the omaha daily bee. (omaha, nebraska) 1883-08-31 [p ].€¦ · r gunung harbor, but much greater...

) T HE A DAILY BEE.YE- AR. . . UItAII11 , , NAB. FRIDAY MORNING , AUGUST 31 , 1983. NO. 64. , AN AVALANCHE OF DEATH , .The Frightfal Work of the Volcanoes EarIhQlakos and Tidal Waves at Java , Valloylland Mountains , and Soy- i' oral Islands Disappear Do- noatll - . , the Waves , Torrents of Lava , Water and Mud 'Poured Out from a Dozen Volcanoes. ; The Bowels of the Earth Finally Oooled When the Ocean Rushed In- .SoventyFive . Thousand Lives Be- lieved - to be Lost by the Mon- 8ter - ; Upheaval. 'Graphic Dece'iptlon of ( lie horrors of SundayNighl-AppaUi Sights - anti Terryfying Sounds , Special dispatch to Tim ; BEE. LONDON , AugUSt 30-Further particu- lars of tlie , great volcanic eruption in Java , which have just reached London from Batavia show the disaster to have been oven more widespread and moro disastrous than reported in yester'day's- adviecs. . At noun Sunday thtU eruptions and shocks wore Supposed to have ' reached their greatest height , but late in the afternoon and evening the violence 'of the disturbance suddenly increased and the island seemed about to be coil- pletely - , buried in a mass of fire and sul- phurious - ashes. At the same Limo enor- mous - waves began to dash with greater force upon the shores , coning Ill some places far up into the interior. Great chasms , opened into earth , and threatened to engulf a large proportioh of the island's people and buildings. About midnight the most frightful steno of the whole.disturbanco took placo. suddenly an- nNOlMOUs CLOUD , einlilnr to that which was seen over the r Gunung harbor , but much greater in ex- tent - , formed over the Katdange range of mountains which skirt the southeast coast of' the island. This cloud gradually in- creased - in size until it formed a canopy 4 of lurid red and whitish gray over a wHo ' extent of territory. During this fume the eruptions increased and streams of lava poured incessantly down the L sides of the mountains into the va- lr - ) a leys , sweeping everything before 'them.t- yi . Hero and there a stream of lava would k' ' enter an arm of the sea , or come in con- tact - , . , with a river ; then the nearest incan ' ' ; , descent lava , as it protruded from the ' great stream , would suddenly produce I boiling heat and sickening vapors , but superficial consolidation that almost in- , ' any fur- ther - contact , The fissures that opened in the thin crust as it solidified would emit c TORRENTS or vAI'OR- t extending high into the air , nmkung a- L tremendous hissing sound , as if a tltous- .anl - . locomotives were simultaneously letting oil'steam. . .Hero and there in the lava streams wore innumerable thimplate I like crystals of feldspar , arranged in ' trains , one behind the other, in the 3 direction of the flow of the current , maid feispltatlc 51)110 routes wore rapidly formed in vitreous matter , resembling those which form in the slag of a glass fulnaco. Ono of the most singular freaks of the -eruption was the carrying in time midst r r of the molten lava o f a bed of solid ice , of enormous size , which had beer omitted from one of the craters. It wag carried along by time current and landed on the extremity of point St. Nicholas , 'on the northeast corner of the island.- TIIE . 11ED OF ICE was surrounded by a thick envelope of r r ' sand and scoria , which are such noncon- r - ductors of hrcat that the red lot stream of lava running over it will not melt the snow. Itis supposed this ice had formed ' 'mho cruet of some vast subterranean lake. About two o'clock Monday morning the great cloud suddenly broke into small ections and quickly vanished. At time aamo time great frightful rumblings were heard and columns of fire and smoke on the soutlmoast corner of the island ceased to ascend , while the craters in other partsofJava seemed to open their throats still wider to lot the greatest quan- tity - of lava , rocks , pumice and ashes yet vomited out. 'lime hissing of these became so loud as to be almost deafening and waves rushed upon shore to an precedonted height. When daylight came it was seen that AN ENOItMOUE TRACT OF LANs 1 had disappeared , oxmcndii from Point the south to Pal- serearb - on the north and vvcst io low ) point , covering an extent of territory t lifty miles square. In this were situated the tillages of Negery and NegeryCnha- waug , Of time people inhabiting these places mind the natives scattered sparsely through the forests and on the plains note escaped a frightful death. section 1 of time Island was not so densely populut- e(1 as other portions , and time loss of life was comparatively small , though it must have aggregated fully 15,000 souls , The entire range of ICandang mouitains , ex- tending - along time coast in a semi-circle for about 65 rules 11AI ) DUNE OUT OF m10IVV. Tao waters of Telco io bay , the Sunda straits and Pepper bay on the east , and of Indian ocean on the south , had rushed in amd brimmed a great sea of tur- bulemt waters. Here and there the peak of a high crater was exposed for a mo- ment - by the recoding of a great wave , and occasionally a puff of brownish gray ainoko , or a slight shower of rocks , show- .ed . that time volcanoes still continued in- aubaquuous oruption. Time debris of time submerged mid destroyed buildings was -tossed hither amid thither over tumult- l uous v , A ljja gpnlysign loft that there halt once . Oj. ' abitated land whore all was now wv , . 'er. The town of Tauoran , With. . " o miles of city of Batavia wits' . away by lava streams ; fully half the pu, Elation , mostly Javanese , numbering about 11800 , per- ished - , At SPeelwyyk , near Pont Saleis- THK nEU HOT ROCK sot fire to houses , and swept away all the thickly settled portion of the town. About ten bazaar holmmgimg to the Euro- pcans - were destroyed. ' [ 'lie loss of property is very largo. Time ltiver- Jacatra , at the backs of which Batavia is situated , was so completely daunned by lava and debris that its course was changed , amid from Franieu Bastion it flowed dawn Tygors street and joined the waters of time hirer Eumeutes , swelling that stream to such al extent as to rise lmigh on Castors Fitjelonjuk , which urns almost yeti amid number of lives were lust , 'l'ime Island of Onoiis , five smiles off time imodh of the ' 1'axvai river, mid 20 Umiles cast of Batavia , was commplutely inund U- ed - and time floating dock there totally de- stroyud. - . Cuataic , Clapa amid ' 1'ronwurso Island amid time portion of Java which dis- appearcd - , AIIE OUT Or SiOIIT. Not a vestige of them is left. Baby and Chormbo Islands , oil' the north coast , but simimtll in extent , lost all houses amid in- habitmuits - upon them , In Batavia the loss has been largely increased siuco last report. Time roof of time Governor's house was crushed in by a mass of heavy stud , anti 3 retainers killed. The town bm1d u is destroyed , Diamond and Pearl bastiuis bably damaged amid time Bussami redoubt destroyed , On Layamais , Mmi- lubar amid Lion streets , the principal ave- nues - of the city , the damage is very great. Fort Aatyoy is entirely destroyed. The tour of Faggal was severely shaker and few buildings veru left standing , 'rho aggregate loss of life free various elonumts of time terrible disturbances must be fully SEVENTY-FIVE TiIOUSANII , but t e number of those who perished cue never , of course , be approximmtted- A violent shock occurred in time 151111111 of Sumatra , Monday forenoon , rand it was feared that yther violent disturbances might occur Middle Island , ten miles off time Javanese coast , and half way bey- tween taw extrmno points of Java and Sumatra , was almost wholly engulfed in tune sous. Time simian island of Sirlok , probably originally blowim up by an erup- tive - paroxismn , has entirely disappeared- .It . was uninhabited , ShU'PPI ) IN TIlE MOUTH.- A . Bridegroom ICimouked Out inn time First 1t nnd.- WASnINGroN . , August 30.A difliculty- occuured last evening at the Metropoli- tan hotel between lliiles Commander , chairian of time republican central cou- mittee - of North Carolina , and Col. Mc- Lindsoy - , a prominent poiiticiai of that state , who ms at present employed in the treasury department in this city , Time trouble it is said grew out of jilting McLindsoy'a daughter by Commander. Time latter it is alleged was engaged to Miss McLindsoy but recently mar- ried - another woman. Ho arrived hero , Tuesday morning with his bride and took rooms at time hotel , Lindsey called this evening and the omen had a long and angry colloquy in the , hotel corridor , and Lindsey struck Cont- mander - a vmleut blow in the face , knock- ing him across tho' corridor. Friends separated thorn , Commander going to his romn without resenting the blow. Liud- soy wait'd several hours for Connnamder'sr- emmppearance. . He threatens to puuisim Liam still furtlmr. There is talk of a duel , . _ _ _ Time Ilisurance Mo.- Cnia.tcoAugust . 30 , 'The second day's session of time fire underwriters' associa- tion - of time northwest began this morn- ing. - . Thu constitution was so anunded- as to have the aminnal meetings o"cur fn September on a date to be axed by the executive committee , instead of time third week ii August as heretofore. Time coar- mittee - to which time subject of state boards was referred emdorscd the idea of- n paid commission amid recommeded that time old system of committees be abam- mBoned. . 'fine reports of time state boards showed a marked increase iii time comber of local boards during the past year.- Prof. . . ' 1' . II. C. Dolber , of Tufts college , Boston , read a paper on electricity , mid in answer to quurios propourlded by- mteulbers as to damgur fTOn electric lighting , said time danger from various systonms was very great unless proper precautions were taken , but declared that tinder the regulations already ei- forced by insurance companies lighting by electricity was altogether safer than by kerosene. The following officers wore elected : President , 0 , H. Drew , of Evansville , Ind. ; vice president , 'I' , R , Zollera , of- Ottumwa , Iowa ; secretary and treasurer , J. 0. Griaitlm , Madisom , Wis. ; executive committee , one fromn each of time status rcprusunted. Adjuurmed to moot in Cliic- mmgo - am time third Wednesday in Septum- bey - , Destmuullye Flro.- PITEnsnuuo . ; , bad , , August 30-For time thud time within a year a disastrous fire visited timis phlce. 1 hu principal square burned yesterday , Loss $00,000 ; itmstuyumcu 10000. Thu principal losers are Fagan & Adanls drugs ; I'ress- Itepuhlican - , now'spapor ; Frank , millinery ; Ilonlomd tl ; Parker , dry goods ; Jiarlmctt .C Son , dry goods ; Ldw'nrlH t Ware , drugs ; Citizenis' State bank ; ' 1' . C , Hnmmimoud & Son , dry goods ; ] lull , Meyer .C Co , , lmerdware ; Muses Frank , dry gouda , M , 0 , Jordon , jewelry , IIcklnnoa Cuuugo F'aoilty.A- UIIUmIN . PARK , N. J. , August 80.- At time umeotimm of tlo board of trustees of Dickinson college at Carlisle yesterday , Ilev , A. L- Itittenhouu of time Philadelphia feromco was elected to the clmmir of belles letters ; Fletcher Durell , late teacher of- Porington aenminary , NowJcrsoy , to time nmathmwmtical chair in place of J. A. , recently elected t time clnatn- collorslmiP - of time university of Kansas.- A . Ileaf Mute Moniorlul. NEW YORK , August 30-Trio deaf mutes' convention to-day decided to raise a fund for a memorial to Roy. Thos If.- Gallammdtl . , founder of Limo first deaf mute school in Ammerica. Prof , Weeks , of Hartford , was appointed treasurer. It was decided to hold time next convention at Washington. THE OLD WORLD , Farther Particnlars of lbo French no- CUSS Ill Alnam. Another Iynandto Scare In Proparn- lionTime National LeagueSome- Pointe ftom Other l'laeeN- .GINE11 . a AL FOItIi tUN NEtVS , alit , AIACKENzmn oN CANADA , LlNiON , August 80IIon. Alexander Mackmizie , min an address before time clmanmbcr oGcomumiercu of Greenock , last avoiding , emnbatted the proposnlof Sir Alexander ' 1' , Galt for a federated ration , on the ground that Cwala would never subunit to being ruled at Loudon , lie spoke in coudemtmmatioti of a , notec- tive policy and predicted thmnt Cmumda would some return to free trade. lie scouted time idea of the supamtmou of Can- ada - front Emtilmuul , 'l'imo Cumadians , would give their last unit amid mist dol. tar to maintain mho prestige rand power of Lngimmd , lliaekonziu sailed today for Quebec , A COLLIDUI ) CAn00 , LoNIoN ) , August steamer Aumerique will sail for New' York , Satur- day - , with the cargo ail passenges of the steamier St. Germain , which was danmtuged- in a collision with limo steamer 1Voodburu , FnANCE AND ANNAM. Time treaty of peace between Franco amid Almon allows Franco to station rosy idmtts inn all the chief ton ms of 'Puiquiu wino are to ho accompanied by time neces- sary - number of troops. Franco any also construct forts on time backs of lied river. The French resident at hue is to have the privilege , formerly refused , of private audiences with time sovereign , Coclmin Chinese umoney is to have cur- rency - througlmutmt Ammann and cen- mercial - customs amid system of taxation are to be regulated by con- foretces - to attend which a rench Envoy is about tt go to IIne. The Annam- nitcs having requested the French lega- tion - at hue to be reopened at the earli- est - p.ssible date , Ohampeaux inns been appointed to lrocced ) thither and assume charge of affairs. Decorations and pros- omits for time king and Anamite ministers will be sent to Hue shortly. The block- ade - between Island Hong and Pattloug will be maintained for time preseit. liar- mamid - , tire Frewlm civil commissioner for Poimquin , who negotiated time treaty of peace with Amtam , ms appointed an olli- cur of the legion of honor for his sorvi- ces. - . A cable will be laid free Saigon to Panco. , PA1INUI.L AND TILE NATIONAL LEAGU- E.DunaIN . , August 30.Parnell , in a speech at time meeting of time Irish Na- tional - lengue , yesterday , said lmu could report mlost emcouraging progress of the National league. The movement inn America , he said , had been gratifying.- Ho'nmight . after a time look for pecuniary assistance from that country wines would at least equal time stuns received in tunics of urgency. Ho had every hope the mi4 ation scheme would prove useful. Tins would enable the people to keep their promise that they would never again appeal to America for aid. " M'DERMOTT AS A DYNAMITIIR. The Dublin Freeman's Journal says there will probably be startling disclos- ures - shortly in regard to time dynamite conspiracy and James McDormott's con- nection - with it. Dublin officials arc making inquiry as to time statement which appeared m a recent nunibor of a paper ublislmed in Brooklyn concermin- mMcDermott's connectioiwith time unite conspiracy.- Tl1E . INVINCIDLE' ; Time Exchange Telegraph commpany any nommces alarming telegrams in retcronce- to time revival of Irish conspiracy , have beers received hero frour America. Time police fear time arrival hero of- O'Doinell ' , time shtyerof Cmtroytwill cause trouble. A number of Irislm Aurcricams have arrived recently frour America.O- ATIIERING . OF 1cINGS IN DENMARK , LoNUON , August 30.Time czar and czarina of Russia have arrived at Copem page , They were received by time king of Denmark and the king of Greece cot board time royal yacht. This morning their nmjestics were taken ashore and escorted to Limo royal palace by time prin.- cipal . civil timid militnry authorities and forogn ministers. Lnulmmse crowds as- soubled - at tine landing place and along thin route to time palace cheering time inn- penal visitors. Their nmajesties were re- cetved at time palace by the queen of Dot- mark , prince of Wales amid a brilliaitc- ourt. . Thirteen deaths from cholera at Alex- .dria . yesterday.A- FFAIIIS . IN CROATIA , Tisga , president of time IIungarian council , Inns notified time authorities of Croatia that time Hungarian army , wlmieh wait reioved from time official building in- Agmnn by Croatia nationalists , must be replaced. They hesitate to obey time order , and tlmrcatenm to resign rather than carry it out , Time Bishop of Agramn remonstrated with time ban in regard to proper action. A WOMAN CONIntAT01. ]Hiss Catherimu Connelly , sister of the Cenmehiy brothers who were arrested at- Brun , Inimorick county , Ireland , oat aims piciom of hoeing connected with the umur- tier conspiracy , has huei arrested on time charge of being implicated with her brothers. Fulgo'H Junket. CLEVELAND , 0. , August 30Secretary- of time ' 1'rcasuy Folger , accost pamied by General , and District Sulurintemmdemmt Dobbins' of the life savimm arrived to-dIa time rovunuu cutter Julin solm , from a cruise of the lakes. Secretary Folgor drove to- Garfield's tomb. lie goes this afternoon to visit a brother at Avan , and leaves to-morrow morning for his lmonmu in- movn ( , N , Y, llu expects to return to Washington next week , A AlurderouH Conductor. SCRANTON , Pa , , August 30-The con- ductor - of an excursion train from Seran ton to UDiontawn Park , today put John Kemmiugtun , aged 1J , without a ticket , off while time train was running 30 smiles an hour , lie fell wader time wheels , and was killed instantly.- A . Narrow Oaugo IItobcd.A- TLANTIO . CITY , N. J. , August 30- The express train on the Philadelphia and Atlantic City road , narrow gauge , which loft l'hiladolIilia ) tints mornmmg for this place , was thrown from the track at- Ploasautvilloby a lose switch nrhi(11t soy- ored after time engine luiasetl. The bag. gage car turned upsldo dwn and four passengers carstvero completely wrecked.- No . person killed but about thirty wore injured , it is believed not fatally , TIIh1 MOGUL MO'OI'O1iY , The Telegraph Service of America the Ilost in the 'IVnilTehitl- upny - or ] ) r. Green. NEw YomiE , August 8OTito smmto- subcommnittuu on labor and education restuued its sessiuu today , Robert Ills. sand , w lo him taken an active part in labor mov'unlcnts , testified. Ile said time condition of time labuting minim was pretty much time scone time v orld over , flu thought time gemmernl intelligence of skilled workmmn was greater abroad thou Inure amid inmsisted that if a .lots was not struck at nmonopoly before tlo uxpiratioi of tun years ono of time bloodiest tovoluliona that over occurred would happen. Time nuxt w mtmess was 1r. Norvin Green who testified ho lord been presi- dent - of the 4Vusturtt Uiion telegraph couipammy uboat live years. lie Innd thought wlmenuvur they wore coumpelled- to put tlloir wires mmdur ground , it nould result nt detriment to time public sum-vice. lie had seen ii statement that the wires in Engharul were all uudur ground , but 1 o- mticed ) wlmun there , mint lung ago , w hot looking out of his hotel winduw , n purfctt network of wires ovurhalda ' 1'huru nuns as nmch come Taint against wires there us hero , filmy of time govununemt wires there nru uudur ground , but the poles bo- gie - long before you get cut of time city.- l'hu . 1Vestermi Union ! cod absorbed a logo number of mailer eonmpnu'es. ' In rcapcct- to the tohegrmnplt service , witness said timero vvas No such telegraph1 service in time world-as in time United States , In - giving tawhistory of time durelopmnout of telegraphy , Dr. Cm-coin said heavy ex- penses - were incurred in ruimiig their offices mad caring for tlloir lines , and time public , witneas added , summed slow um appreciating time dillicultiea un- der - which time telegraph eompamiy labored- .In . every instance whuru there was a eel- solidatiou - of cotnpmmies , it had been in every instance a positive of gain to time public. ' [ 'lie capitalization of time 1Vest- urn Union , witness said , was formerly $000 per mile , but today it was less than 200. The line of wire in the country humid been iicreased front 75,000 mmmilea to over 430000. During time last five yeas time number limes of poles had been iii- creased from 8,100 to 131,000 ; tine smiles of wire fronn 200,302 to 378,3(10 ( ; oflices- frour 8,101 to 12,068 ; rimessagcs front 23,018,000 to 38842247. Witness stated time capacity of time emnpnny wan double wlmat it was ago , Wit- ness - asserted they could do timely bust- ness much cheaper if they ndopted thin English postollice system and took their uwgl tinge to do it , timid to was satisfied tlumt there was no tune service in time world as perfect as beat of time West- ern - Union. Time capital stuck of the company wits about $80,000,000 DOWN a0UIII.- Brici' . Itehellloms alit Dlothly Battles In South AmmcriceTimeTcl- egrapb - ' 1'arlml' , PANAMA , via Gulvcstoa , August 0. Time now tariff for tolegrmns viaGnlveston- to Chili is 3.07 ; Buemos Ayres , 3.02 ; Uruguay , 3.25 , per word , to amid front tine United States. Time American uncut doing nearly all Chilian business , owing to superior speed amid accuracy. Time rebellion in % lpnquarmi ms crushed. Prior to time fighting Gmmural Didara Del- gado - entered time squaro'at % ipaqunra with 10 union , and exhorted tine nebula to obey the gevernmment. lIe was fired upeit maid mstamltly killed , His body will be brought bore to be buried witii pommp- .PEnU . AND CHILI. LlamA , August 30. 'limo La Trubuno says General Iglisias is expected at Trf- yulle time 30t1. Great prepmtrationa tine being nmde for his reception. It is learned that snore that 1,000 oflicems nru still in active service in limo Chillinn- ninny. . AFAIll8 IN COLUMIIIA. News fnnnm taw inturior of Columbia , received by steamers , says the political party rupresemted by saiud publfe club , attempted n ruvolutieu , which was sup. pressed , aind time political lmurizon is now hriglller By decree , dated August ( th , Presldmlt Olataro cunvuked congress to meet uu extraordinary session August 15th. General hlustodo is acting as nm'- mister ' of Limo interior during the absumce- of Gonural Reunmdes. A Bogota Palmer , August 15th , says : YosteTlny after- Iloon - part of battery No 2 , stationed at- Seapaquirmi , premunced against the national and atatu authorities , Time movement is headud by Dom Pedro Saber Martinez , whose first acts wore to turn out all time of iC( rs and replace tlmu- by nmmt belonging to iris party , to mite cha tu of tine salt deposit and bail. ' 1'hik morning 1,000 national troops left hero to attack the rebels , Dr Olatora expressed a detorniuatiun to act onurgot- ieally , and we feel sure Aldmma will do his boat to preserve order- .IIHsatlslied . 1)onoorals , CINCINNATI , Augast 30.Time follow- ing - conullittue has huou appointed to ti- rr - age for time nuniinatiom of a ticket as provided fur in ycsterdny'a nmuutimcg of- denmorafs ( , duasatisfied with time high- hind house comvuntion : David Ai , fly. amen ) , I' , Alullotl , Ii , Roth , Ii. C, lpod , il. IV , Ollivor , Chas Iteumdln1' ' . Alnrslm , 1' , Cook , Milo G. 1) dds , DI. Moans , ' 1' ' . S , Surloek , 1' . It , S muncuJ , .J. Dosmmmd , 11. A. Itattornni. 0. Ili , llallown Y- Crelutllon and Coniuglnn , NKw ORLEANS , August 30-TJme grumd jury , itt a report , suggests as a mumtary- mmetauro ; that a eruramitory be estabiished under the diructiol of ofllcers of time Charity hospital , for the purpose of burn. mug time bodmes of those who the of coin- .tagiuus . diseases. Court lfurtlnllmg Cadets.- ANNAros . , Aid , , August 30Time- maval court martial t ) try seventeen cadets , charged with thu founth class to dmn ammo urn mmu- tot read proceed , time ma ) buimm to 'limo count meets to marrow on time ahi I ) Samtoe , wlmon testimony will begun , Chundler's Junkol , BANGOR , Aug. 30.Time Tallaposa nr. rived with Secretary Chandlur this morn- lung , A FINISHED FIEND , The lllnrdor of the Marshal of Sal Lake an the Prompt LYaching- of 1lC ASSassln. The People Furious with Rage at the Brutality of the Black Fiend , The Gentile Method of Regener- ating - Polygaluists Provo a Failure. " 1'rehistorlu Finds" sianulhetru'etI to Order by time DlounUttm Clued llunets , Cerra pmtduneo of tire Bsu SALT LAEm : CITY , August 28.Sinnco Saturday last Salt Lnku City has seen days of oxcitoamout , such as wore never known 1i its history , it comnmemmecd with tine unprovoked uurrlur of tJapt , Audruw Burt , tine city marshal , by a no- grn whom ate was mttuumptiug to arrest fur diatubing time pence , 'l'imo cruune was nut ctnnulitled until after 1 o'clock in taw afturneon , annul before Ii o'clock time assas- sin Innd beau lynched , n coromor's inquest imuld on iris 1'oimaimms , tumid Inn was bur iod , lime mob who lmomg tim lumrlerer seeped fn'enzicd with auger amid appeared to lose all coutrul of tlwmtselves , cord for a tunic it mans feued that otlwrs tvottld stiller front their wild rage. ' 1'lmuugh 14urtwaa a Memnon yet time may jerity wino undertook to avungu iris fate w'eru nut of that fa'th ' , Fur amore tlmam twenty years ho until boom chief of time city's puhice , amid wins tmmmiveranilly respect- ed - as in fearless iutd able otiee , Time Tribunu of this city has for n long tunic past beer l'glmtiug ' time police force , amid occnsiouilly it advocated open resist anew to tine ulicera. Su strong was time feel- in1 - that tine utteramieesof this paper were ov'mdently ruspcrosible for time murder of time mmarshnl that siuco that tragedy its editors have sought protectiouof time goy cnior cold llhiyur , clatnmimg that they feared violence. Time gmnenal opiuipn is , howuvor , timid. there is nu cause for such nnpruhomsiom ; , Salt Lake lmns hind its first lyuchiig timid is now hetirtily asim rammed of it , espeeally- as Pmuk City of hemaiug time news of wimnt was done Inure , time sauw uvmmiug innitatud time uxaumplo of time territorial eapitni by- halgiig a mmm wino was accused of shoot- ing - lea ] mrtnur a few days pruviuusl . To-day Cawain ! I'lurt was buried. Y ten thotmsmumd people were present at thu Tabernacle during time aervices. One of time speakers was Elder John ' 1'rylor, the chief apostle of time Latter Day Saiits , timid during leis romurks he strongly cm- msured - all departures frour tlu ; due form of law , fro nuttter lmw grunt time provoeat- ioln - , , T1mf EUSiUNDSfHILL , - hints not "panned out" amt its friends ex- pected - , 'l'imo erltiro Iliornnon ticket , inn every county , hay , under its provisiuus , been elected. Evmr if wontiu suifiagu- tnas ainullud , it is ultogethcr probable it would nnaku but slight dilluremmce. Time llionogaumie lliormoms nice ao overwlmelnl- ingly - in tam nmjority that they could keep all time wonnui from time polls timid yet boat their oppouoda three to one. Since time Ednnumds law has not accoip- lislmed - its object , those who mmmuko time discomtituru of time Mormons tlmeir favor- ite - study , arc askimg what shell be duuo- noxtl 'lime two fullowim6 ideas are slow' being worked out as partly answering that question : One. time Iessmoro of is Limy through conmgress cauuiscntiig time propurty of till polyganusts ; time uthur time estnhlishmunmt em sours isltumd of tine I'aeiliu ( possibly near Alaska ) of ti Unmitetl States punish colony to whiclm all coivictcd- of iltmrnlumarriagesshallhesmmt. Neither of these idctut appear very practicable to the wrilur. Conlisentien of privmtte prop- erty - of a question of morality seems to have constitutional objections. Both ideas tippear to lutvu nnore of thin cbarnet- en' - of liglmting time 111ormmns ( lei light. mug line Mormon aystmn , and iieilhe' of- thuin will 1)m'event time Inluruous eluctiugt- imo'r ' eLmdudutes , coutrollimg thu terri- tory - , amid assuming those prurogntives usually claiimed by mtijoritics ti other sectimms of tire union , al1AmCELY A 01101' OF RAIN a'nee ' April , mmud , elm , we nine so dry. Yet a good gr hnrvcat will he gtitlmerud. Around us them luivu boom several severe scorns , but timuy have not reached this city. Im one or two places great damnnge has boom done by waalm outmm caused by floods pourmng down tlmu canmms timid burying uvurythilg fir timeir course. Time local theory is tints time storm clouds dmnsh- magalmat time mommtaui sides , tire broken , round time water they comitaum all pours out it oico , This ndea is , l believe , not copted by aciuntusts , No matter what time cause , time results tire nory peculiar , 'lime force of time flood will cut out rtivinus thirty er forty feet dcup , a mil in five minutes do a work lint ortlmodox geologists watdd estinuitu- as time oresmon of hutmdredauf yuura. Hugo boulders will be carried by the nmrgiug- cur'runit for mmiua , letiviug tumuli with nil time umarka of timu''ice-age , " mcrntchod on- thc'r ' shies , for ph'losopheis ' to wonulur hew mnmy urns ago it was that they wuru- minuted by glaciers from their honmcs on time nuumitami aides. T'Imun time fields , trues tumid fences in tine valleys at thu- mmmitlisof these rumors , arc burmed unit of sight and pcsssbly ammo day imty ho dug out , whom calcultitous will be in or- dun , at so ninny uncles to time century , to aunty wlmen timosu who built told planted these " prulmistorie funds , " dwelt ou time earth , this western rcg'om ' is a''terror ' , " to upsut guologienl theories. We sue hi- hung plaeu tlroumd us every day moum- eproeessea tlmut sonne delegate to time far diatom past. Side by side almond thou thrifty yommg true and its petrified broth- er ( louses are built of rock which u short tire ago was time flourishing cedar or piuu ; and incrustatimms , metrifactmuns , eta , aru tn l pmartiuti l Y- week. but the work of n . IT ill ANTICII'ATED , that the U. S , eoinntissionuru , under time Edmunds bill have aomuu cumisidurnbl e trouble tognl ;, troubles before then , The y have ruled that curtaun uaicos nmado Olec t'vo ' by time territorial law , ehouid ; be fell.- od . by the ( lovornor's apptlintmnant , and comsegnontl refused to emthor an election for such offices , Sonno totes were cast for camididates to Oil these offices annul tlmoy lmnvo nut boon counted , Now time candmdatos come forwanl and claim tlmst it is entirely outside the powers of limo colnmimiasiomi to decide on time territorial laws ; that that is time business of cnn- gress - , annul that congress inns nflnned- thoru laws , mad that tine coummissiomier- stlsurpotl authority when they undertook to an ) ' candmdate3 for these positions shoulmint 1o voted for. It is ; ) mn- blc - actions for danmdgos , or soma other legal proceedings will be connnenceda- gnumst time board before mammy mouths havu passed away , 1VENo. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. All Appeal for Food B'oill the rover District of Flurida Ignored. Line Neu' 1'osntl Notes Itenlly flmr 1)Is- tm'Ihutloo.- OA1'ITAim . NOTES , T rn'Itu eluulua.1- VASnmsuTUN . , August 30.Pilo sur- geon - gmmeu'nl of the Ilhirino hospital son- vice secured a report h'onn Dr , 'Pinney, in charge of Ship Island quarantinu stmt. tine tvlmmcln shows tlne'u nru two wcssuls- lout. . inn tlnstantiuo there , from vvhielm- uuunuteenn cases of yellow fotbr were htkel. All taw cases steno broagltt fromn- fermi Cruz , Couunudurn Eiglislm received the fol- lowing - telegrami front 1'emsncoln , dated ydsterlny Thnreu now' cases-time servant of Dr , Oweus , Freddie Onvmns mid one lmOspitmil ltttellhmmt , Mme death , Ex.C11Iln' : JUSTICE MOtILE , of ' 1'oxas , died anddenly in this city this nnorming of cerebral appoploxy.I'- OHTAL . NOTES. Tine city postoflicu was today supplied wmtim time first ulstallmoit of now'postal notes , 'They' are printed in yellow ink mid bound inn books of 500 mlbtes , twitlm stubs , that are to ho filled up with a brief sbttcnnent of time amount of tine detaelwd notes amid other particulars , TILE 1'OOIt OF FLORIIA , Applicntion havimm been mnado for food for tine destitute eitmvuns on the naval resorvntion at l'uusnooln , the aetimg secretary of tine treasury decided there nvns no funds en laud which could bin used for aucii purpose , It was held the state of Florida mumst care tor its own purr or nnmihe n pnbme appeal for mid , 0OItIM- INAL lt1COlt1) , TILE JAMUS TRIAL.- ST. . . Louis'1 Auguat 1i0-l'ine Post Dis- patch GallatutNo.'specinl ( ) says : Time time of defmmso nn the Frmk Jmunus trial was agreed upon at a cousultatiun of at- tel nrys last night , Isamm , alibi and nmi- shikent - identity. 1Vitlosses were today exnumined fm support of these points , A lAO ; MAN WITH A CI.UII , Nitw YORK , August 30-Police Officer Maurice McNamama was arrested for canning tine death , last evonimg ; of Jolut Srnitimby climb' tngl' ' Only .yesterday McNamlai'mt was before the pohcu coumis- sinncrs - upon tine charge of eruolly club- bing - a respectable citizen a few weeks ago. Gm-mice Curthiuml's Alhnony , MIIwAuKEE , August 30-GracuCourt- lanai , of Cimieago , has brought suit in time county court to cemipul lion late husbamm 1 , Mr , 1)nvis , to pay $1,500 alinonmy , awarded sonme tinge smee , but never paid.- Mrs. . . Courtlamld cane unto notoriety lately by cowhiding a young mmn maned Jomius- ou time public street. kilns , Courtlandhns- bmm of the thent''eal ' , profession , mad tit olu tinge dabbled in New York stocks buiig known in the city as "Time Witch of 1Vtd1 street. " ThuBrau lhhmkena , liounnmlgD ; : : , August : :10.-Time Free 'l'imiuhurs' coiveitiun opormed here this morning , t nunmho of brief spueclmes stoic mule , Dr. L , It , R'tire dilated upon Ilerburt Spnncor , and John 1V , Draper cndomsod time slows ( may ln csont- ed - 1r. 0. 11 , Guyer , of I3rymum , Oimio , ufl'ured for mine of may ehmeationnl mmstita- tian time Troo'1'hiuhcues lmligimt estmnhlidil , ti. cabinet containing nnovo than 15,000- spectnroms which ] mu lmul been 05 yuars collecting , Mrs. Coleman , of Syrtneusu , spode inn ( minor of rocogniticn of wnmumm inn time wtdks in life , Judge Anmml Kro huh , of hlisaonri , spoke of time duty of Free ' 1'himkcrs towards education , - - --name' - Strike.- Cuvsr&a . FAI.Ln , Mueh , , Auguat 30- .Onu . - hmmdred tied fifty minors struck at time Great 1Yesturu immune , 'limo shneriff of- Margtwtt county Inns boom telegrtiphod to bring min a posse to protect time property and provmmt riot , "Anmerloin Couutlmg Itoonmi'- lino ' August nunmbur of this new nmagaz- imme shoes a decided inmprovonmont over its predecessor , 'l'ine story of Mark Checkup , in wlmicln lie relates the experi- ence - of initiator % ucimtiriair Simphin's first day in time office , will well repay in nmirtim fur its reading , ammd time graphic ilhustra- tions - introduced show how oven mluch a subject of counting-room work may lme made popular and attractive to gemmer- lrunders , l'ursonn who lutvo nn otllcu boy to bo imstructud should endeavsr to- sucuru time services of Mr. Chueltup for the purpoae , ' 'line other articles are timely mud vtduablo. 'l'imo conunorcual news , nunkuts , exchammges , etc. , forat- jIust the hind of iifernuut'on ' ( hunt nil Inmsimmesti ) Ile should be p0HHeHHed of , 'l'ine mlmm ga inu nubllshed at 20 11'urrem- atruut New York , l'rieu of mingln numt- burs , 20 cemmtuu , For made bynevs dualura , Lovu'tt 1oum ; lireanm lu Ccorglm , Colmubue 15uulrer ; mum , A young lady on Aisqumith street dreanmud last Sunday night that 'mime was miun'ried to a eau she had not kiowi ten hours pruvious , hmioulay , atnumgu to say , from Soutin Carolina , solo aw ass the Eutaw House , followed hair to lien lnomo nod a izimg , beg 6red- tintut she would excuse time hue hod fallen min law at first sight , and know that bin could never be happy with. out lien , 'l'imo lady is also profoundly De- pressed - , mud it ms said only awaits cot auawur to rufurenmccs' time nmuwlyyfound lover bas given , before she pornuts time knot to be tied that will maku tine twain ow flush as long as life shall last , 1 THE BLOWHABO BEATEN , ' Des Moines Base Baler Go to (tras- by a Scorc of 14 to 7m Glory Enoumglu lbr Ono Day-Otlier Games anti Races.- Spodal . Dlgratcli to Tuts BEr.- DEa . MOINES , In ,, August 30.Wol- mwo riot the onmny of their chosen bat- tle - grouml mid they are ours-1t to 7. Tine fact that the Des Moines boat the Port litmruna after Limo latter's series of , victories in Omnlma lend many to believe that time Union Pacifies would be slauglm- tered - hero , but to-day's gaumo shows tlloir qualities Innd been overrated. They wore outplayed at every point. Salisbury'm ) pitching rrns too nnucln for tltmu , while Baulie stuck behind the bat nod took them hot and cold , Tine Des l'toimmeu- mnadu only 14 hits , 8 of wlmich were safe , while time Onnaha boys distributed 2(1balle- 1 oar tine field , 17 of which were safe.'- l'imo . battling of time Omnalmas was very strong and effective. Salisbury pint out 13 at time home plate ; Wlmitnoy and liuekwell made a double play ; Foley a- spluudid slop at third , amid Briggs a fly en time rum , were the principal featurea- of time ganlu , Time score by innings is as fellows : ' Union 1'aclscs,2 ii 2 0 3 3 0 0 O--1 f- 1)es Itluhue'd 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-7 Darned hues-Union Pmtciftcs , 0 ; Ioelt- lointum A , 3, IAttU AT I'LATTSMOUTI- i.PLATTHnouTn . , Neb , August 30-Iii a- g itne of ball hero today tlno Koystonea- of Coluutbas were defeated by time homo mime. Score , 0 to 7, tea innings. Trio keystones yesterday defeated the Weep- ing - Water club 1) to 0- .OTIIIl . GAME- B.PnmaAmLrm1IA . , August 30Provitl- once - , ii' ; Plmiladeiphia , 3- .OinmAUb . , Atmgust 30-Chicogos 0, Cluveliumd 1 , ' DErno1T , August 30-Dotroits 4 , Buffalos 5 , EAST SAOINAW , August 30.Siganaws t 10 , Quincy 0- .Nuty . You August 30-Bostons 5, Now York J , TIIE NEnItASKA F11lEaIRN. 1 LINCOLN , NKr , , August 30.Tiro state firemwn's ' tournamiemit is pro ressing with a largo atteldamce. Much mturost was mnmmifcs inn the state clmanmpiomshmp won by time 1 acitica of Grand Island ; time 4k , In time free for all raeo time first pefze was taken by tine Tharstons , of- Omnhn ; time , 43j' . Time World's Cham- piom - commpmny , Lnabter .C Cooper, of ' Duero hose compimmy , Moline , Ill. , beat their own record , making time second coupling in three trials in two seconds. Best previous record , two and a half. , RPIUNOFIELD IIACES , SVIUNUFIELD , Mass. , August ; ' 30- .StrafFlit . - - m lmcats decided oanh'.amP1miiga'- tine'Hnnnpton ; ( lark race - da Thpro was among the pool awn over time results of the 2:27 : and 2lt ? classos. Special purse of $2,500 , St- .Julien . won , Trinket second ; time , 2:22 : , - " : :17ii , 2:214 : , i 2:21 class , George A , won , Arthur f second , Allegheny Boy third , Lula F. fourth ; Boss Bessie , Cuntaur mid Index- nluo - ram ; time , 2:25 : , 2:25 : , 2251) ; . Class 2:10 : , Josopimus won , Romeo and " J , B. Thomas divide second and third opuy , Adele Gould fourth ; Mimeo It. , Ovurnmu , Forest aid Patchen also rail ; bust time , 2:1111 : , o BUFFALO COUNTY. The Antl-Monopoly Ticket In than Field. Special Diapatein to TuE BxE , KEAIINEYNeb. , August 30-The antim- ommops - , nonninated time following county ticket this afteroom : Treasurer , Joseph Black ; clerk , Itice Enton ; clerk of the a district court , George Dunenn ; sheriff , W, S. Ball ; superimitondmtt of schools , 1V. A hale ; judge , J. J , Whittier ; stir- veyor - , ,JOhmnu Silvarmail , Timis im commaid- crud a etrong ticket.- Ili . , Hatch , a leud moutltad Jeffersoniau + democrat and self-constituted leader of that pmlrty , caused adittlo sonsatioun last everting by publishing a long letter doI- lOunciimg - time aetiomn of the democratic convuntion of last Saturday. Time 11lgh Joint ht Iowa , POSTVILLE , Iowa , August 30-In tints joint discussion between Governor B , it.- Slmeruan . rand lion , L. ICinno , whiclm oc- curred - hero to-day , about time same ground was covered as at time debate at- Indupondctce yesterday , Time order of debate was di1h nont , Mr. Kimne speak- 1ug - first , Covornor Sherman following , and lCinmio closing. A great crowd wan presemt from this and surromnding coun- ties - , estimmtud at front 4,000 , to 5,000.- A . Oavb- T" Thu Editor of Dma us , - ' Souu timno siuco thocitycouricil amnond- ed - time Ordhianmce iii regard to houses of- prostitutmou so as to allow thmomm to live ono block cast of time 3rd ward school Iuoum , but in nil other dirortioma it want to ronauu two blocks , ' 1'lmia was a wise action om the'r ' part , but I cannot sum why the city marshal' should be allowed to discrinninate between tvcahh aid poverty , cud allowing tiuiso- w ho have muaita to live within acribud limit in time vicinity of 12th and Avmiuo but the per unfortu- mtcs - who live tlmero nest go , ' 1'hie to n law citizen , is urnc- countihlu - , unless therms somePecuinia rY influence brought to bear , I trust you wall call the attentiolt of lima tubho tot- aus as you do to all just conplamnts , A LAw ADIDNu 0ITIAEN. ' IIorsfortl's Acid Phosphate , Mapes a Ccoling Drink. Into half a tuuiblor of ice water put a teas oonful of Acid Pltospluttcadd ; sugar to taste. r ar

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Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1883-08-31 [p ].€¦ · r Gunung harbor, but much greater in ex-tent-, formed over the Katdange range of mountains which skirt the southeast





. UItAII11, , NAB. FRIDAY MORNING , AUGUST 31 , 1983. NO. 64. ,


.The Frightfal Work of the Volcanoes

EarIhQlakos and Tidal Waves

at Java ,

Valloylland Mountains , and Soy-i' oral Islands Disappear Do-



, the Waves ,

Torrents of Lava , Water and Mud

'Poured Out from a Dozen


; The Bowels of the Earth FinallyOooled When the Ocean

Rushed In-



Thousand Lives Be-



to be Lost by the Mon-


; Upheaval.

'Graphic Dece'iptlon of ( lie horrorsof SundayNighl-AppaUi Sights

- anti Terryfying Sounds ,

Special dispatch to Tim ; BEE.LONDON , AugUSt 30-Further particu-

lars of tlie , great volcanic eruption inJava , which have just reached Londonfrom Batavia show the disaster to havebeen oven more widespread and morodisastrous than reported in yester'day's-adviecs. . At noun Sunday thtU eruptionsand shocks wore Supposed to have

' reached their greatest height , but latein the afternoon and evening the violence'of the disturbance suddenly increasedand the island seemed about to be coil-pletely

-, buried in a mass of fire and sul-


ashes. At the same Limo enor-


waves began to dash with greaterforce upon the shores , coning Ill someplaces far up into the interior.Great chasms , opened into earth ,

and threatened to engulf a largeproportioh of the island's people andbuildings. About midnight the mostfrightful steno of the whole.disturbancotook placo. suddenly an-


einlilnr to that which was seen over ther Gunung harbor , but much greater in ex-


, formed over the Katdange range ofmountains which skirt the southeast coastof' the island. This cloud gradually in-


in size until it formed a canopy4 of lurid red and whitish gray over a wHo' extent of territory. During this fume

the eruptions increased and streams oflava poured incessantly down the

L sides of the mountains into the va-



a leys , sweeping everything before 'them.t-yi


Hero and there a stream of lava wouldk'' enter an arm of the sea, or come in con-


, . , with a river ; then the nearest incan' ' ; , descent lava , as it protruded from the' great stream , would suddenly produce

I boiling heat and sickening vapors , butsuperficial consolidation that almost in-

,' any fur-


contact, The fissures that opened in

the thin crust as it solidified would emitc


t extending high into the air , nmkung a-

L tremendous hissing sound , as if a tltous-.anl

-. locomotives were simultaneouslyletting oil'steam. . .Hero and there in thelava streams wore innumerable thimplate

I like crystals of feldspar , arranged in

' trains , one behind the other, in the3 direction of the flow of the current , maid

feispltatlc 51)110 routes wore rapidly formedin vitreous matter , resembling thosewhich form in the slag of a glass fulnaco.Ono of the most singular freaks of the-eruption was the carrying in time midst

r r of the molten lava o f a bed of solid ice ,of enormous size , which had beeromitted from one of the craters. It wagcarried along by time current and landedon the extremity of point St. Nicholas ,

'on the northeast corner of the island.-TIIE



was surrounded by a thick envelope ofr

r' sand and scoria , which are such noncon-r -

ductors of hrcat that the red lot stream oflava running over it will not melt thesnow. Itis supposed this ice had formed

''mho cruet of some vast subterranean lake.About two o'clock Monday morning thegreat cloud suddenly broke into small

ections and quickly vanished. At time

aamo time great frightful rumblings wereheard and columns of fire and smoke onthe soutlmoast corner of the island ceasedto ascend , while the craters in other

partsofJava seemed to open their throatsstill wider to lot the greatest quan-tity


of lava , rocks , pumice and ashesyet vomited out. 'lime hissing of thesebecame so loud as to be almost deafeningand waves rushed upon shore to anprecedonted height. When daylight cameit was seen that


1 had disappeared , oxmcndii from Pointthe south to Pal-


on the north and vvcst io low) point , covering an extent of territoryt lifty miles square. In this were situated

the tillages of Negery and NegeryCnha-waug , Of time people inhabiting theseplaces mind the natives scattered sparselythrough the forests and on the plains noteescaped a frightful death. section

1 of time Island was not so densely populut-e(1 as other portions , and time loss of lifewas comparatively small , though it musthave aggregated fully 15,000 souls , Theentire range of ICandang mouitains , ex-


along time coast in a semi-circlefor about 65 rules


Tao waters of Telco io bay , the Sundastraits and Pepper bay on the east ,and of Indian ocean on the south , hadrushed in amd brimmed a great sea of tur-bulemt waters. Here and there the peakof a high crater was exposed for a mo-ment


by the recoding of a great wave ,

and occasionally a puff of brownish grayainoko , or a slight shower of rocks , show-.ed


that time volcanoes still continued in-

aubaquuous oruption. Time debris of time

submerged mid destroyed buildings was-tossed hither amid thither over tumult-

luous v , Aljja gpnlysign loft that therehalt once . Oj. ' abitated land whoreall was now wv , . 'er. The townof Tauoran , With. . " o miles ofcity of Batavia wits' . away by lavastreams ; fully half the pu, Elation , mostlyJavanese , numbering about 11800 , per-ished


, At SPeelwyyk , near Pont Saleis-


sot fire to houses , and swept away all thethickly settled portion of the town.About ten bazaar holmmgimg to the Euro-pcans


were destroyed. ' ['lie loss ofproperty is very largo. Time ltiver-Jacatra , at the backs of which Batavia issituated , was so completely daunned bylava and debris that its course waschanged , amid from Franieu Bastion itflowed dawn Tygors street and joinedthe waters of time hirer Eumeutes ,

swelling that stream to such al extentas to rise lmigh on Castors Fitjelonjuk,which urns almost yeti

amid number of lives were lust,

'l'ime Island of Onoiis , five smiles off time

imodh of the '1'axvai river, mid 20 Umilescast of Batavia , was commplutely inund U-


and time floating dock there totally de-


. Cuataic , Clapa amid '1'ronwursoIsland amid time portion ofJava which dis-appearcd




Not a vestige of them is left. Baby andChormbo Islands , oil' the north coast , butsimimtll in extent , lost all houses amid in-


upon them , In Batavia theloss has been largely increased siuco lastreport. Time roof of time Governor's housewas crushed in by a mass of heavystud , anti 3 retainers killed. The townbm1d u is destroyed , Diamond and Pearlbastiuis bably damaged amid time Bussamiredoubt destroyed , On Layamais , Mmi-

lubar amid Lion streets , the principal ave-nues

-of the city , the damage is very

great. Fort Aatyoy is entirely destroyed.The tour of Faggal was severely shakerand few buildings veru left standing ,

'rho aggregate loss of life free variouselonumts of time terrible disturbancesmust be fully


but t e number of those who perishedcue never , of course , be approximmtted-A violent shock occurred in time 151111111 ofSumatra , Monday forenoon , rand it wasfeared that yther violent disturbancesmight occur Middle Island , ten milesoff time Javanese coast , and half way bey-

tween taw extrmno points of Java andSumatra , was almost wholly engulfed intune sous. Time simian island of Sirlok ,probably originally blowim up by an erup-tive

-paroxismn , has entirely disappeared-


was uninhabited ,




Bridegroom ICimouked Out inn time

First 1t nnd.-



, August 30.A difliculty-occuured last evening at the Metropoli-tan hotel between lliiles Commander ,chairian of time republican central cou-mittee

-of North Carolina , and Col. Mc-


, a prominent poiiticiai of thatstate , who ms at present employed in thetreasury department in this city , Timetrouble it is said grew out of jiltingMcLindsoy'a daughter by Commander.Time latter it is alleged was engaged toMiss McLindsoy but recently mar-ried

-another woman. Ho arrived

hero , Tuesday morning with hisbride and took rooms at time hotel ,

Lindsey called this evening and the omenhad a long and angry colloquy in the ,

hotel corridor , and Lindsey struck Cont-mander


a vmleut blow in the face , knock-ing him across tho' corridor. Friendsseparated thorn , Commander going to hisromn without resenting the blow. Liud-soy wait'd several hours for Connnamder'sr-emmppearance. . He threatens to puuisimLiam still furtlmr. There is talk of aduel ,

.___Time Ilisurance Mo.-


30 , 'The second day'ssession of time fire underwriters' associa-tion


of time northwest began this morn-ing.


. Thu constitution was so anunded-as to have the aminnal meetings o"cur fnSeptember on a date to be axed by theexecutive committee , instead of time thirdweek ii August as heretofore. Time coar-mittee

-to which time subject of state

boards was referred emdorscd the idea of-

n paid commission amid recommeded thattime old system of committees be abam-mBoned. . 'fine reports of time state boardsshowed a marked increase iii time comberof local boards during the past year.-Prof.


. '1' . II. C. Dolber , of Tufts college ,

Boston , read a paper on electricity , midin answer to quurios propourlded by-mteulbers as to damgur fTOn electriclighting , said time danger from varioussystonms was very great unless properprecautions were taken , but declaredthat tinder the regulations already ei-forced by insurance companies lightingby electricity was altogether safer thanby kerosene.

The following officers wore elected :

President , 0 , H. Drew , of Evansville ,Ind. ; vice president , 'I' , R , Zollera , of-

Ottumwa , Iowa ; secretary and treasurer ,

J. 0. Griaitlm , Madisom , Wis. ; executivecommittee , one fromn each of time statusrcprusunted. Adjuurmed to moot in Cliic-


-am time third Wednesday in Septum-



Destmuullye Flro.-


; , bad , , August 30-Fortime thud time within a year a disastrousfire visited timis phlce. 1 hu principalsquare burned yesterday , Loss $00,000 ;

itmstuyumcu 10000. Thu principal losersare Fagan & Adanls drugs ; I'ress-Itepuhlican


, now'spapor ; Frank ,

millinery ; Ilonlomd tl; Parker , dry goods ;

Jiarlmctt .C Son , dry goods ; Ldw'nrlH tWare , drugs ; Citizenis' State bank ; '1' . C ,

Hnmmimoud & Son , dry goods ; ] lull ,Meyer .C Co , , lmerdware ; Muses Frank ,dry gouda , M , 0 , Jordon , jewelry ,

IIcklnnoa Cuuugo F'aoilty.A-UIIUmIN


PARK , N. J. , August 80.-At time umeotimm of tlo board oftrustees of Dickinson college atCarlisle yesterday , Ilev , A. L-

Itittenhouu of time Philadelphiaferomco was elected to the clmmir of bellesletters ; Fletcher Durell , late teacher of-

Porington aenminary , NowJcrsoy , to time

nmathmwmtical chair in place of J. A., recently elected t time clnatn-


of time university of Kansas.-



Ileaf Mute Moniorlul.NEW YORK , August 30-Trio deaf

mutes' convention to-day decided to raisea fund for a memorial to Roy. Thos If.-


, founder of Limo first deaf muteschool in Ammerica. Prof , Weeks , ofHartford , was appointed treasurer. Itwas decided to hold time next conventionat Washington.


Farther Particnlars of lbo French no-

CUSS Ill Alnam.

Another Iynandto Scare In Proparn-lionTime National LeagueSome-

Pointe ftom Other l'laeeN-




alit , AIACKENzmn oN CANADA ,

LlNiON , August 80IIon. AlexanderMackmizie , min an address before timeclmanmbcr oGcomumiercu of Greenock , lastavoiding , emnbatted the proposnlof SirAlexander '1' , Galt for a federatedration , on the ground that Cwala wouldnever subunit to being ruled at Loudon ,

lie spoke in coudemtmmatioti of a , notec-tive policy and predicted thmnt Cmumdawould some return to free trade. liescouted time idea of the supamtmou of Can-ada

-front Emtilmuul , 'l'imo Cumadians,

would give their last unit amid mist dol.tar to maintain mho prestige rand powerof Lngimmd , lliaekonziu sailed todayfor Quebec ,


LoNIoN) , August steamerAumerique will sail for New' York , Satur-day

-, with the cargo ail passenges of the

steamier St. Germain , which was danmtuged-

in a collision with limo steamer 1Voodburu ,


Time treaty of peace between Francoamid Almon allows Franco to station rosyidmtts inn all the chief ton ms of 'Puiquiuwino are to ho accompanied by time neces-sary


number of troops. Franco anyalso construct forts on time backs of liedriver. The French resident at hue is tohave the privilege , formerly refused , ofprivate audiences with time sovereign ,

Coclmin Chinese umoney is to have cur-rency


througlmutmt Ammann and cen-mercial

-customs amid system of

taxation are to be regulated by con-


to attend which a renchEnvoy is about tt go to IIne. The Annam-nitcs having requested the French lega-tion

-at hue to be reopened at the earli-


p.ssible date , Ohampeaux inns beenappointed to lrocced) thither and assumecharge of affairs. Decorations and pros-omits for time king and Anamite ministerswill be sent to Hue shortly. The block-ade


between Island Hong and Pattlougwill be maintained for time preseit. liar-mamid


, tire Frewlm civil commissioner forPoimquin , who negotiated time treaty ofpeace with Amtam , ms appointed an olli-cur of the legion of honor for his sorvi-ces.

-. A cable will be laid free Saigon



, August 30.Parnell , in aspeech at time meeting of time Irish Na-tional


lengue , yesterday , said lmu couldreport mlost emcouraging progress of theNational league. The movement inn

America , he said , had been gratifying.-Ho'nmight


after a time look for pecuniaryassistance from that country wines wouldat least equal time stuns received in tunicsof urgency. Ho had every hope themi4ation scheme would prove useful.Tins would enable the people to keeptheir promise that they would neveragain appeal to America for aid.


The Dublin Freeman's Journal saysthere will probably be startling disclos-ures


shortly in regard to time dynamiteconspiracy and James McDormott's con-nection


with it. Dublin officials arcmaking inquiry as to time statement whichappeared m a recent nunibor of a paper

ublislmed in Brooklyn concermin-mMcDermott's connectioiwith time

unite conspiracy.-Tl1E



Time Exchange Telegraph commpany anynommces alarming telegrams in retcronce-to time revival of Irish conspiracy , havebeers received hero frour America.

Time police fear time arrival hero of-

O'Doinell', time shtyerof Cmtroytwill cause

trouble. A number of Irislm Aurcricamshave arrived recently frour America.O-




LoNUON , August 30.Time czar andczarina of Russia have arrived at Copempage , They were received by time kingof Denmark and the king of Greece cotboard time royal yacht. This morningtheir nmjestics were taken ashore andescorted to Limo royal palace by time prin.-cipal


civil timid militnry authorities andforogn ministers. Lnulmmse crowds as-


at tine landing place and alongthin route to time palace cheering time inn-penal visitors. Their nmajesties were re-

cetved at time palace by the queen of Dot-mark , prince of Wales amid a brilliaitc-ourt. .

Thirteen deaths from cholera at Alex-.dria




Tisga , president of time IIungariancouncil , Inns notified time authorities ofCroatia that time Hungarian army , wlmiehwait reioved from time official building in-

Agmnn by Croatia nationalists , mustbe replaced. They hesitate to obey time

order , and tlmrcatenm to resign rather thancarry it out , Time Bishop of Agramnremonstrated with time ban in regard toproper action.

A WOMAN CONIntAT01.]Hiss Catherimu Connelly , sister of the

Cenmehiy brothers who were arrested at-

Brun , Inimorick county , Ireland , oat aimspiciom of hoeing connected with the umur-tier conspiracy , has huei arrested on time

charge of being implicated with herbrothers.

Fulgo'H Junket.CLEVELAND , 0. , August 30Secretary-

of time '1'rcasuy Folger , accost pamied byGeneral , andDistrict Sulurintemmdemmt Dobbins' of thelife savimm arrived to-dIa time

rovunuu cutter Julin solm , from a cruise ofthe lakes. Secretary Folgor drove to-

Garfield's tomb. lie goes this afternoonto visit a brother at Avan , and leavesto-morrow morning for his lmonmu in-

movn( , N , Y, llu expects to return toWashington next week ,

A AlurderouH Conductor.SCRANTON , Pa , , August 30-The con-


of an excursion train from Seranton to UDiontawn Park , today put JohnKemmiugtun , aged 1J , without a ticket ,off while time train was running 30 smilesan hour , lie fell wader time wheels , andwas killed instantly.-



Narrow Oaugo IItobcd.A-TLANTIO


CITY , N. J. , August 30-The express train on the Philadelphiaand Atlantic City road , narrow gauge ,

which loft l'hiladolIilia) tints mornmmg for

this place , was thrown from the track at-Ploasautvilloby a lose switch nrhi(11t soy-ored after time engine luiasetl. The bag.gage car turned upsldo dwn and fourpassengers carstvero completely wrecked.-No


person killed but about thirty woreinjured , it is believed not fatally ,


The Telegraph Service of Americathe Ilost in the 'IVnilTehitl-


or ] )r. Green.

NEw YomiE , August 8OTito smmto-subcommnittuu on labor and educationrestuued its sessiuu today , Robert Ills.sand , w lo him taken an active part inlabor mov'unlcnts , testified. Ile said time

condition of time labuting minim was prettymuch time scone time v orld over , fluthought time gemmernl intelligence of skilledworkmmn was greater abroad thou Inureamid inmsisted that if a .lots was not struckat nmonopoly before tlo uxpiratioi of tunyears ono of time bloodiest tovolulionathat over occurred would happen.

Time nuxt w mtmess was 1r. NorvinGreen who testified ho lord been presi-dent

-of the 4Vusturtt Uiion telegraph

couipammy uboat live years. lie Inndthought wlmenuvur they wore coumpelled-to put tlloir wires mmdur ground , it nouldresult nt detriment to time public sum-vice.lie had seen ii statement that the wiresin Engharul were all uudur ground , but 1 o-

mticed) wlmun there , mint lung ago , w hotlooking out of his hotel winduw , n purfcttnetwork of wires ovurhalda '1'huru nunsas nmch come Taint against wires there ushero , filmy of time govununemt wiresthere nru uudur ground , but the poles bo-


long before you get cut of time city.-


1Vestermi Union ! cod absorbed a logonumber of mailer eonmpnu'es.' In rcapcct-to the tohegrmnplt service , witness saidtimero vvas No such telegraph1 service intime world-as in time United States , In-giving tawhistory of time durelopmnout oftelegraphy , Dr. Cm-coin said heavy ex-


were incurred in ruimiig theiroffices mad caring for tlloir lines , andtime public , witneas added , summedslow um appreciating time dillicultiea un-


which time telegraph eompamiy labored-.In


every instance whuru there was a eel-solidatiou

-of cotnpmmies , it had been in

every instance a positive of gain to time

public. ' ['lie capitalization of time 1Vest-urn Union , witness said , was formerly$000 per mile , but today it was less than200. The line of wire in the countryhumid been iicreased front 75,000 mmmilea toover 430000. During time last five yeastime number limes of poles had been iii-creased from 8,100 to 131,000 ; tine smilesof wire fronn 200,302 to 378,3(10( ; oflices-frour 8,101 to 12,068 ; rimessagcs front23,018,000 to 38842247. Witnessstated time capacity of time emnpnny wandouble wlmat it was ago , Wit-ness

-asserted they could do timely bust-

ness much cheaper if they ndopted thinEnglish postollice system and took theiruwgl tinge to do it , timid to was satisfiedtlumt there was no tune service intime world as perfect as beat of time West-ern

-Union. Time capital stuck of the

company wits about $80,000,000




Itehellloms alit Dlothly BattlesIn South AmmcriceTimeTcl-


'1'arlml' ,

PANAMA , via Gulvcstoa , August 0.Time now tariff for tolegrmns viaGnlveston-to Chili is 3.07 ; Buemos Ayres , 3.02 ;

Uruguay , 3.25 , per word , to amid fronttine United States. Time American uncutdoing nearly all Chilian business , owingto superior speed amid accuracy.

Time rebellion in % lpnquarmi ms crushed.Prior to time fighting Gmmural Didara Del-gado


entered time squaro'at % ipaqunrawith 10 union , and exhorted tine nebula toobey the gevernmment. lIe was fired upeitmaid mstamltly killed , His body will bebrought bore to be buried witii pommp-



AND CHILI.LlamA , August 30. 'limo La Trubuno

says General Iglisias is expected at Trf-yulle time 30t1. Great prepmtrationa tinebeing nmde for his reception. It islearned that snore that 1,000 oflicems nrustill in active service in limo Chillinn-ninny. .


News fnnnm taw inturior of Columbia ,

received by steamers , says the politicalparty rupresemted by saiud publfe club ,

attempted n ruvolutieu , which was sup.pressed , aind time political lmurizon is nowhriglller By decree , dated August ( th ,

Presldmlt Olataro cunvuked congress tomeet uu extraordinary session August15th. General hlustodo is acting as nm'-mister

'of Limo interior during the absumce-

of Gonural Reunmdes. A Bogota Palmer ,August 15th , says : YosteTlny after-Iloon


part of battery No 2 , stationed at-

Seapaquirmi , premunced against thenational and atatu authorities , Time

movement is headud by Dom PedroSaber Martinez , whose first acts wore toturn out all time of iC( rs and replace tlmu-by nmmt belonging to iris party , to mitecha tu of tine salt deposit and bail.'1'hik morning 1,000 national troops lefthero to attack the rebels , Dr Olatoraexpressed a detorniuatiun to act onurgot-ieally , and we feel sure Aldmma will dohis boat to preserve order-



1)onoorals ,

CINCINNATI , Augast 30.Time follow-ing

-conullittue has huou appointed to ti-



age for time nuniinatiom of a ticket asprovided fur in ycsterdny'a nmuutimcg of-

denmorafs( , duasatisfied with time high-hind house comvuntion : David Ai , fly.amen ) , I' , Alullotl , Ii , Roth , Ii. C , lpod ,

il. IV , Ollivor , Chas Iteumdln1'' . Alnrslm ,1' , Cook , Milo G. 1) dds , DI. Moans , '1'' .S , Surloek , ¶1' . It , S muncuJ , .J. Dosmmmd ,11. A. Itattornni. 0. Ili , llallown Y-

Crelutllon and Coniuglnn ,

NKw ORLEANS , August 30-TJme grumdjury , itt a report , suggests as a mumtary-mmetauro


that a eruramitory be estabiishedunder the diructiol of ofllcers of time

Charity hospital , for the purpose of burn.mug time bodmes of those who the of coin-



Court lfurtlnllmg Cadets.-ANNAros


, Aid , , August 30Time-maval court martial t) try seventeencadets , charged with thu founthclass to dmn


urn mmu-tot read proceed ,

time ma ) buimm to'limo count meets to marrow on time ahi I )

Samtoe , wlmon testimony will begun ,

Chundler's Junkol ,

BANGOR , Aug. 30.Time Tallaposa nr.rived with Secretary Chandlur this morn-lung ,


The lllnrdor of the Marshal of Sal

Lake an the Prompt LYaching-

of 1lC ASSassln.

The People Furious with Rage atthe Brutality of the

Black Fiend ,

The Gentile Method of Regener-


Polygaluists Provoa Failure.

" 1'rehistorlu Finds" sianulhetru'etI toOrder by time DlounUttm

Clued llunets ,

Cerra pmtduneo of tire BsuSALT LAEm : CITY , August 28.Sinnco

Saturday last Salt Lnku City has seendays of oxcitoamout , such as wore neverknown 1i its history , it comnmemmecd

with tine unprovoked uurrlur of tJapt ,

Audruw Burt , tine city marshal , by a no-

grn whom ate was mttuumptiug to arrestfur diatubing time pence , 'l'imo cruune wasnut ctnnulitled until after 1 o'clock in taw

afturneon , annul before Ii o'clock time assas-sin Innd beau lynched , n coromor's inquestimuld on iris 1'oimaimms , tumid Inn was bur iod ,

lime mob who lmomg tim lumrlerer seepedfn'enzicd with auger amid appeared to loseall coutrul of tlwmtselves , cord for a tunic

it mans feued that otlwrs tvottld stillerfront their wild rage.

'1'lmuugh 14urtwaa a Memnon yet time mayjerity wino undertook to avungu iris fatew'eru nut of that fa'th' , Fur amore tlmam

twenty years ho until boom chief of time

city's puhice , amid wins tmmmiveranilly respect-ed


as in fearless iutd able otiee , TimeTribunu of this city has for n long tunicpast beer l'glmtiug' time police force , amid

occnsiouilly it advocated open resist anew

to tine ulicera. Su strong was time feel-


that tine utteramieesof this paper wereov'mdently ruspcrosible for time murder oftime mmarshnl that siuco that tragedy itseditors have sought protectiouof time goycnior cold llhiyur , clatnmimg that theyfeared violence. Time gmnenal opiuipn is ,howuvor , timid. there is nu causefor such nnpruhomsiom; , SaltLake lmns hind its first lyuchiig timid

is now hetirtily asim rammed of it , espeeally-as Pmuk City of hemaiug time news of wimntwas done Inure , time sauw uvmmiug innitatudtime uxaumplo of time territorial eapitni by-

halgiig a mmm wino was accused of shoot-ing

-lea ]mrtnur a few days pruviuusl .

To-day Cawain! I'lurt was buried. Yten thotmsmumd people were present at thuTabernacle during time aervices. One oftime speakers was Elder John '1'rylor, thechief apostle of time Latter Day Saiits ,

timid during leis romurks he strongly cm-msured


all departures frour tlu; due formof law , fro nuttter lmw grunt time provoeat-ioln



, T1mf EUSiUNDSfHILL ,-hints not "panned out" amt its friends ex-


, 'l'imo erltiro Iliornnon ticket , inn

every county , hay , under its provisiuus ,

been elected. Evmr if wontiu suifiagu-tnas ainullud , it is ultogethcr probable itwould nnaku but slight dilluremmce. Time

llionogaumie lliormoms nice ao overwlmelnl-


in tam nmjority that they couldkeep all time wonnui from time polls timid

yet boat their oppouoda three to one.Since time Ednnumds law has not accoip-


its object , those who mmmuko time

discomtituru of time Mormons tlmeir favor-ite


study , arc askimg what shell be duuo-

noxtl 'lime two fullowim6 ideas are slow'being worked out as partly answeringthat question : One. time Iessmoro of isLimy through conmgress cauuiscntiigtime propurty of till polyganusts ;

time uthur time estnhlishmunmt em

sours isltumd of tine I'aeiliu (possiblynear Alaska ) of ti Unmitetl States punishcolony to whiclm all coivictcd-of iltmrnlumarriagesshallhesmmt. Neitherof these idctut appear very practicable tothe wrilur. Conlisentien of privmtte prop-erty


of a question of morality seems tohave constitutional objections. Bothideas tippear to lutvu nnore of thin cbarnet-


of liglmting time 111ormmns (lei light.mug line Mormon aystmn , and iieilhe' of-

thuin will 1)m'event time Inluruous eluctiugt-

imo'r' eLmdudutes , coutrollimg thu terri-tory


, amid assuming those prurogntivesusually claiimed by mtijoritics ti othersectimms of tire union ,

al1AmCELY A 01101' OF RAIN

a'nee' April , mmud , elm , we nine so dry. Yeta good gr hnrvcat will he gtitlmerud.Around us them luivu boom several severescorns , but timuy have not reached thiscity. Im one or two places great damnnge

has boom done by waalm outmm caused byfloods pourmng down tlmu canmms timid

burying uvurythilg fir timeir course. Time

local theory is tints time storm clouds dmnsh-

magalmat time mommtaui sides , tire broken ,

round time water they comitaum all pours outit oico , This ndea is , l believe , notcopted by aciuntusts , No matter whattime cause , time results tire nory peculiar ,

'lime force of time flood will cut outrtivinus thirty er forty feet dcup ,

a mil in five minutes do a worklint ortlmodox geologists watdd estinuitu-as time oresmon of hutmdredauf yuura. Hugoboulders will be carried by the nmrgiug-

cur'runit for mmiua , letiviug tumuli with niltime umarka of timu''ice-age , " mcrntchod on-

thc'r' shies , for ph'losopheis' to wonulurhew mnmy urns ago it was that they wuru-minuted by glaciers from their honmcs ontime nuumitami aides. T'Imun time fields ,

trues tumid fences in tine valleys at thu-

mmmitlisof these rumors , arc burmed unit

of sight and pcsssbly ammo day imty ho

dug out , whom calcultitous will be in or-dun , at so ninny uncles to time century , toaunty wlmen timosu who built told plantedthese " prulmistorie funds , " dwelt ou time

earth , this western rcg'om' is a''terror' , "to upsut guologienl theories. We sue hi-hung plaeu tlroumd us every day moum-

eproeessea tlmut sonne delegate to time fardiatom past. Side by side almond thou

thrifty yommg true and its petrified broth-er ( louses are built of rock which u

short tire ago was time flourishing cedaror piuu ; and incrustatimms , metrifactmuns ,

eta , aru tn l pmartiutil Y-

week.but the work of n



that the U. S , eoinntissionuru , under time

Edmunds bill have aomuu cumisidurnbl etrouble tognl;, troubles before then , The yhave ruled that curtaun uaicos nmado Olec

t'vo' by time territorial law , ehouid; be fell.-


by the (lovornor's apptlintmnant , andcomsegnontl refused to emthor an electionfor such offices , Sonno totes were castfor camididates to Oil these offices annultlmoy lmnvo nut boon counted , Now timecandmdatos come forwanl and claim tlmstit is entirely outside the powers of limocolnmimiasiomi to decide on time territoriallaws ; that that is time business of cnn-gress


, annul that congress inns nflnned-thoru laws , mad that tine coummissiomier-stlsurpotl authority when they undertookto an)' candmdate3 for these positionsshoulmint 1o voted for. It is ;) mn-


actions for danmdgos , or soma otherlegal proceedings will be connnenceda-gnumst time board before mammy mouthshavu passed away , 1VENo.


All Appeal for Food B'oill the rover

District of Flurida Ignored.

Line Neu' 1'osntl Notes Itenlly flmr 1)Is-





T rn'Itu eluulua.1-


, August 30.Pilo sur-geon


gmmeu'nl of the Ilhirino hospital son-vice secured a report h'onn Dr , 'Pinney,in charge of Ship Island quarantinu stmt.

tine tvlmmcln shows tlne'u nru two wcssuls-lout. . inn tlnstantiuo there , from vvhielm-uuunuteenn cases of yellow fotbr werehtkel. All taw cases steno broagltt fromn-fermi Cruz ,

Couunudurn Eiglislm received the fol-


telegrami front 1'emsncoln , datedydsterlny Thnreu now' cases-time servantof Dr , Oweus , Freddie Onvmns mid onelmOspitmil ltttellhmmt , Mme death ,


of '1'oxas , died anddenly in this city thisnnorming of cerebral appoploxy.I'-




Tine city postoflicu was today suppliedwmtim time first ulstallmoit of now'postalnotes , 'They' are printed in yellow inkmid bound inn books of 500 mlbtes , twitlm

stubs , that are to ho filled up with a briefsbttcnnent of time amount of tine detaelwdnotes amid other particulars ,


Applicntion havimm been mnado for foodfor tine destitute eitmvuns on the navalresorvntion at l'uusnooln , the aetimgsecretary of tine treasury decided therenvns no funds en laud which could binused for aucii purpose , It was held thestate of Florida mumst care tor its ownpurr or nnmihe n pnbme appeal for mid ,0OItIM-INAL lt1COlt1) ,




. Louis'1 Auguat 1i0-l'ine Post Dis-patch GallatutNo.'specinl( ) says : Timetime of defmmso nn the Frmk Jmunus trialwas agreed upon at a cousultatiun of at-tel nrys last night , Isamm, alibi and nmi-


identity. 1Vitlosses were todayexnumined fm support of these points ,


Nitw YORK , August 30-Police OfficerMaurice McNamama was arrested forcanning tine death , last evonimg ; of JolutSrnitimby climb' tngl' ' Only .yesterdayMcNamlai'mt was before the pohcu coumis-sinncrs


upon tine charge of eruolly club-bing


a respectable citizen a few weeksago.

Gm-mice Curthiuml's Alhnony ,

MIIwAuKEE , August 30-GracuCourt-lanai , of Cimieago , has brought suit in time

county court to cemipul lion late husbamm 1 ,

Mr , 1)nvis , to pay $1,500 alinonmy ,

awarded sonme tinge smee , but never paid.-


. Courtlamld cane unto notoriety latelyby cowhiding a young mmn maned Jomius-ou time public street. kilns , Courtlandhns-bmm of the thent''eal' , profession , mad titolu tinge dabbled in New York stocksbuiig known in the city as "Time Witchof 1Vtd1 street. "

ThuBrau lhhmkena ,

liounnmlgD; : : , August ::10.-Time Free'l'imiuhurs' coiveitiun opormed here thismorning , t nunmho of brief spueclmes

stoic mule , Dr. L , It , R'tire dilatedupon Ilerburt Spnncor , and John 1V ,

Draper cndomsod time slows ( may ln csont-ed


1r. 0. 11 , Guyer , of I3rymum , Oimio ,

ufl'ured for mine of may ehmeationnl mmstita-tian time Troo'1'hiuhcues lmligimt estmnhlidil , ti.

cabinet containing nnovo than 15,000-spectnroms which ] mu lmul been 05 yuarscollecting , Mrs. Coleman , of Syrtneusu ,spode inn (minor of rocogniticn of wnmumm

inn time wtdks in life , Judge Anmml Krohuh , of hlisaonri , spoke of time duty ofFree '1'himkcrs towards education ,--

--name'- Strike.-Cuvsr&a


FAI.Ln , Mueh , , Auguat 30-


hmmdred tied fifty minors struck attime Great 1Yesturu immune , 'limo shneriff of-

Margtwtt county Inns boom telegrtiphod tobring min a posse to protect time propertyand provmmt riot ,

"Anmerloin Couutlmg Itoonmi'-

lino' August nunmbur of this new nmagaz-

imme shoes a decided inmprovonmont overits predecessor , 'l'ine story of MarkCheckup , in wlmicln lie relates the experi-



of initiator % ucimtiriair Simphin's firstday in time office , will well repay in nmirtim

fur its reading , ammd time graphic ilhustra-



introduced show how oven mluch asubject of counting-room work may lme

made popular and attractive to gemmer-

lrunders , l'ursonn who lutvo nn otllcu boyto bo imstructud should endeavsr to-

sucuru time services of Mr. Chueltup forthe purpoae , ''line other articles aretimely mud vtduablo. 'l'imo conunorcualnews , nunkuts , exchammges , etc. , forat-

jIust the hind of iifernuut'on' ( hunt nilInmsimmesti ) Ile should be p0HHeHHed of ,

'l'ine mlmm ga inu nubllshed at 20 11'urrem-

atruut New York , l'rieu of mingln numt-burs , 20 cemmtuu , For made bynevs dualura ,

Lovu'tt 1oum ; lireanm lu Ccorglm ,Colmubue 15uulrer; mum ,

A young lady on Aisqumith streetdreanmud last Sunday night that 'mime wasmiun'ried to a eau she had not kiowi tenhours pruvious , hmioulay , atnumgu to say ,

from Soutin Carolina , soloaw ass the Eutaw House , followedhair to lien lnomo nod a izimg , beg 6red-

tintut she would excuse time

hue hod fallen min law at first sight , andknow that bin could never be happy with.out lien , 'l'imo lady is also profoundly De-


, mud it ms said only awaits cot

auawur to rufurenmccs' time nmuwlyyfound

lover bas given , before she pornuts time

knot to be tied that will maku tine twainow flush as long as life shall last ,



Des Moines Base Baler Go to (tras-

by a Scorc of 14 to 7m

Glory Enoumglu lbr Ono Day-OtlierGames anti Races.-



Dlgratcli to Tuts BEr.-


MOINES , In , , August 30.Wol-mwo riot the onmny of their chosen bat-tle

-grouml mid they are ours-1t to 7.

Tine fact that the Des Moines boat thePort litmruna after Limo latter's series of ,victories in Omnlma lend many to believethat time Union Pacifies would be slauglm-


hero , but to-day's gaumo shows tlloirqualities Innd been overrated. They woreoutplayed at every point. Salisbury'm )pitching rrns too nnucln for tltmu , whileBaulie stuck behind the bat nod tookthem hot and cold , Tine Des l'toimmeu-

mnadu only 14 hits , 8 of wlmich were safe ,while time Onnaha boys distributed 2(1balle-1

oar tine field , 17 of which were safe.'-


battling of time Omnalmas was verystrong and effective. Salisbury pint out13 at time home plate ; Wlmitnoy andliuekwell made a double play ; Foley a-

spluudid slop at third , amid Briggs a flyen time rum , were the principal featurea-of time ganlu , Time score by innings is asfellows :


Union 1'aclscs,2 ii 2 0 3 3 0 0 O--1 f-1)es Itluhue'd 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-7

Darned hues-Union Pmtciftcs , 0 ; Ioelt-lointum


, 3,




, Neb , August 30-Iii a-

g itne of ball hero today tlno Koystonea-of Coluutbas were defeated by time homomime. Score , 0 to 7, tea innings. Triokeystones yesterday defeated the Weep-ing

-Water club 1)) to 0-






, August 30Provitl-once

-, ii' ; Plmiladeiphia , 3-


, Atmgust 30-Chicogos 0,Cluveliumd 1 , '

DErno1T , August 30-Dotroits 4,Buffalos 5 ,

EAST SAOINAW , August 30.Siganaws t

10 , Quincy 0-


You August 30-Bostons 5,Now York J ,


LINCOLN , NKr , , August 30.Tiro statefiremwn's' tournamiemit is pro ressing witha largo atteldamce. Much mturost wasmnmmifcs inn the state clmanmpiomshmp wonby time 1 acitica of Grand Island ; time4k , In time free for all raeo time firstpefze was taken by tine Tharstons , of-

Omnhn ; time , 43j' . Time World's Cham-piom

-commpmny , Lnabter .C Cooper, of '

Duero hose compimmy , Moline , Ill. , beattheir own record , making time secondcoupling in three trials in two seconds.Best previous record , two and a half. ,


SVIUNUFIELD , Mass. , August ; ' 30-

.StrafFlit.-- m

lmcats decided oanh'.amP1miiga'-tine'Hnnnpton

;(lark race -da Thpro

was among the poolawn over time results of the 2:27: and 2lt?classos. Special purse of $2,500 , St-


won , Trinket second ; time , 2:22: ,-" ::17ii , 2:214: , i

2:21 class , George A , won , Arthur fsecond , Allegheny Boy third, Lula F.fourth ; Boss Bessie , Cuntaur mid Index-nluo

-ram ; time , 2:25: , 2:25: , 2251); .

Class 2:10: , Josopimus won , Romeo and "

J , B. Thomas divide second and thirdopuy , Adele Gould fourth ; Mimeo It. ,

Ovurnmu , Forest aid Patchen also rail ;bust time , 2:1111: ,oBUFFALO COUNTY.

The Antl-Monopoly Ticket In thanField.

Special Diapatein to TuE BxE ,

KEAIINEYNeb. , August 30-The antim-


-, nonninated time following county

ticket this afteroom : Treasurer , JosephBlack ; clerk , Itice Enton ; clerk of the a

district court , George Dunenn ; sheriff ,W, S. Ball ; superimitondmtt of schools ,1V. A hale ; judge , J. J , Whittier ; stir-


, ,JOhmnu Silvarmail , Timis im commaid-

crud a etrong ticket.-


, Hatch , a leud moutltad Jeffersoniau+

democrat and self-constituted leader ofthat pmlrty , caused adittlo sonsatioun lasteverting by publishing a long letter doI-


time aetiomn of the democraticconvuntion of last Saturday.

Time 11lgh Joint ht Iowa ,

POSTVILLE , Iowa , August 30-In tints

joint discussion between Governor B , it.-


rand lion , L. ICinno , whiclm oc-


hero to-day , about time sameground was covered as at time debate at-Indupondctce yesterday , Time order ofdebate was di1h nont , Mr. Kimne speak-1ug

-first , Covornor Sherman following ,

and lCinmio closing. A great crowd wanpresemt from this and surromnding coun-ties

-, estimmtud at front 4,000, to 5,000.-



Oavb-T" Thu Editor of Dma us , - '

Souu timno siuco thocitycouricil amnond-


-time Ordhianmce iii regard to houses of-

prostitutmou so as to allow thmomm to liveono block cast of time 3rd ward schoolIuoum , but in nil other dirortioma it want

to ronauu two blocks ,

'1'lmia was a wise action om the'r' part ,but I cannot sum why the city marshal'should be allowed to discrinninate betweentvcahh aid poverty , cud allowing tiuiso-w ho have muaita to live withinacribud limit in time vicinity of 12th and

Avmiuo but the per unfortu-mtcs

-who live tlmero nest go ,

'1'hie to n law citizen , is urnc-countihlu

-, unless therms somePecuinia rY

influence brought to bear , I trust youwall call the attentiolt of lima tubho tot-

aus as you do to all just conplamnts ,A LAw ADIDNu 0ITIAEN.

' IIorsfortl's Acid Phosphate ,Mapes a Ccoling Drink.

Into half a tuuiblor of ice water put ateas oonful of Acid Pltospluttcadd; sugarto taste.

r ar