the nursing profession today

The Nursing Profession Today Nursing is one of the most exciting and in-demand jobs in America today. Nurses work to promote health, prevent disease and help patients cope with illness. They are advocates and health educators for patients, families and communities. When providing direct patient care, they observe, assess and record patient symptoms, reactions and progress. Nurses collaborate with physicians in the performance of treatments and examinations, the administration of medications and the provision of direct patient care in convalescence and rehabilitation. Nurses work in an environment that is constantly changing to provide the best possible care for patients. They are continuously learning about the latest technology and medication as well as considering the evidence that their nursing practice is based upon. Because they will actually spend more face-to-face time with a patient than doctors, nurses must be particularly skilled at interacting with patients, putting them at ease, and assisting them in their recovery. It is often said that physicians cure, and nurses care. Education, Training and Certification for Nursing Careers Nursing careers offer a wide variety of roles and a broad scope of responsibility. Licensed practical nurses (LPN), also known in some states as licensed vocation nurses (LVN), complete the least amount of education, with only one year of coursework required after high school. As LPNs/LVNs are not registered nurses, they work under the guidance of an RN. As with any licensed nurse, a state’s board of nursing will dictate the treatments each level of nurse is allowed to perform. To become a registered nurse (RN), one must complete either a diploma in nursing, an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) or a bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN). RNs must also pass the nursing licensure exam for registered nurses. Advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) are those who have fulfilled the general RN requirements and continue on to study at the master’s level or beyond. APRNs may choose to focus in a particular medical specialty such as pediatrics, obstetrics or oncology. Advanced practice nurses are some of the highest paid nurses, and include clinical registered nurse anesthetists (CRNA), clinical nurse specialists (CNS); nurse-midwives (CNM) and nurse practitioners (NP). Nursing Theory and Process Nursing practice is the actual provision of nursing care. To achieve this, nurses implement the nursing care plan using the nursing process. This is based upon a specific nursing theory that is selected based on the care

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The Nursing Profession Today


Page 1: The Nursing Profession Today

The Nursing Profession Today

Nursing is one of the most exciting and in-demand jobs in America today. Nurses work to promote health, prevent disease and help patients cope with illness. They are advocates and health educators for patients, families and communities. When providing direct patient care, they observe, assess and record patient symptoms, reactions and progress. Nurses collaborate with physicians in the performance of treatments and examinations, the administration of medications and the provision of direct patient care in convalescence and rehabilitation.

Nurses work in an environment that is constantly changing to provide the best possible care for patients. They are continuously learning about the latest technology and medication as well as considering the evidence that their nursing practice is based upon. Because they will actually spend more face-to-face time with a patient than doctors, nurses must be particularly skilled at interacting with patients, putting them at ease, and assisting them in their recovery. It is often said that physicians cure, and nurses care.

Education, Training and Certification for Nursing Careers

Nursing careers offer a wide variety of roles and a broad scope of responsibility.  Licensed practical nurses (LPN), also known in some states as licensed vocation nurses (LVN), complete the least amount of education, with only one year of coursework required after high school.  As LPNs/LVNs are not registered nurses, they work under the guidance of an RN.  As with any licensed nurse, a state’s board of nursing will dictate the treatments each level of nurse is allowed to perform.

To become a registered nurse (RN), one must complete either a diploma in nursing, an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) or a bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN).  RNs must also pass the nursing licensure exam for registered nurses.

Advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) are those who have fulfilled the general RN requirements and continue on to study at the master’s level or beyond. APRNs may choose to focus in a particular medical specialty such as pediatrics, obstetrics or oncology. Advanced practice nurses are some of the highest paid nurses, and include clinical registered nurse anesthetists (CRNA), clinical nurse specialists (CNS); nurse-midwives (CNM) and nurse practitioners (NP).

Nursing Theory and Process

Nursing practice is the actual provision of nursing care. To achieve this, nurses implement the nursing care plan using the nursing process.  This is based upon a specific nursing theory that is selected based on the care setting and population served.  According to the American Nurses Association, the nursing process determines how a nurse approaches each patient encounter, and includes five steps: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. The nursing process is the common thread uniting different types of nurses who work in varied areas, and is the essential core of practice for the registered nurse to deliver holistic, patient-focused care.

If you love helping others, have a genuine interest in the medical field and want to work as an integral member of a healthcare team, nursing may be a great career choice for you. With the nationwide nursing shortage and high demand for nurses, now is the perfect time to consider becoming a nurse. There’s a wealth of job and career opportunities at every level and with every type of nursing position.

Page 2: The Nursing Profession Today

Keperawatan Profesi Hari

Keperawatan adalah salah satu yang paling menarik dan di-permintaan pekerjaan di Amerika saat ini. Perawat bekerja untuk meningkatkan kesehatan, mencegah penyakit dan membantu pasien mengatasi penyakit. Mereka adalah advokat dan pendidik kesehatan bagi pasien, keluarga dan masyarakat. Saat memberikan perawatan pasien langsung, mereka mengamati, menilai dan merekam gejala pasien, reaksi dan kemajuan. Perawat berkolaborasi dengan dokter dalam pelaksanaan perawatan dan pemeriksaan, pemberian obat dan penyediaan perawatan pasien langsung dalam pemulihan dan rehabilitasi.

Perawat bekerja di lingkungan yang terus berubah untuk memberikan perawatan terbaik bagi pasien. Mereka terus belajar tentang teknologi terbaru dan obat-obatan serta mempertimbangkan bukti bahwa praktik keperawatan mereka didasarkan pada. Karena mereka benar-benar akan menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu tatap muka dengan pasien dari dokter, perawat harus sangat terampil berinteraksi dengan pasien, menempatkan mereka merasa nyaman, dan membantu mereka dalam pemulihan mereka. Hal ini sering mengatakan bahwa dokter menyembuhkan, dan perawat peduli.

Pendidikan, Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Keperawatan Pemilik.

Karir keperawatan menawarkan berbagai peran dan lingkup yang luas dari tanggung jawab. Perawat berlisensi praktis (LPN), juga dikenal di beberapa negara seperti berlisensi panggilan perawat (LVN), menyelesaikan paling sedikit pendidikan, dengan hanya satu tahun kursus yang diperlukan setelah sekolah tinggi. Sebagai LPNs / LVNs tidak terdaftar perawat, mereka bekerja di bawah bimbingan seorang RN. Seperti halnya perawat berlisensi, papan negara keperawatan akan menentukan perawatan setiap tingkat perawat yang diizinkan untuk melakukan.

Untuk menjadi perawat terdaftar (RN), seseorang harus menyelesaikan baik ijazah di bidang keperawatan, gelar sarjana di keperawatan (ADN) atau gelar sarjana di bidang keperawatan (BSN). RNS juga harus lulus ujian keperawatan lisensi untuk perawat terdaftar.

Perawat praktek maju terdaftar (aprn) adalah mereka yang telah memenuhi persyaratan RN umum dan melanjutkan untuk belajar di tingkat master atau lebih. APRNs dapat memilih untuk fokus pada spesialisasi medis tertentu seperti pediatri, kebidanan atau onkologi. Perawat praktek maju adalah beberapa perawat bayaran tertinggi, dan termasuk klinik dokter anestesi terdaftar perawat (Crna), spesialis perawat klinis (CNS); perawat-bidan (CNM) dan praktisi perawat (NP).

Teori keperawatan dan Proses.

Praktek keperawatan adalah pemberian yang sebenarnya asuhan keperawatan. Untuk mencapai hal ini, perawat melaksanakan rencana asuhan keperawatan dengan menggunakan proses keperawatan. Hal ini didasarkan pada teori keperawatan tertentu yang dipilih berdasarkan pengaturan perawatan dan penduduk yang dilayani. Menurut American Nurses Association, proses keperawatan menentukan bagaimana perawat mendekati setiap pertemuan pasien, dan meliputi lima langkah: pengkajian, diagnosis, perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Proses keperawatan adalah benang merah yang menyatukan berbagai jenis perawat yang bekerja di daerah bervariasi, dan merupakan inti penting dari praktek untuk perawat terdaftar untuk memberikan holistik, perawatan pasien-terfokus.

Jika Anda menyukai membantu orang lain, memiliki minat yang tulus di bidang medis dan ingin bekerja sebagai anggota integral dari tim kesehatan, keperawatan mungkin menjadi pilihan karir yang hebat untuk Anda. Dengan kekurangan keperawatan nasional dan permintaan yang tinggi untuk perawat, sekarang adalah waktu yang tepat untuk mempertimbangkan untuk menjadi seorang perawat. Ada banyak pekerjaan dan peluang karir di setiap tingkat dan dengan setiap jenis posisi menyusui.