the n.i.j.c. cardinal review 18 (1) oct 2, 1963

College President Extends Welcome To Student Body Th• la0>lt and t r• of NOrtb lda!IO JllllJ(",f CoUf'Ce otend a coll al11ct1e ,..elcoce o 11rw alld 1etuml11c atDdenta. 'llloae of .rou who ate wllb ua 101 Ille til!ll tlme uc 111ced Ill !et'I to aeek oot our ta!I, OIH lllcall1. and Olll .. hmever lllln a p:oblem I:> wbJO e can t.<i of au st.acce. As 7G1I elite! !Dill 101Jr Ille, 1011 ... m find that there arr c:an1 dlf!trenc'3 In 7our patterns or con.met and lh1n.c from what 70: ban• e1prrlmced up IO no... Mate ,,ve:7 rllort to adtuat u qalckl1 and smoothly aa p011· l!lble. This 111 the 10 a 1111cceaaful COll'!ll' t'1pent-ncc. EVt'17 r•lrort has b"ea to pr Vld" a nrlety al act!•· lllPll fur you ao that 70U mar d"nlop .Jf>Ur lntN••atA ablllll• II Dtl wldt•l7 U PO albl,,, ThOMl of you who wSll llvlnc ln th" dMmllor1 will have tht1 opportunity of flTJUP llV1n1 •llh ila •UM· dant eoc:lal bcnrnts. Tak• 11.dvnnta or the> tadllUea, lhtt evrnt , and the activity r•rocrarna mad" n•ll- IO you and I am au111 700 ..-111 finish lb" 11chool 1nr •Ith a foc-lln1 of C!'nuln" aatistactlon. Al you your mllq;cynr mar ..-e •d11h you a moat 1111cce11!ul 1 ar. P. A. Chri1U11111on Cc nr·1u· Pt• . d• · · Mlintenance Crew •sy Over S1111mer Tlw u ual pa1n11n1 aud rr:aln· t••n&nct1 l•N)4tCl8 Wrtl! fart or summf'I actl\tllrs on thtl campur.. l11cl11dl'd ••• r..- llnlahlllll of th•• r.ym noor. Moat nollcr11blr of n"" cw.>n· 11lru<·t1nn o>rr th" 11umm•r I,. thtt dormitory, 1<hlt"h will bt t"oniplrt<•d ah<Hlh. rontl'llctor ,for lhl• $300,000 pmJt'l'l Ii! 100 11tud<mla wne \\111l1·r M. \'arnuni. chanlt"ol C'ontmctor llllll l'lumblna ond ltl'lltlnc and r1 .. , ntr11ch11 .... Paclllc I I o•ctrtc. Tbr tulld· ln1 16 brln1 IJ!O\ld<'<I b\ IM Donnltor) Commlaslon •t• lnur. ol rr\ 1-nue bOnds. An •ddlUon pro1 tdl111 " tk tn !ht' kllclif!I, atoru" space, and IUl o !fl f'C In lbl' F:autn t r Studml Ualon I• Aleo D••, H turning student& .. 111 ILlllO noUcc th<' 11ddll1on of a •rn1ni: bar Inside lbr s.u. A l'la> field "aa le.-rlrd nod l'!C'Parcd I r arcdln Ulla WI. The ar.,"' ..-est nnd n.l tth al S.U. II will pro- Yid P.E. rand athlr.lle tac:ll· lt rnnc. ------ En rollment Over 600; New Record l>U• to ln• late l11r1. colleat! and b .. eause rq;. : ra· ll<ln I• •1111 Ol't'D. COll:PI ct• lnfonn•Uon reurdlnr; c.nroll· n:rnt Is not 111atlable. 1 ts the nnal dat" f..,1 rnrollm1•nt and clae11 C'l•n11•.s. At>Pn>•lmatl'ly 600 1lud1•nts DI<' 1•nn>ll•d tor lhfl fall arml!llto•r acrordinc to a eount of U!lcmbly 8t'AIS l&aU<'d. Thr nril IHUP ol I.he R•H<'• ,.111 c:arrf the •net ,.,siatnallon DUl:lb<'r and a aun") of "11rrlC"lllum. '.<>UME l!VI HO. 1 Ort-C C111JUS PCJ"ki ng Regulat i ons Wi ll Be Strictly Enforced S1• 1.:. ·· I.I "b1 th• ad :·. ·..::i1- larlZ<1 lbt'.m& ch ea •ltb part;lng and dn'ine UolJB. Reiiiml.ns a111dmts &hoold D.l&ll refresh th'"lt l!lt'JllOrie&. tbc IJC!lmf'I, ae• t<d lots "ere pronded aoulh of tbe 11brat7 aad es1 of tilt' \'OnUo:ial bu! ldlai. A graYelfd lot aouUI of Cle \'O<'&tlOaal' 9 al50 new. 'Ibe paved areas we:e mar!Ledand smdmts areasl:ed to otiaern lli1US- St11de:>t padttnc b p:vbltttt'd 1b .. ad bttlldlnc. am. and Ubraz.r (the cest side !\O palltlDE la II cros&••• a.nd -s-balcbed artoas. /In) c:ais part .. d la 1111cb r•uicted a.•eu •lll be and 'iolators Cned. Students ma1 park on s1ree:s, 111bJ'"ct to dt'" t!Jll.lllUOClll since all caeu>us streets are ell.I strerts. Parklnc la allowod ln tb'" larce ! t eut of the ad b11lldln1 and nonb ot 1b .. chell'l•ll> bulldlna. A pouklnc lot 1s rrov1ded for donnlt"n 1>tudents. Stud•'1ll5 are also reminded of ShemtftD crade acbool actJacmt to th!! colleog<' e&.'llPll> and IL!t' ur1l'd to bl" PSpeclalb careful when till:< aehOol. 39 Hardcover YearbOOk Will Be Published By Staff Tins Year 7e-s:s. colni lnstesd Gonzaga P1es1denl Will Be Spea er At Culteral Asseobly Tbc \'t't1 Re.-. Jobn P. Leaf1, S.J .. Gonzaia Ulllnl'" slt7 Prt'Sldent will bl! tbt> 111>•k.. f : tbc timt of a sert.-s or cul rural usc1t· bliei. f'atber t,nry, a wrll· quaJ;fltd and HQ' lai;plnnc sr<'akr1, !s ontt of best Im°" o educauirs Ill lhr In· b1S s:-Hcll been an:>0u11ced :i.s. "It. It Kish :Soon or !>!idnl&ht"?" AS B Prexy Rw1H• I Thom.oio11 r Body PrHlt/•nr S::..dmt·toay prtsldent Rus· ael Tbmzlp&an ,.H bom In Okbba CILy, Okllllloma. tut llu atll!tldl"d schools IA ld&bo .Snee bl& ram.111 Ted ID f'a•gi;ut ..-Ilea kUBS wu s 7eani of ace. and to Co r d'All- n 1950. f'lllm b s a be went Into the t.c! 6="9 Nav7, where he Rrved f Jg()C>-1962. 1116 tut d 1 lb re w aa qmuter· :&tltef lb u.s.s. s..u .. aii a:i:Ul 1111 retlir;enuor Ren la CllJ nae In botrl and reaaararit mamce:nrnt. T?U• paat 11==e1 he waa f"allon, se .. tb where b• waned ula1::1 praC'Ucal e11>erlei:ce h: bla cbo&m Oeld. He feels tlla: wbe1e•cr pcsalble, atudeni. should 1et 111,,,:.e: Jobi tbat '&111 bt'Deflt t!ldr c:aree111. Rusttll ..-!II be ataytDI at the dorrnlt<lr7 tills yro.r. and waotA e•efT atudP.11l ID fef'l free to approach him with an.r pro bl em. He feels. al nee he wu elected a. a shor1-1101lce 1.rtl<'·ln candidate. IUa main coal 11hould be t.o uv to ful• fill thr wanli and needs ot all North Idaho Junior Colleite &t ud•nta. Al I td<'U and .. uc· JCStlOflB "Ill be V. C'JComl'd. B• all worklOI rosetber. Russ bellrvl"S "'" can make thla a year !or e\Ol)'llM at 111 .. collece. Dormitory Will Be Ready To lkcupy In About A Week Tbls ;T('ar nb Jdal;o Jur.1 r Callee<' bas a Dl"I< $150,000 domillDQ" •blclJ Is <'1Pt"Cll"d to !Ir. ready for occupancy In abOut one wttk. The new dormitory we:< de- slsned Ill house 100 studt'flll, tbere betoc ve Notns !or Cl ds aod "'ent1·n 1·e rooms !or bOys. Donnltoey rooms lot the men wUI be on the north end, aod the women will be on lM south. \\', A. Vo.mum Is the matn conuaclor for the bulldlns. wblcb Is mostly masonar>· and Ule. The """' bulldlnc Is 56' x I 50'. and baa two floors and a basement. Each noor wlll ha•·e la\'alOO' facil1Ue11 v.llh 11bov; em and the baa Pm mt w Ul have came rooms. The room6 a1e IO' l 14' •Ith t..-o students per room. At tbe present time there Are 75 atudents suytnc In the dol1". Of the i5. 16 aic and 59 are bo.)11. Due lo the utra number of boys, some of tha estra slrls rooa:s .,., r;olns 11> be used, and a temporary wall bas bet'tl con· &lrucled to block oft utra b01 nc:tlon lrom the &Ids' section. C. W. Hatch I& the bualness rtllloa&f'r for the domutoey. and Mrs. AM Clawson hu beeo appointed aa the matron. Mrs. Clawson and hfl bus· band. H:uold. wll:) t& a cua· todlan 11l tbe J.C. wU I 11 ve lo an apartment ln the dorm. ln case of 1111 emeraency the matron can be contac:tl'd at all times. Meals for the dormitory resldcnl5 are belna supplied by the Student Union. The serving times for meals are: DnllY: - Breakla..t, 7:00 to 8:00; Lunch, 11:30 10 1:30. Olnner. 6:30 to 7:00. Samr· day: - Breakfast. 7:15 to 7'45. Lunch. J!?:OO 10 l '00: Dinner. 5:30 to 6:00. Sunday: B1eklast, 8:00 to 8'30. Lunch, I 00 to I :30. tmninotion Ort. 11 For ASB V. P. Arm ClossOfficers Nomln&llan tor otncers •Ill be Dt'ld at acllvlly pf'rtod Oct. 11 lo th<" um. Thla nomlnaUon Includes sllld .. nt bodY nee presldesit. aopto- N>re president, nee prealdesit, and 11ecre1ar1. and freslman prei;ldesll, vice prttldent and aecrriar.r. All C4lldldatea .. m bl> In· terested IO know tlw.t the SUB wlll be uallablt' from llle t21h rhrouch the lith. durtnS acl1 vlty period. as a speech c<>nter. It will be tbe dut)' of eacll can· dldote to contact SUB orftclals 10 arranae a time a1 which ho (or 11he>) roaJ ilv<' thl& "peech, E:lecrlon wUI be held on Oct. 18.

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College


Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (1) Oct 2, 1963

College President Extends Welcome To Student Body

Th• la0>lt and t r• of NOrtb lda!IO JllllJ(",f CoUf'Ce otend a coll al11ct1e ,..elcoce o 11rw alld 1etuml11c atDdenta.

'llloae of .rou who ate wllb ua 101 Ille til!ll tlme uc 111ced Ill !et'I !r~ to aeek oot our

ta!I, OIH lllcall1. and Olll ecami~ at~ents .. hmever

lllln a p:oblem I:> wbJO e can t.<i of au st.acce. As 7G1I elite! !Dill 101Jr

mll~e Ille, 1011 ... m find that there arr c:an1 dlf!trenc'3 In 7our patterns or con.met and lh1n.c from what 70: ban• e1prrlmced up IO no... Mate ,,ve:7 rllort to adtuat u qalckl1 and smoothly aa p011· l!lble. This 111 the k~7 10 a 1111cceaaful COll'!ll' t'1pent-ncc.

EVt'17 r•lrort has b"ea to pr Vld" a nrlety al act!•· lllPll fur you ao that 70U mar d"nlop .Jf>Ur lntN••atA a.~d

ablllll• II Dtl wldt•l7 U PO • albl,,, ThOMl of you who wSll b~ llvlnc ln th" dMmllor1 will have tht1 opportunity of flTJUP llV1n1 •llh ila •UM· dant eoc:lal bcnrnts.

Tak• 11.dvnnta ~· or the> tadllUea, lhtt evrnt , and the activity r•rocrarna mad" n•ll­abl~ IO you and I am au111 700 ..-111 finish lb" 11chool 1nr •Ith a foc-lln1 of C!'nuln" aatistactlon. Al you your mllq;cynr mar ..-e •d11h you a moat 1111cce11!ul 1 ar.

P. A. Chri1U11111on Cc nr·1u· Pt• . d• · ·

Mlintenance Crew •sy Over S1111mer

Tlw u ual pa1n11n1 aud rr:aln· t••n&nct1 l•N)4tCl8 Wrtl! fart or summf'I actl\tllrs on thtl campur.. • l11cl11dl'd ••• r..­llnlahlllll of th•• r.ym noor.

Moat nollcr11blr of n"" cw.>n· 11lru<·t1nn o>rr th" 11umm•r I,. thtt dormitory, 1<hlt"h will bt t"oniplrt<•d ah<Hlh. G~n•·ral rontl'llctor ,for lhl• $300,000 pmJt'l'l Ii! huu~•· 100 11tud<mla wne \\111l1·r M. \'arnuni. Mo~

chanlt"ol C'ontmctor ""~ llllll l'lumblna ond ltl'lltlnc and r1 .. ~111cal , ntr11ch11 .... Paclllc I I o•ctrtc. Tbr tulld· ln1 16 brln1 IJ!O\ld<'<I b\ IM Donnltor) ll~ualng Commlaslon •t• lnur. ol rr\ 1-nue bOnds.

An •ddlUon pro1 tdl111 " tk •llll~ tn !ht' kllclif!I, atoru" space, and IUl o !fl f'C In lbl' F:autn t r Studml Ualon I• Aleo D••, H turning student& .. 111 ILlllO noUcc th<' 11ddll1on of a •rn1ni: bar Inside lbr s.u.

A l'la> field "aa le.-rlrd nod l'!C'Parcd I r arcdln Ulla WI. The ar.,"' u~ ..-est nnd n.l tth al l~ S.U. II will pro­Yid P.E. rand athlr.lle tac:ll· lt ~· '~ rnnc. ------Enrollment Over 600; New Record

l>U• to ln• late l11r1.

colleat! and b .. eause rq;. : ra· ll<ln I• •1111 Ol't'D. COll:PI ct• lnfonn•Uon reurdlnr; c.nroll· n:rnt Is not ~·" 111atlable. OCUlb~r 1 ts the nnal dat" f..,1 rnrollm1•nt and clae11 C'l•n11•.s. At>Pn>•lmatl'ly 600 1lud1•nts DI<' 1•nn>ll•d tor lhfl fall arml!llto•r acrordinc to a eount of U!lcmbly 8t'AIS l&aU<'d. Thr nril IHUP ol I.he R•H<'• ,.111 c:arrf the •net ,.,siatnallon DUl:lb<'r and a aun") of "11rrlC"lllum.

'.<>UME l!VI • HO. 1

Ort-C C111JUS PCJ"ki ng Regulations Will Be Strictly Enforced S1• 1.:. ·· I.I "b1

th• ad :·. :~t ·..::i1-larlZ<1 lbt'.m& ch ea •ltb coll•~ part;lng and dn'ine regul~· UolJB. Reiiiml.ns a111dmts &hoold D.l&ll refresh th'"lt l!lt'JllOrie&. ourt~ tbc IJC!lmf'I, ae•

~' t<d lots "ere pronded aoulh of tbe 11brat7 aad • es1 of tilt' \'OnUo:ial bu! ldlai. A graYelfd lot aouUI of Cle \'O<'&tlOaal' 9 al50 new. 'Ibe paved areas we:e mar!Ledand smdmts areasl:ed to otiaern lli1US-

St11de:>t padttnc b p:vbltttt'd ~bind 1b .. ad bttlldlnc. am. and Ubraz.r (the cest side • !\O palltlDE la 1'4!~U.-d II cros&••• a.nd c~ -s-balcbed artoas. /In) c:ais part .. d la 1111cb r•uicted a.•eu •lll be t~c.-d and 'iolators Cned.

Students ma1 park on s1ree:s, 111bJ'"ct to dt'" t!Jll.lllUOClll since all caeu>us streets are ell.I strerts. Parklnc la allowod ln tb'" larce ! t eut of the ad b11lldln1 and nonb ot 1b .. chell'l•ll> bulldlna. A pouklnc lot 1s rrov1ded for donnlt"n 1>tudents.

Stud•'1ll5 are also reminded of ShemtftD crade acbool actJacmt to th!! colleog<' e&.'llPll> and IL!t' ur1l'd to bl" PSpeclalb careful when till:< aehOol.


Hardcover YearbOOk Will Be Published By Staff Tins Year

7e-s:s. colni lnstesd

Gonzaga P1es1denl Will Be Spea er At Culteral Asseobly

Tbc \'t't1 Re.-. Jobn P. Leaf1, S.J .. Gonzaia Ulllnl'" slt7 Prt'Sldent will bl! tbt> 111>•k.. f : tbc timt of a sert.-s or ~1JC cul rural usc1t· bliei. f'atber t,nry, a wrll· quaJ;fltd and HQ' lai;plnnc sr<'akr1, !s ontt of best Im°" o educauirs Ill lhr In· 1~e~ft1~eol b1S s:-Hcll h~ been an:>0u11ced :i.s. "It. It Kish :Soon or !>!idnl&ht"?"


ASB Prexy

Rw1H• I Thom.oio11 r Body PrHlt/•nr

S::..dmt·toay prtsldent Rus· ael Tbmzlp&an ,.H bom In Okbba CILy, Okllllloma. tut llu atll!tldl"d schools

IA ld&bo .Snee bl& ram.111 Ted ID f'a•gi;ut ..-Ilea kUBS

wu s 7eani of ace. and to Co r d'All- • n 1950. f'lllm b s a • be went Into the

t.c! 6="9 Nav7, where he Rrved f Jg()C>-1962. 1116 tut d 1 lb re w aa qmuter· :&tltef lb u.s.s. s..u .. aii a:i:Ul 1111 retlir;enuor a~Jp. Ren la CllJ nae In botrl

and reaaararit mamce:nrnt. T?U• paat 11==e1 he waa I~ f"allon, se .. tb where b• waned ula1::1 praC'Ucal e11>erlei:ce h: bla cbo&m Oeld. He feels tlla: wbe1e•cr pcsalble, atudeni. should 1et 111,,,:.e: Jobi tbat '&111 bt'Deflt t!ldr c:aree111.

Rusttll ..-!II be ataytDI at the dorrnlt<lr7 tills yro.r. and waotA e•efT atudP.11l ID fef'l free to approach him with an.r pro bl em. He feels. al nee he wu elected a. a shor1-1101lce 1.rtl<'·ln candidate. IUa main coal 11hould be t.o uv to ful• fill thr wanli and needs ot all North Idaho Junior Colleite &t ud•nta. Al I td<'U and .. uc· JCStlOflB "Ill be V. C'JComl'd. B• all worklOI rosetber. Russ bellrvl"S "'" can make thla a orolltabl~ year !or e\Ol)'llM at 111 .. collece.

Dormitory Will Be Ready To lkcupy In About A Week Tbls ;T('ar ~ nb Jdal;o Jur.1 r

Callee<' bas a Dl"I< $150,000 domillDQ" •blclJ Is <'1Pt"Cll"d to !Ir. ready for occupancy In abOut one wttk.

The new dormitory we:< de­slsned Ill house 100 studt'flll, tbere betoc twent)~fl ve Notns

!or Cl ds aod "'ent1·n 1·e rooms !or bOys. Donnltoey rooms lot the men wUI be on the north end, aod the women will be on lM south.

\\', A. Vo.mum Is the matn conuaclor for the bulldlns. wblcb Is mostly masonar>· and Ule.

The """' bulldlnc Is 56' x I 50'. and baa two floors and a basement. Each noor wlll ha•·e la\'alOO' facil1Ue11 v.llh 11bov; em and the baa Pm mt w Ul have came rooms. The room6 a1e IO' l 14' •Ith t..-o students per room.

At tbe present time there Are 75 atudents suytnc In the dol1". Of the i5. 16 aic slrl~. and 59 are bo.)11. Due lo the utra number of boys, some of tha estra slrls rooa:s .,., r;olns 11> be used, and a temporary wall bas bet'tl con· &lrucled to block oft t~ utra b01 nc:tlon lrom the &Ids' section.

C. W. Hatch I& the bualness rtllloa&f'r for the domutoey. and Mrs. AM Clawson hu beeo appointed aa the matron.

Mrs. Clawson and hfl bus· band. H:uold. wll:) t& a cua· todlan 11l tbe J.C. wU I 11 ve lo an apartment ln the dorm.

ln case of 1111 emeraency the matron can be contac:tl'd at all times.

Meals for the dormitory resldcnl5 are belna supplied by the Student Union. The serving times for meals are:

DnllY: - Breakla..t, 7:00 to 8:00; Lunch, 11:30 10 1:30. Olnner. 6:30 to 7:00. Samr· day: - Breakfast. 7:15 to 7'45. Lunch. J!?:OO 10 l '00: Dinner. 5:30 to 6:00. Sunday: B1eklast, 8:00 to 8'30. Lunch, I 00 to I :30.

tmninotion Ort. 11 For ASB V. P. Arm ClossOfficers

Nomln&llan tor otncers •Ill be Dt'ld at acllvlly pf'rtod Oct. 11 lo th<" um. Thla nomlnaUon Includes sllld .. nt bodY nee presldesit. aopto­N>re president, nee prealdesit, and 11ecre1ar1. and freslman prei;ldesll, vice prttldent and aecrriar.r.

All C4lldldatea .. m bl> In· terested IO know tlw.t the SUB wlll be uallablt' from llle t21h rhrouch the lith. durtnS acl1 vlty period. as a speech c<>nter. It will be tbe dut)' of eacll can· dldote to contact SUB orftclals 10 arranae a time a1 which ho (or 11he>) roaJ ilv<' thl& "peech,

E:lecrlon wUI be held on Oct. 18.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (1) Oct 2, 1963

THE ~.I.J.C. RE\"IE" 'wbli1Md S."'"·-Mo,.thlr Dw1i,.9 th. Co. flJ• y .. ,

8y Jowr~l·t"ft S111d•l'lh •f ft\t'


Ecf.10• ••••••••••••••••••• - •••• - • • • • • S.cli.y J<:,.,.. PtlO•CHi;tCCo'heu , •••••••••••••• R1clit AO•~ .. R."11 Oabom 8'.it.ttl•t.S ,.no;.•. , . , .................... R~ SM. •k Cl•culca on Mono;••• •••••••••• Bo•bo•o X,oJIQ,d & R.*"' Mi'.rlt Q..;ic-'•'t.' lorry Bote·~. °'" d .M:cC~ li..a!!t-y CoMDW. Ela M

Sopp 09100, Boon .. L1•i., M,• • •• laa, T ... H n"I'• f'-• P .. et.., Cf0r0 Roliib t, S.•ty F 1-chner, Mer• Ke.-e, J(.-ten Marr Lou r.or•••· Ve•rn• L"cos, P.,..,., Goedw , P.: c!'to-d F. Oa•••· Pa"' Mitt"• J.,u "ir1lloo, L"' ~ lA"..n.Nft •· S"""r1 ~ ·boll, Co•ol1t M.,thr, ROJ Dtnictt•Y iOftd T•''l lrnch.



CalllnG all Fl"D h horn ll.\t'IS, fiutts, trombontlll, bll8. clarinets. etc. Th<'

d "ants and nt'cds more mber:;. Tbl' bnnd ml'et" lcr a "et'k ·• Tuesdays d Fnd~'S. Ir you plav an

istru!Tlftlt and arr lntNe•tt!d,

contact Mr. Burns (or an~ band =~..,iw· ru more ln(or· -atwn. -------Dorm Mall Can Be PickeJ Up In Ofllce

Donnltor> 'tudent should pick up tht'u ma.II ID th!! of· nee untU the dor.nltor1 Is open at •hlcb ume t~ all •lll br sent tllt!C'.

Here are Faculty Cor"liltees and Advisors Alli u~~ t cvl« club:- have DOI )'Cl sr:~r.rd

Of!lct'IS fot the 'l'Br, tile fo:lowiDC fac:ilt)' Com:::JllttS and sponsors of clubs han> been named. Studen: of· !leers will be nnmed In future tssurs of The Rl!vtew. tlc•re llfC the facult~ a~sli;nr:eots

Cwdnncc and Scholal~h1p - Mr. Moser. • cha.lrman. Yates. Mr. Stone. Mr. Bwn:;. l!r. Mar.non, Mrs. Stau:­

'llh:u>, .Mr. McFarlllnd, ~Ir&. CUltoo. Assembly - ~l:. E:•1ms, M~ La:ice. w~. Scates,

Mr. Pndct.~.llr. llr,oht.»r. l\!!l~.i.uss Sl~t'rt. One~llll.or. Co=tttel' - Mr. McFatlADd. c1'altma:i.

Mt. Stone. \I.I \'atl'S, Mr. OUbetg, Mr. Galnc. f'llailt~ S• aal Cl)mmluee - Mis. Ma.nnon. Mrs. Bers. Power~. \Ir. l!atch. Studrnt Publlcatlonft - Mr. Wendt, chairman, Mr. Oak·

b~~. ~.Ir. Soderllna. S!'EA - Mrt<. Culton Assoc1atc<1 \\omen Studetts - Dr. Fl'tz. Phi Theta l\appa - Miss DunmGl\. Enpnerrs Club - Mr. ~l'r, l&r. Oakl>erc. Cllrdlnal Senice Club - Mr-. laD&l' Cl:C!I! K - :.!:. Rlt'bl'. 5.Jpbo:nort.- AdY1so1 - Mt. Bums. Freshman Ad'1sor - 1ol:. Tritten. Fr1·nclt Club - ~In. Bir.nail. SpnnL~h Club - ~Ir. \lcf'arland. t.ett~rmen's Club - Mr. llllllams. Home E:c Club - \Ito. Stranahan \ lNans Club - Mr. Kl'11l1n1. PoUucal Sctencr Club - Mr. Slonl!, Mrs. scates.. Dames Club - Sllonsor to be aell!CI~ by membe~hlp c.h•rcb Club& - SOonsors to be lll!ll!Cted by membl!isbJp lo:r. Chrut1amo11 la an ex officio membrt or all com-

~~:~ and a1>011501ed croc:ps •hlclt ha~ &n1 ac:bool

Meet The Profs N./J.C. REVIEll, c.. ... o•A ..... ldoho, "•L. O.'""-' 1. l'6J

.J . NIJC'8 Dt"W m1111lc dlr..c r.

I.Au K I)', la ID Ills fust rear u a coll""' lnatr.:d :, DI• tboui; h be has pr ual1 taucbl • len ""ra at J 011.)', DUI.OD. llnd , ial II ell SCmols In Or D.

R r sn'&111 ftl.101• lea music. acd 80 11 1h1ci IH~llS In addlQOD IO rrl:llllll claues of c theot)', tund:lmenlals of music. crusic lltl'rAWrr. and cll>ru •

Id:. Kelly recelwd hi Bache! t O( Mullic Edu<'llU D !·.x:i tlJI! l!n1nrfilt) o f Por:· land alld bis *stet ( E:duca· Um flOIC Llllfl!!ld Cblle;e.

lot:. Krll1 Is l!lllmed and bas r l' ldren - t • bo,_ a::id I• C:I d • His llO till are U c and Clsll!n1.

Students Asked Not To Put Books Back On Shelves This Year T' llblllt)' tb Y~IU will

I. iJ 10 lbe sa:..;., nu...r or 5t'1'lcr IUI bsl )'l'ar. opening c 7 4S a.m. and co:illnalnc tt.roucb tb" dAl' w:til ck>slnc U::ir at 4.30 p.111. 1bl'St' bours lo t'rlect /llondaJ U11ou1h Frltb)'. Servlc.- •Ill also be o!!e red In the eveol11C5 :.Iona.,- throul:h Thursda)', rrom 7-00 p.m. unul 10:00 p.r:i. SIUd~ta are asked l o le

lbal llley she.Id Dal s~he a:i1 boob tll!s J'~t. U boob &re talten from the &!:t'l ! c.nd llSt'd a I the :ab.e. tbl! boQ: !lbotlld br l!!ft on the l.&ble. L!b:anans will ~ace tbe bodi. !t Is lxpcd lh:tt t!:la coope:aUv" :netbod will lmure lbat books are ID place oo lb!! sheh·es .. hlch In turn llS6Ut s better St:TICI! to both P~"Plls aDd l.11611".JClotl.

I• E". Tnuer. A nc• m:ith Instructor u t

:-; rth ld:i.ho Junior CuUt•&•• le Dlllc F.. Trltt<'n. \Ir, Trltt••n te:r.chcs ~Ill I, Malh 11. Qll· culus. 11nd alldl' rule.

11 r4'CehM bla !lbntN ol S Im e clacrl'e from the Uni· v•isllJ or Ote"°1!, at i.;1ig1m~. HI' I a C78dtate or No1th ld:ahO Jaolor Colh•1e and •

r.:rr 1tud~nt bocb' prl'llld1•nt. Mt. Tri uen tau1h t 11chool

In lluhir.;:wn tor three )t!ar txir rtt c:om1n1 to Co~ur d' Alene to tl'ach al Iha Junior cou .. ,e.

Mr. Tntten •1111 hla .. u. and n .. ,..,ar old aon rnldf'.ll In the dts of Col!ur d' Alen ...

He la lnli'reated In natltf'· mallca and .. iural llClt'llC~. lie lllllO enjoys hunttna tn his spare lice.

Mour, W1191<1 41 U ol W HSF Mo1~ s.,,. •• , 1 .. 111v10

o. H. ~nr. head or th11 aiclnee:lni: d"partmt-nt. and holK'rt v.n slit. hnd of the .rhnlc dl'P911mt'nt al North ldllbo Junia: Collea ... attt'llded a Nallo:ial Sclrnce Foundation 81 er ln111Jtut~ on "'tlllth­l'llllllic& In Ens!neertna" held Ill lhl' Unlveralty M 'Allllhinci.on In Sl!llttl" lhlll

EDCJllCUIDC ln· truc«!r:s from untvl!teltle-

d lie~ o! WL~hlnctor. Or soo. 1=1:0. O&llrornb.

1Ana. S :tb Dak~a. 6out . [;Uota. Oblo. aad J.llchlcan wrre p:esent.

Th PlltiJOSe ot th" Institute •n t •tudy some or thl' modem romus of ::iathuia11a. tlmt C:D) b U ed 1r. ti•- field or IC!o""n c.

DrPepper OllNIC IT F•OSlY


OR. PEPPER Ti.. f .. .,.j>y

·r.p,. .. u,,.,.

FISHER'S CLOTHIERS 1217 Hanft Fourth

/Jtru:. ~~~~~~!s ®


41,. ... Go.

Mt•. Oale ll'aCh~ ~:O&lhh Compo11ltlon. She I M't a nnw faet' ror manv or tho• •t lldrnt• who atl.fndrd Cotur 1l'Alt't1r lll1h ~hD<JI. •hor" ~h• taucht EnallRh Compoattlon ind rllftlll$,

Pt~\'IUU!I lo thl• llh• IM!'h•d her BS tn 11<luc:atlan at th• Uni \'t•l'llY of Idaho. llrr ll-'llldrncl! Is no" Ila rd• n Lur. Sh~ hua onr m111r11•d 11on, one d11U1hter 111 th1• Unlv~r"llY or ldnho. an~ ant• "°" attrnd1n1 hlah echool.

Outllldtl lnt••rrotA In whirh ahe> partlclpatr~ are aolf, br1d1e and watf'I kllnc.


&>vrral n~w 11•corda have b••en purchuod for tho altrto >YBlt'fll In th~ SUB Ilia yrar. The cummltt••r hQP<'A that 11tudPnt" hav• ttr1Joyod 1111! l!\UAIC that hL~ bt·rn play\'d.

Due lo the rrcent lnatalla· uon of th" att?tflo. tbl' "cord

UPPIY I• llmltf!d, 80 tr 1U11 &tudPni. have tl'COrdB IMY would llkl' lo have played thPy moy brine 1111111 to the atPuo room ncroaa from the book SlOtl'.

O.J. 's are nPt'drd. It lntl'r­eatf!d plea•e contact 8111 Arnhold In tile 1>1.18 any du bt•t#P"fl 12:00 and 1-00 p.m.


RENT • SALES · AE,AIR o .. 1to.1 I. T,.&•t Sunlleo

INTDISTAT[ TY1'£WlllTDI CO. 4 17 ,.._,_ A.e. • ,.._. 4-)111

SOUVENIR RECORDS " K. .. ,. A Recott Ol It'•

...._ .. ~ .. s~ 226 si--,,,..


Woodcock's Drug Store C4nd e• - Sund"• •


I U H. _,.. St • C- I-


~ .. O• C MO-• • • . .....

10 0 N .,. S t•CCT

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (1) Oct 2, 1963

Many Students Are Attending NUC On Local Scholarslips

Following Is a list o( students reglsterlns u fresh ­men at North Idaho Junior Collcce tblll fall "'ho ·won sc:bolarshlps durlnc the fourteenth annual guJclance conference beld at the college last AJIJ11. Alao listed nre the re51>ec:tl ve dCllOr s of sc:bolarshlps. The ceneral sc:bDlarsld 1111 were $I 00. 00 eac:b and the special ones wero. $150.00 eac:h. These sctolarshlps were a"'arded on the baals or hlgh school gtades . a.pttwd e . and ac:hleve­mcnt teslB.

CENERAL SCHOLARSHJPS Nathe! Raneld. Coeur d'

Alene. Coeur d'Alene K!wanls Club: Sandra Niel son, Po11t Pall3. Mrs. David w. Gaiser. Uuty Smith, KootenaJ.!erty Transpor talion Co. (Al Lafferty Memorial): Susan L&ncston. Coeur d • Alene ROtary Club.

Nancy Olson. Coeur d' Alene, Coeur d' Alen e Eagles Lodge: (C. J. Seymour Mem­orial) Carol Emehlser, Coeur d'Alene, Paul Schrotder Mem­orial: Dick Dunsmore. Coeur d'Alene . James and Hicks. l\lc:hltects: Beverly Bou8)lton. CoC'U r d' Alene. American Aesoelatlon or Unlvl'lally Women.

SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIPS Barry Slmon. Lak rl11nd.

Englncrulng, Wnsldn11t.on Wat<'I Power Co.: RobNt U>no. Coeur d' A Jene, En ginoerlnR. Wuhlngton water PowN Co. ; Ronni ConkUn, Lakeland. llomt' Economle11. Homr D«>m­onatraUon Council: Tom LH•n. Coeur d' Alen I.'. ForelllfY. f'orest F'eatlvBI Commlttcr Chnmber o f CommNCC.

Jn) Prater. CoMJr d'Alene. U.S. F'orest Service, Judy Ro11U1ns . lllM Aoadrmy, U.S. F'orC'St $} rvlc~: Sorry St man , Loktllond . U .s. F'Orl'lll Ser­vi cw: Oory Powrrs, Lakeland. U .$. f'ort'lll Sct\'IC\'.

Tht> wlnnurs or the ld11ho l'lnsl Nntlonnl Bank and tht' second Col.'llr d ' Al enl' Rotor) Scl1lllu11h1p11 did not rrcl11lN. consrQucntly, II "'!11 II<' noccss11r) fo r the guldancr and seholnr11hlP committee• to lll'loct altomotNl ot n latl't dole.

In adcllUon tht follo"tna donou; "" ardl'd l\Cholall<hiPS to the rollowln& freshmen:

Toni OeorG"· Kt•llosc. $200. Hecla-Bunker Hill Scholar­ship F'und: Nanc) t..unden, K'llou. $200.00. Hecht· Bunker Hill SCholn111hlP F\lnd:

$200.00. Plt&t Secunty Foun­dation: C!mrles Easllnnr .. Coeur d'Alene. $200.00, Pln.t SeOJrtty FoundsUon. Tell\ Carlberc. Coeur d'Alene, $1 zi, Kootenai county Medlca.I A.ssodatlon.

Sharon Pamutt. Coeur d' Alene, $100.00. G. o. Klldo• Menortal: Claude Sa;iplnitt.on, Kellogg. $100.00, Hecla· BunkPrff1ll Scholat5hlP AIP> e& l'i'IL~on. Kellou. $:?00. Hecla·Bllnke1 Hlll SCh la:­shlp F'llnd.

Srvclr-nts lnt~r~ste-d In Juclo Arc Asked To Report In Soon

NJJ.C. REVIEY. Co0u• <fAI.,., ldobo, Wod., Oc:tobor l , 1963


Tlllent ! s nePded for the s UC 1111110 procram ., h!ch •Ill be broadcast on K\'NI on SUndu oft emoons. Those "ho sing or have othl'! \'OClll

t.Uent and who are •d\)tnR t.o P!lrtJciPlltt' 1n the PIO£ram ma' iave thC1r n11111es to a 'llrmbNof th<' radio producuon c!Ass or to ll Rc\ie-A slllff -"mber.

HEA Reporh A T .. chcr lliort<>qc

Th~ S11llonal Educ..t!on All· soclaUon repon& on th!.' leBChPr 8 \UllabllH' !!ltuaU,n. Md comment<.. "a.s usual ther~ Drl'n ·1 •nouah tenchers to ~o around.." 111• ll\test NEA '4Ud.\' repons n record crop ol I 58,3Si colleiie grad­uates th!" '<"ar trained to tf'llCh. of wh>rr. 40.000 won't, lf<>•'lni: 118.000 to meet 11 n•ro or 235.000.

Klltt11yn Jeffrll'b. Co.,ur d' A lrne, $50.00. Sclcncf Pair Aeaocl11tlon. Alan Perry. Cocurd' Alenl', $50.00, Sclt>nce f'lllr As.soclatlon .

Janloe Compton (M11>" Coeur Some of our stockholders work at night

d' Alene) . Coeur d'Alen<'. $\:?0.00. Forest Pe!it.I ,,1 Commlttet-. Chamber or Coa:­mrrce: Harn et BIUNSUI rf. Coeur d'Alen.-. SI00.00. Pot­latch Forests Foundauon. Inc.: M11nlyn Arnold. COl'ur d'Alene. $100.00, Eaales AuxtUar).

Sophoa:ores re;l~tertng at North tdn.ho Junior colle~e durin~ the "eek "'no i., . ., been &\\Brded 11cholar­shlP6 on the ballls of och1~·e­mcnt durlni; thclt trestrn"n year cue as ronows:

Ronald BrBnson. Coeur d' A !enc. $200.00, Pollntch Forests F'oundollon, Jnc. Paul Plant!.'. Coeur d'Alene.

Conununilit "''Otk<"..- mu,.t find 11 "rv turd to und r stAnd t.b:lt an Arorncan can hr .1n ~mplm nd 190

an o... n~r of lht.• bU:ti~

For iru;l.ance: All St.1n<1' rd 01l<"r.> who Dr<" 'l.; W r

and iuH' f> yurs o f'\1<"' m.1.y 1m .. 111 a pornon I their pay U\ Standard ih;1n'5 1! th<·~ wL..h through mt•nthlv

deplSits in our Emplo' ,,.. Stock Pbn

The Compnny adW. .1 contribution .... h1ch nu " ag<'CI

mo,.., than ::; 1.50 for evuy SI .00 dci:io-it.ed by employees. Wh~n a St.and.lrd Oiler rellrt"1l. dividends from his .• ccwnuLit.<od 11tock 3dd to his otht'r rctiremt'nt benefits.

Th<' Employee Stock. Pion is now the lorllest single

hold«r of Standttrd Oil stock.

'\ \ the hw;ky follows on that night drilling craw are Standard Oil gtoc:lcholdcr.s. They own o pjece of the

ComJl"nY nnd share in its profits.

Plamun~ t! to sert•e ~·ou be1ter


Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (1) Oct 2, 1963

Kauslic Korner R. T. Lyt>Ch

A be&AJ •el come to tboae utute •cbolara. retuni1na IO our 1"7 COYered 0111 &lid ,... lated bllldlnp. A Mlate Dom llU' pen I• a lHd IO lb• newer dliua• ot oor pillar or kootrledc'e. the c1 ... or '&5 (?); lll&J' lbeT CODQuer lbdr lleld or •tucb' and torse lbelr edllcatloo l>r lb• !Utute.

To beclD lbe Ttl8t OD • note or opu..leaa I trill Nelod oa r new clliAU ot u old u1-. " You set out o r lite •lat J01I put lllto II". Thi• 1111>11• lo lllUIJ' lid.DI•: acboo I. llOcl&l, and clrtl ltl8poD•lb1Uli ... Your new llJe u a collece • tudent requlru -IU' dlnr· al lied elror18. You trill 11cd I.bat the opportunl17 to deulop rour aldlla and knowledce la all rou n~ do 18 -.Ito lbe elrorL

AU the coUeae o rpn!z&tlooa need •llPPOrtera: uk rour adYillOrs coocomlns clut. related to rour Oeld. There will be eledlona abort\jr ror • o llld-be pollllc:lana and !or CboM •bo like old·!ubJoned wort, contact a memher or the s.U.B. commlU..e. Your DeYIPIOer le DOI aolel7 !or enterpdalos joumallet •tu· deota, lbe editor cu uae belJ) el war a.

>.. a reminder ot tlae• paat Ihle colWlln ce11erall7 rHe" .. apace tor tbe point or the p ea. so 110n7, 111 .. I lll8J' I hue UtUe to tit caa1tlc a bout llll• ead7. Bu t o t luck ID a •ucceurul reaz. Olllce Pli ... , Hor Fot S""'-r U1e

otftce pboo .. are for collese b ... aod emerreoer calla 01111. student• .., 11U tlle pa,y pbou loca led ID tbe eotn.nce or the 17111 or t he S:Udeot Union phone.

Sudenta wbo weal p~ tlme wort 1bould aee Wt. Rtebe.


Candid Camera . ..

A..~ .... ..,.., ,,

11- r-4i r- ".,.._ ,..,. ............. ,... __ . ............... ,Q...W. ~-... ..... ~ ....._. .......... HIS..._._ ......... ___ ..... _..,.. -

36 .. '° 6.99

Questions On U Of J Can Be Answered Via Review Editor

Jim M1U1D1n&, Oavf Lewis, Alton KnluH. • • )'I~ doubt you aze Dndioc 1ournlf woodenoa wbo tb•e names bdoor IO. Yoo ha> e out met any of lbese peopl~ lo clau II.lid .YOU wlll DOI a:eet them lo llll1 or 10ur claues. Tiler lave pa.duu@d frJo !>1JC and :iow stndenta at the U. or L !n Woacow. Jim •a.a :be edl:or or tlte JC <:a:dloal Re'l1e• tor 1M yeas or '61· 62 and Ls now a:~Ddlos lbe U.ot L. where be w!ll cradaate tbs s;onoc. Da•e al110 nrked OD l~e Carello&! Ruiew ID '61·62 and craduated •ltb Jim. Alton cradaa1e<S 111 •53 after wortinc for 1wo rea.ra oc tbe JC pubUcauons.

I. X. L T 0 G G E RY

These lbtee s::udenta or lbe U. of I. will run a rect:la.r coltt:11 lo ll:u paper 111 •blcb tbe7 wt.II be bapp7 IO aaawer UIJ' questtooa lbe JC allldente ban ooocermos tbe uoher· s!Q". The purpose of this IS lbe &real Dumber or SIU · de.ois wbo leaYe tbe JC eacb Jear IO attend tbe unlv•rstt7 lbe tollowt nr tel I. Thi• colnmn should prove io be useful and lnfonnauve IO the JC studeoia. Any ques11ona concernlnr lbe u. or L can be subject.eel co Beclr.7 Krause, the Review editor. who wtll forward lbelll 10 tbe abOve meodooed trio at tbe Uni •er· s1 iy or ld&bo.

Series Of Orientahon Assemblies Held For Enhre Student Body

The II rat odental Ion uae111· bly ot tbla oollece 1e.u wu bt'ld Se,>L u. Opmlns the uae111bl1 wu Stan F'el Nnan, •ho played u veral aocordlon af'l~llona.

Pollowlnc tb111. Mr. Slone. m .. ter or Ctti'monlea, In IJO· duclld lb• orleotatJon oommtt· lt'f'.

NUC Pr,.ldeot P. A. Chdat• lanl!OD •elcom~ tbe 1tudenta 1(1 ~IJC tn a aoeecb Ut •bid! b11 11,..Hed. amonc other thtc.ra. lM rupooalbllltr o r th~ etnd"Clta, Ille aWtudu o r lbe s11adeo1a IOward collese and ln8lruaora, partJor and dt1Ylll& rerulatlona on tlt e collece rround.s, .. 1embl7 ruin, and rill• coocemlns

drtntlns at NIJC or b7 JC students.

Announcl!lllen Ill wore made by Ruaa T!tomp110n, •tudont boclJ president. connerntn1 club meellnp, donn new1, and the F'rlda1 Miser.

Elop~onl• St/II Room

Why don't moet oJephante ao IO collo10?

Bocat111e lhe1 never amduatt from hlllt ech:>ol.

Wb1 don't moat elfl)hanta Uko to dance? B~ae thor lllve two lei\


WllJ do duch b&Ye flat t"t? Porat.mplnrout toreat nr ...

lf'lty do etephanta hue Oat reet'

Por stampln& out llumlns duclta.

~ ........ -.~-·' '~-~

60 everywhere . .. handsome, comfortable , colorful

iHuShPaa~~ ll(ATllll' llUSIE) ~ SIU.$

rr Wlllvtllllt

Men's $9.99 Women's SS.99


Page 5: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (1) Oct 2, 1963


lrt • , '• .,11 ,./.

P flncip/u ol Accounfln9 R"lllllratlr>n DllJ - Ortobt'f 5. 9:00 .a.m. • Noon; Cla.u nmp -Thu1>1dau. 7:00-!J·Oo p.m.; Lr·n~h t Cvurse - 14 •PPb: Cl~11 8elln11 - Ort bN 10; ff' - 15.00.

0//1ce Moclunes Ri·p 111atlon Day - Oct b<!t 5, !1:00 a.m. • Noon: Class TimP -Mon. A· Thurs •• 7:00-8:00 p.m.; L nsth or course - 12 ·~u: CIOKN 13•·~11111 - Octobl'I 1. Frr· - $15.00.

T ypew1i t1n9 R•·tlbt111t1 on Day - 0.,1< b r ~. a·oo - Nooo. Clasa Tln:e -Mon •• •. Thu"'·· B:OO·q·oo p. Lr-rt r Cours<! I:? •rrks. C'·~ U•lllns-Oct•b·r7.Fr - 10<10.

Be91nn1n9 Sew1n9 R~ltl tmll"ll Ouy - Ortnbrr ~. 9:00 n.m. •; C:IASs TI!lll' -\lunda\ • 7:00· 1 ll;OO p ""· L<'nrlh •I C ur.;e - IO ,..,,.i..s: Clli' ll<'rJn1 Oc1<1bl't -. f - ~ .. oo.

Tolfo,,n9 R~,111nu1on DI' - Ort lJ •r ~. !l:OO 0.111. • s n. Clan Tlmf' -\\tdn~d4\6, 7:00-10·00 11.m •. L<"O~lh I c ur. .. - 10 •<'t'kS. Clii"9 ll••Nln11 Ot"IOb••r 0; I·'••• ~~.00.

0190nlzo11 on I I C

~ "' ti 1...I L Pap•t ~•i:att AWS L•"•'".,.

••1111 0ootJ GI (on.,.li O..rch C..wp1 PH l.NEA


Wlte n Meet1n9 Eoclt Mont~ lt•end rel~,, 1"4 ond J.., _,.,,

••"" Tue1do1 1 tt 'Wed ••dcr-,

, ,, and ..v4 ···"··•·, .... ,, 1., ..... , a.. "'d lt• r,.11..,. :!n4 -1 J• frl hi hit)~~

r,, ... A tl•lh •ri.oC A .a. r, P.,, cte

A ti. ty PtnOd

A'" ,7 Pu •d Atdw "'I P .. bd A.c•t.1• Pofad 4 .i.1.., P.ri.<

! .. 1,,, p., Oii

I. HP-"'•

C •U· 1111 1tot) H the truth HIGGENS HEADS CIRCLE K CLUB ,. r~ told •boul .,m~ blund"

t ~-ould be an oft-ciolor aton· ~llrt a h11-an-n>n lo' u



OPfN '00 A. M TO S )0 r M

T :. I'!. • · .i::.. .. year on Tllursdu. Sc$1tembt'r :!6 in tbP SUS. Atl\ bo.'" • b.l arr In· lt'fC>lo'Ci in Jotrunc lht' c:-lub art' lr.\lll'd tJ 1111 .. ,n<t tbf' mr .. 1-lnc on Tbur.-da" Octct>c: :? at 1:00 in lite &."8. Tbis In> 11 !Ion abo 1nclud•s •llY lntere It'd \OCaucnal aludmt,,..

Th<' "lub cmcers t r ti\" fu":>I ll('!fl<"11tl'r at<' Tom Hlit· ems. prl'sldenl nu- F<'nder, \1Cl""Pll'sldeat f'?aak l.albb secrelat' Phil lfo.lch. trtt. • urer. and \Ir. RJ •

ub ad\ .... ft.


1107 "· F ... n MO · l.r.ll


SU Comrritte1 Is An Active Orgarization

'-- t -a...r .a c•~p r tnP acth1ue- t ... Si..d"Jt lJnl~n Co=llte~ from one or a "cnp.... comm! ltee LO one which look a:i actlYf' i;a:t In p::n1m:~ -.-.~ n r.-tcade:Jc acth1ue- • r • I s:12dt'nt.' 00 Cllr'Pw • $:>1-f' Of Ilk' &l'Ur.­Uea I tn s"·s Coomittee last .)'~u 1ncludl'd F'un :\l~h~. dancioc 10 :econ!s and eote:­

r.almi:e:it . c:J'1es. ou:d'JO· hop. publla11. a.:t sim.s. sess.i 5. :1:e:eo aod !!OUDd S\"81 In the Sl:S. ThP co=Jtt~ did a irut Job '': 11'> Orst Y•"lU - Joe cao make thu ce e•en b~le:.


are Ir t t .._ CDDl4C't re~:

.-\SS • Ct'tS ecb<or- t last Yaro st"B c- .,,...

:~:: ~'i \~ Cleon1n9 I./-.;,. ' F~ J I I) Yo .,

SCHOOL CLOTH ES Coeur d'Alene laundry

& Dry C leaners m. Pickup .nd o.Gvwy

101 m•t MO~awl +.lSt •

"· .J.C. RE ;iE •, C "' C"Al..,0, Id • •..i., Octoboo •• 1'16

Candid Camera ...


Ofdo Shop £ ,,.ry "'; ="' ..... ,. • .JdOms uess

3 0 ~o•es•do Ave. F

Coe ... t!.' A -. do~

Pepsi -- for those who think young


Page 6: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (1) Oct 2, 1963

Meet The Staff

Horol" r1(111'W n

A hu~band and wlfo 1cam hD> bero oddrd lo Ille stall of North ldnho Junior CollcRe workcrR. Harold Clawson Is a nt-1' custodian and his \Ille, Ann C11.,·son, Is the donnlmry matron.

Mr. Cla"son " as born at Rob Roy, and ob­talnt'd most ol his scrh>ollng al Ah1n, llllnols. Mrs. Cla .. ,.on w11..~ bom at Carbt'r 's Ridp, llllnots and went to school al El17.Abelhto" n and nrrnn, llllools.

lolr. and Mr~. Clawson mtt at o h~pttal In Dlll>n, 1111-nols whel'I! lhl"Y • Nt' bolh In da:mltorr ,..ork, and Wfle mamed In 1937, Mrs. Claw­aon •as a denial 11.'1&1•.tant f I lhrtt years, and fol a numbN or \eat a thrr "rre housl" lalhfl and moth.r at Ille SoldJN'a and sailor' Cnlldrm'a Home at Norcal, llllnols.

Dunn& \\orld 1r,a1 II. \11. Ch1waon ael'ed three yu1s 1n the South Pactnc "llh the :-:a·~ Seabct!S - I <14:!-45. llhllc he WL~ &\\ a.i, his wl!e "us do1n11 hN pan as an rumlane \\Ina rheter al Ille John D<'N plant al MoUne. llltnols.

In 1950 th~ Cla\\sons cam• to Coeur d 'Ah•ne "here he has bel'n ·employrd at cai· pent Ny.

KEEi' GllOl' ND" Cl .. £AN To •nrure that coll•~•

,.,..,unda Ulla )'•&r ar. kopl looking ntal, atudrnu who =t tunch in thC!'lr can llN nnundfd that ompty N•ka, wnppora, and IC>ft drink b<.!Uea att to be d<!poait<d in propt"r WUll" coni...tncn The ac!mullatrauon UJ>N'lll •ln<t ac!Mren~ to lhla col­l•J:• ~·Uon.


MISSOURI LUNCH r"' $h.~ A"•· • Co.wt .. A:•"-


i<Dr•t! .,.....f't.f'

A n•w mmt>v ol Ur ad:llc­l•lrauve orllce Mall' this year 11 K..- SUeeter. a former NUC allldeot. Mrs. S11cc1er la an aKlstant iD the reg1.51nll'6 otnce.

Mrs. Streeter was bom la Parsha I. Norlb Dakora acd moHd to Coeur d'Alene 1:: 1950. She I& a padua.te of the Cneu1 d. /Jene Blab school and eamed ber ~so­clate or alb< desree at :-a.JC In 1963-

She and her hnsba:ld. Chari e11, are now U \tllg in Coeur d' Aleot' bo1 are ba1ld­loc an"' home lo Post Fall -

Four Lettermen Are Retuning From last Yem' s Cordinm Club

The nrat ba.Jtelball 11111e 1

tilt- St'IC!On I:. i;c:hedulrd fur :So•emlx'r 30 •Ith Blc Bt'ad Community Colles;<'.

The boys have started ruonlnc at lbe Ctl~r d'Alene Golr O>u r1<e.

Four n:lumlns lettermen this yew are Wayne Dui.t. Ian Hunter, Terry Carlberg and Gary Jo11enson. The Uoc up "Ul also Include James Joe. Portland. Bill Sm.Ith. Mtulon.

Ohio: John on filths, Marietm. Ohio; Sien &txen. Sandpoint; Glen Nor~aarden. Sandl>olot: Bud Beck, St. Martes; Vemon Benist~n. Posl F'alls: and Balcl"f Poole, Shadle Pazt.

The &ebed.ult> I~ somelbini: Uke tlls: F'rosb teams o! Uoh·e!Sll.r of ldabo, bere. tllcrt>, Washln&toll Slate V111-''l'rslt:r. be:t>. there; l.loataaa Unh ersity, here, there, Gon­i:ai;a. here. tbue: Junlu: \'111-sllr or Eastern Was!wl.gco~. :? ca:n es: trhltwo :lb, :: i;ames. Oae r;ame with Jl!DJ01

I ll'estem Collere ol Education. Dillon, Mootana •111 be held be:e.

\·ars11:1 U!lllll& o! Weaaicbee Junior College, 2 ra::ies here: Yaltima, :: pmes !here: Boise iunlorColl"'"· :?cames lhe:e

Colua:bla Basla. I here, I tlll're; Big Bend Common.Icy Collece. I here. I 1bere: L..••15 and Clara Noens.I, I b,r,., I tbPre.

Coacti Wtllia:n" u qUL ted


Del Gittel

in.. .. The Df'W llbrartall, I.II.

Ra115ell N. SOdullni:. ca:ir c.o sonh ~ho Jani r Collec frOCl CO«>I d'AI~" Hiib ScbDOI, ... btre he tan&hl r r tbrn yt'!ADI. B I re coml i;

c.o Comr d'Al~e be was al Boime:s f'en;r, ldAbo W~r be was In adr::lnlalra n r :?() J'('llta and t&udll I I e Cll yesrs.

Mr. Sod•:Jlag rKeh..t h a B.A. ID CJ&tb al G al:l'l'U3 Adalphas Cclle,elD SI. Pet 1. w.anesola. Be rece!Yed b • ~. Lii school admlalstmU It 1:1 tbe VDIYertlllY OI !dab:. a:id bo.s done 'tadua~ work act~ um.-.~111 or Montana.

M:. ~.>d•illn« and IW .. , UYe a1 H&1d Lake tb 1 1111..-. tbree liOC.S. '"0 or who allead t::e lilllvt'ralty or ldAho al!ll one w ID la marrt"ll and bas ~ clllldrr::.

I:: 111.s spu .. time llr. Sod •· Uac •:< tile olll4ocr ap rlll ol fisl:l111 and bantlnc.

a,; u1iar "It's r.olrui: ID bl'< h&rd co beat lu! 1rar'11 dub. It'll take a lot of w ... :k and eip~neoce to bloat lu1 1ar 'a record. The cnmpetitlon la a Uttle 1ou1ber this 1ear and ,..,. have more sames. Oal­look - pre111 eood. I Udnk we ,.ill do alrtsht. Not m~cb size. not a very blc 1 .. am. a small club acaln lhls yei.1."

APPllcallons ror tbe 1964 entertnc F'resbman clua to deathlly &II! now belDJ: ac­cepted by the Re&lst:ar•., Otnce, t:nherslly or Oregoc Dental School. St11de:i11 deslnnc to malr.e application should reqc~t tbe nece:s£ar1 appllcatlo:i i::ateials and Ille tb..m as son~ as POaalble and la Dl.t ca~ .. .iak. !' u._n October 31. 1963-


0 .. s

For a Lifetime of


BOWL While You Are Youn9

Lake City lanes, Inc. 2414 N. - 5'. - c.- "'""-·

S.IJ.- llElllEW, C."' ••41.,... 16oho. ••ci., 0.:•obo• l , 1 '6)

J lnln,; the 111aff ol cus­tocl ans at :-OIJC this vnr la Mr. lollkl' D,..Jano,1ch, Mr. DeJ&DOYlcb was born In K Ion and complrl•'ll hla a lln& lho•rc. B•lo1c

\'Inc to Coeur d'Alme ho rkcd al Kell u.

ll:. De.Jan 'I cb bu lour c: ldr n. IWO slrl• and IWO bo • One or the boys. Dal ... la all di111: sue this ,..,.

ltkuo9u W1// Be PureJ /11 Holl

M aacea I r a1ud1•n11 11111 be PDl!lcd D Ille bulle!ln board la the main hall. Onl1

era c1 ~uces 11<111 be dt!ll Y red.


M r ,,, Re•

\1nrvtn J. Rned, u. new tl'lmt•

bi.>r or I.he• •••fl. hns II\~ In Coeur d' Al• nt' tor llll' laat ten \~ftl• "Ith hls wit••, Jl'Gn, and lwo chlldrl'I!. \llkt 1tnd Mrrrdllh nro both R tit ntlln~ No1Ut ldatio ,Junior Col l•1r.

\Ir, Rttl"d ls a l'Ol'!l•nlN and llAll •01kl'd on con,trutUon Jobs while Uv1na hrm. lie "'M a mt'mbt>r e>I I.ho matn· tenancr crrv. al F.A t•m lla&hlnJton Sl&t11 lloapl tal al Medical l.ake I •I lwo JPafl prior IO oomlna IO lhe Junior Colle&"· ~~~~~~~~

Doubt. ar• more crurl !ban I~" ,.onl ol 1ru1na.



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