the oil well and the oil...

•; J:*I*F t & **ra&s" *i>r- w^iy?*J£^ -™*r - *. v- -W - .,,/. •K*X*X^it»»tm i 3t»Jt»W*M»K(»X»X»X»K*X*X»X»X*X*X!iJHtiC»X<ii»».X| : t if • '. t : r it «• 31 : r •••• -Slli * THE KANDIYOHI COUNTY BANK Willmar, Minn. '_ 5 PER CENT ON SAVINGS is paid at our Savings Department Is your money earn- ing tjiis amount steadily ? If not, start your account here today with a dollar or more.,, Many people are quietly building a bank account with this bank for future needs and you are invited to do likewise. J. F. MILLARD*, Chairman. P. B. HOttG, President L. O. THORPE, Vice President GEO. H. OTTERNESS, Cashier. N. T. TALLAKSON, Asst. Cashier A. E. NORDSTROM, Asst CashlsrA. STRUXNESS, Asst. Cashier Kiit ix »x*x+x-nt»x+K ¥*+x+tt+x*x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+*+x+x*xw LOCAL AND PERSONAL —Miss Esther Swenson and brother Carol left the first part of last week for a visit with their sister, Mrs. Clifford Nor- man- at Montevideo; Carol re- turned Friday, Miss Esther re- maining for a longer visit. I —Mrs. A. Hultgren and her daughter Mabel_ returned to their home at Spicer Friday af- ter a couple of day* visit with relatives at Kerkhoven. —Mrs. Anna Bjork and family returned to Minneapo- lis the first part of this week after a visit with her mother^ Mrs. Anna Skutle. —Mtf. and Mrs. Alfred, Bergeson left the first part of the week for a short visit at New London. —Little Helen Rodberg re- turned from Benson Monday where she visited her grand- parents. —Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bran- ton returned Monday to Min- neapolis after a visit with re- latives. —OLD PAPERS—Handy things around the house. Can be used for shelves, -wrapping, etc.. Call at the Tribune and get a good sized bundle for 5c. —Elenore Nichelson return ed to Minneapolis Monday to resume her studies at Stanley Hall. ' -, • • —Ruby and Helen Carlson, Lylia and Edna Nordstrom and Blanche Olson left Friday for a short visit at Atwater. —-Miss Hulda Anderson of - Minneapolis visited friends here the latter part of last week. —Miss Melvina Mathiason spent the week end visiting with Miss Florence (Peterson at Atwater. —rMiss Johannah Mitved left last Friday for Valley Ci- ty, N. D., to resume her duties as teacher. •—Miss Esther Lundin re- turned to her home at Pennock Friday after a visit with her sister, Mrs. Emil Nicholson. -^-Remember we are giving away a Ford. Johnson, Erick- son Motor Co., Willmar, Minn. —Mrs. Mary Ohsborn re- turned Friday from a visit with relatives at Granite Falls. , —Miss Alma Klingenberg left last Friday for a short visit with relatives at Cokato. —Miss Ruby Selin left the latter part of last week for a visit in Minneapolis. —Melvjn Eklund left Mon- day for Morris where he will attend the Agricultural school. —Miss Alma Bratberg. left Monday to resume her studies at the Seminary in Red Wing. —Miss Edith Larson of New London arrived Monday for a visit with friends. —Mrs. Ft. O. Berglund and daughter: Marion left Monday for a visit in Minneapolis. —There is but one place in Willmar .tp get a Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment.. Corner of 5th St. and Pacific Ave. L. E. Coss, D. £ , Ph. C. Geo. £. Mickelson, D. C. tf ; r—Misses Ethel and Myrtle Forsbergl^ft Friday for a short yisit wit%:reiatives at Raymond ;. —Mrs.'Geo. Abel of Buffalo a'rjuveo! last Friday for a visit at her parental home here. —Mrs. Robert Neilson left Friday for a two weeks visit at Delano. ' " —Mrs. Jeanette Hbglund i left Thursday for a short visit ,at Kerihoveii. i — J a c k ^Viggins left Thurs- day for a* visit at St. Cloud and Brainard. I —Miss Hazel Benson return- ed Monday to resume her stud- ies at the University. ' —Mrs. N. A. Jenson left on Thursday for a visit in St. Paul. •AY, JANUARY 5 . 1 9 2 1 : —Carl Birkeland left Mon T day to resume his studies at the Augsburg Seminary, Min- neapolis, after spending the holidays .at his home. —Miss Myrtle Lomsdahlen of Fergus Falls arrived the latter part of last week for a three weeks visit with her sis- ter, Mrs. Frank Gerry. \ —Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hustad and two children returned to Minneapolis Thursday after a weeks visit at the Edward Bor- gan home. * —Mr. and^ Mrs. Chas Olson and children and Miss Amy Sandberg spent Sunday at the F. G. Hawkinsbn home in Kan- diyohi. —Mrs. Mary Olander, son Roy and daughter Esther left Friday to spend the New Year holidays with relatives at New London. —Remember we are giving away a Ford. Johnson, Erick- son Motor Co., Willmar, Minn. —E. A. Holm returned to Wausau, .Wis., Tuesday after spending the holidays with re- latives. Mrs. Holm will remain for a longer visit. —Hartley-Schultz of Litch- field visited Saturday and Sun- day at the F. W. De Camp home. —Miss Katherine Eddy left Monday to resume her studies at Carleton college at "North- field. —Mr. and Mrs. John Lepse left Sunday for Colton, S. D., where they will make their fu- ture home. —Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Erick- son entertained eight guests at a dinner party Sunday even- ing. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jac- obson of Kandiyohi visited on Thursday with their daughter Mrs. Ed Anderson. Dr. Oscar E. Kedin, dentist, Carlson Block. Phone 81.—Adv. —-Miss Elsie Hultgren of Raymond arrived Friday for a few days visit with Miss Hil- da Carlson. —Harry Boersma of Ray- mond left Friday to resume his studies at Hope College, Hoi land, Michigan. —Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mac- Nees of Portland, Ore., arrived Saturday for a visit with rela tives and friends. —Mrs. Leo. Kastell and chil dren returned Friday from a two months visit with relatives at Athens, Wis. —Mrs. Aaron Carlson and daughter, Mrs. Ed Holland re- turned Friday from Minneap- olis. —Roy Nelson of St. Paul ar- rived Friday for a couple of days visit at the Carl Anderson home. —Mrs. Andrew Ehland of New London arrived Friday for a short visit with Mrs. L, Gul •lickson. —Miss Lois Sanden returned to Minneapolis Monday after a three weeks visit at her home —Miss Dorah Moline of At- water spent the week end at her home in thiis city. —Remember we are giving away a Ford. Johnson, Erick- son Motor Co., Willmar, Minn. !• —Misses Bertha and Sylvia pjevre returned to their home at Mayharcl Thursday. ! —C. L. Collin of Minneapo- lis, formerly of this city, is vis- iting friends here. -—Miss Rosemojid Gerretson left Monday to resume her stu- dies at Milwaukee Downer. ,—Miss Adeline Feig return ed: Monday to resume her stu- dies at the University. —1>. B. Zimmer left Mon- day on a business trip to Min- neapolis. —Christ Truelson left Mon- day for a visit at Stockholm, S. D. ed her§ this week we imagine that H^B. Wreisner (Joe Gans) is wearing, a smile from ear to ear rejolting over<Jthe arrival ( of a big baby boy at their home Dec. 22. Mr* and Mr^.'Wijeis- ner are residents of Portland, Ore., since their removal from this town a few months agp^-^-; Meeker County News. -rMr. and Mrs. G. A. Erick-j son were down, from Willmar! for a visit with her ? par%nts,i Mr. arid' Mrs^. Becker. "'•,• They were included among the guests at the Christmas dinner given by Mr> and Mrs. Fred Evehsori of Strout Who enter- tained a large number of rela- tives that day. •'..—rFor 6 years, 1 have"been! specializing here in, Willmar on Spinal adjustments to relieve the cause of disease. The; next person you meet can likely tell you the results of my, work. You wity find Dr. Mickelson and myself one block noyth of our old location. L. E. Coss* D.'C, Ph. C. *" tf] —Misses Esther Anderson returned to Minneapolis to re-, sume her duties as teacher at Minnehaha Academy and-Eve- lyn Anderson to Carleton Col- lege, Northfield, Monday after visiting at their home during the holidays, —Mrs. Louise O'Brien of Minneapolis and little sons Frank of Pine City and Thomas from near Atwater were 1 guests Christmas Day at the home of her folks, the A. AJ Cole family. —Don't forget that the Will- mar Sash & Door factory is the largest manufacturing plant in Kandiyohi County and is a part of Willmar. - It needs your pa- tronage to make it a success.— Adv. tf -—Elmer Dahlgren of Benson visited friends in this city last Thursday. He was enroute for a visit in the cities. Elmer is in the garage business at that place. —Mr. and Mrs. C O . Peter- son of Atwater visited friends in this city last Thursday. They were enroute for a visit with relatives in Granite Falls. —The Willmar Sash & Door Co. will do your small as well as your larger orders. Call on: us when you need anything in our line.^Adv. tf —Miss Anna Solom resigned her position at the Berkness- Lundberg store, and has accept ed a position in a telephone of- fice at; Minot, N. D. Carlson . Dr. H. F. Porter, Dentist Block. —Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hans- com left Thursday for Bemed- ji. They spent Christmas vis- iting relatives in this city and in Clara City. —Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Franklin and daughter of Min- neapolis are visiting at the Rev. Nathaniel Franklin home in this city. —;Miss Winney Johnson of Minneapolis, Aug. A. Johnson of Browns Valley visited at the R. T. Johnson home during the holidays. —Misses Ruby Norman and Edith Boreen returned to their home at Spicer Thursday after a few days visit with Mrs. Wm. Krause. —Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Berk- ness entertained the employees of the Berkness-Lundberg store at the dinner party last Thurs- day. • . —Remember we are giving away a Ford. Johnson, Erick- son Motor Co., Willmar, Minn. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zw-j emke and children of Willmar were visitors at the- Wm. Carl- son home Friday and Satur- day. —Mrs. Louis Silseth and her daughter Francis were ( visitors Tuesday and Wednesday at the Anton Olson home in Kandi- yohLWGrove City Times —Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cham- berlin spent Christmas with re- latives here and left for •Wilt mar Tuesday morning.—Coka- to Enterprise. —JMiss Beatrice Larigreh went to Wilimar Tuesday noon to spend a few days with her friend, Miss Myrtle Wilson. -r^-Mrs. R. T. Johnson and son .Malcolm left Thursday to visit during New Years at Browns .Valley. ' v ' —Mrs. Sorenson and daugh- ter Mrs. Marie Johnson return- ed to Murdock Thursday after a visit with Mrs. C. Ll Johnson*. —i-M. R. Simons retu/ned to Minneapolis Monday* morning after-a visit with friends in this jcity. •" ' - v • •- •: —Mrs.-H. G. Lonien left Fri- day for a visit at Minneapolis. —A. T. Bjur spent Thursday at Litchfield. -\\ ^MT^nd^rdi-Q; K. I^und returned to New London on Thursday.?^While here" they visited their daughter, Mrs. Ed Larson. Mr. Lund is a member of the G. A. R. and was-in at- tendance at the banquet given by the Austin F. Hanscom Post of the American Legion. '—Mr. £nd Mrs. Earl Hans- com of Bemedji, Mr. and Mrs. P. Thulen and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ho'lmberg and Naomi Peterson of Kandiyohi and Mr. arid Mrs. Thoriias McGrew were entertained at the J. L. Hanscom. home on Christmas Ray. — M r * and Mrs* Geo., W. Swenson of Minneapolis arriv- ed Friday to visit at his par- etftar home over New Yearsv They returned Monday. Mr. Swenson is ah instructor at the University. .—f-M^sS Theresa Harding re- turned to her home at Hankin- son„ N. D;, Tuesday after vis- iting* the past two weeks with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bert De Long. Place your furnace order with Ohs- berg-Berquist Hardware Co.—-Adv. tf. —Miss Violet Olson return- ed to Fargo, N. D., Tuesday af- ter visiting her brother and sister, Walter and Minnie Ol- son. —Mrs. A. N.. Pearson and children returned Monday af- ter a weeks visit with relatives at Atwater. —-Remember we are giving away, a Foi'd. Johnson, Erick- son Motor Co., Willmar, Minn. -r-Master Elliott Hanscom spent the latter part of the week visiting relatives in St. Paul. —Einar Brogren spent Fri- day and Saturday visiting re- latives at Benson. —August Maiei* of Harrison was a Willmar business caller last Friday. —Miss Ruby Sather left on Friday for a visit at Paynes- ville. —Carl Mattson left Thurs- day for a visit in the tv/in cit- ies. —J. F. Millard returned to Minneapolis Friday. Dr. Robert V. Malmgren, Dentist, Metropolitan Bldg. Phone 800.—adv. tf —Mr. and Mrs. J,. E. Leslie of Peever, S. D., are visiting at the S. B. Chanjn home. —Robert Jdhnson returned Tuesday to resume his studies at the University. ' —:Mr. and Mrs. Albert Han- son are visiting relatives at Spi- cer this week. —Mr. and Mrs. Albin Bjur left Tuesday for a few days visit at Litchfield. —Gladys Benson left. Tues- day for a visit in Minneapolis. B9 mm -*—Miss Dorothy McLaujghlin reurned Tuesday to S$. Bene- dict's College at St. Joseph, af- ter spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McLaughlin. —Mr. and Mrs* Bert De Long left the first of the week for the State of Florida where thjey will visit relatives, also for the benefit of Mrs. De Loney's health* ; ' r ^ ^ Dr», C. E. Anderson and G. A. An- derson, Dentists—Bank of. Willmar. ---Hago Danker who has been a guest at the home , of Emil Hplmquist during the past weeks, left Tuesday for Washington, D. C, being in the naval service. —Miss Evelyn Dale left on Wednesday to resume her stu- dies at Oberlin College, Ober- lin, Ohio. Mrs. Dale accom- panied her daughter to Minne- apolis. _^ —Mr. and Mrs. Juluis Thom- ason returned to their home in Minneapolis last Friday after spending the hdlidays at the Mrs. MillerOlsqn home. —Mrs. Robina Coppersmith and son Leslie returned to their home in Minneapolis Tuesday after a visit at the George Mc- Donald home. Place your furnace order w ith Ohs- berg-Eerquist Hardware Co.—Adv. tf ^-Misses Ethel Nordstrom,' Hazel Swenson, Rose Moline, returned Monday to resume ftieir studies at the G. A. col- lege at St. Peter. -—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Handke spent the week end visiting at the Andrew Ander- son home in Milaca. —Earl Berg returned to his home at Cokato Tuesday after a visit at the Victor Klingen- berg home. —Miss Ida Lundberg of Browns Valley visited during the holidays at her parental home here. —Miss Muriel Anderson left Tuesday to resume her duties as teacher at Cokato. —W. C. Hoglund of Minne- apolis arrived Monday for a visit with relatives. —Miss Lillie Boom left last Wednesday for a weeks visit in Minneapolis. —If Olive Bros, can't repair your watch, throw it away. 315 Third St. tf —Otis Moen of Brookings, S. D., spent the week end vis- iting at the H. P. Hanson home. f******^* »***«•»m «• jf; * i^y,*^|^y||^||^ K»MI £^ OF ABSORBING INTEREST on Vital and f^Sfe^AT THE «*> : f >.-jt- »-\v. •« SV- ; ARE ; BEING GIVEN BV tyv r '-*\U Pastor Ernest A* Lugerstrom * NEXT SUNDAY, 7:30 R. M. SUBJECT IS " I S THE BIBLE GOD'S WOBD" « Cor. Trott Ave. Third St. t Does this question concern YOU? I Can YOU afford to ignore it? J Is it not essential to YOUR happiness?. I Excellent KJusic a Special feature. You Are I Cordially Welcome.. + ** mx+t+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+Y+x+x+x+x+x+x+xtnmtmni > CASH-PAID FOR JUNK-GASH noli, rinis sad potrimrr WAVTSP—p«opu of wnimar sac' Yfaisd* tjr always wait for honaoeteanlas* Hmm y to yattaor tbolr rags, smMosp aaA motel. CNt.thom r—Aj, pbono mo, and X will call for thorn. X ao>lso tfco country pooplo to tartar *» all tbolr Junk. X also bay hloos, far 'tmA ponltry at amy ttmo. X liavo no otbor bnyos. , , «,..,^.. m . 60S xatohfloUl ATO. W, Fnon* 434, Willmar, Minn. J. J. RIVKIN GLASSES FITTED Broken lenses replaced; frames repaired. First class optical work guaranteed. C. H. ANDERSON Registered Optometrist, with Anderson Bros. & Co. See What Causes That Look? The abnormal position of this ver- tebra pinches the nerve that controls the stomach. (Copyrighted) The stomach cannot do its duty un-« til that bone is straightened and the pressure on the nerve relieved. Let me explain personally how this can apply in your case ' L. E. GOSS' CHIROPRACTIC AOJUSTORY Corner Stli^t. and Pacific Aye. Lady Attendant Phone 620 Geo. C Mickelson 1\C. Lewis IL Coss D. C. •. Both Expert Adjusters and graduates of the largest school in the wo rid. teach- ing spinal adjustments. ^OSTEOPATHY'S CONQUERING SIGN ^ THE HUMAN Practiced in Wilbur by Oscar R. ZsJir/Oste^ithic HiysicisiL (Spine SpeciaJM) ; ^ ^ ., 422 Utdifield •>?*;$ .': 0«ce Ho^: 9 . 12; ^5 0 ^ y ^ ^ ^ meat. Telephoaes: Office 91; Resideace 119 ansa The Oil Well and the Oil Whale T HE miracle of mechanical develop- ment which has revolutionized the world and has changed man's habit of life, even Jn the remotest wilderness, was made possible by the discovery of oil in 1858, and the development of oil refining, in which the Standard Oil Company was a pioneer and leader. With tne development of the petroleum industry came a cheap, efficient, easily secure^ lubricant, capable of keeping the bearings of the heaviest machinery run- ning cool and without friction. It is the thin film of mineral oil which has made possible the great mechanical inventions of the modern world. When population was scarce and widely scattered, the surplus animal and vegetable fats were sufficient to grease the simple machinery of that day, but with the vast development of mechanical power these sources of lubricants would be quite inadequate. The old system and the new may be visualized by comparing the "grease r2g" of Madeira with the marvelous automatic force feed lubrication in your automobile. In Madeira the native walks ahead of his team, smearing the cobblestones with s grease rag, while you drive comfortably, because petroleum has made automatic lubrication possible. Correct lubrication is the life of industry, and correct lubrication depends entirely upon petroleum. All other products of crude oil, while adding much to the prosperity, comfort and gayety of the world, could be given up .without the disastrous conse- quences which would follow the elimination of the petroleum lubricants. > . The Standard Oil Company (Indiana) manufactures a large number of oils and greases, each designed to meet an especial need. To Serve industry better, ' the Company maintains a staff of lubricating experts ' whose business it is to study the problems of indi- vidual industries, and determine the lubricants necessary J» increase the: efficiency of msehinerj. sad to prolong its life. - * The Standard Oil Company (Indians) Is prood off its position as the manufacturer of the lubricants used^ by so large * number of important industries throughout the nation. '-'•--," ?Jt, '''"••*"V Standard Oil Companv 910 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago : - : '•_. 2363 \ ( I •'I**-

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Page 1: The Oil Well and the Oil… · Monday to resume her studies at the Seminary in Red Wing. —Miss Edith Larson

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KANDIYOHI COUNTY BANK W i l l m a r , M i n n .

' _ 5 PER CENT ON SAVINGS is paid at our Savings Department Is your money earn­ing tjiis amount steadily ? If not, start your account here today with a dollar or more.,, Many people are quietly building a bank account with this bank for future needs and you are invited to do likewise.

J. F. MILLARD*, Chairman. P. B. HOttG, President L. O. THORPE, Vice President GEO. H. OTTERNESS, Cashier. N. T. TALLAKSON, Asst. Cashier A. E. NORDSTROM, Asst CashlsrA. STRUXNESS, Asst. Cashier

K i i t ix »x*x+x-nt»x+K ¥*+x+tt+x*x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+*+x+x*xw


—Miss Esther Swenson and brother Carol left the first part of last week for a visit with their sister, Mrs. Clifford Nor­man- at Montevideo; Carol re­turned Friday, Miss Esther re­maining for a longer visit. I —Mrs. A. Hultgren and her daughter Mabel_ returned to their home at Spicer Friday af­ter a couple of day* visit with relatives at Kerkhoven.

—Mrs. Anna Bjork and family returned to Minneapo­lis the first part of this week after a visit with her mother^ Mrs. Anna Skutle.

—Mtf. and Mrs. Alfred, Bergeson left the first part of the week for a short visit at New London.

—Little Helen Rodberg re­turned from Benson Monday where she visited her grand­parents.

—Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bran-ton returned Monday to Min­neapolis after a visit with re­latives.

—OLD PAPERS—Handy things around the house. Can be used for shelves, -wrapping, etc.. Call at the Tribune and get a good sized bundle for 5c.

—Elenore Nichelson return ed to Minneapolis Monday to resume her studies at Stanley Hall. ' -, • •

—Ruby and Helen Carlson, Lylia and Edna Nordstrom and Blanche Olson left Friday for a short visit at Atwater.

—-Miss Hulda Anderson of - Minneapolis visited friends here the latter part of last week.

—Miss Melvina Mathiason spent the week end visiting with Miss Florence (Peterson at Atwater.

—rMiss Johannah Mitved left last Friday for Valley Ci­ty, N. D., to resume her duties as teacher.

•—Miss Esther Lundin re­turned to her home at Pennock Friday after a visit with her sister, Mrs. Emil Nicholson.

-^-Remember we are giving away a Ford. Johnson, Erick-son Motor Co., Willmar, Minn.

—Mrs. Mary Ohsborn re­turned Friday from a visit with relatives at Granite Falls. ,

—Miss Alma Klingenberg left last Friday for a short visit with relatives at Cokato.

—Miss Ruby Selin left the latter part of last week for a visit in Minneapolis.

—Melvjn Eklund left Mon­day for Morris where he will attend the Agricultural school.

—Miss Alma Bratberg. left Monday to resume her studies at the Seminary in Red Wing.

—Miss Edith Larson of New London arrived Monday for a visit with friends.

—Mrs. Ft. O. Berglund and daughter: Marion left Monday for a visit in Minneapolis.

—There is but one place in Willmar .tp get a Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment.. Corner of 5th St. and Pacific Ave. L. E. Coss, D. £ , Ph. C. Geo. £. Mickelson, D. C. tf

; r—Misses Ethel and Myrtle Forsbergl^ft Friday for a short yisit wit%:reiatives at Raymond

;. —Mrs.'Geo. Abel of Buffalo a'rjuveo! last Friday for a visit at her parental home here.

—Mrs. Robert Neilson left Friday for a two weeks visit at Delano. ' "

—Mrs. Jeanette Hbglund i left Thursday for a short visit ,a t Kerihoveii. i — J a c k ^Viggins left Thurs­day for a* visit at St. Cloud and Brainard.

I —Miss Hazel Benson return­ed Monday to resume her stud­ies at the University.

' —Mrs. N. A. Jenson left on Thursday for a visit in St. Paul.

•AY, JANUARY 5.1921:

—Carl Birkeland left MonT day to resume his studies at the Augsburg Seminary, Min­neapolis, after spending the holidays .at his home.

—Miss Myrtle Lomsdahlen of Fergus Falls arrived the latter part of last week for a three weeks visit with her sis­ter, Mrs. Frank Gerry. \

—Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hustad and two children returned to Minneapolis Thursday after a weeks visit at the Edward Bor-gan home. *

—Mr. and^ Mrs. Chas Olson and children and Miss Amy Sandberg spent Sunday at the F. G. Hawkinsbn home in Kan­diyohi.

—Mrs. Mary Olander, son Roy and daughter Esther left Friday to spend the New Year holidays with relatives at New London.

—Remember we are giving away a Ford. Johnson, Erick-son Motor Co., Willmar, Minn.

—E. A. Holm returned to Wausau, .Wis., Tuesday after spending the holidays with re­latives. Mrs. Holm will remain for a longer visit.

—Hartley-Schultz of Litch­field visited Saturday and Sun­day at the F. W. De Camp home.

—Miss Katherine Eddy left Monday to resume her studies at Carleton college at "North-field.

—Mr. and Mrs. John Lepse left Sunday for Colton, S. D., where they will make their fu­ture home.

—Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Erick-son entertained eight guests at a dinner party Sunday even­ing.

—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jac-obson of Kandiyohi visited on Thursday with their daughter Mrs. Ed Anderson.

Dr. Oscar E. Kedin, dentist, Carlson Block. Phone 81.—Adv.

—-Miss Elsie Hultgren of Raymond arrived Friday for a few days visit with Miss Hil­da Carlson.

—Harry Boersma of Ray­mond left Friday to resume his studies at Hope College, Hoi land, Michigan.

—Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mac-Nees of Portland, Ore., arrived Saturday for a visit with rela tives and friends.

—Mrs. Leo. Kastell and chil dren returned Friday from a two months visit with relatives at Athens, Wis.

—Mrs. Aaron Carlson and daughter, Mrs. Ed Holland re­turned Friday from Minneap­olis.

—Roy Nelson of St. Paul ar­rived Friday for a couple of days visit at the Carl Anderson home.

—Mrs. Andrew Ehland of New London arrived Friday for a short visit with Mrs. L, Gul •lickson.

—Miss Lois Sanden returned to Minneapolis Monday after a three weeks visit at her home

—Miss Dorah Moline of At­water spent the week end at her home in thiis city.

—Remember we are giving away a Ford. Johnson, Erick-son Motor Co., Willmar, Minn. !• —Misses Bertha and Sylvia pjevre returned to their home at Mayharcl Thursday. ! —C. L. Collin of Minneapo­lis, formerly of this city, is vis­iting friends here.

-—Miss Rosemojid Gerretson left Monday to resume her stu­dies at Milwaukee Downer. , — M i s s Adeline Feig return ed: Monday to resume her stu­dies at the University.

—1>. B. Zimmer left Mon­day on a business trip to Min­neapolis.

—Christ Truelson left Mon­day for a visit at Stockholm, S. D.

ed her§ this week we imagine that H^B. Wreisner (Joe Gans) is wearing, a smile from ear to ear re jolting over<Jthe arrival ( of a big baby boy at their home Dec. 22. Mr* and Mr^.'Wijeis-ner are residents of Portland, Ore., since their removal from this town a few months agp^-^-; Meeker County News.

- rMr . and Mrs. G. A. Erick-j son were down, from Willmar! for a visit with her ? par%nts,i Mr. arid' Mrs . Becker."'•,• They were included among the guests at the Christmas dinner given by Mr> and Mrs. Fred Evehsori of Strout Who enter­tained a large number of rela­tives that day. •'..—rFor 6 years, 1 have"been! specializing here in, Willmar on Spinal adjustments to relieve the cause of disease. The; next person you meet can likely tell you the results of my, work. You wity find Dr. Mickelson and myself one block noyth of our old location. L. E. Coss* D . 'C , Ph. C. *" tf]

—Misses Esther Anderson returned to Minneapolis to re-, sume her duties as teacher at Minnehaha Academy and-Eve­lyn Anderson to Carleton Col­lege, Northfield, Monday after visiting at their home during the holidays,

—Mrs. Louise O'Brien of Minneapolis and little sons Frank of Pine City and Thomas from near Atwater were1

guests Christmas Day at the home of her folks, the A. AJ Cole family.

—Don't forget that the Will­mar Sash & Door factory is the largest manufacturing plant in Kandiyohi County and is a part of Willmar. - It needs your pa­tronage to make it a success.— Adv. tf

-—Elmer Dahlgren of Benson visited friends in this city last Thursday. He was enroute for a visit in the cities. Elmer is in the garage business at that place.

—Mr. and Mrs. C O . Peter­son of Atwater visited friends in this city last Thursday. They were enroute for a visit with relatives in Granite Falls.

—The Willmar Sash & Door Co. will do your small as well as your larger orders. Call on: us when you need anything in our l ine .^Adv. tf

—Miss Anna Solom resigned her position at the Berkness-Lundberg store, and has accept ed a position in a telephone of­fice at; Minot, N. D.

Carlson . Dr. H. F. Porter, Dentist Block.

—Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hans-com left Thursday for Bemed-ji. They spent Christmas vis­iting relatives in this city and in Clara City.

—Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Franklin and daughter of Min­neapolis are visiting at the Rev. Nathaniel Franklin home in this city.

—;Miss Winney Johnson of Minneapolis, Aug. A. Johnson of Browns Valley visited at the R. T. Johnson home during the holidays.

—Misses Ruby Norman and Edith Boreen returned to their home at Spicer Thursday after a few days visit with Mrs. Wm. Krause.

—Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Berk-ness entertained the employees of the Berkness-Lundberg store at the dinner party last Thurs­day. • .

—Remember we are giving away a Ford. Johnson, Erick-son Motor Co., Willmar, Minn.

—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zw-j emke and children of Willmar were visitors at the- Wm. Carl­son home Friday and Satur­day.

—Mrs. Louis Silseth and her daughter Francis were (visitors Tuesday and Wednesday at the Anton Olson home in Kandi-yohLWGrove City Times

—Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cham-berlin spent Christmas with re­latives here and left for •Wilt mar Tuesday morning.—Coka­to Enterprise.

—JMiss Beatrice Larigreh went to Wilimar Tuesday noon to spend a few days with her friend, Miss Myrtle Wilson.

-r^-Mrs. R. T. Johnson and son .Malcolm left Thursday to visit during New Years at Browns .Valley. ' v '

—Mrs. Sorenson and daugh­ter Mrs. Marie Johnson return­ed to Murdock Thursday after a visit with Mrs. C. Ll Johnson*.

—i-M. R. Simons retu/ned to Minneapolis Monday* morning after-a visit with friends in this jcity. •" ' - v • •- •:

—Mrs.-H. G. Lonien left Fri­day for a visit at Minneapolis.

—A. T. Bjur spent Thursday at Litchfield.

-\\ ^MT^nd^rdi-Q; K. I^und returned to New London on Thursday.?^While here" they visited their daughter, Mrs. Ed Larson. Mr. Lund is a member of the G. A. R. and was-in at­tendance at the banquet given by the Austin F. Hanscom Post of the American Legion.

'—Mr. £nd Mrs. Earl Hans­com of Bemedji, Mr. and Mrs. P. Thulen and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ho'lmberg and Naomi Peterson of Kandiyohi and Mr. arid Mrs. Thoriias McGrew were entertained at the J. L. Hanscom. home on Christmas Ray. — M r * and Mrs* Geo., W. Swenson of Minneapolis arriv­ed Friday to visit a t his par-etftar home over New Yearsv They returned Monday. Mr. Swenson is ah instructor at the University.

.—f-M sS Theresa Harding re­turned to her home at Hankin-son„ N. D;, Tuesday after vis­iting* the past two weeks with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bert De Long.

Place your furnace order with Ohs-berg-Berquist Hardware Co.—-Adv. tf.

—Miss Violet Olson return­ed to Fargo, N. D., Tuesday af­ter visiting her brother and sister, Walter and Minnie Ol­son. — M r s . A. N.. Pearson and children returned Monday af­ter a weeks visit with relatives at Atwater.

—-Remember we are giving away, a Foi'd. Johnson, Erick-son Motor Co., Willmar, Minn.

-r-Master Elliott Hanscom spent the latter part of the week visiting relatives in St. Paul.

—Einar Brogren spent Fri­day and Saturday visiting re­latives at Benson.

—August Maiei* of Harrison was a Willmar business caller last Friday.

—Miss Ruby Sather left on Friday for a visit at Paynes-ville.

—Carl Mattson left Thurs­day for a visit in the tv/in cit­ies.

—J . F. Millard returned to Minneapolis Friday.

Dr. Robert V. Malmgren, Dentist, Metropolitan Bldg. Phone 800.—adv. tf

—Mr. and Mrs. J,. E. Leslie of Peever, S. D., are visiting at the S. B. Chanjn home.

—Robert Jdhnson returned Tuesday to resume his studies at the University. '

—:Mr. and Mrs. Albert Han­son are visiting relatives at Spi­cer this week.

—Mr. and Mrs. Albin Bjur left Tuesday for a few days visit at Litchfield.

—Gladys Benson left. Tues­day for a visit in Minneapolis.

B9 mm -*—Miss Dorothy McLaujghlin

reurned Tuesday to S$. Bene­dict's College at St. Joseph, af­ter spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McLaughlin.

—Mr. and Mrs* Bert De Long left the first of the week for the State of Florida where thjey will visit relatives, also for the benefit of Mrs. De Loney's health* ; ' r ^ ^

Dr», C. E. Anderson and G. A. An­derson, Dentists—Bank of. Willmar.

---Hago Danker who has been a guest a t the home , of Emil Hplmquist during the past weeks, left Tuesday for Washington, D. C , being in the naval service.

—Miss Evelyn Dale left on Wednesday to resume her stu­dies at Oberlin College, Ober-lin, Ohio. Mrs. Dale accom­panied her daughter to Minne­apolis. _

—Mr. and Mrs. Juluis Thom-ason returned to their home in Minneapolis last Friday after spending the hdlidays at the Mrs. MillerOlsqn home.

—Mrs. Robina Coppersmith and son Leslie returned to their home in Minneapolis Tuesday after a visit at the George Mc­Donald home.

Place your furnace order with Ohs-berg-Eerquist Hardware Co.—Adv. tf

^-Misses Ethel Nordstrom,' Hazel Swenson, Rose Moline, returned Monday to resume ftieir studies at the G. A. col­lege at St. Peter.

-—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Handke spent the week end visiting at the Andrew Ander­son home in Milaca.

—Earl Berg returned to his home at Cokato Tuesday after a visit at the Victor Klingen­berg home.

—Miss Ida Lundberg of Browns Valley visited during the holidays at her parental home here.

—Miss Muriel Anderson left Tuesday to resume her duties as teacher at Cokato.

—W. C. Hoglund of Minne­apolis arrived Monday for a visit with relatives.

—Miss Lillie Boom left last Wednesday for a weeks visit in Minneapolis.

—If Olive Bros, can't repair your watch, throw it away. 315 Third St. tf

—Otis Moen of Brookings, S. D., spent the week end vis­iting at the H. P. Hanson home.

f******^* »***«•»m «• jf; * i ^ y , * ^ | ^ y | | ^ | | ^ K»MI £^ OF ABSORBING INTEREST

on Vital a n d

f^Sfe^AT THE «*> :

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; A R E ; B E I N G G I V E N B V tyvr'-*\U

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CASH-PAID FOR JUNK-GASH n o l i , r i n i s sad potrimrr WAVTSP—p«opu of wnimar sac' Yfaisd* tjr always wait for honaoeteanlas* Hmmy to yattaor tbolr rags, smMosp aaA motel. CNt.thom r—Aj, pbono mo, and X will call for thorn. X ao>lso tfco country pooplo to tartar *» all tbolr Junk. X also bay hloos, far 'tmA ponltry at amy ttmo. X liavo no otbor bnyos. , , «,..,^..m. 60S xatohfloUl ATO. W, Fnon* 434, Willmar, Minn. J. J. RIVKIN

G L A S S E S F I T T E D Broken lenses replaced; frames

repaired. First class optical work guaranteed.

C. H. ANDERSON Registered Optometrist, with

Anderson Bros. & Co.

See What Causes That Look?

The abnormal position of this ver­tebra pinches the nerve that controls the stomach.


The stomach cannot do its duty un-« til that bone i s straightened and the pressure on the nerve relieved.

Let m e explain personally how this can apply in your case '

L. E. GOSS' CHIROPRACTIC AOJUSTORY Corner S t l i^ t . and Pacific Aye .

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Lewis IL Coss D. C. •. Both Expert Adjusters and graduates o f the largest school in the w o rid. teach­ing spinal adjustments .


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The Oil Well and the Oil Whale

TH E miracle of mechanical develop­ment which has revolutionized the world and has changed man's habit of

life, even Jn the remotest wilderness, was made possible by the discovery of oil in 1858, and the development of oil refining, in which the Standard Oil Company was a pioneer and leader.

W i t h tne development of the petroleum industry came a cheap, efficient, easily secure^ lubricant, capable of keeping the bearings of the heaviest machinery run­ning cool and without friction.

It is the thin film of mineral oil which has made possible the great mechanical inventions of the modern world. When population was scarce and widely scattered, the surplus animal and vegetable fats were sufficient to grease the simple machinery of that day, but with the vast development of mechanical power these sources of lubricants would be quite inadequate.

The old system and the new may be visualized by comparing the "grease r2g" of Madeira with the marvelous automatic force feed lubrication in your automobile. In Madeira the native walks ahead of his team, smearing the cobblestones with s grease rag, while you drive comfortably, because petroleum has made automatic lubrication possible.

Correct lubrication is the life of industry, and correct lubrication depends entirely upon petroleum. All other products of crude oil, while adding much t o the prosperity, comfort and gayety of the world, could be given up .without the disastrous conse­quences which would follow the elimination of the petroleum lubricants. >

. The Standard Oil Company (Indiana) manufactures a large number of oils and greases, each designed to meet an especial need. To Serve industry better,

' the Company maintains a staff of lubricating experts ' whose business it is to study the problems of indi­v i d u a l industries, and determine the lubricants necessary J» increase the: efficiency of msehinerj. sad to prolong its life. - *

The Standard Oil Company (Indians) Is prood off its position as the manufacturer of the lubricants used^ by so large * number of important industries throughout the nation. '-'•--," ?Jt, '''"••*"V

Standard Oil Companv 910 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago

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