the never-ending fight isaac asimov. warming-up discussion what is a superstition? ----a belief or...

The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov

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Page 1: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

The Never-Ending Fight

Isaac Asimov

Page 2: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Warming-up discussion

What is a superstition?

----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the irrational belief that future events can be influenced or foretold by specific, unrelated behaviors or occurrences.

Have you heard of any superstitions both in China and in western countries?

Are you or anyone you know superstitious? In what ways are you or they superstitious?

What are the consequences of superstition?

Page 3: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Brainstorming (1)Expressions of Chinese superstitions lucky number: 6,8; unlucky number: 4, 7 fortune-telling, ancestor worship, god worship, astrology, Fengshui, the burning of joss money /stick, casting

fortune sticks, palm reading, belief in one’s previous incarnation and one’s reincarnation (last life and after life)…

Expressions of English superstitions unlucky number: 13; lucky number: 7,9 To bring bad lucky: meeting with a black cat on one’s way , walking

under a ladder, or breaking a mirror. To bring a good luck: knocking on wood (touch wood), hanging a

horse shoe over the door, discover a four-leaf clover, or keeping one’s fingers crossed.

astrology, horoscope

Page 4: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Brainstorming (2)Expressions of believing

believe in, have faith in, have credence in, give credence to, have no doubt (that), there is no doubt that, be convinced, be sure / certain / assured (that), bet on (e.g. I’ll bet on it that he will win the game), be unquestionable, Take my word for it! You can count/bank on it!

Expressions of disbelieving

disbelieve, be skeptical / doubtful / dubious, take ... with a grain of salt, unconvincing, implausible, untenable, filled with doubt, incredulity, says who?, unbelievable, misgiving, questionable, you’re joking / kidding, pigs might fly, don’t be ridiculous, can’t swallow that… (e.g. I can’t swallow the fact that he won the game.),

Page 5: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Group Oral Tasks

Task 1: Talk show Read the following news report and prepare a talk show about it. 中国科协经过一年多时间的论证、问卷修改及调查实施后,完

成二 00 三年中国公众科学素养调查,并于十九日在北京举行新闻发布会向社会公布了该项调查结果。   结果显示:高达百分之二十点四的公众相信 ( 很相信和有些相信 )“ 求签”;百分之二十六点六的公众相信“相面”;百分之十四点七的公众相信“星座预测”;百分之四点八的公众相信“碟仙或笔仙”;百分之二十二点三的公众相信“周公解梦”。根据追问分析,其中真正相信迷信者占百分之十三点三。

Page 6: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Task 2 Give a brief lecture about at least five superstitious beliefs in

English-speaking countries. You are supposed to include their meanings and origins if there are any.

Page 7: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Task 3: Cartoon-based Role-play (2) Choose one of the following cartoons and prepare a role-play

based on it.

Page 8: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Pre-reading Tasks

1. Why do people hold

superstitious beliefs?

2. Is it possible that the advances

in science and technology could

eventually eliminate

superstitions in people’s mind,

and why?

Page 9: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Isaac Asimov(1920-1992)

• a strong proponent of scientific reasoning• A Russian-born American author and

professor of biochemistry, a highly successful writer, best known for his works of science fiction.

Page 10: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Haven---a place where people go to be safe 安全之地;避难所

They wanted to provide safe havens for the refugees.

The hotel is a haven of peace and tranquility. The river banks are a haven for wildlife.

Page 11: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Consummate---perfect, complete 技艺高超的;完美的

She is a consummate performer. He played the shot with consummate skill.• Treacherous----deceitful, dangerous 背叛的、奸诈的;

有潜在危险的 He was weak, cowardly, and treacherous. The ice on the roads made driving conditions


Page 12: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Exercise on Editor’s NoteChinese Sentence

天真的人(类别) 她天真地认为老人比年轻人更诚实。She naively believed that the older were more honest than the young.

避难所,安全之地 我的花园是远离城市喧嚣的避难所。My garden is a haven away from the noise and bustle of the city

安慰 失恋后,他借酒消愁。After separating from his lover, he seek solace in drinking.

技艺高超的、完美的 科学虽强大无比,却也无法大获全胜。Science cannot gain a consummate triumph despite its gigantic power.

神圣 他们参观了伊斯兰教的圣地。They visited the sacred place of Islam.

背叛的、具有潜在危险的 潮水有潜在危险,即便是游泳健将也避免在这里游泳。The tides are treacherous, even the strong swimmers avoid swimming here.

Page 13: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Paragraph 1-7

What was the interviewer’s argument for superstitious beliefs?

- The interviewer argued that as most people held superstitious beliefs and found solace and comfort in it, they should not be deprived of them.

• Why did Asimov want to deprive people of their superstitious beliefs?

Page 14: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

What is Asimov’s first reason for expressing his view on superstitious beliefs?

- The first reason he gives is that he has the right to point out the uselessness of superstition. He feels that he should be given the same chance to express his views on superstition as theists who claim that they have the right to preach it.

Page 15: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

In stating his first reason, how does Asimov make a distinction between his argument and the preaching of theists?

- He implicitly indicates that his argument differs from the preaching of those theists both in method and in contents.

(1) Theists threaten people with hellfire and bribe them with promises of eternal bliss, while he merely attempts to look at the universe in a rational way.

(2) Unlike those theists who appear to have absolute truth and an eternal answer to every problem, Asimov only offers an ordinary person’s mind working at its very best to improve its view from generation to generation.

Page 16: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Contempt---the feeling that someone or something is of lower rank and undesirable

She looked at him with contempt. contemptible---not deserving any respect at all 可轻蔑

的、可鄙的、卑劣的 contemptible behavior contemptuous----feeling or showing disrespect 表示轻

蔑的 She gave him a contemptuous look. He was contemptuous of everything I did.

Page 17: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Plague---(vt.) to cause continual discomfort 困扰、使受煎熬

Famine plagued a score of nations. Financial problems are plaguing the company. The team has been plagued by injury this


Page 18: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• At one’s disposal----be willing to obey someone’s order 听候调遣

Having sold the house, she had a large sum of money at her disposal.

• Call---a strong desire or feeling of duty to do a particular job 召唤、呼唤、使命感

They felt an inner call to help the poor.

Page 19: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Theist---one who believes that God exists 有神论者

• Accord---to give , to allow 给予、授予 The supporters accorded him a hero’s

welcome. accord with 符合、配合 These results accord closely with our


Page 20: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Bribe----to influence unfairly by favors, money or gifts 贿赂

They bribed the guards with some money. She was bribed into handing over secret

information.• If only----for the only reason that 只要;但愿 She would willingly forgo a birthday treat if only her warring parents would declare a truce.

If only it would clear up soon!

Page 21: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Translation:Unlike theists, I threat no one with hellfire if

they refuse to agree with every word I say; nor do I attempt to bribe them with tales of eternal bliss.

• 与有神论者不同的是,如果我的话他们不是句句相信,我不会恐吓说他们会跌入地狱;如果我的话他们字字接受,我也不会哄骗说他们会永远快乐。

Page 22: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Paraphrase : I preach a universe in which there is neither threat nor bribe but merely something one strives to understand merely for the sake of understanding.

• I want to teach people about the universe by showing them what it is really like, without frightening them with hellfire or pleasing them with heaven.

• Paraphrase: I do not claim to have a pipeline to something supernatural.

• I do not have any relevant or connected system of supernatural belief to back myself up.

Page 23: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Without let or hindrance----without prevention of any kind 毫无障碍

Swiss citizens are able to travel from country to country without let or hindrance.

Page 24: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

ExercisesPhrases Sentences

毒害人类的各种迷信思想 财务问题一直困扰着这个公司Financial problems have been plaguing the company.

随意安排、处置 酒店提供的服务类型可供您自行选择。The services provided by the hotel are at your disposal.

响应一种召唤 年轻时他就感到应该做一名牧师。He felt the call of priesthood early on in his life.

贿赂某人 他因被控受贿罪而遭逮捕。He was arrested on bribery charges.

赋予 我们的社会赋予家庭以十分重要的地位。Our society accords great importance to the family.

与 一致 这些结果和我们的预测相当一致。These results accord closely with our predictions.

Page 25: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Paragraph 8-13What is the second reason for Asimov to deprive people of their superstitious belief? What examples were used to prove his point?- The second reason is that he must point out the fallacies of superstition. It is wrong to claim that we should not interfere with superstition just because it can bring solace and comfort to people. He used examples like smoking, drinking and driving, and drug addiction to prove the point that these things are not only harmful to the practitioners, but potentially harmful to the other people as well. Using the excuse of seeking solace and comfort for themselves, these people do great harm to others.

Page 26: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Paragraph 8-13

• It is no defense of sth.----it is no justification of sth.

It is no defense of your ignoring my opinions for so long.

• Elitist----someone who believes that they are part of the most powerful, rich or talented group of a society精英

Page 27: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Sociopath----a person who has a mental illness and who behaves in an aggressive or dangerous way towards other people(因心理障碍而伤害他人的)反社会者

• Practitioner----a person who works in a profession从业人员;习艺者、专门人才

He was a legal practitioner before he entered politics. Asimov is one of the greatest prac tioners of science


Page 28: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Effluvium---an odor this is usu. Unpleasant the effluvium of rotting leaves catch the effluvia of political ambition沾染上政治野心的臭味

The effluvium of rotting garbage filled the air.• Reek----a strong unpleasant smell浓烈气味 The room was filled with the reek of stale beer and

cigarettes. His breath reeked of / with garlic.• By and large----on the whole, in general By and large, your idea is a good one.

Page 29: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Pernicious----very harmful or evil Film and television violence has a pernicious influence

on society.• Inscrutable---mysterious 不可思议的、不可测知的 She looked up at me with inscrutable eyes.• Ameliorate----to improve 改良、改善、减轻 Living conditions in the city ameliorated with smoke

control. We should ameliorate relations between East and West.

Page 30: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Where in his essay does Asimov really touch upon the uselessness or even pernicious effects of superstition? How does he prove his point?

- In paragraph 13 and 14, Asimov argues that superstition is useless in the face of real problems, such as diseases, environment issues and world peace problems. The superstitious believers do not search for rational ways of preventing or solving these problems. Worse than this is that they even prevent others from searching for solutions to all these problems facing us.

Page 31: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

Paragraph 14-20

• What sort of serious situation are we faced with? Can we rely on superstition to solve the problems?

• What is the normal response to the death of friends or relatives?

• Does the writer think that God is the sole protector of American people?

• What are the examples given by the author to show people’s superstitious belief?

• How do superstitious people understand the world?

Page 32: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Armament----the weapons and military equipment used in an army军备

The country’s armaments program included developing their own nuclear weapons.

• Viability----the state of being able to survive 可存活力

Rising costs are threatening the viability of many businesses.

In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.

Page 33: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Second to none----the best As a football player, John is second to none.• In the grip of ----under the control of She felt herself in the grip of a sadness she

could not understand.• Hold off----cause to remain at a distance We must hold off the enemy’s attack until our

reinforcements (增援) arrive.

Page 34: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Withhold----refuse to give阻挡、拒给 During the trial, the prosecution was accused of

withholding crucial evidence from the defense.• Presumably----probably Presumably you have heard the news? presumption n. There is no scientific evidence to support such


Page 35: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Efficacy----the state or quality of being effective Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a

healthier lifestyle.• Irresolution---lack of determination; hesitation 优柔寡断、犹豫不决 irresolute a.• Dogged----stubborn顽固的、坚持不懈的 Her ambition and dogged determination ensured

that she rose to the top of her profession.

Page 36: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

• Menial---belonging to or suited to a servant仆人的、卑贱的

In my last job I did menial work like washing dishes and cleaning floors.

• Pied----wearing a costume of two or more colors

Page 37: The Never-Ending Fight Isaac Asimov. Warming-up discussion What is a superstition? ----a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge; surrounding

What is the tone of last paragraph? Why does Asimov want to adopt this way of speaking?

- The tone in the last paragraph is sarcastic. Asimov wonders whether those advocating superstition do not believe what they are preaching themselves.