the monthly epistle - clover ·...

The Monthly Epistle VOLUME 62, ISSUE 2 FEBRUARY 2018 ABOUT LENT... In our church the color for Lent is always purple or violet, the color of repentance. If the Lenten period of 40 days can be said to have a dominating mood, it is that of repentance, of sorrow for one's sins and for the sins of all human beings. Of course, repentance isn't a seasonal thing. No one has to wait until Lent to repent. Martin Luther declares: "Our sinful self, with all its evil deeds and desires, should be drowned through daily repentance." The Christian never forgets the cry of the publican "God be merciful to me, a sinner." Lent is a special time for thinking about our shortcomings that helps us to zero in on our checkered relationship with God. We cannot repent unless we know where we stand before God. First, we must all realize that we are part of a broken, sinful world. Sin is woven into the fabric of our society, and we cannot escape it. In other words, we are caught in a net of sin and all we can do is cry for forgiveness. And there is no way we can escape all this. Jesus told his disciples they were in the world though not of the world, but as long as we live in this imperfect world, we participate in its sin. In addition, we must realize we are weak. Even with the best of intentions, we fall short. Simon Peter is the patron saint of most of us, for he swore he would not betray Jesus and yet did it. Paul knew this feeling when he wrote: "I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate" (Rom. 7:15). So we all need a time for repentance. BUT WHY LENT? Shouldn't our eyes be turned to the cross? Shouldn't our thoughts be centered on the One who died for us, instead of on our sins? Of course Jesus should dominate the Lenten scene, but it is precisely because of Him that we should be moved to repentance. True repentance comes most readily when we see what God has done for us. The image of Jesus on the cross, suffering pain and agony, moves us to sorrow for our shortcomings. The more we look to the cross, the more we are aware of how we fall far short of deserving God's love. And it is this realization that causes us to repent of our sins. Human hearts are more quickly moved to cry, "Forgive me, Lord," by God's love coming down to them than by threats of hell. LENT IS A TIME FOR REPENTANCE, FOR EXAMINING OUR LIVES AND SEEING OUR SHORTCOMINGS. IT IS A TIME TO THINK ABOUT OUR NEED FOR THE LOVE GOD SHOWED US IN CHRIST.

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Page 1: The Monthly Epistle - Clover · 2018-01-31 · The Monthly Epistle VOLUME 62, ISSUE 2 FEBRUARY 2018 ABOUT LENT

The Monthly Epistle VOLUME 62, ISSUE 2



In our church the color for Lent is always purple or violet, the color of repentance.

If the Lenten period of 40 days can be said to have a dominating mood, it is that of

repentance, of sorrow for one's sins and for the sins of all human beings.

Of course, repentance isn't a seasonal thing. No one has to wait until Lent to repent. Martin Luther

declares: "Our sinful self, with all its evil deeds and desires, should be drowned through daily

repentance." The Christian never forgets the cry of the publican "God be merciful to me, a sinner."

Lent is a special time for thinking about our shortcomings that helps us to zero in on our checkered

relationship with God.

We cannot repent unless we know where we stand before God. First, we must all realize that we are

part of a broken, sinful world. Sin is woven into the fabric of our society, and we cannot escape it. In

other words, we are caught in a net of sin and all we can do is cry for forgiveness. And there is no

way we can escape all this. Jesus told his disciples they were in the world though not of the world, but

as long as we live in this imperfect world, we participate in its sin.

In addition, we must realize we are weak. Even with the best of intentions, we fall short. Simon Peter

is the patron saint of most of us, for he swore he would not betray Jesus and yet did it. Paul knew this

feeling when he wrote: "I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the

very thing I hate" (Rom. 7:15).

So we all need a time for repentance. BUT WHY LENT? Shouldn't our eyes be turned to the cross?

Shouldn't our thoughts be centered on the One who died for us, instead of on our sins? Of course

Jesus should dominate the Lenten scene, but it is precisely because of Him that we should be moved to


True repentance comes most readily when we see what God has done for us. The image of Jesus on

the cross, suffering pain and agony, moves us to sorrow for our shortcomings. The more we look to

the cross, the more we are aware of how we fall far short of deserving God's love. And it is this

realization that causes us to repent of our sins. Human hearts are more quickly moved to cry, "Forgive

me, Lord," by God's love coming down to them than by threats of hell.



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God's Promises For You For You Mourning Your Husband Killed in Combat

Dear Neighbor,

Grace and comfort from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Having heard about the death of

your husband during combat, I write to share some promises with you from God’s Word in order to help

you bear the burden of such a loss. When death comes near (even to the best of us like your husband),

God brings promises of comfort and cheer through his Word to those who believe in him, as you do,

that the world does not understand. Death does not have the final word where Jesus is concerned, for he

is risen from the dead, and all who believe in him, even though they die, will live.

In such a time of sorrow, as your husband valiantly gave his life to protect and defend his brothers -in-arms, and all of us back

home, there are no human words that can change the reality of things. Everything has changed. Tomorrow will not be like

yesterday. While the world continues to surge on, bringing war, suffering, and all kinds of distress, your world has come to a

sudden, immediate halt. Where can we find peace, hope, and love at such a time as this? Our hope rests in Jesus Christ alon e

and his promises through his Word.

Turn to God’s Word and be comforted with a peace that passes all understanding, which the world and those who do not believe

in Jesus cannot comprehend; that even in the face of such tragedy, we can have joy, peace, and comfort because your beloved i s

risen in Christ. This is what you find in God’s Word, a promise at your fingertips, as St. Paul says, “For what was written in

former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we

might have hope.” (Romans 15:4) Open your Bible and go to the Psalms, where you will find the words to express what you

are feeling in your heart, as well as God’s promises to never forsake you in your need. In the Psalms you find words that

express all of the cries of our hearts to God, pouring out all of our cares and worries, and God answering with his mercies. Even

in this misfortune that has been laid upon you, God is not punishing you, but gathers near you, wrapping you in his arms that he

may show his love and mercies as your true Father in heaven; and that you may be comforted by Jesus Christ alone, “Can the

wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast.

The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day.” (Mark 2:19 -20)

Even though you must say goodbye to your bridegroom for a season (for you will see him again in the resurrection), Christ

gives himself to you as your comfort in the midst of this loss. He is your bridegroom, indeed your very flesh and blood in o rder

that you may find joy and peace in his Word and the assurance of his constant love and care for you.

We do not see this with our eyes at this time, but receive this promise only by faith alone in this life. In the life to com e, we will

see, just as your husband now sees his great reward on account of Jesus Christ. He served his country with honor and valor a nd

gave the ultimate sacrifice. This is a debt that we cannot repay, and can only receive in gratitude. So it is with the good Lord.

With his Sacrifice on the Cross, our Lord Jesus gives you and your husband a debt that is not repaid to him, but only receive d

gratefully in faith.

No such calamity has overtaken any human being as the Father suffered through the death of his Son for our sake. With all of

Jesus’ miracles and gifts, he was rewarded with slander, ridicule, curses, and finally the most shameful of deaths on the Cro ss.

We all believe that our own crosses are the heaviest and too much to bear, rather than the Cross of Christ, even if he had to bear

Ten Crosses for our sake. This is because we are not so patient as God is, and focus more on our own sufferings than what

Christ suffered for us, which is taking all of the world’s suffering upon himself. Even now, Jesus Christ is suffering for y ou in

your sorrow. Give it to him, and receive his joy and peace.

Finally, receive this promise: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all

comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the

comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) I pray you will receive these words in faith

and trust that the Holy Spirit has sent this letter to you through me, so that the words you are reading are not my words, bu t

God’s own promises for you. May the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort console you in his Son Jesus Christ and

with his Holy Spirit so that you may soon rejoice that death has been swallowed up in victory, and able to bear your burdens

bravely and with hope. Amen.

Peace in Christ, Your Friend 2

From the Pastor

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Sunday, February 4, the

Middle and High School

Youth will be collecting,

counting and loading do-

nated items after worship. These items will be

delivered Monday during Rowan Helping

Ministries (RHM) operating hours.

The Finance Committee will meet Sunday,

February 4, at 3:00 p.m. in the Counting Room.

WOMEN OF FAITH will meet on Thursday,

February 8, at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference

Room. Following the Bible Study the group will

go out to lunch at a local restaurant.

On Thursday, February 8, the Lutheran Men

will meet for their regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. in

the Fellowship Hall for fun, food, and fellowship.

Next Blood Drive is Monday, February 12 2:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall

We are excited to continue our partnership with

Community Blood Center of the Carolinas with our

first 2018 blood drive on Monday, February 12,

from 2:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall

with a goal of 35 units.

Average in and out time is less than an hour.

Making an appointment helps to prevent a back-log

of donors during the collection period.

Appointments may be made by contacting Alice

Davis ([email protected]).

For more information please see page 5.

HOPE CLASS, sponsored by the Parish Nurse

Ministry, will meet on Tuesday, February 13, at

1:00 p.m. in the Counting Room.

Ash Wednesday, February 14, at 11:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.


Ash Wednesday marks the

beginning of the forty-day season of

Lent. Its name is taken from the

ancient biblical tradition of using

ashes as a sign of repentance and

human mortality. We come together on

Wednesday, February 14, in humble and honest

reflection on our own sinfulness, trusting in the

forgiveness of our merciful Lord and in the

promise that he has won for us in the cross.


GIFTS given at all Lenten Services will go to

Rowan Helping Ministries to help the needy.

We hope to support RHM with $20,000 this

year. So, please give generously as a part of

your Lenten discipline.

The St. Paul's Friendship Club will meet on

Thursday, February 15, at 10:30 a.m. in the

Fellowship Hall. David Freeze will share with

us, his summer bicycle ride from Washington to

Wisconsin. We will enjoy a covered dish

luncheon after the presentation. Everyone is

invited to join us for fellowship and good food.

Hope to see you in February!

Helen Gordon

The Health Cabinet will meet Thursday,

February 15, at 5:30 p.m. in the Counting


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Youth & Family Committee will meet Sunday,

February 18, at 3:00 p.m. in the Conference

Room. (This meeting is open to youth parents and

congregation members interested in participating

with our youth ministry.)

MID-WEEK LENTEN SERVICES Wednesdays, February 21-March 21

at 11:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary

The Lenten season is one that is somber and

reflective as we gather together to recall Jesus’

final acts of ministry and the events that led to his

death. We come in humility knowing that our

sinfulness is no different than any humans that

have come before us, but that we ask God to

forgive us and make us his new creatures in the

waters of our baptism.

Good Friday Drama:

“The Cross of Christ”

Friday, March 30, at 6:30 pm Rehearsals begin Wednesday, February 21,

following Lenten Worship.

The purpose of the Good Friday Drama is to

provide a way in which we might better understand

the sacrifice Jesus Christ suffered through his death

on the cross. "The Cross of Christ" is based on

Dr. C. Truman Davis’ “The Crucifixion: A Medi-

cal View.” Davis is a medical doctor whose insight

into the crucifixion story allows us to understand

how real Jesus’ pain was. Often we can move too

quickly beyond Good Friday to get to Easter

Sunday. The Good Friday Drama will give us an

opportunity to slow down and reflect on all that

Jesus has done for us.

The Executive Committee will meet Tuesday,

February 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the Counting Room.

This month, the Lutheran Men will be providing

the Bingo at the NC Veteran’s Retirement Home on

Tuesday, February 20, at 6:30 p.m.

2018 LENTEN EVENING SUPPERS Wednesdays, February 21-March 21

5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall

Before each Lenten Evening Service, beginning on

February 21, suppers will be provided at 5:30 p.m.

in the Fellowship Hall.

Please sign up on the Friendship Pads so those

serving will know how many to prepare for. Thank


February 21 Open

February 28 Youth & Family Committee (Spaghetti)

March 7 Lutheran Men (Salad and Baked Potatoes)

March 14 Kathy Ketchie and Grace Ridenhour

Circles (Soups and Salads)

March 21 Bonnie Bost Circle (Tacos)

The youth are sponsoring a VALENTINE

DINNER for the congregation on Saturday,

February 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship

Hall. Everyone is welcome to come share in a

night filled with “Christ Love for You!” Sit back

and let our youth serve you a fantastic meal,

along with an opportunity for fellowship, and


All donations will go toward the LCMC Youth

Gathering in Des Moines, Iowa this summer.

Look for updates in the weekly Epistle.


RETREAT on Saturday, February 24, 9:00 a.m.-

3:00 p.m., at South Salisbury Fire Department.

Due to the Council Retreat the Church Council

will not meet on Sunday, February 11.

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The next meeting of the Outreach Committee

will be Sunday, February 25, at 3:00 p.m. in the

Conference Room.


Our 2018 Church Yearbooks will be available

soon and we appreciate your patience! Please

bear in mind that this is a working directory and

not an official roll of the congregation. We hope it

is correct, but would be glad to know of any errors

you may find so that we may make corrections.

The only way we may know of any change in your

address is that you or a member of your family

keep us informed. Please do us this favor.

The Altar Guild will be continuing the

observance of the LENTEN SEASON by providing

the GREENERY for the Altar Arrangements in

2018 from Sunday, February 18—Palm Sunday,

March 25. If you are interested in placing a flower

during this time in honor or in memory of

someone, you may purchase a Rail Flower for $35

from Faith Flowers & More or Flower Town.

Contact the church office for more information.

Did you know that the church has a DIRECT LINE

for you to reach our Parish Nurse, Jill Earnhardt,

RN, FCN, during the week and weekends? The

phone line was added to allow for your privacy

concerning sensitive health questions and/or

concerns. Your calls will be returned within 24-48


To reach her, please call (704) 431-6633.


MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12 2:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.

The first blood drive for 2018 at St. Paul's will be

held on Monday, February 12, from 2:00-6:30 p.m.

in the Fellowship Hall. Our goal will be 35 units

and we need new donors to help meet that number.

The average number of units for the four drives in

2017 was 36, but this has fallen from the 40+ unit

average in 2016. The church needs to maintain at

least 35 units/drive to justify the staff and volunteers

needed at each drive.

New donors are needed. Although we have 41

members who have donated at least once in the past

two years, seven of those can no longer donate

because of medical problems. Each donation can

help three individuals in the need of blood. The best

thing about being partners with Community Blood

Center of the Carolinas (CBCC) is that all blood

collected remains in North and/or South Carolina.

Those who have donated in the past will receive

appointment times based on previous donation

times beginning the week of February 21st.

Although an appointment is not necessary, those

with appointments are usually processed in less

than an hour. Anyone who is not on our donor list

can schedule an appointment directly through

CBCC or contact Alice Davis (704-855-4930 or

[email protected]).

Alice Davis received an email from Lori Haas,

Blood Drive Coordinator for Community Blood

Center of the Carolinas: “I just checked online

scheduling and you (St. Paul's) has 37

appointments online! That is fantastic considering

we remain in critical need for blood! Critical status

means that we have LESS than a 3 day supply!

Following the holiday season, frigid temperatures,

snow and widespread sickness – We are

STRUGGLING!! Please continue to spread the

word, that if you are healthy and well – PLEASE

come donate on Monday, February 12th.”

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Thank you all for your continued support and

ministry to Rowan Helping Ministries! On

December 28, 2017 we collected 7 bags of food so


Rowan Helping Ministries items for

February are: Instant Grits, Instant Oatmeal,

Vienna Sausages, Pop Tarts, Rice, Feminine

products, Treet Meat or Spam, Cornbread mix, and

Breakfast cereals.

Thank you all for your continued support and

ministry! The shelves are bare and needs are

plenty especially during the winter season.


If there is inclement weather during the week and

Rowan County Schools are closed, the office and

church activities will be canceled (with few


If there is inclement weather during the weekend,

the Executive Committee, Property Committee, and

Pastor will determine whether to offer Worship. If

yes, then St. Paul’s will offer only the Worship

service at 10:30 a.m. All other Sunday activities

(choir rehearsals, Sunday School, meetings, etc.)

would be canceled. Also please note that the church

parking lot and walk ways may not be totally

cleared. Our Property Committee will work hard to

make it safe.

For those who would be attending Worship, we

recommend caution when driving. Please only drive

if you can safely get to the church.

We will contact those on our email list, update our

website, and update our listing on WBTV Charlotte,

WSOCTV/TV 64, WCCB Charlotte, and WCNC

Charlotte for church cancelations and delays.

Thank you for your understanding and

cooperation. Please stay safe and warm.


Too hot? Too cold? In the Fellowship Hall and

classrooms it seems like the temperature often goes

from one extreme to the other. The Property

Committee asks for your help in keeping everyone

comfortable while holding down utility costs.

There is a low temp thermostat behind stage in the

Fellowship Hall to sense if the temperature there

drops below 55 degrees. When that happens the

boilers come on and heat the entire Educational

Building even though it’s unoccupied. If classroom

doors are closed the heat never gets to the thermostat,

so the heat stays on constantly, wasting energy and

money. Please keep the following in mind when

using the classrooms and Educational Building: The doors at each side of the stage should

remain open when the Fellowship Hall is not in

use. This keeps the temperature from dropping

to 55 degrees at the low temperature thermostat. All classroom doors in the Educational

Building should be left open when not in use.

This helps keep the temperature more uniform

throughout the building when the heat is off. Register temperature adjustments dials should be

at the “6:00” position when leaving. This allows

the fans to run when the boilers come on Sunday

morning, so the rooms will be comfortable and

ready for use when you arrive.

Following these simple steps will help conserve

energy when heat isn’t needed, and make the

building more comfortable when in use. Thank you

for your help!

Property Committee


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Lutheran Women’s News…

How would you feel if you and/or your children

were being abused and you had nowhere to go? The

Battered Women’s Shelter offers help for women

and children who are victims of domestic violence.

Unlike the Homeless Shelter, which also serves

these women, the Battered Women’s Shelter offers

an apartment type living until the family can be

placed on their own. The facility requires that

participants cook, wash, and clean for themselves

and help with shelter duties.

During February, the Lutheran Women will assist

these women by donating clothes, cleaning supplies,

health supplies, and shelter supplies. Anything that

makes where you live a “home” is useful at the


In Lent, our Lutheran Women’s circles will be

providing Lenten Suppers at 5:30 p.m. on

Wednesdays in the Fellowship Hall.

Terri Powlas

Lutheran Women’s President


Very soon our church website (

will be upgraded with many new features, layout, and

easier navigation. We’re hoping the website will

allow our congregation to stay up to date. Our goal is

to have the upgrade up and running by the end of



Three years ago St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

became a member of RightNow Media.

RightNow Media is a non-profit organization

that firmly believe The Mission of the Church

Matters. Everything they do is rooted in the

belief that the church (people not buildings) can

have a powerful impact on this world.

They serve over 10,000 churches each year and

are like “Netflix for the church” because Right-

Now Media has a huge library with thousands of

video sessions that people can access anytime,

anywhere. Their creative team films and produces

RightNow Media Originals featuring teaching

from respected teachers and pastors. They also

distribute video resources produced by over 100

other major Christian publishers and ministries.

Learn more at

If you haven’t signed up, please contact the

church office and we will send you an


This winter, keep in mind before visiting a

NURSING HOME, to contact them whether

there are any quarantined areas due to illnesses.

Many of the area nursing homes have had the flu

and other contagious illnesses.

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Think Before You Drink!

Establishing healthy routines can be easier than we realize. We can make simple

changes such as what we choose to drink.

When you consider that there are 220 calories in a medium regular Coke from

McDonalds and zero calories in water. What would you choose?

Throughout scripture we read that God values our bodies. Our bodies are said to be a temple of the Holy

Spirit, and we are called to take care of and to honor God’s temple. God’s word leads us to use our bodies

and the gifts He has given us to achieve the will of God.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,

whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor

God with your bodies.

With that being said, below are some easy tips to use to set a healthy routine:

1. Add a slice of lemon, lime or perhaps orange to your water.

2. Use sparkling water with a splash of 100% fruit juice.

The month of February is Water appreciation Month at St. Paul’s. There will be a few interesting prizes

awarded during the month.

Here’s to a month filled with healthy drinking habits!

Jill Earnhardt, RN, FCN, Parish Nurse

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On February 4, the HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH will

have their meeting at the Funderburk’s house. We

will watch the Super Bowl, eat, and play a few

games. We will start the meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Kick-off is 6:30 p.m.

Sunday, FEBRUARY 25, FROM 4-6P.M., the

MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH will have a Bible study

followed by a Nerf War and pizza party. We have

been talking about discipleship for Christ in youth

meetings and confirmation classes. Take this

opportunity to invite a friend to share an evening

of fun and laughter, and the love of Christ with

one another.




YOUTH will go bowling at Woodleaf Lanes in

Salisbury. Check-in time for the lanes is 1:30 p.m.

We will meet at the church at 1:00 p.m. St. Paul’s

has 5 lanes reserved for the youth and their families

to enjoy a family activity together.

Please let Katie know by email or text how many

from your family will be going by February 4th . I

can add more lanes if needed at that time. We will

return to the church before 4:00 p.m. for Treble



the MIDDLE and

HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH will be going to Winter Jam

2018 at Greensboro Coliseum Complex. Feature

Christian Artists headlining will be Kari Jobe,

Building 429, comedian John Crist, KB, NewSong,

and many more. For a full list of artist you can

visit the Winter Jam 2018 website. I encourage

you to bring a friend. Tickets are $15 at the door.


spend the day tailgating at the coliseum. Please let

Katie Funderburk know (email or text) by

February 16th if your youth and a friend will



In February, St. Paul’s Girl Scouts will meet

every Tuesday evening at 6:45 p.m.

During the month of January and February our

Girl Scouts will be selling delicious cookies. If you

are interested in purchasing cookies, please

contact Nicole Amos or see a Girl Scout. Most

cookies are still $4.00 a box with several new

cookies at $5.00.

On Friday, February 2, in the Fellowship Hall

the Girl Scouts will pick up their cookies to

distribute at 5:30 p.m.

On Saturday, February 3, the Girl Scouts will be

participating in Thinking Day.

On Saturday, February 17, those Girl Scouts

eligible will work on their Silver Workshop.

Friday, March 10-Saturday, March 11, the Girl

Scouts will have a lockin. More information will

be available soon.

On March 10 from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. is

Journey Workshop for Cadettes, Seniors, and

Ambassadors at First United Methodist Church in

Salisbury. Cost is $20. Registration is due by

February 5.

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Our 2nd year Confirmation Class Students went to

Camp Loy White for a Hand in Hand TEC #65.

All 6 youth, the pastor, and myself enjoyed a

grace-filled weekend where we experienced Die In

Christ Day, Reflection In Christ Day, and Rise In

Christ Day. The group felt Jesus’ love, His

forgiveness, and His promise for their life. Thank

you to the Christian Education Committee for

making it possible for our Confirmands of 2018 to

go on this retreat and experience first hand God’s

immense love and sacrifice He made in giving His

son Jesus to die for you and for me. GLYASDI

(God Loves You and So Do I)!

CONFIRMATION will meet February 7 at 7:15

p.m. in the Conference Room. In February the

Confirmands will discuss 6 Marks of Discipleship

and are encouraged to attend the Ash Wednesday

Service at 6:30 p.m. on February 14.

This year all rising 8-12th Grade Youth have the

opportunity to go the LCMC Youth Gathering

“Called 2: Follow” in Des Moines, Iowa the week

of July 14-22. The Youth Gathering cost for each

person is $325. We also will have expenses for 2

van rentals.

The group plans to visit The Ark and the

Creation Museum in Kentucky during their

traveling to and from Des Moines. The cost for

these exhibits is $60 for one day at the Ark and a 2

-day pass for the Creation Museum. The youth

will be arranging several fundraisers to help

support this. Please watch for upcoming events in

the weekly epistles, and newsletters, along with

youth announcement at church.

Our youth trips would not be possible without

the love, prayer, and support of our fundraisers

that St. Paul’s congregation provides each year.

We cannot start to thank you enough for the

experiences and enabling us to share Christ with

the world around us.

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Honorarium and Memorial Gifts February

A gift was received for the Improvement Fund in

honor of Tim Deal from:

Tony and Jeanne Shaver

A gift was received for the Bible Teacher’s

Programs at Carson and East Rowan High Schools

in honor of Grace Funderburk from:

James and Mary Lee Earnhardt

A gift was received for the Improvement Fund in

honor of Johnny Lombard’s birthday from:

Tony and Jeanne Shaver

A gift was received for the Cemetery Fund in

honor of John and Sue Shell’s 54th Wedding

Anniversary from:

Delores Stanley

Gifts were received for the Improvement Fund in

memory of Buck and Margie Deal from:

Jerry and Linda Beaver

Donald and Nancy Deal

Jimmie and Jean Deal

Max and Peggy Hall

Mark and Libby McLean

Gifts were received for the Parish Nurse Fund in

memory of Susan Lewis Hilton from:

Grady and Jenny Earnhardt

Frank and Cindy Hinson

A gift was received for the General Fund in

memory of Lucile Leazer from:

Grady and Jenny Earnhardt

Gifts were received for the General Fund in

memory of Robert (Bob) McBride from:

Wilbur Canup

Grady and Jenny Earnhardt

Perry and Ruth Julian

Wayne and Johnsie Taylor

A gift was received for the Helping Hands Fund in

memory of Robert (Bob) McBride from:

Perry and Lori Bernhardt

A gift was received for the Cemetery Nurse Fund in

memory of Robert Miller from:

Perry and Lori Bernhardt

Gifts were received for the General Hands Fund in

memory of Robert Miller from:

Wilbur Canup

Grady and Jenny Earnhardt

Perry and Ruth Julian

A gift was received for the Improvement Fund in

memory of Robert Miller from:

Alice Davis

A gift was received for the Parish Nurse Fund in

memory of Robert Miller from:

Ben and Susan Bernhardt

Gifts were received for the Parish Nurse Fund in

memory of Bea Overcash from:

Dana and Crystal Bost

Grady and Jenny Earnhardt

Frank and Cindy Hinson

Gifts were received for the General Fund in

memory of Colleen Shuping from:

Grady and Jenny Earnhardt

Frank and Cindy Hinson

Gifts were received for the General Fund in

memory of Frank Whisnant from:

Dana and Crystal Bost

John Deere FOCUS Electronic Engine Controls

The George Eagle Family

Steve and Sue Eagle

Grady and Jenny Earnhardt

Frank and Cindy Hinson

D. W. and Judi Honbarger

Reese and Kim Hoyt

Ro and Marilyn King

Eleanor Sifford

Wayne and Johnsie Taylor

Thomas Built Busses, Inc. Engineering Dept.

Roy and Jan Zimmerman

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Gifts were received for the Improvement Fund in

memory of Frank Whisnant from:

Wilbur Canup

Alice Davis

Vaughn and Linda Lyerly

Tony and Jeanne Shaver

Gifts were received for the Helping Hands Fund in

memory of Frank Whisnant from:

Tim and Karen Deal

Jeff and Mita Powlas

A gift was received for the Parish Nurse Fund in

memory of Frank Whisnant from:

Ben and Susan Bernhardt

Gifts were received for the Cemetery Fund in

memory of James A. (Jim) Young from:

Catherine Allison

Perry and Lori Bernhardt

Ellis L. Cauble and Family

Frank and Cindy Hinson

Wayne and Johnsie Taylor

A gift was received for the General Fund in

memory of James A. (Jim) Young from:

Grady and Jenny Earnhardt

Gifts were received for the Improvement Fund in

memory of James A. (Jim) Young from:

Dennis and Judy Hensley

Gloria Hunter

Don and Judy Lentz

Angela Shaver

Tony and Jeanne Shaver

Bev Simonson, Cory Simonson,

Erin Stucker and Becky Phillips

Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Thomason

Dean and Patsy Wilson

Michael and Jeannie Young

OUR LOVE AND SYMPATHY is extended to Alesia

Lewis and Family on the death of Bea Overcash on

January 3.

OUR LOVE AND SYMPATHY are extended to Mita

Powlas and Family on the death of Colleen Shuping

on January 8.

OUR LOVE AND SYMPATHY are extended to Sue

Young and Family on the death of Jim Young on

January 8.

OUR LOVE AND SYMPATHY are extended to

Tammy Leazer and family on the death of Lucille


OUR LOVE AND SYMPATHY are extended to Bar-

bara Whisnant and Family on the death of Frank

Whisnant on January 13.

OUR LOVE AND SYMPATHY are extended to Stan

McConnell and Family on the death of Robert Miller

on January 13.

OUR LOVE AND SYMPATHY are extended to

Cameron and Cody Wilson and Family on the death

of Toby Wilson.

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On behalf of my mom, a belated thanks for the

Christmas bag sent to my mom, Zelia Padgett. She

was appreciative of such nice things….Mom has just

gotten over shingles and has declined more recently,

so it is nice that shut-ins are thought of.

Denise Foutz

St. Paul's Church Family,

Thank you for all the love and support shown to

Frank Whisnant over the last 4 years while he was at

the NC State Veterans Home. It meant a lot to him

and to our family.

We are so very grateful for all the prayers, cards,

visits and condolences that you shared with our family

upon his death. The outpouring of love was amazing

and is what makes this congregation so very special.

We are truly blessed to be a part of this church family.

Barbara, Kenneth, Bethany,

Lauren and Lindsey Whisnant

Dear St. Paul's Family,

Spending 12 days in the hospital during Christmas

was quite a surprise for me and my family. Your

prayers, visits, calls, cards, food and expressions of

love have been very comforting and greatly

appreciated. Thank you St. Paul's for being such a

loving church family.

Ben Bernhardt

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

I wanted to thank you for all the hugs, prayers,

cards, and phone calls —as I continue to battle this

cancer — I appreciate this more than you will ever


To update you on my progress -- I had the PET

scan on January 9th — saw the doctor on the 12th

— my blood work was perfect and every place

except one had improved and that one had gotten a

little worse but not that much — I was thrilled

with that report and so Blessed by the healing Grace

of God! I will stay on the same drugs for another 3

months and will have another PET scan in April.

Thanks again to the wonderful family of St. Paul’s

for all of your support!

May God Bless you,

Joyce Wilhelm


Steve Thomas, (organizer for the Christmas

Dinner on Dec. 21) sent a thank you email Dec. 23

for all your help with cooking turkeys, baking

goodies or volunteering to help. One young girl was

overheard telling her friend, “this is the Best

Christmas ever”! That made me smile and hope it

put joy in your heart too. I want to recognize and

thank those that volunteered to cook turkeys-Alice

Davis, Alison Moore, Helen Gordon, Tammie

Agner, Melinda Redding, Jane Webb, Louise Eller

and Abby Walker. And I also appreciated John and

Carolyn Canup for taking the turkeys to First

Presbyterian church and volunteering to help serve.

I know many of you baked goodies and am sorry I

did not keep up with those but I appreciate your

efforts too.

Steve said to stay tuned-they plan on getting

together during 2018 to make the next Christmas

meal even more special.

Thanks again, Susan Bernhardt

On behalf of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, we are so

very thankful for being selected to receive the

generous gift of $500 from the Classical

Conversations national office.

Each week we have a local Classical Conversations

group that meets at the church. We are grateful to be

able to provide them with a place to educate and guide

children and youth in a Christian Environment.

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Lenten Poem by Ann Weems

Lent is a time to take time to let the power

of our faith story take hold of us,

a time to let the events get up

and walk around in us,

a time to intensify our living unto Christ,

a time to hover over the thoughts of our hearts,

a time to place our feet in the streets of

Jerusalem or to walk along the sea and

listen to his Word,

a time to touch his robe

and feel the healing surge through us,

a time to ponder and a time to wonder.

Lent is a time to allow

a fresh new taste of God!

Perhaps we’re afraid to have time to think,

for thoughts come unbidden.

Perhaps we’re afraid to face our future

knowing our past.

Give us courage, O God,

to hear your Word

and to read our living into it.

Give us the trust to know we’re forgiven

and give us the faith

to take up our lives and walk.

During the month of January, money was

collected for the support of the BIBLE

TEACHERS at East Rowan and Carson High

Schools. Our annual budgeted amount of $2,100

for 2018 is to help make the message of Jesus

Christ available in our local schools. So far we

have collected $873 for this program. This is $473

more collected than last year.


At the printing of the January newsletter the

January Financial information was not available

for reporting. Please review your March

newsletter for the Income and Expenses for





Building Better Caregivers, a series of six

workshops, will kick off from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00

p.m. on February 20 and continue on consecutive

Tuesdays through March 27.

The workshops are sponsored by the Centralina

Area Agency on Aging and Lutheran Services

Carolinas. Held at Lutheran Services Carolinas,

1416 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. in Salisbury,

the workshops are designed to help reduce stress

for both caregiver and care partner, help improve

health through self-care methods, help with

management of difficult care partner behaviors and

increase communication skills. They also will offer

information to equip participants to plan for the

future and find information and


The classes are free, but space is limited.

Register by calling 980-521-3935. Respite care

for a care partner during class time may be

available at Trinity Living Center, which is next

door to Lutheran Services Carolinas. Call 704-637-

3940 for information about availability.

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205 St. Paul’s Church Road

Salisbury, NC 28146

St. Paul's Lutheran Church Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC)

Phone: 704-633-0922

Fax: 704-636-1300

Email: [email protected]



OUR MISSION: A family of faith sharing the

gospel and love of Christ.



Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Evening Service

at 6:30 p.m.

OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday

Rev. DJ Lura,

Senior Pastor

[email protected]

Tim Free,

Congregational Council


Genevieve Baker,

Church Secretary

[email protected]

Pamela Cottingham, Office Assistant

Katie Funderburk,

Director of Youth Ministries

[email protected]

Jill Earnhardt, Parish Nurse


(704) 461-6633

[email protected]

Nicole Amos,

Girl Scouts Troop Coordinator

Louise Eller, Treasurer

[email protected]

Steve Stringer,

Music Director/Organist

[email protected]


Once again we are offering members the opportunity to purchase

lilies and geraniums to beautify our church for Easter Sunday, April 1.

The number of lilies available to us this year is limited to only 20.

You may purchase a Lily at $10 per wrapped flower or a white

Geranium at $7.75 per wrapped flower.

Please fill out the information below if you would like to purchase a

lily/geranium or designate a gift in lieu of a flower. Make all checks

payable to: ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Orders may be placed

in the offering plate, turned in to the church office, or mailed in.

In Honor of _______________________________________________

In Memory of _____________________________________________

By: _____________________________________________________

Total Number of Lilies/Geraniums given: ___________

Amount Given for Lilies/Geraniums: $___________

DEADLINE: Sunday, March 18.

IN LIEU OF LILIES/GERANIUMS you may make a memorial or

honor gift to the General Fund, Improvement Fund, Youth, Parish

Nurse or any other area of St. Paul's ministry. Make all checks

payable to: ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Clearly mark the

desired fund and turn in the order form.

FOR:____________________________________________________ (Name of Fund to receive gift)

In Honor of _______________________________________________

In Memory of _____________________________________________

By: _____________________________________________________

Amount Given In Lieu of Lilies/Geraniums: $_____________

____ Yes ____ No: I plan to pick up my lilies/geraniums after the

10:30 a.m. Worship Service on Easter Sunday.