the n.e freedom i · by maiden ladie* residing in new eng-land. the germans declare their sea...

at the psotern.. at Niesonul .as seond-eas mal matter t itisSCAftT1ON RATES (hi Advane) . , e mot _.,.mouth ._ . 0.6 for fore countries TES`. P4I4O LL 435-458 inrkM Al ntA l g Conneeting MiSSOlULA OFFICE I and 131 West Main Striet Hamilton Off •e 11 Meain street, Hailton, Moat. $USSCRIIERS' PAPERS ,e Missoullan is anxious to give the best earrier service: erefore, sub- a.Sre requested t9 report Multy de at onoe. In rdertng paper id to new IaW•s, pleare give eM atd~rSSa ,aio. ?oney oreerd and eeks aShould made payable to be MtAiiilaa lisblhing Company. TO ADVERTISER8 While The Miseoulian takle every iIeasnble precaution to guard against arphiol error in its advertising eurne, printesr are but human ano we wmi net be responitble for snomre whiob may inadvertently occur. Miessulan Publishing Company FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1914. THAT PROSPERITY. The election over, we ought to see more of that prosperity. Election al- ways throw doubt into the minds of investors, whom the war already had made timid enough. Christmas will put a pot of money in circulation and after that glad holiday has passed, the impetus to trade through the European muss ought to make itself, strongly evident. Not that we shall see boosp times, despite predictions. While the war lasts, a certain amount of caution will remain advisable. Indeed, along home lines, continued deprersion is possible. We ihali not escape our share of the misery of the most bewildering pe. rlod mankind has faced in our annals. BATTLE FOR SUFFRAGE T4e batt e for suffYIge will go on -and it will eventually be won. The ladies need not be discouraged over Tuesday's polling in the nation. The war played hlavoc with their cause; and hard times had some effect. The next period of peace and prosperity will see substantial gains for them. Suffrage is already indorsed by two parties and favored by many leaders in two others. Th campaign of 1916 probably will see all of the parties in line for it. The war in Europe undoubtedly caused many men who otherwise would have favored suffrage to with- hold support at this time. There is a growing uneasiness lest we be drawn into the struggle and feeling that if we were, ladies in power might complicate matters. This belief, of course, is (ytid:' but politics Is ever ruled by al ites. FOOT AND MOUTH SCOURGE. It never rains but it pours: troubles never come singly; when one is on the toboggan, anything may be expected. And it is the same with nations as with individuals. The foot and mouth scourge, cur- tailing our food supply very seriously at a time when we are supposed to keep Europe from starving, is a ter- rible blow. The only solution may lie in the consumption of less meat by all of us, for a while. There is some consolation in the fact that the aver- age American consumes too much flesh, anyway. They make a big sensation, over in Butte, of the fact that 3,000 men vot- ed for a dead man. But millions have voted for a dead one for president of the United States on several historic occasions. Newspapers accomplish the Im- possible only in "newspaper" fiction written for the Saturday Evening Post by maiden ladie* residing in New Eng- land. The Germans declare their sea sur- ims will eclipse their land surprises -- n which event, they may have the British seeing things. -N{one of the European censors show i sitaUm's victory is not to be #@,tbal w ell bas it place. _, .. THE N.E FREEDOM I The fight for equal suffrage in. Montanxt: is won. The constitutional amendment has been :adopted by. not loss than 2,500 majority atn the full retu~ifs nay make the fig- uires as high im e,000. Both the advocates and opponents of the measure ex- pected a larger majority in its fator, ,but the margin is suf- ficient to enfrandhise 75,000 women in this state. While the ultimate result of giving the ballot to women will be farreaching, wekdo not apprehend that there will be any immediate rev0lutionary changes in our laws or cus- toms. The liquor interests carried on a quiet, but effective, cam- paign against the amendment, being influenced by the be- lief that woman suffrage means prohibition. We believe that they are mistaken. The results in other states do not beat out the theory. Before equal suffrage was adopted in Calfornia, the city of Los Angeles voted dry; after woman suffrage was adopted in California, Los Angeles voted wet. Last Tuesday, statewide prohibition was disastrously de- feated in California. Three months ago, Virginia, not a suf- frage state, adopted statewide prohibition, as did West Vr- ginia a few months' before. * *'* r* * We have never believed that equal suffrage would .seri- ously affect the numerical ratio of political parties, ques- tions of finance, or matters of public interest, that for.a bet- ter term, we'designate as ordinary, everyday politics. This, for the simple reason that women are endowed with the same mental processes as are men. In political matters, affecting financial policies, such as tariff and banking, we believe that women will very largely follow the advce of the male members of their family. In political matters affecting public morals, the .schools, rights of women and children, and like interests, the votes of women will be a power for good. Fundamentally the question of equal suffrage is a biolog- ical one. While the exercise of the franchise will not make women masculine, or 'cause them to neglect the home, or care more for dogs and less for babies and except in rare instances, to seek for public office, it will surely tend towards the abolition of the presenit moral code that fixes = one standard for men and another for women. The adoption of equal suffrage will tend toward a better type of candidates in local politics. The votes of women will constitute a vast reservoir of strength to draw upon when great moral questions are at issue. To the well-to-do woman, living in a sheltered home, the ballot is not of so much consequence, but to the unmarried working woman, with no positive voice in the regulation of hours of labor, conditions of employment,"and wages, it will prove a tremendous force towards the betterment of social and industrial conditions everywhere. All honor to the Anfia Shaws, Jane Addams, Ruth Mc- Cormicks, Jeanette Rankins,, Mary Stewarts and Jessie .Thompsons,,whose indefatigable work in the cause of equal suffrage has raised the political status of Montana women from that of serf to citizen. More and more citizenship is becoming a duty instead of a privilege. SThe Way They Take It - FIRST IMPRESSIONS. (Col. Sam Gordon in the Yellowstone Journal.) It is, of course, much too early to make intelligent comment on the re- sults of the campaign, but from the indications divulged by the first re- iports from everywhere, the condition revealed is that the republicans have gained and the progressixes have al- Smost disappeared. To any progressive who has held to the progressive party as a political machine, to be used--if the opportunity offered, or could be made-- to carry him into office, this disappearance of the party will . n- doubtedly be looked upon as a griev- ous event, and the time spent in marching and counter-marching as a progressive, as time wasted, but io the msn who is a progressive at heart, and on principle only, the disappear- ance of the party as a political entity does'nt spell much. To the man last referred to, progressive principles are merely expressions of desire for good government, not for party or partisan control, and if the progressive wave has done nothing else, it has indelibly impressed on the minds of all intelli- gent people that the party tab is no recommendation if the man wearing it is not to be desired as a public serv- ant. There are just as many progressives of the right kind still in existence as there were in 1912. hut it Is too true that the righteous spirit that pervaded the mass of them in that campaign, to overwhelm and destroy the whited sepulchers of the republican party even at the cost of democratic success, is not the moving force pow as then. Too frequently and too emphatically has it been pointed out to progressives in the past two years, that within all their zeal and high purpose, they have only succeeded in figuring in the du- blous position of "assistant democrats," and while no progressive need charge himself with an error in helping to elect Woodrow Wilson instead of Wil- liam Howard Taft, that consolation comes to him only in a general way, and he has been too often deminded that President Wilson, intelligent, pure and high-minded as he is, has on many occasions permitted himself to be used by politicians for purely partisan pur- poses. Such instances exposed his feet tof clay, but knowing that he has them, let. us hope that they may be stout enough for him to use il stamping out some peculiarly partisan excesses. On the whole and by a large ma- jority, his administration has been such as has commanded the respect and jpproval 9t the country at large, but he has not yet attained the claim on the people's support, that he can risk the wholesale approval of a democratic congress such as has just adjourned; and it is perplexing to progressives who have a high opinion of the president, to think that with his clear mental power, he can lend him- self to any such farcickl performance with the belief that it will carry any weight, and-if he knows that it will not-that he should stoop to the pub- lic indorsement of some who he Cer- tainly would not indorse in private. It is too evident that our president is still a politician in the worst sense of the word, and that he relies on combina- tions purchased through and by such acts as this, to get the legislation that he thinks is essential. Perhaps he thinks he can be more "his own man" a in a second term if he wins that prize a by judicious distribution of his favors during the first. But at worst, he is no worse than other presidents who have preceded him, and some better than some, but still a disappointment in that he has feet of clay. 1 Perhaps there is a sting-to the real progressive-in the fact that Mr. Wil- so has fqrgotten who made him presi- dent. HIe ascribes all power and glory to the democratic party, but the merest tyro In public affairs knows differently. It was due the progressives of the na- tion, who made his position possible, that he would have flavored his dem- ocracy with progressiveism; but he has mostly failed to do this, and has gath- i ered about him as advisers some very pronounced ,exemplars of bourbonism with only a modicum of democratic D progressivelsm. The result of the congressional elections, if it holds as it now points, 1 .i will be a trimming of the large demo- s cratic majority in the, house, which ordinarily would be interpreted as a veering of public opinion to the e stormy quarter for the democracy, and oa disapproval of the president's first . two years, but the spokesmen of the n dominant party have'already discount- r, ed that mark of disapproval by assert- d ing that it was desirable that the ma- e jority be reduced, as it would then hbe y more managable. 'But when "Uncle d Joe" Cannon and "Boss" Penrose win - back, it looks as if a good many pro- t gresslves had decided that--fo a while a, -they would cease. to be "assistant t democorate." Yet they may have the It leaven of progressiveism still in their' systems and it will work up. Speak- - ing for itself, The Journal never went a through a pleasanter campaign than I it this, free from party ties, though still I ", strongly progressive, #Ii!IIIr' j jJ a" ~ 2 I ii SI "Od ahine eoleuedtotlllite irstobeae ik itleldis -Mr eto os REPORTS OF EXPANDING BUSINESS FROM ALL SIDES (By Robert H. Benedict.) The great codi'nercial organism of this country is taking on new life rapidly, as evideinced by scores of op- timistic reports coming in from all direetiQnhs sincinhe middle of October. The enormous.demands upon us from the warring nations for textiles, can- non, grain, canned meats, flour and other foodsttiffs, motor trucks and au- tomobiles, harness and other leather goods, rubber boots, clothing and a host of other articles, have given great impetus to a trade that was already reviving rapidly to supply home needs. It must be remembered that the great exports now moving to Europe are in large part extraordinary. They comprise millions of dollars worth of goods that would not be needed at all in times of, peace, or if needed, would be manufactured in Europe. The meat-paclcing industry is one of the great beneficiaries, and the packers are bu:ping up all the cattle they can find, at the same time plac- ing 'big orders for .tin for cans. Makers of I.xt4le machinery are FRENCH FORTS POOR, (Correspondence of Assoclated Press.) The Hague. Oct. 13.-Accoitding to recent reports in the German, press not all the French fortifications a'e so strong as had been .bellved. Sev•ral of those which have been taken by the Germans are said to have been anti- quated, little effort to modernize them having been spe)nt. on them. A note- worthy example of this, and one which is rather typical of what the Germans assert they have found, is the case of Fort Lee Ayvelles, which, located al- most due south of Mezieres-Charle- ville, guarded the bridges and fords of the Meuse in that locality. Describing 'what he saw in the ,fort after tt h~ad been occupied by the Ger. mans,' Henry Binder, war.correspond- ent of the Berliner Tageblatt, says in the idbite of that paper of October 9, Lmong -other things: Dependent on Belnians "Alt 'i'rench forts along ti Belgian border have been constructed with such carelessness that one can easily deter- mine the degree to which tlle French depended upon their Belgiannneighbor. Generally the forts were lei't in the state they had when built, 4 nd since the plan of their construct on' dates back to 50 years ago, the sarategical weakness of several or more of them is plain enough. "A typical example of this is Fort Lee Ayvelles which guarded the bridges and fords of the Meuse south of Meakerese-Charleville, and which was shot out of the ground with 300 shots from our 21-centimeter mortars. The fort was built in 1878 and was armed with 40 pieces. Its main armament was two batteries of six guns each of 9-centhineter caliber, dating from the years 1878 and 188. and which had a range of only four kilometers (note: the range of even the smallest German buying much pig iron to supply the new demand resulting from-large sales of textiles to Europe. Russia is negotiating in New York for 200 locomotives. France has or- dered ;$26,000,000 worth of six-inch field guns from the Bethlehem Steel company. Activity in the home building trade is bringing many orders for Btruttur- al steel. The certainty that enormous orders will be placed in this country when the time comes to replace bridges and other structurems destroyed in the war, gives the steel industry something to look forward to. If we care to anticipate further, we can see Europe's needs afte3r the war bringing an unprecedentetl wave of Prosperity to us, but there, is enough to cheer us in the of what is coming to us right now. From every hand we hqar of facto- ries taking on more men jand working to Capacity to fill Eurobean orders. Let us grasp the psycho'ogy of the situation and do ll we c(n to spread the news of Increasing jactivity and growing confidence. I_ siege pieces is never than eight kilometers). Guns of 1i84 "In addition there we e found in the fort several 12-centime er bronze guns which had been cast /in 1884, while in the casemates we f und several ml- trailleuses and five-b .rrelled revolver guns which had been litended to sweep the moats. In the for .was also found several old mortars from the year 1842-old muzzle-load rs with the-typ- ical pyramids of roun cannonballs be- side them-guns of a type we use in our villages to fire sa utes. "The fort showed ne ;lect everywhere. Not alone was its ar •ament antiquated and primitive, but-th management be- fore and during the' attack must have been defective. T e road to the fort had been blocked merely by felled trees and an occ• lonal barbed-wire entanglement, and1 trees befoie one of the batteries of th forts made it nec- essary to replace it after our troops had arrived. To do this 'a winch had to be used. But they succeeded only in getting one oP the pieces into posi- tion. This gun ,asoitannded to serve against aircraft above the fort, and an effort had b -n made to give it the necessary high- ngle elevation by dig- ging a trench alodnd it in which the limber rested. even at that, the ele- vation secured -as insufficient. German Fire Accurate "Our artillery bombarded the fort from a north esterly direction and worked with precision that would be hard to eq al. One of the batteries in ,the fort h been put out of action by a- bull's eyt. shot for each piece, and in other cas-e the barrel of the gun had been tor from the carrIge, leav- ing a scrap heap of barrel, wheels, limber parts and masonry. One of the barrels had dents four centimeters deep where fragments of our burst- ing shells had hit it. "In this 'helpless cage' a garrison ofI about 900 men had been stationed. It is undeir'tood that the men fled as soon as fire was opened by our artillery. In- stead of placing this force in trenches they depended upon thip poor position with the result that their defeat was complete morally and physically. "Tlere is the grave of the poor coth- mandant who witnessed the futile struggle and then saw his men utterly routed by a numerically superior enemy. The poor man ended his life. Simple German soldiers have -honored this deed by a massive cross of wood upon which they painted in good let- tering the words: "'Here rests the brave commandant. He found it impoAsible to survive the fall of the fort in his charge. R. I. P. With this simple cross of wood the German soldier honors in you the hero who did his duty-Second Landwehr- Pioneer Company, VIII, A-K., Sep- tember, 1914.' " Fuel tests by the geological survey have developed that at low rates of working run-of-mine coal gives a higher equivalent evaporation than briquettes; at medium rates there is little difference, and at high rates briquettes do considerably better. Made in Mon a. Is becoming a popular slogan over the state and it now applies to lithography. The Mis- soulian has just installed a complete new lithographing plant and is prepared to meet all competitors, east, west or south, in quality and price. We particularly cater to your commercial needs, such as office stationery, and forms of various kinds. Get It Lithographed Get away from the stiff, factory-made faces of type and adopt the engraved product of lithography with its grace and individuality. It Costs No More. For lithographed work than printing, if you order in quantities of ten thousand and up. The firm that uses such quantities gets litho- graphing at the price of printing and some- times for much less. Drop grandfather's methods (he had to use printing) and'join the increasing procession of lithograph users. M tan Publishiag Co. Wint Lithographers-Publishern He Is a. rave auItst< in ,'rope is able to dilpute. He always hhs the last word oA 1ip- ibmacy, finance and fir•it:' He reads the paper eveijy day,, the paper that he, does niot buy. You cannot catch him unawares, and it is useless quite to try. : His able .dissertatidns are the won- der of the grocery store, It is a wonder how one man can hoard such a.p;ealth of lore, No one has ever seen him do a single thing that looked like work. His post is at the groce'fy stor , 1 a job he, is never known to shirk. He charges nothing for advice, but peddles it with lavish hand; And how he gets three meals a day may seem quite hard to under- stand, Until the secret of it's known aiff then It 'seems an easy way. A gentleman of leisure, he. His wife she works out by the day' , The Coming pest. The next book agent the lady of the house will be compelled to welcome with a door slam will be the man who is selling the "new and complete his- tory. of the European war, lady, which has just been published, froni the Blink & Blank publishing house and bound in real morocco, lady, with all the latest and beste photographs 'Qf the rulers and their military leader' with views of the troops, battles, skirmish- es and the graphi•' accounts of the events' that les titt t . +tthbi War, to- gether with engagements, the towns and cities in which the important fighting took place, lady, and the scenes that have become famous, all for the very reasonable installment ar- rangement of $2.65 down and $1 every 30 minutes thereafter. You can't af- ford to he without it." "The Song of Songs," adapted from Suderman by Edvward Sheldon, is scheduled to have its initial produc- tion in Atlantic City about the end of this month. THROW OUT THE LINE Give the ,Kidneys Help and Many People Will Be Happier. r "Throw Out the Life Line"- Weak kidneys need help. They're often overworked--don't get the poison filtered out of the blood. Will you help them? Doah's Kidney Pills have brought benefit to thousands of kidney suf- ferers. Read this case: J. R. Seaward, spachinlst, 200 Adi- rondac Ave., Hamilton, Mont., says: "My kidney trouble began with a tired feeling. My head ached and I frequently had dizzy spells. I suf- fered fr6m a dull, nagging pain in the small of my )back and it was' impossi- ble for me to stoop. After I used Doan's Kidney Pills a, short time, I f found that they were helping me and I was soon free from the trouble." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim- ply ask for a kidney remedy--get 9 Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that s Mr. Seaward had. Foster-Milburn Co.. Props.. Buffalo. N. Y.--Adv. i ,. r . . .. ..

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  • at the psotern.. at seond-eas mal mattert itisSCAftT1ON RATES

    (hi Advane)., e mot _.,.mouth ._ . 0.6

    for fore countries

    TES`. P4I4O LL 435-458inrkM Al ntA

    l g Conneeting

    MiSSOlULA OFFICEI and 131 West Main Striet

    Hamilton Off •e11 Meain street, Hailton, Moat.

    $USSCRIIERS' PAPERS,e Missoullan is anxious to give

    the best earrier service: erefore, sub-a.Sre requested t9 report Multy

    de at onoe. In rdertng paperid to new IaW•s, pleare give

    eM atd~rSSa ,aio. ?oney oreerd andeeks aShould made payable tobe MtAiiilaa lisblhing Company.

    TO ADVERTISER8While The Miseoulian takle everyiIeasnble precaution to guard againstarphiol error in its advertising

    eurne, printesr are but human anowe wmi net be responitble for snomrewhiob may inadvertently occur.

    Miessulan Publishing Company

    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1914.


    The election over, we ought to see

    more of that prosperity. Election al-

    ways throw doubt into the minds of

    investors, whom the war already had

    made timid enough.

    Christmas will put a pot of money

    in circulation and after that glad

    holiday has passed, the impetus to

    trade through the European muss

    ought to make itself, strongly evident.

    Not that we shall see boosp times,

    despite predictions. While the war

    lasts, a certain amount of caution will

    remain advisable. Indeed, along home

    lines, continued deprersion is possible.

    We ihali not escape our share of the

    misery of the most bewildering pe.

    rlod mankind has faced in our annals.


    T4e batt e for suffYIge will go on-and it will eventually be won. The

    ladies need not be discouraged over

    Tuesday's polling in the nation. The

    war played hlavoc with their cause;

    and hard times had some effect. The

    next period of peace and prosperity

    will see substantial gains for them.

    Suffrage is already indorsed by two

    parties and favored by many leaders

    in two others. Th campaign of 1916

    probably will see all of the parties in

    line for it.The war in Europe undoubtedly

    caused many men who otherwise

    would have favored suffrage to with-

    hold support at this time. There is

    a growing uneasiness lest we be

    drawn into the struggle and feeling

    that if we were, ladies in power might

    complicate matters. This belief, of

    course, is (ytid:' but politics Is ever

    ruled by al ites.


    It never rains but it pours: troubles

    never come singly; when one is on the

    toboggan, anything may be expected.

    And it is the same with nations as

    with individuals.

    The foot and mouth scourge, cur-

    tailing our food supply very seriously

    at a time when we are supposed to

    keep Europe from starving, is a ter-

    rible blow. The only solution maylie in the consumption of less meat by

    all of us, for a while. There is some

    consolation in the fact that the aver-

    age American consumes too muchflesh, anyway.

    They make a big sensation, over in

    Butte, of the fact that 3,000 men vot-

    ed for a dead man. But millions have

    voted for a dead one for president of

    the United States on several historic


    Newspapers accomplish the Im-

    possible only in "newspaper" fiction

    written for the Saturday Evening Post

    by maiden ladie* residing in New Eng-land.

    The Germans declare their sea sur-

    ims will eclipse their land surprises-- n which event, they may have the

    British seeing things.

    -N{one of the European censors show

    i sitaUm's victory is not to be

    #@,tbal w ell bas it place. _,

    .. THE N.E FREEDOM IThe fight for equal suffrage in. Montanxt: is won. The

    constitutional amendment has been :adopted by. not lossthan 2,500 majority atn the full retu~ifs nay make the fig-uires as high im e,000.

    Both the advocates and opponents of the measure ex-pected a larger majority in its fator, ,but the margin is suf-ficient to enfrandhise 75,000 women in this state.

    While the ultimate result of giving the ballot to womenwill be farreaching, wekdo not apprehend that there will beany immediate rev0lutionary changes in our laws or cus-toms.

    The liquor interests carried on a quiet, but effective, cam-paign against the amendment, being influenced by the be-lief that woman suffrage means prohibition.

    We believe that they are mistaken. The results in otherstates do not beat out the theory.

    Before equal suffrage was adopted in Calfornia, the cityof Los Angeles voted dry; after woman suffrage wasadopted in California, Los Angeles voted wet.

    Last Tuesday, statewide prohibition was disastrously de-feated in California. Three months ago, Virginia, not a suf-frage state, adopted statewide prohibition, as did West Vr-ginia a few months' before.

    * *'* r* *

    We have never believed that equal suffrage would .seri-ously affect the numerical ratio of political parties, ques-tions of finance, or matters of public interest, that for.a bet-ter term, we'designate as ordinary, everyday politics.

    This, for the simple reason that women are endowed withthe same mental processes as are men.

    In political matters, affecting financial policies, such astariff and banking, we believe that women will very largelyfollow the advce of the male members of their family.

    In political matters affecting public morals, the .schools,rights of women and children, and like interests, the votesof women will be a power for good.

    Fundamentally the question of equal suffrage is a biolog-ical one. While the exercise of the franchise will not makewomen masculine, or 'cause them to neglect the home, orcare more for dogs and less for babies and except in rareinstances, to seek for public office, it will surely tendtowards the abolition of the presenit moral code that fixes =one standard for men and another for women.

    The adoption of equal suffrage will tend toward a bettertype of candidates in local politics.

    The votes of women will constitute a vast reservoir ofstrength to draw upon when great moral questions are atissue.

    To the well-to-do woman, living in a sheltered home, theballot is not of so much consequence, but to the unmarriedworking woman, with no positive voice in the regulation ofhours of labor, conditions of employment,"and wages, it willprove a tremendous force towards the betterment of socialand industrial conditions everywhere.

    All honor to the Anfia Shaws, Jane Addams, Ruth Mc-Cormicks, Jeanette Rankins,, Mary Stewarts and Jessie.Thompsons,,whose indefatigable work in the cause of equalsuffrage has raised the political status of Montana womenfrom that of serf to citizen.

    More and more citizenship is becoming a duty instead ofa privilege.

    SThe Way They Take It -FIRST IMPRESSIONS.

    (Col. Sam Gordon in the YellowstoneJournal.)

    It is, of course, much too early tomake intelligent comment on the re-sults of the campaign, but from theindications divulged by the first re-

    iports from everywhere, the conditionrevealed is that the republicans havegained and the progressixes have al-Smost disappeared. To any progressivewho has held to the progressive partyas a political machine, to be used--ifthe opportunity offered, or could bemade-- to carry him into office, thisdisappearance of the party will . n-doubtedly be looked upon as a griev-ous event, and the time spent inmarching and counter-marching as aprogressive, as time wasted, but iothe msn who is a progressive at heart,and on principle only, the disappear-ance of the party as a political entitydoes'nt spell much. To the man lastreferred to, progressive principles aremerely expressions of desire for goodgovernment, not for party or partisancontrol, and if the progressive wavehas done nothing else, it has indeliblyimpressed on the minds of all intelli-gent people that the party tab is norecommendation if the man wearing itis not to be desired as a public serv-ant.

    There are just as many progressivesof the right kind still in existenceas there were in 1912. hut it Is too truethat the righteous spirit that pervadedthe mass of them in that campaign, tooverwhelm and destroy the whitedsepulchers of the republican party evenat the cost of democratic success, isnot the moving force pow as then. Toofrequently and too emphatically hasit been pointed out to progressives inthe past two years, that within alltheir zeal and high purpose, they haveonly succeeded in figuring in the du-blous position of "assistant democrats,"and while no progressive need chargehimself with an error in helping toelect Woodrow Wilson instead of Wil-liam Howard Taft, that consolationcomes to him only in a general way,and he has been too often demindedthat President Wilson, intelligent, pureand high-minded as he is, has on manyoccasions permitted himself to be usedby politicians for purely partisan pur-poses. Such instances exposed his feettof clay, but knowing that he has them,

    let. us hope that they may be stoutenough for him to use il stamping outsome peculiarly partisan excesses.

    On the whole and by a large ma-jority, his administration has beensuch as has commanded the respectand jpproval 9t the country at large,

    but he has not yet attained the claimon the people's support, that he canrisk the wholesale approval of ademocratic congress such as has justadjourned; and it is perplexing toprogressives who have a high opinionof the president, to think that with hisclear mental power, he can lend him-self to any such farcickl performancewith the belief that it will carry anyweight, and-if he knows that it willnot-that he should stoop to the pub-lic indorsement of some who he Cer-tainly would not indorse in private. Itis too evident that our president is stilla politician in the worst sense of theword, and that he relies on combina-tions purchased through and by suchacts as this, to get the legislation thathe thinks is essential. Perhaps hethinks he can be more "his own man" ain a second term if he wins that prize aby judicious distribution of his favorsduring the first. But at worst, he isno worse than other presidents whohave preceded him, and some betterthan some, but still a disappointmentin that he has feet of clay. 1

    Perhaps there is a sting-to the realprogressive-in the fact that Mr. Wil-so has fqrgotten who made him presi-dent. HIe ascribes all power and gloryto the democratic party, but the meresttyro In public affairs knows differently.It was due the progressives of the na-tion, who made his position possible,that he would have flavored his dem-ocracy with progressiveism; but he hasmostly failed to do this, and has gath-i ered about him as advisers some very

    pronounced ,exemplars of bourbonismwith only a modicum of democraticD progressivelsm.

    The result of the congressionalelections, if it holds as it now points, 1

    .i will be a trimming of the large demo-s cratic majority in the, house, which

    ordinarily would be interpreted asa veering of public opinion to the

    e stormy quarter for the democracy, ando a disapproval of the president's first

    . two years, but the spokesmen of then dominant party have'already discount-

    r, ed that mark of disapproval by assert-d ing that it was desirable that the ma-e jority be reduced, as it would then hbe

    y more managable. 'But when "Uncled Joe" Cannon and "Boss" Penrose win

    - back, it looks as if a good many pro-t gresslves had decided that--fo a whilea, -they would cease. to be "assistantt democorate." Yet they may have theIt leaven of progressiveism still in their'

    systems and it will work up. Speak-- ing for itself, The Journal never went

    a through a pleasanter campaign than Iit this, free from party ties, though still I

    ", strongly progressive,

    #Ii!IIIr' j jJ

    a" ~ 2 I

    ii SI"Od ahine eoleuedtotlllite irstobeae ik itleldis

    -Mr eto os


    (By Robert H. Benedict.)The great codi'nercial organism of

    this country is taking on new liferapidly, as evideinced by scores of op-timistic reports coming in from alldireetiQnhs sincinhe middle of October.

    The enormous.demands upon us fromthe warring nations for textiles, can-non, grain, canned meats, flour andother foodsttiffs, motor trucks and au-tomobiles, harness and other leathergoods, rubber boots, clothing and ahost of other articles, have given greatimpetus to a trade that was alreadyreviving rapidly to supply home needs.

    It must be remembered that thegreat exports now moving to Europeare in large part extraordinary. Theycomprise millions of dollars worthof goods that would not be needed atall in times of, peace, or if needed,would be manufactured in Europe.

    The meat-paclcing industry is oneof the great beneficiaries, and thepackers are bu:ping up all the cattlethey can find, at the same time plac-ing 'big orders for .tin for cans.

    Makers of I.xt4le machinery are

    FRENCH FORTS POOR,(Correspondence of Assoclated Press.)

    The Hague. Oct. 13.-Accoitding torecent reports in the German, pressnot all the French fortifications a'e sostrong as had been .bellved. Sev•ralof those which have been taken by theGermans are said to have been anti-quated, little effort to modernize themhaving been spe)nt. on them. A note-worthy example of this, and one whichis rather typical of what the Germansassert they have found, is the case ofFort Lee Ayvelles, which, located al-most due south of Mezieres-Charle-ville, guarded the bridges and fords ofthe Meuse in that locality.

    Describing 'what he saw in the ,fortafter tt h~ad been occupied by the Ger.mans,' Henry Binder, war.correspond-ent of the Berliner Tageblatt, says inthe idbite of that paper of October 9,Lmong -other things:

    Dependent on Belnians"Alt 'i'rench forts along ti Belgian

    border have been constructed with suchcarelessness that one can easily deter-mine the degree to which tlle Frenchdepended upon their Belgiannneighbor.Generally the forts were lei't in thestate they had when built, 4 nd sincethe plan of their construct on' datesback to 50 years ago, the sarategicalweakness of several or more of them isplain enough.

    "A typical example of this is FortLee Ayvelles which guarded thebridges and fords of the Meuse southof Meakerese-Charleville, and which wasshot out of the ground with 300 shotsfrom our 21-centimeter mortars. Thefort was built in 1878 and was armedwith 40 pieces. Its main armamentwas two batteries of six guns eachof 9-centhineter caliber, dating fromthe years 1878 and 188. and which hada range of only four kilometers (note:the range of even the smallest German

    buying much pig iron to supply thenew demand resulting from-large salesof textiles to Europe.

    Russia is negotiating in New Yorkfor 200 locomotives. France has or-dered ;$26,000,000 worth of six-inchfield guns from the Bethlehem Steelcompany.

    Activity in the home building tradeis bringing many orders for Btruttur-al steel. The certainty that enormousorders will be placed in this countrywhen the time comes to replacebridges and other structurems destroyedin the war, gives the steel industrysomething to look forward to.

    If we care to anticipate further, wecan see Europe's needs afte3r the warbringing an unprecedentetl wave ofProsperity to us, but there, is enoughto cheer us in the of whatis coming to us right now.

    From every hand we hqar of facto-ries taking on more men jand workingto Capacity to fill Eurobean orders.Let us grasp the psycho'ogy of thesituation and do ll we c(n to spreadthe news of Increasing jactivity andgrowing confidence. I_

    siege pieces is never than eightkilometers).

    Guns of 1i84

    "In addition there we e found in thefort several 12-centime er bronze gunswhich had been cast /in 1884, whilein the casemates we f und several ml-trailleuses and five-b .rrelled revolverguns which had been litended to sweepthe moats. In the for .was also foundseveral old mortars from the year1842-old muzzle-load rs with the-typ-ical pyramids of roun cannonballs be-side them-guns of a type we use inour villages to fire sa utes.

    "The fort showed ne ;lect everywhere.Not alone was its ar •ament antiquatedand primitive, but-th management be-fore and during the' attack must havebeen defective. T e road to the forthad been blocked merely by felledtrees and an occ• lonal barbed-wireentanglement, and1 trees befoie one ofthe batteries of th forts made it nec-essary to replace it after our troopshad arrived. To do this 'a winch hadto be used. But they succeeded onlyin getting one oP the pieces into posi-tion. This gun ,asoitannded to serveagainst aircraft above the fort, andan effort had b -n made to give it thenecessary high- ngle elevation by dig-ging a trench alodnd it in which thelimber rested. even at that, the ele-vation secured -as insufficient.

    German Fire Accurate

    "Our artillery bombarded the fortfrom a north esterly direction andworked with precision that wouldbe hard to eq al. One of the batteriesin ,the fort h been put out of actionby a- bull's eyt. shot for each piece, andin other cas-e the barrel of the gunhad been tor from the carrIge, leav-ing a scrap heap of barrel, wheels,limber parts and masonry. One of thebarrels had dents four centimeters

    deep where fragments of our burst-ing shells had hit it.

    "In this 'helpless cage' a garrison ofIabout 900 men had been stationed. It isundeir'tood that the men fled as soonas fire was opened by our artillery. In-stead of placing this force in trenchesthey depended upon thip poor positionwith the result that their defeat wascomplete morally and physically.

    "Tlere is the grave of the poor coth-mandant who witnessed the futilestruggle and then saw his men utterlyrouted by a numerically superiorenemy. The poor man ended his life.Simple German soldiers have -honoredthis deed by a massive cross of woodupon which they painted in good let-tering the words:

    "'Here rests the brave commandant.He found it impoAsible to survive thefall of the fort in his charge. R. I. P.With this simple cross of wood theGerman soldier honors in you the herowho did his duty-Second Landwehr-Pioneer Company, VIII, A-K., Sep-tember, 1914.' "

    Fuel tests by the geological surveyhave developed that at low rates ofworking run-of-mine coal gives ahigher equivalent evaporation thanbriquettes; at medium rates there islittle difference, and at high ratesbriquettes do considerably better.

    Made in Mon a.Is becoming a popular slogan over the stateand it now applies to lithography. The Mis-soulian has just installed a complete newlithographing plant and is prepared to meetall competitors, east, west or south, in qualityand price. We particularly cater to yourcommercial needs, such as office stationery,and forms of various kinds.

    Get It LithographedGet away from the stiff, factory-made facesof type and adopt the engraved product oflithography with its grace and individuality.

    It Costs No More.For lithographed work than printing, if youorder in quantities of ten thousand and up.The firm that uses such quantities gets litho-graphing at the price of printing and some-times for much less. Drop grandfather'smethods (he had to use printing) and'jointhe increasing procession of lithograph users.

    M tan Publishiag Co.Wint Lithographers-Publishern

    He Is a. rave auItst< in ,'ropeis able to dilpute.

    He always hhs the last word oA 1ip-ibmacy, finance and fir•it:'

    He reads the paper eveijy day,, thepaper that he, does niot buy.

    You cannot catch him unawares, andit is useless quite to try. :

    His able .dissertatidns are the won-der of the grocery store,

    It is a wonder how one man canhoard such a.p;ealth of lore,

    No one has ever seen him do asingle thing that looked likework.

    His post is at the groce'fy stor, 1 a

    job he, is never known to shirk.He charges nothing for advice, but

    peddles it with lavish hand;And how he gets three meals a day

    may seem quite hard to under-stand,

    Until the secret of it's known aiffthen It 'seems an easy way.

    A gentleman of leisure, he. His wifeshe works out by the day'

    , The Coming pest.The next book agent the lady of the

    house will be compelled to welcomewith a door slam will be the man whois selling the "new and complete his-tory. of the European war, lady, whichhas just been published, froni theBlink & Blank publishing house andbound in real morocco, lady, with allthe latest and beste photographs 'Qf therulers and their military leader' withviews of the troops, battles, skirmish-es and the graphi•' accounts of theevents' that les titt t . +tthbi War, to-gether with engagements, the townsand cities in which the importantfighting took place, lady, and thescenes that have become famous, allfor the very reasonable installment ar-rangement of $2.65 down and $1 every30 minutes thereafter. You can't af-ford to he without it."

    "The Song of Songs," adapted fromSuderman by Edvward Sheldon, isscheduled to have its initial produc-tion in Atlantic City about the end ofthis month.

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    ply ask for a kidney remedy--get9 Doan's Kidney Pills-the same thats Mr. Seaward had. Foster-Milburn

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