the constitutionalist. · ^ns from the top of corn house, whistled yanke e doodl whit eating hb...

(fbt (fmtstitutionalist. S\ J.. tTcrliia of SttbettilUluti. THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. " Support the Constitution, which is the cement of the Union, as veil in its limitations as inits authorities."—MADISON. VOL. B—SO. 12. PLAIXTIEI.D, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1870. WHOLE M.MBISR II,>. 0B Business Directoiy. " | c. LANCOON, |) v*H WINKLE, = HARNESS. SAC Preserve Your Eyes! t££ FRESCO PAINTER. DIV.DEND. ' The. Dime Savines Initiation, ' Of 1'tainflrttl, K. J., _i\ r J. A. McDougall, ttd.,' ptfeniUnE Artist and permit pjiittr. AUTISTIC LIKENESSES, BBAl BSTATE UKuK ER Ladies' and Childrens v t* it t4, ! TMKiw Ptcicmpl! anfl Silver Tm Gallery MainSt.05LCC:n7 Plainfield M. SCHWAB, OPTICIAN & OCULIST, Uin^N Hotel, . PLA1NF1ELD, M. J., FROM MAY. !6ttito MAY. 21st, 1870, Spectacles and ye Glasses. EFERENCES^ Yonim Mens' Christian Association. ROOMS ON FRONT St., BOARD OF OFFICERS : Regular Monthly Meetings, Poetry. The Difference. COTTFREY HEROLD, Wiao &Lager Beer Saloon, SdllRK3ET STKBET. Pl.MKFULU, N. J. Wines, Porter, Segars, &c, TIVOLI'TABLE* fto. Walker's StnH«n, CHERRY STREET, PLAINFIKLD, N. .T. Miscellaneous Reading. PHILIPS' FIRST BABY. Mrs. Philips wasnn tl|o very pinnacle of felicitj. She was the imoibor of a boy which weighed eleven point)* Mr. Philips bade fair to low his mind •ntirclv. lie danced and pung, and fired ^ n s from the top of the corn house, whistled Yankee Doodle white eating hb brcakfait, and wrung tbe nWfcs of »ll the fowl* on the place to make achicken pie for the celebration. i This worthy couple budbean married f-n feav&, and this was their first child, People had laughed at tTitfm ten years on and scoldings they funnd-it necessary to indict upon their wwtcheJ little olive pla, . Philip? bad nevci betn '<>lug Smitn.n'eM Wfoir. > i;l she pies* ionic bad end—nntl it on pnand» h »nd Court*. pHcJwd Svlis W belt Mr. Philip* loft him dressing, andsped th« residence of Granny ilutis. Hie old lady WM «iK, but tin was dresdftilly npcretilioun, andMtand religiously [m a thundering rap at her door, and liroctly Hnigb-eapped head appeared .1 an upper window. light, and vbobe veT" uid a cracked oiee. Philips sleppcd out and stood plainly wonted by thelight of a dimmoon. "Hood gmcious mnsy !" cried the old "«»»", "K> •" •pparutns f«™ Ibe ither world ] - a n d ifa pit » scolloped wtlicoaton. Land! 1didn't think they vaated time oa inch vanities as that """It 1 , dybgr claimed ftffipt- •Come down qnkk." • Not I! I ain't BO green as to trust my old body wilh a supcrnjitu ra! ghost," and down went thewindow with a bang.— Philips pounded at Ibe door till be was tired, and then made tracks for homo. Dr. Gray had juit arrived. M". P, was preparing tb go into hysterics as soon as she heard his opinion. Itahy was roaeb worse; it had not only sucked its thnmbs, but wiggledits toc«. It could lot continue long. The doctor, with a very gravo face, entered Ihe sick room. Biddy rubbed her mis- tress with ramphor. Mr. Philip* stood by, wiping bis eyes with the drapery of ill it die I— f uk« »MI ingbe: jOHl JSHI .NKW JERSBY. "Oh, doctor, docl Only »ve it, and you may haie:" cried Mrs. Philips, w Iwtid*. " Only save it, ami 1' ..n myknees and thank ynu fororer." "Keep your sitting, marro, keep your sitting," taid the doctor, taking large pinch of snuff " Don't keep me insuspense ! Only look at the precious little arm ! What is it! Forthe love of heaven tell me—let '• Well, mam, if I "peak out, w i.-k-j.l t»™ty c boo i. 2 vm GEAKD STREET. CITY EXPRESS ! it his mother declared he wa> an puffv red cheeky liticU i-JcvsrvJ rfr jounced abont in williw eraille totb* tatie of •' riifib-diddle-uidillV bnt tlien mr imaginalimi ut n.iljiy onymeans ns FhHB the "hour in" Kliieh the bahv lonseboa, Brei-vfhlng] had i.. bu» to more e ran H Dr. Sri «.-iid he. liioj!«led. d « phy«ic t.-.l.y'fcu njlh hi. 1 «Hhn.> r fiedbuo four place: v," mid '{he father. amta, «;r_ -I repeat i veiled M .mi; !„ •• opinion, he child . by one " do yen t." He (eal 1 bare bed- " Sold, i/upitcr |" cried OK fireman; I and now, boys, here's llittfe lin.i-s three tin- baby that has walked too steps'.— ' And they nave three ftjtccr«, lirank H I barrel ol cidrr wliicli JJr. l'Lilips r DYING WORDS OFWOMEN. ivine* they nn- n of t powe PLAYING ONWORDS. Sharp witied people can •oinntimes play severe jokes on. their tA*mk by Lwisting words to menn snmolhing quite lifferetit from «bHi they we-e intended. Here are« couple of where a IBSlund nnd wife quit even.; The Squire had a friend to Tisit him in basincss and wns very mucb annoyed Lo be intcmipted bybis^vrife, wbu came :..n-k bimwhat bo wanted for dinner. "(ii>4siv! Let us *Uine !" impatientlv -aid tbc squire. Business deUimJ hii friend until after linn** time, and ihg squire urged bim lo remain* Thesquire wm a gr:iier<ju* pn>- rtder, proud of his table.' mil he compla- cently escorted hii friend to a teat. A litlle to the surprise of both, they naw nothing on Ibe table hat Imgc dish of InJ, which ibe good wife began qi dish up, •• My desr," said, tbe Bqaire, " « ethemeaUl" "There are none to-«lay," said ife. "No menu! Wo) in the name of .wertj! The legcUbks then. Why don't you have thefti brcnslit in !"' " You didn't ordpr-any." "Order! I dijn"t order »nythinc," id the Rmazcd squire. "You furpt," Coolly answereil the >nsewife. "I a*ktd what we should ivc, and IOU ™d, * Lettuee alone.'— p ^ onifott nnd liiampl. »• nf flf—ilWlnii l'ious voMcn a worthy m<Mi bare, neir the porU^ been filM with einhn triumph—have nccn Iranspnr ling pmspegts from tlie Defect; bi- MonntVms, and havo hear,! U»Mori=-ef eeleitial b»rp» nnd the riagiog bettbii. leaning on tl.c mtm of the. BelOved. and tlieir soul*, mniii Ihe wrecks nf inoriali ty, have been frethened and cihilarat.-d bj the fra£rKtjce and jjlurr of a hem'enli aimonpherc "O, thow rnys of gl.ity T ld M " l.iii-y, I*fy ilastins ssid, " O, tbe ness of the glory [list Urevealedlo nutiful ialbe eipreibion of tlie ilyim- -», Mr* B wn: •• I feel .. ir 1 silting will, Mary at Ibe fert of im enter, hearing the mn-ic of His voici- \wm\,,s of Him to Lemeek and lowly." No jpoelry. At, Raid, could n FORC-IELE REMARKS. e f«rlW. Into f.nlieii I a luting bent. The time to bur anolber umbrella, is jBst after 70H hate lent one-. ) leave, and put aoflu [n hi^ n»lAer4n- w's Iped to aee if At ""iiU'.'i •>-- II- A Hooker bin been winding daily twenty JWK*, «itb-ni db it was Bn ei-hl-JLV cfcdt ie; her •:'I -—. .in.-kit:,it flitted fancy, and made her waking -li'Vighlful than those evon that'weri 1 given to leniporary Irp.wc. Similar Tas tlie experience of Mis. ilowc She mid, wilh U-nrsof joy, that ibe knew not that *lit liod ever fill suuii hapjiineu in nil bet life, Uanimh MOOIL-'S List wonji were, Tbe ic friend burst Ihtfl laugh, and tli e, after looking lugubrious a momec " Wife, I give it np. 1owe you oni Here is ibe fifty dolltrfl you wanted fc the carpet which. I denied y •quire forked orej_" 4Now let us bave peace, and some dinneif," The good woman pocketed the paper, ranu Ihe bell, and a sumptuous TV'pA*t of fish, poultry and vcgttnblea v*a* brought y ciiiic, Mhejjj a^ked wlia | (or, b . l . l . . i »*id L-d, G nding. " Ii'ilu- bo dying." eiiornh, " ii i, Ae ptosantal hrough the blood of tho LainbT' s.-.iJ race Bonnet, oneof tl-c iwrlv Methu- teinple b«£ i but July, and nidi- ' «id Ladj nthi-r o{ Wesley \[aR3H's HOTEL, \jME. ALPHOKSE, JOSEPH BLATZ, -; Wtne find Lager Brer Saloon,' ntONT STREET, : C5r, SCffitrSti Et __ Plainfield, N. J. ' i!i.'^"h"rV™'i*-a J »i''li°i, 1 ,'niraTiM. jirwr Union Dime Savings Bunk, ,,f iti^Mil.ilii^ tlie U!n. Tha child's Sm V H. THOMPSON, Carriage Maker. BOM:] BMf,T STREET. I Al-so. CABBIAGB PAINTIXO L. UN. FRENCH JOHN T. LEE. Acnt. PLAINFIELD, N. . ! CEO. C. PARKER'S Commlaalan Maror>an< F!eh, Pronaioaft Fruits, Salt, Ac j uld draw it nj uilmenls clinging t n| .Mr. I'hiiips snrsng jjp and listene.t. n'l tof "Oh dear! wlm* slil.ll we doffL»l.r ling lo lie sick f K Mr. I'liiBpiB« a lislit, tad the nnti" I it to 'bear on the few -.artt-j'f,.rhisgig. Theground .a, ioing and qaSle icy. His bet-U went rn, ami lii* whole "body spun off down bill like a steel «kod cutter. Mrs. P., liii^f (lrin:tii-nl. nibhed after him. mid nick »s he could and esllopcd home, am itm, I'hiiips fullawed bis example. Tbe lited am! throve. As i ;rcw nidnr its dictatorship became mot- ,nd BMW absolute. Philips was dun' m all-tours the greatest part of the turu '•kid weallier, ht)HBan the ateal sjirinp the house—pounded it B «7g«-'c3. Conlclin, T STREET, PLAlNFIEt-D, ! and Winter Goods. Sa^alS '1H0MAS S. SMITH. .j Best Florence and Empr& KUi Olovetf, #/ par pair. aw— White Goods, Moaioy, MEAT STAND, EST MS«T, ilKA«JNABLB Htl'-lB. -, T..,n.j. I «.-p- f". . '-nl: . opjm (.Fn»i"ll. Mt-ri-WI > MIXSELL & CO., grtftwuft inintt S9 PIANpFORTES. No Deception uaed toefreol tales. Shooting Gallery in*, PUtolB, Rifle*, ri-ir-B. T.rKr,.»r. enven' \ cried his mntht^r, Utallj purple.' He's p"" carict fever, i Sec thai red y tre when) be".- laid on it, items tome I've hoard my mother Lwas i sign of a healthy cl.ilil, to snek its thumb, bnt I ;woti't be eertara.— Anyway, it'*a good aign or a bad one.— I forgot which." , " Knn, ChaHeat run for a doctor, it'a going to die—1 ki)o* it! Oh, don't slf*n. to dreA—it may die while ymi'rr waiting. CHB for (Jranny Butt'a and Ull her to bring aW•""!* catnip, and rtffron. and rvci attd peppermint—all the I.erU irfie'aKoi M^roy « n da Items*! ltar .\tr. Ml. s jcif pa'a pold wsteh, unmolested. li-: deary, nesry, scary baby, naid—" tbe itti mitti «uaar plummy baby." One day when this wonderful babywas year ..Id the village ' ' * artled by tha disheveled apparition of Mrs. Philips—bareheaded and wearinj mtic rate tothe joiner'* shop wEn her hatband worked. And instantly i reappeared, followed bv Philips «t Adog O1J Squire Smith saw lUeta, andbeing i man wha lived in connunt dread of lo thoudil it must be that Ihe residence -' Mr. Philips w&* m flames. The ol>: lubjcctof conflagration, ic Bnt i tick i>lbihg he con 1-1 \xy his lAndi KooM of ki* wife'.—bat he was in much hasie and ilioyeihcr loo muc flnng ttre gurmf.t fver hi. licod, and tied it around ht> whist, slipped on shots, ami then ptooifd unl into tha cold •ir. The Joelur no* ulwji, and did nul "Where I where I' 1 cried a oiccs. "*a*itM Pbilip, 1 housB r c <ti0np, mS run with all apeed to tl llwy did ast even smell a puff of imo in thiil region. The head fireman wh<i was somewh t. wig, fcnoeksd at the door. Mrs frilip^ appeHrvJ, ab^dlnlely radiant " Inthi. the honn, allow mo to tl V.m, thai we areeipecled to , P MU dwftMaat* " 1 do not Hndnntitnd yofl," uid tin . j bat tbc bnW «>IU>1 two at ro steps on hi* OH u feel alone P -My eompanjlj |.«en' ""But you iaidfrouexpf'cti •• My dear, I wfid nosuch. -ho.—H- i- ihlc hones " ! O, Til pay y.-u f !cJa For Moderate Drinkers. 1 merchant prince " of Sew T.irk— ly sin-fooler" of Rreat rrouily bea filai Ktbfs fan,Vlt.J—!„-.> iave pot themo't apirii<*d h.^r-e .Ji^, and at de.ilh the win Lh. He ahiod.Ht everything h. poles especially ; anJ it U fortu- both sides of tlic road, because as it is now, 1 never fall off the -am* rida. If side alway- h-,*^' «;.'•„••• kin lo rhile. The creature L&. -Y shied at everj thing/ *m hivssecn to-dat 'icept a hay slack, lie nralked np to that tilh an intrepidity and Pecklcsanc&s that was astonishing. And it wouldfillnny me with adcpiratioa iosee lion he pre- served his sulf-possfsftion in ibe presence >f a barley sack. The dare devil's i-mv- ;ry will be the death of this bone some iny. He is not particularly fut, but I j g(i tbi'nk he will get ma through the IK-ly Land, fie has one fault. Hi. tail baa -bopped off, or eta he hat set down oo hard sum* lima or othar, and he has to fight the Hie. with hit heel*. Thi. is all very well, but when be Iria to kick head t i t h bis liind foot, it ia too modi of * v*Mj-. |[ B W piing lo get hiinsflf into trouble that way D; te««, too. I donot CBN ibout that only 1 do not lit tJ-dghJ ; BetofUi ig uponl- *• danghtnb i ; •uniher is in the ina-1 h own, lookuptathe »rk, kwt> vuiir tj.-i kind of g in of thirtyfivewut 1!ler lime: and«- ttwualk n tbo* opportunity i- i o special in a dwir wit* n prewnl; siitl ha dissipated young m f U\\ d d know B. rose, ran fifty h feet, M\ down and died. IV whole tring of Un l-rain was thi-k~i*.1. its r«i fitb npoptex) ; gvenlp^rlion .•(•me hiog TMin a slate of gungrenf, a»J the other • B nearly ail h.r jL-n,- J an J u a W ! W,.,"i ind yrtlnt, matter plmMred ihe I n Mcov- ering of the hing\ while anjry j\alchi~. nf il(**£ the whole alirnenlary «inil. \VV\, gortd and a rnrj poor «». When ] Utere «» enonjth of denth in that man'*, riding the later, it turned ont that I body to • a i u M M f t t a * . The .l,>,-t..r wl,,-• l.U belter half h,,| tektn the ( am- - - " "WtwtrMtd awieering bachtfar." how ii> the ISW*. In) said lu- hwwd th.< read *b.™t huw -> Nigger Dam. >H*i 'b fr i " BCgT I t*^. 1 ,! "..' i-, h .tnnl!. n t I ••he i™» avib »n,i tli ctoUn ^ q •ug healthy, U perfect disgrace mv,lnr*l uaint\ and oh h g t u* hetirrnc-T on iliin. a daj' aud ii:i i HawK p mii kcrniii^ <wlld«*«d bj ajXnJft irtts r*£ wine !•- lit? Ivar^c* i>-i,l c ive n'llh thi- f.-mlirr Mtdrf«n . S»r»t •]i[il». »n- M«allf>|M I'.-r i,i ev«a, «4m f-i i • • (jbt Constitutionalist. IIN’HEWi N, 3.. The Constitutionalist. Ut*tr* nf ft! rrrftaftrq. hs: it ;a :s Ki-sss^sfl 1 "Support ths Ceastitution, which is tie esatat of tie Union, w well in its limitations as in its authorities.’’--MAUISON. j VOL. 3-xo. 12. 1’I.MXPIELD, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1870. WHOLE MM HER il.i. Business Directory. OHRA ®T«o. J) VAN VHMRLC, HARNESS, OADDUe», S*C., Preserve Your Eyes! Poetry. M. SCHWAB, OPTICIAN & OCULIST, i .11 i I,”*— iiotvi, 11.AISP1EI.D. N. J . FRO PH MAY.Jfchw MAY. 2ln, 1870, SpoctaoloB and ye Glasses. dirlr •»«»>. I DIVIDEND. The Dime SavingsInsitution, SKSSJir A'«l IIIKSI l> !• M obu. jncwouL m. o.. '*• AUTUP 0>BY. Yonas Mens' Ctristiai Associatioi. ! BOOMS ON FRONT St.. OARO or omciHi IU-'.r"l»*Sm. ixarj. R< KulJVT Monthly Meotino. n ‘VeltoT*'JuYw-Ut. ... u~«is C c*«< r T*<»0t7si«»i*f»ilisKp*‘< .T COTTFREY HEROLD, •ott»* | Wino & Ls&gftr Beer Saloon, vi'us i i i iis;: *“ L , ''^“" nw * 1 ,, Wines, Porter, Segars, Ac, TivoLi'nikifa.. Miscellaneous Reading. PHILIPS' FIRST BABY. Mtn. Hil'ipr ...... Ike .err piooaele of frbritT. She » the ra-tber of i which »ri(jlw.'«l eleven |»>and«. Ur. Philip. bade fair to lore hU minJ entirely. lie daneM and song. an<l fired guns from the t«p of the eorn h •Irtetlrii Yankee Itowdto while eating hit breakfast, and wrung the nork* of all the fowl* on the place la aide a chicken pie ; foe the celebration. Tliia worthy couple had been married ten jmis and this «a« their llrit chiM. l’coplc had laughed at tli<m tew years <vn account <>f this lock—|^.ipto woo were over-rnn with children, raid wltrvsr lira* w*ro made roircraWe by the spanking! and scolding* they found it necessary to Inflict upon their "retched little olira Ladies' and Childrens r f it s. WV.Vtiet.MlLnn .!tj-ll-sp. tU Ut MtoU< DYING WORDS OF WOMEN. “* "| thing V.tlionnivi. ..r ns. trn, ' MU II from Ilia lipa of pious Wotue fORC-lEU REMARKS. The Lmvrai'l 1 bay am-tfar umbrella : car. about tamingout, hut bring tf>M dial I .1,1,1. hr ynpitrr rrt*« the f<mnn «**l CA*«of hfc and death he \tcUl-d am] now, buy* here's three lin.i-a thrv on«. to the haby that fa. Mr. I’bihps left iiiru ilre»ii>s. and sped Heart., nsv meoT the resilience of Grsnnv Butt*. Hie And they ga*e three tjrcn, draak _ lad' «ire. but -b« »*• dieadfwll* faircl ol cider whieh Vlr. I’bUipa robed " .”"7".'"' "T".'*”"*!" I Ofldleartld, mu rzzrs tvz:z : PLAYING ON WORDS. f _ . Sharp wittad people can sometime* w.-fl aa worthy toen I,are. no., tlir play *e.erc joke, on their <<n»d* by bea.eeIt poet*la. been tiled with eanha twisting "ordi to mean something quite | lion and trioraph—bare seen trempnr different frvtn what they a intruded, j ting pr< -»j»-cta from the Dehet, b'. Urea are a ewp'r wf iwtawH whera a >1 owe lama, ead bwa baorl tWwwK.fl*’'”"’ '*" ** '.*7 bu»bn»d and wife <]<dt asm: ! crle^.ial harp, and the ringing IteiiUk ! t.aj nm vrimfars .m.l The Squire bad a fnend to him | lea.-g o B th. am of toe Balored. L, rfemitage. awd win not we o.» biiunrw, a««S -a. .ery mieli annoyed j u,J their aouW.tunid the wrecks.dmortali j ,*,„!! »i r n «, t injuri.wl-. and to be interrupted by hi. wife, who came ty, ha.e been fmleael audeihiktUed by | nnqni-h tb,«. towAk him wh.lhe -anted for dinner. , he ( nZ m^ nnd gk,ry of a bea.eni; t.., an ay 1 Ut na ak.oa r impatiently atmosphere. - O. tfetfv rare nfglrrr r A man ont west r«a« ta«l , mid the wjuim. ' mid Mn. t.larksow. .hen drinm "Mx put m bed of ant- "-uhl Itus.nea. detained hit Mend until after j ». 0 d. 1 flying te tl,e« T said Lmly , to leare. and put in hi dinner limo. aod tlir aquira urged him ! > Alice Lue», l*.|, || uU m mij. - o. the law'u »-d to we if she would remain. TV w^uirt was a genetou* pr. (rvwlnaaa of tha gtorr thu ia nxcaled to V. »U ua* lbeta ui iw urr .ider. proud of hi. fable, aod be compla- cently ccoflid hit friend to a aeat. A bttla to tha aerpri-. of both, they nothing on the table bqt a huge dish of I, which the good wife began quietly iperatitiou*. and M»e»"d feligniosl* waininp and nppurltfana. PhiKpa wt u thUodering rap at her door, and directly u nigh capped bead appeared an upper window. - What do you want at thin time of night, and who be ye T mid a cmeked WiiUpa stepped out and stood plainly rurankd by the light of a dim m~.i. "OBOi graHoea nut T cried tho old woman, It'* an apparatus from the other world' 'Wad it'a g«*t a acolloped petticoat on. Und ! 1 didn't think th«y wasted lima on aach vanities aa that - It's dyingr eickinsec riiiap*— “Come down quirk." " N'ot I! 1 ain't so green as to trust my old body with a anpernatarnl ghost." and down weot the w.tdow with a bang.— I'hilips pounded at tha door till ha was tired, and then made tracks for home. Dr. Gray had just arrived. Mrs. 1*. «*• pnM«"“K » b)M.ric. •’ soon as die heard hi* opinion. lUl.r «m n»li worse; it had not only surkv-l It. but -.ggk.1 it- toe*. It could not continue long. Hie doctor, with a eery grave face, entered Ihe sick room. Biddy rubbed her mis tre*» with catnpher. Mr. Philip* by, wiping liis eyes with tlie drapery of “Oh, dm , d'vctorl Will It die*.- >»ly save it. and you JOHH H, VAR WIRKkS. JOHN C. •UTRHEH. M. AMEK HI. VOORHEI*. >V«.1U.M*N Mitfhs-I. CHERRY STREET, Tl! Kv pwwitl ul SilnrTTK GUlen I'I.ainkiki.d, x. .t. >OW « » 1 >1-: \ ! ; c-.ui.ll, - Land, in fhnf ..igaB£TP r 3»*?jt.etsrt2r9 MainSt. : i i Plainfield ' Ce< ^ e chilcoat, .. India ink. Oli or Water Color. ^ 131 Cengesaa'tt!, NMMirat, N. J. 1 . watb itrTFw jlum.y. Ilr-»»es >l.iss*^*>-Cr«k.Aetar irsa-c.f^ui ol *T|,«s Mliznlxd h . Jvjtlitlthll- |'upholstery BPS1KE33. jjpg INSURANCE, COMPANY "' B n COB—Ks ! %'BT GRAND STSKf had r V" , 7’. ‘‘~r have- cried Mra I hifipw. -ringing her -on - « - >•» ; r ..d n...,l »« w pounds and had a pug Mrt Sawrrr'* was red haired. »u j ha.1 a look ou its right foot—aedre sign that it wouU Ucdne to io<ne UaJ tad—and it only weighed raven pounds and fourteen ounces. She gicased folks had belter look to home M*tf they kaglrad. Balsy |m.ved to be a tartar. 11c had a Only 1 me—let x- t~c rennird a But his mother declared he wit* an angel. WeConWi -ever fav-sgice *u angel with puffy red checks lyre Is elevate J j,i the air. suekiog aagarjrag^ and bei.g jounced ab-wit |q a will*— eradle to the taw of - IBglMuWkWUdlr,- hut ilieu n-gtsUixi i. lolLy iii'im. ”* 1 •"**“ pinrh of suaff. ** Ihwu’l keep me in sn»p look at the prreioas little an it* Forth# lorn of heaven me know the worst." WoS. mam. if I speak oat, will yoa promise n »t to bkrae roeT asked the doctor, gravel*. - Yen, xcv' *’ Maim," said he, wjtb Ms h>ug fare •till elongated. It Is n>% of ml'.", a* a man and a physician, that tha child liss Men fatten by four he.1 hugs, nr else it Las her n bitten in f mr places by one iiwuM uftkat d-rripti....." “.My dear," said the aqnir®. - where are the meats I" | There are none today." aaid hi* wife. “No meats! '\hat the Beautiful ia tho nproaslwi nftWdjingl A lloowcr ha. hern uiw pm teas. Mm flewiaas: - I frvl as If I j daily t-rety yxar s whh-W rr» silling with Mary at the feet of i'batil -aa an tight day «h. hcdeemcr. bearing the mu-ic Ilia roiev | '** and learning B f Him. to meek and 1 ** »y firand haw ,am * L..1, - N, .p-t,,. J,. mM, c».W M p .“ lm.gin.ii— w ««i,,,,h..i-I Iml inn. o< LWmnlamalNu f'llml be, | . ^*' _ .ml m—lv 1—, Lour. Ii Mm lU Lglilfol th,, thorn m.n M'm, gi.rn po.ptt. 1 71m i-T'- 1 " ,hp ". Wh. to 'impor—j npn—. Simikr ... tl., doa't ,oa tn. llm» hnaghl lar ,,Client. ,f Mm Ii.,.,. SU-M. with “Yoa didn't otJfr art). - t. m.of j,,. th.t k... not th.1 -h. ••OtJml I di-jn't otjrt aaflkm*.- ml t.rr l-tt mnh b n ... ,u h,-. said the a maxed squire. IImusIi Mart's U-t word* were. ••You forgrt," «>of>y answered the •• Wi-lcwme iov "* boa—ifc. "I 4kfi h.t ...hmilJ h,.,, ami ,0a mi'l. l.tln-j "lii '.'- T,u.i.t. Utfa it ia" I mi l L—I, Tlht frtand ham Into > l.u*h. mtl th, i Im . mjulm, .(mi looking lagabtioii. anoomat ihioogb |W blood of Hi. lal." mi joiaodhlio. liia-tll—iin. ana of U-c .ml. M. lho -'V*. Ip.aitap. lo.i joa l.o. -| to my I mho. t>. Oita i. th. tiflr ilnlliwt too Sir 1 night." .11 1,1, llaatiitgtloa. Th Ih. C..|»t “Mall I il.nlol ,oa.' Tba I iajmmtio, of ,h. awtta a( Wmk qaltn a'". - _ A'** !•« a* h.„ .... Cbihlnm. almn I am {not. .lag •' •i of r Th. good woman l—krto1 th, p.pnn. j I,,,., ,, mk af oaag tad, null s tin- phnsatiti rang the bell, and |i fish, poultry and rrjtUbki wa repast of I. “M"" patent of daisy, aid went t.. Qad h.m.- Iii> esou-id. whea asked what he wjm waiting far, threw bn lulu aflutter o! BRYAN Ac CORY'S CITY EXPRESS Star! jiiTvAN ACpRT.r , jost'i'H blatz, n ine mitt lAiurr llrrr Saloon, AM< . KKONT STREET, C?r SCBKlf! 8L _ Plainfield. N. J Ir.xn the !..«ai « hnm ho was h kuscheld. Errrjtl which the hahr t Inaok n * ft *r—1 repeal it.“ * T rcWed Mis. P wnato that I have bed \]ME. ALPHONSE. \ K. THOMPSON, 'an ti< u ru vnr.u straw a nu rrnr.a j; P. NOEROONK, j> M. FRENCH A SONS, ORCRT S. CONAWA fa k—• that .11 flt^n ky his sn-l " Hi a I>asty U>" lie bsckil off tb" steps , ,. anal started f.«r his R ig Ttie ground -as , 4 * " im limn* and qult« icy. Ilia he.-U "cm . s‘ . °.n r . mid Us "bole body .pita off dowa j lb* Mil like a Steel shod cutter. Mrv 1*. lerihlaf daunted, rwshrd after him, and situ red the snare falc. The two brought together at the f.-»l of the hill •• My la DC" * jNpef. v's yaw^coUyuuy T 1 hM%fa ' 1 **’ c!»ike<l—all far ft of dumbing the fasbr. . Mr. lliilip. gave a Ufeksmith -ho located "itbio a q'larttr of a mile. handed dnf,.. ,n . . hat oo wool, of .vmpnlk' BiJdr was reunited it» the cockloft of . , ' waa I , lltJ i M I., """ .kdmagoL TH d-wtor got oat.. llm nood .liml on moon.l ol Iml r . k |„ ^„i d g,»,p.d Lorn., .ml “*** , il—. llilifn Ailto—ad Utaianpl, Th.d.111. J''I Th, |..b, hr.d mid lhto—. A. it wm . -onto that U CO.Id draw ik- ,jj„ iu hnm nwi .i|».o.n dinging t.. , M .Uokiln. I’hilip. d„.n on oil f«Hir» tb* greatest port «>f the tunc, he fail.y aught nde cn hi. fat; Ur* in the r«. Chili|»* " «a (oatnruaMr far aniov new drtovnetratioi Clin ,1.» r and dir. «•» * to-1 ,„d' Mm. I'. kfi But t«o said 'you ctpeetci aumcUaly nl j-| o snpprr," ciclaiuied the indignaul »if«- ' ., , t My dear. I said oo such thing. You ; nnt \ isked me what I was waiting far, and 1 ( , u: , , shat I "na "siting far my dear, and 1 [ a ,^| Sc a trrr..r t-> m». < For Moderate Dnnkers. bmul from alumbrr oneroid "inter night. _ “It -cm. to rn.lh.l-b, diVt *—•*-J IgS' - : | Dali, made n -mplota’ rockery .de«t weatlrer, faratisn the steel spring. . ft hk horses bcC-tv, Ut S this. rchaut prii^r " of Sew York—• lldbolrv" of great manic beau ever diced without his t>randr I and water, nor went to bet without a ter NaC,—Mark Twain says j raprn or c.>Uer sup|wr, and wl..» was never reossr*. ! never intotkatix! anj ni'ver out of liquor rmaiU- Ifair.d-ureal of Health gue* this account t would of hU Jcwth: an iJvs I -M.mtli* before he died—fat ««' n year - So matter hbout it. my dear. I owed you, yok remember, fa* that lettuce." Mask Twa: if hia horse : 1 have a I v-«s I have a A Yo KIlM lsHlllit It Carriage Maker CEO. C. PARKER'S I ,1 lit- <> r (lootla, Pommiiilnn "w."»m ain't It. I" * Oh dear ! "hat alydi do if Uby h going to he sick r Mr. I’hilips got a light, and tin- Mxiou. parents brought it fa hear on tire faro ol s l-rewu . r 1 w Fi'*- ProviaiontA Fruit*, Salt. *c ’""I /.«r rrnt If atm, . Sitir.s:a?rr£vjrKa ’— v.-.-iv ?• 1*0. CARRIAGE PAISTISO. | I* 1 ».fra<nairena*s scmUsssw. ta " •' v‘ \ i *“" u >|> ^ .1 ."»* i. r . r*' ^ Urn. N. CaConklln. s elbow." , > .g u...i t may be whera hc e laid on It," •U.l/., r ’„, ^ lh q join.,-. .h.»p - ’• a ( lrerhvtah*nd worked. And insta. *a».l oo it I Oh. you unfeeling man . , faifa.^ by I>hilips . unnatural father I And there, it'. J " i thumb: r«a known from -ifrlre r,.A . n...r,. ijaar'i nvtxrr ’J NOMAS S. NNIITH. '[*1 OLO HEAT STAND, t- ri«» ru t T>» uu Tilt rsrssT NtUT^ 'V*. m, voeaHiis, X rirtlM. halt FRONT STREET, PUAINPIELD, jMrePsS^Fm^kn^w^ M** Ktft UCRIVBD A Jtr» UTOCUOT * Fall and Winter Goods. SpstC. ; i:~ ssasys-*- *" k * t*—'-*"’ * r . w.^-aV.iy—dtnna. Ilrrtl FlurfMf'r mill limprr** - . . a.^„<,.. n Kid (Hurry. *1 /irr /Mir. ,' V:rV“\.. “-“, . WhltoCood*, Nosier. Nottonn, Ac. B*.f i* aw, *.lressadqosrSrfs MIXSELL & CO.. gUtril-TI RUI o. Omnirdniy. rsrund *C Squnrr snooting Callery - k nf ,8 th. |•h hp. sprang up -.1 lfatene.1- rroekc ^ j, fa*,.*_-po UO dcd It -ith a U mt alyrog iadicatml sp.rit. If it {in dying-he eoald eat nnthi.g -itlreu. Igracitrea. lie r got the J Umrere: fa, k.ehcd lu. heels through the CO ireet I hara got themwstapkito.1 horse di^rera, nod at death the whole alimra- I'likiag-gla—^aad lurflh. Inward, "nl r.„ ,h. eu ik If, Uiind M nothing h, Ur; ,.n*l w.. a m*— ,f diw—•: Iw lb, nf |.*v. gnld mi l . oinnnln-l«A * ! .am. anruo. a ith lb. utmiwl ! mi In at III. Inidinn. k. Wind d n—nililWi pb—d Urndnarr. wciwj. w.n bat.;, hi* ||. lv ba.n a mntul dn-ml of 1,1 j 'Hint 1. not lit. halt »ad.r. 1|, bad Iw.n tnnih.r 1-id—- tha iui mini -agu ! , g „,,h pok. -fwoutllj : and it In Auta- . .1,-1, diinkrr. a d-d!, i-mkri. f..i pklom, bnhj." I Hint Ibrw-a on liwth .id., of tb. in.nltwigW StrofnU h-1 h—n ...... . .. On. da. whrn Ihi. w(inil.rful 1—hj wn» ^—1. h^aa.v a. lt i. now. 1 inn f.!i .g i—ling up on. nP hi* daughter, fo. -Ol, I—.... nUh iwntlw;'. -hi- . ,JJ a. .Hip inliahiunt. Ih , -m . „j,. : ,. ,h, l„a«: lh, artnal.j p-irplc. He. , fco appar.tion of | fall an tho sum* aid* always it would get third ami fourth were .ffuoc.rthh b-suty; e scArlrt fever.. See that red spot | Mrfc iailip.-lrerrh.mlrd and a munofam,us alter awhile, Th* creature there wa. a kiral of gren.lcnr in tl^l wild enpra—ion of omnTOawoa—burning at ...rjibiag ho liunaaa la-da, ! I»a«t«, batAlw, l.»gbt,d nnd paled, ami liera oicpia liar itaeh, 11, walkml up to that f—ltd—into him an. n, trori -in Iheir . n*w with on intmpidUT and or.kb«nn,n. that n.^-t trwn.; anotbat I. tottering on ttin " ^j 1 dog wa. anloni'hing. And it wonld dll an, brink of th. genv.: and onl, ono i. 1.(1. E l '" l ' Iona with adroirntean b>taa how h.prw nirli art th. nan^s and —di :. .U. M u wouldn't li.. it n.k, lU I OU Srptw Solilb ». them, .no Ulng | hi. »gp~mtl.n in tba prnMiKO m w«k an ! 0i> _, wni ,, I , O « man aha lined ia eanntant dmad of «ra of n borlo, wrl Tho doeifn bran- Tbo wow pnnodieat I WMr.i an- Ibnr , im ,, llt .. "Seem, to at I hated me mother bo thought it matt ba that tha r~dane. rtj will be th. death of Ihi. home aome ea-that .liooid nopplau-ot tba ona j..t .a. ,. ... ii^T. TilT-* 7 - 1 •* M ' » «" « ”••• t%. old do. Ho in not polliolUel, bm, bn. 1 glee. : ...bill., ork iuthamh. bn. I won'i ba *7. U ~T ,k ”, •“'“*»«“ A geatlnnanof tkilt, nao niHingl 'Und Ji.lm.oa. Salt.UtaU. tm i. . ebaa-iU. ao ,p^, emnral A Sonlhen, Iwen ebopped oft oe eb. he hm net down ; , UB ,, ... k „„ , . k> , on ,1 loo k--d .... lima or rtbor. aad be j,., ^ , loan. H. n.^ m. Ilf,, : rh. 11,Me. b ha, to Agbl Ihe fliea nltb hia heel, Tb>» | fmt. fell do., ond dirt. The wkoW eon j rend aboel I,- i. .11 .... wall, but wb.. b- trm. to klek , k , ... , Wr k,„rt. ... i lo b. born . e. rbo lopot hknbmd with ki,bind I rt-J -bl. . w-ia .J. a. fehot, i! ts too mncL of S He is Ip-inc gel htutwlf Jol*> IrauW- that war reache* *-«eU .«J bites my too. I do wot care particwlariy icfang Any wav if. .‘good fare or . Ud - ,J,, j Crtof eonflngraUou. »d *t ibo top u I f’rgot.hitb- * k " 1 -«»« *" r g^“,'n°dm-l 1 know'll” OS, diwi't(_ ' hmr tnri •tep to liras* -St may di* while you're waiting. «'a» fir tirawny Butt's ami t.ll her to bring me ralwip. and voices. “iTiarisw Philips' hous* J* cried the old gvwtlnaaik. The firemen gathered, got out the with all .pood PIANOFORTES. A. II. K A VS, - .. o.. Cent, PlatulVRlflnu,,'••• «T.imn.Ar ifpmii :nr IUNTOIIUMIM* tojFgsSEs .U" herb. gol-nnd ban t'hmkm, do l! “nglne. nad Hero, on nnl It'n -rckrtng boll, il.j'•»* I bn mbit Kan, run 1* 11 b., did not mn U, Idol.,, cm,gl,t ap tbo lift artiek " 'bat mgioa- of clothing be coa.l In, hi. hind, on- "* Iwrt “b" ••• “wn—bu which proved to h, an embroidmwd pel -M. knoehrt .1 the door. Urn. lineal rf hi. ..fn'.-lat I- I. loo l- biSf ai pemed. tadlanl. Audi bane and olrogelbee too mart et-, " D ibi. iba beam, dtow me la l^awn .tied » nolle, dnan pmtieaU.!,- II.! '".'am. Ibnt ae. e.peelrt to ngaiie th, garmeat .... hi. Imad, .nd -.r m'ol ikcf-eem— tirt ,1 an-end hi. nnl.I. nlippad on hi. ! " net n.ideenland yun,' mid Mta down, nnd then plnn^rt out into the eokl | I hot the hub, odked two .up. - me. The doctor wn* -deep, nnd did aot '»*o •!* on hi. oaa bot rtao!" LVulU. wanUd 6Ur4 . fa fair- Vi It. t.x ki with np.•piny great p rel •a* in a state of gmigreo-. nearly a lung rarC.JmwUia, Ufas. « trirJ to KQtwiIk a nboqt lbnt —d. .ot Ik. lo a „| ZZi. horax v»« w* to. ering of the fang*, whik angry natc enng of the fangs, wktk angry patches of A c »rmf..nd*i.; |wct. | deslrwetiv* tnflMninaUoo were otvaterv.l frara ber.-tii.t,- iei!.!<«ed 1 A go. lU Quaker bad two boraes,_a jnle.g th. whole .L.aatarv ran.L Whv. , sfaisls -nre re the hwrh. i very g—j and a rary pcor us,,. Whan thm . M no mgk at death in that *>n's "ith tire frathrr . .d a g -• seen riding Ihe Utur. tl l.nfa oat that i body to have kifad fa«y. The doctor who I... fatter U*r had taken the go,Q one.— talk* a host guixliog hqnor every day he. .S«e#t appW. Brw 'WUl r said sxmsreng Uofafa; ho. rag heallhy. Is a perfect dwgrace ta the ^ws nlrea fed In r.w,a~-t - Irtdler hurarl" T»w reply w*a, - Kritud. to break sfaue far the terra of hfa uaiarel -fter utlrer fte.l u . , he 11 , 1 when fare fa roamed tUe’N khow." I klc, at a sh.faog a day and Ami hmravM." I thau cgl.t qua a* ftd at « ie t NSW YORE

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Page 1: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. · ^ns from the top of corn house, whistled Yanke e Doodl whit eating hb brcakfait, and wrung tbe nWfcs of »ll the fowl* on the place to make a chicken pie

(fbt (fmtstitutionalist.

S\ J..

tTcrliia of SttbettilUluti.

T H E CONSTITUTIONALIST." Support the Constitution, which is the cement of the Union, as veil in its limitations as in its authorities."—MADISON.


Business Directoiy.

• " •


| ) v*H WINKLE,

= HARNESS. SACPreserve Your Eyes!



DIV.DEND.' The. Dime Savines Initiation,' Of 1'tainflrttl, K. J.,

_i\ r J. A. McDougall,

ttd.,' ptfeniUnE Artist and permit pjiittr.

A U T I S T I C L I K E N E S S E S ,

BBAl B S T A T E U K u K E R

Ladies' and Childrensv t* it t4,

! TM Kiw Ptcicmpl! anfl Silver T m Gallery

MainSt.05LCC:n7 Plainfield


Uin^N Hotel, .PLA1NF1ELD, M. J.,

FROM MAY. !6ttito MAY. 21st, 1870,

Spectacles and ye Glasses.


Yonim Mens' Christian Association.ROOMS ON FRONT St.,


Regular Monthly Meetings,

Poetry.The Difference.

COTTFREY HEROLD,Wiao & Lager Beer Saloon,


Wines, Porter, Segars, &c,TIVOLI'TABLE* fto.

Walker's StnH«n,CHERRY STREET,


Miscellaneous Reading.


Mrs. Philips wasnn tl|o very pinnacleof felicitj. She was the imoibor of a boywhich weighed eleven point)*

Mr. Philips bade fair to low his mind•ntirclv. lie danced and pung, and fired

^ n s from the top of the corn house,whistled Yankee Doodle white eating hbbrcakfait, and wrung tbe nWfcs of »ll thefowl* on the place to make a chicken piefor the celebration. i

This worthy couple bud bean marriedf-n feav&, and this was their first child,People had laughed at tTitfm ten years on

and scoldings they funnd-it necessary toindict upon their wwtcheJ little olivepla,

. Philip?

bad nevci betn '<> lugSmitn.n'eM Wfoir. >

i;l she pies*

ionic bad end—nntl it onpnand»h »nd Court*.

pHcJwd Svlis W belt

Mr. Philip* loft him dressing, and spedth« residence of Granny ilutis. Hie

old lady WM «iK, but t in was dresdftillynpcretilioun, and M t a n d religiously

[ m a thundering rap at her door, andliroctly H nigb-eapped head appeared.1 an upper window.

light, and vbo be veT" uid a crackedoiee.

Philips sleppcd out and stood plainlywonted by the light of a dim moon.

"Hood gmcious mnsy !" cried the old"«»»", "K> •" •pparutns f«™ Ibeither world ] - a n d ifa pit » scollopedwtlicoaton. Land! 1 didn't think theyvaated time oa inch vanities as that

"""It1, dybgr claimed ftffipt-•Come down qnkk."

• Not I ! I ain't BO green as to trust myold body wilh a supcrnjitu ra! ghost," anddown went the window with a bang.—Philips pounded at Ibe door till be wastired, and then made tracks for homo.

Dr. Gray had juit arrived. M". P,was preparing tb go into hysterics assoon as she heard his opinion.

Itahy was roaeb worse; it had notonly sucked its thnmbs, but wiggled itstoc«. It could lot continue long. Thedoctor, with a very gravo face, enteredIhe sick room. Biddy rubbed her mis-tress with ramphor. Mr. Philip* stoodby, wiping bis eyes with the drapery of

ill it die I—f uk« »M I

ing be:




"Oh, doctor, doclOnly »ve it, and you mayhaie:" cried Mrs. Philips, wIwtid*. " Only save it, ami 1'..n my knees and thank ynu fororer."

"Keep your sitting, marro, keep yoursitting," taid the doctor, taking • largepinch of snuff

" Don't keep me in suspense ! Onlylook at the precious little arm ! What isi t ! Forthe love of heaven tell me—let

'• Well, mam, if I "peak out, w

i.-k-j.l t»™ty c boo



it his mother declared he wa> an

puffv red cheeky liticU i-JcvsrvJ rfr

jounced abont in • williw eraille to tb*tatie of •' riifib-diddle-uidillV bnt tlienmr imaginalimi ut n.iljiy ony means ns

FhHB the "hour in" Kliieh the bahv

lonseboa, Brei-vfhlng] had i.. bu» to

more eran H

Dr. Sri

«.-iid he.liioj!«led.d « phy«ict.-.l.y'fcu

njlh hi. 1« H h n . >

r fiedbuofour place:

v," mid '{he father.

amta, «;r_-I repeat iveiled M

.mi; !„ ••opinion,he child

. by one

" do yen

t . "

He (eal 1 bare bed-

" Sold, b« i/upitcr |" cried OK fireman; Iand now, boys, here's llittfe lin.i-s threetin- baby that has walked too steps'.— '

And they nave three ftjtccr«, lirank H Ibarrel ol cidrr wliicli JJr. l'Lilips r


ivine* they nn- nof t powe

PLAYING ON WORDS.Sharp witied people can •oinntimes

play severe jokes on. their tA*mk byLwisting words to menn snmolhing quitelifferetit from «bHi they we-e intended.Here are« couple of where aIBSlund nnd wife quit even.;

The Squire had a friend to Tisit himin basincss and wns very mucb annoyedLo be intcmipted by bis^vrife, wbu came:..n-k bim what bo wanted for dinner.

"(i i>4siv! Let us *Uine !" impatientlv-aid tbc squire.

Business deUimJ hii friend until afterlinn** time, and ihg squire urged bim loremain* The squire wm a gr:iier<ju* pn>-rtder, proud of his table.' mil he compla-cently escorted hii friend to a teat. Alitlle to the surprise of both, they nawnothing on Ibe table hat • Imgc dish of

InJ, which ibe good wife began qidish up,•• My desr," said, tbe Bqaire, " «e themeaUl" •"There are none to-«lay," saidife."No menu! W o ) in the name of

. w e r t j ! The legcUbks then. Whydon't you have thefti brcnslit in !"'

" You didn't ordpr-any.""Order! I dijn"t order »nythinc,"id the Rmazcd squire."You furpt," Coolly answereil the>nsewife. " I a*ktd what we shouldivc, and IOU ™d, * Lettuee alone.'—

p ^onifott nnd liiampl. »•

nf flf—ilWlnii l'ious voMcn aworthy m<Mi bare, neir theporU^ been filM with einhntriumph—have nccn Iranspnr

ling pmspegts from tlie Defect; bi-MonntVms, and havo hear,! U»Mori=-efeeleitial b»rp» nnd the riagiog bettbii.leaning on tl.c mtm of the. BelOved.and tlieir soul*, mniii Ihe wrecks nf inoriality, have been frethened and cihilarat.-d bjthe fra£rKtjce and jjlurr of a hem'enliaimonpherc " O , thow rnys of gl.ity T

ld M "

l.iii-y, I*fy ilastins ssid, " O, tbeness of the glory [list U revealed lo

nutiful ialbe eipreibion of tlie ilyim--», Mr* B w n : •• I feel . . ir 1silting will, Mary at Ibe fert of imenter, hearing the mn-ic of His voici-\wm\,,s of Him to Le meek and

lowly." No jpoelry. At, Raid, could n


e f«rlW. Into f.nlieii Ia luting bent.

The time to bur anolber umbrella, isjBst after 70H hate lent one-.

) leave, and put aoflu [n hi^ n»lAer4n-w's Iped to aee if At ""iiU'.'i •>-- II-

A Hooker bin been windingdaily twenty JWK*, «itb-ni d b• it was Bn ei-hl-JLV cfcdt

ie; her• •:'I -—. .in.-kit:,it flittedfancy, and made her waking-li'Vighlful than those evon that'weri1 givento leniporary Irp.wc. Similar Tas tlieexperience of Mis. ilowc She mid, wilhU-nrsof joy, that ibe knew not that *litliod ever fill suuii hapjiineu in nil betlife, Uanimh MOOIL-'S List wonji were,


ic friend burst Ihtfl • laugh, and tlie, after looking lugubrious a momec

" Wife, I give it np. 1 owe you oniHere is ibe fifty dolltrfl you wanted fcthe carpet which. I denied y•quire forked orej_" 4 Now let us bavepeace, and some dinneif,"

The good woman pocketed the paper,ranu Ihe bell, and a sumptuous TV'pA*t offish, poultry and vcgttnblea v*a* brought

yciiiic, Mhejjj a^ked wlia| (or, b . l . l . .

i »*id L-d, Gnding. " Ii'ilu- bo dying."eiiornh, " ii i, Ae ptosantal

hrough the blood of tho LainbT' s.-.iJrace Bonnet, one of tl-c iwrlv Methu-

teinple b « £ i

but July, and

nidi- ' « id Ladjnthi-r o{ Wesley

\[aR3H's HOTEL,


JOSEPH BLATZ, -;Wtne find Lager Brer Saloon,'

n t O N T STREET,: C5r, SCffitrSti Et __ Plainfield, N. J.

' i!i.' "h"rV™'i*-aJ»i''li°i,

1,'niraTiM. j i r w r

U n i o n D i m e S a v i n g s B u n k ,

,,f iti^Mil.ilii^ tlie U!n.

Tha child's Sm


Carriage Maker.






Commlaalan Maror>an<

F!eh, Pronaioaft Fruits, Salt, Ac

j uld draw itnj uilmenls clinging t

n | .Mr. I'hiiips snrsng jjp and listene.t.

n'l tof"Oh dear! wlm* slil.ll we do ff L»l.rling lo lie sick f KMr. I'liiBpiB« a lislit, tad the nnti"

I it to 'bear on the few t-j'f,.rhisgig. The ground . a ,ioing and qaSle icy. His bet-U wentrn, ami lii* whole "body spun off downbill like a steel «kod cutter. Mrs. P.,liii f (lrin:tii-nl. nibhed after him. mid

nick »s he could and esllopcd home, amitm, I'hiiips fullawed bis example.

Tbe lited am! throve. As i;rcw nidnr its dictatorship became mot-,nd BMW absolute. Philips was dun'm all-tours the greatest part of the turu

' •k id weallier, ht)HBan the ateal sjirinp

the house—pounded it B

«7g«-'c3. Conlclin,T STREET, PLAlNFIEt-D, !

and Winter Goods.


'1H0MAS S . S M I T H ..j Best Florence and Empr&

KUi Olovetf, #/ par pair.

a w — White Goods, Moaioy,MEAT STAND,

EST MS«T,ilKA«JNABLB Htl'-lB.-, T..,n.j. I «.-p- f". . '-nl:. opjm (.Fn»i"ll. Mt-ri-WI >


grtftwuft inintt S9


No Deception uaed to efreol tales.

Shooting Gallery

in*, PUtolB, Rifle*, ri-ir-B. T.rKr,.»r.

enven' \ cried his mntht^r,Utallj purple.' He's p " "carict fever, i Sec thai red

y tre when) be".- laid on it,

items to me I've hoard my motherL was i sign of a healthy cl.ilil, to

snek its thumb, bnt I ;woti't be eertara.—Anyway, it'* a good aign or a bad one.—I forgot which." ,

" Knn, ChaHeat run for a doctor, it'agoing to die—1 ki)o* i t ! Oh, don'tslf*n. to dreA—it may die while ymi'rrwaiting. CHB for (Jranny Butt'a andUll her to bring aW •""!* catnip, andrtffron. and rvci attd peppermint—all theI.erU irfie'a KoiM^roy «n daItems*! ltar


Ml.sjcif pa'a pold wsteh, unmolested.

li-: deary, nesry, scary baby,naid—" tbe itti mitti «uaar

plummy baby."One day when this wonderful baby wasyear ..Id the village ' ' *

artled by tha disheveled apparition ofMrs. Philips—bareheaded and wearinj

mtic rate to the joiner'* shop wEnher hatband worked. And instantly ireappeared, followed bv Philips «t A dog

O1J Squire Smith saw lUeta, and beingi man wha lived in connunt dread oflo thoudil it must be that Ihe residence-' Mr. Philips w&* m flames. The ol>:

lubjcctof conflagration,

ic Bnt i ticki>lbihg he con 1-1 \xy his lAndi

KooM of ki* wife'.—bat he was inmuch hasie and ilioyeihcr loo muc

flnng ttre gurmf.t fver hi. licod, andtied it around ht> whist, slipped onshots, ami then ptooifd unl into tha cold•ir. The Joelur no* ulwji, and did nul

"Where I where I'1 cried aoiccs.

"*a*itM Pbilip,1 housB r c

<ti0np, mS run with all apeed to tl

llwy did ast even smell a puff of imoin thiil region.

The head fireman wh<i was somewht. wig, fcnoeksd at the door. Mrs

frilip^ appeHrvJ, ab^dlnlely radiant" In thi. the honn, allow mo to tlV.m, thai we are eipecled to, P MU dwftMaat*" 1 do not Hndnntitnd yofl," u id t i n

. j bat tbc bnW h » «>IU>1 two atro steps on hi* OH u feel alone P

-My eompanjlj |.«en'

""But you iaidfrouexpf'cti

•• My dear, I wfid no such.

-ho.—H- i-ihlc hones

" !O, Til pay y.-u f

!cJ a

For Moderate Drinkers.1 merchant prince " of Sew T.irk—ly sin-fooler" of Rreat rrouily bea

filai Ktbfs

• fan ,Vlt.J—!„-.>

iave pot themo't apirii<*d h.^r-e .Ji^, and at de.ilh the winLh. He ahiod.Ht everything h.

poles especially ; anJ it U fortu-both sides of tlic

road, because as it is now, 1 never fall offthe -am* rida. If

side alway-

h- ,*^ ' «;.'•„••• k in lo

rhile. The creatureL&.-Y shied at everj thing/ *m hivssecn to-dat'icept a hay slack, lie nralked np to thattilh an intrepidity and Pecklcsanc&s thatwas astonishing. And it would fill nnyme with adcpiratioa io see lion he pre-served his sulf-possfsftion in ibe presence>f a barley sack. The dare devil's i-mv-;ry will be the death of this bone someiny. He is not particularly fut, but I j g(itbi'nk he will get ma through the IK-lyLand, fie has one fault. Hi . tail baa

-bopped off, or eta he hat set downoo hard sum* lima or othar, and he

has to fight the Hie. with hit heel*. all very well, but when be I r ia to kick

head t i th bis liindfoot, it ia too modi of * v*Mj-. | [ B Wpiing lo get hiinsflf into trouble that way

D; te««, too. I do not CBNibout that only 1 do not l i t

tJ-dghJ ; BetofUiig up onl- *• danghtnbi ; •uniher is in the ina-1 h

own, lookup ta the»rk, kwt> vuiir tj.-i

kind of g

in of thirty five w u t

1!ler lime: and«- ttwualk n

tbo* opportunity i- i

o specialin a dwir wit* nprewnl; siitl ha

dissipated young mf U\\ d d

knowB . rose, ran fifty

hfeet, M\ down and died. I V wholetring of Un l-rain was thi-k~i*.1. its r « i

fitb npoptex) ; • gvenlp^rlion .•(•me hiogTM in a slate of gungrenf, a»J the other•B nearly ail h.r jL-n,- J an J u a W ! W,.,"iind yrtlnt, matter plmMred ihe I n M cov-ering of the hing\ while anjry j\alchi~. nf

il(**£ the whole alirnenlary «inil. \VV\,gortd and a rnrj poor « » . When ] Utere « » enonjth of denth in that man'*,riding the later, it turned ont that I body to •a iuMMft ta* . The .l,>,-t..r wl,,-•

l.U belter half h,,| tektn the ( am- - - "" W t w t r M t d awieering bachtfar." how

ii> the ISW*. In) said lu- hwwd th.<read *b.™t huw -> Nigger D a m . > H * i

'b fr i "

BCgT I t* .1,! "..' i-,h.tnnl!. n t I••he i ™ » a v i b »n,i t l i c toUn

^ q•ug healthy, U • perfect disgracemv,lnr*l uaint\ and o h h

gt u* he tirrnc-T on

iliin. a daj' aud ii:i i HawK

pmii k c r n i i i ^ <wlld«*«d b j ajXnJft

irtts r*£ wine !•- lit? Ivar c* i>-i,l c iven'llh thi- f.-mlirr Mtd rf« n .

S»r»t •]i[il». »n- M«allf>|M I'.-r i,iev«a, « 4 m f-i i • •

(jbt Constitutionalist.

IIN’HEWi N, 3.. The Constitutionalist.

Ut*tr* nf ft! rrrftaftrq.

hs: it ;a :s Ki-sss^sfl

1 "Support ths Ceastitution, which is tie esatat of tie Union, w well in its limitations as in its authorities.’’--MAUISON. j jr/ir;;/.;

VOL. 3-xo. 12. 1’I.MXPIELD, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1870. WHOLE MM HER il.i. flRWTINa

Business Directory. OHRA ®T«o.

J) VAN VHMRLC, HARNESS, OADDUe», S*C., Preserve Your Eyes! Poetry.


i .11 i I,”*— iiotvi, 11.AISP1EI.D. N. J . FRO PH MAY.Jfchw MAY. 2ln, 1870, SpoctaoloB and ye Glasses.

■ dirlr •»«»>. I

DIVIDEND. The Dime SavingsInsitution, SKSSJir

A'«l IIIKSI l> !• M obu. jncwouL m. o.. '*• AUTUP ■0>BY. • Yonas Mens' Ctristiai Associatioi. „ ! BOOMS ON FRONT St..

■OARO or omciHi IU-'.r"l»*Sm. ixarj.

R< KulJVT Monthly Meotino. n‘VeltoT*'JuYw-Ut. ... u~«isCc*«<rT*<»0t7si«»i*f»ilisKp*‘<

.T COTTFREY HEROLD, •ott»* | Wino & Ls&gftr Beer Saloon, vi'us i i i iis;: *“L

,''^“"nw *■ 1

,, Wines, Porter, Segars, Ac, TivoLi'nikifa..

Miscellaneous Reading. PHILIPS' FIRST BABY.

Mtn. Hil'ipr ...... Ike .err piooaele of frbritT. She » the ra-tber of i which »ri(jlw.'«l eleven |»>and«. Ur. Philip. bade fair to lore hU minJ entirely. lie daneM and song. an<l fired guns from the t«p of the eorn h •Irtetlrii Yankee Itowdto while eating hit breakfast, and wrung the nork* of all the fowl* on the place la aide a chicken pie ; foe the celebration. Tliia worthy couple had been married ten jmis and this «a« their llrit chiM. l’coplc had laughed at tli<m tew years <vn account <>f this lock—|^.ipto woo were over-rnn with children, raid wltrvsr lira* w*ro made roircraWe by the spanking! and scolding* they found it necessary to Inflict upon their "retched little olira Ladies' and Childrens r f it s. WV.Vtiet.MlLnn .!tj-ll-sp. tU Ut MtoU<

DYING WORDS OF WOMEN. ’ “*■"| thing V.tlionnivi. ..r ns. trn, ' MU II from Ilia lipa of pious Wotue


The Lmvrai'l 1 bay am-tfar umbrella :

car. about tamingout, hut bring tf>M dial I “ .1,1,1. hr ynpitrr rrt*« the f<mnn «**l CA*«of hfc and death he \tcUl-d “ am] now, buy* here's three lin.i-a thrv on«. to the haby that fa. Mr. I’bihps left iiiru ilre»ii>s. and sped Heart., nsv meoT the resilience of Grsnnv Butt*. Hie And they ga*e three tjrcn, draak _ lad' «ire. but -b« »*• dieadfwll* faircl ol cider whieh Vlr. I’bUipa robed " .”"7".'"' "T".'*”"*!" I Ofldleartld, mu rzzrs tvz:z : ■

PLAYING ON WORDS. f _ . — Sharp wittad people can sometime* w.-fl aa worthy toen I,are. no., tlir play *e.erc joke, on their <<n»d* by bea.eeIt poet*la. been tiled with eanha twisting "ordi to mean something quite | lion and trioraph—bare seen trempnr different frvtn what they a intruded, j ting pr< -»j»-cta from the Dehet, b'. Urea are a ewp'r wf iwtawH whera a >1 owe lama, ead bwa baorl tWwwK.fl*’'”"’ '*" ** '.*7 bu»bn»d and wife <]<dt asm: ! crle^.ial harp, and the ringing IteiiUk ! t.aj nm vrimfars .m.l The Squire bad a fnend to him | lea.-g oB th. am of toe Balored. L, rfemitage. awd win not we o.» biiunrw, a««S -a. .ery mieli annoyed j u,J their aouW.tunid the wrecks.dmortali j ,*,„!! »ir„ n«,t injuri.wl-. and to be interrupted by hi. wife, who came ty, ha.e been fmleael audeihiktUed by | nnqni-h tb,«. towAk him wh.lhe -anted for dinner. ,he (nZm^ nnd gk,ry of a bea.eni; “ t.., an ay 1 Ut na ak.oa r impatiently atmosphere. - O. tfetfv rare nfglrrr r A man ont west r«a« ta«l , mid the wjuim. ' mid Mn. t.larksow. .hen drinm "Mx put m ■ bed of ant- "-uhl Itus.nea. detained hit Mend until after j ».0d. 1 flying te tl,e« T said Lmly , to leare. and put in hi dinner limo. aod tlir aquira urged him !■> Alice Lue», l*.|, ||uUm mij. - o. the law'u »-d to we if she would remain. TV w^uirt was a genetou* pr. (rvwlnaaa of tha gtorr thu ia nxcaled to V. »U ua* lbeta ui iw urr .ider. proud of hi. fable, aod be compla- cently ccoflid hit friend to a aeat. A bttla to tha aerpri-. of both, they o« nothing on the table bqt a huge dish of I, which the good wife began quietly

iperatitiou*. and M»e»"d feligniosl* waininp and nppurltfana. PhiKpa wt u thUodering rap at her door, and directly u nigh capped bead appeared an upper window. - What do you want at thin time of night, and who be ye T mid a cmeked WiiUpa stepped out and stood plainly rurankd by the light of a dim m~.i. "OBOi graHoea nut T cried tho old woman, “ It'* an apparatus from the other world' 'Wad it'a g«*t a acolloped petticoat on. Und ! 1 didn't think th«y wasted lima on aach vanities aa that - It's dyingr eickinsec riiiap*— “Come down quirk." " N'ot I! 1 ain't so green as to trust my old body with a anpernatarnl ghost." and down weot the w.tdow with a bang.— I'hilips pounded at tha door till ha was tired, and then made tracks for home. Dr. Gray had just arrived. Mrs. 1*. «*• pnM«"“K » R° b)M.ric. •’ soon as die heard hi* opinion. lUl.r «m n»li worse; it had not only surkv-l It. but -.ggk.1 it- toe*. It could not continue long. Hie doctor, with a eery grave face, entered Ihe sick room. Biddy rubbed her mis tre*» with catnpher. Mr. Philip* by, wiping liis eyes with tlie drapery of “Oh, dm , d'vctorl Will It die*.- >»ly save it. and you




>V«.1U.M*N Mitfhs-I. CHERRY STREET, Tl! Kv pwwitl ul SilnrTTK GUlen I'I.ainkiki.d, x. .t. >OW « » 1 >1-: \ ! ; c-.ui.ll, - Land, in fhnf ..igaB£TPr3»*?jt.etsrt2r9

MainSt. : i i Plainfield ' Ce<^e chilcoat, .. India ink. Oli or Water Color. ^ 131 Cengesaa'tt!, NMMirat, N. J.

1 . watb itrTFw jlum.y. Ilr-»»es >l.iss*^*>-Cr«k.Aetar irsa-c.f^ui ol *T|,«s Mliznlxd h . Jvjtlitlthll- |'upholstery BPS1KE33. jjpg INSURANCE, COMPANY

"' B“n COB—Ks ! %'BT GRAND STSKf

had r V" , 7’. ‘‘~r have- cried Mra I hifipw. -ringing her -on - «■ - >•» ; r ” ..d n...,l ■»« w pounds and had a pug Mrt Sawrrr'* was red haired. »u j ha.1 a look ou its right foot—aedre sign that it wouU Ucdne to io<ne UaJ tad—and it only weighed raven pounds and fourteen ounces. She gicased folks had belter look to home M*tf they kaglrad. Balsy |m.ved to be a tartar. 11c had a

Only 1 me—let

x- t~c rennird a But his mother declared he wit* an angel. WeConWi -ever fav-sgice *u angel with puffy red checks lyre Is elevate J j,i the air. suekiog aagarjrag^ and bei.g jounced ab-wit |q a will*— eradle to the taw of - IBglMuWkWUdlr,- hut ilieu n-gtsUixi i. lolLy iii'im. —

”* 1

•"**“ pinrh of suaff. ** Ihwu’l keep me in sn»p look at the prreioas little an it* Forth# lorn of heaven me know the worst." ■ WoS. mam. if I speak oat, will yoa promise n »t to bkrae roeT asked the doctor, gravel*. - Yen, xcv' *’ Maim," said he, wjtb Ms h>ug fare •till elongated. “ It Is n>% of ml'.", a* a man and a physician, that tha child liss Men fatten by four he.1 hugs, nr else it Las her n bitten in f mr places by one iiwuM uftkat d-rripti....."

“.My dear," said the aqnir®. - where are the meats I" | “ There are none today." aaid hi* wife. “No meats! '\hat the

Beautiful ia tho nproaslwi nftWdjingl A lloowcr ha. hern uiw pm teas. Mm flewiaas: - I frvl as If I j daily t-rety yxars whh-W ■ rr» silling with Mary at the feet of m« i'batil -aa an tight day «h. hcdeemcr. bearing the mu-ic Ilia roiev | '** and learning Bf Him. to l« meek and 1 ** »y firand haw ,am * L..1, - N, .p-t,,. J,. mM, c».W M

p™.“ lm.gin.ii— w««i,,,,h..i-I Iml inn. o< LWmnlamalNu f'llml be, | . ^*' _ .ml m—lv 1—, Lour. Ii


lU Lglilfol th,, thorn m.n M'm, gi.rn po.ptt. 1 71m i-T'-1" ,hp". Wh. to 'impor—j npn—. Simikr ... tl., doa't ,oa tn. llm» hnaghl lar ,,Client. ,f Mm Ii.,.,. SU-M. with “Yoa didn't otJfr art).- t. m.of j,,. th.t k... not th.1 -h. ••OtJml I di-jn't otjrt aaflkm*.- ml t.rr l-tt mnh bn... ,u h,-. said the a maxed squire. IImusIi Mart's U-t word* were. ••You forgrt," «>of>y answered the •• Wi-lcwme iov "* boa—ifc. "I 4kfi • h.t ...hmilJ „ h,.,, ami ,0a mi'l. ‘ l.tln-j "lii '.'- T,u.i.t. Utfa it ia" • I mi l L—I, Tlht frtand ham Into > l.u*h. mtl th, i Im. mjulm, .(mi looking lagabtioii. anoomat ihioogb |W blood of Hi. lal." mi joiaodhlio. liia-tll—iin. ana of U-c .ml. M. lho -'V*. Ip.aitap. lo.i joa — l.o. -| to my I mho. t>. Oita i. th. tiflr ilnlliwt too Sir1 night." .11 1,1, llaatiitgtloa. Th Ih. C..|»t “Mall I il.nlol ,oa.' Tba I iajmmtio, of ,h. awtta a( Wmk ■qaltn a'".- _ A'** !•« a* h.„ .... Cbihlnm. almn I am {not. .lag •'■•i of r Th. good woman l—krto1 th, p.pnn. j I,,,., ,,

mk af oaag tad, ■ null

s tin- phnsatiti

rang the bell, and |i fish, poultry and rrjtUbki wa repast of I. “M""

patent of daisy, aid went t.. Qad h.m.- Iii> esou-id. whea asked what he wjm waiting far, threw bn lulu aflutter o!


Star! jiiTvAN ACpRT.r , jost'i'H blatz, n ine mitt lAiurr llrrr Saloon, AM<. KKONT STREET, C?r SCBKlf! 8L _ Plainfield. N. J

Ir.xn the !..«ai ■ • ■« hnm ho was h kuscheld. Errrjtl which the hahr

t Inaok n

* ft

*r—1 repeal it.“ * T rcWed Mis. P — wnato that I have bed


\ K. THOMPSON, 'an ti< u ru vnr.u straw a nu rrnr.a




fa k—• that .11 flt^n ky his sn-l "■Hi a I>asty U>" lie bsckil off tb" steps , ,. anal started f.«r his Rig Ttie ground -as “ , 4* " ■ im limn* and qult« icy. Ilia he.-U "cm . s‘ . °.n r . mid Us "bole body .pita off dowa j lb* Mil like a Steel shod cutter. Mrv 1*. lerihlaf daunted, rwshrd after him, and situ red the snare falc. The two brought together at the f.-»l of the hill

•• My la DC" * jNpef. v's yaw^coUyuuy T —1 hM%fa'1 **’

c!»ike<l—all far ft of dumbing the fasbr. . Mr. lliilip. gave a Ufeksmith -ho located "itbio a q'larttr of a mile. handed dnf,.. ,n . . hat oo wool, of .vmpnlk' BiJdr was reunited it» the cockloft of . , ' ’waaI ,lltJ iM I., """ .kdmagoL TH d-wtor got oat.. llm nood .liml on moon.l ol Iml r.k „ |„ ^„id g,»,p.d Lorn., .ml “*** , il—. llilifn Ailto—ad Utaianpl, Th.d.111. J''I Th, |..b, hr.d mid lhto—. A. it wm . -onto that U CO.Id draw ik- ,jj„ iu hnm nwi .i|».o.n dinging t.. ,M .Uokiln. I’hilip. d„.n

on oil f«Hir» tb* greatest port «>f the tunc, he fail.y aught nde cn hi. fat; Ur* in the r«. Chili|»* " «a (oatnruaMr far aniov new drtovnetratioi Clin ,1.» r and dir. «•»■* to-1 ,„d' Mm. I'. kfi

“ But t«o said 'you ctpeetci aumcUaly nlj-| o snpprr," ciclaiuied the indignaul »if«- ' ., ,t “ My dear. I said oo such thing. You ; nnt \ isked me what I was waiting far, and 1 ( ,u:, , shat I "na "siting far my dear, and 1 [ a,^|

Sc a trrr..r t-> m». <

For Moderate Dnnkers.

bmul from alumbrr oneroid "inter night. _ “It -cm. to rn.lh.l-b, diVt *—•*-J ■IgS' - : | Dali, made n -mplota’ rockery .de«t weatlrer, faratisn the steel spring. . fthk horses bcC-tv, Ut S this.

rchaut prii^r " of Sew York—• lldbolrv" of great manic beau ever diced without his t>randr — I and water, nor went to bet without a ter NaC,—Mark Twain says j raprn or c.>Uer sup|wr, and wl..» was never reossr*. ! never intotkatix! anj ni'ver out of liquor rmaiU- Ifair.d-ureal of Health gue* this account t would of hU Jcwth: an iJvs I -M.mtli* before he died—fat ««' n year

- So matter hbout it. my dear. I owed you, yok remember, fa* that lettuce." Mask Twa: if hia horse : “ 1 have a I v-«s ► I have a

A Yo

KIlM lsHlllit It Carriage Maker CEO. C. PARKER'S I ,1 lit- <> r (lootla, Pommiiilnn "w."»m

ain't It. I" * Oh dear ! "hat alydi w« do if Uby h going to he sick r • Mr. I’hilips got a light, and tin- Mxiou. parents brought it fa hear on tire faro ol

s l-rewu

. r1 w Fi'*- ProviaiontA Fruit*, Salt. *c ’""I /.«r rrnt If atm, . Sitir.s:a?rr£vjrKa ’— v.-.-iv ?• 1*0. CARRIAGE PAISTISO. | I*1 ►».fra<nairena*s scmUsssw. ta —

" •' v‘ “ \ i*“" u *»>|>^ .1 ."»* i.r. r*' ^ Urn. N. CaConklln.

s elbow." ,>.g u...i t may be whera hc e laid on It," •U.l/., “r’„, ^ lhq join.,-. .h.»p - ’• a „ ( lrerhvtah*nd worked. And insta. *a».l oo it I Oh. you unfeeling man . , faifa.^ by I>hilips . unnatural father I And there, it'. J " i thumb: r«a known from


r,.A . n...r,. ijaar'i nvtxrr ’J NOMAS S. NNIITH.

'[*1 OLO HEAT STAND, t- ri«» ru t T>» uu Tilt rsrssT NtUT^

'V*. m, voeaHiis,

X rirtlM. halt FRONT STREET, PUAINPIELD, jMrePsS^Fm^kn^w^ M** Ktft UCRIVBD A Jtr» UTOCUOT * Fall and Winter Goods. SpstC.


i:~ ssasys-*- *"k* t*—'-*"’ * r. • w.^-aV.iy—dtnna. Ilrrtl FlurfMf'r mill limprr** ■- ‘ . . a.^„<,..n Kid (Hurry. *1 /irr /Mir. ,' • V:rV“\.. “-“, . WhltoCood*, Nosier. Nottonn, Ac. B*.f i* aw, *.lressadqosrSrfs MIXSELL & CO.. gUtril-TI RUI o. Omnirdniy. rsrund *C Squnrr snooting Callery

- k nf ,8 th. |•h■hp. sprang up -.1 lfatene.1- rroekc^ j, fa*,.*_-poUOdcd It -ith a Umt alyrog iadicatml sp.rit. If it {in dying-he eoald eat nnthi.g -itlreu. Igracitrea. lie r got the J Umrere: fa, k.ehcd lu. heels through the COireet I hara got themwstapkito.1 horse di^rera, nod at death the whole alimra- I'likiag-gla—^aad lurflh. Inward, "nl r.„ ,h. euik If, Uiind M nothing h, Ur; ,.n*l w.. a m*— ,f diw—•: Iw lb, nf |.*v. gnld mi l . oinnnln-l«A ■* ! .am. anruo. a ith lb. utmiwl ! mi In at III. Inidinn. k. Wind d n—nililWi pb— d Urndnarr. wciwj. w.n bat.;, hi* ||. lv ba.n a mntul dn-ml of 1,1 j 'Hint 1. not lit. halt »ad.r. 1|, bad Iw.n tnnih.r 1-id—- tha iui mini -agu ! ,g„,,h pok. -fwoutllj : and it In Auta- . .1,-1, diinkrr. a d-d!, i-mkri. f..i pklom, bnhj." I Hint Ibrw-a on liwth .id., of tb. in.nltwigW StrofnU h-1 h—n ...... . .. On. da. whrn Ihi. w(inil.rful 1—hj wn» ^—1. h^aa.v a. lt i. now. 1 inn f.!i .g i—ling up on. nP hi* daughter, fo. -Ol, I—.... nUh iwntlw;'. -hi- . ,JJ a. .Hip inliahiunt. Ih, -m. „j,. „ : ,. ,h, l„a«: lh, artnal.j p-irplc. He. ,fco appar.tion of | fall an tho sum* aid* always it would get third ami fourth were .ffuoc.rthh b-suty; e scArlrt fever.. See that red spot | Mrfc iailip.-lrerrh.mlrd and a munofam,us alter awhile, Th* creature there wa. a kiral of gren.lcnr in tl^l wild enpra—ion of omnTOawoa—burning at ...rjibiag ho liunaaa la-da, ! I»a«t«, batAlw, l.»gbt,d nnd paled, ami liera oicpia liar itaeh, 11, walkml up to that f—ltd—into him an. n, trori -in Iheir . n*w with on intmpidUT and or.kb«nn,n. that n.^-t trwn.; anotbat I. tottering on ttin " ^j1

dog wa. anloni'hing. And it wonld dll an, brink of th. genv.: and onl, ono i. 1.(1. E“ l'"l‘ ' Iona with adroirntean b>taa how h.prw nirli art th. nan^s and —di :. .U. M u wouldn't li.. it n.k, lU I OU Srptw Solilb ». them, .no Ulng | hi. »gp~mtl.n in tba prnMiKO m w«k an ! 0i>_,wni,, I , O ’ « man aha lined ia eanntant dmad of «ra of n borlo, wrl Tho doeifn bran- Tbo wow pnnodieat I WMr.i an- Ibnr ,im„ ‘ ,,llt .. "Seem, to at I™ hated me mother bo thought it matt ba that tha r~dane. rtj will be th. death of Ihi. home aome ea-that .liooid nopplau-ot tba ona j..t .a. ,. ... ii^T. TilT-* 7 ■- 1 •* M' »■«" — “ «■”••• t%. old do. Ho in not polliolUel, bm, bn. 1 glee. : ...bill., ■ork iuthamh. bn. I won'i ba *7.U~T “ “ ,k”, •“'“*»«“ “ A geatlnnanof tkilt, nao niHingl 'Und Ji.lm.oa. Salt.UtaU. tm i. . ebaa-iU. ao ,p^, emnral A Sonlhen, Iwen ebopped oft oe eb. he hm net down ; ,UB ,, ... k„„ , .k> , on ,1 loo k--d .... lima or rtbor. aad be j,., ^ , loan. H. n.^ m. Ilf,, : rh. 11,Me. b ha, to Agbl Ihe fliea nltb hia heel, Tb>» | fmt. fell do., ond dirt. The wkoW eon j rend aboel I,- i. .11 .... wall, but wb.. b- trm. to klek ,k, ... ,Wrk,„rt. ... i lo b. born . e. o« rbo lopot hknbmd with ki,bind I rt-J -bl. . w-ia .J. a. fehot, i! ts too mncL of S • He is Ip-inc gel htutwlf Jol*> IrauW- that war reache* *-«eU .«J bites my too. I do wot care particwlariy


Any wav if. .‘good fare or . Ud - ,J,,jCrtof eonflngraUou. »d *t ibo top u I f’rgot.hitb- * k" —1 • -«»« *" rg^“,'n°dm-l1 know'll” OS, diwi't(_ 'hmr tnri

•tep to liras* -St may di* while you're waiting. «'a» fir tirawny Butt's ami t.ll her to bring me ralwip. and voices. “iTiarisw Philips' hous* J* cried the old gvwtlnaaik.

The firemen gathered, got out the with all .pood

PIANOFORTES. A. II. K A VS, - — .. o.. Cent, PlatulVRlflnu,,'•••■«T.imn.Ar ifpmii :nr IUNTOIIUMIM* tojFgsSEs .U"

herb. gol-nnd ban t'hmkm, do l! “nglne. nad Hero, on nnl It'n -rckrtng boll, il.j'•»* ’ I bn mbit Kan, run 1* 11 b., did not mn U, Idol.,, cm,gl,t ap tbo lift artiek " 'bat mgioa- of clothing be coa.l In, hi. hind, on- "* Iwrt ■■— “b" ••• “wn—bu which proved to h, an embroidmwd pel ■ -M. knoehrt .1 the door. Urn. lineal rf hi. ..fn'.-lat I- — I. loo l-biSf ai pemed. tadlanl. ■Audi bane and olrogelbee too mart et-, " D ibi. iba beam, dtow me la l^awn .tied » nolle, dnan pmtieaU.!,- II.! '".'am. Ibnt — ae. e.peelrt to ngaiie th, garmeat .... hi. Imad, .nd -.r m'ol ikcf-eem— tirt ,1 an-end hi. nnl.I. nlippad on hi. ! " ■ net n.ideenland yun,' mid Mta down, nnd then plnn^rt out into the eokl | I hot the hub, k» odked two .up. - me. The doctor wn* -deep, nnd did aot '»*o •■•!* on hi. oaa bot rtao!"

• LVulU. wanUd 6Ur4 . fa fair- Vi It. t.x ki with np.•piny ;» great p rel •a* in a state of gmigreo-. nearly a

• lung rarC.JmwUia, Ufas. « trirJ to KQtwiIk a nboqt lbnt —d. .ot Ik. lo „ a „| ZZi. horax v»« w* to. ering of the fang*, whik angry natc enng of the fangs, wktk angry patches of A c »rmf..nd*i.; |wct. | deslrwetiv* tnflMninaUoo were otvaterv.l frara ber.-tii.t,- iei!.!<«ed 1 A go. lU Quaker bad two boraes,_a jnle.g th. whole .L.aatarv ran.L Whv. , sfaisls -nre re the hwrh. i very g—j and a rary pcor us,,. Whan thm .M nomgk at death in that *>n's "ith tire frathrr . .d a g -• seen riding Ihe Utur. tl l.nfa oat that i body to have kifad fa«y. The doctor who — I... fatter U*r had taken the go,Q one.— talk* a host guixliog hqnor every day he. .S«e#t appW. Brw 'WUl r said sxmsreng Uofafa; ho. rag heallhy. Is a perfect dwgrace ta the ^ws nlrea fed In r.w,a~-t - Irtdler hurarl" T»w reply w*a, - Kritud. to break sfaue far the terra of hfa uaiarel -fter utlrer fte.l u . , he 11 , 1 when fare fa roamed tUe’N khow." I klc, at a sh.faog a day and Ami hmravM." I thau cgl.t qua a* ftd at « ie t NSW YORE

Page 2: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. · ^ns from the top of corn house, whistled Yanke e Doodl whit eating hb brcakfait, and wrung tbe nWfcs of »ll the fowl* on the place to make a chicken pie



PLAINFIELD, N. J., MCH. 24,1870.


happened, tin efarfow k i l l of fiwir

l a m-t—J -*-—Bii-n aanapyisg, ..;• la&aaa Kni-, h u rratd a

, • . . - - , . the Smtfl of i!i- Coi-

. " . ' • . " . " ' ' . . ' ' ' . , • • ' . . 1 ' . . ' ' . . ' • • ' •

• ' . 1 ' -.•':• .\-.^,r:,-'^M^J.mart*. It omnpktelj out

. • : . . i t . .• . . I1

- - : .1


• i t .' ••" • | " t \ . ' , ' j , , i D U l r I s

• ID I ' l l . ' c - . m r i l i m e n t t . i ' V

. • Berth * ~ n > i ttwikl K- pro-

v .• a .•:-, i ;L carisnpoo Radical

i . , . - i - t h e • ' i • o f l i e ' ' •• :•• i •• -v

!!.<.• nilo.r wn"iir.-)v Do batWr.

i ' It lad ti

:. -, •.„, btfcw** v ^ » -| , .•-._ —SoBlloni Irlciejirn-

• • ; - • ; .y•••• • '« ' • • ' eradoppret-

l: reb bringe " l p enonnitj prominently

i |a riew, u d ni-tbiutfa for it.n .. >• L. il I hrtliei r •• triad—"TTicj

1 :'^!riS™Z.i!ltv

1 • ..,.;.- nilli tin- blnckeitof in-


• ' -" ' • " •1 ; ! |

" '1

- " • '

C?c.-oral SLotidua want* Co], Bakerpromoted tot b e i w .cliieMUieiiM in fill

•Wfcrtiu toe gallant MMfartoly ,. " ' ' * " • ' " i " , " ' " . ! ' : | , " . ^

1 • . . ; • "

. ; , •,, .• - bitj,lt*xMtty of thoCoobd-

fi;,!,. Army, is »•'« -••" «*"«* i o 1 » "•'•,. . f !,.' Viceroy of Efyp*.

' .


SfMgW nrc nsefr,,, bul like many oilier

much money, «nj be flnwtftjy located.We find bj consulting il.c" Frwholdere

itRlcmcnt of MAY 10. ISCO, t W forllie

("uiiTtv ofLninn (30,959: and »c likc-trhekaattailn liiat 538,872 of such outlaywas charged .lirtct to Cities and Town-

ffitaobelk, - - • 118,180

Summit. - - - 78

t 3 3 e - . ,

Tliat m o d i a few important itcnu..nliwhmay not be unprofitable for yon I.

It *,io>va that F-lizjiln-lii ^b*orbcl ftbfiur

eilaca Henri y iwo-tUinis of lUo cnliri'

It -Lows tl.:l tho city of Klizatwtli nnuthe adjoiirfog fcmtwbip uf Linden,, toot nboot M W of M -!.-•

man oub thmn di.l tl.e towusliip« ufl'iaintiL-M, Wettfold aiiJ New JWiJ tnce

I'nnJct lliosc fact*, Taipayers Ibey

Figures art jiowciful urj^utneiiU.


It in <Kffl<-nit to imagine a m .IT m«d

bt "s man *al!-.| Morton, of Indiana, inti.. I"-..-, .I BH - 4 nate, ivlien, upon! e

B • • | . . . '^^nok'u.defrm'

• " ' . ; • ; ' ' : ' ! /• : l::T i:'-u;:;rri""

fiin~. sr..J iti Ill _ - ,; i thereby

|..riv mi... nill appbii.] Ifo low bre'i ci-

"*"• * * ^ ^ T ~ r ~

. •:. • ma r ilMi .n-raiii of miutanl

. t . l l .! •,l,..:.-.l,. ' lu! i »!,.,. c llti.1 ..f lii.bcrl


Wij- l / . i i^ tyn l i . ! , v " . k . Mr. M n n l m l l , a

n .- - . •' • ; . _ . : , „ ; • iic

i ICM prim i| •. - .• I ,r--, titat i.

:•.-:• .>.i"'j:.v";!i!i;™'i!"!,S'il2"i

i, •..,-. H i be re»cheJ.

Uaumoiu .lull..-, mi loiuriw.

Timt is Dernocracv.


• , lie following nsolmi •'. ::\ TJ,.,- si] pen ma aellna .

every State L^giaiatiico in tLu L'ulu^j *fdby Con^icis to bauU

A Bukinv-ire Unck>mitli Living In-rented a h',r.e-*twc that may bo Uken, j f f o t night n-,,lputo,, apia lo Iho n a n -

e,t»n.u. tl.i,,^f,r j , , ,™^! ,™, ^t^l . , .

ttug hone i- alv*f» Inken off at the iwunc

Uajor Mnvd &reko nn oaten o r e

Wiftsa ..'. [iniadw*]' the oilier do?.—


journtd tine Jit on FiiiJof nijjlit la~L—

E"r M n . nenfelnMOn-fbT mr), ..r.

^ J.^r"!"'™""!!",'"*"""!'"

L:.'.'.'.'.' 7,'.""'.'.'T•'!.'","v"'i!-'.

; ^:

' ' . ' • • • . ' , • . : • • ' ; • ' . ; • " / • • "

lo complete )hnt in lined, to ncconipli-hwlikli n fc« dHV» longer wouUJ LBIC

,u&mmim**m-**m ••

' ""^rVulT-KKS. *'

(,'onnJ—William Ihunan-] CaaKanand AniUoy;! BuJJ.


mats ofAfHcan italnnaiubio M'irkti'i'

Fmrident Grant ..cruMii. Admiralta

tii.-in —

t !.• l)i.ini.4i.,ii,.],iru,j tlti- ii •L-.I::,,;I •:•-.

B-o'itu ]'.'• [.•-:'r.i''.T .i-1 «•!'•*, • J ' r ' " . r ' i •'.'

p t a t f a r m o f .-.»nr. .^..t. . . A e j Bung ; . •

insult sqiiiiro back l.y [ s b m J a g AJu , ; , . . ;

'.bifits1. nnd tint tliov in-i-t be nlkiwcJ lobe ihc judges oftbett 0*n poficy."

fair, 1 a~n:ilio» ->f negrw», ,,„ afonsign-« on, «ho ID&H to bo« to iHegBl


Tl.pDebt p rodr -n i j l i n t i ' na reha r J

Tta Bj nste baa p*uni .• Ftindlng bill.•Lichenconnection «!-!< crialinffJiw,

" Ti^it Uic isana 'jf p i ah icia .:J •'! tn

" ' 1 t ft H H i . : : , • • . ! • - i f , n


. l . . , , l . k - l « , , ! H I M . - . . . • • . b d I B M

r..l,,.,.^,,,,,r,.,W,..,,,,,.' . , ! : - ^ ^



j : ' ; , . ' " . , • . " . ' " ' • • " ' . . . . " ;' "J'!

p c a r a n r e o f M K • _' ••. a a i i


1,000 IW liigl.. We dW>t if il can befouhil bv tfru iLL-xt jjr'.sJN-tto", but if•pied uut, v i wuuid JiLa a few t»i» lo

en« ui tn ifjuine fpeciu (>&) ii,Bi,is.-_

i.s "„ ' .?""" • • " " " • ' • • " • " " " - •

- . ' i w ' l ' 1 - ' " s '";'!'.• '::.","~y

T l i c - i t y m a r ! , . - i - • . ; , ; , . .

I ' . ' . i i " ; ' . ? " •.';*' ,''!"•''•••;;"''; •';'''"'


Unnj l:e,.ul,lic:.,.- »lv I.M.m. i; tin.l

•mtclion. wd . . . . . »r p , , p , i i,..ld vont iu ,i,,.«i..S. II.«,ltta S n q , M

v . v ' " ' . ' : " . •"•"• ' • • • , V " ' . . ' 1 " " ' " ' ! , •

i ty—l l . a t ..^.^_.;^ 1 ^ :t

1 ' - " 1 ' ^ • j 'Y"1

.•f M v \ i •-. a rc ti»-• \_. L L I U - . • ! ' • d m u n i

fu( licp • - ' • • • • '_ ••' >:

£S^S M'. '-\,'.;,; 5£

Onelvom- tho rncn k our wmsiry1!

S....H I n all :;•'!•'•. | ' ' ^ ^ E VJ fp W *

f r » l « » t i i i t I-:;-!---- • - .• - • S o nV , . , k . M i . V. i | . , i . ; . - ! • 1

Mr. I . . ' • : • « . ™ • | - ' - ' ' ' ^

mates irejBnoes an! IIIM m l l i ^ i

Gr nt.' ^ a "" " J H L " 'i'"'!"":l1

G » m f i r a n l I k " , '• ' . ' . ' ' ' •''••' " -1


• , , , V i ir :

. : ' ; 'r i

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r' ii.":<.;; :,',; -iv',!;'.,,;/,'

\ i • . * * " . .•

A ,,„„.,; sssi f ,.,. i...

rlo'd" Jreppl^ ' j C T a m»mM~

A - w-ui"™* ,„>

V i r k a ! , , . • , ' , • • . ' /

" ) ™ : ' ^ •!: I'TtMu'v';,;;!' iiiii""i:s""

A !,-i, n i.' .. RrrinqJ iit l i i i i -m. IB .

: „ : : • • • , ; • , ' J : I n d :

• * ii^*« i "•"'l' "I 'T" " " " • ' " ' " ""'''


N M H i a . . , i" ••

^ ; M > , . , • . ; - ; %.:


W>kTK-A.'"«..,',M «..,'..,;, '«.V.i,' lift, J. t l,

TO FARMERS.A I . . • • , i

r . 1 - " ' • • . • ' " • • ' . • , , ' ' ' , ; ! .

For Saie.TWa . " - 1 lou 1 BO^TXI-* nn'd ™ f

F. &L. Many & Marstall,


Trenton Loci: Company,

City Hotel,GEO. MILLER, - - - Proprietor.

APRIL i l'th. "

'" . \ ,^

Ci'ass ' " *" ' ' ' ' ' " "" " F ' r s ! "

Oisier ana Ise tea S?.loa"""" '"" "*tr

!> H, P, BRONK, I 1

On Monday, March 28th,AT 3 O'CLOCM, P. M.,

12 Superior Milci Cows.TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE.

Chas. Millo. Aucnonoer. . • • ••

Mon,1.v. :.!..-!•;-. EStll. 157O.

One 5'year old Colt.

; ' . . • . • . . i . , - , " ' ' ' • '

2 Span of Heavy Mules,- . ;" ii K.,r, W „ . . . ,

- ' J. S. I>O«K.

,.. ?"*"•" r 1 " " ' . . . . .....

H i i s s s - ? . ' ' •• •1 . ' • • . ' • • . :

: 5 r TI u i


Hey. Wm. H. W

Tlmrsday Ev'g

r f i ; h ,

1 L D U R N ,

CMch. 24,

Central Ecftirmeil Ckurca,SIHlt-" WHIT 4 BLKD UK !AS H PBI11

"•'-•"-zci:: ::-''•••••

Rooms to Rent.

;,v''''::s»f;^".'!:"' ":"::'Good F?ooms with Board- ' , ' . • • ' * ' i ; ' , , ; . : ' ' :

1: y.--n<,-••,•,•••.••,:




1. • ^N i A' M.'i I L S I I ,


, ., . .


Phalon's Night Rino ning Cerjs,

In.l ill 1,'U.T s . , ^ . in ;i+. l>™_- U I - I . . « . . i L ..»•

Citizens' Coal Yard,

[ ' T^ A I N" P I 1<: I . I >. N"•. . 7 .

I>U Lollijjrb, W Ik- lane. : i-^li D»-

<•.,: nnd IT . V, 1 '. 1) B OBI 1

N E V I U 3 &c R O O T .

" i :se IT] IKi^ i c /-* o u a? AI a?O L E O F' H t iV E

A very Superior tji^lity of K-trosone


R. MacDonald's,

Instruction on the Piano.

Miss Olive L. Rogers» • • • • • • . p . : ' • - ' ' ' • • • • • •


. ' . . . .... ..IF., t-.i, ^ . .1


. . • . ' ; , • :• . . ' •• ' , . - . : r j . j ' M 7 . ; T , v 3 , a

Thuisclay, March 24th, <I'<.|,H. 11.1.1

, . : . • , , ; , •

leisstoU aid Kitcta Fnnitirs... ' ; . • • . , • • , • - - ; £ - ; : ' •

S • i, t-. l \ i H i ? I \ c . i.. ::..>:• Shint'

. „' , ,. s • p. CASEY"

I:. i*. THOit\


Ales, Wines &Liquors,Liquors unit %'i

grulcs nn.l jwicoJ

Eng!tnh ami Sent?,

,,..». JPhiladelphia Iv>rOld and Xru- ,tlr

UlO nmn], by the 1[US

I'tire Cttler \ i "

• <r '.' • •• i h r m i •!

' . . fWli ii Pr.i..ip


V . ;^,;; I; :; ,;:;;;:I I;; I;;^\


1(?S of Miiuus

j4bff,b; lie


Bt Cffloe orattended toii" required.

Plainfielfl EmporiniD

— — ' t - •

STOVES &, RANGESTin and Hardware,

A o n • , ' • • • . • •

Wttd m m&nr WJTE. QsBta ^ n a s ^ E:3

House-Keeping Articles

! ' • ....1'".^.-;i'i-w^«

JAS. >I. 1>L>.X.

Cherry Street,• - - -

" CAiacoSs.


HOSlEET, &r.»L5O




New Crop New Orleans Molasses.

_- - _. __91, 91, 91. 91,Market St.. opp. Washington,

I-j«l\riti -V. Brown

iU. ernvtoWfl ti» KaiOtawj =t U.

Fell and Winter Stock of

Boots, Slioes IBuiiiiers*


,,.,,,..c Boot. «nd Shoes t«


Custom Department.

• i i <> T

Spring Trade!



•i • L»rSest^ and'moat complete

BrocuriBs, Provisions,FLOUR, FEED, &c.

F H « e i a t i n 1 ,«>w

• :• • • M D OC o o d a I . I " « I H I B 1 I I .«i' 'Mi<.-br»i» (.•>»>. 1.1. , j I, . . , . , . . h l I

I'l- • IJ . ; , i . ijk, I™*.™ *

Clothing'"• BISCHDHB

i^erchant Tailor• : " - : . " - . . . . . • . . . . .

: Clothing, Cloths, &c,

Pteady-made CIotMaJ

Coats from $3 up to $28.Pants fi-Dra $2uptOK

Vests .from j En &

" Jolm M. 6

• • .. .

I' J P J.

-V ,V ' ,


• .P a p e r H . . : . r : : : - : . : - - - .

.' .

Eook & Stationery Store


: '. • ' ' " -

New Book and S:r.: . • . .


' " i ' . . . • • " • • . . - , •

Import their Ccods,



grama . - • "-_ °

J - ' J. E. PARSOSSi CO.

Newark Botanic Depot.

P. P. SA'JKtER & CC,Botaulc and General Druggist

" • . . . - a . r'.«

. : ^ . _ " •


Frout Street, - » •'

flrnppripQ; Ppnvitiillll'!

Hartpence &. Losej's

CITY C I S ! STOEEAsCheapastkGheapf-

.Our Motto la

"Sitmll Profits *Q

PURE FEED !Coano Indian Menl.

Whom Shons.Wheat Bran.

Oau "t RO"^hoi««""

A i w r ^ m w ; •- • •

1 . - . •

llutttcr<L>Ti Co*"**?

1 . 1 * 1 1

2 TIIB C< >N ST IT 1TION A1,1 ST. H. 2L 1S70


SPEECH OF SENATOR REVELS. of the ^ ba, happen-d. Ih« fcnu of W -J-l—u-b. wap^- 1‘r rh.rr of Jiflrrvi

ATTENTION, TAXPAYERS 1 arr mefhl, bill like imiit other things. they can be made lo n»*t too ■tuck noser. and be «s«W1r located. We find by consulting tlic Free bolder* statement of Mar 10. l?C9. that tor tlie yea* ending that date. Bridge* co*t tlie Omtrty •* Union #39.So»: and *r Bke- • i*r ascertain that fi3**.*7.! of «o. It outiev so* charged direct to Citie* ar.J Town- •lips a* follow*: - |in.j*o

- ‘ ‘ 11777

tit Sir whits r.a Summit, UM: It rempktrly oat | TTiat revoela a few important item*. «yi'' I »«J i »lib'll may set bo unprofitable tor ton t • ita* gum of aorh men : ruminal* upon . Mr-. C>*rxVliii. , It that TZiudh-ili absorbed about and if »;.e, tliry will j forty perornt,ami lUliwnt ai«ist twenty

ran* I" be Mi'L pended for bnJ^rm. inakinz f.*r tb©*e tw- ,t. rd —me tcoiarh* j olio* nearly IwelLink of the entire tbfid

tie eaUit* I -I.o«* tlot the city of Ktimheib ane adjoining t»«t>*bip of I.n.ier Uwt. took about w« Unif of all the

irir. whon almoe: J It shorn, that to bail! and repair <'->•:fisletate rani-. I mw cadi limn* did the lonodiip* of res daughter* and Plainfield, WeUgckl and New I’wniiMO a *ollicr» sere left combined. l'onilvc tbe-v tact*. T*» payer*. the; nth. and *u-b a* no Figure* are powerful afgutnenis.

SENATORIAL DISGRACE. -•Sty to put f, rth. . thank* for rrt- r*t« rpon Jladica

™‘‘’'** l** j fiit£. and the only th r-weird thereby I ■» the e rest are Mr|./n Lmwlf. Tbcr* . IU. Ui>’» ..., „„ ..... tkiLIUpoNi . . ,. "k~"S i'. l ...rty .U.illnra.h.,1 l,\. 1.. Ur.

THE LEGISLATURE- The bgUtfM of Xt- Jtw? >d journed J* «mi Finlay sight UO.— SIk rt *c**ii>na arc shen the buoiim* of i. ,m! priMvcoted and fimitlfJ up, but t«» *p«a out two moiitli*. working udr «Uel three day* is tju* seek, ami then finally adjourn, leaving a large nambci of MUs «id many of them Important, /«• fall It/,- Am. demands from lbo people an em- phatic role of ceneiiTT. There ws* no uW rci»*nn for .neb ns a'rapt a- j> oranient. an.l it i« due to the S»aal.r* to nay that they dr* ire J is

•uflWd i

FirV Ilithtst—J.-hn II M*ttier. Stnmrf IKktrirt— \. >1 Hutchison. Thin! Dialr.rf - Jur>« Hitebae. Fturfi 1/itlriH—IVtrr Surth. F.fU, UiUntl—Michael Kilcanley. Panicl P^K.Miw'n and Ja®» Soprr.

,nd Asiboj l lailroiwl—I lame! Badd. GOOD FOR HAYTI.

*V. M. .<•. A. LlXTlfA. LE(JTI HR.

Rev. Wm. H. MILDURN,

RECONSTRUCTION. TO FARMERS. lwpiuw...» ..f tkr game of rrroiafntrtiog rrco:. Yl . 'T'' at roc ti" ii. andaom* ©f di-m .p^ak UJJIy 1 S' * * '***• ^* ** %r-" * " out in meeting. II.-nr ^bc £***<*/ /W Itw* • - -- ■“ !'.r - »n tlaat topic: | * K. L. ADAMS. " fkir* i.riariwl Batlar* tbisk it ■wf*’' »■"•«»• * U> line.f *1 brlp^-tt I" b.. Iu:.r »•>•! ti'cutor'il *.*lo-

• i- . • Central Reformed Church, T.*,*trjrLrrr . •-VST-yt-J.' ~ nvr -niTtnaiuiiirnruB'

h~J r4—j _sr.-_r*_. .***""

>1-FALL ^nFwinH'e

Clothing! fldnintjM p '

'ro,,t i Merchant" TaiLr.

f HOTEL RESTAUWAHT. Rooms to Rent. STOVES & RANGES, ClOtflifljj] ClOlhS. &L Ine ttppor p»irt i.r n llo«m> i — - — ' ” v,f01 "T

rVc.i-.ieg |ni>Rtrt*nf* N1" |.i»»i»e*a » .«tT-l bars been proper, bat nb«t.-iat*ly rrfudntf to conipk te that ia lined, lo accoutplfh ■ Lai'k a f- » <la»« k|( r would baac ailismt jsalificmioa. M vet lag the fobowisg af point-

Tin and Hardware, Cttr/penlrr*m cT V«mm‘s 7W«, «i, .rgi., aej T-11*. • " »' t-* U-gm anew I — ■t lbs mker end of .In. fins. j Wc I, |.e tU IUr •' ' -«•* » i »-A »p • t'..ngre« i* t" »! t «n rrtnr'.* to*

For Sale. ■*i n/« wiCwa ” Wm. E. TERRILL.

Good flooms with Board

FOR SALE. House-Keeping Articles R< 1 .y-n.. . C ; - *lp» . vr hi-, ». - -••«* a i *ii I I- r ' - *••». 3. 9. VEPMEULE.

,vV I*;.'--. ?■ & L Many & Ksrshall, for ribt. Ins ira>» • Rfsk. as* hair tbs sa^-r f■» I ' ::.rM^iSrSziijCf builders’ hardware,!";; irir--*’ \v..l.;OB. I,. a. .1^ «... No.4yWomr. H . KMryorl. ...i.•

Coats from $3 up to S29 Pants from $2 up u

Vesta from 1

Trenton Lock Company,

Ut II!... • . t-1 0.1 City Hotel, .I:.*, j for. Chrrrtf mu! S. coHtl

, S I, IM.MNI--IKI.1.. >. .. V : GEO. MILLER, - - - Propr«tar. j V

QW. A. HAUSU. / IIUOMi A U.MLMI, • - ill -i.Vi-*. >1. or>>. FOR SALE. 1 :: .' • 1 ■ ;. Cherry Street.

bully the Has tins tiovetuon-i.t bv U-lliog j “ If any attempt* •hnsld 1«- ini.i- upon I the iMiiiiiikas*duriiqf the sihr'lmL.Hi«.!

Inlcd" J i

APRIL I Ith. A rir.8T-CI.A89 HOTEL.


' Phalon's Night Rooming Ceru;, , o»U .1 no»Tf/- TtMAW A THORN'S,

rd St a . * •? 11 .uIJ^ I»ld that . aivplke wblc ruk-r* of llaytl to crouch like *|>aiiirla sad I. k llw baud ■ f Mr. tirant’. arm. | mesws-t,. Not . bit of iL Imt. •Ui.l.og rncl s|«« tin platform of $.*erri-sly. they din* tU in*oil x)S*iM bsck by Inf.mni'ig Adiioini

1 " U. * | ,u *\'« .,C A . J{!*rA t HA a r. . v,: i'' Ofitsr 23d fee to SllCCJ. < OA,-: < < > vi.s:

'■ Citizens' Coal Yard, . .-OCTIo^V vo. i n fi n. .1.

: / ^ g t r^SSl*. * r-~vi>att~i-r&.'jiiLl g **i..n « >3 lo ,„| || . u—i ir ,u o,ni ‘ ^ H. P. BRONK, §

• On Monday, March 28th, nS AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M., . i;■ V.-; 12 Superior Milch Cows. 0 L E' n e rf|T0BI SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE. ^-^TTTT _ f". • SEi*^. WtLLtAm LINBARCEf}. CANTON FLANNELS. III. 'N|«K|s — IIOsJlEliY, 1 Paper Hattflae I>


sEum.uss im-iv

5 X E w ;■ Eook & Stationery Store


" Nmr Book aid Sts! CHERRY STREET.

New Crop New Orta Molasses.

i m«y omnU*r "f the pr .o-at Senate, fwowv* I- n> a U** li'iwlrr. a rrchto%« p*rti**n, n.tb —1 *m> Vr tbvi a -rain of .n«*Unl w*4. lie .W.l U»«r entiowed kit* •Iiafnt^ hr drealing Itcn ButUr. iiubl«*> j etifl a tfuan^sd foil *1.0*0 that of U *b*rt t L«*. and tlirti, for the credit of the I State of Indiana, roalgnml U.acaL DEMOCRATIC.

CONGRESSIONAL TINKERS. Tic II. bt v. I Carmney tinker* are hai « ■ rk is Casgrv—. a hutch, d j. her aro likely t.. w,l.. .f i,. Tic -S-natc l.a. f*-«d a fun-ling I. !

■uit- I t-k

OIL c-' L®1- 91- 91. 91-,_ • M'-' Slond.y. Mnrch Usih. lt-70. n ■ MacDonald’S, Murkft .L, OJI/I. Wanhliit/lon. ’ Cl'-'-

Import their Ccods, uni a. ' •» jm. - MU11U.IJ. Ainri'D .'ID. 1C/U. | ~ " * V'i-i ' i' , *T ** e-cioc* r.... ■•.mo.PMM.Pu.'lnM.m. j.

. ' ,°U.°.G ycni'old .CoIt;. Instruction on the Piano. • - Miss Olive L. Rogers 2 Span of Heavy Mules, •' • &. l-'.l-»v-iri Urowi

t Hsavy Mfagnna.

5. S BROWN Consumption.

th« j "That any Ui.k Cu.i.* •* "fur the J *b,iil l-« soand ■[.' ill; ..f •-.lalmlly j Letter.” • tba »*- I <»r in otlirr w-ird* : "T1,c bank "^ha^n!* | 'vrC ®r** rni"*'' 'T,l'« m*b*T i* ffw-n’ * .rticic j TI,r* *hr. quantity of the i—o<* yield the I 'b'liblrd and the greesbsrk* mil -i.l. lb*’ ' r/n»«rn and nnriM, l-iitlb* aliiigil ' l kr red".in is li-ru rrmvh* ust~ir!.c4 icx Third, lb*I __

I "Am.-h.-ut tlir i M..II. ■* ihsr lor sur ngaia*: II...

b—"That »« proceed * a»! build a nca brick chur. h. re- 2ad.—" That ll.c U-.M- ar,.!

h Stroot. cornor of Sycamore. A CARD


Thursday, March 24th, AT 10 O'CLOCK. A. "," M|<||-I<. « |-.|||«. mill I l,...~.-li,.l.l <lm»il«.

Fa— ana Wln.o, Stock of J. E. PARSONS i CO. Newark Botanic Besot,


aar «"• M>ix loon and Shoe* t Ol WARILCT STREET.

CONGRESSIONAL VIRTUE. *IV Hew of Urpemeetali.r. at TV

mci,tbeprc»i»u*H“'*- «kcj »»! P‘, »• c^ruc.-- and the raaelailoti scut! edifice. I* -**-* Cwtumittce. | 3iJ—" Tin: the en.-n^utios -I Uyirg u|hpi, the table ! ia the oM not ,1 the he* UU. tUl sfi tl.e .Vc* ‘ cr.ispl.led.” •. l: , . II - . .. -! su<i m >. i*.!,.1 THE FIFTEENTH. - , .j - iv WcUr* j -f tlr nftreitth Am- ■ '

I - trine a. M J Tm.ll,; ** *»• rw . *.«• -f tb«- < • ’W Mvp. t, . t-,, *ed «w.l<r the 1'Hte* ••• ’nl*’naclied J P *,U fail ’'’ - • 1

* U* hitariw. j l,,e> •'•k^U b^tW-»*»? ■ roi»-> SSi2!™

•n tk- •! M» j i lihrr.-w si.

M. I'. LiuicJ • new Term

-I striae. r in the


r«wde*. tbr di*.

. * Custom Department.

Il<* !

Spring Trade! licraili sti Octal Finiiire.

WM- A- WOODRUFF, P. CASCT. « i*. Tiioiix

P. P. SAUNIER It CO.. Botauli- anil Geneial Dr.;;rja,


Attention Consumers '■

Groms ;'Fmis« Hartpence & Losey's




U-r,t _ As Cheap as the ChetP&i'

Ales, Wines^Uquors.

Old Post Office in Cherry St. Whore ho ofTuv* for Bele,

Liquor* ami A i I ibeltv lb port e a„J l**F‘ •' "" ; It .Looij La alopiod ao.l aatMal br , I,....... n, . „k„ ' -»■ roa».«a U.Uoi **»”“|„tfJSutoL^pUatorohtb. Ual«a,aad|| 000,,.cthwl, w. a.„,b, „ „„ u ■.... tl I ..... kino abrlaa r.nnc.*o U.— —I Sum lAjWMoro ia lb. Loioa. aoa I ,f000 ,,.rt kwk ro-.uJ -be plow. b, OoajU« lo l '

UfBatal SbonJui Foot. Col B.kor , A blatkaiollb U.,;>g lo

. S-™ si*, .o .r -lu; Groceries,ProTisions,.:

1 .pi»I —it. &vr 1‘hllii-trtiihtn l'i,rfrr. p,oaot.a f- batolo acki.vata.ou ia Ik. lk.1 U ul„, ~.“‘- iotf at aickt an.l pot—i again io Iko | V.1..I J..| tk* cVlaat aaflbr««I •. |1.„L-1 ,apat -v. it h ao aa-1 ___ •eg, a lUrtKard |«epcf i . oouu—i tkiiij Lt l« 4a. to W | I. V. , -. | *n“ I uL - off at ntglil ia th.t Suu., 1 ' » r.-Uu .oik V il. - I .a- a,. . Ik, k-ava i. ala.v. tal.o .<f at lh. urn, Tl* ril. a..-he It. »„t o.o-l |,U,n I I a-atkl— ka. pot


broke m» oaken j <• >li.rtr | a ku<

m-Hi.W. and fw. rird t . I’. «f

* Wilke* Bread* »y J * Ivrt =• bare j^ece"—i • other day— The wheat in N-»r«l, lio r« and Aim t piec-w | kmk. eery prou.Uo* ' ' - ; .

• ‘J tv.f nuii Vi’ir ,|i.a, J-a-o fu.™ — ' r- —- Yrrv , lllr < h,rr% I-' /'.Ira ,'trtrr I fif/iir. ...t. na.V—. •" -i-‘. ~ Ordara throtipb Pint cm CO or tbrrwi.o Promptly Eittanded to v-..i u.—, . ; • II i-.i-l k- La... II. .t Uluoda tMiTr^-dTu n-iuivad. c

■ ■ etna. ' l



1‘i-ift-- ».« 1 .«*>

Final S-aa.

Wlmi.C I-'I* < /l-iil.Hlit « , «p»wi tlilrf u,.r U"4-

Page 3: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. · ^ns from the top of corn house, whistled Yanke e Doodl whit eating hb brcakfait, and wrung tbe nWfcs of »ll the fowl* on the place to make a chicken pie

M i l l . 2*.«I57QJ

City and Stats Items.-


[ g - A Meeting o f ^ « V- ••-

Satmdaj Mining, Hrah Sflil, Uj

J. IV. VAXES, CToimon.


Tin- miunliu of last rai>eli 115 n ere up-

E. W. BUBJOT frnm the Committee onTHle repented pragma. HrportMCCpteJ

Ttil - ' " V i ' i ^ V tl'Jn " ptl .0cr.,K-l M t!..-r..,,.id*™,|..» ..f ihe t-,.n*iiiiitilrti an.

Tlie PresidoW rttammtfed n* fallows:

poXKiTin o.v FIKAKCK.

Aha VtUvartii, JMOU lv'irU.-r,D. W. F. Bmidtjljflt

J. Frank Hubbatd, W. 11. T. Lane,

A. Van.kil-u.-L, E. hi-uu Dow,Wm. L. Force.

Whirl, TON fnfiniiL-d.'ihc P l C i d w t banded o v « to tl.<

J , h u K i w i s Suvdam, «f SacmmCBUsCaKfortriB, formerly of Somcnel 1 m \ .

Engton Monument.

\ ICA I^it^idt'n- ITorton b\.*Li<£ called I*.

Hr. Harper uffored as follows:Rochet, That &» filllawrag Eamin]

i^Hp gpsrJnhn'lfc KvJi.. ' \."\V. i'.i'Xmi'.r..-,J.i.:. I>. Egbert. Sasiscl ilauoxng,

Jwnn Rilcbw. ' Afiwt A. Thuto,J_ IJ. K. SiiuiN.v. ,1.w(.l, U. Osborn,

Fbtneai IL French, U v b C r d c , M.D.oTSmnouel <"f*6mv.

J&wfetf.'TbM Oic Financa Committee,

"I'mi'.lt™ "f \h"]',, . ; , , - „/ , - ' •' rim ito Mi nnrncnt r ™

i'-i-ir'''rii'-i'.-tr,;''7h'nr-rr",,tJ("'uot at t is MIMIC place, Jussday etenmg.

T. J. GILLIES, Rec Sic .


UIGCX3X of IBT JERSEYOn Mi'iirinr the a i « , die Bjii-copsl

r : . f i t is I>iiit<lii. »t>. mi n oe •

l._ ,; Bo*. W. Q " . . . i , . , , . . . , DD.,

•ii bfleh rnJajged .-m-i beMlifltx .

• di nil U. ' t f' ili • ' t ' " h '.. m e :,],.. v. m been paid oft.

U s E i i U - . r . r t V . n . i . i1

; . . , , : : •, . ..• '.

•_"•-.; ;., oUre i , , . ' - ! . • ' - . • ...

'meTmk H'L'^'^I 'I 1 twTtnea

Twreh, thai ii isjion a tittle gem in

we f.,v..i-»l.iy will, »"y Cliumi of i t .

. • the L.-^.-i.iy » i . i . was. U E S S K Lainl» & r.i ' . . ."f Sew

• .i I li -• «i.i!.t ..n Iba

' - ' . [ l;.' •".'•'l."; .', 7 T ' , , ' , -

•W Laeum.

fiaoari vRniioa i- « triplet ot-ei i

•! : .«• tl.- Ltgbtrf 11.0*0*1."

iliu liiiiixl of tWAmrrien. En-ryll

Ull"-wil'i™"un! pr


*'"" : ;"'™""

A . l l V l l . ; »1UU

Mi: - * : •

, v : . . , ' , , . , ' . . ; • ' . • .

| l | ' - ; ; ; , : . ' v i ' : - i

,r '' '

Btearioo <rn. a

t i l i ' r™'-''

• - : • 1 .- K l

.['.^..r,' tncnfera

B»Te, w d i i . i - . •• ••

f ^ P - W e MM b y

md .'. aa pof c BI

^gy-A yuung

Gibb*.' ht i l lo lit*

of hb (ioacM Ida,

Monda; l»t. Ha I

^nzrlt KiilMr. pfttenon <.f Sr

ie llrjunl pfnpcrt*

Aaalico, would form


(M rtJtUt

1.. Ill ! W ; (


op Rod Veabj, »ho.

ST. D t Rffl, ".id after

R 2 r? S™R™

'raver thin filllowft*

\V. II. Coofcr, A »

Crinilj-, KTBW F o r t

v. Ilr. Ahercrombic.

lex, J)r. Coote.

m,inn Service *ilf] the

n d a nnd G.>spel wgs

the former being by

E , f ,U hnidaLdU.

verb .>f the Rector,.- ,.i~t foar venae of

'IT"*!. Iha cT""!"BsooMH) eriden^ng

«£ «'^'iy rf 7,,


W iT <••"•!:'• ' »IIIM-

i , . . , . . II IBHlanl was

[., 0.9 Bei. l>r. Vox

itutad to the Clergj

ji.J.n\.N. Y. prmrde.

• . .

• „ , , , ' V , , ' - . ' I t

•sen w- looking t..t.

here they an tat ub,

nd aimed UoukMn,a , , i n a Miil of It. A.G H , m « f a , J»a-I two

off by » planet on

doiii* *d.» T5.U- hotel ! - -

fcltO 'liiJ.lin* ID•Ibo n n kft.Tri..,.,,

tl.s atoTc, knovi aaAtttlD,0Otl.

E S " l-'i"day evenin

W o l t a '".j

weepffioa si• •...•• thra

last. Mf ciliaeiin wenti. m-of. - Kre." Upnn i»-prored to (M in itie PlanSttg

lfibb« adloinintf tho Gas

the ground, to t ivitli Iha"ZepByr H..«k and Udder

1 hih HIJUVC C.-""ip;mv I'lrm'-.l

QD the lUuios. Tlie origin

Tiie G.-u Company, w)n> are

, . to i h e i r ^ g i - ; , l,ir,dof

h.y were ropairicjg:, and appointed a nii.r.«li.iin theyhe u m t '

.ho G M Wo

prom ; • .

woifc in the

i ' "l l k " t . : l l : ' '

1(i , vf ^

,rC anvjud•lionld thinllin-c-qnnrtLnay mid dothe fact i h .


!«° . " l i t*

„.„ g ,prnie i« da

«,.,.. '.:


baamado ,.


tin) font vc

Tlio nielli in ijnestion be

i s as PBiovm, nflera shovel.

oaariag m&oi ihohtms* to- ! • • . . , Jbc6r«Md the lire

DBShdiB .hop adjoining, w ea hud battle in keeping the

an wra varpod oal ..f ;.;;

ape. The mail sav« hu wm

e ptxee ten ininiilci', but if we

,-c of tlir iirncress of fire wt-

n of an Lour lo g # Hie bnsd-

d ^ S T b e B d C H i tha i •• • •

ILTC ia no i»- WS . 5 ! 1

^wSuT '''V

... s: . ' . lirr^lT«Tort

i i ! . . ' . - - . „ - ' . ' . . : ' . •.' ' \ . '"••'•'•'

'':• v; ' : ' ;v; ; i . : : ' : ;

• i ^ . .-r ITIMIII ih aaSatar-

. -i of the linn.!

£ V££**'Z%?moving onThalri^^H,

i by inf..rmii-g Iha Currier,

•dded improvem-m, in ll,!

•dvertSBd in another coi.imn.

r old Bolt aTjd 111. HBO ofhcary Muli*, nra very fine nr,d dmlrubfa.

- 5 T " We learn that HmMj;.:! m -.• la

H a i o f i e H a t v OharteMjaesBd m-i (.. ".i,


W, F. R.111J.

n . WiiiiHt,,.





K c n n y i . ^ .

MDlora to

• • • 1 . i

V.*l M M in

ir rained rdhnr aWtaa, G.Iph, K'.|., for liis altatitipn

i>nrn that our fiii-nd, Wiliinm

i :- ll • •...- -ruw in Ilii-

diMiii^uish. th^ri-f.irr'. «e

•fd ibem :li.. .!..• mead • f

n..lieminn C.\aa 11I..K n a'areat pment UM ira te

JTbB wonT raJ' V 'n '

« I* L. Cumpton.on Kr..i,l


eiipJ^'d and tlio Tu.ittHiir

my that liic CanSMioMTf

b t.tabiitliDM "t oannot b«

' " J ^ ' T . B M . WAUM

A i l • • •

; ;V,;i ;! ; ; ,"1 lv,!w1


iwindlM haw We

of onrrrsntion 1

few weeks. Therd until next M..i

i'W A Loni, i

posed to Luce -EncendW.

; ^ - By rofen

"City Hotel,"will bo opi.ind |

Hotel, nnd if anIhc ma... In co.will he a floeIce Cit-iim saloo.

^ - T l . e SI,h.'t.-l at CiizubetlUirr,*.. opents 1

Fl 1 1]!.-. t

ness ruom at the

in ;




trial vlay, «


t"nee lo






oil fruitful ilicnieity (..r the p » ln» Hgnin pof:tpon-n motion of the

u.i.ertiwmert in

illar proprietor,nil .He Hbont lljoliflat has spend

3f the house, nnd

Tvllli tlie hotel

JSpOK, the irew

ie: public It i* *»id to

lit dnpot ..f the Now

^ : : : , ; ! ; i ,J ! , : 1 ; t !

" i ' , ' V H > T , 1 ' l i i ' . ' ' .

S.S, : . ! , , , ,

1,1,1.™ '::. '•


• ' : . . - • i . . . . i-m



aoon <>f the ment appruod that a

i • i ,- pa pei

u- lire oompni .•••

n. Jobn^on, win,

: : ::

: ; ; ::

: /:

: :


' " • , > : ' : : ' ' ; ' : ; !



mid, in fitlling. it espbded, cauaiinr ah*

the tnctory. The buildfaig, a I"n2 one-

killed and sWkhidv mnwlad'. Efcwralotfwn titre bud]i hurt by the tlrinp

tlie tinop * * • broken i.ff~ btrt otlimriM

iifleriiiir frt.m n p^iu in her mnfuh, midonly d.-eovered » dB, or two .inco Uialriw U cutting teeth fottJW third 1'IIIXT.

J ^ ' TAe A » M f tfflp is the nnmeof n new daily paper started »t l'litllipa-hiirgh, S. J. It is a fpicy little sheet,aiul we wish it nbundan co of prosperity.

J^^The officers of \Var»htncton Chap-tfr. So. 111. K"yn! Arrh Ma^ns, visited

dales. After the " ^rork" «a» di>no, the

roon?t«l"rcla B^Mlttiea'wa^iWHuf

"arll-M^'Vt'm^/Tmm^ll^Port/1—After Wling the pocketi of their visitor*

"hem aVood ii^ht."0"\CT\U", I'l.fmii.'l.i \-

maa lo c«\\ on.—AV.Mirt/i Monitor.

TIIL- l''l!itnlii-)-l T . ' i ' !..iii]iany"are n..« soil-ing their Ol.l Uov't. Java for 40 «•..

Ji; HI. 1 II.-..1.,- Teaa (

will, iiinrderiiij- Ins wifa, hiubeen convict

ed of murder. The Somcnet Gazette

The " d'lelor" or devil s fir*t wife die••ifaiili in BeMdBTs; W. hadaninso-

.^yV'l^'zj'^sb.,'.'. ,' •'!;. I . . ' . HM "•' I 'anrfcoM

i'1 - ' ' ' ii', i V L ' " \ V'r1' '' HLL-'I'.-

Ji-r«ibv hid foll'jwi-d hjm, ho did not HI'

»if.'-'[\lis5 Ki.i(r] until Le had L-li ilw

M \ V -1 lo^t in t int at

' lia-mucli as inprisonmwit for life i*

f..rfL-it his life.; ^ ? - T I . . M . E. Church willUecl.wd

-..-rT- Attaniion ia directed to thend-n i .-.•!. ••• i • :. sthoi c.l.iiiiTi of lhct.iV

; r - i . r t:,,.,i., « n tenderad Hon.

- - - " M r . AlnhoiiFO Dabb b > m t r1 ••• .-_, Ji-iippwired from£Hxabc&.

! • • ' 'i..'1!"r,'-!n"M., the 'X 'mA"^• . ' • .- • • - r,,ri,m,,.i.w Reight

•.. . inraed op »n right onM : . . ,x-l. ' IIL »a» -liurtbv a filling

.- . 1 wna bom.

; - — .\ Ens ocenrred in Brosd siree ,

' •, ii ] it I N .-iili.c^iirnllv earried un-li.inned (ram the Wil ing building.

• J » - A Urce smoonl of .-"al i . non-:. M.T-i- n d Roes row .

• ; • • • - -i Btora lr«ighi

-i bi^tatSS^t^r^ad1^

bta liM-n liled in the Ker;h.tet'& ofQce li

^ » a i k ^ Tleolo

CBJ "chool b u & M itartod in Newark,K J,

; . (? - Doso t M"«Tii«r.s.—Reirml fir«t

( j i.rc* m o « ^ t o ^ M j T - c

B u m & M*H*n.

2^?"* Auction B'iSKdotie at fiUurt noticeat ulriiiu-ly Im priucs. Give M a oaft

lisser, nn rtic-rrv Street, mskrtilip Bed Oyrf'r SrtK in the city for SScts,:-.. ' • .'..-lit of fuit ovitcra for 50ets.—

igiti • | -.•,- cold, i< our IloT

i i l i r j | w B ^ B T J . I I , ' " , ' im|r't<"l|r«e *Ji*J— in— il. and omes again.—

^Juki naafn \ a KplcEi.iid assort'

Uarfawe Jj OeniAk ' U .1'itBAP Ltna—AHUiciot! on but i

,.li- oj J.i. L...n Aienue rcni;iiiii«j; nu-•*jjd. f>-r «ilu on the !no«l liberal '^riuri bv

r « o . A. MAIWII."ItKiiKK ft HllkH.

g j * *ftn QunEBB.—If yon wnnt •

p y Glafilg • >n r mir Woo'en Cotids Hi

. ,. . - . , . ; - .

hoi^rt " l^ 'mXlT

snd #Hf O l S T


rlalM upni. ibe'ionmCniir ia rlorivccl fr


cb^MofrW^TDiWestfield, N. J. '

Tbu cl»;fl*8l

buy vnur Tri", CoflIha T Mora onl'rtmtJam 45 eta; a Up

E ^ - Tl,c «ay to

ins cheap and eXpec

DandnifT, ho

f,"^^5bSXis detached cnticlr,.

hnmor'from th'^seaerlecLiaHj- in cvo(y ccol and ih-.-n, aiidl

FurnitnreRunyon'sNorth side of


II firral V.ritty t

Ilandsome Pnrlnr R

Bedroom Sets,


Several Styles of Be

bnct Company,

1th its stcurlily in-

uctG?iful pro-TO**., f t e * , and em,-

Melj t.. tbc better' . Iranou ngtut for

>bcc in the city lo

'. Fine old Qor'ti.T T.:aior W.Oft.

L t p rk« . Give a,

remoncy »nd time6 dune M t'hB C w .

W e they do prh.t-

•n ll'iodothing.nnd1 uminsr of tl.e xra .,

Lrtk^SS iafairfKd^rt'MwtLs, lesribg the head

ml-1 Drill

Furniture!Warerooms?roiit Street,

XD, N. J.

..,» „« . « , .•

i ' .

' om *3S to *2dO.

Husk, Excelsior and Hair


Geese t'eatlterBolsters £•





We abe a tb i j tn

R E A D Y - M A ,


TJcrti*. Ftlltnr*.sprint/ Bed*,


Toilet Trunk-.

iUphohtcr .


Uii'lertakiug, having


so »

:s ••

I..-JM: ' . - quill , of

Hsrsci aafl Carraies h..:!:l:: atSHORT NOTICE.

Boots & Shoes

Fall and Winter Stock.

High Polish Pebble Goat Boot

" " " " MES. G. W. STANFORD,

Ferris &. Hanson,

Roofing, Tin, Sheet-Iron 'WorkPlnntkinijmttlGa* fitttng.sTovia, BisoE?. nor MR ruuucm

Hardware, Tinware, &c.

,•,',',"„', 1,'iV.,? ti!;^,-.V' :i 1,'bV'njcT'w o',™.«'""""IVi'r.-f'-'')"?-'JIK.I PiiniKF-ban rtKtt > r-puu-i:..i, ». tt,.«- rii,-.-.v i.T.TTr--ira..,i,^.rf.,,,,.;,r.' , . " ' " . " * "

DUNHAM & WATSON,The Clotliiers,

.iron,™ Closing; Out their entire stock of O'arcdat6

A Tl rl D A Q 1 A / * b ' A + t f •* Ilk.- V|IT ( ' ,«. H.f MaFlllfii**! lirittffp f l u " O 3 J a C K c l S i ** l tM ' c l Lion or >la[uiE^cturjrjg.

Secure the Bargains Offered this Month.KLPEH ion

Eskimo Beaver Overcoats,SoM ]i« moDtb KM SJU «• bm*e n.,-- lteducetl to $10.

Elegant Chincliilla Overcoats,Lately told for (18 we ban BOW Wufcsj i>OIC» (o tfiJ

Stj ll«ii aud Diirnkln

Wkitney & Melton Overcoats,Fonnet price, t i t a»J Sio. r.o» IUilucvd tn l>rlreto$lS. u


13<?<i «3r, < i.l.n-1,111., .V >r t- l ton

Double-Breasted Pea Jackets,

Boys Overcoats,Cu; from BraCTdk Cliincliillas. Mi-lton. an.l ULllney. for .U ,ee. io . rc-r

.LaJc of cuiUr, fn,m $ 4 . S 0 t O S 9 I

E. ^»«4,J im Wtajt, stock'w i j \ J~' I V i / 7 ' s y - / v ' / ' / i / i r ' / v ' ' i ' " - L * •

[is!,''''t,-1',''''"t"ti"" "' ""' 1""'"1- .Vi • ' R e d u c e d . P r i c e s

: • " • • ' 1 1 • - ' • • | ' / . / • / • ' » ' ' • • • ..-'. : • - • / . • , ' : : . - . ; . : / / ' • . '


DUNHAM & "WATSON,Manufucttm-rs nud D e a l ^ a b nil kinds of Cl-ilih:»,

, , „ , 813 Broad Street,Directly Opposit. M«lUn,c Street. ^ ^ ^ N E W A R K , N . J .

I". X-. BIRD,

No. 153 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. ).,HAS JUST oi-KxKrt AX KNTIIlKi.Y KBW A 5 D ATTBA1 TIVi; ST.H.IC (Mf

Linens, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, .Extz/.isir, fRESCil AXO GERMAX

"W hit <? Goods a ntl fSiu:ill "\VJI res*

.!i.?0 .1 ri'LL LIKE Ob'

American laacy &oocls. or Yankee Motions.

LINEN BOSOMS, made OXIM IV for oar Tm4o ofThe Celebrated Richardson Linens, pM«4ia«x»tlin-ct ti-i.iii tin- itniKirltTs tV.r V;»U. A l l .-.t* \s we ' t o : j , r . .[i;uvd t o offer (>n ns fiivorabie t e r m s as :tnv h o u s e in tlu> c i t ) '

A 1V..I i.ue .>f in the W h i t e Sh i r t ings -it wlw&nlc


Plainfield T CompanyA M n r, o Y y o c r.

Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, &c,

Sugant a t New Yorfi Market Prices.

from 10 to 15 fcr Mint.

Warehouse an Main Street,

Plainfield HAT AND CAP Emporium.


)• no*- ofltaiig to [hi- publi.1 the tad •muilwul «f

llm^.. Gaps, rnu.l .s .

It<-(iot»l«-«, ItolH's, WIOVON,

JV7) EVK}iVTiin-<; i-Kirr axtv--; rn A FtXSTJBLASS ».*rSrOJJi', 77/LlI1 f.i.V A'Jf JOLXJ) IHTJUS UTAlJi -4-


MC II- 21.^1870.1 Till: C-OSSTITCnOXAIJST. City and Stato Items. S4T l-ut wewk ml Lull* t*ij Fur

.laj. Mnrrti . YAT»». f

ml ij# room ofCaJrllv Kagiav« mmUi. Match Sited. lb* l*i

• ere read and aR**‘alight Tbc nominated a

R8.m n. X’«p*w AI fit I B

Abraham Cartel!. CVmmiaa om I'rnumn*. TudiiMu E lUu Dm, I I h e taimiad. n>* rr.M.Jriil handed over l«> *Mirmr i' ftwiimJ by letw-r

I ibc Jiilnal of the Kpl»ct>pal Church in J ;£?- Fik \twin ten ..VWb, Tire.-1 afternoon U-l C«m ! America. Everything seemed l» imprr** day r.rttw,- 1—«. cor citioeiu were S^rci.l Qaartar flcaMaa* at El.a.!«*lh, S.. the worshipper with thr appropriatin'** of *Url>d l.y I be cry of“ Kilf." Vp'tl in- , J.. wr» filled by M Iwc* Md fence, who | L _J I tbc text over tlie entrance -I—». - TVi- >. (rati^lM it j.mird to K- in the Planing • w-rc an*iu«sl«. f-rrfal. aglimpse..f •« ~ui»l’ Irara ollrar tat It. ILra. ..r liml- At M.1IJ li A. tiikta, ■;»- OU. V,.. li.ll... .1.0 nop.ta Mid I half-past ten tlie ptociaWm. cnwyol of Work*. 'ibc Fire • om ponies acre »■ ladles ha tv IirD tl»e net fmtfnl theme • and, in falling it exploded, 'tkot orrol. f.i voM |^.M,,|I, ... tbc cronMi. l ot .ilk Ike of ontcrmboii In iImi city Ibc Ike |>.t lk« c.fVision of Ike m.lcric! ,o .0.1 . -I ** of lo.v. M.....I ,..^.lio„of"/.IJ,,. Hooked U4.L. fc. 0...-U Tk- Ifinl wo. *d«in petpoo- ‘““ST *«,.«ke.kAWI« ...» -Uick. cd ..-I.... of tk. “nlm. rt|tiMvluL 1 he above Ci.wpMiy formed prisoner'* counsel 1 ‘‘T' *“' *—'*•* | IV A kom. OoilMOioc W o. ti™ U W-lioj 00 Ik. Ilioic,. Tk. ore... |un< Us „„ CTO„J „

*?' .7 ' ,/r ** '“"r *' I*" " *c'• K»’i»ay oa Sunday err-Jitng last !*ap 0,-il.or „o Ik. lie: Ik. C-Comp..,, -k„ ..„ j lt„ ilium III. .ko-lii .rnokioe i.p»li. to thdrooglno, lilivdcf . . •..., oootl fora, Sr. IliU. 11- o- of 1.1. .~Cio. .1,11. ‘“"’•■"T III. conrarnlion Dray »-„• n.|»;rioc, ood iir.(*.k,ra,l • W »r lu a.bMtiMpM.1 in ,r-.' * -II. o. tlm dmo.d luuipowu; lo ran | oooiko. cokiran b »iH U —uo tbot Ike ibo n railing l..lh forttw Tk. oi„bt in ynouloo l,■!“«»» ""•I“ T.m. U.ll-r prapn.lur. i t9- n, A—.o, ifoif

iefscy City In sunn t« Company, Orru-c, Xo. l* ytrm**wsnr Stk»t, 1

krm lb* orcaab*., « r-Tial-f tl.« r.-a '

DIHHAM & WATSON, d | ■ ~ •< ik-ir .io.M-.i i,. k-vi.

The Clothiers,

i '.arch

W» t.k. O. Lr~* 7>. Mr**1112.

Mt 'J *lb W «nl<

A.«\ra.}V I?«»r» ■**}^"*'

riiana-etTiTot'or ■J*itli«ttl day ia that i* ir-fiUflr |a.»h.._' lo U.« atoek Ia>*. -.i*n|i,i it .b-p-iftcd fioan tU nn»lrr(»fn •A ■ fi«4 |>c* font, wmi »"• '>i*l dlriffi-nd ,i»l naif it «*, «bieh >i‘-“ | '.alitoii n [T\»T"»a»!* iojfuhia benft-'or'.b. | nod th.flMtr**, With lf» S’cadl'r in. e**««hitf !rtT*i nt*M ant «C> •*t*l>!’*h»J rrj-italion, fti.l i( an (.n thins to do— Ita Fat of director* H^tAdra aomr n«fiT" th« j*a»t been > that ar* proistaetit ia iavamnee -od fi her tiMlh. itml »an<dat eirelca, Imt tbh Conpaiy s eMef liar of tw.. air.r* that > Ulm nuv. tbc *Ar,ftfl. nfe nf the cm. • iim. | mWaity u d«ri»*4 from iu tlri*Iwn rcir. I,ued ami Wtcffcl pr.»-.e«a It I* cfuiAerratire ia ita rie»», ami con tba better "g*.\ f-.| i

th« lactory. The bmllinj. a bkij h Inch build me. «aa ealirvT* r tlm anrLmen a h.'C kins It ntansled. S--*eral ..tliera «tr* baillt mrrt bv tlie Eairtf fmcraonU nf the NtiUin-. ' Tim maU of tbaaioopaaa broken Off. btft DtlinanO abe aaataiaoil no tlamm^c. A lady »ff*d 53 year*. reWdl-tf in ElilaUUt, luu « illciii.o from i dr du ^r«Bu. Closing Out their entire stock of OiOrCdat*

and Poa Jackets, ■>n- n.i o..iof m—«f...,.r,.g.

XL? ^VSvf^-■==' Secure the Bargains Offered ihis Month. l.,-k...> of Ap.L Mr. SI.E... ko. tp.od . k”>fk. S. J. It. I. • -pi., lull, diral. n,kl. J, JT U,^ ° T»ii,.yob^ — MupiuyriliMiiStt«■»■»Jnfcuatoa t r*"*1*h *||»*J~I* ■, and Tb» ofll .-era of Wn-bip^ton Chap- Ice. No. 1*1, RnTa| Arch Mat. na. *iaiied l*'jtii.||r-l llmradar errtiins Uat and •»• •>•»*■« Lafnt etto Chapter in conferriaff hay . tbeT. r T«t-. (

ihmd thrown , II-. Ona Wot I Mr. Edward .*» ti*l’.intf in Iboae^h- r. inodcllla- the rouh». of tl; m.4 c-niws tlm htn** to “ »* **• to keep proceed to tu h-m*. diw>.rerrd the frr Hotel, and If nne one can — Ut<,c„0 i„ confeTriaff j.VB 4J „ L and gnre ll« ala«n. and '» ColirnKtl.m -lth the hob ' ,h.. Arch tim e Soi-*r« at \ Y „^»krt pri- of other.-ho wcreit »*'l ^ Oyator and .Utev After the “ -orkM «. d~r~, the * cnn. «oik io lb. 01—kmc J,„P odjoioinz, >« 0— —M. ! “"l'-. ..*Jj.',™k ccedetl after« hard battle in LceplBC tile Jsf-Tlie Martian Houw. the new and «.» wlcch all diJ ampin jurtiew partia- HauicA II. •iibjeetioa. It is .opp.~e.l that hotel «t L .ubeth. U now completed end ularly “the fi%*n tiK I’.yrt."— after lb* »»n in eb^e bad *** to tbc Urn.-,, open to !):• pob^o. It u aald lo . After U.linj the porkeU of their ri-Uora Ho, bra foun ,k. foraora boo- W b^t | ^ ,o„i...ol,J .,1b 1-1lb. l.iofO... r^%M j , N-. orra.1 pl.c, ...| Ib.ra.h. ,..J from lb. ora crapl ul-o; 1.. .kora j,_, ,wi„„. — «. raH ~—A*-»«* lk. drao .r — ... 1,—l.J. Ik. fi.o.. _n.k _J Jcl_, Ura,J 1.., W 0.I.T Kooccnoo i> l'.,.-..-- -oil of oo. Uraral tu . ...,1-r, V .„Ur. k t.o rakra.l T>i. I’UnA.kl Tra 0.,„|u.,. ... ..... -H -... — Ik. k.iu«... ,k. ,w - u ^ ln^ n Til. cirao „ o,o .0. ...p. 1 ool if »- >!V w,.u -jn .BoO, , ,■ M. lk. l.o. •ooou. of ,k.|ra. n».»Mi -;.k.».. „„ tb, ,k, lu-l.o- Jop.o «J (k,!—, T.-,. (

.tfa K: Eskimo Beaver Overcoats. SoM l-t ra.vlk ht •>!> .. k... ... JledUCKl lo HO.

I'i’fl 111 ,1 ,k“, j'piioo Elegant Chincliilla Overcoats, lag cheap and eipedti,.,!, ° Il.o.lraT. - f— ...I Loral, ouk. fra. "Clt'ly •pp'-ranee *raV. bare now marked />o ir» fo $ t4

ii«l I>iiriil»l<i l»« llietr Old O.v'1 Jataf tr I‘rime Kin 30 cl», Soaara

Mlvllsi by I bv |irr*>n« .if j !! | Whitney & Melton Overcoats,

Fioelt k, Irailnff lk. I,col I f"*"* pkra. tl t oo4 tit.Itcdnrcl In Prirt toU'l. nr..i. ;.vn, andllrf tb>l" fr-iu tbc uiior'a I ‘

I hr f-n-

.•I.# I*. Edl<rt. llKWli

\. W. ll.Mhiw.tre, Samuel Mauriin^. f I’hith ,1. M t Shorn,

m. h. ! i^;.

Tke procca-inn wa» met at the front do.# by lira lliafcnp and Ye.try. a ho, pekorwr liuf ap ibo iu»Jc, r*’ad *!tcraat*ly — itb I be t 'leryr, the /4 th l*»*am. Af-er the Kiahop am ..-al.d in hi* eliair aithia the ('halt id the ln»lrii(ne"t. nf Wnantioa •« rvad hv the Kc>. Hr. lo«, and after the addrrta and pravrv pre*ciih-d ia the lW*..k .»f Coaun >o I'rayer. the Scotenc. ■ f t'-ii'ccrari .a »aa read by the R«v. The Morwias Frayer tlivn ftdlnwcb

Ul jprai** is Jn* tl .'r~t.*, Uc*. Hr F-*. f *r *w’ lb s pemi»!fit rtf r> •it-** be ba* brew in » K" W Jr. ... cv, ebufeb sW*. A. ,ort of the ^ni-p .Ke.imr h.* ap^rntme. t bamthit y Ho*. Hr. Cooke. th, fb-rrb — » d-»J. InU imanion Srrriee - itb «hc J thr^msK the elf.rt. of tbc uretevl cm bj.i«tl. ood G"-p*l | e.o.t..o.ii u;,,o..| l-r b..-. i,I*, tke fo""" l-i'C b;‘...'...’T Ik- lira b ,.,,.f— f... .bo Ibo. W. tV«Jk... lbolJu.p.1 by tk. .. ,, -Uuu. I|QLMI...I,J. b.-oUfol rao—■ After the •i'ljjinjj .if the hamlrodlh *>T [ r--ifi ■' rci-*- a Ur ncml'cr *» l: .l-rW>eS-Hk-_^.'o~ lb 1i. o l.o. -1 Tnkor f...

C-.t.fleaViwa at lb* impf>t*d eovfct'mn «*f,

SS Furnilnre! Fumilure! Dottble'Brea8ted poa Jackets- woiil.1 lain a; laa*t tlm«-i|uvtrr> .*f aa hour to (K» the head -ay and Jo the daiin^ that it did. from the fact that llwmaterial baraed wall of hardwood, t'red it •• due t how-bw la- bored at* hard to raUajn i.h tin* Arne.. Ten initiate* m«r ami the #5r— -i»old bav* gathered »ni'h Wlsst that it w—td

the bui-Uag- Mr. Gibb.'h.« i* !l . «m «hk& thr ee U no in-urn-ice. The detriment to hi* boaine— by the fire i* anert h felt t> Mr. Qil-U.

from the Uat'Mht* of I of lire 0 Wi*. sonic tlmra-o. rliarr-.-il »U« were not a|ipiL-ed that a I »i;l, nuirderiag hi* wife, peyroma aoUl the a*.i.o.j*d of ranr.lcr. ,.Mt the room and •prra.l ^. taiklin*. A walcbma t. *<l • - doclor-dcriIV 6l< „if, died i <** t* F*«jsd *T < r<-m mar the hwia*.. amhkiih' in Hr!.idem; he bad an i.isu " ,t.: v: .Runyon’s Warerooms B°ys overcoats, • » t A 'r*‘‘ in1 ;.ietl He then married a daagliti-r 1 I fo fVom Be ire r* Oiinchillm Mc'too* aa | 1

North side or prout Street, • ■.. f.. S4.50 to S9 ! !.'!« . •'<*••! ....... -‘fra.I. to -IV.- ractai boMniralf! ...1 .. „ . ..1 . 1 Ira tk. «l. 1 —I oil ' PLAINFIE U), N. J.

. Variety » Immense Winter Stofk >•

rewt by lUr l>r. Abe an.l '-e Iwk *«

■ ; ■. , ra be w t op an Indian donlor »Up hut Hud Scrcral Style* of Bedsteads i til •• h.» rvptlUtioo in Other l.lfU | ’, MaO*cMlarJWoae, COMArrog c J. rwv l.«d folhswcd him. he did not at-1 treki t-1 draw the in-araii.-« on Ma third I *r [M,« KingJ until he La«

>1 -f thr J ; BKi.ow' r>

iZ Z .4 1 be .. . I. I ulei^ht Ji'8kL the Are e " *ct..c.Ut a e- >nr.

• watfhataa, Johnson, who

. rirTTmd'l^t ttiiJ" rU"1 *" a*raur)i a* iapnsoutmnl for life liigheat i-tindmicnt inEi.-tod in Wi in for murder, tl# l>oet«r doc* m


/'■rH/. lh»tt

C ntih.jnv The *cni.ot Tho-c of ix-.r auliM-nbcr* who II old gc u* l-r info-rmmg the Carrier,

jr^.W# nntie* tbit John flarris K« j 1* made dreided impruremrnt* in the ok* of hi* residence on Second Street I

*»n, ad«crti*cd in another column, m-iitcd that thr St-ick, emeemlly

Husk, Eicolaior and Hair



OVERCOATS WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE. DUNHAM & WATSON, Monufactulvro nn.l Il.olvrv in nil kin,I- of CU-liiir.-. “13 Broad Street, NEWARK, N. J. Oppraiw Me,

tra r.b V: I.oral rafraf E05.ralko.rra, fwwli dimppeorrd from Kl-aaUiu. ! Jf~ The nn'i nrwnr 1 Johnson, »on- .t ■ - i t- base p«n.bed in tbc flam.

Trunk*. • Work

* otfi-rtO'V Slendi llwol.a* luwtl J- the f iml the .pin of c mod dmirBUa

'frci-Lt■ Funiilurt* 4iri(l l'|ih«il tamed np *11 right “oit 1 t** •W'Eb He -** hint l>y a'falling: | Repair and Upbohter ho toe. ALL RINDS OR OLD FURNITURE . and a Mr*. John Matin

CSSCRlTi'lH OF GRACE CHURCH 1 l*. a.r, for •. 1 ;jr~ Wr It-nrn that ihe Slipph m-nt * l*lainileld City Charter pa-wd y.*-t brfc » thfrWof the l,egt.Ware. l aMiethoR are .hie tv oar vahte-i f. IV.w c|..k.., •. F. BaaJ.d| k. E*| . Ur hi* atlmiti

Vas In. who waalodgiago Vi# VhTvtd Ti. ”! I l-r U'te. hat which proved to be , 1 .« .trial nf her infant. It «a n. t-.Mf. however, to m«e theGttlcinra cent. *» l *twa* Mjli*ra f| jentli carried un the Iwiming haildiug.

oeimble* .'c al«o attend td Un krtaking, hat a.ttT 0- toad a l*rj» ^aatit< i.r Ready-Made Coffiss,

Hi* on a * VI »a* ^ ^ ( - -• ^------ -- X-vT” AaetinnBill.dime at almvt a*. u* a rail

» ^*uut of fine ©» Ilia tV’ri i After a ring* r - aaUag < i.*i.TIE , I., y ... •

Th- oeicr Charverl

•• HHw r. a* "»mf'iSSS^SJ^ t tin, .0.1.. ,w*^nzu7t^5 zr&z, '.i . Yv-fard.,*. iatu.d-v a^ < ...^ buaaufa: j.*. «• J ' beaper. I. n .t toat 4p|(, G.» are the wonderon. leanty. 1H R *mNNr. Mr. RtSu , „ , lawra am hnAiae for. rlTm.i ^ -. *STrT-'f f*n the ! prrwure *y>lea t Yandtfbwk'a mu*ie t ^T Vfa edited tl# Coafteli.-aarr e. -- - u.— m-a, * u. Ww * # .. f-lly equal U, the cdd. e 1 ' t .1.1.. I. me.,I J I I r.-nat.ia U.l 1 1 . F.«crv!-*l* tr. . it. ai. 1 c-nie( »^»n> here tl#y -rc fw mle. l.W«*l>»>* < * I- L. t, on hr.*l g« MarWw. I K.,m4Jk. .1, V" V-.T;^t.".Trr.**’*•*•1 ■ emfdoyrd .a the I1a.*i..g Mill of R. A ' „ Vmvyiug oa. A ..u.n»wr of oinpetral! tl# G« Work*, ha! two ttolLn„D TO(jVd ..It] the m.ten.l mSS •“VTCSTSi'5ES Hor 8*

TW-c p*t*ct T*»T w«*,e*t"V '• «W ana II-

r. Ia. BIRD,

No. 153 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J., ll.Ml *CST Ot'KXEII AN KNTIUKLY NEW AXIl ATTKA. TH E STUCK OF

Linens. Hosiery, Fancy Goods, KXfUSU, PKKXC/I AX 11 GSKJIJX

White Giootl. nnd NmnU Win-,--,

American Fancy floods, or Yankee Notions. LINEN BOSOMS, m».l« expr—lv f.r Mir Tm* ... The Celebrated Richardson Linens. inrAwnj .linvt fn..u Ihv ..nj.irt.-n. I'l.r l .rali. All wbi.-h »o ,ra (•;iml in oiTt-r on a-* favoraihlr r*-nu* a*, anv ln*n*»* in the cilv. a f«n line -t .1! tk. White Shirtings »t tvh..i«sik

! I'ri,'r“- (nmWl r. Ira. Rim>.

t*TGO TO THEra»3

Plainfield T Company ASH BUY YOU

Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, &c., N-K.W TEAS! KKW TB.I*!! THE CHOP OK I-.,9

Sugars at N.*w Yort Markrt riices. tZT* 8 »nl 5 T.^ad IV i c df Tea at P^-JuccJ UaUa. Bar cTonltm Vper .

Warehouse; on Main Street, •^LAlfsiP lSt_0. M. Boots <fe Shoes 1 !** o? Vrr.n*! 18*11. i.f—n ih. in-' ri.tww.im4 iaw

PIainfleld HAT AND CAP Emporium.

High Polish Pebble Goat Boot

"?f,5RY *"• U4"#

•”“* fiiis. 0 W. Stanford, ortl r-Ml Mrr«l riilsM.N. J Ferris & Hanson,

RooQug, Tin, Sheet-Iron Work TH]



Page 4: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. · ^ns from the top of corn house, whistled Yanke e Doodl whit eating hb brcakfait, and wrung tbe nWfcs of »ll the fowl* on the place to make a chicken pie


Married in Fun.

A iJiort limn •£» • pMij of joowppeople of t'.itli acxacs started ant to hmnn ride mul ' I ' I I J • Jthumnt pTEnlng at scountry lurtrl in Ohi.f, but arioleot ftornrM M M Ilicy BlarteJ, *nd UIG journeyi>*' -riven np, thep«ty returning to • lin-tel, where oo« of (he young l*fl«, whileU j i hH l fi

g , m.ldonW will [h l,et MOiptMorro'ik, l*'l n* p*'' IIIKITKI'HL A justice, t pfflcp 1m|ipoitcd lo be of llie part

d WBJI FfarlT fr»T the frnpTCPnrr, l•Bit.] I

ltd cWU! Cliilil—Fnllwr, wlwt » • diltm-.!* dtaftnt, di-nr, is— ndilmv

, that i»a dilemma is ju*t like you whentun mt-oliU yon. Father—Ii™ ! you lalk

ai.irpisof the Hong Kong dnicnt to the Jluke of E-fJnbttr]ncd llui fluwery paMUiffe ; " Knir

lie jilnintfn of tlie piinr-Lii that sits in ,

uspieiim*Jv nurtured on tlie aomt

....11. i,:11 Killing mliiJ, if llieir iiiluttiofl^ u d ihev having- a^u r.tliey wert in eanicsl, tlie jastice proceed-ed with due *olemnitt to n » k e the twainone fleth, and then the wedding tapperwas eaten, mid everything was jiarticulnr-Iv loTelv. Two or three dnvs afte Vinteresting event, the Tonng manon tlie justice, and ?vid«nlly nmch(Uwd in hU mind, inqaiicd if heRIW • hii.Uiirt, Knit intimated h i ,••to Lave the tiling Bomthuw iroiiid."—ihjBMlM M M M I him that hi* biu!nets was marrying people, bnt llie otheIrirlj he knew nothing about, and UieM«.-.. no muUfca > W tb) knot «Mrb behad lied being fast enough.

Good OU Mother.Tlml old-f^hlimpd mother ; 0

ie »lio vaa the divinand sacred freatiiwin the nhtine of 1fint earthly idolatry ; one whose beatlUr below Ibc fro«U tb*t gather u> qui.-lt Ann her brow ; one to » bom wo neold, bnt in the plumed iroop, ortfiimcil, are children still; ODOromed as Roing, and ni/ver forftctii us—never. And vheti in ponio closet, sodrawer, fthc finds n garment, or * toy, 1

L once was car*, lion doc the weep, usV thinks we insy be luffering or sad ! Doe

the battle of life (fri'e the vandenrtotrold liamrstcad? Her hand is upon his *hoidot, her dim'ind fitded eyes are kindlewith something of "the light of othdnys," m sfce guts on his worntroubled faco. ."lie of stout b w t , m jNo li.rm can resch yon !.e™." D o t »

yir is t Lack

, other'and they etct the faa old DCCOpml in th

d '

e the n licrd.

Tba fatlier of PotaUell* recently foundliatlitlle girl's eknbby hand* full oftbe

nis of a beantifnl tea-rose on Whichlie bait bestowed groat care : • Uy dear,"e uiid, " didn't 1 tell you not to pick oneflhort flower* without h»veV Yes,.•pa," sai-1 Porabelb, '• but all these hart


Fall and Winter Clothing,JL'ST CALL INTO

E. DUNHAM'S, THE CHEAP CLOTHIER,And eiuniuc his fine Stock ..f CLOTHS of lilt Ptlttrrit* MHf-tfiflr*.

Also Reafly-Mafle Clolhing; anil Gents' M s b i B i Gcofls,lie also ha, » fin.' Stock of H a t S & C a p S , °* * ° '-"K.-T STTLBB from

Stylish Business suits from $12 to $25.

To Youths' and Children's Clothing."jawj* ' Front Street, m


Lear MOtnnliiie wonUerfully ifjoa mid » little every iiHy. Do not waitor a long period of leisure. Pick np the

book MHI one DCW idea, if no more.—Save Ibat one and ltd.] anoltier la soon as

111 can. Says the old SsOtoh adage.^M.ny a litte makes a mickk-."

A preeDcii>n» itndont of ftRtroiiomv.lit* cmuiinalion, gave the followingtoniahing (inewer to the question,What i» th« Milky W i f F "Tlip

Uilkj Way ia 1. collection of wbite cloods

The Thirty-Eighth Annual Report


Sj^jmMB:.-.-..-.-. .-.••.•: !K2

r the door of the kitche If nolH the ar

hut iag that buy it ready roasted, an.try and Bin! a denier who lias not s™ke<all Hie essential juice feim-the eoflbe befure putting it into the oven. If the bemis (boat UiLfi ns [nrgo a; ulirn greeckpfliH3 opoB it yon have been J«<-dt*'1! nn e.irlhcn pol nnfl put


1 bag, a

Boots & Shoes

:liir<l Semi-Aimsa]


lain of poor cofftc.

hard to null

jfinterBoots & Shoes.U«l>'a P » T . — 1 . It wo

tain tbdrpboa in smirir.B. It woul.1 Ui*wn the forrc of liic

let honor and honcoly f<ir tSsphj.

church, jieupk in moderate, cirf.iinstancewomM W more inclined to stten.1.

«. Univcrwl mtirlpration in <ire« atchurch would improve Ibe wonhip by thervniuml of inafir wan'Tfring fii'tirght*.

5. It would oimbk' all ctasM* of peopleto attend church belter in unfavorableweather.

0. It would lewpd on the part of the,ich. Hie tempution lo ™ i t j .

t. It would leatwTi, »ft the part of iJu-poor, the tejnptalion '1B be envtuim and

R. It would save valuable time on lie

e (or j.">od enterprise*.

tn give e*prc*MOh to your tlioughEs. butwhen alone weigh what vou have heard

wp-ll U> do tli>. for il will asaiiit in cutin^you of false notions and in fradicatii£"unprofitable »nJ ikioui ideal, and is irtueiimke TOB better men and women. WbatVDU gun thos ffom your BUTTQunding*,ioa will unnittinglr transmit to the ria-ing ({tin oration, andjtlio remit will be thatyou will do your .itarc ill the gloriousvr>rkof elmalin^ the Imiiian foinily. \h'\<iur o«a tUnbin-r.

B oli»nct-.l <..,(, fil,,,.U!j da; in tbcnitfib of DOMJUW, that a good -do inuredIri'binjui applied lo n tnerutiant U> dit•oant a biit uf ucJj.inge for l>im U ntil.n

Ibc iiurrhiiu* linving Casualty rriiiatkrdthat the bill Wt » grcal many ilui. t i

••Tb-t". Irue," rpplltd the Iri.hnmn," bat the", n>y hunor, you don't con'aider bow -Lett ibe duy< are at tba time

" Jim. whit ii a bakery V""A place wWn d»y lube.'*•• Ui.«t is a brrvtrr ?'" A place where they brew."•• What w a gallery 1"


Specie Payment Resumed


oiid ."St., > c


iirt(, IV. J .

>* " * . ' • • " . ' • • i r L

AUGUST SMITH,Lager Beer Baloon,


h t CKnr ill Prat_ <r P l a i n f i e l d .

Cool Lager. WIKS. Segara. SirtUES. St.


J i B B E ^

DATID E. FOFTZ, Proprietor,B1LT1WOKK. Mrt.


Ton n ir 1'eopk-. w ilh ligk 1,/adrd nr rrd 1 [»ir.

" r B " V wlm« !,e»d, ant

dSa^uN^J^^BrbIli.-ir n-i iiiTunB lotkl tiirlilc

r r I h : . atiJ il.incc for jay:

ETtfryboJT rnvre anr!*n7l uU i. if,L. ( / M > I « I aud i*K i

mil, ....•] !:.»

urian[ ergwUi

IDiO i[ k » p .

LfticLc in ili«

Lumber!T. W. TOUKG & Co.,

. will l«: M o n e y in y o u r P o c k e t to E x a m i n e ' 'OUr StOCk licfuih miking vour purchase elsewhere.

BTJILDIN& MATERIAL;Cor, Q[ Psa^ StrsEt and HE Rulraal,


PinB, Spruce and Hemloct Lumber

Before Rrien.liiShoes, go to tlie

Cherry St. Shoe Store.

IlOt "I»l-Ottt" iM tllOWord.

•• A *. .rJ LU Ii,e « i . P , A-^."

Remember the Time.

Remember the Place.

Terms.—Strictly Cash.

Bun's Fine Shoes.H. CUTLER & SONS.

1SJ«. l*7O,


Jaa. W. DUNN'S,

^*X/"™f"---V";\i-:-Vl-:',v:,V;" '"i. Doty's Washing Machine

J ' ^ _ » " ' • ' ' • • • ' • • ' • • ": • . . "' •' ,


Blakely Cypress Shingles,

V s 3 : ' i , S " ' Z Hir;i;;l Fall and Winter Style of Hats• . . , ; ' : , . : ; • : , , ' , . -•'•• F O R I O S Q / . N O 7 O .

A. VANDEKBEEK, 'SSSSsSaKSEaS:w * . a "•*

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . . ' " ' ' • " ' ' . - , " M • ' , ' - ' . ' ' .

On C H E R R Y S T H E E T , '••••';:J\•'•';•;•'. .

Overstrung l'lano Fortes, l*>-^^^*«^-i^»*^"»'~ L...

FariorOrgans and MeWeom,jS/S5S^^3!BisKs

Sheet Music,i c! Viorai 8a Jan.

Music SoofcK, I*- I 1 . *Rni-iiiiiii.

I'inno'a Tuned «nd l

Money! Money!!

C . W . ' R U H Y O N . Kicne nrtfl b* rfuliooi rtiem.

r d s — ALL THE

A T S Q U I K E ' S700 BBOAtt STtlEKT.

SSrMoney Cannot Buy It


The Diamond Glasses,J. E. Spencer & Co., New York

' ' ' ^ " ; v ' 7 t U ; i " ^ " r !MO8T PERFECT

The Scientific Prlncipla


i::,"!,;!.u;\;!.,;;;;.':-,:.,,^';^ :;,:;• ; ^ , - ; ' "

They are UodUftd i" llie finM munn

Central Railioad of B" j .


Express Tr«jn» Ooll^ to th* tVettJaws °F Death.

ALVt I ; .'


AN ELEGANT STOCK •»--=l~~afrDissolution.

Fall and Winter Clothing,NOW OFKERIXd AT TUB

Mammoth Warerooms

R. STOUTENBURGH & CO.,No. 785 Brad Str eetNewark N. J.

I!KA1>TIIE LIST OF PRICES ^An All W60I Suit Complete. S12


Heavy Beaver Overcoats, $10.till Speeial attention tn onr $15.00 Stayer Oversoats

(i Brcuu S I ,(We offer tlie BeatfHade and Trimmed BeMarket, forl8p!«.j

These p"i»U are worthy the attention

suraiin iiAialEXT


of parties desinn

raiin iiAialEXT,B..y»' and f hil,l|enV Overcoat. rrom s , . „ of . - • , P t. ,«.

yfor/a' Ji Cllittlreils' Clothing fill Styles mill Pi-ires.

\ Ii. S rOVTEXBURCill & CO.Cut this Out. I "prill ?8flBforf8tw*HoM*k,N.

C. 0. Meeker, & Co,, SQUANKUM


Disso lu t i on .

Surrogate's Order to Ljail C-

l-miijn .f ill! kin.!-.CroWrdnWj SnrHT-riii phaie uf Urea,

\d FreehoM'l


lunterdon Cutter Plow.


C O. SlKKICKi: A CO_ i

Lazarus & Morris,

Stltt ABMltMl SOtittJ.

FOR SALE.AOMJIMM L u m b e r W a g o n ,

Bnauin ol I- M. CRftSTH.

Steam Planiup & Moulding Mill


> I, A I X Ft III- l>- - Y -

To A.J. SHITtt,

Th« Marl* speak for themsad ldI»7 rfttaTSw 3 ^ t H Circular Mouldings,

VftllK, Whirtvii th»y havo been "Trif«n1ingS

A. J. SMITH, j


T11E CON STITl TIONAL1 ST. I MCI I. 24, lbTO. Married in Fun.

a *bon imm -r* • r^> •* j"*^ people of both MMr* Marled oat to Ur • ride aad *$wn4 * (>l?a*4*.t rvmlag »t ft coaatry lu'trt in Ohio, ■ vpdrct atomi cmnvr M they Halt'd, and the joarMT wa» git eft up, the party rrlurtimj* to ■ ho- tel. .here one of the yaaag lufiro. while they were their oy.ter. en.t fi > log*. »»dd*wly Mid to her COMpaavoa. “ Frank, Jet o* grt married." A ju»tiee of tlw |->ftee Joffoifd to he of the party, and ■ ready tnr tl«e emorgeeoy. lie • as mpiratrd !>• perform tlie marriage rnnno.i, and having in.juiri'J nf the parties who had to become of a wiUiag muni, »f ibeir inteoliow ••» setioun. aad they hiring assured him that they «ere in nruot, the jftMice proceed- ed With doe wlrmtmy to make the twain one fleob, and then tha saJdmg topper oat eaten, and everything *u particular- ly lovely. T»o or three daya after till* iutererting event, the yoang man called on the justice. and erideftlly much ciavd in Wu ftuad. indued if be really ■It a bn*hand, and intimated hi. ch«ire "to lia«e the thing roatehow amUd."— The j«*.tice iafovtaed him that hi. bw.i re- wa. marrying people, hut the other trick he knew wotbiag about, and there •as no mistake ab-.ot the knot «ki-h be had lied being f»*t caoagli.

Kaliaet from a dink'gwc 1.-tween hither and ebud: Child-Father, -bat» a dilem- ma 1 Father -a dilemma, dear, U— a dit-n*-1 raa; when any one d<— not know what to do, that «• a dilemma i. ja.t like too when mi aeolda joo. Father—Horn ! you talk too mash, child. The a hire—of the llorj* Kong city govnmnent «.» the I hike of Edinburgh eonUiwcJ tliia flowery pa—age ; “ Fair a» Ike plniweo <-f the phtfuii that Ml. in the • ini-— «—*«, graceful a. the uaicora ftft»pici«v>ly nurtnr-d on the nomhre hills whoac comely form and matchle— mica r.i»e yon al—ie the eommoa herd. Ha father of I ‘orabella raMntly found that little girl’, chubby hand, fell of the Woeaeai* of a Uwifbl tea rime on wbhb rva hid lie.tawed great care : “ kly dear." he said, - didn't I tell yon not to pick one of tho-w flower* without leave P To*, papa," laid TlorabeU*. - hut all the— had leave*." learning will accumulate wonderfully if you add a it trie every day. J>® not wait for a long period of InMire. Pick op the book and one ne* idea, if no raora- Sar# that one arid add another a* toon a. yon can. Kay* the old Scotch adage.— - Many a litte make, a mickle."


Fall and Winter Clotliing, JUST CALL INTO

B. DURHAM'S, THE CHEAP CLOTHIER, i & And eiamine hi. fine Stock ..f (’LOTUS of all Pattern* a ml .Style*. Also Beady-Made □otbioi anil Gems’ Fprnisliii Goods, He also haa a fine Stock of Hat8 & Caps. ihr I**”’’ s,Tl** Stylish Business suits from $12 to $26. Onrl’nMom iw-pattment M ««|l .appiie.1 at all times with H.*vir> iwd 1 Hww-.ti. IWa w— PARTICULAR ATTFNTION RAID To Youths’ and Children’s Clothinp. A«o.b« ^Tr—ka WtriUm v

Good Old Mother. That old-C—hiooed mother; one In all the world, the law of wh«ee life wa* b***S •ne who wa* the divinity of our Infancy and .acred fTOMBtvln tha iUh "f onr flr-t earthly idolatry : on# whroe heart i» f.r heh'W the fco.u that gather to quickly on her W"» : on* to whom we never grow old, hwl in the plumr.1 troop, or the grate council, are children .till: owe who wel reward u. going, and never forget* a*— revar. And when in warn cK—ct, *^me drawer, aha find* a garwicnt, or a tov.thai . naco waa our*, how doe* »be weep, a* »Le ' think* we mar be Mflcring or «od ! I>oe* the battle nffifi- drive the wanderer t«» the old homestead! Her bawd i« npon hi* shoul- der. her diai'aad f.Je.1 eye* are kindled . with »ob»cthing of “the Sght of oth»r a—k troubied fare. "JSe of .tout heart, my to* No ham can narL yon here." Hut wme lime, that U wl l—l against the wall, the .-hair i« imwI. or aftcdher'*. and they wk tlie dtw old «<ciii«aot in the grate rard.

Hnw ro Ms*a Corrsi.—Find, aol j emnlr determiBe in yoae own mind never , to allow an oatirc of ground colire t.< enur tho door of the kitchen. If bo one al—l the |wemi»c» under*! and* the art .if j roasting then bay it rawly ro—ied, and ' try and Sim! ade.vler who ha* not waked ] all the esacntial juice Sow* tbe coffee he- j fore patting it intutLc oven, if the berry I is about twice u large a* when grcci’. j depend upon it yon have !>oefi defraud"*!, v !»>-.: an earthen pot—and pul the grout.*t e-^ee in a clean white flannel bag. and to put enough in. and drop

A precocious *lodctit of astronomy, under eaaiuinalioo, gate ll— follow mg a*toni*liipg aa.wer to the qaentiow. “ What i» »h. Milky Way I" "T»k Milky Way • collection of white cloud, in the *ky, enIVd the trade-winds « auaor* l->reali*." The Thirty Eighth hnnuil Report PUSH rut Cnsny

,ru tlrt r, „

{Apshjrw SC-.: fiSC z:::~

JtSflSwwKrts xzu a. ^ssw^Ji^sst’arts-

Boots & Shoes

Os b"« 1 water and let it «eep: do a«t boil it.— | UtecsffM will »tvi p in twenty min ate*. . Nee.r break an c-g »«to c'-ffee, and HI it up with wale- the *eeond time.— Vom mi i» the Ic-gianing the am.-ur.! of water neeJcd. An *ieJii'ary tea cupful «d ground rfdh-o i« .nflk-iei't f**r three perwoaa. 1> Jam, Mocha, or Java and Rio mirek KuBnw tin* rrcrlpl. and you will ae*»r c.>mpUi* of poor corf.*.*- roa Rumra Ikirs or Tin lu-au*. Pat.—1. It would le~. a tho bur- d- -f n—* who find it bard to main taia tbeir place in KvrHr. *. It would l*«*en the fore* of the temptation, which often Wad men to bar- ter honor nod h©nc*«y for display. a. If lhtre »rtU .trife iu dr. - at churrh, people in moderate eireom*tanec‘ weald be more inclined to attend. 4. Uairet*al m*> Icration in dre— at church would improvo the worship by the removal of wuuit wan*rieg iflou^hUk 4. It would enable all claw* of people t-attend ehurch better lu uufa«or*b:? weal her. fl. It would lessen on the part of the rich, the temptation to vanity. Zjt wouVJ Jeuea.Mr the rt of th. poor, tlie tcmptati*.u to be en* iou* and K It woakl anv« •ahiablc tune on th.* | Sabbath. •. It wowkl rrU. sc our uw»a. fc**su • .criona pie—ure. and thaw enable u* to do | waosi* lor good eaterprive*. Thins.—D* jour own Ye-. | that « tha i*Ua. Think for vamr-lf. Ii , is wel In Wo tr. tbc cvprv—ed thought «.f other*, and it is ui agrveaLle paaime ' to gim captemiofi u> yoar tbonght.. llat • ben alone whM you base heard aad traverse what you have jw.-«k It i. • el to do thl*, lor it will a«*i«t in curing you of faWe noU«*ti* aad lu t-ra-l»cnti*s

aoprofltable aad ttcioo* idea*, aad in trthc make y»a better mm and women. What I you gain the. bom jom surrounding., you will unwittingly to tha ri- iog generation, and him rcuit w^tlbe that you wiD do your .dCaru ia the gloriou* | work af «h vaUag'U- hu

Muivlt 1st will c'limitiicf tliirti Semi-Annual

Closing Out

ifinterBtoisl Slots


Before spending » dollar for SIhkts, go to the

Cherry St. Shoe Store.

^o» —It nor “ Prolll" 1m l l Word.

-A «... J l. llic .U., Ac."

Remember the Time.

Remember the Place.

Terms.—Strictly Cash. d-Mwr.x*/ rfprafi for

Burt's Fin© Shoes. B ehaace-i os- gloomy day in the , aigpth of rWvmbvr, tl—t a good batnured

Fresh Garden Seeds. tt.M tke UB k.1 . —.r

Kr. “ Thai's Ira*." ropiled *• hut tlicn, tuy honey, yon don’t con aider how abort the data are at ths* tin-

" A pkw.* ubrie they brow.” - What it a gndrry r -A place ff Ibr gn^”

AIIMTMIIT ■■ SHCL POUND or QUART. Mvh • aM-V ' oV«rl/ Na

For Sale at Jas. M. DUNN’8, *-«' OHorvf Blm

Front Strwat, ■ .MeaKfiftM.*,

Specie Payment Resumed




■Oil At Ml Kroad Ni., A'cwnrU. .1. OITOMn .NEWARK SAVINGS BASK


Doty'e Washing Machine JS-’T^Sv^' tTnirrrMl Clolkf* Wrinjer


Tt.eUn L Ujl«f ^ ":vs u..Kri^i ....

* 5s :??^SSSS£SnLri" A- VANDERBEEK, Slyyi*1'^1 |7fr'r~r^s.

—?~,ufssK;j-- - isaSsia” tr«r*:itiSst wart— a? liaa la «-■- H-« • lb fcl» ^M*lr V i?. th^arf—r*J«If rlSSl On CHERRY STREET,

-• • asKivssKrfflv-r ssvs surss: s Si^.K.V-rsiis-.-ate.T “• •“

t'KuI'.XS SsSl I C Btowirao. On Aral. vt 'vmiMi M , S«. ia» Ikwk AgHnl* W'anlrd for STUl’Ut>l.KS ANI> TltH'MrHS of i». nr. i ■ i*■ t ■ 11**.

gessa __ n _ MUD E. F*m. Prtprlrlnr,


18 THE illUClE OF TW ACE! Oni-Il«id<<d l’roiilr h»re thrlr look. iTM<i(»d by it to it»« f-d, Un-out. fUtm Imtet of youtli, amt arv happy! Vb-TCt'«T|.-.*Uh/.^»r./-rferf, • l—ro tlir.a unr—hioaatit* w.k.r. clung, J |..

healthy scalp,! Ivrone Here leek* ti|lWr„|. .ml hJ with a iafariaaC gr* »ift w»n uoe it because k la

wvsate it keep, f Ule it. hvcfto'e

riclily pevflnaad I llrU Hair >n ptar^t Evetyhodv i»v»r ami It >• tlie «• «a.*Nt an I


Lumber! T. W. YOUNG & Co,

I.UM ItlClt

BUILDING HA.TEEI1L, C»r. it P02 snte: ud ut EWnaa.

°ro-vl.e Ike r>t>-4'> Votlil It**—. PLAINFICLO. N. J.

Fite, Spruce and Hemlock Lumber —to— the llaielbU pskie.

YKM IMi, t KILIMi LATH ANH Blakely Cyprnss Shingles,

B\S*T% BBO-U CKtnntATO* Overatrunry 1’1‘ino Porte*, raw*. ruTTaa a coti

Parlor Organs and Molodeons. VHjMMM* N»V". NNH—..FMH—0. VTOj

Sheet Music.

Muelc OooktCf

W. ran aimau— tmjm m«w.r tUtUAHU *t Fall and Win tor Stylo of Hat3 FOR I BOO AND 70. A T S <1 V 1 U K ' S ItltOAD HTUKKT,

Fancy Stylo* fwv Mo TTil"^V^k*i and BoV# ’ . fl-fkl—t erytr*. Money Cannot Buy It FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS.

A*|*» The Diamond Glasses, J. F. Sppncor A Co.. Now York. S'drtsaasSfsiaa.'St rjrr— MOST PERFECT

Tho ScwntUlc Prlnc-lplo . ■ it*.*.* .:v ,*^X7

- *‘y—f-^TTi 1*0 **• NoUUl «. III. S..-I m„„„. j bilil/ CannoT be'tiTrput^nlr11 *«*•-

AUCUST SMITH, Lager Beer iialoon.

MOXT ST1IKKT, atCBTTiaPtn Plainfield.

' ‘ lXi *E OUT or THi

Central Railroad of X j. C^T2tr.lf.E5^*£!a»«£.

, '•vtzsn£?~ *-.«

m i*v. win Imre smuet k, Inure of floath a l,p"“ Tn n’D*'" *••"•».«. ' .."::’2Viir"Ts:- Jdl»*> UUdlll. waiirimiro^e—aHiMttjw.

IRON IN THE BLOOD. ’’ ,Um*' .™.... ;s:jr-tvv*iS3S!


:■ rnjejartxsu — Sis •»..! -r Ibreroi^. r— rvully. ‘C^tar’e Standard Prap.iratianw orw A Crest Offer! ~r„n. i; l,,.- mi nradbbr. N V. f"1 n"« .4«~ MU e— «*•— -i ...I.. .. (p.n-l U-H -* n.*b-.w K^e"Sl r. ‘'“roT"? * ! •vC—r'.^iilS'oe -ij" gtsfssr^^ii—”u



Fall and Winter Clothing, NOW OFFERING AT THE

Mammoth. Warerooms O K

R. STOUTENBURGH & CO., No. 785 Brad Stre et-Nowark N. J.

Nolle* or Sortlanvont. *— •,

Surrogate’s Order to lumt CroditO'T.

It »ill i*e Money in your Pocket to Examiri'- ;

our Stock l*f" making Your j'urvlv.-v elsewkere. - t'.y. UK AI) Tin: LIST OF PRICES t

An All Wool Suit Complete,


(*12 III l-l le* lfl 17 1J- iy

Heavy Beaver Overcoats, $10. We call Special alteitim to oar $15.00 Bearer Overcoats iULl ■ • :

OmiO»«u»iailMB| \Y«* *.ir<T tin-Ib-ht Jliule and Triniinttl Bt-aver Ovcivoata in the " , ”*• 1 • * .Market, f.r

gualj ani worthy ik* a’.tmtkm of iiartirs dedrio' a •* *•• . * ’T-. StTKKIl GARMENT. ‘ 'wVJ.^V.. —w ^ . r-* . lluya and CWIdjen'*Overcoat* fretn flywrtaf i-ropto is : ..... .' . IKagRB* afl CmCtm/ CToI/Wnry »// Style* ami Prim. • • • • ^ B. .srOl JKNiU KGlI 6i i’ll. : ^Vv .

Cut this Out. •pHI » 'ISS Broad Street, Newark. X. J. “.W.’ 'd *i

C. 0. Meeker! & Co., FllO?W STREET. j

•M.I a I fm ( herein Plailttlvld, N. J *Nl« j*

Hnrdinro «•—y «*i.H*n«w- Sutnmrr Stnvc* and Range*. Wood. WidoW And l ift Ware. Agric.iti.iMl InilkJfmelil*. Ili.iv-h.d4 Fi|vhi.l.i»c r.iKxK , ar|M-Blrr*' ind M«*.w»» Tool*, l’low* v,l Ca-iing*. 1‘wniF* < ( .11 kind*. Cron*dale'a Super-1’lwtpbata of I.hw, 1 ^ Lodi Mfta’f. Co’.ti rtin-e, I l.mldc Refit if* 4 1‘oiwlrwtt*. l o*.— and hW Jbowe l»B*t,




*Jr®in0 1J B. r. ONDEROOWK. Surrogate's Order lo Lirart Oed tors.

Tlie Siuankum and Freohold1 *mT. -’.U't’.T* i'


Hunterdon Gutter Plow. TIN ROOFINC, I.RADKR1XU. Jliaaniwl A> pnoplly >U«n<V4 \m. m*v«r «\ o. Meek ku a n».

Unlalllng Eye, Breservtr* 1

I",—ling | Wanted. '.*■;* Fnirto M,.n- V'T'*'"** CTf?*,. r™ ... ^ -

Perfected Spectacles'! and Eye GbMha

2?S?S5j;^3£r^S\»5 It is a Fact

last many tears wrrm>LT LUAMiK, Ift-l. I iWy—U.. !IIK.\! K^T AN WELL AS TIIK WEST

Lazarus & Morris, UMirvim, v«»a.

Firfft rivmium IS ** ro t >1 n r

KifelhM—al th« low Pfttr, (Ml U* Ccwi

The Stale Agriciltiral Society.

FOR SALE. 1 \ <wn.,~ Lumber Wagon, Bwyilb ol| | - I. V Steam Planing * Mauldin^ Mu!

REUBEN A. CIBBS. Wiu*hin|gton. HU

ri.Aiseinin. -v- J- | T1» ..U,-,,!.. h.. I IXSll'Jt.SatSS 5 3

i VOI7.BI.VHS To A. J. SMITH. Snyl. Stpm»lrmm Jr FrmiteU JUmrl I Tha Marls apaak tor tftamsalvi

Circular Moulding*, Trimmings, ,h*> •”**"*■*“■' I pevv Capo, Rail*. *-c- tha Aarlaultural Soalatv. —a r—om- V11 .-f i i ^ s\\\l\(. K

MWKJKMOS-V*- OIOKCS M. COOK. . I4AAO H. CORNUL, \ '|'ll i'll i H&£ • Judge* ,UIu^(„ >r^R, ,^I Rath fsmvkwt ••

1 ■**'* *^T —-Iwro. A. J. SMITH, * NKKKULU. N I JOB pRINTINC:,