the never forgotton

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  • 7/28/2019 The Never Forgotton


    The last few hours had simply flown by for the inhabitants of number

    twelve, Grimmauld Place on that unusually grey August morning.

    Harry was sure hed correctly read his watch as 06:23 when hed nipped

    down to the kitchen for a bit of toast; however he was horrified to glancedown again, at what he was sure was only minutes later, to see 08:57.

    Though most of them were sleep deprived, snatching minutes of sleep

    perched on the arm of the couch, head down on a table or in Rons case,

    propped up by Hermiones rather large collection of ancient foreign spell

    books retrieved rather rapidly from who-knows-where, everyone was alert

    and awake the moment anyone said a word.

    Things had fallen quickly into motion the moment Hermione had readaloud Nevilles letter. Harry glanced down at the now dormant treasure

    lying crumpled on the sofa beside him; the parchment dog-eared, the ink

    smudged. He sighed as he picked it up again, bleakly hopeful to gain

    some hidden understanding on his hundredth read.

    Dear Hermione,

    I dont really know what to tell you, other than I dont know what youre

    on about. I havent sent you anything. Ive been in Scotland most of my

    holidays with Gran. Only got in late last night.

    Where exactly did you get that photograph of my mother?And whats a

    Memory Box?

    Write back and let me know whats going on I need to know where you

    got the picture of my mum.


    No one had said a word for a full minute before Sirius had let out a pained

    yet elated howl, reminding everyone of what a dog might sound like

    should someone step on its paw, but they were happy about it. Hed half

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    cried, half screamed with fury for the next few minutes before Lupin had

    demanded he shut up so he could think, or hed hex him to next


    Itjust makes no logical sense, he had said, pacing feverishly around thedrawing room, No sense. This Memory Box, though a girlish retro

    novelty, has distinct and altered magical abilities. They employed guards

    and advanced charm work on it; it would have hadto go to one of their

    direct descendants. It would never have allowed itself to fall into the

    hands of anyone else. It just makes no logical sense.

    Maybe it was passed on to a friend? suggested Tonks, to the outraged

    glares thrown wildly at her by Sirius. Im sorry, but that is a realistic

    possibility. I would love nothing more than for even just one of thosegirls to walk into this room, but we all saw what happened to them.

    Could it have been Alice? suggested Ginny hopefully, Shes still alive,

    isnt she?

    It was at that moment, both Lupin and Sirius exploded into action.

    Ill have Mad-Eye and Kingsley go at once- blurted Lupin, We must

    know theyre safe-

    Records of all who have visited! shrieked Sirius wildly, diving out of his

    armchair and to the doorway and shouting for Mr Weasley. It would be

    the first place any of them would go-

    Dumbledore must be alerted at once, muttered Lupin, violently hurling a

    conjured patronus out the drawing room window, He may be able to


    Harry had watched blankly as Mr Weasley had hurried into the room, eyes

    wide and alert before listening intently to a rather condensed version of

    the nights happenings before nodding, scratching his head and agreeing,

    Yes. I thoroughly agree. Alice and Frank Longbottom must have a

    guard; we cannot be sure the previous possessor of that Memory Box was

    friend or foe. Itd be a sure fire way to get to Harry, isolate his location

    and gain his trust. Ill send an owl to Kingsley wholl organise two of our

    best. We must also bring Neville here; he too may not be safe.

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    As Sirius nodded him off, he turned to the others and began rather

    rapidly, Im going to search the neighbouring streets as Snuffles; theyll

    recognise me-

    And so will bloody well everyone else!snapped Lupin, YoustayputSirius. We both must; on the off chance that one of the girls is

    trying to reach us this will be the first place they go.

    Sirius simply stood and stared at Lupin. Mooneyyou believe it could be


    Lupin shrugged vaguely.

    This is surreal, whispered Sirius, traces of joy and laughter tickling hishushed tones, There is a realpossibilitythat one of our girls has come

    back to us. She could be out there now, trying to get home.

    Lupin muffled a choked breath before nodding, We mustnt get our hopes

    up before we know more. We may be seeing things we only wish were


    A direct descendant!interrupted Harry, standing up and grinning widely,

    You said so yourself, Remus. If that be the case, there are only two

    people who could have sent it to me and we knowits not Neville.

    Sirius face fell hard for a moment before saying softly, Cass would

    believe me to be a murderer. In fact, they all would.

    But those he would remember and seek out, said Lupin, his words

    impeding, Would know if your innocence. Speaking of-

    He turned to Tonks, who was in the process of shoving as much food in

    her mouth, all the while following the conversation like a tennis match,

    Tonks? We need your mum down here.

    She nodded at once, before gathering herself up, On it. Ill grab Mad-

    Eye on my way; hell kick himself if he misses this.

    And in a flash she was out the door and apparating into thin air.

    Since then, no one had said more than a few words strung together,

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    fatigue rapidly swallowing the adrenaline that had previously pulsed

    through their veins. Harry stared down at the letter in his hands before

    limply throwing it back on the sofa, a frustrated sigh escaping his lips.


    Lupin was looking at him from his position at the sloppily reconstructed

    writing desk that was piled high with papers and books, Whats


    Nothing, replied Harry, shrugging off the alert looks of the others in the

    room. Ron frowned from his seat on the sofa between Ginny and

    Hermione, all of them reading dozily from old, weathered pages, Just

    tired is all. How are you lot going?

    Hermione leant back in her seat and rubbed her eyes, her book falling

    slightly from her lap, the aged title Magical Time Capsules; Worthy Feat

    or Risky Business? briefly reflecting the dull morning light, Theres a lot

    of information to sift through here. Theres a small section on Memory

    Boxes but its all useless isnt it, when you consider the one weve got

    here is so wholly altered from the norm. Ive found some interesting case

    studies on witches and wizards who have successfully created some really

    impressive devices from fad novelties but unfortunately, there are also a

    lot ofunsuccessfulones.

    Heard from Sirius?asked Ron conversationally, disrupting everyone

    around him as he leant forward to choose a biscuit, Ginny spilling her tea

    and Hermione losing her page in the wake of his gangly limbs, Not heard

    a peep from him. Hes still here, isnt he?

    He wont leave, assured Lupin, setting his book down completely and

    standing up to stretch his back, Not when theres a chance an owner of

    that box could come flouncing through that door. Its probably the first

    time in his life that hes not been chomping at the bit to leave. He

    looked sad for a moment before smiling softly at everyone, Time for

    lunch I think, we could all use a break.

    They all murmured in agreement and lazily made their way to the kitchen,

    immediately perking up as the sound of muffled shouts and raised voices

    wafted from behind closed doors.

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    Oi- Lupin quickly spotted the extendable ears dangling in front of the

    door and yanked hard, rolling his eyes as the unmistakable groans and

    protests from the twins a few flights up, Molly will have your heads if she

    sees these.

    Shes already seen them, muttered Fred, stomping down the stairs,

    She was too distracted to put animpervious on the door this morning


    Mad-Eyes in there, motioned George as they all stood idly around the

    door, Him and Sirius going for guns. It was just getting good, too.

    Lupin rolled his eyes again before opening the door to see a full kitchen,

    various Order members sat around the table looking alert, picking atplates of sandwiches, conversations dying off as the others walked in.

    Mad-Eye was clomping around the head of the table, snapping loudly at

    Sirius who was at the other end looking rather red in the face, being

    gently restrained by a weepy looking Andromeda who had a hand on his


    To haveeven opened it was careless, Mad-Eye was growling, his

    wooden leg giving an aggressive soundtrack to his ranting, What were

    you lot even thinking? Bloody careless.

    You think I would put Harry in danger? spluttered Sirius, You think

    Remus and I would for even a secondhave allowed it to have entered the

    house if we had suspected it was a dark object?

    You would have let You Know Whohimselfin the front door and invited

    him for tea if you thought it would get her back, snapped Mad-Eye, You

    never did think when it came to that girl. Caution to the wind and

    stupidity for breakfast the pair of you.

    Sirius almost exploded out of his chair, howling with outrage before Lupin

    walked over and tried to calm him, saying quietly to Mad-Eye, That is


    Sorry, muttered Mad-Eye, nodding to Molly who was motioning at Harry

    and the others who will still stood blankly at the door, I didnt mean


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    It was more than a decade ago,growled Sirius, allowing Andromeda to

    push him back into his chair, And anything we did was never to harm


    Harry,cut in Andromeda, smiling over the heads of everyone, Its been

    such a very long time.

    There was a pause amongst those whod been witness to the memories,

    Hermione and Ginny beaming at Andromeda then Harry, with bright

    eyes. Ron grinned as the twins nodded to one another. Everyone

    seemed acutely aware of the significance of Andromedas presence, and

    her position next to Sirius, fighting tirelessly in his corner.

    Hi, said Harry awkwardly, suddenly feeling quite unsure of how to

    behave. It was a rather strange feeling to know so much about someone

    and never really have met them. I, um, its nice to meet you.

    Andromeda chuckled, You look so much like James, its too surreal. I

    can see Lily in you too. Sit down all of you and have some lunch.

    They all bustled about, finding seats and picking up sandwiches, only

    Andromeda continuing to chat as they refuelled.

    Were doing some legwork all around the country, she was saying,

    helping Mrs Weasley set down more plates of food, Emmeline and

    Sturgis are at St Mungos guarding Alice and Frank-

    Was it- began Harry, swallowing his sandwich hard, I mean, was it


    No, replied Andromeda, smiling sadly.Emmeline is doing her best to

    try to uncover anything. Shes done well-

    She was respondent? cut in Lupin, glancing over a hastily written note,

    It says here she was vaguely alert?

    She showed some signs of recognition, nodded Andromeda before

    turning to the others and explaining, Emmeline is a Healer, trained and

    mentored young Suzie McKinnon as it happens she trailed off, shaking

    her head, Its been a long time since I said that name. Anyway, she

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    specialised in various forms of Muggle medicine which is also considered

    foreign and shes been using flash cards. Photographs of the girls, Neville

    and so on.

    The charm was buzzing, offered Sirius, The crystal thats beenimbedded in her neck these past years. But Dumbledore thinks it could

    be because Harry made contact with Rahjah earlier-

    Whats Dumbledore doing about this? asked Harry at once, Has he

    gone to Aurelius?

    Yes, said Sirius, picking up a sandwich, Well, trying to at any rate.

    Fawkes has been more successful as it happens so Aurelius knows were

    about and wanting a word. Not that it means much

    Everyone nodded, averting their eyes from Sirius who had begun rather

    violently poking his sandwich before the door opened and more Order

    members piled in. Harry recognised a few from the memories, though

    none by name.

    What a to-do, sighed one witch, her husky voice immediately identifying

    her from the memory when Isabellas grandfather had burst in on an

    Order meeting, demanding to know where shed run off to, Rather

    exciting though.

    Any news?asked Sirius immediately, his eyes scanning the new faces

    urgently, What have you found, Lorna?

    Theres a trail, responded Lorna, the husky witch, sitting heavily down

    in a chair and nodding yes to a cup of tea. Theres a definite trail though

    we have no idea where it begins or ends. Kingsleys on his way with

    Frank and Alices boy, a guard around him ten thick. We think they were

    at his house-

    Who? demanded Lupin, Who was there? What were the signs?

    Some subtle disruptions, said an unknown wizard, helping himself to

    some pumpkin juice, Though nothing to suggest whether they were. We

    are fairly sure were dealing with friend rather than foe-

    We must not be complacent, snapped Mad-Eye, We cannot let our

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    waiting to begin a lesson. We might as well do it here; the kids are

    pretty switched on and since theyve seen most of the memories they

    may pick up on what we dont.

    Harry had to smile as a blackboard appeared out of thin air, Mad-Eyeswand slashing about throwing hastily scribbled names all over the board.

    And I want contributions that make sense;theres no time for wish-


    The twins exchanged look as though all their Christmases had come at

    once, whilst everyone shuffled about, easing into comfortable positions

    and looking expectantly up at the board.

    Right, Mad-Eye began tapping his wooden leg at the floor as he pointedto the words Memory Box. We have a highly magical device that has

    been sent to Harry under false pretences. Whilst Istronglydiscourage

    everyone to become lax, we can probably assume the object is benign.

    What the issue is here is how the bloody hell it got into this house and

    into Harrys possession.

    Hedwig brought it, said Hermione at once, Owl post.

    Did anyone physically see her deliver it?

    Everyone looked blank.

    I assumed shed come in with Errol, began Mrs Weasley, before her face

    creased in horror, Good gracious! What could I have done?!

    Harry, asked Mr Weasley sharply, Was Hedwig out last night?

    Harry shrugged, I think so, but she was hunting.

    Molly, where was the parcel the first time you saw it?

    On the kitchen bench, she said, beginning to get quite upset, I thought

    one of the children brought it in.

    Everyone looked at each other, shrugging and shaking their heads.

    Right, continued Mad-Eye, beginning to clomp in circles, So. We have

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    no choice but to believe this parcel appeared in the house without the

    assistance of owl or person. What we need to do now is isolate possible

    individuals who would have the means and the inclination to plant it


    He pointed his wand at the board as he leaned heavily against a chair, I

    would consider there to be three main candidates in this equation. Im

    going to start with the one who ticks all the boxes-

    A little tingle shivered down Harrys spine as two scrawled words

    appeared on the board.


    Andromeda drew in a sharp breath, clasping her hands over Siriuss and

    looking at Lupin, her expression blazing.

    Mad-Eye cleared his throat and rubbed his nose before continuing, No

    one knows what truly happened to this boy. From all accounts, he died

    fourteen years ago, aged almost three years, due to the alleged death of

    his Eastern mother. The bonds were too strong, said his grandfather at

    the time, for him to survive when she was on deaths doorstep.

    Cass had Western blood also, whispered Andromeda, And he was

    always such a strong little thing

    He was shielded, added Sirius, his throat contracting his syllables,

    Though in those last memories, he was failing fast. My being in Azkaban

    was probably what did it

    Mad-Eye grunted, But we dont know for sure. I dont encourage anyone

    to get their hopes up but hes a strong candidate for being behind this.

    Firstly, he would have been able to rightfully have possession of The

    Memory Box and its absence from anyone else during these past years

    would explain it, as no ones heard hide nor hair from either. Secondly, I

    have no doubt hed be highly gifted magically, due to his Eastern and

    Western blood, easily allowing him to cast the spells around Potter and

    Longbottom. Thirdly, he would have been able to gain access to this

    house without exposure and easily planted the box in it for Harry.

    We would have seen him, surely? asked Lupin incredulously, Or had

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    some idea he was here?

    Mr Weasley shook his head, He would have been able to come and go

    quite freely whilst we were here without either party having a clue the

    other was inhabiting. Were all hidden due to the Fedelius charm andCassion, being a direct descendant of Sirius would have been able to

    invoke entry and walk right on in without disturbing anyone.

    Not anyone, growled Sirius before once again, appearing to explode out

    of his chair:


    There was a ringing silence before Sirius screamed again, this timeAndromeda smacking him lightly on the arm, For heavenssake! If hes

    still knocking about this old house, hes as old as the hills. Be patient,


    "He moves when he needs to, growled Sirius before they all paused to

    hear the tell-tale scuffling of an eavesdropper caught out, followed by

    snide mutterings and the dragging of small feet behind the kitchen boiler.


    As master wishes

    Kreacher slowly made his way over, purposely taking his time before

    stopping a foot away from the table and enquiring, Yes, master?

    Was Cassion here?

    Kreacher does not know who you speak of.

    You effing welldo and I order you to tell me. Now.

    Kreacher does not know who it is you speak of.

    Kreacher, began Andromeda, her voice echoing Sirius condescension,

    You will tell us.

    He blatantly ignored her question, preferring to croak, Yet another stain

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    on the filth of this great family has come. Oh, what would my mistress

    say to know that her mudblood loving niece was-

    OI!- Lupin grabbed back Sirius who had lunged for the elfs neck and

    struggled to restrain him, You willnotget anything out of him if youcontinue to lose your temper!

    Sirius was breathing hard through his nose, his teeth grinding with

    agitation before Mad-Eye clomped over and stared down at the elf, hard.

    Hes still bound by elf law to obey you; you just need to ask the correct

    question. And be specific.

    Sirius threw a sinister look at the elf who glared angrily back before hesaid quietly, Kreacher. Has my son been in this house?

    Kreachers eyelids slitted, As master knows, young Master Black was

    here once when my mistress-

    Recently Kreacher.

    There was a silence before the elf flinched and whispered, Kreacher

    cannot say.

    Sirius grabbed at Lupins cloak sleeve, as though his heart had stopped.

    You cannot say because he hasnt been here or he ordered you not to


    Kreacher cannot say.


    He was cut off as the elf appeared to grab himself around the throat and

    begin to throttle, muffled wails wheezing through his snout.

    Stop him! cried Hermione, looking horrified, Please just STOP HIM!

    Sirius grabbed the elf back, yanking him by his ears and saying, his voice

    deadly, Whoever has ordered you not to-Kreacher? Kreacher!

    Back off a second, began Lupin, batting Sirius away and inspecting the

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    elf who was throwing hideous glares at everyone, as he clutched himself

    around the throat. Its not his fault; hes been hexed-

    Dont be ridiculous, snapped Sirius, aiming to kick Kreacher in

    annoyance, Hes putting it on.

    Doubt it, grunted Mad-Eye peering down over the fray, Hes been

    cursed; looks to me like some sort of tongue-tie. This creature couldnt

    speak if it wanted to.

    Sirius ground his teeth as his eyes threw daggers at the elf, You will

    speak when you can, Kreacher. And dont move till that happens.

    The elf appeared to freeze in time, barely a wiggle tempting his ear beforeLupin rolled his eyes and muttered, For heavens sake put him at ease,


    Sirius took his time getting comfortable before obliging, Hermione

    grinding her teeth in frustration at the display before Mad-Eye began

    clomping once more, startling everyone back to the topic at hand.

    Right; we can add that whoever is behind this has put something on this

    house elf to stop him letting on what theyre doing. Difficult to hinder elf

    laws but it can be done and unfortunately, by anyone who has a bit of

    nowse. The major hurdle to get by is the elfs devout devotion to their

    master clearly not too much of a hindrance in this case.

    Lorna glanced at Tonks, biting back a grin before asking, If it is Cass

    Black whos behind this, surely he must have a motive? If we crunch

    through that, we may have a better shot at finding where hes hiding


    Revenge, said Harry at once, without thinking. Everyone swivelled to

    look at him curiously, Sirius raising an eyebrow. Though his cheeks

    burned slightly, he furrowed his brow and persevered.

    Well, wherever hes been for the last few years, he would have probably

    been wondering what happened to his parents. I mean, he would have

    had some idea but that was probably tarnished by what he was told. I


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    Go on, said Lupin gently, casting a sideways look at Sirius.

    Harry shrugged, Well, I thought for the first eleven years of my life my

    mum and dad died in a car crash. My aunt and uncle never spoke about

    them so I was left to piece together and, often, make-up in my own mindwhat happened. Cassion may have thought Sirius was a murderer; if he

    was with his grandfather, thats probably the case. But hed still have

    some memories.

    Cass worshipped you, said Andromeda gently to Sirius who never broke

    gaze at Harry, No matter what he was taught, nothing could change


    But he was quite protective of his mother, sighed Lorna, That Iremember most vividly following Marlenes death and the awful attack of

    Frank and Alice.

    Hed have questions, conceded Lupin, nodding at Harry to continue,

    And probably picked sides with regards to his parents. But Im

    interested in your theory Harry. Go on.

    Well suppose he had a certain idea of what happened, then one day he

    comes across the Memory Box. He would have learnt the truth, wouldnt

    he? That Sirius wasnt a murderer. That it was really Pettigrew who was

    behind it all. Hed know about me, Neville, our Godmothers and

    everything that had happened.

    The walls to The East are closed, grunted Mad-Eye, But Id wager he

    could have found a way to piece together what he didnt know.

    And hes come back to seek revenge! added Ron, as though he was the

    one who singlehandedly had come to this conclusion. It makes sense!

    He would only have to be in the country for a few hours before he learnt

    Harry was still alive; hed want to seek revenge for his dad, his mum and

    everyone else!

    But not without help, said an unknown witch, who had been biding her

    time next to Lorna. Hed have a hard time entering the country

    unnoticed for a start. Border security is more stringent than ever;

    imagine Sirius Blacks son strutting through the barriers without even

    a comment?! Not to mention he would have been picked up by the

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    boys first, then seek out her enemies.

    Shed have made contact, said Sirius sighing, And a scene. Even if she

    didnt, Id be very surprised if she hadnt at least sought out Moony.

    Remus, said Mad-Eye, considering him closely, Anything unusual

    happen to you lately? Felt like youre being watched?

    Lupin shook his head softly, Ive been here practically since the end of

    the Triwizard. I came back with Sirius; Ive barely been out except for

    full moon.

    It could be her though, said Ginny wistfully, Shed have a plan and

    maybe shed want to carry it out before she let on to anyone she washere.

    She was declared dead, said Lorna with a shrug, Ifshe too has been in

    the East these past years she couldnt gain re-entry without some sort of

    enquiry. Or been able to get about for very long without some sort of

    identification; I mean, you cant even buy a wand without it these days-

    Which brings us to candidate number three, interrupted Mad-Eye,

    Someone who would have been able to quite easily enter the country

    without being seen, been able to survive quite easily without a wand,

    have possession of the Memory Box as well as the knowledge and know-

    how to pull something like this off.

    Sirius jaw ground together as Mad-Eye finished, Isabella Masahara


    Again, persisted Lupin, She would never have stayed hidden.

    She would have been able to enter the country discreetly due to political

    amnesty, Mr Weasley offered. Under all sorts of secrecy and protection.

    Shed know her way around, easily mask her magic and spell work as well

    as track down both Godsons and protect them.

    She would have come for me by now, said Sirius quietly, Whether she

    knew the truth of my innocence or not. I abandoned her and Cass; Id

    have to answer for that. And it would in no way be a quiet affair.

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    Shed have been able to gain entry to the house began Hermione, her

    eyebrows knitting together. Harry could have sworn he could hear her

    brain rapidly processing information before she jumped up suddenly and

    gurgled, I read before, I never thoughtof it till now Ill just go-

    And she was out of her chair and out the door in a matter of seconds,

    tearing through the corridors like the speed of light. Harry shared a look

    of long suffering and understanding with Ron, before shrugging to the

    rest of the room that simply looked at them both with a mixture of

    curiosity and confusion.

    A smattering of quiet conversation rumbled amongst the kitchen before

    Hermione came barrelling back, flicking urgently through the pages of her


    Hermione? asked Lupin politely, Would you be so kind as to share?

    I read something before, she said breathlessly, scanning page by page,

    I didnt connect it till now-here;

    One of the many flaws ofTheWhisper Watch,popular with schoolgirls in

    the 1950s, was its unstable foundation. Used to keep secrets or

    messages that could be played back to the recipient, too much misuse

    caused the channelling to become blurred or invaded. One case,

    documented by Healer Barnaby Jones, discovered that the mere presence

    of the individual witch or wizard who placed the message in the watch,

    disrupted the communication. He notes that one of his patients, a Miss

    Lyra Dippets, actually became somewhat mentally splinched when

    unbenknownest to herself, her secrets were being listened to by a friend

    in an ajoining room.

    No one said anything, preferring to wait patiently for a bright eyed and

    excited Hermione to explain the apparent relationship between Lyra

    Dippets and the matter at hand.

    Dont yousee?she said after a moment, her face reflecting a long

    sufferance of slower brains than hers, Remember when we heard

    Marlenes voice? Theyve got the Memory Box? And Isabellas imprint

    saying that something was happening but she didnt know what? I think

    that could have been this disruption Barnaby Jones had documented.

    They could have been here the whole time, affecting the broadcast of the

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    doesnt take a genius to work out it was probably Pettigrew that blew the

    whistle the night they moved Neville just watching the memories told us

    that much. Plus we all know he is responsible for what happened in

    Godrics Hollow. I think it makes perfect sense as to motive; Pettigrew is

    to blame for what happened to Alice, Frank, James and Lily. And he wasresponsible for what happened to Marlene, to Isabella and by association


    Good, clean and logical, grunted Mad-Eye as Tonks beamed, If were

    thinking theyre going after Pettigrew then were further along in this. All

    three of them have scores to settle and to catch the rat, theyll have to be

    strategic. He may be stupid but hes got big friends. Friends that may

    not care for him but know his worth. Through knowledge and sheer

    weakness, hes made himself invaluable to them. Until hes caught,theyre limited in movement.

    Theyd protect their most precious assets first, nodded Mrs Weasley,

    motioning to Harry, Ensure there was no way for You Know Who to get

    at them if their cover is blown. As a mother, its what Id do. No one can

    get at Harry here and Neville is probably also untouchable. Id also

    expect young Cassion wouldnt be let out of Isabellas sight as well.

    Isabella still has a warrant out for her arrest, piped up the unknown

    wizard, Crouch may be gone but Fudge wouldnt miss an opportunity to

    bring in Sirius Blacks wife. Itd do wonders for his reputation. Plus

    Cassion couldnt go to school or even be seen; I remember the little tyke

    and Ill wager hes the spitting image still of his dad.

    And Marlene would have to bite her tongue, said Andromeda slowly,

    gradually buying into the theory, Even shed have to know her own

    weaknesses. Given half the chance shed make a godawful scene and

    blow the whole plan out of the water.

    But theres no proof, said Lupin bitterly, Its all well and good to

    suppose all of this but it could be anyone-

    He was interrupted as unknown movement grew louder from the front of

    the house; as the noise became more pronounced, Mad-Eye grunted,

    Thatll be Kingsley with the Longbottom boy.

    Harry craned his neck to see over Rons head as about five witches and

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    wizards crowded into the room, Kingsley at the centre with a strong hand

    on a rather frightened looking Nevilles shoulder. He watched him give a

    watery smile to the room before visibly gulping as Professor McGonagall

    stalked in, looking rather peeved.

    Well were here, she snapped, taking of her cloak and dusting it

    violently, And goodness knowsthatssaying something.

    We had a bit of a time with Mrs Longbottom, provided Kingsley, his

    deep voice lilting with laughter, I cant imagine it was easy being come

    upon by an armed guard however she didnt let us off lightly.

    McGonagall snorted angrily, I would havethoughtconsidering the

    circumstances, wed have been provided with the utmost assistance!

    Shes a tough ole lady, coughed a wheezy wizard, dusting off his hat,

    A righ kook. Bu we go young Neville out, didnt we lad?

    Alright? asked Ron as Neville was ushered into the seat by Hermione,

    his face going white as a particularly mean looking Sirius sat opposite.

    Hows it going? asked Harry, suddenly seeing the resemblance in his

    friend for the first time. His face was round like Alices, his nose and eyes

    like Frank.

    Y-yeah, muttered Neville, casting a sideways look at Sirius, Oi, isnt


    Neville, cut in Lupin, smiling warmly and extending his hand, Nice to

    see you again. Im not sure youve met my old friend and Harrys

    Godfather, Sirius Black?

    Neville looked like hed eaten his grandmothers hat as Sirius strained a

    smile and said, rather drily, I gather by your whitish tinge, youre of the

    belief Im a raging homicidal maniac. I cant answer for first thing in the

    morning, but I can assure you Im quite harmless. I was a good friend of

    your mum and dads. Frank was one hell of a man and I was a real fan of

    old Chambers.

    Hes been briefed, said McGonagall, marching up to stand by Mad-Eye

    at the head of the table and rustling a few items around in a cotton bag in

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    Mary McDonald, the close friend of his mother and her friends. Risked her

    life for them countless times. The friend who had left long ago, unable to

    face the past.

    But it still could be? asked Ginny timidly, looking to Tonks for


    Tonks simply shrugged and glanced at Mad-Eye who was magicking away

    his blackboard.

    McDonald, he said grimly, dusting off his hands, Even I was blinded.

    They could have easily given her the box, said Lupin quietly, his faceand voice hollow. Asked her to keep it for safe keeping. She went back

    to Bulgaria with her old boyfriend after the first war. The rumblings of

    Voldemorts return must have reached her shores. Brought back the old


    But how did it get into the house? asked Ron, We would have seen


    Does it matter? asked Lupin bitterly. He stood up and ran a hand over

    his tired face as he whispered, Blinded by those old memories. Saw

    what wasnt there

    As he turned and walked away, Harry felt the sharp sting of a tear fill his


    He glanced up at his Godfather again, who was staring maddeningly at

    the large bird perched on the highest corner of the bookshelf

    When Harry awoke at around 7 oclock that evening, he felt a strange

    sense of euphoria. He blinked his eyes rapidly as he took stock of the

    crackled ceiling in the drawing room, unwrapping himself from the fold of

    the old sofa. Hed been having a dream that was filled with his parents;

    mixtures of the memories hed watched the night before. He could still

    hear his fathers light hearted chuckle, his mothers kind, soft voice before

    his hand brushed something soft as he reached for his glasses.

    Wolfie was lying abandoned on the small coffee table, his one eyed, oneeared face staring blankly at the floor. As he took in the weathered, half

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    chewed stuffed toy, the disappointment from the morning flooded through

    him with a solid and violent thud.Mary McDonald, the keeper of the mystery. He heaved a heavy sigh as he

    almost willed himself back into slumber. To think, for a few short hours hecould have had one or even two of his Godmothers back. Sirius could

    have had his son. Wolfie his rightful owner.

    The let down was crippling.He lay there for a few more minutes, eyes scrunched shut and debating

    disappearing up to his room before he heard a disruption in the

    hall. Sitting up and stretching his arms, he called to Ron who was

    whispering loudly to Hermione about not waking Harry.Alright? asked Ron, lumbering into the room, Hermione following with a

    mug of tea, Thought you might be awake.Are you alright, Harry? asked Hermione, sitting on the small table in

    front of him, staring into his face as though she were at the bedside of

    the terminally ill.Youve been asleep for hours. You look dreadfully

    tired.Up all night, wasnt I? muttered Harry, sipping the tea.Any news?

    Hermione shrugged, casting an anxious look at him as though he may

    combust before her eyes at any moment, Theyve been trying to contact

    Mary. No one can find her though.

    A bit harsh, this whole thing isnt it? asked Ron, chewing on a nail,

    She couldve just said it was her in the first place.

    She must have had her reasons, offered Hermione shrugging hopelessly

    before wincing at the accusatory looks from both boys, Well

    she mustof! I cant imagine anyone being so cruel but we all do but we

    mustnt judge before we know the circumstances.

    Harrys thoughts were dark as he ground his jaw hard. He had decided,

    somewhere between asleep and awake, that should he ever meet Mary

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    McDonald, hed give her a good hexing. It was the least he could do,


    Seen Sirius? asked Ron conversationally, looking towards the door, We

    all figured hed gone to sleep but Fred heard him raging from somewhere

    upstairs. Sounded like half the West Country were trampling the third


    He needs some time alone, said Hermione thoughtfully.A day or so at


    Wotcher Harry, came Tonks voice as she slipped into the room, Have agood nap?

    I guess, mumbled Harry, managing a weak smile, Whats been


    Tonks looked exhausted as she gave a careless shrug and fell into the

    armchair.Not a lot

    She ruffled her pink, cropped hair before looking thoughtfully at her

    hands. She raised her eyebrows as she shuffled uneasily, fidgeting her

    body as she glanced at the door. She nodded for Ron to duck his head as

    she magicked the door closed.

    Whats happened?asked Harry immediately, sitting up straight on the

    sofa.Whats gone on?

    Nothing, nothing, murmured Tonks, biting at her thumbnail before

    looking seriously at them all.But Ive been thinking theres more to this

    than we care to consider.

    Harry shared a look with Ron before Hermione asked, What are you


    Well, and Tonks looked slightly abashed before bursting out, Its just, I

    cant help but think no, no feelthat were not giving our original

    assumptions more of a shot-

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    No, said Harry, cutting her off and shaking his head violently. He

    simply couldnt take anymore of this.Its Mary, Tonks. That makes

    logical sense-

    Hear me out, said Tonks quietly, putting her hands up.Ive been

    listening, hearing things. No ones seen Mary for years. And I was just out

    helping Kingsley and Mad-Eye, and theres been no trace of her for the

    last 18 months

    If she knewYou Know Whowas about, shrugged Ron, Its fair to say

    she may have packed up her old kit bag and run off. If Id been through

    half of what we saw and he blew out a long sigh, Id be moving


    They all glanced up as Fred and George came tumbling into the room.

    Two gangly balls of pent up energy, they both looked like tightly packed


    Whats all this, eh? asked Fred glancing around the pensive looks, I

    feel a cheeky plan in the works.

    And we love a cheeky plan, winked George, lounging into the sofa next

    to Harry, Alright Potter?Whats the craic?

    Tonks reckons theres more to this than that McDonald bird, shrugged

    Ron, answering for Harry, But-

    Us too, hissed George, squeezing himself between Ron and Hermione,

    No ones seen hide nor hair of her for almost 2 years-

    Though apparently its not unlike her, chimed in Fred, I heard that

    Lorna woman saying, to disappear for a few months; but she just up and

    left one day without so much as a seeya later.

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    Residual magic, threw in Lupin, his voice croaky.From the Fedelius

    Charm. Dumbledore believes the magic affected him as it did because we

    asked what happened within the other realm of this house. The poor

    creatures loyalties have been compartmentalised; by love and force. He

    cant repeat what goes on in our sphere and through ties to his House,cannot reveal what unfolds. Mary wasnt the most gifted of witches but

    she knew people. We think she rustled up some small time pick pocket

    from Knockturn Alley and paid him a bob to break in here.

    They all fell into silence, disappointment once again thickening the air and

    Harry fell back to wishing everyone would leave him alone.

    You lot had a snooze? asked Tonks to the others, desperate for

    something to say. I managed an hour on the landing.

    A few, said Ron as Hermione scoffed, Youve been out like a light since

    you disappeared to go to the loo. Just got up, you have.

    He pulled a face at her before he said brightly to Harry, Mum made some

    sandwiches earlier she left some for you on the table.

    Not hungry, muttered Harry leaning back into the sofa.

    Hermione exchanged a look with Tonks before saying softly, You should

    eat something Harry. Or try to go back to sleep; its after ten.

    He shook his head, willing them all to leave. When it became apparent no

    one had any intention of leaving him alone, he got up awkwardly and

    muttered, Gonna find a sandwich.

    As he stumbled out of the room (followed by the others, much to his

    annoyance), he began to hear a mumbling of voices from the kitchen. His

    heart started to thump wildly as he recognised the sing-song laugh, the

    high pitched cackle, the motherly stop thatrightnow, Marlene. He broke

    into a half run, ignoring Hermiones desperate plea for silence as they

    passed the curtained portraits and Tonks calling for Lupin and Sirius,

    exploding into the kitchen to find Neville ashen faced, eyes glassy.


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    It just came on, whispered Neville, his body shaky. He was alone at the

    table, the Memory Box awake from its slumber at the centre, majestically

    projecting the grassy scene of Hogwarts complete with its four precious


    How did you-?But before Harry could finish, Marlene was shrieking from

    the frame.

    Its James POTTER!

    She was dancing about pointing accusingly, before hands flying to hips

    and glaring, So it was YOU who have opened our memory

    box? Typical. Bloody typical. You see this girls? Cant trust a Marauder. Oi

    Evans. Your boyfriends at it again.Hes not myboyfriend,hissed Lily, idly leaning against the rock quite

    red faced and refusing to look at Harry.Soshut up.

    A fiver says he will be one day, sniggered Isabella who was stretched

    out on the lawn, And you can bet yourknickers Ill cash in on that one.

    No, dont think it is him, offered Alice, wandering over and staring Harry

    in the face, Could be a relation?

    Marlene gave an annoyed scoff that suggested she was clearly challenged

    before exhaling with an annoyed air. She inspected her nails before rolling

    her eyes at the gobsmacked group in standing in the kitchen.Right

    laugh youlot are.

    Dont-struggled Harry, his breath quickening and disbelief threatening

    to choke him, Dont you-? But we all met, earlier-

    You showed us your stories, cut in Hermione as Ginny looked upset,

    You met us all-

    I dont remember having the pleasure, snapped Marlene, And you lot

    had betterhave a good explanation for getting us out here.

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    Hes achild-

    Molly, and Sirius looked pained as he did his utmost to keep his

    frustration in check, After everything hes seen-

    You have to tell me," demanded Harry, interrupting theexchange. "Now.

    Lupin nodded and put a gentle hand up to stop Mollys impending

    protests, Hes right. All the children should be informed. They are too

    much involved now.

    Harry felt a twinge of nerves as Lupin turned to him, There have been

    strange whispers from the other side that after the arrival of this box,

    suddenly make sense. Our informants claim an unknown force has begun

    infiltrating them; not forcefully or obviously. More as though they are

    being stalked; strategic members are gone temporarily missing, surfacing

    with no recollection of where they have been. Small hurdles are being put

    in their way, petty battles are being lost-

    And with Nevilles home being so obviously visited, cut in Sirius,

    Whoever it is, is playing with us as well.We havent thought much of it;

    its been so trivial. Little battles have not been as difficult these past

    weeks, a few part-time Death Eaters have been appearing in the Ministry

    court rooms as though they have captured and awaiting imprisonment.

    And with the happenings of the last 72 hours, finished Lupin, There is acertain feeling that things are falling into place.

    You think its these girls? questioned McGonagall, looking to her peers,

    Surely not-

    Well well never know, said Sirius bitterly, shaking out his red raw hand,

    They wont let us near them.

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    Harry stretched out his hand and took a deep breath. Neville closed his


    One. Two. Three-

    As Harrys hand touched the box, he felt a sharp tug through his body;

    the room around him seemed to disappear into complete darkness as

    sounds and movements appeared around him.

    Being thoroughly used to such strange happenings, though never

    completely scared, Harry was stunned to feel no trace of fear. If anything,

    he felt slightly euphoric.

    And ever so very safe.

    The darkness continued to whirl, the sound ofRahjahs song echoing in

    the winds before he heard the voices:

    FINALLY!Weve got contact

    Stay strong darling boys, just stay strong.The connection is getting stronger

    Hold in there, youre almost to them. You can sense where they are, just

    find them!

    We are not strong enough, we cant see we can only feel but

    Hurtinjuredwe cannot see


    Theyve got the Memory Box-

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    Show them all. They can help.

    As the familiar tug grabbed him once more, he stayed where he was in

    the room. He felt a light flicker brightly on his eyelids; he opened them

    wide and looked up at the frame that flickered wildly.

    Deep shadows and raging winds filled the scene; the voices coming once


    Theyre all there, the Orderthey can helpjust hold on...

    They cantinjuredno, I can't..

    Im going backI cant find .

    Please, we must stay together, no...

    As the voices died away, Harry kept a firm hold on the box. He willed withall his heart to see who was talking; who was injured. As he asked again

    in his mind show themshow themthe shapes in the frame began to

    solidify, and two figures became apparent.

    Both were two old women; very old Harry thought to be in such a dark

    and dismal place on their own. One had fallen to the ground, panting and

    moaning as blood poured down her face. The other was barely on her

    feet, gashes and blood down her frail arms and cheeks as she willedherself to keep moving forward.

    As a fierce wind raged, the old woman on the floor looked up and

    mouthed a few words. The other, tears falling shook her roughly, No No

    No she wailed silently as the one on the floor nodded. With an energy

    willed from nowhere, she lifted her arm and shot a blinding light of red

    into the air before falling motionless in a heap.

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    And suddenly, the frame was blank.

    No one said a word for a full minute; Harry kept his hand on the box,

    Neville almost shaking it, but nothing would appear.

    Wh-who were they? he asked after a moment. He looked at Harry and

    repeated, Who were they?

    Harry shrugged and looked to Sirius. He was pale and staring at the blank

    wall stunned. Lupin ruffled his hair and looked to the group, I dont

    recognise any of them.

    Theyre too old to have known Mary, accused Andromeda, walkingforward to stand by Sirius, Too old to have known the girls.

    They must have, said McGonagall worriedly, Perhaps later in

    life. Whoever they are though, we must find them. They are hurt-

    Could it have been a disguise? offered Kingsley as Mad-Eye shrugged,

    A Polyjuice you mean?Possibly, but itd have to be wielding a fairlydecent strength behind it. They were hurt badly, and Polyjuice tends to

    fade when injury of that magnitude is faced.

    We should set-up a search, began Arthur at once, We must find them-

    But no one had even a second to pull out a map, or send a Patronus. For

    at that moment, the sharp red light from the memory frame blasted intothe room with the unknown voice:

    Were outside. Please help us.

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