the one page strategic plan

The One Page Strategic Plan

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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A simple guide for developing a strategic plan for small to mid-sized companies.


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The One Page Strategic Plan

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7 reasons strategic planning initiatives fail

The plan is not given enough Time to work

The Plan is too Vague or Unrealistic

The Story is weak and not delivered properly

The plan is not Integrated instead it’s delivered in disjointed pieces

The wrong things are Measured or not at all

The Wrong People or the right people in the Wrong Role

A team with Outdated Skill Sets is charged with implementing the strategy

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Let me tell ya’ll what we’re gonna talk about


The One Page Strategic Plan

Section 1: Analysis

Section 2: Planning

Section 3: Execution

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The 6 Elements of Analysis




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CapabilitiesWhat can you do internally?

SalesMarketingOperationsAdministrationFinance/Bookkeeping HRIT

What do you need to outsource?

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What are you great at?

What are you known for?

What do you want to be known for? Do they match?

What is your BHAG?

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Who are your best customers?

What is your current share of wallet?

Describe your customer database (A/B/C)

Who are you competing against? What are their strengths and weaknesses?

What challenges are your customers facing that you can help with?

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What is your system to generate leads?

What is your sales process?

What is your customer experience process?

What training programs do you have in place?

What process do you following for innovation?

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What is your cost to acquire a customer?

What is your closing ratio?

What is your break even?

What is your target profit margin?

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Do you have the right people?

Are they in the right roles?

What is your plan to develop your people?

What is your plan to find the right people?

What is your process to actively engage your team?

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The 5 Keys to Planning

1.Written Goals

2.People Development

3.Sales & Marketing



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Written Goals

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Written Goals

What are your sales targets (by month and quarter)?

What profit are you projecting?

What do you want to accomplish in the first 90 days?

What do you want to accomplish with your people?

What personal development do you want to achieve?

What are the 5 key initiatives you are committed to? What do you want to achieve? Who are the champions of each?

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People Development

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People Development

Who are your key people?

How are you keeping them engaged?

Do you have all of your people on 90-day development plans?

How are you challenging your people to be better?

What are you doing with your disengaged staff?

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Sales & Marketing

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Sales & Marketing

What are you doing to better understand your customers?

What is your clear and compelling message?

What are the best methods to deliver your message?

How will you generate leads and new customers?

What is your budget?

What is your online presence strategy?

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How will you track where leads originate?

How will you track the progress of leads?

How will you measure your advertising?

How will you measure online activity?

How will you measure your customer service?

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How are you encouraging your staff to be innovative?

What sections of your business need innovation?

How can you get your customers to help with innovation?

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The execution of an idea is always more important than the brilliance of the


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4 Ways to Execute Your Plan

1. 90-Day Plans2. Communications Plan

3. Accountability Partners4. Weekly Meetings

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90-Day PlansClear Expectations of Your Role.

• Do you know what is expected of you?• Do people know what you expect of them?• Is there a match or alignment?

Developing Your Business SkillsAreas in the business you would like be better at or know more


Developing Your Personal Skills.Attitudes, influence, leadership abilities. Where do you choose

to improve?

Strong Requests What resources, tools or help do you need?

Customer Service How will you specifically help lead customer service


Account ActivationWhat existing account do you want to grow?What past accounts to you want to reignite?What new accounts do you want to target?

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Communications Plan

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Accountability Partners

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Weekly Meetings1.Always have an agenda

2.Everyone in the meeting must report back on their 90-day plan and specifically what action they have taken, what’s happened and what the next steps are

3.Never let it get personal

4.Everyone at the meeting must make a commitment to achieve something

5.Set a date for the next meeting

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Larry AndersonPartner, Trigger StrategiesTwitter: @triggerstratEmail:[email protected]: