the noun. nouns a noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea


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Post on 14-Jan-2016




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Page 1: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea


Page 2: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea


• A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Page 3: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea


•A noun very often follows words like a, and and the.

Page 4: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

• Persons: Joe, girl, teacher

• Places: Iowa, school, town, gym

• Things: celery, Great Pyramid, toothpaste

• Ideas: Peace, Happiness, Truth, Beauty

Page 5: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea


• The noun that serves as the subject of the sentence

• The subject is ALWAYS a noun, but a noun is NOT always the subject.

Page 6: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

• The boy ran to the school.

• There are two nouns in this sentence and one subject. What are they?

Page 7: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

• On the lush, green lawn a sandbox is waiting for the children to arrive.

• Three are three nouns, but only one subject. What are they?

Page 8: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Six types of nouns

• Common

• Proper

• Concrete

• Abstract

• Compound

• Collective

Page 9: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Common noun

• Common noun is not capitalized

• Common noun does not refer to specific person, place or thing.

Page 10: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Common noun

grass, tree, student, teacher, desk, chair, school

Can you think of more?

Page 11: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Proper noun

• Proper noun is capitalized

• Proper noun refers to a SPECIFIC person, place or thing.

Page 12: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Proper noun

January, Mrs. Messina, Joe, Statue of Liberty, East Junior High School

Can you think of more?

Page 13: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Concrete noun

• Concrete nouns are something you can perceive with one or more of your five senses – touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell

• music, person, wall, odor

Page 14: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Abstract noun

• Abstract nouns cannot be perceived with your senses.

• It is an idea, feeling, quality or characteristic.

Page 15: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Abstract noun

• Truth, beauty, freedom, wisdom, sense of humor

• Can you think of more?

Page 16: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Compound noun

• Compound nouns are two or more words used as a single noun.

• They can be written as one word, as separate words or as a hyphenated word.

Page 17: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Compound noun

• sense of humor

• self control

• fire drill

• prime minister

• Traverse City

• jumping jack

Page 18: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Collective noun

• A collective noun is a single word that names a group.

Page 19: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Collective noun









Page 20: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

• All nouns fit into more than one category.

We went to the White House.

Page 21: THE NOUN. NOUNS A noun is a word or word group used to name a person, place, thing or idea

• We went to the White House.

• White House is a concrete noun, a proper noun and a compound noun.