the mizoram gazette published by authority … the mizoram gazette published by authority regn. no....

The Mizoram Gazee blished by Authori REGN. NO. NE-313 (MZ) Vol. XXXIII Aizawl, Friday , 23. 1. 200, MJga 3, S.E. 1925, sue No.4 , GOVNMENT OF �1ORAM PART I Apintmenʦ, Pt, Tre d Pe N (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 600 I 2/1/97-IND. the 23rd January, 2004. I n continuation of this De- p a r t me nt 's Notification of even number dated 4. 7. 2003 and in the int est Oi' public se rvic e , the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend promotion K. Kai l i a na , Functional Manager, Industries Deptt. to the post of General Ma- nager, Di st . Industries Centre, Lunglei o n o fficiating basis in the sca l e of pay of Rs. 12/)OD--375-16,500/-p . plus all other a llo wances as a dmi ssibl e under the rules from tim� 19 t ime for another spell o f one year w. e. f. 20. 11. 23. This issues with the approval of DP & AR (GSW) vide their I. D. No. GSW. 17/23/847 dt. 8. 1. 20(4. Laima Chozah, Sec r et a ry t o t he Govt. of Mizoram, Industrie s De p artment. No. G-28014!3!2001-PLG, the 12th J�l1uary. 20$. In coinuation of this . pU's notification dt. '4th April, �003, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend . appoinent o f Pu RuaJzakhuma I. A. S. (Rtd) as Development sul.

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The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority

REGN. NO. NE-313 (MZ)

Vol. XXXIII Aizawl, Friday , 23. 1. 200-l, MJgila 3, S.E. 1925, issue No.4 ,


Appointments, Postings, Transfers, Powers, and Other Personal Notices and Orden.



No. A. 600 I 2/1/97-IND. the 23rd January, 2004. In continuation of this De­partment's Notification of even number dated 4. 7. 2003 and in the interest Oi' public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend promotion of Pu K. Kailiana, Functional Manager, Industries Deptt. to the post of General Ma­nager, Dist. Industries Centre, Lunglei on officiating basis in the sca le of pay of Rs. 12/)OD--375-16,500/-p ro. plus all other allowances as admissible under the rules from tim� 19 time for another spell of one year w. e. f. 20. 11. 2003.

This issues with the approval of DP & AR (GSW) vide their I. D. No. GSW. 17/2003/847 dt. 8. 1. 20(.14.

Laima Chozah, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,

Industries Department.

No. G-28014!3!2001-PLG, the 12th J�l1uary. 2004. In continuation of this De. pU's notification dt. '4th April, �003, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to extend. appointment of Pu RuaJzakhuma I. A. S. (Rtd) as Development collsul.

R-4/2004 2.

tan� in relati�)Q to M�rketing of Mizoram Agri --Forests Products anJ atlV other assIgnment glVen to hIm from time to tim� with effect fn'n1 1.1.04 to 30.6.04.

Other .conditions will remain the same as notified \'id� C\'en N dt 7th !vlach, 2002. o. .

Hau:.llUnl Hauzel, Comn:i,:,l·)ner & Secretary,

00d. of Mizoram. Plan l1lng Department-.

No. A. 22012/1/92-PW. the 15th January. 20:)4. In the int,� rr "t of public ser­vice, the Governor o f Mizorarn is pleased to order transfer of Pu Vanlalruata Sailo, E.E (Environment) PIU and po st him as Executive Ent,IIH!er, PWD, Lung­lei Division (vac ant) with immediate effect and until fur ther orders.

The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to allow Pu H. Zoramliana B. E (Procurement) PIU to look after the charge of E. E (Environment) in addiM tion to his own duties.

Ramhlura Khiangte, Secretary to the: C;ovt. of Mizoram,

Public Wurks Department.

�:O . • A. 22012/1j2003-P&AR(CSW), the 15th January, 2004. In supersession of tbjs Department's Notification issued earlier, t he follo wing uJ:;ccr& will act as ynk Officer in respect of officers show n against each to ensure smooth tran­

saction of business v.ith immediate effect and until f urther dder.


1. Pu Haukhum Hauzel, lAS. Commissioner/Secretary. Plan­n ing, P & E , RD.

. 2�. PiLe Tochhong, lAS, Commissioner I 'Secretary, Higher & Tech. Education, S&Y S., L&E.

3. ·Pu P. K . . l3hattacharjee, lAS. ! . :Secretary, Tourism and Ex-;':.<Pl",


Pu Vanhela Pachuau, lAS, Commis­sioner/Secretary, School' Educ ation, H.F.W.

Pu La1malsawma. ll\S, Commissioner/ Secretary, DP&A�, (i,\D, E & F,CEO­Election.

Pu Laima Chozah. lAS. Secretary. In­dustries, IT, LR&S.

4. Pu S.K. Jain, lAS, Secretary, I & P.R., P&S, A.H.& Vety.

5. Pu R. Bbattacharjee, lAS, Secretary, P.H.E.

6. Pu R. K. Thanga, IRTS. Com­missioner/Secretary, Agricul­ture, Horticul ture.

7. Pu C. Ropianga, lAS, Secretary, Home.

8. Pu J. H. Ramfangzauva. IES, Secretary. LAD, T ransport.

9. Pu K. Riachho, MeS, Secretary, R&R, Art & Culture, Sericultu re

3 R-4j1OO4

Pu N. Balaehandran, lAS, Secretary, S&W.C.


Pu C. Rokhama, IRS, Commissioner/Sec­retary, Co-operation, Fillheries, Trade & Commerce.

Pu Rochila Saiawi, IA&A S. Commissio­ner/Secretary, Finance, Taxation.

Pu Thanhawla, lAS, Secretary, F& C.S.

Pu Lalramthanga Tochhong, IA&AS, Sec­retary Social Welfare.

Pu Raruhluna Khiangte, MES, Secretary, P. W. D.

In the .absen ce of Officer in Column-I above, the Officers in the same se­rial number under Column-II shall take the charge of tbe former and vice versa.

Further. in case both the Secretaries at a particular seria l u nder Columo-I and II are out of station simultaneously, the charges held by them will be taken oVer by the Secretaries shown at the next serial under Colu mn-l&I1 respectively and ,thus this link.iag arrangement will operate vertically which can be either way.

When the Chief Secretary is out of station, the available ienior most IA.S Officers will take over the routine function of Chief Secretary.

No. A. 22015j4/95-PAR(R). the 21st January, 2004. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu Vanlalvuana, Superintendent, Directorate of Rural Development Aizawl to Education Department (Sectt.) with immediate effect and until further .

Lalmalsa wma, Secretary to 'he GOyt. of Mizoram.

No. A. 32019/1/99-HMP/Pt, the 15th January, 2004. In the intel est of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following officers of MPS to the pla ces shown against their names with immediate etfect Slid until further orders.

R':"'4!20C4 4

StNo. Name'of Officers Grade Present Posting Posted to ---- ---- ,---------,' --- - '_._-------

"�'. �u Neihchungnunga

2. Pu Siamliana

3. Pu P. Lalzama

Sr. Grade Attached as OSD, Repatriated to his BMC, Home Deptt. s uhstantive post as

/\.0",1. S.P., CID,SB).

Jr. Grade SOPO, Serchhip DSP, CID (Crime).

Jf. Grade SDPO, Tlabung SDPQ, Serchhip.

4. Pu Shersingh Thapa Jr. Grade A.C., 2nd IR Bn SD PO, Tlabung.

This supersedes this Department's Notifica tion No. A. 22022/1/S9-HMP/Pt . dt. 14.10.2003 in respect of S1. No. 2&3.

�o . . A. 32019/1/99-HMP/Pt, the 15th January, 2004. In the jI'terest of public service and on the recommendation of the MPSC vide theIr L:'Jer No., l4/A/94 -MPSC dt. 6.1.2004, the Governor of Mizoram, in exercise ot the powers con­ferred by Rule 17 of MPS Rules, 1997, is plclsed to pr01{lle the f,)l1owing Officers of Junior Grade, MPS 10 Senior Grade MPS in thi: scale of pay of Rs; 10.000-325-15,200/- p.m. plus all other allowances as admissible under the �ules with immedia te effect. '

1. Pu C. Lalzahngova

2. Pu Rodjngliana Chawngthu

On promotion to Senior Grade of I\lPS, the Governor (,f Mizoram is fur­ther pleased to order posting of the above officers as shown agJinst their names.

81. N o. Name of Officers

I. Pu C. Lalzahngova

2. ' Pu Roding Hana Cha wngthu

Posted to

Additional S.P., Saiha (alll,ched as O.S.D., Border Man agement Cd.1 ti nder Home De­partment) vice Pu Neih�j)ungnul1ga.

Additional S.P., Mamit.

C. Ropi:lUga, Secretary to the G(vt. of Ivlizora ni,

Home Department.

No.' A. 38011/2/2003-EDC/pt, the 16th January, 2004. As pe!missible under the Mizoram Special Voluntary Retirement Rules, 2001 and sU"Ject to c.learan�e of all liabilities against the Government and subject to tbe provisions laid down in the Mizoram Sp�cial Voluntary Retir emen t Rules, 21...:;)1, the Governor of Mi'zoram is pleased to allow Pu Biakhluna, Driver, Grade-II, Govt. Kolasib College to retire voluntarily with effect from 1.2.2004.

5 R-4/2004:

Further the post of Driver at Govt. Kolasib College created vide Memo. No. E. 160b/2/91-EDN Dt 1.12.1992 and last retenti�n order jssue� vide �o. A. 110\ 1/2/99-EDN Dt. 27.2.2003 uad�� Non-Plan. shall st�nds abobshed with f'ffect from the date of release of Pu Blakhluna trom serVl\:e.

L. T oeh hong, Secretary to the Govt. of 1fiioram.

No. A. 12031/5/2080-F.Est, the 16th January, 2004. In partial. modi�cation of notifica tion No. A. 12031/5/2000-F.Est. dt. to. J 2.20\l3, and In the lllterest of public service the Gowrnor of Mil.oram is pleased to order that Pu Soman K.C., -Divisi�nal Accountant, LWS Maintenance Diyi�i?n, PH£, L��glei ��all act as Divisional ACCOUllt, PHE, Rural WATSAN DIvIsIon, Lungiel III addino. to his normal duties and without additional financi�l benefits until further orders.

This order shall take immediate effect.

. RochiJa Saiawi, Financial Commissioner, Government of Mizoram.

No. A.12033/3/86-AGR, the 23rd January, 2004. On the recommendation of M.P.S.C. vide No. 87/A/95-MP3C date d 6.1.2004 and in the interest of Public Service, the Gov�rnor of Mizoram is plea sed to promote 'Pu P.A. Thomas, S.D.A.E .• i/c D.A.E. Champhal to the post of 1 raining Associate (Agriculture Engineering & Soil Conservation) KVK, Kolasib in the scale of pay of Rs. lO,OOCY-325-15,OOO/- P.M. wita immediate effect .

Governor of Mizoram 1S further pleased to order That, on his promotion to the post of Training Associate (Agriculture Engineering & Soil Conservation) Pu P.i\.. Thomas will ha nd over the charge of V.A.E., Champhai to Pu Lalro­tluanga S.D.A.E., Champhai, Pu P.A. Thomas will also take over charge of D.A.E., Kolasib in additl on to his own duties as Training Associate (Agricul. ture Engineering & Soil Conservation) without any extra financial benefit.

No.A.22012jlj88-AGR, the 23rd January, 2004. Consequent upon - promotion of Pu P.A.Thomas, SDAE i/c D-\E, Champhai to the post of TrainIng Asso­ciate (Agri.Engineer & Soil Conservation) l(VK, Kolasib and in the interest of p�blic services, the Governor of. }.lizoram is pl eased to order transfer and posting of the following Engineering Officers under Agriculture Department as .hown against their names with i,mmediMe ,effc;ct.



Pu M.A.Huque SDAE.

L.Malsawma, Hauhnar

"" ,:

. �"


lie DAE, KobSlb

SDAE, Kolaslb He \\ I II take OVer the charge of SDA E, Zawl­nua, d) dddjti�)n to hi:, (�,;;i,:s as SDAE, Koia')h without :tny e1itra fmaneial benefit.

R K Thanga, IRTS, Cornmi"s l{:ner & Secretary ,

Agrkulture Department.

No.A.22013il/2003-P&AR(GSW), 16th January, 2l)04. In c(lrtrnuatlOn of this Department's .Notification of even No. of dt. 6.1.2004 and in rartial Mndifica­tionor Notification No.A.22013/1/98-PAR(GSW) dt. 13.10.2;;)3, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu Lalrammawia, Grade-In of Mizoram Sec­retariat Service (MSS) from the post of P.S. to M iniste r , ReVt�tlUe. AH & Vety etc. with effect from 6.1.2004 .

. No.A.I9014/33j80-APT(A), the 22nd January, 2004. On explf} nf extensIon of :,his' �ervice' from 1.12.2003 to 3 t .1.2004 beyond the super.lI)f!U.ttion age of 58 years, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to release Pu I·L L j ihmuaka, MCS, D.-C., KoJasib from Government service with effect from 31 t 2004 (A.N)

" No:A.22012/:!/89-Pers(B)/Pt, the 22nd January, 2004. In the inUreSl of Public Service} the Go vernor of Mi-zoram 18 pleased to order transfer .•. nd posting of Po II. Situ, IviCS .from Director� L.A,D. to D.C Kolasib to ,.;;'!Ieve Pu H.Lal­hmua�il't MCS> D.C Kolasib Who is to retire from service on 31 1.2004.

The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order that I'u Ii Darkhun�a. Jt. Director, Local Administration Department shall hold tbe c;,arge of Direc­tor J Local Administration Department in addition to his norm<l I duties witbout �nye�tra financial benefit vi;:e Pu H.Siku transferred as DC . Kolasib.

R.Sangliankhuma, Additional Secretary to tbe Go'!\ of Mizoram.

Department of Personnel & AdminJs!rative ReformS'·,

7 R--4/2004

No.A.19012/82/2002:-P&AR(CSW), the 15th January, 2004; In' the .intere§t ()C public service, the Governor. of Mizoram is pleased to <?rder C?XtenslOD of the services of .Pu N.C.Barua, DIrector, Acco ... nt� & freasurJes,: MJzoram for a � ...

r,iod of one month w.e,£. 1.3.20J4 to 31.3.2004

B.Zahmuaka, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,

De-partment of Pe.rsonnel & Administrative Reforms.

Government of Mizoralll ,


ResolutlOns, RegulatIOns, Orders, NotificatIOns, Rules and Acts,

Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition· a\ld declaratton relating-to" Land and Forest etc., by the State Go',,!. and Head of Departments.


No.A.1l0l3fJ/92-PHE/pt, the 15th January, 2004. Consequent upoa the cre-a­tion of Cha mphai WATSAN Divi-,ion with its Headquarter at Champhai under p�� �epartme£lt vide Gov('fnment Notification NO.A.l1013/3/92-PHEtPt. Dt.3. 8�OOl, the Goverrtor of Mlzoram IS p Jeased to Pfder transfer of 1 (one) post of'Divisional Accountant under S�werage & Drainage & Divisiol\ created vide No,A.ll0I3/2/87·PHE of 11.10.19<)9 in the scale of pay of RI. 2000-3200/'P'ln (Pre-revised) to Champhai WATSA NDivision with Iml11ediate effect.

, 'This issues with tbe dpproval of OP&AR (ARW) vide their I.D.No. AR:.W/ PHE/2U03-2004/E:'144 of 19.11 2003 and-Finance Department Vide their l.n.No. FIN {E)644/2003 of 9.1.2004. J

R. Bhattacharjee, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,

Public Health Engineering DepaItment.

No.G.25013/3/97·0AD, the 19th January, 2004. The Governor of Mizoram is plea$ed to enh.ance:' the rat\!s of honorarium of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and .othe.r members of Sinlung Hills Developm�nt COll rrcil with sitting allowance @ ·Rs.2S0/� per sittillg, witb effeet from L2.2tU4umii further orders;



1 :-,




NAME OF POST . EXISTING RATES E�HANCED RATES -- --'- --' --'- -.- .---.. -. - ---- --- - -------.

-Chairman Rs.3000/-p.m. Vice-Chahma n Rs.2000/-p.m. 1vfember Rs. 1500, -pm.

Rs.5000/-p.m. (in case of Non-Official) . Rs.3(JOtl/-p.m.

(m cuk' of Non OfficiaJ) Rs .2000/-p.m.

. Payment of honorarium sh ould be made from F,e he:id \If ac.:; ,)Un t :2053-Dist.Admn., 094-0ther establishment, (10) Sinlung Hills Dev. Council(Plan), (01) Salary.

Lalmalsawma, Secretary to the Gov t. of Mizoram,

General Administratlon Department.

No.A.12031/2/96 F.Est,. the 19th January, 200'+. In the in terest of public servi­ce, the Gov ernor of Mizoram is pleased to promote Pi C. Lalthanpuii to tho Senior Grad e of :tv1izoram Finance & Accounts Service in the scale of pay of Rs.IOOOO-325-15200/p.m. plus all other allowances as admis!>ible from time to time with immediate effect.

Further, in the interest of public service, the Governor of Ivlizoram is pleased to post her i n the Directorate of Accounts & Treasuri..:s as Deputy Director against lhe post vacated by Pu Chuauhnuna. This posting is purely temporary and subject t o revision at any time.

The Officer shall exercise option within one month f'r<,m the date of issue of this . order for' t he purpos.! fixation of pay. under F R 21( I) (a) (i). Option onpe exercised shall be final.

The Governor is further pleased to order that Pu Khamzagin, Assistant Director, IF & SS shall look after the works of F.A.O., Environment & Forest in_ adpihon to his own duties without additional monetary beneHt until further orders.

Roch 11a Saia wi, FIDClnclal Commissioner,

Government of Mizoram.

NO.A.110!3/6/2003-HMJ, the 20th January, 2004. On being approved by the Council of Minister .vide Memo No.J.110 12/2/�OOj-POL/VOL-I dt.12.1.2004, the Governor of 11izcram is plea�ed to upgrade 1 (One) post of LDC crea ted vice· Memo


No.HMJ.12/74/96 dt.27.5.1975 to the ,Post of l!DC in the scale of pay �s.5,OOO-15().8,OOO/.p.m. in the Office of special Supenntendent, Central .Tali, Al,zaw1l:ln-

der Prison:; Department.

This has the approva 1 of DP&AR(ARW) and Finance Department vide their

J.D.No.ARW/HMJ/2003-20C4/F-106 dt.27.8.2003 and l.D.No. FIN(E) 421/200;3 dt.17.9.20'13.

C.Ropianga, , " Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,

Home Department.

No.B.14019/33/02-LAD/VC. the 16th January, 2004. Hm unhmeltha Village Council te heknate, a hmuna enfiah a repor t te leh V .C.P . m show cause no­tice a chhannate ngun tak a enin Village Council te hi khawtlang rorel zel tlak nUn sorkarin a hre lova. A hnuaia points 2 (pahnih) tarlan ang hian Hmun­hmcltha V.C. te hi an diklo ngei a nt tih a lang:-

(1) Sorkar hriat lohvin Community Hall thiatin a hmanrua engemaw zat tiralin eng. eng emaw an hr alh a, an hraIhna man pawisa zawng zawng sorkar hriat lohva an tibral vek avanglll leh (,11) Sorkarin Hmunhmeltha khawtlang tan a dah Telephone chu "A chhia" tiin a part pawimawh tak pakhat 'Solar Plate' chu Sorkar hriat lohvin an hralh a. An hraibna pawisa zawng zawng pawh sorkar hriat lohva an tibral vek avangin.

Chuvangin LAD. VC Act 1953 Sect. 25 (1) nain' thuneihna a pek angin Mizoram Governor chuan Hmunllmeltha V.C. te hi he h riattirna cbhuah atang hian a tbiat (dis solve) ta ani. Hmunbmeltha V.C. charge la tur hian Cham­phai D.L.A.O. hian C.A. rintlak a rang thei angin a ruatfe1 tU[ ani .

No. B. 14021/7j02-LAD/VC, the 16th January, 2004. Lungrang is' V.C.-te hekna a hmuna enficthtu report leh V.C.P.-in s how cause notice a chhannate ngun taka ngaihtuah a nih hnuin a hnuaia tarlante avang h ian V.C.-te hi khawtlang rorel zel tlak niin sorkarin a hee ta lova. Hengte avang hian:-

1. Sorkar (thuneitu) briattir lovin 10 ram an theh a, tualchhung mite' leh khawtlang leh ramdang mite hnenah ram an hralh a, a man an tichingpcn bawk a.


2. Khawdan g hmasawnna (develop-na) tur sum Sorkar atanga an hmuh a bmanna tUf 4ik taka. hmaDg lovin an tic�iJ..l8pen bawk: a.

\ ' (, .' l>. R�'4!2004 10

�. ' V·G·. sum i�h kbawtlang develop-na tur sum Tre� surer-in kawl lovin V c.p­JU' a, kawl hawk a. '

4. �hawtJar,g Administration an kcngkawh zo 10 hawk a. A chunt!3 tadan point leh V.C. thawhhona a that Joh em avangtein Lunp.Jlg ·S� V.e. te hi ding zel tlak anni ta 16 a ni.' '

. Ch� yangin, L. A. D. V.c. Act, 1953 Sect. 25 (l)-nain thuncihna a pek angtn �lzoram qovern�r rbuan Lungrang 'S' V.C. te hi he Lriattirna chhuah "atang htan a (dIssolve). ta a ni. Lung�ang �S' V.C charge 1.1 tur hidn D.L.A.O. Lunglel blan C.A. IIJ,t]ak a ranMttel anglO a ruat nghal tur a ni.

J. H. Ramfangzauva, Secretary to th e (rpVt. of }iizoram,

Local Administra tion Depart'l1ent.

,N�. lJ. 11013/1/95-P&AR (GSW), the 21st January, 2004. ! n pnrsuance of the ·Govt. of India, Deptt. of Personnel & Training O. M. No. :' IIO/SB-JeA Dat�d 9. 11. 93 pertaining to the Central Civil' Services (Re-cognitiofl of Service Asso­ciations) Rules, 1993, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grant Formal Re· cognition to the foll owing Service Associations, namel y ;-

1. The Mizoram Diploma Engineering Service Association.

2. ' The Mizoram ·Govt. Doctors' Association.

Th. Service Associations so recognised shall strictJy abJik by the. Centra.1 Civil Services (Recognition of Service Ass )ciation) Rules, 1993 Failure to abide by the said Rules shan entail withdrawal of recognitIon itl respect of the de-faultins Service Associations. '.'

Lalmah..iwma, . . Secretary to the Gove of Mizoram.

No. B. 14019/19/02-LAD/VC, the 23rd January,. 2004. NAusel Sub-Village Co:rnreiitee Executive body insia�thatna c�lU fv!.lzoram. GOVc'fn€'T �huan LHO tV. Cs} Act, 1953 sec. 7-na hmangm a hnuala rot ang hI J n p.t\vmpul a ni.

Chairms Vice Chairman Secreta!!'Y Treasurer Mpmbcr

Pu Lalthantluanga Pu Vanlaltluanga Pu .C. K. P auva Miss Lalmuanpuii 1) Chhungkaia 2) Tanouia 3)' Vanlalrua ta

11 R-4,t2004

No. B. 140l7il23/02-LAD/VC, the 21st January, 2004. Maubawk Village Coun-· cil Executive Body dingl ai chu VIC Member tam zawkte rinta�kna a neih tak loh avanga thiatin Lushai Hills Distrkt (Village Co uncil) Act, 1953, sectioD 7 (1) lch Section 1S-in thuneihna a pek hmangin Mizoram Governor cbuan Mau­ba wk Village Council Executive Body thlan thar chu a bnuaia tarlan ang hian a pawmpul a ni.

President Vice Pres ide!l t Trcasul�r

Pu R. K. VanlJ lliana Pu S. R. Laldika Pu Lalsangzuala

No. B. 140il6/19/02-LAD/VC. t',e 23rd January, 2()().4. Hmawngkawn Sub-Village Committee insiamthalna chu Mizoram Governor chuan LHD (Vies) Act, 1953 Sec. 7-na hmangin a hlluaia mi ang hian a pawmpu i a ni.

Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Member

Pu T. Pachh unga Pu Vandailova Pu Zo dinthara Pu Kapzuala . 1) Pu Lalrawnliana 2) Pu Kapzauva 3) Pu La lchhingpuia

Lalth uamliana. Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram,

Loc al Administration Department.


No:, A� 4S012/4/2002-LJE;Pt-Bj19, the 19th January, 2004. In betwee.n the first sentence. and second sentence of the second paragraph of thIs Department's No­tification No . . A. 450l2/4(2002-LJE/Pt-B dt. 9. 9. 2003, the following sentence

-,shall be tnserted :-

"He shall be entitled to reta iner fee and other fees as admissible to the Assista,nl Public Prosecutor for Govt. of Mizoram in the G�uhati High Court" .

P. Chakraborty, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.

Publiahed " Iuuetl by the Controller. Printing &: Stationory. Mi&oram PriDted at tho Mizoram Oovt PrOlI, Alzawl-700