the newdeal by edwin,fasiha,pablo,david,sherine. the background fdr was president at the time the...

The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine

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Page 1: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

The NewDealBy Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine

Page 2: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

The Background

FDR was president at the time

The Progressive era

The Great Depression Mass unemployment

Unregulated Businesses

The government was very corrupted

The bosses avoided regulation from the government.

Page 3: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

The New Deal

FDR & Election of 1932

FDR was the symbol of the people during the great crises

Democrats wanted no prohibition

FDR won a resounding victory

Coming of the new deal

New deal was alternative to socialism

Economist Keynes said if deal failed revolution ensued

Roosevelt needed advice on deal

Companies had too much power

Motivated by Progressive ideals

Page 4: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

The New Deal (Continued) Banking Crisises

Banks failed

FDR passed the EBA(Emergency Banking Act)) & FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)

FDR removed Gold Standard

NRA(National Recovery Administration)

New Programs


National Recovery Administration, Agriculture Adjustment Act, Civil Conservation Corps

Focus was on NRA

More wealth distribution & combating poverty

Less government and more union power

NRA set standards for company practices and became mired in controversy

No change

Page 5: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

The New Deal (Continued)

Gov Jobs Economy act reduced federal spending

Increased confidence in business community Federal grants &temporary jobs

All to increase infrastructure CCC was to increase employment in 1934

Public Work Project PWP administration & CWA(Civil Work Administration) in 1934

Dependence on CWA TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) helps wildlife

New deal agriculture AAA increased the prices to help farmers Depression worsened conditions

Land was organized

Page 6: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

New Deal(Continued)

New Deal and Housing

Having home was key

Depression killed housing

Feds sponsored house loans


Stock control & 21st amendment

Court & New Deal

Conservatives repeal deal

US vs Butler

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How did the new deal attempt to help people?

Page 8: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment





Progressive Ideals


Economy Act




Depression VS Butler

Page 9: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

Grass Roots Revolt

Labors Upheaval

Government focused on labor and unions

Less on immigration

Socialist & Communist leaders

Workers wanted freedom and economic equality

Rise of CIO

AFL fought CIO

UAW started series of strikes

1937 bosses became in favor of labor

Labor & Politics

Altered balance of power

Key was consumer power

Page 10: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

Grass Roots Revolt

Voices of Profit

Huey represented populist party

Take wealth from companies for grants

Sparked 2nd new deal

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What ideas influenced the grass roots revolt?

Page 12: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment



Populist Party


Page 13: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

Second New Deal The Second New Deal was launched in 1935 by Roosevelt.

Harry Hopkins “now or never”

The idea that lack of consumer demand caused Depression had been popularized by Huey Long, Francis Townsend, and the CIO.

New Dealers had concluded that the government shouldn't try to plan business recovery.

Huey Long’s Share Our Wealth Campaign created the Rural Electrification Agency to bring electricity to homes that lacked it.

The REA came out to be one of the most successful programs led by The Second New Deal.

The Second New Deal also tried to promote soil conservation and family farming.

Because of it, farmers received federal government also purchased significant amounts of marginal and eroded land and converted these areas from farms into national grasslands and parks.

In the long run, The Second New Deal failed to arrest the trend toward larger farms and fewer farms

Page 14: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

WPA and the Wagner Act

Roosevelt approved the establishment of Works Progress Administration Because of Harry Hopkins the physical aspect had changed.

WPA employed many out of work white collar workers and professionals, even doctors and dentists.

Because of the WPA audiences across the country enjoyed their first glimpse of live musical and theatrical performances and their relief to American teenagers and young adults.

Another major initiative of the Second New Deal, the Wagner Act, was known as the “Labor’s Magna Carta”

Did that by empowering National Labor Relations Board to supervise elections in which employees voted on union representation

Robert Wagner promised the unionization and higher wages would aid economic recovery by boosting the purchasing power of ordinary Americans.

Page 15: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

The American Welfare State

The centerpiece of the Second New Deal was the Social Security Act of 1935.

Created a system of unemployment insurance, old age pensions, and aid to disabled, elderly poor, and families with dependent children.

Social Security Act launched the American version of the welfare act.

Page 16: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

Social Security System

Some New Dealers desired a program funded by the federal government's general tax revenues with a single set of eligibility standards administered by national officials.

Roosevelt preferred to fund Social Security by taxes on employers and workers rather than out of general government revenues.

Because of that Social Security emerged as a hybrid of national and local funding, control and eligibility standards.

The states paid most of the cost of direct poor relief under the program call Aid to Dependent Children and eligibilities and the level of payments varied enormously from place to place.

Social Security represented a dramatic departure from the traditional function of government.

The Second New Deal transformed the relationship between the government and American citizens.

“Laissez-Fair is dead”

Page 17: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

What was the difference in the second new deal to first new deal?

Page 18: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

Vocab 1935 Roosevelt Harry Hopkins Depression Huey Long Francis Townsend New Dealers Share Our Wealth Campaign Rural Electrification Agency REA Second New Deal. soil conservation family farming national grasslands failed

Works Progress Administration

Harry Hopkins

white collar workers

live musical

the Wagner Act

“Labor’s Magna Carta”

National Labor Relations Board

Robert Wagner

Social Security Act

federal government's

Social Security

control and eligibility

call Aid to Dependent Children

Social Security


Page 19: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

Reckoning of Liberty

FDR & Freedom

Traditional values

Inequality was a threat to democracy

Election of 1936

Main issue was freedom

New despotism was threat to freedom

Roosevelt won

United enemy voters

Court Fight

FDR wanted to balance Supreme court

Page 20: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

Reckoning of Liberty

Court Fight

FDR wanted to balance Court

Appoint new judges

Still achieved goal

End of 2nd new deal

Momentum slowed

Fair labor failed

Short downturn

Plead for aid changed philosophy

Page 21: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment


What was the result of the rekonig of liberty?

Page 22: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

The Limits of change

American Women

Women had more government power

Women barred from work

Southern Veto

South remained democratic

Tiny electorate had a big impact

FDR could not challenge south

NAACP Supported Landon Bill

Indian New Deal

Culture Autonomy

Indian Reorganization act of 1934

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The Limits of change

Mexican Americans

Rural Jobs

Suppressed by Union Busters

Last hired, First Fired

Blacks Hit Hardest

Many depended on assistance

W.E.B Du Bois offered solution

New Deal for Blacks

Little interest in race

Appointed member to focus on race

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Who’s life was affected the most by the new deal?

Page 25: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment


democratic electorate Landon W.E.B Du Bois interest

Page 26: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

New conception of America

1930 More Pluralism

Little New deals



American Communism

CIO & Communist became a focal point

Both had shaping influence

Remarkable growth during depression

Immense activity

Democratic upsurge

Compromise gave them respectability

Page 27: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

New conception of America

Redefining the People

Radicalism defined Americanism

Move from consumerism to democratic

Promoting Diversity

New American definition was key

Challenging Color line

New Deal Liberalism

More Tolerance

Communism spread as well as civil liberties

Page 28: The NewDeal By Edwin,Fasiha,Pablo,David,Sherine. The Background  FDR was president at the time  The Progressive era  The Great Depression  Mass unemployment

New conception of america Labor and civil liberties

Repression of civil libertries

Gov became protector offreedom

Not universal

Congress reenacted programs

End of New Deal

Began to recede

Rising Opposition to southern Governments

Slower to build

Libertize south

CIO Militancy rise

Congress restricted implementation

New Deal in history

More Gov,Econ,Releif,Infastructue,Democracy,Freedom

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What was the new America?

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Radicalism Consumerism Freedom