the nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups


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Post on 20-Feb-2016




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The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups. The recommended amount we need of each food group is different for everyone based on 3 things…. Gender. Physical Activity. Age. Grains. Grains. Boys 14 - 18 yr. old 8 oz. Girls 14 – 18 yr. old 6 oz. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups
Page 2: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups.

The recommended amount we need of each food group is different for everyone based on 3 things…

Page 3: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

Age Gender



Page 4: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups


Page 5: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

Recommended amt. for those doing less than 30 min. physical activity daily.

Girls 14 – 18 yr. old

6 oz.

Boys 14 - 18 yr. old8 oz.


Page 6: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

What counts as an ounce?1 Mini Bagel 1 slice of bread

5 crackers 3 cups popcorn

½ cup cooked rice

½ cup cooked pasta

1 small tortilla

Page 7: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups
Page 8: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

Recommended amt. for those doing less than 30 min. physical activity daily.

Girls 14 – 18 yr. old

2.5 cups

Boys 14 - 18 yr. old3 cups


Page 9: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

What counts as a cup?3 spears broccoli

1 2 baby carrots

2 stalks celery 1 medium baked potato

1 large green pepper

1 large ear of corn

Page 10: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups


Fruit or Vegetable?

Page 11: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups


Page 12: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

Recommended amt. for those doing less than 30 min. physical activity daily.

Girls 14 – 18 yr. old

1.5 cups

Boys 14 - 18 yr. old2 cups


Page 13: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

What counts as a cup?1 small apple

1 large banana

32 grapes 1 large orange

½ cup any dried fruit

1 medium grapefruit

8 large strawberries

Page 14: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups
Page 15: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

Recommended amt. for those doing less than 30 min. physical activity daily.

Girls 14 – 18 yr. old

3 cups

Boys 14 - 18 yr. old3 cups


Page 16: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

What counts as a cup?1 small yogurt

½ pint of milk

2 cups cottage cheese

1/3 cup shredded cheese

2 slices of cheese

1 scoop ice cream = 1/3 cup

Page 17: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups
Page 18: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

Recommended amt. for those doing less than 30 min. physical activity daily.

Girls 14 – 18 yr. old

5 oz.

Boys 14 - 18 yr. old6.5 oz.


Page 19: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups

What counts as an ounce?1 small steak

2 Tbsp hummus

1 egg 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter

¼ cup of cooked beans

1 sandwich slice of turkey

½ oz. of nuts and seeds

Page 20: The nutrients we need in our daily diet are found in the 5 food groups