«the old man and the sea» ernest hemingway Сычев Иван 7-А

MY FAVOURITE BOOK «The old man and the sea» Ernest Hemingway Сычев Иван 7-А

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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«The old man and the sea»

Ernest Hemingway

Сычев Иван 7-А

Ernest Miller HemingwayErnest Miller Hemingway (1899—1961) is an American author and journalist. Nobel Prize Winner in Literature (1954). His economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his life of adventure and his public image influenced later generations.

The book was published in 1952.“The Old Man and the Sea” is a magnificent story.At one level it is the tale of a man and a fish, at another, a story of man versus nature, at yet another, the story of the culture of manhood, courage, bravery in the face of existence

An old Cuban fisherman, Santiago, goes out in his

small fishing boat after 84 days without hooking a decent fish. He goes far

out, and hooks a gigantic 18 foot long sword fish. The battle then begins, and the fish drags the

small boat and Santiago far out to sea. For two days they battle, and

Santiago wins that battle, but then loses the great fish on the way home to

the scavenger sharks who find him easy prey.

Santiago tries to defend the fish, but the sharks are much

stronger. The old man finally arrives at the harbour at the third day of his journey. It is

night and the old man goes to bed. The next morning Manolin

comes and visits him, but before that the boy had already been to

the harbour and he had also seen the skeleton of the big fish. When the boy sees the old man

he starts to cry. He tells Santiago that the coast guard and even

airplanes had been searching for him. The boy also promises that

they will go fishing together again.

This story is about an eternal combat, triumph, pride and fate.

Why I like it

What I like most about the story "The Old Man and the Sea" is its simplicity. I think this is one of the reasons

why it has become so successful and word famous. Hemingway

doesn’t try to impress the reader with a complicated and unrealistic story. It is

the fact that every word of the story is essential and none is meaningless. This

is the reason why the story is so beautiful and unique within the literary world.


1. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki2. http://noblit.ru/content/view/37/1/3. http://mults.spb.ru/mults/?id=904#

cook4. http://rutube.ru/tracks/1752196.ht
