana Downing, represent the history and art departments respec tively. Jud y will be remem bered by Mercyhurst no t only for her active participation in?I. R. C, but mainly for her high interest andjfor h e r fine record in N - F.fC. C. S. activities— particularly this year's oversees re- lief ball. One need only look at the beautiful mural depicting the Last Discourse of Our Lord to the Dis ciples, which appears on the wall outside of the. Community Room, to know why-*Roxana has endeared herself to the College. . Bridgeville, Pa., is chemistry major Florene Cherry's hometown. Mercyhurst will long remember "Cherry" as an able piesident of the Student Council and for her hard work on the lounge project. Cherry "herself will probably never forget those innumerable announce ments before dinner. In the near future, Cherry will devote more of her time to laboratories and test tubes. Rochester, N. Y., is also proud to have J two Who's Who nominees. They are.,Mary Lou Dwyer of th sociology department and Frances Sullivan of the Enlgish depart ment. Merchurst thinks not only of an actress, but also of a news paper woman, whenjshe thinks of both girls. Each has established y o herself in Mercyhurst's dramai ic society, and each has been editor of the Merciad; Frances, last year and Mary Lou, this year. Another member of the English department who joins the ranks of Who's Who and will soon join the ranks of America's teachers is Joan ^Harrison. Brooklyn N. Y., claims Joan who has been very active in Y. C. S., its study weeks, and Catholic Action cells. Joan has also lent her talents to the Glee Club and to the Dramatics Club. Home economics is the field of the seventh of Mercyhurst's Who's Who. She is Doris Moore of Deep er, Pa., who is at present occupied with duties at > the Home Manage ment House, Doris' nimble, danc ing feet will tap their way right into a marriage career soon after she graduates. Her experience as vice-president of the Student Coun cil and as president of the Student Board of Discipline, however, will certainly aid herewith her not-too- distant future problems. The four lovelies have been selected by their ^classmates as can didates f U r Queen of the N F C C S Relief Ball, November 22. Front row: Ann Downing, Paula Brugger; back row: Shirley Kozik, Donna Cutrona. M' ? A Four Apply for Internship Pour juniors recently made ap plication at St. Vincent's Hospital to follow the course in medical technology as set up last year by the hospital and the college. First students to enroll in this program are Judy Ellermeyex, Barbara Ha- ner, Sophia Mazionyte, and Vija Odeika. According to this program, the girls will begin work in the lab oratory at the hospital this sum mer and continue throughout their senior year. At the same time. they will be back following a few courses at the college. In answer to an invitation from Dr. Isenberg, head of the medical technology department, the girls visited St. Vincent's and ?were ac quainted j with the techniques^ of mounting slides and extracting plasma. They also examined many of the instruments that they will use, such as the colorimeter,!an alytic balance, and blood count machine. ' $

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